catgirltitty · 1 year
Mocha starts her weekly stream like usual, but a wardrobe malfunction arouses her viewers' curiosity!
[breast expansion, lactation, milking, furry]
“Meowdy gamers! I’m Mocha, and this is The Mo-Show! I’m gonna jump in and play some Shaftcraft, today I thought I’d just chill and answer some Q&A while I work on my zombie farm.”
Mocha eyed her setup, making sure everything was perfect. The half-cat, half-cowgirl had soft, cream-colored fur, with a chocolate-brown spot right on her snout. Not a hair of her bangs was out of place, and her gold-blonde streak caught the glow of her ring light just right. Her white work blouse was in place, showing just the right amount of cleavage. She adjusted her posture, making sure her whole chest was in the shot.
While she was looking, a pop-up played across the top of her screen.
@moofan7 donated $1
“Thanks for the donation, friend! Remember, every dollar you donate to the stream goes to the charity of the week. Plus, every dollar gets matched by our anonymous partner. This week, it's all going to help trans kids buy new clothes!”
Mocha was fairly proud of the amount of money she raised for charity every week. She didn’t feel the need to share that the ‘anonymous partner’ was, in fact, herself.
"If you have a question, share it in the chat! If it gets 10 upvotes, I’ll answer it! Please, nothing too personal and no sexual stuff. If you do that, you’re gonna get banned. Seriously, that shit’s not cool.” A frustrating number of people online thought it was okay to ask invasive questions about her body, or try to get her to indulge their kinks on stream. Luckily, she had a great team of mods that nipped those viewers in the bud. Mocha was happy to use her attractiveness in her streams—on her terms, doing the things she wanted to do when she felt like it.
She didn’t owe her viewers anything else. Most of them respected that. Those were the ones she was streaming for, and the ones who made streaming something she looked forward to.
“Alright, first question! ‘Can we ask about demihuman stuff?’ Absolutely, just be respectful.”
These were some of the more common questions she got in her Q&A sessions. Sometimes it got on her nerves, but she tried to keep in mind that her human fans were just curious.
@moofan7: whats it like having fur?
“It’s pretty great if you ask me. I put a lot of work in to keep my coat this lustrous, though. As long as you keep it clean, it’s like wearing a cozy blanket at all times.”
@9tailtrouble: demi here. what products do you recommend for fur care?
“Great question, 9tailtrouble. It really depends a lot on your species, but FurLux is a good brand that covers a wide range. My personal favorite is Taúr-faire, but that’s specifically for cows. I assume you’re a fox? I’ve heard from other foxes that Red Coature is pretty good if you’re willing to spend a bit extra.”
Chat started excitedly popping off. Little emotes of a gray cat with a confused look on her face dotted the messages.
@tinkretor: :joule: :pog: @momijams: JOULE SIGHTING @moofan7: girlfriend jumpscare @moofan7: jk joule im ur biggest fan @theinfirminator: :joule: :joule: :joule: :joule: :joule: :joule: :joule: :joule: :joule: :joule:
Mocha looked at her stream feed. Sure enough, Joule was visible making dinner in the kitchen. Mocha couldn’t help but smile; her newest girlfriend had already wandered into frame so many times it had become a running joke.
After the chat calmed again, 9tailtrouble responded.
@9tailtrouble: yeah im a fox :D i really love yuor streams!! I admire you so much 0///0 @9tailtrouble donated $5
“Thanks, 9tail, I’m so honored to hear that! Let me know if you try those products.”
@theinfirminator: you have two gfs, rite? wats that like @subbywoofers: mo is so cool
“It’s the best. I love them so much! It takes a lot of love and trust to make it work, but it’s so worth it.”
@theinfirminator: how did you meet?
“Pap and I met in college. We were both skipping the same lecture and decided to hang out! That was… something like eighteen months ago. Then we met Joule when she became our roommate, and she started dating us around a year ago.”
@momijams: yall are adorable together! @theinfirminator: will we get a paprika sighting tonite?
“Not tonight, she’s out with a friend. I’ll let her know you asked, though!”
@momijams: its ok if this is too personal but. im dating a cowgirl and i want to learn more to about what its like so i can take care of her when were married @momijams: ive heard that its.. a lot @momijams: do you have any tips??
“Wow, congrats momijams! It's a bit too personal for the stream, but message me after and I’ll give you some advice. I think it’s really sweet that you’re trying to learn to take care of her!”
@momijams: thank you :) i want to treat her right @momijams donated $10
Mocha continued answering her viewers' questions. Before she knew it, an hour had already passed. It was probably the best stream she’d had in a while.
Until one message caught her eye.
@9tailtrouble: maam. your shirt
Mocha checked her feed. A pair of wet spots had soaked through her blouse, revealing the pink bra beneath. Twin white streams trickled off her chest and into her lap. Blood rushed through her cheeks. Fucking hell, when did this happen?
In a panic, she made to shut down the stream. And I was having such a good time, too, she thought. Her mouse hovered over the red "END STREAM" button. She hesitated.
“You know what?" She turned to the camera. "You all have been so lovely today. Here’s a little treat.”
She began unbuttoning her top, only now noticing how tight it had gotten; it was near to popping open, anyway. Her breasts had swollen several sizes up throughout the stream. No wonder I'm leaking...
Once her shirt was fully unbuttoned, she let it fall to either side, revealing her straining bra, dark and damp from the lactic bounty leaking from inside. Milk streamed down her belly, dampening her fur.
Chat was going wild.
“That feels better. Now back to the Q&A.”
@momijams: can we ask about… this
“I’m in a good mood, so go ahead! Don’t go overboard, though.”
@momijams: okay so. wow. i heard cowgirls produce a lot, but i wasnt expecting this muich @momijams: is this a normal amount??
Mocha blushed, hoping it wasn’t too obvious. She always enjoyed it when people commented on how much milk she made.
“Yeah, this is a pretty normal amount for a cow my age. Usually I take suppressants to keep it down to a manageable amount, but I think I’m a little late this month!” She gestured to her leaking tits.
@theinfirminator: how does it feel?
“Pleasant, most of the time. Most of the day I can hardly feel it. But this,” she hefted her boobs. “If they get much bigger than this, they start to ache.”
That got them curious.
@9tailtrouble: they grow? @tinkretor: mocha is so PRETTYYYY @moofan7: BIGGER THAN THIS? They’re already so big! @momijams: how big do they get?
Mocha was getting just as excited as them. This is fun! I should talk about this stuff more often! She would be lying if she said this wasn’t turning her on a bit, as well.
“Judging by the G-cup bra they’re about to destroy, right now they’re probably about a K-cup. The biggest I’ve ever gotten is a Q-cup.” She held her hands out several inches from her bust.
@momijams: how doyou deal with them? @9tailtrouble: thats so huge, omg @9tailtrouble: i wish my tits did that!! @tinkretor: do you have to. Express? srory if thats too much
Mocha was really getting going, now. “Mm hmm, every day I have to-” Mocha had an idea. A grin spread across her face. This is gonna get me suspended for sure.
She put a finger up to her lips, pretending to think about it. “Well,” she drawled, “maybe it would be better to demonstrate. Joule, love! Can you come over here?”
@moofan7: is this really happening? @9tailtrouble: no way. our mo? @momijams: what an exciting new direction for the channel @momijams donated $25 @subbywoofers donated $50 @subbywoofers: mo this is so cool tysm
Joule poked her head out from the kitchen. “What’s up, Mo?”
“Come over here. Say hi to the fans!”
“Hi, fans! Thanks for supporting my girlfriend!” She reached the desk, only now seeing Mocha’s state of undress. “Oh. Since when is this that kind of stream? Not that I mind.”
“I’m trying something new.” The swollen cowgirl unstrapped her bra, letting it fall. “Now, if you would please milk me?”
Mocha’s tits heaved as her breathing suddenly got easier. I didn't realize just how tight that bra was getting… Her nipples, thick as little brown thumbs, were spraying arcs of milk now.
Joule visibly gulped. “Yes, please!”
The lanky catgirl stood behind Mocha’s chair, wrapping her arms around. “I almost can’t reach! You’ve let them get way too big today.”
Her paws found the leaking teats. Mocha gasped as Joule’s fingers expertly worked the swollen breasts. The spray turned into a hose, shooting milk warm milk across the desk, the keyboard, the monitor.
“As you. Can. See,” the breathy cowgirl had trouble forcing herself to speak through the stimulation. “The best. Way. To express. Is through. Hand. Milking.” She let out a low “Moooo~” as Joule rolled a thick teat between her knuckles.
@momijams donated $40 @subbywoofers: good work, joule :joule: @moofan7 donated $25 @9tailtrouble donated $75
After a minute, her breasts had visibly gone down in size. Mocha held up her hand, signaling Joule to stop for now. The catgirl obediently let go, releasing the heavy, wet breasts with a PLAP.
“That’s the most effective way to do it. On suppressants, I need to do that for about an hour every night. Without suppressants, like right now, it’d probably take two or three hours to get me back down to normal size.”
@moofan7: doesn’t seem so bad @9tailtrouble: that was. wow. @9tailtrouble: im kinda jealous NGL @tinkretor donated $100
“It does have its perks,” agreed Mocha, reading the chat. “It’s not always easy, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.” She looked back at Joule, thoughtful.
“I’ve had a lot of fun tonight. And you all have been so generous with the donations! I can’t thank you enough.” She sighed.
“But I’m gonna try. Here’s one last treat before I log off. Joule?”
“Yeah babe?” the catgirl licked her lips.
“Show them what happens when you suck a cowgirl’s tits.”
Joule didn’t hesitate. She pounced on Mocha’s left tit, wrapping her lips around the stiff nipple. She began slurping down milk, rolling the teat with her tongue. Her hand reached up to stroke the right teat, tugging and playing with the spraying bud.
Mocha began growing. Each boob was quickly regaining the mass it had just lost, swelling outwards as they kicked into overdrive to feed the hungry mouth. Mocha moo’d frantically, grabbing her girlfriend by the scruff and pulling her tight against her growing flesh. The exposed right nipple was growing alongside its breast, nearly two inches long and spraying cream from a dozen thick arcs. Droplets of milk flecked the camera lens. Soon, each breast was the size of a prize-winning pumpkin and still growing.
@9tailtrouble donated $75 @momijams donated $120 @momijams: educational :) @theinfirminator donated $90 @theinfirminator: we love you mo! @9tailtrouble: not how i expected tonight to go. thank you mo, you rock!! @moofan7 donated $50 @subbywoofers donated $500 @tinkretor donated $100 User @xXTheMoShow94Xx suspended. Chat log ended.
“Well, that’s a new record.”
Joule held the measuring tape around her girlfriend’s bust. “109.4 inches.”
Mocha sat on a groaning stool in the master bathroom, watching the stream recording on her phone. She wanted a measurement before they got to work at milking her down to size again. It’s gonna be a long night. I don’t think Joule minds, though. Paprika won’t mind when she gets home, either.
She set down the phone, looking out over the expanse of her bust. “I’m fucking huge.” She grinned, then moo’d with an aftershock of the last climax.
“Well, only one thing left to do about it.”
User: Mocha @theMoShow 9:47 pm (PST) What a great stream tonight! Thank you so much to all my amazing fans. For those who missed it, future streams will be going in a slightly new direction. Next week’s show will be on our new channel at onlyfurs.com I’ll see you all then!
This one was a lot of fun to write! It ended up being like 4x longer than I initially planned, and I think it's all for the better. I really enjoyed making the stream chats in particular. Oh btw, sex workers are workers and deserve rights. Thank them for all the amazing things they do!
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Furrean alignments
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[Fantasifur | Furxen | Kasvifurran]
[Furrcarshric | Mortelfur | Lumefur]
[Furlux | Kenorry | Furless]
[Furfluid | Angifur]
[Furneu | Furmasc | Furfem]
Definition: When one is furrean in a masc/fem/neu/xenine/genderless/etc. way and/or vice versa.
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cnstylz · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: FURLUX Wool and Cashmere PomPom Beanie NWT.
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houseofmaguie · 5 years
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FUR’TASTIC⚡️ SHOP OUR RANGE OF VEGAN FUR 100% cruelty free, nice touch similar luxe presence. houseofmaguie.com #fur #furseason #crueltyfree #furlux (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6JmyLgnvf8/?igshid=17i7chj51loa9
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A little shitpost with my quirksona and @turing-tested’s
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phatdogvisuals · 6 years
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Look good #raptorscourtside on #furlux #friday. This down filled silver metallic jacket with fox trimmed hood will not only keep you warm on the walk to the arena, you'll look great for the cameras of #raptorstv • • • • PHOTO: @rohanlaylorphoto for @barringtonsofoakville Fall/Winter 2018 #lookbook Make Up: @vlmakeup Graphic Design: @rebeccaschorr (at Phat Dog Visuals photo and film) https://www.instagram.com/p/BshT_VxAPO2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1a6yxnetkx0pt
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trenttrendspotter · 4 years
Living the Outdoor Life, Even From Inside
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By Nancy Trent
Shortly after Outdoor Retailer Winter, the largest B2B trade event serving the outdoor industry, we were all told to stay inside and quarantine from COVID-19. Prior to these extenuating circumstances, it was rumored that only 99% of the innovations shown at the event ever made it to the destination intended…mountaintops, trails that turned to ice, avalanches…you get the picture. You see, the outdoorsy lifestyle is trendier than ever. The equipment and accessories are selling, however they are hardly being used exclusively by a hardcore audience. Instead, soft-core enthusiasts are becoming the more lucrative consumer, looking to dip their toes in the great outdoors.
According to New York magazine’s popular Strategist column, hammock sales in the city are on the rise, as people are desperate to bring the outdoors in. Trampolines are also making their way indoors. That’s because for many, outdoors is synonymous with active lifestyle. Movement boosts immunity and positivity and people are experimenting and seeking ways to re-create recreation.
Outdoor apparel, recovery products, and activities can also be used indoors.
Here are a few items we discovered and have been enjoying:
What to wear
Starting with the base: “The base-layer segment is witnessing exceptional growth as the number of consumers incorporating a base-layer for their leisure and outdoor activities continues to rise,” said Adrian Cory, Commercial Manager at Odlo. As the number one performance base-layer brand in a number of key European territories, and the original pioneer of functional sports underwear since 1946, Odlo has been introducing new styles into U.S. retail that are in response to new trends and demands from American consumers.
The Performance Blackcomb is an outstanding performance synthetic base-layer that has responded to the underwear/outerwear trend through functional design. Women, in particular, demand the first layer to be versatile enough to be worn as an outer piece when relaxing around the ski lodge or going out. The style is all important, but Blackcomb still offers all the functional attributes needed for skiing, running, working out at the gym, etc.
Odlo’s commitment to sustainability will further be witnessed when the fall/winter ranges hit stores. Odlo’s Performance Warm ECO and Active Warm ECO ranges will all be produced using recycled plastic, which, more importantly, is reclaimed plastic from the oceans. In total, 68% of Odlo’s fall/winter range will be recycled or sustainable in some fashion.
Be Aware of What You Wear is the campaign message for 2020 and beyond as Odlo strives for 100% sustainability across its entire inventory.
Kari Traa is another base layer brand for women only, founded by a Norwegian Olympics medalist. It started when Kari customized her own gear, adding color and lots of unique style and function. “We saw the trend of using nature both for activity and for mental recreation,” said Brianna Dean, Senior Marketing Coordinator, Active Brands North America. “We believe this is being reinforced now in these times. We have created a feminine collection for women who want to enjoy the great outdoors, whether it’s camping in the woods or skiing in the mountains.”
More than ever, it is important to take women in real-life and make clothing that is suitable for the shapes and expressions that are unique to us. There is a great need for feminine base-layers that don’t compromise design, color, and fit.
“Autumn/Winter ‘20 is all about mixing things up and doing the unexpected: having fun,” said Dean. “The colors, cuts and graphics are set to inspire women towards outdoor activities. Old classics are preserved, inherited material is resumed and twisted into a modern and outdoorsy expression. There is a goal in the industry to make long-lasting garments. We can preserve Mother Earth by being conscious when creating our clothes, both in design and choice of material. There is also a long-awaited need for female super-heroes who can inspire and give girls an extra voice in society. Here we have our own super woman in our founder, Kari Traa.”
Terramar, a base layer brand with 40 years of history has products with competitive features and prices, is ideal for people seeking micro adventures. More people will want to be get out and move more. That means base layers will be necessary in all seasons, and people will be seeking out the best possible price on product they aren’t assured they need until they try it.
Keeping warm, dry and comfortable: Hot Chillys continues to engineer advanced performance base-layers, socks and patented face masks for skiing that can be used for other sports after the snow melts.The company’s iconic “Original” is the first body fit base layer – a blend of wool and polypropylene and packaged in a bright yellow can.
Down with fashion: There’s a big movement of sustainability that has become a number-one priority, and outerwear needs to be light and warm. Furlux is a women’s luxury fashion company specializing in outwear and winter accessories. It brings fashion, fit and style to the outwear and winter world allowing you to express yourself no matter the weather. “Outerwear needs to be light and warm,” said Valery Geoffroy, Founder of Furlux. “Women don’t need to wear big heavy coats anymore to be stylish, they can have down that is ultra-warm and ultra-light.” And very fashionable!
A century of Merino wool: Minus33 Merino Wool Clothing is superior in quality and performance. It is a 5th generation family company that has over 104 years of history in the wool industry. They believe everyone should feel welcome, comfortable, and safe no matter the activity. That is why they create quality products that can be worn in all different weather and seasons. The sheep their wool comes from has had more time to evolve than engineered fabrics, which may be why it is more antimicrobial, anti-bacterial, is flame- and fire-resistant, softer, stays dry and captures scent.
Warm wearables: We may be cooped up inside ,but after a long day of working from home you may want to go for a walk to move your legs. Yet, it is still chilly outside in some areas, and we need some gear to ensure we stay warm and bundled. Gobi Heat is the perfect heated companion to keep you staying warm whether you’re venturing outside for some fresh air or need some extra warmth while you’re staying isolated inside. Whether it’s in their jackets, vests, pants, hats, socks or gloves, you will feel the heat in less than 30 seconds using their current technology and manufacturing processes, Gobi Heat continues to offer warmth, comfort, durable, trendy apparel for all your outdoor and everyday needs.
Weather-proof: People who want to bike, run, hike or climb will do so despite the elements. Companies such as Shower Pass make apparel and gear to make it easier to withstand the elements. The 22-year-old brand is known for its waterproof, breathable and functional rain gear and continues to broaden its line with sustainability in mind.
Preventing injury
Avoid chafing: If you experience any pain from skin-to-skin or skin-to-clothes contact, including chafing from protective facial masks, applying Body Glide Anti-Chafe balm before you move, will prevent redness, irritation, and chafing. Body Glide Body Balm is a glide-easy balm that protects skin from chafing by creating an invisible barrier on the skin. The balm does not leave any grease or mess – and is completely stain-free, leaving no mark on clothes and shoes.
Roll yourself well: Back pain is trending up and people like being able to take care of themselves at home. The two combined are upping the demand for simple pain relief from home. “Most people ride it out and hope their back or neck or hips just heal themselves,” said Tate Stock, creator of The Chirp Wheel.
The Chirp Wheel is designed to fit perfectly between your shoulder blades, targeting the muscles that go up and down your spine. It features a comfy mat design with a spinal canal to massage your muscles, relaxing your back and relieve pain. “Chirp’s goal is to be 100x better of an experience than going to a doctor’s office, waiting in the lobby forever, and then getting a bill a few weeks later for an amount you can never accurately estimate,” explained Stock.
What to take with you
Care how you carry: RIGWA Life is the most versatile bowl that is perfect for lunches, work, on the go, traveling, outdoors, etc. It keeps both hot and cold food fresh with its innovative design. It is vacuum insulated stainless steel, has a two-finger open design, BPA-Free insulated lid, double-walled food grade stainless steel and is spill proof. RIGWA Life was created to help reduce the use of single-use plastics, help you live a more sustainable life and eat healthier food how you want it, when you want it.
Things to do
The lightest step: Northern Lites is said to be the world’s lightest snowshoe, up to 75% lighter than competing snowshoes while still remaining durable as proven with a lifetime warranty. Northern Lites makes snowshoeing easy no matter your athletic ability, the weight makes it easy for beginners to succeed and allows pro’s to be able to increase speed. Northern Lites allows you to get outdoors in snow and explore nature.
Mining for profits: Minelab’s broad range of metal detectors finds metal materials on all kinds of terrain and through magnetic minerals, iron rich soil and deep water and provides purpose for a walk and encouraging family fun.
Expect to see more outdoor apparel, gear and activities for delivery online and more innovation on the market in 2021. Stay tuned to outdoorretailer.com for show updates.
As seen in WholeFoods Magazine
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glamournews-blog1 · 5 years
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Valery Geoffroy is an incredibly talented designer. She is based out of Montreal, Quebec. Her Brand is Furlux which specialize in women’s luxury outerwear and winter accessories since 2008. She will be showcasing her unique winter apparel collection at Startup Fashion Week runway on Oct 25th.   To read more: hit the link in the BIO (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B22SQOpFUnK/?igshid=1mu5h7xn0ht0p
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denisyakovlev · 7 years
Солнцезащитные очки, FURLUX https://t.co/rl1TD4MYoz #Солнцезащитные очки, FURLUX
Солнцезащитные очки, FURLUX https://t.co/rl1TD4MYoz #Солнцезащитные очки, FURLUX
— ☆ Denis ☆ (@denisbeta) May 1, 2017
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cnstylz · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: FURLUX Wool & Cashmere PomPom Beanie NWT.
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cnstylz · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: COPY - FURLUX Wool and Cashmere PomPom Beanie NWT.
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cnstylz · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: COPY - FURLUX Wool & Cashmere PomPom Beanie NWT.
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cnstylz · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: FURLUX Wool and Cashmere PomPom Beanie NWT.
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cnstylz · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: COPY - FURLUX Wool and Cashmere PomPom Beanie NWT.
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cnstylz · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: FURLUX Wool & Cashmere PomPom Beanie NWT.
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