#also this is the only season I say nice things about Sam so enjoy
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odessa-2 · 1 year ago
Titbits and analysis 🖖
As promised, some more titbits from the Con yesterday in Melbourne as well as my interpretations. Prior to attending yesterday, I told myself to keep an open mind and attempt to leave any biases behind (even after having seen the funeral pics). Clean slate. To try and view Sam, the event, questions, and subsequent behaviours objectively.
I'm the sort of person who feels energy and is affected by it and in some ways governed by it. The energy of people, both individually and collectively. The energy of a group. I tend to couple this with objective analysis, which forms the basis of my conclusions about people and situations.
I applied this method yesterday in attempting to understand and view Sam, the OL money 💰 machine and everything else. I also just wanted to go there and bask in the audience and enjoy myself....and....I did like it Jamie.
So first thing I noticed off the cuff was how experienced Sam was in handling questions, and the women, and tailoring his behaviour to suit their desires. He was charming, charismatic, approachable, a skilled professional. I saw the veneer. I felt the veneer. I also saw and felt that he is a pretty decent bloke under that veneer. A man with a solid work ethic, who is mild mannered and working with purpose in his life.
I observed that his handler or Convention agent or whatever he is, Steve, was in full control. He managed Sam's performance in a sense. He asked the questions and even set the directions for some answers. Sam is controlled. I didn't like Steve. I didn't get the best vibe off him. Infact, I got a bad vibe off him. I observed that everything was a performance. Scripted to a large degree. The Single Sam narrative was pushed by Steve. Hard. It was a performance. That much was clear to me.
So Sam chose to mention that he was in Austria skiing 2 weeks ago....blah blah...something about singing a Ronan Keating song. So the script tells everyone nice and early that he is NOT with Caitriona ✅️
Later on in the panel, he mentioned that he "was at the theatre in London the week earlier" watching a play. Huh? Getting his timeline confused? Interesting titbit, I thought. Who would he go to the theatre with whilst in London? Who else likes to go to the theatre? Who have we seen him go to the theatre with before? Ding ding ding!!
One of the first things he spoke about (umprompted) and imo was part of his speaking program, was that Caitriona is back home in Scotland doing prep work and will be directing this season. He said that he spoke to her recently and that she is cold and miserable back home. No one seemed to give a shit. The women were there for their Jamie. Sam read the crowd. He understood.
Sam tried to bring Cait into the conversation again saying something like "Where's Claire?....Caitriona isn't here". Again crickets from the audience.
He said that he auditioned with a lot of Claire's, but they couldn't find the right fit and that nobody was as brilliant as Caitriona.
It sounded like he genuinely missed her.
He spoke of his audition with Cait, saying they were very physical and were almost wrestling each other. He said he was sweating all over her and that his sweat was on her. The crowd still only wanted to hear about their Jamie. I think Sam relished in being cheeky in saying that she wore his sweat that day.
Someone asked about "how do you kiss and make out with a costar and then just carry-on. Isn't it awkward"? Sam responded generally initially, saying that there's lots of checking in with the person and apologising afterwards (in a joking fashion). Then that prompted him to start talking about Cait saying that he has also "snotted" all over Cait and exchanged many body fluids with her (in an acting context presumably)and that there's nothing really left to do together that they haven't already done. I was like "whoooaa wtf Sam?". Shooketh that he said that really. The silence from the crowd was palpable. They really didn't want to hear about Cait and Sam and their shared bodily fluids whilst 'acting'. He is THEIR fantasy man. Not Caitriona's. Silence from the audience. Sam already knew that the crowd were Sam onlies but he loved telling this story. Relished in it imo. He loved the double entendre. It was an unrehearsed, unscripted conversation as it resulted from an audience question. I concluded it was an act of defiance on his behalf. That's what it felt like to me.
Steve the convention agent guy, was always bringing it back to Single Sam. "I worry how are you going to get a date" said Steve. With Sam understanding the prompt ...."I worry too" says Sam. Bachelor narrative secured ✅️
Steve spruked the Bachelor narrative again to Sam's thirsty and adoring fans....."Sam you remind me of that old show where everyone has to guess which bachelor is going to come out of the mystery door". And that's when I knew with 100 percent certainty that the bachelor talk was a ruse. It was so contrived and performative. I smiled to myself. The women in the crowd were eating it up.
Another thing that stood out to me was when Sam was searching for the right terminology when talking about Cait. "My......co star" huge pause.
"I love you Claire" is the line he randomly chose to say when explaining his acting.
When asked how he has time to foster friendships and spend time with his family he talked around it. Avoided the question and kept it about his friendships saying that they are strong friendships that endure. He diverged and started talking about how he still has his core friendships that he had when he was bunking and sharing an apartment/house with them in London when he was younger. The veneer was up. Inpenetrable.
At another point in the panel Sam asked "How many Sheila's are there here"? LOL. I found that amusing.
Now this next part captured my attention the most. It had a weird feeling (energy) around it . Sam gave off a weird energy. Almost hostile. Again that's just what I felt.
Someome from the audience named Toni with an "I" was selected to ask a question. I can't remember what the question was but Sam made a really big deal about her being named Toni. "There's always a Tony have you noticed"? Why is there always a Tony"? He said. He didn't want to drop it. He placed a little too much emphasis on it. I was laughing silently but Sam's double entendre didn't go unnoticed by me. Everyone else was clueless or at least that's how it appeared to me. Was that an Easter egg dropped by Sammy?
Asked about what does he do for self care, he seemed to struggle answering that too. He talked in circles about his way points hike and how he's learning how to live in the moment. There's that wall again.
There were many other things discussed of course but I thought I'd focus on the things that shed light on his situation and that resonated with me.
So my closing Analysis? Sam is controlled. He peforms. He caters. He's intelligent and in tune with people and aims to please but is private. Sunday just reaffirmed and solidified my beliefs. Caitriona snatched up that hard working gem of a man quick smart!
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willalove75 · 2 years ago
Love your work! Would you write Rebecca X Female!Reader , where she's working as an assistant coach or something clever but R is very shy and introverted ( Ted is like a father figure ). But when on the pitch next to Ted, R is a complete opposite . Rebecca is intrigued ? She's also protective of R, enjoys having her and Keeley in the office , maybe flirty . Reader is like Kara Danvers from Supergirl ☺️
Thank you SO much!!!💕💕
And I love this so much! Thank you for the request! I hope you like it!!💕
A/n: I don't know anything about Kara Danvers or Supergirl so I'm sorry if I don't hit the mark on that😅😂
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When Rebecca first hired you as an assistant coach, she didn't think too much of you. Your references were good, you knew the game better than most people she's met, you were quiet, nice, very girl next door type. Even though she wasn't sure how well you'd fit in with the rest of the managers given they were all pretty outgoing men, she took a chance and it paid off.
Whenever there was a meeting Rebecca noticed that you only ever spoke when spoken to. You were quiet but thorough with your analyses, strategies and had great opinions.
For whatever reason, Keeley immediately took a liking to you and started dragging you into Rebecca's office for "girl talk." For the most part, you just listened, only giving your opinion on things when you were asked. Rebecca was curious how someone so quiet was such a great coach to a particularly rowdy team. But she admired your softness, she loved hearing you laugh and when you spoke, she hung onto every word you said. She's been pretty busy since you were hired and she wasn't able to watch you during trainings so she really had no idea how you operated on the pitch.
Finally, Rebecca found a free afternoon to finally observe training before the first match of the season. She quietly made her way out into the stands and took a seat, her eyes trained on you.
Before training that morning, Coach Lasso asked the group what you all thought the team should focus on today. Piping up, you suggested that the team should work on the finer details of their footwork. Of course it was important to learn new plays, perfect the ones they already knew, but you felt like the boys needed a refresher on the basics.
Coaches Lasso, Beard, Roy and your other assistant manager, Nate, all paused for a moment before agreeing. The boys' footwork had become a bit sloppy, messing up passes, missing goals, all because they weren't kicking the ball with the precision they should be.
Ted and the rest of the guys all agreed and even let you take the reigns for training for the day. It wasn't something you'd done before here at Richmond, but you were really excited to finally show everyone why you deserve to be here.
Rebecca watched as the boys ran a basic play, unsure why you all decided to run such a simple play, but she kept watching to see what happens.
Colin passes the ball over to Sam and even though it looked like a solid pass, Colin wasn't using the proper technique, something Rebecca wasn't paying attention to, but you definitely were.
As soon as Sam got the ball you blew your whistle and everyone stopped.
The managers all held back a laugh, Roy and Beard smirking with approval, and the rest of the team busted out into laughter. Rebecca on the other hand, was in shock. The sweet, quiet girl she'd gotten to know was replaced by an assertive, confident coach, a side of you she didn't even know existed. She was even more enamored with you now than she ever was before.
"Oh come on coach! It was a fine pass!" He argued.
"'Fine' won't win the whole damn thing! If you want to be 'fine' then drop down to the lower levels of the league!"
The teams laughter fades and a few of the guys whistle and you hear a few mutter "oh shit".
"Run it again!" You say, blowing the whistle again.
"Fuckin' cunt." Colin murmurs under his breath.
The boys reset and start the play over, Colin gets the ball and passes it to Sam again with a perfect execution, giving Sam the opportunity to sink the ball right into the net.
"There we go! That's what I'm talking about!" You yell before blowing your whistle.
Walking out onto the pitch you walk up to Colin and pat him on the back.
"That was perfect! Did you feel how you had way more control when you connected with the ball this time?" You say as you imitate kicking a ball.
"Yes coach, I see what you mean."
"Good! Because when you hit it just right, you don't have to worry about trying to control where the ball is gonna go, you can focus on putting as much or as little power behind the kick to get it to your teammate. Just like you did with Sam, the ball got to him faster and he was able to sink that puppy straight into the net before the other team knew what hit 'em!"
Colin nods at you and you give him another pat on the shoulder before you turn away. Walking back over to the coaches, you see Rebecca sitting in the stands watching. A blush creeps across your cheeks as you give her a little wave and she waves back. You can't read her face, you're not sure if she's impressed, indifferent or unhappy with your coaching style. As training continues you try not to focus on Rebecca and direct your attention to the boys on the field.
Rebecca watches you as training continues. She sees Ted wrap his arm around your shoulder for a moment and says something to you. He spoke too quietly and she's sitting too far away to hear what he said, but she notices you relax a little before he pulls his arm away.
When training was finally over, you all head back inside, Rebecca had left at some point, although you're not sure when. In your office, you're going over a few new plays you've come up with, seeing which player would best fit each position.
"Well howdy there boss!" You hear Ted say as the sound of heels clicking across the floor enters the office. "What'd ya think of today's trainin'?"
"I must admit I was quite impressed." She says.
Looking over your shoulder, you see Rebecca lean up against the door connecting your and Ted's offices.
"Y/n, I almost couldn't believe that was you out there." She says playfully.
The blush creeps up again and you let out a nervous giggle.
"Oh, yeah, thank you."
Rebecca raises and eyebrow at you and flashes you a smile.
"Come up to my office after work, Keeley and I are going to be spending some time up there today."
"Oh? Yeah, of course. Thanks for the invite."
Rebecca smiles at you again and walks out through the locker room.
"Colin, coach l/n really ripped you a new one out there." Isaac says.
"She was such a bitch! I kicked the ball perfect the first time." Colin responds, visibly annoyed.
"I would show your coaches some more respect if I were you, Mr. Hughes." Rebecca says with daggers in her eyes.
"Oh, Ms. Welton, yes, of course, I'm so sorry." He says, obviously taken by surprise because he didn't see her there.
"Even I could tell that first kick was utter garbage." She says before walking away.
Could she really tell? No, absolutely not. But Rebecca knew what you were doing and trusted you. She also was not about to let the players trash talk their coach, especially the only female coach. That was not going to fly in her locker room.
After work you head up to Rebecca's office to find her sitting on the couch with Keeley.
"Y/n! I'm glad you came!" Rebecca says, her face lighting up a little when she sees you.
"Of course, thanks for the invite." You reply with a soft smile.
"Come in, come take a seat," Rebecca moves closer to Keeley, opening up a spot next to her. "would you like a glass of wine?"
"I would love one, thank you."
Rebecca hands you a glass after you sit down and you take a sip, your eyes flickering between the two women.
"I have to say, I'm still shocked that that was you out on the pitch this afternoon." Rebecca says as she takes a sip.
"What happened on the pitch?!" Keeley asks.
"Our sweet, quiet little y/n became this loud, assertive coach. Those boys listened to her as well as they listen to Roy."
"No shit! So you're like an entirely different person when you coach?"
"Um, I guess." You say, the blush returning once again.
"She absolutely does." Rebecca says. "I was impressed, really."
For some reason, that took you by surprise. You didn't think you could ever do anything to impress Rebecca.
"Absolutely, the way you commanded the team was incredible."
"Oh my god I bet it was so hot watching you get all assertive like that!" Keeley says, causing your blush to deepen.
"I don't know about that." You mumble.
Rebecca shrugs a little and smiles at you and you take another sip of wine.
As the night progresses, the three of you talk, laugh and genuinely enjoy each others company. The wine loosened you up a bit and you're talking a little more freely than you usually do. Something that both Rebecca and Keeley seem to be happy about.
"Oh! I wanted to ask you y/n, what did Ted say to you on the pitch this afternoon?" Rebecca asks.
"After you yelled at Colin, he put his arm around you and said something to you."
"Oh," you say, blushing once again. "he just said that I was doing a really good job and that he was proud of me."
"Aw I love Ted!" Keeley says. "He's such a sweetheart."
"He's a really good guy, it's nice to have someone so supportive on the pitch."
"I can imagine! It must be tough being the only chick out there."
"It's not too bad, I mean sometimes the guys say shit but I don't let it get to me."
Rebecca stiffens when she hears you say that the team makes comments to her. She doesn't even realize it but her grip on her wine glass tightens.
"What do they say to you?" Rebecca asks.
"Honestly I don't really pay attention, sometimes they're just teasing me, sometimes they like, pretend hit on me, say stupid things. The usual things that immature athletes usually say."
"That is absolutely unacceptable." Rebecca says, her tone growing more serious.
"It's okay really-"
"No it's not, you're their manager, they should respect you just as much as they respect the other managers."
"I guess." You say, shrugging.
"No, no, they absolutely should. And if it continues there will be hell to pay."
"Rebecca, really-"
"No babes she's right," Keeley chimes in. "you absolutely deserve the same amount of respect that the other coaches get and it's some sexist bullshit that you're not getting it."
Coming to terms with the fact that this is absolutely a losing battle, you smile at the two women.
"Thanks guys, I really appreciate it."
Rebecca wraps her arm around your shoulders and pulls you into her. The moment her skin touches yours your heartbeat quickens. AS she pulls you closer you're engulfed in her perfume. It's a beautiful, no doubt expensive, scent. It automatically relaxes you even though your heart still feels like its beating out of your chest. You look up at Rebecca and she looks down at you and smiles. Immediately her gorgeous green eyes captivate you and you get lost in them for a moment. Opening your mouth to speak, you realize your throat has gone dry so you grab your wine glass and take a sip.
"We got your back babes!" Keeley says.
"We absolutely do." Rebecca says, smiling down at you.
Later that night you lay in bed unable to fall asleep. The moment Rebecca wrapped her arm around you replays over and over again on a loop. You've never felt like that before and you can't figure out why. Was it because she's your boss? Not really. How about because she saw you in your coach mode earlier? Nah. What the hell made you so nervous in such a pretty woman's arms!
Right after that thought passed through your mind it hit you. You liked Rebecca, a lot. Way more than you ever thought or would have admitted to yourself.
Shit. You had a crush on your boss.
The next morning Rebecca calls a meeting with all of the coaches and the team. Everyone gathers in the conference room and you sit in one of the chairs, fidgeting nervously because you think you know why you're all here.
"Good morning everyone, I'm sure you're all wondering why I called this meeting this morning."
"Colin I told ya, you gotta use soap when ya shower mate!" Jamie says, making the entire team laugh.
Rebecca glares at Jamie and he shrinks back in his seat.
"Sorry Ms. Welton." He mumbles.
"It was recently brought to my attention that one of the managers here has not been given the same amount of respect as the others. Something that I witnessed myself in the locker room yesterday." She says, staring daggers at Colin, who also shrinks into his seat. "Every manager on this team, assistant or otherwise, deserves your respect and I will not tolerate anyone on this team disrespecting them in any way. If I find out that any one of you are making fun of, ostracizing or disrespecting any of the coaches on this team you will be benched for the first five games." The team takes a collective breath in, they're all a little intimidated by Rebecca and they don't take her threats lightly. "Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes Ms. Welton." They say in unison.
"Wonderful, now unless anyone has any questions or concerns, you all are dismissed."
Ted turns to you and the other coaches, a confused look on his face.
"What the heck was all of that about?"
The coaches shrug their shoulders and you stay silent. The guys on the team have never said anything in front of the other coaches so you're not surprised that they didn't know they weren't treating you all that nicely.
Everyone leaves the conference room and you head to your office. The day goes by pretty quickly and the threats Rebecca made seem to have stuck because the boys are giving you less attitude than they normally do. When the day is finally over you make your way up to Rebecca's office to thank her for putting her foot down.
You knock on the door and hear her on the other side.
"Come in!" When she see's you after you open the door, her face lights up again. "Oh! Y/n! What a wonderful surprise." She says with a smile, closing her laptop. "Please, sit." She gestures to the chair in front of her desk.
You take a seat and drink her in for a quick moment. Her hair is pulled back elegantly so you can see every beautiful feature of her face. Her green button down shirt, that's showing off her perfect breasts just enough to tease you, makes her eyes pop. If you could, you would sit here all night and just look at her.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?" She asks with a smile.
"I just wanted to thank you, for earlier today."
"Oh you don't have to thank me! It's absolutely unacceptable to disrespect the people that rank higher than you. I wish you had told me sooner, I'm so sorry you've been dealing with that for so long." Her green eyes look sad, not like the pitied you, but sad that you've been treated like shit from your players.
"Yeah, I just tend to take things as they are. I don't like making waves."
"Well if anything like this ever happens again, I hope you do."
"Thank you, I will."
"I was surprised that Ted and the other coaches didn't even know. They can usually pick up on those things quickly."
"Yeah, the guys were pretty discrete when it came to them insulting me or something."
"Did you tell anyone? Like a boyfriend or-"
"Oh no, I don't have a boyfriend."
"I'm not really, into guys so much." You say as you feel your cheeks starting to get warm.
"Oh." Rebecca says, almost surprised.
"I'm guessing you weren't expecting that." You say with a laugh.
"Uh, no, honestly, I was not." She also says with a laugh.
"I mean, come on, I'm a football coach for a men's team, it's kinda obvious."
"Well when you put it like that!" The two of you laugh for a minute.
Her laugh is amazing, it fills your chest with so much joy. If you could have it played on repeat for hours, you would.
"Anyway, thank you again for doing that, it means a lot."
"Of course, I can't let my staff, no less my favorite employee, be harassed by the team."
"Aw, thanks." You say, smiling at her. "I'll let you go-"
"I was just about to leave, walk with me to the carpark?"
"Of course."
The two of you walk out of the building and into the carpark in a comfortable silence. The sky is dark and there's only a few cars left, including her driver and your car. Rebecca turns towards you and you mirror her action. She tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and gently cups your face. Without realizing it, you unconsciously lean into her hand, when you realize what you just did your eyes widen. Rebecca only smirks and her thumb caresses your cheek.
"If I wasn't your boss," She says softly, as if she's talking to herself while she's admiring you.
Her hand leaves your face and you grab hold of it with yours.
"Even if you are, I wouldn't mind." You say, just as softly, with a smile.
Rebecca looks at you with a bit of surprise in her eyes, she was never expecting you to say that. She's had the feeling that you had a crush on her for awhile now, long before you realized you did. And she's secretly been admiring you from afar.
The thought of dating an employee sounds so incredibly unprofessional to Rebecca. But at the same time, you're not just any employee.
"I must say, I'm torn on the matter." She says with a small smile.
"Well, give me a chance to ease your worries." You say with a confidence you haven't had in awhile.
Rebecca picks up on your sudden burst of confidence and a smile crosses her face.
"Alright then, Friday night, 7pm, I'll pick you up?"
"It's a date."
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narrynukezankielover · 9 months ago
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I find the beginning of I’m No Angel cute and funny. Dean is worried sick about Cas especially once he finds out that the angels are working together and killing people. He says if they get to him before we do and all Sam does is sit there trying hard not to tell Dean to calm his ass down. It’s an example of Sam knowing which I really like. Then when they are looking for Cas and Dean describes him as dark hair and blue eyes. It’s a simple description yet I still love it. He’s spent enough time eye f*cking Cas he should know the colour of his eyes.
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The poor boy looked like he was about 2 seconds away from losing it from seeing Cas dead and i’m pretty sure in the script it doesn’t say Cas dies then Dean places his hands on both sides of Cas face lovingly anf gently.
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I absolutely love this part. First of all as Ezekiel (I know it’s Gadriel but at this point they don’t) is fixing Cas Dean is mouthing come on. Sam faints after Ezekiel fixes Cas and Dean is about to go over to check on Sam and as soon as he hears Cas say his name his head whipped around soooo fast. Then Dean takes another opportunity to put his hands on Cas leg and chest. Think this is Jensens choice again and I’m very happy with his choices.
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This actually made me bust out laughing. Cas told Dean and Sam that he had sex with April (think that was her name). Dean looks proud and Sam looks disgusted. I think Sam is trying to figure out why Cas would tell them that not realizing that Cas told Dean back a few seasons ago that he was a virgin so he knew Dean at least would be happy for him. Personally I don’t think Cas really liked misses even before she started torturing him I think it was just a human thing he wanted to experience.
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This broke my heart. I feel bad for Dean. He’s in such a hard place. He either has to tell Cas to leave and have him defend for himself as a human which he’s not used to doing and running away from angels that want to kill him or he lets Cas stay and Sam dies. The worst thing is he was extremely happy to finally have Cas in the bunker where he could protect him and take care of him and then gets his heart broken when told he has to tell Cas to leave. I’m guessing the writers tried to explain it with Dean defending Cas and saying that he’s the one that the angels are after, he only let Ezekiel possess Sam because Cas said he was a good angel and that he has the tattoo. Ezekiel saying that misses found Cas even with the tattoo but they never explained how misses found Cas. Dean is extremely confused because he knows the tattoo keeps the angels from finding people so Cas should be protected. I feel bad for Cas because now he has to be by himself again but I also feel bad for Dean because he had to be the one to tell Cas to leave.
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If Cas could see the love and sadness in Dean eyes here he would forgive him right away (Heaven Cant’t Wait). I know Dean doesn’t want Sam around or talking to Cas because he knows if he does Sam will say something about Cas deciding to leave and Cas would tell Sam that Dean told him to leave and Sam would know something was wrong since Dean wanted Cas in the bunker but it’s a nice excuse for Cas and Dean to be alone. Sam questioned Dean if there’s no case and you’re not going to see Cas then what’s the point? At least Sam knows how much Dean wants to see Cas. Cas obviously wanted to see Dean too since he called him about the case not Sam. Well 99% of the time he does call Dean but right now he’s feeling rejected by Dean and yet he still calls him and probably knows Dean will drop everything to go there.
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Dean says I can’t let you do this and I didn’t see the way Cas looked at him at first but then I realized Cas was hoping he would say don’t go on this date stay here with me.
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Dean tells Cas to unbutton some of the buttons on his shirt and Dean is obviously enjoying the sight. He has a huge smile on his face and checking Cas out then when he realizes Cas is looking at him he goes back to making sure Cas looks good.
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Earlier in the ep Dean was being as asshole telling Cas he was too good to be working in a little store not realizing Cas has to get money now for food, supplies and whatever else he needs or wants. I think Dean still looks at Cas and sees the strong (as in mentally) angel that he’s used to. He’s used to Cas being more then happy to help them with cases and now that Cas wants to be good at his job Dean didn’t understand it until this point. He now realizes Cas is still mentally strong and if he got to be human he’s going to do it the best he can. He even tells Cas he’s proud of him and Cas looks happy to hear it. I think hearing that Dean is proud of him made him feel better about Dean telling him to leave the bunker. In an earlier ep (the dead people turning to zombies one) Dean couldn’t understand why Bobbys wife wasn’t telling Bobby the truth. She said to Dean you’ve never been in love have you. She wanted to keep Bobby happy and protected (I can’t remember her exact words). Here Dean didn’t tell Cas that the spell was irreversible because he thought Cas was happy as a human and didn’t know what he would do if he knew he was never going to be an angel again. I guess Dean is in love now. Lastly when Cas got out of the car you can see how hard it was for both of them to say goodbye. Dean actually had to let out a deep breath before he could look at Cas again and Cas looked sad as he walked to the store.
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leifygreeens · 1 year ago
I always get so sad when I think about the bachelors and bachelorttes not being able to achieve their dreams :( so how do you think the game would be different if they had? like before they meet the farmer? (i love your writing by the way,,,)
While I was thinking about this, the main question in my head was “Why would any of them still be in Pelican Town if they achieved their dreams?” Sooo I had to put them through some bullshit to get them all in one place lmao. Thank you for enjoying my writing, it means way more than any of you realize. Anyway, this was fun to think about, and I hope you have fun reading it! <3
Warnings: Mentions of parental death, abuse, infidelity, dysfunctional familial relationships, and reference to Leah’s shitty ex (FUCK YOU, KEL!)
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Sam was the lead singer of his own band, but is now struggling to find his new normal after the members decided to go their separate ways. It certainly doesn’t help that they ended on negative terms, and their fanbase has become fractured due to the controversy surrounding the break-up. Sam has come back to Pelican Town to spend time with his family and figure out which direction he wants to take his career, but his band-mates said ill-intended things about him before they broke up, and he’s struggling to make amends with his perception of himself. He tries to write new songs, but he isn’t liking anything he’s come up with, and it’s reflecting poorly on his self-esteem. He wonders if his fans will still be there waiting once he’s ready to release his solo-music, and is paralyzed with fear about what will happen to him and his career if they aren’t.
Sebastian is a professional coder. He saved up enough money to move away as soon as he turned eighteen, and has only visited for holidays since. He was previously engaged while living in the city, but after his fiancé cheated on him with a coworker, he returned to Pelican Town to pick up the pieces of his heart. During his time away he managed to check himself into therapy, so he’s well-equipped to handle conflicts with his family, and his relationship with his mother and sister have improved dramatically since, which is really nice. He is trying his best to pursue a healthier relationship with Demetrius, but the man really doesn’t make it easy. Robin also added an extension to the house, so his room is on the ground floor and has a window now. It’s nice to see the frogs again.
Alex is a professional gridball player. His mother passed away before she could see him achieve his dreams, but his father has contacted him many times. Alex knows his father doesn’t actually want a relationship with him, though, because the only times he’s contacted him is to ask for money. Alex blocks his dad’s number after catching sight of him on the news, trying to drag Alex's name through the mud, but eventually moves away when his dad breaks into his apartment and wrecks the place. He settles back into his bedroom at Evelyn and George’s house, and tries not to feel too drained by the legal proceedings. It’s pretty relaxing though, going back home during his off-season. Not to mention he really missed the summers in Pelican Town.
Elliott is a reputable author. He’s written a trilogy or two, a smattering of stand-alone novels, and even has a few broadway credits. But after years of constantly writing, he’s burnt out and tired, and needs a break, so he moves out of his stuffy apartment in the city and into the cabin on the beach. He commissions Robin for expansions and repairs, and it’s turned into quite a nice place, if he should be so bold to say so. He talks to Willy a lot, and after hearing the stories the fisherman has collected over the years, he kind of wants to write a book about pirates or some other kind of adventurer, but nothing is coming to mind. He’s got an excess of inspiration and drive, but the moment his pen hits the paper, his mind goes blank. It’s incredibly irritating.
Shane is one of the most notable film directors of the last decade, and he’s got quite a number of credits under his belt. His IMDb page is massive, and while he doesn’t get recognized on the street very often, anyone who knows anything about film will know his name. He moved to Pelican Town with Jas after the death of her parents. Riddled with grief, he had the presence of mind to recognize some bad habits were developing, and he couldn’t really handle the pressure of celebrity life anymore. He drinks occasionally, but he doesn’t consider himself an alcoholic. He only drinks a few times a week—and compared to his colleagues in the city—that’s nothing.
Harvey is an experienced pilot. He initially wanted to join the Ferngill Republic Air Force, but after many discussions with his parents, he decided to pursue an ATP certification and become an airline pilot instead. However, due to the recent trauma of a severe crash, Harvey is taking a break from flying. He’s become intensely afraid of heights, and the thought of getting in a plane makes him physically sick to his stomach. He’s been working on it, but it’s already been a year, and he’s not any closer to being back in the pilot’s chair. What’s wrong with him?
Maru went to university to pursue a career in STEM, but was quickly disillusioned and decided it wasn’t for her, so she decided to switch gears and abandon her dream school. Robin understood after a short explanation and told her to come back home, but Maru’s relationship with her father has become strained since, and even though they regularly experiment in the lab together, it causes some unnecessary drama in the household. Maru tries not to let it get to her too much, but it does. More positively though, her relationship with Sebastian has improved since they both came home, and they can actually hold a conversation without getting irritated at each other. She likes hanging out with her brother, but wishes that they could've gotten along like this as kids, too. They have a lot of years to catch up on!
Penny was a stay-at-home-mom up until a few months ago, when her partner suddenly decided domestic life wasn’t for them, and yanked the rug out from under her. With nowhere to go and no employment, she trudged back to Pelican Town with her tail between her legs and a toddler on her hip, to move back in with her mother. She teaches Vincent and Jas regularly, and works as a private tutor for a few clients in the town over. Pam chose to take on the majority of childcare for her grandchild, and Penny wasn't enthusiastic about it initially, but Pam is doing a great job so far, and hasn’t stepped foot in the saloon in a long time. It should be a great thing, so Penny doesn’t know why she’s so bothered by it.
Abigail is an active member of the adventurer’s guild, a highly skilled swordswoman, and she will occasionally dabble with the magical forces of Stardew Valley under the careful guidance of her mentor, Rasmodius. Yes, she knows. No, she doesn’t mention it, and neither does he. She doesn’t live with her parents anymore. When she was looking to move out, she asked to buy the deed to the old farm, but was quickly shot down by Lewis, and decided instead to claim the decrepit cabin south of Rasmodius’ tower. Robin helped her fix it up, and after a few months, it was in good enough repair to move in permanently. She spends most of her days down in the mines, clearing the monsters on the lower floors. She’s never gone past level 20, if only to save herself from her mother’s tearful begging, but Pierre has given up. They don’t speak much.
Haley is a prolific photographer. Her portfolio is hefty, some photos dating back from when she was in high school, but the most recent picture is from three months ago, and she hasn’t picked up her camera since. She doesn’t know why, but nothing looks interesting enough to shoot anymore. The world looks flat and dull, but maybe that’s just the city. When her parents ask her and her sister to watch their house in Pelican Town while they galavant through the archipelago on some “soul-searching-journey,” she accepts without preamble. Maybe she just needs a change of scenery to get her inspiration back. Maybe she’ll find her muse?
Leah is a revered artist, and many of her pieces are in museums and art galleries. She tries to live in the city, but quickly realizes that she hates it, and after a few misses, she moves to Pelican Town. The lush flora and fauna kick her inspiration into overdrive, and with the amount of foraged greens she’s been eating since moving into the cabin next to Marnie’s, she doesn’t think she’s ever felt so good. Unfortunately her ex Kel is determined to sniff her out, and that puts a damper on her shiny new life in Pelican Town. She wishes it was because they actually loved her, but she knows it’s only because they miss the luxurious life Leah’s job afforded them. She tries not to think too hard about that, though.
Emily is a fashion designer! She’s had plenty of shows during different fashion weeks and other events, and many name-brands have collaborated with her. She does do stylist work on the side, and many of her clients are a-list celebrities or high profile professionals. She prefers the countryside, though, so when her parents offered her and her sister their place in Pelican Town, she jumped at the opportunity! Only thing is, it’s been years since her and Haley have occupied the same space, and every resident in town has a dark cloud of thick negative energy hovering over their heads. She’s overwhelmed with guilt, knowing she can’t do anything to help.
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brian-in-finance · 2 months ago
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Inside Ye Dinna Get Used To It • Part 2
🧵 Outlander_Starz: We also see one of Costume Designer Trisha Biggar and Caitríona Balfe's favorite pieces of the season in this episode: her burgundy wool coat.
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🧵 Outlander_Starz: The uniforms and dinners of the 1770s are worlds away from the 1980s world Brianna inhabits. Read how Director Jan Matthys found people's behavior in the different time periods influenced his directing style below.
What I like about working in all these time periods is the pace and etiquette that comes with it. I was so happy to work with Danielle Berrow, who is a writer and producer but also a historian. It's amazing how much she knows about courtesy and politeness. In the 1700s, sometimes I felt the need to pace up the scene but it just wasn't possible. They had to take their hat off. They had to take their hat under their arm. They had to bow. In those times, life went slower due to these rules.
I even found myself framing differently in the two time periods. I went slightly wider in the 1700s to show these beautiful full costumes. In the 1980s, it's more about close-ups and facial expressions... It happened subconsciously, that the time period was dictating my visual style. — JAN MATTHYS, DIRECTOR
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🧵 Outlander_Starz: Echoing everything we already know about our two incredible leads, Director Jan Matthys had nothing but praise for Caitríona and Sam while filming 713 and 714.
"After seven seasons, you might expect a routine. But that's not the case at all. They question every scene, and try to make everything feel new. There's a magic happening... They are just so in sync. They communicate just by looking at each other. As a director, you see it happening and you just have to put a camera on it."
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🧵 Outlander_Starz: When we re-encounter Jane and meet Fanny this episode, the costumes are quite different from what we saw back at the brothel! Hear from Costume Designer Trisha Biggar below.
The brothel that we first see Jane in is actually a high-class brothel for officers. Her clothes there were silk. By the time her journey has taken her to the camp to seek William, she's still wearing silk, but it's slightly more worn. Then she ends up working the laundry in workaday linen.
For little Fanny, we used sweet and pretty colors like blues and pinks with floral decoration. When it became apparent many scenes would be outside, we made and embroidered a gilet from a vintage blanket to keep her warm. — TRISHA BIGGAR, COSTUME DESIGNER
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🧵 Outlander_Starz: Rob's hopes and dreams weren't the only things smashed this episode... the Land Rover saw a bit of damage as well.
Said Chris Fulton, "It was freezing cold, so l think the temperature had something to do with it. I skidded up, got out, and I think I just slammed the door a little too hard. Because it was so cold, l'm going to say that the glass was freezing and shattered. Sorry!" A worthy sacrifice for an epic scene, if you ask me.
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🧵Outlander _ Starz: Join me here next week for another installment of "Inside Outlander" and don't miss a heart-pounding new episode of Outlander TOMORROW!
In the meantime, enjoy even more insights from our cast and creative team over on YouTube:
Inside Ye Dinna Get Used To It • Part 2 of 2
Threads 🧵
Remember… you know you have a good costume when even the guys in the crew go, “Oh that's a nice coat!” — Caitríona Balfe
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frodothefair · 10 months ago
hello!! I have a few questions about hobbit relationships. For one, I've read a lot of stuff where people say that hobbit's aren't shy and have a couple partners in their lives, but I've also gotten the impression that they can be sort of conservative and private about their love lives, what would your take be on this? Would they like public displays of affection? Would they keep it in their smials? And, courting rituals/things considered romantic, what do you think that would look like? I've read that going on walks and eating food/feeding each other are pretty classic for hobbits, and also building gardens are pretty big proposals/wedding gifts, are there any other traditions you headcanon or have seen yourself? Thank you so much for having this, it helps a lot;-; expect to see more of me in the future lol!
💐 ASK ME about my headcanons about hobbits and the Shire! 💐
Ah, dearest gentle reader! Welcome to my inbox! I am so glad you have found your way to my humble abode. Have a seat, have some tea and seed cake, and make yourself at home, for in honor of the new season of Bridgerton, we shall talk about love, courtship, and marriage in the Shire! (@konartiste, I think you'll enjoy the Bridgerton parallels)
First things first. I base what I imagine to be true on Tolkien's own portrayal of the hobbits as a caricature of British country dwellers in the early 20th century. I will derive my answers from both book-canon and movie-canon.
Let’s begin with your question about whether hobbits are shy and conservative. If we go off the early 20th century rural Britain hypothesis, then the answer is yes and no. There are certainly higher standards of propriety than we are used to in our society; however, by dint of being rural and closer to the earth so to speak, they are more relaxed than, say, the denizens of a city like Minas Tirith. For instance, premarital sex is generally frowned upon, but since there are many cozy barns, haystacks, and woods, as well as dark corners in sprawling smails, you can bet that it happens anyway, and everyone knows it, but does not speak of it except in whispers.
Similarly, there is friendship and courtship, and men and women share many daily tasks and mingle easily, but there is nothing like casual dating as we understand it. Courtship almost always has marriage in mind -- which is why Rosie was unhappy with Sam for making her wait so long: if you do not see yourself marrying someone, you simply remain friends or move on, and it is improper and disrespectful to do otherwise. In addition, with regard to public displays of affection, there are at least two instances of hobbits kissing in public in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movies, so walking hand in hand and a light kiss here and there are probably acceptable, but certainly nothing more than that -- or else the old ladies minding their carts at the market will have a thing or two to say to your momma. (Pronounced mom-MAH).
Now, speaking of mommas, let's move on to the topic of marriage.
Based on Tolkien's family trees in the appendices of Lord of the Rings, it seems that hobbits marry only once, since there are no documented remarriages that I know of, and since hobbits are hardy and live long lives in a peaceful land of plenty, young widows and widowers are likely rare. So to answer your question about whether hobbits have multiple partners, I'm afraid I don't know where that notion comes from. Certainly, it is likely that they court multiple people in search for a love match, but it seems that once they marry, they typically marry for life. Indeed, hobbit marriages are often so successful precisely because they marry for love. Everyone in the Shire, even those of more modest means, generally have everything they need, and hobbits are not overly ambitious, so marrying for resources or protection or to climb the social ladder is not very common -- at least, those are not the main reasons for getting married, but rather a nice side-benefit.
That said, however, marriage is still considered a boon and a virtue, and most hobbits seek to get married, with bachelors and spinsters being uncommon. (Tolkien said so himself). As a result, there is something of a thriving marriage mart in the Shire, to help along those who are unable to find a mate by their own means.
The marriage mart, of course, is a far cry from that of Bridgerton in its glamor, but it does consist of a network of well-meaning mommas who talk among themselves and decide which young people might make a good match, and seek to introduce them to one another. This may involve inviting the prospective partner and their parent(s) over for tea, and having the young people socialize in that setting first, and as time goes on, encouraging them to spend more time together. In addition, the selfsame mommas often organize dinners, dances, and other festivals around Midsummer, the Harvest Festival, and Yule, and those lively occasions are unofficial opportunities for young people to dance, eat, and meet partners they would not otherwise encounter.
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In general, there are three social classes in the Shire -- with the distinction between them being not-too-rigid: the working class (people like the Gamgees and the Cottons, who work the land or have a trade), the middle-class (families like the Bagginses: wealthier, conformists, may be involved in more intellectual work such as law or medicine) and the upper/ruling classes (the Tooks and Brandybucks, roughly equivalent to titled nobles, who can be as quirky as they please). Each class has its own events, and while they are not strictly segregated and it is not uncommon for the likes of Bilbo of the Old Took to have a party and invite everyone, there is generally more mingling between the upper and middle classes, and they are correspondingly more likely to marry each other.
Now, when it comes to courting on the way to marriage, there are two ways that it might begin..
At times, there is a parent (usually a momma) putting forth a child as a candidate for courtship, in which case there is the custom of inviting a prospective partner and their parent (again, usually a momma) to a meal at one's house -- or coming over to their house with food. The party initiating the courtship is the one who brings the food, and usually it is made by the prospective partner to showcase their skills as a potential spouse. After that, the other party is expected to reply with an invitation in kind -- or not. If they don't wish to court any further, they simply send a kind thank you note, but no reciprocal invitation. That way, everyone is on the same page, but nobody loses face.
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And then, on the other hand, there is the self-initiated courtship, which is generally less structured. The only universally accepted signal is to ask your prospective partner to Go For A Walk. Being asked for a walk is the equivalent to being asked on a date in our world, and can generally be initiated by either party, though men are of course more often the ones to make the first move. Of note, the walk by definition cannot have a specific destination, except after a few "ordinary" walks, the courting couple might choose to have a picnic -- this would be the equivalent of going on a fancy dinner in our world. A walk with a picnic at its conclusion may also accompany milestone events, such as anniversaries or a formal marriage proposal.
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Which brings me to our last topic -- the question of engagements and weddings. This can certainly be a post onto itself, so I'll try to keep it brief. I certainly agree that a garden can be an excellent engagement or wedding present, but in addition to this, hobbits do usually exchange smaller gifts of some kind as a token of their commitment: most often pieces of jewelry, either heirloom or made to order. This transcends all social classes. In general, hobbits do not use rings, because they do use their hands quite a bit at the very least for cooking, but choker style necklaces for women, and bracelets or lapel pins for men are quite common. As for the family's wedding presents, both sides strive to help the young couple set up house, and the wedding planning is a collaborative effort. Weddings generally take place in the summer, since a mass of flowers is nothing short of obligatory. Gifts are formally presented and speeches abound, and one challenge that comes with "unequal" marriages is that one side may be embarrassed if their gifts seem paltry in comparison. As a result, it is not uncommon, if there is an unequal marriage, for the more wealthy side to give the less wealthy side some funds to get more suitable gifts.
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(As a fun bonus and a shameless plug, check out this excerpt my fic about the Shire's efforts at matchmaking Frodo!)
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pxrplebxtterfly · 2 years ago
Yes Father (1/2)
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gifs belong to me
Pairing: Sam Winchester’s alias Father Frehley x fem reader
Warnings: SMUT, (d)ubcon, priest kink?, innocence ruined kink?, mentions of God and religion, mentions of death and murder, handjob, fingering. (Sorry if I didn’t identify the warnings correctly. I tend to just write without thinking of what things are called.)
Summary: Two junior priests visit your church and you’re tasked with giving them a tour of the chapel. You take a liking to one and meet him later that night at the church.
Word count: 3.3k
Notes: This fic was written in a FIRST PERSON POV!!! This is the first part of a two-part fic about Sam’s alias Father Frehley. This first part takes place during season 1, episode 14: Nightmare. Anyways, thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoy!
I’ve always been a believer. Always. I go to mass every Sunday and always help out where I’m needed.  
I have a myriad of jobs to do at the Church. Sometimes I hand out book bags for the kids to look through, or other weekends, the coffee and doughnuts for the parents, just devoting my time to the Church.
One Sunday, I’m handing out said coffee and doughnuts after the final service of the day, when two new priests walk into the lobby of the church. They’re dressed in black suits with white roman collars, marking their priesthood. 
They’re listening to Father Padrick; one of the priests at my church, and asking him questions. They follow him in through the doors and make their way closer to my little table.
They’re handsome. Probably the most handsome men I’ve ever seen in my life. I almost choke on my breath when I see them. One in particular is a mountain of a man; broad shoulders, chestnut hair, and misty hazel eyes. He looks pensive as Father Padrick speaks to him.
Approaching me, Father Padrick says, “Hi dearie, this is Father Simmons and Father Frehley”
The blonde one nods first, and then the brown haired one. His eyes stay on mine for a moment too long. 
“Gentlemen,” Father Padrick continues, “This is y/n. She goes to the university in town and volunteers here every Sunday.”
“Nice to meet you” I say timidly and stick out my hand to shake theirs. Father Frehley quickly grabs a hold of mine and squeezes it gently. His bear paw of a hand envelopes mine and the dry warmth sends a shiver down my spine.
“It’s always good to see fellow young people helping out the church” Father Frehley says to me, kind eyes making me smile.
“Fellow?” I ask him. He doesn’t necessarily look old at all, it’s mostly just his frame that makes me think so. 
He smiles and says, “Yes, I’m only twenty-three, still new to the parish”
Father Simmons must have seen my enchantment with Father Frehley and interrupts my thoughts saying, “I’m also new, and young, just for the record.” He chuckles awkwardly and I nod my head in slow agreement.
“Anyways, would you please take these two on a tour around the church?” Father Padrick asks.
“Of course, follow me” I say softly.
I walk in front of the men, leading them towards the large wooden doors that lead into the chapel. 
“So, have both of you come to join the clergy here?” I ask, dipping both my fingers in the small dish of holy water as I enter.
“Uhm no, we’re actually junior priests over at St. Augustine’s, however we were close with Father O’Malley and are in town for the weekend for his funeral” Father Frehley says mournfully.
When I hear him mention Father O’Malley I quickly turn around to watch them both make the sign of the cross. 
Father O’Malley was another priest at my church, who was murdered in a sadistic and bizarre way a week ago outside his home.
“Oh gosh, I didn’t even think to connect the dots. I’m so sorry for your loss. I didn’t know him as well as I know Father Padrick, he mostly did services during the weekdays” I say and hang my head in sorrow.
“It’s okay, we just wanted to come take a look at where he devoted his time and talk to others that knew him” Father Simmons adds.
I nod, “I wish I could tell you all about him, but unfortunately I don’t know what to say, he was a very secluded man”
Father Frehley smiles warmly, understanding what I mean and continues, “Did Father O’Malley pick up any strange habits or behaviors recently?” 
“Not that I can think of. I’m sorry, was something wrong before his death?” I ask, wondering why such a strange question was asked at random.
“Well that’s what we’re trying to figure out” He responds. 
I hum and fidget with the hem of my cardigan as we make eye contact. Father Frehley licks his lips subconsciously and they glisten just like his eyes.
A rumble of heat echoes from my private parts and I look down at my shoes, struggling to figure out what that sensation was.
“Everything okay?” Father Frehley asks.
I shoot my head up and realize he’s closer to me now, leaning in with concern. “Oh yeah,” I laugh, “just feeling a little sick or something”
I don’t know why my heart has started to beat fast, or why my mouth is suddenly dry. Was I afraid of him? Did he excite me?
“Well, we’ll let you get home, but if you remember anything about Father O’Malley and his death, or you even just feel strange, call us, okay?” Father Frehley says.
I bite my lip as our fingers touch when he hands me a small card with his number on it. 
I’m pacing back and forth in the living room of my small apartment, trying to calm the panic inside of me. My stomach is churning and my body racked with anxiety as images of Father O’Malley through my mind. The uncomfortable adrenaline from thinking about the death of a person I knew, was eating away at me.
I’m cursing at my own brain and decide to walk to the next block and pray at the church. 
I grab the keys to the church and head out.
I approach the doors of the building and stick the key in. I fidget with the key but realize that the doors are already unlocked. I open the door quietly, assuming it’s Father Padrick completing future sermon plans. 
As soon as I’m inside I realize the doors to the chapel are open and see the flickering of prayer candles lighting up the room. Dark shadows bounce off the walls and it’s eerily silent. 
I continue further into the chapel and see someone sitting on the steps of the altar. Moonlight shines through the ceiling of glass and windows of stained glass, to illuminate the brooding figure.
I squint and quickly recognize exactly who it is.
“Father Frehley?” I ask, and walk towards him. 
His head shoots up in surprise.
“How’d you get in here?” I continue.
His face beams as he recognizes it’s me. He sighs as I approach him. “Promise you won’t tell Father Padrick?”
“That depends on how you got in,” I say teasingly.
He scoffs with a grin, claps his hands together and says, “I picked the lock”
My eyes widen and a smile spreads across my face as I laugh about his entrance strategy. This giant of a priest, broke into a church and didn’t even seem to be repenting.
“You could have just asked me for a spare key” I grin.
“Oh yeah? And what are you doing here?” he asks.
I blush at his interest, “I just came here for a moment away from life’s anxieties” 
“Sounds like we both could use a break” 
I look down at him inquisitively. His eyes are sparkling up at me. I watch him stand up and take a step towards me.
My stomach flutters and that strange rush returns to my privates. I let in a sharp breath, shocked at the sensation.
“What do you mean?” I ask eyebrows furrowed in worry.
“I’ve just been stressed lately, and could use a stress reliever. You’d be surprised at how interesting and hectic my life is. All that chaos can really do a number on you, you know? Stress takes on all sorts of physical forms in your body” he elaborates. 
“Like what?” I ask and tilt my head, curious to see if he continues.
“Well, for instance, pain,” he pauses, looks at me and bites his lip. I can tell there’s thoughts and ideas brewing in his head. “I’m actually experiencing some pretty bad pain right now” he sighs.
“Where? What happened?” I immediately scan his body, looking for any signs of pain.
“Earlier today I was on a date, and my date had a job that she didn’t finish… Which has left me with a tremendous amount of tension and soreness” he says, and places his hand on his crotch.
My eyes go big yet again at the sight of a large bulge in his pants.
“A date? I thought priests weren’t allowed to date” I step back.
“I mean a date as friends silly,” he explains. 
“Oh, I see” I nod and feel stupid for jumping to conclusions. 
He squeezes the rod in his pants and closes his eyes for a second, as if he’s trying to imagine something.  
“Is that where it hurts?” 
“Yeah, it’s really sore and hurts real bad”
“Is there anything I can do to help Father?” 
He lets out a shaky breath when I say his title. His hand begins to rub over the bulge, back and forth. “There is something,” he says, “you could give me a special massage”
“Of course Father, anything to help” I say and reach for the bulge. He grabs my wrist before I’m able to place my hand on him.
“Hold on a sec, let me get comfortable” he whispers.
I nod, agreeingly; the perfect massage requires the perfect position. He leads me by the wrist to a pew in the first row and sits me down right next to him. 
As soon as we’re sat, I reach over and place my hand on his large bulge and rub my hand back and forth just like he was.
“I’ve never given anyone a special massage before, so will you tell me if I’m doing it right?” I ask, looking into his darkening eyes.
“Of course baby, let me pull my pants down so you can get a better grip” he says.
The pet name ‘baby’ sends another odd wave to my privates.
Father Frehley pulls his pants down and something large springs up.
“This is my cock baby, it hurts really bad. The only thing that’ll make me feel better is if you touch it” he begs into my ear.
I nod and he places his huge hand over mine, and brings it to what he calls his cock. 
“Yeah just like that” he praises, wrapping my hand around him. “Now move your hand up and down and don’t stop until I tell you to.”
I follow his instructions and begin to move my hand up and down. He’s moaning and huffing while he looks into my eyes, watching me work.
“Fuck honey, you’re making my dick feel so good” he seethes.
Before I can even think, he reaches for my face and kisses me. I know that kissing is wrong but I don’t pull back because I don’t want him to be mad at me for disobeying him, and because it makes my privates flutter again.
I continue to pump at his dick and his hips begin to thrust into my hand harder and faster, so I apply more pressure and quicken my pace. My hand and arm are sore but he hasn’t told me to stop so I continue. I just want to take his pain away.
As we kiss, his hands pull slightly at parts of my hair and push at parts of my face. One of his hands finds my neck and wraps around it gently. Warmth spreads through every vein in me.
His kisses become sloppy and his tongue is exploring my mouth. I traverse his mouth with my own tongue as well and the heat between us increases. His tongue circles mine, leaving me breathless. His moans become louder the faster I pump my hand. His cock is throbbing, and his hips are stuttering into my fist. 
With a sudden “Fuck” from his lips, I feel something warm splatter on my hand while I jerk at his dick. His whole body tenses and then relaxes with the release of the fluid. He wraps his hand around mine and slows my pumps, eventually making them come to a stop.
“Fuck baby, you’re amazing, look at what you did to me” he smiles intoxicatingly as his lips pull away from mine. 
“Did that- did that make you feel better?” I ask shyly. 
“So much better, you have no idea” he shakes his head and laughs.
His laugh and the weird warmth and sensations in my privates causes my hips to roll forward uncontrollably. 
“Sorry,” I apologize for the spasm.
“Oh don’t be sorry, is everything okay?” he asks, his face scrunched with worry.
“Well, I don’t know, I think so, but I feel funny,” I confess.
“Where?” he asks, and doesn’t break eye contact with me.
The funny feeling only increases, “Somewhere embarrassing?”
“Embarrassing? What do you mean?” he asks.
“Well, I’m not supposed to talk about it. It’s impolite and crude” 
“Oh, I see what you mean…” he smiles and nods, understandingly. “Does it feel all fluttery and hot?”
My face grows bright red, and I whisper, “How do you know that?”
He laughs softly and says, “I wasn’t always a priest”
I don’t really understand what he means but I bunch my hands into fists as I catch him biting his lip, and his eyes scanning down my body.
“It’s only growing worse isn’t it?” he asks.
I suck in a deep breath and nod.
“Do you want me to help you with it? I can make you feel all better” he breathes out so tenderly. 
He’s so close to me, for the first time I can really smell his cologne and hear his breathing.
“H-how? A special massage?” 
He nods; traces a finger up and down my arm as he asks, “Will you let me touch you?”
“You mean, down there, where it feels funny?” 
He nods again and looks like he’s about to devour me. I’m shocked at his request. Nobody has ever wanted to help me feel better by touching me. 
“And if I let you, it’ll make me feel better?”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying. If you let me, I can make you feel really good” his fingers ghosting my waist.
“Are you sure?” I whimper. The heat from his body and touch fuel the sensation in my privates.
“Mhm” he says and kisses me softly. 
Something in me ignites as he pulls me against him and slips his tongue in my mouth. His hands run up my back and hold the sides of my face as he plunges his tongue into my mouth. His kisses slow and he lets out a low moan as he pulls away.
“Sit on my lap” he commands.
I don’t question this for a second and immediately sit on his lap, my back pushing against his torso. He places his hands on my stomach and begins to run them up and down my torso. Father Frehley is right, this does feel good.
With caution, he moves his hands up to my breasts and I moan. I didn’t think that a touch on my chest could stir such a feeling in me.
“Let me help you baby” he coos against my neck. He begins to kiss, and suck, and lick at my neck, making me dizzy. His hands have somehow undone my bra and taken my sweater off. He's massaging my breasts, running his fingers over my nipples, tweaking them occasionally. I can’t help but whimper and moan from his touch. My hips begin to buck, like they have a mind of their own.
“God look at how needy you are” he groans into my neck.
His hands finally find my privates and he rubs his hand over my mound. My hips continue to move, grinding against his hand.
“How can someone so beautiful never have been touched?” he mumbles.
Continuing his kisses on my neck, he pulls my skirt up and rips my tights. I squeal from his impressive action and watch as his large fingers pull my panties to the side and touch my hole. 
“Fuck, you’re so fucking wet” he melts into my ear.
His fingers gather the slick that drips out of me and brings it up to the most sensitive part of my privates. 
I moan as he circles that spot slowly and he says “This is your clit. When I touch this, it makes you feel better doesn’t it?”
“Yes Father” I mumble, already addicted to whatever this feeling was.
Father Frehley groans at my obedience and applies more pressure. He’s skillfully rubbing at my clit and I feel a strange tightness increase in me. It’s like a balloon of pleasure slowly blowing up inside of me. 
As soon as it feels like it’s going to pop, he pulls his fingers off of me. My hips stutter in the air, aching at the loss. I whine at the stop of the sensation.
“Shhhhh, I know honey, you’re doing so well for me. But now I’m going to put my finger inside of you” he whispers.
He does exactly what he says. I feel one of his thick and long fingers slide into my hole. I immediately clench around it and moan from both pleasure and discomfort. 
“God you’re so fucking tight” he whines. I don’t even recognize he’s taken the lord’s name in vain.
He lets me take a second to adjust to his finger inside of me, but then begins to slowly drag it out and back in. Each time he plunges his finger back in, I moan. He begins to pick up the pace and also starts to move his finger while it’s inside of me, hitting a sweet spot against my walls. I feel a tear roll down my cheek as his finger curls and continuously brushes that sensitive spot. 
“Look at your tight, virgin cunt, trying to push my finger out,” he hisses.
His finger feels so good, prodding that perfect spot in me again and again and again and again. 
With time he adds another finger to me and picks up his pace. The palm of his hand rubs against what he calls my clit, and it feels so, so wonderful. His fingers are flicking back and forth in me, vibrating against that tart spot, making my eyes water.
“Fuck, you’re such a good girl, taking what I give to you. Want you to make a mess all over my hand baby” he moans.
His words kick my hips into action and I begin to grind up against his hand even more. 
With one hand pinching my nipple and the other slamming into me, the balloon of pleasure that had been building, bursts. A wave of fluttering and blinding sensations hits me and I’m thrown into a different universe. I think I see God and hear angels singing.
As the tide of this sensation goes out, I’m once again back in the church on Father Frehley's lap. His fingers have slowed and so have his kisses on my neck. 
“Look at the pretty mess you made” he whispers and slowly drags his long fingers out of me. I moan at feeling and at the sight of his glistening hand. 
He cups my mound gently and kisses me on the shoulder. He brings his fingers up to my mouth and says “Taste yourself sweetheart”
I obey and open my mouth to let his fingers slide in. I suck and taste the nectar I’ve made. With a pop, he takes his fingers out of my mouth and says “Good girl”
I lay in his lap just catching my breath, looking up through the glass ceiling at the stars, trying to rationalize what I just experienced. Almost as if he can read my mind he wraps his arms around me comfortingly, and kisses my shoulder gently. 
“You did so well baby” he whispers.
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linguist-in-a-blanket · 1 year ago
I saw so many BBC Ghosts fans here trashing the American version that I finally gave up and watched the original.
Well, thanks, I hate it.
Some of the plots were more amusing, yes. I personally liked how the sister story played off. I mean, when in American version we see Jo from Mythic Quest show up with that "nice" smile for one episode, we know what's up from the first second. When it's a seemingly genuine woman who has a couple of episodes to actually earn Alison's and our trust, it's much better. I also liked most of the ones that didn't make it into the remake.
But the core of this premise is characters. And British characters... They're just bad, I'm sorry, they're bad. They are all one note! There is no arc for anybody! Even the most annoying one, Thomas! His whole thing is that he doesn't know what boundaries or consent are, and this goes on for five seasons! Come on, man! Trevor in the American version has charisma, and he comes a long way in just 2 and half seasons we've seen him. This all really makes up for him being a huge jerk: at least he's a lovable jerk, plus he changes. Julian is not lovable at all, Thomas never changes, he's the same since episode 1 till the finale one. Why should we care about two one-note jerks? Flower has a lot about herself aside from being not-all-here: sex-drive, pacifism, commitment issues, basketball, backstories about at least three close people from her life (two boyfriends and brother)... Kitty is just a stupid cutie who is not-all-here, nothing else.
And this drives me to my next point. Such one-note characters without any development simply cannot have a deep connection. Nobody likes each other in this show. I've seen a lot of takes that American ghosts and Sam are friends, while British ghosts and Alison are family. Well, if you mean an abusive family that you can't get away from, that never gives you any good feelings, sure. But do we really need that? Whom of the ghosts does Alison actually like? She hates Thomas and Fanny (never has this realization about her unrealized motherly feelings, and Fanny herself never realizes why she is like she is and how she can change), she doesn't understand Robin (after spending a day with him and learning what he knows, she just gives him to Fanny as a pet), at the very best she pities Kitty. The only one who actually likes Alison as a person is Kitty, but she has her own projections, she is like a duckling who saw the first person near them and said "mommy". She's actually not much better than Thomas in that way, same level of neediness and clinginess, just more lovable than him, and it's not sexual harrassment, more... platonic harrassment? Yay?..
By the way, Alison also doesn't change. Whenever she sees a new ghost in a new place, she is creeped out. This was okay in the beginning, but after living in a house with 9+ ghosts for a couple of years, she is still creeped out by others! Oh, I'm so sorry for your inconvenience, mam, this guy just, you know, didn't have anybody to see him or talk to him in a couple of centuries, but no, no big deal, sure. Sam is fascinated by her gift, she is always happy to explore and talk to new ghosts, Alison just finds it weird and unsettling, even after, what, five years? Girl, you are a fucking superhero! Talk to the invisible people, damn you!
Sure, it could be about not being able to change, especially after you're dead, but then... why? Why should we look at bad people who stay bad, and most importantly, why should we look at them for five seasons?
When Alison weighed pros and cons for staying, she put "ghosts" in both columns. I'm sorry, but why? We almost never see her enjoying their company, almost never see the ghosts helping her (which is petty, but when American ghosts did this for Sam a couple of first times, that's when she warmed up to them)... They are always an incovenience for Alison. Never do they respect any boundaries, all they can do is do one big gesture (song, dance, theater) and move on to being annoying and needy. Never can they hear "no", never can they respect what she asks of them.
Sam says a lot of times she can't leave the ghosts, and I believe her. Even Jay loves the American ghosts! Sam has this whole group of friends and enjoys their company. They all have connections with each other and with the livings. British don't, they move in a pack and look for somebody to annoy, be that Alison or that poor neighbor ghost.
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jadelotusflower · 1 year ago
Stargate Rewatch: 1x01 Children of the Gods
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After rewatching the original film I'm kicking off with the show's pilot - I actually watched both the original version and the "final cut" because there are aspects I enjoy of both. The final cut removes a few problematic elements and adds in some new material, but also cuts a few lines I really enjoy and the original version is really where my nostalgia lies, so... as always, my feelings, they are mixed.
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Cold open with some redshirts - four men and one woman, sadly representative of the gender ratio the show will have going forward.
The unlucky Smurfette is Sgt Carol Weterings, not that I think she's ever mentioned by name in the episode.
"Probably the only thing it ever did was cost money." Heh.
I will say that Teal'c turning against Apophis at the end of the episode is nicely built - starting here where he examines the gun and identifies it as technology far advanced beyond the humans they’re used to dealing with.
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When your name is above the title, you get introduced with an extreme close up.
The differences between the film and the show don't really bother me - I view the show as taking place in a very similar but alternate universe to the film rather than trying to squeeze them together - so O'Neil becomes O'Neill, Sha'uri becomes Sha're, Tyler becomes Charlie, Abydos is the closest planet to Earth, not the other side of the known universe, etc etc. But I consider the events of the film to be canon to the show universe unless directly contradicted.
But otherwise the pilot tries very hard to stick as close as possible to the film, to the point that Major Samuels states that General Hammond replaced General West.
Hammond says it’s been “over a year” since the events of the film, unclear exactly how much over.
The final cut has a longer version of the dead Jaffa, revealing one of them was a woman, and with all the changes to eliminate plot holes I don't know why Brad Wright put one back in. While we do see Jaffa women in the series, Goa'uld and Jaffa society is depicted as highly patriarchal and female Jaffa soliders are rare - we never see them in Apophis's ranks. It's an odd inclusion.
"What if the aliens get it?" "Well, they could be blowing their noses right now." hee!
"THANKS SEND MORE" Remember when Daniel had allergies? Give it a few episodes and the show sure won’t!
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Amanda Tapping, doing her absolute best with some terrible dialogue. Brad Wright blames the "reproductive organs" speech on Jonathan Glassner, and it is terrible and thankfully removed from the final cut version, along with some other 90's era sexism from the bros. However there is one great moment, where Kawalsky asks "Have you ever pulled out of a simulated bombing run in an F16 at eight plus Gs?" and without missing a beat, Sam deadpans: "Yes." I love Sam.
"I'll give you exactly 24 hours to either return or send a message through - no Kleenex boxes, please." Hee, Hammond isn't quite the cuddly commander we know and love yet, but he has his moments.
It's very cute that Sam has a very similar reaction to the one Daniel had in the film just before going through the gate, although his was based in the wonder of something incredible and unknown, and hers is based in the physical manifestation of knowledge - says a lot about each of them and their similarities yet different perspectives - the marrying of these two points of view is what makes them such a good duo.
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Michael Shanks, doing the James Spader impression that won him the role. He was only 26!
And of course Alexis Cruz, the only holdover from the movie (other than Erick Avari, who won't appear until season 2).
The original team sure did leave a bunch of weapons with the Abydonians, didn't they? I presume they taught them how to fire the guns because there's no way Daniel could/would have. He did however teach them very good English.
"Greetings from Earth, Doctor Jackson" - very cute, it's sad that Ferretti disappears into the ether by season 2.
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Not the face of a woman who is shy, but a woman who knows how to make An Entrance. She even smirks a little as she walks over.
There is however a weird little moment where Sha're is reluctant to shake Jack's hand and looks to Daniel first - maybe she wasn't impressed about his little joke brushing by her husband? Both of these beats are removed from the final cut version which is probably for the best.
It's criminal Sha're doesn't actually get to speak in this scene, and in fact how few lines she has in the episode altogether.
It's disappointing, because Sha'uri was such an integral part of the film, and yet the show tries to get rid of her as quickly as possible to get Daniel on SG-1 and give him a core drive for the next three seasons. Her abduction is the precipitating event of Daniel's ten-year character arc and defining moment of transition from film!Daniel to show!Daniel, and yet she doesn't get a character arc of her own.
However I do think Shanks and Vaitiare Hirshon sell the relationship in the few scenes they have - they're very physically connected/protective of one another, perhaps concerned that Jack's there to take Daniel back with him (which is in fact the case). And of course Sha're, annoyed at being left behind while Daniel shows the others his discovery, gives him a very proprietary kiss to show everyone what’s what.
I think show!Sha're gets a bad rap, she's spunky and I love her. I just wish there was more of her.
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Sam and Daniel insta-bonding. Daniel making an intuitive leap to solve the puzzle and Sam filling in the gaps with science to make it work, they really are kindred spirits.
The issue with the cartouche though is that the symbols look like hierogyphs, not star constellations/Stargate glyphs.
Back in the pyramid, there's a scene sorely missing here - imagine if rather than ogling Sha're, Ferretti had a conversation with her, giving us more of a chance to know Sha're on her own terms rather than just Daniel's wife and the object of others desire. Especially when Ferretti was on the original mission so knows she's more than a "beautiful woman" - it would also give additional weight to him being the one to remember the gate address where she's taken later on.
Teal'c clocks Skaara's gun as the same tech he saw on Earth in breadcrumb no. 2.
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"Nothing good can ever come through this gate!" "You came through it , Daniel" I mean...I realise there are a lot of problematic white savior-y aspects to the show, but idk, this scene and the Abydonians all petting Daniel to say goodbye gets me. Sean Amsing as Tobay also returns in Full Circle which is a nice callback to this scene.
The final cut removes a reaction shot from Jack which I have mixed feelings about - I get that the focus probably needs to be on Daniel at that moment, but I do think it's important for Jack to appreciate how Daniel really found a home with the Abydonians and was appreciated and loved by them, and it's nicely played by RDA.
LOL, watch out for how many times Jack pats Daniel on the shoulder. Apparently that annoyed Shanks so RDA kept doing it, but it's also a nice little setup of their relationship going forward.
There's a second shoulder pat in the hallway.
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Just two dudes, drinking beer, (not) talking about their feelings.
“She was the complete opposite of everyone else, she practically fell on the floor laughing every time I tried to do some kind of chore they all took for granted.” Underrated line, because it gives important context to Daniel and Sha’re’s relationship, and perhaps more importantly, how Daniel characterises her - she is the one who keeps him grounded, who teases him, there is balance to their relationship. There’s potentially an interesting parallel there to Vala in the later seasons, although it manifests in a very different way.
“I think she forgave me for what happened to our kid, she just couldn’t forget…I’m the opposite, I can never forgive myself, but sometimes I can forget.” This is a great scene.
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The Final Cut removes all the “harem scenes” and while I can see why, we do lose a bit of context to Teal'c's involvement in the process as he is the one who chooses the women from the holding cell to go into the harem, and then from the harem to be presented to Apophis.
There was another missed opportunity to actually see Sha're interact with the other prisoners - she could have had a conversation with Weterings at least, find out she was from Earth, perhaps assure her that the others would be coming to rescue them.
To the surprise of no one I’m sure, this episode does not pass the Bechdel test.
But there is a hint of solidarity among the prisoners - first in the holding cell where the others hold Skaara back, and here in the harem Sha're squeezes the hand of another woman.
Weterings is killed by the hand device which keeps the electrical current aesthetic from the movie the show will later abandon - as Teal'c looks perturbed.
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Daniel back on Earth immediately getting stuck into the coffee even though no one else is drinking, lol.
"Ra played a god, the sun god, he borrowed the religion and culture of the ancient Egyptians he brought through the gate and used it to enslave them." A bit of a change from the movie here, where it was the other way around - slightly less problematic!
Everyone is in dress blues except Kawalsky who is in camo, and Daniel, who is wearing Jack's clothes.
"Colonel I'd like to remind you that rescuing Dr Jackson's wife is a secondary objective." This line was removed in the final cut and I don't know why? It adds to Samuels’s bastardry.
Has everyone forgotten about Weterings?
Shoulder pat no. 3!
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In the second harem scene, Sha're is now sitting isolated from the other women - did she argue with them? Just trying not to be noticed? What happened offscreen?
Also what's going on in the top left corner - it looks like the healing device! Maybe Sha're did throw down with one of the others and that's why she's on her own. I have to read into things, because the show gives us so very little of Sha're and it's a real shame.
She does get a good moment fighting against the guards though - earlier she was defiant and told them she wasn't afraid of them, here she bites one of them on the arm.
I understand from a narrative perspective why Sha're is the one who gets taken over, but it really is Schrodinger’s fridging - until she’s found Sha’re is both alive and dead for the purpose of the narrative, both Daniel’s primary drive and source of inner conflict.
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Christopher Judge does so much with so little. Master of the cheek twitch!
Oof, the nudity. In isolation from everything else, it doesn’t bother me - it’s intended to be horrifying, not titillating, and is effective in conveying objectification and dehumanisation by the Goa'uld.
However, it was a studio request, Wright/Glassner regretted doing it, it doesn’t fit the tone of the show going forward, but most importantly Hirshon was pressured into the full frontal when she only agreed to topless, and for that alone it should be excised.
The puppet symbiotes are so much more effective than the cgi they use later. I don’t think there’s another scene in the show that really captures the menace of the Goa’uld like this one - the symbiote (who we'll later learn is Amaunet) slithering around on Sha're's body is just so visceral and horrifying. The glowing eyes before implantation is an effective touch.
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Jack sticking Daniel in it with Sam by saying Sha're was a gift could be amusing, except the conversation gets cut off before Daniel can explain. It annoys me, because Daniel not "accepting" Sha're was actually the point? It's kind of important! I assume he does tell Sam the whole story later.
"Unless we want to get ourselves a really bad reputation, I just think we should avoid shooting the first people we meet on a new planet" is a nice follow up to Daniel's sarcastic "well that would have been an excellent reason to shoot everyone" from the film. At this point, Daniel doesn't appear to be carrying a weapon other than a knife. Oh, how that will change!
The Chulak priests speak "a derivation of Arabic" and something else - the Goa'uld language is meant to be similar to Abydonian, which is based on Ancient Egyptian. Of course modern Egyptian is an Arabic dialect that came much later, but perhaps we are to assume Goa'uld - or at least the Chulak vernacular - evolved along similar lines.
Jack unable to shoot Sha're when she stands in front of Apophis is a nice movie callback.
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The final cut has a good extra scene between Sam and Daniel where he is quite delusional thinking Sha're might just be drugged, and Sam tries to talk sense into him. Daniel's blind optimism against Sam's pragmatic realism will be an important aspect of their relationshio going forward.
Shoulder pat no. 4!
Teal'c P.I. sees Skaara talking to Jack and starts putting pieces together - the weapons from the opening scene, the weapons on Abydos + Jack's watch, and Daniel helpfully supplying the Earth glyph.
Alexis Cruz is committed to the film pronunciation of Sha’uri, bless him.
“But you are a great warrior, we defeated Ra together!” Skaara’s faith in Jack is so pure.
Skaara gets a shoulder pat too.
"Another fine day on planet Kawalsky" - This line was removed from the final cut! What a tragedy. I get the sense Brad Wright feels a bit cringe about the campier aspects of the show, but it's part of the charm! To be fair Ferretti was more of the wisecracker in the movie rather than Kawalsky, but I love that show Kawalsky is a little goofy.
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I'm sorry, what is this silver monstrosity? I guess a sliver of credit that after the nudity not going for a sexy alien outfit, but this is a hate crime. I also have a very high tolerance, and even affection for, silly Stargate headgear, but there's camp and then there's ugly.
Peter Williams as Apophis though: 10/10, no notes.
"They're going to choose...who will be the children of the gods." I do love it when they say the title of the thing in the thing.
The subtle moment where Teal'c motions that Jack should kneel is a nice setup - Skaara being very reluctant and angry about kneeling, and being the last to do so, is nice movie continuity. Skaara really gets shortchanged by the show after this episode.
"How much would I remember if you chose me?" I wonder if Daniel ever thinks that maybe him drawing the attention of the Goa'uld contributed to Skaara getting chosen. You know, just to really lay on the angst and guilt.
So the premise is that these Apophis underlings are choosing hosts for their children who are symbiotes ready for implantation, which doesn't really fit with what we learn about Goa'uld queens/reproduction later. We also learn later that Skaara is taken as a host for Apophis's son Klorel which doesn't sqaure with these two choosing him.
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Headcanon time! This is actually Zipacna who we meet later arguing for Klorel at Triad - different actor, of course, but he wears a similarly silly hat. So Amaunet now has access to all of Sha're's memories of Skaara and she and Apophis decide that he will make a good host - maybe she also likes the idea of a family resemblance between herself and Klorel (I think we can assume he is also Amaunet's son?). But Apophis doesn't want anyone to know he's choosing a host for his offspring, so sends Zipacna out to do it for him.
This makes sense of Klorel later claiming that Apophis chose his host, and also gives backstory to Zipacna showing up in Pretense. And in the scene, the Goa'uld make a very quick decision to take Skaara, while the rest get very grossly examined people before choosing.
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Shoulder pat no. 5!
"I have nowhere to go." Teal'c turning on his brother Jaffa to save a roomful of people, not expecting to survive himself, really hits.
"For this, you can stay at my place." hee!
Jack not wanting to hear it when Teal'c tells him Skaara is no longer himself is a turnabout of the earlier scene with Daniel. Not so flip now it's your Emotional Support Abydonian, are you Jack?
Kawalsky getting Goa'ulded doesn't seem to hurt as much as Sha're's - because the symbiote isn't mature, or because Amaunet is particularly sadistic?
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Soon to be SG-1 posing for their album cover.
It was the late 90's when tvs were tiny, so everyone had to stand uncomfortably close.
And we end with shoulder pat no. 6!
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blueberrypancakesworld · 5 months ago
Day.7 ~ Searching for pumpkins ~ Hallowtober
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Dean and Sam x fem!friend!reader (platonic)
warning : fluff, no use of Y/n
summary : Hunting demons and supernaturals in twos is good but it gets boring in the long run, if there are three of you everything is much better and if it means that you also get a delicious pumpkin soup in October it's even better…but if there are no pumpkins, the hunters have to move and hunt them, isn't it clear?
info : My first time writing for the two and even if I was not completely satisfied I hope you like it, have fun and see you next time :)
It was one thing if you liked Halloween, I mean what's not to like? There's autumn, the not quite cold season when you could wrap yourself in a blanket and sit on the couch and enjoy a nice warm cocoa with cream and cinnamon, or a delicious warm fruit punch or roast some marshmallows over the fire with friends and family.
But above all, the autumn from September to October was the best because at the end of autumn, the day before the Christmas season began, Halloween was celebrated, the night of horror and fright, whether in a big or small town, everyone took part.
From the shops that decorated their windows with cobwebs and ghosts where everyone rushed to get something sweet, a costume, drinks and most importantly a pumpkin.
Because the fruit and vegetable was one of the most important parts of the tradition of celebrating Halloween not just as a decoration, a costume or eating pumpkin soup, it was a day when monsters rose and everyone seemed to accept the scary side of the world, an extraordinary day for everyone except…Sam and Dean.
Two brothers who had to deal with this extraordinary world all their lives, because there was no real choice, driven not only by their father but also by the instinct to protect humanity, they did nothing but search and hunt every day, many had joined them on their journey and they had also lost many, but they had also made a friend along the way.
A huntress who had saved the two brothers from a Wendigoo when the three of them were openly searching for the creature after it had killed one of their acquaintances and she had made it her goal to avenge it, simple yet serious.
But more than anything, the three of them had a connection not just on a paranormal level, it was also a connection of lostness and searching so the three of them soon set off together Dean was convinced when he saw the black painted camper and Sam when he heard their movements and the three of them have been inseparable ever since.
When they weren't out looking for clues during the day Dean complained that Sam still worried too much and Sam complained that his brother disrespected him, it was the little arguments, the making up when they found each other in the camper or a shabby motel or in the evening when they had to help each other out of a sitaution.
,,You'll never get rid of us again," she heard Dean say as the door of the caravan opened and she saw the two brown-eyed men come in with bags of food in their hands as they not only had hardly any food left, they also needed some for their pumpkin soup.
She saw the evasive look on Dean's face and Sam seemed quite busy unpacking the food, ,,I hope not…but tell me, where are my pumpkins?" she asked, having already peeled and mashed the potato with the two of them a few hours earlier.
Sam was much more skilful with a peeler than his brother, who stayed to cut the potatoes, whistling as Dean made his way to the back of the caravan and continued to deal with the kitchen roll ghosts he had placed in the caravan, ,,Sorry…listen when we arrived we were all sold out, we left everything but no one had any more pumpkins," Sam finally admitted and gave her an encouraging smile.
A smile she couldn't be angry with for a long time and he was about to make a stupid remark to Dean when she put the knife down and wiped her hands on a dry towel, she reached for her bag and a hunting knife.
,,What's that?" asked Sam, who was probably still puzzling over what to cook for autumn and his brother had already jumped up, ,,Well, what does it look like? Pumpkin hunting of course!" exclaimed Dean and winked at her before Sam joined them with a shake of his head and the three of them set off knowing that there were only wild pumpkins to fetch or well, to “borrow”.
The idea of borrowing came from Dean after he realised that wild pumpkins would mean hours of searching, he promptly looked and found a farm nearby where they were crouched in the bushes waiting like fugitives.
,,How important is the soup to you?" Sam asked, looking anxiously at the field of pumpkins where they saw not only the target but also several guard dogs who didn't look too friendly.
When Dean simply pulled his brother along, she said it would be worth it and watched in amusement as the two of them scampered towards the field for a few moments until they ran back with a shout and the barking and shooting of a shotgun could be heard but the three of them disappeared back into the dark, laughing.
A dark from which they only emerged at the Carvan, laughing and the two pumpkins safe in each other's arms, ,,You're incredible boys," she grinned, wiping her face as she held the door open for the brothers and the two sat down exhausted on the corner of the couch.
,,This better be worth it," Dean muttered, smirking nonetheless as he saw Sam's pained expression, still a little shaken by it all. With the two of them arguing in the background, Friday the 13th on the telly and the smell of soup in the air, she set to work unwrapping the pumpkins, chopping them up and throwing everything into a pot of spices and stock, chatting with the two of them and drinking a couple of sweet punches before the shrill of the alarm clock signalled that the soup was ready.
With a little cream, she drew a spider's web on the soup with a toothpick and placed the bowl down for the two of them and took some for herself, ,,So I hope you enjoy your meal," she said and waited a moment, glancing from left to right as she sat between them and saw the faces of both of them start to smile broadly before she pulled into a squeezing, warm embrace.
,,This is amazing!" Dean exclaimed and took another spoonful of the orange soup and Sam took another sip, ,,You're the best, really," Sam said and she felt the pride inside her as she gave them both a treat on this scary day.
A day on which she was once again happy and grateful for her friendship with the two of them, a day on which every circumstance, every look and every word meant so much more and if she could repay them with such delicious soup, she would make it every day now.
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hopetorun · 9 months ago
🎤 maggie with the cup final in play, i have ogwacs on the brain. who are your guys who haven't won that you would most love to see get one before all is said and done? we won't define an ogwac as strictly as most, so i'd say like. if we feel like they've been around forever and they're like 30 at least we can call them an ogwac for this exercise!
oh gosh!!!! there's such an assortment of guys that i've been fond of over the years for various and sundry reasons so in no particular order of fondness but starting with oh let's say the strongest contender on the list
pomo!! you didn't say i could include non-players but i am anyway, i think he's earned the title. two scfs more than twenty years apart gets you on my list
jeff skinner revenge tour. i don't think this requires explaining. i can't believe i have to root for the sabres but christ. if there's anyone in the league who deserves it. my only comfort here is that the previous record holder for most gp without any playoff games got traded to a contender as a deadline rental and promptly won the cup that year. only good thing the p*ns have ever done for me.
taylor hall. he's one of my longest-tenured favorite guys and like. man what a rough go of it he's had since 2018. also before 2018. but i had such a blast watching him when i was first getting into hockey and i think he deserves nice things.
jordan eberle. he was never quite the same level of special guy for me but i would truly be so stoked. kr*ken stop being cowards and make him captain.
justin faulk. one of my guys!! not on the blues though. i would bust out my old extremely stained faulk jersey in his honor!
someone on twitter pointed out that if the cats win, oel will be the person player to win the cup while on the canucks payroll which i do unfortunately think is very funny. anyway i love a comeback story AND that man did his time in the wars (coyotes org) so i think that would be a lovely cap on a rough few years
honestly most of the core players from the sharks mid-teens teams. some exceptions apply. that team was so bananas good for so long and not only did they never win, i don't think any of them have even gone on to successfully cup chase anywhere else? rough. i think pavs' likely retirement leaves burns as the only guy who was really there for all of it, assuming @moregraceful told me correctly that couture is probably a perpetual LTIR guy now, and burns took a step back this season in a way that has me wondering if father time is finally coming for him. anyway it's a bummer. and on that note
erik karlsson. god i can't root for the p*ns for it but i've been fond of him for so long! yet another man who has been in the wars. one of us, etc
claude giroux. because i've had to see that goddamn quote about how he thought he'd have plenty more chances at the cup back in 2010 and he's literally never even made it back to the final. good god man
john hock. i've enjoyed his work for years (he's actually the reason the flames ended up as one of my higher ranked sure i'll put that game on teams)
dylan larkin is only 27 but like. spiritually.
i would love for sam gagner to cap his baffling, delightful resume with a cup. but not this year.
roman josi. i was hardcore pulling for the preds the season they made the final 😭
yes i did go through every roster for this. yes i did find several old guys without cups where i was like, no i want him to stay that way.
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ashes-in-a-jar · 11 months ago
Hi! I was just wondering, what are your thoughts on episode 100 of The Sheridan Tapes?
You’re the reason I started listening and I always went to read your post after finishing an episode, I’m kinda confused by it honestly.
(Also I only just listened to it today (April 1st) so I was surprised when they mentioned it being April Fool’s Day cause it came out on Friday.
Sorry it took me a bit to respond to this, I have a few thoughts though, not sure if I will manage to sort through them. Mostly good!
First off what a nice thing to have a horror podcast that has a happy ending for most of its characters! They sure went all out with the polycule bit even without Ned lol. I did like how some of the chemistry Rob and Peter had in previous seasons paid off with that ending! Although some elements of it felt like they came out of nowhere? At least not in a way I noticed... Either way good for them!
The April 1st thing was fun timing to end the story! Love that it coincided (kinda) with irl date.
Although the actual date they saved the world was April 1st 2020 which was at the height of the beginning of the pandemic... from the frying pan into the fire amirite? XD
Sam becoming a "documentarian" for Anna's and Maria's podcast was a nice touch, and a jab at the "archivist" trope lol
I find it interesting that he decided to do it and kinda stick to the past? It feels like he hasn't managed to move on like the others, still stuck on maybe one day returning to Allen and the good old days. I am happy that Jerry took him under his wing, I wonder what their relationship is. I found it really touching that he asked Maria and Anna if it's okay to hug them, like he's used to asking permission from living with Sam which was so 🥺🥺🥺
Sam being anxious around a lot of people and then being understanding and accommodating was really touching in general.
I don't know how I feel about the direction Ren took, the whole Source revelation rattled them I would think they would do something about it rather than continue being part of a system that they ended up clashing over... I'm not even sure how ISFA is different from ISPHA? I would have liked to see them working on something fungi related, maybe with Amanita, who is MIA from the finale...
I would like a sequel about Sam going to rescue Ned (of course) and Ren dealing with aliens in space (a story thread that was left unresolved)
And definitely hear some of Rob's antiquing vlog shenanigans xD
Anyway, might have some more thoughts and something more cohesive to say about it all but overall I loved the podcast and enjoyed the ending, it tied up a lot of the story so neatly and managed to do it with minimal casualties and with care for every character
To say I cringed when the singing started in the end would be an understatement but good for them embracing it together xD
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nickmaghighlights · 2 years ago
Nick Mag Highlights - Nick Mag Presents: Danny Phantom (Fall 2005)
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Well, well, well, fancy meeting you here. Welcome back to my blog and the words that inhabit it. Today, Halloween comes early this year when we read through another exciting issue of Nickelodeon Magazine Presents, this time all about Danny Phantom. Boo! Trick-or-Treat! Deck the halls!
And not only is this edition of Nick Mag Highlights spooky, it’s also… pretty chill. Y’know? Just takin’ it easy, reading a handful of comics and probably a crossword puzzle or something. As much as I love researching the kind of stuff Nickelodeon Magazine includes in its articles, sometimes it’s nice to sit back and take things at face value and just see what the state of Nickelodeon was like at any given time, and these short-and-sweet issues of Nick Mag Presents are the perfect venue for just that.
But why exactly am I tackling this purportedly Halloween-themed issue in August? Well, mainly it’s because that new Danny Phantom graphic novel just came out… two weeks ago (oops). And I really enjoyed it! So I’ve since been in a big Danny Phantom mood lately. I even ended up re-watching the whole first season and had a blast doing so. This show was a real obsession of mine as a kid, so maybe this blog post is also a way for me to give it its dues.
This issue can be found online here, read along… if you dare!
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Another Nick Mag Presents, another humorously wordy introduction. If you’re unfamiliar, basically all these Presents-styled issues have a panel on the first page with a character essentially advertising the book to you and talking about all the comics and activities included inside. This one here features Danny and an understandably perturbed ghost, for example. 
Since these issues were usually sold in stores as opposed to through a mail subscription, I suppose this is the issue’s way of hooking you in and explaining to you why you should buy it. I think a kid would probably be more inclined to just flip through the book and arrive at the same conclusion, but I guess this approach doesn’t hurt anybody.
But anyway, let’s see here… aw, only two wholly new comics? The Fairly Oddparents-themed issue I took a look at previously had five original comics. That’s a bummer, but at least we’ve still got variety… SpongeBob, My Life as a Teenage Robot, and The Wild Thornberrys, oh my! Even Tak makes an appearance here, two years before the premiere of his actual Nickelodeon cartoon, meaning this was an attempt to interest readers in the then-recently released video game: Tak 3: The Great Juju Challenge. Not sure if that worked.
And if you’ll take a look at that yellow, spiky bubble with words on the right there, this September 2005 issue is meant to coincide with the then-upcoming two episode-long Danny Phantom special, “The Ultimate Enemy”, which featured Danny taking on a more powerful version of himself from the future. Seems like the included removable poster is even themed around that very episode! Let’s just hope that poster is still left intact, eh?
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So first up, we’ve got a page to get you up to speed on the main cast if you’re new to the show. It’s even got some new factoids for the already familiar superfans! For example: Did you know Sam is into anime? I sure didn’t.
Oh, and if you’re wondering where series villain Vlad Masters is, don’t worry, they go over him later on in the book.
On the right you’ll find an easy if not slightly amusing word puzzle, which tasks you with solving questions where each answer contains the word boo. Simple enough for a kid while still being worth the time, methinks.
Although all the stock ghost art on the page gets me wondering, how come most of the ghosts in the show manifest as typical-looking cartoon ghosts while others manifest in a human form? I guess maybe it comes down to the strength of your spirit. Who’s to say?
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You’ve met the characters, now it’s time to meet the voices behind them! I’ll always take a side of interviews with my Nickelodeon Magazine, and this is no exception. The questions are cute, and I had fun reading them. Not much to say.
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So we’re finally here at the first comic of the issue, and… not really a fan of this one! Yeah, sorry to start this retrospective off on a sour note but this isn’t really doing it for me. The main villain of this one is Youngblood, who already isn’t exactly one of my favorite villains from the series. But here they’ve got him and all the other characters stuck in a pretty by-the-numbers plot where Danny and co. get stuck babysitting the brat while he tries to maim them, with them of course unable to fight back lest they face the wrath of his parents (who are humongous lizard monsters, for some reason). 
If you’re even a little familiar with cartoons you’ve probably already seen quite a few takes on this formula already. And even if you like Youngblood as a character they don’t have him doing his usual pirate shtick he’s remembered for, so I’m not sure what anyone is getting out of this, really. What's especially not helping is that this goes on for ten pages, further dragging out an already tired concept. 
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So there you have it, I guess. Done-to-death story with accordingly done-to-death jokes, a lame villain, and about two pages of action. I will say though, Danny and Tucker’s babysitting poster on page 2 did get a smile out of me, at least.
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You’ve met the characters, and you’ve also met the voices behind them, now it’s time to meet… the rest of the characters! The villain ones! These guys really made the show for me, cause the team behind the show really just seemed to understand the assignment and made all of them really unique and memorable.
So we can see they’ve been ranked in terms of how dangerous they all are, which is a fun idea. ‘Course you’ve got Vlad at the top of, but then there’s Technus just behind him? I can’t say I remember him being notably more dangerous than any of the other baddies, I’m fairly certain he gets swept up at the end of his specific episode just like all the rest. I’m pretty sure Valerie gave Danny a bigger run for his money, and she’s down at #3.
Woah now, I’m starting to scrutinize the power levels of cartoon characters. Cartoon characters from a show I haven’t even fully watched all the way through since I was a kid, no less. Better put a stop to that before it gets ugly.
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Cool little cartoons on the left there, that one on the top right is properly devious and I’m all for it. All the art is quite lovely too.
The right is… well, it’s Mad Libs, there’s no other way around it. Y’know the Mad Libs website refers to itself as “the world’s greatest word game” but I seriously think they need to take that up with Scrabble, or hell, even Hangman. Yeah I was never a big fan of this kind of fill-in-the-blanks stuff, but I guess it’s a pretty inoffensive activity to include.
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Check out Danny’s dad rocking that emo hair.
And now we’ve made it to the second and last new comic for the issue, and unfortunately it’s only a two-pager. But hey, if my thoughts on the previous ten-page comic said anything, it was that I prefer quality over quantity. And this one is… okay. It’s funny enough, does what all it needs to with the concept, and it definitely doesn’t overstay its welcome. I’m again surprised by the lack of action in both of these comics, considering Danny Phantom is an action show, after all, but it’s not like the show wasn’t a comedy either, so it’s not that weird.
I guess while we’re here I could nitpick it a bit. The lineart here courtesy of series creator Butch Hartman* is a bit wonky at times. There’s the aforementioned emo hair Danny’s dad is wearing, but my main gripe is that dog robot just doesn’t really fit in with the rest of the artstyle. It being the only new original character design for this comic as well doesn’t seem like a coincidence to me. I guess the team was fine with whatever Hartman drew because he made the show after all, so surely he knows what he’s doing, right?*
*Insert obligatory comment about how much of a loser Butch Hartman is here.
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Just want to give a shoutout to this pretty creative puzzle here. It actually stumped me a little when I first read it! Those monster designs are pretty entertaining too. Solid activity overall.
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Next up it’s an installment of Sam Shade, which was a short-lived recurring series in Nickelodeon Magazine. Apparently the series ran from 2002 to 2005, so this may be one of the last times a Sam Shade comic was ever printed in a Nick Magazine. 
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These comics mainly consist of the titular Detective Sam Shade trying to solve some mystery, sleuthing around the area in a series of detailed, wordy scenes. Likewise, you as the reader are as well tasked with scouring the pages for clues to help deduce the culprit. Each panel here smoothly moves into the next, making for something like a Where’s Waldo puzzle but with an actual narrative. It’s a really good idea! A shame this series didn’t last longer.
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Hey, is that Carl from Jimmy Neutron on the bottom right there?
Pretty nice My Life as a Teenage Robot comic here. Although that’s kind of unfortunate in a way, since that means I haven’t got much to talk about! It’s pretty much a 1-to-1 translation from animation to comic here. The artstyle and writing are both on point, it’s all just in a shorter, more paper-y format.
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I wonder why the aliens’ speech bubble has flowers in it. Is that a theater reference, maybe?
The design of these fiery aliens are particularly awesome - simple but effective. I’m surprised they used such a cool design in a comic that was going to be seen by way less people as opposed to using it in the cartoon. Man, this show is so cool, even its supplementary media is stylish!
But anyway, do you want to know how this story ends? Read it yourself!
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Ohh man, I distinctly remember this comic. I don’t remember what issue of Nickelodeon Magazine this one is sourced from, but whichever one it was, I had it. The story’s nothing to write home about really, It's another take on the age old tale of “Squidward yells at SpongeBob and Patrick for doing something annoying, so they inadvertently ruin his life”. Squidward must have a really good lawyer for him to be able to bounce back from all the crap SpongeBob and Pat get him into.
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This version of the usual story has S. Bob and P. Rick making a cake in Squidward’s image. Mr. Krabs ends up mistaking it for the real Squidward, bringing it to the Krusty Krab, and having it run the cash register, obviously to disastrous results. It’s all pretty par for the course, and there’s some funny lines to be had.
Weirdly though, unless I’m blind, I can’t seem to find any credits for this one. Not in the comic itself or at the back of the book. I’m pretty sure the artist(s) behind this one did more SpongeBob SquarePants comics though, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the same writing team had a hand in them too. I distinctly remember one where all the characters turn into desserts. Or maybe it was an alternate universe where they’re all desserts? Something like that. Maybe I’ll find it and cover it on this blog someday!
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And up next, it’s a Wild Thornberrys comic of all things (said with feigned surprise, having read the table of contents moments ago). And I’m just now realizing none of these comics have anything to do with ghosts, or horror, really. Quite the magazine you’ve got just in time for October, Nickelodeon!
But hey, it’s not right to judge a piece of art specifically by the context in which it is presented. Especially when it was originally published in a magazine that likely came out years earlier, probably not even around the month of October. Desperate times call for desperate measures and all that, even when it comes to filling the pages of a magazine.
This comic is especially cool, anyway, as you can no doubt tell from its distinct shakeup in style!
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The story has Eliza receiving some gifts from her Japanese friend, Mayumi (who was probably in the show, presumably), one of those gifts being a homemade manga. And while I’m not exactly an expert on the Japanese arts, I certainly find this art convincing and really appreciate the attention to detail. I bet any kids that were fans of manga around this time must have felt pretty seen to have one of their hobbies referenced in a rather unlikely place, and with such attention to detail no less.
One thing I can also appreciate is that this story really isn’t something they could have pulled off in the show itself (unless they studio really wanted to have an anime-themed episode and go through the undertaking of doing an episode in an entirely different, foreign animation style all on their usual budget), so overall this is a really fun idea done quite flawlessly. My only gripe is we don’t get to see a manga-styled Nigel Thornberry, but what can you do?
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Oh boy, the Tak comic, cool. Now, I know these games have their fans, but I can’t say I’m one of them. I did watch the show a bit though, but I’ve heard it has nothing to do with the games, so I guess that makes me rather unprepared to tackle this two-page comic on an intellectual, researched level. I will say though that I think the Sam Shade comic from earlier pulled off this style of free-flowing, no-panel storytelling to a much greater effect. The amount of Taks they threw around the page makes it feel really busy and cramped, and they had to essentially remove the second character Tak is traveling with from the story since I guess they were strapped for page space.
But yeah, the colors are nice at least, and Tak media is especially hard to come by nowadays, so I suppose if I were more into the property, I might be more into this.
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Last comic of the day, and it’s Jimmy Neutron. At least this one kinda fits the theme, I mean, aliens are almost in the same horror-league as vampires, zombies, ghosts, and all that. This is a pretty quality one to end off the book with, and in regards to Jimmy Neutron, this is one of the better ways these characters have been translated to 2D. Although the incredibly warm colors and harsh shadows throw me for a loop. Pretty good overall!
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Before we wrap things up, I would like to mention that advert for The Nicktoons Film Festival on the right. I totally forgot these used to be a thing! From 2004 to 2009 Nickelodeon hosted a film festival and let viewers vote for their favorite animated short, along with letting proper animation people who know what they’re talking about vote on their favorites, too. Lots of great up-and-coming cartoonists took part in these festivals. This one in 2005 actually featured a short by J. G. Quintel that eventually was used as a basis for his own Cartoon Network show, Regular Show! You can check the short out below:
Neat bit of history there, yeah?
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Even though I’m still a bit disappointed this issue didn’t include more original content, I still think this ended up being a fairly entertaining walk down memory lane. And hey, I hope you had a good time too. I’m doubly disappointed, however, that the archive of this issue didn’t come with that tear-out poster! Now we’ll never see it in its full hi-def glory.
As always, thanks for stopping by and checking out another bit of Nick history with me. Have yourself a good one, and I’ll see you all next time!
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somepsychopomp · 9 months ago
binge watched all of scavengers reign in one sitting! I have many thoughts, though they all feel jumbled up right now. I think the show starts off VERY strong but faces some pretty significant writing challenges as it progresses. Basically my opinion is:
episodes 1-6: an absolute triumph of imagination and environmental storytelling. They have genuinely some of the best ideas for alien life I've ever seen. The human characters are also all interesting, too. Azi and Levi were my favorite plot line but I really relished in how our first glimpse of Kamen is this sad, lonely malnourished man slowly starving to death in a tree... only to be revealed as a violent selfish asshole who genuinely gets what he deserves as the story progresses.
side note- I'm also a huge fan of the weird plant(?) that basically clones living beings and makes The Thing(s). Also Levi is probably the most compelling character in the entire show.
episodes 7-10: I enjoyed episodes 7-10 and maybe 11 so little that i considered giving up on the show in its entirety. To me, this segment dropped the show from like a 8.5/10 to a 4/10 or even lower. They were such an unenjoyable slog to get through imo (no hard feelings on anyone who liked them tho) because of the small crew of new characters we meet. No surprise you're not supposed to like or trust them, but the show just seemed unwilling to commit to them being actually evil or arguably sympathetic characters just trying to survive their own hostile situation, and kinda waffles between the two possibilities.
I guess that's the attempt at a gray area/morally gray characterization but I just fucking hated all of them and they meant nothing to me. Also it really, genuinely feels like the show speed ran Kamen's arc and completely ran out of ideas on where to take his character from here on out. Which is a bummer considering he's the type of character you absolutely love to hate.
And I'm so, so sorry, but I felt nothing when Sam died. TO MY DEFENSE, I can articulate why! Basically, out of all the characters on the show aside from arguably Kamen, Sam gets beaten up the most. He gets his blood sucked during the early storm, then gets wounded by the freaky cloning plant and almost dies from that, and then almost dies from getting buried alive, AND THEN gets implanted with the parasite from that mysterious lady. The best way I can put it is that his character just made me feel fatigued. His situation wasn't the kind where a protagonist suffers injury after injury but gets up anyways via sheer will/desire to complete their goal/what have you (Mizu from Blue Eye Samurai is a good recent example from adult animation who embodies this trope well, for example).
In contrast, Sam just spends too long on the brink of death for the stakes to feel high anymore. He also does nothing to improve his own condition, relying entirely on Ursula, which I think robs him of his agency and depth. In fact, I spent so long prepared to mourn him, kinda expecting him to not survive the planet, that when the time finally came, I already expressed all my emotions and detached myself from his character. I will say that at the very least, I did like his actual death scene and felt it was nicely done and paced.
episodes 11-12: Perfectly fine finale, I had no major problems with it but these episodes just didn't quite hit the highs of the first half of the series. Will say tho, Levi turbo blasting the Hollow was perfect. Love that for them.
Overall, I think I'll have to rewatch the show again when it's not late at night and I have all my wits about me. Maybe I'll change my opinion on it, because I really, REALLY want to like it in its entirety and will absolutely watch a second season if/when it comes out because, despite all its flaws, Scavengers Reign is something genuinely special.
The first half of the series feels like lightning in a bottle and MUST be seen by all sci fi and fantasy fans!! Even though everything is intensely organic and raw, the planet also has this strange biomechanical feel to it, from the shrapnel wind storm to the big triangle-head birds with electric/static feathers to all the animals that look like statues or toys but still live and breathe. It's such a unique take on an alien world and it was beautiful to see.
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astrylx · 14 days ago
Supernatural S.5 Ep.1 - Sympathy for the Devil - Liveblog
I've decided I quite like this all in one post format for liveblogging, especially since it clogs down my dashboard less and it's probably less annoying to people going through the Supernatural tag when they don't have to see multiple of my posts.
Before I get into my actual liveblogging, I want to just discuss Supernatural. I am nearing the end of my initial journey, as my plan is to focus on up to season 5. I will probably end up finishing the whole show, just not with the same level of care or enthusiasm, or critical thinking as I have approached the rest of the show. I have been recommended by people that if I'm doing a first watch, I should finish the show though.
I've been quite enjoying Supernatural so far. I could poke at flaws I've had with the show, because they definitely exist, but I don't feel a need or a want to. So far, the show is mostly solid. Yes, it's full of typical CW-ness, but as I've watched CW shows before, it's easy to ignore. For someone who has always had a fondness for paranormal and reads religious philosophy and theological textbooks for fun, this show has been good at feeding into my type of nerdiness. There are moments where I will sit there watching the show like "Yeaaaaa that's not right," but there are also moments where I can go on a rant about how intrigued I am by directorial and writing choices from a mythological or theological perspective. It's nice. As much as I enjoy lore aspects of the show, I do always come back to Dean and Sam. The scenes that shine the most are the scenes that focus on their relationship as brothers. It's so impactful to see, and I adore it. There are a lot of times I see my relationship with my own sister through them in ways not many pieces of media I've seen have been able to capture. I'm really hoping that continues throughout the show.
I could say more, but then this would feel more like a Supernatural review and not a liveblog so!
Liveblog Starting HERE! -----------
I like that how instead of a time skip, we are opening directly where we left off in the S.4 season finale, with Lucifer exiting the gate. I love the framing of the light bursting through the church doors as Sam and Dean try to escape.
Oh I absolutely love the switch to the Looney Tunes cartoon with the devil, it reminds me a lot of analogue horror techniques! How did Sam and Dean get on a plane though? They got transported to a plane above where they were?
Them switching through the news stations all giving bad news reminds me a lot of how it feels like to check the news today. I can't tell if Dean is upset with Sam or not. I don't like that I can't tell.
Oh no. The house is covered in wreckage and blood. Cas and the Archangel fought. I'm assuming Cas is in a lot of trouble. If he's alive he's injured, and I wouldn't be shocked if Heaven is punishing him.
I love a good Chuck jumpscare!
Cas exploded? I mean I know he's not dead but like- And that means Jimmy is gone too, doesn't it? That makes me very sad. RIP Jimmy you deserved so much better than you got. You didn't even want to continue being a part of this, you only did it so that your daughter wouldn't have to.
I hate Zachariah, he makes me so uncomfortable. Also don't wink at Sam, don't call him Sammy, no don't DO that. I will slap you. Didn't you daddy raise you better? (I know the answer is no)
Dean is bleeding? Oh he uh- made the- thing I don't know the word for that Anna and Cas did. He called Cas his friend... My heart. :(
Dean saying "say this is any other hunt." The thing is, though, it isn't. It's different on so many levels. And, not to be an asshole, but y'all caused it. Dean started it with the first seal breaking and Sam ended it with the last. Yes I get why to get their head in the game they have to treat it like a regular hunt, but I fear if they do they're not going to be fully prepared.
This dude in the bed is gonna be the vessel, yes no? I thought it was supposed to be Sam but I guess I was wrong. I don't like being wrong.
OH GOOD LORD NO- NOT SOMEONE WRITING WINCEST FANFICTION! I AM! UNCOMFORTABLE! Supernatural show writers it only gets worse when you acknowledge it stop acknowledging it for my sake this is the second time in like 5 episodes. SAMLICKER??? WHAT?? MORETHANBROTHERS.NET??? I'm choking rn. Genuinely, I starting coughing. The way she's pressing her hand to his chest I am uncomfortable. "And you're- not what I pictured-" icanticanticanticant.
THE MICHAEL SWORD?? OH NOW THIS IS GETTING GOOD- I have a feeling Michael will be connected to the Winchesters in some way further because 1) the sword they're supposed to get and 2) Michael's connection with Jacob, Isaac, and Moses. I already know he will be important in general to the lore of the show because of his role in theology.
BOBBY!! I'm actually a Bobby Superfan.
Sam blaming himself for everything. I just want to hug him. I wish I could tell him he was wrong, but I really can't. Bobby's reaction- I was not expecting that I was not expecting that. The way he moves from standing higher than Sam to on his level and in his face. The look in his eyes. The words he's saying. "I want you to lose my number" I hope you don't mean that Bobby, I really hope so.
I am once again seeing parallels with John. The rebuking of the father figure directed at Sam as Dean stands there and watches. Not that I'm blaming Dean or anything, just pointing out what I see.
See, more reasoning that I've been seeing a deeper connection with the Winchester family and the demons. John had the sword? I mean that's fucking insane but I'm also not surprised at all if you catch my drift.
I feel like we completely brush over how much Dean is basically assaulted in this show. Meg just now kissing him is far, far from the first time. I don't see anyone talk about it, and I really think it deserves to be mentioned.
Bobby fighting the demon off- I love him- I think he's going to die though.
Bobby already knows what it is like to kill someone because of a demon. He killed his wife. He views Sam and Dean like his children. He can't hurt them. He'd rather die himself than hurt him. He will take the demon out, even if it means killing himself, to protect them. My heart-And Dean doesn't even have time to grieve right now because he has to protect himself.
Dean is the Michael Sword? Okay, Wasn't expecting this, but WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT THE WINCHESTERS BEING CONNECTED? WHAT DID I SAY? And that's also why the angels want him.
wait wait
i get it
Dean is meant to be the vessel of Michael, isn't he? That's why the angels want him. That's why he's the Michael sword.
Castiel here to protect Dean and Sam yay! Very happy to see it! God is protecting Castiel? Is that what I'm hearing?
Sarah being the name of Nick's wife and who Lucifer is taking the form of is so interesting to me, with Sarah being the Matriarch and all.
The way Lucifer is talking to Nick- And Nick said yes...
I'm glad Bobby didn't actually die. I was expecting him to.
Bobby telling Sam he's not cutting him out- I love him I love him I love him. Bobby Singer Supremacy.
This scene between Dean and Sam hurts me so much I genuinely can't find it to add anything to it, I know they're going to end up going separate ways here. Everything is changing here. I feel so much for them both.
Okay. Well. That was. A lot. Um...
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chungledown-bimothy · 2 years ago
Are you still doing d20 hot takes? These are admittedly lukewarm (some salsa that everyone at the table can enjoy).
1) I watch for the character arcs/development, not the story, so I really enjoyed Neverafter.
2) Both campaigns set in Calorum have been really hard to get into, even though they’re really good. But I also don’t like GoT so maybe that’s on me.
3) Hard agree with everyone who said they don’t really want sequel campaigns. I would, however, be down for the odd one shot a la holiday MisMag or Boys’ Night.
4) Coffin Run is so slept on, it’s not even funny. Jasmine’s props, the letters, the Dracula wings lighting, gorgeous sets & minis, incredible RP all around, great bits, all the campy horror movie references… Truly one of my faves.
5) I really wanna see Aabria or another guest DM do a full length/over 10 eps season. I feel like Aabria’s DM style would do well with a few more eps so she can explore more. And it would just be nice to hang out with a guest DM a bit more.
6) Confession: Never finished UC2 or Pirates =< UC2 was hard to pick up with less likeable characters (to me) + feeling like Chap 1 wrapped up so nicely + I’m bad with interpersonal conflict. And then I never got past the start of ep 1 of Pirates cause bad British accents is my pet peeve and B Dave’s character was first introduced 😭
oh i'm ALWAYS here for d20 hot takes. (god i love sam says that was so fucking funny, especially because what lou then gave was the most mild gossip i've ever heard)
1- completely valid. and to a large extent, i do too- i did ultimately enjoy the season, primarily because i love the characters so much.
2- skill issue. calorum campaigns slay absolute penis. (for real though totally fair, they're not for everyone. but i do think it's interesting in conjunction with watching for character arcs/development, bc i think acoc in particular is one of the best with that)
3- ooh yes one-shots are a different thing entirely, always a fun time.
4- coffin run FUCKS. my favorite non-intrepid heroes campaign, and it's only acofaf that comes sort of close. everyone needs to watch it, and if they've already watched it and don't appreciate it, they should try again. i could talk forever about it and how great it is.
5- yes. a million times yes please give us 20 episodes with aabria gming i'm begging. and in general yeah i'd love to see a guest dm have more time and space to flex. (except mercer please no more mercer in the dome)
6- i feel you. it took me a long time to get through tuc 2, this is a cody walsh hate account (half joking). and it took 3 attempts to get through pirates as well. honestly what got me through it was myrtle, cheese, and the little bit of garthy that we got. i found the other characters kinda annoying, big same on that accent, bob's was grating, too.
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