#funny how this whole prompt list is ‘things you said’ and i have almost no dialogue
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dellephone · 6 months ago
things you said after you kissed me + landoscar
“Oh.” Oscars eyes are wide, barely following Lando as he leans back. And yet, he still manages. It’s electrifying, Oscar’s eyes on him like this. It’s a struggle not to lean back in, see how long it takes for Oscar’s hands to catch up. Instead, he pulls away, lets Oscar come to him. All it takes is their last point of contact to separate, the graze of Lando’s hand against Oscar’s jaw, for Oscar’s eyes to sharpen. He grips Lando’s hand, places it back, firmly against his jaw, pulls him back in. Lando doesn’t pull away this time, happy to have achieved what he wanted. He can’t help the curve of his mouth, smug satisfaction forcing a smile. They only stop when a laugh escapes Lando’s lips. Oscar frowns in annoyance, but can hardly hold the expression for long, the laughter far too infectious. He tilts his head forward and does his best to kiss Lando through the giggles.
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deadbydangit · 1 year ago
hi! i would like to request a prompt.
how do you think the killers would react to a survivor!reader who screams extremely loud when injured?
I think I can do that. I'm sorry this one is a little shorter. I had a hard time coming up with ideas. Please enjoy.
With a Reader who is very loud when injured: Ghostface, Trickster, Pinhead
Danny actually enjoys watching people get hurt.
To an almost unhealthy level.
Like, seeing people fall down and get mildly hurt?
To him, that's hilarious.
But he takes it several steps further.
He's the guy laughing at horror movies when people are getting stabbed to death.
"Ha! It's funny cause they were stupid."
He'll say some dumb frat boy shit like that.
He really enjoys the sound of people screaming in pain.
The louder the scream, the funnier it is.
He finds a sick sense of humor in it.
You can ask him why, but he'll give you the same answer every time.
"Uh, because it's funny."
He's kind of an asshole.
But you?
"Okay, babe, I know I said I like the sound of people and pain and screaming at all but, like, chill. Okay?"
"Seriously, there's loud. And then there's you."
"I came out to have fun and kill, and now I can't hear shit."
But, he uses your scream as an excuse.
He won't ever go after you.
And if you ask why?
"Your scream is like, torture. I'll take my chances with the Entity."
Well, he isn't exactly lying. So you can't get mad at him.
He calls that a win-win situation.
The sound of screams?
Music to his ears.
If you thought Danny had a sick obsession with screams and people's pain, you haven't seen anything yet.
Ji-Woon lives for the sound of people in pain.
So much so that he uses it to create music.
"The last sound a human ever makes? It's a beautiful sound isn't it?"
He gets way too excited about it.
Your screams?
He'd rather listen to nails on a chalkboard.
You'll always catch him covering his ears when you scream.
Unlike danny, he'll still hunt you in a trial if you're in one together.
But, he won't record your screens for his music.
Don't take offense to it though.
He'll make sure to show you and tell you all the other ways you're special to him.
So what if you don't have pretty sounding screams?
You have so many more great qualities to you.
And, if you ever feel humiliated about not sounding pretty enough for him, he'll list all the other reasons why he loves you.
If you feel left out because you aren't in any of his songs, he'll find a way to include you.
Just, you know, not your atrocious screams.
You know what they say.
Pain is pleasure.
That's kind of his whole thing.
Elliot loves the sound of your screams.
He loves the sound of all screams.
As long as they are screams of pain, he's happy.
In fact, he seems to like yours more since they convey more emotion.
The more agony and suffering in the person, the more he enjoys the sound.
It's only to be expected of Hell's high priest.
Now, just because he likes the sound of your screams, doesn't mean he's going to go out of his way to attack you during a trial.
You'll be given a fair chance just like everyone else.
And, if he happens upon you, then it's up to skill after that.
He finds himself very fascinated by her screaming.
He didn't think a normal human could scream that loud.
Or that intensely.
He would love to experiment on it more.
However, he will refrain from causing you unnecessary pain.
Even though he likes the sound of your pain. He knows you don't like it.
And he loves you enough to respect those boundaries.
Even when you're screaming at the top of your lungs and pain, he'll hold his laughter back.
He wouldn't do that for anyone else.
It's a bizarre way of showing affection.
But, hey, it's a start.
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emberfrostlovesloki · 4 months ago
Unsweetened Lemonade [Hotch x Reader]
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Photo Credits: Center (@2k17-xanax-girl) Right and Left (@lesbianhotch)
Prompt: Aaron struggles after the death of Haley, until he takes a prescription sleep aid, Halcion. The ramifications of that choice will change his and the reader's life forever. 
Pairing: Aaron x Bau-Reader
Category: Angst/Whump 
Word Count: 4.4K
Content Warnings: Drug abuse [Hotch] trauma [Hotch] distressing situations, depression, and hospitals. If I missed any, please let me know. 
A/N: Hi all! I hope you are all doing very well! Here is the first whump fic of the month! I know the month is almost over but from me the whump will continue a while longer as I have four other whump fics planned. My writing this took some time but I was happy when I was writing rather than stressed, so I think that’s a good thing. The fic title is based on the song by Amélie Farren titled "Unsweetened Lemonade" I recommend you give it a listen if you are down. That being said, thank you to everyone who has kept up with me, or to any new readers or followers! Please be kind to yourselves this week and do something you love, you are so special. If you enjoy this fic, likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated! Love Levi - ❤️
List with all stories 
y/n = your name 
“You are relieved of your duties, Agent Hotchner. I wish you well with your future endeavors.” The words stung Aaron more than he expected. He knew this was coming, but the reality of it hit him like a splash of cold water. Hotch refused to look away from Strass. He could tell from her expression that she didn’t wish him well. What was worse was that he knew she knew. He got up from his chair and extended his hand. The Director also stood, and the height difference between them was almost funny. She took his large hand and gave it one firm shake before dropping her hand to her side and giving him a look that said, “You’re dismissed.” without having to utter a sound.
Aaron took a breath and walked out the door. Dave was at the end of the hallway, he had been the whole meeting. Aaron shook his head, no, and Rossi dropped his head. He’d clearly wanted, and maybe even expected a different outcome. Hotch hadn’t, he’d seen it coming for over a month now. No matter how much he thought about the outcome of today, he’d never in a million years seen his life turning out like this. Only a few months ago everything had been fine, fine? 
Many weeks after Haley had died, Hotch had still woken up dripping sweat from night terrors or nightmares about her dead corpse rotting, stalking, or begging him to let her live. Night after night his former wife was tormenting him for not being good enough. Worse, it wasn’t his failure as a husband, but his failure as an FBI Agent and Unit Chief. When he’d almost passed out and had a breakdown on a case, Dave had pulled him aside and insisted that he go to a hospital. Aaron felt guilty about going to get care during a case. He’d resisted. However, when the small-town doctor had filled a prescription for Halcion and he had taken the meds that first night, he had the best sleep of his life, or at least for the last year. 
Things really had been good for a bit after that. When he felt like he needed a strong night’s sleep, Aaron would pop one of the small blue-greyish pills and would knock out a few minutes later. The team had even noticed his improvement in mood and energy. Most of them thought that it was because he was continuing this therapy, which he’d stopped as soon as was allowed by the departmental standards. He couldn’t speak about his failings any more than he had. When the topic of Haley came up, he’d felt such a sharp pain in his chest and stomach it made him want to vomit. 
On one of those good mornings, y/n had brought pastries and coffee for the team. Aaron was nowhere to be seen, and she knew that meant he was either in a meeting or holed up in his office like he normally had been -- more -- in the months before Foyett. Just as she ascended the stairs, the elevator dinged and Aaron stepped out and toward his office. y/n offered him one of her brilliant smiles and said, “Speak of the devil.” Hotch chuckled and replied, “Who, me?” y/n rolled her eyes and said, “I brought you one of those danishes you like from the bakery. You know you’re losing weight, right? What do I need to do to fatten you up?” y/n said it half in jest, but there was a seed of truth in her statement as well. 
Aaron and y/n had an odd relationship. Almost like they were dating, but they weren’t. But if anyone else saw them, that would be the assumption. Aaron opened the door for y/n and said, “I could write you up for insubordination for a comment like that y/n, you know.” y/n brushed past him and looked into his eye a slight twinkle in her own as she said, “Right, right, and you’ve said that to me how many times this week already.” 
When Hotch got to his desk, he poked back and replied, “Where’s my coffee? I see Reid and Garcia have theirs.” y/n crossed her arms over her chest and said, “You don’t need coffee. You’ve been more active than usual these last few weeks. What’d the therapist give you? Or did they finally put the cocaine back in Coke?” Aaron looked up, straight-faced, but he was near laughter. However, y/n’s words cut close. Too close. He could feel the pills in his desk like a small fire threatening to get bigger with a small gust. He wasn’t supposed to have kept taking them, but the form that he had gotten from the small-town doctor who was also the psychiatrist, was so easy to change to his D.C. doctor’s name so he could get a refill by just going to the website and hitting a button. Thankfully for him, the office staff hadn’t noticed the change yet. 
Hotch had never done drugs, at least not hard ones. In undergrad, there’d been some weed, and LSD, but nothing major and not often. He didn’t find it so hard to stop, as he needed his full faculties for school. He realized it wasn’t worth the high of the moment versus the accomplishments he could make in the future. Now he felt like he was back in his dorm as he took his one pill a night, but he hadn’t seen any negative consequences so far, and as y/n had said, he even had more energy which was better for the team, and much better for Jack. 
Five months later had been the real shift. After all, the road to hell was paved with good intentions, and Hotch did think he was doing the right thing with the pills. They were helping him get back on his feet. The five-month anniversary of Haley’s death hit Aaron hard. It was close to their wedding anniversary and the two events cut into him like a red hot brand. He hadn’t expected it to be such a strong feeling that it nearly knocked him off his feet. Thankfully there wasn’t a case that week, and even if there had been, Dave would have told him to stay home anyway. That night after getting Jack to Jess’s and saying goodnight to his son, he drove back home and took two pills instead of one. He was out like a light. The dawn came and his mouth was dry and he felt a little woozy as he got out of bed to shower, but the cold water perked him up and he realized he felt pretty fucking good. Well rested again, even after something emotionally hard. 
Hotch had promised himself that taking two pills would be a rare occasion. Only for the toughest nights, and only when Jack wasn’t home. He wasn’t sure how “out of it” he was when he took two, so he didn’t dare risk it while his son was home. But the next few days he really didn‘t sleep as well and he went to work cranky and off-kilter. The pins and needles were a feeling he had and an irritation that wasn’t like him. No one on the team had really noticed, and Aaron was especially glad that his stoicism often came off as disinterest in anything apart from work. There was always Dave though. Hotch could tell that his friend was worried about him, just not sure what to be worried about. Aaron knew he’d have to come up with a valid excuse for Dave soon or start acting like a normal functioning human. 
Hotch felt bad now for how he’d treated Spencer for his Diludad addiction. Not that he hadn’t offered support and help. He’d even offered to pay for Reid to go into rehab if that was something he wanted. Of course, Reid had declined and pretty much fully recovered. There were moments sometimes when Aaron could see the desire for a hit on the young agent's face. It pained Aaron because he knew how much Spencer was struggling in those moments. However, he’d never fully understood as well as he did when he was dealing with his own addiction. Not that Hotch was willing to call what he was doing an addiction. It was just a small problem to solve. It was shocking how much cognitive dissonance Aaron held with his ever-growing issues. What he was calling a “small problem,” was developing into a fully formed addiction - though his rate of intake might have been slower than others on Benzos. 
When Aaron was on a regular schedule of taking two pills a night and starting to consider a third dose mid-day but he he hadn’t gotten there yet. It was an annoying case with as many authorities as possible walking over everyone else’s toes and getting hurt when it happened even though that party just did the same thing to the police. The team was out in a field and to be brutally honest, Hotch needed the restroom, Spencer and Emily were having a loud half conversation half argument near him, Rossi was trying to calm the state troopers, JJ was off somewhere talking to a troublesome reporter and the sun was so bright. It was giving Aaron a migraine that was only getting worse. 
Morgan was on his left asking some sort of question and becoming more insistent with each word, but Hotch couldn’t understand him and his head was pounding until he finally said, “Give me a Goddamn minute, Morgan.” A look of shock and then briefly anger flashed on the strong agent's face before Derek said, “What the hell is wrong with you, Hotch? You’ve been acting off for weeks now.” Aaron thought about snapping back, but his brain had caught up with his mouth, and he closed it before any other hateful words seeped out. He’d fucked up big time and he knew it. Even if Hotch wasn’t going to say anything else apart from an apology, Morgan who could be hot-headed was winding up to say something else. Before he got a chance, Rossi took hold of his arm and said, “Come on, Let’s take a breather before any of us say anything else that we regret.” While Rossi towed Morgan away, the light touch of y/n’s fingers on his arm indicated that he was to follow her which he did. At least in y/n’s company, he was unlikely to explode again. 
They walked in silence as the sky grew quickly grey and the wind blew the leaves on the ground in pointless circles. Hotch and y/n didn’t talk at first. y/n wanted to give him time to sort out his thoughts before asking questions or giving advice. Certainly, there had to be a reason for his odd behavior. Derek had been right about one thing, Hotch had been acting off the last month or so, but no one had yet brought it up with him. 
While y/n was thinking, Aaron’s mind was also a sea with crashing waves and he was a man lost in that vast ocean struggling to catch his breath. Unknow the the rest of the team apart from Derek there were other tensions between the men that hadn’t been resolved. Two weeks there was talk about promotions in New York or Chicago again. Morgan’s name had come up at the round table, and trying to be supportive, Hotch had only said that Derek’s leadership skills were on par or above anyone else mentioned. The next week, Strauss had called Morgan into a one-on-one meeting to discuss his possible transfer to either Chicago or New York. No matter which option Morgan picked, it would say something about Aarons's leadership and judgment. Before he had a chance to decline the offer, Erin added, “Agent Hotchner speaks very highly of your talent you know. Your ambition and drive are a cut above.” Strauss adding the last phrase, which Hotch had not said, made Morgan scowl for just a second. What did Hotch know about his drive and ambition? To him, it sounded like Aaron wanted him off the team because there was some secret competition between them. That their fearless leader was scared of him. This set Morgan off. First, he didn’t like comparison and second, he didn’t like being told what to do. 
By the time the meeting was over, Derek had told Strauss no, he was seething. He moved straight to Aaron’s office where they spent a good twenty minutes whisper yelling at each other so no one who looking into the office would think anything weird of it. Derek started strong by saying, “You don’t get to tell me what to do, Hotch. You might be my boss, but you don’t run my life!” Aaron looked a bit shocked and asked, “Pardon? What is this about?” This response only made Mogan more angry. He assumed Aaron was trying to brush it off. When he had clarified, the two continued to talk, and though they’d partially patched things up over the last week, the foundation was a bit weak at the moment. Hotch’s outburst hadn’t helped him any on that front. He could picture the small cracks in the concrete getting bigger with each step. 
Finally, after a long time, y/n asked, “You gonna be alright, Hotch?” Aaron sighed and looked at y/n before replying, “Yeah. I just have to apologize to Morgan. This case is eating at me more than normal.” That was all a lie. The Benzos were eating at his mind more. More. More. More. But y/n didn’t seem to notice as she said, “Yeah. This one’s weird. Too many cooks in the kitchen. No wonder the pot boiled over.” Hotch nodded and gestured for them to start back to the scene. He hoped if he did apologize they could get back to the prescient or motel faster, his heart was beating oddly and the pins-and-needles sensation was creeping back up his legs. The day somehow managed to drag along to a conclusion but it was long and stressful and almost as soon as he was in his room, Hotch popped three pills and planned to take even more before he slept. Once the dose hit that warm sleepy feeling came over him and the world was right again. He pushed himself toward his bed in the tacky motel room and was out like a corpse before he even had the chance to turn off the overhead light and fan that was making lazy circles and circulating the warm air around the cramped space. 
If that complicated situation with Morgan hadn’t been embarrassing enough for Aaron, then nothing would be, but he’d regret the path he was taking soon enough. And this go around, there would be no patching things up. 
It was another case. It was the dead of winter in Wyoming and there was a killer forcing people to freeze to death. The cold was biting and hard for everyone, and the team was used to cold. However, this case required them to be out in the frigid air for long stints and it made everyone feel numb at some point or another. The team was functioning pretty much as normal and after a significant lead had been taken and moved the case forward at a fast clip, Hotch called for the team to get dinner and have an early night as a reward. He said that they would pick up early in the morning and that they should get inside before someone caught a cold. Although the gesture was appreciated by the team, y/n and Rossi gave their Unit Chief a weary look. Hotch was being odd again and no one else seemed to be noticing. y/n looked over to Rossi who gave a tiny nod that had also noticed her gaze. 
They would talk about their concerns with each other when they got to the hotel. Unfortunately, their conversation about what might be wrong with Aaron would be no use, because at 3:00 AM a guest who wasn’t on the team who had gotten high tried to make microwave mac and cheese, but completely forgot to add water to the spinning plastic container. Within a minute the fire alarm was blaring as the carbs and plastic burned and sent acrid fumes throughout the hallway and the hotel as a whole. With the smoke and alarm going off, everyone asleep or not moved outside as they waited for the firemen to arrive. Everyone except Aaron. All the team were assembled outside wondering what had happened and if there was something else going on with the case or if this was a drill or any other variety of things. Hotch still hadn’t come down and they assumed he was grabbing something, but after a minute they all became worried. 
Just as they headed toward the door to go back inside and see what was wrong, the firetruck came screaming into view and the firefighters intercepted the team. One burly woman held y/n back from going inside and asked, “What do you think you’re doing?” y/n sighed and said, “My boss is in there!” y/n composed herself and pulled out her ID and said, “I’m a federal agent and he’s the Leader of the Behavior Analysis Unit, I have to get to him.” The woman huffed and crossed her arms over her chest as her unit rushed inside ready to face the “fire,” and replied, “Ma’am, you could be the King of England and I’d still not let you in there. Let my team do their jobs, please?” Desperate but with nothing else to do, y/n stepped back toward Rossi and Derek who were pacing and talking. 
After what felt like ages, the ringing of an ambulance sounded louder and louder. y/n internally begged that it wasn’t for Hotch. After all, there could be other people trapped in the tall building who were hurt. Everyone standing outside in the cold moved aside as the paramedics moved it. At this point y/n was frigid and Spencer stepped forward draping his warm sweater over her shoulder. Shocked by the sudden warmth, y/n turned around and said, “Thanks, Spence.” A few minutes later, y/n and the team could see the paramedics and firefighters moving toward the exit. Someone was on a stretcher, and once the cavalcade was outside the BAU members noticed it was Aaron being wheeled out. They all ran forward and Derek asked one of the medics, “What happened to him? Smoke inhalation?” The EMT looked up briefly and then back down before saying, “Benzo overdose, or close to. He must have been using it for some time to build up a tolerance this high. We found lots of bottles in his room. We’re having them tested to see where they’re from.” 
The comment the man made left everyone dumbfounded. Aaron had OD? The team’s silence was momentary as they burst into chatter about what this meant and if it was intentional or not. Was it related to the case? Though no one really wanted to believe it was a choice Hotch would make, Derek, Dave, and y/n knew deep down inside that this wasn’t case-related. 
When Aaron woke up, it was with the biggest sense of not knowing where he was he had ever experienced. Everything was foggy and he could feel a needle in his arm. When he could open his eyes enough to recognize Dave sitting in the corner of his room the reality of the situation sunk in. “What happened?” he rasped out. His throat was so dry that it felt like it was on fire. Rossi looked up from his corner before standing and grabbing Hotch a small paper cup full of water. Once Aaron had drunk, Dave said, “You almost died. There was an accident at the hotel and the fire alarm went off. You slept through it and the firefighters called EMS. You’re lucky someone was high last night, you might not have made it.” 
Aaron closed his eyes hearing this news. It was over, it was all over. Somehow even more so than when he took extra pills last night without really thinking about it. It wasn’t a good feeling, but at least his horrible, shameful secret was out. He didn’t have to keep hiding it or attempt to hide it. Hotch suspected Rossi had known all along and was waiting for him to ask for help. Not surprisingly, Dave asked, “Why, Aaron? Why do this to yourself? You’ve always been the strong one. The one that weathers the storm. This isn’t the friend that I know.” Rossi’s words stung, but he was right. Hotch took a few moments before saying. “Maybe I’m tired of being the strong one. I’ve had enough. After Haley… I didn’t feel like trying. I don’t want to feel like trying. I don’t want to die or anything. I need to be there for Jack, but the job is different now. Tainted. And I have a feeling when I’m gone I’m still going to be working here in some way. Something will go wrong and I’ll still somehow get the blame, ‘Oh that was Hotchner’s duty, must have not gotten to it before he was let go.’” Rossi bit the inside of his lip because Aaron was being honest. One thing about the FBI, if you could throw someone under the bus, you would cover your ass. 
Rossi said softly, “You should rest. You’re going to need it for what comes next.” Aaron gave a small nod and decided not to be a smart-ass and retort, “Isn’t that what I’ve been doing too much of here?” Surprisingly, Hotch fell asleep pretty quickly even if he thought he wouldn’t. When he woke, Rossi was gone, but he wasn’t alone. y/n was in his seat instead. She noticed he was awake and said, “How are you feeling?” Hotch gave a small grunt before saying, “You shouldn’t be in here, y/n.” The bluntness of his words cut at y/n and she furrowed her brow saying, “Aaron, it’s not like you’re going to get up and attack me, and from what I know Benzo's addiction isn’t transferred by air.” 
y/n would never have said something like that, but she felt fried and his opener hadn’t helped her mood. Hotch sighed. He knew he’d made a mistake speaking that way. But he needed to do what he did next for y/n’s sake. He could wreck his own life, but not y/n’s. He’d never do anything to hurt her. And realizing that he finally realized he loved y/n. That tiny seed had been germinating for months and finally bloomed too late;  now he’d forever lost his chance. He put on a stern face, a reprimanding face as he said, “No, I can’t give you that, but my reputation is a tainted one now, and you should stay far away from me. Pretend you didn’t even know me for your career.” y/n huffed, seeing what he was trying to do. She bit at her thumbnail before replying, “We can fix this though, right?” The panic in her voice broke Aaron as he said, “No.” 
y/n took a sharp breath in before stating firmly, “But Reid…” Hotch cut her off saying, “That was different. You weren’t there for that, y/n. We protected him. That can’t happen for me. And you are not to try and save me. Let that be my last order to you as Unit Chief.” y/n looked devastated. How was the team going to be a team without Hotch? She tried to hold back her tears but they bubbled over and she rushed from the room, not wanting Aaron to see her like this. When y/n was gone, Aaron slumped back into bed and harshly rubbed his eyes. He felt more alone than ever.
It was two weeks that Hotch was formally suspended and three days later, on a Friday he was let go from the F.B.I. Derek would be taking his spot as Unit Chief, and though he wouldn’t be there to see it, he knew it was going to be a rough transition. He was only happy for Rossi to still be there to be a mentor to Derek and the rest of the team. He’d prepped for this day that he knew was coming and as he left the office for the last time, he dropped a letter off in y/n’s mailbox. He wouldn’t be so conspicuous as to just put it on her desk. It read: 
y/n, I’m so sorry things had to end like this. You are an amazing agent and will continue to be without me here. There are so many things I regret, the things that led up to this firing, but my feelings for you as well. I know it’s unfair to you for me to do this now, but you really are a special person, y/n. Maybe, years from now when things are different we could see each other again? I hope that’s something you would want. I hope by then I’d be worthy of you. I wish you the best, and, until later, you have my best thoughts and wishes - Aaron. 
Hotch walked out the door as Derek got out of a meeting this Strauss. Agent Hotchner was to be forgotten as much as possible. No bringing him up or asking him for help. Morgan walked into the mail room and saw the letter poking out from y/n’s box. This was odd because she was relatively new and didn’t get much if any mail. Derek suspected it was from Aaron, and his suspicion was proven correct as he pulled out the letter and studied the outside. Of all of them, y/n would suffer the most from Hotch’s loss, so without much thinking about it, Derek grabbed the letter, crumpled it, and tossed it in the recycle bin. Over the next few weeks there were many challenges for the team and Aaron, but at least Aaron thought that his message had been clear, little did he or y/n know that it hadn’t been received. So the weeks went on and y/n thought Aaron had dropped her like a hot potato onto the ground, and Aaron, waiting for some sort of reply lost hope that he would hear from y/n again. Maybe she was listening to the rumors about him that must be circling the office. Either way, what could have been a sweet and lovely thing, remained soured like unsweetened lemonade.
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ryuichirou · 7 months ago
Some replies!
Anonymous asked:
Do you have an Ao3 account?
I honestly forgot that I had one because I don’t read or write fics… so it’s just for leaving kudos from time to time when I remember to log in lol
Katsu’s account isn’t as empty as mine though! But Katsu doesn’t write fanfics very often; the one I posted a sketch for yesterday was the first twst one Katsu wrote.
Anonymous asked:
I was looking at Union birthday interviews again, and the deserted island answers spark some really really reallyinteresting scenarios... Stuck in a deserted island without Internet with a guy who now can do whatever he wants with you(r body) 👀👀👀 And you can't even complain because YOU chose him!!!
Truth to be told, I originally thought of this with Lilia/Vil considering how Lilia behaved back in Stitch event, but then I realized it could be so scrumptious with other ships too! Ruggie/Deuce, Kalim/Leona, Jack/Jamil (and these three who picked victims to stuck with on an deserted island: Jack/Epel, Rook/Silver, Ortho/Malleus)
I really love this question, I wish the next bunch of birthday interviews would have more “theoretical scenario” questions like this one. It’s like the characters themselves give us a prompt for a fic or a doujin lol Stuck in a deserted island…together…
Lilia/Vil on a deserted island sounds like a delightful time, but I also don’t know what Lilia did in the Stitch event, so maybe it’s not as delightful as I picture it LOL But all of these combinations are so fun… I think Rook/Silver and Ortho/Malleus are the ones I would love to see the most.
Also, if I remember correctly, Idia went through an entire list of characters before making his pick, the boy ANALYSED IT he is so picky!!
Anonymous asked:
I was rereading Lilia's union birthday card (spoilers now if you haven't watched it— you should!!!) And thinking that his ideal brother being someone who is not "boring or too independent" but more unpredictable and interesting is really silly when it sounds like his ideal "baby brother" is the total opposite of Silver lol 😭 I can't help but think Lilia has been waiting Silver's whole life for him to hit his rebellious phase and start acting out, but Silver remains as adoring and steadfast as ever... I wonder what Silver would think of this lol
OH I remember that one!! It’s funny how pretty much the first thing he said was “well not Vil or Trey”, like why would you even mention them then, Peepaw? So mean lol
It really is very easy to imagine Lilia waiting for Silver to become a little rebel… If he had had a moment of disobedience or brattiness, Lilia would’ve probably secretly be very pleased. It’s like wow! I’m raising a little firecracker. Or maybe it was a pleasant contrast with Malleus: finally, a child that isn’t trying to burn your face out of pettiness lol
Maybe Silver would get confused and/or upset by it… he is trying his best to be the best son for Lilia, and all this time Lilia just wanted more trouble?
Anonymous asked:
do you ever intend to watch cloudcalling on the savanna/tamashina mina? i know you’re not a big fan of leona and leona’s the star of the show, and i honestly can’t say i disagree with your criticisms of book 2 — frankly, if you said it’s the weakest book, the majority of the fandom would agree with you (and idk if you know but there’s a theory that book 2 was originally book 6, bc when the books were being announced before the game’s release, they were largely in order except savanaclaw being 6 instead of 2. which is admittedly not amazing evidence that the order was rearranged way too late in development, but it’d explain why b2 is so rushed and just… bad, and p. much all other advertisement and promotional material for the game since then has been in the current order). however i feel that this event does a lot for leona’s character, and also offers a lot of worldbuilding for the savanna and context for the way he is. almost like an apology for fumbling the bag on book 2 haha. i’m not trying to force you btw and it’s totally fair if you don’t want to or have other things you want to watch first!!! i’m just a faceless blob on the internet and i obviously can’t (and don’t want to!) force you. i just recommend this event, as a resident catboy lover and lion snuggler!! :3
besides that, are there any potential events that you want to see? for example i’d love an event that takes us to the coral sea, briar valley, or even the isle of woe!!
In general, Anon, we would love to watch all the events at some point (or at least the majority of them), but yeah to be honest Tamashina Mina isn’t really in our top-10 when it comes to priority.
Even though it has Lilia, Vil and Kalim, whom we love a lot, and actually learning more about Savanna would be very cool, and the idea of Leona’s character being better written there is inviting, I guess we’re just not in a Leona mood most of the times lol It all boils down to how I just don’t like the way he is written the majority of times. This balance always feels off somehow, and the way he bounces off other characters doesn’t feel as fun, but maybe it’s due to my personal taste and me disliking this type of character in general. I don’t even know how to describe it in a way that makes sense.
But the thing is, Leona has moments that I genuinely enjoy; for example, I love it when he gets called out or when he is stuck in a funny situation. I liked his fighting scene in the Playful Land event (if you know you know, I’m not spoiling it since it’s not out in EN yet) because it shows him being smart and skilled and then adds a punchline on top of it. So it’s not completely impossible even for me have fun with Leona, and I hope this event has moments like this. But we’ll see… eventually.
The theory that Book 2 was originally Book 6 makes sense because it feels super rushed and “raw” with writing all over the place at times… Honestly, I hope we’ll get some info on it at some point! I doubt we ever will unfortunately, but it would explain a lot. But I’m happy with their order now because we got a lot of stuff from Book 6, which we love so dearly. If Leona had to be sacrificed for it, so be it, we won’t complain lol
THE CORAL SEA EVENT, YES!!! This is the one we are the most excited about, I really hope we’ll get to see it soon! And Briar Valley too of course, and the Isle of Woe since in my head I almost always picture S.T.Y.X. facility, which is so unfair because they have their own (fake) ecosystem underwater, so it’s pretty much Greece-like place!
More events…. more….
It also depends a little bit on the character combo which participates in the event, we clearly have our biases too lol Events with the characters that we strongly ship will most likely get our attention asap. We actually planned on watching the Stitch event back in April, but personal stuff made us delay it for so long that it actually came out in English. We didn’t want to overlap with the Western fanbase, so instead we watched White Rabbit Fest and Ghost Marriage Event or whatever it’s called. The second one is not fully watched though, I’ll mention the reason below. And now I’m not at home so we won’t be able to finish it properly.
What hinders us in most cases is the lack of non-official translations because as soon as the official one is out, nobody is going to bother with translating the event since it doesn’t make sense. But it matters to us :c Same with vignettes, which are even less likely to get translated after their EN release. It ruins the flow of watching TWST by making us constantly looking for videos with the events being unfinished or nobody bothering with the vignettes for the event. It’s a pity, but I understand that it’s a very hard work to translate stuff in general and not to get demotivated by the official translations, because who then needs yours? I NEED!!! Please...
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 1 year ago
You Signed Up For This Prompt List
Prompts for You Signed Up For This by Maisie Peters (+ a few bonus singles), practice good reblog karma and sent a prompt or two to the person you reblog this from
And I am sorry to make it about myself again but you, you signed up for this
Please don't give up on me yet
I know I'll get better, I’m just not better yet
Scared of everything but I'm making it punk
A small towner, I only drink to get drunk
I was so in love, and that don't come off in the wash kinda hope it does though
You're seeing someone pretty and I hate her guts, so
We were bad but we're gonna be good
And I resent you just a little if I'm honest
And I swore that I'd swallow my pride, and you swore you would do better this time
At least I'm trying
One for being lost and alone in your early twenties
One for being obsessed with someone who puts you secondary
One for calling guys with guitars in a cemetery
I want a sorry but I'll settle for a handshake
I'm the baby but I'm gonna be the bigger man, babe
Cause you're awful and I miss you and I killed you in my dream
It's a low when even in my dreams you still don't want me there
You might be awful like all of the time, yeah it's almost inspiring
This wasn't how it's supposed to go, I should be the one you're dancing with
It's not like I've been crying, no, there's just smoke in my eyes
Cause this ain't no John Hughes movie where the girl gets the guy
I keep waiting for the heartbreak music that's never gonna come
Cause if you don't want me then you're not the one
Everyone told me so, don't wait around for you
Guess I misunderstood, thought you liked me too
We went swimming in an outdoor pool and you wouldn't tell a soul at school
I'm just fifteen, I just want you so that's cool
But I don't swim and you're not in love
And you only kissed me after midnight in an outdoor pool
It's the worst day of my life but it's all good
I'm crying and it's ruining my makeup
I wasn't eating and you still said nothing
Now it's coming up roses, kicking up snow, what a long winter, what a bad joke
Love him, I did for a minute, but I'm finished 'cause I've learnt
You kept me as your favourite secret and I thought we just took it slow
I feel like you feel nothing, that's fine
Now that I'm over that hill, you wanna say how you feel
And you've got a girl but you still call me psycho
You made me feel so useful then so used
All your exes found me and so beware, we’re all friends now, maybe you should be scared
You're a serial cheater, 'you up?' text repeater
When I told you you were funny, I lied
You had a couple of exes and I know that they let you get away with it
If I was the last girl on earth you'd still be weighing up your options
She tries to get closer, so you go and ghost her
You're obsessed with your father, red flag and a half
I nearly buried the hatchet then I remembered how you messed with my head
I could be a grown up but baby, you know what maybe I'll release this song instead
I wasn't broken till you tried to fix me
I'd rather see love as an optimistic than know the things that I know now
You're the one that got away and you got away with a lot
They say it's better to have loved even if you lost bt I can tell you it's not
Cause I feel hollow
Now you're kissing that girl I shouldn't worry about, how do you think I'm dealing?
I'll burn this house, I mean it
Well, what does that make me then? I'm your villain
Now I'm drunk and I'm mean outside your house
Whole town's gonna hear how you messed me up
Sister I missed this
If you're looking for the girl of your dreams, she's in Brooklyn with me
"He's fit, go for it", but we wouldn't ever leave a sister behind
And if you wanna take her out, you're gonna have to ask me first
Come on, have you seen those eyes? It’s nothing but the best for her
I miss you already
You gave it all and I gave it up
Late nights in the old arcade, drinking cheap wine as Elvis plays
You were always on my mind
I was scared to throw my heart off the edge, easier to tell myself we'd mess it up instead
But I still wish things were different, don't you?
I can't stop, even if I wanted to, talking to strangers about you
And when I say "I'm sorry," baby, I'll be bluffing
All or nothing, you chose nothing
Thought I'd be a cool girl but turns out I'm livid
Bet you hope I'm done but there's no way I'm finished
Oh, you got away with it, you crossed then burnt the bridge
You pulled a lot of shit, I sat and bit my lip
Everybody knows that a breakup is better when there's someone to hate
But now everything is through, it’s you I wanna call though
I got busy and you forgot how to miss me
You are one tough act to follow
People don't leave people if they really are in love
I was good, just wasn't good enough
Nothing more frightening than a woman scorned
Baby, if you thought that I was trouble then you're gonna hate what's coming next
Is that an angel? No, it's your ex
Woah, I'll fuck your life up as a blonde
I'm gonna make your friends say "Man, you messed that up!" and I would have to agree
You'll rue the day you did me wrong, I’ll put your name in all the songs
I'll twist the knife, it will be fun, fucking your life up
Pinky promised that I wouldn't love somebody if they didn't
They're tortured and I wouldn't understand it
Plus they got a lot of unexamined father/son baggage, they don't wanna talk about it, is that a challenge?
Funny I could pick 'em in a line up, pretty certain I could do it with my eyes shut
I think "You're so cool and different," and then the law pulls up and you won't get in the car and I'm like, "Oh, goddamn, not another rockstar"
Talk about me, make it all about you
You'd leave me dead if it'd set you apart
Aren't I lucky 'cause he could have chosen any girl to fuck with?  And he chose me, so I guess I should be grateful
A little self-obsessive and I sign up, where's the pen? Where's the line?
Glad that I got out before it got dark
You could be a better person, no, it's not hard
If there was a moment in this where you saw it goin' different, tell me what part
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appocalipse · 2 years ago
Idk if you're still doing that prompt list but "sick" or scenario 13 with Steve would be 🥹🥹
i wasn't going to do it anymore, but...reading those prompts gave me an idea so i decided to try ♥ i kinda mixed them together
[SICK; Trying not to look but helping them out of their clothes when they’re physically unable to, both of them so close together. ]
"Steve," you had called, worry eating at you. Halfway to the front door, he'd turned and looked at you over his shoulder. And so, even though you knew the answer, even though you hated the answer he would inevitably give you, you'd asked, "Do you have someone to take care of you?"
And that's how, you remind yourself, you ended up where you are now — moments away from helping him out of his clothes.
The thought seems alarming, but there's nothing romantic or sexual about it.
Or at least there shouldn't be.
"Here," you say, touching the hem of his sweater with shaky hands, hoping he doesn't notice your inexplicable uneasiness. "Let me help you."
Steve lets you. He's a much better patient than you are a nurse, you think. But the reason you're here, helping him out of his uncomfortable clothes so he can hopefully catch some sleep is pretty valid: he's broken his right arm, and as if it wasn't bad enough there is also a cut on the left side of his abdomen, just below the ribs, big enough he'd needed 8 stitches to close it.
In his defense, the car crash hadn't been his fault. 
The sweater is gone after what seems like an eternity of careful movements and apologies at every slightest hint that Steve was in pain (although he'd assured you the whole time that it's okay, it's okay, I'm fine), but in the end, you're successful. How the people at the hospital had managed to get those clothes on him so quickly is an absolute mystery to you. 
You breathe a sigh of relief, a small burden lifted from your shoulders. You don't even have to look to know that Steve is beaming. The fact that he is so calm through it all is even more maddening to you.
Next up is his t-shirt. 
The cycle of nervousness starts all over again when your fingers find the hem of his shirt and you start to lift it up, exposing a small sliver of skin, then a bit more...
Steve says your name and it's the first thing he says after many minutes of being silent, so you lift your head to look at him without a second thought. 
"Breathe," he says, certainly not without kindness but with an unmistakable amount of amusement in his tone as well.
He's too close. Almost nose to nose, a hairsbreadth of distance between your face and his.
And yes, as much as it bothers you to admit it, Steve is right — you were holding your breath without realizing it.
He bites his lip to hide a smile. "That's not funny," you chide, though you're trying to contain your own smile.
"You're nervous."
"You had eight stitches and broke an arm."
"It wasn't your fault," you say, because it wasn't, although he probably isn't apologizing for that specifically.
Steve always drives carefully and responsibly, most likely because there's almost always one of the kids in the backseat of his car. The problem that caused the accident was some malfunction in the car, something you hadn't quite understood because all you could really think about since you found out that Steve had crashed the car was him; if he would be okay, if you'd be able to see him, if he'd be in pain. Most of the explanations got lost on the way from your ears to your brain.
"I meant I'm sorry for calling you," says Steve, and for the first time he sounds serious, almost embarrassed. "From the hospital. They tried my parents first, but they-"
"-are idiots," you say, with more contempt than you probably should let on. Then you realize how rude that probably sounded like. "Sorry, I-I shouldn't have said that. They're still your parents and-"
To your surprise, Steve laughs — a low, small chuckle that barely lasts a second, and even so it's enough to make him wince, probably feeling pain. Fortunately, it passes quickly. "No, no, you're right. I was going to say they're out of town as always, but you're right. They are idiots."
You smile.
The feeling that took over you the moment you'd arrived at the hospital to see Steve and realized that he was there, alone, was indescribable. He was alone in there as if he had no family. As if nobody cared about him. 
Maybe it was for the better that his parents didn't show up until now, you think. You're not quite sure what you would have said or done if they had appeared in front of you.
Great. Now there's a lump in your throat. 
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay," Steve would have shrugged if he wasn't injured, you're sure. "I'm used to taking care of myself, it's no big deal."
"Well, you can forget about that," you say firmly. Because I'm going to take care of you from now on, you hope he understands.
He doesn't say anything. It doesn't seem like he's able to, you realize. But, in his silence, Steve understands; he understands so well that he cannot express his gratitude in words, his affection. He hopes that you will be able to read it in his eyes.
Back to your task, you take a deep breath, looking away from his face to where your hands are gripping the fabric tightly. You help him pull his shirt over his head very slowly, very carefully. 
If Steve feels any pain, he doesn't let it show. It wouldn't be the first time, but you hope it's not the case, hope he's not in pain anymore, that he feels he can be vulnerable in front of you. Everyone needs to be at some point.
There's not much else to look at than Steve's now exposed chest, although you do your best not to stare. The flush creeping up your cheeks betrays you, though, and now there's only one piece of clothing remaining. 
Steve is wearing jeans. You can't sleep in jeans, can you?
"You don't sleep with a shirt on, do you?" you ask, wondering if he'd like something else to wear.
"No," he says. "No pants either."
Your mind freezes for a brief second. Probably not your brightest moment. "Do you want me to- I mean-"
You're far from a doctor, but it doesn't seem like a good idea for him to bend over to take off his own pants when he's had that many stitches.
"Are you asking me if I want you to take my pants off?" Steve is making a huge effort not to smirk, you can tell.
How can he be so relaxed?
Somehow what comes out of your mouth is, "I promise I won't look."
"I don't mind if you do."
A shiver runs down your spine and you feel what can only be described as butterflies in your stomach, something wonderful and unnerving at the same time. Your gaze meets his and you try to sound convincing as you say, with your chin held up, "Stop messing with me, Harrington."
"But I like messing with you."
"Oh my God-" you let out something between a sigh and a small laugh. "I hate you."
"You love me."
And then, it's like your mouth works on its own.
"I do," you find yourself saying.
And, as expected, silence follows. Steve looks shocked. This silence seems to last a lifetime, to stretch out impossibly longer — it's an everlasting torture. You didn't mean to drop the l-bomb on him like this, didn't mean to say the words even though you knew them to be true. He probably did too, but hearing it out loud is a different thing entirely.
Steve's mind is a mess.
Did you mean it as a friend?  he wonders.
Did you mean it as something else?
Did you mean it at all?
Does it change how I feel?
"I love you too."
Unlike you, Steve sounds firm, certain. Like it's a decision. Like he is ready for it to change everything between you two or nothing at all if that's what you want.
"I would do all of this for you too, if you were in my place," he continues…and then he frowns, as if something unpleasant just occurred to him. "Actually, please never be in my place- I don't even want to think about you in pain. Okay?"
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ensnapemysenses · 2 years ago
If Only for a Moment Longer
Pairing: Snape x Reader
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
A/N: This idea came about from an ask I received from an anon with a list of holiday fic prompts! I combined two of them and came up with this! I also think it is very fitting with the prompts 'fireside' and 'snuggles' from week one of Snolidays 2022! Hope you enjoy it!
Word count: 888
Severus stands in the castle's entrance, shivering, his robes covered in the powder of freshly fallen snow and his sack of harvested herbs slung over his shoulder like Saint Nicholas. He shimmies off his snowshoes followed by his damp outer robes and gloves, scowling at the thought of a student seeing him in his current state but knowing he must remove the soiled clothing immediately or he will be facing a rather nasty bout of hypothermia.
As excellent an excuse that would be to miss teaching these dunderheads on their last class before winter break, he would rather eat his own crusty, decade-old shoes and do a funny dance in front of the whole school than allow another professor into his classroom to cover for him. He can’t stand the thought of someone going into his classroom, teaching the students wrong, and silently judging him for the things he keeps in there.
He drifts down to the dungeons, which are slightly warmer than the freezing temperatures outside the castle, and drops the herbs off in his potion storeroom to dry out for the night. These things are best stored completely dry in order for them to retain their freshness and quality longer. 
Upon entering his chambers, Severus throws his damp clothing by the fireplace to dry, then he takes a scalding hot shower. The water effectively warms him up in no time but for safe measure he wraps himself tightly in his warmest robe and settles down on the couch with a mug of hot chocolate, propping his feet up by the fire. He’s soon finding himself lost in the catalog showcasing all the spring seeds that will be for sale at his favorite shop in Hogsmeade and making mental notes for what he will use his school allowance to buy for his classroom when the time comes. 
His quiet time is cut short quickly by a rather loud knock on his door. He groans, not wanting to get up he yells across the room at the perpetrator. 
“Whoever you are, go away! I have no business with anyone tonight.”
“You missed the feast tonight, Severus,” the voice says. “I brought you a plate. May I come in?”
He recognizes that voice and his ears perk up at the sound. 
He calls out their name. “I am in no state for visitors tonight. I am recovering from a cold.”
A lie? Not really, he is recovering from the harsh icy blizzard he just went out in for hours to forage potion ingredients. It’s only a different meaning of the word, there’s no harm done in stretching the truth. Especially in circumstances that would lead to someone laying their eyes upon him in his current vulnerable state — only his bathrobe covering him. 
“Severus, I saw you outside rummaging around in the snow for merlin knows what! I know you aren’t sick yet, but you will be if you don’t eat a warm meal and get your strength up!”
Snape sighs. If that idiotic professor wants to lay their eyes upon the scene of him relaxing in front of the fireplace half naked then so be it. He’s sure it will cause them to scurry away from embarrassment and get them out of his hair quicker.
“Fine, come in.”
Waving his wand, Severus unlocks the door and it slowly creaks open. The professor slips in and almost drops the plate of steaming food on the floor.
“Never seen a grown man lounging in his own chambers before? Pick your jaw up off the floor and have a seat.” Severus gestures toward the empty space on the couch next to him.
“I - I think I should go,” they blush. 
“How absurd! After all, you said it yourself, I’m about to freeze to death. Be a dear and get over here. I could use a good snuggle.” 
The thing that happens next surprises Severus. He fully expected to be left alone after a few muttered apologies and embarrassed glances, but before he knows it, he is not alone on the couch anymore and the space between the two of them is no more than mere centimeters. 
The plate of food remains forgotten on the entryway table as their bodies move together subconsciously to melt into one seamlessly. Severus feels every cell in his body lighting up and sending tingles down his spine, warming him in a way that the fireplace cannot. It seeps through to his very soul, bringing a new feeling of contentment and belonging to his heart. How long has it been since he’s been in such close proximity to another human? He isn’t sure.
He sighs and snuggles down deeper, closing his eyes. His hand decides to take a bold step before his mind can stop him and it delicately traces circles on their thigh as they both sit in silence. 
He could get used to this – comfortable silence spent in the presence of another with the warmth of their body next to his.
The only thing that warns him of the time passing is the crackling of the fireplace and their deep slowing breaths as they both become heavy with sleep.
“It’s getting late,” he mumbles, his eyes slowly opening. 
“I could stay,” they hesitantly suggest. 
“Please,” Severus whispers. “If only for a moment longer.”
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Mingi as a Boyfriend (Extended)
Prompt List               MasterList         Buy me a Coffee
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- The most caring and sweetest bean you will ever meet, even though he has his own anxieties and issues he still puts you first, your happiness and comfort means the world to him and just seeing you smile will make his day 10x better.
- He’s the kind of boyfriend to check in every so often throughout the day, checking if you’re okay, if you’ve eaten, asking what you’re up to or just to simply tell you he loves and misses you.
- His bad days can come and go and after a while you’re able to detect the warning signs, he’s happy to have his space when he needs it but will always end up crawling over to you for cuddles or even just a shoulder to cry on, he trusts you with everything he has and is not affraid to be vulnerable around you.
- His kisses can either be short sweet pecks, not just one, they’re all over your face and if he can’t kiss your face he’s peppering little kisses on your hand and would sometimes trail them up your arm Gomez Addam’s style. Or his kisses could be much deeper cupping your face in both his hands as he pulls you in, holding onto you for dear life almost like if his hold on you loosens you’ll slip away.
- Cuddles with this tall bean will be the cutest, his whole body engulfs you when you cuddle, his arms wrapped tightly around either your neck or waist while his legs are tangled with yours like giant human pretzels, from time to time you’d also be able to feel him tracing small shapes on your skin. 
- I feel he’d also be the type who would randomly go to the store with you at 2am, doesn’t matter what for or what the weather is like he’s there, even if he didn’t want anything he’d just tag along for your company.
- He’d 100% make a playlist for you filled with songs you both love, songs where the lyrics really show how he feels about you and songs that remind him of you, he’d even title it something either really cute or an inside joke that has you both dying of laughter every time you see the playlist.
- Gets all blushy and flustered when you compliment him, some days he doesn’t believe a word of it and gets really shy, but deep down he loves it and it does give him the ego boost he needs.
- KARAOKE DATES. This would be a regualr thing and it would always end with you crying in laughter, you’d start the date trying to sing the songs properly and have a mini concert with each other but you quickly get bored of doing things the right way and the date quickly turns into singing with funny voices or trying to impersonate other singer’s voices in an attempt to make the other laugh.
- He’d be so protective of you, anyone does so much as give you a dirty look and he’s ready to confront them, you can always count on him to fight your corner, he wou;dn’t be afraid to throw hands if needed, he’d be your physical, verbal and mental support.
Smut Section
- He’s not very vocal during sex, too focused on making you feel just as good as he does, he’ll let out a few grunts and groans and maybe a cuss here and there.
- He’ll be hesitant to start with when it comes to being rough with you, the last thing he wants to do is hurt you, but the more and more you encourage him the more he’ll warm up to it, seeing how you respond to the slaps and the chokes would send his mind into overdrive and he’ll be sure to do more of that in the future. 
- Mingi would be AMAZING at oral and wouldn’t stop until you practically beg him to.
- BODY WORSHIP!!!!! This man loves every inch of you and he’s 1000% going to show it.
- I think Mingi is more of a love maker than a fucker, he just wants you to feel so loved and amazing and puts your pleasure as top priority. On the other hand, he can be a fucker when his had a crappy day and he’s a bit pissed off and in need of some stress relief, so when he’s like this get ready.
- A switch but leans more to dom, a very soft dom, he knows your limits and stays well away from them, can become a hard dom if you REALLY want him to. 
- So much praise, like I said before he’s not very vocal but his actions will do all the talking for him, the way he looks at you, his kisses and the way his hands are all over you will be more than enough, there can be days were he might get a bit vocal telling you how well you’re doing and good you are for him. The praises will more often than not come out once you’re finished, cuddling into each other as he strokes your hair telling you how amazing you are.
- I think sex with Mingi would start off as you both messing around and doing random shit and then you both get that little too close to each other and one thing will lead to another and you can’t keep your hands off each other, times like this sex wouldn’t intentionally be the end goal but neither of you are complaining when it does happen.
- He’d be the type to tease you in public, dinner with a group of friends and he has his hand slowly creeping further up your thigh, a deep kiss or bite on the neck when no one is looking and maybe even a sneeky ass grab when he can get away with it. All his teasing would be very spaced out, just as you start to think he’s done teasing you he comes back with more.
- King of aftercare, he’d worry about getting you cleaned up and comfy before anything else, he’d run you a bath after you finish and while it’s running he’d wipe you over lightly with a warm damp cloth and shower you with small kisses. After your bath he’d have your clothes laid out on the bed ready for you before pulling into bed again for cuddles.
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whataboutmyfries · 2 years ago
Wildest dreams (come to life)
Right, so i understand why you'd think this was a paraphrased/mutilated taylor swift song used to hint at a TS songfic but I can promise that this is not that. Instead, have an un-betaed fic that I wrote in multiple fits of midnight/way-too-early-morning fits of inspiration. a wee bit nsfw but no actual explicit-ness
This is, of course prompt number nine (!!!) from this prompt list! the whole collection can also be found on Ao3 here! enjoy!
9. unbuttoning your lover's shirt, pressed against the wall
Remus grinned at his husband, wine-drunk and laughing as they stumbled out of the cab, drunkenly waving at the man driving away. Remus could scarcely believe how incredibly happy he was, married to the love of his life, and his best friend (though Lily would kill him if she ever found out. Remus repeatedly promised her she was a very close second, almost tied for first, and she just laughed, elbowing him in the ribs) 
“Thank you, mister Taxi man! You’re the best!” 
Remus laughs, slipping his hand into Sirius’s, twining their fingers together, stealing his husband’s (husband’s) warmth. Sirius turned, the streetlights bringing out the midnight-blue tones in his hair. Remus’s heart did funny things in his chest at the sight of those devastating dimples flashed in his direction. He grinned right back, his knees going a little weak and his heart taking to fluttering happily, thumping unsteadily at the thought that he got to bring this stunning man home (to their home)
Sirius’s wink was all the warning he got before he yanked Remus into his side, his strong arm coming to catch Remus around the waist, the two of them laughing and stumbling (just a little) to the front door, Remus doubling over in laughter when Sirius dropped the keys (twice).
Sirius glared at him, bending over to get the key into the keyhole, his tongue peeking out of the corner of his mouth as he squinted at the handle. 
Remus, meanwhile, was far too preoccupied observing the delicious curve of his husband’s (Husband!!!!) arse. He grinned, his face scrunching up with joy as he gently patted Sirius’s ass through his jeans. 
“Hmmmmm” Sirius stood up triumphantly, having finally gotten the door open. He turned to look at Remus, stumbling just a little with how quickly he spun on his heel. 
“Remus John Lupin-Black, did you just hum and pet my arse like it’s some sort of absurd…..cat-creature?” Sirius chuckled at the end of his sentence, awfully pleased with himself at his little joke. 
Remus shrugged, leaning forward to wrap his hands around Sirius’s shoulders (damn, his husband had some nice shoulders.), “Well, it’s a very nice arse. It’s not like I could just stop myself.” 
Sirius wrapped his arms around Remus’s waist, trying and failing to hide the amusement in his voice as he pulled his husband closer. 
“Oh, you just couldn’t stop yourself, huh? My mistake then, carry on.” 
Remus grinned, tipping his head to lean closer into Sirius’s space, their lips brushing as he said, “Ask nicely, and maybe I will.” 
Sirius’s eyes heated, the hands at Remus’s waist gripping tighter as his heart raced, his breath hitching at the fire in Remus’s words. 
Remus cocked an eyebrow, grinning against his husband’s lips as Sirius tugged him into their house, kicking the door shut behind them (and pinning Remus against it), never parting their lips for so much as a second while he devoured Remus like a man starved. Remus grinned devilishly, exceptionally pleased with the effect he had on his husband; Sirius bit playfully at his lip in return and Remus groaned into the kiss, scrambling to un-tuck the half of Sirius’s shirt that was still tucked neatly into the (sinfully, delightfully, deliciously) fitted trousers he’d worn for the special occasion. Sirius caught on, and Remus let out a debauched moan as Sirus’s head dropped to his neck, sucking at where his pulse ratcheted against his husband’s positively sinful mouth. 
“Bedroom, darling?” Remus gasped out as Sirius did unholy things‌ to his neck and collarbones, his warm hands finding their way up Remus’s shirt, nimble fingers tracing the dips in his spine. 
Sirius just hummed, tracing a path up Remus’s neck only to capture his lips in a devastating kiss, his weight pinning Remus to the door as his nimble fingers made quick work of the buttons of Remus’s shirt, warm hands eagerly shoving the fabric off of warm skin to let Sirius mouth at the newly exposed skin. 
Remus couldn’t help his choked moan as Sirius mouthed a trail down his body, stopping only when Remus’s head thunked gently against the door. 
Mercury eyes met hazel, and Sirius smirked. 
“Eyes on me Lupin” 
(Holy fucking mother of god fucking CHRIST motherfucking fucking god how is he so ho—) 
Remus could have sworn his brain fused out when he saw Sirius on his knees, looping up at him as he unfastened Remus’s trousers. He took a second to marvel at how gorgeous his husband looked like this; utterly debauched, his shirt hanging open on his (positively edible) shoulders, the tie he’d untied and slung around the back of his neck brushing against his muscled torso as he looked up at Remus (he was on his knees. For Remus. Formeformehe’sallmineforever)
Remus’s heart burst into a thousand shimmering pieces as Sirius pressed reverent kisses to his thighs, pausing only to suck bruises into the muscle of Remus’s v-line and Remus groaned, already imagining how pretty they’d look the next day. His hips thrusted involuntarily as Sirius bit gently at the spot he’d just licked and Remus twined his fingers through Sirius’s hair, tugging him up to kiss him desperately. 
“Bed. Definitely bed.” 
Sirius laughed, the sound pressed into the soft skin of Remus’s shoulder. For just a second, Remus could have sworn he could feel it fill him up with a glowing warmth, spreading from Sirius’s lips all the way into his very soul. 
“Bed it is.” 
Remus let out a choked gasp as Sirius picked him up in one smooth motion, Remus’s legs going around his waist almost on instinct. Sirius smiled, pulling Remus impossibly closer as he reached up for a soft, slow kiss. 
“Happy five years, mister Lupin-Black” 
Remus looked down at the face of his most fantastic dreams come to life. He smiled, incandescently happy as he cupped Sirius’s face in his hands to kiss him again. 
“Happy five years, mister Black-Lupin”
Comments and reblogs are stored in a jar on a shelf to help bring this author joy and glee when the motivation runs dry :))
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noodleblade · 2 years ago
prompt- simpatico publicly debating (flirting) and everyone else is done with it
Enjoy this silly little nonsense. It was fun to write. hope you don't mind the very background rodimags in this:) AO3 Link.
“How could someone as brilliant as you be so stupid ,” Brainstorm snapped, optics ablaze.
“I’m the stupid one?” Perceptor hissed, servo slamming hard on the table. “You may be one of the most intelligent mechs on this ship, but that doesn’t mean your processor isn’t glitched beyond repair-”
Rodimus groaned at the head of the meeting table, pressing his digits into his optic sockets. This went ignored by both scientists, too caught up in an argument Rodimus couldn’t even remember the reasoning for. And for once, he had actually been paying attention.
They had been discussing engine maintenance and scheduling a ship docking so they could shut them down completely. That was all boring but it also presented an opportunity to give the crew a much needed shore leave, which Rodimus was very invested in. He did his best to listen to Perceptor drone on because that meant in a few cycles he’d be off the ship and able to roam free. Somehow, in addressing the adjustment testing they wanted to run, Brainstorm and Perceptor had started bickering and nitpicking at each other’s points, ultimately going to where it always went doing these meetings- incessant arguing to conceal the worst flirting Rodimus had ever witnessed.
It had been going on for sometime now that Rodimus had ultimately lost track of how long . He could probably check the minutes he knew Ultra Magnus was meticulously maintaining but he rather this whole thing just be over with . The meeting already exceeded their estimated time slot and there seemed to be no end in sight. The only mechs actually paying attention at this point were Ultra Magnus (for the minutes) and Drift who looked like he desperately wanted to intervene to play moderator. Even Megatron who was frustratingly annoying about proving himself to be a “respectable” captain had started messing around on his datapad, clearly not paying attention. 
“Oh Primus-” Rodimus buried his face into his servos “-if I order you two to frag already will you both shut up .”
Beside him, Ultra Magnus made a series of stammers, too appalled to get the words out and settled for narrowing a glare at the captain. On his other side, Drift let out a long, exasperated exvent. 
Immediately the yelling ceased. Perceptor looked as if he had been struck while Brainstorm twitched, optics jumping to Rodimus to Ultra Magnus to Perceptor to Drift back to Perceptor, nervous clicking coming as he tried and failed to speak. 
“ Rodimus ,” Drift whispered harshly, “let them figure it out on their own.”
“No!” Rodimus slapped his servos on the table like petulant sparkling. “Nothing happens ever . It’s the same thing! Over and over and over and over! It used to be funny but now it's just sad. I’m done.” Rodimus crossed his arms over his chassis and pointedly looked at the two scientists. “We are having an intervention. Mags, call Chromedome, Rewind, Tailgate, Swerve. Probably need Ratchet here too and then at that point, bring in First Aid. Nautica for sure, Nightbeat, Skids. Anyone else I’m missing that’s issued a complaint?”
Ultra Magnus let out a heavy exvent before adding, “Whirl. Multiple times.”
“Add him to the summons, might as well put Cyclonus on there too.” Rodimus leaned in towards his Second to ‘whisper’, “He hasn’t said anything, but I know he’s got a list of complaints too.”
“Wait, wait, wait, wait ,” Brainstorm yelled, vocalizer almost squeaking out each word. “Complaints? What did we do?”
“ This! ” Rodimus gestured between the two scientists in an aggravated swipe. “All the time! Every meeting! It’s the worst type of flirting I’ve ever seen, even for two mega-nerds like you.”
Perceptor bristled. “Flirting?”
“Mega-nerds?!” Brainstorm yelped in offense. “Try geniuses. Sorry you cannot comprehend true academic debate.”
“It’s not debate if all you do is swing the most poorly concealed compliments I’ve ever heard. The amount of times you jerk off each other’s genius is borderline obscene and that’s coming from me.” Rodimus flopped his torso onto the table, covering his helm in his arms. “You both have no swagger and no game and it’s so embarrassing , you make Mags look like Casanova and he thinks audit reports are foreplay.”
“Who?” Ultra Magnus asked, clearly unsure if it was a genuine compliment or not, embarrassment tinged his field at the mention of audit reports belying some truth to that. 
Rodimus waved him off. “So either frag each other’s processors into blue screen or get over it . Even Megatron is done with it.”
At the far end of the table, Megatron looked up from his datapad. He rolled his optics, gave a stiff, reluctant nod and turned back to his reading. 
Perceptor sighed. “Look, even though I find Brainstorm clever beyond words and a true marvel of scientific ingenuity, doesn’t mean I-“
“Wait really?” Brainstorm cut him off with quiet wonder. “You really think that?”
Rodimus was ready to blow a gasket if he hadn’t already. “He’s only been saying it for months ! Five kliks ago he called you the smartest guy here! That’s basically Perceptor asking you to pop your panel now-”
“Okay, that’s enough.” 
Drift slapped his servo over Rodimus’ mouth. Thankfully, both scientists ignored whatever had come out of their captain, optics locked on each other. Brainstorm’s optics were wide with awe and hope . Perceptor looked almost shy .
“Maybe we should leave them? Or excuse them?” Ultra Magnus dropped his voice to address the other mechs at the table but Drift shut that down. 
“Absolutely not. We are finally getting somewhere.” Rodimus vigorously nodded, despite Drift’s grip on his helm.
Perceptor’s vocalized made a small, embarrassing burst of static before he ducked his helm. “I thought it was quite obvious, how much I admire you.”
“I-” Brainstorm’s wings shifted uncertainly. “You never said anything.”
Drift struggled to keep his servo latched on Rodimus, muffling his rage. 
“Perhaps a mistake on my part,” Perceptor admitted softly. “I’ll correct myself in the future.”
Brainstorm squirmed in his seat, servos distractedly turning his data pad around. “I’ll make sure to do the same.” Brainstorm dared a peek up, their optics meeting. “You mean a lot to me.”
“Me too,” Perceptor agreed, too soft and too fond.
Rodimus ripped Drift’s servo off. “This is worse. This is so much worse. I rather hear Perceptor use the worst sciency words to describe Brainstorm’s aft than this .”
“Perhaps,” Brainstorm’s digits nervously tapped on the tabletop, embarrassment coloring his field, “Percy and I should excuse ourselves?” 
“Only if you agree to frag-”
Drift was silencing Rodimus once more. Ultra Magnus thankfully had more tact when he spoke.
“Perhaps it would be best to continue your discussion in private. We can reconvene next cycle.”
Hesitantly, Brainstorm stood first, optics watching Perceptor nervously. Perceptor was quick to join him, servo extended almost shyly . Rodimus wanted to peel his plating off at the virginal display. Drift managed to keep his groans of dismay muffled as Brainstorm accepted the extended servo, their digits interlocking as they left the meeting room.
“You,” Megatron finally spoke as the doors to the meeting room snapped shut, “you lose the bet.” Looking up from his datapad, Megatron smirked. “I believe no one was supposed to interfere with it.”
“Frag off,” Rodimus grumbled, “I just saved everyone. You're welcome . If anything, you all should be paying me for my services.” 
Megatron didn’t deign him a response, simply standing up and leaving the room. Drift was quick to follow, patting Rodimus on the helm affectionately. All the remained were the captain and his Second. 
“We didn’t finish the meeting.”
“I think there should be a bylaw about postponing meetings for saving everyone the humiliation of watching that .”
Ultra Magnus hummed in consideration for a moment before hesitantly asking, “So the audit reports are not acceptable for you?”
Rodimus patted his Second’ servo lightly. “I didn’t say that, Mags. But we do need to work on foreplay. Don’t worry, I don’t mind.” 
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bluejayblueskies · 4 years ago
oh if you did a little something for jonmartin and "hiding their face in the other’s neck" i would be so 🥺💕
touches prompt list
a little post-circus kidnapping hurt/comfort! cw for wounds/injury, mild blood, mentions of non-consensual touching, and mentions of kidnapping
There is a stranger’s elbow digging into Jon’s side.
He shifts from one foot to the other, trying to relieve some of the pressure on his side while surreptitiously giving the stranger a glare that he hopes adequately conveys his dislike of the current situation. The tube is packed, as it always is at this time of day, and there are… so many strange hands. An elbow, at least, is better than the hand that had pressed to his back as the individual it belonged to had instinctively tried to maintain their balance.
After all, Nikola didn’t touch him with her elbows.
Jon doesn’t want to think about that. He doesn’t want to think about any of it. He wants to lie down in a soft bed and get his first good night’s sleep in a month and finally have the space to process. Alone.
Instead, Martin stands next to him on the train. His hand rests just beneath Jon’s where it grips one of the metal poles, and Martin takes care not to brush against him despite how crowded the car is. Jon considered telling Martin, when they first got on the tube, that it was okay—that his touch would be… well, it wouldn’t be bad. But he’d stayed silent, allowing Martin to cultivate a careful space between them. They’ve been silent for the past twenty minutes as they’ve passed by station after station on their way to Martin’s flat in Brixton.
“I have a flat,” Jon had said uncomprehendingly when Martin had suggested (or rather, gently begged) that Jon come back to his flat with him. “It’s, um. It’s nice. Spacious. S-sturdy locks.”
“You… you don’t have to come if you don’t want to,” Martin had said, sounding and looking very much like he wished Jon would anyway.
“I’m fine.” Jon was not fine. But he could be fine until he got back to his flat. It was always good to have a short-term goal.
Martin gave him a look that clearly said that he thought Jon was full of shit. Jon was, but it was still unnecessary. He was just trying to keep it together. What did Martin want—him sobbing and crumpling to the floor right here in the Archives? No, that wouldn’t do at all.
“You were kidnapped. Twice now. I really don’t want it to happen a third time. Besides, I…” Martin trailed off and fluttered his hands at his sides. “I—I should take a look at your hand. And your, um. Wrists.”
Jon looked down at his arms. They were, indeed, quite red and raw and scabbed over and likely to scar. Nikola had been irritated when she’d seen that he’d been tied up so tightly, but she’d decided there was nothing to be done about it. She would just ‘make do with what she had.’ And, well. She had never stopped Breekon and Hope when they’d cinched the ropes just a little bit tighter each time.
“I have first aid supplies in my flat,” Jon lied. He was fairly certain that he had a backpack of What the Ghost merchandise and a single mattress to his name at the moment. “I can take care of it.”
“So can I.” Martin took a deep breath. “I just… I don’t want to see you hurt, Jon.” His cheeks were flushed a rosy pink, and he looked over Jon’s shoulder at the wall behind him. “J-just for tonight, at least? I want…” Martin swallowed. “I want to make sure you’re safe.”
And then Martin had turned those lovely blue eyes to his, and, well. Here they are.
Jon adds 24 hours onto his mental countdown of the time he has left until he’s allowed to break down and tells himself that he can manage. It’s… important to have long-term goals as well. He splits this one into steps.
Step one: get to Martin’s flat without crying. He achieves this easily enough. He finally escapes the cloying presence of strangers as Martin’s door shuts behind them, and then it’s blissfully quiet. Martin flips on a light, illuminating the space in pale yellow. It’s a little bit messy but otherwise spartan. The walls are painted a dull eggshell white, the floor made of cheap lino. Martin sits Jon down on the couch and disappears into the bathroom. Jon stares at the wall and focuses on breathing evenly and thinking about anything other than how smooth his skin feels when he slowly rubs his fingers together.
Step two: let Martin bandage his wounds without crying. This is… more challenging, if only because it hurts. Martin apologizes profusely as he wets a cotton ball with isopropyl alcohol and gently cleans the inflamed areas. Jon sucks his bottom lip between his teeth and bites down, focusing on anything other than the stinging, burning sensation in his wrists and hands. Funny—he’d thought that at this point, he would be used to the pain, but he’s not. All he knows now is what to expect.
Martin carefully wraps his hand and wrists in bandages. For a moment after he’s done, he delicately holds Jon’s hands in his like they’re porcelain. His hands are warm and soft, and Jon imagines how lovely they would feel against his cheeks. He thinks briefly that Martin is going to raise his unbandaged hand to his lips and lay a kiss across the back of it, but Martin doesn’t. Instead, he sets Jon’s hands back in his lap and stands, mumbling that he’s going to go make some tea.
Jon scrubs his uninjured hand across his eyes, just once.
Step three: sit on the couch with Martin and drink tea without crying. Martin presses a mug of steaming chamomile into his good hand and lays a plate of biscuits between them. “Th-they’re your favorite,” Martin says with a small, nervous laugh, like Jon’s not already staring at the plate with something choked sitting in the back of his throat. “I—I figured you probably haven’t really eaten today, and… I don’t really know what you’ve eaten lately. So, um. Yeah.”
Jon thinks of the things that Nikola had called food, then chooses not to think of them at all. He tucks the memory into a box next to cold hands and exposed skin and burning ropes and slams the lid before it can all come spilling back out again. “Thank you,” he says earnestly. He gingerly takes a biscuit in his stiff, aching hand that hasn’t had the time to heal properly and probably won’t get the chance to do so in the future and pops it into his mouth whole so he doesn’t get crumbs on Martin’s couch.
Step four: eat a biscuit that tastes like the best biscuit you’ve ever had and is the first palatable food you’ve had in weeks without crying.
Jon blinks and comes back to himself. He’s staring blankly at Martin’s face, at eyebrows folded in concern and mouth curled into a small frown. Martin’s freckles are smudged into smears of tan, and the lines of his jaw waver like a mirage in front of Jon’s eyes. That’s odd, Jon thinks. Then, he feels something wet hit the top of his cheek.
Oh, no.
Quickly, Jon reaches up and scrubs the tears away from his eyes. As soon as he lowers his hand, more spring up in their place. He curses and sets his mug of tea down heavily on the table, taking one more look at Martin—whose eyes are now wide with worry—before turning away and attempting to pull himself together.
Step five: stop crying. Stop crying. Stop crying.
(Stop crying, his grandmother says as he stands in the living room, hands and knees dirty and hair a mess. He’s managing to say words between his sobs, words like book and stole and spider. She’s frowning at him, but her voice is still patient and calm when she says, You’re not making any sense, Jonathan. Stop crying, please, and speak clearly. You had a nightmare?)
“Jon, what’s—” Martin catches himself, which Jon is thankful for. He thinks that if Martin had finished that question—asked him what’s wrong—Jon wouldn’t have been able to stop himself from saying, what isn’t? “What can I do to help?” he says instead, a hand hovering carefully in the air between them like he doesn’t know if he’s allowed to touch Jon or not.
“Don’t look,” Jon manages to say. He immediately feels ridiculous and follows with a quick: “S-sorry, it’s—I don’t k-know how to—I’m not—I’m n-not good at—”
“I’m not looking,” Martin says softly.
Jon cuts off, takes a breath, and turns his head back toward Martin. True to his word, Martin has his eyes closed, though his hand remains in the air between them. Jon presses his good hand to his mouth for a moment to hide how the sight rips a new, more ragged sob out of him. Then, tentatively, he reaches forward and takes Martin’s hand.
Martin inhales sharply. Jon almost lets go, but Martin curls his fingers around Jon’s hand and squeezes. He holds Jon’s hand tightly yet so achingly softly, and Jon could weep. (Or rather, is weeping.)
“Can I hug you?” Martin says abruptly, like he’d been fighting an internal battle about whether or not to say it and had just lost. His cheeks darken, but he doesn’t say anything else or take it back. His jaw shifts as he pinches his lips together and worries them back and forth.
Jon is… not the kind of person who initiates or seeks out hugs. He always makes them too stiff, or he holds on just a bit too long and makes them awkward, or he doesn’t know what to do with his hands and ends up just dangling them uselessly in the air. He’s also never really seen the point of them if he’s being honest. As a form of greeting, surely handshakes or waves or head nods get the point across just fine. Right now, though, there is truly nothing in the world that Jon thinks would make him feel safer than having Martin’s arms around him.
Jon nods, then remembers that Martin can’t see him and whispers, in as composed a voice as he can muster: “Please.”
Step six: hug Martin Blackwood without falling apart completely.
Martin’s arms are soft and warm around him. His chest is flush with Jon’s, and he’s holding him so close that Jon is practically on Martin’s lap. All Jon can think is that it’s been so long since he’s been held by something not made of sawdust or plastic. He grips the back of Martin’s jumper with lotion-soft hands and cries tears that have been collecting for a month into the fabric as he buries his face in Martin’s neck. Martin’s hands rub large circles across Jon’s back, and he’s whispering gentle words into Jon’s ear. Things about safe and okay and time and here.
By the time Jon feels thoroughly wrung dry, his cheeks are sticky and his head is throbbing and he’s desperately in need of a glass of water. He takes a few deep breaths, then carefully extracts himself from Martin’s arms. Martin lets him go easily, though his hands remain resting lightly on Jon’s elbows as if he can’t bear to let him go completely.
Jon thinks he knows the feeling.
Martin’s eyes are still closed, and Jon is hit with such a swell of affection he can hardly breathe around it. “Y-you can open your eyes,” he says, a bit sheepishly. Martin does, and if he’s affected by the state of Jon’s face, he doesn’t show any indication of it. “Sorry,” Jon mumbles, twisting his ring—now on his left middle finger instead of his right—around and around mindlessly. “I just…”
“You don’t have to explain yourself, Jon.” Martin squeezes Jon’s elbows gently. “I understand. Any time you need me to look away, I will. Okay? I just…” He takes a breath. “I’ll always be here. F-for you when you need me.”
If Jon weren’t thoroughly out of tears, that would make his eyes water. Instead, he nods and offers a small, weak smile. “I know. Thank you, Martin. It… just. Thank you.”
Step seven: fall asleep safe against Martin’s side in the bed that he insists is big enough for two, face pressed into Martin’s neck once again and hands curled loosely in Martin’s sleep shirt.
He’s so drained by the time they’re there, so wrung-out and empty and relaxed, that he manages to do so almost immediately. He thinks he hears Martin murmur, “Sleep well, love,” as he drifts off. But it disappears into the fuzzy border between sleep and wakefulness, slipping from Jon’s mind entirely as he fades to black.
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24hlevi · 3 years ago
Happy New Year
Seong Gi-Hun [456] (Squid Game) X Gn!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: #2 “A and B slow dancing in the dark in their shared apartment.” + #8 “A proposes to B after 4 years of dating while fireworks go off behind them on new year’s.” + #1 “It’s new year’s and I wanted to give you this!” from fluff prompt list and fluff dialogue prompt list
Warnings: None :)
Word Count: 1.1k
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Gihun and you had been dating for 4 years now and truthfully, it had been the best years of your life. When you first met Gihun, he was in an immense amount of debt and tried to keep you away from that up until he randomly disappeared for a week and came back with cuts and was more depressed than ever before. But you helped him come out of that depression from his best friends dying right before his eyes and how guilty he was to have so much money all because he survived all the games when he should have died in the first one.
Today was New Year’s Day, and it was also you and Gihun’s 4 year anniversary which was a funny thought to think about the day he finally gathered enough courage to ask you out at a party when he was drunk out of his mind, not even expecting you to answer with yes but you did, and you ended up dating the man. Usually, you two would be at a friend’s party for this day but since it was a special occasion of how long you two had been dating, Gihun insisted that you two spend the night together instead of with other people that could ruin the whole day with just a few words.
Gihun had bought a couple of bottles of wine and champagne for when the timer hit zero and almost half of the wine was gone already, both of you sharing it and have been drinking it since dinner which Gihun had actually made for once.
You noticed that Gihun was acting different today, and not just because it was your 4 year anniversary, but because of something else, something that you couldn’t figure out just yet. First, Gihun had woken you up with breakfast and coffee in bed, something he would never do unless he made you mad the night before or he was going to tell you something important when neither of those happened, so you were confused. Then, he had taken you out to go shopping and grab lunch, another thing that he has never done before. By the time it was dinner you were starting to get worried as to what it could be that Gihun had been hiding this whole day, doing things he would never do on any normal day, not knowing what he could possibly say that could either make your night light up or burn down.
“Hey, are you okay?”
You were knocked out of your thoughts by hearing Gihun speak, and you looked over at him before nodding. “Oh, yeah. I was just thinking as to why you are doing all this tonight.”
“Ah, you know why. Because it’s our 4 year anniversary!” Gihun answered with a bright smile, taking a sip from the wine in the glass he had in his hand.
“I know that, but it’s more than usual. Are you planning something?” You asked the man sitting beside you on the balcony.
Letting out a chuckle, Gihun shook his head as he stood up, reaching his hand out towards you. “Come inside with me.”
You looked at him confused but when he didn’t move his hand away, you grabbed it with your own and let him lead you back inside the apartment to the living room.
He started to move the coffee table out of the way which made you even more confused before he connected his phone to the speaker and started to play slow music. He finished his wine and set the glass down on the coffee table and grabbed yours from your hand, setting it beside his as he then grabbed your hands.
“Gihun, what are you doing?” You questioned him.
“Let’s dance.” He replied, smiling at you still.
“You know we both can’t dance, right?” You laughed lightly.
“Yes, but let’s do it anyway.” Gihun said, moving your arms around his neck as his own moved to your waist and he began to sway back and forth.
It was a bit awkward at first, but after a few minutes you both were dancing with another without any other thoughts, just enjoying the close presence of the other and the moment that was currently happening.
“See? We’re doing well now.” Gihun said to you with a small chuckle at the end.
“Mhm.” You hummed, resting your head on his shoulder with a blush present on your face that you hoped he wouldn’t notice.
You two continued to slow dance, well, at least make an attempt at it, up until the tv announced that it was 2 minutes until a new year. Gihun pulled away from you and took a step back, his breathing suddenly changed to more shallow breaths as his look on his face changed into worry and anxiousness.
“Gi? What’s wrong?” You asked him, thinking something was wrong.
“Nothing’s wrong!” Gihun answered quickly, reaching into his jacket pocket and taking out a small box. “Uhm. It’s New Year’s and I wanted to give you this!” He smiled at you, but not handing you the box yet.
“1 minute til a happy new year.”
Gihun then went down on one knee, taking a deep breath before opening the small box, revealing a beautiful silver, diamond embroidered engagement ring.
“30 seconds til a happy new year.”
“Y/n, we’ve been together for 4 years now, and we’ve known each other for much longer. These days that I’ve spent with you have been the best ones of my entire life and…I don’t want to lose that or you. So, Y/n. Will you marry me?”
“10 seconds til a happy new year.”
Tears had already welled up in your eyes as you nodded, not being able to even form words as Gihun’s entire face lit up and he stood again.
“5 seconds til a happy new year.”
“I love you so much.” He said to you.
“I love you too.” You repeated back to him, making him smile even more.
The male then held the sides of your face, gently caressing the skin of your cheek before pressing his lips against your own just as the timer hit zero, fireworks beginning to go off behind you as you both kissed.
Pulling away once the fireworks stopped, Gihun looked at you with the happiest expression you had ever seen on his face as he slid the ring on your finger.
“I promise that I’ll be a good husband to you. I promise.” He said to you quietly.
“I know you will, Gihun. You’ve been good to me all these years so far, so I know.” You responded at the same volume.
Gihun looked back at you and smiled before kissing you again, too happy to stop kissing you over and over again.
What a great way to start the new year with your new fiancé, and plenty of memories that will be created within these next years that you two will be together.
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writing-imagines · 4 years ago
Hey! can you do a Wanda x reader Fluff trope 11 (enemies to lovers) with angst 12 (arguing) make it a very strong arguing (maybe r be reckless on a mission) with a fluffy ending please! thanks, i love your writes💜
Hi! Sorry it took so long, but I hope you enjoy it!
Fluff trope 11- enemies to lovers
Angst 12- Arguing
Prompts from this list
Tumblr media
“What were you thinking?! How could you do something so stupid?!” Wanda screamed at you, barely an inch from your face.
“I did what I thought was right and if you don’t agree with it, that’s your problem.”
“I don’t agree with you almost blowing our cover and getting yourself killed!”
“I was fine! They didn’t even suspect I was undercover until you barged in!” You snapped and threw your hands in the air.
“Oh really? You seriously think that? I wish you could have heard the things they were thinking. Then you wouldn’t be so sure of yourself.”
“You think you’re all high and mighty just because you can read minds and throw things with your mind, don’t you?”
“I could throw you through the wall. Maybe then you’d learn some respect.”
“I need to learn respect? Wanda-” You stopped and bit your lip. There was no use in continuing a fight you would obviously lose.
“You know what? I’m done.”
“What do you mean you’re done?” Wanda asked with a shocked expression.
“I’m done working with you guys. I’ll let Sam and Bucky know tomorrow morning.”
“You’re seriously leaving the group? We need you, y/n!”
“You may need me, but you certainly don’t want me.” Without another word, you grabbed your bag and stormed out of the base.
“Hey, why are you thinking about that?” Wanda’s voice snapped you back to reality. You were sitting on the couch together, arms tangled around each other with Wanda’s head on your shoulder.
“I don’t know. I guess my mind just wondered to it.” You moved your head slightly to get a better view of your wife. She looked up at you with her doe eyes before moving away so she could sit up straight.
“I’m sorry I was so terrible to you all those years ago. I should have just told you how I felt instead of being so rude.” Wanda’s hands found their way to your face and gently grazed your cheekbones.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. I think it’s safe to say we’ve moved past it.” You said with a smile and gently moved your hand to rest on Wanda’s small bump. Wanda’s hands instinctively moved to rest on top of yours.
“What do you think our baby will be like?” She asked, looking down at the bump.
“I don’t know. I just want it to be happy and healthy and...” You trailed off, not wanting to offend your wife.
“And I would really like it if it didn’t have your powers right away. Can you imagine dealing with a baby that could throw things through a wall?” Your answer made Wanda grin and shake her head.
“No, I can’t.”
Silence fell over the two of you, both of you lost in your thoughts. You couldn’t help but think about how wonderful of a mother Wanda would be. You could easily see her chasing your little one around the yard or singing them to sleep.
“You know what would be funny?” Wanda suddenly asked, breaking the silence in the home.
“If we had twins.” The thought made you gasp and then laugh.
“If we have twins, I promise you I’ll end up on the hospital floor.”
“Hm, we’ll see about that.”
Sure enough, five months later, you found yourself on the hospital floor. It was wonderfully stressful enough to watch Wanda give birth to one baby, it was a whole new level of stress when the doctor proclaimed there was another baby on the way.
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goldenlaurelleaveswrites · 3 years ago
Back to September
2. Horizon
Based on this prompt list
“There. Just above the horizon, you see that group of stars?” 
She squinted, following the path of Luka’s pointed finger, a mass of solid darkness against the star-spangled sky. But she couldn’t make out the constellation he was telling her about. “No, I don’t think…” 
“Here.” Her breath hitched in her throat at the way his breath tickled her ear. And suddenly, he was shifting. She could feel the warm weight of his arm wrapping around her. Somehow it was always so comforting and exhilarating at the same time; her heart never knew if it should stop or race faster. “Scooch over, closer to where I’m sitting,” he said softly as he gently tugged at her.  
She was only too happy to oblige. 
She slid closer to him. 
Closer than was probably necessary.  
But if he minded the way she was tucked into his side, with her legs almost in his lap, he didn’t mention it. 
She certainly didn’t mind. Just like she didn’t mind the way his arm was still wrapped around her shoulders. Even if it was doing funny things to her heart. 
He always did funny things to her heart. 
She nodded wordlessly before remembering he wouldn't be able to see. "Yeah."
She sensed, more than saw, him turn his gaze back to the horizon as he began recounting myths of the constellations he was showing her as they appeared in the night sky. But she couldn’t pay attention. She was too transfixed by him. 
It was so dark out, she could barely see him. Of course, that had been the whole point of their trip to the countryside; he had said there was no point in going stargazing in the city. They wouldn’t have been able to see the stars properly. But even though she could barely see him now, she could just make out the profile of his face. And even if she couldn’t… she had committed every detail of his face to memory. The shape of his nose and the depths of his eyes and the curve of his lips… 
She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to force her traitorous heart to slow. 
That wasn’t the kind of thing friends did. 
He was her friend. 
He didn’t…
“…and they were immortalized in the stars. Together forever. Pretty romantic, don’t you think?” 
“Oh- uh- yeah!” Her words came out shaky and unconvincing. She hadn’t exactly not been listening. But she hadn’t really been listening either… 
“You do see them there, right?” he asked, and she was suddenly very aware of the fact that his breath was on her face. He had turned to face her, and her breath caught in her throat. Again. 
“I-“ her voice cracked. Or maybe squeaked. “I’m sorry I wasn’t really listening I got caught up in my thoughts, and I can’t really see them, but if you show me again I-“ her rambling words died the second his hand came up to cup her face. 
“Marinette,” he chuckled softly, and she was melting inside. “It’s fine. I can start over. Or if you aren’t having fun, we can go back to the B&B-”
“No!” she yelped. She didn’t want to go home! She wanted to stay right here in his arms and-
She couldn’t really see his face. But she could sense his thoughtful frown in the air. “Something’s bugging you, Marinette. You know you can talk to me, right?” 
“I…” how did she tell him she was dying inside, trying to keep herself from doing or saying something stupid?
“Hey,” he whispered so softly she completely froze. His hand was still cupping her cheek. And his thumb was drawing soothing little circles along her jawline. “It’s ok. If you’re not having fun, we don’t have to stay. I want you to enjoy this Marinette, I-“ he broke off with a sigh. 
The night was so still around them. Everything was just silent. And still. Like the world was holding its breath alongside her. 
“Luka?” she asked in a tiny, hesitant voice. 
He let out something caught between a chuckle and a resigned sigh. “I’m sorry,” he murmured. “I just, I had this idea of what this evening was going to look like… but I guess it isn’t really-“
“What did you think it was going to look like?” 
Her question was met with silence. 
And then. 
“I thought we would have a beautiful drive out to the countryside, with everything changing colour and everything.” They had. The drive had been perfect. “I thought we would have a nice dinner somewhere.” They had. They had found the cutest little bistro in the village they were staying in. “And I thought after dinner, I would take you up here to show you the stars properly. Without all the light pollution.” He had. “And I would show you all my favourites and tell you all the myths and legends.” That’s what he had been doing. “And then I would show you all the stars that remind me of you.” He- what? “And I would tell you that I’ve liked- loved you for ages. And then I was going to ask you if I could kiss you and-“ 
Given she couldn’t see him, it had been a shot in the dark. But when his words were cut off in a muffled yelp that quickly turned to a sigh, she knew she hadn’t missed. 
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dongofthewolf · 4 years ago
Hiii! Can I request no.9 from the cliché prompts and fake dating au?
Making Amends
Abby Anderson x Reader
Prompts: 9. “There’s only one bed and we sleep as far away as possible from each other but wake up cuddling” 18. Fake dating au
Warnings: swearing, fluff, hint of angst, Owen and Mel slander (sry I had to)
No pronouns are mentioned for the reader
Link to the prompt list here
A/N: Both tropes are literally my favourite things ever and it was so fun to write so ty for requesting it. It ended up way longer than I intended so uhhh yeah hope you enjoy LOL (esp if you requested it)!!
“What the hell Abby?! Have you been telling people that we’re dating?” You had cornered Abby into a secluded hallway, trapping her against the wall with your finger on her chest accusingly.
There was a flicker of fear in Abby’s eyes as she chewed on her lip nervously. Abby was considerably stronger than you and you probably looked like a mouse trying to intimidate a lion, but you didn’t care.
Abby couldn’t meet your burning gaze, all she replied with was a prolonged “Uhhhhhh”.
“Abigail Anderson, answer me right now or I swear to God-” It was rare for you to whip out her full name. And maybe it was kind of a cheap move, but it was a cheap move that almost always worked.
“Fine!” Abby interrupted, letting out a short sigh and preparing herself for the worst. “I kind of told Owen we were dating and I'm pretty sure he’s been telling other people.”
She said the words as quickly as possible, closing her eyes like a bomb was about to go off. Your reaction wasn't far off to say the least.
“You what? Why the fuck would you tell him we’re dating?” There was venom in your words and Abby flinched just slightly.
You were angry, incredibly so. You and Abby have always been close friends, or more so you had been until she started dating Owen. At first it was small things; cancelling plans or leaving early because she was busy and you completely understood. It’s not like you didn’t want her to hang out with him, and obviously you wanted her to be happy, but eventually it got to a point where she hardly ever spoke to you. Aside from the occasional greetings in the busy stadium, it was like you guys had never even been friends.
Now, after completely ignoring you for the past months, she decided it was a good idea to tell people that you guys were dating? It only seemed right for you to be pissed off.
“I just... Everyone kept looking at me like some sad puppy dog because I broke up with Owen, which normally I can handle. But every single day I kept getting the same sad fucking looks and I couldn’t take it anymore, so I told them I was seeing someone. I never mentioned your name but they kept prying, and prying and you were the first person that popped into my mind. I’m really sorry Y/N.”
You didn’t say anything at first, instead you looked at Abby without a hint of emotion on your face, and even less in your tone when you did finally speak. “Why didn’t you tell me you guys broke up?”
Abby paused, she didn’t know what response she was expecting but it definitely wasn’t that. “I um, I figured you knew. Pretty much everyone in the stadium knows.”
“Yeah well… I didn’t.” You were quiet. A part of you was angry and annoyed, but another part of you pitied Abby. She had never been one to lie, especially about something as petty as this.
Before you could think of something to say, Abby broke the silence. “Listen, I know you probably hate me right now, but I need to ask you a small favour.”
“Seriously?” You nudged Abby’s chest, pushing her into the wall again. The pity quickly dissipated to nothing, leaving you once again with a seething rage.
“Look, I know things between us haven’t been ideal but-“
“Haven’t been ideal?!” You interrupted, the absolute ignorance in her words tipping you off the edge. “Abby, you threw me away like I was trash! We were friends and you left me to hang out with Owen. I didn’t even know you guys broke up because you don’t tell me shit anymore!”
“I’ll do anything Y/N, okay? I’ll do your laundry, clean your room, I’ll even take your shifts for patrols.” Abby’s hands were on your forearms as she spoke. “Please just do this one thing for me and I’ll spend the rest of my life paying you back.” There was sincerity in Abby’s face, a hint of desperation too.
You paused. What could Abby possibly want so badly that she’d be willing to do all this for you? Even though you were angry at her, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t just a little bit intrigued.
“I’ll do anything Y/N, please. There must be something that you want.” Abby pleaded, absolute seriousness in her eyes.
“What I want is to never see you again.” Your finger was pointed at her chest again, poking her lightly.
Immediately you could see the hurt on Abby’s face. Okay, maybe that was a little bit harsh (and kind of petty) but you weren’t just gonna let Abby off that easily. Not after everything she’s done.
“Fine…” Abby paused to contemplate her next words, wiping the sadness from her face. “Fine, after tonight if you do this thing for me, we’ll never have to see each other again, I promise. I just need you to come to this party with me. We don’t have to talk or hold hands or anything and you can spend the whole night hating me, but I just need you there.”
“I-“ You couldn't do that. You couldn’t just pretend and lie to all of Abby’s friends for a whole night… Could you?
“Please Y/N. It’s embarrassing, okay? When we broke up, Mel immediately jumped in to fill my space. Everyone knew it and I had to pretend like I didn’t care so people would stop treating me like a wounded animal. If they find out I lied about you? I don’t think they’ll ever stop seeing me that way.”
You looked at Abby and felt a tinge of sympathy, she looked so sad and desperate, and for a second you even considered it. One night couldn’t hurt, right? Wait, no.
You mentally slapped yourself, trying to snap yourself out of it. You were not going to give in that easily. Nope. This was Abby, the same girl who threw away your friendship like it was nothing, and you were not going to let her use you like this. Not even while she’s looking at you with those sad, blue eyes. Nope, you’re mad, you’re angry, you’re-
“Fine.” Fuck.
“Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Abby’s eyes lit up as she wrapped her arms around you, lifting you into the air while she let out a breath of relief.
What did you just get yourself into?
“I can sleep on the floor, it's really no problem.” Abby offered, there was a slight nervousness in her tone as she stood in front of you shifting her weight on the balls of her feet.
“Abby, that’s stupid. It’s not like I’m infected or something.” You huffed, reaching for the box of matches to light the candle next to you.
Sometime after the party there had been a power outage and the entire WLF base went lights out. Meaning there was no heat and most annoyingly, no lights.
After a night of uncomfortable looks and even more uncomfortable conversations in which you spent most of the party trying to avoid Abby’s friends, she was walking you back to your room when everything suddenly went dark.
The both of you practically crawled to your room before you could locate a light source of some kind. It had been an hour since the power went out and you insisted that Abby sleep in your room, for… safety purposes.
You shook the match till it was out, suddenly you were thankful for impulse buying those candles last week.
“It’s fine, I’ll just crawl halfway across the stadium until I find my room. No biggie.” You couldn’t tell if she was joking, but something in you felt like she would actually do it if you didn’t insist she stay here.
You sighed. “Just sleep here Abs, it’s easier and I’m offering. Plus, I don’t need you army crawling across the entire WLF base. It’s hard on the arms, even for someone as strong as you.”
“You think I’m strong?” Abby smiled teasingly and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes, looking away as you tried to hide the small grin on your face. God, it was hard to stay mad at Abby.
“Shut up and take the bed.” You could tell Abby was reluctant but she still plopped herself onto your bed. She sat awkwardly on the edge, unsure of how this was going to work.
You tried to ignore Abby’s weird energy as you buried yourself beneath the covers. It took a minute for her to actually lay down in the bed but when she did, she was careful to keep her distance. It was pretty funny (and pretty cute) how unsure she was.
After a few minutes of silence you heard Abby whisper your name softly, almost like she wasn’t sure if you could hear her.
Nuzzling your nose into your pillow you whispered back a small “Yeah?”.
“Thank you.” You could hear the genuity in Abby’s voice, how grateful she was for such a simple act and suddenly it hit you, you didn’t want her to leave you alone. You missed this—missed Abby.
Instead of responding you nudged her foot lightly with yours. It was something you guys had done as kids, like a silent way of saying “I’m here.”. Under the dinner table with the Fireflies or during training when you first joined the WLF; it was an unspoken thing between the both of you. An action that spoke much louder than words possibly could.
The both of you laid on opposite ends of the bed, your backs turned to each other. You shifted under the sheets before finally finding a comfortable position, you fell asleep that night to the steady sound of Abby’s breathing.
You were first to wake up, confusion washing over you when you felt your head rising and falling. Why the hell was your pillow moving? Then it hit you; it wasn’t the bed moving, it was Abby. Your head lay resting on Abby’s chest, her arm over your back while your limbs were wrapped around her like a giant stuffed animal. The sound of her beating heart was soft in your ears and you could feel her breath coming out in steady increments, blowing lightly against your head.
You weren’t sure what to do about your compromising position. It was already too late for you to leap out of her arms and a large part of you didn’t want to move anyways. So you decided to pretend to sleep until she woke up. That way you wouldn’t have to decide what to do, she would.
Abby woke up shortly after you, you could tell she was awake by the way her breath hitched in her throat upon noticing how you guys were situated. However, instead of jumping out of the bed in a panic, Abby didn’t move either, and it took everything in you to not open your eyes.
After a few moments of stillness, you almost thought she had fallen back asleep. It wasn’t until you felt a light touch on your temple that you realized she was awake. The touch so light you nearly missed it when Abby brushed a small strand of hair away from your face.
Then slowly, Abby pried you off of her and you nearly let a small groan slip from your lips when you felt the absence of her warmth. She gently rolled you over, covering you with the blanket before walking into the bathroom.
That’s when it happened: the ache. A sharp, jarring ache in your heart that you only felt with her— that you haven’t felt since the two of you were best friends. It had left you when you and Abby stopped talking, but it returned just the same when you witnessed the tenderness of her actions. You never thought to put a name to this feeling (and maybe a part of you didn’t want to), but it was near impossible to ignore it.
You couldn’t possibly be harbouring secret feelings for Abby, right? You tried to distract yourself from these thoughts, it was way too early to be worrying about these things.
Feigning tiredness you rolled off the bed and headed towards the bathroom. You knocked on the door and when Abby opened it you noticed she was in the process of redoing her braid.
You leaned against the doorway as you watched her skilled fingers work. “Abs?”
“Hm?” She replied as she tied off the end of her braid.
“I didn’t really mean what I said to you last night… about never wanting to see you again. I’m sorry.” You picked at your thumb anxiously, eyes wandering around the room, looking anywhere but at Abby.
Abby turned to face you, letting the braid fall to her side. “You don’t have to apologize Y/N, I deserve it. I didn’t even hesitate to leave you when Owen and I started dating, and I was-“
“Stupid?” You finished for her, looking up from the floor to meet Abby’s gaze.
“Stupid. And for what it's worth, I’ve really missed hanging out with you Y/N, even if it is under these circumstances.”
“You know… I think I know a way you can make it up to me, if you’re still up for it?” Abby looked at you with a raised eyebrow and you noticed the corner of her mouth curling into a small smile.
“Oh yeah? What would that be?”
“You see, there’s this guy that’s been trying to ask me out for weeks even though I keep rejecting him.” You gave Abby a tiny grin as you continued. “Well, maybe if he found out I was dating a certain soldier who could pound his ass into the ground, then he’d leave me alone.”
Abby nodded her head nonchalantly as she took a small step towards you, crossing her arms across her chest. “You know what’s crazy? I think I have just the person for you.”
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wherethingscomebackx · 4 years ago
Top 25 Larry Fics of 2020
h 2020 was HELLISH. So thank you to all the writers, and I mean ALL of them, who kept us occupied as the world continues to burn.
You may be familiar with these lists:
Top 25 Larry fics of 2016
Top 25 Larry fics of 2017
Top 25 Larry fics of 2018
Top 25 Larry fics of 2019
We’re going on our 5th year!!  As always, I read a lot of fic and the majority of it is Larry. I like making lists and I like Larry so I thought I’d do some minimal research of the top 25 larry fics published/completed in 2020 in order of least to most kudos (with links). All of these fics are top notch so you should all check them out!
25.) a trail of honey through it all by @yvesaintlourent (27k)
The boy in front of him, well really, the man in front of him, was like something out of a confusing wet dream. Built, tall, tan and muscular, his skin glistened with sweat after a long day of working outdoors with his hands. He was wearing a cut up old American football shirt, the bottom hem was torn and the sleeves were cut off to the point where the t-shirt was really just a loose tank top. The shorts he had on had clearly been full length jeans at one point, and were now just crudely cut off above the knee. His white socks were pulled up too high on his calves, and the brown work boots he had on were old as fuck, the leather peeling along the edges of the soles. Curly brown hair stuck out from the edges of his backwards snapback, and there was a smudge of grease wiped along his brow bone. The smattering of hair along his jaw proved that he hadn’t shaved in a week or two, the hair growing in thicker across his upper lip and around his chin. His sinfully bowed mouth was pink and plump, and Louis was suddenly hyper-focused on the way that he chewed at the toothpick stuck between his lips. He looked like he needed a shower. Louis wanted to lick him.
Or, the TPH fic we’ve all been waiting for.
24.) even the best laid plans by @falsegoodnight (25k)
“Anyways,” Louis stresses, narrowing his eyes, “just let me say it and then rate how terrible of an idea it is on a scale from one to ten.”
“Alright,” Zayn agrees, sitting up expectantly.
“I want to ask Harry Styles to take my virginity,” Louis blurts, holding his hands out for emphasis.
The way Zayn’s eyes bulge is almost comical. “Negative infinity,” he says, voice choked. “Negative infinity times negative infinity.”
“Technically, a negative times a negative is -”
“Really negative infinity,” Zayn corrects himself, shaking his head wildly. “Louis, what the fuck?”
Or, Louis wants to have sex with someone and decides Harry is the perfect alpha for the job.
23.) A Distant Hazy Light by @greenfeelings (76k)
Life’s pretty ordinary for Harry. He lives with his best friend, got into university just like he’s planned, and manages to support himself just fine for an unbonded omega. If he sustains that lifestyle by getting paid to help alphas through their rut every now and then, that’s nothing to be hung up on. Until he’s hired by an alpha that turns everything upside down.
Or, Harry’s working on taking Louis’ walls down, until he builds his own up.
22.) Ghost Note Symphony by whoknows (96k)
Louis is on tour when he first hears about it. It’s all over the news – Harry Styles Attacked By Fan runs in headlines for days. It’s not even just the gossip rags, either. Actual journalists are covering the story. It would have been impossible to avoid hearing about it. Technically, Oli is the one who tells Louis about it, but it’s not exactly being covered up. Harry doesn’t answer Louis’ text asking if he’s alright, but that’s not really surprising. They haven’t spoken for months, and it’s been a lot longer than that since they’ve had a real conversation. The sting of the text going unanswered is still there, less painful than it might have been a few years ago.
It’s not that it’s easy to forget about, exactly. Louis has a whole life outside of One Direction now, though. So Louis goes on with his life, figuring that if Harry was seriously hurt he would have heard about it by now. He might currently be in the same country as Harry, but being on opposite sides of it puts enough distance between them that putting it in the back of his mind is easy. There’s nothing Louis could do, even if he thought Harry might want him to.
That’s why everything that happens next comes as a complete shock to him.
21.) Until by @allwaswell16 (38k)
Rural Eagle County, Colorado wasn’t the type of place to find a famous musician or actor. At least not until songwriter Louis Tomlinson showed up with pop star Niall Horan to visit his uncle’s horse ranch, and they just happened to find themselves next door to a reclusive former movie star.
20.) Strangers in Love by sweetums (42k)
Louis wakes up to find himself in a marriage with the last man he thought he'd ever end up with.
Prompt 51: An amnesia fic where louis and harry were enemies to lovers but after an accident, louis only remembers those memories that him and harry hated each other. now harry has to fix it. I think something like this less dark and less angsty compared to other amnesia fics and it could be funny
19.) A Long Way From The Playground by Pink_Sunsets (170k)
One Direction is broken up. They broke up five years ago. That should be the end of the story, right?
Harry is finished with One Direction. He now has a new life, one with two kids and a successful solo career. And he’s happy.
But a call one night from management flips Harry’s whole new life upside down, and he’s forced to face the life he had left behind.
As well as a certain blue eyed man who had left him behind.
18.) my love’s not simple (it’s fragile) by @falsegoodnight (27k)
“Can I take you out tomorrow?” he asks. “My shift ends at 7 but we can go for dinner at 8.”
Louis is silent for a few seconds and then, “Like… on a date?”
Harry swallows thickly. He hasn’t done this in years, hasn’t ever wanted to. “Yeah.”
He’s worried he’s misread things but then Louis raises his head to kiss Harry’s cheek. “Yeah,” he says easily. “Sure.”
Tension leaves his body swiftly. “Are you sure?” asks Harry. “I know we’re both so busy but I can’t not try with you, Lou.”
“Neither can I,” says Louis. “I think we can figure it out. I care about you a lot Harry. We’ve known each other for a week, but I already like you so much.”
Or Harry's new job is threatened by his impending rut. Desperate for a solution, he allows Niall to introduce him to Louis, an omega whose heat begins the same day. They click.
17.) Cocaine for Breakfast by @harryeatsburger (309k)
“It’s an easy job.” He continues, as if Louis wants to listen. “Like I said, a few trips. Parties, students, nothing dramatic.”
Louis gazes over to Harry. He’s looking thoughtful now, eyes on the green like he’s talking more to himself than Louis.
“Clubbing, drinks. Whatever, the business is just a side thing.”
That’s not how Louis remembers it to be, “You lying?” He honestly can’t tell.
Harry shakes his head slowly, meeting Louis' eyes.
“No,” He answers almost toneless. Harry clears his throat, “I won’t put you in any dangerous situation.” His voice is sincere, Louis can tell he means it, his jade green eyes glinting with truth.
or, - Louis Tomlinson is a drug addict, sent away from his beloved party-scene to recover. There, he discovers that small towns have just as much access to drugs as London did, plus something even better that he just can't get enough of. That something is a boy with green eyes and bouncy curls named Harry Styles. -
16.) Tastes like Strawberries by @sadaveniren (4k)
I’m stressed. I’m nesting and demand cuddles. Come over
Harry frowned and double checked who the text was from. Yup, it still said Louis - Grad, which meant it was from Louis from his grad school.
aka Louis texts Harry by mistake. It works out
15.) the way the storm blows by @rbbsbb (21k)
Louis doesn’t have a habit of thinking about Harry’s dick.
That would be weird, seeing as they’re best mates, and they share a flat, and they’ve spent holidays at each other’s family homes. Their friendship hasn’t ever risen to a point where Louis should want to see his mate’s dick, and he’s happy to keep it that way.
Except, all that Louis can think about is exactly that. The size of it. The shape. The amount of people it’s been in.
Maybe it’s the tequila talking, or the fact that Louis’ just recently walked in to an eyeful of Harry taking turns on some slags that he’s never seen before, but. Louis’ mind can’t stop obsessing over the idea.
14.) bruise you like a peach by @falsegoodnight (40k)
There’s two reasons Harry despises Econ.
The first is that it’s boring as fuck. The second reason is a bit more personal, a bit more focused in a way. As in it’s focused on one specific thing, or in his case, person.
His name is Louis Tomlinson.
13.) Watching The World Fall by whoknows (11k)
This segment has been going on long enough that Louis knows what’s coming before James starts in on it, trying to sell him on something he knows that Louis wouldn’t normally be buying. But there’s four cameras surrounding him, and an audience watching him expectantly, so if Louis wants to continue convincing people that he’s doing just fine, he’s going to have to go along with it.
“We have a whole host of single men backstage waiting to meet you, Louis,” James tells him. “We want to help you find love tonight, on Late Late Live Tinder. Is this okay? Do you want to play?”
It actually kind of makes sense that his first date after the break-up is going to be just as public as said break-up. Something like coming full circle.
“Alright, James,” Louis agrees, hopping down off his stool.
“Okay, come down to the stage,” James says. Louis can’t even tell whether the excitement in his voice is genuine or not. “Right now, come on down!”
12.) Quiet People Have the Loudest Minds by @2tiedships2 (38k)
Broadway shows were one of the few things that could keep Louis’ attention for a full two hours without needing to move about. But not tonight.
The alpha next to him was both infuriating him and practically turning him on at the same time. He needed to leave. The alpha, that is. Louis was staying.
Or the one where Louis is a nonverbal omega who has accepted the fact that he will never find an alpha that will treat him as an equal. On the other hand, he’s never met anyone like Harry.
11.) The Wrath of the Emerald Eyes by @purpledandeli0n (85k)
His chin is grabbed harshly, facing the two deep green eyes that have been getting on his nerves for the past ten minutes. The smirk on the man's face does not vanish. The grip of his hand on Louis' chin does not soften, his thumb at the side of his lower lip.
His smile widens as he answers Louis' question, ''My name is Styles, but you will call me Captain."
Pirate AU
10.) Canyon Moon by @eeveelou (40k)
For as long as Louis has remembered, he has been promised to be mated to Harry, his best friend and the future pack alpha. But Louis’s heart belonged to the forest and to the hunt more than he could ever imagine it belonging to Harry.
Then Harry’s father dies in a violent accident, and Louis’s future alpha disappears on the wind.
An A/B/O Lion King AU
9.) We Both Got Nothing to Hide by lovelarry10 (43k)
“Talk to me, Lou.”
“I can’t,” Louis mumbled, knowing he genuinely couldn’t say it. He couldn’t admit to what he was doing. “Don’t ask me to say it, because I can’t.”
“Then… I’ll try and guess. You’ve… got some stuff of Harry’s. Something of his to make it smell like him?”
Louis just nodded, eyes fixated on the floor. This was humiliating, but he knew Zayn wouldn’t stop until he found out what was going on.
“Okay. Like… a blanket, or a comforter or something?”
“Kind of…”
Omega Louis has a secret nest. Alpha Harry keeps losing his clothes.
8.) sleeping on our problems by @falsegoodnight (67k)
I’m in love with you, Louis thinks. He feels empty, weighed down by his sadness and the loss of Harry inside him just moments ago before his knot finally went down.
There’s moments where he’s sure Harry feels the same. Like now, when he’s gazing down at Louis with so much adoration and tenderness. It’s like they’re both on the cusp of something more, but neither of them ever say a word.
His confession is on the tip of his tongue ready to slide out like honey, and yet he remains silent. They both do, looking at each other and recognizing the reluctance mirrored in each other’s eyes. It’s then that Louis realizes they’re both scared.
Or Louis sleeps with Harry and they have more than just catching feelings to worry about.
7.) like it’s a game by @soldouthaz (32k)
there is little harry hates more than truth or dare.
and louis.
6.) before we knew by @falsegoodnight (39k)
“C’mon Lou,” says Zayn after a moment, He sounds even more exasperated than before. Louis sort of has a knack for exasperating people, especially people like Zayn who aren’t usually bothered by his brattiness. “Can’t you give this guy a chance? Harry Styles? Aren’t you curious about him at all?”
Despite his best efforts, Louis still flinches at the name. He really shouldn’t be so affected after all these years. He’s seen the name printed down the curve of his waist in obnoxiously and uncommonly large loopy letters every single day since his sixteenth birthday eight years ago. He’s very familiar with the name Harry Styles.
It sounds pretentious and Louis hates it.
He hates everything about his supposed soulmate.
He hates his large handwriting that stands out like a claim on his skin whenever he’s walking around shirtless. He hates his pretentious name. And now he hates his supposed curls and green eyes and dimples.
Or Louis has been skeptical of soulmates for years so it seems like fate when he finally bumps into the owner of the obnoxiously large signature printed into his skin since age sixteen: Harry Styles, a human rights attorney who is firmly against soulmates.
5.) Mine Would Be You by @crinkle-eyed-boo (114k)
Louis blinks his eyes open, his eyelids fluttering as the room swims around him. He takes several gulps of beer once he confirms that he’s definitely not hallucinating, that the very first portrait Harry Styles ever painted of him is hanging on that wall.
Louis stares at the wall, his heart jackrabbiting in his chest as he realizes that there’s not just one painting of him, there’s five, the portraits lined up like they’re some sort of storyboard depicting the rise and fall of his deepest love. His greatest heartache. A pain that cut him so deep that he left the fucking country, severing all ties with his life in New York, now suddenly surrounding him as if he’d never left.
Fucking shit motherfucker fuck.
Louis returns to New York City five years after he left it – and the love of his life – behind. He didn't intend to see Harry again, but fate has a funny way of pulling them together, whether they like it or not. After making a begrudging truce, they both start to wonder: Would it be so bad if history repeated itself?
4.) You’ve Got My Devotion (Hate You Sometimes) by @harryrainbows (95k)
Harry was in the biggest boy band in the world. He was also one half of the best (or worst, depends on who you ask) kept secret relationship in the music industry.
Now, almost five years on, after One Direction has broken up, and Harry and Louis' relationship has as well, a video threatens to put everything at risk.
One determined Irishman, a massive publicity stunt and two begrudging exes are all it takes to bring One Direction back to life and maybe, just maybe, Harry and Louis' mangled love life too.
Or: Harry and Louis are forced to fake-date after an old video from when they were dating emerges.
3.) The Space Between by @lads-laddylads (39k)
Harry Styles is the alpha rockstar who can’t sleep and doesn’t know why.
Louis Tomlinson is the omega PhD student who helps him figure it out.
2.) Nothing But You On My Mind by @absoloutenonsense (83k)
Louis Tomlinson is a PR manager hired to improve the image of royal bad-boy Prince Harry Styles. Unfortunately for him, that means being faced with the Prince's constant innuendos, incessant dirty jokes, and relentless flirting. Louis just wants to make it to Princess Gemma's coronation; once she's crowned Queen, his contract is up and he never has to see the Prince again.
1.) Collision by @tequiladimples (224k)
Mythology/Fairytale!AU in which Louis is a dainty fairy with a temper who wants to be intimidating and Harry hurts people. Naturally, they hate each other.
(Featuring Liam, the big and not-so-bad wolf who’s got a thing for humans, Zayn, a human with supernaturally good looks, and Niall, the cupid who just wants his job to be easier.)
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