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hyperboreal1s ¡ 6 months ago
Peisaj nocturn cu luna plină by Radu din Dacia Via Flickr: 2020
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airbrushfather ¡ 5 months ago
special interest in obstetric medicine this. special interest in obstetric medicine that. gun to your head could you tell me the standard ultrasound dates for a low risk pregnancy. no you CANNOT!!!!!
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my-life-fm ¡ 16 days ago
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backgrounds-for-ads ¡ 2 months ago
Cumpărați imagine Crăciun Moș Crăciun Pom de Crăciun
Crăciunul se apropie, iar acesta este momentul perfect pentru a îmbogăți proiectele dumneavoastră cu imagini festive de înaltă calitate. Dacă sunteți în căutarea unor fotografii frumoase pentru cărți poștale de Crăciun, rețele sociale sau materiale promoționale, colecția noastră vastă va satisface cu siguranță toate nevoile dumneavoastră.
Oferim o gamă largă de imagini de Crăciun, de la cele mai tradiționale la cele mai moderne. Indiferent dacă doriți brăduți de Crăciun iconic, peisaje de iarnă confortabile sau momente vesele în familie, colecția noastră are imaginile perfecte pentru a captura spiritul sărbătorilor. Fiecare imagine a fost selectată cu atenție pentru a adăuga căldură și farmec proiectelor dumneavoastră.
Platforma noastră este ușor de utilizat, facilitând găsirea imaginii ideale. Puteți căuta decorațiuni de Crăciun clasice, peisaje liniștite de iarnă sau momente amuzante cu Moș Crăciun, facilitând localizarea exactă a ceea ce aveți nevoie. Opțiunile noastre de filtrare includ culoare, stil și temă, asigurând o experiență plăcută de navigare.
Toate imaginile noastre sunt disponibile în rezoluție înaltă și în diferite formate. Indiferent dacă aveți nevoie de ele pentru printuri mari, anunțuri online sau cărți de Crăciun digitale, imaginile noastre vor rămâne clare și profesionale, oferindu-le un plus de magie și strălucire. Puteți conta pe noi pentru a furniza elemente vizuale uimitoare pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de Crăciun.
Imaginile de Crăciun adaugă creativitate și un farmec unic proiectelor dumneavoastră. De la cele elegante și tradiționale până la cele amuzante și excentrice, avem ceva care se potrivește oricărui stil. Puteți combina mai multe imagini pentru a crea o expresie personalizată a Crăciunului, care se aliniază perfect cu viziunea dumneavoastră.
Colecția noastră include, de asemenea, multe imagini umoristice și vesele, care cu siguranță vor aduce zâmbete. Indiferent dacă sunteți în căutarea unor scene amuzante cu Moș Crăciun sau a unor momente adorabile sub vâsc, veți găsi nenumărate opțiuni care surprind bucuria și magia Crăciunului.
Cel mai bine este că platforma noastră face ca navigarea, selectarea și descărcarea imaginilor să fie un proces simplu. În doar câteva clicuri, puteți avea imaginea ideală de Crăciun gata de utilizare. În plus, fiecare imagine vine cu informații clare despre licențiere, astfel încât să o puteți folosi cu încredere, știind că totul este în conformitate cu reglementările.
Pentru cei care doresc să adauge o notă personală, oferim opțiuni de personalizare. Puteți schimba culorile, adăuga text personalizat sau crea un design complet unic care să se potrivească nevoilor dumneavoastră. În acest fel, imaginile dumneavoastră de Crăciun vor fi la fel de unice ca și proiectul dumneavoastră.
Crăciunul este un timp de a răspândi bucurie, iar imaginile noastre vă pot ajuta să faceți exact asta. Fie că le împărtășiți cu clienți, colegi sau persoane dragi, imaginile noastre de Crăciun sunt modalitatea perfectă de a transmite urări festive. Aduceți un pic din magia Crăciunului în viețile celor dragi.
De asemenea, înțelegem importanța opțiunilor care se încadrează în bugetul dumneavoastră în timpul sărbătorilor. De aceea, oferim prețuri competitive și pachete de achiziție flexibile. Indiferent dacă aveți nevoie de o singură imagine sau de un pachet pentru mai multe proiecte, veți găsi o soluție care să se potrivească nevoilor și bugetului dumneavoastră.
Echipa noastră de suport pentru clienți este întotdeauna disponibilă pentru a vă ajuta. Dacă aveți întrebări despre licențierea imaginilor sau aveți nevoie de asistență pentru a găsi imaginea de Crăciun perfectă, nu ezitați să ne contactați. Ne angajăm să facem experiența dumneavoastră cât mai plăcută și satisfăcătoare.
Imaginile noastre sunt mai mult decât simple elemente vizuale; sunt o formă de a exprima bucurie, căldură și entuziasm în această perioadă festivă. Folosind imaginile noastre, împărtășiți spiritul Crăciunului și faceți ca proiectele dumneavoastră să strălucească.
Nu ratați ocazia de a aduce magia Crăciunului în munca dumneavoastră. Explorați astăzi colecția noastră de Crăciun și găsiți imaginile perfecte care vor completa proiectele dumneavoastră festive. Cu o selecție atât de vastă, suntem siguri că veți găsi tot ce aveți nevoie pentru a face din acest Crăciun un moment cu adevărat special.
Vă invităm să explorați colecția noastră și să experimentați creativitatea și bucuria pe care imaginile de Crăciun de înaltă calitate le pot aduce. Indiferent dacă pentru utilizare personală sau profesională, imaginile noastre vor contribui la transformarea acestui Crăciun într-un moment memorabil și magic.
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digitalsign ¡ 1 year ago
DGFT Digital Signature Provider In Mumbai
Get Digital Sign is a renowned organization for providing Class 3 DSC Combo Provider In Mumbai . We are associated with the licensed Certifying Authorities under the Information Technology Act of India, which are authorized to issue DSCs. We provide Class 3 Individual DSC, Class 3 Organization DSC, Class 3 Foreign Individual, and DGFT Digital Sign with a smooth process.
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diseaseincontext ¡ 1 year ago
Fundal Pressure in Labor: Balancing Practice and Potential Risks
During labor, healthcare providers may employ various techniques to assist with the delivery process. One such technique is fundal pressure, which involves applying pressure on the upper abdomen to aid in the descent and expulsion of the baby. While fundal pressure has been used for decades, its effectiveness and potential risks have been the subject of debate. In this blog post, we will explore the main points from several studies and shed light on the practice of fundal pressure, its purpose, and the associated consequences.
Understanding the Practice and Prevalence:
A systematic review and meta-analysis conducted by Farrington et al. (2021) examined the prevalence of uterine fundal pressure during the second stage of labor. The study revealed that fundal pressure was utilized in a considerable number of cases, with variations observed across different regions and healthcare facilities. For instance, in some low- and middle-income countries, the use of fundal pressure was more prevalent compared to high-income countries, highlighting the influence of local protocols and traditions.
The Potential Effects and Consequences:
To assess the impact of fundal pressure, Buhimschi et al. (2002) conducted a study on intrauterine pressure during the second stage of labor. The research demonstrated that fundal pressure increased the intrauterine pressure significantly. While this might aid in fetal descent, it also raises concerns about potential adverse effects on maternal and fetal well-being. Excessive uterine pressure can lead to potential complications, including maternal perineal trauma, prolonged second stage of labor, and fetal distress, as highlighted by Pinar and Karaçam (2018).
The Call for Caution and Critical Appraisal:
Papadakis (2019) critically appraised the role of fundal pressure in labor, emphasizing the principle of "First, do no harm." The study highlighted the lack of scientific evidence supporting the routine use of fundal pressure, especially in cases where it is not medically indicated. Papadakis cautioned against the potential risks associated with fundal pressure and stressed the importance of individualized care and shared decision-making between healthcare providers and birthing individuals.
The Importance of Informed Decision-Making:
Fundal pressure should be employed cautiously and with a thorough understanding of the potential risks and benefits. Healthcare providers must engage in shared decision-making with birthing individuals, considering their unique circumstances and preferences. Informed consent and adherence to evidence-based practices are crucial in ensuring the well-being of both mother and baby during childbirth.
The practice of fundal pressure during labor continues to be a subject of debate in the medical community. While it is employed in certain circumstances to aid in the delivery process, there are potential risks and adverse consequences associated with its use. Healthcare providers must carefully consider the benefits and harms, taking into account the specific context of each laboring individual.
For example, in low-resource settings where alternative interventions may be limited, fundal pressure could be utilized judiciously to assist with delivery. However, in other cases, the routine use of fundal pressure without medical indication may pose unnecessary risks. Individualized care, shared decision-making, and critical appraisal of the available evidence are essential in ensuring the safety and well-being of birthing individuals and their infants.
As research continues to advance, it is crucial to critically evaluate the practice of fundal pressure and prioritize the principles of beneficence and non-maleficence in childbirth. By promoting informed decision-making and evidence-based practices, healthcare providers can navigate the complexities of fundal pressure and strive to optimize outcomes for both mothers and babies.
Buhimschi, Catalin S., et al. "The effect of fundal pressure manoeuvre on intrauterine pressure in the second stage of labour." BJOG: an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology 109.5 (2002): 520-526.
Farrington, Elise, et al. "The prevalence of uterine fundal pressure during the second stage of labour for women giving birth in health facilities: a systematic review and meta-analysis." Reproductive Health 18.1 (2021): 1-17.
Mahendru, Rajiv, Savita Malik, and Tina Anand. "Age old practice of Uterine Fundal Pressure in Labor-more risky than beneficial." Biomedical Research 21.3 (2010): 295-296.
Papadakis, Konstantinos. "Critical appraisal of the role of applying uterine fundal pressure in labour: First, do no harm." Hypertension Research in Pregnancy 7.1 (2019): 22-26.
Pinar, Semra, and Zekiye Karaçam. "Applying fundal pressure in the second stage of labour and its impact on mother and infant health." Health care for women international 39.1 (2018): 110-125.
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erica-small ¡ 15 days ago
I made it to 38 weeks pregnant with triplets. I was massive. The morning of my c section, I was assisted out of bed, and they rolled a scale into my room to get my weight. I was helped to my feet, and I waddled over to the scale. Steping up and on the pad was nerve-racking as I heard the thud under my weight. Watching the screem as best as I could with my huge belly in the way, waiting for the scale to beep. The nurse read out 360 lbs. I almost started to cry as my total weight gain was 170lbs. Istepped down, and they measured around my belly and fundal height. Fundal height of 80 cm double what a normal pregnancy is. I measured 72 inches or 6 ft around from belly button to belly button. Im only 5"8' tall, so i was rounder than i was tall. I was able to waddle to the OR room with my mom by my side. I was helped onto the table and was given the nerve block before laying on my back. My belly looked like a mountain of babies. My OB said I was the most pregnant mother he has taken care of. Babies were born at 9:00, 9:02, and 9:04am. The biggest was baby boy who weighed 9lbs 15oz at 23in long. Twin girl A weighed 8lbs 15oz at 20in long and twin girl B weighed 9lbs 5oz at 21.5 in long. Iv already lost close to 60 lbs of fluid, placentas, and baby weight.
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striderskunk ¡ 1 year ago
Birth RP prompts, taken from someone in a birth group. Their post had so many great ideas.
1. labor on a plane
2. labor on a train
3. labor on a bus
4. while stuck in traffic
5. while stuck in a lift
6. while stuck at work
7. on vacation
8. stuck at home
9. planned at home
10. at a celebration / wedding
11. at an award show / gala
12. at the cinema / a play
13. while camping
14. during an important exam
15. during a sport event
16. while running errands
17. during Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc.
18. while taking care of her other children
19. in a hospital
20. while going to the hospital
21. while being kidnapped
22. during combat.
23. during sex.
+ one baby
+ twins
+ triplets 
+ big babies
ø early
ø on time
ø overdue
ø forced (pressing on the belly/ making the mother walk the stairs/ sex etc)
# baby is breech
# shoulders get stuck
# didn’t realize they were pregnant 
# birth denial
# pushing baby back
– all alone
– with partner
– with friend
- with relative
– with colleague
– with someone who is also pregnant
- in pubic
– with stranger
– with a doctor
– with a controlling/ dominant/ commanding person
≈ while trying to hide the pregnancy
≈ while trying to hide the labor
Induced labor (non-sexual)
Induced labor (very-sexual)
Early labor
Overdue labor
Long labor
Short labor
Moderate labor
Long contractions
Belly movements
Tight skin
Back pain
Short contractions
Carrier panic
Labor denial
During labor
During sex
During birth
Slowly breaking
Fast breaking
Little fluids
Lots of fluids
Massive fluids
Water breaking on the floor
Water breaking over a towel
Water breaking on bedsheets
Waddling while water is breaking
Water breaking over the toilet
A lot of mess
A little mess
Birthing positions
On all fours
On back with legs spread out
Standing (away/towards partner)
Perching on a birthing stool
In the bathtub (away/towards partner)
In a birthing pool
On the bed
In a chair
Squatting while giving birthing (away/towards partner)
On the side
Tied up
In partners lap
Leaning onto something
on a birthing bed
The birth
Assisted pushing
Fundal pressure
Hard crowning
Head sucking back in during birth
Long birth
Short birth
Moderate birth
Waddling while head is crowning
Amniotic fluid gushing
Bearing down
Position change
Long push time
Short push time
Moderate push time
Breathing exercises
C section
Head getting stuck
Shoulders getting stuck
• Giving birth to a baby that's so big, another person has to press on the belly as they push. Also works with a person who is exhausted from birth denial and needs help getting the baby out.
• When the baby drops very low and feels like it might fall out as they walk or stand.
•Having to hold the head back with their hand as they desperately try to find a safe place to give birth. This also goes well with the whole hostile situation thing.
• Being forced to work while heavily pregnant. Bonus if the work is hard and triggers labor.
• Water breaking late in birth immediately followed by overwhelming urges to push.
• Pushing when they can't or shouldn't push at all.
Hope this gives people inspiration ^.^
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therrerium-valkryonia ¡ 9 months ago
Birth prompt by anonymous
19. In a hospital
long labor
on a bed/stirrups
– with a doctor
+ triplets
+ big babies
ø overdue
ø forced
# baby is breech
# shoulders get stuck
# pushing baby back in
Much screaming, crying, painful birth. Tearing or episiotomy. Fundal pressure, instruments like vacuum or forceps. No c-section or epidural.
Heartless Scorn
Tw: 18+ is not for minors, contains sexual topics.
Months ago, she was artificially inseminated in an attempt to create a perfect human and it has been as afar going smoothly, the surprise was in the ultrasound and seeing triplets.
Humans genetically modified to be used as the next pioneer in science, perfectly modified and will be used in any case as workers, Ceo's and a lot of other things military included.
In present times, she paced through the cell in uneven patterns with her babies growing large and bulky, she experienced so much strain also tiredness at many points in time.
A group of people entered her cell, they locked her into a metal bed as it slants forward and is rolled across the halls with many other subjects.
There was a bright light, it was a hospital area with no one but this group of six people as an expert began to tap the syringe while she's in the middle of the room as the serum is injected.
Her stomach immediately clamps down, she screams loudly with her pulled back the fluid streams down and her bump tightens visibly.
A huge head comes crashing through her canals, it was fast at first with her legs up besides her head as the head crowned it progressed no further, her entrance was tightening around the head to much.
She cried and screamed with each contraction, trying to get it out but it would only inch barely forward as the minutes pass, forty to forty-five the head had finally reached it's peak crown.
The doctors were impatient, they had no time so they're handed forceps as they squeeze it inside and clamp down gently, she squeals loudly and bore down with the adjustment the whole head came spilling out, they grab the head and pulled out the rest of the baby, she shouted in pain.
Each contraction was getting worse, the siblings were both slowly moving down the doctors had their hands pressing down on the top of her full round bump, helping along as thirty minutes go.
They see the head spew out, though they tried to tug it as they to help it out but it wouldn't give way or move, so they pressed down on her much harder, she began to tremble and whine.
She felt each shoulder pop, tearing her open as she spills out with the legs of the third born was swiftly squeezing out, they react and push it all the way back in and rotated the full fetus.
A loud shriek filled the room, she kept bearing down and it forced the crown to spread but with all her strength sapped they used a vaccuum.
Pulling out the head she began to pathetically groan then the final child fell out of her, she'd begin to pass out and fade into the deepest coma, awoken few months later in permanent disabled condition and broken bones.
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adore-laur ¡ 7 months ago
— a glimpse into her pregnancy and how harry loves it oh-so-much. from the foxtail universe and inspired by this ask 🌱
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At thirty-six weeks pregnant, Nadine was ready to pop. The summer days were long and miserable, and her intuition told her the twins' arrival was near. Or maybe her body just really wanted to be done carrying around ten extra pounds. Getting out of bed and even standing up from a chair was a mini workout. Her spine felt close to snapping in half most days. She felt enormous, and although she had been excited to show off her bump, it was becoming quite an inconvenience. Not being able to hug her husband and feel his heartbeat against her chest was criminal. Even worse was not being able to lay on top of him at night, skin to skin. How cruel!
Harry had measured the fundal height that morning using a roll of twine before cutting it and taking it to the greenhouse to get an exact measurement. Her belly was forty-one centimeters. In other words, she was massive.
Yesterday, she found out that they had fully developed lungs. Two souls were breathing inside of her. It was miraculous.
Nadine was in the home stretch now, and her patience was wearing thin. She preferred to have a spontaneous labor rather than a medical induction, so she roped Harry into finding natural methods to encourage the babies to finish baking in the warmth of her womb. His suggestions included lounging in bed all day, drinking raspberry leaf tea, and taking a stroll down to the village. Relaxing, but not the type of mild activities that piqued her interest. Her hormones craved a more rousing experience.
While feeling hot and bothered by watching Harry build a raised garden bed under the sweltering July sun, she perused the handwritten notes she took at the beginning of her pregnancy. Under the "Natural Induction" heading, she scanned the dozen or so bullet points and tapped her pencil against the word sex.
Peeking at Harry from under her floppy sun hat, she whistled to get his attention. He finished hammering a nail into a slab of wood before fixing his gaze on her. There's the handsome papa-to-be. He was a vision as of lately—more buff and dedicated to tending the gardens while Nadine grew budding flowers of her own that kicked and pressed against her bladder.
"I have a question," Nadine said, straightening her posture in the patio swing and stroking her bare bump. It sat heavily on her upper thighs, decorated with coffee-colored stretch marks.
"Nadi, you shouldn't even be outside right now," Harry replied exasperatedly, wiping sweat from his brow. His tattooed arms were tan and slick from hours of diligent work spent outside, the muscles bulging as he lined up a slender piece of wood against the half-built rectangular foundation. It was a gift for the twins. He planned to make them each an indoor and outdoor garden.
He'd been behind schedule, busy prepping the house for parenthood, and was now putting in overtime with the flower beds. But Nadine knew he was using it as a distraction from doting on her excessively. While she didn't mind being taken care of, she really didn't need Harry helping her put clothes on or insisting on showering with her. So for the last few weeks, she had shooed him away from her with the promise that she'd rest.
Today, she had truly tried her best, but after an hour of sitting on the couch and crocheting baby rompers, she found herself wandering to the backyard. Somehow, it started with her innocently admiring Harry as he got lost in the steady rhythm of woodworking and ended with her wanting his weathered hands all over her body.
Nadine half-scowled and half-smiled at his grumpy tone. "I'm in the shade. Technically, I'm resting."
"I would prefer it if you rested in air conditioning," he said, surveying his work. His hands were planted on his hips, and Nadine felt a throbbing pulse of need in between her legs. He'd left her alone, like she asked, but now she was aching for his eyes to feast on her.
"But I like watching you."
Harry scratched the scruff on his jaw and plucked a screw from his pocket. "I know you do, baby. Why can't you watch me through the window?" He resumed assembling the wood pieces.
Nadine hummed thoughtfully, then said, "Fresh air is good for pregnant women." She didn't like that his full attention wasn't on her, so she added, "Especially ones who are turned on."
Harry went to pick up the drill, but he stopped himself and turned to face her instead. The cropped white T-shirt he wore gave her a sneak peek at his fern tattoos. Further down, athletic shorts that were far too short and disrespectful hugged his sturdy, suntanned thighs. "I wasn't aware of that fact," he said lowly, taking a few casual steps toward her.
Nadine's swollen feet pushed off the ground to rock the swing. She removed her sun hat to view him more clearly, and before she could fix her mussed hair, Harry was leaning over and kissing down her neck like a starved and desperate man. His hands gripped the back of the swing to stop it from moving, his taut arms locking her in. "Have I been a neglectful husband?" he murmured, his kisses trailing over to her chest. "Even though my wife has been sending me away to the garden and refusing to let me dote on her?"
"Oui," she whispered, taking one of his hands and placing it over her breast. Through the thin fabric of her bandeau top, her nipples peaked. Although sore and enlarged as a result of preparing milk, they responded to Harry's touch in the same way they always had. "Your wife is in dire need of affection."
"I'm on it," Harry replied, sitting beside her and continuing to work his mouth and hands.
Nadine moaned, tilting her head to the side. She felt spoiled since she didn't have to move—not that she would have been able to without toppling over and wheezing. Harry licked under her jawbone before nipping the skin there; the softness of his lips was an addictive sensation. It was so lovely. Until she began to sweat and be tickled by his beard.
When she couldn't take any more of it, she giggled and pushed him away. "No more," she said, breathing heavily.
Harry rubbed his palm over her belly, feeling for kicks. He was obsessed with it. "I was just getting started, Dove."
"You're going to make me have a hot flash."
He stole a quick kiss. "Well, we can't have that, can we?"
"It's all your fault," she mumbled as a surge of heat spread across her flesh. Not even an ice bath could tame it.
"Maybe you should go inside now," he said, switching back to being concerned.
Nadine shook her head and said, "Your very pregnant wife needs one more thing."
"Anything, sweetheart. Your wish is my command."
She slowly stood up, groaning from all the aches that introduced themselves. "I need a belly lift. I feel like I’m about to burst.”
Harry's eyes lit up. "Yeah?" He sprung off the swing and interlaced his fingers, palms up, ready to hold her bump up like he had done several times before. Carrying double the weight during pregnancy was difficult to endure, especially now that the twins were fully developed. They pressed and kicked and stretched her beyond her wildest imagination, and while it was a magical experience growing two humans all by herself, it was often uncomfortable to even walk—or waddle, as Harry had affectionally called it. He was always eager to provide temporary freedom from it. "This might be the last one we do," he added, a soft smile gracing his lips.
"Better make it the best one yet."
Harry settled behind her and cupped the bottom of her bump. With a kiss to her cheek, he lifted, and the instant relief Nadine felt was second to none. She leaned back into him, sighing happily as the ten pounds transferred into Harry's gentle and trustworthy hands. "This is pretty good practice for holding two babies," he said. "God, I'm going to miss this unbelievable bump.”
"I just want them out of me," Nadine complained, wishing the relief was permanent. She wanted her body back. She wanted her babies snuggled in her arms.
"I know. I'm so in awe of you," Harry whispered over her shoulder. "Every single day."
"You've been saying that a lot lately."
He let go of her bump and moved to stand in front of her. "This hasn't been easy on you. It sure as hell doesn't look easy. Despite the lows, it has been such a joy watching you experience this."
"It's rewarding," she said, smiling down at the little kicks protruding from her skin. The fluttery sensation always made her want to cry. "I feel like a champion."
"You are. Ma dĂŠesse rĂŠsiliente." Harry dropped to his knees and kissed both sides of her belly. "Et mes prĂŠcieux bĂŠbĂŠs."
The babies kicked more firmly, and Nadine's heart soared. "They love their Papa."
"Mm, I love it when you call me that." For a minute, his thumbs stroked her stretch marks. Then he looked at her curiously and said, "You never asked me your question, by the way."
Nadine reveled in his submissive position. "I was going to ask if we could have sex."
He laughed loudly. "You're insatiable. I already tasted you this morning."
"Yes, right after you measured the fundal height of my uterus. Very romantic, mon amour."
With a tender bite to her inner thigh, he raised his nose to the frilly hem of her pajama bottoms. "Let's take this inside, shall we?"
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archivalofsins ¡ 13 days ago
maybe i'm overthinking this, but Yuno's Tear Drop line
"Don't weigh me measure me against your morality"
makes me think of how pregant women have to consistently check their weight/measure their stomach size by doctors sometimes, or themselves
and looking at it from this lens makes me think of her talking to the client instead of just the auidence.
what do you think?
Well, before we get into the rabbit hole this has caused me to go down for several hours I do hafta tap the sign again,
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Content Warning: Filicide, murder (self-explanatory), child death (self-explanatory), an in depth run down of pregnancy, it's many side effects, and the procedures done over the course of carrying a child to term.
Heads up I was fine with saying it was pregnancy entrapment and moving forward with my day. Because I could not give one less of a damn about this child in theory or in the reality of the narrative either. However, I try my best to report facts-
It is a fact that children have an overwhelming place not only in Yuno's narrative but in the narrative overall.
There are no prisoners who aren't in some aspect related to children. Be it wanting to have them their selves like with Mahiru, Kazui and Yuno. Being a child themselves like Amane, negatively impacting the life of a child or ending it like Haruka, Futa, Shidou, and Kotoko. Or just being related to one and focused on setting a good example for them like with Mikoto, Yuno, and Shidou when it comes to Amane (even though this is mostly projection on his part).
Very few prisoners are beating the we're bad with kids allegations.
The best we got is Mikoto who to his own admission through song lyrics and interrogation answers rarely visits home and doesn't call that much. So, his relationship with his sister now is estranged at best or nonexistent/incredibly infantilizing at worse because he may think of her more like his daughter than a sibling.
Something that older siblings easily fall into regardless of how far apart in age they are.
So, I feel it's important for me to make this clear. I mostly want to see Yuno kill a man twice her size- Because I believe in her. She can do it! Kill a client girl, please? Possibly the two responsible for this messy predicament we're about to go into in such egregious detail it's sidetracked my other work. I have no stake in what happened to this child. This child is a side story to me.
However, I do care about honestly laying out the facts for people who seek to know more about them. As well as doing due diligence whenever someone goes out of their way to communicate a question to me. That is my biggest priority first and foremost. Regardless of whether something aligns with my interests or not I would like to motivate people to seek out more knowledge.
It's hard to look into something all on one's own collaboration is a necessary and enjoyable way to learn something new at times. So, really from the start there's no such thing as overthinking. If you're engaging with the story in front of you in a way that inspires you to learn more and form your own opinions that's never a bad thing in my opinion.
So, anon you're asking me what I think about the fact that the line,
"Don’t weigh me measure me against your morality."
Can bring about imagery of prenatal care practices. Of weighing the mother and measuring their stomach. In this case taking Fundal Height Measurements.
What is fundal height? (Cleveland Clinic)
Fundal height is the distance between your pubic bone and the top of your uterus during pregnancy. Measuring fundal height helps healthcare providers assess if the fetus is developing correctly. It also can help determine gestational age (term to describe how far along the pregnancy is) and the fetus's position in your uterus. It's measured in centimeters with measuring tape. After about 20 weeks of pregnancy, your fundal height in centimeters should be close to the fetus's gestational age. For example, if you are 24 weeks pregnant, your fundal height should be around 24 centimeters.
You're also stating this is why you believe Yuno is referring to her client when she says this and not the audience or Es. This is the beginning of a good train of thought that's mostly being derailed by the overall lack of literacy around pregnancy. People around the world sometimes don't find out anything in regards to pregnancy until after they become pregnant.
Some schools don't even teach health classes in depth or at all. So, the likely hood of her client checking her on this isn't that high in my opinion. That doesn't mean that they couldn't have done this but these are usually things done during prenatal checkups throughout a persons pregnancy. Mostly in order to check if the baby is coming along healthily or if anything has gone wrong.
Which brings is to issue one.
Why would Yuno's songs have lyrics that allude to prenatal care as though she was going to it if the pregnancy was just an accident and she,
"I messed up. I found out."
Well would anyone happen to know what's murder and way too late to be considered an abortion?
"Filicide, or the murder of one's own child, is an unfathomable crime." - "Parents may, for a variety of reasons, be compelled to kill their children. This article aims to educate mental health providers about the concept of filicide by presenting a broad overview of the topic, including a discussion of its history, definitions, classifications, outcomes, and the research surrounding it."
Source: An Overview of Filicide
Yeah that's why that content warning was there. Yuno wouldn't be the first prisoner in Milgram to kill a kid. I mean did anyone seriously believe that- This murder was smaller than the others?
"……don’t tell me, did this murder seem smaller to you than the murders of the other prisoners? Thought-provoking!" - Jackalope MILGRAM / Jackalope’s “Report on the end of Second Trial
That they could just decide,
"I wonder though, what decides the worth of a life?"
That just because the victim may have been a newborn infant they had less agency? There life didn't matter as much?
"I'm disappointed. You don't seem to be taking me seriously, merely based on the fact that I am a child."
But it is true that a parents influence on adolescents is strong, isn't it? Compared to adults, you are a lot more dependent on your parents.
"I see. Then, are things that I as a twelve-year-old think irrelevant? Are you going to cast aside the feelings I know that I know I have in this very moment, purely based on the fact that I have not yet lived for a very long time? Judging these things based on someone's age will not take you very far."
"Do I, at age twelve, not have my own will? Does Mu-san, at age sixteen, have more of a free will than I do? Does Yuno-san, at age eighteen, have even more of a free will? Does Futa-san, at age twenty, have an entirely free will?"
Does an infant at the age of weeks or months have no free will or a claim to life at all? A mere baby? The age where a person is the most reliant on their parents and the people around them. The time in a person's life they are the most vulnerable.
If their parents just decide that they can't or won't-
"I ***'t be bothered."
Is that alright? I mean it's not like they're even a person yet. A baby can't comprehend what they're being robbed of.
"Judging these things based on someone's age will not take you very far."
The difference between an infant and fetus. A lot of people would say it's a big one. Even so there a re many cases of filicide. More than most like to admit.
Oh, come on Gunsli- Are we so hard up for content in these trying times that we're falling back on theories from the very beginning of the series. Are you saying that Yuno threw a kid over a balcony.
"Oh, please?! Give me that baby and I'd yeet it off a tower."
I have no stake in this I'm choosing my peace. Don't shoot the messenger. I am simply saying there's a mountain of implications for this being the case.
A mountain that has only grown larger over the course of Milgram.
This isn't even my theory people were saying this as far back as trial one simply based on this being her Undercover image,
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And the focus on staircases in Umbilical.
Some may still be asking what would even imply that even after everything said so far. Outside of these ridiculous accusations and subtle illusions to prenatal care being received.
There's nothing else.
I mean other than the fact she blatantly admitted the prisoner most like her is Kazui. All without ever saying he wasn't like her in some other aspects outside of the reasons they lie.
Q.18 Which of the other prisoners is most like you?
Yuno: Kazui without a doubt.
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Q.05 Which of the other prisoners is most like you?
Kazui: I suppose I have to answer Kashiki-chan, since she said all that.
And Kazui was intimately involved with and responsible for this-
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This was done to a whole ass adult. Yuno would have a lot less work to do if her victim was an infant. Since if you hold a baby wrong it can die. It's skulls hasn't even fully formed yet. Infants have soft spots in the skull referred to as the,
Key facts Fontanelles are soft spots on your baby's head where the skull bones have not yet completely fused together. Fontanelles are completely normal and important for brain and skull development. The fontanelles should be completely closed by the time your baby is 26 months old. It's safe to gently touch your baby's fontanelles. If your baby's fontanelles are sunken or bulging, seek urgent medical advice.
It would not be difficult to kill one of the squishiest things in existence. This is why there are very specific ways one is meant to hold a newborn baby. Dropping one at all is a serious issue by itself.
Still Kazui and Yuno be like,
"I've never run into a problem that I couldn't be bothered with any longer that gravity couldn't solve!"
Plus, she's paired with the guy known to have literally killed a child himself. Then as I've brought up numerous times before... Her second song as is called Tear Drop. Tear as in to rip something up or out and drop as in to discard.
Something that here could imply the baby was torn out of her which is usually what happens during pregnancy anyway especially if she had to get a C-section. Yet it's also common during natural births for mothers to feel like the baby is tearing them apart from the inside as they're in labor/giving birth. Something commonly displayed across media.
So the name of her second song already implies to an extent that she went into labor at a point without even touching on the line that highlighted that alludes directly to prenatal care.
So, without further delay let's have a health lesson courtesy of Milgram and Kashiki Yuno~
Definition of Labor
Labor is a series of continuous, progressive contractions of the uterus that help the cervix dilate and efface (thin out). This lets the fetus move through the birth canal. Labor usually starts two weeks before or after the estimated date of delivery. However, the exact trigger for the onset of labor is unknown.
Signs of Labor
While each woman experiences labor differently, some common signs of labor may include: Bloody show: A small amount of mucus, slightly mixed with blood, may be expelled from the vagina.
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Contractions: Uterine muscle spasms that occur at intervals of less than 10 minutes may signify that labor has started. These may become more frequent and severe as labor progresses.
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"I feel a little weird I’m still not used to feeling this way. - I can’t smile well anymore. It’s because of you."
Contractions: Uterine muscle spasms.
What do contractions feel like?
Contractions feel different for everyone. Some of the ways people describe them are: Very strong and intense menstrual cramps. A wave-like tightness that begins at the top of your uterus and moves downward. A squeezing or pushing sensation across your entire abdomen. So painful that you can’t walk or talk during one.
So the tingle can't be that. Labor would be too painful to be described that way. Hm, what else is there...?
Braxton Hicks contractions
Key facts Braxton Hicks contractions are a normal part of pregnancy. Braxton Hicks contractions feel like the muscles across your belly are tightening. Braxton Hicks contractions are irregular, usually lasting for about 30 seconds — while they can be uncomfortable, they aren’t usually painful. Braxton Hicks contractions don’t mean that you’re going into labour. If you’re not sure if you are having Braxton Hicks or labour contractions, contact your doctor or midwife.
"I feel a little tingle inside."
Or the most likely option is the tingle being referred to is the baby kicking. Also knowns as-
Fetal Movement
Fetal movements felt by pregnant women are a sign that the fetus is growing in size and strength. The pregnant woman is usually the first to feel these movements, which can later be perceived by others. Women are often taught by their healthcare provider to monitor or be aware of the movements of the fetus. This can be a general awareness of fetal movements, or the women can be taught to count the number of kicks they feel in a set amount of time. Reduced fetal movement can be worrisome for both the mother and the attending healthcare provider. Decreased fetal movement can be a warning sign of potential fetal impairment or risk, and therefore, warrants further evaluation by the healthcare provider.
Your baby's movements (NHS)
You should start to feel your baby move between 16 to 24 weeks of pregnancy. If this is your first baby, you might not feel movements until after 20 weeks.
What your baby's movements feel like?
The movements can feel like a gentle swirling or fluttering. As your pregnancy progresses, you may feel kicks and jerky movements.
Check, check and check.
By the facts and Yuno's own statements in her song lyrics and elsewhere- She is at best 16 to 24 weeks pregnant.
In Japan, abortion is permissible up to a pregnancy period of less than 22 weeks.
Source: J-Stage
She's cutting it pretty close here and that's at the very beginning of Umbilical. She continues to carry the pregnancy forward throughout that song. Even after it's popped we're actually shown it's gotten bigger.
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The balloon looks to be smaller before it's popped as well.
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Shown by how even when Yuno is not applying much pressure to it the smaller ones inside still do not have as much space to move around in as the balloon we see in the balloon shown after this popping scene.
Once again implying that this pregnancy is getting closer and closer to term as the song continues. Not only does this information display that. It also showcases that Yuno-
For all of the audience talking saying she was just naĂŻve and didn't know what she was doing and just made a mistake- In fact recognized she was pregnant and did things to make sure that pregnancy was viable and was probably looking forward to having a kid for a small bit.
Like she said in Tear Drop.
"“Poor naive little girl”? So off the mark,what’s it to you? It’s just absurd." - "Feeling magnanimous? INNOCENT? I’m so not that."
In Umbilical the audience is even shown her looking into buying baby toys reminiscent to Haruka's,
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One decently different from the one she receives in Tear Drop latter.
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This is something implied from the beginning of the series. It is implied not only through the scene in Umbilical combined with this statement,
Q.20 What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought for yourself?
Yuno: I can’t really remember. Maybe a plush toy?
Which proves the one within Umbilical is more than likely not the same one in Tear Drop. Considering that the one seen in her second mv is expressly being gifted to her. She did not buy it for herself. Meanwhile the one in Umbilical is one she went out and looked at herself with seemingly no one else present.
Since none of her clients have really been outside or in stores with her often. At least not so openly in empty spaces like that. Yuno even states that she tends to go shopping with friends.
Q.12  Tell us your hobby.
Yuno: Going out shopping with my friends, I guess? Also I’m part of the theatre club, so occasionally practice.
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Baby plush toys can get really up there in price too. Especially if they're good quality made to last for a while again similar to Haruka's. It's not unheard of for new mothers to splurge on their children's first toy.
Beyond that, the store Yuno is currently in is set up like every store for new mothers that sells goods for infants. Even down to the layout.
Here are some links that have some visuals of baby stores that I found with help from @doctorbunny while looking into this,
Favorite Baby Boutiques in Los Angeles
5 Best Baby Shops in Los Angeles
Wee Bee Baby Boutique
Pictures from inside a shop in Tokyo that Bunny found.
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The bunny she's holding in the photo is even a neutral muted color unlike the brighter yellow one she's given later.
Please feel free to look up more examples. Since I'm not from Japan and have never been there I can't be entirely sure what stores for expecting mothers and infants are like out there.
Bright Colors vs. Muted Colors - How it affects your little one
How to present color to a newborn and children up to 3 years? A baby that is only a few days old prefers contrasting patterns. Their eyes aren't fully developed yet in the first days, even months. Different shades of one color are preferred not to overstimulate the newborn visually. Use black, white, and grey color in different patterns and shapes to offer a strong, contrasting visual experience and to offer the best form of visual stimulation without overstimulating them. These colors stand out in their field of vision.
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From 3 to 6 months, babies prefer primary colors, and at 7 months, their vision is developed very well, and you can introduce most colors and shades of it. But GRADUALLY. After one year, children learn to differentiate colors, so they can be used to stimulate cognitive development. After 3 years, every color plays its own role in your child's development and has a beneficial role.
How Colors Play a Role in Baby’s Development (the BUMP)
"Initially, newborns can’t see in full color, so most toys and board books for the first few months of life use bright images with high contrast (like black and white) and lots of white space, says Natasha Burgert, MD, FAAP, a Kansas-based pediatrician and Philips Avent expert." These sharply contrasting colors, shapes and patterns encourage baby’s development in many ways. First, they’re easier for babies to see and process, compared to muted colors with lower contrast, says Jody LeVos, PhD, childhood development expert and chief learning officer at the education company BEGiN. Plus, they also help to boost “the development of optic nerves and encourage babies’ cognitive development without overstimulating them,” Hafeez explains. Babies gradually begin to process more colors as they grow and can typically see the full color spectrum by 6 months old, Burgert says. “As children age, so do the cells in the eye.” And the more color baby sees, the better their retinas will begin to process them, says Carolyn Rubenstein, PhD, a licensed psychologist in Florida. She recommends paying attention to baby’s interest and how long they look at something. This can help determine when to add more colors to baby’s space to slowly stimulate their visual development and strengthen the bond between visual and cognitive processing. “Brain cells receive input from baby’s different developing senses that allow the nerves to expand and grow,” Rubenstein explains. “The more visual stimuli you provide, the more the baby’s retina matures, and the optic nerves progress.”
Sorry babies eyes are still in the development stage. Please introduce high contrasting colors first. So they can get acclimated to colors. Nothing too big those peepers are still sensitive. You wouldn't want to overstimulate the baby. Yuno: Aww what a cute rabbit. (Fucking yellow piece of shit.)
What Colors Are Best for Baby’s Development?
Experts agree that black, white and high-contrast colors are best for baby’s early development, and a spectrum of colors can help little ones manage their big feelings later on. But does this mean beige and neutral colors might be hindering baby’s development? Not necessarily. “While a toy that’s beige is not harmful, a toy with a bold black-and-white pattern (which has high contrast) will likely be more interesting for baby,” LeVos says. “Having said that, you don’t need to turn everything black and white!” The good news is there are plenty of existing objects that provide sharp contrast that you may not even think about. “You may notice that baby is fascinated with the ceiling fan (even when it’s not on), which is an example of an object in the real world that already provides the type of contrasting colors baby craves,” LeVos explains. 
This may be why the bunny we see her have in Umbilical is a plain beige. Because at the time this was the trend when it came to designing baby rooms and still is. It was particularly a trend on the website Yuno is implied to be using,
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Instagram. So it wouldn't be surprising for her to follow these sort of trends when it comes to aesthetics.
Outside of all that though. Milgram and Yuno herself made it clear from the beginning that the pregnancy was something she was prolonging.
Through showing her blowing up the balloon herself (the balloons also match the coloring on the toy rabbit seen in Umbilical) throughout her first trial song.
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For those curious Star color picked the balloons and stuffed rabbit in IbisX and these are the hex codes
FFEDD9 <- Bunny
FCEAE0 <- Balloons.
She said they're in the same range whatever that means I don't know how these work. I just work here.
Yuno wanting to have kids regardless of her personal motivations as to why- Would still track with the man she went on record saying was like her the most out of the prisoners without a doubt. Giving the audience more of an insight into why Yuno the most observant of the cast who tells the audience that her habit is people watching would be so certain of this.
Mu: ……yeah, that’s right, since I went to an all-girls school. I’m not really used to being around adult men…… other than Papa.
Kazui: I see…… I get why a big guy like me could be scary for you, then. Hm? Ah…… Kusunoki-chan. Sorry for asking out of the blue, but how old is your father?
Mu: Eh……? Um…… I think he’s 41……
Kazui: ……it wouldn’t be strange for me to have a kid around your age then, huh. I’m getting old. Well, nothing to be gained by thinking about it……
Q.08 If you could have one of the other prisoners as your family, who would you pick?
Kazui: Maybe Amane- Having children was the furthest thing imaginable in our family.
24/06/27 (Amane’s Birthday)
Kazui: We never really thought about having kids in my family. So because of that, it’s a bit dazzling having you here. I am still worried about you though, despite everything. If things were different, it wouldn’t be that weird for me to have my own kid about your age.
Amane: ……not having children is just a different way one can choose to live. Bringing new life into the world is something to be respected, but it isn’t a guarantee or measure of happiness. If this is the choice you made based on your own environment and responsibilities, then you can feel pride in your choice.
Kazui: Ah, I guess so. I mean, hypothetically, even if I did want kids. Children can easily be influenced by the way their parents raise them. I understand that first-hand. And I know I can’t take on that responsibility. Yeah. Well, if there’s anything this old man can say to the next generation. I think you should do what you like. Do things the way you want to. Whether you’re a child or not, it doesn’t matter. Don’t lie to your own true feelings.
Amane: Who do you think you’re lecturing…… I don’t need you to tell me that. I’m faithful to my own feelings. I am, to mine.
23/09/02 (Yuno’s Birthday)
Kazui: I heard you’ve been helping Shidou-kun out. ……er, sorry if this comes across as rude, but it’s kind of unexpected. It always seemed like you didn’t care that much about other people.
Yuno: Hmm? What’s with that all of a sudden. I mean, you’re right, I don’t care much. But if there’s someone dying in front of you anyone would do what they could to help, right? And anyway, aren’t you the same? You usually don’t care much either, right?
Kazui: ……I wonder. This old man isn’t as much of a thinker as you are. I mean, until now I’ve been in an environment where it’s all about having physical strength. So I’ve never really thought about stuff like that.
Yuno: Haha, we’re the same in that we’re both liars too. I guess the difference is the reasons we lie. You care about yourself, so lie to protect yourself. I don’t care about anyone at all, including myself.
Kazui has not hidden (or hasn't done a good job of hiding) the fact that he has wanted or is interested in having children himself since the series started. Plus the audience has been shown time and time again Yuno's no pushover when it comes to her observations and she doesn't say things when she knows it would be pointless to.
Kazui: Ahh, this old man’s gonna go and smoke in the corner a bit. I checked with the guard, and apparently we can use our free time however we want. Man, I’m glad this place is so relaxed.
Shidou: ……! Are…… we allowed to smoke……?
Kazui: Huh…… Shidou-kun, was it? You smoke too? That’s kinda unexpected.
Shidou: Ah, yes. ……I only started fairly recently though. I’ll go with you…… to smoke.
Futa: Ahh, those old men really stink of tobacco. Are they idiots or something? They should know better at that age…… If they really can’t cope without relying on something like that then I worry about their sanity.
Yuno: ……it doesn’t really matter does it? They’re making sure they’re staying far away from the people who don’t smoke. Personally I quite like the smell anyway.
Futa: Huh!? What are you talking about? It means you’re more likely to get sick, it costs money, it’s a nuisance for everyone around you, what’s even the point. Our tax money is being wasted going towards paying for that, you know? If you were really smart, you’d know not to smoke at all!
Yuno: I see~
She knows when to let a topic die as one could put it.
Now let's get back into the facts of childbirth.
The last sign of Labor
Rupture of the amniotic sac (bag of water): If you experience amniotic fluid gushing or leaking from your vagina, go to the hospital immediately and contact your health care provider. Most women go into labor within hours of the amniotic sac breaking. If labor does not begin soon after rupturing your amniotic sac, you will be given medications to induce your labor. This step is often taken to prevent infection and other delivery complications.
Something that could be related back to the state we see Yuno in during the artistic depiction of her crime in Undercover. Yes, I know... But Gunsli by that logic wouldn't it mean the only crime to occur in Yuno's story would be filicide?
Not exactly.
This is why I said artistic depiction of her crime. What we get in Undercover is not the most realistic depiction we have of any of the prisoners crimes. That would be the third anniversary art of them all after their crime.
To further prove this isn't the most realistic depiction of their crime and could instead be the inciting incidents. In the art for Mikoto who we've seen commit murder with a bat there's no bat in sight. Then for Amane who we saw in Purge March use her umbrella as a weapon he anniversary art has her in the attire from magic. Implying in Amane and Mikoto's cases there were more than one murders.
Especially since some prisoners such as Kotoko and Futa are dressed exclusively as they were dressed when they committed their crimes. Now sure Kotoko wears that outfit whenever she's doing crime probably so this doesn't mean her or Futa didn't kill more than one person. It just means they're a bit more economical about they are not changing their clothes for this or may just own multiple of those outfits.
However, the fact that Amane, Mikoto, and Yuno are all dressed in ways that are specifically contradictory to the states we are shown them comiting the crime in within their videos... Should raise some eyebrows. Especially since Mu's art makes it abundantly clear these are after the crimes. Because it lines up directly with what we have been given in her mvs even down to the missing shoe.
Also it's clear the undercover one is an artistic rendition of the events because they're already in their uniforms during those which they were definitely not wearing. Meaning this may not only be an artistic rendition but foreshadowing of what the prisoners very well could do in Milgram.
I mean Kotoko already kicked a few people around. So it wouldn't surprise me at this point. Plus like Jackalope said-
"There's a possibility that these prisoners are all monsters, who could eat us up, and that's exactly why-"
That's exactly why, determining that is my duty as the prison guard- Is what you'll say.
What I'm getting at is that Undercover showcases the triggers for the prisoners misdeeds and what they may very will still be capable of even now. Despite the predicament Milgram has put them in. Two things can be true at once the instances in Undercover can alluded to their crimes prior to Milgram while still foreshadowing what they can do in Milgram.
Yet, Undercover doesn't show all of their misdeeds. If we think of Undercover in as displaying all prisoners' and Es' starting points along with their possible end points based on our choices. I.E the attacks on Es being what occurs if they're left unrestrained or provoked too much.
Than that would allude to several things being true for Yuno.
That she in fact did have an abortion and that's what triggered her behavior in Umbilical. It's just that abortion happened prior to that. Due to the contractual nature of her situation that is alluded to during her part of Undercover.
Hell even these lyrics by themselves imply that she didn't want to get a abortion.
"“UNDER” My cord’s being pulled but nothing’s ever enough Contractual desires, oh what to do, FUTURE."
Stating that her cord's being pulled by something outside of her volition and asking ,what to do about these contractual desires. The same desires alluded to at the beginning and throughout Tear Drop-
"The wanted wanting the wanter. The overlap, isn’t that some sort of perfection?" - "Desire, bestow, and desire again."
This again isn't anything new I've said this before.
Yes, I know that's a picture of Kotoko I need to make it clear that's not the first picture in that post. It's not even the last and yes the post is about Yuno. That image is just misleading.
I've discussed this many times at this point. I'll probably end up discussing it again too.
Because the posts I make on Yuno inevitably get lost to fucking time, banished from the tag entirely, and then even when I look for them on my end knowing full and well how they're tagged I can't find them either. Prime example I know I linked this stuff again in an ask specifically from Astarthatburnsbrightly. I've gone into my own blogs archive then organized post by asks and it's not fucking there of course.
Why would it be? According to it that ask never happened. An ask I was only trying to find because of how difficult it was to find the post I just linked the previous times I had to. Which is why I linked it in that ask. I'd usually attempt to gently convince myself into thinking I'm just recalling incorrectly but this person was really nice about my fuck ups when I answered that ask.
So, I don't think I am this time. Because if there's one thing I remember clear as crystal it's my own mistakes. I'm gonna say this right now. Save this somewhere else I do not know if I or anyone will be able to find this again after it's up for a few weeks or even a month. I just I really don't know anymore.
Hopefully the same thing doesn't happen to this ask. Yet, at the same time it does give me pause. Like I wouldn't be holding my breath to prove it won't disappear I can tell you that. I literally had to hunt the thing I just linked back down. Again something I went out of my way to do the time I linked in that ask and went ya know this one won't disappear it'll be fine. When I was sent that other ask.
If we manage to find that ask we'll link it too but I'm not holding my breath for it.
Back to the point. This would also explain why Umbilical has a focus on reloading the warmth.
“Let’s reload the warmth.”
A line so important that it is the highlighted lyric within her first trial song description,
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Milgram has never shied away from the the fact that Yuno was trying to get back something she'd lost. Even within the old English lyrics of the music video,
"“UNDER” I feel the emptiness inside me. We agreed to seek each other, I wish we could do something about it, Future."
It would make a lot of sense if that something she lost was her previous and first pregnancy. As well as give her actions more emotional weight. Considering how emotionally devastating it is to be put into a situation where one wants to carry a pregnancy to term but is forced not to.
"Just me alone, it really is lonely. Let’s reload the warmth." - "Are we over? Please don’t answer. What do you want to do? Please tell me."
This would also shed some light on her mannerisms around Amane,
23/06/27 (Amane’s Birthday)
Amane: What is it…… Kashiki Yuno. Don’t sit so close to me. Go away.
Yuno: Sorry for barging in when you’re getting into your worldview thing. But Mahiru-san’s finally managed to get to sleep. Humour me with some small talk while I take a break. By the way, Amane. Have you ever wished you were never born? I’ve thankfully lived a pretty fun life so far, so haven’t really. But you seem to be struggling with something. So I kinda wondered if you thought like that.
Amane: ……I don’t think that. Being born into this world is the first miracle any person experiences, and is something to celebrate. Even if after birth I was put through trial after trial, the value of that will never disappear.
Yuno: Hmm. Ok. ……happy birthday, then. It’s good that you were brought into the world, I guess.
Asking her if she's ever wished she was never born to possibly get a yes and maybe feel a bit better about not being able to bring that previous pregnancy to term. Like well Amane's young and she already kind of regrets being here no guarantee my child would've had it better. But instead getting a entire spiel about how being born is the first miracle.
Leaving her to only be able to reply with,
"It's good that you were brought into the world, I guess."
Because that simply may be much better than pointing out not everyone gets that miracle. Yet it would definitely be something I could see someone who has gone through circumstances like that thinking. I feel like people greatly underestimate how many people in the world want children who may never be able to have any or have for reasons outside of their personal control been able to carry a pregnancy to term.
Like the fact that people can have kids is something that they take for granted literally everyday. Until they come across someone who cannot have kids for whatever reasons. It's to the point where most people go I'll do it when I feel like it because it's so commonly discussed as something people can do with very little complications.
But children are born stillborn, some fetuses form without heart beats, some people due to their line of work if they get pregnant on their job by accident will have to get an abortion. That's how the world has always worked. There are people who have kids and people who don't but the reasons for that are completely unknown to anyone outside of those people themselves.
This is a very intimate and personal issue. So, to just go oh yeah abortion easy Innocent no more thought needed was bit foolhardy at best and actively emotionally damning at worse. I can't imagine wanting a kid and having a bunch of people going you go girl ditch that fetus evict that baby. Like I'd be so upset. The fuck gives anyone else the right to weigh in on that without even asking if I wanted children or not.
Which is something the audience could have asked at any time but was very comfortable assuming the answer was no.
"Interesting. I guess that’s how it is in your era."
I guess it is. There's nothing more to say. Who the fuck wants a child in this economy I guess. Let's just ignore that I feel the emptiness inside me thing it's not important. But Gunsli you've been acussing here of filicide this whole time and now you're saying she wanted a kid.
Oh would you look at that it's- This is a good time to get back to that second trial song title point.
Different Stages of Labor
Typically, labor is divided into three stages: First stage: During the onset of labor, your cervix will complete dilation. Early in this stage, you may not recognize that you are in labor if your contractions are mild and irregular.
Dilation is when the cervix opens up after thinning. One could equate this to tearing. The cervix thinning and opening up in this way allows for the baby to pass through the birth canal for the delivery to be done without need of a c-section.
To put it in more detail which I know is what everyone here wants.
Put simply this is what the thinning of the cervix during pregnancy and child birth is referred to as. Effacement begins when the baby's head drops down into the pregnant persons pelvis and pushes against the cervix. This causes the cervix to stretch and thin out, or efface.
Early labor is divided into two phases The latent phase: Marked by strong contractions that usually occur at five- to 20-minute intervals. During this phase, your cervix will dilate approximately 3 to 4 centimeters and efface. This is usually the longest and least intense phase of labor. You may be admitted to the hospital during this phase. Your doctor will perform pelvic exams to determine the dilation of the cervix. The active phase: Signaled by the dilation of the cervix from 4 to 10 centimeters. Your contractions will likely increase in length, severity and frequency, occurring at three- to four-minute intervals. In most cases, the active phase is shorter than the latent phase. Especially since the baby is meant to drop out head side first when giving birth anyhow. Implying that the baby got out fine but was dropped at a latter time.
"Especially since the baby is meant to drop out head side first when giving birth anyhow. Implying that the baby got out fine but was dropped at a latter time."
Tear Drop- “Phew. Anyway!”
Oh.... Kay but that's all circumstantial. Ya know what- Yeah it is. It's also completely rooted in fact not just from how pregnancy works in reality but the facts provided from the series itself. If someone doesn't like it that's on them at this point.
Honestly, ya know I was gonna wait until I was done with what I was doing to say anything about or look into this. Especially since I was recently told that this environment still doesn't handle critical analysis of the characters well. Especially Yuno who has gotten a reputation of being able to do no wrong.
Then I was like I have a mother and a friend who had a child. I'll just phone them real quick and ask about this. Never a bad time to learn something new from people who have experienced the thing being discussed first hand. My friend told me that the measuring and weighing is sometimes incorporate into games at baby showers for people to attempt to guess the weight of the child on that info alone.
Which she stumbled across while planning a baby shower for someone else. Basically went yeah they weigh and measure. My mother was like of course they weighed me they do that when anyone goes to the doctor but they never put any tape on my stomach to measure it or anything.
My friend is more on the petite side around about the same weight as Yuno and didn't show when she was pregnant. Something that seems to be the same case for Yuno as well. So I could see measurements like that being done in her case but it's also just a common practice to do now.
Fundal height tells your healthcare provider important things about your baby's size, growth and position in your uterus. It helps confirm that your baby is growing as they should. It can also tell them how much amniotic fluid is in your uterus. Too little or too much amniotic fluid can indicate a problem.
Unlike back in my mother's day. Then outside of those things I began talking about it in private which is a guarantee to get an answer from me quicker than one usually would. Sadly no one outside of myself possibly not even the asker themselves may enjoy the answer I gave here.
Yet, in my opinion anonymous asker- You just highlighted a lyric that without a shadow of a doubt proves that Yuno committing filicide while not confirmed is incredibly likely. For all of the reasons I just listed above.
Damn when Yamanaka was not lying when he said,
Q.15 Is there anything the guards aren't aware of yet?
Yamanaka: Of course, there may be some minor details, but I don't think there are any major points missing. The mysteries have already disseminated, I feel the full picture will be clearly revealed if the theories and wild speculations, which have been shared around the world, come together. As expected.
That was a real all according to plan way he said that in hindsight. Still I think what just happened here is a good example of what he was probably anticipating happening. Wait a second- you didn't say why she would kill a baby if she wanted one.
Oh; yeah! I forgot here first song title Umbilical. Yeah funny thing about those. Did you know that the umbilical cord is used for paternity tests after the child is born?
What is paternity test using umbilical cord? (HIRO CLINIC)
The umbilical cord, which is cut at birth, is an important organ that physically connects the baby to the mother. The cord and placenta are rich in the baby’s DNA, which can be used to confirm the parent-child relationship. While the most popular method of paternity testing is the “oral swab,” in which DNA is collected from the inside of the cheek, testing using the umbilical cord is particularly effective when a DNA sample remains from the time of birth. Let’s take a look at the process of how paternity testing using the umbilical cord is performed.
"I messed up, I found out."
Tumblr media
DNA Paternity Test (American Pregnancy Association)
Postnatal testing, after a child’s birth, is done through an umbilical cord collection at the time of delivery or a sample is collected at a lab after the baby is released from the hospital. Either a buccal (cheek swab) or a blood collection can be performed.
Her cords being pulled alright. Can't believe I almost forgot that part well... I'm gonna go play crypt. This took from twelve forty to eleven thirty pm to write. Well at least I'm pretty proud of it.
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my-life-fm ¡ 4 months ago
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allthecanadianpolitics ¡ 4 months ago
Downtown Winnipeg is suffering from a historically high vacancy rate and the Manitoba Métis Federation says it's trying to do its part to revive the city core by expanding its footprint around Portage Avenue and Main Street. The MMF announced Thursday it purchased two office towers near the famous intersection — immediately next to the landmark Bank of Montreal building it bought in 2020. The two towers, formerly owned by Bell MTS and still branded with that logo, will add about 600,000 square feet of office space to the MMF's holdings. One is a 24-storey building at 333 Main St., and the other is a 13-storey building immediately beside it, with an entrance around the corner at 191 Pioneer Ave. The package also includes a surface parking lot at 179 Pioneer Ave. "Our main focus, of course, is investing, but … we are concerned like most Winnipeggers are, most Manitobans are, about what's happening to our downtown," MMF president David Chartrand told CBC Manitoba Information Radio guest host Faith Fundal Thursday morning. "Every city in this country has a very prominent downtown and that's where the action and business [happens]."
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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sadsongsandwaltzes ¡ 11 months ago
I think it should be legal for women to kick doctors in the face in labor/postpartum if doctors start doing things the women never consented to like episiotomies, cervical checks, fundal massages, etc
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hyperpregmacy ¡ 9 months ago
Do you do anything in particular with the belly on? Like chores or anything, to simulate the pregnant housewife life? Or do you just vibe? I'll put on a fake belly sometimes and some cross-wired part of my brain is excited for my roommates to go in their trip so i have the place alone, so I can do housework around a big tummy. Work gets done, and it's kinda sexy, because my pleasure centers are stupid tied up in tummy shit lol.
For me, in particular, I would do just about anything I would normally do without the belly on! That is besides going to work, as OSHA might consider it a hazard, haha. I've been unable to drive my way too small Honda where even when the seat is pushed alllllll the way back and I'm sitting with perfect posture on top of "sucking it in" I can't get it through the door frame! Though I'm sure if I ever COULD manage to wedge it in, I don't think I'd be able to turn my steering wheel at all. Around the house, everything I do has to be more carefully approached as I can't see anything in a 4 foot cone past my belly. Dishes I have to do one-handed, taking the stairs has to be done backward, even sitting down is a 5 minute ordeal so I don't get the wind knocked out of me or worse~ (for reference, my largest belly has weighed roughly 70lbs at 80~ inches around circumference-wise and a good 4 feet in fundal height) and don't get me started on getting up from wherever I'm sitting lmao, it takes me so much time to scooch towards the edge and slowly raise my self I legitimately feel out of breath haha. Even going from room to room, I have to enter dead-straight-on as my belly would still graze the edges of the door frame.
In terms of chores, I can only say this: They take over 3x as long dutle to my hindered maneuverability, and I love it. Even eating a meal feels super realistic as my belly actually compresses my organs (within a safe range dw) to the point that I actually eat less per meal but more meals a day? Idk if that makes sense, but that's how it goes if I'm wearing it for a day. Oh oh oh, and bending over is nonexistent, btw. I lean down 20ish degrees, and I'm already about to tip forward and fall on my hyper preg tummy <3
It's super fun, would recommend 12/10
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jobrookekarev ¡ 6 months ago
Chapter Four: Long Story Short, We Survived
Words: 2,063
Chapter Summary: Carina and Station 19 arrive and the kids meet the new baby before they finally go to the hospital.
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy.
Relationship: Alex Karev/Jo Wilson.
Characters: Alex Karev, Jo Wilson, Helena Karev, Luna Wilson, Meredith Grey, Zola Grey-Shepherd, Bailey Grey-Shepherd, Ellis Grey-Shepherd, Carina DeLuca, Maya Bishop, and Ben Warren.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences General Audiences.
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Fluff, Angst, Relationship(s), Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Friendship, Humor, Family, Love, Kissing, Light-Hearted, One Shot, Happy Ending, Drama, Slow Build, Domestic, Marriage, Parenthood, Pregnancy, Labor, Childbirth, Newborn, Medical, Children, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Background Relationships, Birth, Labor.
Read at AO3
Read at FFN
Their quiet moment together didn’t last long as half of Station 19 rushed into the room a few minutes later. However, they paused when they saw her lying in bed with the baby in her arms. Jo looked up to see Carina and Maya standing in the entryway with wide eyes and open jaws before Carina walked over to the three of them. 
“Well Jo it seems as if you've had your baby already,” Carina said with a laugh as she stared down at them. “How is the little bambino and their Mama?”
“Her APGAR score is a perfect 10 and Jo’s been amazing!” Alex said with pride as he smiled down at them, she didn’t think he would stop smiling, and neither could she.
“They're doing great. Jo delivered about ten minutes ago so it hasn't been long,” Meredith said as she got up and stepped to the side as Carina came over to her. “Her heart rate was high and a little unsteady during delivery, but it's back to normal and steady, and the baby’s doing well, but Jo also tore and she hasn’t delivered the placenta, so I've been doing a fundal massage.”
Carina nodded as she came over and sat on the bed next to her. Jo popped up her legs again and Carina pulled the blankets up to examine her. The extra paramedics left the room and the ones that stayed averted their eyes and Jo was thankful for the privacy. 
“It looks like just a simple second degree tear and it's already stopped bleeding and hopefully the placenta is on its way, thanks to Dr. Gray here,” Carina said as she pulled back but continued to massage Jo’s belly to try and get the placenta to detach. “Still, we should get you to the hospital.”
“Do I have to go to the hospital? I’ve already had the baby and everything, and you can just stitch me up here,” Jo asked looking up at all of them with a pout.
“Yes!” Alex, Meredith, and Carina all said forcefully.
They were a little worried that she would protest, but Jo just sighed and looked down at her baby girl, tracing the dark hairs on her forehead. Besides, the worst part was over and she had her baby. She was too tired to argue with them, no matter how much she wanted to stay and sleep in her own bed. She knew realistically that wouldn't be a possibility, since her bed was currently covered in blood and amniotic fluid. They might have to get a new mattress. 
“You guys got a diaper and a car seat for the baby?” Maya asked as she unpacked some supplies for Carina. 
“Yeah, there's a car seat in the car and I guess you can just grab a onesie and diaper from the nursery,” Alex said with an affectionate smile, not daring to take his eyes off Jo or the baby. 
“I'll go grab it,” Meredith said with a shake of her head as she stripped off her gloves. 
She walked down the hall to the nursery, opening the top dresser drawer to grab a diaper and a regular white onesie and hat that was probably going to get stained with meconium and blood. However, she knew they wouldn't mind. She also grabbed a robe for Jo, knowing she wouldn't want to travel to the hospital naked. Then she returned to the room. Alex was sitting on the bed next to Jo and both of them were staring at their baby girl. 
They were completely enamored with their daughter. Carina worked around them and was between Jo's legs, making sure she wasn't bleeding out. Maya was next to her, handing her the things she needed, and Montgomery was placing an IV in Jo’s arm. They were all chit-chatting a bit, but Jo and Alex only had eyes for their daughter. 
“How does it feel to officially be a girl dad, Alex,” Meredith said as she handed him the diaper and onesie. 
“It feels good,” Alex said as Jo handed the baby over to him and he held his daughter for the first time. 
His eyes held profound love for his daughter as he picked her up in such a tender cradle. Her long legs kicked out and she cried in protest of being removed from her mother. But with a gentle pat and a soft sway, Alex soothed her again as she curled up in his arms. The baby was the length of his forearm, although she was quite chubby and Meredith guessed she weighed as much as Helena did, if not more. 
Looking at him, Meredith was suddenly reminded of Derek. Alex had the same look on his face that Derek had when he first held Zola and asked Meredith to adopt her; it was one of pure devotion and delight. She pulled out her phone, taking a picture of him and the baby. The picture also captured Jo, looking up at them with as much adoration for her husband and daughter. 
“We're about ready to get going,” Montgomery said to her as Meredith nodded and put her phone away before she went to get the car seat. 
Running down the stairs, Meredith intended to quickly get the car seat but was ambushed by all five kids at the bottom of the stairs. 
“What happened to Aunt Jo and the baby?!” Zola demanded as all the kids started talking at the same time, while Luna started to cry.
“Did she have the baby?” 
“I want Mama!” 
“Is Aunt Jo going to the hospital?”
“Baby ‘ere?” 
“Why was Uncle Alex so scared?”
“Is Aunt Jo gonna die?”
Meredith held up her hands and took Luna from Zola’s arms. “Nobody is going to die! Your Mama, Aunt Jo, and the baby are okay. Your Daddy, Uncle Alex was just scared because Aunt Jo was in labor. In fact, she was so far along that by the time we got here, I had just enough time to put on a pair of gloves and call Alex back in the room before the baby was born.”
“Aunt Jo had her baby?” Ellis asked, as all their faces lit up. 
“Yes, and that means, you two,” Meredith said, looking at Helena and Luna. “Have a new baby sister.”
“I h’ve a baby!” Helena said as she danced and wiggled excitedly.
“I wan’ Mama,” Luna said with a pout. 
“I know baby, and your Mama is going to come see you in a minute, but then she is going to the hospital for a few days,” Meredith said, kissing her cheek and holding her close. 
“Are they going to name the baby after me?” Ellis asked as she bounced up and down.
“I don’t know, but I need to grab the car seat from the car?” Meredith said, handing Luna back to Zola as Luna protested. 
She ran out and grabbed the car seat and ran back inside. Her kids had settled the girls with another movie, although Luna looked over Zola’s shoulder at her with a pout and her sad big blue eyes. Meredith gave her a little wave and knew it would be tough for her with Jo in the hospital again, but she would be okay all right. 
When she got back upstairs, a few of the Station 19 crew, including Maya, walked past her and told her they were headed back to the station while Warren, Carina, and Hughes would be taking Jo and the baby to the hospital. Alex smiled as he came over and Meredith put the car seat on the footrest of the recliner as Alex carefully strapped the baby in. She fussed a little bit, but Alex was able to soothe her again as he tucked the emergency blanket around her, making sure she was warm. Jo was also wrapped in an emergency blanket again as she was looking a little more pale than before. 
Although she still smiled, Jo looked like she could fall asleep at any moment and Meredith wasn't sure that was just the result of her hard labor. “How are the girls? I heard Luna crying?”
“I think she's just tired because she hasn't gotten a nap yet, but Helena was very happy to hear that her baby was here,” Meredith said as they all shared a laugh. “Are you still doing okay?”
“She's delivered the placenta with ease, but her heart rate is a little elevated again so I'd like to get going,” Carina said with a sure nod that told her Jo was stable for now.
Warren and Hughes stepped up to her with the stretcher, but Alex was quicker and held up his hands to stop them. “I got her.” 
“Are you sure?” Jo asked him as he put his arms under her back and knees. 
“I got you,” Alex quietly reassured her as he kissed her forehead before he picked her up.
Carefully, Alex stood up with Jo in his arms and walked over to the stretcher. He set her down before tucking the emergency blankets around her and making sure she was comfortable. Then Warren buckled Jo in and Carina hung her IVs and they were ready to go. After Jo and the baby were secure, everyone carefully made their way downstairs. Warren and Hughes held the stretcher as they brought Jo down first while Alex and Meredith followed with the baby. 
The kids were again waiting at the bottom of the stairs, but they moved away for the stretcher. Zola was still holding Luna and Bailey had picked up Helena, while Ellis stood next to them. 
“Mama,” Luna reached out for her, but Jo only waved. 
“Hi baby, I’m sorry I can't hold you right now,” Jo said as she waved at Luna who still reached for her and tried to wiggle out of Zola’s arms.
“How are you doing Aunt Jo?” Zola asked as she readjusted to hold Luna better.
“I'm okay,” Jo smiled at her as Zola let out a breath and smiled too.
“Did you really have a baby upstairs in your bedroom?” Bailey asked with disbelief.
“Yep and she's right here,” Alex said as he stepped down and showed off the baby to them. Their baby looked so tiny curled up in their car seat and had a familiar grumpy look as she stared at the people in front of her.
“She looks like Uncle Alex,” Bailey said as all the kids smiled and came closer to coo at the baby. 
“She’s so cute!” Ellis exclaimed as Helena leaned forward to look at the baby. 
“D’at my baby,” Helena said, reaching out and giving the baby a hug as Alex smiled and nodded. 
Meredith captured a few more pictures as Luna hugged the baby too, but still reached out for her Mama. Jo gave in and motioned for Zola to bring her close so she could hug and kiss her. Jo whispered something into her ear and Luna nodded. Alex kissed both of the girls before they all went out to the ambulance. Meredith stayed back with the kids but held Jo's foot as she was getting loaded up. 
“Thank you for delivering my baby, Meredith,” Jo said, giving her a sleepy smile. 
“Of course, I'm just glad you're both safe,” Meredith said, as Jo smiled Meredith realized she was still holding her breath and let it out as she knew Jo was in safe hands. 
They all got into the ambulance and waved her goodbye. Everybody got settled as Carina and Maya sat next to her and Warren drove. Jo looked over at him as Alex put the seat belt strap over the car seat and made sure it was secure next to him.
“Alex,” Jo said, looking up at him, the smile gone from her face as she put a hand over her heart. “My chest hurts.”
Alex reached out to hold her hand as his smile dropped too. His eyes glanced up to the heart monitor checking the rise and fall of the heart line, it was still steady, but slower than it should have been. “We'll be at the hospital soon.” 
“Alright boys, let's light it up and get to the hospital quickly but safely. We got precious cargo,” Ben said as he flipped on the lights and they left the driveway.
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