#fungi constructs
greenhorizonblog · 2 months
Mushroom Materials
I cannot stop thinking about how compressed mycelium bricks could change the world. They are twice as strong as concrete, load bearing, anti vibrational, fireproof and can easily be made waterproof the same way you would with wood.
You could technically grow it into any shape you want.
I really would love to make cool semi camouflaged pod shelters for the homeless around town, so they have a safe place to sleep during the night, where they can lock the door so they're not at risk of being attacked or perceived/shunned.
Many homeless people are also neurodivergent and mentally ill and we all know how awful it is as a ND to not have your own space where no one can access you without your consent.
It could also make cool walk and cycleways above roads, to give people a safe way of going about so they don't risk getting hit by cars.
It could change everything.
Here's a video and website about it
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grimscrossing · 4 months
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Candida's shops and its junkyard
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un-pearable · 10 months
species don’t exist — i mean, obviously, they do. but they aren’t objective. species are (as most things are) a cultural construction, a coalition of humans deciding where and when to draw what lines. constantly in debate: did you know paleoanthropologists are unintentionally incentivized to claim to have discovered entire new genera along the path of human evolution because they are more likely to generate media buzz and gain desperately needed funding. thousands of plants may be categorized together but a centimeter’s difference in skull thickness warrants an entire new genus name. we are more genetically similar to chimpanzees than they are to their fellow non-human primates, but due to the rules of Linnaean taxonomy humanity will never be collapsed into the same genus as them because the rules dictate that the older genus name prevails: humanity would never accept becoming Pan sapiens, especially not after it took decades for it even to be accepted that humans were a part of the taxonomy in the first place. even the most basic of criteria we’ve used in the past to decide where a species stops and starts continues to be debunked - fish from entire opposites of the world can produce fertile offspring. analogous evolution can find lines that split millions of years back creating critters that would be side by side in a disney cartoon. categorization is a eternal battleground of western scientific standards requiring universalized objective qualifiers vs. the futile efforts to recognize the unmeasurable amounts of nuance held in traditional ecological knowledge — versus the fact that, inevitably, it all boils down to a vast continuum contained within only a few percentage points of variation in the squiggly lines that tell the cells of everything on the entire globe how to eat
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bat-connoisseur · 1 year
Reminder: animals only have sex, not gender
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Mushroom Words
My conlang Léna has four words that all mean mushroom, because the people who speak it, the Nweská, forage a lot of mushrooms - a plentiful resource in the temperate rainforest environment in which they live. The mushrooms are thus: gwezau noun, inanimate 2 [gʷe.zaʊ̯] From Proto-Hakhpha *gwödau - big mushroom A large, round mushroom with no stem, like a giant puffball or bear's head mushroom
gwowǝch noun, inanimate 2 [gʷo̹.wəɕ] From Proto-Hakhpha *gwomwoöśh - small mushroom A small, round mushroom, like a button mushroom or lesser puffball
gwowchúf noun, inanimate 2 [gʷo̹w.ɕúf] From Proto-Hakhpha *gwomwoöśh•usw - big small mushroom (small mushroom + AUG) A round-topped mushroom with a stem, like a king bolete or meadow mushroom
pakkwo noun, inanimate 2 [pak.kʷo̹] From Proto-Hakhpha *pwakw•dwu - small small table for preparing food (... + DIM) Any flat-topped mushroom, such as a chanterelle, oyster mushroom or hedgehog mushroom
My favourite thing about all these words is the fact that you can change the gender on them from inanimate 2 (tools and edible plants) to inanimate 3 (natural objects) and then they refer to poisonous or inedible mushrooms, for example:
Máró si gwowchúf kwǝssixe = Maro ate some mushrooms (inan2) maro handful mushroom eat~inan2pl-PST [má.ɾó si gʷo̹w.ɕúf kʷəs.si.x̟e] Máró si gwowchúf kwǝllexe = Maro ate some mushrooms (inan3) maro handful mushroom eat~inan3pl-PST [má.ɾó si gʷo̹w.ɕúf kʷəl.le.x̟e]
In the first sentence, Maro's having a great time, but in the second one she might want to think about a visit to the local shaman :/
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nuadox · 2 years
Study: Lung infections attributable to soil fungi are an issue across the US
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- By Nuadox Crew -
According to a study conducted by researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, a significant number of serious lung infections are caused by fungi in the soil in 48 of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, including many areas long believed to be devoid of lethal environmental fungi.
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Image: Histoplasma (red), Blastomyces (blue), and Coccidioides (green) are the three most prevalent species of fungus that cause lung infections in the United States. These maps were made using data from 1955 (top row) and 2007-2016 (bottom row). The use of obsolete maps may result in delayed or missed diagnosis. Credit: Patrick Mazi and Andrej Spec/Washington University.
Studies from the 1950s and 60s indicated that fungal lung infections were a problem only in certain parts of the country. The new study, available online in Clinical Infectious Diseases, shows that is no longer the case. Doctors who rely on outdated maps of disease-causing fungi may miss the signs of a fungal lung infection, resulting in delayed or incorrect diagnoses, the researchers said.
Histoplasma, or histo, is one of the three main species of soil fungi that cause lung infections in the U.S. Historically, Histoplasma was found in the Midwest and parts of the East, Coccidioides in the Southwest, and Blastomyces in the Midwest and the South. But a growing number of case reports and anecdotes suggest that all three have expanded out of their traditional ranges in recent decades, most likely due to climate change.
People develop fungal lung infections after breathing in spores from fungi in the soil. The spores become airborne when the ground is disturbed by farming, landscaping, construction or even just by people walking around in fungi-rich environments such as caves. Most healthy adults and children can fight off a fungal infection handily, but infants, older adults and people with compromised immune systems may develop fever, cough, fatigue and other symptoms. Fungal lung infections easily can be mistaken for bacterial or viral lung infections such as COVID-19, bacterial pneumonia and tuberculosis.
Spec, Mazi and colleagues set out to determine where soil fungi are sickening people today. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) last revised its maps of disease-causing fungi in 1969.
The researchers calculated the number of fungal lung infections nationwide from 2007 to 2016 using Medicare fee-for-service claims from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Using the patients’ home addresses to identify counties of residence, they calculated the number of cases per 100,000 person-years for each county. (Person-years are a way to correct for the fact that counties can have wildly different population sizes; one person on Medicare for one year is one person-year). Counties with more than 100 cases caused by Histoplasma or Coccidioides, or 50 cases caused by Blastomyces, per 100,000 person-years were defined as having a meaningful number of fungal lung infections.
Of the 3,143 counties in the U.S., 1,806 had meaningful numbers of lung infections caused by Histoplasma, 339 of Coccidioides and 547 of Blastomyces. These counties were distributed across the majority of the U.S. Across the 50 states plus DC, 94% had at least one county with a problem with Histoplasma lung infections, 69% with Coccidioides and 78% with Blastomyces.
Source: Tamara Bhandari, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Full study: “The Geographic Distribution of Dimorphic Mycoses in the United States for the Modern Era”, Clinical Infectious Diseases.
Read Also
Study: Soil fungi act like a support network for trees
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greenskellyblob · 2 years
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Behold, my house in Balmora! It's pretty small and cozy, sitting right on the east bank of the river
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It has a little garden I can chill in!
Please excuse the shitty lighting, I was too excited to wait for the better time of day and weather conditions XD
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Here you can see the main living area, I was standing on the firepit to get this angle, but right under my feet is a tiny little kitchen you can't see.
It's still pretty empty, I didn't have much clutter to put in, but soon!! Soon it will be filled with pots and spoons and the likes!!
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And for the end, upstairs there is a little humble kitchen and my tiny alchemy table/station. There is also a door that leads to a balcony, but other than the two benches it is empty.
I also fixed the containers having waaay too much gold, and decided to also increase the amount of stuff I can put in them. I won't be running out of space anytime soon :3
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timceliumxe417 · 25 days
In unserem neuesten Planungsabschnitt dreht sich alles um die Fenster – ein kleines, aber entscheidendes Detail, das unsere Wohnkabine besonders macht. Mit unserem Partner Novidem haben wir uns für ein rundes Fensterdesign entschieden, das nicht nur stabil und funktional ist, sondern auch optisch hervorsticht. Für die nötige Stabilität sorgt eine Kerto-Platte, die als Fenstersturz die Lasten vom Dach aufnimmt. Bei den Fenstern selbst mussten wir die Rippen verstärken, da sie für die Aussparungen durchtrennt wurden. Diese Rippenstreben sind als U-Träger ausgeführt – das macht sie nicht nur dünn und leicht, sondern verhindert auch ein Ausknicken. Was die Fensterrahmen angeht, sind wir eher pragmatisch vorgegangen. Da uns nur eine Falzstärke von 18 mm zur Verfügung stand, haben wir uns für schwarzen Kunststoff entschieden – nicht nur wegen der Optik, sondern auch, um Wärmebrücken zu vermeiden, die bei Aluminiumrahmen häufig auftreten. Das Bullseye-Fenster an der Frontseite lässt sich kippen und sorgt so für eine gute Belüftung – und das alles ohne auftragenden Griff, der beim Verschieben der Kabine stören könnte. Die Fenster sind nach ISO 614 Doppelverglast und wiegen insgesamt etwa 70 kg. Und das Beste daran: Die Fensterrahmen lassen sich dank eines cleveren Klippsystems mit einem Spezialwerkzeug ganz einfach montieren – einfach, schnell und effizient. Im nächsten Blogbeitrag werfen wir einen Blick auf die Scheuerleisten, die innen und aussen aufgetragen werden müssen, aber völlig unterschiedliche Aufgaben haben. Bleibt dran!
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tibli · 1 year
In light of that little "sharks are older than the north star" post, here's some other little fun facts i keep in my brain for such an occasion:
-mammals are older than flowers
-fungi are more closely related to animals than plants
-the t-rex existed in a closer period of time to humans than it did to stegosaurus.
-hyenas are closer in relation to cats than dogs
-the mitochondria in a human cell was originally a kind of bacteria that later evolved into the organelle we all know and love
-Cleopatra lived closer in time to the Iphone's debut than to the construction of the pyramids
-Oxford University is older than the Aztec Empire, and the modern English language (which i'm including Middle English in, as well, just for the record.)
-if you laid the blood vessels in a single human body end to end, it would be over 60,000 miles long, or, long enough to wrap around the earth twice.
-the oldest company in the world still in operation is kongo gumi, which was founded in the year 578
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mochinomnoms · 8 months
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Congrats on 1k followers Mochi (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) ♡ you so so so so deserve it. You always make me smile when I see your posts so I hope you have fun writing them.
If I might make a request, could I have Jade, Trey, and Ace with a romantic prompt 16 (“I won't lose you again.”)? I want to see them cry a lot just a tiny bit. Feel free to let the vibes guide you, I trust it will be very good.
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jade leech, trey clover, ace trappola (separate) x gn!reader [tags] — angst in Ace's, hurt in Trey's, humor in Jade, implied time loop theory [wc} - 1,000+ each prompt 16: “I won't lose you again.” song: Be, Talk (Hozier, “Wasteland, Baby!”), Francesca (Hozier, “Unreal Unearth”) note - @yuri-is-online got it! went a lil wild cause I got massive inspo lmao. Also, let me know if yall can guess the anime I got inspired from with Ace's francesca (1k event)
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“Be like the love that discovered the sin (Lover, be good to me) / That freed the first man and will do so again / And, lover, be good to me (Lover, be good to me)”
There were several things that caught Jade Leech’s attention during his life, but only a few kept his attention, after which he’d abandon his ‘toy’. Fungi, mountains, and poisonous flowers, were exceptions, to name a few. He had to admit to himself (and only himself) that there was one thing that revolved in his mind all this time later, dug deep into his brain like the mycelium of his beloved mushrooms in the forest floor. 
One. Thing. You. The funny little human from the broken down dorm. The funny little human with not a single ounce of magic in their veins. The cute little human that was captivated by his merform, an entirely foreign concept to them. The sweet little human with the even sweeter crush on him all throughout his second and third years. 
Perhaps it was cruel of him to entertain your affections with no real desire to follow through on them. Actually, scratch that, it was cruel of him to do so. It was just so…interesting to him at the time. He grew alongside his brother and Azul, none of them exactly being the most sought after during their childhood or teens. They were feared, each of them for multiple reasons, not exactly prime boyfriend material, despite some of their attempts to curate a specially crafted facade. 
Yet, you were so bewitched by him, enthralled, beguiled, and dare he say lovesick with him despite all the signs screaming “DANGER! DANGER! DANGER!” So please, forgive him for shamelessly flirting, and finding entertainment in your reactions. 
The dilated pupils as he leaned down to make eye contact. The sharp intakes when he cornered you against a library shelf, nonchalantly reaching for a random book. The shiver down your spine as he would lean over in class to whisper some nonsense in your ear regarding the class. All for the sole purpose to see you blush a pretty color and get flustered. Not for the jump in his heart at the thought of being revered so sweetly, or a potential lover being so good to him. 
It was just a bit of fun. That’s all it was. That’s all it was meant to be, when he finally left for his internship his third year. He paid no mind to the wistful look on your face as he gave his goodbyes, nor the strange creak in his heart at the sight.
Jade Leech was all he’s always been, and all he will ever be: a man that left his toys once they ceased to interest him.
Which is why he loathed that he’s been unable to remove you from his mind. Though, did he really? It wasn’t annoyance or hate, but an aching yearning that resided in his being. Jade spent many months tossing and turning in bed as he dreamt of you: shy smiles, soft eyes, and sweet words. He wanted, he needed to be free from this love-struck feeling, this infatuation. It was dragging him down from his finely constructed pedestal, like a sin striking an angel down from heaven. 
Yet, coming back to campus now, presenting his internship research at the end of the year, Jade found himself strangely content with the concept as he watched you. You’d taken on your role at NRC quite beautifully, and were the object of affection for many admirers, much to his dismay. Currently, you were attending to visitors, directing them to their destinations and helping the fourth years find their old clubs and friends, while he admired from around the corner.  
You were as you’ve always been, sweet, cute, and clueless to your surroundings as he stalked closer until he was behind you, leaning down until his lips inched close to your ear. 
He purred breathlessly into your ear, “Oh Prefect~ Is that you, my dear?” Jade didn’t miss the shudder that flew up your spine as you jumped away in shock. 
“EEP! W-what the—” You whipped your head around to berate the man before realizing who it was. “Oh, jeez, Jade! You’re back—why’d you do that?!”
The tall man chuckled as he straightened to his normal height. Oh, how he missed you. And your reactions, of course. 
“I simply missed your delightful expressions, you always have been rather reactive with me, haven’t you?”
“What—nooo. I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Huffing, you crossed your arms and jerked your gaze away in irritation. At least, it would be if not for the blush on your cheeks. 
“Fuhuhuh, that blush suggests otherwise.” A giddy feeling filled his chest as Jade inched closer to you, in which you backed away. This continued until he managed to corner you against the stone way of the hallway. 
“This is a familiar sight, is it not?” Jade cooed as he leaned down again, a hand reaching to caress your cheek. “I did miss you, didn’t you—”
A smack. Jade blinked in surprise as his hand was thrown back by your own. Now you looked more annoyed than flustered. 
“I’m sure you did.” You hissed sarcastically, narrowing your gaze at him. “Ha! Please, more like missed messing with me. If you really missed me, you’d’ve called or messaged me like the others in our class. Even Azul checked up on me!”
Jade…hadn’t been aware of that. He’s been too into his own head, reliving memories with you that it hadn’t occurred to him that you’d actually might lose affection for him. 
The thought made him a little sick. 
He pouted, taking your chin in his hand to tilt your head up to his. “Is that so? Please forgive me for my most egregious sin. I don’t wish to lose you again.”
“Hmph, again?” You made a sound of offense. Despite your words, you still looked up at Jade with a  shy gaze, eyes darting down to his lips every so often. 
You never had me in the first place.” You scoffed, trying to avert your blushing gaze, though he kept a firm grip, moving to squeeze your cheeks into a pucker.  
Jade chuckled, “Your previous actions say otherwise, though I am quite a fool for not taking what was mine in the first place.”
“Y-yours?! You-you-you can’t just say things like that—eep!” You let you a deliciously cute squeak, which he swallowed up as he stole a kiss. 
“Now, now my little lover, be good to me and let me revel in your affections, I’ve derived myself from them for far too long now, have I not?”
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And I'd be the immediate forgiveness in Eurydice / Imagine being loved by me / I won't deny I've got in my mind now (Hey, yeah) / All the things I would do
He wasn’t sure why he had any faith in Crowley to get you back home. Really, that’s on him for thinking the headmage would put any work into your return home. If Trey had known that you’d still be here in Twisted Wonderland, years after his graduation, he wouldn’t have ever broken up with you. 
Granted, it hadn’t exactly been his choice in the first place, as you had abruptly ended the relationship towards the end of his fourth year. Told him to enjoy his life without you weighing him down, despite his insistence that you’d do no such thing. 
Trey finally relented when you told him that you had a world, a family, a home (without him) to get to. Somewhere you belonged, somewhere that wasn’t with him. 
It hurt, yes, knowing that you were never really meant to be with him in the first place. It was simply by magical chance that you were plucked from your world to turn his own upside down. Likewise, it was simply by chance that you and him got together to steal and eat his heart, leaving him almost an empty shell of himself. 
So it was a surprise to see you at Riddle’s wedding, of all places, dressed up in a pretty green outfit as you giggled with some bridesmaids. Seven, you looked good, the fabric hugging all the right spots. Maybe he was being a bit delusional, but Trey swears that the green of your outfit matched the color of his hair, and he had a small possessive streak pass through him at the thought. If it wasn’t for Cater pinching his arm, Trey would be sure that he was in a dream. 
“Ow! Cater!” Trey hissed, rubbing his arm as the strawberry-blonde smirked at him. Cater’s hair was longer now, but he kept his signature style from school still. 
“Go on, talk to them.” Cater nudged him with his elbow, gesturing to you. “I know you want too~”
Trey huffed, watching the liquid in his cup as he swirled his punch. “I’m fine, thanks.”
“Oh, come on!” Cater whined, latching on to Trey’s arm. 
“We didn’t end on good terms.”
Cater countered, “You didn’t end on bad ones either.”
“Hmph.” Trey clicked his tongue, eyeing you from the corner of his eye. Your hair had grown longer, and was dyed. It looked nice on you.
Still leaning against Trey, Cater pouted before a mischievous look passed over his face as he leaned in to whisper in Trey’s ear. 
“Besides, I heard they’ve stayed single since being with you.”
“…” A sigh. “Really?”
“Totes, so you really ought to go make a move before that blonde dude does, though it doesn’t look like he’s having much luck.”
Finally deciding to look up, Trey noticed your uncomfortable expression as the guy twirled a strand of your hair with his fingers. Despite being known for being rather mild-mannered, a handful of your mutual friends knew the truth: Trey had a nasty jealous streak where you were concerned. 
He wasn’t sure when or how he got across the room, but Trey was suddenly hovering over you and the blond man, hazel eyes piercing his back. Surprise flitted your features as a hand was offered to you, along with a familiar. 
“Sorry, hope I’m not interrupting.” Trey had to withhold a smug smirk as he saw your eyes light up at the sight of him. “But would you mind sharing a dance?”
You eagerly nodded, taking his hand and mumbling a half-hearted apology to the other man as Trey guided you to the dance floor, filled with couples sharing a dance to the latest love song. 
His hands rested on the familiar curve of your waist as your arms wrapped around his neck, hesitating before finally settling your hands on the back of his neck. The two of you swayed to the music, a surprisingly comfortable silence between you two. Honestly? It was as if you two never broke up, with how your bodies curled into each other, heart-to-heart.
Yet, neither one of you seems willing to start the conversation he was begging to have.
“… You look beautiful—”
“You look wonderful—” 
Both of you opened your mouths at the same time, interrupting each other before sharing a giggle.
“Sorry, sorry. You go first.”
Trey shook his head. “No, go ahead.”
You smiled, something soft and a bit sad, before looking him up and down. “You look good, got stockier. The bakery’s got you working hard, hm?”
“Ha, yeah. It has, what…about you?”
Your lips thinned, as you looked away. “Still at NRC with Grim, we teach the new Beast-tamer curriculum. It’s…fun.”
Silence fell over you two again, the elephant in the room hanging between you two.
“You’ve been here, all this time, then?”
You nodded, a sliver of shame passing over your features. 
“He never did find me a way home after we…you know…”
Trey sharply inhaled, tightening his grip and rubbing soothing circles as he nodded. “Yeah…why didn’t you…tell me. Why didn’t you come back?” He left out the ‘to me.’
You stopped dancing, making him stumble slightly as he watched your face intently, heart aching at the tears growing in your eyes. 
 “I—” Trey watched as you swallowed a lump in your throat, voice shaky. “—I felt so bad that you’d spent your time and energy on being with me when I might not even stay, so I wanted you to go off and live life. But then, he never did find me a way back, and I realized that I just pushed you away, and I just couldn’t face you—”
You broke into sobs, burying your face into his chest as Trey led you away from the dance floor. He managed to pull you into a secluded hallway, one for the staff to enter in and out of the kitchen. Trey held you close as he rubbed your back, resting his cheek on the top of your head as you rested into the crook of his neck.
“I-I'm sorry… I shouldn't be…” You were sniffling, letting out little hiccups as you spoke. “—crying like this… I'm not trying to make you… feel bad… I just… I should go…”
As you moved to pull away, Trey tightened his grip, hand reaching up to caress your cheek as you looked up at him with watery eyes. You were as beautiful as the day you left him, tears streaking your makeup and all. 
“Don’t, please, I—” Trey sighed, resting his forehead against yours. “I won’t lose you again. I missed you so much, please, stay?”
You nodded, still sniffling, as you moved to kiss the palm holding your cheek. “I missed you too, but aren’t you mad at me? For not coming back?”
Trey shook his head, smiling softly at you. Whatever anger he had was immediately forgiven at the sight of you before him. He couldn’t care less about the last few years, as long as he had you back in his arms again. 
“As long as I can have you back in my arms, the past is forgiven. As long as…you’ll have me?”
The two of you shared another sweet smile, leaning into each other to press your lips in a soft, fleeting kiss. The type of kiss you give when you can’t tell the difference between a dream and reality. Cater’s quick photo of you two lovers would later help cement that fact that this was reality. 
It’s a week later that Trey has that exact same picture set as his home and lock screen.
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I'd tell them, "Put me back in it" (Da-ah, darlin') / I would do it again (Ah-ah, ah-ah) / If I could hold you for a minute (Da-ah, darlin') / I'd go through it again (Ah-ah, ah-ah)
It’s all dark. It’s always dark until the moment Ace opens his eyes and the coffin opens. Ace goes through the orientation ceremony, only to have it interrupted by you stumbling into the Mirror Chamber, an energetic and egotistical Grim demanding to take your spot. 
It’s dark in the cave that he goes into with you two and Deuce to collect the new chandelier magistone. You're screaming, he’s screaming, so are Deuce and Grim. It’s a shit show, even before Riddle comes to drag him and Deuce back to the dorm. 
It’s dark when he makes the trek to your dorm after being collared. Grumbling about just wanting a snack, about Riddle’s unnecessary rage, and about who the hell can remember all 810 rules. It’s light, though, that he sees when you open the door to Ramshackle, the warm, old lightbulbs from the hallway creating a halo around you. 
It’s light again, in the morning as the sun filters through the broken window, you poking him awake to get to class.
Ace has never been one to get sentimental, the idea of love is frightening, to be frank. But looking at you again, light curtaining your features, he was reminded why he did what he did. 
Why he punched Riddle for his outburst and insults to you. 
Why he threw himself into the fight against Leona as he threatened to turn you to sand. 
Why he let himself get “tricked” by Azul again and again, get beaten up by the twins under the sea again and again. Why he tried to run back to school to your rescue, only to be too late again and again. Why he endured the embarrassment of losing the SDC. 
He’d hoped that this time he’d be able to avoid getting into a coma from the S.T.Y.X. Charon robots again, but he had no luck, so you once again had to depend on Rook and Epel getting you through the Isle of Woe. Maybe he should’ve focused on getting Grim back after scratching you, or maybe just prevented him from eating all the blot stones, then you wouldn’t have been in this mess. 
It might have prevented Malleus’s own blot, though Ace wasn’t really sure what led to his spiraling. It was probably a combination of a lot of information, as it was with the rest of the blots. Either way, he’d been hoping that preventing Grim from eating the 8th blot stone would’ve prevented this. 
Ace wouldn’t know though, as he’s been through this year at least 4 times now. Trying to prevent what he’s slowly starting to believe is inevitable.  
He’s replayed your deaths over and over in his brain. The first one that happened, he was upset for losing a friend, but probably would’ve gotten over it. It sounds harsh, but that was the reality of the situation. 
After the second loop, Ace started noticing you more. Things he missed out on the first time. The way you smiled, the way you walked, the way you tugged on your shirt when you were nervous. It was cute. 
It was his third loop that he started noticing little things. How you liked to grab on to his arm when it got too crowded. How you always made an effort to help him in class, despite having to catch up with nearly 2 decades of curriculum just to understand the professors. He noticed how you’d blush whenever he’d make flirty jokes. 
It was his fourth, and current, loop that he really started to view you differently. That he started to view these second, third, and fourth chances as a way to keep you safe. To not lose you again. 
You were always helping him, despite the stress he caused you. Every time you’d let him crash in your dorm, eventually convincing you to let him share at least your room. He’d be up, tossing and turning as he watched your sleep. He wasn’t trying to be creepy, but seeing you take your whole situation in stride, every overblot, every condescending comment, every shenanigan Grim, Deuce, and him really made Ace think about why he was doing this. 
Was it because he felt bad? No, it certainly wasn’t the first time, anyway. Was it because he liked having you around? Kinda, maybe a little. Was it because every time he’d ask you why you got involved with all the drama at school, you’d answer with a shrug, a smile, and simply answer “I gotta protect my friends, as best I can anyway.” That was probably partially the reason.
He thinks the reason he’s so desperate to make sure you stay around is because of the promise you made with him the first loop around: “If I can’t go home, let’s always stick together! I like you, and you like me, so we can support each other every way we can.”
You’d made this promise, in one form or another, every loop.
“Promise we’ll stay friends, even after graduation! I wanna stick by my first friend’s side!”
“Ace? Do you actually promise to take care of me? I know I’m a pain, no magic and all, but I’ve taken care of you in my own way, do you really promise to do the same?”
It was his fourth time watching you live your year in Twisted Wonderland. And it’s then that it clicked for him: he was falling deep into love with the magicless Prefect that cared way too much for others, and much too little for themselves. 
“Ace…” you gasped, a bloodied hand reaching out for him as an overblotted Grim made a rampage throughout the Mirror Chamber. He could hear the others screaming, magic being cast, and a distinct yowl from Grim as Riddle launched another fire spell at him. 
Ace cringed as the giant direbeast that was once his little fiery friend screamed in pain, running around until he tripped and fell through where there was once a wall. Grim let out an eerie, inhuman scream as he fell, a sickening crunch echoing as he landed on the stone ground. For the fourth time, Grim was gone. But that didn’t matter, not when he was watching you die for the fourth time. 
“Hey! Hey, hey, hey I’m here.” Ace had managed to crawl over to you, clasping your hand with his own. He rested your head on his lap as you coughed, red liquid leaving your mouth as you did. 
“No, nononononono—you’re fine!” Ace hyperventilated as he looked over your battered body. He was sure that he had prevented Grim from eating Vil’s blot stone. Was that not the reason he turned into this? Did he only need to eat a few before turning into a monster? He was so confident that he’d managed to keep you safe. So why? Whywhywhywhywhywhywhy—
“Ace.” He froze as you murmured his name, your other hand reaching for his cheek, wiping away the tears he didn’t realize he was leaving. 
“Ace, promise me you’ll stay with me? I don’t want to be alone right now…” you hiccuped as you started crying, curling into his chest as Ace cradled you. “I’m sorry that I couldn’t help! I was so useless, so useless to let Grim get to this point. So useless as a friend, I’m so sorry!”
Ace curled into you, ignoring the voices from behind you two, no doubt the other students coming to the realization that you’d be grievously harmed. 
“I’ll stay with you, I’m always with you.” Ace shuddered. He felt like throwing up. “I’m going to try again, I won’t be too late this time. I’ll make sure to keep you safe this time. I won't lose you again.”
Ace ignored the person shaking his shoulder as he watched you hyperventilate, before your breathing slowed and eventually stopped. He ignored the surprised cries as magic swirled around him, as he activated his signature spell for the fifth, and hopefully final time:
With a flick of the wand, a rhythm sublime,
Reverse The Clock, turn back the chime,
No time to say 'Hello', goodbye!
I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!
It’s all dark. It’s always dark until the moment Ace opens his eyes and the coffin opens for the fifth time.
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comments and reblogs appreciated 🩷
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azzayofchaos · 4 months
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As an exercise in creature design and in the interest on developing my dreaming-verse/general world building lore, i thought these guys would be fun to do!
More lore / transcript:
Peaceful lava walkers and grazers, they’re often breed and domesticated for both their use as transportation across the lava lakes and for various materials.
While not certainly an acquired taste to an overworlder, strider meat is not an uncommon food source. String and membranes from their opalescent sensory organs and hide are also valuable resources.
The membranes are heat management, courting displays, and gathering sensory input as they are near-blind.
Strider's eyes are largely vestigial, the sensory organs picking up on heat signatures exclusively.
They have spiracles for breathing along their sides and tails.
When wading through lava, their limbs are able to stretch out, this process requires the high temperature and results in the brighter, redder coloration of their skin as the heated fluids move under it. When not on lava, this fluid cools resulting in a duller coloration.
A subspecies of strider can be found in regions of the deep Neth that are blue in color.
They are long lived and migratory creatures, lichens and fungi often growing on their harder outer plates to spread across lava lakes. These are not an incident the striders, though magma barnacles, the stationary stage of a Nether-local insectoid species are considered pests.
Adolescent striders are a few meters tall, though they can grow considerably larger.
When being ridden, a lantern full of the phosphorescent warped mushrooms that Striders prefer. This lantern has the bonus effect of glowing when passing across sections of land. While Striders prefer to graze on fungi, they also spend significant amounts of time filtering minerals from the lava lakes.
Flags are displayed to help make visible where the rider and the strider are coming from and what the point of travel for the rider is.
Territorial and aggressive animals that use the updrafts of lava lakes to remain afloat in the the atriums of the Neath.
Ghats contain organs able to solidify and fire out explosive charges, when about to fire, the organ will light up, an illusion of a demonic face appearing through their spiracles and semi-transparent bodies.
They feed on minerals and airborne biological matter that filters out of the biomes in the upper-regions of the Neth with their oral arms.
The ghast tear is an organ in their center arm.
Adult ghasts release their own spores into the air to help with genetic exchange, otherwise growing young ghast on their bodies that eventually split off in a sort of mitosis.
the gelatinous bodies of ghasts are used primarily in construction and fuel, but parts of their innards, explosive organs not included, are commonly eaten.
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dunmeshistash · 2 months
Hi and thank you for all the service you do for us!
If it's not too much of a bother, could you please compile everything that is known about the structure of the dungeon? The maps, the floors, and what's there, if there are notes about what monster lives where, it would be amazing! I've found a few useful panels, but I'm not sure if I'm missing anything. Thanks!
So you mean information about "The Island" in specific? That's apparently the name of the dungeon they're in during the story. I can try
You can check the dungeons tag for more general information about dungeons.
Here's what the adventurer's bible says about the Island:
A new dungeon that was discovered just six years ago. It's rumored that the Golden Country that existed a thousand years ago still lies in its depths, imprisoned there by the Lunatic Magician
And here's what I said about it on that Dungeons post
"The island", which is the name given to the Dungeon Linked to Melini Village's Graveyard, is a "Compound-Style Dungeon" while other dungeons seem to have specific styles linked to other ancient civilizations (Dwarf-Style, Gnome-Style, Elf-Style) 'The Island' in specific seem to be a Compound Style between dwarfish and elvish styles. As Thistle says, continuing in ch 68, it was an ancient Dwarf construction that was then used by Elves. Maybe that's the reason the dwarfish inscriptions are only in the innermost levels of the dungeon. The Style then seems to indicate which ancient civilizations created the manmade Dungeon.
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Idk much about the maps, there's some behind the characters in some covers but idk if they're accurate at all or what they represent but here they are:
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About the floors we have a cross section that shows floors from floor 1 to floor 5 and a bit of 6
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I'll just copy whats on the wiki cause I think it works and add images from the manga.
Floor 1
The uppermost floor of the dungeon. Once the graveyard of the nearby Merini Village, the discovery of the dungeon resulted in it filling with merchants and adventurers. There are sellers of manuscripts and incense, as well as an abundance of food stalls. There is also a demi-human slave market
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Floor 2
The floor is filled with tall trees and towers, linked by wooden bridges. It is theorized by scholars that the area is the top of the Golden Castle sealed away by the Lunatic Magician.
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Floor 3
The entrance to the Golden Castle, now moldy and covered in dust. Footsteps can be heard, but it is unclear if they are those of fellow adventurers or the undead. Most monsters on this floor are undead, rotting or skeletal. There are water fountains in the shape of lion's heads throughout the level. There are also toilets in the busier areas, which have been maintained by Senshi for many years.
Senshi's base camp is located here. There are also merchants on this level, but their clientele tend to be fairly shady.
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Floor 4
The floor is a cave made up of the castle and an underground lake. The water has absorbed magical energy and glows faintly. At the bottom of the lake is the castle town.
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Floor 5
The exit of the Golden Castle and the entrance to the castle town, which contain evidence of their former splendor. The streets often magically rearrange themselves, making navigation difficult. The orcs' former home is located here. There is an overgrown graveyard attached to the town that is populated by Dryads.
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Floor 6
A network of underground waterways built using the mining tunnels of dwarves. It is stated that most monsters on this floor use mental attacks. This floor was once hot and humid, but is now cold and snowy.
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Floor 7 (wiki calls it "Deepest part of the dungeon" but the monster guide says the monsters are on F7)
An old dwarven defensive site, filled with pipes, machinery and mechanical contraptions located past a large door with no visible lock. The floor is fairly warm. Further onward is an ancient dwarven city, hewn from the side of a cliff face, with giant fungi sprouting in some areas
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Besides these floors there's also the Golden Kingdom and Thistle's home, the golden kingdom appears to not actually be conected to the rest of the dungeon directly? Since they need the ghosts to take them to and from there, Thistle's home seems to be past the 7th floor but might just be on the 7th I'm not sure.
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About the monsters you can check on that wiki page which monsters show up on each floor (based on what shows up on the manga I think) but here's what the adventurer's bible says about which floor each ones lives:
All over the Dungeon
Walking Mushroom
Big Walking Mushroom
Dungeon Cleaner
The eyes of the Magician (Wyvern)
1F and bellow
Huge Scorpion
Green Slime (Mostly 1F)
2F and bellow
Man-Eating Plant
Big Bat
Basilisk (only 2F)
3F and bellow
Treasure Insects
Living Armor (3F-5F)
Living Painting
4F and bellow
Giant Frog
Sea Serpent
Ivy Tentacles
Giant Kraken (only 4F)
5F and bellow
6F and bellow
Red Dragon
Green Dragon
7F and bellow
Dungeon Rabbit
- (No habitat in the dungeon, were summoned by the Dungeon Lord)
White Dragon
Easter Dragon
Flying Pig
Huge Spider
Hope all of this helps somehow!! Putting a readmore fucked up the formatting so I hope yall don't mind the huge post 😅
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nightprompts · 1 year
&. 𝐧𝐨 𝐩𝐮𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝: 𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
(  inspired from the pun book from the last of us, here are some dialogue prompts of various puns. feel free to edit and change as you seem fit. )
❛ for a fungi to grow you must give it as mushroom as possible. ❜
❛ it doesn't matter how much you push the envelope. it'll still be stationary. ❜
❛ what did the mermaid wear to her math class? an algae bra. ❜
❛ people are making apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow. ❜
❛ why did the scarecrow get an award? he was outstanding in his field. ❜
❛ what did the triangle say to the circle? you're so pointless. ❜
❛ a book just fell on my head, i only have my shelf to blame. ❜
❛ i tried to catch some fog earlier. i mist. ❜
❛ i stayed up all night wondering where the sun went. then it dawned on me. ❜
❛ diarrhea is hereditary... it runs in your genes. ❜
❛ what did the green grape say to the purple grape? breathe, you idiot! ❜
❛ i'm reading a book on anti-gravity, and it's impossible to put down. ❜
❛ what is a pirate's favorite letter? tis' the c. ❜
❛ i wasn’t originally going to get a brain transplant, but then i changed my mind. ❜
❛ what washes up on tiny beaches? microwaves. ❜
❛ why are frogs so happy? they eat whatever bugs them. ❜
❛ i don't trust trees. they're shady. ❜
❛ i was going to tell you a pizza joke, but it's too cheesy. ❜
❛ i want to be cremated as it is my last hope for a smoking hot body. ❜
❛ there’s a new type of broom out. it’s sweeping the nation. ❜
❛ did you hear about the man who lost his left side? he’s all right now. ❜
❛ what do you call a bee that can't make up its mind? a maybe. ❜
❛ i tried to make a belt out of watches. it was a waist of time. ❜
❛ i got fired from the calendar factory, just for taking a day off. ❜
❛ did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda? he was lucky it was a soft drink. ❜
❛ tequila may not fix your life but its worth a shot. ❜
❛ why are there fences around cemeteries? because people are dying to get in! ❜
❛ thanks for explaining the word 'many' to me, it means alot. ❜
❛ i once ate a watch. it was time consuming. ❜
❛ why are teddy bears never hungry? they are always stuffed! ❜
❛ i don’t trust stairs because they’re always up to something. ❜
❛ never trust an atom, they make up everything! ❜
❛ i couldn't figure out how to put my seatbelt on, but then it clicked. ❜
❛ how do construction workers party? they raise the roof. ❜
❛ what do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? a thesaurus. ❜
❛ when a clock is hungry, it goes back four seconds. ❜
❛ i made a pun about the wind but it blows. ❜
❛ it's hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally. ❜
❛ what did the ocean say to the beach? nothing, it just waved. ❜
❛ i have a joke about chemistry, but i don't think it will get a reaction. ❜
❛ i'm on a seafood diet. i see food and i eat it. ❜
❛ why did the restaurant on the moon get bad reviews? it has no atmosphere.❜
❛ how do you organize a space party? you planet. ❜
❛ i once heard a joke about amnesia... but i forget how it goes. ❜
❛ the frustrated cannibal threw up his hands. ❜
❛ it takes guts to be an organ donor. ❜
❛ why is the mushroom always invited to parties? he's a fungi. ❜
❛ a guy walks into a bar... he was disqualified from the limbo contest. ❜
❛ jokes with punch lines can be painfully funny. ❜
❛ so what if i don’t know what apocalypse means? it’s not the end of the world! ❜
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scandalcus · 2 years
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pairing ; ellie williams x fem!reader summary ; ellie helps you relax and forget the scare you had while on patrol content warnings ; some fluff, lots of smut. top!ellie, bottom!reader, established relationship, cunnilingus (r! receiving), nipple play, fingering (r! receiving), gagging, explicit language, teasing, begging, orgasm delay, over stimulation, violence (against infected), etc. word count ; 2.3k a/n ; this is my first official fic on my blog! the last time i wrote a fic was probably 4/5 years ago so please bare with me. i apologize in advance if it isn't great and seems fast paced. feedback and constructive criticism are welcome!
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A heavy silence hung in the air, but was quickly interrupted by an eerie screech coming from the clicker in front of you. Movement from the corner of your eye catches your gaze. You watch as Ellie carefully moves from her position behind the wooden counter. Quiet sounds of snow crunching every time she takes a step. You study her as she approaches the infected, her auburn hair gently blowing from the cool breeze of winter air, a switchblade held tightly in her right fist. Her eyebrow’s are furrowed and her sight doesn’t turn away from the clicker once, her only focus is eliminating the threat. Once close enough, she gets up from her crouched position and swiftly shoves the switchblade into the clickers throat, pulling it down to the ground as it dies. “Got you motherfucker.” she mutters, pulling the blade out if its neck and wiping the remaining blood onto her jacket. “I think that's all of them,” she says, looking back at you while closing her switchblade and putting it into her back pocket. You stand up, feeling secure enough to put your pistol into your holster. “Good, let’s get out of here-“ “Watch out!” Ellie yells. You turn around, not having any time to react to the stalker coming at you. Suddenly, you’re on the ground and the stalker is on top of you, eagerly trying to get close enough to bite you. You groan, using all your strength, along with all the adrenaline you have to push it's body away from yours, focusing on keeping its face away from you.
Everything is a blur, all you can hear is a high pitched ringing, accompanied by a headache. A sudden pressure of weight falls onto your body. You slowly open your eyes, blinking them a couple times as they focus. You hear the familiar noise of Ellie grunting as she pushes the limp infected off of you. You look down at your jacket and notice blood and scattered fungi, taking a second to compose yourself and process what just happened. “Holy shit, are you okay?” Ellie asks, a concerned look crosses her face as she looks down at you. She throws her shotgun over her shoulder, then quickly holds her cut up and bruised hand out for you. You reach out and grab it, pulling yourself up with her help. “Yeah, I think so. My heart is fucking racing.” you say, your hands slightly trembling and your chest rising up and down abnormally fast due to adrenaline still pumping through your veins. "We're losing light, let's get the fuck out of here." Ellie says, guiding you towards Shimmer. You follow silently, ready to get back to town and out of the harsh cold outdoors.
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You sighed, pulling your bloody and fungi covered jacket off your body and throwing it into the horde of dirty clothes in the corner of the room. You felt Ellie's gaze burning into your back, turning around to see Ellie sitting on the edge of her bed and confirming that she was in fact, staring at you. "Take a picture It'll last longer." you say. Ellie rolls her eyes in response, leaning back in bed but refusing to avert her attention from you while you undress. "Come here." she says softly, a gentle smile across her lips. You pause for a moment, debating whether you'd rather shower or lay with your girlfriend. Ellie notices you contemplating and replies with a pout, and you obviously couldn't resist after that. You roll your eyes and lay down beside her, in which she proceeds to scoot closer towards you. "Ugh, you reek" you say to her with a small grin. "Shut up." she replies playfully.
You're now laying parallel to each other, face to face. You raise your hand to Ellies temple, moving a strand of hair behind her ear and then proceeding to caress her cheek. "Thanks for saving me today." you say softly. She hums in response. Both of you are lost in each others features. You observe her emerald green eyes as they stare back into yours, doing the same. You run your thumb over her cheek, admiring the freckles perfectly dotted across her face. You were so mesmerized you didn't realize that she had snuck her hand to the small of your back, getting slightly startled when you feel her pulling you closer to her. "Are you still on edge from earlier today?" she asked gently, her expression showing slight concern. "I-I don't know, I guess so." you shrug, letting out a deep sigh of relief that you actually got out of that situation. Ellie looks around the room for a brief moment, you watch her think, wondering what's going through her head.
"I know a way to help you get your mind off of it." she says suggestively, moving her right hand to your hip and pressing her thumb into your lower abdomen. "Oh really?" you say, raising your eyebrows, a faint smirk appearing across your lips. She doesn't care to bother with a response, everything is interrupted by her lips meeting yours. You close your eyes, you just can't resist leaning into her kiss, it doesn't take long for it to get passionate. You can feel your heart flutter inside your chest, along with her hands eagerly trying to explore every inch of your body. Her right hand wanders and eventually they find their way to the hem of your cami top, lifting it up until your breasts are exposed. She doesn't waste the opportunity to slide your nipple in-between her two fingers, gently squeezing them, causing a quiet whine to escape your lips, which encourages Ellie to gently tug on your nipple and sink her teeth into your bottom lip.
As the kiss becomes more sensual, you feel heat spread to your core, accompanied by a gush of wetness. You squeeze your thighs together for some sense of relief, but it's becoming almost unbearable how aroused you've become. Ellie is undoubtedly aware of the effects she has on you, but she loves watching the way you squirm for her and she loves to tease you until you're left completely helpless and needy, yearning for her touch.
She finds her way on top of you and attaches her lips to your neck, leaving a trail of kisses until she reaches your breasts, then placing her lips around your areola and sucking while gently grazing her teeth on your nipple, using her left hand to fondle with the other one. Her right hand slowly travels to your core, she slightly tickles your skin with her fingertips causing you to shiver. After reaching your cunt, she proceeds to run her middle finger across your slit in a soft, teasing matter with your panties acting as a barrier. "You're so fucking wet for me." she mutters, applying a little more pressure until she can barely touch your clit through the thin cloth, repeatedly grazing her fingertip across it, enjoying how you twitch every time and feeling the fabric become more and more drenched in your fluids.
"Ellie, I need you," you moan shamelessly, interlocking your fingers through her chestnut hair, gently tugging as to assure her of how bad you wanted her. You lifted your hips into her touch and end up wrapping your legs around her abdomen, pulling her closer to you. She lets out a soft chuckle as to how desperate you've become.
"Please Ellie, I need you to fuck me." you whine. Suddenly you felt very vulnerable, causing you to blush at how pitiful you sounded. She didn’t mind though, she lifted her head up to meet with your gaze and connected her lips to yours before running her index finger across your bottom lip. You opened your mouth, encouraging Ellie to shove three of her fingers into your mouth. She pushed them in further and further until you started to gag, never breaking her eyes away from yours.
As soon as her fingers were wet enough, she slid her hand into your panties and effortlessly ran her fingers through your folds, taking time to appreciate how wet you were for her before navigating your bundle of nerves. "Fuck y/n," she said in a whiny tone, the two words were enough to send shivers through your body and give you goosebumps.
She loved watching your expressions as she pleased you. The way you bit your lip and furrowed your brows, knowing she hit the perfect spot when you gasp your eyes start to roll into the back of your head. She ran her middle finger up your slit until she reached your throbbing clit, where she took the chance to start rubbing it in a circular motion while placing her head in the crook of your neck, placing gentle kisses and feeling the vibrations come from your throat as you moaned for her.
She applied the perfect amount of pressure, a sensation of pure bliss went throughout your body as Ellie continued to stimulate every sweet nerve almost effortlessly. The more you moaned and whined, the faster and harder she went. You felt the familiar tight feeling in your stomach she was always able to give you, your thighs started to quiver and you felt an orgasm approaching. "Are you gonna cum for me?" she asked, watching you fall apart beneath her touch. You moaned in response, so close to the edge when everything abruptly stopped. "Not yet," she grinned, the feeling of her calloused yet soft hand leaving your core.
"What the fuck?" you say, a hint of annoyance in your tone. "Don't worry babe, I'll let you cum... eventually. I just wanted to taste you first." Before you were given the chance to respond, she had already started to make her way down between your thighs. She eagerly pushed your thighs apart and spent no time taking your panties off, slowly revealing your pussy to herself. She left a series wet kisses on the inside of your thigh before reaching your soaking cunt.
You whine as you felt her hot breath hovering over your pussy, craving nothing more than to have her mouth on it. "You're so needy." Ellie chuckles, not giving you the chance to reply before she has her tongue between your folds, licking and sucking up all the juices you left for her. She ran her tongue along your clit, before placing her lips around it and sucking while her index and middle finger teased the insert of your vagina, her left hand slithering its way up your abdomen to fondle with your breast.
You moaned and squirmed, using your hand to guide Ellie's head deeper in between your legs. She shoved two fingers into you, your pussy immediately tightening around them, a feeling you've both been longing for. "Fuck, you're so tight," she says before continuing to work her tongue around your clit. She continued to use her fingers on her left hand to gently pinch and tug on your nipples. You felt her fingers curve inside of you, hitting that sweet spongy spot that sent a wave of euphoria throughout your body. She decided to add a third finger and moaned into your clit when she felt your walls clench perfectly around her fingers.
Your entire body started to tremble, you had the sheets balled up in one fist, the other had Ellies hair entangled between your fingers while a string of moans and curse words left your lips. You found yourself pulling away from Ellie due to being overstimulated. "I don't think so." she says in a low, raspy voice. Ellie wraps her left arm around your thigh, pushing your hips down and bringing your pussy back to her lips. At this point, she has her three fingers almost knuckle deep inside of you. She knows you're on edge and takes this opportunity to be more aggressive.
"Fuck Ellie, I'm gonna cum," you whimpered, your body trying to resist but Ellie refusing to let go of her grip on you. She ignores your whines and rapidly thrust her fingers in and out of you. She's still sucking on your clit while circling her tongue around it to add more effect. You feel your stomach getting tight, the feeling of pleasure overriding all your senses.
"Come on baby, cum for me." she pleads. That's all you needed to hear. You finally release your orgasm, arching your back and rolling your hips into Ellie's face. Moans spill from your mouth as Ellie continues to softly thrusts her fingers in you while cleaning up your mess with her mouth, moaning against your heat while watching your eyes roll to the back of your head and the way your lips parted while you screamed for her. She loved watching the way your breasts bounced as your body trembled beneath her, and the way sweat trickled down your face and body causing your skin to glisten.
Your body twitched as Ellie continued to clean you up, knowing you're far more sensitive now than you were before you came. "Ellie-" you gasped as she pulled her fingers out of you, looking up to you as she sucked your pussy juices off two of her fingers, closing her eyes to savor the taste.
She saved the last finger for you. She hurriedly crawled back up to you and you willingly opened your mouth for her as she placed one of her fingers in your mouth. She bit her lip as she watched you taste your own juices, swirling your tongue around her finger. "That was so sexy." she says, laying on her side to face you.
You turn over to face her, still breathing heavily from your orgasm. You scooted into her open arms, both of you wrapping your bodies around each other. "Soo, did that help?" she asked, moving a strand of hair behind your ear and placing a kiss on your forehead. "Absolutely." you said, a small smile forming on your lips as she pulled you closer to her.
You placed your knee between her thighs and noticed subtle grinding on your leg. You looked up at Ellie, raising your brows at her. "What?" she asked slightly defensively, clearly trying to act oblivious. You rolled your eyes, flipping over and landing on top of her while pinning her wrist down above her head. You notice a shift in her breathing, a subtle look of desperation in her eyes as she looked up at you. Now she's in the same position you were just in, and you couldn't help but take advantage. "Your turn." 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐊 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆, 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐄𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃. 𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐂𝐊 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 ♡ 
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raintailed · 7 months
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posting this out of order because i'm REALLY PROUD of it. hi this is the Wild!!! I finally gave it a design, based on the mycorrhizal network prompt :]
Uhhh. Basically, the Wild is a Being (in summary, a god-thing that both rules over, and is, its domain)! Its domain is the Ancient Glade, an enormous old growth forest located in the Dreaming local group. During the construction of the group's senior, a large portion of the Wild's domain was destroyed, so the Wild basically went into hibernation because it had been severely weakened.
This reference is for what the Wild would look like if it were to wake up (right now its body is eepy asleepy in a clearing somewhere deep in the Ancient Glade, and pretty overgrown). Its body is vaguely rain deer-shaped, but is technically a complex network of plants and fungi working together as one! Because I think it's really cool :]]
Technically the entirety of the Wild's domain would be considered a mycorrhizal network, but I don't want to make a reference for an entire region LOL. Just know that the Ancient Glade is extremely dangerous and trespassing creatures almost always mysteriously disappear (read: get eaten). It is by a stroke of luck that the Wild tolerates the presence of TERRA's creatures.
also @banyanas tagging you bc i think you might like this freakish beast!
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sixosix · 1 year
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tags second chance, angst and fluff, time-skips, lovers to exes to lovers again, profanity, happy ending
a/n wc 6K (omfg) kaveh lore spoilers and not rlly canon compliant
previous part
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when kaveh is jostled awake, he dreads the pitiful expression of the forest ranger who called for him.
kaveh now stands over people hunched and bent to their knees, picking up what they can clean and batting away the aggravated fungi.
the withering, they said.
there’s nothing left. or, well, what should be his masterpiece is just dust and debris. it was so close to being like what he imagined when he could still dream. it was so close to finishing, why—why did it have to…?
he’s the only one standing over kneeling people, yet he’s never felt so small at the moment. as if he’s back to being a little kid, unsure of what to do with himself as everyone scrambled about in front of him. he hasn’t felt this need to cry since the building blocks he had spent hours stacking meticulously on top of each other all came tumbling down with one wrong swipe.
the withering struck at the same moment kaveh thought that things were going perfectly. he should’ve known—it could never be that easy.
he only snaps out of it when you come to his side, reaching for him. he doesn’t even realize he is quivering until you run your hands through his hair, and he feels like breaking inside because he doesn’t deserve it.
he should’ve known. he should’ve known.
he should’ve listened to dori.
dori is furious with him, which is somehow even worse than seeing his own creation in ruin when it was perfectly fine the day before. dori’s face is twisted in rage, screaming at him to leave this goddamn project. large, extravagant, do whatever you want, dori had said, repeating her words, and this is what happens?
“fuck,” he groans, burying his face in his trembling palms. it’s no different from a child throwing a tantrum.
“kaveh,” you murmur, and he tenses for all the wrong reasons.
you shouldn’t see him like this, so weak and pathetic. he’s humiliated, distraught, and you’re seeing all of it. his face burns in shame, his eyes growing hotter along with it.
“kaveh,” you repeat. kaveh, stubbornly, childishly, doesn’t look up. “i’m feeling tired, can we stay here?”
neither of you comment on his quaver, and kaveh knows he’s the one trembling in the knees, not you. small mercies like these give kaveh the courage to blindly reach in front of him to feel your hand. you take him, and kaveh’s never felt safer despite everything.
“remember, kaveh, when i told you that mourning flowers reminded me of your eyes?”
confused, kaveh replies slowly, “yes. you gave one to me. i still have it.”
you beam at his response, encouraged to continue. “i learned about another flower, a specialty in mondstadt. windwheel asters. i want to pick one straight from the grass, tuck it behind your ear, and watch it spin around before i get distracted by your eyes again because they have the same shade.”
“we can have someone deliver it,” kaveh mumbles, his shoulders slumping. “so you don’t have to travel all the way there.”
“yeah.” you breathe in deeply, resting your forehead against his. “yeah, i should’ve.”
kaveh hasn’t realized that the rangers and construction crew started filtering out until it was dead silent, enough for kaveh to feel like he could hear the stars speaking to him. enough where your heartbeat is the loudest sound at the moment.
“it’s okay. we can stay here for as long as you need,” you assure him with the kindest smile that he knows shouldn’t be directed at him. “i’m too tired to walk back anyway.”
“i love you,” he whispers, the first time either of you called it what it was. he feels that this is the truest phrase he had ever said, even though he’s not sure you even heard it.
kaveh held you closer to him that night, afraid that the withering would creep in and take you away from him, too.
do the right thing, no matter what it costs you.
kaveh has heard this saying before, over and over again. he first heard it from his father, and kaveh fully believed that he’d do so without hesitation if ever the time came. then from old, wise scholars who told tales of how much they sacrificed to have this much success today. but dreaming about his father brings him back to himself, curled up on a dusty couch, having returned from fontaine to attend his mother’s wedding.
if the cost is his own happiness, is it still worth it? is it still the right thing to do?
he hadn’t seen his mother smile so wide since she wrapped her arms around her new husband. kaveh wonders how she was able to let go so fast, but he finds that he doesn’t blame her because this is what she deems is the right thing to do.
no matter what it costs you.
kaveh awakes with a start in the middle of the night, when crickets are still loud in his ears, and the streets are dead silent as most of everyone has gone to bed. his head is spinning, heart racing, but there’s a fire in his eyes that he thought had been snuffed out since the incident.
“kaveh…?” you rub your eyes tiredly from where you’re resting on his chest.
kaveh smiles at the tender sight of nuzzling up to him like this, soft with sleep and smelling like him. “you should go home and clean up.”
you’re slurring your words together, heavily lethargic. “but what ‘bout you?”
“i’ll be fine,” kaveh murmurs fondly, unable to resist kissing your forehead. “i’ll be fine.” because he knows now that even if he were to do the right or wrong thing, he still has you to come back to, and that’s more than enough for him to do it no matter the cost.
kaveh sells his house.
it was almost underwhelming. he was expecting a heart-wrenching realization stopping him halfway through even making that decision, yet all he felt as he talked to the buyers was this empty feeling—the same one he feels every time he comes back to it as if it’s still his home.
all that runs through his mind is that he has a new one now. and this one, he will not even think about selling off. more than a building, more than just a house.
this revelation keeps him chin-up and strong as he faces dori and tells her about his decision. he’s sure that dori’s cunning smile will haunt him for a few days.
“you’ve been so busy, kaveh.” you narrow your eyes, studying his face from all angles with your hand on his chin. “what’s up? have you been feeling unwell? someone pushing you to your limits?”
kaveh is trying so, so hard not to smile and spoil the surprise, but you’re poking his cheek and pouting again like before, and he’s weak to anything you give him. “no,” he laughs, letting you move his face around so long as you keep your hands on him.
“you’re happy,” you conclude. “something good happened. another commission?” you frown when kaveh shakes his head. kaveh kisses the point where your brows furrow, unable to help himself. “don’t give me that. even cyno isn’t telling me.”
“cyno knows that you’ll like this surprise this time.”
“the last time you hid something from me, it ended terribly,” you warn.
kaveh huffs. “not anymore, i swear on it. because it’s finished, and i’m going to show the surprise right now.”
it’s not quite finished, the palace of alcazarzaray. there are people on the sidelines painting the walls, some digging their hands in the dirt and watering the carefully selected flowers. he watches as your eyes draw to it first, gaze softening impossibly—and this is where kaveh knew that he did something right.
“oh,” you murmur.
kaveh doesn’t take your silence as an insult—quite the opposite. he lets you soak it all in, just like he did when the building looks more like what he envisioned, even when he’s drawn this over and over in his head and on paper.
it’s not his place. he doesn’t own it, but deep down, he proudly calls it his.
“this looks like the draft you made that day,” you say after a long moment of silence. “the one you said you did on ‘autopilot.’”
“that’s because it is.” kaveh lays his eyes on it. “i sacrificed so much for this.”
you grin, turning to him. “you know what i’ll say already, don’t you?”
“that i’ve wonderfully lost my mind?”
“that there’s nothing i wish more than to see what the world looks like in your eyes.”
kaveh blushes madly. “you shouldn’t. you’d just see yourself.”
he wanted to give you a tour, but there’s not much to be done when your lips slot against his under the stars, and you’re right in front of his magnum opus as if you’re part of it.
whispers come quickly and float long enough for kaveh to pick up on it the moment he stepped foot on the hallways.
there he is, they say. kaveh built the palace of alcazarzaray, didn’t you hear? yes, yes that one. light of kshahrewar.
he wants to smile politely when they all look at him as if he’s hung the stars, but he knows it’d only come off as bitter. they aren’t wrong: he did something right and good with that project, and everything turned out safe and finished in the end—
but it doesn’t just end there. he sits in a pile not of mora but dust and a heavy heart upon the reminder that he sold off what used to be his home for this. it cost him; does that mean this is the right thing?
kaveh takes a deep breath in and knocks on tighnari’s door.
immediately, he’s greeted by the sight of his friends: al-haitham and cyno tucked in some corner playing TCG (cyno winning), tighnari pointing in his direction, and you brightening as the door closes behind kaveh.
“kaaaveehh!” you garble happily, crashing into his chest and snuggling. “kaveh, you’re here.”
kaveh doesn’t need to sniff the air to piece two and two together. “you’re drunk already?” kaveh smiles, helping you regain balance.
tighnari sighs as he trots over, ears drooping in shame. “that’s my fault. i didn’t realize y/n took my glass until i took a sip and tasted water.”
“kaveeeh,” you wail, holding onto his sleeves desperately like someone is going to take him away. “kaveh, look at you! you’re so—so nice. so pretty. i love youuu…”
“i love you, too,” he says warmly, turning his head away so you wouldn’t see the stupid grin on his face.
in this angle, he can see the judgemental stares of cyno and al-haitham, which prompts a “shut up!” from him despite them having not said anything.
you hiccup. “kaveh, i need to sit down. kaveh, can we sit down?”
he leads you to the nearest loveseat, never once separating from you—not that he can when you aren’t giving him a chance to, anyway. “can i get a glass, too?” he asks tighnari, who was holding back laughter while watching the entire scene.
when tighnari comes back with enough glasses to have kaveh know right away that he won’t be leaving this house with steady steps, they all their glasses for a toast. to kaveh, to the palace of alcazarzaray, to everyone.
“hey.” kaveh rests a hand on the small of your back, which you bat away clumsily.
“i have a boyfriend,” you grumble, “don’t… don’t…”
“what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” kaveh teases.
“ugh, don’t talk to me. go away. i feel like i’m about to hurl yesterday’s lunch. i’ll do it on you,” you threaten, head lolling as you try to sit up. kaveh helps you through it, chuckling quietly when you push him off and repeating that you have a boyfriend.
and then you start crying.
said boyfriend, of course, panics, hands flying uselessly as tears fall and keep falling from your eyes. “why are—are you crying? what happened? do we need to take you outside?”
“my boyfriend… i want to be with him forever…” you sob through sniffles, awkwardly wiping tears away with a wobbly arm.
kaveh frowns. “well, why can’t you?”
“because i can’t stay here forever. but he stays here forever. i want to stay with him forever, but i can’t. i need to go everywhere, not—not stay here. my head hurts. please, i need water.”
overwhelmed, kaveh goes to fetch a glass of water, numb. “here, water. drink it slowly,” he says.
“thank you,” you say. “don’t tell him i said any of those.”
“i won’t, i promise,” kaveh says, his voice small.
without warning, you climb over and settle on his lap, resting your cheek against his chest. kaveh doesn’t know if it’s the first sip of alcohol or if it’s just you making his heart race and placate all at once—but he already knows the answer.
“i thought you have a boyfriend?” kaveh asks, carding his fingers through your hair.
“i do, but…” you exhale slowly, your weight getting a little heavier as you relax, and kaveh smiles because how could he not? “you smell like home.”
he’ll bring it up some other time.
unfortunately, he doesn’t get the courage to bring it up. he faces his consequence when it’s too late, and you’re the one to speak to him about it.
you’re braiding his hair, slow and steady, the way he likes it. you’ve bought him various hairpins that you said match his eyes. he doesn’t think he’s met someone who’s loved his eyes as much as you before. to show his appreciation, he insists on wearing all of them, even if he doesn’t need them.
“do you remember the exchange program i mentioned briefly a while back?”
kaveh ransacks through his head for the memory. he only remembers you warning him that you won’t be staying in sumeru forever when you first got together, and some drunken conversations. “i think so, yes. you said you’ll finish there. why? what brought this up?”
“i got accepted.” the last hairpin clicks into place. there are about six on his head. “i’ll be leaving soon.”
kaveh’s eyes brighten as he turns to you, expecting you to be thrilled, but you look nervous. you aren’t meeting his eyes.
“y/n,” kaveh says softly, holding your cheeks in his palms, “what’s wrong?”
“it’s in inazuma,” you say carefully. “and if i finish there and continue with my dream, i won’t really have… all the time to go back here.”
that’s too far, is what kaveh wants to say. he doesn’t, because he vividly remembers you saying you want to go everywhere someday, and who is he to bind you to him because he is selfish and needy? in the grand scheme of things, he is no one in your life.
“will you be alone?”
“no. i’ll be with anis, and i’ll have soraya come with me to liyue when the time comes. i won’t be alone.”
kaveh nods, easing a bit. “that’s good.”
kaveh must be wearing a pitiful expression if you scramble to speak again. “we can write each other letters,” you say weakly. “or i can send gifts…”
he thinks of his mother, leaving to fontaine, writing to him on occasion. he thinks of seeing his mother again after so long, seeing how happy she is, and he thinks about how he hadn’t seen her like that when kaveh was still living with her after his father’s death.
“and tie you down to me?” kaveh shakes his head. “don’t worry about me while you’re taking on the world. too many sights to see to think about me.”
your expression looks pained. “you’re not tying me down. i love you more than that.”
kaveh’s reply is instant. “enough to not leave?”
you wince, and kaveh curses himself, flinching away from holding your face to ball his fingers into fists beside him. “no, i’m sorry. i didn’t mean that, please ignore i said that. i’m sorry.”
“kaveh,” you say, and kaveh understands, more than anyone, what you’re thinking right now.
“i know.”
“kaveh, i—i’m sorry, i can’t… i don’t…”
“that’s okay,” kaveh says, “i’m glad you told me, really. no, look at me. i’m happy for you; you can be happy for yourself, too.” it feels like we had only gotten together yesterday, and it’s already falling apart.
this was divine intervention, telling him—no, reprimanding him, don’t think about it. don’t say anything else, you might as well ruin it more; toss it in quicksand, will you? this was them telling him that if things were to work out in his favor two times in a row, he’d regret it later.
kaveh takes a deep, shuddering breath. “i was planning on leaving, too. we’ve just graduated, we deserve a vacation.” he was hoping to take you with him, but only here he realizes how selfish it was. you warned him, too, so he can’t say you didn’t.
you seem relieved that he’s keeping a conversation. “really?”
“yes. just here in sumeru, though,” he says, sheepish. “you’ve set on something bigger, and i was already nervous about my choice.”
“you’ll be fine, kaveh.” you sound so sure. kaveh doesn’t know how you make it sound like you know him better than himself. “the world is so beautiful, and it can’t wait to see what part of it inspires you.”
at least, this time, he gets to say goodbye, and he gets to see you while he says it.
“so, that’s it?”
“don’t hold back because of me, kaveh,” you tell him. “if love finds its way back to you again, catch it and don’t feel sorry for me.”
kaveh wants to say it in return, but the best he can do is be selfish in silence. he doesn’t want you with anyone else that isn’t him—just thinking about it hurts him.
“i’ll come home someday,” you say. kaveh nods because he wants this promise to be real this time. “and maybe we can still be friends, if you’ll have me.”
this, kaveh realizes, is really what his father meant when he said to do the right thing, no matter what it costs you.
later, he invites tighnari, cyno, and al-haitham out for dinner.
and when they arrive at the table, the first thing kaveh says is, “i’ll be leaving next week.” his friends weren’t able to pry much from him, but they could figure it out on their own if they saw the list of the students going abroad.
things go on: too slow for kaveh’s liking, and a little unsteady from time to time, but when he pictures you living your life somewhere, he thinks he can’t let you beat him to it, so he tries his best.
it’s been a while since you last visited sumeru.
everything looks the same since you’ve last been here, but something feels different. it takes you a while to realize it’s the people walking about happily, and to you, it seems like something is missing from their ears.
you had already removed the akasha the moment you moved out, but it was still a little jarring to step into your homeland without it, and seeing people do the same. the two guards who were usually in charge of handing them out to tourists are gone from their place, too.
anis breathes in deeply, then exhales shakily. she had stayed in liyue for far longer than you had, habituated herself to it, but still, sumeru is where she looks right at home, with trees and shades of green surrounding her. “oh, how i missed this! no other region can beat the fresh and dewy air of sumeru, no matter how beautiful their architecture is.”
you nudge her. “you were the one complaining about having to leave mondstadt yesterday.”
anis scowls, huffing petulantly. “i was tired. and the goth grand hotel had funny guests. you spent all day picking windwheel asters—make a whole flower shop with them already, will you?”
“shh, don’t be so loud.” anis flails around until you free her mouth from your palm. she stares at you, scandalized. “no one is supposed to know i’m back yet.”
“you shouldn’t have come with me if that was the case, then,” anis says, and you two continue walking up the bridge of the palace of alcazarzaray.
“you were the one who begged me to.”
it’s been forever since you’ve last seen it—the pictures you took don’t compare to the real thing—and yet it feels like the first time all over again, with warmth pressed on your side and the back of your palm tingling from the feeling of someone’s lips kissing it a few seconds before.
your heart aches faintly.
anis takes note of your face with a contemplative hum. “then again, you probably missed the man behind this the most. you should be grateful that i even managed to commission him! everyone flocks to kaveh the moment they get the chance.”
“it’s because you’re also from his darshan,” you argue, embarrassed. just hearing his name makes your face heat up.
“and i’m the best friend of his ex—right, right.” anis yelps when you pinch her elbow, but it fades off into laughter soon enough. you smile, but only because her glee is as contagious as wild fungi.
passing by the palace of alcazarzaray and into a secluded hut right across it, you and anis continue catching up, recalling akademiya memories that both of you agreed never to bring up again. it was mostly groupmates you hope are still failing their darshan with their incompetence. you hear some people chiming in, telling you about how a traveler and your friends saved the entirety of sumeru. weird, but not entirely outlandish.
“al-haitham as the acting grand scribe?” anis gawks. you are probably wearing a similar expression. “what happened while we were gone?”
you sigh. “i wish i knew, too. i wish i knew.”
“oh, look!” anis gestures ahead, under a large tree that curves forward and casts enough shade for a whole garden. “that’s the place kaveh asked to meet me in. and if i’m not mistaken, that blond guy over there with the red cape…”
“oh,” you breathe.
you didn’t think kaveh could be prettier than he already was, and he was already turning heads back then. stripped off the akademiya’s uniform and into something he looks more like himself in: drop-dead elegant. you appreciate the slit on the back of his blouse. (he’s still wearing six red clips.)
anis elbows you. “you can back out. i’d rather you don’t because i know how much you missed him, but—”
“i won’t,” you say. not that you can bring yourself to turn back when kaveh is right there anyway.
“kaveh!” anis calls out; you purposefully slow your steps so you’re in her shadow, yet kaveh’s eyes still snap to yours right away.
“anis.” kaveh stands from the table clumsily, his eyes round in surprise. “...y/n. both of you are back?”
“hi, kaveh,” you greet with a wave. “you look good.” he does. too good for someone who’s currently standing a few feet away from his ex. it almost feels like revenge.
“you, too,” kaveh smiles, reluctant, “it’s been so long.”
“i like your new style, kaveh!” anis whistles appreciatively, and you want nothing more than to nod and pray kaveh doesn’t see the way you’re eyeing him. “suits you. a natural artist, even outside construction.”
“speaking of,” kaveh starts. you can’t help but notice that even when his client is right there, his eyes stray to you too often, and you’re starting to feel like some flustered teenager over it, “you’re a talented artist yourself, anis. it was a surprise to hear from you about this project.”
“i know i am, but who am i to waste the opportunity of taking advantage of my connections? i’m fortunate enough that you accepted right away.”
“of course. congratulations on the engagement, anis,” kaveh says sincerely, from one old friend to another.
“thank you.” anis smiles in return. “people in liyue were too charming. now here i am, with a ring on my finger.” she wiggles the fingers of her left hand for emphasis.
kaveh quirks a brow. “were they?”
anis grins slyly. “don’t worry, y/n wasn’t looking at all.”
you gape, incensed. “anis!”
kaveh hides a laugh behind his hand, and he’s only looking at you. “thanks for telling me.”
embarrassed, you duck your head and remind yourself that anis owes you a trip back to liyue for that. you can still feel kaveh’s stare on you, burning on your head.
mercifully, he does drop it, straightening his posture and looking more like sumeru’s most famous architect anis commissioned. you’re seeing what years and years have done to kaveh—it’s done him good. “before we get straight into it, would you tell me more about what you had in mind? along with your partner’s opinions, of course.”
and because anis is cruel and evil, she drags you along with it the entire time.
anis excuses herself to order water, saying her mouth is dry from all that talking and debating with kaveh over designs. you wonder how they even got along as group mates.
“the padisarah is clever,” you say, gaining more confidence when kaveh beams as you start the conversation. “i’m glad you learned to appreciate flora in your works. it’s perfect.”
“i’m grateful to the one who taught me all about its beauty,” he replies, eyes twinkling.
you laugh, trailing off stiffly, unsure what to say. so you don’t reply.
you want to ask him so many questions. how are you? i missed you. did you tailor this outfit yourself? you look good. do you hate me for leaving? because i do. yet looking at him, you find yourself speechless.
“where are you headed next after this?” kaveh asks, shifting his weight from one foot to another. it reminds you too much of what he used to do back in the akademiya.
“i’m not sure. i heard cyno’s in the desert right now, so i might head to gandharva ville first. say hi to al-haitham for me?”
kaveh’s expression falls. “yeah… yeah, of course. i’ll see you around.”
tighnari opens the door, his face melting in surprise. “y/n?”
“tighnari!” you greet with a bright smile, opening your arms for him. “surprise…?”
because tighnari was never really the most affectionate, he shuffles forward and lets you hug him with great difficulty. he mumbles, “since when have you returned to sumeru? you didn’t even tell me.”
“you need to be reminded of the definition of surprise, tighnari,” you laugh, stepping inside his house when he moves aside. a lot has changed in this one, brimming with more books and looking worn down than you last remember. there’s a bed on the corner, the blanket kept clean and tidy.
“have you met up with kaveh yet?”
“...of course i have.”
tighnari’s ear flicks, and he smiles knowingly. “he still loves you as much, you know.”
you grimace. is that really the first thing he’s going to talk about? tighnari was also never one to mince his words and spoonfeed it gently. “it’s been so long. you can’t assume something so absurd.”
“y/n,” tighnari says, returning to his table where he seems to be working on a concoction, “you weren’t there for when kaveh decided to leave for the desert. i’ve never seen him want to get so drunk that badly. he was just talking about you.”
you grimace. “oh.” you remember every word you’ve said clearly and his expressions that keep you up on lonely nights. “that just proves my point.”
“no. he was moping, sure. but the alcohol in his system made him all the more honest. he was just talking about you.” tighnari crushes leaves in his bowl, eyes flicking up to meet your nervous ones. “reverently, almost. like you never broke up.”
“years ago, tighnari,” you remind, face hot.
“he’s always been the most romantic one out of the four of us.”
you let the silence settle for a few moments as your thoughts wander, back to kaveh and back to the windwheel asters you kept on a pot and carried as is to sumeru. it’s never been that easy.
“well, i didn’t come here for a pep talk,” you say, clearing your throat. “is that the waterproofing oil you’ve been working on since back then? it looks much smoother than before.”
tighnari grins. “i’ve learned a lot, and i know so have you. from one amurta graduate to another, surely you know what i mean?”
he talks you through what he’s been doing for the past years. it feels like you’ve gone through a lifetime without them, but that’s coming from you, who was convinced that you wouldn’t be returning at all. if tighnari notices that your mind is far off elsewhere, he generously doesn’t comment on it.
you aren’t needed at all, yet anis still takes you to the next meeting, where kaveh will reveal his first proposal. you remind anis of this, but she only replies with:
“don’t give me that. kaveh was the one who asked to bring you along.”
you rolled your eyes at that because not even you would believe her.
but still, you come along because these quick meetings give you a chance to see kaveh without having to come up with a half-baked excuse. you’ll treasure these few days before you eventually have to see him again when tighnari—or cyno, or maybe even al-haitham—gets tired of this unbearable push and pull and forces a date. and things go south because kaveh will say he’s been happier without you, and you travel back to another region, heartbroken.
…at least that’s what you were expecting. kaveh usually hasn’t gone on for this long when dealing with clients, and both he and anis know what they’re doing. what’s more surprising than that is anis takes it all in stride, which doesn’t appease your confusion.
it’s the fifth day. usually, kaveh would be working on the building itself by now. (times change, you remind yourself, you don’t know him anymore.)
anis looks over kaveh’s nth proposal, huffing in what could almost be discerned as amusement. “oh, dear.”
you don’t see anything wrong with it. “it looks good to me…”
anis pinches your cheek, making you frown. “please, y/n. do me a favor and just ask him out already. all this hopeless pining is wearing down on his creativity.”
your face burns. “he’s my ex, anis! isn’t there an unspoken rule not to get back together with your ex?”
anis scoffs. “that rule doesn’t apply when both of you don’t act like exes in the first place.”
“i told him that if i got back, we can still be friends, that’s why…” you argue weakly.
“friends? you’re not fooling anyone, especially yourself.”
you sit under the stars and wonder if you ever went wrong, or if you’re slowly going back to the right path. you don’t regret leaving sumeru and exploring the world, but you regret ending things with kaveh like that. taking on the world had been so lonely thinking about him being happy with someone else. others from the regions you’ve visited tried their hand at pursuing you, but you’re too desperate to see blond hair and red eyes in them to let them in.
is this the right thing? being friends is better than being nothing, right?
kaveh appears from the entrance, looking around briefly before eventually—like it always does—his eyes land on you. “y/n? anis said you called for me.”
you smile at him. “yeah, i did.”
he steps forward and stops there, looking like a wary shroomboar against an armed ranger. you sigh, setting the pot aside and patting the empty space next to you. kaveh follows, sitting on the edge.
“are you scared of me, kaveh?”
“i don’t know what i can do,” he admits, and your expression eases.
you pick the pot up and place it carefully on his lap. kaveh’s hands fly out to catch it when it loses balance, brushing his hands against yours. maybe you shouldn’t be doing this sober
“a windwheel aster, for you.” you hold a finger in front of his face, feeling around in your bag to reveal another one, more crumpled and less alive than the one on kaveh’s lap, but it still spins when you blow on it. “and, uh—here, let me.”
kaveh closes his eyes when you lean in. (you’re not sure if it’s instinct.) you tuck it behind his ear, unable to help your grin when you pull away, and the breeze that catches on it makes the petals turn.
“i was right,” you say. “they look good with your eyes.”
“that’s cruel, y/n.”
your stomach drops, flinching away. you wring your hands on your lap, too ashamed to gaze at him directly. “i’m sorry, you probably didn’t—i shouldn’t have—”
kaveh reaches for your wrist, looking heartbroken. he kisses your palm, your wrist, and it’s then you realize that he’s not upset at you, but at himself. “y/n. i thought you wanted me to go easy on me and leave forever.”
“would it have been easier for you?”
“not unless you still want me to confess to you like we’re back in the akademiya, and i’m distressingly in debt.”
“aren’t you still distressingly in debt?”
kaveh breathes in the air shared between the two of you, face twisted in a way that looks like he’s barely holding back from smothering your face with kisses. “y/n, please.”
he still loves you as much, you know.
breathing hitching, you ask, “do you know what you’re saying…?”
“fate brought us together again. surely you don’t think i’ll be blind to another chance gifted to me?”
ah. tighnari is never wrong.
well, you should’ve known. you never could’ve been just friends with kaveh, not when he’s looking at you like you were never gone, and you still thought about him every night when you were.
“we can try, again,” you say. “you and i.”
“again,” kaveh agrees. “i won’t let you go this time.”
( you see kaveh there with dark bags under his eyes and his grip trembling slightly as it cuts across the page in something beyond a confident stroke—more so angry, barely held in, brimming and ready to spill.
students who pass by whisper to themselves and stare at him longer than they should’ve, but he doesn’t seem to care—or rather, doesn’t even notice that he’s in a public space. his eyes are trained on the stack of papers in front of him, eyes aflame.
anis notices your fond gaze and smirks.
she says aloud, “having this kshahrewar genius seek you out so constantly… i can’t even imagine—i’ve heard enough from my peers talking about how they regret not getting a chance to speak with him.”
“i don’t see how it’s my fault that kaveh didn’t want to entertain them.”
anis chortles. “oh, no wonder why he likes you so much.”
the collar of your uniform feels stiflingly hot all of a sudden. you hide what must be a pinched expression with a glare. “it’s not like that. it’s not.”
“you won’t be able to fight against it if it’s your fate.” anis throws an arm over your shoulder. “you should be thankful i followed your plan and made him notice you. now you’re inseparable! ah, love.” )
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a/n i have never written this much before so art i hope u like it (and u owe me a xiao fic for this) <33333 but also this was actually rlly fun to write (if not for the fact that i hated writing it halfway the same reason i avoid writing long fics) rbs and comments fuel me!! ty for reading!!
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