#fuck yall honestly
asterias-corner · 6 months
Can yall PLEASE tell me how to block tags because i am going to rot in my bed because of seeing brain dead posts <- nvm a kind soul helped me :3
this ends up on y’alls tag, that’s mb, tumblr kinda likes to do that 💀
I’m going to rant below, so you pro endos and endo systems can leave before you angrily type in the replies with steam coming out your ears
bro… you all sound fucking stupid as hell i have no remorse for you at all 💀 “endos deserve a place in the plural community to!” Why? Do they get a gold star and a lollipop cus they have ‘people’ in their head? That formed NOT through trauma? Bffr it’s a TRAUMAGENIC DISORDER! NOT PLAYTIME WITH VOICES IN YOUR HEAD! I have suffered through SO much fucking trauma, just for endos to try and exist. Dude, you ARE NOT VALID! Your label goes against literally the entire basic criteria for being a system… i do NOT want to hear from your dumb ass.
if you support endo systems, or are one, STAY 50,000 yards AWAY FROM ME.
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sassmill · 6 months
Apartment/condo/trailer hunting is making me ill
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ricky-mortis · 3 months
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Curtwen Week Day 4: Haunted
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hanlight · 2 years
Real funny to see people say the problem isn’t Carlos, it’s Ferrari… all while reblogging posts that are blatantly shading Carlos 👍🙃
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windingpathways · 1 year
fuck okay so I can't believe I'm making this post, but here we are.
despite birth control and my best efforts, i'm pregnant.
i can't handle this right now for a lot of reasons-- i'm going through a divorce, i'm deeply in debt due to the marriage i'm trying to end, barely staying afloat as it is working multiple jobs. i'm multiply disabled and so far have been EXTREMELY sick every day to the point of being unable to function. i don't have the time, money, physical and mental health, or resources to deal with a pregnancy, let alone a baby.
on top of all that, i have an infection they can't treat while i am pregnant, so they're trying to get this terminated as quickly as possible. i have an appointment set for Tuesday, 3/28/23 at 2pm.
my insurance does not cover abortions except in proven cases of rape or incest. all this to say, I need to somehow scrape together $600 by Tuesday for the abortion itself, plus cost of transportation. it's also been difficult to eat lately and i've been living off yogurt and the few other specific things i can keep down, so help restocking the fridge would be amazing.
i am of course gratefully accepting donations but am also just getting started as a content creator and i'm happy to do custom pics/vids etc as well.
c*shtag/v*nmo are both $wanderingivy
contact me privately for more info
please boost if you can
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bunny-extract · 1 year
need that feral jealous konig so bad 😩
me too! Read this as an exploration of his severely malformed attachment issues…or as him being a horny freak both are valid.
So. König has a huge cuckhold fantasy where he's fucking you in front of your partner. Imagines that partner as Ghost because of course they do not get along, and of course you two do. Drives him absolutely mad, and he is not above taking that jealousy out on you.
His roughness would be sudden and unannounced, but not unwelcome. He'd take his time at your mouth, holds you firm by the hair because he knows how much you like when he gets mean. Works you up with his tongue licking against yours, his fingers pawing heavy at your chest while he thinks about Ghost watching. Could nearly feel the heat of his glare just then. Pissed, and as he should be.
Nobody should treat you so carelessly. Only König. Only to prove a point.
He'd undress you hastily. Hike your shirt up and pull your pants barely down your thighs before he's on you. Would use them to trap your legs together and bend you in half, your ass in the air.
The manhandling gets you hot, whining and reactive beneath him. You'd eat up the attention, and it's enough to make his cock twitch. If he really were taking you in front of your precious fucking lieutenant, König can imagine you'd be even wetter. Would surely ask to hang your pretty little head over the edge of the bed to get fucked. Christ, not that he'd let you. He's going to have Ghost watch, nothing else. König would sooner spill blood than share you like that.
Knees to your chest, he would make you spread yourself for him while he lines himself up. It's humiliating, makes König feel like he's fucking ravaging you when he finally sinks the tip in.
He almost rethinks not prepping you, but you beg him to keep going and he can't. Can't fucking listen to you when you say please. Smothers your mouth with his hand and sinks lower with the new angle.
It'd be slow, but he'd make a good show of pushing his cock into you, inch by inch by fucking inch. You'd feel it good the next morning, and maybe someone will notice the way you limp. How you wince over every bump in the road, when you bend low enough to feel the ache inside of you.
While he's fucking into you his muttering are desperate, promises of "I can make you feel this way whenever you want, you just have to ask." Imagines Ghost would have his throat for that, but his balls are fucking heavy and he's enjoying the way they pat against your ass. Uses the bounce of your body to fuck you silly on his cock.
“Feels so much better when I do it, hm? Like it better this way, don't you?" And you'd go along with it, eyes screwed tight in search of your orgasm. He'd fuck it out of you, hold you down with a hand over your neck, his thumb resting where your pulse is strongest.
He'd draw it out as long as he could, but his orgasm would hit him sudden and unstoppable. You'd still be riding aftershocks, spasming against him when he comes. Spills inside of you, and it's the best orgasm König thinks he's ever had. Watches your eyes go big and wide before they flutter, roll sinfully back behind your lashes.
"Heilige scheiße." And there's ropes of it dripping from his cock, tethering him to you. Drenching the dark hair along his inner thighs, slipping down your ass... Quite a mess, he thinks with a watering mouth.
Ghost would clean it up for you. For the both of you. In his fantasy, at least.
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so five and lila being a thing is going right next to allison literally sexually assaulting luther in the box of things we are absolutely under no circumstances accepting as part of canon right
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ovaryacted · 1 month
I know that a lot of people’s favorite part of the Deadpool & Wolverine movie was the Honda Odyssey scene which I agree with cause yeah, angry gay sex.
But I want to talk about that one specific part where the gang are driving to Cassandra Nova’s place in the void, and T.I.’s “Bring Em Out” is playing in the background. That one part where Logan comes out of the trunk from the van and he’s like swaying cause his dick is just so fucking big and he’s so cocky walking up to the group? Yeah that part? That was so sexy to me like…I’m sorry it keeps playing in my head rent free. I know somebody on this app has a gif of it but I can’t find it right now. I need that motherfucker so bad I’m going to scream like a godamn banshee.
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aslightaddity · 6 months
“Oh hahahahaha Johnny and Alex wanted to create an avatar that wasn’t twink able, like that will stop us!” How bout you shut up.
Like genuinely shut up and stop.
There are like two characters that are consistently not twink-ified and that’s Martin and Peter. Let the avatars be fat or conventually unattractive or whatever. Stop making them into twinks for the love of fuck.
If you can’t draw anything but skinny dudes, learn. Stop making everything into a fucking twink. Bring some body diversity into your goddamn horror podcast, this also goes for the women not all of them have to be on the lean or skinny side. This is actually getting infuriating. You can make things sexy or attractive and not have them be just fucking twinks.
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milezperprower · 8 months
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dark angel.
(heavily inspired by roberto ferri's "fallen angel")
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crazysnor1ax · 2 days
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Thank you, Grand Festival.
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thestrangestthlng · 27 days
I just read the most asinine thing I think I've read this week... and I've been on Buddie twitter.
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"masc4masc men are literally always so evil and more often than not, intensely homophobic."
Intensely homophobic you say? Kinda like that comment.
Stating that we don't need more masc4masc representation in the media is a fucking take. Literally stupid as hell. We have VERY little masc4masc representation in the media... especially when it comes to bisexual men.
I don't know who needs to hear this but: "femme" and "twink" are not synonymous with "bottom".
Also, for someone y'all claim to hate so much, you certainly do spend an awful lot of time thinking about him. That's fan behavior.
I will say, however, that you are right. Eddie is not masc4masc, because he's fucking straight. Hope that helps. 🥰
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dj-wayback · 2 months
i think i smell another miscommunication arc on the horizon
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vofart · 6 months
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Haa sleep is for sacrificing anyways read @sensitiveheartless precious heart wrenching fic also I got time laasp it Kanda flashes white at the end not sude why
Any ways this is my fairy messy prosces
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eriochromatic · 1 year
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Maybe the poison drips through
Succession 4x10 “With Open Eyes”
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fagcrisis · 1 year
please support the hungarian student protests
Hello! you know i'm not the kind of person to be making these posts, but the situation here is kind of dire right now
as you may know, for the past year hungarian students and teachers have been protesting against the horrific state of our education system. we have been demanding better wages and work conditions for our teachers, and more funding diverted towards education
the government currently does not have a dedicated education ministry
our far right government's response has been a law known as the status law, or the revenge law. this law includes the following
taking away the professional freedom of the board of education, handing descisions over to the school district (a government subsidiary)
further widens the salary range, making the wages of teachers completely tied to the will of their employer. many teachers in the country are currently making barely above minimum wage
reduction of vacation days
increasing the number of daily working hours from 8 to 12
forbidding teachers from being critical of the education system. this includes participating in protests, but also simply voicing criticism of the system online
punishing students if their teachers are on strike
the termination notice period was changed from 2 months to six months, meaning that a teacher has to work in the school they quit for 6 months after quitting
extending the school year to 180 days
the status law makes it harder for unions to do their jobs. the teachers, at first, tried to protest through peaceful methods and strikes, but their requests were not listened to. Moreover, the oppressive hungarian strike laws make it impossible to do this effectively. around the carmelite monastery, from which the high and mighty overlords control the country, a cordon was raised to keep the press out, which was found to be unlawful by the metropolitan court of budapest in april. despite this, they have not removed the cordon.
on may 7, the students who were protesting for a better education system tried to lawfully dismantle the cordon, which resulted in the police using tear gas against children and beating them with batons. Use of tear gas was not justified, the police ignored regulations and acted against the law.
several people have been arrested at these protests with such charges as wearing a mask (illegal under hungarian protest law) and attacking police officers. several people at the last protest have been detained and kept from speaking to their parents. the majority of the protestors are minors, and those are not are teachers overwhelmingly over the age of 40.
we are going to protest again on may 19th (this friday), and we would really appreciate if you spread awareness about our efforts. people will likely be hurt, and arrested on made up charges to scare us away from fighting for our teachers, but we won't give up
on twitter you can show your support for the protests under the hashtags #freehungary and #fuckorban
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