#fucking praying the colors look ok with my screen
nebuladreamz · 3 months
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johnwickb1tsch · 4 months
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Vino Veritas
A Destination Wedding Frank x Fem!Reader Fic
Attending the wedding of your ex-fiancé gets slightly better when you meet someone having just as miserable a time as you... Warnings: Nothing too serious holy shit. Cursing. Broken engagement. Nihilism, existential bullshit, copious amounts of sarcasm. Eventual nsfw, not this chapter. Angst. Grump/sunshine trope. Loosely based on the movie but I'm not that smart. Or bitter. chapter map.
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The Gate to Hell
You’re not sure what it is about airports, that somehow makes them feel like a special little extension of the circles of Hell. Or maybe purgatory, is more the like. All you do there is wait, and wait and wait, praying that soon it will be time to move on.
It probably doesn’t help that you’re absolutely fucking dreading your destination ahead.
Frankly, it will be a miracle if you survive this weekend with your sanity intact.
And then, there’s this dude behind you. You keep seeing him out of the corner of your eye. He just keeps pacing back and forth, rolling his stupid bag with him, and you just want to whirl and tell him to be still or sit the fuck down.
Instead, he comes to stand next to you.
You give him a glance. And then, you’ll admit, a double take, because he is stupidly handsome, even while frowning, staring churlishly at the flight monitor as though it had personally insulted him. And, to add insult to injury, he is tall. And well dressed in jeans and a button down and a nice sports jacket. And you inwardly sigh for some indefinable reason that has to do with longing and your acceptance that the universe does not bestow such gifts upon you for free.
“Nice dress.”
You blink, not having expected him to speak to you.
“Thanks.” It’s a 50’s style robin’s egg blue halter swing dress, your favorite color. You needed some bright color therapy, to face the hell you��re about to be stepping into.
“Is there a sock hop in San Luis Obispo I’m missing?”
You guess with your cat-eye Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses, you do look rather on brand.
From his sardonic tone you’re not sure if he’s making fun of you. “All the cool kids are going.”
You kind of deliver it like a dig, and you see the corners of his mouth twitch. “Ah. That explains everything.”
You look him over. He…really is ridiculously handsome, if you’re being honest. High cheekbones. Trimmed beard. Piercing eyes. Casually well dressed. A bit older than you, not that that’s ever stopped you.
“I hope our flight’s on time.”
You check your phone app for the airline. “Supposed to be.”
“Let me guess. You’ve got an app for that?” The way he says it, just this side of snide, like you fucking millennials—it kind of pisses you off. And maybe you’re overly sensitive to patronizing comments from older men, but with your history you have a right to be.
“Do you have a problem with me?”
He stands up a little straighter. “What?”
“Like what’s your deal? I was just standing here minding my own business, while you’re creeping around behind me—”
“I was not creeping. I was trying to see the board.” He gestures at the display screen by the gate.
You look him up and down. That’s a tall drink of water, if you’re being honest. “Because Mr. six foot six over here can’t see over my head—”
“I’m only 6’1”—”
“Okay, 6’2” in your shoes, and then you come up here, give me a backhanded compliment, and make fun of me for having the means to keep track of what’s going on with our plane?” You glare at him. “Holy shit, are you trying to neg me?”
“I don’t…even know what that means.”
“Ok, boomer.”
“I am not a boomer.”
Then he has the gall to step away—in front of you.
“You’re going to butt ahead in line too?”
“On a flight that holds eight people?”
“Wow. Ok, be my guest.” You wave him on, and he rolls his eyes. Then you have to stand there, and look at his stupidly broad shoulders in that nice sports jacket, and his dark softy waving hair that just brushes his collar…you’re not going to look at his butt.
You’re not.
Your eyes slide down.
Fuck, but that’s a nice caboose.
The Fight Or Flight Response
As you sit in your backseat of the plane, there is one seat left beside you, and when you see who boards last you want to throw yourself down the stairs before they close the door.
“Anyone want to trade seats?” he asks, bent over practically in half, he’s so tall and the plane is so small.
With a resigned grumble he settles into the seat next to you, as though the world might end if he has to spend a handful of minutes in your general proximity.
Then, of course, the universe further conspires to embarrass you by sending you a defective peanuts bag, which you cannot for love or money get to tear open.
“Dear god, tear it at the notch,” grouses the rude man beside you, driven insane by you fighting with it.
“There is no notch.”
He’s there with his big hand extended, making an annoyed give it here gesture. It’s distracting, truly, how long and elegant his fingers are.
“Give it here.”
“I’m fine.”
“Give. It. Here.”
You’re so disgusted with this whole day, you hand it over. Then watch with smug delight as he can’t get it open either. Finally, he uses his teeth in his frustration, undoubtedly spitting all over it. When he tries to hand it back to you, you raise an eyebrow at him. “Really?”
With a sigh, he offers you his less molested bag.
You take it like accepting his sword on the battlefield.
You both make faces as you quickly find that the seasoning on the nuts tastes like hot trash, and you reckon it’s probably a metaphor for how the next few days are going to go.
This is going to be the weekend from hell.
“So what brings you to San Luis Obispo?” the man asks resignedly, almost like he can’t quite stop himself from talking to you. There is an exhaustion in his tone that would have pulled at your heartstrings, if you weren’t so generally pissed off.
“You don’t have to try to talk to me.”
He shrugs, throwing up those big, beautiful hands in a gesture of annoyance. You can’t help but stare at them—they really are a menace.
“Just trying to be pleasant.”
You can’t stop the bark of laughter that escapes you at hearing that. He frowns over at you, and you cover your mouth, hiding your smile. You know you must look like a crazy person—but it’s just too ridiculous.
“Was it that funny?”
You sigh, and for some reason you feel better after the involuntary outburst. Okay. Maybe you can make an effort. No one is ever in a good mood at the airport, after all. “I’m actually going to Paso Robles.”
“It’s pronounces ro-blays.”
“Everyone says Row-bulls.” 
“Well, not the fucking Spanish who named it.”
He looks away again with that thunderhead of a frown. Why does he have to look extra handsome, when he’s pissed off?
You sigh again. “Look, I’m sorry. I swear, I’m not always such a bitch. It’s just…this fucking wedding I’m going to.”
This catches his attention; he turns to look at you like a hawk zeroing in on a mouse. “Not…Keith and Anne’s wedding?”
“How do you fucking know Keith and Anne?”
“Keith and I share a mother.”
“Holy shit, you’re Frank?”
“Who are you?”
“I was engaged to Keith, years ago.”
“Oh my god, you’re y/n.”
You can sense by the way he says it that you’re infamous in the family’s lore. It’s been a long time, but still, it fills your heart with a familiar leaden despair.
You close your eyes, and look away.
“You’re just as horrible as Keith always said,” you say to the window.
“I find you equally disagreeable, I assure you.”
waiting for death the car
“There was supposed to be a car,” Frank grouses the second you exit the airport. Patience is clearly not his strong suit.
“The flight was early.”
“But it seemed so long.”
It’s a good dig, truth be told, and the corners of your mouth twitch despite yourself. You sit down on a bench, and to your surprise he sits on the other, though on the side closest to you. “So what the hell are you doing here?” he asks. “Didn’t Keith break your heart?”
“Shattered it into bits.”
“I was invited.”
“And…you’re a masochist?”
“Look, I’m not…whatever Keith must have said I am. I was practically a fucking child when he started dating me. It was not…” It was perfectly legal, of course, but the imbalance of worldly experience, looking back, had not been kosher.
You feel the tide of all the pain and insecurity that man caused you raise up in your heart. Usually you’re pretty good at shoving that shit down down in the deepest dungeon you can, like a healthy person, but the wound is feeling a little fucking raw at the moment, considering.
“Keith is an asshole who only cares about himself. I am aware.”
You sigh, and the tide miraculously recedes. Goddamn. It almost feels like he’s on your side.  “Okay, yeah. There you go.”
“Why do this to yourself?”
“You know, before he broke it off, we had a fight the night before because I told him I would never get breast implants, of all fucking things, and Keith told me I would never amount to anything without him.”
“Sounds like something asinine he would say.”
“I wanted to go back to school, and he didn’t like it. He wanted a Stepford wife, and I was becoming alarmingly aware of the world outside his own making of it, the way children do when they grow up. If you’re wondering why he dumped me.”
“That tracks perfectly.”
“He invited me to be a shit and rub my nose in it, so…I’m here as a fuck you. I wanted to show him I’m doing fine.”
“Are you?”
“Yes, actually.”
“You do seem rather well adjusted.”
“Yeah, fuck you too.”
This, surprisingly, makes him smile a little.
A few moments of slightly less awkward silence pass before he asks, “So what did Keith tell you about me?”
“Oh, he told me plenty.”
“Such as?”
“What does it matter?”
“Don’t do that,” he snipes. “Don’t dangle the tidbit then refuse to deliver it.”
“Fine. He said you’re a grouch who hates everyone.”
“Oh. I was afraid he might have said something untrue.”
You glance over at his ridiculously well-sculpted profile. He glares ahead, his brows furrowed, and you strangely get the sense that maybe…he’s a little sad for it.
At fucking last, the shuttle car from the hotel arrives.
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Leverage Ep 11 >:3
Pre-game thoughts:
ngl the last episode was a lot of fun! got to see Nate at his breaking point, Sophie being the best (as always), ALEC AND ELIOT DUO!!!!!
also it looks like this one focuses on Parker? (at least, that’s what the blurb says 🤷🏻‍♀️) so praying for more moments for my ot3 🥰 either as duos or altogether, I do not care. just want them to have screen time 
anyway, can’t really think of anything else to add???
I mean, this is the last episode before the 2-parter finale, so I’m curious if this will touch on…..the ✨insurance company✨and that uh Crowley-looking dude (unrelated to GO!Crowley, a show I should also watch)
ooooooh a flashback 👀
Ok that was not a safe dose
is he dead?????
oooooooooh team drama 👀
lmaooooo parents (Nate/Sophie) using jury duty as a lesson
“Yeah, I know jury duty, this seems legit” <- has only gone once
OooooOOOoooooOoOooh defendant is wearing colored shades, he must be an asshole 😂
babe, please step the fuck away from the jury panel. i would not be in favor of you anyways with you standing so close wtf
oop! she knows!!! fuck they’re gonna strike her out 
ok but seriously who are those camera people???? are they even a real legal team???? the ick is strong, I hope they burn this other team to the ground
everybody giving Nate the stink eye, yesssssssssss 
(You would think, with how much I yell at this man, I hate him, but tis the opposite! Love him. He’s just an asshole, and I would never like him in person, great character <3)
Lmao he took the beer
literally before clicking play I was like “you know, I don’t think Parker and Eliot have been a duo yet” AND HERE WE GO
nO glasses guy 🫢 was a faker?! <- is not shocked
jfc Alec is good 😍
ok what you doing Parker? oh wait nvm 
Chess???? lmao you nerd
“Hmmmm how do we show an evil character is smart…..I KNOW! Chess!”
ohhhhhh big pharma ok (can’t believe it took me this long)
ugh no we’re not
oh shit bribery????
ELIOT PLAYS CHESS???? you fucking nerd 💕
lmao Parker gets a lesson in social interaction (I’m so sorry, girlie, I’d hate it too, but tbh I also befriended an older lady while at jury duty so same????)
it’s ok Parker you tried your best 🫂
“I have a peanut allergy” <- love you Alec 
Nate, I sure hope you don’t regret that honeypot plan
OHHHHHHHHH oh dear ok now the brownface comments make sense
Ok show’s age has been shown
jfc Sophie wtf please tell me this is the only episode where this happened 
“I’m very spiritual” <- 🤢 god how many times have I heard this
Jesus H Christ I can’t even look at her T^T
awwwww Sophie is helping Parker
i want Parker and the grandma to be friends. Like best friends
lmaooooooo she’s foreman now (I don’t think I spelled that right)
girlie, you sound like you’re giving the old man a job interview 😂
He won’t
Nate noooooooooo
but also shit they are treading the legality there (<- she says even tho they do this every episode)
“Do you trust your government, Ms. Vargas?” ALEC 😂😂😂😂 bringing back the old teachings of being a Jehova Witness i see
WE ARE BARELY HALFWAY?????? (Sorry just looked at the time stamp  what do you mean it’s only been 20 minutes????)
“is that a high school yearbook?” oh my god
Alec, babe, love you, but what
girlie you could say cauliflower steak
Awwwwwwwwwwww Parker has a friend 🤧🤧🤧🤧
Alec’s headshot is beautiful 
“It all checks out unless [says an example of exactly what Alec did]”
Ooooooh outsource mention 👀 
Nate there are cameras!!!!
“You know why they say, ‘Justice has a blindfold’? Because Justice is asleep” FUCKING DEAD
ok bro this isn’t jury duty anymore this is a trial???? did I miss the part where they finished jury selection 
lmaooooo he was Scottish 
Awwwwwwwww Parker 🥺 “she likes rainy days” im fucking sobbing
Ok now that’s why we were only halfway 
Hehe Alec has to actually win the trial
“You think lawyers aren’t just pretending and trying to fill in daddy’s shoes” ok, uh, wow 💔 
Eliot on another parents trip!!!
wait who is he fighting???? Oh ok
Nate, you look so fucking dumb 😂
oh ho ho! bringing up his qualifications I see 👀 why he now only doing cases in Cali 👀
Alex’s closing statement 👀 omg 🥺 yes babe 🤧 beautiful 💐 take my flowers 💐💐💐💐💐
jfc I’m nervous!!!! I know this will end happy but still!!!! So nervous 🫠
nooooo, she must not figure out 🫠
Oh dear, 
lol yesssss girlie, burn that fucking bridge!!!! BURN THE BRIDGE!!!! DIG THAT HOLE!!!!
unrelated but her jacket is super pretty
ok ok here we go. fuck I’m nervous 
why are you revealing yourself to her????? bro she could find people to get you!!!!
Final Thoughts:
this episode was so much fun!!!! we may not have gotten much of the Parker/Eliot duo but I’m still happy that they got to tag-team! Parker learning how to socialize, be a team player, and lead was just 👌👌👌👌👌👌 wonderful so proud of her T^T Alec was amazing (obviously) and fucking killed both for stalling the case and winning it <3
not as much Nate/Sophie moments besides them acting like parents to their teammates and being a well-oiled machine 😎 so I’m still satisfied! a little disappointed that there wasn’t any hint for the finale but that might just be because of the messed up order again 😔 
overall: wonderful episode, this might be my favorite of the season (tho Miracle Job still has my heart)
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myaheartsmarkie · 2 years
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addicted - chapter three
word count: 12.9k
playlist: from time by drake, late at night by roddy rich, i want u around by omar apollo, wasting time by brent faiyaz, best you had by don toliver, luv is dro by jack harlow, and party by sik-k!
genre: smut, so much. mild one sided pining, jealous! jeno, angst, fluff (im team jeno yall lol), fwb! to lovers, student athletes! yn + jeno. the boyz! and dream + 127 member make side role! appearances. jaehyun is trying to fight jeno lol, haechan and kevin stir up trouble as per usual
warning(s): smut! smut! smut! (pls, if you're a minor - leave.) lots of swearing!!, jeno is toxic, and boy oh boy does it show. choking, spanking, slight public sex! (they're fucking in the locker rooms again lmaooo), teasing, dom! jeno, sub! reader, face fucking, spit play, cum play, oral (f! + m! receiving), tons of sex talk, established height difference (im not even short so lets not jump to conclusions, but the dominating role i wrote in for jeno imo calls for a significant height difference. im the author so pls respect it. if you don't like it don't read it. thanks.) reader has a smart ass mouth (if you're sensitive? ig..lol my mouth is reckless too so it feels normal) mentions of violence (jaebae isn't taking no shit in this chapter lmao), use of pet names (baby, angel, princess, etc..) jeno can be rough at times in some scenes, but not violent, some dry humping, slight size kink, i think that's it...lmk if i missed anything!
note from mya: ITS FINALLY HERE YALL!! omg this took so frickin long D: im so very sorry & i pray to every god that its worth it ! i worked hard lol. also i had originally written 14.8k but last night it got deleted bcus we had an outage & i guess it didnt back up properly :( but yea, you guys already know. no minors. if you're legal, happy reading :) taglist is posted at the bottom <3 . & of course this isn't revised lmao...fuck that. thanks for your patience & support, ily!
© myaheartsmarkie 2022 — all rights reserved !
“yn?” kevin said softly, knuckles grazing the frame of your door. 
he sighs when he receives no response in return. he looks back at jaehyun with a sad expression. jaehyun lets out a sigh, chest heaving angrily. 
“i’ll fucking kill him” he mumbles, turning around and stalking to the front door. 
kevin scurries to sit the plate of food down and catch his best friend before he reaches outside. kevin grabs jaehyun’s shoulder, halting his movements. 
“we don’t even know if it’s because of jeno,” kevin starts. 
“i know it is—god, i never liked that dickhead” he says, hands going to grip his hair out of frustration. 
“ok…but your rep too—you can’t just beat up the baseball captain and get away with it” he tells jae. 
jaehyhun sighs, moving to sit on the couch. he tugs his phone from his pocket, quickly finding your contact. 
jaebae: hey…ik you don’t wanna talk rn but me & kev are here for you, ok? you know we always are. so whenever you’re ready, we’ll be here waiting. i love u. 
jaebae: …and if it was that fucker j*no i promise you these hands are rated e for everybody, especially if they hurt you. 
you smile at the text messages. you love your best friends but right now…you weren’t up for any kind of communication. you were glad they knew that as well. hearting both of the messages from jaehyun before you turn your phone off again, burying yourself under your duvet. 
it’s been a long ass week. 
missing three days of class, constant crying, and using up your vacation days to sulk in bed can be very exhausting. luckily sungchan has been sending you his notes, filling you in on what you’ve missed. he was god sent, truly your guardian angel. his notes were filled to the brim, jotted down sentences in multiple different pen colors, he was so extra. the last photos he sent to you was yesterday. three pictures of his college ruled white paper concluding with a quick selfie of himself with a thumbs up, ‘get better, i miss u!’ drawn across the screen with a tiny heart. 
you haven’t thought about him. not today at least…but have you thought about him since the whole ordeal? yes. yes times a thousand. you can’t help it, your mind does its own thing. it doesn’t listen to you, no matter how hard you try to not do so — your mind betrays you. pictures of his stupidly handsome face, his stupid buff arms, and his stupid stupid stupid (very good) dick game. you can’t help it! 
you’re surprised with yourself though, the fact that you’ve actually mustered up the courage to block him and not text or call him back. it truly takes a ton of work and you’ve done well these past few days. the countless missed calls from the ‘no caller id’ contact and constant texts from the said man. begging for you to come back and his meaningless apologies. you’ve read them…hell fucking yeah you have, but have you replied? nope. 
you sigh, reluctantly sitting up in your bed. you eye the time, 11:06am. you have class at 12…if you get ready now, you can make it on time. you purse your lips in thought, do you really wanna go to class today? you shake your head, tugging the blanket from over you and make your way to the bathroom. 
jaebae: im going to practice and kev is at sunwoo’s. lmk if you need anything, sweetheart. 
you see the text from your roommate, eyes drifting from the mirror to your phone screen. you read it and smile. tooth rotting sweet as usual, what more do you expect from jae? you pick up your phone, texting him back. 
you: ok!! thank u but im good rn :) luv ya 
you lock your phone, continuing your activities. you press the plus sign on your speaker, upping the volume trying anything to get you into a good mood. mumbling some lyrics here and there while you get ready. once you’re done you twist the door of your bathroom, but you come to an abrupt pause. the house is empty now…which means you have no ride. you facepalm. you can’t text jae now, it’s been like 10 minutes since he left. you internally whine, moving to sit on your bed. you lay back dramatically, huffing as you wonder who the hell you could call. kevin’s free but probably tipsy…afterall in his world it’s always 5 o’clock somewhere. jaehyun and sungchan are at practice, jieun…we’re not even gonna think about her. who else even is there…? 
you sit up in a flash as his face pops up in your head. if you remember correctly he has a 12 o’clock class as well, so it shouldn’t be much of a hassle, right? you hurriedly grab your phone, scrolling until you stumble across his contact. 
you: hey bestie :D !! i need a ride to class, can you pick me up ? 
you cringe at the message, swiping up and out of the app. you bite your lip…were you being too forward? is this crossing any lines? was it too soon? 
you: if not it’s cool!! don’t worry about it lol..
you chuck your phone backwards onto your bed. palms covering your face as you groan loudly. was it always this awkward? like…texting? you don’t know, but what’s done is done. mainly because you can’t unsend it. 
you flinch at the sound, reluctantly picking up the cellular device. 
eric :) : sure!! be there in five :) 
eric :) : ps…cus you’re cute i won’t charge you for gas money :P thank me later
you roll your eyes at the second message, you’re glad he’s not being awkward about it. you were already emotionally fucked up…you didn’t need another problem added to your plate right now. you sigh happily, gathering your things and moving to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. settling on a green apple, you bite the fruit scrolling through your fyp while you wait. 
eric :) : i’m here 
you make your way out the door, clutching your bookbag strap tightly. why were you so nervous? you weren’t even this nervous when you and him went on your first date! this is so backwards. 
watching your shoes as you hop down the stairs, making your way to his black jdm. you’re glad he’s not standing outside the car like usual, you’d be too embarrassed to look at him face to face. you grab the handle, pulling the car door open. slinging your bookbag off before you climb in. hand running down the back of your skirt to make sure it doesn’t bunch up when you sit. you close the door before turning to look at eric. when you do you let out an audible gasp. 
“o-oh my god!” you say, eyes wide with shock. 
eric laughs, running a hand through his hair. 
“when the hell?” you say, hand moving to touch his newly dyed hair. 
“two days ago, you like it?” he asks, body turning towards yours. 
your finger runs through his hair, admiring the new color. his eyes are on you, watching you with curious eyes. you were still so damn pretty. 
“i do…it suits you” you smile, retracting your hand from his head. 
“thank you m’lady” he grins, hands moving to start the car. 
you shake your head, buckling yourself in before he pulls off. 
you make your way through the hallway, squeezing through the many other bodies. you clutch your book bag to your side, trying your best not to bump into anybody. you stand atop your tiptoes trying to glance over the many heads. you eye your classroom, trying to push your way through in
the direction of your class. you successfully make it to class, pushing through the door and hurrying to make it to your seat. you sit down with a huff, head falling onto the table. if you knew it’d be this stressful you would’ve stayed home. 
you sat up, eyes curiously searching the classroom. there were a few other students scattered everywhere, but it wasn’t 12 yet…so more people are sure to show up. you didn’t see sungchan though, you pouted picking up your phone. 
you: HEY FUCKER!! WYA???
bambi: ??? you’re in class ??? 
you: YES
bambi: i’m almost there, save me a seat pls
you thumbs up his last message, sitting your bookbag on the seat next to you. in the last minute or so at least ten or twelve more students poured into the class. you rest your face on top of your open palm, blowing a breath out from your mouth obnoxiously. you really didn’t wanna be here. 
you and sungchan stretch in unison, fingers reaching towards the ceiling. you guys turn to face each other, laughing loudly. you both gather your things making your way out to the hallway, thanking the professor on the way out. you loop your arm through sungchan’s skipping side by side down the hallway. 
“you wanna get some food?” he asks and you nod happily. 
“ok, i gotta get my keys from my locker, come on” he tells you, leading you in the direction of the elevator. 
the two of you step into the elevator, pressing the number four. you both wait patiently, stepping out once the doors open for the two of you. 
“you wanna wait right here?” he asks, pointing at the bench outside of the locker room. 
you nod, un-attaching yourself from him and sitting down politely. you cross your legs, folding your hands over your lap. you watch sungchan walk away, both yours and his book bags slung over his figure. you slightly smile, you loved him so much. your left leg bounces, nerves going a little crazy – worried jeno would randomly pop up when you least expect it. you find your nail in between your lips once more, chewing nervously. 
“yooo! haven’t seen you in awhile,” a voice shouts from behind you. 
you jump, eyes wide as you look over the figure. he walks up to you, hand resting on your shoulder. 
“woah, didn’t mean to spook you” haechan laughs, welcoming himself to sit next to you. 
“you fucking dick,” you roll your eyes, punching his arm. 
“ow! why’re you sitting out here? waiting for jeno?” he asks, teasingly wiggling his eyebrows at you. 
you huff out, rolling your eyes at him. you lift your hand again, but haechan grabs your balled up fists so you don’t hit him again. 
“it was a joke, i’m kidding” he tells you.
“i’m waiting for sungchan, we’re gonna go eat”  you say to haechan, tugging your hands from his grip. 
“—and jeno and I are no longer acquainted, thank you very much” you huff, turning your nose up. 
“wait, really? why, what happened?” haechan asks, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“don’t wanna really talk about it, but he can’t keep his dick in his pants to save his life” you mutter with a roll of your eyes. 
haechan makes an ‘o’ shape with his mouth, nodding his head in understanding. you nod as well, turning your head to the sound of the door opening, haechan peeking around your shoulder. sungchan walks out, spinning his car keys on his finger. you stand up, brushing your skirt down. haechan follows suit, standing up as well. he daps sungchan up and gives you a kiss on top of your head. 
“i’ll see you guys later,” he yells out, holding the locker room door open. 
the two of you waved goodbye to the boy, turning around to make your way to the elevator. 
“yo sungchan! i forgot to ask—” his sentence is cut short as he sees who is standing in front of him. 
you and jeno make eye contact, your mouth drying up at the sight of him alone. you shift on your feet nervously, swallowing hard. jeno’s eyebrows crinkle in confusion and anger. 
“hey roomie…what’d you need?” sungchan asks with a nervous laugh. 
“so you’re too good to text or call me back because you’re hanging out with my best friend?” jeno asks, looking past sungchan at you. “hey…i’m both of your guys’ best friends.” sungchan says. 
you roll your eyes, turning your gaze elsewhere. you didn’t have the energy to deal with this right now. not only did you not come here for this but you’re hungry as hell. not a good mixture. 
jeno scoffs when he realizes you’re not going to reply, “oh so you really think you’re too good, huh? can’t even speak to me.” he says, mockingly laughing at you. “fuck off jeno,” you say, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“whatever, are you coming back to the crib tonight?” jeno asks, turning his attention to sungchan. 
sungchan thinks about his question for a bit, but he shakes his head no. “i’m going to haechan and yuta’s for the tournament…they want their asses whooped in mario kart again,” he chuckles lightly. jeno nods in understanding, smacking sungchan’s back with his palm. “i’m having jieun over, I needed it empty tonight” he winked at you. 
you scoff loudly, can you believe this fucking asshole? you can’t believe you used to like him. 
“you’re a dick, fuck you” you say, not breaking eye contact with him. jeno shrugs, leaning down towards your face. you back up in disgust, not wanting to be anywhere near him at all. “let me know when you’re done being petty and I promise I’ll take you back, princess,” he whispers, curling a piece of your hair behind your ear. you smack his hand away angrily. “never in a million fucking years,” you say through gritted teeth, turning away. 
you make your way to the elevator, pressing the down arrow. sungchan follows suit, nervously fiddling with his fingers. you huff out, blowing the stray hairs in front of your face away. you were beyond livid right now. 
[ the (3) stooges ] 
you: jeno fucked jieun. 
you: and they’re meeting up to fuck again 2nite
you: feeling suicidal :) 
you: i wish i was fucking lying. 
kev: what an asshole…that’s so disappointing
jaebae: i’m omw
[ you and kev ‘?’ this message ] 
kev: where are you going??? 
you: ^
jaebae: to fuck him up . 
[ kev hearted this message ] 
you: no?? wtf???
kev: ignore her, go fuck him up!!! beat his ass!!! 
[ jaebae liked this message / yn disliked this message ] 
you: i’m so serious, what if you lose your scholarship :( 
[ kev disliked this message ]
jaebae: sigh
kev: fucking party pooper, boo tomatoes boo!! 
you: thank you i love u guys 
[ jae + kev hearted this message ] 
you lock your phone, sitting up off of sungchan’s lap. you make your way to the kitchen to grab a drink. twisting the cap on the bottle of water, you take a few sips as you walk back into the living room. 
“who the FUCK threw that bannana?!” haechan asked and yuta smirks in response to his outburst.
“what are you gonna do about it, huh?” yuta asks, throwing another banana towards haechan’s character. 
sungchan is quiet throughout the game, eyebrows crinkled in sheer concentration. you eye the gold number one in the corner of his screen. all the other boys moan out in agony as he crosses the finish line. haechan throws the switch controller down onto the couch angrily. 
“fuck you” yuta says, flipping your best friend off. you and sungchan laugh at the boys' reactions, finding them amusing. 
you guys all looked at the door confused when the doorbell rang. yuta gets up to answer the door, and you all look curiously from your seats. 
“eric? what’s up!” yuta says, unlocking the door for him and his friends. 
you turn to sungchan with wide eyes, sungchan smiles at you. 
“take your mind off jeno for now…he’s my friend but he’s being a dick right now” he tells you, ruffling your hair. 
“you invited them?” you ask, and sungchan nods. 
“i swear i’m—” you start but you close your mouth abruptly when you hear your name being called. “yn? is that you?” eric asks, you turn around slowly with a sort of awkward smile. “i didn’t know you’d be here, would’ve come over sooner,” eric joked, sliding into the open seat next to you. sungchan rubbed your back before he stood up to walk away. 
“you met my friends, right?” he asks, pointing back at his two friends. sunwoo and juyeon wave at you with a smile. “is this your girlfriend?” juyeon asks, you and eric blush madly. sunwoo elbows him in the side, offering a small apologetic smile. “s-sorry, it’s just–when you guys were at the club…i-i thought” the black haired boy stutters. 
“it’s fine,” you smile, hands holding your blushing face. eric is just as red as you, coughing at the now awkward environment. “we’re not dating, jackass,” eric says, running a hand through his hair. 
“you guys want in?” you hear haechan ask.
sunwoo and juyeon’s eyes light up at his question, practically running to grab a controller. you watch them, laughing at their excitement. yuta then makes his way back to the living room, speaker in hand. what was a small quiet get together is now a very noisy party of seven. 
“do you wanna go outside?” eric asks, leaning down to whisper the question into your ear. with blushing cheeks you nod yes, following him out the front door. 
haechan looks at sungchan both of them sharing a nod before sungchan pulls his phone out. 
[ bsb bozos ]
hae: wooooah yn went with him outside ;)
sungchan: lol fr? just them?
hae: yuuuup
jeno: ???
hae: oh shit
sungchan: wrong gc, fuck.
hae: yea my bad jen lmao
jeno: who are you guys talking about?
[ read 11:34am ]
jeno: you little shits better answer me 
[ haechan liked this message ]
hae: i love aggressive men <3 
hae: yn went outside with eric :)))
sungchan: stfu omg you can’t hold water for shit. 
hae: im sorry D:
jeno: are you deadass?? im omw you fuckers better watch her, if he touches her istfg 
hae: you got it daddy— boss!
sungchan: i meaaaan…
jeno: chan don’t fw me rn
sungchan: no bcus you literally told her you were gonna fuck her now ex bestfriend…
sungchan: but now you want us to watch her?? because she went outside with someone?? 
sungchan: it’s ass backwards…you can stick your dick in anything that walks & she has to be ok with it but when she’s in the vicinity of another man you’re losing your fucken mind. make your mind up jeno, we’re not kids. if you want to be with yn, then tell her AND show her that. stop making shit complicated. we all know you want her. 
hae: ok, but it’s giving poet…modern shakespeare if you will 😫 .
sungchan: LMFAOOO stfu haechan 
jeno: im not responding to that shit in full, you talk to damn much. but ik im in the wrong, but im selfish ass toxic mf and she knows that. im omw rn, you don’t have to watch her…but i am taking her home so you don’t have to worry about us. 
hae: oh we’re not worried abt y’all…were worried for eric
sungchan: ^ yeah…will he be ok? his team still needs him lmao..
jeno: i won’t touch him…
sungchan: im not buying it, where’s the rest
jeno: if he’s not touching her, i’ll be cool. 
hae: alright lee, stop texting cus ik you’re driving.
sungchan: ^ adios 
“wait wait, so you didn’t always live here?” you ask, and eric nods. “nope, i just came back this year.” he confirms, and you nod with a slightly agape mouth. “how are the states? is it as fun as people make it seem?” you question, eric holds his chin with two fingers trying to figure out how to answer. “i like the states…different—very, but it’s enjoyable.” he replies and you nod. “you wanna go?” he asks, referring to the states and you nod excitedly. “ugh, it’s my biggest dream…but i
haven’t gone yet,” you pout, bottom lip slightly jutting out. you wrap your arms around yourself, seeking warmth from your hands. 
eric notices and slips out of his hoodie, offering it to you. you shake your head, waving your hands. “it’s fine,” you say. “wasn’t asking, yn” he tells you, already putting the hoodie over your head. you reluctantly push your arms through the holes, pulling the oversized sweater on. eric slides his hands under your hair, lifting it from under the sweater. he curls some of it behind your ear and you look up at him with a sweet smile. “uh, thank..you” you say, fiddling with the hem of his sweater. eric looks back at you, with kind eyes, loving how you look in his sweater. he bends down slowly, inching towards your face. you bit your bottom lip, contemplating whether or not you should let this happen. it’d be wrong, right? to lead him on, you know you don’t like him…not more than a friend. so why let him do this? it’ll only hurt him again. before you know it, he’s centimeters from you, his lips so close to yours. you sigh, squeezing your eyes shut. you wait for his lips to touch yours, squeezing your hands together. your nails dig into the skin of your palms. 
before his lips could touch yours, you’re being tugged away from his grasp. your eyes shoot open, you’re now staring at the back of a tall figure. 
“the fuck do you think you’re doing, huh?” the man says, his grip on your wrist was tight and unwavering. 
“jeno?!” eric says, astonishment evident on his face. you and him both were just as surprised at his presence. 
“w-when did you get here?” you ask quietly, trying to pull away from him. jeno turns to you, eyeing the sweater on you. “take this shit off,” he tells you, pulling at the sleeves. 
if you didn’t do it yourself he was going to do it himself. you tug the sweater up and off of you, wrapping your arms around yourself. you guys may be on bad terms but you know better than to aggravate an already angry lee jeno. eric scoffs loudly in response to the scene unfolding in front of him. 
“yn, what the fuck is going on right now?” eric asks and you open your mouth to respond. “don’t fucking talk to her.” jeno seethes, looking at eric angrily. he throws the man his sweater back and turns away. he grabs your hand, tugging you away from eric. you shriek, looking back at eric slightly waving as jeno drags you along. 
“j-jeno, my wrist..it hurts” you say quietly. 
jeno stops walking, causing you to run into his back. you stumble, holding your nose from the impact. you look up curiously, wondering why he stopped walking. “you know how angry i get when you do shit like this,” jeno whispers, and your eyebrows crinkle. “w-what do you mean?” you ask. “don’t play dumb.” he tells you, pinning you against the wall. you flinch at the way it feels against your skin, but you couldn’t care less right now. 
“everytime i see you with someone that isn’t me,” his hands snake around your waist. “i fucking hate that shit…and you know it” his hands grab your ass, squeezing it until you moan out. “i’m selfish, and you’re all mine baby” you bite your lip, looking up at him with glazed over eyes. 
“w-what about jieun…” you whisper, needing to know. 
“i fucked up, and i’m sorry..” he tells you curling a piece of hair behind your ear. you nod in response. “did you…” jeno shakes his head, finger grazing your lips shushing you. “no baby, we didn’t…i promise” he tells you, bending down to kiss your head. you nod in response.
you’d rather not talk, it's been a long night. you’re relieved to say the least though…you’re glad they didn’t sleep together. you don’t know what you would’ve done or said if he said they did. 
“take me home,” you say, turning your head away from him. 
jeno nods, grabbing hold of your hand. “let’s go baby,” he says, leading you towards his car.
[ the (3) stooges ] 
* ‘kev kev’ added ‘bambi’ and ‘hae <3’ * 
you: there’s 5 of us now, gc name is incorrect. 
hae <3: omg girl stfu
[ you changed the gc name to “yn for prez :D” ]
bambi: lmfao tf kind of name
kev kev: i hope you know i would n e v e r vote for you :)
you: rude asf. 
hae <3: yeah yeah, shut up. what happened yesterday ?!
kev kev: oh yeah! how’d it go last night??
bambi: ^
you: ??? wdym
kev kev: did you get dicked down last night?
you: wtf?? no. 
hae <3: mission: failed
kev kev: fat ass sigh
you: wait a damn minute…
you: i knew it…jeno literally just popped up. 
[ bambi + hae <3 disliked this message ] 
bambi: stfu you’re a fucking liar
hae <3: jus because i helped doesn’t mean i was involved :(
you: i’m gonna fuck you two up
[ kev + hae <3 liked this message / bambi disliked this message ]
bambi: yn, i love you 
[ you liked this message ] 
bambi: it wasn’t me D: pls believe me 
[ you liked this message ] 
you: <3 
[ kev + hae <3 disliked this message ] 
kev kev: in FRONT of me ?! 
hae <3: ^ ong, ur so fake bro ):
kev kev: fuck u yn :( 
jaebae: can you guys shut the fuck up?? i have a game tmrw u asshats 
you: sorry :(
kev kev: im shutting the fuck up. 
bambi: aye aye captain 
hae <3: yes daddy. 
you skipped down the hall with jaehyun, his arm slung over your shoulder. he insisted on walking you to class today, you were a bit taken aback but you let him do so. 
“so, what’s up after class?” he asks. “i go back to practice today—i’m excited” you reply back, a glint showing in your eyes. jaehyun looked down at you fondly, he adored you. “should i be worried..?” you ask, turning to look at him. jae shakes his head no, petting your hair. “just didn’t want you running into him again alone,” he tells you, a small smile spreads across your features. 
you wrap your arms around his middle, buying your face in his chest. “thank you, jae…i appreciate you” you tell him, he chuckles lightly. bending down a bit to press a kiss to the top of your head before he turns you around to push you through the classroom door. 
jeno watches from afar with an annoyed expression. his fists at his sides, jaw clenched tightly. he hated seeing you with other guys. fuck everybody that wasn’t him. though he knows everything between you and jaehyun is all platonic, it still bothers him. 
jae turns around, making eye contact with jeno. he rolls his shoulders back, jutting his chin in his direction slightly—silently greeting him. jeno doesn’t nod back, he just stays still—fists still shaking with rage. jaehyun smirks slyly, turning away from jeno clutching his book bag strap.
you sat in class quietly, jotting down notes every now and again. you were mainly zoned out though—pondering on what jeno was doing right now. you pushed the pen into your cheek, clicking the button in and out. you wondered what he had on right now, or if he was listening to music, or if he was thinking about you too. you didn’t know why your mind drifted off to jeno lee, but you couldn’t help it. after the encounter with him last night, he’s been heavy in your head. 
j: come to me after class. 
what are the odds, lol. you say to yourself in your head. you pick up your phone, clicking the notification. 
j: and you better have me unblocked or else yn. 
[ you disliked this message ] 
you: stfu i do what i want
you: where and why
j: don’t question me & stop being funny.
j: locker rooms, right after class. not a minute later.
j: don’t make me fucking wait. 
you rolled your eyes, leaving him on read. a little riling up never hurt anybody…well, never hurt you at least. plus, you already know what’s going to go down—why not get him all worked up beforehand? he deserves it after all, that little stunt he pulled at the club. 
you rock back and forth on your feet in the elevator. you were a little nervous. you fiddle with your fingers, rubbing over the acrylic on your nails. it was just jeno…why are you worried.
you: um…im up here, wya?
j: come to the back. 
you lock your phone, nodding your head. you push through the swing doors, making your way to the back of the locker rooms. you take a deep breath before you twist the doorknob. you peek from behind the door, everything looks the same. same chair, same desk, same jeno. 
“took you long enough” he says through gritted teeth. you don’t respond, you just step fully into the small room before you close the door behind you. “come here,” he tells you. 
you slowly make your way to him, eyes on the floor. he’s shirtless, leaning against the desk. sweat is collected above his brow, you wonder if he’s fresh out of practice. jeno’s index finger curls under you chin, jerking your head up. though he’s leaning against the desk he’s still towering over you. his intimidating features and size make your legs tremble. you look up at him, chewing on your bottom lip nervously. 
“don’t be so scared love..” he whispers, bending down to be closer to you. you gulp down hard, both your mouth and your throat suddenly dry. “i-i have practice…a-at 2:30” you tell jeno and he smiles down at you. “we’ll be done by then, but i don’t know if you’ll be able to stand.” jeno loops a finger through your belt loop, tugging you into him. as your body collides with his he bends down to catch your lips in a kiss. your hands are awkwardly pressed against his chest, not really knowing what to do with them. one arm is holding you in place, the other placed at the back of your neck. “i missed you,” he tells you through small kisses and breaths. “didn’t miss me when your tongue was down jieun’s throat,” you spit back, slightly pushing him back. 
jeno laughs, looking up at the ceiling before his eyes fall back onto you. you cross your arms over your chest. you were going to let him get away with it, but you can’t let it slide. not after what he told you that same day. even after what he showed you? you needed answers. 
“yn…come on, i already apologized.” he tells you, hands moving to touch you again. you jerk back so he doesn’t touch you, jeno sighs in response.
“jeno. you told me you loved me, then you went and made out with jieun that same day!” you tell him, and he holds his face in his hands, an exasperated sigh falling from his mouth. “you went outside with eric and left me there by myself, how do i know you didn’t make out with him?” he shoots back at you. you scoff rolling your eyes at his response. “i broke it off with him for you,” you tell him. “ok…and jieun came onto me and i wasn’t thinking straight” he tells you, walking towards you…wanting to hold you. “i was watching you and eric that night, why do you think i was so mad?” he says, eyebrows furrowed in slight anger. “when i came up to you at the bar? that wasn’t when i first got there,” you look up at him, expression full of confusion. “i seen him help you down the stairs, watch your drink, hold your purse—all that shit,” he says to you and you’re rendered speechless. “that should’ve been me…and i swear if i could go back in time and go with you, that night—i would.” he concluded his statement, hands holding your face softly. 
you stand on your tiptoes to capture his lips in a kiss, you knew you would fold and forgive him…all you wanted was a proper apology. you couldn’t stay mad at him for too long…
“are you still mad at me?” jeno asks after he pulls away from your lips. you respond silently, bringing your hands up to show ‘just a little’ with your fingers. the both of you laugh, going back to making out. jeno’s hands grip your waist tightly, if he’s speaking honestly he’s afraid of letting you go. he feels that if he lets you go he’ll lose you again…and he can’t risk that, never again. 
“don’t leave me again…” he whispers, lips barely grazing yours. “never leave me…please” he’s practically begging right now. “don’t do shit to push me away then jeno,” you tell him, arms wrapped around his shoulders. he nods in response, arms wrapping tighter around your middle. he squeezes you softly, inhaling your scent. 
the last few days have been hectic to say the least. you and jeno have been in contact, very much so in fact. you’ve been over to his place a few times but you haven’t brought him around jaehyun yet. you feel kind of bad, he tried so hard to protect you from him but you went right back. so you don’t have the heart to tell him you guys are on good terms just yet. 
jaebae: im waiting outside, sungchan is here too !
you: okaaay, im coming rn just have to grab some things from my locker. 
[ jae liked this message ] 
“look at you, what have i done…” jeno says into your ear, licking the back. “you were such a good girl, where’d she go? hm?” you don’t respond, you just look up at him from your place on the floor. your pretty eyes are glazed over with wetness from your previous activities. 
“you just do everything i fucking tell you too, huh?” jeno’s hand goes back to your hair, gripping your locks firmly. “such a good little slut for daddy,” he praises you. your bottom lip is caught between your teeth, biting down hard enough to draw blood. you look up at him wanting for him to do something so badly. jeno looks down at you slyly, smiling at you sickly. “you want my cock, baby?” he asks rhetorically, bobbing your head up and down for you. “yeah? huh? you want it?” he asks, making you nod your head again.. “p-please…” you whisper, looking up at him with teary eyes. jeno groans audibly, grip tightening on your hair. he jerks your head in the direction of his pants, squishing your face against his clothed boner. you whine, hands going to grip his legs to stabilize yourself.
“unzip em, now” he tells you. 
you nod, hands shakily moving to unzip him. jeno jerks you back by your hair again, and you yelp. he bends down slightly, getting close to your face. “use your fucking mouth” he says, unoccupied hand squishing your cheeks. he hallows them out, forcing your tongue to poke out. he stands back up to his full height, moving you back to in front of his bulge. you open your mouth teeth grazing the cold metal of his zipper. you grab the zipper with your teeth, pulling it down—unzipping him. 
“such a good slut for me,” jeno praises once you free his rock hard cock. “open.” he demands and you obey. lolling your tongue out of your wet mouth, waiting patiently for your treat. jeno strokes his dick a few times, thumbing the tip. he spreads his pre cum around, making your anticipation and need for him run wild. he leans forward, spitting into your open mouth.
“you ready for me?” he asks and you nod, mouth still hanging open.
he slaps the tip on your tongue, grinding against you a few times. low girthy groans leave his mouth, loving the wetness of your mouth. your arms are politely crossed behind your back, knowing you're not allowed to touch him unless he says so. 
“fuck, i missed this” he moans out, pushing deeper into your mouth. his tip is hitting the back of your throat making you gag but you couldn’t care less. jeno’s other hand goes to your hair, pushing further down your throat. you gargle around his length, choking on his size. jeno loves the sound of you choking, ego boosting a bit as it reminds him how big he is. he looks down at you, sweat dripping down his bare chest and forehead. hot tears roll down your face as you look back up at him. he fucks into your mouth a few more times, nearing his orgasm. you shut your eyes tightly, letting him abuse your throat roughly. “f-fuck—shit” he mumbles, biting his lip as he empties his load down your throat messily. a mixture of your salty tears, spit and cum drips down your mouth and chin. jeno bends down to look at you closer, eyeing the slick mixture of nastiness as it drips down. it all pools atop your cleavage but you were too busy trying to catch your breath to care. you gasp in and out, chest heaving. jeno smiles sickly. god he loved ruining you. 
“you’re so hot, i fucking love you” he whispers, crashing his lips onto yours. 
“hey! what took you so long?” jae greets you with open arms. 
you slightly smile, accepting his free hug. he holds the back of your head, his other hand rubbing your middle. you sigh out of sheer habit, you were a sucker for hugs like these. may or may not have to do with you liking to be dominated…but who cares? 
“mmm, my bad…ran into an old friend” you mumble into his chest. jaehyun just nods, still holding you. 
“alright fuckers, we’re hungry. let’s go!!” haechan yells from his seat in sungchan’s car. 
you and jae laugh, parting from each other. he opens the car door for you, and you accept happily. 
j: stop letting that fucking asshole touch you. 
you: why are you even watching us???
j: that’s how i hold you after im done rearranging your guts, he’ll never be me.
you roll your eyes at his jealous texts. the toxicity is real. 
you: what are you on about?
j: fuck jeong jaehyun that’s what. 
you: omg. bye jeno. 
j: don’t play with me, i’ll fuck you in front of him. 
you: is that a threat or a promise?
j: you into that ?? such a nasty little slut. 
you: your slut. now get off my phone, im with my friends. 
j: i love you
[ you liked this message ] 
“so~ what you been up too?” haechan asks you. you roll your eyes, biting the fry in your hand. 
you were seated in between haechan and jaehyun. the six of you guys occupied the booth in the back of the burger joint. it was just the four of you guys, but you guys ran into eric and sunwoo so haechan extended the invite. 
the more the merrier you guessed lol. 
“not much, i had practice yesterday…haven’t been there in awhile” you say, haechan nods in response. 
“ahh, fun. you like being back?” he asks with a full mouth of hamburger. you don’t even flinch at it, you guys are more than comfortable with each other. “i like it, I missed playing,” you respond.
you fiddle with the straw in your cup, you’re very full and kind of bored now. you watch everyone talk and chow down. haechan and sungchan are talking about some new girl on the cheer squad, sunwoo and jae are talking about god knows what. but eric…is looking at you. you hold eye contact with him, you wonder what he’s thinking. 
eric: can we talk? 
you look down at the text and look back up at eric. he nods at your phone, telling you to text back. 
you: …about?
eric: yk what yn…come on. pls?
you: idk eric…i don’t have anything to say.
eric: what? we almost kissed that night
eric: i gave you my sweater dude
eric: none of that meant anything? none of it? 
you: eric, i already told you…i like you as a friend. 
eric: you were gonna let me kiss you that night 
you: i know..and i shouldn’t have, i’m sorry
eric: i don’t want your sorry 
eric: i want you
eric: please, give me a chance yn
“can you take me home?” you whisper into jae’s ear. you clutch the bottom of his shirt tightly. 
“wha? are you ok?” he asks, too loud for your liking. you look at eric out of the side of your eye, he’s staring at the two of you. you were never good with confrontation, but in your defense you already shot him down. one time should be enough. 
“ok, babe let’s go.” he tells you, holding your hand. 
he guides you out the booth, helping you stand up. you clutch his hand tighter, just wanting to be home at this moment. “yoo, where are you guys going?” haechan slurs, obviously having had one too many beers. “i’m—” you cut him short. “s-say it’s because of you,” 
“i don’t feel too well, and she’s sleepy,” he lies with a pretty smile.
 you couldn’t have asked for better friends. 
eric looks like he’s about to say something but he doesn’t. he watches you quietly, walking away hand in hand with jaehyun. 
“so he made you feel uncomfortable?” kevin asks, fingers running through your strands. 
you nod, nuzzling your face into his lap, sleepiness overcoming your senses. “i know it’s kind of my fault—i shouldn’t have let him almost kiss me..” you confess. kevin hums in response, still rubbing your head. it was putting you to sleep, relaxation was inevitable due to his motions. 
“it was still a dick move though, i’m glad jae was there.” kevin says and you hum, agreeing with his statement. 
“so what’s up with you and lee?” he asks, figuring you would like a subject change. 
you shrug. 
“not sure, we’ve been fucking…a lot” you mumble, finger tracing the plaid pattern of his pajama pants. “—and he tells me he loves me, but i don’t know kev” you continue on. 
you didn’t want to ramble but you have lowkey been pondering on where the two of you will end up. especially since he’s been more open with his feelings and focusing on you more than he has ever before. there was just a tad bit of an issue.
!! lee jeno doesn’t date !!
duh! this has been the issue since the first time the two of you fucked, yet it feels different now…you can’t deny that. something deep down is telling you he’s going for a different approach but after what he pulled last time you’re not so sure. you don’t wanna be the dumb girl that continues to give your heart to the asshole that keeps breaking it. but then again, you’re a grown ass adult and can make your own grown ass decisions. who’s going to say something about it? 
“jeno, stop it!” you whined, kicking your legs like a child. 
you’ve been trying to do your homework for the past hour or so now and jeno keeps on bothering you. tickling, biting, licking, kissing, you name it, he’s done it. you’re splayed across his bed, laptop in sight but certainly not in use. jeno is standing in between your legs, looking down at you. 
“nooo, fuck your homework…cuddle with me” jeno whines. 
his hands trace your bare thighs, the pads of his fingertips tracing the faded hickeys and bite marks left by his mouth. you shiver at his cold touch.
“i dont think i’ve fucked you in this position” jeno whispers, gripping your waist as he bends down to be face to face with you. “um, yeah you did actually,” you tell him, mind dating back to that day he cuffed you and fucked you for not listening to him. you press your finger to his forehead, pushing his face away.
“i don’t remember…” he whispers, making his way up to your ear. “...i guess i’ll just have to do it again,” he says slyly, kissing your ear softly. 
jeno traces your skin with his nose, dragging it from your earlobe and down your neck slowly. he licks a stripe up your throat. you bite your lip, but you have to hold your own. 
“no jeno, not right now…later” you say, your voice betraying you. “you don’t sound so sure of yourself,” jeno laughs, pecking your cheek. “shut up, get off me” you roll your eyes, pushing at his chest knowing you can’t push him if your life depended on it. 
“gimme fifteen minutes, come on” he tells you, intertwining your fingers with his. 
“come on pretty…you know you want me too” he teases, grinding down on you with a sick smirk.
you did want him. when did you not? you roll your eyes at him, letting your head fall back onto the mattress. 
“good girl,” he snickers, kissing your nose. 
“yeah yeah, get on with it” you say. 
jeno falls to his knees, hands automatically grabbing your thighs. he hoists your open legs onto his shoulders. he eyes your panties, leaning forward to kiss your clothed heat. he looks up at you but your looking away. too embarrassed to watch right now. no matter how many times you guys fuck, you’re always shy. 
“look at me babygirl..” he says, voice muffled because his mouth is pressed against you. he pushes your panties to the side, tongue immediately going to tease your clit. you clutch the bedsheets under you, still refusing to look at him. jeno chuckles, arms wrapping tighter around your thighs. his hands squeeze your inner thighs, pinching the supple skin. jeno licks a stripe up your slit, moving his tongue in a circle atop your clit. you moan quietly, not too loud. 
He eyes you again, but you’re still looking away. he breathes out, teeth grazing your thighs. he bites down, sinking his teeth into your inner thigh. you jolt, sucking in a breath. 
“oh my god!” you shout, sitting up onto your elbows in a flash. “fucking listen to me” he says, licking over where he bit you to soothe the pain. a whine comes out your throat as you lay back down. jeno just laughs. 
“now…back to my meal,” he snickers. 
he continues to eat you out like a starved man. you learned your lesson, watching his every move. 
“fuck,” you stutter, struggling to keep your eyes open. jeno loves it. 
“keep em open, baby” he tells you in between licks to your heat. 
he sucks on your clit, middle and ring finger moving in and out of you quickly. your fingers dig into the sheets, gripping tightly to the fabric. you moan out loudly, thankful that the apartment is empty. 
“are you close?” jeno asks, and you nod furiously. 
he fastens his pace with his fingers, unattaching his mouth from you so he can get a good look at your face while you cum. a free hand goes up to squeeze your boobs, rolling your nipple in between his fingers. you let out a shaky moan as you feel that familiar fuzzy feeling in your gut. 
“i’m close–so close” you manage to say. 
jeno nods, licking his lips. he dips back down to your heat, sucking on your clit again. you arch your back at that, thighs squeezing against his face. jeno pushes your legs back open, a small grunt leaving his mouth as he does so. he twists his tongue every which way, getting you to your high. “f-fuck” is all you can mutter before you cum. 
jeno laps it all up. his saliva, your juices and release all mixed together making a slick mess. you push him away weakly, whining because your sensitive. jeno keeps eating though, not bothered by your weak attempt to get him to stop. 
“always so sweet,” he says with a toothy grin, wiping his face with the back of his hand. 
you don’t respond, just flipping him off. jeno rolls his eyes, grabbing your hand. he uses it to flip you over on your tummy. a small squeal of surprise leaves you, you weren’t expecting that. 
“you got your release, now i want mine” he tells you with a small smack to your ass. 
he climbs atop his bed, hands holding your hips. he pushes his clothed cock against your ass letting you feel how hard he is. you bite your lip in response. you were still sensitive. nonetheless you grind against him, rubbing your core against his boner. jeno lets out a low moan, pushing up against you too. you let your head fall against the mattress, hands laid flat against it to keep yourself upright. you swivel your hips, pushing harder against him. 
“fuck, im about to cum in my pants” jeno says and you laugh lightly.
jeno slips out of his sweats with a quickness, wanting to at least be in you for a few before he actually cums. he aligns himself with your hole, pushing all the way in. 
“a-ah, fuck” you say, looking back at jeno over your shoulder. 
“you’ve been taking my cock all week like a good girl, you don’t need to adjust anymore,” he says, pushing in and out of you at a quick pace. 
you can feel every vein on his cock, it’s making your head spin. he grips your hips, steadying himself as he drills you from the back. you squeeze your eyes shut, gripping the sheets under you tightly. you feel like you’re about to cum already. he fucks you fast and hard, his head thrown back girthy moans coming from his throat. sweat drips down his bare chest, a work of art he is. you were sure your hips were gonna bruise though as hard as he’s holding them. 
“always so fucking tight, i love it” jeno says, bending down to be right in your ear. 
he uses a hand to grip your thigh, pulling it forcing you to spread your legs wider. you yelp in surprise. his other hand presses to the small of your back, telling you to arch. 
“f-fuck, there you go–-good girl” he leaves a smack to your ass, fucking into you even harder. 
he’s no longer holding your hips. both his hands are holding the headboard, using it as leverage so he can drill you as hard as he wants. you let yourself go, not even bothering to say you were close. clenching down onto him as you release yourself. he moans at that, feeling the extra wetness. he doesn’t stop though, he keeps going. you feel your nerves going crazy, you were sensitive before but now you were extra sensitive. 
“i’m sensitive, jeno” you whine, using your hands to try and push his hips to make him stop. 
“move your fucking hands” he sneers. 
he grabs both your wrists, pinning them to your back. he continues to fuck you mercilessly. hot tears run down your face, pooling onto the bed sheets. he climbs up your body, making his way to your face. “cum for me, princess” he whispers to you. he kisses your face a couple of times. 
“come on, you can do it” he tells you. you shake your head vigorously. “i know you can do it baby,” he pressed a kiss to your cheek lovingly. 
it blows your mind how sweet he’s being. kissing on you while he fucks the shit out of you. backwards, but makes complete sense as far as lee jeno goes. you let go, that little knot in your tummy coming undone. jeno continues to push in and out of you, allowing you both to ride out your highs. you breathe heavily as you try to calm your nerves. you just came three times in a span of an hour. man he’s good. 
“you did so well,” jeno says as he presses a kiss to your forehead. 
“you’re not touching me for the next two weeks” you say, flicking his forehead. 
“now you know damn well,” jeno laughs, laying down next to you. 
“i wanna tattoo” jaehyun says. 
“woah, really? you’d look so hot” haechan says with a mouth full of food. 
“on everything, where do you want it?” you asked, sipping on the drink in front of you. 
you and the regulars were currently on a “once a month lunch date”. your very own friend holiday that you guys created to make sure you guys always stay in contact. today haechan and sungchan crashed you guys, but it’s fine. they’re basically your roommates too. 
“i’m thinking about the forearm” jae answers and you nod. 
“everytime you play everyone will be able to see it, good spot” kevin agrees. 
“do you know what you wanna get?” sungchan asks, jaehyun shakes his head no in response. 
“regular you already gets all the girls, now imagine when he’s tatted” sungchan jokes, you guys all laugh. “man, but i never see you with any” haechan says, looking at jae for answers. “kid you not, as long as we’ve been staying together he hasn’t brought one girl home—ever.” kevin says and you nod. “i can second that statement” you agree with kevin.
jaehyun rolls his eyes in response. “you guys are so embarrassing” he groans, toying with the food on his plate. “it’s true!” you and kevin say in unison. “kev brings home a new girl every week,” you start. “yeah, and yn used to bring jeno over everyday” kevin jokes. “haha, so funny kev. it was not everyday.” you give him a dirty look. “oh please, the man was practically living there,” he follows up. “oh my god, it was like…once or twice a week!” you defend yourself. jaehyun shakes his head with a laugh. 
“it was like everyday…” jae says, scratching the back of his head. 
“fucking traitor,” you mumble with a pout. 
“speaking of jeno…” kevin starts. 
“conversation over.” you shut him down right away. 
“come on, let’s talk about your potential baby daddy,” haechan teases. 
you roll your eyes in response to their teasing. 
“damn, no rubber? you’re wild yn” sungchan says with a laugh. 
“plastic is bad for the environment, you should be thanking me” you joke. 
the table erupts in laughter at your joke. 
“get the bill so we can get the hell out of here” 
you and jeno were cuddled up on the couch, flicking through selections on the TV. you were stuffing your face with the popcorn while he tried to find an anime you guys haven’t watched. 
“what about death note?” he asks. 
“love it, but i just rewatched it” you respond. 
“anohana?” “menma is kinda annoying,” “boruto?” “nah, the manga is better,” “full metal alchemist?” “i’m sleep already,” “oh my god. what about jojo’s?” “character design is trash as fuck, hard pass.” “I GIVE UP” jeno says. 
you look up at him like he’s crazy. 
“the hell is your problem?” you say with a mouth full of popcorn. 
“you’re so picky!” jeno sneers, handing you the remote. 
“next time i give you head i’m gonna bite the tip” you say, snatching the remote from him.  
“shut the hell up,” he laughs, wrapping an arm around you and leaning his head on your shoulder. 
“ew get off me, i’m mad at you” you tell him, jabbing your elbow into his middle. 
“just find something baby, damn” he whines, holding your arm in place so you don’t hit him. 
“the holy grail itself,” you say with a wide smile. 
“this? this is what you chose?” he says with a look of disgust. 
“i don’t take cowboy bebop slander, you can shut the fuck up” you say, waving your finger in his face dramatically. “you chose this over all those other choices? really?” his mouth is agape.
“you must’ve never seen this one,” you retort. “hell no, it’s old as fuck!” jeno laughs.”shut up and watch it, you’re gonna love it” you press play on the first episode. 
“someone’s been living the good life, huh?” yuta says with a smirk. 
jeno looks back at him confused. 
“huh?” yuta shakes his head, turning him around in the mirror. 
the red scratch marks and bite marks decorated all over his backside. yuta laughs, patting his shoulder. “i’m tryna get like you” sungchan laughs, joining in on the conversation. 
“different girls?” yuta asks and jeno shakes his head no with a disgusted expression. 
“haven’t so much as looked at another girl since i got mines,” he tells yuta, pulling his jersey over his body. 
yuta nods with an impressed expression. 
“so…we’re all thinking about the same girl, aren’t we” haechan says and all the boys start laughing. 
“tell yn we said cut her nails” yuta jokes, slapping the back of jeno’s head before he makes his way out. 
“go figure, look who’s calling me” sungchan laughs, turning his phone so everyone can see. 
jeno sits down on the bench slipping his cleats on. 
“what’s up babygirl” sungchan says when the call connects. 
he laughs at jeno’s glare. 
“wait what? slow down,” sungchan tell you, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
jeno perks up at his serious tone. he motions to his ear, sungchan tosses him his airpod case. 
“i don’t know, i just—can you come here, please?” you say, voice shaky. 
you sounded scared but jeno didn’t know why. he needed to know. 
“where is she at?” jeno mouthed and sungchan nodded. 
“where are you at, baby? send me your location, i’ll come get you” he says and you nod, doing as you were told. “okay, i sent it” you sniffled. jeno was losing his damn mind. why didn’t you call him? 
“don’t tell jeno, please…” you say, and sungchan looks up at him. 
jeno shakes his head no. 
“babe…i have to tell him,” he tells you. 
“no! please don’t, please chan…i’m begging you” you plead and sungchan nods. 
“ok, i won’t. i’m coming right now, don’t go anywhere.” he tells you and you shake your head yes. 
“ok, thank you…love you” you say before you hang up. 
“let’s go, now.” jeno says, grabbing his keys. 
“i told you not to tell him, sungchan!” you said, stomping your foot. 
you and sungchan were standing a few feet away from a pacing jeno. not super far but just out of earshot. 
“i couldn’t not tell him yn! he was right there when you called me,” sungchan said, defending himself. you groan, hands flying to your face. you sink down to the ground, shaking your head back and forth. sungchan rolls his eyes at your dramatic actions. he crouches down to be at your level, joining you on the floor. 
“he’s gonna fucking kill me” you mutter, squeezing your eyes shut. “come on, it can’t be that bad” sungchan tells you, rubbing your back. “i came here with eric!” you whisper shouted, looking back to see if jeno heard you. “oh….yeah you’re dead” sungchan says, scratching the back of his head with a sheepish smile. 
“come here yn,” jeno says. 
you swallow harshly, standing to your feet. you stuff your shaky hands into your sweater pockets. shuffling towards where jeno stands, your eyes watch the gravel under your sneakers. once you're in arms length, he grabs your forearm, tugging you towards the back seat. he opens the door aggressively, jerking his chin forward telling you to climb in. you do so, sitting in the middle seat. you fold your hands and rest them on your thighs. jeno tosses sungchan the keys before he climbs into the back seat. 
the air is thick. awkward and super quiet. even though there’s music playing it still seems super quiet. you look over at jeno. he’s staring out the window, jaw clenched tightly. even the grip he has on your thigh is strong. 
“j-jeno?” you whisper. 
he doesn’t respond, he just turns to look at you. 
“if you’re not gonna tell me why you were here, i don’t wanna hear shit from your mouth” he sneers. you flinch, his words hurt you. he’s never talked to you like that before. 
“i-i was here with someone…but something came up! i j-just needed a ride home” you lie, believably so at that. jeno wasn’t buying it though. he knows you too well. 
“you’re lying. don’t fucking lie to me, yn” jeno says, he raises his eyebrows at you. 
his serious expression made your stomach churn. 
“i was here with eric…” you admit. 
“i knew it! i fucking knew it—dammit!” jeno yells, fists flying full force to punch the passenger seat in front of him. 
“why? why were you with that son of a bitch?” he asks you, rage evident in his voice. 
you hiccup, trying to calm yourself down and steady your nerves. you scoot back from him, sliding into the seat on your left hand side. 
“it wasn’t anything like that! he wanted to talk, and that’s all we did…” you started. jeno rolls his neck from side to side. jaw still clenched as he stretches his muscles. “he didn’t like my answer to him, so he kicked me out of his car and left me there” you shrugged. 
“he did what?!” sungchan and jeno shouted at the same time. 
“this is why i didn’t want to say anything!” you whined, hitting your head on the back of sungchan’s seat groaning. 
“sungchan take me home, please” you say to your friend. he nods, picking up his phone to type your address in. 
“you don’t wanna come home with me?” jeno asks and you shake your head. 
“i think we both need some time alone,” you tell jeno. “fuck that, i wanna be with you.” he tells you. “did you not see how you just reacted?! you need to blow some steam off, away from me” you shake your head, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“whatever yn,” jeno scoffs. 
“fucking kids” sungchan laughs, continuing to drive. 
“ow! stop, i’m sorry!” kevin cried as you pinched his ear. jeno and the other boys watched in amusement as you inflicted pain on the boy. “twist it!” haechan yelled out with a laugh. sungchan giggled, slapping haechan’s arm as he snorted loudly. 
“are you gonna do it again?” you ask tauntingly, kevin nods vigorously. “no, i swear to fucking god–just stop” kevin cries out, and you let him go. he pouts, hand flying to rub his throbbing ear. 
“and fuck you, haechan!” kevin sneers, chucking a pillow in his direction. 
you laugh as you make your way over to jeno. you climb onto his lap, making yourself comfortable on his lap. you snuggle into him, his hands wrapping around you. 
“you’re a little bitch,” jeno whispers, kissing your face. “mhm, what are you gonna do about it?” you stick your tongue out at him. he shakes his head, pinching your thigh. you whine, pushing his hand away. “yeah, that’s what i thought, don’t act tough with me” jeno says and you giggle, nodding your head. 
“haechan would be a really good name for y’all kid” hae says, tossing a pillow at the two of you. jeno catches it, throwing it back his way. “i don’t know why the fuck you thought our pitcher wouldn’t catch that” sungchan deadpans. 
"can you like shut the hell up? i like you better when you're not talking" haechan says, flinching at the taller boy.
“fuck no, kevin is a way better name!” kevin shouted, slapping the back of haechan’s head. “all i know is…i wanna be the godparent,” sungchan says with a wide smile. 
prev | part iii | next
taglist [ 1 ] :: @vantxx95 @travelleratheart1011 @underjeno @bockhyun @jaeymark @ggukkyu @cuteejeno @gaeulswrld @aliceinwhateverland @punnshine @4-eternity @kkakkdugi @tokyosmind @roseymerrie @oohyansi @melaninjhs @curieouscapt  @svtrny​ @youryuno​ @jenyongcas​ ​ @pewpewpwe00​​ 
taglist [ 2 ] :: @produmads @slumpdumppy @tsuw4n @nctflix @daegalfangirl (ily<3) @bebskyy @yutatojii @hubneo @kaslululi @nctqen @sadgirlroo @maliakealoha @megumiiichanie @jeonjona @jaehyuniewifeu @ggukkyu @jeongyunoenjoyer @sheila9747e @jenyongcas
if i missed you pls let me know !! there was a lot of ppl that wanted to be added, so i might've missed a few.
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outerbanx-4 · 3 years
Dang Kooks
Prompt;; JJ and you had been friends since you could remember. While JJ being on the more “kook bad pogue good people” you tended to, while understanding where he came from, were a little more lenient. Until the day you ran into Rafe Cameron.
WARNINGS ;; Violence, angst, swearing, sexual content(no actual smut), fluuf(slight)
`this is my first time writing anything, so it will most likely be TRASH.
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The air was muggy on the cut today, pretty much clinging to your body the whole time you were walking back from John Bs chateau. You couldn't believe how hot it has been recently and were praying that it would cool off, even just for a day. The walk from the chateau to your house was a fairly quick one, passing by familiar landmarks with the dirt road underfoot. You surprised yourself a little when you decided to choose a different route home. 
Deep in thought about what you and your fellow crew were going to do later in life you had wandered a bit further away from your house then you had noticed. You were known to space out, “lost in the twilight zone” as JJ called it, from time to time especially while walking home.  Coming up to an older playground where the swings were broken and the latter to the slide was missing rungs here and there you decided to sit and think.
Without realizing almost an hour has passed, looking at your phone and the screen lighting up to tell you that it indeed was 5pm and you told your parents you'd be home by 430p to help set up for dinner, you got up and made your way towards the road and back to your house. While on your way you took note of the broken tree branches, and just the general unkempt state of the lawns you passed by. While unkempt isn't really unusual for this part of the cut, the storm that had recently brandished its way through the island seemed to only make it much worse. Sighing you kicked some rocks as you walked. 
“Now should someone as pretty as you really be walking by herself?” you heard a voice call out from behind you making you jump in surprise and go to retort about how you are indeed and big girl and can handle yourself the gravelly voice continues his words “especially with how some of you pogues act. Never know who you're going to run into” 
Rolling your eyes you turn around and groan inwardly as you see the one and only Rafe Cameron. Everybody knew him. He was the worst of the worst. With the second worse being Topper of course. Sanding there in his stupid khaki cargo shorts and expensive pink polo he eyed you up and down in a way that made your skin crawl just by standing in his presence. “What are you doing here Rafe? I thought you hated this side of the island?” the contempt and hatred flowing through your syllables easily. 
“Oh I thought what a beautiful day it was and thought to myself.. Hmmmm where can i go find some cheap pussy?” he wiggled his eyebrows at you in a suggestive manner. Looking closer in his face because even though you know rafe cameron is a horrible person you even couldn't believe he would be this horrible and nasty. Low and behold you noticed that his pupils were dilated almost to the point of his entire eye being an ominous jet black shade. 
“You’re gross Rofe Cameron, why dont you go find some stupid touron or kook to take advantage of?” you asked as you turned back around and started to walk away. By now you had managed to make it closer to your house. Breathing a slow sigh of relief you hoped you would be able to make it home without any more issues. 
Suddenly you felt a hand grab your wrist and yank you backwards, and as your body unwillingly followed the momentum of the pull and your head whipped around to see who it was that happened to be touching you you noticed; you didn't know if you noticed because you were now scared or because of something else, something e;se you had started to notice had been happening recently. You where right in front of your best friends house, and while he was generally not at home and at the chateau you hoped and prayed and sent everything you could that he was home, because it was Rafe who had grabbed you and pulled you into his chest. One of his arms securing you, unwantedly, up against his body making you let out a groan.
“Rafe seriously let me go!” you all but yelled, purposely talking louder in hopes someone would hear you. Your best friend, the neighbors, your parents, heck even your best friends horrible father! Just anyone that would come and pry this ass off of you. Instead of letting go he pulled you in tighter. Chuckling he spoke quietly into your ear “Shhhhh now baby you know you're enjoying this.” and with that he grabbed at your ass and latched his mouth onto your neck. At this point you were helplessly flailing your arms in any hopes that one of the many hits your arms did would make him release you.  At one point he let his teeth sink into your neck which caused you to let out a squeal that you couldn't contain and made him grunt in approval.
Suddenly Rafes entire body pressure was off of you and not pushing up against you and within not eve none second the muffled thudding of someone's fist flying into Rafes cheek bone was evident. Stumbling but catching your step you saw the tall silhouette of your best friend, JJ, standing in front of Rafe, his toned arm rippling with each punch he threw, you could see that blood started to pour as each time his fist drew back his knuckles where coated.
“JJ! JJ! Stop please, hes down im safe!” You cried and you ran up to him and grabbed onto his arm as he raised it. Knowing how JJ got in these you knew you had to something more as he threw another punch ripping through your mesly grasp. “J come on please stop!”
Thinking for a minute at how mad he would be if ke knew what you were about to do, hed scold and yell andbe mad but there was no one else here to hold him , to stop him. Pope went home to study, John B and Sarah were out doing god knows what and Kie’s parents where making her work all day. You had nothing else to do.
Watching as Rafe stumbled backwards stood up and he'd managed to get a good swing in and landing it right on JJs perfect peach mouth, and you saw his lip rip open an start to bleed, and his normally sparkling cerulean blue eyes seemed to be a dark and stormy grey color. His fist reached back again and about to step towards Rafe. This is when you make your move, running and standing in front of him grabbing his wrist again and yelling more worried this time.
“JJ please stop!” His eyes snapped to yours for a second, still stormy as they bore down into your eyes, they flicked back to Rafe and he tried to push forward again. You dug your feet into the ground and brought your other hand up to graze his cheek and pulled his face down again. The eclectic sparks shooting through your body surprised you a little as the radiated from each and every touchpoint that you had on his face. 
“Ya JJ listen to your girlfriend just stop” Rafe mocked your  voice as you held JJs face now in both hands as his fist started to lower slightly. The storm started to clear out of his eyes a little as he finally looked at you and slowly nodded. Stepping back he moved slowly out of your embrace and glared at Rafe. USing his voice for the first time, “Stay off the cut you damn kook, no one wants you here.” 
Turning away you both followed him, that is until all of a sudden Rafe  spoke up and said the one thing he never should have, “Yeah ok Maybank but make sure you keep your girlfriend in line, stop letting her dress like a fucking skank.”
You knew it was over and JJ just turned and smashed Rafe a hard one to the jaw and Rafe fell to the ground blood gushing from his nose as his eyes rolled back. JJ just grabbed your hand and walked you towards his house. “Y/N you ok? Did he hurt you?”
Shaking your head you relished the feeling of his rough hands in yours, he stopped in front of his house and lightly cupped your cheek and gazed into your eyes. His eyes seeming to be released of the storm, he leaned down and pressed his lips firmly to yours. Releasing your lips fro his but keeping his forehead on yours he goes “I promise i will always be here for you to protect you. I love you babe “
  Smiling and pressing your lips against his again you mumbled “i love you too JJ”
He pulled away and started leading you to your house. 
“Dang kooks.”
ok i know its terrible im sorry but it just fell into my head
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palbabor-writes · 4 years
can I have a shoto todoroki x reader where the reader is giving him the silent treatment for some reason (he hurt her feelings on accident or forgot something important, like a date or something, whatever you come up with (: ) and he’s freaking out about it wondering what he did wrong? tysm 😌
hello, hello! apologies for making you wait so long, but at long last, here is poor Shōto, trying his best to work his way through this unfortunate predicament he’s landed himself in. 
warnings: none, rated o for oblivious 
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You’d been a little quiet lately. 
But, on the whole, that wasn’t too unusual. Everyone needs time to themselves, Shōto knows that and he respects the lull in your texts, the absence of your afternoon phone calls. You’re a busy side-kick and he’s got his own hectic rotations of hero work to shuffle through, too. 
Sure, he tells himself, trying to resist peering at his phone for the millionth time, you’re just busy or you’re feeling overwhelmed. He gets that. 
He doesn’t want to pester you, so he lets the radio silence linger, even though it’s starting to make him feel a little on edge. The two of you have been dating since he graduated from UA. And, what does that make it now, a little over a year? Yeah, that sounds about right. He really likes you, enough to bring you over to meet his sister and his older brother. You’d made a great impression on them and Fuyumi kept asking him when he was going to introduce you to their father. 
Soon, he lied, ducking from her bright smile. 
It’s not that he thinks you’d mesh poorly with his father, no, you’d be wonderful, like you always are, he’s just not wanting to go to the trouble. Not with him. 
Deep down he knows it’s just because he doesn’t want to make Endeavor think he’s giving him a fucking inch. He couldn’t care less what his old man thought about you. Besides, it’s not like he doesn’t know about the two of you. He’s a pro hero, he’s got connections everywhere. So, no. Shōto doesn’t want to introduce you to his father. Endeavor knows you exist and he knows his youngest son his dating you. Yeah, that’s more than enough acknowledgement to go around, and it’s more than Endeavor deserves. 
Shōto knows he has your support and affection and, for now, that’s all the approval he needs. It’s all he’s ever needed, really.  
Things have been going so well, but he can’t shake that ominous feeling that keeps creeping over him. 
It’s like there’s something he’s missed. His troubled mood doesn’t fit with the beauty of the spring that’s broken over Japan. No, it’s too gloomy, too dark without you by his side. He can remember the day he’d given you his number and asked you out. It had been under this sprawling cherry tree and you’d looked so happy. It made him ache a little bit, to see you like that. Crazy it’s already been a year, time really does fly when you’re with someone you like.  
He forgot to clock out. Eh, he can just send a message to one of the other sidekicks at his father’s agency. They know he can be a bit forgetful, so they’ll understand. 
Now, let’s see if you’ll answer a text. He’s famished. He’s worked another 12 hour shift and put in some extra training, so he’s praying you’ll get back to him before he has to resort to going to a soba stand. Not that he’d mind getting some cold soba, but food always seems to taste better when he can share it with you. 
After he sends you that text, he paces around one of the local parks, talking with a few locals and signing some autographs. Even though he’s making waves of his own now, his biggest claim to fame is being Endeavor’s son. He tries to not let the annoyance of his birthright bother him, but it does get frustrating when that’s the main comment he hears. 
His phone vibrates and he excuses himself from a conversation with an older pro he’d run into, tugging his phone from his back pocket. It’s a text and it’s from you.
Shōto swipes across the screen and smiles at your answer. You had some time and you’d love to get some food. Perfect.
The restaurant he’d picked is quiet and tucked away from the main streets, but they had some killer courses, so he’s hoping you’ll like it. He’s already sitting at a back booth when you arrive. You give him a quiet smile and step toward him, a small gift bag in your hand. Huh, that’s odd, he thinks, scooting over so you can slip in beside him. 
The two of you chat for a bit, going over your day and letting him softly retell a recent capture he’d done a few days before. He can’t believe he hasn’t had a chance to tell you yet. The time you two have spent apart has been long, too long, if he’s honest and he doesn’t like that he let it drag on. Anyway, it was one of his first successful solo missions and he’s so pleased by the proud grin you gift him. He likes to make you smile and he would love to see another one, but something still seems to be bothering you. 
“You ok?” Shōto asks, his eyes tracing over the contours of your face, looking for some kinda clue.
“Sure,” you reply, but your voice still has that little hiccup, that shading of irritation. 
“Do you not like the food? Or, did something else happen today? I know it’s been awhile since we’ve had a chance to get some dinner together, or to talk much, but my schedule should change next month, so that’ll give us some extra time.” He’s grasping at straws, at anything, but that arched brow of yours makes him prattle on, his uncertainty mounting. 
“Um, are you worried about that team up? You mentioned it a few weeks ago, but I haven’t had a chance to look into that agency. At least, not that way I want to. No? Er, Fuyumi said she might reach out to you again. She asked if you had anything planned. She didn’t want to, um, give it away when we were talking. Whatever it is. I didn’t know what she meant, but I figured the two of you-”
“You really don’t remember, huh?”
Your voice has dropped the edge and you’re shaking your head, lowering your chopsticks and fixing him with a pointed stare.
“Remember? Remember what?” Shōto questions, tilting his head so the snowy side of his hair trails against his shoulder. Was there something you’d told him to do? He can’t recall anything. You’d said something about celebrating, a few days ago, before all the communication had broken down, but he wasn’t sure if you were meaning celebrating something with him, or if there was an event at your agency. You’d been there for a year. He knew they’d gotten you a cake. What...
You’re still looking at him and he ducks his head, fiddling with his food, trying to rack his overworked brain for some kinda clue. Ok. It’s springtime. That means it’s not your birthday, not yet. It’s not his birthday, that passed in January. So what...
His eyes land on that bag you’d carried in. It’s a nice green color and the tissue paper is white and crisp. Does someone else have a birthday? 
“Oh my God,” you say, a laugh bursting from your lips. “Shōto, really? I mean, I guess I should be happy you just forgot. Honestly, I was thinking you didn’t want to acknowledge it, or something. I know it’s just been a year, but it kinda hurt my feelings when you didn’t even mention it. You’d taken me to meet your siblings and then you’d mentioned me in that interview, so I was thinking that you were going to plan something for it. But I guess...God, Shōto, has it really not clicked yet?”
You don’t sound angry, a little disappointed maybe, but he’s glad he’s not upset you too badly. He needs to slow down and think. It’s springtime and you’re here with him, talking about milestones in your relationship and you have a gift and...
“It’s our anniversary. Well, it was. I missed it,” he says, ducking his head and clenching his fingers into his palms. Damn it, damn it, damn it. How could he forget that? All day, hell, all week, he’s been thinking about you, about how you’d met. How could he be so dense?
“Awe,” you smile, leaning toward him and giving him a peck on the cheek, “there it is. God, you’re lucky I like you so much. I still can’t believe it took you this--”
Shōto doesn’t let you finish that thought, lifting your lips up to his and kissing you until you can’t breathe, trying to pour all of his apologies and embarrassment into the caress. He could have lost you, he thinks, sucking on your lower lip and slotting you against him, not caring who sees the two of you. He’s never, ever going to make this mistake again. No, he’s going to engrave that date on every surface until all he can think about is you and him. 
Notes: He’s such a goober and I love how dense that boy is. Honestly, it’s not his fault, since he was kinda raised under an Endeavor shaped boulder and I adore his awkwardness. I could see him totally doing something like this, too.      
Anywoo, sorry this took so, so long ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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elencelebrindal · 4 years
What's your favorite thing about Legend of Sanctuary, regarding character design? If I recall correctly, you like character design right?
Yes, I do like character design!
What is my favorite thing regarding character design in Legend of Sanctuary? Well, definitely how there’s not a single stereotype in them.  I might whine all I want about some of them (ahem, Deathmask), but they are incredible. 
What do I mean by saying they don’t have stereotypes? 
Simple. Save for Milo, they’re all men. Every singe one of them is a male warrior clad in armor. But! they don’t follow the classic “strictly masculine and/or perfect appearance” I see in many pieces of media when it comes to warriors as strong as these Saints. 
But of course, it’s not just that, and this post explains other things I liked as well. 
We know Aphrodite is what he is, but in LoS we have Camus wearing makeup as well. He’s there, solemn an beautiful, with the best shade of coral blue lipstick I’ve ever seen on his lips.  Aphrodite himself stands out even more than in the anime, with beautiful hair, bright lipstick, and goddamn nail polish on his gloves. That detail was amazing. 
Mu wears glasses. I don’t particularly like it, because can you imagine how flippin’ dangerous is to wear glasses in battle? Pray they don’t shatter on you, because you can say goodbye to your eyes in that case, but he does wear them. You know how many warriors I’ve seen wearing glasses? Not that many!
And all those piercings... come on! I know I whined a bit about them, especially while laughing at how ridiculous some of them looked right off the bat (yeah, seeing Aiolia with that goddamn piercing destroyed me and my friend, we did NOT expect it), but it’s such a cool detail! My favorite is Aldebaran, because of course he has that kind of piercing. Incredible.  Some of them having a beard (well, facial hair) as well, that’s absolutely creative. I know I know, I literally have an ongoing meme of “the Saints have to shave”, but even if I don’t really like the fact that specifically Aiolos and Aiolia have facial hair... it still freaking creative. It gives uniqueness to the characters. 
Saga having heterochromia is one of my absolute favorite details of his entire character design. What best to symbolize the rift inside him? To symbolize Saga having two different personalities? Boom, different eye color.  I’d die to have heterochromia myself, I love it, but used as a concept like this? Ooooooh, sign me up, right now.  His Cloth being two different colors is devastating as well. Good and bad meaning of the term. That’s peak understanding of a character like him, divided between right and wrong. 
But more than anything, I love the scars.  I’m so used to see flawless warriors on screen (save for those who need to have scars for story/fanbase being thirsty purposes) that looking at the scars some of them have in plain sight is amazing.  I already loved Ikki having a scar in the OG Saint Seiya, but here we have more! Show us that they are warriors! I mean... I know Shura looks like he just, I don’t know, tripped on something and faceplanted on the ground by the looks of his scar, but it’s still there. It’s something, it’s an imperfection that makes him even more perfect.  Damn, I love the meaning behind scars in media, you never know if it’s something as stupid as me wielding a knife wrong and ending up with a pathetic scar on my fingertip, or something as incredible as being thrown face first into a wall because you’re trying to save the goddamn world. 
But what I’m really, REALLY glad, is that they didn’t stereotyped Milo. I’m still salty that they made him a woman (he’s my favorite character, I was positively mad when I saw what they did), but they kept her a warrior. No unnecessary sexy outfit, no “ok we made Milo a woman, now slap a ton of makeup on her and make her weaker than the male Saints” in sight.  I wouldn’t have been opposed to makeup, after all Aphrodite and Camus look better than me when I try to wear it, but I’m SO glad they kept Milo as this straighforward, badass warrior that yes, is a woman, but is still a Saint and not less powerful than her companions.  That’s a critical hit to stereotyped female characters in action media. 
Obviously, the same reasoning applies to the Bronze Saints. Even Shun, although unfairly treated (he deserved to have his fight against Aphrodite, come on), was depicted as a full-on badass warrior according to what he is in the OG series. 
Legend of Sanctuary basically said “fuck you” to every single action movie stereotype and I love it for that.  Of course this also applies to the Saint Seiya franchise in general, but this movie takes the cake. 
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goldenfawnwriting · 4 years
Birds Of A Feather- Part 10 Hawks Fic
Summary: Finch is finally returning to work where she’s faced with a series of struggles, one being the infamous winged hero himself.
A/N: Here you go readers. Hope you enjoy
Warnings: Just angst lmao
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Finch slid on her heels with a sigh. Today was the day, she had talked herself up over coffee all morning but, as she swung her purse up onto her shoulder she honestly wasn’t feeling any better. She was nervous, nervous to return to her job, nervous to see everyone again... Nervous to see him. 
That was what it really was, but she wouldn’t admit it. She was terrified to face him again after the blatant betrayal. She knew he didn’t see it that way or he would never do what he did. Or maybe he did and just didn’t care, maybe this was his way to get her off his back. She didn’t have the guts to ask him even if she did see him, which she would. It was inevitable. 
And so she locked her apartment door before heading off to work, walking a little slower into the building when she got there. Her wings bristled as she looked up to where his office would be. The windows gleamed in the light, the very top one open wide, as usual. It was getting warmer now, the air giving the feel of a new beginning. 
The elevator music was a little sickening but she endured it, walking into the office and setting her things down before heading to briefing. Her throat was tight with anxiety. She knew this would be when he saw her. Her wings brand new, not crippled anymore. 
She stood next to the boss, looking out at all the other workers there. Everyone was waiting for Hawks to show up but after a few more minutes of silence the boss cleared his throat. As he began talking Finch jotted down notes and grimaced. No sign of Hawks anywhere. Was he avoiding her? 
When she got back to the office she looked around and noticed Hawks’ seat was still pushed in, meaning he still hadn’t gotten here. So much for his schedule, she grumbled in her head. She clicked through his schedule on her computer, thankfully there were only a few things astray from her stand in. Beginning to take calls and fill in times she was beginning to worry. He still wasn’t here. It was going on an hour into the work day. 
She sighed, pulling out her phone to find his phone number, calling from the office phone so that maybe he’d actually answer. It rung twice before going to voicemail. He had done that, he had declined her call. She huffed angrily, calling again. After the third time, someone finally picked up, but it wasn’t the voice she wanted to hear. 
“Can I help you?”
A grumpy voice came over the line. Finch felt her stomach drop before she cleared her voice and put on her service voice. 
“Hi, this is Mr. Hawks secretary calling from his office, may I ask who I’m talking to this fine morning?”
“U-uh, it’s Amika...”
“Hello, Ms. Amika, pray tell, is Mr. Hawks available?”
“Y-ya, let me wake him up for you.”
There was rustling on the other end of the phone and Finch felt absolutely sick. This was ridiculous. If he could make her first day back any worse she would be surprised. There was a grumble from the other side before his voice rang through. 
“Mr. Hawks, this is your secretary calling, it seems you’re late to work by- let me see- an hour and 20 minutes now.”
She gave in a grumpy tone. He gave a rushed reply.
“Oh uh- fuck, Finch, I’ll be there in 10, I am so, so sorry-”
She hung up on him. He looked at his phone with surprise, running a hand through his bed head. She was livid, he already knew it. 
Back at the office, Finch fixed her makeup in a compact, accidentally letting a few tears run, stress and a tiny bit of heartbreak finally squeezing it out of her. She was so tired of this. The dancing around her feelings, dealing with his bullshit. 
She was just pressing powder into her under eye, trying to rid the mascara, as he came in the window. She glanced at the time. 5 minutes, instead of 10, color her impressed. 
“Looks like someone finally decided to show up...”
She grumbled, he started to come towards her but she stopped him. 
“You have a meeting in 3 minutes with the chief, try not to be late this time.”
“H-have you been crying?”
“Can’t you find anything else to worry about?”
She snapped, closing the compact and stowing it away in her purse right as there was a knock on the door. It was the chief of commission, probably coming to save her ass by stealing him away.
“Hawks! I didn’t see you this morning, I was almost worried.”
“Haha, just taking an early morning fly to stretch my wings!”
Finch couldn’t help but roll her eyes dramatically. What a lame excuse. It seemed to have worked though, the chief laughing with him and throwing an arm around his shoulder as he lead Hawks off to the meeting room. Finch sighed. 
Today was going to be full of trial and tribulation, she already knew it. So far, not much was going to plan. While he was gone she answered phone calls and sent the usual emails, stretching and working out her fixed wing all the while. The PT didn’t end when she didn’t have anymore appointments sadly. She worked on it whenever she had time, wanting to fly more than anything and as fast as possible. 
It was maybe 30 minutes later and the door to the office busted open, catching Finch’s attention quickly. It was Hawks, sighing loudly as he brushed back his hair with his hand. She busied herself with another email, keeping her eyes glued to her computer screen. Her attempt at making herself invisible through sheer willpower seemed to not work though. 
“I’m glad you’re back...”
He started, looking at her from across the room. She ignored him, continuing to type quickly. 
“Are you mad at me?”
Her face was getting red with frustration. She wanted more than anything to tell him off but, she reminded herself that her feelings didn’t matter in the situation. He advanced, sitting on the edge of her desk. She grumpily pried a paper out from under his leg. 
“Why were you crying earlier?”
“I wasn’t.”
“Yes you were, you still have mascara on your jaw-”
He reached out to rub it away from her face but she jerked away from him quickly, turning to look at him.
“Don’t you have hero stuff to do?”
“Why are you acting like that?”
He confronted her, looking at her sharply. She looked away from him, his gaze penetrating. 
“You were crying this morning, you were pissy on the phone and now, what is going on with you, you’re never like this.”
“I just don’t want to talk about it ok?”
“Is everything going ok with your recovery?”
She blushed hard and fanned her wings in reaction to him mentioning them.
“Ya, they’re fine...”
He paused for a moment, looking them over. 
“Wow, birdie, your wings might just be bigger than mine.”
“N-no they aren’t!”
She stuttered, blushing even harder, the red contrasting with her freckles. He pulled her up  and spread his wings out to their full size.
“Spread your wings I wanna see.”
“Aw come on dove, let me see them!”
She crossed her arms as she spread her wings. They just barely came short of his.
He trailed off, looking them over. He circled her, like a shark, taking in his prey. She cleared her throat as he came behind her, running a delicate hand over her feathers making her shiver. 
“D-dont t-”
He ran his hand along the edge of them, feeling the silky brown feathers and the light speckles that adorned them. Her face reddened even more if it was possible, her body betraying her as she let out a small pant at the feeling.
“Doesn’t it feel good to stretch them out? Have you tried flying yet?”
Her wings bristled with the stimulation and she gave a small squeak in reply.
“Really? I figured that would be the first thing on your mind-”
His fingers buried themselves into the tiny downy feathers where her wings connected with her back and she couldn’t help herself, moaning lowly at the feeling, electricity being sent all the way through her body, making her roll her eyes, her cheeks blazing.
He chuckled as he pulled away from her wings, walking across the room and side eyeing her coyly. He knew exactly what he was doing, his wings were just as sensitive.
“Someone’s a little worked up..”
She panted as she came back down from her slight high, looking over to him with her pupils resembling the head of a pin. 
“Take a breather birdie. Maybe in an hour or two we’ll try flying.”
She blinked away the rest of the fogginess and gave him a look.
“That was absolutely not fair Hawks.”
“Aw come on lovebird-”
“Stop calling me stupid nicknames, you have a girlfriend!”
She snapped, hugging herself to try and make herself seem smaller. She didn’t feel right with him acting like nothing happened. 
“What are you talking about?”
He asked lowly, furrowing his eyebrows. 
“The red head Hawks! Amika? It was all over!”
He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.
“Oh you saw that?”
She was getting increasingly angry.
“She isn’t really my girlfriend, more like an old friend of mine that came to visit...”
Finch snorted, trying to hold back laughter. 
“Are you kidding me? She literally answered your phone this morning.”
“Finch, she’s been staying in town is all, she’s an old friend of mine from back when I was in school-”
“Look I don’t care, have fun with her, I’m going to lunch.”
She grabbed her purse, storming off, and closing the elevator doors as Hawks tried to board it with her. She knew if he really wanted to he would just fly down but she almost wished he wouldn’t. As if the stubborn man wouldn’t.
“Why’d you close the doors on me?”
He asked as she walked out the front doors of the building. She ignored him as she made her way down to the line of booths selling street food. She got an order of roasted sweet potato before Hawks caught up to her again. 
“Finch you can’t seriously be mad-”
“Why did you stop coming to see me? You ignored all my calls.”
“Well I-”
She threw a hand up.
“Save it. You were with her. Asami didn’t even have the guts to tell me. You know its bad when she of all people hides something from you.”
He didn’t have a reply and Finch walked off, making her way back to the office as she ate silently. How ridiculous could he be?
It was silent for the rest of the day until they were about to get off, Finch shutting down her computer and grabbing her purse. 
“H-hey uh.. did you still want to go flying?”
Finch rolled her eyes silently. 
“I’m sure Amika is waiting for you at home.”
She replied, giving a sarcastic, tight lipped smile. She made her way out, the elevator dinging before she started on her way home. What a first day...
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valkirsif · 3 years
The drummer
For mine favorite sweety @learisa <3
Sebastian Stan (drummer) x Reader
Warning- Smut!!!! MORE SMUT!! ;)
Word 3500
"What do you want Doll ?" the man asked in a hoarse voice full of excitement,
"I'm listening to you .. " he said smiling at her while continuing to use the drumsticks on her breasts as if he were playing the drums, Y/N was out of breath, she was drowning in pleasure, it seemed to her that Seb had been torturing her for hours holding her on the edge of orgasm, she was jumped on him even before arriving in her room, as soon as the elevator doors were closed the man had pushed her against the glass putting his tongue in her mouth putting his hands on her ass,
"I don't want you to be able to misunderstand the situation" he whispered taking her hand and bringing it on his cock,
"It's to fuck you that I chose you .. and I think it's the same thing you want, don't deny it you're a lake" he laughed putting a finger in her pussy, Y/N hadn't even tried to avoid it, Seb was right he wanted him he fucked her .. she didn't think the evening would end like that when she was getting ready with her friends to go to the concert.
The girls had joined her at her house, she was the closest to the theater and they would not have taken the car,
"Y/N can I wear your red shirt?" Sara screamed from the bedroom,
" Sure .. you can also hold it to me it is no longer" answered the woman laughing putting on the yellow tank top with the drummer's logo that she had worn at every concert, she liked the transparent effect that showed the red bra and her soft tits and full,
"I thought I'd also give you my blue silk sheath dress, I had a new one made" she laughed hearing the cries of joy from her friend ,
"I'm really glad you got fat" Sara replied cheerfully,
"I've always loved that dress" laughed hugging her, it was a special evening .. Y/N celebrated the freedom of being single after 3 years of relationship with a man who he thought was his property, she had regained the pounds that he had made her lose and recognized in the mirror again, buttery and full body, full lips and breasts prosperous than it was back when the same and would have enjoyed yet another concert of his favorite band, had the best tickets, under the stage, she would have enjoyed Seb playing from much closer than usual,
"GIRLS LET US LATE !!" Nicole was screaming from the living room, the group left the house and followed the large group of fans who headed towards the theater, the atmosphere was electric and cheerful, a multitude of people all there for the same reason, the music, took place on the numbered armchairs under the stage and waited for the concert to begin.
The support group had charged the spectators, everyone was dancing and screaming, the screams grew in intensity as soon as the lights went out and they heard the singer greet the audience, Y/N and the friends jumped wildly, the group appeared among the bright flashes greeting before taking her place, the girl focused on Seb , she found him sexier every time she saw him her friends involved her in a dance all together, she was having a lot of fun when she looked back at the man it seemed to her that he was staring, "Surely it's my impression" she said to herself, the lights were very strong it was not possible that he could see it, probably from the stage they saw everything dark hearing only the cries of the fans, during a break in the show they ran to get a drink, it was a hot fierce despite being in the open air but with the tide of people that were there it was normal, even if they had the best seats there was still crowds, they were soaked, Elisabetta was the most far-sighted among them, under the shirt she had put the bikini so she undressed without hesitation, Y/N would have imitated her but the bra was transparent, even though she felt comfortable in her body she was quite shy, she sighed and poured a bottle of water on her head to cool off,
“Hey if you have to play miss wet t-shirt you might as well take it off " Sara laughed taking off her tank top, Y/N blushed trying to cover herself before realizing that no one was paying attention to her .. well almost no one, she turned to look at the stage where the concert had resumed and noticed that Seb was staring at her, this time she couldn't imagine it the man was smiling at her giving her a nod, she smiled her best smile starting to dance for him, at that moment there was only them , she dancing and he playing, smiling, sweaty and beautiful, returned to earth when Nicole took her by the hips to dance,
"PERFECT evening don't you think?" she screamed in her ears,
"After the concert I booked at Yama's",
"Great idea" replied Y/N, "We haven't been there for months" the girls laughed merrily shaking their asses like little girls, Y/N felt great a man approached her touching her shoulder,
"Sorry" he shouted to be heard, her friends gathered around her as if to underline that they didn't want that kind of company,
"You can rest assured I have no annoying intentions" he said laughing,
"Sebastian would like to invite you to dinner after the show .. " he said to Y/N nodding towards the drummer who was watching them at that moment,
"How sorry?" she asked in amazement, staring first at Seb then at the bodyguard, the man smiled at her and repeated the invitation, her friends were speechless and she was speechless, they looked at each other for a moment, none of them would ever refuse or prevent the others from accept turned to the man,
" Er .. ok .. " she stammered,
"Great, this is your pass," he said putting a card around her neck,
"After the show go to the back stage they will take you to the band" he said greeting and retracing his steps, Y/N took the precious card in her hands not believing her eyes,
"I knew those boobs would open many doors for you .. I want a pair too" Sara complained laughing, looking at her shirt,
"That red bra attracts all eyes" laughed Nicole, "Have fun for us too" she laughed,
"I'm stunned I don't believe it yet" replied Y/N returning to dance smiling at Seb , two hours later she walked towards the back stage accompanied by her friends,
"I'll leave you the keys" she said taking a bunch out of her bag and giving it to Nicole, "Wait for me at home .. ",
"You can swear we want all the details .. ALL " they laughed mischievously, an assistant stopped them,
"Pass please" he said, Y/N handed him the card,
"I always pray straight second door on the right" he said giving her directions, the girl greeted her friends and walked away.
When she reached the door she knocked and waited, a bodyguard looked at her sideways blocking the entrance,
"Yes?" he asked seriously, "Are you lost?",
" Er .. Sebastian invited me" she whispered showing the pass,
"Please have a seat" he smiled making her enter, "You don't know how many try to crash" he laughed accompanying her into a sitting room, there were other girls as happy as she,
"The boys are coming right away," the bodyguard said before leaving them alone,
".. you too have been taken aside for the post evening?" asked a girl,
" Yes .. " Y/N replied, "., For Seb too?" she asked curiously, the others waved no, they were one per band member, they were wondering what the evening would be like when the group joined them,
"Hello beautiful" greeted merrily Scot , the singer, "One second and let's go, they are getting the car ready" he smiled, there were embarrassed smiles when the band made the introductions, it was an absurd situation,
"The car is here" said the manager, "The fans are waiting for you outside .. a big smile and let's go", the girls were escorted to the car while the band smiled, took pictures and signed autographs,
"I can't wait to be in the hotel I'm destroyed" Marc said letting himself go on the seat,
".. who do you say .." Seb replied placing a hand on Y/N's knee who squeaked happily,
" Doll if it's okay with you I would order in the room" he said smiling at her,
"Of course no problem" she answered awkwardly, they arrived at the hotel and passed by the garage, a hotel attendant was waiting for them to accompany them to the restaurant, Seb took Y/N by the hand, greeted the others and headed for the elevator.
As soon as the doors closed he pushed her against the mirror kissing her, putting his hands on her ass, Y/N was amazed, she hoped he would kiss her but she didn't expect such a thing,
"How soft you are Doll " he whispered, squeezing her ass,
"I saw you haven't missed a single concert in the last 6 months .. you deserve an award" he laughed,
"Have you seen me the other times?" she asked curiously, she couldn't believe that he had noticed her,
"Sure, tank top and red bra" he replied touching her,
"Hard not to notice these boobs" he laughed touching her breasts, ".. it's exactly how I imagined it .. " he continued to compliment her by kissing her neck, Y/N stopped asking questions by squeezing him, Seb had brought a hand of the girl on the his dick before he creeps into her jeans,
"You are a lake Doll " he said in a hoarse voice inserting a finger inside her while Y/N gently touched him, he had made it very clear how the evening would go and the girl could not wait to be in the room, arrived at the slowly they composed themselves before walking towards the bedroom.
The suite was large and bright, with a big screen in front of the sofa and a fireplace in the corner, colorful carpets covered most of the apartment, Y/N walked around the suite fascinated by so much luxury .. and by the disorder, there were two rooms huge bedroom with private bathroom and a jacuzzi for 5 people, he wondered which was Seb's room and who was occupying the second one,
"I'm ordering dinner, what do you want to eat?" the man asked kissing her neck,
"What you want .. " Y/N replied with goosebumps, ".. I'm hungry" she smiled leaning against him, made herself comfortable on the sofa while Seb was on the phone,
"We have half an hour .. " he said leaning over her,
".. I could start discarding you what do you think?" he smiled pulling off her tank top, the girl let him do she liked the feeling of his hands touching her,
"Up close they are much more beautiful .. " he said looking at her breasts, ".. that bra I have often imagined" he smiled lowering her straps, Y/N moved forward, unfastened her bra and let him take it off,
" It's as soft as I thought" he said excitedly sinking his hands into her boobs, testing their softness, the girl moaned when he squeezed her nipples,
"Don't move .. " he whispered in a hoarse voice going towards the entrance, he came back after a few seconds holding the chopsticks in his hands,
".. I want to hear what sound they make" he smiled turning them over between his fingers, the girl stared at him for a moment understanding what he meant, she smiled at him nodding, the man took a step back and sat down on the table in front of her,
" Seb .. " Y/N said before he started, the man stopped staring at her, ".. can I .. can I have another kiss?" she asked shyly, it was strange to ask to be kissed but she liked the idea of ​​having to ask,
"Anything you want Doll " Seb smiled leaning towards her, took her face in his hands and kissed her running his fingers through her hair,
"Thank you" smiled Y/N still leaning on her knees, the man pushed her towards the sofa,
"You're welcome Doll " he replied sliding the chopsticks on his neck and collarbones, "Stand up straight now" he said in a deep voice, the girl leaned on the sofa putting her hands behind her back, her breasts on display,
"How beautiful you are" he said continuing to go down with his chopsticks on her body, he brushed her inner thigh sliding on her jeans, he played with her pussy through the fabric staring at her, enjoying her moans and her expressions,
".. oh my .. Seb .. " Y/N moaned panting, ".. please don't stop .." she was excited beyond measure,  had wet panties and jeans, the man stopped touching her smiling, he turned his chopsticks between his fingers before starting to "roll" on her breasts, careful not to hurt them too much, her breasts turned red slowly as Seb hit her making her moan and meow with each stroke,
"What a beautiful sound Doll .. " gasped the excited man, "..you're an incredible instrument ..", he stopped "playing" too excited to continue, he lowered his pants and boxers, took her by the hair and fucked her mouth,
".. how wonderful your mouth .." he growled pushing his cock down her throat taking her breath away, Y/N clung to his knees trying to step back but Seb held her tightly continuing to sink into her throat faster and faster,
" FUCK .. " he moaned panting enjoying between her lips, ".. swallow Doll as a good girl" he growled staring at her the girl obeyed with tears in her eyes, no one had ever used her that way but she liked her, she was about to say something when knocked on the door.
Seb broke away from her, composing himself and went to open the door, took the trolley without letting the waiter in and went back to the living room with dinner, Y/N was still on her knees, still aroused and on the verge of orgasm, she looked at the frustrated man,
"Aren't you hungry?" he asked the girl, settling himself comfortably on the sofa,
"I'm hungry .. but not what's under the yokes" she smiled panting as she crawled towards the table, Seb laughed kneeling behind her, stroked her back up towards her neck, slipped a hand over breast playing with the nipples causing her to arch,
"You 're right .. " he said bringing his other hand between her legs, ".. we haven't finished the aperitif .. " he growled kissing her neck, untied her jeans, inserting his hand inside her panties and started to stimulate her continuing playing with her breasts, he inserted two fingers into her pussy moving quickly, putting pressure with the palm on her clit , Y/N moaned opening her legs leaning against him, turned her head to kiss him staring at him,
"Tell it Doll .. " he whispered, biting her neck, ".. say it .. what do you want?",
" Seb please .. " she gasped, "..i need enjoy .. Please .. " cried clouded with pleasure, "..let me enjoy .." the man laughed increasing movements inside her, dug nails in the breast,
"Are you sure?" laughed raging on her body, the girl meowed a "please",
"So enjoy for me Doll .. that's why you are here .. to have fun" Seb said feeling her pussy squeeze his fingers, Y/N enjoyed with a moan kissing him, remained in his arms catching her breath for a few minutes,
"Heaven Seb .. those hands .. " smiled down again straight lacing his fingers with hers, "..you really good with your hands," the two made themselves comfortable and dined, now is she hungry .. hunger for food and hunger of him, she was waiting for the moment when he would fuck her, she didn't care if on the bed, on the floor or among the dinner plates she wanted to feel him inside her.
After dinner Seb got up and took her hand,
"Shall we move the party?" he asked taking her to the bedroom, Y/N smiled following him,
"I need a shower.. come" smiled the man undressing, Y/N stopped to stare at him while he undressed, how beautiful he was, his body covered in tattoos sweaty and muscular, he turned towards her and finished taking off her clothes,
"Beautiful, look at that ass .. " he said to himself giving her a full hand spanking, the girl laughed nervously following him into the bathroom, the shower was spacious with a sandstone bench it looked like a cave, Seb opened the water which gushed from the wall like a waterfall, took Y/N in his arms dragging her under the jet, stuck his tongue in her mouth without delicacy, he was excited again the girl felt his cock against her thigh,
"Can we take it slow please?" she asked as soon as Seb stopped kissing her by biting her neck, she felt his hands everywhere squeezing and scratching, the man looked at her like a predator and smiled at her,
"Calm?!" he asked excitedly, "It's a word I do n't know .. " he said pushing her against the glass by turning it, Y/N moaned halfway between excited and frightened her breasts pressed against the cold glass, the water slipping over their bodies,
".. I think I'll take this nice ass .. what do you think?" he asked in a snarl opening her legs with his knee, he held her still by keeping a hand on her neck, brought his free hand between her legs playing with her clit , making her arch,
"You're a little bitch aren't you Doll ?" he said starting to push his cock into her ass, slowly enjoying her moans, "You have a beautiful voice .. " he laughed entering her, remained motionless until Y/N relaxed,
" Seb .. softly .. " she meowed helpless nailed to the glass,
" Shhh won't you tell me I'm hurting you .. " he whispered continuing to circle her clit , ".. I feel you like it .. I feel your pussy asking for more .. ",
" I .. Seb .. " she moaned, arching more, ".. please ..",
"Please what Doll ?" he laughed moving quickly in his ass, "You're the type to ask right?",
the girl nodded moaning,
"So ask .. I want to hear you beg .. " he said, fucking her hard, he left her neck pulling her leg up to possess her better by sinking into her,
" OMG .. " Y/N yelled out of her mind, ".. FUCK ME .. take all I am" she gasped, the man bit her neck growling before putting two fingers in her pussy, the girl threw her head back . . she felt it everywhere in her,
"What a paradise to fuck a woman like you .. " Seb panted, possessing her determined, ".. soft .. hot .. uninhibited .. ", the atmosphere seemed electrified between the steam of the shower, the two moaned and panted lost in ecstasy,
"Good Doll take it all little bitch .. " he grunted entering her completely, ".. don't you dare to enjoy" he said biting her, she felt she was on the edge but wanted to enjoy it again, Y/N meowed desperately,
" I .. I ca n't .. I ca n't resist .. " she gasped, heard the man laugh pushing into her, continued the assaults without giving her respite,
"Now you can .. " he whispered he felt her pussy squeeze his fingers, the girl tried to cling to the glass for the force of the orgasm, "..DOLL .." he growled enjoying embraced her body trembling, he leaned on her back catching my breath by stroking her back,
"Best fuck ever" he gasped, Y/N laughed with him turning and putting her arms around his neck, they kissed and finished showering before going to bed,
"I'll let you sleep" Y/N said looking for her clothes scattered around the room, "Er, will you call me a taxy ?" she asked, Seb pulled himself up on one elbow looking at her questioningly,
"Aren't you going to sleep?" he asked puzzled,
"I thought you wanted to sleep .. " Y/N replied,
"Yes, I am destroyed and I would like you to stay for the night" he replied calmly, "If you don't have someone waiting for you at home", the girl smiled as she slipped into bed, the evening was going better than she hoped,
".. I would like your number" Seb said squeezing it, ".. I wish I could slip into your panties again when I get back to town",
".. ok .." she replied before falling asleep.
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honeycombme · 4 years
Easy as Breathing
You had frequented the bar in town to the point of infatuation over the bartender. Upon learning his name, you can’t get the sound of it out of your head. Clyde Logan. Blue jeans, t-shirts, and freckles mapped like stars. West Virginia is starting to look a lot sweeter. 
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Part 1. 
(Pt. 2 available here!)
The air was so sticky in this town. Hot, humid, suffocating. Your job relocated you to West Virginia to work on data collection of disease transmission, not that there were enough people in this small town to track. Your work group consisted of a few co-workers who joined you from New England and a couple more who were local. You had been dying for this assignment to come to a conclusion, praying the next 6 months would fly by in a blink of an eye. 
You were paid a stipend for housing, allowing you to lease a sweet little cottage on the edge of town. You had some land and a thickly wooded area nearby. You didn’t much like hanging around inside your place alone, though. The only thing you did enjoy doing these days was going to the local bar and slamming back gin and tonics. Oh, and ogling the handsome bartender.
You were formatting some data into programs when your co-worker, Lauren, shot you a text: “Duck Tape at 5:30pm? I’m thinkin it’s time you put a move on that hunky bartender, we’ve only got so much time ;)”
You huffed through your nose, looking from the screen of your phone to the screen of your work computer. Smirking, you replied, “It’s a date. Although, the amount of people in this town with STDs doesn’t really make me want to put a move on anyone! See you then, love”. You and Lauren had gotten much closer since you had both been assigned to this program, sharing the same, uninspired duties. You wrapped up your data analyses on STD transmission for the day, sending in the results to headquarters. 
You left the house at 5:15pm, wearing a floral linen dress. Your makeup was light, small amount of color to your lip to make you look a little more done up. Dresses were the best invention; it’s cheating really, it’s one item of clothing and voila, you look like you tried. Before you got out of your car, you swiped on a tad more deodorant (it’s really fucking muggy) and just a touch more lip color. You waited for Lauren to pull in, and when she did, you both met each other at the door. 
“Well well little lady” she exaggerated in a fake southern drawl,” I do think tonight is gonna be the night in that little get up.” She was gesturing to your curves and winked. You rolled your eyes at her and she swung open the door to the quaint, dark bar. You walked up to the bar with Lauren, taking a seat between the beer taps. As you hung your crossbody purse on the hooks below the bar, you turned to Lauren, “If you want to be the one taking me home, you’re gonna have to buy me a drink first!” Not able to find the hook without looking for it, you hunched your body more to be able to look under the bar, finding the hook and placing the strap around it. 
“Who’s the lucky one getting taken home” cooed a deep baritone voice. In an attempt to meet his eyes, you tried to quickly raise yourself when you hit your head on the bar. Trying to recover, you popped up, “I meant to do that.”
“You alright, darlin’?” chuckled the bartender. 
“I mean, I might have a concussion, but it’s nothing one of your drinks can’t cure,” you giggled. A pink hue bloomed in your cheeks, you were used to embarrassing yourself but this certainly wasn’t the person you wanted to do that in front of. He seemed kind enough though, didn’t make you feel like you were embarrassing at all. You tapped your fingernails lightly against the counter, leaning your head in your hand with your elbow on the bar. 
“Gonna be the usual, y/n?” He looked to you attentively. 
“You know my name?” 
“Course I do, I pay attention to your friend here always callin on ya,” he claimed, “but I also swipe your card quite often so that helps,” He was leaning against the bar, his typical, sweet smirk gracing his lips. 
“Well what’s yours?” you asked, trying not to sound too interested (even though you absolutely were).
“Little lady, you’ve been comin here for three months now,” he chided, jokingly. “It’s Clyde. Clyde Logan. Pleasure to uh, officially meet you.” He extended his hand for yours, and you obliged. He took your small hand in has massive one, warm and slightly calloused. 
“Clyde Logan,” you repeated, “pleasure’s all mine”. The left strap of your dress fell after the handshake, your right hand quickly coming to it’s aid. Lauren coughed. “Yes yes, now that we’re all best friends...Clyde, do a shot with us?!” 
Clyde looked around at the bar, noting how full it was. It was certainly a busier than normal night, loud chatter and clinking of glasses filling the room. He turned to face his stock. “What’ll it be, sweetheart?” 
Lauren’s face lit up, “Ok ok, don’t make fun of me, but...I’ve never had a tequila shot. What’d’ya think?” She looked to you, and you faked confidence. “Sounds like tonight’s gonna get wild...Clyde, what do you think?”
Clyde pulled a bottle of tequila from the top shelf and you watched as his prosthetic arm worked in unison with his good one. “I think you ladies are trouble.” You melted into your palm a bit more as you watched him prepare your shot, looking up for a split second to meet your eyes. 
Lauren began discussing plans for the upcoming long weekend, asking what you thought of this plan or that. You responded in yes, no, or hell no when Clyde set the shots in front of you both. Lauren became giddy, clapping her hands in excitement as she poured salt on the back of her hand. She picked up the lime, and you followed her and Clyde’s movements. Truth be told, you’d never done one of these either and were worried you’d gag on the shot (just like you did every other time). 
Clyde lifted his shot in the air, “To...firsts”. He looked from Lauren to you as you said cheers, eyes lingering on your mouth a millisecond too long. 
You shot back the silver tequila, placing the glass down and the lime to your mouth. It was salty, sour, smooth, and bitter. You were surprised at how well it went down, and for once, you didn’t embarrass yourself. Clyde placed his glass down and high-fived Lauren as she winced. 
After a few seconds giggling, he grabbed up the materials from the bar. “You ladies needin’ anythin else?” You ordered your usual drink, Clyde smiling as you stated your order. He walked away to grab the ingredients for your drinks. 
“.....WELL….” Lauren was smiling deviously. “Well what?” you replied. 
A couple of hours flew by, the drinks burning slightly in your belly. Clyde stopped by the two of you as often as he could, indulging in your conversations excitedly. But he was busy. Your hair had curled from the humidity and the bar was settling a bit. Clyde returned with your drink, the tonic water fizzing happily around ice. 
“Ugh, you are a godsend here in the town, Clyde Logan,” you breathed. It felt easier to say when your lips ran away from you, drink buzzing in your veins. You loved saying his name.
“Is that so, miss,” he said, dripping with honey. Lauren popped up to go the restroom, giving you a wink as she walked away. “Get the feelin she’s a handful,” he said, smirking. He leaned into the bar with his good hand. “How ya doin, darlin? Needin anythin?”
“Hmm,” you cooed, “a getaway, mostly. Somewhere with no computers so I don’t have to crunch numbers all day,” you sighed. 
“I been meanin’ ta ask ya,” he started, “brother and I have been goin’ to this campin’ spot every year for the long weekend…” His cheeks were turning a little pink, his lips moving quickly and his eyes focusing on the grain in the wood of the bar. “It’s Jimmy, his friend, an me. Usually we pack enough food to feed three armies, endin up with too much left over. Would you an Lauren wanna go campin’?”
When he finished his sentence, he looked up at your face, eyes cautious. 
“You wanna go camping with me?” you asked eagerly. Too eagerly?
He huffed a breath and smiled, wide and toothy. “Well, you’re both invited, but..o’course. I’d love to have you there. It could be the getaway that ya need.” He looked over to a couple of expectant customers at the bar. “One minute, sugar.” He walked away to help the other customers when Lauren returned. 
“Lauren, we’re going camping,” you declared without context. 
“Ew, y/n. Do you long for the company of mosquitos and bears?” she teased.
“Hmm, not mosquitos or bears. Clyde invited us.”
Her whole demeanor changed, mouth forming an oh-my-god in silence. She regained her composure as Clyde was walking past you two. She whispered,” he’s so into you.”
After a little while longer, you closed out your tab, leaving him a considerably large tip. As you stood, a little wobbly from the drink, you reached to grab your purse and Clyde jogged over to you. 
“Y/n,” he called sweetly. You snapped up and smiled at him. He was rubbing the back of his neck, looking to you at a bit of an angle. “I, well. I uh, I wanted to ask ya for your number so we can plan everythin’ together...the campin’ trip and whatnot.”
You smiled widely at him, tiny butterflies threatening to escape your ribcage. “Of course, Clyde, anything,” you breathed. He pulled a small notepad out of his chest pocket, along with a pen. Se put his hand in the back of his pocket as he watched you scrawl your name and number onto the sheet. You handed it back to him dutifully, beaming. “Can’t wait.”
CERTAINLY thinking of @callmehopeless​ as I’m writing this. Coy Clyde, embarrassed Clyde, camping Clyde, ANY CLYDE. I hope I can tie this into some fluffly, smutty, filthy beauty in classic Hope fashion. I just need to build up a lil more.....
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wiener-blut · 5 years
concert report, I guess
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Idk if anyone wants to hear this, but here’s my memories from the Lindemann show in Leipzig, 14th february 2020. Keep in mind, all of this is my own opinion, I don’t mean to attack anyone here, and that I could easily be mistaken with some, my memory loves playing games with me :^) Also if you’re still to attend a concert and don’t want to be spoilered, avoid this, obviously.
Drove by bike to the venue, arrived at around 1.30/2pm. Around 15 people were already there, waiting. They were really nice altogether. Into 3pm, people started to form a disciplined queue. Shitty weather, but at least no heavy rain. Cold, though. 4pm; I decided to drive back home to get rid of our bag (on my way to the bikes a man in his fifties asked me who’s playing tonight, pointing at the crowd, bewildered, I responded “Lindemann, front singer of Rammstein”, he was like “I read he was born here!!” super excited that he knew – he was cute lol so confused by how crazy people are); got into a rather unpleasant rainfall on my way back to the venue. 5pm; people were told to not stand on the street, so people gathered all around us, ignoring the built queue from before; assholes tried to cut in line. Got really crowded, people in front us were still being really kind and considerate, people behind us not so much. Last hour went by quickly, good company around us, save for some idiots. 6.30pm; security let us in – people from behind were pushing, not cool. Inside the venue, it was really chill, I even waited for @haifisch-ohne-traenen​, walked inside, people gathered around in the middle, low-key ran to our spot in the first row, right in front of Peter AW YEAH!!! Another wait til 8pm, filled with squeezing through people to get to the toilet and back, and chatting with the two guys behind us.
Shit, I’m so gay. She literally owned the stage so hard and her band mates were so cute and the keyboarder interacted with us a lot, he kept grinning at us whenever he saw us singing along; a perfect opening to an awesome night.
Aesthetic Perfection.
Surprisingly good tbh? Wasn’t the biggest fan after listening to some songs on youtube, but they’re a banger live. Really set the mood for the main act.
Oh boy, where to start. First thing we saw was a video of Till in a diaper, with a bald head and the goggles from drsg’95 (at least I think it were those?), running and dancing around on the street, sucking his thumb (note: I reckon this video was shot a couple years ago). Actually hilarious, a surprisingly, and welcome, light hearted start to the show. I’m just gonna go through this song by song, because I suck at remembering things and need some kind of guidance lol.
Skills in Pills
Good song, good opener. The crowd went apeshit, it felt like the air was exploding, really unbelievably powerful. Peter was looking at us (naturally, because we were quite literally in his face), making faces, which he kept doing throughout the whole concert. Till was wandering across the stage, it seemed like he was noticing a lot of people, esp. in the first row, including us, huehue.
One of my favorite Lindemann songs. Was so cool seeing and hearing it live, I went absolutely wild. I think this was the first time they changed places, and Jonathan (the one with the braided pigtails) came over to us, and whoops I fell in love.
Not the biggest fan of the song, admittedly. Still a good one. Good placement. The first time I glanced at the screen behind them, only did it one or two times more. I came here for the music, not some fucked up porn clips, I can easily find those on pornhub, thank you.
Ich Weiß Es Nicht
Never liked the verse, but the chorus is so touching to me, idk why. Sang my heart out at the chorus.
Okay so I came prepared. I knew what was gonna happen. First half of the song was incredible, another fav song. Screamed my head off. Then, cakes were brought and ngl, it kinda took away from this awesome song for me. I really, really did not want to end up having cake smeared all over me by the first third of the concert. So I watched out for them, praying that they wouldn’t aim in our direction. Ended up with a few lil teeny tiny sprimkles on my arm and in my hair (that actually came from a cake Jonathan yeeted over our heads :3c), nothing too bad. Cake was actually delicious. Last cake was thrown by Sebastian, Peter’s son, Till was standing in the middle, in front of the drums, stealthily (so he thought) pointing to our side, but Sebastian didn’t catch it and threw it into the audience across from us and boy, you should’ve seen Till’s face lol. He looked so mad, internally. Also I was really happy to get to rewatch a clip from Hänsel und Gretel on the screen.
Frau & Mann
I have never seen a crowd go that hard to a song. Probably the loudest on the audience’s side. Was jumping a lot, Till came over a lot. Guess bobbing boobs really are an efficient Till-magnet. Actually, when the line “Kann dich nicht vergessen” (“Cannot forget you”) came on, Till pointed directly at us, like no fucking lie, we just froze. I know, I can’t be for sure, blah blah, but come on, just let me believe he pointed directly at us ok. There’s a video on youtube, where you see him pointing into the crowd at that line, that’s where we stood.
Best choice they could’ve made regarding the placing of the song. Everyone was still hyped up from Frau & Mann, Knebel topped it. Starting out so calm and lovely, I really like the first half of the song. Beautiful lighting, they were so pretty in the blue light. Scream point hit, Lindemann hoaxed us into screaming MUND but made a break, Till shaking his head at us. Haha. Funny funny. Eh. I knew it was gonna happen, so it fell a bit flat for me personally, but okay I guess. Crowd went absolutely apeshit. So insane.
Home Sweet Home
Beautiful song, so heartfelt and a really good way to calm down after Frau & Mann and Knebel. Almost cried, ngl.
I. Fucking. Love. This. Song. Second time I looked at the screen and wow ngl, Till looked really good on the rodeo machine thing with his cowboy hat on lol. Also the song where Jonathan came over again and I made a heart with my hands and he smiled at me and :’)))
Golden Shower
Such a good song. My heart went big badum badum every time Peter shouted “Cunt” into the mic right in front of us, it felt like we were bonding just through shouting “Cunt” in unison lol. Also there was this part of them taking turns in raising their arms to the audience in time to the music, and I was laughing my ass off, because while Peter, Jonathan, and Sebastian all were perfectly in synch with the beat, Till always was a tad off and idk man, this shit was just so funny to me like c’mon Till, it’s not that hard.
Ah, yes. Like I said, we came prepared. We had our hoodies safely (and dryly) brought to the coatroom before the concert started so we were READY to get wet. The one thing I didn’t know though, the sprinkler system at the edge of the stage started right at the beginning of the song. I expected it to go off in like the middle of the song, or with the first chorus. So, sprinklers started, I saw the water coming. I thought “ah okay it’s just a little drizzle”, but boy, I was wrong. It felt like we were soaked after the second (and last) time we got sprayed. And actually? It was so nice. You know how concerts just make you all sweaty and drain your body from all water? I wouldn’t recommend trying to drink the water that was sprayed over us (it just had a weird smell to it, idk), but it was a welcome cooling, in that moment. Just imagine you feel like a little crop in the blazing sun, and then, finally, you get watered. Bye bye make up, but I just didn’t care lol. I don’t want to know what we looked like after that song. About the song itself; I didn’t mind the “interruption” at all, Blut is a decent song imo, but nothing more, so it didn’t bother me as much as the cake war during Allesfresser.
Platz Eins
Another top fav song for me. I’m not quite sure how to describe it, but Till and Peter climbing into that balloon thing and shuffling “out of reach” actually heightened my hype?? Like I could concentrate on really letting go during the song, screaming the lyrics out like there was no tomorrow. Also watching Jonathan and Sebastian’s little choreography was so entertaining. Jonathan being lifted up high also was something for the eye, at least for me :^) Also I remember the light show because it was gay. As in, so many vibrant rainbow colors. When Till and Peter returned to their starting point, Till climbed out, and Peter was holding his nose like Till just farted lol. The balloon started deflating and Peter mouthed an “OH NO” and when he climbed out, he made jazzy hands like “hell yeah guys I made it, I didn’t die in here”. Peter is a good man.
Praise Abort
Tbh, I don’t have many memories for this one. For me, one of Lindemann’s weaker songs, although it still slaps, don’t get me wrong. Just not one of my favorites. Only thing I remember is being happy about seeing the ballerinas from the mv on the screen in the background.
Fish On
Here we go again. After Praise Abort, I asked @haifisch-ohne-traenen​ if we wanted to change places, she looked at me like “You sure?” and I was like “Yeah, absolutely” – “You know which song comes next?” – “Oh. Nevermind lol”. I like Fish On, it’s my ringtone, but like with Allesfresser, the anticipation of the chances of getting hit by a fish kinda ruined the song for me. I couldn’t enjoy it as much. Also I was wondering why they needed so much time between Praise Abort and Fish On just to throw on this stupid raincoat. We successfully avoided all fish. A lot of them were thrown back on the stage by the audience, two of them hitting Till on the leg and arm, and one of them bowling down Till’s water bottles that stood in front of the drums. Also, when all fish were thrown, someone handed Till a last plate of fish pieces that he threw into the audience, but it slipped out of his hands and the plate went flying across the stage, shattering on a speaker and almost hitting the security guard that stood in front of us. I swear, that guard looked like he wanted to murder Till right at the spot lol (Also, this security guard was cute; he greeted us before the concert like “hi I’ll be your guardian for the next three hours”, he took pics of some people from the first row for them, and before the concert started, he got himself some gummy bears which he stuffed into his pocket to snack during the concert).
Ach So Gern
I was so mad about this?? But at the same time I was not?? So when they started Ach So Gern, they played the tango version and I was like !!! YES and I got all hyped up because I low-key hoped that, maybe, for valentine’s day, they’d switch the pain version for the tango version, but they didn’t. I guess if they HAD played the tango version though, I probably would’ve been mad I didn’t get to hear the pain version lol. The pain version definitely is more suited for a concert, I guess. And I still love it. Praise Peter. Seriously, he’s a god of music, just accept it.
Steh Auf
Incredible energy in the room when everyone’s screaming “Steh auf” on the top of their lungs. One of the most powerful songs live. Also Jonathan came over to us again and [insert heart eyes emoji].
Okay, everyone slander me, but I really didn’t like this song as the finishing song. I don’t exactly love this song and I always skip it whenever I listen to F&M, so this was the only song I didn’t know the full lyrics to. It just doesn’t have either a specifically “deep” feeling to it, neither does it have the power I would expect from the last song of this kind of concert, if you get what I mean. For me, it was just missing this last, final BANG. Either that, or have a nice, calming song at the end, that will make people cry and think “fuck man, I don’t want this to end, but it’s been such a good concert”. Gummi just fell really flat for me as the final song. The happier I was when they put on an instrumental of Wer Weiß Das Schon, even if I was really hoping to see that one live and in full length, but you know, life isn’t a bowl of cherries. Also I certainly would have cried. Alas, I did almost cry when they took their bows and thanked us. Till’s voice was so soft and he sounded so sincerely humble and thankful. I don’t know whether it did have any impact on him or not, but he was born in this city, after all.
Till The End Teaser
So instead of showing the video of Till getting sucked off under the Rammstein stage (which I’m still not convinced is real, but that’s another story, I don’t want to delve into it) they put on the first like two minutes of Till The End. This is gonna sound super snobby and ungrateful, but I just turned away. Like I said, if I wanna watch porn, I’ll open pornhub. The two guys behind us, however, were standing there, eyes glued to the screen and their mouths were literally half open, no lie, it cracked me up so hard like really? Shit, it’s gotta be hard to be a person with a dick instead of a brain sometimes.
Bottom line.
Everything was worth it. The hours of waiting, the mediocre weather, driving to the venue by bike, the “fear” of getting hit by a cake or a fish. The concert was amazing, outstanding, mindblowing. I don’t want to compare it to my first row Rammstein experience, because they’re so vastly different bands, and I want to keep them separated. But man. This was probably the best valentine’s day of all time, by far.
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lordseochangbin · 5 years
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the luck in your hands- seo changbin
word count: 10k  
fluff, smut, angst imagine based on the bollywood movie “zoya factor” on netflix. 
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
“ok guys... we’ve practiced for this moment, right? let’s make sure to get the win!” changbin exclaimed in an encouraging mode as the stadium roared.
 it was the match that would qualify changbin’s team to the world’s annual tournament, and changbin believed with enough practice they’d be able to get the win. even if they lost, they’d still be qualified to go--however with the lowest ranking...and the disappointment of their team’s manager.
it was discouraging when the announcer never failed to mention their recent loses. every since changbin took the captain’s spot, the only wins they received were from the easiest teams. the team’s president was disappointed and forced changbin to take action. the team worked hard as well, practicing day and night until they couldn’t take the pressure anymore, resorting to blaming each other for their losses.
changbin shaked it off as he walked onto the stadium, patting his teammate’s backs and praying to the gods that he would at least get this win as he looked up at the president in the stands.
he watched as the president mouthed the words, “fucking. crush. them” 
he took a deep breath, nodding at the president before he would stand in his position. 
“ok, on a count of three.. one two-”
“SEOUL STAYS!” the team exclaimed.
seconds later the stadium was quiet, the game going on much to changbin’s disappoint. 
“the score is now 18-23, looks like the angels are ready to beat the stays again!” the announcer called before minho--one of changbin’s teammates-- could get the ball.
and from there the game ended, the other team winning by 4 points causing changbin’s team to go to the tournament but at the bottom of the league. 
“and that ends it! angels beat the stays-- guess lee’s shot just wasn’t it folks” one of the two announcers called from the microphone. 
“that better SERVE him right” the female announcer called, remembering minho from their one-night stand a few months back. changbin pulled minho away from the court before minho could smash the ball on the floor.
“oop- looks like lee bee is getting angry again. someone better give some chill pills” the lady sarcastic called on the intercom before changbin could pull him away, minho turning around to flip off the intercom girl.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
“UNACCEPTABLE. FUCKING-- what the fuck were those playing skills?” the manager yelled at the boys. minho, one of the players, rolled his eyes at the coach earning a smack from behind.
“keep giving me that attitude minho and you won’t be able to play in the league, got it?”
“.. i understand” minho muttered under his breath,his fists clenching under the seat.
“and you!” the coach pointed his finger directly at changbin as the boys huddled around him. “get your shitty team together or paychecks are cut off. i selected you as captain because i thought you’d benefit for the team, but if you let this team down i’ll select chan next year.”
changbin couldn’t help to find chan smirking to himself in the corner, his head down as he tried not to show his satisfaction. 
“next game is in three days, i expect perfection at the tournament in incheon. got it?”
changbin stood up before his manager, his head high as his team stood up behind him. 
“GOT IT!” they exclaimed.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
you woke up to your brother tossing a basketball onto your bed. “FUCKING IDIOTS! THE STAYS LOST AGAIN!!” 
angered by your brothers actions you threw the comforter onto the floor, grabbing the basketball and chasing your brother out of your room. 
you abruptly stopped, causing jisung to stress on why you were so calm all of the sudden. his eyebrows wrinkled as he watched you take a deep breath before screaming, “DADDDD!! JISUNG IS BEING ANNOYING” 
your dad ran upstairs, stealing the basketball from your hands. 
“jisung. that’s enough. lets go buy some takeout” 
“you would’ve asked for chicken if the stays won” jisung spat out 
“well if that changbin kid could be a better captain!“
“that lee minho kid needs to work on his anger issues!” 
god. this is what you hated about living with your dad and your brother. basketball, basketball, basketball; it’s all they talked out. you could literally yell that you were pregnant with the team’s defender and they would care. 
“GUYS?! GUYS?!” you exclaimed, waving your hands in the air as the two men continued to argue 
“hey! chan is obviously the best player on the team” your dad shot back at jisung, literally ignoring your presence 
“ HWANG HYUNJIN— HWANG BANGED ME!! WE’RE HAVING HYUNJIN BABIES!! TINY SCREAMING HYUNJIN BABIES!!!” you yelled in exhaustion as you attempted to break the fight 
you clenched your fists as they continued to fight and ran downstairs to grab a drink before the sight on the tv could catch your attention. 
“seo changbin, another loss bro” the news reporter said, patting changbin’s shoulder 
“it’s a bummer, but i know we’ll come back stronger during the tournament” he replied with a wide grin on his face 
“that’s the spirit! now what do you think will keep these boys up and running?” 
“practice. practice makes perfect. i strongly believe in that” 
the boy in a suit popped onto the screen, hovering the camera. “you only requested 1 question and you know changbin doesn’t like physical interaction, please respect the captain. we end this interview now” 
the boy grabbed changbin’s hand as he was dragged away from the screen. “wait- wait!” the news reporter called before the camera could zoom into the man’s face. 
“and that’s the leader of the seoul’s stays. the team representing korea in basketball. no. physical. interactions. no communicating” 
your brother turned off the tv practically awakening you from your deep thoughts. “the captains hot right? stop eye fucking him” 
“i was NOT eye fucking him jisung!” you said in disgust, grabbing the pillow and shoving it in his face. 
“hey basketballs aren’t the only balls-”
“I HATE BASKETBALL!” you yelled, kicking the couch and running to your room.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
it started when you were younger. actually, to be exact, the day you were born. y/birth month, date, year (sorry i couldn’t think of anything LOL). you happen to be born on the same day as the seoul stays basketball team won their first tournament . it was legendary, your father kissing your forehead and blessing the lords. but in exchange for your birth, came your mother’s death the next day.
your eyes watered at the sight of the fireworks every year in remembrance of the nation’s basketball win, reminding you of your mother and her sparks of energy. you definitely got it from her, your father always reminded.
“you.. y/n. you are a basketball goddess” he whispered. from there, your father believed your birth led to the win of the basketball team.
basketball was your first word. your father remembering the moment precisely in the middle of your brother’s high school game. your father took it as no coincidence when your brother’s team won at every match you attended. you were han jisung’s “good luck charm”, as he liked to call it. one breakfast with jisung’s team and he was sure to win the whole thing. 
growing up with two basketball geeks, you decided basketball was the thing you hated the most. you HATED basketball. but ironically, you worked for the seoul stays team’s manager.
“you’re joining the team on the tournament. i can’t make it” the manager said, crossing his legs in his seat as you sat across from him in shock.
“you.. you can’t make it to their biggest tournament of the season?” you asked
“no, unfortunately not. now i need you to pack your bags and join them at the hotel they’re staying in-”
“wait wait wait.. wait a minute. im going with them?! to every game?!”
“yes, no excuses. now pack your bags. you know what you’re expected to do”
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
the morning of the next day, motor vans lined up at the entrance of the hotel. the paparazzi crowded the lobby, waiting for the seoul stays team’s arrival. you sat in a separate van, of course, your palms sweaty as you held their laminated agenda in their hands. 
“oh my god…” your jaw dropped as girls screamed. three boys; one with a cat phone case, one with prince-like features, and another with a smile like the sunshine. they looked perfect, and you could only wonder who else was in that team of 12. you didn’t know their names regardless of working for the team, the game was irrelevant to you and you heard enough of it from home.
you got out of the car to catch up with the team and their employees before being pulled away by the swamp of people. 
“wheres our manager?” you heard one of the boys whisper 
“IM RIGHT HERE!!” you replied from behind the crowd. it wasn’t loud enough to catch their attention however, as they continued to walk towards the hotel lobby. 
2 hours later you found yourself finally at the front desk, your hands waving your reservation as you spoke to the lady out of the breath. “one room, please hurry with my bags” you panted, tossing your 5 inch heels to the side. 
“got it miss, here’s your card.” she handed you a maroon colored hotel key as another employee escorted you to the elevator. 
“thank you so much, what floor is the room?” you asked before entering 
“floor 23 miss” he replied
“thank you” your heavy heartbeats finally stopped. finally, the day was to yourself. maybe a massage will do, or a movie under the comfy sheets of this five star hotel. 
you stared in awe at the detail of the elevator as you entered, a little boy staring at the buttons before he could send you a very delirious smile. you smiled back. and he clicked all the buttons so the elevator could stop at each floor before going to 23. 
“WAIT NO-“ you exclaimed, watching the boy giggle before running away. 
you cursed under your breath, banging your head against the elevator wall and grabbing your hair in distress as two people joined you. 
“are you okay miss?” a voice peaked from your right side. 
“I HATE BASKETBALL!” you exclaimed, throwing your hands to your sides as you turned to the stranger who bothered to ask about your well-being. 
you choked on your spit as you realized the man next to you was the only and only… wait were you dreaming? you blinked a few times to make sure it was real. the most popular basketball leader in south korea in your eyesight, seo changbin. 
“I MEAN-“ you gently patted his shoulder, a nervous smile on your face as you tried to correct your words 
“i mean the game.. not the players, totally not the players” 
changbin posed a fake smile as he nodded in agreement
you continued on rambling “and..and some boy pressed all the buttons and left so now we have to stop by each floor and visit everything” you closed your eyes to prevent tears as your daily headache started to kick in 
 “and exactly why are you banging your head against the wall?” changbin said with a chuckle, he couldn’t help but notice how cute you looked when you tried not to get in trouble. 
“oh my god! ive just had such a terrible day…” you went on every floor like that. complaining to changbin about how his manager forced you to join the trip, the agendas, the crowds. 
“that’s the basketball life” he chucked, “imagine being the captain” 
“oh god” you sarcastically laid a hand on changbin’s shoulder before remembering the news reporters words from earlier. “no. physical. contact” 
“EEK” you drew your hand away from changbin as he stood there. 
“are you okay?” he asked, confused at your sudden drawback 
“im.. im fine” 
“well! this stupid agenda tells me seungmin has to wear a different pair of top brand white shoes daily? i obviously can not afford them but we’ll find some knockoffs ” you laughed before covering your mouth in shock. 
“oh my god, changbin please don’t tell him i said that” 
“don’t tell seungmin you said that?” he questioned 
“yes! yes this is my job at risk please” 
“so you’re asking me to lie to my teammate? for your job?” he asked, inching closer to you as you stepped back against the elevator 
“yes…” you responded slowly 
“and break the trust of one of my teammates? so you don’t lose your job?” he said, raising his left eyebrow in anticipation 
“exactly!! perfect changbin!” 
his hands were on your sides, you trapped against the corner of the elevator as changbin’s lips seems seconds away from yours. but they never meet. 
“no can do” he spat before the elevator could reach floor 23 and he could leave you with a heavy beating heart. you clenched onto it to calm your breathing down from the steamy moment. 
“oh my god. im gonna get fired” you said, grabbing the knock off pair of nikes you bought earlier and face palming yourself in disappointment.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
the next day, you decided to go to the buffet room early. you were in line when you noticed a familiar face next to you. 
“bang chan?!” you exclaimed, nearly
dropping your plate as you went to shake his hand. 
“y/n?!! what are you doing here?! god it’s been so long, how are you??” 
“ive been alright, im the “co-manager” for the seoul stays” you emphasized, grabbing a slice of watermelon and tossing it in your mouth
“really?” he asked, his eyebrows furrowing in question. “im on the seoul stays team”  you spat out the slice of watermelon as the news hit you
“you are?!” you asked followed by a gasp of excitement, “i guess your dream came true bang chan” 
“indeed, now you have to tell me what’s going on with you now that i know we’ll be seeing each other more often” 
as the buffet line came to the end you looked at the filled tables to see none open for you. as chan joined you, he grabbed your plate. 
“how about you join the team for breakfast?” he offered 
“wait for real?” you asked in surprise 
“yeah, they wont mind” 
you joined the table, greeting by the whole team except for changbin. chan quickly introduced you to everyone, leaving them in shock of their young manager as minho sat you down across from seungmin. “hey y/n.. did you ever get my new shoes?” 
“oh yeah!” you picked up from your bag from the floor, shuffling through some things before pulling out a pair of white “nike” shoes and handing them over to him. 
seungmin looked at the pair of shoes, investigating every detail before looking back up to you. 
“are you sure these are nike?” he asked before changbin could interrupt 
“seungmin! remember that prank you pulled on me awhile ago, and i mentioned if i fell for it id do whatever you want” 
“yeah, that shit was so funny!! what about it?” 
“here”, changbin stood up with a nike bag, pushing it towards seungmin as he opened the box. “here’s a brand new pair of white nikes. i hope you like them” 
seungmin smiled at changbin before opening the box, “thanks man” 
hyunjin, one of the new players, bursted into laughter at the gesture . “god y/n, you had to be there. that prank was amazing! changbin walked into the room and boom! he was so pissed off” he said, making all the players laugh and you as well. in the midst of it all you managed to steal a glance at changbin, thankful that he’d bought a pair of white nikes for seungmin.
you watched as a smile formed on his face as he looked down at the floor before looking up to lock eyes with you. he smiled at the contact making you blush before minho could catch your attention. 
“look at my cats!”
“woah, you really like your cats huh?” you asked, peeking at his home and lock screen. 
“i… i tend to get really angry sometimes. like anger issues i guess but one look at soonie,doongie, or dori and i feel relaxed again” 
“really? who’s dori?” you asked out of curiousity
you watched minho scroll through photos of his cats before receiving a text message on your phone. 
changbin (?): you owe me 
you looked up at changbin before replying. 
me: i do?! 
changbin: yes, for being the sweetest guy on the planet. tonight after the game 
me: ok okk 
“changbin” chan glared changbin, “do we have practice today too? before the game??” 
“it’s the rockets. what do you expect? i know they’ll crush us but they won’t crush us completely” seungmin pouted 
“oh come on guys, have a little faith in our team. after the game we can go watch the fireworks or something” changbin bribed 
“that’s so funny, that’s exactly what my father used to say on my birthday” you mentioned, gaining everyone’s attention 
“your birthday is on New Years?”  seungmin asked
“no no, the day the seoul stays won their first worldwide tournament-“
“y/birth month,date,year (sorry i couldnt think of a date LMFAO)” you, minho, and hyunjin said in amazement. 
“wow! that’s crazy!” jeongin added 
“yeah, chan do you remember? my dad would force me to eat breakfast with you guys every morning. it’s because i was your guy’s ‘luck factor’” you laughed 
“seriously?!” he questioned, trying to remember 
“yeah! just one breakfast with you guys and bam, you were sure to win the game” you said, laughing at their reactions 
“wow, even my uncle said her birth sign is lucky too. it must be a sign” seungmin replied
“hey hey”, changbin interrupted. “basketball is not a game of luck, it’s a game of strategy. practice is the only thing that matters” he said, straightening himself in his seat. 
you took a sip of water as you hummed in agreement. “wow, wise leader. i agree” 
chan tapped your shoulder, asking you if you’d like you come to his suite and catch up like old times. you sadly had to refuse, work being an overload and the game coming soon. you promised another day however, remembering how close you to used to be before excusing yourself from the table. you noticed changbin smile at you on your way out. what a cutie. 
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
you sat on the bench as the game started; the score was worse than you thought. “come on stays! you can do it!“ you cheered on along with the crowd. it was a home game so it was easy to encourage them but for some reason their game was low. 
after the first round the boys sat down, chan turned to minho giving him a small push to the shoulders. “minho, you can’t keep getting angry on court!” 
“they’re purposely trying to make you mad minho, can’t you see the way they shoved your shoulder? you completely lost your game after” jeongin complained 
changbin ran his fingers through his hair anxiously as he looked at the scoreboard. 
“minho, are you getting angry at the other team or something?” you asked him
“yeah y/n, i can’t help it” he shrugged 
“how about this” you looked through minho’s bag to find a photo of dori, grabbing a piece of tape from your school bag and taping it onto his sweatband on his wrist. 
“everytime you get angry, just look at this” you suggested, remembering how easily he mentioned it calmed him down
changbin smirked to himself as he watched your advice “you seriously think that’s gonna work?” 
“back on the courts folks, it’s time to get on with the game. it seems to be on the celtics favor as expected” the announcement called 
you draw lines into the sketchbook that was supposed to plan the team’s game as they gathered around the coach and before you know it, the buzzer rang. 
you watched changbin in amazement at how well he played ball. he lead the team through commands on court and it showed how well of a leader he was. as changbin’s team played offense, they did nothing but score points. it was almost amazing how fast they caught up to the celtics before the timer could end 
the boys huddled around in amazement as the crowd roared. 
“wow! the seoul stays definitely making a comeback!!” the announcer called 
“guys, what the fuck is happening?” hyunjin asked 
“we’re doing so unbelievably well, it’s crazy.  i didn't think it was possible to score that many points at once” minho continued 
“im telling you guys, it’s y/n. we ate breakfast with her and her luck is rubbing off on us!!” seungmin said, all eyes went on chan as they wondered about his childhood. 
“were the games like this too? for your team?!” jeongin asked in curiosity 
“now that i think about it, kinda? our records were hard to believe” 
seungmin clapped his hands in realization, “that’s it! it’s y/n” 
“it’s not y/n, we actually practiced today” changbin argued
the boys pouted as the buzzer went off again and the announcer called. “one more point and the seoul stays and celtics are tied!” the reporter called 
“i think they’ll be able to do it, seeing how well they have been doing” the other reporter responded
the timer started. 
changbin passed the ball to chan who dribbled it down the court before passing it to hyunjin. it seemed as though the other team’s defense was off, even though they were known to be brick walls. they seemed down on defense and changbin made sure to take that to his advantage as jeongin shot the ball. 
“yang shoots- and it’s not in! oh-oh wait i think seungmin is going for the rebound… and.. and he makes the rebound!!” 
the timer pauses as the boys cheer to themselves. “come on guys!! we can do it” changbin cheered on as the crowd encouraged them. 
“we?? you mean y/n??” changbin looked away from seungmin when he mentioned your name, making him nervous about where the real determination of the game was coming from. 
the timer had 50 seconds left. the ball was in minho’s hands. the second the buzzer went off, you watched as the celtics drilled through the other team and shoved minho to the ground. 
minho’s eyebrows furrowed in fury, his face heated as he knew their purpose. “uh oh, looked like minho is angry. will he screw up the whole game for the stays?” the announcer called 
minho took a second, pausing to stare the photo of soonie on his wrist. “i-is that lee minho?? smiling on court?!” the female announcer called. 
“yes! and minho gets back on his two feet! but the buzzer is at 10 seconds, what will minho do?” 
minho ran to the half court line, shooting the ball from a questionable distance. the crowd silenced, everyone on the edges of their seats as they watched the ball fly around the rims of the hoop, only to fall right in with the buzzer went off. 
“and the stays win the game!!”��
changbin looked around in confusion. “US?? WE DID IT!!!” the boys huddled together, jumping in circles as the crowd cheered them on
“perhaps the seoul stays will not be disappointing us this season. looking forward to what they have to show”
changbin ran up to you, picking you up and twirling you around in happiness as he gave you a tight hug. 
“thank you y/n, for giving minho that stupid idea” he scoffed 
“you're welcome” you laughed as changbin slowly stepped out of the hug, realizing how awkward he was 
“now for that date? can you bring the team’s agenda?” 
“is it a date if you’re still in basketball mode?” you asked, wondering why he would ask for the player’s agendas.
“who said it’s a date for the both of us? i want to get to know the players more” he laughed
“pfft, like id ever date you” you said, turning around as the media started to crowd changbin 
“in your dreams y/n!!” changbin called from behind, making you smile as you drove back to the hotel
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
around 9 pm you heard three knocks on the door. you rushed to the door, opening it to see changbin in a hoodie and jeans, a coat over his hoodie to make a look. he parted his hair for his forehead to show, three bracelets on his wrist and a small gold chain to complete his fit. 
“wow..” he said. you looked at yourself from head to toe. you were wearing blue jeans with an white embroidered long sleeve shirt and a pair of white boots. 
“um.. wow?” you asked, a small chuckle leaving your lips as you allowed changbin to come inside.
chan turned the corner of your hotel floor to surprise you that night, only to see changbin enter your room. “was that changbin?” he wondered to himself, he looked up at the ceiling to prevent himself from tearing up. he seemed to be on the edge the whole day, thinking about confessing to you after 8 years of waiting. but it seemed like you moved on, and even worse with chan’s biggest enemy. he knew he had to get you back somehow. chan left for the elevators, his head speculating on how he would do so.
“wow(wowwww shes hot, ok sorry 3racha), this hotel room is a mess,” changbin continued, flopping onto the half made bed that had magazines scattered on top of it. he grabbed one of the magazines to find his face in the front cover. 
“staring at photos of me?” he asked with a smirk on his face.
“no! no.. totally not. just gotta check the news, right?” you replied, stuffing the bra you left on the floor into your check-in bag
“do you have the player’s agendas?” he asked, turning off the tv
“yeah! but you want their agenda to get to know them better? why not actually try to get to know them better?”
“i know their personalities, i don't know their interests outside of basketball however”
“well that’s why you communicate, just get to know them better” you suggested, sitting next to him on the bed with your legs crossed
“talk with them? i talk with them everyday”
“then ask them what they like when you’re having a conversation, just slip it in there. here try it on me”
“hmm.. other than being the manager’s secretary, what do you like about basketball?”
“that wasn’t what i meant but i like nothing about basketball, moving on-”
“not even the players?” he asked, arching an eyebrow 
“the players… don’t seem that bad. i know chan-hyung from your guys team!”
changbin rolled his eyes, “what about me?” 
you leaned back on the bed, was this his way of flirting? even though you had just met him today, a sense of trust was built between the two of you. he felt free to share his concerns with you and you felt free to speak your mind around him.
“you’re not bad” you replied, laughing at changbin’s pout
“pfft.. right”
you took advantage of the hotel service and ordered a bottle of wine as you and changbin sat on the bed, just talking about the team and how you grew up with a father and brother that actually looked up to changbin. you talked about your ex who broke up with you a couple weeks ago because he was in love with lee minho and how basketball was the source of all the karma in your life. he couldn’t help but laugh at how blunt you spoke about your dislikes on basketball but he understood you. he seemed to cheer up as well when he discussed the stressful measures about being the captain of the basketball team that represented korea. 
“see how easy it is to communicate” you said, “you’re doing just fine. you literally got me to spit out all my interests”
“i don't think that's cause of my social skills” changbin said, his fingers intertwined with yours
“oh really? then what is it?”
“i think we just have a lot in common” he smirked, placing his head on your shoulder. you giggled as his feet played with yours
“me? with the seo changbin?”
“oh come on, i'm not ‘ the seo changbin’” he laughed as he leaned closer to you, his face centimeters apart from yours. your lips parted from the close proximity.
“can i?” he asked, his eyes diverting from your lips to your eyes
“does it look like i’m complaining?” you whispered before he smiled into the kiss.
his hands slithered from your legs to your waist, you grabbing his face as he turned you so you were on his lap. he pushed your hair away so you could kiss him once again, his eyes asking for permission as he tugged on your white shirt. “is this okay?”
you giggled as his cold fingertips tickled your skin and nodded your head in approval as you threw his coat off. your hands found themselves under changbin’s hoodie as well, touching every area and complimenting his figure as he pulled his hoodie over his head. 
changbin hummed into the kiss as you straddled his lap, turning his neck as you could kiss his skin making him shut his eyes in satisfaction
“y/n.. you work wonders on me” he whispered as you places small kisses down his chest, making sure not to leave too many marks as he was a celebrity
you pecked his lips one last time before you and changbin could squirm under the sheets, the wine having its effect on you and making you fall for the captain of the basketball team--seo changbin. 
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
you woke up to the doorbell, changbin sleeping soft and sound next to you as you quickly fixed your hair and threw on his jacket. you weren’t expecting anyone, so you figured it was room service asking about breakfast.
before answering the door, you woke up changbin. “hey, changbin” you whispered into his ear
“changbin..” you pinched his skin but he wouldn’t budge. a smile came on your face as you realized what would wake him up. your lips could themselves on his neck, what you discovered last night to be his weak spot as you sucked on the skin. changbin smirked as he grabbed your hips and placed you on his lap, “what’s up y/n?” he smiled as he saw you wearing his hoodie
“someone’s at the door, i think it’s room service so just hide under the covers”
“oh.. okay sounds good” you got up from the bed as changbin slapped your ass, laughing playfully
“stop it” you bickered, making him chuckle even more as he hid under the comforter
you opened the door to see hyunjin, minho, jeongin, and seungmin.
“good morning y/n!” jeongin greeted before you could hear a loud thump
“did something fall over?” hyunjin asked, trying to peek inside
“no! no, maybe just my bags” you said, peeking inside to see changbin on the floor as he tried to listen to the conversation
“anyways, we wanted to invite you to breakfast with us. last night’s win was crazy, and we think it’s because of you! we got your own seat for tonight’s game as well” seungmin said
“oh… don’t you think you should discuss this with your captain first?”
“oh come on y/n! i’m sure he’ll be fine with it” minho replied
“i don’t know… plus it’s just a belief that my father had. i can't ensure you guys the win”
“please y/n!” seungmin begged, this hands tugging at yours. 
“see! you’re wearing one of our hoodies too! it’s destined, its a yes” hyunjin said
“fine” you complied, “but if the captain says anything about it, i’m out”
“perfect!! we’ll see you in an hour” the boys rushed down the hallway, skipping in the midst of their steps as say ‘yippies!’ and ‘woohoos!’ were heard
you shut the door, changbin now throwing his shirt on as he realized the time. “are you fine with me eating breakfast with the team?” you asked
changbin pulled you into his arms, placing a reassuring kiss on your lips. “as long as you sit next to me” he said before grabbing his things.
“i’ll see you in an hour, keep my hoodie as a souvenir” he winked before heading off.
the second he closed the door you collapsed onto the sheets, stuffing your face inside of the comforters as you screamed in excitement. every second felt like a fairytale and you wondered how you were so (ironically) lucky to end up dating the captain of south korea’s basketball team.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
you were getting ready to go to the game when a boy named felix came to visit you. 
“hey y/n…  my names felix? im the last one on the roster”
“what’s up felix?!” you asked, grabbing the two of you a coffee. 
“i don’t know, can we talk? there’s been something on my mind and i know the rest of the team is busy so i don’t know who to go to” 
“yeah sure, go ahead!” 
“my whole life i have been playing basketball. it was my dream to join the national team and now im on, but im always on the bench. changbin hyung, bang chan hyung and the others, i look up to them so much. i really want to play y/n” 
“aww felix, i know how you feel. you know what changbin always says” the two of you rolled your eyes as you mocked changbin’s voice 
“practice makes perfect” the two of you said in unison, making felix laugh
“and im sure changbin is going to notice you, ill make sure of it” you said, making a mental note to talk to changbin about felix 
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
before the game started, the team got together to discuss with the press. 
“now boys, can you explain how the hell minho made that half line shot? that was literally legendary!”
minho was given the microphone, “well, i’d like to call it luck. we actually have i suppose.. a lucky charm among our team”
“hmm, spill the tea minho” the reporter responded.
“we dont have a lucky charm, it’s just some stupid belief among the team” changbin interrupted, grabbing minho’s microphone.
“i believe our team has put in a lot of effort into their game, and minho has definitely been keeping their head in the game, along with the rest of the boys. we’ve been doing a great job. end of the conference”
the boys got up at changbin’s rough command, leaving the meeting room and getting ready for the game.
it was the game against a team from france, known for having the best defense. the boys were nervous; minho staring at the photo of his cat like madman, seungmin pacing around the court, hyunjin talking as fast as he can to take his mind off the game, and jeongin silently screamed like a dolphin to let out his anxiousness.
chan however, sat next to you the whole time. you smiled and nodded while he talked as you ensured everything was set for the game but at the same time you kept stealing glances at changbin. he checked on each member making sure they were alright and encouraged them like he always did. at one point he even caught your eye, raising his shirt to expose his six-pack and using the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his forehead. the whole moment played in slow motion, the swamp of girls behind you screaming at the top of their lungs when he winked at you.
“and yeah i’ve been trying to get in touch- y/n? y/n?” chan asked, tapping your shoulder
“yeah! you.. you wanted to talk to me chan?” chan simply smiled and got up. “maybe another time” 
you waved him off as the game started and god was it a miracle. the whole team did amazing on defense but the whole stadium roared at how well changbin did in offense. he made 3/4ths of the shots despite chan having the best shooting record on the team, and when changbin finally best chan’s record the crowd screamed in amazement.
“wow! it looks like seo changbin is having a lucky day, the seoul stays are back at it with another win!” the announcer called.
once the game was over the cameras were all on changbin and his team, you resorting to leaving early and getting some rest at the hotel. 
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
you smiled, clutching your purse into your chest as you thought about breakfast this morning. you sat right next to changbin wearing your favorite dress, his hand resting on your thigh under the table and his thumb drawing circles.
“stop it” you kicked changbin in the shin making him jump in his seat
“hey changbin, everything good?” minho asked
“yeah, yeah. lets just eat and get on with practice” he replied with a smile on his face.
you laughed, stabbing your fork into your scrambled eggs before changbin could place his hand back on his thigh.
he talked with the other members about the game, but his hands kept busy as they crept up your thigh. 
you shut your eyes in bliss as his fingers slipped past your wet folds, changbin turning around to whisper in your ear
“no underwear?” he said with a smirk
“mhmm” you hummed, your eyes focused on your plate as his fingers played with your clit.
he pushed two digits in, your hands resorting to your knees to grab onto as you felt your stomach churn
you turned to changbin, “can we be excused early?” you asked
“no can do love, that’s why i need to finish you off first. i guess this is a thank you for last night” he winked as he slipped in a third finger, thrusting them in and out as you pressed your legs in tight
changbin continued on with his discussion as you cummed on his fingers, making him smile as he grabbed a few tissues with his other hand.
he cleaned you off with the breakfast napkins before straightening out your dress.
“okay boys, off to practice?” he asked, brushing his hands on knees and getting up.
you smiled remembering the exact moment. it was totally sexy.. he was so sexy, you thought to yourself before being interrupted by chan.
“hey y/n!” he called after you 
“chan, what’s up?” you said
“look.. i don't mean to kill the mood or anything, but i’ve been watching you and changbin and i just want you to be careful”
“be careful? why?”
“did you see how well he played today? i’m sorry y/n, he’s obviously dating you for your luck. you know he loves basketball more than anything”
“chan, you know i dont believe in my luck either” you frowned
“fine then, just looked at this” chan pulled out his phone, his screen showing a clip from this morning’s press conference.
you watched as changbin took the microphone, “we dont have a lucky charm, it’s just some stupid belief among the team” 
“see that y/n, he thinks your stupid, a nobody. he’s just playing you”
your eyes watered as the clip replayed on chan’s phone, running the elevators and letting the tears fall into the palms of your hands. chan was right, if some guy could dumb you because he was in love with a cat-loving basketball player, why would korea’s most handsome captain date you? he obviously had some incentive. 
you grabbed some tissues as you ran into your room realizing changbin not only played basketball, he played with your heart.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
you were packing your bags, the tv playing behind you announcing the win for the seoul stays. they didn’t fail to mention changbin’s new record, making you grab the tv remote and turn in off. 
“y/n!!” changbin opened the door, running up to you and giving you a hug. 
“y/n did you see my shots?! i guess the practice came through this time” he laughed. 
“your practice? or my luck?” you asked, pushing him away from you to zip up your bag. 
“what do you mean?” changbin asked 
“changbin..” you bursted into tears when you said his name, “you can stop acting, i know you’re just pretending to be with me for my luck!” 
“y/n that’s not why i like you!” he replied 
“really?” you threw him your phone, the clip from the press meeting playing
“we dont have a lucky charm, it’s just some stupid belief among the team” changbin watched the clip twice before you could take your phone away from me
“no y/n, that’s not what i meant! im just trying to get the boys to not rely on you for our wins. we earn our wins!” 
“we?? your team?? or you changbin? because the fact that you made a whole new record after sleeping with me really says something” 
“forget it, we’re done. im leaving this trip. im done with basketball, and their players” you spat in his face before leaving 
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
you didn’t show up to breakfast that day, resulting in an easy loss for changbin’s team but luckily for them it was a mock game. 
with your absence, the boys lost confidence in their game. changbin never explained to the boys why you had left and he had no way of cheering them up. 
you watched the mock game from your tv, sighing in disappointment as you watched changbin being mobbed by the paparazzi. 
he looked like he had been crying for awhile, his eyes downed with eye bags as he walked past the crowd. 
that same night, you felt worried about changbin’s well-being. the final match was tomorrow and you wondered if he was overthinking about the loss. you remembered how well he poured out the stresses of being captain, and came to the gym to find him by himself shooting hoops and practicing alone. 
“changbin?” you called out, watching as the ball changbin shot went into the hoop. 
he looked at you with no expression, grabbing another basketball and shooting it right into the hoop. constantly making points. 
“look, im sorry” you apologized, “i'm sorry for going off on you and accusing you” 
changbin didn’t respond, grabbing another basketball. 
“and you’re right. i gave your team false hope and i can’t go to any of the games. im sorry, okay?” you continued
“no y/n” changbin replied, dropping his basketball
“maybe you’re right. the one day you’re not here with us, we lose. when you’re there we automatically win. maybe this whole time… maybe it wasn’t skill and practice, it was luck. getting into the basketball team, becoming captain, meeting you. maybe this whole thing was just luck” 
“changbin..” you sobbed, giving him a hug. “what have i done to you?” 
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
day of the final tournament— south korea vs united states 
“i heard y/n left, and i had to skip my vacation to fill in for her” the manager yelled at the boys, making them scrunch up in their seats. 
“anyways, why the fuck did you lose that easy match against the pelicans?! they played like high schoolers! and who are we?! the champion team! changbin, you don’t get the win for us during finals and your cut from the team. chan will easily take over” he exclaimed, leaving the room in fury 
the first half of the game, changbin’s team suffered the biggest loss. the crowd was failing to cheer on the team knowing that they couldn’t possibly win the game with the way they played. the team constantly begged for breaks, discussing plans and pissing off the opposing team with their decisions. when changbin put chan in the game the crowd cheered on, putting smiles on everyone’s face. 
“bang chan is in the game!! it looks like changbin is finally making some good decisions for the team” 
but bang chan did nothing but disappoint. the second he got the ball he would drop it, staring around in embarrassment. it was almost as if he was doing it on purpose, you realized. at one point minho shoved chan to the ground, “get him out of the game!” minho exclaimed to changbin before the buzzer could ring. 
“wow..” the announcer called 
“i thought the seoul stays would be some sort of competition to the american team but i guess i was wrong. they seem to be completely messed up. i don’t know what’s going on with them” 
“they seemed the be lucky this whole time i guess…” 
“let’s see what happens during the second half”
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
the boys sat down in the locker room, exhausted and disappointed from the game. 
“look, guys why are we like this?” changbin asked the team
“y/n’s not here, we need y/n! without y/n we’re gonna lose” jeongin responded 
“you guys! don’t you hear yourselves? you’re already losing hope. you don’t need y/n! you need yourselves! think about it, when you first started playing, even before you played on the national team, was y/n there?” 
the boys shook their heads no as they listened in on what changbin was saying 
“then just imagine a time when y/n wasn’t there and play ball. pretend like there’s no one there. no gym, no crowds, no managers. let’s just play like we did when we were younger, when we played on the courts in our school in front of the girls in order to gain someone’s attention. let's play our best, okay?”
the whole locker room was quiet before a sniffle could be heard from hyunjin. hyunjin got up and hugged changbin, “that was fucking beautiful man” he cried, making the whole team laugh
“let's do it!” the whole team cheered 
“1..2..3.. seoul stays!” the team rushed out of the locker rooms but changbin stopped chan on the way
“chan, i’m gonna have you sit on the benches this time… replacing you with felix” the freckled boy stood up from the benches, “me?!”
“yes you” changbin laughed
“you seriously think he can replace me? im the best one on the team!” chan argued
“well it didn’t seem like it earlier” changbin shrugged, grabbing felix’s hand and leading him to the courts
“wow! as if the game couldn’t get better, changbin has just replaced their best player bang chan with a rookie, lee felix!” the news reporter sarcastically exclaimed
“let’s see how well his decision will turn out”
“ok guys…” changbin said as the boys huddled up, “just remembered told you.”
as the game went on, the crowd seemed more and more on the edges of their seats. seoul stays were already passed the united states team and were so close to winning. the timer was so close to zero as felix was passed the ball.
at first he seemed afraid, the americans coming to play defense on him as he dribbled down the court.
“to me, to me!” felix heard changbin’s voice and quickly passed the ball, running down the court. 
the crowd screamed as the time grew closer to zero and felix was passed back the ball. seungmin, jeongin, minho, and hyunjin made sure that felix was safe to play as he dribbled down the court and finally before the timer could go off, he shot for a lay-up.
“and it’s in!” the announcer called, the team running up to felix and screaming in excitement
“congrats to the seoul stays, you have won the worldwide tournament!!
you squealed in your seat as you watched the game, jumping up with your couch and doing a boogie dance before you could hear your brother and father walk in the door.
“you’re watching the game too?!” jisung asked
“their win was pretty crazy” your dad said, sitting next to you
“tell me about it” you replied
jisung sat down in front of you as a new face peeked in.  it was woojin, your brothers best friend since you were younger. he seemed like an older brother to you as well, always helping you out when you needed it.
“woojin!” you exclaimed
“woojinniee” jisung mocked
“shut up” you retorted, giving woojin a hug as he sat down with jisung and your dad.
“look kiddo” your dad said, “you seemed a bit off when you came home from work. that’s why i brought the boys here, are you okay?” your dad asked
you shrugged your shoulders, leaning back against the couch. “guys, if you screw up something in a relationship. i dont know, you have a misunderstanding and you go off on the boy.. what do you do?”
“communicate?” woojin suggested, making you laugh at how stupid changbin’s communicating skills were
“wait.. you were in a relationship?” your dad asked
“that’s not the point here” you responded
jisung got up, pointing his finger at the door. “if i was a true bro, i would come knocking on that door right now begging for you, no cap” 
the doorbell rang.
jisung covered his mouth in shock, “woojin hyung, do i have psychic powers?!”
“for god’s sake, go answer the door” woojin responded, making the three of you laugh
your brother ran to the door, opening it to see seo changbin with his motorcycle. 
“hey..” he glared inside before looking back at jisung, “i’m here for y/n?” 
“y..you’re… y-you’re seo changbin.. you’re her boyfriend..”
“oh, you must be y/n’s brother!” 
“BRO! YOU FUCKING WON THE TOURNAMENT BRUHH” jisung pulled changbin into a hug before you could pull him away. 
“ji-jisung you can go now”  you said, dragging him by the arm
“you’re a legend, i love you! saranghAEE!” jisung said before you could shove him into the hallway
seconds later you returned back to the door, “your brother is just like how you described him” changbin said, nervously scratching the back of his neck and putting his hands in his pockets
“what are you doing here?” you asked, “you should be with the team”
“i was… but then i realized how much i missed you. i realized how much i missed you next to me. i wanted you there y/n… everyone was happy and smiling and it killed me knowing i didn’t have you there next to me. not as my lucky charm but my girlfriend”
“showing your feelings while communicating aren’t we, your social skills teacher would be proud” you smiled, making changbin feel at ease 
“i only learned from the best” he replied, pulling you into a hug
“y/n, please forgive me. i’ll eat breakfast with you everyday unless there’s a game, i’ll talk to you every night with my stupid communicating skills, i’ll give you all my hoodies.. just make me the luckiest man on earth and be with me”
“a terrible choice of words” you laughed
“oh.. right”
you took a step back, cupping changbin’s cheeks in your hand before placing a kiss on his lips.
“i make you the luckiest man on earth in my room tonight” you winked
“i’m willing to take a shot at that”
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Can you write a fic about Irey and Jai’s death scare???
Sure! I don’t normally write this stuff, but let’s see how it goes
It happens so fast. Jai and Irey stand with their team while receiving Intel from Tim’s team.
“Can we really trust him?” Irey asks, gesturing to the picture of Lex Luthor on the screen. “Luthor’s not exactly known for his honesty.”
“I agree with Sissy. Lex might–”  It doesn’t matter what Lex might be up to; Jai and Irey  collapse onto the ground, bodies jerking violently. Their eyes roll back in their heads as they gasp for air.
“IREY! JAI!” Bart yells, flashing to their side. 
“Someone get an ambulence!” Tim barks. “Put something under their heads and get them on their sides!”
The heroes try to follow instructions. At least, until Milagro screams after touching Irey’s arm. The speedsters’ burning skin makes it impossible for most of them help. The Kent brothers, Bart, and Mar’i keep the twins on their sides. It feels like an eternity before the twins stop jerking. They’re motionless, barely breathing, as help arrives.
Refusing to leave the twins alone, their teammates follow the ambulance to the hospital. Milagro’s the one that has to make the call to their parents, but they all hear Wally’s frantic yelling.
“They’re going to be ok.” Mar’i says softly. “It’s Jai and Irey. They always pull through.”
Damian and Lian sit silently in the backseat. Neither of them know that they’re thinking the same thing: the universe saw how happy they were and had to take something away. Damian’s jaw aches from clenching it so tight. Lian’s nails dig into her palms, drawing blood. Milagro has her head bowed, praying under her breath, “Senor, Dios Nuestro, que enviaste al mundo a tu Hijo para que sobrellevara y nuestro sufrimiento. Y aguantara nuestros dolores, te pedimos por nuestros hermanos enfermos que, con tu bendicion, llequen a superar la enfermedad y, con tu ayuda, alcancen un completo restablecimiento. Por Jesucristo nurestro Senor, Amen.”
Milagro draws the sign of the cross as they pull up to the hospital. A worried Linda and Wally greet their children’s team while the doctors take the twins back into the observation deck. 
“What happened?” Lian asks her children’s friends. The teens explain what happened, at least...what little they understood. The image of Irey and Jai jerking on the ground, all of them unable to help, isn’t on that they’ll forget. 
“Something’s wrong with the speedforce.” Wally runs his hands through his fiery hair. Irey might have his coloring, but Jai’s had that same look of shame before. “I’ve felt off all day, but…I didn’t think…God, if they die–”
“They aren’t going to die.” Linda’s firm voice calms some of their worries, but not much. “They’re strong. They’re going to be ok.”
“Wally. They’ve saved the world a hundred times. If they can do that, they’ll make it through this.” Linda holds his hand. 
“How can you be so sure?” Jon asks, frowning.
“They’re our kids. If there’s one thing they’re good at, it’s being stubborn.”
It’s a few hours before anyone comes to talk to them. 
“Iris and Jai West?” They all stand at the same time. 
“Are my kids ok?” Linda’s front of the charge. The same look of determination the twins get in a fight.
“They’re stable at least. We had to ventilate them and we’re monitoring their temperatures. Right now, our focus is getting them through the night.” 
“Will they be ok?’
“I’m not sure. If there’s anyone you want to be here, you should call them.” The doctor gestures behind her, leading them to the twins room.
Irey and Jai seem so small. Chests rising unnaturally from the tubes in their throats, ice packs underneath various parts of their bodies. Heart monitors beat faster than normal, another sign of their powers. Linda’s tough exterior fades as she goes to her children. 
“Oh, my sweet babies…” She strokes their hair lovingly. Irey would hate having her’s down. Milagro makes a mental note to braid it if she gets the time.
“Little Jedi…” Wally squeezes Jai’s hand, then Irey’s, unaffected by their high temperatures. “Lightning Bug…”
“Is it ok if we stay, Uncle Wally?” Mar’i asks. Linda and Wally both nod, not even turning to look at the other. 
“They need their friends. Their team.” Linda kisses the top of her children’s heads. 
“Plus, I doubt if we said no that you all would leave.” Wally gets a small smile.
The team takes a seat where they can. Damian sits on the floor beside Irey’s bed. Linda and Wally set up chairs between the beds, each watching over a child. Lian perches on the hospital dresser, unmoving. The other four rotate between the couch and the floor. 
It’s a long fucking night. Irey and Jai keep seizing through out the night, forcing their visitors out the door so doctors can save them. Good thing most of them are used to interrupted sleep. The early morning sunlight drifts across the white tiles. Mar’i’s sleeping on the floor with her head in Jon’s lap, the super leaning back against the wall as he snores. Milagro and Colin sleep on the couch, sharing a too thin blanket. Linda and Wally can’t bring themselves to sleep. Damian’s only moved to be next to Irey’s bed, holding her much cooler hand in his. He’s muttering something in rapid Arabic. 
“Guh!” Loud, panicked grunts wake the room. Irey and Jai’s wide eyes search the room, both panicking at the tubes down their throats. 
It’s impossible to tell who yelled their names in the chaos. too many hands holding them down, trying to calm them. Damian holds Irey hand, stroking her cheek. Lian’s kissing Jai’s face, which surprisingly helps. Colin runs and gets a nurse. They have to wait until a respiratory therapist is available. None of the teen heroes are ready to argue with the nurse when she tells them to leave. 
“Hey.” Irey coughs when they’re finally allowed back in, Jai coughing in the next bed. 
“Let me make something clean,” They’re both shocked at Mar’i’s serious tone, “If you two ever scare us like this again, we will kill you, understood?”
That breaks the tension. Wally and Linda laugh along with the teens. The twins start coughing again, holding their chests. 
“It hurts to laugh,” Irey’s cute pout makes the others laugh. After getting them water, their friends crowd onto the edge of the beds. Milagro finally gets the chance to braid Irey’s hair.
“Do you guys know what happened?” Jon asks.
“I don’t know about Jai, but I remember him mentioning Lex. Then just this...intense pain. Like every neuron in my brain was burning. I could hear what was going on. I just...I couldn’t move.” 
“Kinda felt the same. I remember feeling like I couldn’t breathe. It’s like...after you run for a long time, really hard, and your chest is super tight. I just...I dunno...” Jai smiles as Lian fiddles with his fingers. The callouses on hers feel funny against his skin. 
“I think it was something in the speedforce.” Irey leans back against Damian’s chest. He kisses the top of her head, murmuring something in Arabic. It sounds similar to what he said earlier. Irey frowns and looks at him, “Since when do you pray?”
“Since yesterday.” Damian shrugs. “Wilkes and Reyes are always saying their God helps those in need. I figured...It might help if I reminded Him that you two are irreplaceable parts of this team.”
“Awwww...See, Sissy, I told you he was warming up to me.” Jai dodges the paper cup thrown by the boy wonder. 
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thatssonano · 5 years
Hey, remember the research paper about why TV fails to represent female muslims? Well here it is.
Hey guys,
So I'm finally gonna try to write a real little thing about how TV fails to write muslim women. I thought about doing a real research paper and I wrote the introduction and got really anxious because it reminded of my very stressful master degree lol so this is much more simple. Anyways, let's get to it. 
As a kid, I was very hungry for representation on TV. Mostly because I had no models, no one to identify with. As a very introvert and self-conscious kid, I didn't know what to be or what to do. At some point, I started looking up to my sister, very beautiful, very intelligent and very ambitious girl. So I thought "I ought to be like that, that's what a muslim girl like me should be like.” 
Thing is, I wasn't as smart as she was, my grades were not as good, I wasn't as pretty or as popular at school, and there was not a single box I could fit in. I ended up being the "weird but nice little sister". But I was so invisible everyone would nickname me "Sarah 2" (my sister's name being Sarah.) And you know what? For the first time, I felt like I existed. Because I was "the little sister". Dude, how sad is that?
I was too white for them, not muslim enough, too weird for them. So obviously, it was tough to pave a way for myself when I was the only girl like me. 
The first time I was finally not nicknamed was when I got into college at the age of 17. Only because we didn't choose the same college. And I understood I didn't have to be as smart or as ambitious as her, I understood that I didn't have to get the life she had when I was 22. 22, guys. 
I'm turning 26 in one month. And I chose my own life. But God, how much time it took me to realize that there wasn't only one type of "the muslim girl"? 22 years.  
I'm not saying that to share about my life or whatever, I just want to show the consequences of not having representation on TV. And for sure, many people don't care about representation, my sister doesn't, my brother doesn't. But I do. Maybe that's because I'm hypersensitive, maybe that's because I believe art should mirror reality. All I know is that it's necessary for many. 
I met Sana Bakkoush on a random fan video about several fictional couples on youtube. I didn't know Skam then but there was this second in the video where I would see Noora and William staring at each other or whatever, and there was this beautiful hijabi girl in the back. I had to know what this show was about. So I did my research and binge-watched it. With much luck, I got to the end of the whole show before episode 3 of season 4 came out. So I learnt to grow with Sana, I fell in love with her, and I just felt like I could understand her. I was her. I finally was validated with her. Up until episode 5, all was well. And then,… it just broke? Still today, I'm trying to understand how they could let that happen and I guess there's one obvious reason. The writing staff was white. Julie Andem is white. And to me, if you're not from that community, you should not try to write about this one. 
As the plot thickened, you could feel like it was unbalanced, incoherent, and that many things didn't make sense. But that's pretty normal, because if you don't live the problem, you can't understand. Now I won't curse Julie Andem for not trying, but I guess what should have been done was to hire a muslim writer. And God, people can't tell me it's too tough to find. Even if it was not Iman Meskini's job, she could have asked her. God, this girl taught more about ramadan through her ig story than Skam ever did. 
Now I'm not saying she didn't do us all dirty when she gave us 9 episodes instead of ten and it all broke us on June 17th 2017 (Yep, this day is a national holiday now). And honestly, I've got not one good explanation for this except they didn't feel her story was that important. Unconsciously, I hope, because it would be too evil otherwise.
The reason, to me, that Sana was so many people's favorite character was because Iman Meskini gave her so much realness. Sana was strong yet vulnerable. Everyone, muslims like non-muslims could understand her, and I think she inspired so many people. Her life is amazing, and she's what now? 22. I really hope she gets a Nobel Prize in the future, she deserves it. 
Now let's talk about the others. I think it'd be a bit faster. 
Imane Bakhellal. Uhm. Well the main issue is the same, she was written by a white man. So obviously, it was 1. wrong. 2. wrong. 3. wrong. The story barely focused on her faith and whenever we'd see her pray she'd be interrupted. Look, I've been praying for 13 years and the only times I've interrupted my prayer were because I had just realized I had not done wudhu. Or I was too jet-lagged so I was praying in the wrong direction.  
Thing is, Imane didn't make me feel anything. And it was even sadder, because I am a muslim living in Paris. To me, her story wasn't focused on her, it wasn't even focused on religion or her struggle living between two cultures. I didn't learn a thing. And God, that hurt. That hurt even more when the director didn't acknowledge it was poorly written and was actually proud of it. It hurt that white people get the right to write our story and we're there, not having any voice. It sucked. But I guess, she had ten episodes, right, even if the last episode was within the same day. 
It didn't really bother me that she kissed him. The speech she recited did though. I got really frustrated about it. How hard would it be to find a muslim writer? Honestly, I would have been glad to join them, even as a volunteer. 
I'm not actually mad at the actress, I guess it was just a reflection of her relationship with islam. And I know many people got the representation they wanted, but to me, it remains poorly written. To me, it remains hypocrite because they don't get it. Being a muslim woman of color in France sucks sometimes. But having at least her story focused on her would have been great too. 
 Ok, let's move on. 
Amira Mahmood. I love her a little less than Sana, but I mean come on, that's understandable, right?
Amira is strong, she's beautiful, kind, smart. And her season was going well, until it wasn't anymore…. Because, well, it ended. I keep on wondering why it happened and I came with no logical answer. So maybe it was lazy writing, maybe it didn't matter to them, maybe the writers were just tired. I don't know, honestly, I don't know. But it pissed me off bad. (Honestly it was the third character I was let down on, lol, it started to be a lot to handle). Also, the other seasons were so greatly written, they had depth and understanding, it was soft and beautiful. And to me, season 4 just felt… lazy? Sure, I loved Mohammed but the Australia plot wasn't even that important it actually got fixed over text? And how hard would it be to find exciting plot for a muslim character? What? Everything should be about kissing, hair and sex? Well, no. I mean, I would have loved to see her actually working, I would have loved to see her actually bonding with her dad, I would have loved to see her at a boxing game… The summer and fall after I graduated high school was a very hard time to me, mostly because it was a time of discovery and transition. Everything was changing. God, they should have explored that more. So I don't know, I just felt detached then, and I think that's more sad, actually.
But I do believe the actress did a great job, and I wish Tua all success. 
Shall I give a little paragraph on Nadia from Elite? Hell yeah I'm going to. Well, the show is focused on sex so, I mean, are we even surprised the writers did this to Nadia? Not really, but we're still mad. Again, it was written by white people; who focused on all the stereotypes people spread about muslims. The strict dad? Check. The very quiet and invisible mom at the mercy of the dad? Check. The muslim girl who does not actually know why she's religious and only follows her parents' footsteps like a sheep because islam is just way too strict so no one in their sane mind would ever venture in such a religion? Check. The hunger for having white friends and doing the same? Check. Falling for a white guy and giving up everything she ever "believed" for him? Check. I hope the writers heard about what people had to say about it. 
Honestly, I know some would say "there are muslim girls like this". Well, ok. But what about us? We've been invisible to society for years and years. I grew up without having a single fucking idea about who I was and I just always felt like I was the odd one out. Too white, too Algerian, too muslim, too girly, too boyish, too into traditions, following too much her parents' rules… Well, growing up I just decided, I will never be enough of something, because I’m a little of everything. So yeah, some muslim girls do that, but some others don't. And we want to see these girls too. We want to normalize their way of life, so they can just live. And we want them to have the same screen time than the rest of the cast. And we want them to have exciting plots too. 
God, I've been smothered by the fucking veil debate in France for weeks and weeks and I couldn't breathe anymore. That's why we need visibility. To be acknowledged. To erase ignorance and hate. To create a homogenous society in this globalized world where everyone is different and it is okay. Because as long as your liberty isn't in danger, then the other can live as he wills. 
To finish I guess some of you would be like “if you’re so eager to criticize the work of others, just write your own story” Well I did. I actually finished one scenario in French and I have just started one in English. But how can I actually make it into reality if I don’t know anyone in the business bold enough to work with me on it? 
Honestly if you've read all of that, congratulations, thank you so much, love you all, peace out. 
I didn’t write everything I wanted but I believe it’s long enough already lol. Be safe, well and kind. (that’s what Bob Morley says and he’s a king).
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siempre-pedro · 5 years
My Kid Punched His Kid |4|
Single Dad!Teacher!Ben Hardy x Single Mom!Reader
Summary: A playground fight between two 8-year-olds bring together 2 lonely single parents.
In This Chapter: Our favorite single parents bickering. cute ass kids! More of Ben’s son! 
Word Count: 3.3k
A/N: Here’s part 4 everybody!!! I’m so proud of this and really hope you like it. Please let me know what you think, I love your feedback!  Thank you thank you for all the nice messages i love them all. 
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Y/N leaned against the wall outside the classroom, her arms crossed over chest with her fingertips tapping the sleeves of her light blue suede moto jacket. Her Y/E/C eyes scan the halls of mostly mothers waiting to pick up their kids, half of them wore basically nothing. She smirks, further presses her back to the wall.
Once the bell rings all the moms rush in probably ignoring their kids and fighting over the attention of the teacher. It was the perfect opportunity to go in and rush out before he could notice her. Peeling herself off the wall she walks in and approaches Abby’s desk. Looking down at the brightly colored name card with ‘Abagail’ written nicely in his handwriting. “How was the movie?” she asks.
Abby narrows her eyes, looking up at her mom with confusion, her brain trying to come up with how she knew. “How did you know we watched a movie?” she questions with suspicion evident in her voice. Y/N mouth opens in regret. Shit. She thinks on her feet and pouts her lips.
“I’m your mom. I know everything.” That was fair. Abby nods and agreement and continues to pack her bag in silence, her blue eyes look towards the corner of the room through the locks of curled hair. She was typically a fearless kid, sure she didn’t like the dark but she was the kid that punched another in the face without hesitation. She looks up at her mom who was trying not to look in the direction of her teacher's desk “Mom I need to ask you something?”
“What’s up, Babe?”
Abby takes a deep breath, rolls her shoulders back to stand tall “Can me and James have a playdate?” her words come out fast like she’s out of breath, happy to get it over with. She stands tall, her eyes squint to show power…she learned it from a movie and kept it in the back of her mind just in case the occasion arose. She puts on her backpack and grips the glittery straps tightly.
Y/N bends down to meet Abby’s eye line, she sighs and rubs her shoulder lovingly. It was a terrible idea. Things would be awkward; the kids wouldn’t know but they would know. “Abs, you know Mr. Jones and I don’t get along. I don’t think it’s a good idea,” she reasons. Abagail narrows her eyes and huffs, looking away from her mother. 
“Mom, this isn’t about you,” she says sternly, looking back at her. Y/N’s jaw drops in shock caught off guard from the sudden anger in her child. 
“Excuse me? What happened to my 8-year-old?” she questions with nervous laughter. 
“Mom,” she growls, folding her arms. The Y/H/C haired woman closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. She gets up and looks down at Abby sympathetically. She loathed the man, but breaking her daughter's heart weighed heavier on her heart than her pride.
“Fine, I’ll go talk to him,” she says as calmly as she could. She turns to the man who was preoccupied with the moms who were trying to get his attention. “Mr. Jones?” Ben’s head snaps up and grins wildly, uttering regrets to the other moms and eagerly making his way to her. She smiles slightly as the eagerness.
“Can I help you?” he smirks. Y/N’s face becomes stone cold, she furrows her eyes together and clenches a fist at her side. 
“Abagail wants to have a playdate with James.” 
Ben hums and smiles, shifting on the heels of his feet “Is this a way for you to ask me out?” he responds. 
“No,” she hisses. “This is all for her.” 
“Fine, fine. Still, think you’re lying but! We are free on Sunday’s.” 
“We go to the park every Sunday…maybe he could join us.” She hated this, she really did and what made it worse was that shit eating grin on his stupid perfect face. 
“We’ll be there, 11 ok?” 
She forces a smile “See you then,” she says through gritted teeth. Now that was worse than childbirth. Her hands stay clenched, her pride deteriorated as she walked away from, not giving the satisfaction of talking to him anymore. Abby, however, was over the moon when Y/N told her as they walked out of the school, her smile made it almost worth it. As Y/N shut the car door her jeans pocket started to vibrate, she shifts and pulls it out from her back pocket.
‘My heads fine by the way, how’s yours?’
She looks at the school and then back at her phone ‘Ben’ illuminated from the screen. How the fuck did she get his number. ‘How do I have your number?’
‘You were practically begging for it last night…amongst other things.’
‘haha very funny asshole’
‘I put it in your phone while you slept, just in case you needed something. I didn’t snoop don’t worry.’
“Mom? They’re honking at us,” Abby groans, sinking father in her seat in an attempt to hide her face from the people watching. Y/n snaps out of the trance and throws her phone in the passenger seat and quickly drives off, being lectured by the kid about using her phone.
 The days dragged on, Y/N found herself purposely trying to bury herself in her work to get her mind off of him. Every night when she looked at herself in the mirror, she would see the marks she put on her. She remembered his touch all too well. The morning of the play date, a simple towel wrapped around her body that mark on her chest on full display. The deep purple color had finally begun to fade, the beads of water glide over it. She wiped the water away and grabbed her phone from the counter. ‘so today?’ God. Him again? Again meaning since the first time he messaged her, he didn’t blow her phone up like she was expecting. She bites her lip as she contemplates responding. He knows the kids have been talking nonstop about their playdate.
‘What about it?’
‘I’m just making sure you’re not chickening out.’
‘Fuck off.’  She grumbles complaints and throws her phone on the bed, refusing to look at the expensive piece of trash. You sleep with a guy one time and he thinks he can talk to you. She laughs at her thoughts and walks to her closet. She pauses, she was searching through her closet like she was 16 going on her first date. Hastily pushing the hangs to the side to catch a quick glance at her clothes before deeming them horrible. “I need new clothes,” she whispers to herself. Settling a pair of black yeans and a long beige sweater she put on a necklace with her initial and took one last look “This is fine, I don’t want him.”
It was a relief when they got their first to the park, Y/N wanted to throw up the whole way there “Mom where are they, it’s 11?” Abby questions, scanning the large park as she zipped up her pink jacket.
“They’ll be here soon, Baby. I promise,” she responds as she sits on the large plaid blanket. Secretly hoping they got sick or something. But as if on cue James runs up to Abby with his blond curls flapping in the wind.
“So you didn’t chicken out,” Ben says amused as he stands next to her. Y/N grimaces and scans him, black t-shirt and basketball shorts. Simple.
“It’s September, 60 and you’re in shorts?”
Ben laughs and sits down, running a hand through his hair “Function over fashion…unlike you. You look nice though.”
Y/N rolls her eyes and huffs out a thank you, turning her head to cover the heat rising to her cheeks “At least I’m warm.” Ben smirks at the effect he had on her.
“Mom, can we go play?” Abby asks as she digs around the large tote bag for a ball.
“Go, have fun. Please don’t hit anyone,” Y/N pleads with a smile. Abby sticks out her tongue and tucks the soccer ball under her arm.
“James, come here please,” Ben says using his dad voice. James pouts and stomps over, tucking his hands in his pants pocket. Ben leans forward and places his hands on the boys clothed shoulders “Please be good, ok? Be nice to the other kids.”
“Ok, Dad,” James whispers, his matching green eyes shift back and forth reluctant to meet Ben’s glare. Ben sighs and smiles softly before shooing him off. Ben watches as the kids run off to the playground, he was always fearful when they came to the park. James wasn’t good with other kids, his social skills were clearly lacking. He said a silent prayer he could hurt the poor girl again.
“You ok Jones?” Y/N asks as she pulls out her tablet.
Ben breaks eye contact with them and nods, he looks down at her drawing and looks up at her serious face “What are you doing?”
“Working,” she replies shortly. He slowly moves closer to her, shoulders brushing together.
“On what?”
Y/N bites the inside of her cheek and narrows her eyes “I illustrate kids books. I’m working.” Ben nods and attempts to get closer, his head getting closer to her shoulder, she could feel his hair brush against her arm “What are you doing?”
“Let me see.” He opens his hand for the white pencil, his green eyes cutely looking into hers. Y/N hands over the pencil, praying that she saved her work. “How do I draw a happy little tree?” he asks her, causing her to giggle. Her lips form a tight line before going into a smile, her heart soared knowing he made a Bob Ross reference.  She puts her hand over his drags him over to tap on a few spots. Moving her hand she watches him try to copy one of her trees, it looked like one of their kids had drawn it but it was still cute. His tongue would poke out when he would try to concentrate.  “What do you think?” He asks excitedly looking at her with wide eyes and a proud smile.
“You did your best,” she responds, letting him down softly.
“You can tell me its shit,” he laughs and hands her back the pencil. When she takes it they lock eyes, reminiscing of how they saw each other in bed that night. Pure adoration. She opens her mouth to speak when sniffle sound flood their ears. They turn quickly to see James walk up the hill, rubbing his eyes.
“James, what happened?” Ben asks worriedly, jumping up from his seat to check to see if he had any cuts. While he was in dad mode, Y/N saved a picture of the altered drawing before erasing what he’d done to it and turning her attention to the boys.
“T-they won’t let me play,” he blubbers, covering his puffy eyes with the palms of his hand.
“Who, Bub?” Ben asks in between the sobs, leading him back to the blanket.
James turns over his shoulder and points to the group of kids play soccer. Ben closes his eyes and groans, he knew this would happen. It was rare to have an outing without something happening. It was like Arnold asking for one normal field trip with Ms. Frizzle: not going to happen. “Did you ask if you could play?” James responds with a tiny nod. Ben wasn’t fooled by his nod, he knew he was lying.
“What did you say?”
“Let me play,” his small voice came out even tinier.
“Mate you need to ask. With manners.”
James furrowed his eyebrows in irritation “I know dad,” he whines.
“I don’t think you do,” Ben retorts, his irritation showing.
Y/N puts her tablet aside and places her hand on Ben’s shoulder “Can I?” she suggests, motioning towards his son. Ben nods and sits back. “James, come here, Darling,” she speaks calmly. He calms at her soothing motherly tone and walks to her. “What are the magic words, James?” Y/N puts her hands on his shoulder, giving him loving rubs with her thumbs.
He shrugs at her “I don’t know.”
She hums “I think you do. Try it!”
“Please and thank you,” he finally answers. Y/N faces lights up and gives him a shake, making him laugh.
“There you go! I believe in you James, I want you to go back out there and ask them the right way,” she persuaded, taking a look at the other kids. She looked back at him kindly, like how she would talk to her own child. “Manners maketh the man, show them the English gentleman I know you are.” She turns him around, giving him a small squeeze of the shoulders and gently pushes him from her. They watch as the boy walks to the group of kids, James taps a tall boy on the shoulder and opens his mouth to speak. Ben started to bite on one of his nails like he was watching a suspense movie, he couldn’t handle another fight. He released the held breath when the taller boy let James into the circle and tossed him the ball.
“How the fuck did you do that?” Ben asks in shock, a surprised smile gracing his features.
Y/N shrugs and places her tablet back in her lap “Abby was the same way after Grant and I divorced. I needed to remind her about her manners and be nice about it. It takes time,” she explains. Ben grumbles and pulls out math homework from his backpack along with a red pen.
“You know he got kicked out of three nursery schools? He’s never been good with other kids.” She could sense the sadness and frustration in his tone, she wasn’t lying when she said it took time. It took 2 years for her daughter to get back to normal.
“He’s a good kid, Ben,” she says in reassurance. Ben frowns and tries to focus on his work, twirling the pen in between his fingers. he’d never really told anyone about James’ behavior, Gwil was really the only person that knew. His parents would scold him for how he was raising him, never good enough.
“You’re a good Dad. Don’t say that.”
Ben’s mouth forms a small o shape, he didn’t mean to say his thoughts “I-I didn’t mean to,” he tries to laugh it off. Y/N lowers her eyebrows and sucks in her bottom lip to show how unimpressed she was. Ben cocks his head in annoyance, narrowing his green eyes. The Y/H/C woman shrugs and returns to her work and lets him go back to his, dropping the subject… even though she was right.
It was mostly peaceful, in between her glances up at Abagail to make sure she was safe she would look over to Ben out of the corner of her eye. He would let out a light laugh when she couldn’t read the writing and would let out the occasional curse when he would cross off a wrong answer. It was comforting. “Mom!” Abby cheered as she ran up the hill, huffing when he reached the top.
“Are you having fun?” Y/N coos.
“Yeah…can we play Shoots and Ladders now?”
Ben’s ears perked up “Shoots and Ladders?” he questions.
“We play it every time we come,” Abby explains excitedly as she pulls the game from the bag. Y/N takes it from her and tells her to go get James. She nods and runs back down the hill while Y/N set the game up.
“Are you any good?” Ben taunts, laying down on his side and propping himself up with his elbow, greeting her with a smirk.
“I will destroy you,” she challenges.
With the kids gathered around the game started off as normal as possible, Abby and James frowning when their parents would get ahead of them. James’ small tongue poked out when he rolled the dice “I got a 6!” he cheered as he picked up the piece.
“Good job!” Ben clapped him on the back and smiled proudly as he moved up the board.
Y/N takes the dice in her hand and blew gently, making Ben roll his eyes at her. He was beyond annoyed that she got a ladder almost every time she rolled. She rolled gently and hummed in satisfaction “five,” she whispers moving her piece. Her elbow hits the corner of the board shifting the pieces and making the dice shift.
“That was a four,” Ben corrects, looking down at the dice.
Y/N looks up from the board “No it was a five,” she responds sternly.
Ben clenches his fist and touches her piece, moving it down the ladder “You rolled a four.”
She growls and moves it back “Seriously? Are you calling me a liar?”
“Look at the board! You rolled a fucking four!” he complains loudly, not quite a shout as he was trying to keep his cool.
“The board moved, it was a five Ben! You’re losing get the fuck over it.” she matches his tone. The kids look at each other sympathetically as their parents start to argue, their voices slowly starting to get louder with each insult. James looks around to see other people starting to look at them.
“Dad,” he says, pushing his leg to get his attention. The adults rise to their feet and start to get in each other face, their words getting louder, still talking about the board game.
“Did you rig the game Y/N? There’s no fucking possible way you got a ladder every time?” he yells.
“Oh? Not only am I liar I’m a cheater! Want to check the dice for a magnet?”
“Maybe. I. Do.”
“Fuck off! You’re a sore loser.”
“Mom! Mom?”
“What!” Y/N shouts, the pair looking down at the kids who were looking up at them with angered faces. “You guys are embarrassing.”
They pause and look around at the few pair of eyes that were on them. They look away, embarrassed of their actions “Abby, let’s go. Say goodbye,” she speaks slowly, not daring to look at him. They all gathered their things swiftly and in silence. Abby said her sad goodbye to James before running off to catch up to Y/N who had already started to walk away.
“I can’t believe you,” James huffed.
“I didn’t start it, and you had fun right?”
“Whatever, Dad.” James puts on his backpack and walks towards the parking lot leaving Ben alone in his thoughts. He pushed back his blonde curls and slung his bag over his shoulder, already rehearsing an apology.
Y/N threw the bag in her truck and slammed the door harshly, she growled when she saw Ben’s remorseful face in the dark reflection. “Came to yell at me more?” She asks, not turning to look at him.
“I came to say I’m sorry, I didn’t mean t-”
“Stop. You knew exactly what you were doing,” she holds a finger up before crossing her arms over her chest. Ben shoves his hands in his pockets and looks up briefly.
“I’m sorry, let me make it up to you…and Abby. We ruined their playdate.”
“And how do possibly expect to do that?” she sighs, leaning against the car.
Ben puts on a smile “Let me take you out.”
“On a date?” She raises an eyebrow. Unbelievable, she couldn’t believe he was standing in front of her after picking a fight in public and now asking for a date. Pathetic. She was pathetic for wanting to say yes. She knew she shouldn’t, it would be a disaster. “Ben. We shouldn’t, we can’t even get along in front of our kids without fighting,” she pointed out the obvious.
“I know! I know. Just dinner to say I’m sorry for making fools of us. You won’t regret it.”  
Y/N thinks about it for a moment, free dinner. Maybe with food stuffed in their mouths, they could actually get along. Maybe there would be alcohol, god knows they were going to need it if they went through with it.
“What’s in it for Abby?” She smiles.
“We’ll bring her back ice cream,” he smiles back at her.
“I will go out with you Ben, just dinner.”
“Sounds perfect. Friday night?”
Y/N winces “I can’t. I promised to watch Mary to pay Lucy back after that night.”
Ben blushes and ducks his head “How about Saturday?” 
“Saturday sounds perfect.”   
She watches him walk back to his car with his returned confidence, she mentally kicked herself for saying yes so easily. Seriously fuck this guy for making her feel this way. She hated the fights but she did manage to get a date out of it. Fuck. 
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nexstage · 5 years
Peridot's legs didn't feel like her own while running for her life. Her mind was in utter disarray: one half was yelling at her to accelerate unless she wanted to die; the other half was a mass of curses and regrets for leaving Lapis behind and in the hands of that thing.
She wanted to stop. Heck, her unmaterial heart was trying to stop her whole body, but the more effort Peridot put into it, the more her legs got her away from Lapis. She didn't know what to do even when she knew what was the right thing to do, and it was so frustrating!
'What the hell are you doing you clod?! Come back!', 'I can't! Lapis told me to run away!', 'You can't just leave her like that! You must fight!', 'And getting myself killed?! What about Lapis' sacrifice?!', 'You have to do something!', 'WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M DOING?!'
The green gem pulled at her hair, gritting her teeth while the tears ran through her cheeks. She needed to go back, but without powers what was she going to do?
"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" a shriek of pure agony interrupted her train of thought. Peridot finally stopped and looked behind her, she was many kilometers far away from Lapis, but that shout seemed to be very close to her no matter how much she had ran.
Another shriek scared Peridot deeply. Her overreactive imagination started conjuring horrible images of torture. That mysterious figure using whatever powers it had to play with her friend's life until getting bored and shatter her.
"No! Don't think about those things, you clod! Keep running!" Peridot turned back and made a step, then two, then she stopped. Again the conflictive feelings roared in her mind: getting the hell away from that monster or helping Lapis.
'But... What if she's dead already? What if it's for nothing in the end?'
Then the yelling stopped, though that didn't mean Peridot's worries did too. In fact, the silence only aggravated her anxiety.
"Screw it! Lapis can hate me all she wants, but we're going to survive or going down together!" the former technician held the shovel with a vice grip and went back to where she left Lapis, praying that it wasn't too late to save her.
Her legs, however, for some unkown reason felt heavy and sore, like she was carrying pounds of lead on them. Whatever, that didn't matter, Lapis' life was on the line.
Peridot accelerated with all her might, the trees becoming a dark blur that confused her, there were so many and she could potentially get lost or fall into a trap. But her resolution moved her forward, towards she believed the creature and Lapis were; the green gem didn't have a plan to fight the figure except throwing the shovel at its face, 'I will use a distraction. I will use ANYTHING! And Lapis and I will get out of here!'
Minutes passed but Peridot felt like she wasn't getting any closer to Lapis. Then, between the roots of a tree she saw a body. The appearence modiffiers were recognizable even from kilometers. "Lapis!!" Peridot ran faster and inspected her friend's condition.
The ocean gem was unconscious, but she didn't look like she was breathing, though gems didn't need it. And her blue skin had many gray spots as if she had played with gray paint. Was that some symptom of corruption or weird impurities? No, wait, Lapis could only have golden freckles as impurities not those splashes.
"Lapis, hey, Lapis! Come on, wake up!" she didn't respond. Peridot took a look at her gemstone and could barely believe it. There were big dark spots that were expanding and taking over the color blue of Lapis' gemstone. Was that the work of that monster that was chasing them?
"Lapis, please! Wake up! We have to keep going! Please, Lapis! Don't leave me hanging!" the former technician shook her body while holding back tears. What was going on?!
Darkness. Around her everything was just that, an immense ocean of silence and darkness. Her limbs felt like ice, cold and hard, and her head was a cacophony of shouts, explosions and falling debris.
Uh... What a curious way to describe her mind.
"Uh? W-Where am--?" the blue gem's eyes opened suddenly, her gaze directed to different angles. There was nothing to see but blackness.
"What is this place? Am-Am I dead?" that might be, right? Though she couldn't quiet remember. She screwed her eyes shut trying to make sense of what was happening.
'That thing was in front of me. It extended its hand towards me... I can't remember more' It wasn't right. She should remember!
Willing her body to move, she...floated? Levitated? How could Lapis know? In a dimension where color black was the only thing surrounding you, it was impossible to distinguish up from down.
"Hello? Hello?! Is anybody here?" She was answered with silence. It was eerie. Her arms wrapped around herself in a way to bring some comfort, though the shivers running through her spine didn't stop.
"Is this really what humans calls Afterlife? Or is it the end of existence?"
"--ou... --eat --e"
"Uh?" what was that? "Is someone there?"
"--or...! --e --t --k!"
So, she wasn't alone in that void. That was a good sign, she guessed. Now the question was what the hell was that voice saying. It sounded distorted, fragmented and very far away from where Lapis was. Was it a foe? A friend? Maybe neutral? 'Focus, Lapis. Listen closely!' she admonished herself, not thinking in anything while waiting for the strange voice to talk again.
"--s... --ge!" there it was! But she couldn't understand that either, and responding to that voice without knowing if it was a foe or an ally didn't seem a good idea. 'But what other options do I have?' Zero. That's the number. So, going against her best judgement she shouted to wherever the voice was.
"Please, tell me who you are! Where are you?! Please!"
"... --ols! ...--nk's --ds!" the voice wasn't still making sense, but it sounded clearer now. Suddenly, Lapis noticed from meter away from her a round, silver surface that looked -much to her wariness- like a mirror. Was she... No, impossible! She wasn't stuck again in that goddamn object like thousands of years ago!
"Calm down, Lazuli. Just calm down and find a way to get out of here". Hugging herself, she amounted enough courage to go check on the silver surface and heard a strangely familiar sound: static. Like the one coming from a TV. And the more she approached the surface-like mirror, the louder she could hear it. And what big her surprise was at seeing that the mysterious mirror was like a broken TV, with its static sound and nothing but a sea of infinite white, black and gray little dots moving.
What if by breaking the static-like mirror she got free? That was a good question she needed to answer for herself, so Lapis put into a fighting position and with all her might punched the mirror. The outcome wasn't what she expected, if she was honest.
"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!" she covered her ears as a wave of war screams, panicked cries and high-pitched mocking laughter crashed with her. The pieces of glass from the mirror levitated and got bigger, becoming static-y screens that showed moving pictures, poorly drawn like if they were a toddler's creation.
Lapis looked at every scene they showed. Some were of landscapes divided by deeps rifts made by earthquakes, a blue sea turning sickeningly red-pink, people screaming for help on the streets, a giant something looming over some people. 'What are those images? Are they my memories?' Lapis surprised herself at that realization, yeah, maybe they were! She could get her answers!
She ran, no caring how the wave of madenning sounds overwhelmed her ears, and touched one of the fragmented screens.
In hindsight, she should've thought a bit better about that plan.
The moving images froze and the screen shapeshifted into a sharp, elastic spike that stabbed her in the stomach. And not only that one, the others too. One by one, the rest became deadly spikes attacked her, and then hell began.
Excruciating, crazy pain exploded inside her body, her shouts becoming part of the sea of noise. The blue gem could feel everything and anything, it was so numbing and agonizing that she couldn't get it. It was like being hit by incredibly fast asteroids that came back to tackle you again and again; crashing to earth thousands of times and being scrubbed on the ground violently as if you were sandpaper by a giant; falling apart from the inside in the most terrifying way.
But the worst part was her gemstone. It was burning her, kind of ironic because her element was water, but still. Having the sun on her back was nothing compared to that sensation, it couldn't even be labeled as pain.
She wanted it to stop! She wanted the pain of the stabs, the fire in her gemstone, and even the mocking laughter that was sinking her mind to FUCKING get lost!!
Her whole body was losing its own grip. Glitching madly, distorting, twisting. The terror she felt in the Gem War or knowing the Diamonds were coming back to Earth paled in comparison with that nightmarish experience.
'WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?! SOMEONE, HELP ME!!!' And when it couldn't get worse, she exploded. Blinding light taking over the dark void.
"Blaaaaaarrrrgghh!" the sound of vomiting woke up Peridot immediately from her nap. She looked to her friend and was shocked with horror at what Lapis was expulsing from her body. A night-black, oozing substance that looked like a mix of brea and acid made a disgusting poodle in the snow.
After some minutes vomiting, Lapis shivered exhausted. Her tear-filled eyes opened and looked desperately for some help until she felt gentle hands rubbing circles in her back and wrapped her in a kind hug.
"It's ok, Laz. I'm here. I-I'm here" Peridot tried to not let the crack in her voice be noticeable and inhaled a big gulp of air to calm herself down. "I was so sick worried about you. I-I thought you would never wake up". Some tears ran through her green cheeks which Lapis' trembling, weak hand dried lovingly.
"It's good to...see you again..." the blue gem was between falling unconscious again and stay awake. She was so tired. She wanted to sleep. Wait, no! No sleeping! What if she was back to that void full of noises and hellish pain. The svelte gem'd rather die than go through that again.
With all the strength she could muster, Lapis sat, Peridot helped her support her back on a tree trunk while looking at her worriedly, anxiously. "Hey, change...that face, you d-dork. I'm ok" the ocean gem caressed Peridot's cheek, smiling at her to relieve the tension.
The former technician grabbed her hand like it was a lifeline and sniffed a bit. "Don't you dare to do that again, you clod! If we're going to get out of this stupid forest, it will be together, got it?" Lapis snorted but nodded nontheless. She didn't know in which part of the forest they were or why Peridot decided to come back for her, but she didn't care at all. She was happy to have her green companion at her side.
However, her relief was short-lived at seeing the condition in which Peridot was. Her gemstone had black spots that were spreading, slowly but spreading. Her body had grey splotches in many zones and in the center of them, dark cracks-like veins growing larger.
"P-Peridot, y-your body! Your gemstone! W-What happened?!"
"Oh! Oh..." the green gem grimaced, not knowing how to explain what had happened while Lapis was unconscious. She laughed nervously and then closed her eyes, gritting her teeth due to a sudden migraine.
"Peridot!" Lapis tried to tend to her but her body was so sore for the pain that there was no energy left to move, that and the former technician stopped her from doing something. "It's alright, just an annoying headache"
"What happened?"
Peridot sighed, massaging her temples a bit to alleviate the pain. "I was against the idea of leaving you behind, even when you told me to. I ran as fast as I could to save you from that thing. But when I found you..."
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