#fukuzawa yukichi x reader
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Too cute
so my cats do this thing where they will groom each other, nap a bit, then start snapping at each other until they have a chase around the house
It was really difficult to cull this list, so I chose ones that seemed fun or obvious from my character list. The experience illuminated the separation and overlap between whumpable characters and ones you want to mess up with your own hands oop.
▷∥ Jihyun (V), Alucard, Joanne Harcourt, Kunikida, Dazai, Jōno, Sasuke, Itachi, Obito, Haku, Jiaoqiu, Sunday, Lucio, Asra, Yoshida
now, this list looks deceptively short, but as a vertical post is excruciatingly long. hopefully there's something for everyone, below the cut!
🐊 read until the end for a few extra treats🐊
Omegas who elicit cuteness aggression:
Jihyun (V)
Extremely biteable, extremely squishable, much more playful rather than passive after he learns how to put up boundaries. He's especially nice to overstimulate because he gets wriggly and does a particularly weird thing where he chirps at you, like calling you, and yes, it is very sweet because it's like a reassurance thing, but also it's a bit silly how it gets faster and more frequent the most overstimulated he is. He does overlap quite strongly with a whump factor. He is very pretty when he cries and when he behaves gently or pitifully this makes him even more biteable. Pounce on him. Nicely.
Blonde goth sad boy aesthetic, especially with the season 4(?) outfit, makes you want to hug him. Harder. Harder!!! Squeeze him hard!! Luckily, he's very durable and tolerates this with good grace. Biting is interesting because of the whole vampire thing, which I like to think is mutually erotic if you both bite one another. He develops a bit of a degradation thing at some point, and he'll get cute and bratty if you tease him about being a needy little thing, letting you punish or goad him into compliance. He also has overlap with the whump part of the venn diagram but probably don't squish him when he's actually feeling down. Measure out the cuteness aggression by kissing him lots, it'll make you and him feel better.
Joanne Harcourt (before anyone gets stupid, when I talk about Joanne Harcourt he is of course aged up, having survived having the Earl Phantomhive as a friend and hopefully graduated from fantasy Eton little worse for wear)
Joanne gets overwhelmed easily, and whines and trembles when he is. It is exceedingly cute. Tall and willowy with a shy demeanor, luminous eyes, and lightly wind-blushed cheeks (oxford commas!), Joanne is a true English-rose of an omega in traditional high collars and never caught without gloves. If you want to be the one to mess him up with your own hands, you have to be a little bit willing to growl at other alphas who want to do the same but won't take responsibility for it. However, Joanne doesn't carry a strong "whump" factor. He mostly seems to elicit pity and protective instincts when he interacts with the worse part of Phantomhive's magic nonsense, or the underbelly of London.
I never said acting on cuteness aggression is smart with every omega. The first time you finally give in and just... nibble on him, I think Kunikida would start yelling "ouch, what was that for, what a degenerate alpha doing this where anyone can see" yadda yadda, etc etc, honestly a total diva about it, okay maybe you feel a tiny bit guilty, but that is what you love about him. He has a cranky old man attitude, no filter, and a tsundere demeanor that absolutely doesn't land with everyone, but it's extremely funny to make him mad, you get why Dazai does it, and in your case the more he puffs like a done kettle, the more you want to pin him down and make him yell more (he yells after you leave him covered in marks too 😈, it's a shame you're too tired from making them to do more)
Triggers cuteness aggression and is just aggressive rip. Snappish, sullen, extremely shy when he reciprocates romantic affection (because it means confronting feelings besides justified irritation and righteous anger and self-effacement). You'd think he'd have Sasuke energy but he's more grumbly than outright lowkey hateful to individuals but does occasionally exhibit some like, aggressive puppy behavior, including the "gets tired and just lays tummy-up on the floor". He's also a little bit used to it. His... Gojo, Gojo's alpha, his sister's friends (Tsumiki knows him too well to be taken in most of the time), Yuuji, Maki... you get it. It's that cute face and "you can't make me admit I like attention" that draws everyone.
Unlike his glass doll of a brother, Sasuke can take some roughhousing and is used to it... from his brother, but also from Shisui and some other cousins/mentors (more on this later). He's sort of resigned to it when he first realizes his alpha is sneaking in some extra squishing or nibbling (as long as it's not so visible it ruins his image). Later though, he starts to expect it and will pout mightily if you don't roughhouse with him extoling both his behavioral and physical delights. This happens the first time during a heat and he is ruthless after, due to being thoroughly embarrassed. When you tone it down to give him time to calm down... he gets petty. Don't you think he's cute anymore! Why aren't you pinching his thighs or his butt when he walks by, why don't you "sneak" up behind him and burry your face in his shirt! Thus comes a rare moment of him sitting on your lap when you're reading and intentionally being cute and putting your hand on his legs to tell you to get on with it again.
The first thing is he makes cute sounds. When he yawns it's like a kitten or a puppy yawning. If you rub his ears or massage behind them, he can make this high-pitched sighing sound that is so cute it literally can flatten someone. The second thing is that his fur parts are so soft he has to scold you for touching him too much/all the time, squeezing too hard like a rambunctious pup. If you look pathetic about it, he will show you how to grab him in ways that are not uncomfortable (and my even lead to something else 😉). The third thing is he is cute when he is cooking (or making medicine but we have to have some self-control). He hums to himself and shuffles in place like he's dancing when he's cooking, and he's so happy when something tastes good. He doesn't cry but super spicy things still make him look uncomfortable and there's something to be said for having to baby him while he's enjoying the pain.
He is typically so stiff and anxious it is very difficult to find him doing anything interesting enough to be considered cute, unless you clock this behavior as just really strange and then it becomes sad because it's to do with the collision of personality and upbringing making him really scared to make a "wrong" move. This isn't the part that inspires cuteness aggression. When he finally loosens up (literally, like his tie isn't tight enough to choke him anymore if he's not keeping perfect posture), that's when this show of trust and vulnerability inspires a slightly unfortunate urge to do to him what you cannot reasonably do to small, cute animals. His alpha feel really badly the first time they leave bruises from grabbing his thighs far too hard. Sunday is scared by the cognitive dissonance of his sculpted persona not being the kind of person to let his happen and the marks being result of an unguardedness that felt so good it feels wrong now that he's out of that headspace. It takes a lot of work both with and without a partner to for him to accept the natural messiness of intimacy.
Oh boy, another grumpy old man. At this point, I think it's to do with my tastes, but I won't apologize for it! Personally, I find the grumpiness cute, like with a grumpy cat. Rbf-disgruntled Levi is just a cute Levi (can be drawn in for some mutual snarking if in public, otherwise just be near him so he's not awkward and alone), a sleepy Levi is a cute Levi (that needs your shoulder as a pillow stat). He's not so cute when he's dressing down a cadet who nearly took another cadet's head off but at least that's not you because Levi has a competency kink. He has this very alert yet relaxed, dare I say perky, way of walking when you tidy your shared spaces to his satisfaction, it makes his butt look very cute and he kind of knows it. Mostly he's the target of cuteness aggression when you're being intimate together. His face just makes you want to bite him and touch him and make him cry more, he needs to fall apart and let you take care of everything.
Omegas with cuteness aggression:
He's someone who makes you want to mess him up. Those big pouty eyes, and soft, mischievous mouth, the lanky clumsiness all puts ideas in your head all too easily. However, your impulse absolutely pales compared to his. Dazai is someone who goes above and beyond the simply "want to bite, want to squeeze, want to pinch" of cuteness aggression (see exhibit A, blowing up an old partner he has complex feelings for's car). He isn't destructive with his Alpha, but he isn't above tricking them into situations he will find them cute or responding in a cute way. Innocent methods include trying on cute accessories and going extra cute cafes so his alpha get excited about the food. Less innocent methods include getting himself used as ransom or putting you in a situation where you experience other emotional upheaval (with a suitable catharsis of course).
Obito (and Tobi)
I mean, you had to see this coming, right? The jokester with a savior complex, ridiculously devoted to the people he loves, puts them on a pedestal. Of course he has moments where he thinks his alpha is the cutest thing in the world. And then there's this itch in his teeth that can't be satisfied by anything except for biting, or wrestling, pushing, shoving, play fighting. A non-massacre Obito tones it down a littlem but he's well known to simply enjoy cute things, small animals, sweet old people, butterflies. No one's surprised that he chooses an alpha who matches this aesthetic sensibility of his. He has ADHD so bad (basically as bad as Naruto) and one of the things he hyper-focuses on is his mate, to the point he'll have something similar to Kakashi vs Guy level fights around the village where his blood is pounding, he keeps looking behind him, grinning like mad because isn't his alpha just perfect, so cute how they can't catch him yet, that focused look on their face, ah, that's a clone, the real one's on his left. They've got him and he's got them.
Are all of these omegas a little scary?! Scary pretty husbands. Yes. A rarer but no less beloved breed. It doesn't matter than Jōno can't see you, since he can sense changes in your moods and hear everything (rip to your privacy when he's curious). He finds it extremely cute when his alpha is flustered, if his alpha laughs quietly and no one but him can tell they think something is funny, if his alpha gets irritated by people being rude and uses their skills to fix the problem (or even if they just grit their teeth and bear it to preserve decorum), if his alpha does silly things like stockpile way too much of a favorite snack when it's on sale... He knows some of it's silly, but apparently silly is what love makes you. His version of cuteness aggression ranges from saying he wants you to guide him and mushing himself against your side and grabbing your arms too tight to fantasizing about living his life as a vapor so that he can literally sink into your lungs and tissues. He knows this is abnormal, but so is a lot about him, so he keeps these thoughts mostly to himself and limits himself to using very small parts of himself (mostly with permission) or just pressing himself as tightly to your body as possible.
Itachi also elicits cuteness aggression, but his reaction outweighs his alpha's and he also gets overwhelmed with others offering those kinds of outbursts at him so he prefers his alpha not to do it [too aggressively]. His cuteness aggression = his feral kitten energy showing. It started with Sasuke. Itachi finds Sasuke unutterably adorable. However, itach is also very reserved and has limited attention to dispense to others, so apart from holding Sasuke all the time when he was a baby and later finding that his hands sort of clench and his teeth ache when his alpha does something very attractive (mitigated by his shuffling closer and perhaps tugging their sleeve so they scent him thoroughly and make him melty and too weak to do anything silly), he never acts on it. Even when he knows what the feeling is, it's mildly disturbing for him to be hit with a destructive urge directed at someone infinitely precious to him, so he mostly attempts to resist it. He's happy enough with a pillow to make biscuits upon if you give it to him (but he'll also be happy to do something like suck on your fingers).
Haku has a strong affinity for dark mischief and the attitude that necessity is a good excuse for any course of action. He has no qualms about an urge to squeeze his alpha until their bones creak or shaking them until they're dizzy or gnawing on them while they pat his head or biting at their neck and chest and scratching them silly until even they struggle or, or.... okay better calm down now. Sometimes his mate catches him staring at them with this rather intense look, smiling, leaning his head on his hand. Every time you ask him what he's thinking about, he says something that is either nonsensical, or simply distracting like how he spotted a bird in the plants behind you, or something embarrassing about how much he appreciates you, or some other compliment. It's disarming because he's a teeny tiny bit concerned you'll be taken aback by what's in his head. It's better to fantasize anyway where reality cannot bridge the gap.
Lucio has a really bad case of cuteness aggression, and he's both obnoxious and loud about it. He's also kind of a wimp though so it comes across more like his typical bratting behavior and is pretty easy to turn the tables on him. Unlike some of the others, this doesn't quiet his mind and get him to back off but makes him more aggressive. If you get him into a spare room or a dark corner, or even his room since somehow the count doesn't do any counting, trying to deal with him, he just gets mouthier and mouthier until the exertion catches up with him and the energy is all worked out. He'll openly say whatever he is thinking. To others, if they were to hear, it may seem a bit scary, but his alpha treats him more like one of his big hounds, ruffling his hair, tickling his tummy, and his teeth aren't so sharp for them.
I'm pretty sure he engages in some behavior drawn from this emotion in the game. Asra's icon is a fox and his familiar is a snake, he loves twisty puzzles and causing an innocent amount of trouble. Sometimes you catch him digging his fingers into his scarf or bag and staring at you, his lovely eyes practically predatory. He's entirely unrepentant about it. Biting his alpha is something he portions out, lest they get used to it, because the cute, surprised yelp is part of the charm. His cuteness aggression is primarily contained within his thoughts, during which he will just sit happily or wriggle around in a stack of pillows while thinking about the cute things his alpha has done.
He already "liked" Denji so much he ***** and helped ****** and got him*******, it might be scarier to see what he does to someone he loves. Octopi often cannibalize their mates too, as he frequently reminds you when he starts nibbling on you while you're still knotted together. Yoshida is very good at blending in, remaining just the right amount of visible, but with his alpha, he likes to flirt, to fluster, to make them slightly embarrassed or knock them off balance. He likes to cling and suck bruises on your skin, mostly for him, but it's nice when someone who's looking sees it and gets secondhand embarrassment, especially when his alpha mostly looks shy and a bit pleased, like he's given them an amethyst or ruby or a mother-of-pearl to wear rather than just a bruise.
Honorable mentions:
Fukuzawa and Akutagawa both inspire semi-infrequent bouts of cuteness aggression. Fukuzawa usually tolerates his alpha's with good grace, although he feels a bit cornered if you're loud about it out of doors, he is deliciously quiet, if that's a turn-on for anyone. If you try and bite Akutagawa without warning... you'll end up being very grateful for his good reflexes. He doesn't like it much. He's afraid he'll hurt you so probably don't startle him, okay?
Satoru has a mild case of cuteness aggression, but he isn't used to touching people, so he mainly acts annoying about it when he finds you cute. Sometimes he'll yank you in and rub his cheek on you, but it's all an act, usually to put some nosey omega off. Shisui can be an abominable menace in the same vein, eating with his eyes and storing away every memory of anything that endears him since he's unused to contact not associated with either family or violence. Before he's comfortable, he'll do it the same way, too possessive to let the one he wants completely go, but knowing he can't flaunt a claim he doesn't have with anymore more substantial than his presence. Satoru occasionally does something so cute his alpha wants to run at his screaming to bite his throat, but he usually ruins it by saying something stupid. The same impulse in Shisui's alpha scares him so he does the same, redirecting them, once by giving them a literal chew toy, which was a very low moment for their ego.
Aventurine likes to annoy people he finds fascinating. It wasn't always this way, but he likes to give real excuse to people he's worried won't like him, rather than have them hate him for his eyes or his blood or his money or his unattainability or his slutty waist or any of a dozen other things he hardly has control over. When he finally is interested in an alpha, the interest is both irritating and endearing (for him). When he finds them cute, there several layers of panic suddenly embedded under that feeling, under that desire. This ratchets his emotions up high enough that suddenly he wants you small enough to squeeze in his palms, wants to strangle you with pearls, wants you studded with emeralds and sapphires and rubies like they'd made up a stained-glass window you crashed through. The world made sure he was perfectly capable of very visceral violence and he has a very good memory. He bares his teeth in the mirror and sees if he can scare you off so he can stop worrying about this new vulnerability.
Toge lives daily with the knowledge that opening his mouth could hurt his mate very badly, a fact which easily lends itself to intrusive thoughts. He could make them do anything, embarrass them by demanding cute but embarrassing behaviors, command them to stop breathing unless they're looking at him, tell them come to me and see how far they'll go to do so, beg them to put their mouth on him just so he can see that adorable, glassy-eyed looked they get when they taste him for long enough. In some ways they're nice fantasies, where he has a voice he's able to use, where the danger sealed inside him is dangerous but also, not really because it's not his mate, it's a figment of his imagination. When he sees his mate do something cute, habit denies him, but his chest aches to say something but saying anything normal could have unbearable consequences. Sometimes, when his mate catches him in the midst of these daydreams, it helps him to just squeeze them hard and purr, making some kind of noise that tells them how he really feels.
#omegaverse#mystic messenger#black butler#bsd#the arcana#csm#fushiguro megumi x reader#alucard x reader#v mystic messenger#joanne harcourt x reader#bsd kunikida doppo#sasuke x reader#jiaoqiu x reader#sunday x reader#levi ackerman x reader#bsd dazai osamu#uchiha obito x reader#bsd jono x reader#uchiha itachi x reader#Haku x reader#Count Lucio x reader#Asra x reader#Yoshida Hirofumi x reader#Fukuzawa Yukichi x reader#akutagawa ryunosuke x reader#gojo satoru x reader#uchiha shisui x reader#aventurine x reader#inumaki toge x reader#from the notebook
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Fukuzawa thoughts
Thinking about Fukuzawa's wife working alongside him in the ADA, both almost like complete strangers as they try to keep up a put-together and serious exterior for their peers, but there are always those moments when one may catch the skin around Fukuzawa's eyes crinkling as he bites off a smile when you whisper sweet words into his ear, though you might have to be the more observant type to notice that detail. And if one's timing is perfect, they're sure to catch the pair enjoying a warm cup of tea in his office, chatting away peacefully before being disturbed by the requests and prodding of the rest of the ADA.
And for this one, you'd have to pay EXTRA close attention to Fukuzawa, but when he looks at you, his eyes seem to soften ever so slightly, a sliver of admiration gleaming in his eyes.
(You and Fukuzawa are the parents of everyone else I don't make the rules)
#.cultluvin#.cultthoughts#bsd fukuzawa#fukuzawa yukichi#bungo stray dogs fukuzawa#fukuzawa x reader#bsd x reader#bsd x y/n#bsd x female reader#bsd x you#fukuzawa yukichi x reader#yukichi fukuzawa#bungou stray dogs x reader
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bungo stray dogs - meet cutes

hey guyzzz soooo here's my one piece of writing for the next 10 months 😛🩷
jk but fr it's hard for me to write anything consistently so thank you for bearing with me!!!! :3
i always appreciate all forms of support!! I’ve been having bsd brainworms for a couple months now so expect more ramblings at some point ok thx for reading BYEEEEEEEE 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
cw: gn reader, mention of cigarettes, reader has a cat, light stalking
characters: nakahara chuuya, fukuzawa yukichi, oda sakunosuke wc: 2600+
you’re the cute cashier who works the graveyard shift at my local convenience store and i'm always awake at odd hours - nakahara chuuya
Chuuya stifled a yawn and wearily checked his phone. The numbers [3:27 AM] glared back at him with an irritating brightness, almost mocking him for staying up so late. He sighed and pocketed his phone, glancing up at the sky which was still a deep indigo, the stars barely visible from the copious amounts of light pollution.
He grumbled something illegible under his breath and pushed open the door to the nearest convenience store. The door jingled lightly, the smell of nondescript floor cleaner invading his nostrils as he stepped into the cramped space.
“Welcome…” you called out wearily from the register, though you couldn’t see who just walked in due to the height of the shelves blocking your view.
He barely acknowledged your existence at the opposite side of the store, instead choosing to browse the shelves.
He eventually made his way to the register, dropping a bottle of water on the counter before finally looking up at you.
“And I’ll take a pack of Marlboro Golds.”
You glanced at him quickly while scanning the water and box of cigarettes, trying to take in as much of his appearance as possible without looking creepy.
You hadn’t seen him before since starting this job a week ago, and he certainly was a sight for sore eyes.
His hair was a fiery orange that fell in slight waves over his shoulder, with piercing eyes that made your heart skip a beat.
You silently punched in your employee discount as he pulled out his wallet. Though it was only 10% off, he looked like he’d been from hell and back, and you felt strangely empathetic towards this stranger, wanting to make his night a little easier in the only way you could without getting in trouble.
You finished the transaction and handed him the receipt, finally mustering the courage to look at his face again. To your surprise, he was looking directly at you this time, his eyes narrowed as he studied you.
You quickly averted your gaze and hastily bowed, babbling out a customary “Thank you, come again”.
As he left the building, he quickly scanned the receipt. His eyebrows raised a little as he saw the discount. Of course he would never need it with his cushy salary, but you had no way of knowing that. You simply saw him as a tired man who had a rough day, extending kindness the only way you knew how. The thought of a stranger showing him pity made his brow furrow, but he couldn’t deny how his heart squeezed when he remembered those kind eyes.
The next night, you were back behind the register, eyes glazing over while you stared aimlessly at the wall. The door jingled and you snapped to attention.
Your heart skipped a beat when you saw the same handsome man from yesterday walk in. You fidgeted with your hair and nails trying to look more presentable under the unflattering fluorescent lights.
He made his rounds and eventually came to the counter again, dropping his choices on the counter.
Before you could open your mouth, he spoke.
“Don’t do that again.”
You gaped like a fish and internally panicked, mind racing trying to find where you had gone wrong.
“I-I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you mean…”
“The discount. I don’t need it.”
“Oh my apologies, you just looked like you were having a rough day and I wanted to try and make it a little better…I didn’t mean to insult you…” you rambled. You couldn’t hide the embarrassment on your face, cheeks and ears heating up rapidly as you felt yourself pinned under his strong gaze.
He sighed, “It’s fine, just don’t do it again. I don’t need your charity.”
‘…or for you to get in trouble trying to help me.’
You wanted to curl up and die right there, but instead you scanned his items and stuffed them in a bag, staring down at the white countertop and praying for the minutes to go faster so you could go home and scream.
Noticing your discomfort, Chuuya sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. He finished the transaction and muttered a small “thank you” before dropping a small piece of paper on the counter. He immediately whirled around and headed out the door so you couldn’t see the slight blush tingeing his face and ears.
I’ll pay you back. Here’s my number.
You looked up in surprise but he was already out the door, the jingle of the doorbells signaling his departure. You smiled and blushed lightly, the fatigue from your long shift briefly alleviated as butterflies fluttered in your stomach at the thought of the handsome stranger.
“Ah… I didn’t even get his name…”
you’re the owner of the cat i’ve been feeding because i thought it was a stray - fukuzawa yukichi
It was a relatively quiet day, the weather was nice and the streets were slightly less busy than usual. Fukuzawa closed his eyes and let the warm rays of sun seep into his tired skin, silently basking after a long day of being chained to his desk.
His meditation was broken as a striped tail curled around his leg. Much to his delight, a friendly looking cat chirped and rubbed its face affectionately on his legs. His eyes softened as he reached down to let the cat sniff his hand, then softly pet its head.
He swiftly took a small dried fish out of his sleeve and offered it, to which the cat excitedly accepted, purring up a storm as it crunched hungrily on the treat. His shoulders dropped slightly, stress and tension slowly melting away as he continued to admire the furry creature.
The cat writhed on the ground, soaking up every ounce of attention from him as he continued to gently pet its fur. As if compelled by an unknown force, the cat suddenly shot its head up and glanced around, before running off into the bushes. Fukuzawa looked around for what could’ve possibly scared the cat away, but saw nothing. Slightly disappointed, he stood and returned to the office.
The next couple of days it came back as friendly as ever, and with an even more ravenous appetite for treats. Of course Fukuzawa was happy to oblige, showering the cat with affection and treats every time.
“You have quite an appetite for such a small cat, don’t eat too many treats now.” he murmured, his stoic face unchanging yet there was a glimmer of admiration in his eyes.
“There you are! You greedy little shit!!”
His respite was broken as an angry voice yelled out from across the courtyard. The cat seemed to instantly recognize the voice and immediately ducked behind Fukuzawa’s legs.
You jogged up to him, slightly out of breath, and looked up at the man who your cat was using as a shield. He had a commanding presence, with sharp blue eyes and silvery wolf cut. Your eyes locked for a split second and your heart jumped, this dignified-looking man was certainly easy on the eyes to say the least. Clearing your throat and brushing stray hairs out of your face, you awkwardly waved.
“Hi, that cat belongs to me. I’m sorry if she caused you any trouble.”
You smiled at him but glared daggers at your cat, who simply looked back at you. Though somehow, you could feel a smug aura radiating from it.
He looked down at the cat then back to you with a very slightly amused expression.
“No, she wasn’t bothering me. She’s quite sweet.”
His voice rolled out deep and smooth, matching his serious appearance. He extended his hand down and your cat happily rubbed her face on it, purring up a storm.
“She really likes people, but that’s because she really, really likes food.”
You sighed and squatted down to attempt to grab your cat, but she ducked further behind the fold of the man’s yukata. You frowned and huffed but didn’t move any further, lest you’d be kneeling between this stranger’s legs. Fukuzawa noticed your discomfort and scooped up the cat in his arms, handing her off to you. You gratefully lifted your cat, accidentally brushing his large hand in the process which sent a small jolt of adrenaline through your body.
“She’s not supposed to be outside but somehow she always manages to slip out. I feed her regularly but it doesn’t matter, she’s insatiable.”
Knowing the jig was up, your cat meowed in protest and squirmed in your arms.
“I mean how am I supposed to feel when my cat is going up to strangers and begging like she’s starving? She’s making me look like a neglectful owner to the whole damn city!”
You continued to ramble, before realizing you were venting your frustrations on this poor random man.
He looked at you, a slight twinkle of amusement in his eyes.
“She looks healthy and happy, it’s obvious someone loves her very much.”
You felt your face heat up as he reassured you, wholly unprepared for the praise from this stern-looking yet attractive older man.
“Ah… well thank you very much for taking care of my cat.” You bowed politely. “Please let me pay you back somehow.”
He shook his head gently and tucked his arms in his sleeves. “No need, it was no trouble at all.”
“I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t help you out in return, I insist.”
You rummaged hastily through your bag and retrieved a pen and a crumpled receipt, scribbling down your number and name before handing it to him.
You were telling half of the truth; you really did want to pay him back, but you also wanted an excuse to see this hot man again.
“Ugh, I have to go, but please don’t hesitate to reach out. Again, thank you so much for taking care of her.” You bowed one more time before speed-walking down the street, indignant meows fading as you turned the corner.
Fukuzawa looked at the small piece of paper in his hand, tucking it in his sleeve as the faintest of smiles graced his face for a second.
you ask me for help to pretend to be your boyfriend to scare off a creep - oda sakunosuke
You glance over your shoulder warily while pulling your jacket tighter over your midsection, walking faster down the street. To your demise, the shady looking man that started following you a few blocks ago continued to tail you despite taking several twists and turns to try and throw him off. Cursing under your breath, you opened the door to the nearest establishment and quickly ducked in hoping to find a place you could stake it out until he left.
You’d never been to this bar before despite passing it multiple times on your way home, but it was much nicer than expected. The narrow stairs opened up into a cozy bar, moody lighting glinting off of the polished wooden stools. The only patron was a rather tall man with reddish hair, sitting quietly sipping on his drink.
Although he was a complete stranger, you felt as if this man was trustworthy. He exuded an aura of peace and safety that you desperately needed at this moment.
Sheepishly you sat down next to him. He looked down at you curiously, about to ask why you chose to sit next to him when the whole bar was available, when the door opened again and the man who had been following you stumbled in. Your heart dropped and you turned to the stranger next to you, whispering rapidly with a pleading expression.
“Hey so there’s a creepy guy following me, could you pretend to be my boyfriend? I’ll buy you a drink as thanks.”
Before he could respond, you faked a hearty laugh as though you just told a hilarious joke and put your hand on his arm flirtatiously, hoping that the creepy man was watching.
Your heart was thundering in your chest, but you continued to smile and look at your fake boyfriend. Getting a better look at his face, you noticed that he was actually quite good looking. He had a slight amount of stubble on his jaw, but the rest of him was well groomed. His eyes were a gorgeous crystal-clear sapphire blue that gazed down at you stoically. You were close enough to smell his light cologne, it was just enough to be noticeable but not overbearing. Your fingertips felt searing where they touched his arm, and you prayed he couldn’t tell how hard your heart was beating.
He glanced up at the man brooding in the corner, silently sizing him up with a stony face.
Even though he hadn’t spoken a word, his sheer size and intense stare sent a strong enough warning that the other man froze under his gaze.
Your stalker stared at the two of you and muttered something under his breath, before heading back up the stairs and exiting the bar.
Once you were sure the door had closed behind him, you breathed a sigh of relief and removed your hand from his arm. “Hey sorry for putting you on the spot like that, I really appreciate it, let me get you a drink.”
“It’s nothing, I don’t mind.” His voice was deep and rumbled like a thunderstorm, and it was very attractive.
“No please, I insist. Ah, I suppose I should introduce myself.” You bashfully offered your name and bowed slightly.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Oda. It’s getting pretty late anyways, I was going to head out. Do you need someone to walk you home?”
You smiled and nodded. “I would appreciate that, thank you so much.”
The walk home was a little awkward but not uncomfortable. Most of your attempts at small talk were met with brief responses that were followed by a long pause. You assumed he wasn’t much for conversation, but you detected no malice or annoyance in his voice.
Eventually, you reached the end of your commute. Although you were relieved you made it home safely, you were a little disappointed that your impromptu date with this attractive stranger was coming to an end.
“Oh this is it, thank you so much again for helping me out…. oh right!” You dug out your phone from your bag, opened a new contact, and sheepishly handed it to him.
“I know you said I didn’t have to pay you back but I really want to.”
He took the phone and punched in his number along with the name ‘Oda’ before handing it back to you.
“Thank you again! Have a good night!” You smiled brightly and waved at him from the entrance of your apartment complex, heart still pounding.
He offered a simple wave in return, making sure you closed and locked the door before continuing on his way. He couldn’t ignore the butterflies in his stomach at the thought of your smile for the rest of the night.
dividers credit @/cafekitsune
#my work#bsd x reader#bungo stray dogs x reader#chuuya x reader#nakahara chuuya x reader#fukuzawa x reader#fukuzawa yukichi x reader#oda sakunosuke x reader#odasaku x reader#fluff#gn reader#sfw#bsd fluff#bungo stray dogs#bsd#bsd chuuya#bsd oda#bsd fukuzawa#bsd x gn reader
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Why Kenji shouldn't find out if you get bullied
TW: bullying.
Just a small idea (wc: 170) that has been bringing me immense comfort recently due to given events in my own life.
The last person who should find out you, member of the ADA, get bullied is Kenji.
Yeah, the Port Mafia is dangerous (whose members would never admit it, but they care for you, so nobody gets to make you feel bad about yourself). Akutagawa can be overprotective as hell, Nakahara is a force of nature and on the ADA's side, Ranpo can be surprisingly cruel when people he loves suffer (and since you're a member of the Agency he loves you). Dazai, of course, is the incarnation of chaos, and Atsushi, just like Akutagawa, turns very protective and Fukuzawa will not stand for his employers getting mistreated by anyone, but we all know what happens when Kenji gets angry. And he'd get angrier than ever before if he found out the sweet person who he considers his older sibling gets bullied.
Those bullies better start praying real hard that he doesn't find out, because if he does, no force in heaven, earth or hell would be able to save them.
also i may have emotionally adopted Kenji bc we look a little bit alike and i just need someone to emotionally protect me rn.
#bungo stray dogs x reader#ada x reader#pm x reader#armed detective agency x reader#port mafia x reader#dazai osamu x reader#dazai x reader#nakahara chūya x reader#chūya x reader#edogawa ranpo x reader#ranpo x reader#akutagawa ryūnosuke x reader#akutagawa x reader#fukuzawa x reader#fukuzawa yukichi x reader#miyazawa kenji x reader#kenji x reader#nakajima atsushi x reader#atsushi x reader#tw: bullying
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Don't tell Yukichi I shared this XD
#lady ougai#rashel ougai#bsd#bsd mori#rashel replies#mori ougai#mori ogai#send asks#bsd fanart#bsd art#rintaro mori#mori x reader#mori is so cute#mori#yukichi fukuzawa#fukumori#bsd fukuzawa#fukuzawa#fukuzawa yukichi#fukuzawa x reader#fukuzawa yukichi x reader
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nsfw - mdni. this isn't graphic it's foreplay but i'm suffering leave me alone. fukuzawa x f!reader. implied age gap, size kink if you squint, reader is wearing a dress, he is referred to as reader's boyfriend. divider by cafekitsune!
The term of endearment draws your attention away from your sketchbook and where it rests in front of you. You lay on your front in your boyfriend's bed, swinging your legs behind you, and grin at the sound of Yukichi's voice coming from down the hallway.
"In here," you shout back to confirm your location. He wasn't expecting you'd be here at all, assuming you'd skulk back to your apartment instead of his home, but relief washes over him hearing your call.
You are just what he needs after the day he has had. There is never a dull moment at the Armed Detective Agency.
"Welcome home."
You turn to look over your shoulder and see him entering the room, haori draped over his arm. Raising his eyebrows when he takes a look at your position, a bright grin spreads across your face.
"I probably should have called you and told you I'd be here but I forgot." Eyes following his movements, you watch him hang up his garments and make his way to the bed where you lay, the mattress dipping slightly beneath his weight when he slides his knees onto it. "After my appointment I came straight here."
Wordlessly, he glances downward at your body and slides his hands over the curve of your ass, the relieved sigh he breathes making you giggle.
"Did you miss me?"
The man you are so enchanted by leans down to kiss your cheek, hands sliding from your ass to your hips and finally, your waist. He feels so imposing when he positions himself like this over you and heat warms your face, traveling from your cheeks to your heart and to places even lower than that.
"Always until we meet again. How was your day?"
Sighing, you lean forward on your elbows and hunch your shoulders, clasping your hands in front of you. Overall, the day was fine but you have to play up the drama for his sake more than your own. It's one of the things he loves the most about you, that penchant for making even the mundane a tale.
"It was really fine. I went to pick up some groceries, dropped those books I forgot to return off with an apology note. I even remembered to stop and get lunch today." You smile softly, enjoying the feel of his body above yours even if desire makes you wish he'd run those hands over your body again, mapping out territory that belongs to him like a lord in days long passed with his fief. "My appointment went okay, I'll have my blood work back in a few days."
Without any warning, his hands slide up your waist and one of his fingers presses one of the buttons on the back of your dress, unfastening it. Turning your head and glancing over your shoulder, Yukichi pauses for a moment and half smiles, sliding his knees onto either side of your hips.
"Keep going. You were telling me about your appointment."
With a nibble of your lower lip you nod and press your chest into the bedding beneath you, flattening the curve of your spine. He finds the next button keeping the soft skin of your back hidden from his sight and pops it out of the hole keeping it in place, the gap in your dress now wide enough that he can see your shoulder blades.
"The appointment was easy, just in and ou..."
Whatever words that existed on your tongue die when he curls his index finger and brushes the back of the digit over your flesh, goosebumps erupting after the feather light touch. You shiver in response and Fukuzawa chuckles, leaning over your body and letting his slightly overgrown hair brush against you.
"It was in and out?" He asks from right above your ear, lower lip brushing the upper shell of it. "That's great. I was worried they'd keep you waiting."
Those offensively elegant and nimble fingers still make easy work of the buttons on the back of your dress and a whine escapes you and as quiet as you try to make it, he catches it with ease and smirks. You feel the curve of his lips against your ear, the sensation causing you to arch your back enough that your chest is off of the mattress completely.
"We both know how impatient you become when made to wait, don't we?"
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Sorry for the bother!
But could I request Fukuzawa Yukichi, Ranpo Edogawa, and Yosano Akiko with what their like with aftercare?
If it’s already been done then don’t bother responding, thank you! <333
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Character(s): Fukuzawa Yukichi, Ranpo Edogawa, Yosano Akiko,
Warning(s): Mentions of Sex,
Readers Gender: Gn

Fukuzawa Yukichi-
He is a gentleman during and especially after sex
Right after this man is already getting a nice warm bath ready for the both of you as already had changed the sheets
He doesn't want you to move a muscle as he wants you to relax
When you guys are in the bathtub he is peppering your face with kisses as even outside of sex he is still praising you
All in all he wants to take care of you in aftercare just to still remind you that he loves you even outside of sex
Ranpo Edogawa-
Once sex is over he is wrapped around your body as to not let you go and still wanting to be with you
After a few more minutes of cuddling and sweet whispers he let you
He is mostly in the bed still as you went to start everything as getting some snacks for him and even starting a bath
Once everything is cleaned up you go back to Ranpo as you two sit there holding each other while feeding each other treats
Ranpo isn't lazy but after sex his body is worn out and if you ask he will help you clean up but he mostly just wants to hold you and eat all sorts of sweets with you
Yosano Akiko-
Once sex is over you two lay there as she praises you and asking if you are okay and if you needed anything
She is still attached to your hip while you guys are cleaning up
She gets some comfy clothes for you both to change into
And she is just a sweet lady during aftercare
Once back in bed she lets you hold her as she also has pepper kisses in your face while complimenting you
She is just there helping you out or letting you help her out as even after sex you two are still together
#bungou stray dogs x reader#bungou stray dogs imagines#fukuzawa x reader#fukuzawa yukichi x reader#yukichi fukuzawa x reader#edogawa ranpo x reader#bsd edogawa ranpo x reader#bsd ranpo x reader#yosano akiko x reader#gn reader fluff#aftercare#bsd yosano x reader#bsd imagines#bsd fukuzawa x reader#bsd x y/n#bsd x reader#bsd x gender neutral reader#gn reader#bungou stray dogs headcanons#bsd headcanons#headcanons
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Heyy I hope you’re okay! May I ask for anything sweet and a little nsfw for fukuzawa x reader?
Thanks in advance!
Of course! Ever since season 4 i started simping for him so I’m glad someone already sent in requests for him! I didn't really know what you wanted so I just went with really sweet smut headcanons. They are more fluff then smut so I hope you enjoy them anon!
CW: 18+, Vanilla sex, praise kink, Fukuzawa is a full on giver in this, its honestly just really sweet.
Reader is gender neutral and no genital parts are mentioned
Sweet Fukuzawa smut headcanons
First things first: This man is a soft dom.
Your pleasure is his top priority, he won’t even think of cumming himself before he hasn’t gotten you to orgasm at least twice.
Now his sex drive is not that high so sex between the two of you is not a thing he needs that often, but of course he loves and enjoys it whenever it happens and makes sure that both of you get the most out of it.
Whenever you get naked in front of him he looks at you like you hung the stars and it makes you feel like the most desired person.
His eyes are so full of the love he feels and his touches convey it as well.
Being with Fukuzawa means that you basically do not even have a chance to feel insecure and inadequate.
Kisses are pressed along your body, taking extra attention to whatever parts you may feel insecure about, making sure that you know that he loves them with all his heart.
When preparing you to take him, he is gentle, making sure you are lubed up enough as he keeps pressing kisses wherever he can reach.
Between those kisses Fukuzawa tells you the sweetest praise you ever heard, and with just one look at him you know that he believes everything he is saying which just makes you enjoy everything more
Now during these sweet moments he prefers to go slow, not wanting to overwhelm you and wanting to treasure each and every moment.
When he pushes in you he makes sure to intertwine your fingers with his, kissing you as he does so, swallowing the moans that escape your lips with his own.
His pace is slow and gentle, thrusting into you just at the right speed to make you see stars and moan out his name.
Of course during all of this his praise for you never stops.
“ You are taking me so well darling.”
“God you’re perfect for me’”
“You are the most beautiful person I have ever laid my eyes upon.”
These are just some of the praises he whispers into your ear as he keeps thrusting into you.
When you come he encourages you to be as loud as possible. “Come on my sweet darling, I want to hear you.”
After you have orgasmed he keeps rocking into you so he can finish as well, all while kissing along your neck, though when Fukuzawa comes he can’t hold himself back and bite your neck slightly as if to mark you.
Once you both come down from your respective highs, he makes sure you are okay and fully enjoys yourself.
Of course he will clean you off and bring you anything you need or want, his aftercare is the best in all of Yokohama
(I could go into full detail for it but I feel like that would be too much for now lol)
#bungou stray dogs#bsd#bsd x reader#bungou stray dogs x reader#bsd smut#bungou stray dogs smut#fukuzawa yukichi#fukuzawa x reader#fukuzawa yukichi x reader#fukuzawa smut#bsd fukuzawa#bsd fukuzawa x reader#yukichi fukuzawa#fukuzawa headcanons#bsd headcanons#bungou stray dogs headcanon#fukuzawa yukichi bsd
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𝙛𝙪𝙠𝙪𝙯𝙖𝙬𝙖 + 𝙜𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙩𝙮 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙩
featuring ⨳ fukuzawa yukichi x fem!reader
contents ⨳ smut, dubcon, age gap (fukuzawa; 45, reader; early 20s), office sex, unprotected sex
notes ⨳ this is dedicated to my daddy, hyuck anon 😘
You mewl as your fists clench on his yukata. Every movement you do just make him shudder in pleasure. His thighs are tense when you are clenching him hard.
“Just... five more minutes...” Fukuzawa sighs, his head thrown back as his calloused large hands guide your hips up and down on his cock. You whine, eyes teary as you try to bounce on him. You are getting tired, after all. He has drawn orgasms from you and he still has not finished.
“P-Please, president..! You said 'just the tip' ten minutes ago...” you whimper. But the tip of his cock is already nudging your sweet spot every time you bury his cock deep in your cunt. Sloppy noises are echoing in the room, accompanied by his heavy groans and your sweet moans.
“I-I did, yes... But really, just five more minutes.” he swipes the strands of your hair, whispering to you before he gives you soft kisses. He could feel your tits brushing against his yukata, so he gently pushes up your shirt, unclasping your bra. It comes loose but he just pushes it up to reveal your tits to him.
“President..! Please...!” you shriek in surprise, trying to cover your boobs but he grabs your hand, pinning them to your back. You moan when he brushes his lips teasingly on your perky nipples, making your cunt twitch with his cock still in you.
Your brain goes dizzy at the amount of pleasure he gives you. He starts thrusting and kissing your skin, twirling his tongue on your nipple as his other unattended hand slip to your pussy, reaching your clit.
You are lost in the haze. The man you swear to respect and protect for the good of the Agency is balls deep in you — you should have run when he told you shyly that he wanted to see you.
“I'm sorry, I got too carried away.”
“I'm sorry, I promise I won't hurt you.”
“I'm sorry, just... just the tip. Only five minutes and you can leave.”
But it's been fifteen minutes. And he is still going, pumping his dick in your young cunt. You are giving up to tell him to stop. Your eyes are teary and hooded, his girth is rubbing your inner walls so closely that you feel wetter for each thrust he gives.
“I'm... almost—” you hold his face. With your fingertip, you could feel slight wrinkles on him. He bites his lips as his hands grope your ass harder. He looks guilty, but his thrusts are getting sloppier yet harder.
You mewl against his neck, your sweet scent lingers in his sense. His dick drives deeper before it stills right on your sweet spot. Your eyes are almost closed as you feel a rush coursing down to your cunt.
“A-Ah— Mmh!” Fukuzawa quickly covers your mouth and then you could hear Kunikida's faint voice from the outside of his office.
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry... It's okay, you can relax now...” he says but your pussy is still squeezing as you are cumming on his cock. The squeeze makes it hard for Fukuzawa to focus entirely on Kunikida's voice and he shamefully cums in your cunt.
Your eyes widen and you try to get up from his cock but he wraps his arm around you, holding you close. “I'm sorry, I can't hold it... It's okay, nothing bad will happen... Just stay quiet, for me.” he says — almost like a command.
He coughs once. “Kunikida.” his stern voice is back, aimed at the person behind the door.
“President, I would like to hand in the report for the case last week,” Kunikida replies.
“I'm busy at the moment.” he holds you even tighter when you are trying to shift away. But with his cock deep in you, all you could feel is that poke in your sensitive cunt.
“I will come to you later,” he adds. You hear Kunikida says something but you couldn't fathom his words. Fukuzawa keeps you on his lap for a while until you are too tired to resist him. When your head is laying on his shoulder, he finally loosens his arms around you.
You whimper softly, clenching his yukata.
“Y-You're a disgusting old man... This is... so wrong, so unethical...”
“I'm sorry...” he whispers. He looks at you with a frown and shame, but his hand is rubbing your belly, his finger is teasing your clit and it makes you jolt in surprise. But you cannot help a moan to escape your lips.
“You're... d-disgusting...”
“I apologize, my dear. This won't happen again. This shouldn't happen. But I...” he sighs. “I promise, it won't happen again, and I will help you if something does happen. I am very sorry.”
But his unfocused eyes staring at your exposed body do tell otherwise.

©doukeshi-kun 2023 — do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, more @cherikolya
if you like my works, consider buy me a ko-fi!
#道化師-jest❃ུ۪#bsd x reader#bsd smut#bungou stray dogs x reader#bungo stray dogs x reader#fukuzawa x reader#fukuzawa smut#bsd fukuzawa#fukuzawa yukichi x reader#bungo stray dogs smut#bungou stray dogs smut
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Till death.... oh... oh no....

Chapter 116~117 Spoilers (might mistake the lore) . Making up stuff a little. Pure Angst. Some fluff. You more mentioned than y/n. Female reader. Reader is Fukuzawa childhood best friend as well. Death
Fukuzawa is marrying his best friend. He never thought that when he was 32, he would be marrying the prettiest women in his life. Does he regret it that day. No. Would he ever...n-
He screamed, his eyes widening in horror. Not only seeing his best friend turn into some god creature. But now his wife. Only to save him before the sword had hit him. He hated what your ability was. Not that he could hate you just.
"Try and catch me!" You teased using your ability to swap places with someone else just to get away from his hold. "Y\n! We have training today. You better not use all your energy out right now! Slow down!" He called out as he ran after you just an innocent game of tag. You looked back at him with a smile.
He loved your smile. He loved your touch as that's the only thing he got last from you... curse Fyodor- cruse him curse him - all he could see was your smile as you used your ability to swap places with him. Only if he could have stopped it or did anything. He watched as the purple sword went straight through your stomach. Turning back with a soft smile on your face. He could read the words last on your lips as if he could kiss them. 'I'm sorry. Run.' You mouth as you disappeared into sparking balls of light almost before the monster took inhaled. All he could have done was stare in horror and more grief. He feels he would never heal from this. He was shaking as he was stund in place. He couldn't think so well it all hurt. It hurt so bad.
" Fukuzawa Yukichi to you take y/n l/n to be your wife." He remembers that day as if he were dying. How lovely you looked in white. "I do," and you y/n l/n. Do you take Fukuzawa Yukichi to be your husband?" "I do" a shared kiss between two lovers...
"Ah yes! It's such a shame she had to do that. But I guess it makes it more fun, doesn't it? See, all the agency fall apart one. By one."
Fyodor voice rang out, but all he and do was watch as your kimono ripped up a bit, no doubt from helping him earlier fight Gen'ichiro... it flop to the floor with a quiet. To quite noise. The only thing he could have seen left of you was the log hair pin you used to keep your hair in a bun and the kimono he remembered buying their anniversary. He felt a hallow feeling in his chest where he swear with his ability. He could have felt... you were gone...
It was empty and cold feeling....
Just like staring at the clothing and pin, he made no move to go get. It hurt too much to even look away from it.....
Idk I feel like being a little shit.
#strom story's#bsd spoilers#bsd#bsd x reader#bsd x y/n#bungo stay dogs#fukuzawa x reader#fukuzawa yukichi#fukuzawa yukichi x reader#bsd fukuzawa
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**Sweet Like Watermelon**
Fukuzawa x reader
Warning -None
I didn't know about other countries but in SEA, it is now Summertime and the temperature really went up to 39°C to 45°C during the daytime. Drink Water, Rest well and eat well!!

Summer is already here. The warm breeze gently brushes against the leaves.The Summer wind carries the scent of freshly bloomed Sunflowers and roses in the yard. Colorful Bougainvillea flowers are blooming in clusters. The birds are chirping, the sun is shining so brightly and the sky is crystal clear.
Since the Summer afternoon became hotter and hotter, Fukuzawa was sitting on the egawa with a set of go while reading the rulebook . He opened the Shoji door to the fullest in order to watch the yard occasionally. The sound of Furin Chime is the only sound in the house. Peaceful, Tranquility and Quietness became the signatures of the Summer Afternoon of Fukuzawa couple.
Well, outside of the house wasn't so quiet.There is a girl in the backyard with a sprinkler watering the garden. The Sun was on the top of her head, the temperature was the highest of the day but she decided to spray the water all over the garden in order to reduce the heat. The earthy smell: petrichor entered into Fukuzawa's olfactory system. He couldn't help but smile while watching his s/o playing with water. Her summer dress was soaked with sweat and water, her smile was shining like the sun and her aura was warm like the summer breeze.She smiled and waved at him while their eyes met.
"You should stop playing in this heat"
"Aye Aye Captain"
She mischievously replied and closed the water tap and then entered the house from the backdoor in order to avoid soaking the floor. Fukuzawa could hear his S/O wiping herself, changing clothes, opening the refrigerator, taking out the chilled watermelon and chilled cola and dragging the fun towards herself.And then she peacefully lay down on the Yuka floor with a poem book called Yorikakarazu by Noriko Ibaragi.
"Should I swing the fan, Fukuzawa San?The weather is hot and also humid. You can't rely only on the natural breeze."
Fukuzawa shook his head gently while he was placing a go stone on the board. Suddenly, a piece of watermelon stuck on a fork appeared in front of him.
“Say ah~ I’ll feed my pookie, say ah please ~~”
Fukuzawa smiled warmly and he opened his mouth. Sweet and cold watermelon melted in his mouth and Y/N’s grin was getting bigger.
“It’s delicious, isn't it? How about Cola? Would you like to try some?”
Fukuzawa put down his book and lifted her chin up with his warm and big fingers.
“No more carbonated drinks for me today. Just watermelon is fine. Ah~~”
Y/N shyly looked away from his gaze while she was feeding another piece of the fruit. She started the tease but whenever Fukuzawa returned it , she couldn't help but end up being so shy and blushing.
After the little lovey dovey feeding watermelon, Fukuzawa continued reading his book and Y/N also continued to read her poem book but her heartbeats were faster than usual and her cheeks burned with embarrassment.
The Eternal Summer Days with love never end. Forever chasing the sun, Forever chasing the love.
#bungo stray dogs#bsd x you#bsd x reader#bsd fukuzawa x reader#bsd fukuzawa#fukuzawa yukichi x you#fukuzawa yukichi x reader#fukuzawa x reader#fukuzawa yukichi
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Hi! You have slots free? I wanna take one! The promp: I would like something romantic and erotic. I think that the president's hands are the type of strong and kind hands when necessary (he is a great swordsman for a reason), you could do something about that idea? Fukuzawa Oc is ok!I leave the rest of the details to your liking. Thanks for your work!
With Care and Passion
Characters: Fukuzawa
Warnings: NSFW, mostly sfw-ish till the warning!
Notes: I'm so happy to get a request for Fukuzawa! He deserves more appreciation around here! Also.. it is my first time writing and sharing nsfw content,, so be kind please!!
A samurai's most important possession was his sword, not only the means of his livelihood, but also the symbol of his hard work and status.
Being a skilled samurai, Fukuzawa's hands had to move with utmost precision, just a little too much pressure would interfere with the techniques he had been polishing for years, and too little strength would result in a weak blow.
Yet, after the foundation of the Armed Detective Agency, something new had replaced the title of his most important, and beloved possession.
His every touch was filled with so much care and affection that no one knew this man had, his touch was always comforting whether it be a caress on your soft cheeks or a hand finding its place on the small of your back.
However, things were always prone to change in the privacy of your home.
Fukuzawa's hands were moving with utmost patience and care, definitely trying harder than he should to not hurt you or cause you discomfort at all. His left hand was calmingly caressing your shoulders and neck as his other was slowly but steadily building a comfortable pace, getting in and out of your warm and wet walls with ease.
His lips were occasionally meeting yours in a passionate yet romantic way, muffling away your soft moans... His focus was entirely on you, your sounds.. your expressions.. your body moving to feel more of him so desperately...
"Yu-..kichi.. please.. you're too slow.."
Oh, how hearing his name slip through your parted lips made him shiver every time.. how your pleas made him lose control of the gentle pace he so patiently set up...
"As you wish, dear."
As his lips crashed against yours in a more passionate kiss, his free hand pulled your hips closer to him, the sensation increasing with one more finger finding its way into your burning walls.
Everything was getting more and more heated with each passing second, whimpers and moans escaped your lips as his skillful fingers found just the right spots to put pressure on.
"Are you alright?"
You could only muffle a small yes before your voice was cut off by moans, his gentle words contradicted how sensual his touch had become.
His hand found yours, intertwining to support you through your high that was only drawing closer with his movements.
"So.. close- ah.."
With a nod, he quickened the movement of his fingers, keenly observing your every little reaction, his thumb occasionally rubbing against your clit to deepen the arousal you felt.
And with a sugary sweet yet pornographic moan, followed by your body shaking as you did your best to hold onto him through your high, you reached to goal, covering his lithe fingers with off white liquid.
"There.. there.. good girl."
He praised, his voice full of pride as he planted a chaste kiss on your lips.
He was proud, proud and glad that you trusted him enough to show him such vulnerable sides of yourself.. to let him explore you in a way no one else is allowed to do, to be one with him, and only him... and most importantly, for loving him.
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Good day or night!!
I have this headcannon of oda, akutagawa, dazai, fyodor and fukuzawa having very cold hands! Can we get scenarios of them going for a hug or doing something with there s/o? :3
Here is a line from least closest hands to the most coldest!! [The most being like fricking dead man hand cold]
You don't have to write for akk of them only the ones you know to do!!
Please and thank you!!!
hello! I only ended up doing three of them but, enjoy!
Akutagawa, Dazai, Fukuzawa x gn!reader
✧pov: they have cold hands (scenarios)

Morning's with your teasing clingy boyfriend are... hard? No.. difficult. He's hugging you tightly, keeping you close to him to make sure you can't get out of his arms. You know he'll eventually let up but, do you know exactly when? No. It could be an hour from now, it could be 10 minutes from now.
A sigh left your mouth as you felt his head rest against your neck.
" You'll have to let go sometime soon. " You said, nudging his arm. A hum was all you got in return as you felt his hand play with the hem of your shirt. As soon as his hand slipped under it and touched the warm skin, your stomach instinctively shrunk back to avoid the actual ice cubes that were your boyfriends hands. " That's cold and you know it! " You jumped as he placed his hand on your stomach.
" Hmm? I'm just trying to warm my hands up, love. " He simply stated, interlocking his hands under your shirt.
" But they're freezing! " You gasped as he flipped his hands over, 'warming' the tops of his hands. " Stop it, Osamu! "

Day offs in the Port Mafia were rare and how were you spending yours? Getting lost. It was embarrassing to say the least, walking with your boyfriend and then suddenly losing him. It wasn't even a busy district! You could already imagine the disappointed look on his face when you find him again.
You jumped as a hand suddenly seemingly appeared on your shoulder, causing you to jump. You whipped your head around, feeling relieved to see Akutagawa standing there.
" You scared me! " You put your hand over your chest as you collected yourself again. " I thought you were like- a stranger! " He looked at you blankly.
" I was trying to find you. " He stated. " Since you got lost. "
" I know that! You just- you were just walking too fast so I lost track of you! " You huffed, at least he wasn't scolding you. Shockingly, his hand was held out in front of you.
" Take it. People do it so they don't get lost right? " He looked at your bewildered expression. Hesitantly, you put your hand in his and hold it. Holy. Shit.
" Your hands are FREEZING?! " You pulled your hand away, feeling goosebumps go up your arm.
" Are they? " He looked at his hand. " Just take it so you don't get lost. " Attempting once more at his request, feeling as if your body temperature had just dropped. At least you wouldn't get lost anymore.

Although insisting you had come to work today even with a fever, you still managed to end up in the infirmary. Yosano had advised you to rest but, you weren't having it. The blanket was off and on as you got too warm and you would almost immediately pull it back over you as you shivered. Maybe it was also because you had heard a sigh that brought you to a nervous state.
" I told you to stay home. " The tall man sat down in the chair next to the bed you were resting in. " But you didn't listen. "
" It's not that big of a deal. " You looked over at his neutral expression. " Hey, you have cold hands right? " He looked over at you with a questioning look.
" I guess I do. Why? " You reached for his arm and tugged it over to your face, using your other hand to position his cool hand on your forehead.
" Mmm.. Much better. " You sighed happily, feeling that you were finally at a comfortable temperature.
please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
#x reader#fluff#fukuzawa yukichi#fukuzawa x reader#fukuzawa yukichi x reader#bsd#bungo stray dogs#osamu dazai#dazai x reader#osamu dazai x reader#akutagawa x reader#ryunosuke akutagawa#ryunosuke akutagawa x reader
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Fukuzawa Yukichi
w/ adult soulmate who loves to read.
— fluff, x readers, gender neutral, sfw
— you love books he loves cats.
suggestion : listen to “twilight time (single version) by the platters” while reading
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Fukuzawa hummed quitely to notice his appearance in your room. Lately, he’s been out all day-night due to the elevation of current crimes up in the city, “what have you been reading? I see that you’ve been really dwelled inside the book on your hands?”
“ah, good afternoon, dear.” you welcomed him with a delightful tone; you did actually enjoy seeing him within his rarely seen presence. though, you both engaged and about to get married at the end of the year, “new book. I purchased this yesterday on the new bookstore down the street, next to the cafe where we first met.”
“oh, right. that cafe. i remember it vividly.” Fukuzawa walked closer to you. He put his hand on your shoulder and leaned closer to see the book in your hands, “newest bookstore? still, it’s rather having the same stuffs with the others, right?”
“perhaps, yes.” you said, “and so does all the cats and kittens you kept and took care of.”
“it’s really not a fair comparison.”
“for me, it does.”
He seemed irritated. You heard from others he always the fearless, determined, and stern man of authority. For you, it was rather amusing to see him getting agitated for simple matters. As the scary man people feared, the perception of your own towards him shunned to the winsome and warm-hearted fiance.
“my dear, I was joking,” you kissed him on the cheek, “i appreciate your care towards those kitties. i love having them around the house.”
When he felt the kiss on his cheek, he glanced at you solely to see how serious you took this, “really?”
“yes, of course.”
The truth, you did love cats and kitten, but solely adored their cuteness. Though taking care of them was rather not your virtue—if you wanted to compare it with how Fukuzawa handled each of them with utmost care, you were ashamed as it was an inapproriate comparison.
Known him as a perceptive man, thus he said, “I might troubled you on this matter,” he shyly kissed you back on your cheek, “you must learn more how to take care of them, don’t you think? if you really love them around.”
You wished he was home more often to take care of the kittens, “so, when i’m going to have times to read these books i owned if i constantly taking care of them?”
He giggled, looking at how you sighed he thought it was adorable, “you will have the time.” he took the book in your hands, flipped it to each sides several times, “i will accompany you, either to read or buy them.”
Astonished by his offer, you glanced at him with pleasant eyes, “you? really?”
“yes, of course.”
“But…” you hummed, thinking about how busy he was being lately, and to rushed such a dangerous work would not be safe for him.
Astuted by your worries, he rather took the initiative, “I valued my works and you, to forget about one will make me miserable.” a gentleman like Fukuzawa would never want to see his loving fiancé grew weary over what he did, “give it a rest, my dear. i supposed you should have known i’m a professional of my own matters.”
“I hear you, my dear, Fukuzawa.” you heard them, though worries would not leave your heart. maybe you’ve been blinded by the love that fills your heart, even with him boasted about his proficient ways of doing his matters.
“my dear,” he kissed you softly on the lips,” do not ever be worry, i am never alone in this. the children had been of a tremendous help. we all have each other hands notably in dangerous situation we might face forward.”
You chuckled, with a composure of an unconcerned sight to him, “you’re correct. they are there with you.”
“so…?” he asked.
Fukuzawa smiled, “should we pick a time for us to go to the bookstore, my dearest?”
forward rendezvous might—as you thought recollecting his words— felt like a dream of heaven. of which stars and moon combined as a marvelous scenery of countless nights.
waiting for you two kiss beneath its delicate rays.
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a/n : finally i went back to writing again (after 2 years lol). i read several books so i thought my competence of writing had been elevated even just by bit. i hope you enjoy this fluff. <3
#bsd fukuzawa#bsd x reader#fukuzawa yukichi#fukuzawa yukichi x reader#bungou stray dogs fluff#bsd fluff#bungou stray dogs#fukuzawa yukichi headcanons#fuluzawa x readers
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What do you think about Yukichi?
“The most vanilla, sweetest, kindest, caring and selfless man you can find”

#lady ougai#rashel ougai#rashel replies#mori ougai#bsd mori#bsd#mori ogai#send asks#bsd fanart#bsd art#bungou stray dogs fukuzawa#bsd fukuzawa#fukumori#fukuzawa x reader#fukuzawa yukichi#fukuzawa yukichi x reader
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Fukuzawa x F!Reader. CW: implied age gap (reader is in her late 20's and he is his canonical age), alcohol mention and consumption, takes place from his bedside while he's ill during the Cannibal arc. weird situationship vibes, switches between past and present tense.
WC: 2.9k | divider by cafekitsune

“What are you doing here?”
Yukichi’s voice is little more than a whisper when he speaks, the dryness of his throat marking his usual baritone with a rasp that causes you to arch a brow.
“Visiting, standing vigil, whatever makes it seem more heroic.” Making a show of licking the tip of your finger and using it to flip to the next page of the book sitting in your lap, you glance up from the page and tilt your head to the side.“Why are you so surprised to see me?”
“You shouldn’t be here. I’ll have Ranpo escort you out.”
The continued dry rasp of his voice makes you spring into action, snapping the book in your lap closed and reaching for the small carafe of water by his bedside. Pouring a glass, you slide it in his direction and look away when he moves to pick it up. The suggestion that Ranpo be the one to escort you out makes you chuckle to yourself considering he is the one who let you in to begin with, holding out his hand for the promised sweets your sister mailed from overseas. Sweeter and stickier than anything he can find here, probably melting in the palm of his hand.
Finally, you sigh and lean back in the chair as much as the cramped object will allow.
“If you want me to leave, you can just say so. I can show myself out. No escort necessary.”
You want to hear him deny you in his own words for once, anticipating the rejection that has yet to come, a breath caught in your throat. Instead you listen to the gulp of room temperature water travel down his throat, eyes fixed to the closed cover of the book in your lap.
It has been more than six months since your employment with the Armed Detective Agency ended and you’ve managed to wheedle your way into two personal visits with its President in that time. Two times you attempted, yet again, to show him you are invested in him as Yukichi Fukuzawa, the man and not merely as a former boss.
The first was over dinner; a simple message sent with intention.
You: I made too much and always forget about my leftovers. Have you eaten yet?
What is he if not an old moth to a hopeful little flame?
Logic warned him to decline but his just shaky enough to be from low blood sugar mid-evening hands betrayed his judgment. What could it hurt to humor you a little bit? He has never been outright oblivious to your feelings although will always believe them to be misguided.
YF: You are too generous with your time and groceries. I can be there in twenty minutes.
You showed him your humble abode for the first time and fed him bites from your plate insisting you were almost too full to move. Your cat climbed into his lap and he dared to daydream for a breath it were the needy creature’s owner instead, steel blue eyes tracing your every move while nimble fingers stroked between the cats’ ears. The soft melody of your record collection set the soundtrack and you swayed gently, nursing a glass of wine between two of your fingers.
“Thank you for coming tonight.”
Whatever trance the gentle purr of your cat had him in severed the moment he heard your voice. He watched your form gently sway to the music, soft and melodic from the decade before he was even born making it far older than you.
“Can’t let good food go to waste.”
Glancing over your shoulder, you smiled at him with narrowed eyes. He has imagined you performing this exact motion often, every day even, looking over your shoulder while swaying gently to your favorite music. If he weren’t so concerned about appropriateness, he’d rise to his feet and join you, wrap his arm around your waist and sway with his chin on your shoulder.
“You think I’m a good cook?”
From your couch, he glanced over his shoulder at you and sighed softly. If he were to speak the words he wants to say, they’d almost certainly tip this over the edge he has spent so much time desperately trying to avoid, so he picks the easiest ones available:
“Yeah, you are.”
The way you smiled at him weighed on his mind for the rest of his fitful night, that grin lighting up nightmares and daydreams alike.
“Why are you here?”
Fukuzawa rarely makes a second request for an answer, even from you, and the breath caught in your throat becomes a sharp exhale the moment he speaks. He glances in your direction and sees the anxious twitch in your fingers, how you desperately wish to fiddle with your appearance or jewelry to seem undisturbed and confident. Fukuzawa is an intelligent man by nature and he carefully watches to expose all of a person’s subtleties, even yours. So much of your behavior is a veneer to make yourself appear non threatening.
Truth be told, he’s astounded it works as well as it does although even the greatest minds have fallen prey to beautiful women with sharp wit and pretty smiles. Not that you are a predator to him in the slightest.
“Because I care about you,” you start, snapping your mouth shut to avoid saying more. Instead of fiddling with your clothing or earrings, you jiggle your foot and the book in your lap bounces with each movement. You are too vulnerable for your own good, tender hearted to the core. “I wanted to see how you’re doing for myself instead of getting the sanitized version of the story from Kunikida and the dishonest one from Dazai.”
Fukuzawa attempts to push his glass back onto the table and you reach to pluck it from his hands, fingers touching while you do. It reminds him of the second occasion he enjoyed your company before tonight, skin buzzing with the ghost of your touch instead of the dull throbbing pain of his illness. A soft gasp escapes him and he settles back against the pillow under his head, silver hair sweeping his shoulders.
“That’s fair,” he admits, fiddling with the blanket that is loosely wrapped over his body.
You giggle despite feeling entirely out of your element, insecure and young despite your nearly three decades, dabbling in adoration for a man you have no business being interested in to begin with.
“If you’d like to be alone, I can leave.”
He makes you feel as though you’re nude in front of him while he’s fully clothed, baring every crease and dimple of yourself, supine and ripe for his consumption. It’s what you want, after all. A single glance that leaves you stripped to the bones.
It’s why you cannot leave him alone.
The second time you were fortunate enough to be graced with Fukuzawa’s presence as a friend was a tad less honest on your end.
Fukuzawa knew who was on the other end before he even picked his phone up to answer the incoming call, a stirring feeling in his gut he should have perhaps taken as a warning letting him know what was coming next.
“What are you doing tonight?”
He exhaled loudly through his nose in response to your question, the closest you have ever come to drawing a real laugh from the man. He has always played off his enjoyment with tight smiles and acknowledging nods, hiding his upturned lips behind the ceramic of a choko.
“I’ll take it that means you’re free?”
The sound of a pen being tossed down onto the desk below it clanged through the speaker of your phone. You sighed the sound away, listening for further stirring on the other end. Seconds passing have conditioned you to expect a rejection when it comes to him, a gentle let down the way only he has managed to seem less like a “no thank you” and more of a “you’re so kind to ask” in the effusively polite way he has perfected.
“Tell me what I’m going to be getting myself into before I answer, please.”
You were not being asked to explain yourself, you were being told to do so. A small smile danced across your lips while smearing on berry colored lipstick in your bathroom mirror, your phone pressed against your blush dusted cheek.
“So there is this sake tasting…” A sigh from Fukuzawa interrupted your words and you sighed back, pouting at your reflection in the mirror. “Can you at least let me finish?”
He cleared his throat, leaving you to picture him sitting in his office at the Agency with a bemused smirk on his face. You’ve never seen him smile but your mind is quick to expel the effort it takes to pretend that you have. Does he have dimples? Lines that mirror those beneath his eyes that carve valleys around his mouth? You’ve always hoped you’d find out.
“Thank you.”
He hummed a response to your polite words, shifting in his own seat.
“I booked it expecting a friend would join me but something has come up and they can’t. I could go alone but I also just so happen to know a man who is very fond of sake and knows more about it than I do who would be the perfect company.”
Another hum was all he graced you with. You wrinkled your nose at your reflection and mouthed a swear word, certain your flimsy story was about to be dead on arrival. It wasn’t your best story and you knew going into this it was risky to lie to begin with but what else could you say?
“Oh Fukuzawa, I’ve been dying to drink alongside you in hopes it loosens your tongue enough to reveal your deep mutual love for me.”
No. You would have rather died than admit these words aloud where he could hear them. He has always had access to far too much of you and has granted you far too little to him.
“And this friend? Who are they?”
A giggle bubbled out of you while you closed your lipstick tube, tossing it on the counter in front of you haphazardly. Should you choose your words carefully to prolong the mystery of this friend, the same one you claim you’re drinking with when you’re really drinking alone and calling your former boss and current flame?
“They’re nobody important,” you settled on. He knew immediately you were lying, your true good hearted nature giving you away yet again. You’d never call your friends unimportant, no matter how frustrated you may have been over being stood up which seems to happen with this mysterious friend often.
“Hm. Interesting.”
You knew you’d been caught. The tone of his voice was more of a guilty verdict than any you could find in a courtroom. The warmth rushing to the front of your face, something you’d almost consider shameful if you had any shame left, convinced you to suspend any further untruths and you instead opted to rush into the next part of your offer full speed ahead.
“It starts at eight. If you aren’t busy, that is. Just say so if you are, I’m a big girl who can handle rejection.”
Yukichi smiled from his office. It dimmed as quickly as it spread across his face, drawn to life by the assertion you can handle rejection. Only someone who has ever been rejected can handle rejection. You are rarely denied what you want. Is he really going to be another hashmark keeping track of how many you’ve won over?
“Are you going to keep me out all night?”
This won him a laugh from you, a sound that warmed his bones and made his mind race at the same time.
“Depends, do you wanna be out all night? This is just a tasting but I have a bottle and you know where I live…”
Singing the last word of your sentence, you devolved into a fit of giggles over your own sillness and if he wasn’t actively debating on how appropriate his association with you is, he probably would have laughed along.
“No. That’s not necessary, I’m sure the tasting will give me all the excitement I can handle.”
The tasting only made him yearn for you more strongly, fingers brushed against one another while passing ceramic cups to lips. Discussions of clean flavor, light and neat, bright and warm, lent to the warm landscape spent at the side of a woman he cannot seem to shake no matter what happens to him.
“I don’t want you to leave.”
The breath caught in your throat leaves you as a sharp exhale, finally.
The truth always finds its way to light, the lamp on the bedside table casting a glow over the side of Yukichi’s face. He’s more frail than you have ever dreamed of seeing him, complexion nearly translucent in its currently pale hue. Your thumb twitches, itching to rub the skin around his eyes that is etched with fine lines, to reassure him you will not be leaving his side until you’re certain he’s alright. Instead, you tuck it inside your fist to keep the urge to yourself.
“Good because I honestly don’t want to.”
You fiddle with your bag that is draped over the back of the chair, reaching for the newspaper you swiped off of the desk of the Agency after making your deal with Ranpo earlier in the day. You’d show up after everyone else went home or was otherwise occupied and he’d let you in to avoid the gawking that would come with everyone knowing that you are visiting for pleasure and not for business.
“I brought the paper if you want me to read it to you,” you offer and Fukuzawa hums, the faintest sight of a smile on his lips. The corners twitch so minutely you believe you imagined the movement but look down all the same, warm faced, grateful that your mind was correct in assessing him. Dimples and little lines are visible on each of the corners of his mouth.
“Anything interesting happening?”
Flipping the pages open, your eyes widen and you search for something interesting, muttering to yourself. Traffic conditions, weather, reports of minor crime throughout Yokohama. None of these things will improve his condition or keep him from worrying so you flip the page again, shaking your head when the stories come up empty for one you’d like to read.
“Don’t they put the horoscopes in the paper anymore?”
He chuckles and you can tell it hurts him, his chest heaving from the effort. The paper is quickly discarded, fluttering to the floor beside your chair. You lean forward and place your elbows on the side of his bed, daring to get close enough you can look over him from inches instead of feet.
“Are you okay?”
Fukuzawa stiffens and you have to further fight the urge to dote on him. Your fingers itch push his moonlight colored waves off of his face and your palm practically throbs, wishing to be pressed to his likely clammy skin. It’s in your nature to cluck at the things you care about like a worried hen.
“I have to believe that I will be.”
Nodding your agreement and punctuating it with another sigh, you lean forward and rest your chin on his bedside. The intrusion surprises him but it isn’t completely unwelcome, those eyes you love to feel upon you glancing downward and focusing on the tip of your nose, gradually climbing upward until your gazes meet.
“I’ll believe double, just for good measure.” Smiling, you press your cheek to the scratchy fabric of the blanket wrapped around his legs and half of his torso. “I’ll bring you a nicer blanket tomorrow.”
Raising a brow, he keeps his gaze fixed on you.
Scoffing, you nod. The question isn’t a jab although it may feel like one and you have to reason with yourself that he is merely giving you a hard time.
“Tomorrow, if you’ll have me.”
Shaking his head, he idly reaches in your direction and brushes his thumb over your cheek before placing his hand back at his side. Again, a movement so quick and discreet you believe it imaginary, yet the sensation burns across your skin. Fighting the urge to bury your face into the bed like a schoolgirl with a crush, you choose instead to face him head on and let your gaze soften.
“Next time just ask me if you can come, no need to get Ranpo involved.” You shrug and laugh. “Was it that obvious?”
Yukichi nods and permits his eyes to drift from you to the door. It was obvious from the moment he realized you were in the room who graciously allowed for you to be there, the man on the other side of the door loudly munching whatever you bribed him with.
“You aren’t as great of a liar as you think you are.”
Laughing, you shrug.
"Caught me. At least I'm a good cook and decent company instead."
Fighting the urge to reach out and touch you again, he keeps his hands at his sides and ponders the correct way to respond. His time on earth could be fleeting from this moment forward, his minutes numbered by a threat his entire team is working to figure out. He could leave his cards on the table. Tell you he feels the same and he hasn't had this much fun since he was a far younger man getting into far more trouble.
Instead, he settles back into the pillow beneath him and shifts his face to look at you. He'll save these matters of the heart until after there is no more looming danger.
"Thank you for coming."
You sit up and away from the bed, leaning back into the chair you're sitting on. He doesn't want to discuss feelings or the two of you any further and you respect that, dropping your arm over the side of the chair and fish for the newspaper you brought with you, plucking it by one of the folds and pulling it into your lap.
"Now where were we? Oh yeah, horoscopes."
Whatever you're saying fades into background noise while he shuts his eyes tightly. He has to make it through this, you're waiting for him on the other end of it.
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