#fucking. gamergate?? what is going on
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cumulativechaos · 2 years ago
in all the talk abt the levels of irony in the whole situation has anyone mentioned how funny it is that the company is literally named oceangate
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thewhizzyhead · 3 months ago
how genderbending the warriors (2024) is done not for the sole sake of "bad-assery"
okay here we go feminist ramble time for our newest chick on the block: warriors. now i'll be honest, prior to listening to the album, when i first heard that the warriors main girls were originally dudes in the movie and the novel, i thought that the decision for the genderbending, in lmm's perspective, were from the following: 1.) girl power move in like a very basic meaning of the word "bad-ass" 2.) simply a twist on a cult movie about big gang bros loved by the film bros, and 3.) a way to have the schuyler sisters back together gjfkdfldf
but when i read more about warriors and its development and how lmm took inspiration from the gamergate controversies of 2014-2015 aka among the peak of gamerbro misogyny campaigns, that's when i realized that Oh Shit Is Serious - because adapting a story about a group being framed and targeted and harassed for something they are accused of doing without any substantial proof other than a man screaming "THE WARRIORS SHOT CYYYYRUUS" with 21st century misogyny campaigns in mind makes the theme of fighting back a lot more complicated and a lot more resonant, going beyond just marketing a cast you can call "badass"
take the hurricanes' quiet girls, for example. the hurricanes (concept album version) is the only gang that lets the warriors off the hook and with a stern warning: quiet girls don't make it home. here, the hurricanes berate the warriors for not saying shit or attempting to defend themselves from accusations they know well aren't true. THIS MESSAGE IN PARTICULAR is what stays and influences ajax, fox, and swan til the very end of their stories.
literally one song after this does ajax show how easily she resonated with the hurricanes' lesson by finally sticking with her gut and actually choosing to fight back against both the baseball furies AND against the sleazy undercover cop. the latter encounter is one of the instances that really solidifies the recontextualization of the story because in the OG movie, ajax (a dude) WAS the sleazy fuck up harassing a woman in a park - and now with the literal character switch, ajax goes from being just a rebellious gangbro dude bro into someone whose want to fight is warranted. such a want to fight is seen in fox seeing as fox is the first to comment on the quiet girls scene and that, in the concept album, she is the one that instigates the rumble against the police in union square - saying that she is sick of being afraid of them and their 'fuckin powder blue' colors (also notice how she is the only warrior that really does say fuck the cops i think that's cool BUT I'LL TALK ABOUT FOX MORE NEXT TIME)
to a less obvious extent, swan also gets the receiving end of this recurring theme - by the album's finale, the usually violence-averse caution-first interim leader becomes a lot fiercer in protecting her crew. but perhaps among what i consider to be the biggest recontextualized change in the feminist sense is MERCY and her motivations to join the warriors in the first place. according to the wiki, her attraction to swan and the warriors and um seeing the orphans as wimps is what led her to switch sides BUT IN THE CONCEPT ALBUM, mercy's motivation to become a warrior is deepened, rooted in admiration rather than attraction - wanting to be like those women who hold their head up high. and again, we see this in Sick of Runnin' when she takes part in the rumble, finding her bravery within their ranks as they fight back. here, mercy becomes less of a swan tagalong and more of someone that wants what the warriors have: pride.
of course now that i type this out i realize that warriors is not based solely on the feminist rhetoric as with their theme of hope amidst adversity, the story is more intersectional and rooted in community struggle and wanting for more than that. but nonetheless, i genuinely believe that the twt filmbros arguments on why the genders should not have been changed in the first place just for "woke" points is kinda like,,,very shortsighted because not only does the narrative of women narrowly escaping unwarranted accusations actually fucking fit, but the act of learning to fight back amidst all odds - be it that of disbelieving, predatory men or the power of oppressive pigs - stays resonant for women yesterday, today, and the days to come.
ultimately, warriors (2024) is not solely a tale of female badassery - rather, it is a tale of the need for such "female badassery" in the face of past and present realities, which is why it somehow fucking worked.
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centrally-unplanned · 7 months ago
Very much enjoyed Tracing Woodgrain's foray into the internet life of jilted ex-rationalist and Wikipedia editor David Gerard. It is of course "on brand" for me - the social history of the internet, as a place of communities and individual lives lived, is one of my own passion projects, and this slots neatly into that domain in more ways than one. At the object-level it is of course about one such specific community & person; but more broadly it is an entry into the "death of the internet-as-alternate-reality" genre; the 1990's & 2000's internet as a place separate from and perhaps superior to the analog world, that died away in the face of the internet's normalization and the cruel hand of the real.
Here that broad story is made specific; early Wikipedia very much was "better than the real", the ethos of the early rationalist community did seem to a lot of people like "Yeah, this is a new way of thinking! We are gonna become better people this way!" - and it wasn't total bullshit, logical fallacies are real enough. And the decline is equally specific: the Rationalist project was never going to Escape Politics because it was composed of human beings, Wikipedia was low-hanging fruit that became a job of grubby maintenance, the suicide of hackivist Aaron Swartz was a wake-up call that the internet was not, in any way, exempt from the reach of the powers-that-be. TW's allusion to Gamergate was particularly amusing for me, as while it wasn't prominent in Gerard's life it was truly the death knell for the illusion of the internet as a unified culture.
But anyway, the meat of the essay is also just extremely amusing; someone spending over a decade on a hate crusade using rules-lawyering spoiling tactics for the most petty stakes (unflattering wikipedia articles & other press). The internet is built by weirdos, and that is going to be a mixed bag! It is beautiful to see someone's soul laid bare like this.
It can be tempting to get involved in the object-level topics - how important was Lesswrong in the growth of Neoreaction, one of the topics of Gerard's fixations? It was certainly, obviously not born there, never had any numbers on the site, and soon left it to grow elsewhere. But on the flip side, for a few crucial years Lesswrong was one of the biggest sites that hosted any level of discussion around it, and exposed other people to it as a concept. This is common for user-generated content platforms; they aggregate people who find commonalities and then splinter off. Lesswrong's vaunted "politics is the mindkiller" masked a strong aversion to a lot of what would become left social justice, and it was a place for those people to meet. I don't think neoreaction deserves any mention on Lesswrong's wikipedia page, beyond maybe a footnote. But Lesswrong deserves a place on Neoreaction's wikipedia page. There are very interesting arguments to explore here.
You must, however, ignore that temptation, because Gerard explored fucking none of that. No curiosity, no context, just endless appeals to "Reliable Source!" and other wikipedia rules to freeze the wikipedia entries into maximally unflattering shapes. Any individual edit is perhaps defensible; in their totality they are damning. My "favourite" is that on the Slate Star Codex wikipedia page, he inserted and fought a half-dozen times to include a link to an academic publication Scott Alexander wrote, that no one ever read and was never discussed on SSC beyond a passing mention, solely because it had his real name on it. He was just doxxing him because he knew it would piss Scott off, and anyone pointing that out was told "Springer Press is RS, read the rules please :)". It is levels of petty I can't imagine motivating me for a decade, it is honestly impressive!
He was eventually banned from editing the page as some other just-as-senior wikipedia editor finally noticed and realized, no, the guy who openly calls Scott a neo-nazi is not an "unbiased source" for editing this page wtf is wrong with you all. I think you could come away from this article thinking Wikipedia is ~broken~ or w/e, but you shouldn't - how hard Gerard had to work to do something as small as he did is a testament to the strength of the platform. No one thinks it is perfect of course, but nothing ever will be - and in particular getting motivated contributors now that the sex appeal has faded is a very hard problem. The best solution sometimes is just noticing the abusers over time.
Though wikipedia should loosen up its sourcing standards a bit. I get why it is the way it is, but still, come on.
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plaidos · 1 month ago
i don't know how many people still keep an eye on the gamergate anti-feminists. for a long time, one of the common arguments against having a female main character in a triple a game was "how am i supposed to relate to a female? i'm going to be taken out of the game and won't be able to enjoy it." it's a hollow critique, obviously, because that's not actually what the complaint is. it's a cover to absolve them from being called bigoted or misogynist or whatever. because being called (bigot/racist/misogynist/homophobe/transphobe/transmisogynist/etc.) is so much worse than any actual bigotry.
not sure why i thought of that. anyway, "it's not that deep, let people have their own headcanons because transmascs like thinking of their favorite characters as transmasc" is a fucking embarrassing take. there's so much joy to be had with engaging in art critically. starting and finishing with "i like this character, therefore my headcanon is that they're the same as me" is just a wilful refusal to engage and will never be as interesting to talk about.
oh sooooo true anon!
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melleonis · 2 years ago
it’s 2015 and i am
sitting on my mattress on the floor in the spare bedroom of the chicago condo my friend’s parents bought for them with oil company money. both of us have undiagnosed and unmedicated adhd. neither of us clean. the wide, shallow bathroom sink grows a yellow-black film of residue and shaved hair.
i am trying to come to terms with being dead. the year prior was a cascade of horror, a chain of a hundred different sudden sickenings in the gut, and as far as the world and most people in it are concerned, i no longer exist - which would have been more than fine with me, except that time continues to pass.
until recently, porpentine had been writing a column for rock paper shotgun called live free play hard, reviewing free indie games. itch.io is in its infancy, but unity is ten years old now and really starting to come into its own, and this is the heyday of the so-called walking simulator - Dear Esther in 2012 to Firewatch in 2016. i never played most of the big names, the ones that attracted all that sneering gamergate hatred (Gone Home excepted) - after all, they cost money, and in 2015, i didn’t have any of that. so every porpentine article was a damp, fertile patch of sometimes-delicious always-free mushrooms. i play a LOT of itch.io games that year, and i’ve been missing them lately, so i wanted to talk about them here.
live free play hard is a decade old, at this point. links are dead. games don’t quite run the same on modern computers. twine games which once had music are now silent. these are some of the survivors.
their angelical understanding by porpentine, herself. ***STROBE WARNING*** and also for a text-based game this is an intense PTSD simulator. i considered linking others of her games here: neon haze (link appears to be broken), CYBERQUEEN (about which i’ve already said a lot) or howling dogs (which is arguably still her best), but i went with t.a.u. because, well, in 2015 a PTSD simulator was what i needed.
CHYRZA by kitty horrorshow kh has probably Made It as an indie artist more than anyone else on this list? my metric for this is that there are two whole jacob geller video essays about her games. CHYRZA is pure tone: jittery unity platforming up desert monuments collecting audiologs. trust me, it’s really effective.
Bernband by Tom van den Boogaart this one still runs, but there’s a bit of slowdown in some areas. this is pure exploration through a very pixelly alien city: nightclubs, power stations, overpasses, late-night noodle bars. an empty chapel. a trumpet recital. the empty corridors and stairwells between everything. it’s stuck with me for all these years.
SABBAT by oh no problems this is the least subtle it is possible for a text game to be. it starts with animal sacrifice and gets really fucking explicit from there. as someone who had at the time cut a picture of baphomet out of the liner notes from a random black metal cd found in a des moine record store and taped it to my bedroom doorpost like a mezuzah, all i really wanted from SABBAT was the ability to have snakes for dicks, and buddy, it delivers. i remember there used to be a sort of sludgey doom metal soundtrack, but it doesn’t seem to exist anymore, and the credits link to a nonexistent soundcloud. so it goes.
HEARTWOOD by Kerry Turner hahaha man i’d completely forgotten about this game until i went back through the archives but fuck, it rules. it’s so simple. it’s pure sensation. i loved it then and i love it now.
Off-Peak by Cosmo D i think Cosmo D is still going strong these days! actually, i’m pretty sure i have unplayed games by them in my steam library, i should fix that. Off-Peak is a jazz exploration of the world’s most colorful train station. people are playing bespoke 2015 eurogames. a vendor is selling a bunch of sheet music that musicians have had to pawn, what with the way the economy is going. you understand. triplets stalk you. a man strokes a cow, menacingly. i would say it’s peak itch.io, but in point of fact it is, of course, off-peak itch.io.
anyway i lived, eventually, and went on to make art of my own, but it’s my belief - it’s my hope - that all my writing carries the spores these games and games like them put in me when i was dead and decaying and fertile ground for such things. i hope you play some of them. i hope you enjoy them. thanks for reading <3
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patiann345 · 11 months ago
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EXACTLY. This looks.. AWFUL on them. BOTH of them for the record.
I'm gonna be very blunt; look, I know Meatly is like fandom's darling compared to Mike,, but gang? They're both awful people and are going about handling this in the worst way possible. I'm holding both of them accountable, because where Mike is blatantly awful on the main, Meatly has been quiet the entire time. He's complicit.
Actually, they've been awful for a long time! Really this isn't anything new; I know of two extremely well-made videos going over how terrible they really are! Here :)
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Some things never change, and Mike particularly hasn't. Did you know his sister was the head of HR for their company? Did you know she was super immature and many an issue stemmed from that alone? Did you know that there were accusations of discrimination in the workplace? Not confirmed ofc, but with how Mike is handling the stuff with Norman rn? With what he's said about adding minorities like queers, about fucking,, gamergate? Personally, I believe those allegations. This isn't new.
I think some people in the fandom either don't know their history or have forgotten. Here's your reminder; don't forget.
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academicgangster · 1 year ago
Lately I've been thinking about how we managed to go so wrong. What happened in the world to take us from talking about making menstrual products free, removing the pink tax, addressing the wage gap, desegregating sports, freeing the nipple, queer liberation, promoting interfaith tolerance and love, to the current situation of radicalization, horrific sexism and transphobia taking over every talking point and the right wing using them to lever itself upwards and upwards.
What happened? What started it? There was a push when the internet started to shift toward being a 'professional' space, pushing for people to have a presence under their own legal names, but that's not the reason, that wasn't the inciting incident for today's bullshit. You know what was? You know what did start us down the path to where we are today?
It was fucking Gamergate.
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multitrackdrifting · 4 months ago
i work a 9-5 so i just learned this online news... but asmongold going mask off is not very surprising, because he is just so uninformed and he is the singularity of just, needing to have a fucking take on everything even when it is just spewing pure ignorance. dan olson had it right when he called him an outrage merchant cuz that's literally his fucking job, to get his viewerbase galvanized behind some neo-gamergate/culture war garbo that Legitimately nobody cares about
what a dickhead genuinely speaking, there's putting your foot in your mouth and then being completely uncritical of fascist and genocidal rhetoric. u don't even have to be left leaning or a leftist to recognise how fucking insane it is to call a group of people barbarians or an inferior culture and NOT REALIZE YOU ARE DOING THE "WE SHOULD MAKE THESE PEOPLE CIVILIZED" THING YOUR ANCESTORS WERE DOING COME ON...
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itsnickha · 11 months ago
The Star Wars prequels are about a teenage boy whose profound feelings of love, loss, and abandonment go utterly ignored by a religious organization that instead demanded he repress his emotions rather than validate them and help him work through them... allowing a fascist autocrat to scoop him up, offer him the care and guidance he needed all his life, and sway him into political extremism.
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"The prequels are the story of an arrogant religion who get a hold of the Messiah and then hand him over to the Devil." —So Uncivilized
The Jedi may have upheld justice and order, but they also didn't give a damn about your emotional well-being, mental health, self-care, or individuality. The Sith may have sought to commit unspeakable evils, but they won over the aimless and forsaken to their cause by expressing a facsimile of care for your personhood and empowering you to take what you so desperately needed instead of waiting for someone to give it to you.
This is why the Star Wars prequels are important. Even if the movies themselves are hilariously bad, the lessons they're trying to impart through the story they tell are more relevant now than ever before. We are seeing this pattern play out today through GamerGate, Sweet Baby Inc Detected, the Proud Boys, the Incel movement, and countless other extremist causes. We've seen this pattern repeat endlessly throughout history, with violent gangs, religious crusades, and bloodthirsty militaries.
The wellbeing of men matters. We need to take care of them, especially when they break from the hypermasculine mold in some way or haven't benefitted from the privilege that society tends to grant men. If we decide not to give a shit about men in need, then each one we abandon is one we forsake to the wolves. And all the wolves need do to win him over is to give him a pat on the back, a listening ear, and a finger pointed directly at those of us who left him behind to explain all of the ills he's suffered in his life.
pulling this out of the tags in case any ne'er-do-well rebloggers try to turn this into a misogynistic gotcha against women's rights:
#If you use this to try and clapback against feminism kindly fuck off #Women’s issues are also real as fuck #Instead of invalidating women’s lived experiences of suffering, go volunteer at a men’s shelter or do gang member outreach #There are so many men’s causes that are deserving of your energy more than women deserve your vitriol #The patriarchy oppresses us all and it will not fall as long as we stand divided
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kittenintheden · 11 months ago
okay listen I'm so tired lol
I am a fandom old. I've been around the freaking block like eight dozen times. I'm at the point in my life where I enjoy media because it's FUN and ENRICHING for me personally, rather than something I base my identity on. I adore the community that happens in fan spaces (mostly).
here is why I never trust an anon that's clearly just being a dick: I've been in way to many scenarios where people who aren't even invested in the thing just think it's so fucking funny to watch segments of a community fight with each other. it tickles some part of their lizard brain. their mom never taught them not to be an asshole to strangers. idk.
there's a political term that you may or may not be familiar with called astroturfing. it's frequently used in marketing and politics to falsely create the image of vast public support for something that doesn't actually have all that much natural support. for example, people who don't especially have strong feelings about trans issues being encouraged/paid/instructed to respond to any and all trans support a certain way. responding to blogs, sending letters to the editor, posting on message boards, etc. their goal is to create a broad public perception that most people are anti-trans (untrue).
and it works. entire fucking laws and legislation and protests and fearmongering come out of that shit. people make up FAKE PROBLEMS (cis men dressing up like women to go be pervy in public bathrooms???) and spread the word via bad actors and controlling the public discourse. the media conglomerate that gamed Facebook to disproportionately support asshole authoritarian alt-right clowns and got them elected was EXCELLENT at it.
a similar thing can happen in fandom, ESPECIALLY when that fandom is a haven for women, POC, queer folk, and other minorities. you guys might remember GamerGate and SadPuppies? yeah all those fuckers are still active and still purposely being shitty at every given opportunity because they think it's funny to make the "libs" fight amongst themselves.
look up #yourslipisshowing if you're not familiar. it was a movement by Black Twitter (specifically Black WOMAN Twitter) to expose bad actors who would create accounts posing as Black woman activists, learn the surface-level terminology, and just purposely cause discord in leftist spaces under the ever-familiar activist method of "being morally pure is a thing that can exist."
anyway: any time I get an ask or comment without a name attached that is very obviously intended to poke me in a sore spot, I delete that shit and assume it's some fucker trying to start fan drama for kicks. even if I'm wrong, I still don't need to feed into that shit. this is my fun, happy space. I'm an activist and do activist shit and get angry at the world in real life, I don't need it in my little fandom corner of the internet too.
which is not to say that shitty fans and shitty fandom takes don't really exist. they very much do. but I don't give them much air unless there's an actual name attached. and even THEN it can be hit or miss because people can and do create fake accounts if they're especially dedicated to being a shithead.
so: if you're minding your business and some goober comes into your ask box with shit that's clearly intended to push a button, give it like 24 hours to cool down and decide if it's actually worth it to respond. for me, most of the time I determine that it's not.
don't get me wrong. calling out bad behavior in fandom IS IMPORTANT and SHOULD BE DONE. I just also think it's important to try and find the joy and camaraderie in these spaces as much as possible and that people who try to disrupt that for jollies suck real bad and give a disproportionate perception of "what X fans are like."
in summary, my philosophy is be the best person you can be, be as kind as is warranted, focus on the parts of your fandom that make you happiest, and carry a big stick for when the jerks won't take a hint.
also like. shitting on other characters to prop up your fave is such a freaking middle school move. are you in middle school? if so, I'm sorry. if not, I'm still sorry, but for a different reason.
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pearwaldorf · 8 months ago
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This is a video from Anna Donion, studio head at Riot, which make Valorant, a 5v5 MOBA. If you don't know what that means, the only thing you need to know is this is a type of game that relies heavily on coordination between players through voice chat.
So if you encounter a jackass, you need to either suck it up or mute them, which obviously makes it more difficult to play.
It's not surprising that this particular type of game has harassment, but I was not expecting a MOBA to address the issue this directly, especially a MOBA from Riot. Because of, uh, stuff like this. So I guess this did light a fire under somebody's ass.
I lived through Gamergate and #metoo. I saw how much people really give a shit about sexual harassment and misogyny. Pretty much nothing has changed, except maybe people get a little more performative with the finger-wagging.
Listening to this, however, I get the feeling at least one studio is ready to take this seriously. And I'm happy to hear it, because it is long overdue.
But I'm also so fucking angry it's taken this long, when this should have been the baseline all along. Like Donlon said, it takes somebody having their worst day before companies usually take action. Think about how many worst days could have been prevented, for so many women, POC, gender minorities, and any combination thereof.
If I was optimistic, I'd hope this is a first step towards something changing in the industry. But I'm not, so I assume a bunch of studios are going to come up with bullshit reasons why it won't work for their particular situation. It's not that I want to be a Gloomy Gus, I've just seen these things happen all the fucking time.
I hope I'm proven wrong. I really do.
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homokommari · 10 months ago
it drives me up the wall when people go so fucking hard batting for mods that up sexualizing female characters. like there is a huge difference between being pro-human sexuality and being willfully blind to the misogyny of gamers refusing to tolerate any female characters in a game unless they are sex dolls. like. i feel insane that this is even unpopular opinion. sorry did i drop into an alternative universe where gamergate didnt happen? please tell me what your average titty mod user thinks about anita sarkeesian.
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gacha-incels · 9 months ago
Two questions I want to ask you: One, how do you personally feel about how all the discussion on Stellar Blade is mainly focused on the character designs rather than ShiftUp as a company and two, are the discussions in SK about the game in any way similar?
this is frustrating of course but not surprising. the design is a product of a misogynist company that exists in a violently misogynistic society, I don’t believe even a conversation that just tries to critique the design alone can happen without acknowledgement of this. of course this isn’t always the case, you can have seemingly non-hypersexualized character designs like some of them in “Limbus Company” and the company that makes this game will still engage in antifeminist incel pandering with their actions in real life, just like there can be a company producing media that seems “progressive” while engaging in fucked up shit in reality. this is common and is often weaponized. but I think the link between company politics and character design is relevant here so we can move forward with this discussion. on the western web you get the “FINALLY A GAME WITH A SEXY FEMININE FEMALE” guys and then you get the “she looks like a sex doll unlike MY favorite sexy video game female” guys who disagree but don’t want to come across as prudes. who creates these designs, who puts them in the game and for what target market? how is it advertised and why? typically this is never mentioned and therefore these conversations just become another childish “my favorite videogame VS your favorite videogame” internet fight. it just feels shallow and pointless. You have shifted the conversation that should at least acknowledge antifeminism in South Korea to stellar blade girl vs nier girl or whatever. it’s easy to react immediately/make memes or quippy twitter posts about the way something is designed based on your own feelings so this is what most people will do. again I do think part of this is because misogyny simply does not register for most people as a serious form of oppression. this is compounded with the fact that the Korean feminist’s struggle is not broadcasted across the western web with the same frequency and in the same way that something like the Hogwarts Legacy controversy was. Personally I find it disingenuous for reviewers especially to not mention Shift-Up’s antifeminist history. It’s not hard to find!
from the accounts I’ve checked the reaction is not as “explosive” as the gamergate 2 attempt that’s happening from western grifters. Shift-Up’s antifeminism has been discussed in regards to the firing, their partner company, the Nikke 🤏 censorship and the game’s designs. their Nikke display at a games convention that resembled a red light district was highly discussed by Korean feminists on twitter when it happened last year. Stellar Blade is not something a lot of people are constantly posting about from what I’ve seen at least. Usually someone will post screenshots from incels on one of their messgeboards but I haven’t seen anything like that recently regarding SB and tbh I don’t really go looking for it.
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rametarin · 2 months ago
Some self-awareness from Brianna Wu?
Saw her recent interview with Triggernometry. Sober and reasonable assessment about how the democrats are going to have to reform and do soul searching.
And I have to agree. The fringe Progressives have had too much influence on what should be a liberal platform for too god damned long. Instead, they demand uncompromising idealism, all the time. "Pragmatism is for liberals and conservatives!"
I'm not sure just how to convey what shitty experiences I had in the 90s that cemented my perspective that liberals were good, but they enabled the Capital P Progressives. Often socialists, often communists, also elitists, believers in using institutions to get around the will of the majority to impose moralism from above like a religious doctrine but without the open congregation to even know it's a religion.
When you start a conversation on racial equality and agree that there should be no entitlements or preventions for people on the basis of race in any direction, but you're contradicted by a guy that says, "white people shouldn't be allowed to [x], and black people need to have automatic seats and a share of power in [y]", and nobody in the left tells him he's wrong and needs to shut up, something is wrong.
On the one hand saying racism is bad and that the KKK is evil, but then applauding favoritism policies and clapping for fucking Farrakhan as just a black community leader, it makes people question if you really believe so strongly against racism, or if maybe you just don't like the race you see as on top.
Years of defunding the police and demanding abolition of prisons while enabling criminals and criminal behavior, calling them "social failures" and using them being free to incentivize alternative, unhelpful solutions at taxpayer and individuals' expense. Is it any wonder black people fucking flipped? Not to anybody that has been paying attention.
If the democrats and liberals would just purge their party of the ideologues and uncompromising Progressives, they'd be able to have won against Trump. If even Brianna, "Gamergate" Wu can grow and see what the democrats did wrong to lose so many non-white people, that's a sign of hope.
Beating Trump should've been easy. And yet, here we are. Here's to putting more liberalism in the democratic party by 2028
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avatarthelastairgender · 1 year ago
i'd be a lot more inclined to pity the hard drive if their editor wasn't obsessed with targeting random women in geek spaces for no reason. like what was the point of publishing an article making fun of anita sarkeesian nearly a decade after gamergate. or that one really mean spirited article about lindsay ellis implying she fired all of her employees without notice, to the extent that her actual employees had to go on twitter and say "no the fuck she didn't, that isn't true"
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unorthodoxchronicles · 4 months ago
I wish all gamergaters would die and explode im so tired about hearing how bad AAA games are bad because "WOKE CHARACTER DESIGN AND DEI" when its just games that aren't very good aren't selling in a really shitty economy. Like. literally. thats it. Back in the day when ubisoft released a piece of shit everyone went "wow what a piece of shit" but because its a woman in a post gamergate world clearly its "GO WOKE GO BROKE HAHA" get outta the fucking echo chamber lmao. Same with any publisher. "CONCORD DIED DUE TO BORING FOCUS TESTED "WOKE" DESIGNS" no concord died because its an overwatch clone and every overwatch clone has died basically immediately but this one is especially hilarious because its 40$ overwatch.
Again if wokeness was killing video games then Hollow knight, undertale, elden ring, Hades 1 and 2, Yakuza/Lad, Cyberpunk2077 - ect ect wouldn't have been huge successes. Literally all of those games/series have queerness, transness, "body type"- ect. TLDR: the games arent bad because they're woke they're bad because they SUCK ASS!
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