#funhaus reader insert
5lbsofsmarties · 6 years
Winter Writing Challenge 2k18: Day 17
Word Count: 260 “Hopefully somewhere is open for dinner.” Dan Schneider
The first thing you noticed when you finally got off the phone with your office was the smell in the air that wasn’t there earlier. Part of you wondered when it had started because you definitely did not notice it until you were finishing up the phone call that interrupted your dinner preparations. You pushed yourself away from your desk and followed your nose out of the office, through the apartment.
As you neared the kitchen you suddenly became aware of what exactly the smell was.
With horror stricken eyes, you rushed into the kitchen and pulled open the door to the oven which caused a dark cloud of smoke to come billowing out. You frantically tried to find an oven mitt to remove the dish inside, and just as you managed to do so the smoke detectors began blaring loudly over head, causing you to swear loudly.
All of the commotion seemed to draw Dan’s attention as he appeared behind you with a dishtowel, wafting at the air by the smoke detector. It didn’t take long for the alarm to stop and the smoke to clear out of a window that Dan had thought to open. When everything was settled Dan walked over and looked at the scorched mess sitting atop the stove.
You sighed, “So much for Christmas eve dinner.”
“Hopefully somewhere is open for dinner,” Dan grinned. He looked down at you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “Don’t worry, Y/N. Homemade or otherwise, as long as we’re together isn’t a great Christmas eve dinner.”
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aplaceforrtprompts · 6 years
“great. perfect. nice. fuck this.” -- with kovic pls? angst welcome as long as there's a happy ending lol
“Great,” you stood up and blew out the candle.
“Perfect,” you mumbled as you picked up your now empty and your boyfriend’s full dinner plate.
After you dumped them in the sink. You checked your phone and still no call or any responses to any of your texts, “Nice.”
You went into the bedroom, locking the door behind you because you didn’t want to see Adam tonight, at least not after he missed your anniversary.
“Fuck this,” you muttered crawling into bed and turning out the light.
You didn’t even realize you had fallen asleep yet when there was a knocking at the bedroom door.
“Go away, Adam!” you shouted and turned over but froze when you heard barking.
“I think someone wants to meet you then I can go away,” he called back, you could hear how sorry he was in his voice.
You rolled over and turned on the light before getting up. You brushed your fingers through your hair as you unlocked the bedroom door.
Sitting patiently with the sweetest pout at your feet was a small dog, Adam wearing a matching look. He instantly launched into an explanation, “I’m so sorry. I was trying to surprise you and I wanted to text you but the lady at the pound kept glaring at me and telling me that dogs require a lot of attention. I didn’t mean to miss our anniversary.”
You practically melted into him as you gave him a hug. It was impossible to stay mad at Adam especially when he went out of his way to get you the dog the two of you had been talking about for years now.
“Am I forgiven?” he asked.
You laughed, “Forgiven.”
The little dog barked again and began running around your feet as if they understood.
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rt-reader-inserts · 7 years
Naughty or Nice
Yay four! (like day four... but exciting)
Prompt: Ugly Christmas sweater office party with Adam K
“I cannot believe you got me to wear this piece of shit,” Adam sighed, coming out of your shared bathroom. His knit sweater was a dark shade of red, on which was a lighter red stocking. The lettering on the stocking read “naughty” with a winking Santa face below it.
“What? I think it looks cute!” You pouted, looking him up and down. “And we match!” You gestured to your own sweater. Yours was the green version of his, except with the word “nice” and a smiling Santa face.
“You’re only saying that ‘cause you got the better sweater,” He huffed, turning to face the mirror. You came up behind him and wrapped your arms around his chest, craning your neck to rest on his shoulder.
“Nah, babe, I really think yours is better,” You began, tracing the lettering with your fingers, “But maybe that’s just because you’re wearing it.” A blush covered Adam’s cheeks and he let out a laugh.
“Shit, Y/N. That’s the exact same reason why I thought yours is better,” He spun around in your arms, now enclosing you in a hug.
“C’mon, Bruce’ll kill us if we miss this party,” You stood on your tip-toes to press a kiss to his cheek before running a hand down his arm to grab his hand.
Linking your arm with his, and giving him a reassuring squeeze, the two of you walked into the office space - already almost an hour late.
“I told you,” You muttered to Adam after catching sight of Elyse’s muppet-themed sweater, “Ours are some of the better ones here.”
He laughed and shook his head, pulling you closer into his side. You felt Adam’s warm breath tickle your ear before you heard him whisper, “Despite how... nice you look in that sweater, I think you’d look even better with it off.”
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rtscrobbles · 7 years
Good you do a thick where the reader and kovic go to the same gym and he helps them out and stuff and then flirting happens 😁
    I gotta do this.
   You’ve been repeating that to yourself for the past year. Last year you made a resolution, this year was the same one. Go to the damn fucking gym. Your friends have convinced you multiple times to go, but you just haven’t been motivated enough to leave your bed. But after treating yourself to some gym gear, you felt motivated enough to actually get up at the light of dawn. 
    You slip on your black sneakers, carefully doubling-knotting the laces, inhaling the new shoe smell. It was the little things that made life worth it. You step towards you mirror, checking out each part of your body. The gym gear made you look slimmer, but you knew you were far from your reflection in the mirror. 
  Grabbing your keys and water-bottle, you were out the door. Luckily your apartment complex had a gym on the bottom level open to all so you didn’t need to haul your lazy ass very far. Instead of taking the elevator, you decided to jog down the 3 flights of stairs. By the time you got to the second flight, you regretted your decision and started pacing your steps to catch your breath. You probably looked all hot and flustered. But hey, you weren’t out to impress anyone. 
  You make it to the 3rd and final flight of stairs and follow the sign that said ‘gym’. Now that’s just teasing at this point. You follow the arrow and arrive at a glass door, you push it in and are immediately greeted with the smell of b.o and stale water. You quietly dry-retch as you walk through. In your mind you already made up your mind as to where you wanted to go. 
  You make your way over to the weights where a reasonably fit guy laid, pushing the weights up and down. You quickly look away and browse through the various sets of weights. You found the lowest one, oh well, we’ve all got to start somewhere. 
  It was a small one, so it only required one hand. As you flexed, your muscles ached and you lost your grip. Fuck. 
The guy that was doing weights seamlessly before made his way towards you. “Hey, are you okay?” He smiles warmly, you could tell he was trying not to burst out laughing. As you took a closer look, you noticed he had a single tattoo that wrapped around his bicep. Nice. 
  “Hey? Are you alright?”
“Hmm, what?” Fuck, He caught you out of your trance. You prayed to whatever higher being that was around that he didn’t notice that you were checking him out. This would definitely be one story for the books.
 “Oh yeah I’m fine,” You murmur, collecting yourself together, flushed. 
“I’m Adam by the way. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you here before...?”
You shake your head “Yeah, I’m Y/N, today is actually my first day but it looks like I’ve already embarrassed myself enough to hide in my apartment for the rest of my life,” 
  Adam laughs, picking up your dropped weight and placing it on the rack next to you delicately. His muscles flexed. Fuck. Stop drooling Y/N he’s probably already got someone.
“Oh what number are you if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Oh really? I’m 42. What a coincidence!” Adam smiles warmly. Oh god oh god oh god. Adam wipes the sweat from his forehead, his hair was drenched and mattered. 
“You planning on coming here often?”
“Maybe,” You shrug, honestly you had no idea before but now, the gym might not be such a bad idea. 
“Well, I’d like a gym buddy if wouldn’t mind Y/N. Besides, I might start coming to the gym more often if you’re gonna be here.” He winks smiling. Again. Him and that god damn smile. You felt yourself completely crumble into yourself.
 “Neither,” You agree, your heart beating a million beats per second. “Well, I’m going to the change rooms. I’ll be a few, you wouldn’t mind waiting would you? We can get to know each other at breakfast,” Adam suggests you just nod and watch him walk away. 
Well fuck, the gym isn’t so bad after all.
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trecotrash · 6 years
Quick question
How many of you would want an imagine based off of a long distance realtionship?
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fuckyeahrtfanfic · 6 years
Heya! I was wondering if there's any Lawrence/Reader or Lawrence centric fanfics out there ? They're dead rare ! Thank youu 🤙
Path found you a few that we don’t think are on the blog!
Reader Insert
I’ll Catch You by ThnksfrthMmrs121
Summary: A heist takes a turn and (Y/N) has to be saved by Lawrence. Lawrence/Reader [N] [PG13]
WC: 488
[Tags: Funhaus, AU (GTA), Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort]
Happy to see me? By jessicalives
Summary: Tumblr prompt! instead of lester its Lawrence who helps criminal reader/ flirts with. Lawrence/Reader [F] [PG13]WC: 3,257
[Tags: Funhaus, AU (GTA), Hurt/Comfort]
- Path, featuring the formatting and posting powers of Ave
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snapmydisk · 6 years
More prompts please!
I’ve emptied the inbox so some more prompts to fill will keep this blog going!
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lilwriter-blog1 · 7 years
“the night’s still young” - end of the world!au + James Willems
James presses himself into you with a sigh that you can taste in pit of your stomach. Slowly, so slowly that you groan with impatience and attempt to push back onto him, he slides into you. Only once he is fully sheathed in you, body pressed tightly against yours does he grin, sly and slick.
“How do you want it, sweetheart?”
Hard. Fast. Desperate and needy like the fire burning you from the inside out.
He kisses you, rose petal lips caressing your own with a delicate graze. Hands cupping at the curve of your waist his fingers capture the searing heat of your skin and his palms press into you with a delightful pressure that heavies your body.
“If you don’t tell me what you want you’ll have to satisfy that pretty little cunt all by yourself.”
The words are whispered into the swell of your lips, a faux intimacy in the crudest way that makes your toes curl and breaths turn to ragged gasps.
“And we don’t want that, do we, darling?” James emphasises his point with a buck of his hips, his cock ever more insistent inside you. He asks you again, voice firm with unspoken threat. “How do you want it?”
“Like sunrise marks the end of the world.”
James’ cock twitches inside you at the thought.
“Buckle up, princess. Dawn is hours away. The night’s still young.”
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roosterteethinserts · 8 years
One Night Stand
AN; It took me awhile, but it’s here. Also, I can’t imagine being the other side of the situation, so I’m sorry if this is wrong in any way. I tried my hardest but sadly I don’t have a penis. Also, I was near the end and I forgot about the kinks. TT Enjoy nonetheless!
Pair-Elyse x Male!Reader
Word Count-2147
Warnings-Smut, mentions of drinking, mentions of one night stands, mentions of crowds and RTX, 
Summary- Y/N is an RTX attendee and gets to meet Elyse. They click and meet again at the VIP party, which leads to a one night stand. 
Convention season was upon us, and it couldn't be a better time of the year. As a person who lives in the area where most of them happen, it becomes a sort of past-time to go to them, especially when they're about the gaming community. One of them, RTX, was my favorite for sure. They've been a convention that was held by favorite faces in the gaming industry, Rooster Teeth, and the people that came were similar to me in many ways. The fact that some of the people I normally see and interact with also attend this makes it an even better experience. It also helped that I became a prominent user on the site after a couple years of using it and posting things on it, along with the subreddit Rooster Teeth had. Walking through the busy crowds filling the convention center, I set my sights on the VIP area's entrance. It was midday and I didn't have any panels to go to, and having a VIP pass means that I could go into the VIP lounge when I wanted to. It was a secluded part of the convention with only other VIP's and some of the faces of RT that hang out here when they have the time. I stood at one of the tables scattered in the area, scrolling through my phone and sipping on my drink. I heard the distant laughter of a group as I refreshed my feed of twitter. Looking up, I locked eyes with the lone woman in Funhaus, Elyse, who was coming closer. I made myself act normally, mindlessly scrolling through my feed again. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Elyse holding her stare on me. I glanced up, seeing her excuse herself from the group to pass me for a drink at the makeshift bar behind me.A few fans started talking to the boys, so she was able to escape the group without much commotion. She smiled at me as she passed, throwing a cheeky wink my way, making me widen my eyes slightly at her flirtiness. I finished my drink quickly, deciding that I needed to get another before I headed out to go back to Center Stage for Achievement Hunter in a while. I pocketed my phone before walking to the bar. Elyse stood patiently waiting for her drink, letting her eyes wander around the room. I threw my plastic cup away at the trash can near the bar and waited for the bartender to pour her drink. Her eyes locked with mine once we were close enough to each other. She smiled, "Hi, stranger. How's RTX serving you so far?" I smiled easily, " How about we not be strangers? I'm Y/N." She told me as if I didn't know, "Elyse. Nice to meet you Y/N, but your name is familiar, like I've met you before." I let my mind wander to when I've been to cons, but meeting her hasn't stood out. I shook my head. "We haven't, but you might know me from the RT site or reddit?" She asked, "Y/U/N? Are you him?" I nodded my head and she broke into an adorable grin, "I've seen your stuff, and it's hilarious!" I took her compliment with a 'thank you' and our conversation followed smoothly. We were both flirting obviously for the short conversation we had. I put my arm on the bar and held a slight smirk as she twirled her hair with a smile on her face. It had to end at some point, and Bruce was the one who did it. 
"Hey, Elyse! We gotta get going to the next schedule." 
Elyse sighed to herself, yelling back, "Okay! One second!" 
She looked at me, slightly pouting. 
She asked hopefully, "You'll be at the VIP party, right? I'd love to chat with you some more." 
I nodded my head, instantly making her cute pout disappear. 
She grinned, "See you then!" 
Elyse threw a wink my way as she walked away. I watched her as her hips swayed with each step towards the Funhaus group, mesmerizing me as they walked away to go somewhere else. I felt dumbfounded by the idea of Elyse wanting to talk to me again, especially somewhere more exclusive like the VIP party.
The rest of my day went smoothly. I met some popular faces in Rooster Teeth, and I got to see some hilarious panels that had people that I know and love. It felt like a few seconds went by when in reality it was hours.
I made sure to shower and change before the party, opting to go with some jeans and a nice shirt that wasn't an RT shirt, which was hard since a lot of my wardrobe consisted of mostly RT shirts. I cleaned up knowing that Elyse wanted to see me, and I'd be able to see more people in Rooster Teeth. Music blasted throughout the convention center and people were everywhere. 
I scanned through the crowd as I tried to see where the booze would be. I decided to go left where there were more people. I was happy that I didn't feel alone in my thoughts of looking nicer than usual, seeing many people in nicer outfits and not a lot of the RT shirts were around.
I made my way to the bar, ordering my usual and waiting for my order to be fulfilled. I made small-talk with a few other fans around me, just about what we were into in Rooster Teeth and what some of our favorite shows and movies were. The wait wasn't very long, so I stood with them to finish the conversation politely before I moved on to find some people that I've planned to see during this party.
I met up with them after sending a couple messages asking where they were. Weaving through the crowds of people on varying stages of drunkenness, I spotted them in the corner of one of the rooms. I stood in the empty part of the table they were around. 
Y/F/N greeted, "Hey Y/N! Long time no see, huh?"
I smiled, "Yeah, it's been quite some time! We've been too busy to talk, it seems like it was forever ago."
We all caught up, exchanging stories to pass the time. I didn't seem to notice a presence behind me until everyone's eyes were on them.
Pausing my story, I turned to see who was behind me. My eyes locked with the blonde Canadian that I've met earlier today. A smile found itself on my face as I saw her.
I greeted, "Elyse! How have you been since our first meeting?"
She grinned, "I've been well. It's been really fun so far. How is it treating you?"
I nodded my head, "It's good."
Y/F/N asked incredulously, "You've met Elyse!? Are you guys friends and you didn't tell us??"
I laughed, "No, don't worry about that."
Elyse added, "I met him today, and it feels like I've been friends with him for awhile."
The conversation changed after they all got pictures and autographs, which she happily did. I could feel her eyes on me as I interacted with my friends. I glanced to her every once in awhile, and she'd keep a steady gaze on me. I had to look away each time, a faint redness on my cheeks coming each time I did so.
A few drinks later, I told them I'd go and find more people to talk to. Elyse grabbed my hand, leading the way through the crowds so we wouldn't get separated.
Exiting the crowded bar room, we ended up in an empty hallway. She let go of my hand and faced me, a sultry gaze piercing me.
She asked, "Why don't we go somewhere....more secluded to continue our.....talk."
I swallowed, nodding my head furiously. I obviously wasn't sober, but the buzz I had increased my confidence, and my horniness.
She walked in the opposite direction, leading me to a room that no one was in. I closed the door behind us. My lips landed on hers, encompassing her face in my hands. Hers went to my hair, tugging enough to inflict the slightest pain. I pushed her against the closed door, making her moan. Just hearing the noise made me hard.
Minutes of slow-building making out, I managed to take off her dress. She took my shirt off in return. I let my lips wander down her body, letting myself give her love bites. A ragged moan fell out of her lips, obviously loving it.
She moaned, "Y/N please, don't tease anymore."
I smirked, "Just wait, babe. It'll all be worth it in the end."
I took off her bra, going to suck on her left nipple. Her hands went to my head, gripping my hair as her back arched to get closer. I massaged the right boob as I did so, going to switch after a minute or so. Her perky nipples stood as she breathed deeply. The sight was magnificent.
She told me, "Let me help you."  
I didn't protest as she kneeled, grabbed my belt buckle. She unbuckled and unbuttoned my pants, letting my hard on have a little more breathing room. She kissed above my underwear line before pulling it down, making me let out a soft groan.
The pleasure of her kissing the head of my dick along with her gently stroking me made me throw my head back. I closed my eyes as she put her lips against my shaft, putting me in her mouth. She gave me an amazing blowjob. The sounds created would be gross in another situation, but now they added to the level of turned on I was.
Within minutes I was almost at the brink of orgasm, and Elyse sensed it. She pulled away, leaving my cock covered in her saliva.
She told me, "I had to stop before you came. It wouldn't have been any fun if you did."
I grabbed her hand, making her stand up. She smiled, grabbing something out of her purse firstly. A small foil told me it was a condom. She ripped open the packaging, taking the condom out and wrapping it around my almost painfully hard dick.
I commented, "Better to be safe than sorry."
She nodded her head, agreeing. Once it was all set, she stood up and pulled her panties down. I noticed that there was a small wet spot when she did before kicking them off. I swallowed, taking in her beauty.
I told her in awe, "You're so beautiful."
She laughed softly, "You're just telling me that because you're going to fuck me."
I rolled my eyes and stepped closer to her. I put one hand on her cheek, pulling her in for a kiss. The other hand went to my dick and I inserted myself into her. One of her legs wrapped around my body as I pushed in. The feeling was indescribable, almost like fucking a warm cloud.
Moans and pants grew between us as I set the fast pace. I felt her claw my back as I tried to keep myself from coming too early.
She groaned, "Faster, please."
I complied, making her gasp for her breath. My hand went to her clit, rubbing the sensitive nub to bring her to her climax faster. I felt her clench around me, almost as a sign from her that she was close. I closed my eyes for a second from the pleasure that I felt.
Seconds later, she cried out, "I'm so close, Y/N."
I quickened my pace. I wanted her to come and she seemed to want to hold out until I did.
I told her, "Just let go, Elyse."
She held out for seconds longer and I was at my brink of orgasm. She clenched, moaning as her orgasm ripped through her. Elyse closed her eyes, her head falling back with a face of pure pleasure. It was enough for me to come, groaning at everything happening.
We both fell off of our highs soon enough. I pulled out of her, taking off the condom and tying it up so it wouldn't get my come anywhere. We silently dresses ourselves.
When we were ready to leave, she gave me a smile.
She told me, "Thanks, it was fun. I'd like to see you again, if you'd like."
I agreed, "I'd like that."
We exchanged numbers and parted ways. That night was the best one night stand I had and having it with a girl that I've liked made it even better. I even got her number, and I'm sure it'd happen in the future. Who knew RTX was going to be the best convention I've ever been to?
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misskrose · 7 years
My Other Tumblrs
So I never really talked about this but I have 4 different Tumblr pages now and thought I would give them a shout out
@myrtfanfic is where I post Rooster Teeth /Achievement Hunter/Funhaus/Screwattack/RvB/Camp Camp/RWBY reader inserts
@rtreaderinsertsilove is where I reblog Rooster Teeth and friends  reader inserts that I love and think others should read
and my newest one (I made yesterday) @genlockfans is where I’ll be posting anything related to Rooster Teeth Animation's new show gen:LOCK
If they’re not your thing that’s cool but if they are I hope you check them out.
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cowchopimagine · 7 years
WHAT I WONT WRITE •nsfw •I’m not very familiar with this fake chop au and until I state otherwise I won’t write for it. This doesn’t mean that I won’t write anything with crime in it, I just won’t write anything specifically stated to be fake chop unless one of y'all want to let me in on what it’s about. •I probably won’t be able to write for a really obscure pairing. I think any ships within the Cow Chop crew would be okay, but I don’t watch any of the other groups associated with them. This includes Funhaus, Sugar Pine 7, Achievement Hunter, etc. Pairings that involve those groups probably won’t be something that I can write about. •I literally can’t remember what these are called, but I won’t do any request that is name-specific. What I mean by this is that I won’t write a reader insert with any specific name for the reader. I hope this makes sense.
•I’m not writing for jakob, even though I said I would earlier because I’m still not sure whether or not he wants to be written about and I’m not comfortable putting anything out there that he would be uncomfortable with.
HOW TO REQUEST To request an imagine or preference, you can either comment on any chapter in my wattpad book, send an ask to my tumblr, or you can message me on wattpad. Please don’t forget to tell me if you have a preferred set of pronouns that you’d like to be used if you want a reader insert. If no pronouns are listed in your request, I’m just going to use they/them.
Fics from here will be posted on Wattpad, but fics from Wattpad will not be posted here. Just know that there’s extra content over there.
Wattpad: basiis (Cow Chop Imagines // REQUESTS OPEN)
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5lbsofsmarties · 7 years
hey I have been feeling so anxious and shitty lately with all the overwhelming bad stuff that has been happening in the world recently, could you write something with peake or adam comforting the reader about all this, if you don't mind
I combined this with another Adam prompt about secret dating.
Word count: 575
It had been a pretty rough night for you; sleep ended upevading you for most of it. So, instead of sitting at home and staring blanklyat your phone or computer screen, you decided to head into the office to tryand get some work done before everyone else got in for the day. You stopped ata coffee house by your place and bought the largest drink you could in anattempt to keep yourself functional enough to actually get stuff done.
At the office, you were the only one there and quicklycurled up in your chair at your desk. You wrapped a Funhaus blanket aroundyourself and pulled your hood up from the sweatshirt your boyfriend had left atyour apartment, trying to get as comfortable as possible.
Very quickly, you zoned out of everything in the room exceptyour work. Even though you felt okay, you could tell you weren’t doing yourbest; you could feel your body lagging a little with lack of sleep, and theanxious nerves of the last few days were catching up to you – which was nothelped by your extra large coffee.
Suddenly, a hand came to rest on your shoulder and younearly screamed as you whipped around to come face to face with Adam. Yourheart pounded against your ribs and you placed a hand on your chest as you tookyour headphones off to look up at him.
“Jesus, Adam,” you breathed heavily, “You scared the shitout of me.”
Adam gave an apologetic smile, “Sorry, I just noticed youwere here really early and you look kind of out of it. Are you okay?”
You sighed softly and shrugged a shoulder as your free handfiddled with the wire coming off your headphones.  “Had a not so stellar night… I was superanxious and just couldn’t sleep,” you explained with another shrug, eyes driftingaway from Adam.
You felt Adam’s hand come up and his finger tuck up underyour chin to lift you head enough so you had to look at him. “Do you wanna gohome? I can cover for you, I know how hard it is to come to work feeling likethat,” he offered, giving you a reassuring look.
“I should be okay… but I may want to head out after lunch,it that’s okay,” you murmured.
You allowed you hand to reach out and gently wrap aroundAdam’s wrist as you looked up at him. Even him just being there seemed to calmyou down enough to think and breath freely, which was making you start to feelthe lack of sleep you were dealing with.
“Of course, babe,” Adam nodded and leaned in to press a kissagainst you lips.
You heard someone from behind Adam make a surprised noiseand the two of you turned to see James and Elyse at the door, looking at thepair of you with wide eyes. After a moment or two, James grinned and grabbedElyse by the elbow.
“We’re going to pretend we didn’t see you two kiss and headoff to work so you can keep up this façade of simple co-workers to hide yourtrue feelings from your friends,” James all but shouted as he lead them out ofthe room and back to their office.
Adam looked down at you and laughed softly before he kissedyou again, “I’ll go deal with that.”
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aplaceforrtprompts · 7 years
16, kovic ^__^
“I’m going to kiss you now,” Adam told you, holding your face.
“Okay,” you whispered, your heart racing.
Your eyes fluttered shut but there was no kiss. After a minute, you peeked and Adam was still standing there as if frozen in time until Bruce shouted, “Cut!”
Bruce pulled him off to the side to ask him why he was ruining the scene. You could hear Adam ask him for a minute before turning to you and pulling you off to the side.
“What’s up?” you laughed as he pulled you into the hall to give the two of you privacy, “Scared to kiss me?”
Adam shook his head and leaned down to kiss you to prove his point. He pulled away, “I just wanted our first kiss to be just ours.”
“First kiss?” you questioned raising an eyebrow as Adam blushed. You didn’t let him answer though as you pulled him back down into another kiss.
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rt-reader-inserts · 7 years
Dating Elyse would include? 💖💞💕💝
Tumblr media
Movie marathon weekends where the only reason you pause the TV is to get takeout. It’s usually a mixture of both of your favorite movies, but there tend to be a more than a few Muppets thrown in.
Plenty of date nights in with a few shots of vodka or a bottle of wine, which usually end with the two of you laughing at the dumb jokes you make while cuddling on the couch, and lots of sloppy kisses that either lead to more giggles or the bedroom. (spoiler: it’s usually both)
Listen, there are so many piggy back rides. Whether you’re walking on hikes, through downtown, or around the house, there’s always a chance someone will be carrying someone at one point or another.
Stopping to pet every dog you see, no matter where you are or where you need to be.
Playing indie games together, and the two of you hamming up the voice acting if there’s any unspoken dialogue.
Speaking of gaming, you also have some pretty “intense” 1 on 1 battles, and both of your trash talking methods are ridiculous enough that you end up only half focused on the actual game. (And pity the poor souls that get roped into playing Mariokart with you.)
You two are the ultimate team for chicken fight, dominating any pool party you attend.
She’s definitely more dominant than you had expected, not that you mind at all; especially when a simple kiss after a long day of work leads to her pinning you against the wall, trailing open-mouthed kisses along your collarbone.
The two of you finding the most personal gifts for each other, and holidays/special occasions having plenty of sappy hugs and kisses and the occasional happy tears.
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rtscrobbles · 8 years
Bruce acting v protective/like an older brother towards the reader when something bad happens to her would be gr8 bc papa Bruce is best bruce!
A/N: oh yes papa Bruce!! 
  You sat at your desk, typing away and moving clips of a video from one place on the timeline to another. You job was easier than most, but it took a lot of concentration and was one of the vital pieces of funhaus being successful so there were plenty of nights where you’d end up staying overnight to finish a video. 
   Your boyfriend on the otherhand, assumed that you were cheating and said he couldn’t deal with it. Even with your pleas, he completely ignored you and when you didn’t stop crying and begging him to stay he raised his hand and brushed your cheek harshly, screaming at you to “grow up” along with other harsh words. 
  You hoped no-one would bring up the red spot on your cheek today but you could already tell that everyone was suspicious. You pulled your hood over your head and rested your forehead on the table, letting out a few sobs. 
Luckily everyone conveniently went out for lunch today which left you alone. 
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” You felt a warm, firm hand on grip your shoulder. You just shook your head and started crying even harder; a rack of sobs had possessed your body and you couldn’t stop. The tears stung as they trickled down your grazed cheek but you didn’t care. There was nothing that could compare to how you felt; the pain and fear. 
  “I’m a fucking failure Bruce. I’m a fucking failure -- everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. I have nothing left Bruce, nothing. There’s nothing fucking left. No-one loves me; no-one cares. Hell I may as well move out of town,” You rambled shakily. Bruce crouched down beside you and pulled down your hood much to your hesitation. 
  “Hey,” He says softly, gently caressing your cheek. With a sniffle you turn your head to see Bruce with concerned look strewn on his face. “You are not a failure. Who did this to you Y/N?” With a heavy breath and the tightness in your chest growing, you open your mouth to reply but another sob comes out. 
  You shook your head side-to-side. “It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter,” You repeated over and over again. “Yes it does Y/N. Look, I care about you okay? I don’t like seeing you like this, in fact none of us do. I will find out who did this to you and make sure they know they fucked with the wrong people. Y/N, you are precious and such a bundle of happiness and that’s why I love you,” 
   A watery smile crept on your lips, Bruce smiled pushing your matted hair from your face. “It was my dipshit boyfriend -- ex boyfriend now anyway.” Your lips still quivering from the trauma, tears began welling in your eyes again. 
“Oh.. come ‘ere,” Bruce pulls you into his chest, his arms wrapped around you comfortingly. “I’m not going to let anything like this happen to you again okay? They’ll have to answer to papa Bruce; and papa Bruce is pissed.” 
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Reader Inserts:
Achievement Hunter:
Andy Blanchard
Gavin Free
Geoff Ramsey
Jack Pattillo
Jeremy Dooley
Matt Bragg
Mica Burton
Michael Jones
Ryan Haywood
Trevor Collins
Adam Kovic
Bruce Greene
Elyse Willems
James Willems
Lawrence Sonntag
Matt Peake
Rooster Teeth:
Aaron Marquis
Adam Ellis
Ashley Jenkins
Barbara Dunkelman
Blaine Gibson
Brandon Farmahini
Burnie Burns
Chris Demarais
Cole Gallian
Dan Gruchy
Gray Haddock
Joel Heyman
Jon Risinger
Jordan Cwierz
Josh Flanagan
Josh Ornelas
Kerry Shawcross
Kyle Taylor
Mariel Salcedo
Miles Luna
Stan Lewis
Tyler Coe
ScrewAttack/Game Attack:
Chad James
Sam Mitchell
Shaun Bolen
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