#fun btb asks
okamirayne · 17 days
Hello Hello!
Just a random ask.. do you have any inconsequential or random hc’s for characters that have almost no relevance in their overall lives? I’ll go first — I’ve always imagined that Neji developed a mild disgust/phobia of spiders ever since his fight with Kidomaru
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Heya Anon! 💜
Just a random ask.. do you have any inconsequential or random hc’s for characters that have almost no relevance in their overall lives? I’ll go first — I’ve always imagined that Neji developed a mild disgust/phobia of spiders ever since his fight with Kidomaru
Oooh, that's a great question! And your example is solid. Wouldn't blame Neji thumbing his nose at the Eight Legged Freaks after his ordeal.
Hmm...I might need some liquid inspiration to answer this...
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...argh, what's so annoying is that I tend to discover my hc's as I write the characters - does that make sense? It's really bizarre. You'd think that I'd have a tonne of head cannons just filed away, but what tends to happen is they drop into my headspace as I'm writing, rather than me actively thinking about them...I think maybe because 98% of my brain is engaged in plot most of the time (given how long BtB is), the character aspect (my favourite part, oddly enough) churns out based purely on organic in-the-moment writing and inspiration/instinct...which is probably why I love it so much, it's more intuitive than intellectual and way more fun.
Sorry, that in no way answers your question...
I'm thinking but....
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Seriously...zilch...on demand, nada...
And yet, undoubtedly, I'm going to discover those head canons as I write. Some random examples below (some which obviously have significance), most of which have been disclosed already and discovered whilst writing, but give some good cases of BtB-verse HCs...if some could be called that?
how gift giving is one of Ino's biggest love languages
how Hiashi prefers Go to Shogi
how Raidō is a stickler for rules and enjoys sudoku
how Shikaku got his scars (Shuken)
how Kiba is ridiculously loyal once romantically attached despite his flirtatious and rascal-like behaviour
how Kakashi treasures his Team 7 mug decorated by his students before Sasuke defected
how Kakashi suffered from migraines due to the Sharingan
how Ino's old eating disorder issues were related to a critical and image-obsessed mother, and to Sakura rejecting her friendship as a kid because of Sasuke (leading Ino to believe she was always going to be in competition with other women and that female friendships are fragile)
how Sakura hates how much she loves Sasuke
Chōji allowing Ino to decorate him like a Christmas tree whenever she drags him into shopping sprees (she feeds him for it, which is a win-win)
Shikamaru requiring Chōji to do the thinking and the legwork when it comes to purchasing gifts for Ino
Asuma's cigarette brand is hard to get hold of
Genma is a whole head canon in himself - Halloween is important to him and not just because of pumpkin soup
Genma's issues with care homes - hints of his past as a kid
The significance to Neji of the words "every time" when he speaks them to Shikamaru
The importance of the words "I hear you" between Shikamaru and Asuma, and generally when Shikamaru says this, regardless of who he's speaking to
Neji's blind spot being an erogenous zone
Shikamaru being an utter sucker for head massages
Shikamaru loving Niji's coffee (second to none)
Genma being attracted to Kurenai (much to his supreme annoyance)
Inoichi having a wicked sweet-tooth, leading to him sneaking off to indulge in various confectionary (usually at the Akimichi household) so his wife didn't lose her shit (which led to her believing he might be having affairs)
Yoshino being incredibly sensitive to Shikamaru's security whilst in the home - the only control she feels she has over his safety given his life as a shinobi
Orochimaru's severely messed up behaviour with Sasuke and the oddness of his rules surrounding it (not sure you'd call this a head canon, as it's not something I enjoy entertaining - not that all head canon's are fun)
Kakashi somatising his emotions and his body carrying most of his pain
Kakashi preferring to live in a complex with older veteran shinobi rather than his peers (quieter, less intrusive)
Shiba (Kakashi's ninken) suffering bouts of claustrophobia
Ino, Inoichi, and Naoki's habit of cracking their thumbs
Ibiki's arthritis in his hands (worse now due to chakra sickness)
Kiba's nostalgic love/hate for silky thread grass
Shikaku's involvement with the Hyūga during his youth
Inoichi being a pretty-boy when younger and having to infiltrate a geisha house (where he met Sayuri, his wife)
Shikamaru harbouring mild paranoia of losing anything Ino buys him (the risk of ballistic head injury is very real)
The playful battle of Ino keeping a mental score of "you owe me" vs Shikamaru keeping a mental score of "I'll remember this"
Tenten messing with Neji by adding spice to his food
Argh, there are loads more; but those are the ones that just randomly came to mind whilst trying to kick my marbles around. There will undoubtedly be more to come, especially with characters such as Naruto and Sasuke, but also Neji, Shikakmaru and the rest.
Unfortunately (or fortunately) I can't always predict what they'll be so I apologise for not being able to reciprocate properly, Anon! But thank you for this ASK, it was fun to recall these. 💜🫶🏼💜
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 4 months
Do you think that Thou-Shalt-Not-Committ-Adultery Pulsifer was based off of Witchfinder General Matthew Hopkins?
Hiya! :) In the book? Yes - like, him and Shadwell and the witchfinder army :). He is even mentioned in the book. Matthew Hopkins (real history character) claimed to have the Witchfinder General title tho Parliament never gave it to him, from that I think Terry and Neil did the who "Witchfinder Sergeant" and others hierarchy titles in their witchfinder army, also Hopkins was looking for extra nipples.
In the show they certainly used Hopkins' appearance when creating the Thou-Shalt-Not-Committ-Adultery Pulsifer :).
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Also fun fact, when Crowley meets Shadwell, we see on the telly Shadwell's favourite movie - the Witchfinder General from 1968 where Vincent price plays the character of Matthew Hopkins :).
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moved-2-koiranliha · 1 year
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@zomburgerofficial he is not normal?
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copperbadge · 5 months
Sam have you heard about the Chicago Rat Hole? it seems like something that would delight you. associated quote from Robert Evans of the Behind the Bastards podcast: "the worst thing about humanity is our tendency to create religions out of anything. the best thing about humanity is our ability to make cathedrals out of anything."
I'd seen a photo fly past at some point but I assumed it was a joke of some kind. I googled when I got your ask and I guess it's a thing.
I have to admit I don't get it -- like, I don't have a problem with people randomly adorning a rat-shaped (probably squirrel-derived) imprint in the cement, but I don't understand the fascination with it. If I were to be catty I'd say it's because there's not a lot else going on in Roscoe Village, but it's a perfectly nice Chicago neighborhood, no reason to slam it. I suppose it's the same urge that makes people make pilgrimage to the Virgin Mary in a water stain. I'm not about to go out in Chicago in the winter to witness it, but it takes all kinds.
I dunno, I like Robert Evans a lot (I'm a regular BTB listener) but maybe I just don't feel the urge to create cathedrals. In any case it's harmless enough, and I'm glad people are having fun with it. :)
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dietmountaindewbae · 6 months
what about fetus sub Al?
xxii. room on fire
alex turner x reader
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word count: 7784
summary: Alex (btb!), Andy, and Matt invite you to see The Strokes live in London
warnings: sp*t, unpr*tected s*ex
song recommendation: automatic stop by the strokes
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Closing shut your locker you grab your heavy backpack on your shoulders, the day felt like it was slower than ever but you were happy your next period was a little more fun, literature with your favorite teacher, you read a few pages of the book you were reading in class at home when you couldn't sleep, hearing some music while at it, a lot of people hated to read with music but it just fed your imagination.
Suddenly you heard three voices calling out your name from the hallway, running up to you, "You won't believe it!" Andy said to you, "You won't, you won't!" He said as he giggled from the excitement of Alex and Matt catching up to him.
"Won't believe what? Why? What's going on?" You asked them, they were all jumping up and down nudging at each other's shoulder, smiling at a piece of paper, they were acting like three little girls finding out their crush likes them.
"You will shit yourself!" Matt said.
"It's not me that has" The bell rang meaning to go inside the class, the teacher could be fun and all but hated delay, "I can't with you three seriously, I'll see you in class" You walked in, Alex and the rest following behind you, and that's when they all circled you, "Quit the bullocks, what's going on?"
"Guess who's coming to London?" Alex said, he was blushing from the joy, and you hummed.
"The vines?" You guessed, they all said no with their head, if they were this excited it had to be huge, and that's when it clicked, "...The strokes?" You said with a hint of doubt, Alex finally showed you that piece of paper, and you gasped so loudly, "Really?!"
"It's official, we have to go!" Matt announced.
"Go where mister Helders?" The teacher came inside making Matt's smile turn into a serious one, he looked like he had shat himself... again.
"N-Nowhere" He answered.
"Go back to your seat, please" He nodded sitting behind you while Alex sat next to you.
"Come with us, love, we don't always get to be 16 and go to a Strokes concert" He whispered to you, "Everyone is coming!" He insisted.
"Of course, I want to go, I'll do my best to convince my mum.... plus, what's the point of having a strokes shirt if I haven't seen them live?"
"Young lady if you're going to socialize with Alex let it be outside" The teacher raised his voice, the rest teasing the both of you with their stares and giggles, you and Alex were close, but not as close as you'd liked, he hardly ever spoke to you about a secret he had, or when he was feeling down, yes, he did it sometimes, but not as much as Matt or Andy talked to you, you tried to make him, but it maybe wasn't as easy for him to trust you, you wondered why, you've known each other since middle school, he wasn't always like this.
"Sorry," You said giggling along with Alex.
"Do you think everyone at school will go? Like... Lauren maybe?" Lauren, what else could you say? She was your friend, not your best friend but you hung out with her often, Alex and Lauren talked a lot too, he said it was friendly but what Lauren said was different, you didn't know why but when he asked you about her you felt a little off.
"O-Oh, I don't know, maybe" She liked pop music better but she pretended to like them because of Alex, she liked him but he played dumb about it, and when Lauren noticed that she began to play dumb as well, hoping that it'll grow some interest on him, maybe it was working.
"I hope you can come with us, we'll book a room and everything, I'll talk about it later with me mum"
"How's Penny?" You asked dearly, she was the kindest and coolest woman you'd ever met, and for the rest of the class, you kept whispering to Alex about how excited you felt.
A few days passed and soon enough Andy got tickets for the three and begged their mums for a room in any place they could get them, your mum wouldn't agree to let you go with three boys to London for a massive gig of some "messy" rock band, you were short on money, and for what you knew everyone was going, except for you, either you got a job fast or not go at all.
"Girls, you won't believe it!"Lauren announced during lunch some other band would come to London as well, she already had her tickets to The Strokes, but she sounded way more pumped about this other band, so you sat there, ears pitched, on the look for what was she going to say next.
"So what are you going to do?" Your friend asked.
"I'm selling my ticket for The Strokes," Your heart skipped a beat and you were fast to say you wanted it.
"How much?" She gave you the price, but you were still short though, you had to think of a bribe she couldn't say no to, "How about I give you what I have on me and... do your homework for a month" Lauren laughed at you.
"Until the end of the year!" She demanded, you stood your ground.
"It's for a month, you should be thanking me" It was a good deal, you weren't just giving her money but you were saving her from getting kicked out of school for skipping class to go out with his 20-something boyfriend-situation.
"Deal" She handed you the ticket, and you gasped and hugged her, "Have fun" She rolled her eyes.
"Thank you!" You took your things and ran to get to Alex, all three of them had breakfast outside by the hidden threes to have a smoke, you had never felt so excited before, your little heart was about to beat out of your chest, and your lower abdomen hurting because you were running too fast, pushing people away, until you crashed with a boy falling on your ass, "Oh, Alex!"
"Love, a-are you ok?! Oh God, I'm so sorry I didn't see you" He helped you, picking you up from the floor, and you gasped his name, "What's wrong?"
"Guess who's going to the gig?" He gasped as you showed him the ticket.
"You're coming with us?!" He spun you around, picking you up in the air, "Oh my god! That's so great" He hugged you so tightly you were happy to feel short on air, "I knew you would manage to go, so I booked an extra room for you, I knew you would make it" You hugged him close, it was so nice and considerate for him, you didn't expect for him to do such a thing.
"I'll give you back every penny! You didn't have to" He shrugged and waved it off, scratching the back of his head.
"I suppose that's what mates do, right? Besides, you shouldn't be thanking me, you should be thanking Penny" You broke into laughter with him, your eyes locked in a stare, "We made it!"
"I know, we're going to see The fuckin' Strokes!" You yelled, "We're going to fuckin' London to see The Strokes baby!" You both jumped up and down like little children, you were so happy feeling the euphoria of just the thought, and then it died as your mind couldn't escape reality, 'not that fast' it said, "Shit..."
"What?" He says.
"Me mum, she's gonna kill me... and I need the money for the train!" Alex pursed his lips and you massaged your forehead, a pulsing pain in your head increased, and your stress murdered your excitement.
"We'll figure summat out... leave it to us"
That same afternoon, around 6 o'clock your door was almost knocked over by the various and brutal knocks on it, you went running downstairs in your pajamas and a giant wet towel on your head, "Oi!"
"It's us!" Andy said from the other side of the door.
"What the fuck are you-" They shushed you, coming in one after the other, you pulled Alex to the side, "What are you doing?" You whispered.
"Taking care of it just as I promised... nice pajamas" He joked, your snoopy pajamas were your favorite, and you followed Alex into the kitchen where your mum was. You are certain that she won't let you go after this, she hates it whenever people just come into the house with no warning, but she said hello to all of them with a warm hug and a smile, they bribed your mum with her favorite biscuits and tea.
That evening, they made a PowerPoint slide called "10 reasons why your daughter should be allowed to go with us"
"No. 1 reason is..." Matt said, "She'll be well taken care of, protected, and have her own space"
"No.2 is, she's the only one with enough brains to lead us through London," Said Andy.
"No 3. is, we're proper lads, and we'll behave as such" Alex smiles at you.
Seven slides after, and a couple of biscuits and cups of steaming tea, your mum agreed to the proposal, mainly because they had taken the time to make the slides and gave her plenty of reasons to trust you with their company, after all, she's practically best friend's with Matt's mum and had a good concept of Alex and Andy, maybe she was in a good mood today. After the boys left, you were left alone with your mum cleaning the dishes as she gave you the money for your train ticket, and you spent the night packing with a smirk on your lips, listening to the strokes on your MP3 all night.
You kept counting the minutes to see them, and when the time arrived you were bright and early at the station, smiling at Alex when you saw him waiting for you at the entrance, "Ready?"
"I was born ready for this moment" You exaggerated making him break into laughter, "Where's Andy and Matt?"
"They took the train earlier to check us in, so once there, we'll just shower and go" You jumped up and down feeling your heart pumping faster, "I'm delighted you came with us actually, so happy"
"Why?" You said once inside the train, Alex like the gentleman he is and the one he promised to be, put your bags away, "Dips on the window" You said.
"Knew it," He sat next to you, unwrapping his scarf, "Well... to be honest, I don't think Lauren likes the strokes with the same passion as me and you do"
"But... even if she doesn't like them, I thought you liked her," You said to him puzzled, "I mean... you're always talking to her, hugging, kissing her cheek... thought you'd be happier if she came" He even kissed her at a party once, even though he says he doesn't remember doing such, you did, and you didn't want to sound so bothered by it but you were, it made you feel strange, even a little jealous.
"But that doesn't mean I like her, besides, I think she only likes them bigger boys, way more fitter than me" He cleared out, and you playfully squeezed his arm.
"You're quite fit Alex, don't say that" He scratched the back of his head again, you notice he often does it when he's nervous, he takes a peek at the book you take out from your purse, along with your music and your wired headphones.
"What 'ave you got there?" He takes your book away from you, it was an edition of Edgar Allan Poe's poetry, then he grabbed your MP3, going through your music, he had grown interested, he didn't understand why he wanted to touch your stuff, wanted to see what's inside your purse, your books, your music library, your head, he wanted to know more, he always did, "You win the prize for the most interesting girl... not that you're not pretty, you're beautiful" He talked to you with such shyness it made you feel special, and the look in his eyes, the little sparkle in them, he bites down on his tongue, feeling as though he had completely fucked up with the words he chose to say, you weren't answering and he was panicking, you stared at him with a grin on your face, it made him feel nervous, his stomach going in circles.
"Thank you" You answered, he could finally breathe, "D'ya wanna share?" He hummed as a yes, discreetly sitting closer to you so you could share your music, and your book with him, you smiled at him, watching the threes go by one by one, all in a row, a beautiful landscape hidden in between them, watching them go by so fast made your eyes tired, your head fell to his shoulder you were quick to take it away.
"Oh sorry," You said to him taking a little space but he pulled you in, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as an instinctive, a few butterflies woke in your stomach, and in him too, even if he wasn't sure what was he doing, he went with it when he saw a beautiful smile appear on your lips.
"Don't worry, you can fall asleep, that's what me shoulder is for" He smiled at you so kindly, it made your heart melt, his sweet cologne, his soft skin, and his coffee brown eyes, you could spend the whole train ride counting his long eyelashes, and then, you fell asleep on the crook of his neck, and he rested his head on yours, you felt safe and warm.
A few hours on the train, and one taxi drive later you arrived at the hotel, the boys ordered some pizza, but you were thinking about looking flawless, so you juggled between having pizza and applying eyeshadow, it was hard but it paid it off very nicely, you heard one thousand knocks at your door.
"Can we come in?!" Matt asked, you opened the door with your toothbrush in your mouth.
"Hey! I swear, give me two seconds" You gathered your hair into a ponytail to spit on the sink, Matt, and Andy laughed at how funny you sounded, but Alex was in awe, you had chosen to wear your strokes shirt but you customized it into your own original off the shoulder shirt with some holes poked in it, you had traced the outline of the boys from a magazine, and painted them on your shirt with black paint and a thin brush, it fitted you big like a dress, fishnets, and your dirty old motorcycle boots, but what had him so invested on you were your eyes, even in the dark they sparkled, and your red plump lipstick.
All of them were dressed in their best gowns, wearing light washed ripped denim jeans, chunky belts under their graphic tees, and tracky shoes, zip ups, and denim jackets, Alex's messy and spiky hair looked cute on him, he chose to wear a white striped blue navy shirt, ripped denim, his jean jacket and dirty reeboks.
"Take as long as you need" He whispered, again Andy and Matt laughed at Alex signing him to sit on the bed next to them.
"You got that look on your face man" Matt teased, while Alex denied it.
"What face? What look?" Matt signed him to look at himself in the mirror, his cheeks were flushed, his mouth dry, and his heart going fast, he looked flustered.
"That face" Alex rolled his eyes and gave him a little smack on the head.
"Fuck off," Alex said to Matt.
"I can see little birds around your head and everything" Andy teased, but as Alex was about to say something else you walked out.
"Done! Let's go, let's go!" You grabbed your giant messy leather stubbed purse fixing your hair before leaving, "Wait, do you guys think I look ok?" Matt and Andy put their thumbs up, they were in a hurry.
Alex was the only one who came back and looked at you from bottom to top, his eyes smiled at yours, and said, "Gorgeous" He grabbed your hand and shut the door.
The venue wasn't big enough to fit the number of people inside, all pilled up together outside the Alexandra Palace, it felt like a huge ball of mass, you were holding on to Alex's arm for dear life, shaking from the cold, he noticed it and gave you his jacket since he knew you would be too embarrassed to ask, he felt like he had acquired a roll, as your protector, someone who not for one second would take their eyes off of you, even if his arms looked so thin they were strong, he made sure to take good care of you, and not only that, he proved himself he was good enough to be with someone like you. He hadn't noticed how much he liked you until you softly slept on his shoulder, his stomach felt the butterflies much bigger, wilder, his heart had warmed up for you, and he never admitted to it, until spending that ride on the train, he had always wondered with that idea on his head, he always wanted to get to know you better, take you out, but he couldn't, he knew he wouldn't ever, he never wanted to be your friend, and whenever he talked to you he knew if he had the chance to make out with you he would, and that would ruin everything because he knew he wouldn't let go of you after that, it was different with Lauren, she was the only thing that kept him from acknowledging the fact that he only wanted you. Once inside you pushed your way to the front, Alex behind you, his arms caged you against the barricade, grasping it for dear life, making sure not to squeeze you as more people tried to make their way to the front.
Suddenly the lights changed color, and everyone started screaming as Julian came out from the back, you jumped up and down like a little girl, he was so hot when he looked all sweaty and messy, everyone began to cheer and you joined in, it was huge, your euphoric heart was beating in your ears when they opened the gig with Reptilia, you were having the time of your life, hugging the people you loved the most, taking pictures of everyone all together, you never expected to meet them, you never believed in the right place, right time until you teamed up with them, even if it sounded silly, those boys really made you laugh, mostly the one that grasped your arm tightly, you took his arm away, but quickly grabbing his hand, for a moment his heart had shrunk but rushed back when you took his hand, and your eyes so tender, he was melting.
You found yourself jumping up and down along during Soma with Matt, just like two kids, the crowd was wild, you were screaming at the top of your lungs every single letter of their lyrics, dancing with each of the boys, there was crowd surfers, people jumping on each other, Alex grabbed your hand and your bag to assure you had fun, he was having enough fun watching you smile, and sing, twisting your feet, swaying your hips, your hairy was messy, and your eyeliner a bit runny but in his eyes, you never looked so beautiful, Matt nudged Alex's shoulder.
"Kiss her!" Matt yelled, "Go on, take your shot either you take it or leave it!" Alex laughed so hard, Matt had planned perfectly his joke as Take it or Leave it began, he could protect you, and be tough, but when he had to speak and tell you something so risky, he got scared of losing you, not only losing your friendship but also losing the little you two had built together over the years, he was so scared of not being the boy you needed, but he had nothing else to lose, the timing was perfect, there was no better place, he took the shot, and if things went wrong he didn't care anymore, he would still be there even if he had to start in first base all over again.
He called out your name, you were dancing with some random girl you met, and you turned to face him, he didn't look ok, he looked pale, and his sweat was cold, "Are you ok?!"
"Yes, I'm ok but-" He held your hands together, "I have to tell you summat!" People started to push you far from him, you were suffocating, not strong enough to fight it.
"What!?" Your ears were ringing from the loud music, he was trying to say something but he was fighting himself mentally.
"I have to-"
"Al, come closer I can't hear you!" The struggle to find the right words to phrase what he wanted to say was unbelievable, he felt so nervous and excited by the hope that maybe you could like him too, so he didn't think about it anymore.
"I like you!" He screamed but the music was only getting louder and the crowd rowdier, the only way to make it out in one piece was by jumping and throwing yourself to the front, you were struggling to reach Al as the crowd went crazy.
"You what?!" You asked again, you saw him annoyed, that look in his eyes was different, he was looking at you differently, he grabbed your elbow, finally being pressed up against him, he hugged your waist securing you in his arms, "I'm sorry I couldn't-"
"Shut up" He crashed his lips against yours, cupping your cheeks, deepening the kiss as the rush took over him, his body pressed up against yours, the room was silent and his lips on fire, his mouth tasting like heaven, his lips kissing yours until he was running out of air, he demanded more, so his tongue slipped inside your mouth in an eager but lovely kiss, it had set free all of the butterflies on your stomach, he was happy you returned the kiss just as eager as him, you bite down on his lower lip before breaking the kiss.
"Al, is that what you were trying to do?!" You smiled at him.
"Yes!" He sighed getting closer to your ear, "I like you, I have for a while now... I can't help meself when I'm around you!" He gave you another peck on your lips, it was softer and sweeter than the others but it ignited a fire within you, it tingles, and  you ached to be closer to him, it was never close enough, "I was too shy to tell you before cause I thought you wouldn't like me, I made excuses but I don't care anymore I just wanted to tell you, that's why I never made a close friendship with you, I never wanted to be your friend!"
Your cheeks burned as you kissed him again, it was more euphoric, scaling up another step, this time his hands dropped to your hips unconsciously, he pulled you closer, his arm around your lower back, while your hand was scattered on his hair, the crowd reduced to just you and him, only in that room, gasping for air but hungry for more, he couldn't handle it any longer and neither could you.
"I do like you, and a lot but I was also too scared to tell you," He shushed you with a kiss, he had always imagined this in his head, he always had a soft spot for you, always so caring about the others, a true honest friend, and not only were your looks, it was everything about you, he didn't want anyone else, he had to make it official, and the thrill got the best of him.
"Do you wanna be me girlfriend?!" He yells loud enough for Matt and Andy to hear it, they rush to save you two since you were getting further and further away from the front, they wrap their arms around you two, pushing the people away, jumping up and down, making Alex hug you tighter to him.
"So what do you say?!" Andy screams into your ear, Alex's brain couldn't decipher what made his heart go as fast, maybe it was the fact there was a small chance that you might say no, or the fact he was watching his favorite band live, with the girl that set his heart on fire since that kiss.
"I say yes!" You screamed to Alex, making him blush hard, you kissed his cheek and Alex tried his best to not hug you as tight since he was all sweaty, but you didn't care, you pulled him in closer, kissing his sweaty forehead.
"She said yes!" The crowd cheers you all up when they hear Andy announcing to everyone your answer, some of them were nice enough to make room for your little circle to go back to the front, Matt and Andy climbing the barricade while Alex held you the same way he did before, he gently puts his arms around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder, and you cup his cheek kissing his lips and his nose. He gets hypnotized by the way your body moves against him, the sweat that runs from your neck to your collarbone making your chest shine, the little strap of your black bra falling to your shoulder, and he doubts it but he slides it back in place kissing your shoulder, you knew this was something he was afraid to do, but he felt enough trust to do it, you smile at him, dancing, sweating and crying from the excitement, you truly felt alive in this moment, this is something that was meant for you, you were sad about the concert ending but it was the start of something new, only one more song left, and they sing a cover from The Clash as a perfect way to close it, you sing with Alex but his hands travel down to your hips to make you face him, and he took a step forward to kiss you with a tremendous passion, Matt and Andy cheering for him, you had never thought Alex would be like that, so eager, people were pushing Alex, making you bend your back over the barricade, and you laugh as you see Julian's face upside down but nevertheless Alex leans in to kiss you just like that, he pulled you back in to not let you get hurt, you feel it inside him, he wanted to touch more than just your hips, and that shyness only made you get hotter, you grab his hands and put them in your bum, feeling his cheeks get hotter, and your tongue goes inside his mouth the moment he catches his breath, you gave him obvious signs that you wanted more, and he was ready to give you more.
The rush back into the hotel made you leave Matt and Andy in the lobby, the moment they turned their heads, you two had disappeared into the elevator, being all over each other, all sweaty and sticky, you had little to no clothes, and you were even feeling hotter as Alex hands grasp your bum the same way he did at the concert, you were blushing hard, he was following your lead, paying attention to your moves, feeling good about himself whenever he heard you sigh, but that wasn't enough for him, he wanted more noises, more touching.
The elevator door opens and you grab his hand, opening the door in a rush, and kicking it shut with your dirty shoes, walking to the bed and laying down gently in the white and cold bedsheets, you shiver, and he stares at you with a smile, "Are you sure this is what you want?" He asks, just to make sure he wasn't getting carried away or even making you do things you weren't a hundred percent sure of doing.
"Very" You answer with confidence, crawling across the bed and pulling him to sit down on the bed, you throw your leg over him, straddling him in between your thighs, "And you?" He pulls you in closer, sitting you directly on his crotch, that was his big answer.
"Can I?" His hands gently pull on the ends of your shirt, you give him a nod, and with the same gentleness he takes off your shirt, throwing it to the ground, you wore only black panties and that same beautiful black bra, it was simple but quite enough for him to get him all worked up, it was the first time he had seen any girl like that, ever, "Shit... is it too late to confess summat?"
"No, no, what's the matter?" You ask, getting a bit nervous about what he was thinking.
"I've never-... I haven't, you know... done it before?" You try to not giggle from his self-aware nervous self, you know if you did, he would get even more embarrassed, "I know you did it with... you know who, and I just... haven't had the chance, this is possibly as far as I've come to" He giggles from the nerves, and you massage his shoulders to make him feel at ease.
"And Lauren?" He shrugs.
"Never actually did anything with her" He confessed, "I just held back, wasn't ready... but now I am" You lean in to kiss him very slowly, "Now I feel stupid"
"Why?" You stayed quiet to hear his answer, you knew if you spoke too soon maybe your chance would get ruined, and you wanted him so badly, and he didn't want to feel unprepared.
"'Cause I've got this gorgeous girl in all of her fuckin' glory and I don't know what to do" You hug him closely, your chin on his head, and his hands lightly caress your back up and down slowly, you know exactly what to do.
"Just... relax, and enjoy the ride, don't think about anything... just let your body do it, ok? There are no wrong answers" You knew if he had no time to think then his heart and his body would do the rest for him, so you lay him down in the bed, feeling his shirt climbing up his hips, his boxer's band clinging onto his jeans, and your fingertips run over that uncovered piece of skin turning it into goosebumps, you look at him through your lashes as you hold the button of his jeans in between your fingers, he nods and you unbutton them, taking his zipper down and pulling his jeans off, he wore grey boxers, his cock battling his way out through them, his tip was red and warm, peeling off his skin as it grew bigger and harder in your hands, his hands run through his face and cover his mouth as he sees how your mouth opens to suck him off, the feeling of your soft tongue around his cock felt so good, kissing his tip and sucking it in your lips, your back arching as you tongue presses flat down on his cock licking it up like lollie, and spit on it, tugging it out.
"Oh... that's so fuckin' good love" His eyes roll back, biting down on his lip, his hands search for your hair, caressing it at first to then push your head down against his cock, you were determined to take him all in but you couldn't without gagging, you choke and Alex gets worried, had he done something wrong? It sounded like he did, "Are you ok... I'm so sorry" You grab his hand and hold it tightly.
"Alex... it's ok, don't apologize for that, you're just too big for my mouth" You climb into his lap, "What are you doin' with that shirt on, baby?" You tease him, enchanting him with your seductive voice, he immediately takes it off but never lets his eyes tear away from yours, you run your hands down his chest, so warm and soft, "That's better..." Then he takes the opportunity to unclasp your bra, sliding it down your arms and throwing it to the floor along with your clothes, he sighs as his hands slowly grab your tits and knead them gently in his hands.
"You're so sexy..." He kisses you slowly, running his hands down your smooth and fragile body, his fingertips grazing your back, he wants to touch every inch of your skin but wants to keep something from you, something that won him over, "Do you mind keeping the tights on?" He asks in his most shy and quiet voice.
"Why? Is that a turn-on for your Turn-er?" You tease him and he says yes with his head, now he has flipped your body to make you lay down, pinning your hands to the sides, and a smudge smile crawls to your face.
"You'll see now" He crawls down your body, peppering it with wet and loving kisses, he rips them apart with his hands, pushing your panties to the side, your pussy glistening with your juices, "Fuckin 'ell, you're so fucking pretty... I wanna taste it" He hints, you hum a yes immediately pushing his head down in between your legs, your fingers rub your clit and spread your wetness all over your pussy, getting him invested, if he could, he would watch you do that for hours, but when you were ready, he threw one of your legs over his shoulder, eating your pussy as if he was kissing you, spreading open your lips with his thumbs, and letting his tongue dance around your clit in circles.
"Fuck... me!" You choke out, pulling his hair and pushing his head on your pussy, his thumb pressed down on your clit, studying how your body moves with every touch or simple movement, he was amazed, he didn't even know what he was doing but if it felt right for you, it was right for him, and he thought about what could your body want, he was too ashamed to ask what he could do next, so he decided to check up on you.
"Am I any good?" You manage to push yourself up and say.
"Don't speak, just keep going" He submits to your orders, and keeps giving you head, he went deeper down, sucking on your little hole and pushing his tongue inside it, it turned him on so much, the flavor of your cunt, it was special, he could be smothered in it all day, his lips turned plump as he sucks harder on your clit and he goes back down to fucking your hole with his tongue, the sensation so overwhelming on your body, you feel something rising from there, all piling into your tummy, he sees you turning and twisting on the bed, your legs quiver, he sees the green light for him to continue, pressing his tongue flat against your clit, feeling more sweetness leaking out your pussy, and he doesn't end until you do, covering your face in the pillows so you muffle your moans as he licks every inch of your pussy and your sweet release, his dick was so hard, his impulses took over him, he climbed on top of you, throwing the pillow away so he could kiss your mouth, you feel his hard tip poking your inner thigh, "Fuck..." You sigh into his lips, "Do you wanna... you know?" You said with a giggle.
He bites down on his lip, his eyes sparkling, dark, and dilated by everything you've done together, "Yeah, I want to" He quickly fetches his jeans from the floor, Matt had once given him a condom as a joke before a party, and he carried it around just in case, but the one single condom he had, he couldn't find it anywhere, and he was certain he had put it somewhere in his pockets, "Shit" He slams his hand to his forehead.
"What's the matter?" You crawl to the edge of the bed where he is sitting, and you caress his shoulders, "Are you ok?" He felt like the No.1 idiot in the whole century.
"Don't have a condom" He muttered under his breath, and you quickly fetched your purse, you had an old condom in there, but nothing was safe enough, so you took matters into your own hands, you both wanted this, and it was going to happen.
"Get on top, come on," You tell him as you lay down in the bed, once he has settled on top of you, and his nose is grassing yours, you ask him, "You wanna take a risk with me?"And how could he say no when the girl he had this massive crush on was naked, on a bed, willing to give him what a man always wants, and there was not a single condom, "I didn't come prepared, didn't know this was going to happen, so I guess I fucked up too" You make him feel at ease when you make his stupid mistake that he was beating himself up about, turn it into a much human one, "So either you pull out or I will raise your kid into a killer machine" He breaks into laughter, blushing at your jokes, you didn't know what else to say.
"You know what? I think this was meant to be, love... right here, and now, as if everything had lined up for us, you kno'? I-I will pull out in time, don't worry" He kisses your temple, his fingertips lightly tracing the lines of your lips.
"Or... I've got a better idea" You tease him, "But first you better start fucking me big guy, and then you'll see" Alex pushed himself inside you with such ease it made a shiver crawl up his spine, he couldn't help himself, he moaned hard into your mouth, biting down on your lower lips, he makes a fist with the blankets, as his hips thrust inside your pussy slowly at first, but hearing those little gasps that come out of your mouth made him lose control over himself, gathering a pace that made your legs shake again, his hand slides down your thigh, putting it around his torso, you wrap him in, grabbing his bum and making him chuckle, he pushed himself deeper in, burying his cock inside you as he sees you bite down on your bruised lip, your eyes roll into white shiny pearls, his arms grabs the headboard tightly for support, "Oh my God... harder, please..."
"Like that?" You couldn't believe how terrifically good he was at this, and how he had the audacity if he was doing it right when he knew he was, judging by how hard you were trying not to moan, you were completely wrong about Alex, he wasn't shy, he wasn't reserved, he was cocky bastard, and you loved it, he knew what he was doing to you now, he was more confident about it, going harder just like you asked, driving your head to the edge of the bed, he feels so hot when your walls grip him, "God... you're so fuckin' tight" He hums at the feeling, grabbing your hips and driving them against his, the sounds echoing all over the room, you were sure everyone could hear it by now, you felt so close, you take your hand to your pussy, rubbing it in desperate circles as you bite on your knuckles, he sees everything so closely, how his cock glistens as he thrusts out of you, your pussy red, and your neck arched, your fingers so dirtily masturbating yourself, he was losing it, and he quickly pulled out of you before he could finish inside you, "Fuuuck" His voice shakes.
"Can you handle five more minutes, Al?" You were panting, trying to get your heart to go back to its normal rate, but it was so hard.
"Yeah, I think so..." You kiss him hard, pushing his body to the other edge of the bed, and strapping his arms down with your hands, he sees how your pussy slides down his wet cock slowly, your hair all over your face, you body covered in sweat, and kisses, his eyes focus on your hips, rocking back and forward, your clit rubbing against the short hairs on his cock, you didn't. know what it was, but he looked so hot with his little ingrown hairs, he looked more manly, his eyes couldn't believe what was happening, his brain wasn't working, he was just feeling everything so deeply, it wasn't just the need for the closeness or the warmth, it was what was behind all of that, the love, and the intimacy, you both felt it.
"I think I- fuck..." You choked out as he had taken advantage of the fact your whole body became stiff, this was the moment, he pressed your body against his tightly, feeling his heart about to beat out of his chest as he drove himself inside your hole, "Oh fuckin'... I'm gonna-... don't stop!" You cry out, you stare into his dark brown eyes as your insides squeeze out your release, you wanted to be the one in charge, so quickly push his arms up, pinning them down, fucking yourself into his cock, you were panting, and gasping for air as your pussy became a dripping and soggy mess.
"If I could cum inside you I would, but you feel so fuckin' hot... it-t's, you're-" He chokes in his own words, that same stiffness and need to keep fucking you until he finished took over him, he went faster and harder, losing control over himself.
"Come on, that's so good, Alex... come on big boy, you can cum wherever you want to" He squeezed your ass so hard, his mind clouded with lust and the pictures, and noises the came out of your pretty lips, this feeling overcame him, the sounds of your skin, the words that roll out of your mouth, your hands on his body, the love, just one last thrust of his hips and he quickly pulled out of you, "That's good Al..." You see his tip was leaking some cum already, you quickly get on all fours, and jerk him off fast with your hand, opening your mouth to let him slide to the back of your throat, and you pull back, sticking out your tongue so he could see himself cumming all over it, moaning and whimpering, so cute but so hot at the same time, he covered your whole mouth with his warm and creamy cum, you hum as he settles down back to reality, blushing hard as he sees you had swallowed some of it, but it was too much, the taste wasn't bad but the texture felt too much for you, you slowly walked to the bathroom as best as you could spitting that ball of cum off your mouth.
"I'm sorreh" He said once you laid down on the bed next to him.
"For what?" You ask him, and he shrugs and sighs.
"I dunno, I made a mess didn't I?" Alex beating himself up for that little detail in such a beautiful moment made you hug him closely, this was huge for him, and he wanted you to feel good.
"I liked it..." You confessed into his ear, "It was just that I didn't know what to do with so much, it's not a bad thing baby, don't worry about it" You kissed his cheek lovingly, "I had a great time"
"Me too" He turned to face you, your eyes focused on his completely, "And I hope we have more fun together..." He teased making you blush harder and giggle, "Sorry for breaking your tights... I'll buy you new ones"
"What you need to buy are condoms," You both break into laughter.
Watching the sun peek through his honey-colored eyes, were probably the second most beautiful thing, the first one was his face and big nose, how you love that nose and his cute smile, you were in deep for him, his arms around your waist, warm and cozy, and you didn't realize when you both fell asleep until you heard Alex's phone buzzing through his jeans, both of you woke up together as you heard knocks at your door, he quickly put on his same clothes from yesterday, while you changed into fresh ones. Alex opened the door with his face all red, Matt and Andy on the other side of the door with naughty grins.
"Matt is callin'" You stopped dead in your tracks as Matt and Andy look at you and back at Alex.
"There you guys were! Hello, good morning" They joked towards yours and Alex's red faces, you stood behind him and he glanced at you, "You have 5 minutes to be downstairs, we'll see you there, bye love birds" Alex shut the door, hearing their little laughs all the way down the corridor, and you couldn't hold it in either, you laughed and collapsed to the floor, your laugh so contagious him laughing just as hard.
In less than 5 minutes you were downstairs with Alex, him secretly holding your hand as you both check out, "That was very fast" Andy teased towards Alex.
"Fuck off" He raised his middle finger to him and Matt both, he didn't care about their little giggles and jokes, in this moment, it was sunshine and happiness, he wrapped his arm around your waist as you wait outside for a cap to come and pick you up.
Thankfully you were right in time for the train, Alex made a deal with Matt to take his seat next to yours in the back, and when the moment came, once inside the train he sat next to you, putting your bag away, and hugging you close to him in the seats, you stare into the sky as Alex's stares into the reflection of the window, your hands holding his as the other sits in your lap, legs crossed and your eyes a little tired but still mesmerizing, and in that moment he realized how much he loves you.
"What are you thinking about?" You say as you see him so lost in his thoughts, he smiles at you so brightly.
"Nothin'" He chuckles, you wait for him to speak since he has the words coming out the tip of his tongue, "It's just that... I'll need to check all my dirty jeans to see if I can find the condom Matt gave me"
"Oh... your mum won't be happy" You joke, and he pulls you in closer to him, maybe it was the boredom of the long train ride but, you inched closer to him, a not-so-clever idea popping into your head, "Hey..."
"Meet me in the bathroom?" You teased him, pecking his lips gently, he looked straight into your eyes, a small heat wave coming to his body, you weren't joking, he could see it in your eyes, you chose to wear a skirt on the train ride with some knee socks to keep your warm, you discreetly pull down your panties, and hand them over to him. He's in awe as he sees you leaving to the back of the train, into the bathroom with a cheeky smile on your face.
"Fuck" He sighs.
What?! Bonus chapter bitcheeesss! sorry for the 4-day vacation you guys, hope you didn't miss me much love you 💋
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bunnyramen · 10 months
Good Omens Hc (Ineffable Husbands + Ineffable Interns and a mix of family) to help the fandom recover just a tiny bit
-If Aziraphale gives Crowley freckles when he gives him kisses, Angel gains a beauty mark from Crowley’s kisses (like falling/dying stars)
- I feel like since Eric can multiply, it’s the opportunity to give Muriel tons of kisses
- Aziraphale and Crowley share a garden, these two are always bickering about how to treat the plants
- Muriel asks question after question about demons, a lot are ones Eric doesn’t know the answer to and giving that he likes mischief, he makes a bunch of stuff up (all in good fun)
- Muriel sings incredibly and Eric loves to listen even if his ears can’t stand it (because it’s literally heavenly)
-Aziraphale has taken on whistling centuries ago and had become quite the professional, Crowley will sometimes catch him whistling “be-bop” (only because it reminds him of the demon)
- Aziraphale accidentally left his ring before he left for heaven and Crowley kept it (giving it back when Azi came back to reconcile)
- Aziraphale wrote, preformed and produced an entire play as an apology (Crowley couldn’t even get through the first chunk before he was sobbing from laughter)
- When Aziraphale blushes, it has a glow to it that only ethereal beings can see, so when he’s red in the face, to Crowley, he looks like a Christmas light
- Aziraphale picked up a few hobbies while Crowley asleep for the century, Dancing being one of them and another being Piano. The Piano is something Crowley doesn’t know about because he’s a little embarrassed and doesn’t play when he’s around (like dancing, Angels aren’t meant to really play instruments despite owning harps)
- Muriel has intimate knowledge of what Heaven can and can’t detect, they use this to their advantage when Eric wants to “stir up mischief” (He’s too embarrassed to call it a date)
- Muriel has taken to drawing Eric and Eric gets a little weird about it (it’s the sweetest thing anyones ever done for him and it makes him feel.. awkward. He loves it btb, he just can’t show it right)
- Muriel blushes a lot around Eric but has no idea what it is, so they think they got hell fire on their face (They glow too)
- Eric and Muriel are the opposite of Azirphale and Crowley when it comes to sleeping. Once Muriel learned what it was and how to do it, you couldn’t stop them from taking a nap anywhere, Eric on the other hand has taken to watching over them (Aziraphale gets jumpscared walking into a room and seeing multiple Erics watching over Muriel) (Like (Demon) father like (Angel) child)
- Angel plays the piano for Muriel and teaches them how to, and they pick up the skill immediately (He also teaches them how to read sheet music)
- Aziraphale is not allowed to call Crowley “Anthony” outside of a private area or things may happen
- Chat gave me the idea that the Z. In Azi’s middle name is Zebidiah and I will hold onto that, Crowley calls him that on occasion to be funny because he couldn’t have chosen a worse middle name (Not that “Janthony” can talk)
- Crowley has taken on eating a little more but it’s rare that he’ll finish what he has
- Crowley takes great passion in watching Muriel tell people to piss off when they walk in the bookshop, even when Muriel learned it was considered rude
- Omg!! Crowley and Azi introducing Muriel to Warlock, siblings!!
- Crowley listens to audio books (I.E. makes Aziraphale read to him)
- Eric shared a piece of candy with Muriel, not knowing they’ve never had food before and now they have a huge sweet tooth
- When Eric threatened to Eat Muriel, they laughed in his face and that’s how his crush started
- Muriel’s started after Eric kissed their hand to rial them up when they first met (Angel and demon beef)
- Omg Muriel learning how to dance from the first ever Angel to do so (So now the number is a straight forward two)
- Muriel miracled facial hair on their face because they've seen Crowley with it before and wanted to try it (they have long sideburns now, much to Crowley’s dismay because it reminds him of Brother Francis)
- Eric and Muriel once held hands for “safety reasons” and now do it often
-Crowley still gets called to watch over Warlock and he always bregrudingly obliges
- Since I assume Muriel has a more Cockney accent, maybe they learn some of the slang words that come with that (Aziraphale gives them a book on it and deals with the repercussions)
- Crowley and Aziraphale has separate bedrooms (not that they don’t love each more than heaven and earth put together) but having their own space to decorate and do their thing helps tremendously (even if they end up in the other’s room most of the time)
- Crowley took Aziraphale’s last name and it’s very funny when they go out together and when someone says “Mr. Fell” they both turn
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itsbrucey · 7 months
Just wanted to say I SEE the bigtop burger pfp and I NEED to talk about it because I love this show so much it's so funny the lore is so compelling and the CHARACTERS ARE SO GOOD OH MY GOD I tried to force my friends and family to watch it but none of them GOT IT (except my twin he's a real one)
here. Excuse me I'm gonna do a quick cut bc I'm gonna ramble
I'VE BEEN. OBSESSED. WITH BIGTOP BURGER FOR 3 STRAIGHT YEARS. SINCE JUNE 2020. my outward interest dips between releases bc public content takes a while to come out ofc but I AM ALWAYS. DOWN TO TALK BIGTOP BURGER
I was really ( and still am) into the theory crafting side of BTB and most of it is safely locked in friends discord servers but I fucking. Adore all of the characters and the world Worthi puts into to make the narrative SO INTERESTING AND JUST. OUT THERE.
Down + Friends in Low Places being such outward character lore songs for Cesare and then Up COMING IN WITH THE STEEL CHAIR FOR STEVE IN THE LASTEST S2 EPISODE. GOD IT'S GENIUS. What a fucking whimsical show. It's also my current running theory that the Underground/Jail Steve is in is going to be Beetlejuice themed based on the black and white pinstripe suit of the unnamed character we saw in the pan-down, as well as the running theme of musicals and Cats with Steve! The monsters/demons/undead/"Upper Management" having a Beetlejuice theme would make sense or at the very least.....be very fun. Not really a theory but a hope but I really want to see the other "no-ones" Cesare references... Or at least their fate
My fav characters are Penny, Steve, and Conrad bc. If you know me You Know I Have Specific Tastes. Also fun fact but Penny and Conrad's VAs? Lindsay and Alex Small-Butera?? MARRIED. AND THE PEOPLE BEHIND SMALLBÜ ANIMATION AND I FOUND THAT OUT AND WENT INSANE. RECENTLY DID WORK FOR FIONNA AND CAKE BUT ALSO DID LATER ALLIGATOR AND WORKED ON THE OWL HOUSE AND AMPHIBIA AND ADVENTURE TIME??????? I'm absolutely in love with them it's. Wow. Powerhouses, actually.
+ I'm a big fan of Wire and I can't remember if Worthi confirmed if it was related to BTB or not ( I've seen sources say that it isn't connected but I think tweets got deleted?) And I'm the only Big J and Penny shipper to exist.
+ I have 4 tattoo ideas I want to do in the future and one of them is a bigtop burger tattoo. I was meaning to do more sketches but one concept was a forearm tattoo of Captain J, Big J, and Little J sliding down a wire!
I've managed to get my girlfriend + friends to watch it and that's honestly all I can ask of people. Like if you're reading this and haven't seen bigtop burger or wire......well for one Sorry About Spoilers and two!!! Please watch them! Worthikids is a phenomenal artists and musician and the entire runtime of Bigtop Burger and Wire is less than an hour. I think it's all less than 30 minutes actually?????? And while you're there, please watch his Captain Yajima episode + all his other work bc Worthi deserves every single view and like and comment. One of my favorite artists of all time.
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kanmom51 · 2 years
Another oopsy Jikook moment?
Just another one of those “what the hell was the editors thinking?”
This keeps happening, doesn’t it?
These what seem to be intimate or very suspicious moments with JM and JK that pop up once in a while in the content.  
These moments they seem to be caught off guard, and you ask yourself how come not only wasn’t the footage just chucked away, but there was a choice (I keep on bringing this one up - choices) to insert the footage into the content.
I’m not talking about the moments that they know the cameras are rolling and they still do what they do.
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And I’m also not talking here about Hickey-gate.  One of those obviously suspicious ones, as that, I believe, was a clear choice of JM and JK’s to go with it.  Not cover it up to start with.  Show it off proudly.  Talk about it proudly.  And at the end of the day allow it, or even want it, into the official content.
I’m talking about those moments where JM and JK think, perhaps carelessly so, that they have some element of privacy.  They know cameras are around but they found their way away from the cameras, and said cameras find their way into JM and JK’s very surprised faces.
This latest ‘incident’, which let’s be honest, we enjoyed ever so much, is one of those moments. The two tucked away in the dark, pretty intimate, caught off guard when the camera comes in search of them (?).
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Love the captions though, lol.
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JM and JK are clearly trying hard, but being shy is not what goes through my mind...well, not until they are caught on camera that is...
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This is only the last instalment in quite a long list of questionable editing decisions we’ve had over the years.
Let’s see what comes to mind here...
I’ll start with the obvious one.
The one that left JK hyperventilating.
The “and this is how we take a selfie” incident.  Good save, btw JM.
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Next obvious one that comes to mind is them being blindsided in BV 3, the two clearly having a private moment, hair dishevelled, JM’s shirt button open, JK’s sweatshirt zipper down, and Tae walks in with the cameras to give JM his gift.  This btw, is happening in another bedroom that we are never really shown on the show.  
Same JK deer being caught in the headlights hyperventilating vibes.
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I get that they wanted to achieve the JM surprised face, but really, this was an invasion of these two’s privacy.  Unless, do they not see it?  But don’t they?  Because it can be argued that they did see it, and that’s why it’s in the behind episodes and not the televised show itself?
Best (?) moment saved for last.
Of course I’m talking about Summer package 2018 and the hidden room cameras.
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Again one of those very questionable editing moments.  
Yes, all the guys had these cameras in their rooms (a very ill decision within itself).  But not all of them were shown in the end footage, so why show these two, obviously caught off guard, shocked look on JM’s face.  I’d say thankfully we didn’t get JK’s face in the frame, can just imagine the level of stress.  Well, we kind of hear that in his voice with his “Chocolate” later on, lol.
Another couple of ‘caught us’ or “we didn’t expect the camera to be there” moments:
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The second moment I’d say is more me asking why put such an intimate moment in the show (even if they did know the cameras were there). 
There’s something about BV3, don’t you think?  Lol.
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These are all moments that maybe shouldn’t have been filmed in the first place (well the latest BTB the cameras were roaming around, so perhaps couldn’t be helped), and even if it was ok to film them (that hidden camera was definitely not ok, and a clear breach of their privacy), I’m not sure about the thought process allowing them into the content.
Now, after all the fun and games here, and this long ass post all about the Hybe editors, I do have to say that perhaps this last one is a little different.  Not the catching them in a private moment different, but the including them in the decision if it goes into the content different.
It’s different times.  And although the two were caught off guard in what looks like them having a pretty private moment, I don’t think that this was added to the content without their consent (something I really cannot say about everything pre 2019 and even 2019).  
They didn’t have a say in being caught on camera, that was done and dusted (even though I am 100% sure that there are those absurdly crying fanservice once again, and how stupid do they look doing that?).  But I do think that they did have a say if this goes into the BTB or not.  Just as much as they had a say with the hickey.  Just as much as I believe they gave permission to Viollina and PolyC to post them wearing their brand.
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thebibliomancer · 5 months
DR1 Minigames
I finished Danganronpa 1 Trigger Happy High School Students of Despair the main game so here's how the minigames land for me.
Nonstop Debate
Shoot the words out of someone's mouth.
The real meat of the game mechanics. Not terribly difficult. The major difficulty is when you have to steal a statement and then go back in time and shoot it at someone before it was ever said. How do you do this, Makoto?
A lot of the white noise is fun to read.
Protagonist centered gameplay makes everyone else seem either dumb or like they're making Makoto do all the work on a class project (looking at you, Byakuya and Kyoko). Contradicting people is the only thing you can do so everyone else just cues Makoto up to contradict them, intentionally or not.
Closing Argument
Makoto pauses the whole trial to draw a manga of the murder.
Probably my favorite little thing the game asks you to do. And in terms of what it means to the narrative, I like it summing everything up after what could have been a long and convoluted trial.
Hangman's Gambit
The idea that Makoto zones out trying to remember a specific word is funny though.
Just sits there blankly staring for a few minutes and then shouts KNIFE
Bullet Time Battle
I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what this rhythm game is asking of me. I cheesed every BTB after the first trial by abusing trance.
Narratively this is yelling over someone who won't shut up. Yelling with yell bullets.
Everything is bullets. Everything.
MonoMono Machine
You have a gacha problem, Makoto.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 11 months
I think “insecure Jikooker” used to be someone who believed that something was wrong with Jikook if they would go even like a single BTB without interacting, or whenever there was a period of time we didn’t get any Jikook-ing. They would often go to Jikook blogs basically looking for reassurance that everything was fine between Jikook, or bring them TKKR narratives to disprove because they were letting them get under their skin. But now a lot of JKKRs are using it kind of like a buzzword. Any time there’s a JKKR who has some doubts about the nature of their relationship, or any kind of skeptical opinion that doesn't go with the masses, a lot of JKKRs will just label them as an “insecure JKKR” to invalidate their opinion and shut them down without engaging with their opinions at all. Or they accuse them of being a “TKKR in disguise”. I think it’s fine if you don’t want to engage with negative opinions because for a lot of people shipping is just a fun thing, but it’s starting to feel even more cult like and overused (and notice how aggressive a lot of JKKRs are towards "insecure JKKRs"...). It’s never a good idea to put yourself in an echo chamber and reject and label every person who disagrees with you...
Ah, see, this lines up more with what I suspected. Thanks for taking the time to write it. In the last couple of months I’ve seen that term in a few places, none of which fully made sense to me so I just had to ask before answering that first question, to be sure when Anon talked about “insecure jikooker”, that we were talking about the same thing. But I guess as with all things on the internet, words lose meaning or the meaning of certain words evolve faster than their applications.
Anon in the OG ask, if you’re reading this, bearing in mind an insecure jikooker is someone who isn’t sure jikook is a married/dating couple *and then* goes around pestering people for constant affirmation… no, I don’t support insecure jikookers.
They’re kind of annoying.
I mean, I don’t know if jikook are dating or married, as I’ve said before. I don’t actually know the exact nature of jikook’s relationship. I just think they’re sus, I know Jungkook loves Jimin and it’s mutual, and I seek out their interactions because seeing them happy makes me happy. I also hang out with other jikookers on Tumblr because jokers are actually funny and they like jikook too.
But if you’ve pegged your sanity on the certainty of two men you don’t know frotting somewhere in Seoul and badger other people to tell you that is happening for a fact… you’ve got to admit you’re being ridiculous.
I don’t think insecure jikookers “harm” jikook but they do ratchet up hysteria and anxiety in jikook spaces for no good reason. Discourse over whether or not jikook is together or broken up is sometimes entertaining and informative to read, and honestly also healthy for people who do keep up with the Jeon Parks and BTS as a whole, to engage in. But it’s just douchey to harass other people to feel some type of way about a pairing nobody this side of the internet knows personally.
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amphiptere-art · 1 year
Doodle ideas.
Dismantled and eaten RBB Sun. Blue Moon over them. Looking distressed.
RBB Moon repairing Blue Moon. Reattaching arm. Blue Moon sitting next to bed looking bored. RBB Sun scolding them.
Blue Moon versus BTB Eclipse again. Ripping off his arm.
Blue Moon being held back by LS crew. Screaming at LS Eclipse.
Blue Moon and North. Blue Moon circling him like predator and prey. -Dialogue.
Blue Moon showing off rune magic to north. -Dialogue
Saturn and Blue Moon. hey Ron. Hey Billy.
CSS Eclipse meets Blue Moon. There's a weird cat outside.
Supernova meets Blue Moon in a destroyed universe. -Dialogue
Cryptid like Blue Moon staring at you in a forest.
LC lunar plays a game.
Hissing fit LC crew
CC eclipse and BiM glitter cannon
CC lunar hide and seek with BiM.
CC Moon helps sun stack barrels.
CC Monty makes a gift
Montgomery Gator dress up as Steve from Blue's clues.
Blue Moon about the murder Monty and Moon torturing void.
Sunset. a mouth full of blood. Maybe dripping out of eyes
Mer North on boat with mer Saturn and Blue Moon surrounding boat.
Blue Moon and Saturn sparring- story?
CC Blood Moon with a baby night in mouth
Blue Moon tells TF dying fire the truth
Cruel copy ask. All that happened- ask hiatus?
Red blue and black ask. All that happened- ask hiatus?
Blue Moon about to eat inferno like a picked cherry.
Blue Moon yawning. Kitten reaching into the open mouth.
Puppy and Blue Moon playing around.
Fearful expressions. Blue Moon looking at Vim, Glint, etc?
Blue Moon blast up face. Gluttony staring at failed rune.
Might go overboard with these ones.
Blue Moon and Saturn sitting down and watching all the TF Lunar's. Blue Moon numing on supernova's arm. Supernova behind him on floor hugging his side were his arm is no longer. Facing away. Supernovas Lord night? In front of him him looking concerned. Saturn's blackie? Running with giant cat toy. Frankie the cat chasing him. Blue moons Traveler on Frankie's back with fashioned rope collar harness thing. Grass?
Mer RBB camouflage.
Big art projects
Truth in lies-
Comfort Blue Moon after that one comic. Blue Moon chasing nice eclipse through play structure. Nice eclipse framing right side. Looking back worried. Hand touching top of play structure. Leg stretching out to the left. Head twisted sideways on top of frame. Blue Moon right center frame. Farther away. Eyes glowing red. Snarl on face. Hand grasping side of play structure as if he had just crashed into it. Posture alert. Pounce like.
-Big story attached
To be finished
Mystical tightrope
Dragon TF lunar, BTB solar, and Crystal Eclipse. well deserved revenge.
Yes I'm posting all my doodles ideas. They're starting to faid from my memory And I'm having less time too draw so.
@synthcoyote @madcatdaderpydrawer-blog @artoutoftheblue @churchydragon @digimonlover09 @sigery . Have fun imagining these guys until I draw them.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 10 months
hello hello! I may have a bit of an outstanding question but I thought why not ask you, the Good Omens blog on Tumblr, for some advice – I'm going to gift a friend of mine a copy of the books (she hasn't watched the show or read it yet) and I want to add a dedication but make it a bit funny and maybe with a little reference to the books but I've not one idea – do you have any suggestions on that? Or maybe someone from follow mutuals? I appreciate any idea :) <3
Hiya! :) When Neil and Terry autographed the book...
The only brand-new copies we would ever see were gifts, or replacements for copies borrowed by friends and never returned. "It's my sixth copy. The others never came back," people would tell us, with a mixture of pride and resignation. We would write HAVE A NICE DOOMSDAY on their books. Or one of us would write BURN THIS BOOK and the other, when he got it, APPLY HOLY MATCH HERE.
Perhaps Burn this book + apply holy match here in a reference how they did it? <3 (unfortunately I dont have it but I googled how it looked like :):)
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artoutoftheblue · 1 year
Imma lay off the story for a little bit, I will continue it, just not right now. I have to get the rest of it planned out so I dont fuck something up.
For now, I saw this and thought it would be a fun idea to do these as requests with the BTB Attendants. Just tell me in my asks which expression you want with which character. I'm doing both past and present (Ex. Servent Sun and Past Sun). If you're doing one of these requests, then please be specific, and remember, the Attendants only please! I only really want to draw them
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highcaliberstupidity · 10 months
Are any of the canon gangs, like the Murfree Brood, going to play a role in lore in By the Bullet? Or are you using rdr2’s locations only? Your writing is really fun and I can’t help but smile while reading it!
First of all, thank you so much! It makes my day to hear people are enjoying BtB so far <3 As for your question, yes, we will see mentions and at least one interaction with the canon larger-known gangs! For the most part, I set things in the rdr2 universe because of easy-to-find, pre-established lore/locations/ect, but I also wanted to add more than just a single 'bad guy/antagonist' to the story. Being able to utilize what's already been written lore-wise makes this MUCH easier, and therefore the writing process a bit faster as a result. For a little taste of future chapters, Gaz specifically has some ties to the Lemoyne Raiders from his past, and it will come up again in the future.
Thanks for the ask Anon!
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friendlessclown · 1 year
what IS bigtop burger and what is it about if i may ask! i could probably look this up but it is much more fun to ask about
btb is a show by worthikids on youtube :) i wont spoil anything but its abt these two foodtrucks one is bigtop burger (the clown one) the other one is zomburger (the undead one) both of them have normal employees who're just doin a job but rlly fucking weird bosses idk how good that is as a summary but i would def recommend it :3
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itsbrucey · 6 months
i got into your cave through an ask i saw on the btb tag that i've been stalking since the directors cut of season 2. also thanks for liking that cesare idea! i always think about that with the undead
So style. starting with the bigtop burger themselves, I got steve's style about right. jeans and buttonups. however i thought khakis. I don't imagine the buttonups to be super fun, but i did draw him in one outfit that is basically the same as an outfit Stu Macher wore in scream. It is the only button-up i think Stu wore. Billie in my heart is very typical 'grunge' with sweaters and layers, but pretty basic. She owns stuff that she doesn't have to think about matching, and mostly lives in basic prints like stars and stripes (i think she liked stars a lot) as well as dark colors. Steve wears the same thing every day, but I agree with your take on the no skin. I don't have any ideas for Penny so far.
I think Cesare is stuck dressing like an emo kid with the black layers to cover up the zombie thing as well as the perpetual bleeding. Also he is forced to look gothic since is he undead, so perhaps he'd lean into the style to look more natural. The only reason I said he dresses 'emo' is because it can be basic and he fucking hates having to dress like that so he puts in little effort. Maybe before he died he was more fun and flashy. I dunno. Frances I haven't thought of yet, same for conrad, though I think his zomburger outfit isn't too different from the normal style he would have. for doctor, I like to think he has piercings. I have more headcanons about his day to day life than style.
I'm about to upload a the outfits i drew, but here's the stu outfit i mentioned
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AWWWW THANKS FOR STOPPING BY THEN!!!! I'm trying to post about Bigtop Burger more bc it's like. My favorite thing ever so I'm glad some people outside of the DnDads fans are seeing it :]
I really like your thoughts!!! Billie being grungy/alt is sooooo true.... I think she'd definitely be a band shirt enjoyer. Chunky sneakers. Baggy pants with fun chains or rips!! She'd be a dark flannel enjoyer vs Tim's brighter button ups and prints!!!!
If I had to think about Penny, I'd think simple, practical, and casual!!! Maybe it's my own bias bc she's my fav but like... As a mom who we assume is cheery, I think a lot of fun tshirts and mom jeans!! Cardigans and pullover sweaters too!! She has the CUTEST burger earrings so I definitely think she has more silly earrings and things like scrunchies!! She's very floral/simple print/springtime coded to me!
I think the Zomburger crew's outfits reflect what they'd normally wear more already, especially Conrad!! Francis and Doctor both have a lot of piercings to me,,, Francis definitely strikes me as the type to have a lot of cool jackets and like...handsewn/altered things. Doctor too but in a more "plain" way. Conrad...my wonderful. My beloved. He definitely just had tshirts and baggy sweats and jeans and sometimes one of those muscle shirts that have the side stretched open SO much. And he forgive him /j
( Emo Kid Cesare is so funny.... He'd make a killing on TikTok )
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