#full moon save me. full moon. save me full moon.
ahmedgaza-27-pro · 1 day
⚠️This is my second account after my first account was deleted💔😔
Ahmed and Aya's wedding will not take place due to the war 💔💍
I am Ahmed, 27 years old, an architect from Gaza, and this is my story:
I finished my university studies in 2018, and then moved between several engineering offices, working on a "job for experience" system, meaning without a salary. Unemployment was sweeping the Gaza Strip at that moment, and I lost hope of working in my field, so I went to work as a salesman in a grocery store. I continued working like this for several years, and I was saving money so that I could get married and build a family full of love and happiness.
In 6th August 2023, after I had chosen my life partner Aya, we got engaged. We pledged on the Qur'an of the heart to nurture the flower of love between us, so we drew suns and moons for our days, and we promised to stay together until death.
This picture is from the day of my engagement to Aya 💍😔
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I gathered shekels upon shekels, I stuck stones next to stones, and raised the thresholds, keys of music that exuded melody, I extended water to it from the springs of the heart, and I extended the connections of electricity and light, I furnished it until the house that would contain us with its roses and immerse us in its warmth began to come together, the house that would be the safety of our family in the future grows from the depths of the impossible and emerges from the carvings of suffering and the rock of misery.
And here is the ship of life settling and docking on what we loved and hoped for. I love, study, and work. We choose the paint colors and sofa fabrics. We set our wedding day as February 4, 2024, which is my birthday. We choose our wedding hall, and our days pass in peace and tranquility.
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We did not know that fate was hiding its resurrection behind our doors and under our pillows, and that between the blink of an eye and the closing of it, the disaster would occur, the world would be turned upside down, and destruction would cover the face of the universe. We had left our home on the first day of the war and departed without knowing that it was the last time we would see our home before it turned to dust.
On the morning of 12th October 2023 , the crows of the sky, the occupation aircraft of the F-16 type, flew to throw the fires of their hatred with more than one war missile at our five-story house on both sides, after which the house turned into crumbs of rubble, wiping out all the memories of childhood and the details of life and the years we spent. They bombed a house that carries within it all kinds of joy and stories of success and challenges of building stone upon stone.
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Now, I displaced in Deir al-Balah. I live in a tent inside an UNRWA school located on the beach of Deir al-Balah.
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I created this campaign in February 2024 to collect some money so that I can provide detergents,  water and food for my family, and I can mebuild my life, marry Aya, build a new home with a happy couple, and hold a wedding party other than the one we cancelled.
In the name of humanity and universal brotherhood, I hope you will help me get out of the depths of despair and save my future, which is almost lost if it were not for my hope in you to extend a helping hand to everyone who calls for your help, so that their hopes may be revived that goodness in the world will not be cut off, no matter how thick the clouds of evil are.
Please donate if you can!Support, participate strongly
NOTICE 📢:This is my second account after my first account was closed by Tumblr and my first account has been verified by @90-ghost here.
@mazzikah @90-ghost @bixlasagna @anetteslife @mangocheesecakes @sayruq @timetravellingkitty
@deathlonging @briarhips @mahoushojoe @sar-soor
@rhubarbspring @schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationisms @sawasawako @aristotels @komsomolka @neptunerings @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @heritageposts @watermotif @stuckinapril @mavigator @lacecap @determinate-negation @deepspaceboytoy @paper-mario-wiki @kibumkim @neechees @socalgal @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @sayruq @himejoshikaeya @rooh-afza
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funkyplantguy · 23 hours
grian gets saved by hotguy and then pines over him <3
so this "au" (if you can even call it that when it exists exclusively in my brain and now in this ask) is mostly crack and comes from me joking around a couple days ago with some friends so...don't take it too seriously. that being said... - you have (3) new comments! view now? click. areeongreenday: hey! so this is insane. click. h0tguysnumber0n3fan: i guess i kind of understand where you're coming from with this - scar goodman and hotguy do share a similar sense of humor, and i sort of see what you're saying at 47:03 when you compared their voices (more specifically, the inflection they use on specific words) but...i guess i'm having a hard time imagining scar as a superhero. don't get me wrong - he's plenty cool, but...didn't he say that he's a full-time content creator now? i don't know that he'd really have the time to record, edit, and post videos on top of saving the city on a near-daily basis. interesting theory, though! admire the dedication. click.
scargoodman: ;) and there it was, taunting him - that damn winky face, yet again, commented nearly instantaneously each time grian uploaded a new video about the man itself. scar goodman - known to many as the man who had risen to sudden fame in the video essayist community with his charming good looks and boisterous personality. scar goodman, whom grian suspected was secretly none other than the city's beloved superhero. after all, they'd both made their debuts within a week of each other and shared not only a similar path of success but a similar sense of humor, a similar speaking style, a similar body type, a similar laugh...sure, there were things that didn't quite line up, but...for the most part, they appeared to be the exact same person.
okay - maybe grian was a little obsessed. but what was he supposed to do, not point out the obvious?
what made matters worse was that nobody seemed to believe him. no matter how many videos he posted, no matter how much proof he gave...nobody was willing to hear him out.
nobody except scar goodman himself, who seemed intent to drive him absolutely insane.
grian grumbled something to himself, pocketing his phone and continuing down the long, narrow sidewalk to his apartment complex. he'd lost track of time at work yet again, and as a result, the sun had long set. this wasn't unusual for him - he often opted to remain late in the office to "finish up a few things" (ie take advantage of the functional wifi his workplace offered instead of trying to upload videos on his crummy home network), so he was...fairly comfortable tracing the path back to his apartment in the dark of night. the street lights in this part of town didn't work exceptionally well, but with the familiarity of it all and the dull light of the moon, grian typically fared well enough.
tonight, however...well, call him paranoid, but...something felt...off. something about the way all the buildings around him were dark, indicating that their inhabitants were either asleep or out (and entirely unreachable if grian were to call for help). something about the absence of the various stray cats that he often crossed paths with. something about how the complete and utter silence made his ears ring. "aw, what's this? a cute guy? well, pretty boy, you've just entered the wrong part of town at the wrong time. unfortunately, loose lips sink ships, or...uh...however the saying goes, so...sorry, i can't let you leave this visit alive." before grian could even register the words being spoken (where were they even coming from?? above him? below him? behind him? everywhere, all at once?), he felt hands gripping the back of his shirt. in another moment, he was on the ground, his breath clawing its way out of his chest. above him stood a figure, shrouded in darkness and the billowing, starry cape draped across their shoulders. in their hands was something glinting, something sharp, something deadly -- something that grian's frazzled, spinning mind was unable to put a name to. or maybe it refused to - refused to name the tool that would be his doom. maybe it was better that way, he mused idly, as the figure raised it high above their head. maybe it was best to not know.
"hey! there you are - what did i say about running off?" and just as quickly as he'd accepted his death, the threat of it was gone, vanquished by the appearance of the tall, costumed man on the rooftop adjacent. grian felt his breath return to his chest in one fell swoop, filling his lungs and sending a wave of sensitivity to his throat. he coughed, hard, tears welling helplessly in his eyes, and the newcomer's attention snapped to him in an instant. "oh - and you've made a friend! how nice. unfortunately, there are no plus ones in prison." "hotguy," grian's would-be murderer snarled. "i thought i'd lost you." "nah. i may have gotten lost, sure. but you didn't lose me. there's a difference."
"you'll wish that i'd lost you when i'm through with you." "oh, that was lame!" the man cried, hopping over the low rooftop wall and landing neatly on the ground below (how he did it, even grian wasn't sure. by all intents and purposes, his legs shouldn't have that level of shock absorption, even if he had been fed some chemical cocktail by a mad scientist at a young age as he boasted). "listen - we've got to get you a better catchphrase." hotguy strode forward, his eyes glinting behind his tinted visor. he glanced to grian out of the corner of his eye, then back to the villain - then back to grian again, his mouth going slack in surprise. grian met his gaze - took in his appearance - and let out a bark of laughter, one not missed by either scar goodman or the cloaked figure in front of him. scar returned his laughter, throwing his head back and planting his hands firmly on his hips. "well, what a coincidence," he giggled, after a moment. "my new catchphrase just so happens to be "subscribe to my youtube channel." "what?" their third demanded, glancing between the two. "what are you talking about?" "oh my god. there's no way. there's no way. how - how am i the only one who knows? how am i the only one who suspects?? it's obvious - it's so obvious." "what's obvious?" "i know, right? i make it as obvious as possible, and still...still, nobody puts two and two together. well...nobody except for you, apparently. i guess that you're just...special." "why don't you just come out and say it?" grian mused, propping himself up on his elbows and ignoring the sputtering from their newly acquired third wheel. "i feel like if you said it - either as scar goodman or hotguy - people would have to believe it, no?"
a strange look came over hotguy's face, but it vanished as quickly as it had arrived. "ah...i don't think that would change anything. plus, i have this thing with this cute guy where he tries to tell everyone my identity and i egg him on to get him to make more silly videos. i would hate to give that up." he winked, and grian felt warmth climb his cheeks. gone was the fear, gone was the panic, gone was the darkness and the creeping, crawling sense of unease - instead, there was only curiosity, burning brightly in his chest. he wanted to talk to scar - hotguy - for hours, wanted to pull the object of his obsession apart to see what made him tick, then put him back together again, just to see what would happen. he wanted to get to know who hotguy was underneath the suit - and who scar goodman was with the suit. he'd wanted (he'd wanted for so long) and it felt like maybe...just maybe...he'd get to have.
"hey! what the hell is going on?" "oh, right," hotguy chuckled, turning his attention to the third member of their party. "sorry - didn't mean to ignore you. here - sit tight, for real this time. the police will be here soon." "dude, i'm just going to leave again. do you really not have handcuffs or something?" "who needs handcuffs when you have a cub to design fancy gadgets for you?" "a...a what?" the figure asked, then yelped, startled, as something exploded out of the cuff on hotguy's wrist. a net, affixing itself neatly to their body, wrapping them up in a cocoon of their own folly. grian stared at it, humming in approval. "nice." "thank you! it's new." "i know." "i bet you do," scar responded, and grian flushed further at the teasing edge his tone took on. "i bet you know almost everything about me, at this point. obsessed, much?" "i could say the same," grian huffed back, pulling himself to his feet and brushing off his jeans (there was a rip in one leg, now, he noticed with a frown). "you recognized me, like, immediately. it's pretty dark out, too - sounds like you're the one obsessed." "what can i say - you're pretty and smart. i happen to like my men pretty and smart." grian sputtered incoherently in response, all confidence gone out the window. oh god - he was even more charismatic in person, even in costume. and god, was the costume more attractive in person, as well - baggy cargo pants and a tight, fitted top that exposed his tanned midriff. not the most tactical, sure - but damn was it hot.
"you can't say that," he moaned, covering his reddened cheeks with his hands. "oh my god. i hate you. i've known you for five minutes and i already hate you." "sure you do," scar responded, grinning. "i - oh, hold on." he raised his hand and tapped the earpiece affixed to the side of his head, concentrating. after a moment, he sighed - and for just a second, grian thought that his shoulders drooped in exhaustion. as quickly as they sagged, however, scar was straightening, turning back to grian with an easy smile. "sorry, handsome, duty calls. are you alright to get back home on your own? i doubt this guy will be giving you any more trouble. those nets are pretty sturdy." "wait!" grian sputtered, his heart hammering painfully in his chest (no, no, he couldn't let scar slip through his fingers, not now, not when he was finally so close). "don't go - i...can i see you again?" scar's smile wobbled around the edges, and any panic grian felt was replaced with guilty - heavy and suffocating (though he wasn't sure why) "ah...isn't it more fun, this way? don't you like the chase? isn't that exhilaration enough for your pretty little head?" "i mean...it's a fun hobby, yeah, but -," "then we'll stick to the status quo. after all, i'd hate to rob you of your favorite hobby. goodnight, grian. can't wait for your next video." and with a wink, he was gone, disappearing back into the shadows so quickly grian could have sworn he was made of them. and grian...well. he had an apartment to get home to, a cat to feed...and a chase to continue. and maybe, someday, if he was fast enough...he'd catch up.
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letsgetrowdy43 · 1 day
Midnight magic—
Jack Hughes x Fem!Reader
Request: 🐞 with Jack and "i couldn't kiss you all day! let me make up for it now." please <333
Warnings/notes: I'm back to slowly working through the remaining requests!! Also no warnings other than making out!
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[Closed] End of summer celebration!!
Midnight at the lake house had become a sacred time between Jack and Luke's best friend. The latest hours of the night were dedicated to quiet confessions of feelings and lust fuelled secret kisses, a stark contrast to the days when they pretended to be nothing more than acquaintances.
Jack had never expected to fall for her. She was Luke's best friend from university, someone he’d known for a few years but never truly seen the way he did now.
At first, she was just the girl who tagged along with Luke, who cracked jokes, who beat him at cup pong a few times every summer.
But then something shifted.
The summer nights grew longer, the air warmer, and suddenly, Jack found himself stealing glances at her whenever she laughed, lingering in the kitchen just to talk to her a little longer. It was almost pathetic how he switched up, going from not caring to feeling the urge to know every little detail about her.
Now, these midnight rendezvous had become their little secret.
When the others were asleep or too deep into late-night card games to notice, they’d slip away. Out into the stillness of the night, the lake reflecting the soft glow of the moon, the world quiet save for the gentle rustle of trees in the summer breeze. It was as if they were out of sight and out of mind to the others, and they loved just how easily it was to sneak away to back in the glory of the other even if it was just for a few moments.
Tonight was no different, Jack had waited all day, watching her from across the table at breakfast, from the dock while they swam, and even at dinner when she sat beside Luke, laughing at his jokes. It had been torture not being able to touch her, not being able to kiss her. But the risk of anyone finding out, especially Luke, was too high. So, they kept their distance, only to find each other again under the cover of night hidden away from the rest of the sleeping housemates.
Jack leaned against the back of the house, hands stuffed into his hoodie pockets, waiting for her to join him outside, where they could talk as loudly as they felt and be as intimate as possible without fearing any unwanted eyes.
She appeared quietly, like always, slipping out the back door, the silhouette of her figure illuminated by the soft glow of the porch light. Her steps were light and careful as she walked towards him, and his heart began to race like it always did whenever she came near, her smile small as his hoodie hung loosely on her frame.
As she approached, she smiled—one that made his chest tighten in a way that only she could. Without a word, Jack pulled her into his arms, pressing her back against the wall of the house, their bodies close, but still careful. He studied her face, a slow grin spreading across his lips.
"I couldn’t kiss you all day," Jack whispered, his voice low, teasing. He gently brushed his thumb against her cheek, the touch sending shivers down her spine, "let me make up for it now." Her eyes flickered up to his, playful and full of the same longing that had been simmering all day, "you think that’s gonna cut it?" she teased back, her voice soft but daring, "you’ve got a lot to make up for, Hughes."
He chuckled, the sound low and rough, as he closed the gap between them, his lips capturing hers in a kiss that had been waiting for hours to happen. It was slow at first, soft as if he was savouring the moment. But it quickly deepened, his hands tightening on her waist as she curled her fingers into the soft material of his hoodie, pulling him closer like she couldn’t get enough of him.
That is the thing about the little arrangement between them, it was everything. It was silent and hidden, but it held the weight of the world. All the secret touches, the unspoken glances, and everything that remained between them was like ignition that lit this intense sense of romance of fire.
Jack broke the kiss just long enough to murmur against her lips, "Missed you all day." Her breath was ragged as she smiled into the next kiss, "you saw me all day," she said smugly, fully understanding the feeling of needing the other in ways that they couldn't be open about, but she also liked to hear him say it aloud. "Doesn’t count," he whispered back, gently pouting while shaking his head before pressing his forehead to hers, their breath, "not like this."
The world as Jack kissed her again, more slowly this time, savoring every second of it. Each kiss felt like it was full of the things they couldn’t say in front of everyone else, the feelings they had to hide.
His hands slid up her sides, brushing the hem of her sweater as he pulled her closer, kissing her as though he was making up for every hour they’d spent apart. She melted into him, her body pressing against his as hsi fingers found the freshly showered curls at the name of his neck, and for a moment, the rest of the world ceased to exist.
They pulled away after what felt like forever but was likely only a minute, their foreheads still pressed together, their breathing ragged before she leaned down to press a gentle kiss to his jaw and then one to his cheekbone.
"We’re gonna get caught one of these days," she said in between kisses as his arms wrapped around her torso, a teasing lilt to her voice as he tried to bite back a grin. Jack smirked, brushing his lips against her once more before replying, "not tonight, but eventually, most definatley."
She laughed softly, her hands still holding him close as they stood there, the world quiet around them. "I think I'd be okay with that," she mumbled as she weighed out the theoretical pros and cons. "I'd most definitely be okay with it," he shrugged as she grinned at his nonchalantness, loving the idea of being openly able to show his growing feelings for her.
Midnight at the lake house had become their time, a place where they didn’t have to hide, where they could just be. But for how long, they didn’t know.
This was really quickly made so if it's bad don't tell me, I'll cry.
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deliasmilkshake · 9 hours
☀️FNAF DCA x Y/N Fic Recs🌑
All of them are DCA x Reader Fanfics. NSFW fics will have a 🔞sign (I tend to like those that have plot and/or have fluff <3)
Inspired by: Pillowspaces' DCA Fic Recs.
Each I've read and made me fall for Sun&Moon all over again.
If you see your fic, you can ask for it to be removed if not comfortable with it being here.
PLEASE check each fics tags before reading them.
Last updated: 22/Sept/2024
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☀️Solar Lunacy by BamSara (AO3 account required)
Same body!Sun/Moon/Eclipse x Staff!Reader
~~ [Designs by: @bamsara]
You weren't a technician, you weren't a security guard, you weren't a daycare assistant. You're just an employee. Staff. The ‘jack-of-all-trades’ employee with mediocre at best skills and specialty in none, tasked with doing miscellaneous jobs that robots couldn't do and human staff couldn't care to. The job is unpredictable, but it pays good and it's relatively easy.
Except for the part where all the animatronics are more sentient than you thought, and you're roped into a mystery surrounding the Daycare Attendants, who are bit too curious about you for your liking.
You don't think this was in your employee contact.
| Words: 225,814 | Chapters: 16/?
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🌑Love, Death and Rollerskates by Spadillelicious
Rollerskater!Sun, Janitor!Moon, Metalstar!Eclipse x Staff!Reader
~~ [Designs by: @spadillelicious]
After moving to Crescent City in the 80s, you pick up a job at the local roller rink Party Planet. Ironic, considering roller skating is definitely not one of your talents.
On the bright side, you get to work with the friendly Sun. On the other hand, you also have to interact with the gruff janitor and security guard Moon on a daily basis.
But when staying after hours one day, despite being strictly instructed not to, you find out a terrible secret that changes everything you knew about Sun, Moon and Crescent City forever.
| Words: 98,091 | Chapters: 18/?
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☀️Celestial Sundown by clutterspace
God!Sun, God!Moon, God!Eclipse x Human!Reader
~~ [Designs by: @pillowspace]
There was something slumped beneath a tree, and you had no idea what it was. The sunlight shone brighter where it laid, despite the leaves above not differing from any of the other foliage. It was such a small thing to notice in comparison to everything else, but it brought a small hysterical giggle out past the lump in your throat as it finally clicked in place what you were seeing.
It was a god.
You are a peasant living in the middle of the woods, Sun is the god of day you brought back home with you, and Moon is the god of night tucked away in the Celestial Realm.
| Words: 83,805 | Chapters: 7/?
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🌑Celestial Omens by BamSara
Siren!Sun, Siren!Moon x Human!Reader
~~ [Designs by: @bamsara]
When you are ten years old, you find two creatures, bloodied and injured, trapped a net on the beach near your home. You save them, make friends with them, and return them to the sea, leaving you to wonder later if your friends with the Sun colored scales and fins that shone like the full Moon were real or imagined up by a childhood of loneliess.
Time passes. You hear stories of monsters, Sirens in the water, one that is a good omen if spotted, promising your safe voyage as long as you respect the rules of the ocean, and one that sinks ships and eats people for fun. Just folktales meant to scare children.
A decade later, they return the favor, though they don't plan on leaving you so easily this time.
| Words: 36,318 | Chapters: 3/?
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🔞The Pizzaplex Nighttime Mechanic by crickyluv
Same body!Sun/Moon, Glitch!Eclipse x Mechanic!Reader
~~ [Sun Design by: @crickyluv, Yn,Moon&Eclipse: Me]
You finally got the job as the nighttime mechanic at Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex! Unfortunately, you get a double shift. At least you get to spend time fixing the animatronic you knew best: Sun!
This is a slow burn that eventually turns into NSFW. There is a TON to get to before the spice comes.
| Words: 213,892 | Chapters: 47/?
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☀️In Deep Dreams Between the Waves by NaffEclipse (AO3 account required)
Mermaid!Eclipse x Human!Reader
You see a fish, but the fish isn’t really a fish, because he looks up at you with big yellow eyes, wide with fright. Large black pupils dart around frantically. He’s small, less than half your size, which surprises you. You know mers are supposed to be big sea monsters that sink boats or cause storms, but you don’t see a monster. You think of a baby while staring at his chubby round face, creased with fear, and his small tail.
| Words: 55,644 | Chapters: 5/5
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🌑Song Fish Amid the Stars by NaffEclipse (AO3 account required)
Mermaid!Sun, Mermaid!Moon x Human!Reader
This is a type of sequel to In Deep Dreams Between the Waves.
A pang hits your heart, going out to the little fish struggling to escape the cruel and entrapping lagoon.
But they look like mers. Sea monsters.
| Words: 69,362 | Chapters: 6/6
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☀️Sleuth Jesters by NaffEclipse (AO3 account required)
Detective!Sun, Detective!Moon, MafiaBoss!Eclipse x Vigilante!Reader
~~ [Yn,Sun&Moon Designs by: @sunnys-aesthetic, Eclipse: Me]
“If I may, Detectives, I believe that the score is set at a tie on how many times you’ve both let me slip away under your watch.” You grin at the sun and moon like faces of your opponents in this game of cat and mouse. The narrow slice of Detective Moon’s gaze becomes threatening, where Detective Sun curls and uncurls his fingers in anticipation of whatever scheme you’re concocting.
| Words: 174,134 | Chapters: 15/15
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🌑Pisces Caelestis by S_V
Mermaid!Sun, Mermaid!Moon x Human!Reader
~~ [Designs by: @sortvaniliekrans]
Underneath the glowing eyes, a great maw opened to hiss at you, baring several rows of needle-like fangs, wicked looking and sharp and also glowing in the blacklight. As the thing hissed, the cries started up again, more frantic this time, and accompanied by- it almost sounded like scratching?
And it was coming from behind you.
The bleeding creature had never been the one wailing.
| Words: 76,588 | Chapters: 13/?
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🔞Demon support by Megafacts
Demon!Sun x Demon!Moon x Human!Reader
~~ [Designs by: @megafactuals & Me]
You decide to try and summon a demon to destroy the world as a big bang to end all of humanity. Then earn the lavish life you wanted when you went to hell.
Instead you get two small demons who say they can satisfy your very desire, except the desire you called them for.
Bull. Shit.
| Words: 10,801 Chapters: 2/?
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☀️Cryptid Sightings by NaffEclipse (AO3 account required)
Cryptid&Animatronic!Sun/Moon x CryptidHunter!Y/N
~~ [Designs by: Me]
Perhaps this would scare a person, being all alone in the woods in the dark, but not you. You’re too intertwined with the paranormal and inexplicable. It’s in your blood. That doesn’t mean your heart won’t pound with terror when you face something with fangs and hungry eyes for flesh, but you don’t run away, and that’s what matters most.
You will face the monsters.
| Words: 253,823 | Chapters: 21/21
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🌑Apex Polarity by NaffEclipse (AO3 account required)
SirenOrca!Eclipse x Photographer!Y/N
~~ [Designs by: Me]
n the Arctic, all is beautiful and cold and lethal. You tread over ice and underneath, a dark, powerful siren stalks you. Though you try to resist, you succumb to the lure of the mer and his decision to have you.
How do you survive an apex predator?
| Words: 125,998 | Chapters: 12/12
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🔞Love for the endangered by Megafacts
Seahorse!Sun x Seahorse!Moon x Researcher!Y/N
~~ [Designs by: @megafactuals & Me]
You worked as a researchers for endangered species at a sanctuary.
One day, two of the newly discovered seahorse merfolk species come into the sanctuary after being caught in a net left in the ocean. Instead of releasing them back to the wild, the upper ranks at the sanctuary decide to use them for a breeding program.
Over the next few months you must decide to help your new friends escape or force them to spend their first mating cycle trapped inside of the sanctuary.
| Words: 28,299 | Chapters: 2/2
If you have any fic you wish to recommend me, please do!
Though that will not guarantee it entering this list.
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 2 days
Heya love,
Thank you for taking my request! I hardly think you can ever disappoint!
So, Autumn Court is a rather traditional court, and we know how discriminating against females it is.
Picture Rhys and the IC being invited to Autumn for whatever reason may it be. There, he decides to wander through the grounds. Somewhere in a secured area within the forest, he finds a female sitting by herself—too gentle and demure to belong to Autumn.
She’s shy in her discourse and neglects to tell him who she is. Eris pops up suddenly and pries the female away from him in a manner that’s too protective and possessive to be friendly.
Later on, Rhys realizes that this young female is Beron’s only, and youngest daughter. Secluded from prying eyes, Beron has made sure no one knew who she is until he was ready to marry her off.
But when Rhys finds out, and the mating bond snaps for him, he’s ready to fight for her. Going as far as to ask for Eris’ help, who happens to be extremely close and protective of his baby sister.
I hope that was clear enough and not at all confusing. Take your time with it, love! And feel free to change any detail you deem necessary.
Thanks again🩷
Thank you so much🤩💕I love it so much that the story started to play in my head on its own and continued even in the dream. Hopefully, you'll like it
Moon princess
Word count: 9600+ (oops)
Warnings: mentions of Beron, court machinations, swear words, but no fights and no blood this time
I'm thinking about writing another part where they are slowly getting to know each other. Which I originaly wanted to add into this one, but tumblr stopped cooperating somewhere around 5k words in, messes up with saved text and takes forever to respond. Message is clear, I guess I have again too many WIPs in drafts. It happens all the time 🙄 Dividers by @tsunami-of-tears
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Rhysand threw the pen on the desk and sighing leaned back in his big leather chair. Since early morning he was sitting in the office, writing letters, reading reports and sorting out complaints according to the urgency. It was already past lunchtime, but he didn't get even half through all the documents. He needed some distraction at least for few minutes.
In the very nick of time, the doors flew open and Cassian casually strode in, a massive sandwich in one hand, a piece of paper in the other one. He held only the corner of it between index finger and thumb, glaring at it as if someone had used it as a tissue.
"So.. What are we going to do with the invitation?" he asked with a full mouth.
"What invitation?" Rhys looked up, tired. This was hardly the kind of distraction he wished for.
"This one," general waved the paper. He flopped down to the chair on the opposite side of the desk. "From the Autumn Court."
Rhysand frowned. "I got invitation?" he asked with feigned calm.
"Yup," Cassian took another bite from his sandwich, a bit of dressing dripped on his shirt, but he didn't seem to even notice it. Rhys' mouth twitched.
"Oh, really? And remind me, when exactly did I get it?"
"Few weeks ago. Helion also got one. He wants to know what we assume about it and whether we will accept or no. He's still waiting for the answer by the way."
Rhysand raised brows at him. "So you wrote to Helion."
"Nope, he wrote to you right after getting it."
That was the last drop. Closing eyes, he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed deeply. "I think that we already talked about this at least a million times before, Cass. You can't take my mail, open it, read it and then keep it in your room."
Cassian threw up his hands and the dressing and slice of tomato flew out of the sandwich, landing on Rhys' expensive carpet. Rhysand eyed the stain, blood boiling in his veins.
"I don't do anything like that, bro! You know me. Plus, I don't remember that we've ever talked about such rule."
"That isn't rule I made up. It's called postal secret and privacy. Now bring all my mail! Immediately!"
"Fine, fine," Cassian fumed and rolled his eyes, but at last he stood up, throwing the invitation on the desk and left.
When the doors closed behind him, Rhys flicked his wrist and stain from the carpet disappeared. Then he reached for the invitation and cursed because it was smeared with dressing, too. Rhys licked his dirty fingers, commendably humming and wiped the rest of the dirt with tissue. His stomach loudly rumbled, reminding him that he should head out for some food soon.
He unfolded the paper, quickly scanning the text. Beron was inviting him and his family to a week of festivities on the occasion of a significant announcement. There wasn't written anything else, no more details. Rhysand sighed heavily, drumming with the fingers. His brain coils were working at full speed.
'Significant announcement'
What could it be? Considering that it was Beron, it couldn't be anything good. Because of Cassian, they had last two days left to prepare. He needed to know at least what to expect, so he could work up some plan later.
Claws of his power knocked on Azriel's mental shields. He answered right away, letting him in.
Where are you now? Are you busy?
I'm preparing for the mission we talked about yesterday.
Rhysand considered it for moment, biting on his lower lip. Forget that thing for now or entrust it to someone else. This is urgent.
Azriel answered without hesitation. Fine. Are you in your office?
Rhysand loved how pragmatic Shadowsinger was. No questions. All he needed to hear to drop current job was that it was urgent. He didn't question him. Yes.
I'll be there in a minute.
When Az arrived, half hidden in his shadows as usual, he showed him the invitation and explained the situation. Azriel actually laughed when he heard how Cassian came, asking what was the plan. After that, he immediately disappeared in his shadows, heading to contact the spies they had in Autumn Court.
As expected, Azriel returned shorty before they were supposed to leave for the party. His spies didn't know much, only that Beron was secretly planning something big, the wards around his castle were strengthened and that the frequency of the correspondence between him and Spring Court increased in last two months. There was no time to contact spies in Spring whether they knew something more. Azriel planned to use the time they would spend in the Forest House to spy on Beron and learn more.
It was decided that only Rhys, Az and Cass would go. He didn't even try to ask Mor because he already knew the answer. However, he asked Amren and she clearly refused. She literally said that she would rather give up all her jewellery than listen to a single word of that old, pathetic excuse of a male.
Rhysand winnowed them to the Autumn Court close to the borders of the High Lord's estate. As soon as the world around them stilled, the brisk smell of autumn hit their noses. At gates, a dozen of soldiers stood on guard, armed to the teeth. They eyed them suspiciously, but let them pass. The three of them exchanged look as they stepped in, feeling the strong pressure.
"Putting up so strong wards and then inviting guests, one would think that your High Lord is planning something evil or he got himself a gem of size of his head," Rhys purred, but none of the soldiers even as much as blinked. Pursing lips he nodded. "Sharp guys. I wonder if they would stay still even if we started cutting off their limbs."
"I'm sure they would scream like females," Cassian grinned, folding arms on his chest.
"Are you trying to terrorise our guards, Rhysand?" a sly, bored voice spoke from somewhere behind them. They slowly turned around, arrogant as ever.
"Eris," Rhysand flashed his best cocky smile and shoved hands into pockets. "We are just merely testing them. Since when are heirs on the duty to come to the gates and welcome guests?"
"Ever since the so-called guests are mutts from Night Court," he snarled back, picking non-existent dirt from under fingernails.
Azriel was as always calm and composed, avoiding any attention, but Cassian was his opposite. He straightened up to his full height, squaring his shoulders and gritting teeth. "It's a good custom for the host to respect the guests, especially if they were invited, not to insult them. In Autumn, good manners seem not to be taught though."
Eris didn't react, only scoffed. He turned on the heel and started to walk towards the castle surrounded by reds and yellows. He showed them to their chambers connected by private sitting room, briefly informing them about the time of the evening party and that someone would come to show them the way later.
With a free access to the castle, Azriel didn't waste a minute and as soon as Eris left, he disappeared into the shadows to snoop around.
The party took place in a fancy ballroom. Rhys snorted at the sight of pure opulence, shoving hands into his pockets. Everything in this huge room was made of white marble with gold details, including a high vault ceiling. It was so polished that it looked like a mirror.
Autumn aristocracy and several of the High Lords were already here, so Rhys made a show of checking his appearance, keeping his mask of ruthless arrogance.
He had to admit that Beron knew how to show off his wealth. Massive golden chandeliers hung from the ceiling, flooding room with bright light. In the vases next to each marble pillar around the perimeter of the room were big bouquets of flowers made out of gold and copper. The start of the party was planned for the sunset, so the whole room looked like made of gold. Amren would love this for sure.
Rhysand wouldn't let it show on his face, but inside he felt sick. It was overdone and suffocating. And he wasn't the only one who felt that way. Cassian was openly showing his disgust, Azriel scanned the surrounding from under his frowning brows, arms crossed on his chest.
"Finally some friendly faces and my favourite ones," a rich playful voice boomed on their left. Azriel rolled his eyes, not bothering to even look at the coming person and murmuring something about the need of a strong drink, he left. Rhysand with a cocky smile turned in time to see Helion, the High Lord of Day Court, giving a hug to Cassian.
"Good to see you, friend," he purred.
Helion hooked a muscular arm around his shoulders and winked. "What do you say about the host's taste?" he pointed with his chin to the ballroom, speaking lowly only for his ears.
"I say you must feel like home here," Rhys snorted.
Helion pursed his full lips, thinking about it. "Not really. But the drinks are good here," he swirled the golden liquid in his glass and waved them, already heading to the crowd. "I hope to see you later in the privacy of your room, so we can catch up."
Rhysand gave him just nod and his eyes turned to the dais in the same moment as High Lord of Autumn with his wife and sons appeared. Rhysand tried to keep his face emotionless as his eyes fell to the Lady of Autumn. He hated to see the visibly mistreated female, something about her reminding him of his late mother even though unlike Lady of Autumn she was strong and wild and didn't let his father to treat her badly. Maybe it was the motherly vibes they both shared.
He rather averted his gaze to the gathered crowd and half listening to Beron's speech, let his powers lurk around, looking for any useful information he could get from these people. His violet-blue eyes searched for Tamlin, the High Lord of Spring, between the High Lords. Maybe if he played it off well, he could find out more about the business Autumn and Spring were cooking up, but his golden hair and tall figure were nowhere to be seen.
Meanwhile, Beron finished his boring speech with a promise of the big announcement on the end of this week of festivities. Rhysand despised the idea of waiting for the whole week. He needed to know what was going on in order the prepare for it, eventually come up with plan to sabotage it. The sooner he knew, the better.
He tried to find Azriel's mind in the crowd to give him orders, but with satisfaction he realized that Shadowsinger wasn't anywhere nearby, most likely already snooping around High Lord's quarters where he intended to send him. That male was a real workaholic.
As the evening progressed, Rhysand got even more bored. Chat with other invited High Lords led to nothing as none of them wanted to discuss anything of real importance at place where they could be easily heard by wrong persons. Cassian was cleaning plates, Azriel was who-knows-where and even Eris seemed to slip out to the night.
In need of fresh, cool air he moved to the terrace and then down to the gardens, looking for a quiet, dark corner where he could blow out the steam. The sounds of party slowly grew distant, number of guests on an evening stroll decreased. Rhysand didn't want to be disturbed, so he walked more deeper into the dark gardens. Thinking that he found the secluded place he needed, he looked around, noticing guards pacing on the edge where gardens turned into a forest. That piqued his interest. What could possibly be worth of guarding in the forest?
He merged with the night, getting pass the guards unnoticed. It was too easy and thus it was no fun. He hoped for at least a small hitch to make tonight interesting. Hopefully, whatever was hidden there, would be worth of the effort and provide him with some sort of excitement.
He dragged through the forest looking right and left, searching for something that didn't fit in. After half an hour he was ready to call it off, marking it as a great waste of time, when he noticed a soft light behind the thick bush. Carefully stalking closer, he stayed hidden in the darkness of autumn forest and took a look around.
There, hidden behind bushes and trees, spread out a clearing bathing in the cool silver light of full moon and in the middle of that on a fallen tree trunk sat the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen. Her petite figure with soft features and porcelain skin glowed in the night. Dark brown silky hair fell in waves to her tiny waist. Dressed up in light, white dress that reflected the moonlight, surrounded by hundreds of fireflies, the small female looked like being of another world. Devouring that fragile beauty, he suddenly remembered the bedtime story mother used to tell him, his most favourite one. How could he forget it?
The story was about Moon Princess who spent her entire life, night after night watching Fae live, dance, laugh and love. Her desire to spend at least one day with them and experience the same things they did, grew so strong that she got sick, slowly fading away. When her father, Moon King, learnt about her desire, he decided to grant her her wish in order to save life of his only daughter. And so Moon Princess descended from the moon to the clearing in the deep forest, instantly feeling better.
At that time, young prince happened to be in the forest on his way back home, witnessing her descent. He immediately fell in love with her and took her to his castle. Gradually, she fell in love with the prince, but when the month her father granted her was coming to its end, she became sad and again fell ill. Her father couldn't stand to see his daughter suffer so much and allowed her to stay with her prince. After some time they got married, had a lot of children and grew old together.
When Rhys was younger, he dreamt about finding his own Moon Princess and having his happily ever after with her. Seeing this gentle creature in the woods now, he felt like he was witness of descent of Moon Princess he waited for. She took the air from his lungs and captivated his heart. Before he knew what he was doing, he stepped out from the shadows. Not wanting to scare her off, he cleared his throat, making as much noise as possible on his way to the fallen trunk.
Despite his efforts, she winced, covering lips like petal of rose flower with her delicate hands with elegant long fingers. Her doe eyes of colour of deepest sea gazed up at him. Recovering from the initial shock, she blushed, readying to run away.
"Don't! Please, stay. I mean no harm," he raised both of his hands, trying to calm her down. She was like a frightened animal. Rhysand assumed it would be for the best if he introduced himself.
"I'm Rhysand and I'm guest of the High Lord of Autumn. I was just on a walk when I noticed you sitting here alone. Are you lost?"
She shook her head, avoiding his gaze.
"What Court are you from? I happen to know all High Lords. I can help you get to the right one."
"I'm.. from here," she spoke shyly, her voice sounded to him like the sweetest melody. He swallowed hard, his palms sweating. What was wrong with him? He was feared High Lord who had more lovers in his life than he could count, yet he felt like inexperienced youngling.
"Can.. can I sit down here with you?" he asked out of breath.
How pathetic, Rhysand, he scolded himself. You finally found female of your dreams and you behave like total idiot. Bravo! She will certainly fall for you and agree to meet you again. You need to come with something better than this.
She bit on her lower lip, considering it, but at last she nodded, moving as far from him as she could. Rhys put on his most dazzling and kindest smile and sat down next to her. She blushed even more.
"The moon tonight is beautiful, isn't it?"
"Yes, my lord, I suppose it is."
Rhysand snorted. "I'm not your lord. Please, call me Rhysand or just Rhys if you want. How should I call you?"
Female nervously fidgeted her fingers. "I think I should go." She was about to stand up.
Rhys' hand shot up instinctively, his fingers firmly but gently wrapped around her wrist. Mother above, she was so small and fragile like a porcelain doll. "Please, stay. I understand. No names."
She weakly twisted her wrist in his grasp and he let her go. She sat back down and Rhys sighed with relief, licking his lips. He wanted to make her speak more, yearning to listen to her voice from now until the end of his life.
"Do you come out here often?"
"I'm not allowed to go out much," she whispered hardly audibly, her shoulders slumped.
"How so?" Rhys asked with concern, his gaze again roaming over her petite body. However, he didn't get the answer.
Eris emerged from between the trees, his features twisted in anger.
"What are you doing here?" he hissed and taking female's hand yanked her to his chest. He looked her up and down, checking her for any injury quite roughly.
"Hey! Stop treating her like that! You are hurting her, asshole," Rhysand couldn't stop himself, his mask naturally slid down to its place and he was again fearsome High Lord. He stood up baring his teeth, ready to fight him off if necessary. He wouldn't mind to even kill him to protect this Moon Princess, as he decided to call her until she told him her name, and maybe even after that.
Female's eyes widened at him, but she didn't dare to say a word.
"How did you get here, Rhysand?! This is a private place where guests aren't allowed. If anything, the fact that guards stand at entrance to the forest, should make it more than clear."
"And you," he turned to the female. "What did you do here with this bastard? Why didn't you immediately leave when he appeared? If he finds out what happened here, we both will have a serious problem! Do you even understand that?"
"I'm so sorry. I wanted to leave, but.." she mumbled, cringing, her face pale.
"But what?! Return to your room! Now!"
"I don't know and don't even care who she is to you, but I won't allow you to talk like that with her," Rhys grabbed front of Eris's shirt, staring him down. He was only a few inches taller than the Autumn heir, though the effect was the same.
Female gaped at him in shock, but as soon as Eris let go of her arm, she backed few steps, then turned around and ran away. Rhys wanted to ran after her to make sure she wasn't hurt, but he banned himself to even move. His outburst was bad enough, giving out too much.
They stared at each other, heaving.
"Back off, Rhysand!" Eris snarled lowly.
"No!" he growled back. "Who is she?"
"That's none of your business," Eris glared at him, unmoved.
"Now when I met her, it is my business. I won't just stand by and watch someone hurt females for absolutely no reason."
Pushing him away, Eris burst into fit of laughter. "Good joke, Rhysand, really. Maybe you should clean up your own yard before you start poking your nose into other people's affairs." With that he left, heading in the same direction as the female.
Rhys just stood there, taken aback, gazing after his receding back. He didn't want to admit it, but Eris was right. There was still too much to improve in his Court, but that didn't mean Eris had any right to point it out. In this regard, Autumn wasn't any better than Night.
Later that night Rhysand was pacing in their sitting room, while Azriel and Cassian watched him from couch with concern.
"Don't you want to finally tell us where you disappeared?" Cassian groaned, sipping his drink.
"Did you find anything out?" Azriel added. Ever since he returned he was frowning, angry that he not only couldn't find anything useful, but also that Beron's office and chambers were so warded that he wouldn't be able to get in even if he had a whole month for it.
"Nothing like that," Rhysand growled. The thought of the female and her scared gaze where eating him up. He needed to see her, to make sure she was all right. But where to look for her? Then his gaze fell to his brother, half hidden in his shadows. If anyone was able to find her, then only he.
"Fine, so listen up," he groaned. While still pacing back and forth, he told them everything about his encounter with her and described every detail he remembered.
Azriel listened him attentively, nodding at last. "I will look for her while spying around. But I have to warn you - don't keep high hopes. There's an entire part of castle where I nor my spies couldn't infiltrate no matter how many times we tried it. And we work on that for years. If she is held captive in this castle, they can keep her there."
Rhysand sighed and ran hand through his hair. Eris knew her, but he wouldn't tell him anything. Could she be his lover? Or some secret fiancée? Wife? Or she belonged to another Vanserra? Just imagining that such fragile, young female was here to satisfy Beron's needs made him feel sick.
He needed to calm down, to do something to change the flow of thoughts, so he stepped to the bar and poured a glass of whiskey. He emptied the glass in one gulp, the liquor burning his throat. He grimaced and poured himself another glass. He sat down.
Cassian and Azriel started to discuss something, but he couldn't focus on their words even if he wanted. He could still see her in front of him, surrounded by silver moonlight, beautiful and so unearthly. He was only snapped out of the memory when Cassian put his big hand on his knee.
"Stop it," he muttered in amusement. "It's nerve-wracking when you nonstop tap your foot. Even Azriel here is getting nervous because of you."
"I don't-"
"You do," Azriel nodded, corners of his mouth twitching. With raised brow he looked at Cassian. "What do you think? Finally?"
"Finally," general agreed.
Rhys was confused. "Finally what?" he snapped.
"You are in love," Cassian howled with laughter and Azriel joined him shortly.
"I'm not in love. I'm just worried," Rhysand retorted, crossing hands on his chest and almost tipped the drink on his expensive shirt.
"And now he's even blushing like an innocent schoolgirl," Cassian was laughing so hard that tears were rolling down his cheeks.
"What's so funny?" Helion appeared on the threshold, light smile playing on his lips.
"Nothing. They are just two bored idiots," Rhysand groaned. Helion was the last person he wanted to find out about his encounter. High Lord of Day was the worst gossiper in entire Prythian.
"Oh, c'mon. I want to laugh, too. I'm bored here. This is the worst Court to be in."
"Because you would like to make out with a certain lady who is out of your reach?" Rhysand grinned. This lifted his spirit a bit.
Helion groaned, flopping onto other couch. "Don't even remind me of that matter."
To that Cassian started to laugh even harder.
Helion frowned at him. "Is he okay?" Rhysand only shook his head.
"Two lovesick birds," Cassian tried to calm down, Azriel next to him was massaging his hurting cheeks. He hadn't laughed so much in ages.
Helion watched them with wolfish grin and shiny eyes. "Idiots or no, I'd love to see them worn out in my bed anyway."
Azriel stopped smiling immediately, the idea had never been to his taste. Cassian just shrugged. "Maybe some other time, but thanks," he playfully winked at Lord of Day who obscenely ran teeth over his lower lip.
"I'm already waiting for the day."
Rhysand cleared his throat, grinning. "So.. Did you come for something specific or just to make obscene proposal to my brothers?"
"Actually, yes," Helion smiled, still undressing his long-term targets with eyes. "I and other High Lords are worried. You certainly already heard about something going on between Autumn and Spring."
"Sure, I did."
"I didn't see Tamlin at party tonight. I have quite bad feeling about this."
"Me too, friend," Rhysand swirled the golden liquor in the glass. "Me too."
"I guess that you don't have more detailed information on this matter that you could share with me."
"Unfortunately, I know just as much as you and the others. Azriel here is trying to find out something while we are here and his spies are snooping around in Spring, but we haven't heard anything new from them, have we?" He turned to Shadowsinger who only shook his head.
"But if you find out something, you will share it with us, right?"
"Of course I will. I can imagine only one scenario in which Beron is after the access to the Wall and human lands. We both know very well what it would mean."
"Do you think that Tamlin would allow such thing?" Cassian asked seriously.
"We can only hope that he has enough common sense to not allow it," Rhysand emptied his second glass.
The room fell into a heavy silence.
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The week of festivities passed quickly. Beron prepared all kinds of activities to keep his guests entertained. Rhysand had stopped counting the number of hunts, competitions and banquets he absolved right after the first day.
Azriel spent most of the time in the shadows, spying all around the castle, following Beron like hound, but there were no news about the female nor the plans Lord of Autumn had.
Rhys started to have very bad feeling about this all and grew nervous with every passing day in dark. He kept his eyes on Eris who was obviously ignoring him, hoping he would make a mistake and take him to the female. However, Eris, the cunning fox, after the first ball never left the room, participating on every event from the beginning to the very end.
When it was finally time for the last ball, Rhysand was so nervous and irritated that even his brothers were avoiding the conversation with him. And he wasn't the only one. All gathered High Lords seemed to have enough of this shit show and masquerade, waiting only for the big announcement.
That evening, the atmosphere in the ballroom was suffocating, none of the Lords bothered to tune off their powers anymore. When Beron with his family appeared on the dais, five pairs of hostile eyes gazed at him from the crowd, waiting.
Thank you for coming and blah blah blah, Rhysand didn't really listen that old asshole, not until Tamlin appeared on the dais next to Beron who announced that they were intending to make an alliance together. Tamlin seemed to be taken aback to see everyone and to hear that they spent the whole week here, so apparently he wasn't invited for the shit show nor Beron bothered to notify him about the recent events.
"And to confirm my good intentions, my only daughter, Selene, will marry Tamlin," Beron declared.
The wave of shock ran through the crowd. As it seemed, even Autumn aristocracy didn't know about the existence of the mentioned daughter. High Lords looked at each other. Their worst fears had come true. Beron was after free access to the Wall.
However, right at that moment, it was the last thing Rhysand cared about. The doors behind Beron again opened and from the dark of the hallway a small figure emerged. Dressed in dress of moonlight colour with dark brown waves styled into a complicated hairstyle, his Moon Princess walked into the room. She looked up and their eyes locked. Exactly as that night in the forest, her beauty took all the air from his lungs, but it wasn't the only thing that happened at that moment.
Something inside him broke, the crack so loud everyone in the room had to hear it. And in that hole in the middle of his chest, a shimmering gold thread formed, blooming like a flower. The thread shot out, bridging over the entire room. Gently touching his Moon Princess, it wrapped around her and bound their souls together.
Rhysand watched it all with wide eyes and slightly opened mouth. As understanding hit him, he wavered and took a small step back, shocked. Beron's daughter was his mate. The Mother had a strange sense of humor, but in certain way it made sense. The feeling he had when he saw her on the clearing, the pull, the need to make sure she was safe. Of course she was his mate.
"What's going on?" Azriel, always the most attentive, as the only one noticed his moment of weakness.
Rhys couldn't take eyes off of her, barely managing to force his lungs to work again. "She's.. she's my.." He didn't need to finish the sentence.
Azriel's eyes also widened, jumping between him and the female. Even Cassian who overheard them, gaped at him.
"Are you sure?" Rhysand gave him a look and Azriel shook his head. "Of course, you are. Whatever you decide to do now, you can count on me," he said darkly, tendrils of shadows dancing around him.
"And on me," Cassian pat him on the back.
After the shocking announcement, the party was naturally over or at least for High Lords certainly, as they all left right away.
Helion stopped briefly at the doors of their chambers with grave expression to tell them that all the High Lords agreed that the wedding must not take place. For some reason they expected that the Night Court would take care of that, but they were ready to assist them if needed.
Honestly, Rhysand didn't remember much from what had happened after the bond snapped for him, not even how he got back home and to his bed. He lay there in the dark, unable to sleep, all the satin sheets suddenly too scratchy and insufferably hot. His mind was nonstop returning to the only thought - he had a mate and she needed his help.
He tried to analyse the moment when it snapped for him. He was curious whether she felt it too. Though, no matter how many times he replayed the scene in his head, he couldn't find a proof she felt it. Her eyes were sad, her expression shy and guarded. She walked into the room, stopped at Tamlin's side and accepted his waiting hand without a single wobble. She was shivering like leaf in the cold breeze, but all for the different reasons. At dawn he finally came to conclusion that she didn't know about the bond.
He kicked off the blanket and changed. He was determined to solve this problem as soon as possible. He wouldn't leave his mate in hands of any other male.
The Town House was completely silent when he ran down the stairs taking two at a time. The wedding was supposed to take place on the day of the autumnal equinox. That left him only a month to solve this. He didn't have much time and had to start right away. He rushed into his office, almost breaking the doors, and took a sheet of paper and a pen. Quickly he scratched letter and without reading it again sent it. He waited for the reply whole day, without leaving his office. He didn't even eat nor sleep. When there was no answer, next morning he wrote another letter.
Nobody came asking him what to do. His family already knew where they were needed the most. Azriel took all his spies and dividing them into two groups, he sent one group to Spring, the other one under his lead headed to Autumn.
Cassian collected all information and maps they had of the Forest House and looking for places where wedding could take place, he began preparing plans from kidnapping the bride before the ceremony to snatching her from groom's hands before they could say their yes.
Amren shut herself up in her apartment, searching old books with ancient magic for the ways how to break through wards.
For Mor, this was hard. She couldn't be much of help in this case, so she took it upon herself to take care of her cousin and made sure that he ate three times a day, took shower and tried to rest. She gladly accepted the role of an emotional support, listening to all his worries and self-loathing whenever he was in mood to talk.
On the fifth day when there was still no answer, Rhysand decided that he wouldn't wait any longer. He only had a limited amount of time and it was inexorably running out.
Without invitation he winnowed to the clearing near Tamlin's manor in Spring. As expected, it took only mere seconds and Tamlin appeared in his beast form, ready to turn the intruder into shreds. When he saw Rhysand waiting for him, he slowed down.
"What are you doing here?" he growled angrily. "I thought that not sending a reply is quite a clear answer."
"So you read the letters. I need to speak with you. You are doing enormous mistake-"
"That is not your business!"
"The problem is that it is my business. It's all High Lords' business, for the fuck's sake! You are going to open for Beron a way to the Wall!"
Tamlin snorted. "No, I'm not. I would do no such thing!"
"But yes, you are. Why else would Beron want to make an alliance with Spring?!"
"I can assure you that he won't get to the Wall."
"You are wrong and you know it. Whatever is going on, it won't take long and he will get what he wants."
Tamlin just gazed at him, muscles in his jaw ticking.
"What is it what you need so much that you are willing to work even with that old bastard, Tam?"
The beast's gaze wavered, but he wouldn't give in so easily.
"Tam, talk to me. We used to be friends and damn good friends. If it is a help you are looking for, I'll send you any kind of help. Do you need more soldier? You can have them. Money? Bride? Skilled officials to help you rule the Court? You can have it all, you just need to tell me. But don't go into alliance with Beron.."
Tamlin seemed to consider his offer. "I-.. I have tied hands.. I'm trying, but I shouldn't have been ruler.. I'm not built for state affairs. Everything is falling apart and now.. my advisers gave me an ultimatum.. They ask for heir otherwise they will leave me alone in this mess.."
Rhysand blinked in surprise at sudden honesty. With Tamlin, they had a lot of bad blood standing between them like a wall. Ever since Rhys' mother and sister were killed and he and his father killed Tamlin's family in return, they had hardly spoken. This was definitely progress or so he thought.
"I don't need your help, Rhysand," Tamlin murmured, "return to your Court before I make you." Tamlin pivoted, heading back into the forest.
Rhysand planned to solve this without mentioning Selene and the bond, but now there was no other way. Tamlin didn't want to listen and wouldn't accept his offer. This was the last thing that could change his mind.
"You can't marry her!" he called after Lord of Spring.
The beast stopped and looked back at him. "Why can't I?"
"Because.. she is mine."
Tamlin snorted, again moving.
"She's my mate." Rhys only whispered it, but the sweet spring breeze carried the words to his former friend. The beast halted in the middle of the step and fully turned to him. He searched him for any hint of lie, but when he found none, the emerald eyes widened.
"It snapped for me the moment she stepped into the ballroom and our eyes met. I think she doesn't know though," Rhysand continued quietly, hoping he would understand and cancel the wedding. All he needed, was more time to find a way to get her out of Autumn. He didn't ask for anything more. She didn't need to find out right away that he was her mate. He would be completely fine with only a friendship as long as he knew where she was and that she was safe.
Tamlin's eyes narrowed and darkened, one corner of his mouth lifted in a half grin. "Don't worry," he said lowly. "I'll take good care of her. She will have anything she wants and I will protect her. I promise you."
"But will she be happy? Without her mate?"
"If she doesn't know about that, I see no reason why she shouldn't be. One can't mourn something they don't even know that exists."
"Tamlin, you don't understand-"
"But I do understand," he interrupted him. "See you at the wedding. Or rather not. Now we don't want to try our luck, do we."
"Get lost!"
Rhysand fought against the magic of wards that after the dismissal was forcing him to leave. He wasn't done here yet. However, not even a High Lord could stay in other Court if the Lord there expelled them. Unwillingly he winnowed back to his house.
He stood in the middle of his office, heaving heavily. Tears gathered in his eyes. He ran hand through his dark hair and then dragged it down his face. He looked around, searching for something that could ground him, finding nothing. He fell to his knees and yelled so loud that walls shook.
In a blink of eye Cassian appeared at his side and clumsily held him, checking him for injuries. He seemed to be relieved to find none.
"He refused," Rhys sobbed. "I told him and he refused.."
"I'm so sorry, Rhys," Cass spoke kindly. "But.. We will solve this. Don't worry. We all will do our best to get her out of there."
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Next week Rhysand's mood was switching between being furious, coldly calculating and falling into depression. At the end of the week, Azriel returned and whole Inner Circle gathered to share all facts they knew and come with some solution. As far as they knew, Selene lived in warded part of the castle where only family members and chosen maids could enter. Azriel spent the whole two weeks trying to break in but to no avail. Amren also had no luck with her research. Wards were a complicated ancient magic and to break through so strong ones, they would need a very powerful and dangerous magical object like Cauldron that was lost for centuries and they didn't have time to look for it anyway.
Rhys only sat there, gloomy, listening. He was again falling into depression.
"What if we got help from the inside?" Cassian suggested, looking around the table.
"From Vanserras?" Azriel looked up. His hazel eyes lit up with idea and he turned to Rhys. "I think that it's quite good idea."
"Thanks," Cassian grinned.
"And who would you ask for help?" Mor rolled eyes. "Beron? His wife? Or his rogue sons?"
Azriel didn't pay any attention to her insults and continued. "I think that the heir would be willing to help us if we convinced him."
Rhysand finally looked up, frowning. "He told me that he doesn't want to see me anywhere near her."
"Exactly! Don't you see it? Who let her out during the party when Beron was too busy to notice it? Eris. Who was out there protecting her? Eris. Who is often visiting the warded quarters despite having chambers in a completely different part of the castle? The answer is again Eris. I'll bet that he goes there only to visit her. Several times a day actually."
"Why should he want to help us to kidnap her?" Rhys shook his head.
"Because he cares for her," Azriel answered simply, tilting head to the side in disbelieve that Rhysand didn't get it yet. "I heard that he isn't thrilled for the coming wedding."
Rhysand clenched hands into fists, thinking. During the last two weeks they had tried everything and nothing worked, even Tamlin laughed him out. There was nothing else they could do except of waiting until the wedding day and then try one of the risky plans Cassian had prepared for that case.
At last, he nodded. "Fine then. Can you deliver message to him?"
Azriel smiled. "Gladly. If you write it right now, he can get it tonight."
Two days later, Rhysand winnowed to the river bend on the border of his Court and hid into the shadows under the trees, waiting. He didn't have high expectations, he was avoiding the hope so as not to be disappointed in the end. The time ticked by while he watched flowing river, but in his mind he saw only her, his Moon Princess bathing in the silver moonlight with shiny big eyes and soft smile on her lips. He could keep watching her lovely profile forever. If that was all he was allowed in this lifetime, he would die a happy male.
Thirty minutes later another male winnowed to the same bend of the river, his red hair looked like blazing flames in the setting sun. He eyed the empty river bank and nearby tree line with arrogant, bored expression. He crossed hands on his chest, glaring into the waters.
Rhysand stepped from his hideaway, casually walking with hands in the pockets to the place where the other male waited at. "I already started to think that you won't come," he tried his usual cocky tone, but even to him it sounded fake.
"You are the one who wanted to meet up at this.. where are we actually?" Eris raised a brow, disgusted.
Rhysand shrugged. "Just old campsite. Nobody is coming here anymore, not after what happened here. Old story. The most important is that we can talk here without being overheard."
Eris clasped hands behind his back. "So? What is so urgent? I'm busy with wedding preparations as you know."
"That's the reason why I need to speak with you." Rhys swallowed hard. He was preparing for this discussion ever since Azriel left with his letter in the pocket. Despite everything he decided to be honest for once instead of making up lies. "That wedding must not take place."
Eris raised brows at him. "Why?"
"Because..," he tried to say it aloud, but couldn't, "it can't happen."
"Good try, but I don't have time for this. So if you don't have any good reason for this, I'm leaving." He pivoted.
"She's my mate."
"What?!" Eris turned back to him so fast that he almost slipped on the stones.
"You heard me. Selene, your sister, is my mate."
Eris just gaped at him, eyes wide, but at least he wasn't about to leave anymore.
"The wedding is the biggest mistake. I don't think she knows about the bond, but she won't be happy. You have to help me stop it."
Eris's mask slipped down for a moment and Rhysand noticed pain hidden beneath. "I can't. It's too late."
"It isn't. They aren't wed yet, there's still time."
"And what do you expect me to do? Do you want me to go to my father and tell him: hey, forget about the alliance with Spring, her mate resides on the other side of Prythian? That would 100% work."
Rhys rolled eyes. "No, just help me get her out of there. If there is no bride, there won't be wedding nor alliance. This will solve all the problems at once and nobody gets hurt."
Eris snorted. "And what about her? What will happen to my sister?"
"She can live here, in my Court. I'll protect her, give her home and take good care of her. You will be welcome to come visit her anytime you want."
Eris shook head in disbelieve. "You will keep her at your side like some sustained lover? No, in such case she's better in Spring with Tamlin. I saw them talking together and he was really kind and respectful to her. That's what she deserves, Rhysand. The respect. There might be no love between them yet, but it can change in the future. He will provide her with the same things you are offering, but he will make her his wife."
Horrified, Rhysand took a step back. "Lover? What? Don't put words into my mouth. She doesn't know about the bond and I won't push her into relationship with me. If she wishes so, we will be friends. She decides what we will be, not me. But if the bond snaps for her and she accepts it, I'll more than gladly marry her right away. In my Court, she will have freedom she never had and in marriage we will be equal. In everything."
He gave him a doubtful look, laughing. "Equal? Mother's tits! I won't believe such empty promises."
"These are no empty promises, I'm serious. Can you see me laughing? I'll make even a bargain with you. If she agrees to marry me, she will be my equal. I'll make her a High Lady."
"There is no such thing as High Lady." Eris stuck out chin, narrowing eyes.
"Then she will be the first one. Do you want to bet?"
"No, but I want that bargain."
"Fine," Rhys smiled for the first time since he learnt that his Moon Princess is doomed to marry another male. "So, what do you want in exchange for your help?"
Eris tilted head to the side, pressing lips into thin line. "Help for help. When the time comes, you will help me get rid of my father."
"We have a deal." After wording their vows, smell of magic filled the air and a small tattoo appeared on their bodies.
"Great that you agreed so easily. I was ready to get down on my knees if necessary," Rhysand grinned.
"That sounds like a lot of fun. Especially, in this awful state you are in. I think I'm going to change my mind."
"Good you can't," Lord of Night patted his shoulder with new tattoo.
Eris barked with laughter.
"Now tell me, just out of curiosity, is Selene really your sister or just half sister? It doesn't really matter to me, I'm asking because-"
"She looks so different?" Eris finished the sentence with fox grin. "She is my sister. Frankly, she looks like clone of father's great grand mother. I would show you her picture, but.."
"No need. I believe you."
Eris raised his brows doubtfully.
"How exactly do you imagine her abduction to take place? If your spymaster can so easily get into my chamber, I'd say you don't need me."
"Believe me when I say that we already tried to get to her. Unfortunately, not even my brilliant spymaster can get through your father's wards. That's why we need your help."
"I see. I'm relieved to hear there are wards that can stop you and your people."
"If we weren't in such time crunch, we would find way in for sure. But we don't have so much time now," he winked. "All I need from you is to get her out of the wards inside the castle. It really doesn't matter whether you take her to your room or to that clearing, as long as she will be somewhere where we can get to her."
Next hour or so they spent discussing the details of the abduction, so the both sides knew the exact meeting place, time and what to do. When Eris left, Rhysand return back home, feeling much better. In good mood he shared the plan with Cassian and Azriel who would go into the action with him. Now he just needed to wait for message from Eris. If he hadn't seen with his own two eyes how much young heir cared for his sister, he would doubt his intentions. This all was possible only thanks to the exceptionally strong sibling love and overprotectiveness. In moments like this Rhys thought about his own baby sister. What would it be like if she was still here?
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Days were passing one after another without any news from the Autumn heir until finally four days before the wedding a small piece of paper appeared on Rhysand's desk. He opened it and skimmed a neatly written short message.
Cassian! Azriel! he called in his mind.
Ever since he made the deal, they were staying in their rooms in the Town House instead of the House of Wind, just in case they would need to quickly move on. It took them only a minute to get to his office. As soon as they appeared on threshold, he happily waved the paper in the air.
"Get ready! We leave an hour after sunset."
Exactly one hour after sunset Rhysand winnowed the three of them to the Autumn Court's borders, the rest of the way they had to fly to avoid being detected by the magic of the wards that Eris inconspicuously lifted for several minutes.
Thankfully, wards around the Forest House weren't so hard to get through and Azriel could safely get them in without any help. Under the cover of night, Rhysand led them through the grounds to the clearing where they were supposed to meet with Eris and Selene. They slipped past the patrol on their way, unnoticed. Just to make sure they weren't walking into a trap, they silently landed in the forest and went on foot the rest of the way. Hidden in the dark shadows under the trees, they waited.
Ten minutes later, Eris appeared on the clearing dimly lit by the waxing moon. And he wasn't alone. Holding his hand, a small figure walked behind him.
"Be careful here," Eris kindly warned his sister and she smiled in answer.
When they stopped in the middle of the clearing, Selene looked up on the moon, bathing in the silver light. With her long hair down and in the snow white dress, she was stunning. Meanwhile, Eris intently gazed into the night, his body tense. Rhys nodded to his brothers and moved forward. They assumed she would be less frightened if he went first. He let the dry twig to crack under his boot on purpose, notifying them of his arrival.
Both siblings turned in the same time. Tension in Eris's shoulders melted away, replaced by sadness. Selene seemed to recognize him and shyly hid behind her brother.
The males nodded in greeting. "Everything okay?"
"Nobody saw us."
"And Beron?"
"Some kind of troubles with goods for wedding in the port."
Selene watched their quiet exchange calmly from behind the brother's back, curiously peeking at Lord of Night. She didn't seem to be surprised by the turn of events at all.
Rhys nodded at last and leaning to the side to get a better view, he smiled at her.
"Hey there," he said so softy he surprised even himself. "Do you remember me?"
"Yes, my lord," Selene answered shyly and hid even more into brother's shadow.
Rhysand huffed in amusement. "I thought we already had this conversation, darling. Only Rhys for you."
Eris winced at the way he addressed his sister, but didn't say a word. Instead he took his sister's hand and pulled her from behind him. "It's okay, dear. He's here to take you.. to safety."
She looked up at him with her big bright eyes, waiting. "I'm sorry, Sel," Eris continued, "I can't let you marry Tamlin. I genuinely think that he would be a good husband to you, but you wouldn't be happy with him. That's why you have to.." He couldn't finish the sentence, his voice failed him. Rhys noticed the tears in his eyes and decided to ignore them for now. He understood how hard this must be for him.
"So you allow me to leave with my mate?" Her silent question made them both gape at her in shock. Eris recovered as first and smiled sadly. He reached into the pocket between the words and pulled out a bigger bag.
"I- I packed you some clothes for the start.. and a couple of your favourite things.."
"You know about the bond?" Rhysand's heart stuttered. He didn't expect that.
She met his gaze for a second and quickly shied away, blushing fiercely. "Since the night we met here," she took her brother's sleeve between fingers and stepped closer to him, partly hiding behind him.
Rhysand was so happy that he couldn't find words. He had so many questions that he didn't know where to start. Cassian and Azriel quietly approached them and Selene's eyes widened with fear.
"That's okay, they won't hurt anyone. They are my friends who came to help me get you safely to my Court," Rhys held out hands, explaining. "This is Cassian, General of my armies, and this is Azriel, Spymaster. They are big, clumsy and quite grumpy, but both are very kind-hearted, I assure you. We grew up together like brothers."
When introduced, Cassian grinned widely and waved at her, while Azriel put hand on his chest and slightly bowed.
Eris scoffed, rolling eyes.
"It's time. We should go before someone notices she's gone," Azriel murmured lowly. He was right. It was too risky to stay here for too long.
Rhysand cleared his throat nervously and offered her hand. "Can we?"
She looked up at her brother questioningly. Eris's jaw tightened as he turned to face her. At first he only held her hands, suppressing his feelings, but then he broke and pulled her into a hug. He whispered her something in the ear and tried to wipe his tears away stealthily while pretending to clean some dirt from her shoulder.
They parted and Selene walked over to Rhys' group, her cheeks wet.
Eris sadly watched as Rhysand gently picked her up and handed her bag to Azriel. "Everything is going to be fine. He will take good care of you.. I'll visit you soon," he looked at Rhys who nodded in agreement.
"Anytime you want."
"Oh, and take this," Eris reached into his pocket and handed her a blank sheet of paper. She turned it in fingers, confused. "It's enchanted. If you want to talk with me, just write on the paper and it will teleport to me. When I answer, it will return. If there would be any trouble with it.." His eyes moved to Lord of Night.
"I'll gladly help you with it or you can write a letter and Azriel will deliver it for you."
The mentioned one nodded in agreement and opened the bag so she could put it in.
"I'll miss you, brother," she sobbed.
"I already miss you. Stay safe." Eris stepped away, hardly keeping his tears back. He put on his cool mask of heir, but his amber eyes were giving him away.
"Thank you," Rhysand swallowed hard, hardly suppressing his own emotions. "When you are ready, let me know. I owe you for this. And don't worry. She will be safe and well cared of. I'll write you when we arrive."
Eris only nodded, fists clenched at his sides and retreated a few steps to give them enough space. Rhysand summoned his wings and carefully took off followed by his brothers. Selene watched Eris until trees obscured her view. Then she wiped her tears and rested head on his shoulder. It took him by surprise and for a moment he forgot how to use the wings.
"Sorry," he apologised for the shock and she hummed in answer. He exhaled shakily, again feeling like a youngling on the first date. "A-are you scared? Of flying?"
"No," she whispered between sobs.
Rhys tugged her closer to his body, gently rubbing her shoulder with thumb. "I know it's kind of scary for you. You don't know me nor my family, but I promise I'll do anything to make you happy. And the bond.. I won't pressure you. It's up to you-"
"I want the bond," she said firmly, interrupting him. "I saw that we will be happy."
"You did?" Rhysand raised a brow. Eris probably failed to mention that his baby sister was a seer.
"Sometimes I see little flashes of my future. I knew that you will come for me."
He huffed. "Of course you did. You are the Moon Princess after all."
"Who's Moon Princess?" She seemed to calm down at last and stopped crying, but she stayed hidden in the crook of his neck.
"Well, she's someone my mother used to tell me a story about. Do you want to hear it?"
She nodded and so Rhys started quietly whispering the story into her ear while they were sliding through the peaceful night sky, heading to their own 'happily ever after'.
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elysiaheaven · 3 days
𝗜𝘁'𝘀 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿-𝟮𝟴-(The Fox's Wedding)
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Mentions of gorey, blood,mentions of sewing..disturbing descriptions.
Hoolay loomed over Jiaoqiu, his presence suffocating, his words laced with venom. The foxian healer stood his ground, but the weariness in his eyes betrayed him. Every secret, every revelation between them was a slow unraveling, and Hoolay reveled in it.
"Secrets are a weapon that a hunter cannot live without," Hoolay hissed, his voice low and menacing. "Those that have no secrets are no more than prey, cut open and waiting for death."
Jiaoqiu clenched his fists. "What you're saying is, in your eyes, I am no more than prey that has exhausted all of its secrets and is simply awaiting its death?"
Hoolay smiled darkly, leaning closer, his breath cold against Jiaoqiu's face. "Do you think you have some other escape route? Jiaoqiu, I have already peeled back your disguises and defenses, layer by layer. I know all the secrets that you and your general have buried so deep."
"But you've told me all of your secrets too, Warhead," Jiaoqiu retorted, a glimmer of defiance still burning in his voice.
Hoolay's laughter echoed, dark and mocking. "And yet, you will never have a chance to use them. You will be buried with them right here." His eyes gleamed with malice as he continued, "Although, you are a fortunate one... After all, you will avoid having to see the tragic future that awaits your general."
Jiaoqiu's heart sank at the mention of Feixiao. His gaze flickered with unease, but he stood firm, unwilling to let Hoolay's words sink in.
"I'm sure she understands her fate far better than you ever will," Hoolay continued, a cruel smile curling on his lips. "One day on the battlefield, she will be overpowered by her ever-intensifying Moon Rage and finally be torn apart by her fury and transformation. Not even your GodLan, The Hunt, can save her from this fate... Although, *they* can lead her to liberation."
Jiaoqiu's eyes narrowed. "And the only way to save her is in your hands?"
Hoolay's smile turned more sinister. "Yes. And you know it too, foxian. Deep down, you know I speak the truth. But no matter how much you fight it, no matter how hard you struggle, the end will come."
"Are you the healer or am I!?" Jiaoqiu spat, desperation creeping into his voice. "Are you really that certain of your own judgment?"
Hoolay tilted his head, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Certain enough. But before I go, you know what I must do, don't you?"
Jiaoqiu steeled himself, trembling yet refusing to break. "Drink bloodwine... I hear it is a borisin custom to kill prisoners and drink their blood before battle to stir up their madness."
Hoolay chuckled, his grip tightening around the hilt of his blood-stained blade. "You really did put hard work into researching us... It is a shame that this is where your journey ends."
He took a step forward, his smile widening into a sinister grin. "But, before I leave you to your fate, do you know how I killed her? How your beloved *died*?"
Jiaoqiu's eyes widened in horror, dread settling deep in his chest.
Hoolay's voice was dripping with malice now, each word designed to tear at the foxian's very soul. "I beheaded her. Watched her body, still full of fight, stumble and crawl toward you, as if she had any hope left. Her eyes—so desperate, so filled with terror. And do you know what the last thing she saw was?"
Jiaoqiu stood frozen, heart pounding painfully against his ribs.
Hoolay grinned, leaning in to whisper in his ear, "The last thing she saw was *your* tearful face."
Jiaoqiu's legs almost gave way, his vision blurred with rage and sorrow. Hoolay's laughter rang out, cruel and merciless, filling the air like a death knell.
"And now, Jiaoqiu, the last thing *you* will see is *her* face," Hoolay said, gesturing to the bloody head he had kept by his side. "Her lifeless, tear-streaked face as you draw your last breath."
In the stillness of the aftermath, a dark figure lay sprawled amidst the wreckage of violence and bloodshed. The room, now quiet, bore the aftermath of a brutal confrontation, the walls stained with the marks of struggle.
As Hoolay's footsteps faded into the distance, Jiaoqiu remained alone in the dark, blood-slicked room. The silence was thick, filled only with the echoes of Hoolay's cruel words and Jiaoqiu's labored breaths.
Jiaoqiu's gaze was fixed on the cold, unfeeling floor, his body numb but his mind racing. "Those who have no secrets... are no more than prey... cut open and waiting for death..." he muttered, his voice a hoarse whisper.
He took a deep breath, struggling against the pain and the growing numbness spreading through his limbs. "Enjoy the taste of my fresh blood, Hoolay. Unfortunately, I am not a man without secrets. I still have one little secret hidden up my sleeve."
His hand reached into his pocket, pulling out a vial of dark liquid. His fingers trembled slightly, but his resolve was unyielding. "Tumbledust," he whispered, looking at the vial with a faint, sad smile. "I drank it a while ago, and the poison is already flowing through my veins. Sooner or later... you will begin to feel the effects."
Jiaoqiu's expression hardened with determination, despite the creeping paralysis. "If the most lethal poison known to this world... is able to save innocent lives... then it can also be called a great medicine."
He cast one last glance at the bloodstained floor, his thoughts drifting to Feixiao. "I will do my best to cure you... Feixiao. At the cost of this insignificant life..."
Jiaoqiu's voice grew softer, tinged with regret. "I'm sorry... I couldn't even give you the death you wished for. Perhaps in another life... we could have been together."
With the last of his strength, Jiaoqiu's head drooped as he mumbled one final promise, his words barely audible. "In another life, let's get married... and live free of this suffering."
In the stillness of the aftermath, a dark figure lay sprawled amidst the wreckage of violence and bloodshed. The room, now quiet, bore the aftermath of a brutal confrontation, the walls stained with the marks of struggle.
You stirred, coming to consciousness in the dim, blood-slicked environment. Pain and exhaustion weighed heavily on your limbs, but you found yourself grappling with a profound sense of realization. A question echoed within you, a haunting whisper amidst the chaos.
"Do I still want to live?"
The question seemed almost absurd given the state you were in. The brutality of Hoolay's actions and the loss of so much—Jiaoqiu's last moments, the hopelessness of the situation—cast a shadow over your thoughts. Your heart pounded heavily, and every movement felt like a monumental effort, yet a sliver of consciousness remained.
You could feel the remnants of Hoolay's cruel taunts and the weight of Jiaoqiu's sacrifice pressing down upon you. His words, his final act of defiance, and his sorrowful promises were etched into your mind.
"I'm still here..." you murmured to yourself, struggling to push through the fog of pain and despair. "Despite everything, I'm still alive."
The blood on your skin seemed to pulse with a dark rhythm, and as you lay there, the choice of whether to cling to life or succumb to the darkness lingered in your mind. Your breath came in ragged gasps, each inhale a reminder of the choice you had to make.
A flicker of determination kindled within you. "Is this all there is?" you questioned, staring at the ceiling. "Is my fate to be defined by this endless cycle of pain and violence?"
Promise, Don't give on anything. Drag your life if you have to. If you still have someone you love. 
Live with them..
You saw yourself in a hollow place, Black and white and Nihility..?
The woman approached you, she has silver hair with a straight, smooth texture that reaches all the way to her thighs. Her skin is pale white and her eyes are red with white pupils. Most of her outfit is now colored in red, white and black. Red, tattoo-like markings are visible on her neck, midriff, and thighs. A few Adenium Obesum flowers are found on her arms, chest and shoulder guard.
No, You saw something else.  she wore a traditional white kimono with a red obi around her waist and traditional okobo sandals. She also had two red horns on her head with the right horn longer than the left horn.
Mei! Mei...?!
Choose your answer.
Into the depths of the promised day,
She carves the shape of love on her crimson fingertips.
Vanishing into the void, disappearing, all alone.
Her head and his eyes—
"If we unite in the shadows, It will bring an end to her suffering."
Reveal yourself, the one who vanished from my sight,
Why did you bear the agony for the man you sought to destroy?
Two bodies entwined, bound by the secret of the cure.
Captivating eyes,
The head of a woman,
You and I—soon to be erased.
Forget it all, and let us become one.
Into my depths, into the promised day,
I carve the shape of love upon my red fingertips.
The headless one will stitch herself back together,
For the future he promised her.
A faint voice echoes through the shadows. *"You still have to live... if not for yourself, then at least be useful for him... for his life."*
The darkness around you hums, and in that stillness, a strange warmth spreads through your cold body. Your fingers twitch.
*"Live..."* The voice urges again, commanding, relentless.
With trembling hands, you feel the jagged edges where your neck had once connected to your body. Pain sears through you, but your mind is strangely clear, focused.
*"At least be useful..."*
A desperate, broken breath escapes you as you reach for the needle. Slowly, you begin to sew, stitching the ragged flesh, pulling thread through skin with precision. Blood drips down your fingertips, yet your movements are steady, purposeful.
*Into my depths, into the promised day,*
*I carve the shape of love on my red fingertips...*
Each stitch draws you closer to life. Closer to him.
The world blurs as you fight to stay conscious, your heartbeat growing stronger with each pass of the needle. You are no longer just sewing your body together—you are weaving the threads of fate.
With the final stitch, you open your eyes, the cold light of survival flickering within them.
At the battle,
Feixiao's voice remains cold, resolute. "You think this is about power? About the choices you've given me? You have no idea what I truly desire, Hoolay."
Her eyes narrow, flickering with a fierce determination. "When I was just a child, I stained my hands with blood for the first time, to escape the whips and chains of the wolf masters. But now... there's someone else who desires your end far more than I ever could."
Hoolay's smug expression falters slightly as he notices the sound of dragging footsteps, slow and deliberate, approaching from behind. The air thickens with tension, and a twisted laugh echoes through the stillness.
Slowly, you step into the light, the weight of your blood-drenched kimono dragging behind you. Your head, barely stitched back to your body, still leaks crimson, and your blood-filled eyes are locked onto Hoolay's, unblinking, as they cry red tears of fury. In your hands, a massive sword scrapes against the ground, leaving a trail of blood in its wake.
Hoolay turns to face you, and his eyes widen as he takes in the sight before him.
"You took everything from me," you whisper, your voice broken yet laced with unhinged laughter. "You killed me, made me a monster... But now, I've come back to return the favor."
Your gaze, hollow and wild, pierces through him. "Look at me, Hoolay. Do you see what you've created? The very thing you tried to kill, now stands before you."
Hoolay opens his mouth, but before he can speak, your manic laughter cuts through the silence. You raise the sword high, dragging it through the air with the strength of madness.
You shriek as the blade comes down with brutal force.
Hoolay barely has time to react as you sever his head clean from his body. It rolls across the blood-soaked ground as your laughter continues to echo through the empty space.
You stand there, blood dripping from your neck, your body swaying with exhaustion but refusing to fall.
Feixiao watches in stunned silence as you drop the blade to the ground and turn toward her, blood still streaming from your eyes.
"It's over," you whisper, a ghostly smile tugging at your lips. "Finally... it's over. For me, Feixiao..Listen to me...Don't let him control you!"
'Y/N, But....."
You held her and hugged her, "Jiaoqiu, trusted you to bring victory to Yaoqing.... I'll try my best to aid you....Too..Please let's finish this. After I'll leave him...Please..."
Feixiao gasps as her eyes snap open, the remnants of a terrible nightmare dissolving in the cold morning air. She stares at the ceiling of the tent, her heartbeat slowing. Her breath is shallow as she whispers to herself, "Our little hunting game ends here."
Her eyes flicker with renewed determination as she raises her hand to the sky. "Might of the heavens, wolf in my heart... come to me... We shall conquer as one."
She sits up, clutching the sheets, her eyes fierce. "My only enemy... has always been myself."
A familiar voice interrupts her thoughts. "General?"
Feixiao turns, her gaze landing on Yanqing, who kneels beside her, eyes wide with concern. "General, you're awake!"
Feixiao lets out a shaky breath, her mind still racing, but her focus sharpens as she looks at him. "Yanqing..."
But then, she turns her gaze beyond him, to you. You stand nearby, still covered in the remnants of battle, your hands held up in surrender. Your face, smeared with blood and grief, carries the weight of your request. "I killed him... Hoolay. He tried to control you, Feixiao. I stopped him. But now... arrest me. Kill me. I know you don't understand... I—"
Feixiao's gaze softens. She rises to her feet, stepping toward you, her movements slow and deliberate. You flinch, expecting harsh judgment, but what happens next catches you completely off guard.
Feixiao wraps her arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. You freeze, unable to comprehend her warmth, her acceptance.
"I know what happened," Feixiao whispers against your ear. "I heard the letter you gave to Jing Yuan. I know everything."
You tremble in her arms, your voice weak. "You... you know? But... I thought..."
She pulls back slightly, looking into your eyes with a gentleness you hadn't expected. "I know you did what you had to... Y/n, Thank you...."
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the disappointment with my human body is strong tonight.
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blitzwhore · 4 months
It's not just the fact that Blitz and Stolas were having two completely different conversations at the end of The Full Moon. It's the fact that Blitz was the only one who realised this. At the very last second, he realised he wasn't having the conversation he thought he was, and he now has to sit with the knowledge of what Stolas was actually saying to him, and the weight of how Stolas must have interpreted his reaction.
Meanwhile, Stolas is still fully under the impression that Blitz understood what he was saying from the get go, and his reaction was completely genuine every step of the way.
They were both facing away from one another... And only Blitz looked Stolas' way.
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kinokoshoujoart · 5 months
Marrying Carter in Harvest Moon DS Cute! (North American version)
oh… sorry no not the archaeologist, i mean Pastor Carter from Mineral Town!
(or is it Pastor Curdy….?)
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teeechnically his descendant, and it causes a game over… but this is the only time we’ve been able to marry him right?
so in the girl version of HMDS, there’s two “secret” Mineral Town bachelors that you can marry by talking to them enough times on the phone. one is Mason, the guy who runs May’s Tailoring… but the second, Pastor Carter, is a bit more obscure…
i couldn’t find them uploaded anywhere so here are his 2nd* thru 10th conversations+his proposal+proposal rejection in english! if you want to see it on youtube instead here you go
*i failed to record the first conversation when it happened, and there’s no way in hell i’m resetting my whole game again (…yet), so…just know the first one was like “oh you want to talk? what should we talk about…….. …… ….. …. i can’t think of anything. well see ya………” extremely riveting stuff
he’s so obscure that i didn’t even realize that he was a bachelor until i found out about the mechanic from this japanese wiki!! (here’s an archive link to the page on him in case the page doesn’t work) all i did was test whether it worked in english since i couldn’t find any english info at all mentioning it. i’m sure others have found him… right……..
in case the links above don’t work, a small guide to holy matrimony below the cut since i can’t find one in english
it works essentially the same as the Mason marriage (so it’s just a game over, sadly…), and the steps are pretty tedious and counterintuitive, so you’re unlikely to just stumble across it… but you too can get a priest to break his vow of celibacy for you or whatever!
you will need:
at least 2,050,000 G
20 cursed tools/accessories
if you really don’t want to dig up 20 cursed things you can substitute 100x “remove a cursed tool/accessory” for blessing a cursed tool…
but, including all the cursed tools and accessories, there’s only 16… which means you will need to go dig up 4 duplicate cursed accessories using this method! yay!!! extremely pointless since you can’t sell blessed accessories until after marriage in DS for girl (at which point you can’t trigger pastor carter’s proposal)
you unlock a conversation with cardi when you spend at least 205,000 G. which means the quickest thing to do is to order removal of a cursed item five times, then bless 2 cursed items.
**be careful when blessing accessories to only equip one at a time!!! if you equip a stack of duplicate accessories, blessing that stack destroys the duplicates!!!! :( so just take 1 out of the stack and equip it!!!**
you also can’t unlock more conversations until you’ve seen the one you unlocked, so like even if you spend a million G you’ll just unlock one conversation, and you’ll need to finish that conversation and then spend 205,000 G to unlock the next one…yeah….
on the tenth conversation he abruptly reveals that he’s fallen in love with you and asks you to marry him! it ends your game, but….! on the bright side, it ends your game!!! you’re finally free from Hell Simulator!!!!
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sleepymaven · 2 months
Elden Ring/Dark Souls and the Sheer Lack of Fanfics. (A Slight Rant and Ramble.)
Alright, we need to talk, Elden Ring and Dark Souls Fandoms...
There are hundreds of thousands of you out there who love these games... So many, in fact, that they are both some of the most popular game franchises ever made...
So, pray tell, why is there such an atrocious lack of... fanfics!?
Come on, man! I. Want. More. Fanfiction!!
Give me a coffee shop au where Miquella takes Malenia to his favorite coffee shop and introduces her to the cute batista.
Give me a crossover ship between Messmer and Gwyndolin where they help eachother through their familial issues and trauma.
Give me a hurt/no comfort between Radagon and Rennala showing how the divorce went.
Give me an actor au where it shows the behind the scenes and/or bloopers for the character messing up or forgetting their lines.
Give me a Gwyndolin x Chosen Undead!reader with extra fluff and a side of gentle smut.
Give me Rennala x Carian Knight!reader where you help take care of her while she's in the library.
Give me a modern crossover au where Malenia is dating Gwynevere and going through the motions of being a cute, domestic couple before ending it with them being wife and wife and officially married. (I desperately want to see this one, I'm BEGGING.)
Give me a crack fic where Gwyndolin takes his snakes to the vet.
Give me a canon divergence au where you save Godwyn from being assassinated.
Give me Godwyn x Consort!reader where you and him are married.
Give me modern au Godwyn where he's a himbo who forgot his wallet at home to pay for his singular candy bar.
Give me a Godwyn x Tarnished!reader were you get to peg him. (I would also read this one, btw...)
Give me Godwyn with a breeding kink.
You know what...
Just give me any Godwyn fanfics!
Don't be shy people, make some more!
Make me some fanfiction or else I will ascend to godhood and place an eternal curse upon thee! 😡
..please? 🙏
Pretty please with a cherry on top..?
Just give me more Godwyn, please! 😭
(More Gwyndolin would also be IMMENSELY appreciated.)
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definegodliness · 2 months
In that tiniest kitchen With the large second storey window Overlooking the patio, Which I couldn't recall If my life depended on it, I saw the future.
I was looking at you, And you had strung on an apron Like a statement:
I'm all in.
Not like a red dress with high heels.
All. In.
Then you handed me a knife, and Let your fingers linger, Caressing mine.
As in:
Act. Decide. Want.
I cannot remember cooking or eating, But I can remember seeing the future.
You were Smiling a lot that day; Beautifully smiling, and, In hindsight, It was because you found out I did love you, That day.
I consider it my life's highest moment To see that joy of affirmation In your eyes.
Even if it took me another two months To realise I wasn't dreaming.
You kept pinching me Until I believed.
I love you.
When I heard you say it, I wore a smile I had seen before, but couldn't fathom Was for me, then.
I was all yours, And you were all mine And for that one perfect moment in time We conquered eternity.
We did.
We saw.
We lost it all.
We touched A soul-birthing connection.
We kissed A lifetime beyond human comprehension.
We fucked For all And anything; The pleasure and pain Of wanting to be, but being unable To fuse into One Single being.
We died in that space which Separated The atoms Between
-- 21-7-2024, M.A. Tempels ©
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yada9y9 · 5 months
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[🌓] Day 7: Sun/Moon/Stars
Just look my way.
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not-eli · 8 months
Blitzø: I'm so glad we're friends again Fizz I missed you
Fans: OMG!!!! HE'S SO IN LOVE LOOK AT HIM!!! He totally still has feelings for Fizz!!!!
Blitzø: *blushes at Stolas multiple times, shows concern about him, loses his mind when Striker kidnaps him, looks at him with literal heart eyes, is willing to flirt with him, literally cries because he misses him but is afraid of fucking up, mumbles out his name while drunk*
Fans: mmhhh no he totally hates Stolas lmaoooo
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crabsnpersimmons · 6 months
Moon ass Monday will return, I know it will. You cannot hide.
i do not doubt it 😂
as sure as the night follows the day, Moon ass Monday will grace us again
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[urge to work on that bsd timeline increases] → if you do end up working on it, I’d be extremely thankful
Timelines/Time passing in fiction is one of my greatest weaknesses (unless it’s explicitly stated; e.g., “summertime”, “last year”)
Second, the season was clearly described as summer. In fact, seasons have never actually been mentioned flat out in the manga and novels up until now. Instead, they have simply been sprinkled with hints. They could have been spring or fall, but this time, it was made clear that it was a hot summer day. Why? Well, I won’t exactly say why just in case you haven’t read the book yet, but when a certain skill activated, I really felt as if it was during a hot season—a boiling summer day under the clear blue sky. I wonder why I felt that way? Regardless, that’s just how it is.
(55 Minutes afterword by Kafka Asagiri)
Asagiri is my nemesis for this quote in particular because it's a curve ball into an otherwise straightforward timeline. "oh idk it could have been spring or fall but this part that I said takes place between the Guild arc and the Cannibalism arc happened in summer" ok cool so like either it's been a whole year (unlikely) or everything happens in less than 6 months, sure
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age-of-moonknight · 11 months
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“Deliverance,” Marvel Zombies: Black, White & Blood (Vol. 1/2023), #1.
Writer: Ashley Allen; Artist: Justin Mason; Letterer: Clayton Cowles
#Marvel#Marvel comics#Marvel Zombies: Black White & Blood#Moon Knight comics#latest release#Moon Knight#Marc Spector#Khonshu#so yeah this is yet another story that ends on the incredibly bitter note of Marc fully handing the reins over to Khonshu#(with the added bonus of being zombified and eating former comrades)#but idk this page in particular got me thinking (on multiple things) so bear with me#firstly I find it increasingly interesting how in these short stories a reoccurring theme if the creators are going for the horror angle#is Khonshu taking full control and yeah that’s terrifying considering how much of modern MK comics are about restoring autonomy#both in the literal sense (shaking off Khonshu’s influence and kicking him to the curb) and in a more ephemeral sense (proving that#while categorically neurodivergent MK’s not just «some loony» but a dependable hero in his own right#so I guess it just gets me that in this case it’s a matter of sacrifice#that Marc would give up something he fought endlessly hard for to save civilian lives (although the creators succeed in making this#still feel like not a complete victory)#the other major things for me is Khonshu’s «faith has never needed rationality» which is…something I take personal umbrage with#that’s a common understanding of the term but arguably the strongest faith is born of rationality#the idea of logically coming to the conclusion that «I have combed through everything on this Earth and determined that there are something#outside the human understanding and thus I’ll hold strong to a faith in something not of this world#the fingerprints/evidences of which are still apparent even in this world too»#thus personally I see Khonshu’s statement there as another example of his oft-used manipulation: his attempts to convince Marc that#his mind and consequently Marc himself are unreliable and useless without Khonshu’s guidance#(i.e. overbearing and uncaring control) and tbh that’s pretty horrific
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