#fucking bigots in my inbox i guess
impishtubist · 8 months
bitchy inbox time (i’m not over thirty but i do love sirius black) !!
there are many (many) things that annoy me about the current mwpp fandom (and/or a specific part of it). it’s not just jamming all the DE’s and order members in the same year(s) at hogwarts, and making the DE characters secretly good (but not their parents) and also very boring, and the complete OC-ification of characters because the characterisations were like that in this one big fic, and the frequent attempts to make the 70s fit into the 2k20s ideas of progressiveness. it’s not just stuff like that.
i don’t like the whole ‘fandom agrees’ thing either, but that’s not very new nor fandom specific anyway so that’s not something i can complain about lol. what i hate the most is that it just takes the heart out of it, i guess? basically all these characters who get extra background, or additional background, or whatever are the same, just with a different look and different name. the terf lady didn’t give much of a flying fuck about any of the characters, but the fandom did. and each character was (usually) so vibrant!! distinguishable!! even in the fanart designs, you know?
and now it’s like. the same cookie-cutter guy or gal. queer and tattooed, with mental health issues fashionable clothing like it’s something you can just fucking put on—some sort of tiktok aesthetic played for being ‘relatable’. all the DE’s have shitty parents and a heart of gold and Not That Bad actually. remus gets turned into james and if a very specific sirius portrayal was afab, people would call her character one of the most misogynistic and sexist portrayals in the series.
‘we’re throwing away canon and making the series progressive and morally good’ but we’re not, because the queerness feels fetishised and the depiction of abuse is so unserious, and we’re apparently making bigots ‘misunderstood’. it’s just. HNHHHH. so annoying.
xoxo soopsie
Hiiiiiiiiii darling <3
Yes! All of this is so well-said! I spent a lot of time banging my head against a wall, trying to figure out WHY this was happening, and when I found out that a lot of people joining the fandom had never read the books, that's when things clicked. It's not GOOD, but at least I sort of have an explanation now for why these characterizations are happening and why they're so prevalent. If you only know these characters from fanfic and TikTok....well I'm still gonna bitch about all of this but at least I know why you're writing them a certain way.
And another thing! If you weren't here in the '90s/early '00s then what are you doing here in the first place lmao, we're only here because we have no choice.
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fleshdyk3 · 9 days
5,6,8,27 :]
ask game
5: omg i was a r*ddit user when i was like 13 and saw a bunch of funny tumblr posts on there and just decided i wanted to be a part of that lol
6: umm best part for me is the attention LOL. im unapologetically an attention whore idgaf its fun to have a big following. when it comes to art particularly when i get a lot of notes on art and get people putting nice things in the tags thats like drugs to me. the worst part for me is the people that come on your popular posts and are fucking annoying or misinterpret you really badly. theres terrible bigots on here and ive been getting some really godawful shit in my inbox recently but that stuff doesnt piss me off as much as people whose personalities are stuck in 2015. sorry
8: im assuming this means recurring lol anyways yeah i was having a bunch over the summer about starting a new semester at school and not being able to find my classes so i guess i was really worried about that lmao
27: well roxy is a nickname lol its not my actual name. not much else though. my name isnt really very nicknamable
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annabannnananana · 2 months
☆ anna? never heard of her ☆
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well boom now u have
(new pinned post bc i hated my old one hehe :3)
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⋆。°✩ welcome to my blog! i don’t really care what you call me, but i usually go by anna, or banana, onion, etc! anything’s fine by me tho!
⋆。°✩ i just turned 23 (🎈bday: july 7)! being an adult is very boring but tumblr makes it better :) i’m not a minor but my blog is safe for minors, everything is sfw here! (my nsfw sideblog is @annasgarbagechute, MINORS DNI!!)
⋆。°✩ guess what guys, yippee i have a fnaf themed sideblog now, it’s called @annas-arcade go follow it rn or i‘ll be very mad at u 😾😾😾😾 /j
⋆。°✩ she/her please and thank you! btw i’m bi bc girls and guys are both hot, why pick one when you can have both? god said adam AND eve not adam OR eve (i’m also catholic, but i’m not super intense abt religion, you do you)
⋆。°✩ born & raised in the usa, descended from france & ireland. @bingbammboom is making me say i want to move to australia with her, but in reality i wanna move to paris so badddddd 💔💔💔 (don’t tell her i said that)
⋆。°✩ i have adhd & t1d, i post abt it occasionally but it’s not the focus of my blog :) but i will have you know i hate t1d with every fiber in my being, it sucks ass. i gotta give myself fucking shots before i eat, what the fuck
⋆。°✩ basic dni (racist, sexist, ableist, bigot, pedo/zoo, etc) + vanilliam shippers and jk rowling supporters + just please don’t be rude/unkind or try to make people uncomfortable on my blog. thank you!
⋆。°✩ hey did you know i write and draw stuff? maybe you should send me an ask sometime if there’s something you want me to write or draw for you <3
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☆ rules for sending art & writing reqs ☆
what i will write & draw:
⋆。°✩ i will write sets of headcanons, oneshots, reader inserts, & multi-chapter stories (on occasion) for any fandoms your heart desires :D
⋆。°✩ i will write reader of any gender identity and sexuality (if unspecified i will default to gn!reader), kid! or adult!reader, reader of any species or robot!reader (fnaf fics i’m looking at you)
⋆。°✩ i will draw busts, half bodies, and full bodies as sketches, with lineart, or with full shading & color.
⋆。°✩ i will draw canon characters and ocs (yours and mine) of any species, including animals, humans, robots, supernatural beings (ghosts, zombies, vampires, and the like), etc.
what i will not write & draw:
⋆。°✩ i will not write or draw nsfw, selfh@rm, relationships with 6+ year age difference, minor x adult, noncon, abusive, incest/stepcest, ddlg, omorashi, emeto, scat, age regression, oc x canon (just for writing). please do not request these! thank you. <3
⋆。°✩ please keep in mind that it may take me a while to respond to or even see your request, as i’m not the best at frequently checking my inbox, plus i don’t always have motivation or good ideas to write/draw so i might need time to come up with something. i also always have the right to not write/draw your request if it makes me uncomfortable or if i don’t want to do it for any other reason. thank you for understanding! :)
⋆。°✩ also, please do not repost my art or writing! to clarify what i mean in case anyone confuses the terms “repost” and “reblog”, it’s fine to reblog my stuff when i post my art or writing. but please don’t copy/paste my writing, or save images of my art, and then paste them into a new separate post completely unrelated to the original. even if you would intend to tag me, just please don’t, it makes me uncomfortable. thank you!
⋆。°✩ also, if you see my art/writing and like it but don’t reblog it, guess what? blocked. if you like my art/writing, please reblog it for more people to see! it only takes 5 seconds, and it really helps a small artist/writer. thank you!
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my tags:
⋆。°✩ #banana writes - my writing
⋆。°✩ #banana art - my art
⋆。°✩ #banana talks - my txt/talking tag
⋆。°✩ #banana ask - my responses to asks
my other socials:
⋆。°✩ ask me before adding! thank you <3
⋆。°✩ twitter/x: here
⋆。°✩ discord: annatherat707
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so that’s pretty much all you need to know to navigate my blog, you’re all good to go now! have fun looking around!
⭑𓂃 anna
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neinsev · 4 months
Guess I should do an introduction post so you know what you'll be getting here
This page will have a mixture of kinky, artsy, some NSFW, nerdy, and political content I either enjoy or is about something important to me as a person
26 years old, he/they
Nicaraguan American man
LGBTQ+ specifically polysexual (all genders are sexy asf except cis men who are on very VERY thin ice)
ADHD and very neurospicy 😅
Nerdy interests
Lord of the Rings
Star Wars
Musical theatre
Marvel/DC comics and movies
Classical music
Political stuff
Free Palestine from the River to the Sea 🇵🇸
Black Lives Matter ✊🏽
Very much a leftist if it isn't obvious by now 😂
In a mono-poly relationship (yes my partner knows I flirt and sext with people, they're fine with it as long as it doesn't cross the physical boundary)
Kinky pleasure dom, more specifics can be discovered in my DMs if you feel comfortable and interested in talking 😏
There may be some NSFW content so if you are under 18, do not follow or interact please
Anything else you wanna know, please feel free to ask me in my DMs or in my Asks inbox. I'm always happy to talk about anything (nerdy, political, sexual, etc)
(Bigots, misogynists, transphobes/homophobes, Zi0nists, and other assholes can fuck off! Antisemitism, islamaphobia, and xenophobia of any kind will immediately get you blocked. Do not try me)
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gen question: you mentioned that this feels like poking beehives and future polls depends on how hateful it ends up getting, but i'm just wondering, if i'm like "how could anyone pick character b??? that's insane they suck for these reasons/they're better for these reasons" and i'm a little unhinged about it but i clarify that i'm not seriously mad and i'm having fun, is that annoying? like i'm just passionate but i also think this is gonna be very fun but i can keep the commentary very limited if necessary
Nah I think that type of thing is within the spirit of the poll and is part of the fun! Rants are expected and fine as long as they’re directed at my inbox/notes and not, like, the other people who are sending the rants
Some examples under the cut I guess?
- “I like/hate this guy” “I want to fuck this guy” “I want to kill this guy” ✅
- “I don’t understand how anyone could like/hate this guy” or “I am sick of people saying they want to fuck this guy” ✅
- “anyone who likes/hates this guy is stupid/evil/a bigot” ❌
- reblogging a poll with a rant of “this character sucks/rocks and here’s why” ✅
- reblogging someone’s reblog rant and telling them “I disagree with point x because y” ✅
- reblogging someone’s reblog rant and telling them “you’re not allowed to like/hate this guy” or “reason x is a wrong reason to like/hate this guy” ❌
-name calling and being mean to these fictional characters ✅
- name calling, doxxing, generally directing any mean comments towards other real people just because they don’t share your opinion on a character ❌
Hope this helps!! Obviously I didn’t cover every case here, but hopefully it helps us have good vibes without sanitizing the contest entirely and taking away the spirit of it. Plus if I get any like, legitimately hateful things in my askbox I’ll probably just delete them anyways
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theamazingannie · 5 months
You're 23, it's high time you learn to think critically instead of swallowing whatever rubbish your white faves throw at you. Or at least learn how to fucking tag.
I don’t know how old YOU are, but I’m guessing 14. Otherwise, it’s high time YOU learn to think critically and realize that everyone has different tastes than you. Also, it’s time to learn how to do things that bring you joy instead of coming into some stranger’s inbox (anonymously, because you’re apparently too much of a coward to share what artists YOU listen to) and insulting them.
I could go on about Taylor’s stats and the amount of beloved artists who have praised her and her songwriting. I could go on about the artists that *I* don’t like who are super popular despite being actual rapists, pedophiles, and bigots. But instead, I think I’m going to go listen to her music and have a grand time because I genuinely like it and don’t need to justify my taste to ANYONE. If you don’t like her, and this goes for anyone reading this who follows me as well, then stop talking about her, stop interacting on posts about her, and stop going after her fans because the more you talk about her, the more you’ll see her and the bigger she will be. Spend your time on the artists that you DO like and maybe they’ll be able to finally compete with Taylor. And maybe you won’t be so angry all the time over some “mediocre” white pop star.
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a-sip-of-milo · 1 year
Sorry if you dont like me ranting in your inbox like this but your recent post really resonated with me
My old school was literally named after having a community, and it was all about community and loving each other and whatever. But it had such an...outcast- I suppose- problem that the staff literally barely did anything about. The students outcasted the "weird" ones (like me) and we always were made fun of. The school was very obviously against blatant bigotry, but they were really bad with anything discreet, even when they were told directly about it by kids like me. You know it's bad when the students literally felt safe enough to say the n slur (a white kid said it, against a poc) multiple times. Yet it always seemed they cared more about kids writing in the stalls in the bathrooms than the community they always preached about. (Literally they made a whole "write your name and time you went to and came back from the bathroom" thing because of that yet did a horrible job at "fixing" the bullying/outcast problem) Hell! My mom said how she got a little annoyed too that she was never invited to or told about the facebook group that the parents apparently had despite the school being all about community. One year, the year I left, the year that was too much for me, last school year, several new kids joined the school. Apparently they were a lot more blatantly bigoted and bulliers, and rubbed off on a lot of the other students there. So suddenly they had a big bullying problem ("oh no the outcast problem we've been told about so much is now too obvious to keep avoiding") Yet they still did barely anything about it. They acted like they were trying but they really weren't doing a good job. So much of the pressure was put on the teachers (god bless those teachers btw, especially the ELA teacher, they were literally the sweetest teachers I've ever known I hope they never have to deal with something like that again), who couldn't do much because they didn't have enough power. Also the teachers were struggling to teach (and they made lessons fun!!!!) bc of the students :( I was being very blatantly verbally bullied near the end of my time there, and I remember my bully shouting out her mean comments very loudly in class (while the teacher was trying to be silly with me). And I could see the teacher know he couldn't do anything except say "just ignore it." I could tell he wanted to do more to help but... he literally couldn't. Because guess who was ignoring it? The fucking staff. The motherfuckers who talked about community soooo much Oh yeah also very very blatantly ableism last year against another classmate of mine (or well, wouldn't come across as ableism to people who wouldn't know why but definitely obvious bullying), and the staff handled it so horribly (I could rant about another thing here but you probably dont wanna hear it and this has already gone on too long lol)
Very very sorry if this was tmi/oversharing or something it's just that what you said in that post sounded like it would've come directly from my mouth so I felt like sharing /gen
(I'd get if you didn't wanna post this btw 😅)
yes, this is exactly what i mean when i say that while individuals might care, schools as a whole generally don't. I'm so sorry your school experience was so bad, that sort of thing shapes so many aspects of your life going forward and in my opinion, it's extremely important for children and teens to have positive experiences at school.
my inbox is available for people to rant in, it's okay <3
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halfmoth-halfman · 2 years
oh god you can’t understand how relived I am to know that u don’t agree with what the artist said !! I’ve been in the cod fandom for years and the racism (& all the bigotry in general) is just huge and disheartening to see but sadly not surprising to be honest
it also made me so mad that she said that she’s a “typical slav” like as if that would’ve made it better
Im also a Slavic artist and making such a big deal abt someone asking why there isn’t that much diversity in her work wasn’t a fucking crime and sure it would take a few more minutes but who cares? it would be nice to represent others who have little to no representation
also saying “not gonna lie sounds kinda racist to me” felt like she was implying that you can be racist to white people which is not a thing
I apologize that I brought it up again and u can ignore this 100% it just hasn’t left my mind and the way so many others agreed (who I liked lots) just made me so annoyed I mean like yeah I kinda saw it coming considering it’s the cod fandom but still disappointing
(I hope this is making some sorta sense and is understandable considering englisch isn’t my first language 😅)
don’t apologize anon, and i understood perfectly! i can’t imagine how frustrating that must be for you as another slavic artist and i’m so sorry you have to deal with that. and yeah, i’ve been in and out of the CoD fandom for years cause it’s never been the nicest place for black people or women, and i thought maybe with the new influx of fans maybe things would change, but i guess those bigoted people are still out there.
i totally feel you that it was disappointing, and it hurt to see people i like and admire agreeing with that post. to me, it’s honestly pretty telling that so few people are calling out the racism and, even more disheartening, the people of color or other minorities jumping into that artist’s inbox to talk about how they would never ask to be represented so how dare others do so.
no one is selfish, or crazy, or wrong for wanting to see more representation of themselves!
it’s just so disappointing on all fronts, but at least i know who to block now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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manias-wordcount · 2 years
Have a request? Read me!
Okay so ive been running this shit for about a year and a halfish i think its time to talk about how i work. though before we start i just wanted to say im thankful for everyone who supports me or just reads a work of mine. it means the world to me and i enjoy being able to share my writings with a bunch silly and lovely people like y’all !!! 
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General Rules for my blog!
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Please don’t ask me for any personals information lol
like actually
this includes stuff like my age, where im from, etc. 
i share what i want on my own private time sooo like
dont ask teehee
Please dont make SA jokes in the comments of my stuff xD
i wish i was joking.
i understand some people use humor to cope
but thats no excuse to be joking about bringing out the rape whistle when a unpopular background character is staring at you
like i really wish i was joking but yeah
Don’t be rude in general in the comments of my stuff lmaoo
like its genuinely annoying.
it’s 10000% okay to not agree with my vision for how a story goes or how a character should react
but if that’s something you want to tell me, do not be rude about it lmaoo like where are your manners
like if you dont agree, you dont agree but neither of our word is law soo...
also dont fucking shame requesters or commenters if they’re actually doing nothing wrong
i’ve had way too many people complain or shade other’s completely reasonable requests like wtf???
but yeah practice some self-awareness before you speak your mind sometimes? 
you are not the only person in the room
okay rant over teehee
Some of the stuff on my blog contains sexual material
I really try to give warnings ahead of time
but don’t be afraid to point out if there's something else that probably needs a forewarning
also my words are not gospel
shit can be dramatized (im whore)  or romanticized for convenience of storytelling (im lazy) so if youre using this stuff to learn about sex uhhh
maybe dont?
Some of the stuff on my blog contains some dark themes
i also try to be transparent about those things as well
but for the record im in no way glorifying these dark themes
though as someone who is both creative and has seen/gone through so shit i do explore and work through some of these topics to myself as a person and as a writer!
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Request Rules and Guidelines
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i’ll write anything!! (within reason)
i think you guys can guess a bit about what “within reason” means
and i know the fact that i dont have a “NO LIST” can be inconvenient
but if you’re unsure if ill write something you want? just ask!
you can always ask in dms or in my inbox! either is fine  
that means i have the right to deny anything too, of course
long story short, y’all dont pay me LMAOO
i usually wont deny something but i will if it’s...
one: requested while my requests are closed (im sorry but no more means nomore!!!)
two: goes against what i believe in some way (i doubt anyone is going to request something political or bigoted so im talking shit like the fact that i will never write anything that takes place in the state of New Jersey USA because  i hate that place so much WHHAHAHAHA
three: you were mean to me AHAHAHAHAHAH
yeah this list isn’t long and very hard to get but i did want to make this transparent
before anyone starts requesting some new jersey aus..........
be respectful !!
not only am i human, im truly am doing this for free (for now, at least) and on my own time
though you should treat people who charge for their work with respect too.
its hard out there for us lil creators lmao
sometimes, less is better.
Super detailed requests can be tricky to navigate.
Again, im doing this on my free time and i average around 1K-2k words depending on what my life is looking like at the moment.
sometimes a super detailed requests require multiple parts that might not be released for a long time.
Or i struggle with getting a story im proud of putting my name while trying to respect the request.
If you want specific details to make the experience more personal to you, go for it
but do you really need to tell me what your request is in 11 full-length  sentences? do you really HAHAHAH
also if i aske you to explain something, please be able to explain it bc im not a mind reader and this guess and check thing is kinda stressful
try not to rush me lol
Im checking my blog everyday.
I see your requests and i promise im (most likely) not ignoring you.
i have other hobbies, and a life too, and possibly 20 requests ahead of you.
i try to get everything out asap but sometimes that’s like 2 or more months
BUT if you’re scared that your request may not have made it through the hellsite, send another one asking if i got the request! 
i’ll respond to that one if i have!
like actually teehee
It stresses me when i just get a request and all that's included is the situation the requester wants and the character’s first name. Give me the full name or tell me where they’re from before i scour every single series i write for to check for repeat names
its not that big of a deal but im scared of fucking up for you guys aaaaaa
If you send me a weird or rude request as anon, im just going to delete it from my inbox for both of our sake
and im not gonna specify what i mean by “weird” beyond that just because it’s very much a random situation
im not naming anons but just kinda think ahead of time what you’re asking me (a stranger) to do and publish for you
maybe uhhh...check my masterlist before requesting?
i know its daunting
i know i have a lot on there
but there might literally be exactly what you’re looking for on there HAHA
if not though, absolutely go forward with requesting !!!!!!!
even if what you want is something similar to what i’ve already written, a few changes make a huge difference!
but when in doubt about characters or stories i’ve written before?
if have the right to change the way i write a request (unless specifically stated otherwise)
all this means is that every request (unless a HC is specifically asked for) will start off as being written as a full length average Mania™ fic
if for any reason i decide it would be better in a different format, then i will change it (ex: fic  => hc)
then ill keep true to that format no matter what happens 
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but yeah ! that’s it for now at least. ill update this post if theres more hehe. also if you have questions, just dm me or put it in my inbox :)
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sharonaparadox · 2 years
I can’t believe this needs to be said, but it keeps happening, so: if you reblog a post from me and delete the image description, I will block you. I have zero problem if you reblog it from the original poster or literally anyone else just so you don’t have an ID— I don’t understand Why you’d do that, but I don’t actually give a shit what you do with your own blog— but actively making a post less accessible than you found it is super fucked up. If you have any issue whatsoever with my IDs, just reach out to me via ask or messages.
Anyway, important pinned post info: If you haven’t already done so, go to your blog settings (at tumblr.com/blog/[username]/settings), scroll down to the “Visibility” section, and make sure to click the button to opt in to “Prevent third-party sharing”; make sure to do this with each sideblog you have, because this setting is by individual blog and not account-wide. Fuck AI art, and fuck Tumblr for scraping artists’ hard work to use for that shit.
Also, go here to donate to Palestine with just a click of the button.
Below are details about the person behind this blog, since who knows how many people have read my about page (or even have access to it, since apparently a lot of people use the Tumblr app which I’ve heard doesn’t allow you to view custom pages?).
You can call me Sharona (which isn’t my “real” name I use offline, but I’ve been using it since 2011, back when I was 18 going on 19). I’m a white cis woman living on occupied land in southern California. I have a family history of mental illness, though I’m not professionally diagnosed myself. I’m aromantic bisexual (possibly acespec, but I’m not personally interested in looking for microlabels that perfectly fit me).
Pretty much all I do here is reblog things from other people and add image descriptions. I don’t make any of the art you see on this blog and claim no ownership over any of the images. Also, since I’ve been asked in the past: you can just straight up copy and paste my IDs and edit them as you see fit in a reblog of your own if you’d rather have it attached in a separate reblog chain (or add it to the original post if you’re the artist). You can credit me if you want, but I’m literally just describing things others have made, haha.
I don’t have any real “Do Not Interact” list, because, let’s be honest, most people who actually fit the typical DNI criteria just ignore those anyway. I do block people I come across in the wild being bigoted (or just annoying, tbh), and, as stated above, I also block people who reblog anything from me and remove the ID. All that said, if I’ve blocked you and you think I was being a little overzealous with that block button, you can always send an ask or message me (or I guess have a friend do it?) and maybe I’ll see about unblocking you.
I Do Not block people who mass like or reblog my posts! I love waking up and seeing my activity feed filled with one person who’s clearly excited to go through my tags! Also, if you want to add comments to posts you reblog from me or strike a conversation in my inbox or messages, you’re perfectly welcome to! That being said, do not expect me to “follow for follow,” because I get overwhelmed easily if I follow too many people or if someone I am following posts a lot. I have, unfortunately, had too many instances where I’ve needed to unfollow people who were really nice but whose blogs were very emotionally draining for me.
Anyway, if you’ve read all that, here’s my Linktree with other accounts I have. Unfortunately, as much as Tumblr sucks, it’s still the only social media I can even halfway tolerate, so don’t bother trying to reach me on those other accounts.
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hermitcraftx · 7 months
but im glad the poor cishets have you on their side, i'm sure they appreciate you campaigning against platonic male/female friendships lol! i'll leave you be tho its not that deep peace and love to everyone
can you read. i was campaigning for queer heterosexuals like transhets and arohets, which it's really weird that you don't consider them as part of the community, by the way, i don't want queerphobes in my inbox and i guess you couldn't put those letters together and make a coherent sentence out of them either. i was saying that it's weird and sexist that women and men cant be in platonic relationships that aren't familial! thank you for outing yourself as a bigot! did you remember that you were saying you'd rather have men and female characters paired as siblings instead of platonically or are you changing your tune because you realize you look fucking stupid. incredible disillusionment please go outside and talk to any real man and woman and perhaps drop to the ground and start shoveling grass in your mouth since you seem to be lacking several nutrients and sentient thought. freak
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polarfarina · 1 year
I don't have a problem with steven universe as a show. I probably would never have stopped watching if I could have watched it in a vacuum, separate from the internet community, but I didn't know it would be so bad going in.
I rewatch it sometimes. I never get very far though... because while watching I think, "this is fun! The episode where Greg breaks his leg is awkward but I can't remember what got me so uncomfortable about this show" and then I get to the episode where I caught up with everyone else. Wayyyy back in the day I had started it on a delay and so it just took me some time to catch up to where the air schedule was.
It was the keystone motel episode. The reality of the fandom at the time hits me every time I rewatch and it affects my perspective for the rest of the show... I can't help it. It just brings back bad memories.
If you don't know/remember or haven't seen, the keystone motel episode is one where a few of the characters had just had a falling out in the episode prior. They weren't speaking, and a couple of them went on a road trip to decompress, but they just bottled everything up until it exploded in a rush of anger and sadness. It was one of the most serious points of the show so far, because characters felt used, and they tried to unpack that in the episode.
But they didn't do it "perfectly", so everyone had an opinion about how it was a bad episode. Comparisons were made claiming characters had abused others when the show never said that happened. Somebody found a real life listing for a hotel by the same name as the one in the episode and people started tanking its ratings with fake one star reviews that pretended the plot of the episode really happened at this real, actual place of business. Everyone was calling this character or that character toxic, and you had to pick sides, you had to have an opinion on the fight in the show. Don't you know that making a mistake is unforgivable and abusive? Don't you know that character didn't apologize even though only one episode has aired since then and they weren't even in it? You had to be morally right about it or else people would flood your inbox with insults. It was pretty terrible.
Hate for one specific character stemmed from this one plot point and even though the mistake was apologized for, and the characters made up and became friends again (gradually I guess), people still hated her for the mistake. For like. Entire seasons afterwards. People acted like this character was an outright bigot that would never change. The stakes of the show would shift and the characters evolved mentally and physically, they grew together and became more tightly knit than before. Apologies were accepted. But that didn't matter cause that one episode happened three years ago!
And that mentality kind of just... followed the show forever. That one post that says the schedule fucked the show's style over is completely right, the months long breaks between episodes brewed discourse every time something aired. That discourse ruined the magic for me. I never finished the show because of it- Steven universe started covering more complex topics, but every time, it was wrong somehow. People were never satisfied. I kept seeing so many horrible things on my dashboard. So I stopped. I blocked the tag for a long time, unfollowed a lot of people. It stressed me out just seeing fanart on my dash... ugh. I feel bad but I still don't even follow blogs that even sometimes post about the show.
Maybe one day I'll be able to separate all that stupid junk from the actual material in the show. Hasn't happened yet, though. It's hard to separate shit in my brain. I need a brain sieve or something. Maybe I should find some good people to rewatch with so I can make new memories to override the old ones...
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hermits-that-craft · 3 years
Heyyyy arti,, I agree with some of the stuff you're saying about jk? But also seamus was absolutely not a stereotype of irish people I am saying this as someone with very close irish blood and history. That's actually just how irish and english people act. Seamus is characterized that way because he is an english speaking european boy and they are rowdy twats who like blowing stuff up have you ever met one./possometimes things don't have to be stereotypes and people don't have to be completely evil just because they're shit about one thing./gen/nm She's transphobic, and I can kind of see where you're coming from with antisemitic, I feel like she's more racially insensitive in that way that most people were in the 90s, but regardless seamus is literally just accurate.
I don't know how to tell you this, but Seamus is the only Irish character, the only character to repeatedly blow things up (Ron accidentally blows his wand up in like,,, book 2 or something and im pretty sure its book 5 that the twins blow up some stuff in the school halls).
I'm assuming you don't know what the Irish troubles are. I'm going to save you five fucking seconds of googling to tell you about it.
The Irish troubles went for thirty years, starting in 1968 and ending in 1998. Do you want to know how many civilians died as a direct cause of the troubles? 1,840 Including children. There were 3,532 total deaths.
There were schools bombed. London was bombed. Derry was bombed. Dublin was bombed.
The Protestant loyalist beat Catholic unionists. Catholic unionists beat Protestant loyalists. There was grafiti saying 'you are now in protestant teratory'. People were killed or severly beaten for their religion or even what side of town they lived in.
Soliders shot protestors and civilians. The IRA bombed towns. The Irish, in general, were treated like shit before all of this started, and now they were treated worse because people were scared. No one wanted to be hurt. So they treated their Irish friends and neighbours like shit. Yeah. Even in America.
And the troubles are still effecting Northern Ireland to this day. I'm sure if you've been on tiktok you've seen the tiktok about someone being asked if their protestant or catholic 'on the wrong side of town'. The peace hasn't even been around for thirty years. We've got 7 more years until the peace has lasted as long as the troubles did.
So now that I've gotten the easy to learn about literally just look up The Irish Troubles and read a bit out of the way, lets get into your dumbass arguments.
Rant under the cut. You made me mad anon. You fucked around in my inbox, read below to find out.
"sometimes things don't have to be stereotypes and people don't have to be completely evil just because they're shit about one thing./gen/nm"
"I can kind of see where you're coming from with antisemitic"
this is a whole other can of worm i dont want to open, but try listening to jewish voices on this topic. I'm not jewish, so go and listen to a jewish person speak about this. Because it was antisemitic.
"But also seamus was absolutely not a stereotype of irish people I am saying this as someone with very close irish blood and history."
You. Are. Not. Irish. You cannot decide what is and isn't a stereotype, full stop. And you certainly can't decide what is an isn't harmful towards actual Irish people. One of my classmates was born in Northern Ireland, and his father lived through the troubles. His father came and spoke to us about it. The whole 'Irish people like bombs/blowing things up' stereotype still gets him turned down from jobs. 23 years later. In Australia. You are probably as Irish as I am.
"I feel like she's more racially insensitive in that way that most people were in the 90s, but regardless seamus is literally just accurate."
1. she should have apologised for it. It was racist of her to use Native American culture for her little expansion pack back in, oh, i dont know, 2016
2. You talk mad shit about having irish heriatage for someone who is perpetuating negative stereotypes of what is aparently you.
"Seamus is characterized that way because he is an english speaking european boy and they are rowdy twats who like blowing stuff up have you ever met one./pos"
I lived in Europe and keep in contact with my host family. Have you ever met a european?
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deadratinhotcar · 3 years
Awwright, I guess this is gonna be the pinned post ✨
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Em✨ 25 ✨bisexual✨ they/she but they is heavily preferred
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Racists, transphobes, antisemites, boot lickers, bigots of all kinds, TERFs, SWERFs and any kind of radfems may fuck off.
Minors, you aren’t welcome here or in kink. I do not care if u turn 18 next week. Fucking wait.
Not a fan of icky right wing fucks and not a fan of “liberals” who are essentially right wingers in rainbow garb.
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You’ll see some hard kinks such as CNC, drugging, knife play, somnophilia, kidnapping and blood 🩸
((Maybe some more gore centric things, perhaps a lil bit of uhhhh d3ath centric stuff))
Cis men are on thin ice and if you can’t listen when I share a post w Men DNI, you get blocked bc you can’t fucking read and don’t respect boundaries 💕
Don’t come into my inbox with that “hey slut” or any of that tumblr “dom” bullshit or pics of your dick or I’ll fucking castrate you 💕
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Selfies are tagged ‘babiface’
Lewds are under ‘the influx’
Others are under ‘purrsonal’
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bihet-dragonize · 2 years
You're so dumb if you think liking HP or AoT makes the person a terf or a fucking japanese nationalist (the staff member in question isn't even japanese??? Just how??) like first off HP was hugely popular for 20 years and ppl grew up with it of course they're gonna like it. Like? Be normal, who the fuck cares? Everyone who ever liked a Woody Allen or Roman Polanski movie is a rapist pedophile now. Everyone who ever liked a movie Johnny Depp or Amber Heard was in is an abusive spouse. You watched the movie Death on the Nile? Well it features both Gal Gadot AND Armie Hammer so you're both in favor of the death of Palestinian children AND also a cannibal fetishist sexual abuser! Watched any single movie produced by Weinstein? Ever? Oh boy! You know how many of those there are? I guess every single one of us is now a rapist! Damn :/
People don't just watch something and then get infected with the cooties of the author/director/actor's bigoted belief and suddenly become bigoted or bad people. It's literally impossible to consume only media that's 100% ideologically pure because bigots are everywhere. And what you watch/read isn't fucking activism. It does nothing for trans people whether or not someone has watched/read HP in the past (i guess we're all terfs now bc most of us have seen/read some of it damn :/) literally that doesn't matter. What matters is going out and doing real activism, but it's insane to call someone a nazi terf for reading a book/manga which was hugely popular and almost everyone ever knows of it like come on.
The way you wrote this whole essay instead of reading the multiple times trans people have literally quoted JKR in saying that supporting HP is a support in her beliefs. Also I never said having read HP makes you a terf. Ever. I've read HP and generally enjoyed it till JKR started talking on twitter and I realized the IP wasn't worth her being a dumbass.
Also you don't need to be Japanese to subscribe to Japanese nationalist ideology??? Because the base of said ideology is that nation states should be closed to maintain a cultural and ethnic hegemony at all costs?? Thus the literal ethnic cleansing at the end of the fucking story.
Like I understand you enjoy bad media and are still obsessed with mediocre shit that came out years ago, but you can't be this heated in my inbox if you don't have even a lick of political understanding and how media is used to spread ideas.
I've said this before and I guess I have to say this again because you're both spineless and stupid: the impossibility of "ideologically pure" media doesn't mean you shouldn't be discerning in what media you interact with and promote (and yes fanmade content is free promotion; y'all are clowns). JKR gained her fame and influence off of HP and it's continued relevance allows her to maintain that fame. She has used that fame to rollback the rights of trans people in the UK and has attempted the same in the US.
AoT has people spouting fascist/nationalist/antisemitic/anti-Korean ideology with no critical thought and that is by design. It's propaganda.
Just because you don't want to do the hard work of analyzing the media you consume doesn't mean I shouldn't and that I'm not gonna criticize other people like you.
Hope you have an awful day.
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spiltscribbles · 3 years
Prompt: remus and lily as siblings or half siblings or biological family in any capacity pls 🥺
Oh God!!! Baby!!!🥺🥺😭 This is such a favorite AU of mine!! I’m literally— sorta— writing a To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before AU right now and they are the bestest siblings in that!!!  They share a little sister and they are just so cute!! And Petunia is conveniently off in university oaiwefjoiaswejfiogreghoij And I just love Remus and Lily both so much it hurts!!! And so I wanna spit out a bullet point Ficlet at you! And I’m not even sorry just because I love you so endlessly for tossing this into my inbox foiwaeifmkaeoirfgjieoarujoidkioweajgh 
So like in my head, becs that Voldy bitch doesn’t know how to actually world build, the Muggle born children who get their Hogwarts letters, are also invited to join this like support group for ordinary folks with magical children. It’s like a thing that’s held in the Ministry of magic over in London once a month, and the parents are taught about the Wizarding world while their children kind of go to this separate room to intermingle and read Hogwarts; A History with one another, and just vibe, because pure bloods and those close to that have always sorta known one another and such, so this is a nice way for the Muggle borns not to feel so excluded.
So the thing is, obviously Lyall was a wizard, but also we all know I don’t fuck with him lmfao. So I picture that after he leaves for the final time when Remus is around nine, and finalizes the  divorce with Hope, she— being the bad bitch that she is, just marches to the ministry with her half-blood, werewolf son, and demands to learn everything about the world he’s part of, because she refuses to let him be deprived of anything. 
Eventually she becomes one of the tutors for the adult section because she’s such a quick study— being a professor herself back in Cardiff and just being an all around bombshell tbh. So one day, in February of 1970, there’s this ginger haired, northerner who stumbles in with his daughter who looks so much like him that it’s crazy— dimples and smile and upturned nose. Though she has her mother’s eyes, who had past away when she was only seven from a freak car accident.
And when he first shake’s Hope’s hand, he’s like kind of mind boggled over how beautiful she is, and thinks that maybe all wizards just put on some sort of charm to look unearthly, till he finds out that she’s as Muggle as he is towards the end of his visit. And he is just entirely love struck tbh.
And for the next couple months or so, he kind of just yearns from afar, and then spends the ride home to Cokeworth listening to Lily’s excited chortling about her friend Remus who’s apparently a half blood and who likes the same treats as her and knows how to draw things so amazingly, and it isn’t until like May, when he ambles to the other room and realizes that Remus is actually Hope’s fucking son, and he already knows that she said she began this group after separating from her husband who was a wizard himself. So Lily’s father— Nate— quite literally just shoots his shot and asks if Lily would like to get ice cream with her new friend since Petunia won’t be coming back from there Grams’s house till late, and Hope sorta smirks from over the kids’ heads because she sees exactly what he’s doing and is impressed that he’s finally done something for fuck’s sake.
And like obviously they fall hard for one another, and they probs get married like Lily’s second year at Hogwarts.
Wait, just Lily’s you ask??
Yes my beautiful duckling,  because plot twist!! (We lovee plot twists!!!)
In this AU i picture that McGonagall kind of visits during the summer months leading up to the children’s first year at Hogwarts, just to give them some supplementary readings and answer the questions for their future schooling, and when Dumbledore tells her about Remus’s full situation with his lycanthropy and all, she does some research, and figures out how Beauxbatons is much, MUCH more accommodating to “dark” creatures, and she’s already pretty chummy with Hope and knows that she’s actually a French citizen herself, the daughter of Algerian immigrants. So Remus technically has the possibility to attend Hogwarts or Beauxbatons, and so Hope and Remus talk on it long and hard, and she knows he’s already become fast friends with Lily and their thick as thieves with one another, but it’s also just so much safer for him.
So the week before Lily is set to go off to King’s Cross, they fly over to France and they get Remus settled in his dorm abroad.
I think while they’re away, Lily and Remus actually somehow become closer, because their parents are still dutifully dating and neither of them are all that familiar with their surroundings, so they send one another so many fucking letters through that first term, that the owls of their schools always give them the dirtiest looks lmfao. And they really catch on like a house on fire, like it’s one of those relationships that is just innate? Like you know when you have a best friend you guys kind of just slip into one another lives? Like even when you don’t talk for a while or whatever, it’s just natural<3 <3 
So neither of them ever spend the hols of winter or spring in Hogwarts/Beauxbatons, becs that’s when they really get to vibe.
They tell one another the different cool charms they’ve learned, and hate that they can’t show them with their actual wands yet. And they watch all their favorite films and almost adopt this secret language that’s only the quirk of their brows and twitch of the lips, and Petunia hates how freakily attuned they are with one another and sneers at them for being such freaks in all aspects. Also in this AU Lily fucks off from Snape wayyyy sooner, because instead of having to deal with that nasty, bigoted, slime ball she has the cutest and funniest and most amazing bestie in Remus!
And before Hope and Nate exchange vows in the winter of their second year, the little family of five go to this tiny park that’s all lush grassland and a shiny jungle gym and a pair of swings tucked away by trees, and they sit at this picnic table, and Hope— with her steady, ever buoyant voice, explains to them why she and Remus decided to send him to Beauxbatons instead of Hogwarts, and Petunia is like gawking in fright, and Nate looks sort of distressed, but Lily just cocks her head and shrugs her shoulders, because it’s still Remus— her closest companion Rem— and nothing could change that. So she takes his hand from where it’s fiddling with a splintered piece of wood on the tabletop and she squeezes it tightly, watches him glance up at her with the late summer wind billowing in his tawny curls and the fear in his honey eyes, and she simply tells him that it doesn’t matter. And Lily will never forget the way his features spasm at that, going suddenly loose and bright and thankful, and then Nate probably tousles his hair and kisses Hope’s temple and shyly asks how they should accommodate once they move in with one another.
And that park becomes sorta special tbh.
It’s in that alcove with the swings and trees where Lily and Remus go when things are becoming too much, or they would just like to escape the world by one another’s side.
It’s where they tried their first cigarettes that Remus had gotten from an older bloke in Beauxbaton’s when they were thirteen and feeling adventurous. And where they go to listen to the releases of their favorite albums, and when Remus told Lily that he’s gay for the first time before leaving to both their fourth years and it’s like one of those spots they both think of and feel golden.
Oh God! Imagine how cute of a celebration that Nate and Hope hold for them both becoming prefects!!! Hope and Nate definitely insist on some sort of summer todo! And they invite their friends and all that jazz and OMFG what if Lily’s wearing some sorta powder blue sundress that matches Remus’s oxford shirt and they both are grimacing in all the photos and are just not thriving foieajfoierjgiearfoijsdkgxh But like they would be doted on rotten that whole day! This is so cute! OMFG! And this probs means James became Prefect as well and so Remus gets to tease her when he sends her some sort of congratulations letter and she’s totally blushing and trying to hide her grin, and Lily retaliates by kicking his ankle tbh bahaha 
Okay also now I’m thinking of like Lily’s like fifth year, and her Muggle studies class is doing some sort of seminar to see if these idiots can actually survive in a totally Muggle area without a lick of magic, so like it’s spring hols, and guess who she’s partnered up with??? 
Cookies for you because we all know she had to work with James and Sirius lmfao!!! 
And she’s totally still trying to hide her crush on James— who’s nearly always leering and winking her way— and she might actually punch Sirius’s face simply because he’s such a smug bastard, and being from a working class family like herself, she’s like always ready to fight preppy rich boys tbh
So James and Sirius decide to plan out the simulation in her house that’s right outside Cardiff and Remus is cackling the entire morning before they’re set to arrive because she’s so pissy about it lmfao
Okay so like obviously the boys end up taking the port key and land in front of her place and it’s Remus who answers the door, still painted with humor because Lily was just screaming about “if Potter brings that insufferable snitch here I’ll bloody shove it up his arse” and James is immediately on the defense because Lily’s only ever talked about her sister and brother who live with her at home, and this dude is golden where she’s pale and has curls over her straight hair and just, obviously they’re not related by blood at all. And for his part, Sirius is like *Oh! Oh! Oh! Pretty!!! Pretty boy!! Muggle boy? Pretty Muggle boy!* 
But Remus obviously knows who they are straight away, so he like waves them inside before rounding to the stairs and calling for her to stop clogging the toilet or something else mortifyingly embarrassing, and Lily promises to put like pickles in the next set of face masks that they do because she knows how fucking allergic he is to them, and she wants her chuckles damn it!!  
“Potter— Black,” is how she greets them with a derisive sort of glower that Remus can completely see through, so he has to excuse himself while laughing over to the kitchen. “You’ve met my delightful brother I see.”
And James’s entire posture relaxes and he’s back to grinning like a dope, and the only weird part is that Sirius has got on the very same face, *Pretty Muggle boy is Evan’s brother* So like they are both scary levels of elated, rip.
But sucks to be Sirius because Remus leaves after that to meet up with a friend from town who’s also the best dealer tbh, and  so he has to deal with James’s awful levels of flirting with Lily while they scrounge up their itinerary to send their professor for the seminar type thing, and he doesn’t even have a pretty distraction XS
But Lily does force Remus to come along with her on the trip to London because “On God, if I spend a day alone with those bellends by myself I will punch a wall” 
And it is literally the worst, but best double date/first date that’s full of Sirius and James fucking up with everything— including asking some poor Tesco employee where are their fudgeflies and giving a homeless man a hand full of galleons and James’s snitch somehow ending up in the meaty hands of some kid at the tube. But also tbh it’s hella cute when Lily lets James give her his jacket when they’re walking along the Thames and it’s getting chilly, and when Remus lets Sirius share his stick of cotton candy and they both sorta stare at the sugar on each of their lips.
But then they go to some tiny museum, and while they’re looking at a impressionist piece, Sirius is totally trying to show off to Remus and is explaining how he could turn the bench their sitting on into a really nice bouquet of Lupins, and in the middle of his stupid showboating, Remus lightly corrects him on some facet of Gamp’s law, and Sirius freezes— shocked still— and he’ sort of gaping like an idiot, before Lily stops his blustering with a scoff “He’s a damn wizard also you arse.”
And Sirius is floundering for the rest of the evening, and he has so many questions, but they all die on his lips every time he glances over at Remus and he’s just smirking at him with this electric glint in his golden eyes
So obviously when they’re back at Hogwarts he pesters Lily every second of every day about Remus, and why he’s not at Hogwarts. “None of your fucking business.” And asking where Remus goes instead. “Beauxbatons, thankfully far away from you.” and he asks her about a thousand other questions that Lily either scoffs at or simply cuffs him around the head for daring to even try getting his address.
And she pokes fun about the situation to Remus and tells him how much more of an idiot he’s acting like, and how hilarious it all is. And she’s shocked when he responds to her letter merely by saying, “Hah- he’s cute.”
And so obviously she shoots back a reply that’s a letter of all his worst traits, mainly that he’s an arrogant toerag, and that he’s a posh idiot who could probably live off his inheritance for three lifetimes without blinking, and about how he doesn’t date anyone for longer than a couple months, and how he’s practically brothers with James bloody Potter, and yet again, Remus just tells her, Hah- he’s cute, before mildly moving to talking about his latest charms paper and how he’s been asked to be their DADA’s professors TA next year, and how Andrew keeps trying to try again with him but Remus would rather poke his eyes out with a spork.
So Lily is totally fuming when she recognizes that she’s lost and begrudgingly gives Sirius Remus’s info, after telling him lowly and with her most menacing glower, “IF you fuck around with my brother I will murder you without a flinch.” And she’s quite literally five feet nothing to Sirius’s broad, six-foot frame, but he knows that she could do it with a snap of the finger, and he promises that it’s not just a gag on his end. And Lily actually believes him.
So Remus and Sirius begin writing to one another a sickening amount, like so steadfastly that it gives Lily a complex whenever she finds Sirius waiting at the Owlry every Wednesday morning for the bird that arrives with two letters tied to it’s leg, one for each of them.
And God, one time, right before they let out for summer hols, Lily accidentally takes the one marked for Sirius— and holy christ!!!, She did not need to know just what exactly her brother has been getting up to in the sex department of things— like she legit contemplated using a memory charm on herself JFC
And Sirius probably ends up on their doorstep again in late July, with James at toe, and somehow their is a small harmony painted between the four of them, and it’s by Christmas of sixth year when James and Sirius begin talking about how amazing it’ll be when they’re actually in-law brothers, and Lily blames Remus for everything when she’s pretending to be cross over it, but then James puts his arm around her shoulders, and she sees how gentle Sirius is when he twines his fingers into Remus’s own, and it feels good, feels right. 
It feels like something that can be forever.
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