#furumine shrine
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2024.11.3 古峯園・古峯神社 紅葉にはちょっと早かった。
#古峯園#古峯神社#鹿沼#栃木県#紅葉#furumine shrine#kohouen garden#kanuma#tochigi prefecture#japan#autumn#color leaves#fall color
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Japanese style Garden Lantern / 灯籠(とうろう) by TANAKA Juuyoh (田中十洋) Via Flickr: Kohoh-en(garden) in Furumine-jinja(shrine), Kanuma-shi(city) Tochigi-ken(Prefecture), Japan 栃木県鹿沼市(とちぎけん かぬまし) 古峯神社(ふるみねじんじゃ)古峯園(こほうえん)
#Japanese#style#Garden#Lantern#灯籠#とうろう#5D#Mark II#res#hi-res#高精細#高画質#Tochigi#Kanuma#Furumine-jinja#shrine#Kohoh-en#栃木#鹿沼#とちぎ#かぬま#古峰ヶ原#古峯原#こぶがはら#古峯神社#ふるみねじんじゃ#古峯園#photography
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📸古峯神社 古峯園 [ 栃木県鹿沼市 ] ② Furumine Jinja Shrine Garden “Kohoen”, Kanuma, Tochigi ーー作庭家 #岩城亘太郎 の代表作は“現代の大名庭園”スケール。松下幸之助、村瀬玄中好みの茶室🍵や2020年作庭の最新庭園も。 ...... 続き。池の手前には花菖蒲🌷、そして池に沿ってサツキやツツジ🌸の刈込、そして斜面に植わった紅葉🍁にマツ…と四季折々の花木や苔など植栽は言うまでもなくお見事で、園内には源頼朝由来の鎌倉時代の七重の塔をはじめ、華頂宮家伝来の雪見灯籠など由緒ある石造物も点在しています。 . ■峯の茶屋 峯の池を見下ろすように建つ和風建築の“峯の茶屋”では軽食や甘味をいただくことができます🍡 . 2020年に新たに建替えられたばかりで、これまた美しい枯山水庭園もその際に改修されたばかり。 苔と白い玉石のコントラストが枯山水庭園のニュースタイルといった感じで非常にかっこよいし、今回はちょうどドウダンツツジが真っ赤に染まってそれがまた美しかった! . そして峯の茶屋のある石積の裾から落とされている“峯の滝”も岩城亘太郎庭園ではトップクラスのド迫力。 続く。 ・・・・・・・・ 🔗おにわさん紹介記事: https://oniwa.garden/furumine-shrine-kohoen/ ーーーーーーーー #庭園 #日本庭園 #庭院 #庭园 #京都庭園 #japanesearchitecture #japanarchitecture #japanesegarden #japanesegardens #kyotogarden #zengarden #japanarchitect #japandesign #kyotojapan #beautifuljapan #beautifulkyoto #jardinjaponais #japanischergarten #jardinjapones #jardimjapones #landscapedesign #japanshrine #ランドスケープ #枯山水 #枯山水庭園 #karesansui #岩城造園 #建築デザイン #おにわさん (古峯園) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZlvgqQvCFk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Furumine-jinja shrine(Kanuma City Kanuma,Japan)
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🔱古峯神社🔱 This Furumine Shrine is a very mysterious, dignified, strict and warm place in Japan. You are very, very happy to know this Furumine Shrine😋⚜️ #hurumine#hurumineshrine #japan (古峯神社) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKGaI8XHAbe/?igshid=182rkdfq17327
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古峯神社(2017/09/23) Furumine-Shrine
神奈川県横浜市青葉区恩田町 Ondacho, Yokohama Aobaku, Kanagawa, Japan
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Olympic Shotgun: Shotgun Toting Priest has her Sights Set on Unfinished Family Business
Most Olympians have to be singularly attentive on a specific the goal in their pursuit of excellence, but Japan's Naoko Ishihara's life outside the sporting realm gives her perspective available to few others. The 45-year-old shooter, who has all but booked her spot at this year's Tokyo Olympic, has chosen a career path that allows her to chase both spiritual and athletic nirvana, yet her life as a Shinto priest is one that appears incongruent with her Olympic 2020 Games aspirations.
Olympic fans from all over the world are invited to book Olympic 2020 tickets from our online platforms for Olympic Tickets. Olympic Shotgun fans can book Olympic Shotgun Tickets from our ticketing marketplace exclusively on discounted prices.
When she is not at a shooting range with a shotgun in hand, Ishihara maintains an altogether much more serene life in which she tends to gardens, repairs architecture, shovels snow and ensures she meets all the responsibilities of a "gonnegi" junior priest.
In sport and in life, "faith can be a source (of motivation)," Ishihara says.
The distinguished Furumine Shrine in Tochigi Prefecture, with its history of over 1,300 years dedicated to legendary creatures called tengu, is an optimal environment in which to prepare for her second Olympic, she says. Shooting is a cerebral sport. It all comes down to how well you control your focus in moments that matter. I have more faith than most people. I'm hoping that my faith in my own shooting ability will lead to positive results.
The daughter of Keishi Ishihara, an 84th generation chief priest, Naoko gets her genes and unwavering support from her father who twice qualified for the Tokyo Olympic in clay shooting but unsuccessful to seem on both occasions because of unfortunate twists of fate. He missed out on 1968 Mexico Games due to a scandal involving the Japan shooting association, and Japan's boycott of the Moscow Olympic kept him out of the 1980 Games.
Naoko is a late-blooming Olympian. She got started in a competitive shooting in her 30s after graduating from a Japanese university with a Shinto priest license then enrolling in a study abroad program at Anglia Ruskin University in England. Shooting has always held a special place in her heart as she grew up close to a shooting range built by the shrine in the Meiji Era (1868-1912), the ringing out of gunshots a constant in her existence.
"The more you practice, the better you become," says Naoko, a skeet shooter, and that's why she enjoys her sport.
The competitive Tokyo Olympic clay shooting disciplines can be grouped under skeet, trap and sporting clays, with athletes racking up scores by exploding targets with their shotguns. The Olympic 2020 will feature three mixed-gender team events, one each in air rifle, pistol, and shotgun.
In skeet shooting, the targets are thrown in singles and doubles from two trap houses situated 40 meters apart, at opposite ends of a semicircular arc on which there are a number of shooting positions. In 2016, Naoko became the first woman to represent Japan in skeet shooting at an Olympic.
But in her Olympic debut in Rio de Janeiro, she finished 18th, citing the overwhelming pressure of a large crowd and extraordinary atmosphere as the reasons for her disappointing result. Having earned a second chance, she is hoping things will be different this time around, despite the obviously added pressure of shooting in front of a home crowd. Winning a shiny medal to add to the collection of 200 tengu masks on display at the Furumine The shrine may prove a difficult task, but Naoko has faith.
"An Olympic medal isn't an impossible dream if I get a boost from the cheering home crowd and I'm able to perform to the best of my ability," she said.
Olympic 2020 supporters can get Olympic Tickets through our trusted online ticketing market place. Olympictickets2020.com is the most consistent source to book Olympic Packages.
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📸古峯神社 古峯園 [ 栃木県鹿沼市 ] ③ Furumine Jinja Shrine Garden “Kohoen”, Kanuma, Tochigi ーー作庭家 #岩城亘太郎 の代表作は“現代の大名庭園”スケール。松下幸之助、村瀬玄中好みの茶室🍵や2020年作庭の最新庭園も。 ...... 続き。 ■茶室“翠滴” 峯の茶屋から更に上った場所にある茶室が“翠滴”。茶道裏千家・十一代の精中宗室( #玄々斎 )の高弟で今日庵の名誉教授にもなった茶人 #村瀬玄中 好みの茶室🍵で、中は非公開ですが京都『金閣寺』の古材を床柱としていてそこには金箔も残るとか。茅葺屋根の方は別棟。 . で、更にその先へと進むと芝生広場と2013年の伊勢神宮式年遷宮の際に拝領した御用材を用いて建築された古峯神社摂社⛩の姿があります。パンフレットと公式サイトで敷地面積の数値が異なるのは、近年このエリアが拡張されたゆえ。 続き。 ・・・・・・・・ 🔗おにわさん紹介記事: https://oniwa.garden/furumine-shrine-kohoen/ ーーーーーーーー #茶室 #庭園 #日本庭園 #庭院 #庭园 #japanesearchitecture #japanarchitecture #japanesegarden #japanesegardens #kyotogarden #zengarden #japandesign #kyotojapan #beautifuljapan #beautifulkyoto #jardinjaponais #japanischergarten #jardinjapones #jardimjapones #japanlandscape #japaneselandscape #landscapedesign #japanshrine #teaceremonyroom #岩城造園 #建築デザイン #おにわさん (古峯神社) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZmrU3UPSnP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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📸古峯神社 古峯園 [ 栃木県鹿沼市 ] ④ Furumine Jinja Shrine Garden “Kohoen”, Kanuma, Tochigi の写真・記事を更新しました。 ーー作庭家 #岩城亘太郎 の代表作は“現代の大名庭園”スケール。松下幸之助、村瀬玄中好みの茶室🍵や2020年作庭の最新庭園も。 ...... 続き。これが最後! ■茶室“峯松庵” 最後に“峯の池”のほとりにある茶室。その名はパナソニック創業者 #松下幸之助 から“松”の文字が取られていて、茶室に掲げられた扁額も氏より奉納されたもの。 この裏千家“又隠”を写した茶室の立礼席では600円でお抹茶をいただくことができます🍵(そして室内にはこの『古峯園』が紹介された雑誌も。) . 苔むした露地庭は玄関口からちらっとのぞくことしかできませんが、築地塀の中では先の開放的な庭園とはまた異なる世界観を味わうことができます。築地塀越しの借景もまた良き。 . 公共交通機関(リーバス)で往来する場合、最低でも1時間30分~の滞在にはなるのだけど、お抹茶とか飲んでるとけっこうギリギリなぐらい広いし見所がある庭園。また晴れの日や紅葉🍁の時期に訪れたいなー! . (期待通りのすごく良い庭園だったけど、以前栃木県で造園の仕事してる方に「そんな良くないと思いますよ」と言われたこともあった。 その方は京都の寺院のコンパクトな庭園が好きで――やはり「庭園の好み」ってあると思うし、あと近くに居ると気づかない良さはあるんじゃないかなあーと思う。栃木住まいでも頻繁に通えないアクセスの問題はあるかもだけど。) ・・・・・・・・ 🔗おにわさん紹介記事: https://oniwa.garden/furumine-shrine-kohoen/ ーーーーーーーー #茶室 #庭園 #日本庭園 #庭院 #庭园 #japanesearchitecture #japanarchitecture #japanesegarden #japanesegardens #kyotogarden #zengarden #kyotojapan #japandesign #beautifuljapan #jardinjaponais #japanischergarten #jardinjapones #jardimjapones #landscapedesign #teaceremonyroom #茶庭 #露地 #露地庭 #苔庭 #mossgarden #岩城造園 #建築デザイン #おにわさん (古峯園) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZnyZQIvEsv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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烏天狗👺 This is a god's messenger called "Tengu" at Furumine Shrine. Its name is Karasu Tengu #古峯神社#天狗の社#天狗#神社#和 #烏天狗 #kanuma#tochigi#japan #hurumine#hurumineshrine #shrine #karasutengu #tengu (古峯神社) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKGZKsMHMVb/?igshid=cqe480svrcei
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古峯神社へ朝の日課🤩⚜️ Good morning, it's my daily routine every morning. I'm going to tell Furumine Shrine "Good morning"⛩😁 #栃木県 #鹿沼市#古峯神社#天狗屋#天狗#👺#⛩#japan #hurumine#hurumineshrine (古峯神社) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKFaDWrnuiC/?igshid=13w87w4dp4b0r
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月次祭。つきなみさいと読みます。 😁古峯神社の行事に参加させて頂きました♪コロナ対策も取られており安全にご祈祷して頂けました⛩🇯🇵 Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Today, I participated in the festival of Furumine Shrine. Japanese traditional event is wonderful #古峯神社#栃木県#天狗屋#縁起物 #🇯🇵#月次祭 #japan #hurumineshrine #hurumine (古峯神社) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKC2j6dniag/?igshid=ksuq7giemu35
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