#fuckers wtf
panboiiibish · 4 months
Thinking about monsters right now. More specifically shark mer and his little scuba diver human again. This is for all the lovelys that liked him so much!
The great white mer ignores the shocked sailors and keeps on with his exploration of your neoprene suit. The texture of your skin peeking from the fabric is what makes him most curiouse. It's so much more softer then his salt water damaged scales and scar littered skin.
With your heart is hammering at your ribs like a jackhammer you cant help exploring him a bit too. His short choppy black hair as the first thing to stick out to you. Its messily cut though long enough so your shaky fingers can lace into it and give a soft tug. A ting attempt to pull him away that enticed a soft rumble from the mer. His just as dark and eyes gleamed up at you as they narrowed at your gesture.
He loved the fear but now that you squirmed and even tugged at him he couldn't help but love the little fight too. Really made his gills flare as he took in a deep breath of your sweet scent mixed in with the saltiness of the sea.
With your squirming go on he knew you had no wiggle room to escape his hands went back to squeezing and pinching at your oddly covered body. Till his claw finding the little metal bit right at the nape of your neck again. Hooking his claw into it he gave a soft tug and almost preened as the material around your neck loosened and your pretty little hands raced to grab at his working wrist. A slight panic in your eyes begged him not too.
And that led to him tugging it further down with his body shifting slightly closer to get a better look at your panicked expression. It was like a little game seeing how you squirmed under him while moving to press your hands against his shoulders in another weak attempt to push him away.
He truly liked it, feeling you skin so warm under his claws while getting to see more of your bare body that was hidden under the thick suit of rubber. It made him just more curiouse while you where just happy that you wore a bikini under the diving gear. Having the boat workers still peeked at the two of you making sure there wasn't and blood coming from the hanging cage made your skin warm just a bit more knowing they could see as your back slowly became more visible from the bars barely concealing the two of you.
The shark mer didn't seem to care, he could easily slip right back out of the cage with you in tow if wanted. But seeing your shiny wet skin shine in the sunlight while having your form perfectly pinned was nice enough that he didn't want to move from the oddly comfortable position.
Having your soft pretty skin under his rough hands made him almost pur in excitement as his claws glided over your curves. Softly poking at the soft of your belly and swell of your thighs before wrapping his large hands around your legs for a closer inspection. That was what had most of his attention. Your soft legs and the warmth seeping from your skin was such a strong contrast from his sandpaper tail and chilled skin.
in your little wiggling attempts you ended up with a knee to his already quite bent nose. So in little retaliation his form shifted forcing your back onto the cage floor and legs up around his shoulders. It was better this way, having those pesky legs immobile while keeping you pinned so he could keep on exploring. This also gave you a better view of not just his broad shoulders and rugged face.
You could now see his scars truly did litter his skin, light pink splashes and bites marred the grey and pale skin that consisted of his human and shark halfs. But so did a few items poked from said scars. On the lower parts on the back of his tail showed a few fishhookes and even a torn net. And he wasn't as muscled as you thought he would be. Well he definitely had muscles just they where covered in what felt like a thick lair of fat giving him the build of almost like a rugby player.
Broad shoulders with thick tree like arms that kept one of your thighs pinned to his soft chest. While the other hand went to toying with your blunt nails and almost webless fingers. He seemed so interested in the differences of your bodies but also in how warm yours was.
By now it felt intentional when he made your skin warm in embarrassment. Doing things like fully removing your dive gear and brushing his claws against sensitive areas. Your jolts and whimpers mate his tail slightly sway over the air as the boat slowly moved from its original spot.
The sailors had whispered out to you that they would get back to land and see if any officials would be able to help with your... predicament. Though for now they wouldn't even dare try shooing him off in fear of those sharp rows of teeth that he flashes when one of the other humans gets just a bit too close.
This is Pan! And here is another mer thinking about XD I was not planning to make another untill I got more of his character thought up but with how my og post blew up and even got Comments! ⊙○⊙ I just had to do another >///< anyways give me some name ideas if yah want! I'm so bad at naming i^i Have a nice night and comment if yah have ideas! :3
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catofoldstones · 7 months
we already have people bitching about how “i can’t stand Chani, she’s so annoying 🙄” and “Paul chose Chani to be the mother of his children, Irulan is just at the sidelines eating dust as she should”, like brothers we cannot do this again. We can’t Chani v Irulan our way out of this one because the problem is Paul and the Empire. Gosh, we truly are never getting out of the patriarchy.
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purplepuggy · 1 month
so let me get this right. Troye was dating Connor while getting shipped with Tyler. Tronner also discovered Chappell Roan. Joey was (is??) crushing on Dan and being a mean girl to Phil because of it, while his boyfriend (also named Daniel) was jealous of Connor. Not even all of them were out as gay.
fast-forward ten years later and Joey still thinks he has a better chance with Dan than Phil, who recently bought and constructed a house together. Troye is a well known pop musician instead of youtuber, Joey and Daniel are exes but somehow STILL beefing with Connor, and Tyler streams on twitch.
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2014 tumblr dream but 2024 nightmare blunt rotation wtf 😭
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fangs-and-kings · 1 month
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here's the details for that guy y'all seem to like
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psipaka · 3 months
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Why is it now a running gag that V2 smokes in my drawings
Anyway here you go dear anon
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astarionancuntnin · 3 months
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after 200 years of repressing himself, he gets to be as extra as he wants
astarion + text posts (part 30)
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 104
 Danny finds himself reincarnating, giving it a try so to say. A new start of sorts, though he knows that Tucker will also be somewhere in the world and Sam will be keeping an eye whenever she’s not working on her uh, internship with Overgrowth. 
 He somehow, despite being in a world of heroes and villains, ends up reincarnating into some sort of assassin cult. Apparently he is keeping the Fenton luck despite a new life. Along with his white hair from his ghost form. Which is understandable with how there’s an ecto-pool in the room over. 
 He’s pretty sure his father is a fruitloop too, maybe. Well, technically he was a fruitloop for a human, but again. Ecto-pool that he was apparently taking dips in. At least this time he has some baby sisters- even if the toddler one keeps trying to stab him. 
 Honestly, feels like home. 
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littlefankingdom · 5 months
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Me to myself: Don't send murder threats to DC comics writers, don't send murder threats to DC comics writers, don't send murder threats to DC comics writers...
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hayaku14 · 5 months
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oscar-isaac · 6 months
the nickelodeon documentary has me so fucked up right now 💀
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the-starry-seas · 7 months
thinking about one of the clones meeting Boba and he introduces himself and the clone's like "of course I know who you are, you're the one who was loved"
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panboiiibish · 4 months
Thinking about monsters right now. More specifically shark mer and his little scuba diver human. Again as they are just too cute not to write about.
It's been hours into your slow ride back to the land and hes shifted you two back into a comfortable position. At least for him. As your sat knelt down with your thighs pinned by his heavy head using you as a pillow while his barrel like arms wrap around your lower half.
The crew not wanting to jostle the hanging cage too much desided that maybe being dipped back into the water would hopefully shoo off the shark mer. So they lowered the two of you back into the cool sea just enough so your lap and half of his face was submerged. It seemed to make him pleased as a content sigh left his parted lips but other then that he made no sign of leaving.
You where now stuck with the world's most dangerous weighted blanket slowly being tugged through the sea. It wouldn't have been so bad if he didn't seem to enjoy scaring the life out of you. With little too firm grips to your soft sides. Testing the thin skin with his much too sharp claws or nuzzling his face into your plush belly. While his parted lips allowed those perky white razor sharp teeth to skim over your flesh just barely mising nicking your flesh.
The teasing always enticed a sharp whimper or jolt out of you and in turn he made almost happy sounding thrills and purrs. How could he not!? Having such a silly little thing in his arms making the most silly of chirps made his tail wigge.
It was only when a pretty daring sailor desided "fuck it" and napped one of their long handled nets. He took off the net part and used the handle to start poking at the cage making the metal against metal clang loudly.
"Shoo! Get yah wild thing!" He starts yelling. The other sailors started getting onto him for getting so loud. They where trying to keep the diver alive not get her caught up in a wild mers rampage. Though they didnt do much to stop him other then yelling and watching. In all honesty they all where scared shitless, it was one thing being near sharks but shark mers and a great white one at that ment trouble. And they where not payed enough to deal with that.
This was when your fear spiked past what the mer had started. The loud noises and jostling of the cage made your breath shutter and body tremble. This also seemed to rise an reaction out of the mer, seeing his cute little human becoming so stressed from something he didn't do made the hairs on his neck raise and his head lifted from your lap.
his head lifted up over your hunched form, your hands clenched to your chest as an attempt to keep them from shaking too much. But when the shooting and clanging abruptly stopped curiosity pulled you to peek up at the mers face. His face almost made your heart stop. Eyes narrowed into a deep glare and his lips pulled back in the largest snarl you've ever seen on a human like face.
It just reminded you how much he wasn't human along with his sharp teeth showing, the many rows just peeking out as he started up a low rumbling growl at the cocky sailor. Just daring him fo attempt that again and find out what he can truly do.
The sailor backed off, with a wounded pride and loud hazing from the others. Somehow seeing the mer calm back down and lean back to hovering his race right at eye height of yours with those softened eyes seemed to calm back down your gasping breaths and tremoring hands. He let you relax back into a calm cold sweat before nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. The heat of his breath finally calmed you into hesitantly wrapping your arms around his torso.
A sweet little calm after that sudden storm made the perfect distraction before a sudden yelp escaped your lips. It came from a sharp pain enveloping your shoulder before the mer pulled back with a shit eating grin that showed his now blood tipped teeth.
Maybe it was the fear or enticing scent coming from your small frame. Whatever it was he just needed a taste, just to know if he would have to worry about getting sudden hungers for his sweet little human. Thankfully your blood didn't taste any better then others. But that adorable little sound that came from you really made his gills flare before leaning back down to rest his head on your lap.
You couldn't even check the wound as he immediately went to fiddling with your fingers. Bending them and rubbing his pads against the blunt of your nails making it impossible to pull them away and touch at the dull stinging coming from your shoulder.
At least it didn't hurt too bad, maybe only stinging so much from the dried sea salt stuck to your skin. But it did remind you that you where dealing with a wild animal here. No matter how intelligent he showed to be. He was still a creature of ths sea and not to be played with as if some kind of house pet.
Its Pan! I'm so happy that this little idea exploded so much. XD Really makes me happy seeing my ideas being liked and my ideas being explored a bit. Though Iv never really been good at long fics without ideas and prompts from others. Xp If yall have any questions about Shark boi and his little diver go ahead and ask! I'm open for any questions and am happy to answer >w< Anyways have a nice night!
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ssaraexposs · 4 months
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rakkikuroba · 5 months
If Minthara and the Durge have a kid, that kid’s having the biggest family tree lol
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prazardous · 3 months
can someone explain to me "an important part of lesbianism is being read as a woman" ? i need to quit threads fr but i was just reading someone posting that cis men cant say they feel like a "lesbian trapped in a male body" because a huge part of lesbianism is people looking at you and seeing a woman. the major pushback point in the comments was "those cis men are trans gay women not ready to come out yet" or sometimes "i say this and i'm thinking about trying out being nb"
and op's response was basically, you have to try visible changes to your appearance and socially transition to see what it "feels like" to be perceived as a woman before you're allowed to call yourself a lesbian
i'm a transmasc lesbian. i've never been a cis man, but that's what people look at me and think. i was 100% perceived as a woman for years, so i guess i'm "allowed" to call myself a lesbian. it felt like the wrong word for years, weirdly before i realised i was trans
but i believe LESBIAN IS A MINDSET
i think it's incredibly harmful to tell trans women, nb people, closeted folks, and yes even cis men who just think they're "quirky" they can't call themselves lesbians if they haven't had a safe chance or a desire at all to present femme. presenting femme is literally the TINIEST part of being a lesbian. you don't get to choose someone else's truth. you don't get to say what does or doesn't make sense for someone else's identity. can someone tell me am i going insane?
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nico-is-a-corn-plant · 4 months
You know, I thought I was prepared for neverafter
I was not.
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