10 posts
I'm literally the frog from Dazai's pocket 🤩🥳😻🤯
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mushythefroggie · 7 months ago
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It's my 2 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
buh what i have whuyefljkfds
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mushythefroggie · 10 months ago
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mushythefroggie · 10 months ago
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mushythefroggie · 11 months ago
why is it harder to do math than to plan 3 separate roleplays which all have pretty complicated lore
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mushythefroggie · 1 year ago
sometimes i forget that people get notified if i like their posts and then i...look at the like count, and it's 1-3.....and i feel like a stalker so I exit the app for like 5 hours and then i go back on tumblr and i forget that people get notified if I like their posts and i look at the like count and----
It's a cycle guys. I am not okay.
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mushythefroggie · 1 year ago
what if the reason that Kunikida has such a big-ass list of ideals is because he had some sort of romantic trauma when he was a teenager, and now he's decided to never let that happen again by making a woman inside his head, who doesn't exist? We don't know what his exact ideal list is, but it's gotta be pretty strict, Y'know?
Heartbreak is one of the worst things that can happen (probably), someone who you loved genuinely and shared your heart with, only to have that very person you loved so much to abandon you, or end up being an asshole? Maybe she(or he) abandoned him for another person, maybe he didn't know how to lighten up, maybe he had a big fat crush on someone and they turned out being an asshole..
Whatever way, I know for a fact i'm overthinking this and it ain't that deep.
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mushythefroggie · 1 year ago
When I find Hans, I will give him the most nonchalent, apathetic, unconcerned, incurious, insouciant, insensabile, cold, unemotional, halfhearted, unfeeling, remote, impervious, lethargic, stolid, casual, disintrested, complacent, perfunctory, uncurious, aloof, lukewarm, tepid, dispassionate, stoical, impassive, listless, half-hearted, cool, unintrested, careless, detached, stoic, calm, numb, callous, insensitive, pococurante, heedless, phlegmatic, mindless, unimpressed stare. Imagine not being able to reblog? Couldn't be me smh
reblog if your name isn't Hans.
2,121,566 people are not Hans and counting!
We’ll find you Hans.
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mushythefroggie · 1 year ago
post next one NOW
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no <3333333333333333333333
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mushythefroggie · 1 year ago
The Prolouge Was Really Good! I Am Wondering If We Will Become Like Atsushi With The Flashbacks....But Other Than That It Was A Really Good First Post!!!!
I honestly have planned 0% of this. It will probably be dawned on quite a bit, cause uh...PTSD, y'know? Thanks for complimenting my first post, it actually means so much to me.
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mushythefroggie · 1 year ago
Fem!Teen Reader X Armed Detective Agency
The Traveling Cat Chronicles, Prolouge
TW: Blood, Abuse, stuff that I don't know, reader is a child/teenager, not aesthetically decorated(sorry hick hick), other stuff probably(tell me if I missed something), shorter than chuuya
A/N: First story....hahahhahahahahaha.....HELP WHY DID I WRITE THIS...I was sick while writing this, spare me from the corrections...I actually have no idea how to organize this, but wish me luck frfr!!, i spent 5 minutes telling myself to just post this.....
  You were dying inside. Truely. It all started at Thanksgiving dinner.
Your little cousin had been curious about special abilities. And, while there was no problem about talking about this, the question had been directed at you. All of your family looked at you.
All. Of. Them.
You had never really liked your family. But, as a 13-year-old girl, what did you know? You were never valued. They would all hold back on important topics that needed to be discussed when you were around. They thought that since you were “So Young,” you had to have your innocence kept, like a prisoner inside a cage.
But, the truth was, you really understood more about these topics than they did. They thought that a child such as yourself was so innocent? Yeah, that was far from the truth. You’d seen, heard, and smelt things in your life that they would probably be unable to handle and run away at at a single glance.
And somehow, despite them acting like your innocence needed to be caged, you were abused. A lot. If you said something they didn’t like? You were beat up until you were begging for mercy. You were busy with something when they asked you to do another? You were beat until you passed out. You wanted to run. Really, truely. You wanted to run away, but you couldn’t. You could disappear for hours at a time, but you couldn't just run away from home. You would be found and beaten to death if you did, you were sure of it.
But still, as those eyes were turned to you, you were given a chance. A chance to show to them that you knew more than they allowed you to talk about. And well, you were interrupted. By your uncle. 
You just sighed, picking at your mashed potatoes as his booming voice, similar to loudspeaker, let out the annoying sounds of ignorance to the topic at hand. “Hah, well!” Your uncle snickered. “Abilities are special powers that certain people can use.” Your uncle said, then leaned back on his chair again.
That was all he knew, really? While it was, in fact, what they were, he could’ve told her about the different types of abilities, about the people who use them, about how some people can’t control them, maybe about how it’s so unfair if you had a naturally dangerous ability…? 
No, he didn’t know about it, but you did. And you spoke up. “Yes,” You said, slightly smiling at the thought of what your familys’ facial expressions would be in a moment. “And some people are unaware that they have them. Some of them cannot control it, and it’s really unfair.” You started, looking around at the baffled faces of everyone around the dinner table.
“They end up locked up, captured, for the ability they cannot control. And usually, they end up executed.” You said with a straight face, a slight smile tugging at your lips. And suddenly, your father looked at you with those eyes. Shit, you were about to sustain a large beating right in front of you family. 
If you cried or ran away, you would just be beaten harder. So, as your father’s rough voice came out of his lips. “Come over here.” You started to walk over there. You stood right in front of him. And took it.
His fists tightened as he hit your face hard enough for you to fall over and bang your head on the floor. You started to feel woozy. Did you have a concussion or something? Probably. But as your father crouched down and took off his belt, you gulped. He was using a belt this time? You really fucked up, didn’t you?
He scrunched it together and started to hit your ribs. It hurt like crazy, but you took it. How couldn’t you? You didn’t have anywhere else to go, you didn’t. All you had that wasn’t theirs’ was your cat special ability, and well, that didn’t help that much either. 
Maybe you could sustain a living as a street cat? Yeah, an unlikely story. You were bound to die and be beaten on the streets, the same thing you would be running away from. And you were sure cat food would taste like shit too. You had no hope, but still, as you spoke up to your uncle, it felt good.
You felt valued as your little cousin looked at you in awe.
You felt seen, something you rarely felt in your life.
As you slipped from consciousness, you were calm, the rarest emotion in your life.
You woke up, looking around. You were on a couch. They had moved you out of the way. You sat back up, looking around even more. And well….there was blood right where you head had been laying. You sighed, touching your head.
Yup, your head was bleeding. However, it was patched up. That was weird, why had that happened? Now that you think of it, you were bandaged all over. Your green T-shirt with an orange cat and blue jeans remained. Afterall, those were the only clothes your parents bought you.
You sighed. Were you really gonna keep on living life like this? Always being beaten until you passed out? Being like a little, helpless, mouse? No. You weren't....but you'd need to plan first. And plan is what you did.
A few days later, a documentary of Yokohama, Japan came on. It told all about ability user and such. Yokohama, the neighboring city to Kawasaki, where you lived. You researched A LOT about Yokohama after seeing that.
And finally, one day after a heafty beating, you finally used your ability to escape. You sat on the roof, sighing in your unfashionable outfit. A plain white shirt, black gym shorts stolen from your brother(you tied it tight), an open olive green jacket, white socks, and grey tennis shoes.
You would really need to get some fashion sense...maybe you could pick some up when you got to Yokohama? Eurgh, whatever.
You stood up and used your ability, just like all those other times you did it to get a break from your family. But this time, you ran away.
”Special Ability: The Travelling Cat Chronicles!” You yelled, as you jumped off the roof, turning into a cat affectively and running to the next city over; Yokohama.
With no plan, with an unforeseen future, you ran away to Yokohama, the so-called heaven for ability users. And shit, it felt amazing.
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