#funny icons jared padalecki
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superwowvibes · 4 months ago
i really liked this episode. in general i like charlie's character a lot specially her interactions with dean <3
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lol-jackles · 1 year ago
So apparently, per a CE email, they are full on rebranding the 2024 SPN Con Tour as Jensen's:
We have some thrilling news to share with all of our fellow fans of The Boys! Creation is excited to present The Road So Far… The Road Ahead 2024 Tour, featuring none other than Jensen Ackles, who plays Soldier Boy in the hit Amazon Prime series. This is a special opportunity for fans to come together and celebrate Jensen Ackles' iconic role as Dean Winchester in Supernatural, as well as his new role in The Boys franchise. PLUS, we have more amazing SPN guests on the tour, including Misha Collins ("Castiel"), Jared Padalecki ("Sam Winchester") -- and Jeffrey Dean Morgan ("John Winchester") and Rob Benedict ("Chuck/God"), who will be joining The Boys cast in the upcoming Season 4! Watch the trailer for Season 4 above! Whether you're a longtime fan of Jensen or a new admirer, join us for a weekend filled with panel discussions, meet and greets, photo opportunities, autograph sessions, exclusive merchandise, and more. It’s the perfect chance to connect with your fellow fans and immerse yourself in the world of Supernatural and more. Don't miss out on a wild adventure! Click here and mark your calendars for your favorite destination. Your "The Boys are back!" friends at Creation Entertainment
So now Jared is included in the "amazing SPN guests"??? F*ck off. I know he isn't doing them all but this is just… a low blow tbh. This feels like CE's 'f*ck you' to Jared for branching out and essentially screwing them over.
I'm sure AA's and Jared antis will be celebrating int he streets, but Jared isn't doing less cons, he's just doing less CE cons. Also he's actually working.
Oh this is so funny! Always be careful of what you wish for because Jensen finally got his Dean show and the AAs finally got their Jensen-centric show but we all know AAs are actually sweating bullets that Jared won't be around to save Jensen from himself, and hellers will wonder which one of them is going to ruin Misha's reputation......
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But seriously, clearly Creation Entertainment saw the math on the wall and the sum of which is a Jared-shaped-hole where money used to be. Jared actually has a career outside of Supernatural , so he Fox-Muldered himself. For reference...
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But for Jensen and most alumni, Supernatural will be their best-known gigs. I said here and here 5 years ago that "Misha and the rest of the one hit wonders may have 5 years of con circuit to rake in the money, after that it’s Meet & Greets at strip malls". And that was assuming Jared would still be co-heading with Jensen.
So by now attendances are peeling off and a few actors apparently told their fans that CE reduced their salary to the point that either working at CE is no longer viable or CE essentially fired them. CE is desperate to attract new con-goers by throwing out The Boys mentions and adding Smallville actors and rebranding as "J1 and friends convention"! I wonder if CE is still demanding the same outrageous price for the privilege of a J2 event without one of the Js.
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sapphirecherry · 2 years ago
as promised, here is everything i thought while watching the spn pilot drunk:
(edited for clarity and also bc my phone couldn't understand my accent)
oh my jesus small sam and dean
oh my god mary
the blood dripping. the symbolism. oh my god.
"take your brother and go" what if i go feral? what if i go insane? how about that john winchester?
i should definitely not be watching this i'm going to have a stroke. i'm so not normal about these brothers, in fact i'm very much abnormal
oh my god, the original title screen...
i’m so in love with jared padalecki, it’s not even funny
oh no this is way too fast for me
"dad's on a hunting trip and he hasn’t been home in a few days" *screams*
both right, don’t care. dean is right in that you have to hunt things and save people and sammy is right in that their mother wouldn’t wouldn’t have wanted this for them
i’m gonna throw up for real
"what was he hunting?" that’s my boy sam!
you know i think i’m starting to sober up. this is not good, but it’s also good, but not (i was not in fact sobering up)
how fucking long does it take to complete this pre-law degree for fucks sake
oh my god, the iconic curved sam blade
they're going to jericho california motherfucker
dumb motherfucker
"i can never go home" AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH
oh my god what’s going on?
"for one, they're cassette tapes"
"shotgun shuts his cakehole"
dad’s not dead yet idiots
i’m sorry, no one’s believing you're any kind of federal agent whatsoever
dean slapping the back of sam's head you're so iconic
this whole thing seems so rushed, but i have no idea if it’s because i'm very much under the influence or if it’s actually just kind of shit pacing
hey, let the stanford lawboy do the talking okay, he knows what he’s doing
why can't this text to speech thing, not understand my accent. homophobic.
yay dean gets covered in mud
OMG sam
hate to say it sammy, but dean is correct
sam's kind of real, for that
their voices are so high-pitched
"you smell like a toilet"
sam and his lock picking skills and his dean yanking skills, you will always be famous
fucking woman in white
"no chick flick moments"
"jerk" "bitch"
my teeth feel fuzzy
oh my god, he’s such a slut
did you just say my boobs???
get fucked, get your fucking father’s journal shoved up your arse
coordinates jackass
so excited for the sam bangs™️ to make an appearance. love the curtain bangs, but the bang bangs? forever famous
are you kidding? of course he’s never heard of it.
ha ha dean winchester 1, police 0
sammy you’re about to get your shit rocked
oh fuck
hey you bitch, get your hands off my husband! my wife!
oh my god, he’s so excited driving straight to the house. i love him please marry me sam winchester
how the fuck has it been 37 minutes already
woman in white you’re so famous, how does it feel to have set up the entire omegaverse?
obsessed with the fact that the winchester brothers look normal sized basically this entire episode because they never stand next to someone that’s actually normal sized
dean so real for that
why is there only one headlight working
no! jess! jessica! love of my life!
what i would give to live with stanford era sam winchester in a small little dorm room
oops, there goes all of his clothes and earthly possessions
he was going to propose!!!!
azazel kill yourself. shoot yourself point-blank between the eyes
"we got work to do"
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musical-broken-heart · 3 years ago
John: so you lied to me
Sam: Well. That depends on how you define lying
John: I define it as not telling the truth, how do you define it
Sam: reclining your body in a horizontal position?
John: *100% done with his son* get to the car
Sam: absolutely
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winchesterock · 5 years ago
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𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒍 ❥︎ 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔
♡︎ please like or reblog if you save/use.
☞︎︎︎ ᴅʀᴀᴡɪɴɢs ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʙʏ ᴍᴇ
• credit @hiddlesmrvel on twitter
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queenofhelldarlin · 7 years ago
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whenever someone asks me who jared and jensen are, i just show them this gif.
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suthega · 8 years ago
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like pq não sou tua escrava nem muito menos thanks
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livelovecaliforniadreams · 7 years ago
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googledocsdyke · 4 years ago
in all these musings about jender, has anyone discussed the fact that dean did watch a clip of jensen in days of our lives in canon and thus confronted Jender Itself in its raw unadulterated form?
god you're so right. now i'm going insane thinking about jender and the french mistake because like....... the entire episode premise has sam and dean comparing themselves to the haunting traces of their alternate self. like they never actually MEET jared and jensen which i do think is both fascinating and key to what makes the episode really work — they just have to detangle, half-horrified half-in awe, what kind of impossibly easy life these strange half-famous men live. using like, context clues. the episode mostly focuses on sam in ways that are very funny and iconic as this post outlines but you're right there is also some SUPER fascinating stuff going on w/ dean's masculinity
dean is much more visibly disgusted than sam at everything that points to jensen and jared's "softness" — their actor-indulgences and their lack of hunting skills and their effeminised "male model" career and dumb little rich boy details like the fish tank in jensen's trailer. i feel sick. he's going to be sick! you already pay these two jokers enough money as it is! and like, of COURSE it's dean who notices that he's wearing makeup (it's always, always dean that has these too-eager jokes land — or not land? — at his expense; marcusantonius: how do we know dean is performing masculinity? because sam isn't) he traces his hand down his face and says, in horror, oh crap, i'm a painted whore. and it's funny! laugh track! the man written as the furious antithesis of femininity accidentally slips into it again (see dean manifesto) and theres a whole HOST of deeply complex and largely misogynistic associations bundled up there about dean’s relationships (both canonical and fanonical) with sex workers, but it's also like...... you are a man. you are a man. you are a straight man and you PRESS that embodiment of yourself into the world every day. and then suddenly you fall through a window and someone else has put makeup on your face. who the hell put makeup on your face? is it even still your face? do you look better with makeup on your face? it doesn't matter. you're a painted whore. this is not your life. wipe this life off your body, wipe the makeup off your face. get back home to kansas.
and then the days of our lives scene in the trailer! again this is so Much because if they wanted to poke fun at the actors' pre-spn careers... jared padalecki is RIGHT there. he was in gilmore girls (haha funny) playing a character named dean (haha funny) who was the love interest (fellas is it gay to be in a woman-centric romcom about mother-daughter affection). but there's no POINT in emasculating sam, there's no punchline. so instead we get days of our lives-era Jender
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and he IMMEDIATELY slams the laptop shut. don’t like this universe, sammy. need to get out of this universe. this is the tipping point for both of them, the moment where it all cements. you were a pretty boy on a genre INEXTRICABLY tied up with an audience of women and by god that’s the final straw
IDK MAN like you're dean winchester and you crash into a strange new universe and a man who is not you is wearing your face. or at least you think he’s wearing your face — you never see him, and maybe it’s you who is wearing his face, industrial-strength foundation at all. and people pay you to look... pretty, soap opera lead pretty, male model sons of bitches pretty, network tv good-looking pretty. you’re not just rewarded for this, you’re swaddled in comfort for this. paid in weekly checks, not crumpled twenties. you feel sick. you’re a painted whore. you know you wouldn’t be happy here (you and sam aren’t even BROTHERS) but there’s some strange haunting young version of you living in another world’s computer who looks just past the camera with soulful romantic lead eyes and maybe you don’t know how to hold all that knowledge in you! maybe you just want to get back to where you can kill something clean and simple and not think about catching the right angle while doing it. you will never meet jensen ackles. if you met jensen ackles you would punch his lights out. probably. maybe not! he’s not a hunter, he just plays one on tv. jensen ackles is a man pretending to be a hunter and you hate him for it, but isn’t that all you are, too, at the end of it?
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spntvdhunger · 8 years ago
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Imagine: Sam's face when you (joking) asked him if he could lend you some condoms
GIF not mine credit to owner
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remythologise · 4 years ago
as my resident spn blogger, can you please explöain what the hell is going on?
I SIMPLY LOVE WHEN PEOPLE TELL ME THAT I AM THEIR RESIDENT SPN BLOGGER, it's an honour to be here to represent my nation at your own personal tumblr olympics etc... okay well. Essentially, the SPN actors Jensen Ackles and his wife Danneel Ackles formed a company called 'Chaos Machine Productions' (You can't make this up. Chaos Machine. Well. They sure did name it accurately!). Yesterday, two main things happened with respect to that company - firstly, news that the head of development at the company was actively campaigning for more LGBT+ stories, and the instagram having a pride icon etc., which was IMMEDIATELY BURIED by the news that this production company seemingly have the rights to the Supernatural intellectual copyright, and for their first show are working on a show about the 'epic love story' of John and Mary Winchester.
Now, this was controversial with ALL sides of online fandom (Destiel shippers, Wincest shippers, bibros/redditors, etc.) because John Winchester is widely (but not universally) regarded as an abusive father towards Sam and Dean, so the proposition of putting him as a protagonist did Not sit well with most people. In addition, you have the Destiel faction pissed off that this series obviously doesn't address Castiel or Destiel, and the Wincest/BiBro faction pissed off it's... not about the brothers. Nobody really wants a show about Sam and Dean's parents. Hell, they're not really an 'epic love story' - canonically they only fell in love because angels wanted their bloodlines for Sam and Dean to be born, so they forced love through cherub magic. However, at the helm is Robbie Thompson, one of Supernatural's very best and most Destiel & LGBT-friendly writers. Once initial ire dies down people are a bit more optimistic to know Jensen seems to have the rights to Supernatural in general and wants to do a lot of 'gap filling' with regards to canon.
Anyway this news was retweeted by Jensen... and then by Misha, who seemed to, along with other members of the cast such as Rowena, Anna and Adam's actors, kind of say 'haha room for us??? spare employment???' But oh, then Jared Padalecki logged on and made it very clear that he was not aware of this prequel series and was pretty pissed off about not being in it or aware of it. Basically livetweeted a public best-friendship fall out. He even TWEETED Robbie Thompson with this, (and then deleted it) which is honestly. Pretty wild. He may or may not have also unfollowed/refollowed Misha and Jensen on twitter/instagram (sources around this are sketchy). That's the summary of events. Jared has also followed up with a tweet this morning which is. Very funny to me, no further comment.
This also adds to the 'J2 Fallout Theory' (J'squared' referring to Jensen and Jared) that Jensen and Jared, despite famously being very close friends on the show, became Less Close in the wake of a season finale that had Dean killed off and centred around Sam, which Jared seemed to like and Jensen... did not seem to like. Adding to this are the tidbits that Jensen apparently turned down a) the starring role and then b) a directing part on Walker, Jared's current CW show, and that Danneel and Gen Padalecki unfollowed each other on social media. This whole thing has also led to retroactive viewing of J2 interactions like this in a new light.
Biggest L of course to the J2 romantic relationship truthers. RIP to the oldest conspiracy theorists in the fandom. And also the CONVENTIONS that are booked with J2 PANELS AS THE MAIN MONEY-MAKING ATTRACTION.
In addition, various writers have tweeted or liked comments that added fuel to the fire around the issue. (i.e. show creator Eric Kripke confirming he knew about it and liking Misha's tweet, writer Robert Berens laughing at the J2 truthers, Sebastian Roche casting shade on Jared in code, Meghan Fitzmartin just… liking that… tumblr text post... Meanwhile writer Steve Yockey meanwhile liking shady tweets about bad showrunners which seems like almost entirely unrelated shade @ Robert Singer and/or Andrew Dabb and/or others.) But the summary is: content is BACK ON, baby!
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thequeenofhellbitch · 8 years ago
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tintentrinkerin · 4 years ago
Infinity Pool
Rating: Mature Pairing: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki Tags: pool sex, blowjob, established relationship, mentions of 15.20 Summary: This is a ficlet I wrote for @laxe-chester67. Her request was "Jensen x Jared, explicit. Pool, blowjob and "Your mouth does real magic" ..." Word count: 672
Read under the cut or on AO3
It was time to relax after the filming of the final episode was over and both, Jensen and Jared had 'broken character' in at least one of the scenes. It has been an emotional rollercoaster letting go of Sam and Dean Winchester, their iconic roles and the reason they became friends, soulamtes and eventually lovers. Roadtripping back to Texas has been Jensen's idea. A great one, too. With hours on the road, the outbreaks of joy, contentment and additional tearing up about 'the end' they made few stops, drove whole days throught. But this one time, Jensen had booked them a fancy hotel room. A break in their „Winchester“ routine. This hotel was a five star luxury palace settled on a hill, and with a breathtaking view over the valley and an ensuite pool.
They weren't exactly poor and two nights delay wouldn't hurt before they got back to their kids and businesses. When Jared entered the room and put his bag on the king size bed he noticed at second sight that the pool wasn't only big, it was outdoor. It was an infinity pool with the best view he has ever seen.
„Jensen, this is great!“, he exclaimed.
Jensen followed him and took a look at the pool. „I knew you'd like this.“
There was no way in no trying this pool. Immediately. It was already dawning and the sky was blue and pink. A beautiful sight. Magical even. Jared got in the pool. The water was hot, the air clear and cold, just as he liked it. Jensen joined him soon after. Together they hunched over the edge of the pool and looked at the rising moon. It was Jensen who then sneaked a hand down Jared's back to his butt, squeezing it. Jared just smiled, he knew this move all too well.
He turned around to kiss Jensen. It felt melancholic, both still processing the filming. They had known a couple months in advance what would happen but acting it was way more intense. Jared leaned in the kisses and when Jensen pulled him closer and he felt how hard Jensen already was, he uttered a muffled moan. „I thought you were still mourning“, he joked. But he knew himself he wasn't overly funny right now. „I am. But I'm also...“ Jensen left the rest unsaid.
Instead he slided his hand down Jared's stomach and covered his cock with one hand. Jared gasped. „Get your ass on that edge“, Jensen whispered. „No worried I'll keep you steady. You won't fall.“
Jared heaved himself on the brim. It was narrow, and behind him there was nothing but the night and the valley. And even if he did he wouldn't mind all this much. Time with Jensen was a treasure. And they didn't have this much time for each other for the next months.
When Jensen cupped Jared's tip with his mouth, Jared moaned into the cold night's air. Jensen was an unbelievably good lover. Who else would do this on the brim of a swimming pool? Jared curled one hand in Jensen's hair, the other supported his body.
Jensen's hot wet tongue licked his tip and along his length, making Jared moan even louder. He felt the arousal and the thrill growing. Jensen's arm held Jared close and safe. With a deep sigh Jensen sucked Jared's cock in completely in his throat. And kept it there was several seconds before he released Jared again. „Fuck... Jensen...“, he breathed. „Your mouth does real magic...“
Jensen grinned. „I know.“ Jared loved that grin, Jensen's blowjobs, his spontaneous ideas. All of this.
It was just a matter of time until Jared would come when Jensen treated him like this. They were pent up and emotional, thrilled, excited. Desperate. Deep in his throat Jared hummed and moaned, thrusted in Jensen's warm rough hand and his delicious mouth. When Jared started shaking Jensen released him and pulled him back into the water.
„Let's finish this inside. I need you.“ Jared shuddered.
„Anything you want...“
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fromparishwithlove · 4 years ago
A selection of irl notes I made while rewatching Supernatural
[Contains spoilers]
Part Two/Season Two
- Dean’s barefoot. That’s cute as fuck what the hell man?!
- “You can’t kill death” - says the man who literally kills Death
- “That’s funny. You’re very cute.” - sorry, is this bitch trying to flirt with my man?! As she tries to reap his soul?! How rude. But also thanks for noticing. He’s an absolute button
- Mmmm car porn
- My boy just did a knee slide into a grave! Is this the hunter equivalent of kids that knee slide at weddings?
- Baby Jensen doing a lil singsong
- Please sign this petition to give dean a real home and a nice life
- Jensen Ackles was blessed by the angels with that face of his. Goddamn.
- Sam knocks most of a brick wall down with his arms?! Y’know that boy is rippppped
- Dean does some sexy driving
- THIS DOUBLE CROSS STILL MAKES ME SCREAM. THEY REALLY ESCAPED IN PLAIN VIEW OF EVERYONE. FUCK YEAH! AND THIS SONG. SO. ICONIC. And then they just fuck off in the most conspicuous car, still wearing their SWAT uniforms. THE AUDACITY!
- Sam has the sassiest sass face and I love it.
- Deans eyelashes are looking supreme
- Sam Winchester really did THAT: broke my heart and got me thinking he was the damn sexiest. God dammit!
- That little dimple Jared Padalecki. STOP.
- Also fuck me the size of Sam’s arms. FUCK! Crush me bitch
- Dean Winchester in handcuffs *wink wonk*
- Why do they look so damn cute in those orange jumpsuits?
- Imagine calling Dean a monster when he’s sat there with his beautiful eyelashes and Disney Princess eyes and his arms looking RIPPED
- WHERE IS JENSEN’S EGOT!!? Idc he’s not in musicals, he deserves a Tony anyway
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tabloidtoc · 4 years ago
Closer, January 25
You can now buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Tony Curtis�� amazing untold story 
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Page 1: Contents 
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Page 2: The Big Picture -- Jeff Bridges in his role in 1973′s The Last American Hero 
Page 4: Tanya Roberts passed away at age 65 -- she began having intestinal issues and trouble breathing and collapsed at her home in L.A. and she died from a urinary tract infection that got out of control abetted by hepatitis C she had contacted earlier in her life and it led to a blood infection and the shutdown of her organs
Page 6: Picture Perfect -- Hoda Kotb and her fiance Joel Schiffman on New Year’s Eve 
Page 7: Alyssa Milano and husband David Bugliari and their kids Milo and Elizabeth make funny faces on New Year’s, Susan Lucci rings in the new year with a glass of champagne in a glamorous gown, Jessica Alba rings in the new year 
Page 8: Nicole Kidman and an alpaca 
Page 9: Dr. Mehmet Oz and his granddaughter Gigi and her first snow, Jeff Bridges and his wife Susan and their new pup Monty 
Page 12: Jennifer Lopez performed in New York City’s Times Square for New Year’s Eve 
Page 13: Connie Stevens got into the spirit of New Year’s Eve, Mayim Bialik enjoyed an out-of-this-world experience on Earth to Ned, Leslie Jones on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune 
Page 22: Cover Story -- The Tony Curtis Only We Knew -- his daughters tell all about growing up with this legendary Golden-Age leading man 
Page 26: Dolly Parton at 75 -- the queen of country opens up about her life today and her plans for the future 
Page 31: Spot the Difference -- Simone Missick’s pregnant pause on the drama All Rise 
Page 33: Horoscopes -- Capricorn Geena Davis turned 65 on January 21 
Page 34: Entertainment -- The White Tiger, Jared Padalecki on Walker, In the Spotlight -- Ted Danson 
Page 36: On the Move -- Winona Ryder 
Page 38: Best Friends -- Joe Manganiello and his dog Bubbles, Tamron Hall and her pup May Luv support the Purple Leash Project which aims to help people in crisis bring their pet with them to safety, Andy Cohen and the African gray parrot T’Challa 
Page 40: Great Escape -- Jane Seymour on New Zealand 
Page 44: 5 ways to boost your energy 
Page 46: Heart to Heart -- Kathy Ireland -- the famed model-turned-businesswoman shares her secrets for success 
Page 50: Real-Life Celebrity Heroes -- Harrison Ford 
Page 51: Demi Moore, Mark Harmon, Blake Shelton, Tom Cruise, Clint Eastwood, Tina Fey 
Page 52: Julia Louis-Dreyfus -- what I’ve learned at 60 -- the actress feels excited to seize the day two years after beating breast cancer 
Page 54: Dawn Wells -- farewell to Gilligan’s Mary Ann -- she played the ultimate girl next door on the iconic 1960s comedy series 
Page 58: My Life in 10 Pictures -- Cate Blanchett 
Page 60: Flashback -- glam gals, shaved heads, Coming 2 America, heart glasses
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itwillalwaysbedestiel · 4 years ago
Supernatural Star Jensen Ackles Is Ready for What’s Next. Are You?
When it was announced that beloved CW series Supernatural was ending after 15 years, fans were crushed. But there's plenty to look forward to before saying goodbye. Here the show's star opens up about the “beautiful” final episodes, his next move, and how he finally got his hands on Baby.
By Emily Tannenbaum
October 14, 2020
Jensen Ackles’s Supernatural journey began and ended with a road trip.
Fifteen years ago Sam and Dean Winchester (played by Jared Padalecki and Ackles, respectively) began their drive across the country in a jet-black 1967 Chevy Impala, hunting monsters, demons, and, eventually, God himself. Ackles was 26 years old at the time (the same age as the James Dean��like figure he portrays on the CW series), single, and coming off a steady career on TV, including a popular role on Days of Our Lives.
The actor is now 42 years old and just finished filming the 15th and final season of Supernatural after the coronavirus pandemic shut down production for several months. To mark the occasion, he did what Dean would do: He took a road trip. But this time things looked a little different and not just because he lacked monster-killing weapons and the iconic Impala.
“It was a sprinter van,” he tells me, back at home in Austin, after driving to the East Coast with his wife, One Tree Hill actor Danneel Harris Ackles, and their three young children. And instead of fighting the forces of evil along the way, he questioned what life might look like without the show that's been a vital part of his identity for a decade and a half.
“I needed to get back home and start figuring things out and start unpacking my life that's been in Vancouver for 15 years,” he says. “What's the next move? Where am I headed next? What interviews am I going to do? Luckily, my wife was like, ‘Stop. Can you just take a breath for a minute and play with your kids on the beach?’”
So he did. But now he’s back, talking to me over Zoom with his new, prized commissioned drawing of Winchester brothers’ smashed-up Impala behind him (a gift from his wife by artist Alessandro Paglia), trying to put into words what it feels like to leave behind a 15-year legacy.
“How have you changed in the last 15 years?” he asks me. Well, I've watched a lot of Supernatural, to be honest.
Existentialism aside, Ackles is clearly ready for his next act, even if the show's massive, fervent fandom—known as the SPN Family—may not be. Back in March 2019, Ackles, Padalecki, and their costar Misha Collins devastated diehards when they announced they'd be ending the series on their own terms after more than 300 episodes. A bit of good news is that fans will still have the conventions that honor the show and cast meet-ups that take place all over the world. Eventually.
“I love how big it's gotten and how we feel like a traveling circus going from town to town,” Ackles says. “Obviously, we'll have to wait until we're all allowed to gather in large crowds again, but I think as soon as we can start going to concerts and festivals and movie theaters, we'll start those back.”
For now Ackles is preparing for his life beyond Dean Winchester, which includes his anticipated role as the first-ever superhero in season three of Amazon Prime Video's The Boys, as well as a new production company he's starting with his wife. He filled me in on all that, how the Supernatural finale changed due to COVID-19 restrictions, and, of course, how he got his hands on the iconic 1967 Chevy Impala—which he drove to Starbucks the morning of our call.
Glamour: I almost don’t know how to ask you how it feels to end a life-changing, 15-year project like Supernatural.
Jensen Ackles: I understand how rare it is and that it's a bit of a unicorn to have a show that runs this long and to be as intensely part of it as I have. I mean, you've got procedural dramas—you know, Law & Order and stuff—but a lot of those casts come and go. To have the same two leads in every single episode for 15 years, I think, is a pretty rare feat. So I'm proud that we did it. That was really the overwhelming feeling when we filmed our last day and our last scene. It wasn't a mourning process; it was more of a proud moment of “Look at what we've done.”
The finale of Supernatural was already planned before COVID hit. Did anything in the last two episodes have to change because of filming restrictions?
We had to drop some ideas we had for the final episode, but it didn't change the story. We were supposed to have a lot of familiar faces come back, and we were going to try to filter them into a montage. It was going to be almost a break from the story and a look at how far we've come—a little tip of the hat to the fans—and we would all be able to celebrate together. Obviously, we couldn't do that. So that part of the finale episode got nixed. But the story and how it ends up, that stayed the same.
You’ve been talking about wanting Dean’s Chevy Impala, Baby, for literally years now. Did you get it?
I've wanted it since the second episode. I was like, “Wait a second. What's going to happen to this car when it's over?” I've been angling to get that car since literally season one. I was thinking, Why wouldn't they give me the car?
Then as the years went on, I thought, Oh, I'm gonna have to fight for this now. So I kept seeing if I could put it in my contract, like for years and years, and the studio, the producers were like, “Don't worry, don't worry about it.” Wink. I was like, “Yeah, you say that now.” So, in my last contract that we had, I didn’t ask for a bigger trailer; I didn’t ask for more money or more time off or anything. I said, “I want the car.”
That car is sitting about 40 feet from me and my garage. I actually drove it to Starbucks this morning and picked up some coffee.
Your wife, Danneel, has been appearing on Supernatural since season 13. Do you two have any plans to continue acting together?
We've got a company now, Chaos Machine, and we're starting to produce things together. So it'll be a more of a producing team as opposed to an on-camera duo. That’s the thing with this industry...you never know where the roads may lead or what’s just around the corner. But she and I love that. And we certainly love a challenge.
You two already run a brewery, Family Business Beer Company, together while raising a seven-year-old and three-year-old twins. How do you work together as husband and wife versus as business partners?
Very similarly actually. Divide and conquer.
Speaking of behind-the-scenes roles...you’ve directed five episodes of Supernatural. Any plans to direct Jared Padalecki's new show, Walker?
I would absolutely love to, but with my new gig on The Boys, I don’t know if I’m going to be able to. We're trying to figure out scheduling.
They're in the midst right now of building my costume for The Boys, which is a custom-built superhero suit. That is way more intense than I anticipated, which is cool. But I have to literally be in L.A., like, every two weeks for the next three months. I think it's six fittings and they're each like three- to four-hour fittings. They're literally molding things to my body, so it's intense.
What will be on your playlist for you to listen to while they mold things to your body?
Actually, funny enough, that was the first thing they asked me. Laura Jean Shannon, the costume designer, she says this is important because every superhero [she’s worked on] has a type of music. So she was like, “What would Soldier Boy listen to?”
To be fair, the first time we see him, it's World War II. So we're talking the ’40s. So we listened to big band and swing the whole first day.
In addition to your new projects, you’ve also been posting a lot about Black Lives Matter this summer—from handing out supplies at a protest to giving over your social media accounts to Black activists and politicians. What have you learned?
Looking at my kids and being a father, I’m thinking, Wow, what kind of world are they gonna have? So I've started to listen a little more and I've started to want to understand other people's experiences so that I can make a better choice about the actions I take. I've gotten pushback—[in the past] even I've looked at actors using their platform to be political and been like, “You know, nobody needs to hear that. Just do your movies and do your show. You're not a politician.”
But I've now learned that, no, you've been given a platform now with social media. And even before that, when you would give an interview to a publication, there's a voice there that is yours and you get to choose how you use that. And I think that's a responsibility that people need to take seriously. So I’ve tried to do it as inclusively as possible.
Before I let you go, please tell me what fans can expect from the final episodes?
I've said a few times that the second-to-last episode really feels like the season finale and that the final episode feels like a series finale. The series finale, episode 20, is this beautiful throwback to the whole show—to what it was, what it has been, and what it is today.
Okay, one more! What’s the creepiest thing that’s happened to you on set, in honor of spooky season?
Anything that's kind of been paranormal or supernatural? I think that they stay away. If that stuff was to happen, it's not going to happen on our set because we've got too many tools to take them down.
If your lore is correct, that is...
Right? That's true. [Laughs.] Oh, it was pepper, not salt? Damn it!
Supernatural airs Thursdays at 8 p.m. E.T. on the CW. This interview has been edited for clarity.
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