#fuck toxic pea
sortanonymous · 5 months
[TW: Transphobia and mention of suicide and self-immolation (and I guess an unusual amount of swearing by my standards]
Okay, so remember that Toxic Pea prick I ranted about in one of my first posts?
Well yeah, he is not letting up with being a bigoted zealot blight on this fandom. And this time I was smart enough to include more than one picture.
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Yeah, fuck this guy with a rusty fork. I know I'm not the type of guy to typically talk about "drama" like this, but there is nothing in this community that infuriates me like seeing this entitled, preachy asshole continue to act like a wholesome little Christain Kirby creator despite actually being a racist, queerphobic, thin-skinned piece of shit with no respect for anyone "different" (can't forget him blaming atheism over gun rights for mass shootings) and acting like all of the people in this community rightfully ditching him are "UnTrUtHfUl AnD cAnCeLlInG a GoOd ChRiStAiN" Oh, shut it you pathetic loser! In a community as welcoming and accepting as the Kirby fanbase, it perplexes me how an asshat like this could still have a presence in this community and still have loyal fans despite having been so busy bitching about his failure to understand that it isn't the 16th century anymore, that he hasn't bothered to upload any of his mediocre videos in like nine months. (Although hey, good thing that this guy in particular found out soon enough.) I'm not sure how he could stand a place like Tumblr where it seems like at least half of the people are some degree of "not straight" (obviously not saying there's anything wrong with that, I'm just pointing that out), but if he finds this rant and starts whining again about "getting canned", then fine! I blocked his ass on YouTube months ago anyway! (Assuming that actually does anything.) He can kiss my ass, because it seems he'd probably prefer that over watching a trans person get any respect whatsoever. And if I need to get on his level of righteousness, then I guess I will and say that Jesus would be embarrassed by him (and for that matter all the other bigoted blights on humanity hating "other" people in his name).
Edit: Oh wait, I almost forgot! He also retweeted an article shunning Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation protesting the genocide in Gaza, complete with that random belief that "suicide = SIN". So yeah, piss off again, you toxic asshat!
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conehead-carnival · 8 months
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i thought this was funny so i drew it
(citron w pedipalps yoinked from @/1k2k3k4k3k7k7ake-partytime)
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cacy11 · 1 year
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shitting myself
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Tangerine x fem!reader
Summary: Tangerine has always chosen her over you, until he doesn't anymore.
Genre: angst and fluff
Warnings: Lemon, Tangerine, and reader are in their early twenties, toxic relationship, swearing, violence, men (the gross kind), body/weight insecurities, cheating, intoxication
~ based on a conversation i had with my wife @little-miss-dilf-lover and lightly inspired by Dial Drunk by Noah Kahn ~
It was midnight when you heard the sharp knocks on your apartment door. You knew your roommate was already asleep so you quickly pad out of your bedroom and through the living room, rubbing your sleepy eyes as you open the door a sliver and peer out into the corridor. You see Lemon first, a sympathetic look painted across his features as he holds up an extremely drunk Tangerine.
Tangerine's face is covered in bruises, the skin around his eye is slowly turning purple and you see the blood on his knuckles as he flexes his hands. Your eyes widen and you hurry out into the hall, your bare feet against the harsh carpet as you quietly shut the door behind you. "What happened?" you whisper, worried for him. Tangerine just grunts, his eyes glossy. 
He's been crying. 
Lemon groans and holds his brother higher, looking at you knowingly. As if he knows the news will somehow break your heart. You stare at him, as if to say 'cut the bullshit' because you want to see if it has something to do with Macey—which it probably does.
Tangerine and Macey have been dating on and off for years. Since high school she's had him wrapped around her pinky, his head a lust-filled mess that very quickly turned into full-blown puppy-love. She'd always be the one to dump him and he'd always come back because he loved her so much. It was an endless cycle that lasted until now, your junior year of university. 
You hate her. You have never hated anyone as much as you hate Macey Addams. 
You hate her silky ginger hair, the way her dark eyes contrast Tangerine's blue ones so well, and that fake smile she reserves for you when you see her. You hate how she laughs, how she talks, and how she looks in those skin-tight dresses Tangerine loves so much.  
You hate her.
You hate how you're not her. 
"Ran into some 'friends' from high school at the bar," Lemon says, emphasizing the word friends with a grunt, "Said some things this dick didn't like so he had to start a fucking bar fight, like some fucking criminal. All because of some bird who doesn't want nothin' to do with you anymore, mate," Lemon scolds Tangerine, who slouches against the wall and slides down, holding his head in his arms. 
"Someone called the coppers and I had to bail him out."
Your eyes widen and you run a hand in your messy hair, kneeling in front of Tangerine as you look up at Lemon. "Really?"
Lemon nods and removes his hand from Tangerine's shoulder. He walks away further down the hall, shaking his head as he groans. Lemon's mumbling curses under his breath and so is Tangerine, only his sound sadder than his brother. 
"Hey," you whisper, "Tan?"
His arms attach themselves to your waist, holding you close as he sobs. You sigh, resting your hand on his head as you let him hold you. Sometimes you'd find yourself being bitter, because why does he love Macey so much when you've always been here for him? 
You'd gift him the moon if you could, but instead, you're stuck being just this—his best friend.
Not that you're complaining. 
"Y/n?" he asks a while later as you both sit on the floor of your room, having managed to sneak him quietly through the living room. You're nursing frozen peas to his knuckles as he leans his head against your bed. Knowing Tangerine was in good hands, Lemon had gone home. 
You hum, looking at him. 
"If I could choose who I was in love with," he begins, his intoxication still obvious only he's slowly sobering up. He blinks slowly, finding his words, "I'd choose you."
You look into his blue eyes you'd normally want to drown yourself in and your heart shatters. He means well, you know this. Plus, how is he supposed to know you're actually madly in love with him when you've never told him?
However, the words hurt like hell knowing his love for Macey is almost otherworldly. He speaks of it like a chemical reaction he has no control over and you're simply the choice. Something mundane and easier. 
You turn your head and quickly wipe a tear from your cheek so he doesn't see. You look at him again and strain a smile. 
"I'd choose you too, Tan."
* * *
Four months later, although sometimes you would find him lost in thoughts of her, she was mostly a distant memory and your feelings for Tangerine have been successfully repressed.  
The pub is extra crowded this evening and you slither your way through people to where your date is. His name is Adrien, which is a respectable name. He's handsome enough if not a little boring. You order your drinks and then the conversation turns sour. 
"I mean, females need to watch their crabs, y'know. You should really order a salad," Adrien pushes the menu across the table, his voice calm like he'd just called the sky blue. You frown, cheeks warm as you cross an arm over your stomach, feeling insecure in your dress. 
"Females?" you repeat in disbelief that a man like this exists.
He doesn't answer. The waiter comes with the wine and you gulp yours down in one go.
In hindsight you should have left the moment Adrien opened his mouth, but something inside you embarrassingly craved any form of affection up until he tried to kiss you outside the pub, and when you pushed him away for the second time, he called you an ugly bitch and stormed off. 
Your lip wobbles as you stare at the lamppost, your hand clutching your purse strap so hard it hurts. You sniffle and fumble with your phone, texting the one person you know won't hesitate to come pick you up. You really don't want to walk home.
Minutes later, his car screeches in front of the pub and he opens the door from the driver's side, looking at you with a concerned expression as you climb in, buckling yourself. "Thanks," you mutter. 
"S'no problem, poppet," Tangerine says, sending you a sideways look as he starts the car again, shifting the gear as he drives off. You sink into the expensive leather seats and look out the window. You sniffle again, still holding an arm over your stomach. 
You keep hearing Tangerine's ringtone. Someone's bombarding him with texts. You turn, catching a glimpse of the contact's name as she calls him up again. The screen flashes her name. Mae. Macey. Tangerine turns his phone over in the center console, turning off the sound as he focuses on the road.
You look at him, your frown momentarily distracting you from how watery your eyes have become from the evening events. "Don't you want to answer?" you whisper. You know Tangerine would usually jump at an opportunity for her attention. This time, his jaw clenches and he shakes his head. 
"Rude to answer the phone when you're with someone, innit?" he says, looking at you briefly. "Are ya okay, love?" he asks, his tone softer now. 
You're a little surprised he's putting you over Macey but you relish in it.
You shrug. "Hm, bad date," you say. 
Tangerine's nose scrunches and his hands tighten on the wheel. "Did something happen?"
"If you count him being a jerk who thought it was normal to comment on my food choice on the first date, then yeah." You roll your eyes and look out the window again, blinking rapidly not to cry. You cross your other arm across your stomach as you instinctively suck in.
Tangerine catches the movement and his frustration boils. "You look beautiful," he says and places his hand on your knee. "Don't," he whispers, waiting for you to relax your poor stomach. You do it with a sigh and you're silent the rest of the car ride.
Once you're back home, Tangerine agrees to stay the night to keep you company after such a horrible experience. It really isn't smart, considering your heart latches on to him immediately, and it is only sent plummeting when just before your eyes flutter shut to sleep, you hear Tangerine's muffled voice in your bathroom, her name on his tongue.   
Of course, he'd called her back. 
* * *
Six months later Lemon is throwing a housewarming party for him and his fiancée, Liv. You'd decide to bring your boyfriend of three months. Unbeknownst to you, Tangerine also had invited a plus one neither you nor Lemon approved of. 
"Y/n/n!" her shrill voice calls over the music as you turn, your champagne almost falling from your hand as you see her. Her fiery red hair is cut shorter but it's as pretty as ever as she drops Tangerine's arm and skips over, pulling you into a hug. "I've missed you." Macey's tone is sweet, almost as if you'd been best friends for years. 
You see Tangerine handing Lemon his and Macey's coat, whispering something to his brother who sends him a dirty look. Macey continues to hug you and then introduces herself to your boyfriend Charlie. You don't miss how Charlie's gaze flickers to her breasts in her navy skin-tight dress. Macey smiles sweetly at him.
You feel sick. 
You excuse yourself and find Tangerine in the kitchen as he looks for a drink. "Macey? Really? You're a fucking puppy wrapped around her finger," you spit, slightly drunk from the champagne and frustrated from the situation.
Tangerine rolls his eyes. "She's changed. We're good now."
"You sound so stupid," you accuse, walking over and shoving his shoulder in an attempt to knock some sense into him. He grunts and steadies you with his hands as he frowns. 
"You're sloshed, Y/n."
You shake your head and push his hand away, eyes lidded. "You fucking tell your girl to keep her dirty mitts away from my boyfriend then!" Tangerine's anger rises as he hates what you're implying just as much as you do. 
"She's not like that," he argues and you scoff, turning around to storm off into the living room again. 
"Not anymore," Tangerine calls but you ignore him. 
An hour or two later, after some rounds of charades and sneaking glances you wish you hadn't seen between Charlie and Macey, you're even drunker. Lemon is beginning to worry as Liv insists you have more water. You don't know what you hate more, that your current boyfriend keeps looking at another woman, or how said woman keeps playing with Tangerine's tie as she sits curled up in his lap. 
You think it's all in your drunken mind when you stumble into the backyard and see Charlie with his hand under Macey's dress, her leg wrapped around his hip as they kiss passionately. They're probably fueled by liquor and lust but it doesn't matter, the dam breaks and you turn around, stumbling inside, alerting them to your presence. You're crying as you slam your head into someone's hard chest. 
"Woah. Bloody hell," Tangerine frowns and looks at you. He's probably the only sober person here. He's been fully sober for more than half a year now.  His hand comes up to your cheek immediately as he pads at your tears. "Love, what happened?"
You don't answer him, only sobbing more as you push by him and rush into the upstairs bathroom. Charlie stumbles inside, buttoning up his shirt and he makes uncomfortable eye contact with Tangerine. He stops cold, clears his throat, and nods his head at him before he rushes up the stairs after you. 
Tangerine's stomach drops. He takes a calming breath and puts his hands in his pockets as he walks outside and sees Macey adjusting her dress and wiping the sides of her mouth, where her mauve lipstick had smudged.
She turns to him, her voice still as she says calmly, "I can explain, T." She doesn't sound remorseful in any way, a clear indication that he's been letting her walk all over him. 
He takes another breath and walks to her, his demeanor just as calm and Macey's expression falters. Usually, this would rile him up and she loved the adrenaline she received from calming him down and taming him. This? This was new.
"It's one thing to hurt me," Tangerine drawls, staring at her with a cold gaze. "It's another to hurt her."
Macey frowns. "Who? Y/n? Who cares—"
"I care," he interrupts and takes Macey's chin in his hand, not tightening enough to hurt her, just to scare her. "You went too far this time and I should have never given you another chance. This? Us? We should have ended years ago."
He releases her and Macey's eyes widen. "Tangerine,"
"Get out." He says sternly and turns around, adding in a harsh tone, "And lose my fuckin' number."
Tangerine hears Charlie banging on the bathroom door the moment he enters the house again and his fists clench. He strides upstairs and pulls on your boyfriend's shoulder, feeling him jump as he looks at Tangerine. "Ya think ya haven't done enough?"
Charlie opens his mouth to protest but hearing Tangerine, you open the door just a little and peek outside, looking up at him with tear-filled eyes and a mess of snot under your nose. Tangerine's gaze softens when you sniffle. 
"Tan," you whisper. 
Charlie puts his hand on the door and attempts to pry it open. "Y/n!" He sounds urgent but Tangerine shoves him away, sending him a glare as he lets himself into the small bathroom and locks the door behind him again. 
You're inconsolable now as you cry violently. As angry as you are with Tangerine for bringing her, you need him now. You grasp his shirt and rest your forehead on his chest, shaking. Tangerine is as mad at himself as you are, maybe even more so. He wraps his arms around you and inhales the scent of your shampoo as he kisses your head repeatedly. 
"Darlin'," he whispers, his voice hoarse, "I'm so sorry. I'm so fuckin' sorry."
He hears another annoying sharp knock from Charlie again and instantly bangs his heel against the door, startling you a little but he holds you tighter and barks. 
"Piss the fuck off, twat."
The knocking ends. 
* * *
An hour later, Tangerine has you sitting on Lemon and Liv's kitchen counter as they clean up from the party. He hands you some water as he rolls up his sleeves. One of his hands finds your thigh and he rubs it soothingly. You look up at him from behind your glass, unable to resist the question.  
"Is there something wrong with me?"
Tangerine's forehead pinches and pulls his hand away so he can cup your cheeks instead. He stands in between your legs, his eyes level with yours as they search your features. "Pardon? Say that again."
"What does she have that I don't? Is she prettier than me? Does she have a better body? I- I want to be wanted like her," you sniffle, your words slurred as you're still very intoxicated no matter how much water you've drank. Your cheeks are damp from your tears. "Why does she take every man I like? Why did she take you from me when I loved you damn so much?"
Tangerine's heart leaps at your words. "Loved me?" he repeats, his thumb caressing your cheek.
You nod and look into his eyes. "Love," you admit, "For years—and it never stops either and I tried. I tried, Tan."
You sound so sad.
His hand shakes on your cheek and for a moment you think he's leaning in to kiss you as your eyes flutter, but instead, he crushes you into a hug. You relax in his arms, shutting your eyes fully as you whimper and the sound hits him hard. 
He'd been such an idiot. 
"I would kiss ya," he whispers, sounding sincere, "I'd kiss ya if ya weren't so damn drunk."
You're speechless. 
Liv walks in, holding an armful of paper towels with Lemon on her heels. She smiles when Tangerine shifts away from you, clearing his throat, and you try to look busy, your head spinning from Tangerine's previous words. Lemon raises an eyebrow at his brother and Tangerine communicates with his eyes. Lemon chuckles.
"G'night, lovebirds," he grins as Liv puts away the paper towels and smirks too, slapping Lemon's arm playfully.
Tangerine's cheeks burn crimson all the way up to his ears. 
Once they're gone he turns his attention to you again, looking at you fondly. "I've been a real fuckin' prick, haven't I?" he says and pushes some hair behind your ear. "Lookin' at 'er, when what I wanted was right here in front of me this whole damn time."
You blink at him, his words sinking in but you're too drunk to comprehend. 
Tangerine kisses your forehead. "I'll make it up to you," he says, his chest filling with warmth. It's a promise. One he keeps because when you wake up in Lemon's guest room, Tangerine walks in shirtless with a breakfast tray full of an assortment of toast, beans, and eggs. 
"Monrin' love," he says. He's wearing that familiar smile. A peaceful, happy, smile. The one you haven't seen him wear in a while. 
Damn does it look good on him.     
tags: @kravensgirl, @brokeaesthetic, @earth-elemental18, @lqrlei, @princesssunderworld, @longlivedelusion, @thewinterv, @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader
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toxicanonymity · 3 months
Toxic… umm Raider question. What would happen if Sweet Pea got a little too excited and maybe went down a little too far a little too fast while giving boo a BJ, and started choking? Like full on coughing fit, gotta stop for a second, maybe need some water. 🥴 How does our evolved Joel handle that? Is there embarrassment, panic, laughter, teasing, what happens? 🤤
Choking on him
600 words. I8+, choking on cock, PiV and preperfectly timed ejaculation. raider
In the heat of pleasure, with so much of his blood throbbing in his cock, it takes a second to realize what's going on. It's 'cause you do it so good, sweet pea. It even turns him on seeing the tears in your eyes. But then you lift your head off him ungracefully, mouth open, and you keep coughing, spit flying off your lips, onto his thigh, then into your fist, and his heart begins to pound. He sits upright and his face loses some color. It's panic and also guilt. He lays his hands gently on your shoulders, "you're okay, baby. . . you're okay." With his own chest heaving, he observes your face, unsure what to do, afraid of making it worse. "You're okay," he repeats. You sit more upright, take a loud breath and nod in affirmation, finally making eye contact. He exhales, and his eyes smile a little. But you start coughing again.
He gets off the bed. "I'm--i'm okay," you croak in protest. He squeezes your shoulder before jogging to the kitchen, cock blazing, covered in slobber, to get you a cup of water. He returns and holds the cup to your mouth, tipping it so slowly and carefully that you take it from him and do it yourself. He sits down facing you and after another sip, you hand him the water. You take deep breaths. He puts the water aside and holds your head reassuringly. He hasn't lost even a little bit of his erection, it's throbbing madly. Tears are streaming down your face, but a smile breaks through, and he hopes he doesn't cum without your touch. You're so cute and so good to him.
"C'mere, sweet pea," he urges you onto his chest as you recover. And the ache returns between your legs when his engorged passion brushes your thigh. After a minute, it's still there and you reach down for it. At your fingertips on his shaft, he reassured you, "It's okay, baby, don't worry 'bout. . ." (but your face tilts up, and he knows that look in your eye, and his voice drops) ". . .C'mere." He shifts you fully on top, and you reach down to guide him into your wet, trembling hole.
You sink yourself onto his impossibly stiff erection, and he chokes out, "God--damn," as his cock is swallowed. Squeezed by your soft insides, his hips begin to move. He thrusts up into you and mutters, "fuck," as he bottoms out again. His chest heaves under you, and his cock twitches, enrobed by your walls. It makes you grind against his front. "Ohhhh," he breathes, then cautions, "baby. . ." and he stops. You slowly move yourself on his cock. He swallows, then demands, "look at me." You meet his eyes as you tilt your hips, slowly letting out a few inches of his cock. He complains, "Sweet pea," takes in a deep breath, and then as your body reclaims his length, "Unnghhh." He erupts.
And what sends you to the stratosphere isn't just his throbbing cock and his hot release and the way you're tilted forward, slowly grinding against him, and the way his fingers dig into your hips, holding you down. It's also the way he looks at you in primal surrender that sends you over the edge, spasming on him, your body hugging his, while you see stars.
He embraces you as the last of his seed dribbles into your tight, warm insides.
Finally, both of you can breathe again. Still inside, he holds you, kisses you on the forehead, and cradles the back of your head. "You're okay," he mumbles.
His chest rises and falls under you, and soon your breathing falls in sync.
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divine-donna · 1 month
ghostface art donaldson because i've just been binging horror movies and this just came into my brain
least likely suspect that's for sure. innocent eyes, solid alibi, and harmless. he doesn't even hurt a fly. you have to kill the bugs for him because he doesn't like to touch them, even through the thick paper towel.
first victim was entirely an accident. sort of. he just got so angry he bashed their head in with a rock. they talked bad about you. what else was he supposed to do? stand by and take it? no one insults his sweet pea like that. no one. he's surprisingly calm when cleaning up the blood and dumping the body in the river. that guy floats up from the river like miles and miles away. and he threw the rock in the river. it sank to the bottom.
art donaldson, your boyfriend. paid attention to all of your needs, was in tune with your desires. sweet and gentle. when you recall missing that guy, he doesn't say much other than, "someone heard him say that you were 'bitching out,' as he puts it."
you don't believe him. you thought he was your friend. "sometimes people are not what they seem." he hums, soothing you. he makes you feel better about cutting people off. some people were just toxic and not good for you.
art was good for you, of course.
ghostface art donaldson, who doesn't get a costume until you suggest he does. for halloween. it was something last minute thrown together. the mask, part of the hood, a compression shirt, a harness, gloves, tight pants and boots. fuck he looked so hot. the mask kink didn't help.
when he does begin to suck the poison out, he wears the full robe. he can't have anyone identifying his body. all witnesses can say was that he was tall and seemingly physically fit.
art is creative with his kills. he likes using things in his vicinity. yes, he has killed someone with a tennis racket. there was a lot more blood than he anticipated.
he calls you as ghostface. mostly to check in. but to you, it feels like a stranger randomly calling you in the middle of the night. and one time, he fucked up real bad. you could hear the screaming of your best friend in the background.
although it kind of works out for him. because you run into his arms, worried sick, crying. you need to be soothed. and he's the right one to soothe you. comfort you. pepper kisses all over your face.
you're the only factor that connects the victims. no one wants to talk to you. they're afraid. it's isolating. all people do is offer shallow condolences for your circumstance. thoughts and prayers, almost like they have decided your fate for you.
that's why art is so good for you! he gives you the socialization you need, the interaction you crave. you cling to him more and more. and hell, you even accept his offer to move into his place. you'll have to do it in a few months after your lease is up though.
he touches you like you're about to disappear, as if you will just walk out of him. he's peppering kisses along your neck, sucking and biting and leaving hickeys, fingers digging into your thigh. "gosh, you taste so sweet~" he's practically purring.
your heart goes cold. there's a twinge in his voice that gives him away. you've heard it before over the phone when your best friend was screaming as she was being hacked to pieces.
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2000s-music-tourney · 2 months
Here are the entries to the 2000s tourney:
Pokerface by Lady Gaga
Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
Toxic by Britney Spears
Sk8ter Boi by Avril Lavigne
All my Life by Foo Fighters
American Idiot by Green Day
1985 by Bowling for Soup
Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand
Somebody Told Me by the Killers
Hey There Delilah by Plain White Tees
Feel Good Inc by the Gorillaz
Sugar we're goin down by Fallout Boy
Brave as a noun by AJJ
Hot N Cold by Katy Perry
Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It) by Beyonce
The Dog Days are Over by Florence + the Machine
Seven Nation Army by White Stripes
Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down
She Hates Me by Puddle Of Mudd
Stacy's Mom by Fountains for Wayne
All the Small Things By Blink 182
Since U Been Gone by Kelly Clarkson
Hurt by Johnny Cash
Hey Ya by Outkast
Rehab by Amy Winehouse
Stan by Eminem
Do you realize by The Flaming Lips
Sexyback by Justin Timberlake
Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus
Drops of Jupiter (Tell Me) by Train
Californication by the Red Hot Chili Peppers
Fireflies by Owl City
TiK ToK by Ke$ha
Gives you Hell by All American Rejects
Paper Planes by M.I.A.
Can't get you out of my head by Kylie Monogue
I write sins not tragedies by Panic! At the Disco
Short Skirt/Long Jacket by CAKE
Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus
Bring Me to Life by Evanescence
Before he cheats by Carrie Underwood
Vida La Vida by Coldplay
Photograph by Nickelback
99 Problems by Jay-Z
Hash Pipe by Weezer
A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton
Love Story by Taylor Swift
Unwell by MatchBox Twenty
Yeah! by Usher
Dilemma by Nelly and Kelly Rowland
Beautiful by Christina Aguilera
My Hips Don't Lie by Shakira
I gotta Feeling by Black Eyed Peas
Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani
Watcha Say by Jason Derulo
Drop it like it's Hot by Snoop Dogg
Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield
Numb by Linkin Park
Umbrella by Rihanna
Crazy in Love by Beyonce and Jay Z
How to Save a Life by The Fray
Get the Party Started by P!nk
Survivor By Destiny's Child
Everytime we touch by Cascada
Beautiful Girls by Sean Kingston
Bad day by Daniel Powter
Chop Suey By System of a Down
I'm Yours by Jason Mraz
Crazy by Gnarls Barkley
The Middle by Jimmy Eat World
Harder Better Faster Stronger by Daft Punk
Chewing Gum by Annie
Lollipop by Mika
It's gonna be Me By Nsync
Low by Flo Rida
Fuck the pain away by Peaches
Misery Business by Paramore
It's my life by Bon Jovi
The Past Is a Grotesque Animal by Of Montreal
Work It by Missy Elliott
Butterfly by Crazy Town
Caramelldansen by Caramell
In da Club by 50 Cent
4 minutes by Madonna and Justin Timberlake
White Flag by Dido
Beautiful Day by U2
Fallin by Alicia Keys
All for you by Janet Jackson
Bootylicious by Destiny's Child
This Love by Maroon 5
Milkshake by Kelis
Smooth Criminal by alien Ant Farm
I'm a Believer by Smash Mouth
Sandstorm by Darude
I believe in a thing called love by the darkness
Float On by Modest Mouse
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bireggiemantle · 3 months
Would Transitioning Save Her: A Sliding Scale of the Impact of MTF Transition on Riverdale Character
(Ranked from Best impact to Worst Impact)
1. Archie - should've been a dyke from the get go. I could write a billion essays about this
2. Reggie - being freed from toxic masculinity would fix her
3. Moose - considering how deeply repressed she is I think seeing the tv glow would save her.
4. FP - transitioning could save her marriage. this would not improve her alcoholism. BUT ! it might help her stop bottling so many of her issues up
5. Munroe - transitioning just fits into her plot of self acceptance to me. wlw prison archie + munroe would fuck crazy
6. Sweet Pea - this is solely based on vibes
7. Original/50s Dilton - big cock t girl representation for the win!
8. Hiram - this would make veronica leagues worse. could you imagine if her daddy issues became mommy issues
9. Clay - relatively unaffected by transition. I think she's already pretty open and honest about who she is, and it wouldn't take much for her to admit this about herself
10. Fangs - no impact. already a lesbian in my eyes
11. Jughead - canonically transgender but also it would absolutely make her worse and more insufferable. this could save s1 jughead (and briefly s5 jughead) but s2 jughead on is the queen of repression and it would take a lot of force to get her to come out. if she's repressing something after all
12. Chic - win for weird girls everywhere. would drastically improve her relationship with betty
13. Bret - stonewall prep plotline but it's toxic lesbians bret and jughead. she would try to fuck donna but donna would NEVER stoop so low
14. Kevin - considering how much of her sense of self is reliant on her identity, transitioning could either really help her or force her further into a world of identity politics. she'd be the world's worst kind of white feminist for sure though
15. Charles
16. Dilton - also vibes
17. Hal - sorry betty
18. Fred - not saving her marriage but would allow her to connect better with archie and I believe she'd be a better parent to her
19. Uncle Frank - could free her but would probably do irreparable damage instead
20. Sheriff Keller - this is a cisgender man
21. Jason - I don't even want to imagine what his relationship with cheryl would have looked like if he was a woman. huge win for incest freaks I guess
22. Julian - five steps back for lgbt rights
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bunniekittiee · 1 year
my sweet angel- johnny slaughter x reader
Based off of Sunday Morning by Ethel Cain. You worshipping Johnny. Reader is so far gone. Johnny is a POS but what can you expect from him? Do not feel bad for him.
ᴛᴡ: sᴛᴏᴄᴋʜᴏʟᴍ sʏɴᴅʀᴏᴍᴇ, ʀᴇʟɪɢɪᴏɴ, ɢᴏʀᴇ, ᴅᴜʙ-ᴄᴏɴ, ᴀʙᴜsᴇ, ɴᴏɴ-ᴄᴏɴ ʙᴜᴛ ɴᴏᴛ ɪɴ ᴇxᴛʀᴇᴍᴇ ᴅᴇᴛᴀɪʟ, ᴅᴇɢʀᴀᴅᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
18+ MDNI
Every day, every night, almost every hour if he could, he was inside of you. Breeding you, corrupting you, defiling you. Like an innocent doe and a starving wolf. Licking his chops and drooling with desire. He sank his teeth into you and claimed you as his own. No one else could have you, and he made sure of this. He scared off any of his family that would try to talk to you. You were alone, all you needed was him.
You did not have the freedom you wished you had. You were chained up in his room with an old, uncomfortable mattress and very little sunlight. A wolf kept his prey hidden from onlookers. He would leave for long hours without telling you when he would ever come back. He did not give you the respect of that, he left you wondering when he would return. When he left, you hated him and you felt it coil in your stomach. Your heart would pound with jealousy, your ears would ring, you had trouble breathing. You knew how easy it was for him to find another woman to please him if you could not. You needed him, but he did not need you. You relied on him so much, he was your captor and you disgustingly loved him. That’s what made it hurt so much. But that sickly, loving feeling spread across your chest when he entered the room with your lunch or when he was taking a break to fuck you. At least he made an effort to pay attention to you.
“Been busy in the yard.” He said as he set down your plate on the floor. “I have ta’ fix ta’ sprinkler system. It’s been a bitch.”
You nodded your head in recognition, crawling towards him. He glanced at you, tilting his head slightly. “Did someone miss me?”
When you hummed in agreement, he smirked. “Show me how much ya’ missed me, sweet pea.”
As if your hands had a mind of their own, they immediately went to his belt, fumbling with the buckle. He let you figure it out yourself. He never made a move to help you. You wanted to do it, you do it. Why should he help a miserable bitch like you?
“Best hurry it up.” He hissed as he wrenched his hands on your scalp. “Don’t keep me waitin’.”
Shoving your mouth onto him, he tightened his grip on your hair and began to face fuck you. Tears spilled from your pretty, doe-like eyes as he abused your mouth. He looked down at you, a wide, evil smile ghosting his lips. Corrupting God’s innocent.
The combination of your tears, gags, and eyes sent him over the edge, spilling his mess inside of your mouth without warning. It felt toxic, blood-hot and it coated your entire mouth. He made sure your mouth was full of his creations before you swallowed. The uncomfortable sensation between your legs made you squeeze your thighs together, but he disregarded it. Buttoning his pants up and buckling his belt, he left without another word from him. Left you with a sopping wet face and an empty pit in your stomach. You ignored the food he gave you and laid down on the mattress. Drifting off, you wondered how life would be if Johnny loved you too.
Your dreams were very empty. There wasn’t much to dream about when you were stuck in a room that did not give you much to be entertained by. Johnny was your lifeline, but you never saw much of him to begin with. He did not need you, he only used you for his own pleasure. But it would be soon before he disposed of you. He would move on, find the next best thing to satisfy him once you were dried up and worthless. The wolf had much more prey to attend to, he could not stick to just one. He said you were a special girl, his only girl, but you knew he was lying straight out out of his teeth.
Worshipping Johnny came with its downfalls. He loved the way you came and took care of his every sexual need. All of his desires. You were so willing to make him feel good. You never put your pleasure first. But he never felt the same way back. He never made the effort back for you. But why should he?
He was your God. You worshipped him. Why would he do the same for you? You would lick the blood off the heel of his boot if it meant that he would love you and give you attention in his own insane way. You thought that he liked the attention he got. Sometimes you could see it in his face that he enjoyed every minute of it.
You were risen out of your sleep by the creak of the door and light coming into the room. Squinting your eyes, you tried to make out who the figure was despite how unadjusted your eyes were. When was the last time you saw the light? You knew somewhat what time of day it was when Johnny would wake up and leave, come back for a few breaks, and then saunter back for bed.
“Hey sweet thang,” he said as you looked at him sleepily. “How’s my pretty girl been?”
Your heart swelled as he said this and you mumbled back an “okay” as you blinked a few times. It was taking a while to adjust.
“I know I haven’t been ’round a whole lot. Must get real lonely up here.” He said with a devious smile. It was untrustworthy. “I thought I’d spend a bit of time with ya’. Got ya’ a friend too.”
Your eyes widened as he pulled another girl into view. Her mouth was gagged, eyes wide with fear as she frantically looked at you. Her arms and legs were bound and she was on the floor.
Your blood ran hot in your whole body and your heart was pounding in your ears. That white, searing hot jealousy coursed through your entire body. Johnny was supposed to be only yours, just like you were all his. Why did he need another woman? What were they doing that you weren’t? You gave into all of his needs. What more could he have wanted?
“I thought ya’ could use another person around to keep ya’ company. I get ta’ benefit of enjoyin’ you both.” He said as he pulled up a stool and sat down on it, legs wide open as he held his knife. “But it’s like introducin’ a baby animal to an adult one, ya’ gotta see if they are compatible.”
The girl’s eyes flooded with tears as she realized her situation was much worse than she thought. It was either be killed by him or be killed by you. It made her angry. It made her want to scream at both of you. You were just as guilty as him for not doing anything. Johnny looked at her in wonder and reached his hand forward to take the gag off of her mouth.
“Fuck you!” she yelled out as Johnny laughed at her misery.
“That a way to talk to me?” He said as he slammed her head into the ground. “Ya’ best treat me with respect, your life is in my hands, baby doll.”
The use of pet names he only used on you made you sick. Extremely nauseated. You wanted to hurt Johnny and her. Mainly her for stumbling upon the forttress and causing Johnny to take a liking to her. You were so fucked in the head, maybe fucked so stupid, that you blamed her for everything. Johnny was your God, he could do no wrong. It was her fault.
Tears stinging your eyes, you looked away from the scene of Johnny whispering sweet nothings in her ear, the same things he told you. “Be a good girl and maybe I won’t bite as hard.”
Jealousy radiated off of you and you felt yourself become dizzy from the amount of blood that pulsed through your body. You wanted to kill her for taking your Johnny away.
“Help!” She screamed as she tried to claw away from Johnny, but he grabbed her and held her down, sitting on her back instead of the stool.
“That ain’t a way to thank me, sweetheart. Ya’ could have been dinner. Fuckin’ thank me for my generosity.” He said as he pulled onto her scalp. He was getting angry.
“W-why her?” You asked out loud, eyeing both of them.
He snapped his head up in your direction. “Thought it would be quite fun havin’ the both of ya’ to enjoy.”
Your heart sank and you felt yourself breathing hard. Why did he have to bring her? In your twisted way, you wanted him all for yourself. You wanted to enjoy every part of Johnny, inviting him inside of you and letting him live inside of you like a parasite. He was your life now, but you were not his. A mere toy.
As more tears tapped onto the rotten floor, Johnny reached his hand out to your face. “Awe, what’s ta’ matter baby doll? Ya’ don’t like sharin’?”
Throat practically closed up, you could barely speak. You continued to cry, your weeping clashing with the victim’s wails. It drove the Slaughter boy crazy. He thoroughly enjoyed it when his victims cried, whether it was out of fear, sexual violence, or sadness. It flipped a switch inside of him.
“All this damn cryin’ is makin’ me frustrated.” he said roughly. “How about I put ya’ to the test? See if ya’ worthy of replacin’ her.” He winked at you as these words slipped past his lips and it made your stomach tighten more. You felt like you were going to get sick.
He flipped the girl over and began to rip her pants off, making your jealously turn you into a hazy, almost blacked out mess. You wanted to scream at both them, you wanted to kill her. You wanted to kill Johnny for doing this to you. For playing with your feelings, for being so cruel to you. You did everything right.
Your vision was blurry as he cut her panties off with his knife. He was unbuckling his belt with his other hand and the victim screamed. She screeched like an animal caught in a trap, but it was not enough to deter Johnny.
“Now now, just sit still.” He said as he placed a hand on her lower stomach, sinking into her forcefully. The screams made your head spin, you felt like passing out. He did this on purpose, he wanted to test you. That’s all it was.
He looked at you, grinning from ear-to-ear. “Ya’ want to take the knife? I see ya’ considerin’ it, doll face. Come on, take it!”
He held his hand out to you with his knife splayed out. With trembling hands, you took it and gripped it. This knife killed many, killed your friends, killed those before your friends, and it would continue its legacy.
“I think this pussy might be better.” he said, a bit out of breath. “Not as used and abused like yours.” If his grin could get wider, it sure did. His face was obscured by shadows, but you could still make out his features. Those eyes.
Envy ate away at your bones as the woman bawled. Moving closer, you tightened your grip on the knife as she stared at you with panic-stricken eyes. The weapon reflected back in her blue irises.
“I think she would be a great replacement.” Johnny bellowed out. “Maybe ya’ should learn ta’ share, Y/N.”
Plunging the knife into her chest, you clenched your jaw and felt your vision go black. You were not in control anymore. This animalistic fury have possessed your body. Johnny watched in amazement as you continued to stab her in the chest, grunting and shrieking as you did so. You and Bubba had something in common. Johnny had stopped thrusting and took himself out of her, pulled up his pants and moved back as he watched the disarray unfolded right in front of him.
You were doused in blood. The smell was hanging in the air and stained the floor. Her chest looked like ground beef, her heart ground up in pieces with the amount of times you stabbed her. Her lifeless eyes stared at the ceiling, no signs of living in her still, mutilated body. You were on a rampage, stabbing into her stomach and screeching out incoherent sentences. Johnny did nothing but watch. Her intestines peeked out of her bloodied skin and you threw the knife to the side.
Hyperventilating, you started to come back to your senses after coming down from your blacked-out anger. You stared blankly at your hands and legs that were drenched in the gore of the woman you never even knew the name of.
Cackling, Johnny leaned forward. “I didn’t think ya’ had it in ya’! Look at that! You made a mess, girl!”
It didn’t hit you right away. You killed another person. Another woman for taking Johnny, but he was the one who had taken her. In your jealousy fit, you did not see that she was not a threat, he was. He caused this. But you were just as bad as the group of cannibals. You killed another person.
“N-no…” you stuttered out. “I’m not a murderer.”
He laughed like it was the funniest thing you had said in your whole life. “Ain’t a murderer? Ya’ just goin’ to disregard ta’ fact that ya’ killed another person out of jealousy? Honey, ya’ just as bad as one of us! Ya’ ain’t all that innocent. I knew ya’ would crack soon.”
“No!” you retaliated. “No!” That was all you could muster out. You could barely put any sentences together.
“Shut ya’ mouth ya’ stupid slut!” Johnny said as he smacked you in the face. “Ought ta’ put a lid on it before ya’ end up like this bitch.”
You cried. You wanted to hurt him.
“Ya’ know how I feel about ya’ cryin’. It gets me goin’, and I never got ta’ finish since ya’ interrupted me and this broad.” He motioned towards the dead girl. “Since ya’ don’t like me fuckin’ other girls other than ya’, selfish bitch.”
Lashing out, you lunged at Johnny. He was caught off guard by your outburst and was a bit delayed in his reaction as you clawed at his face. You were singing your sorrowful lament as you hurled what ever physical strength you had left in your body. He grappled your throat, flipping you over onto your back. His eyes were black with anger, something you had not experienced before. This was different. This was not Johnny.
You choked on your saliva as he gripped your throat. “Ya’ are quite a fucking headache. A fuckin’ miserable, annoying, cunt.”
He raised his hand at you once again, and reigned hell fire onto you. Between his slaps and punches into your body and the pressure on your throat, you felt yourself slip in and out of consciousness.
“Oh no ya’ don’t. Ya’ ain’t gettin’ off easy, girl.” He said as he seized you by your hair and dragged you across the floorboards. Coughing, you tried to control your breathing but it was uneven. Your lungs were grateful for the air it could now take in, however you were faced with death itself. Shoving you into the face of the woman you killed, Johnny held your head in his tight clasp. “Fuckin’ look at her! Look at the mess ya’ made. Ya’ killed her.”
“N-no I didn’t.” you wheezed out. “It wasn’t me!”
“Ya’ just like the rest of us, Y/N. Don’t act like God’s perfect angel, ya’ are a corrupted devil.”
Sobbing, he pushed your face closer to hers. “Take it all in. Take it!” He was enjoying every moment of this. It was payback for the outburst you had, but he was not done with his punishment. Nowhere near it. “Ya’ are no different from me, girl.”
Her body still had some warmth, but it was slowly fading. Soon she would be stiff and cold, a sorry sight. She had the same fate as your friends, at the hands of you. For a man who could not even say he loved you back. How pathetic.
Your head was throbbing and you felt like you were going to pass out. This was exhausting. Your nose was bleeding, your ribs ached from Johnny’s fists, and you felt sore.
Releasing your fiery scalp, he let you fall onto the floor. “Learn ya’ place. Ya’ will never overpower me. Remember that.” He spat at you as you moved your hand to a puddle of the woman’s blood, wetting your finger tips as you smeared it onto your lips with a whimper. He watched you in curiosity, not exactly sure what you were planning on doing. Crawling towards him, you grabbed onto his left boot, gripping it like a lifeline. Shakily, you pressed gentle kisses onto his boot. You could feel the dirt, blood, and clumps of an unknown substance on your lips but you ignored it. You moved onto the other boot and left blood-stained kisses on it. Sure, they would be washed away with other blood and grime eventually, but it was to make him happy.
“I am your fucking God, baby doll. Ya’ best remember that now.” He said with a smirk plastered on his face. That stupid smirk. The same one that lured you in from the beginning. The same one that got you into this mess. Grabbing your wrist, he pulled you to the dingy mattress. “Undress.”
There wasn’t much to take off, you were wearing a now-bloody dress that was stuck to your body from the blood drying. He undid his boots and pants once again and slipped them off as you shakily undid your dress. “Ya’ be good now, okay?”
You nodded absentmindedly as he kissed you deeply. His personality could change quickly. You never knew what kind of Johnny you would get. You wanted to despise him for all the mind games and grief he gave you. The heartache he imposed upon you for his own pleasure.
He slipped inside of you, you and the unknown woman’s substances mixing together. His thrusts were animalistic, and they showed you the pent up neediness he had built up. Your blood from your open wounds and her blood had blended together into one. You could not tell the difference.
“Ya’ know I can never replace ya’.” he grunted out. “Ya’ always gonna’ be my pretty girl.”
The praise he gave you after treating you like absolute shit always reeled you back into it. It made your heart swell, your chest feel warm, and the butterflies start again. But they had turned to moths over the course of your stay.
“Ya’ know no one can compare to ya.’ he said as he caressed your face.
The pleasure felt so good. That sickening, loving feeling made it’s place known within you with the way he was acting, doting and being sweet to you. His mood changes were like whiplash, you never knew which Johnny you would get and you never knew when the next mood would come.
“Cum on my cock. Yeah, that’s right.” he said as he drove your body into the mattress. “Go on baby doll, you’ve been doing so good.”
It felt like he unlocked a primal connection in you and you felt yourself come undone. You came hard between his thrusts and his fingers working your clit. He was finished himself, slamming into you one last time before tilting his head back in ecstasy. His eyes were blown out from the pleasure.
With a few more thrusts, he pulled out and laid next to you. Panting, he kissed your forehead. “Good, my sweet angel. Now just rest. Ya’ did so good. I’m proud of ya’ first kill.”
You could barely hear him as your eyes impulsively shut. The remnants of her face reflected back in your mind’s darkness. She was watching. It was unfair how you were left alive, yet they were killed. All because the monster had taken a liking to you. That was the only reason that separated you from the rest. You would have been dead just like them if he decided to not keep you.
It was like a slap in the face to be in love with the creature that caused so much pain. Wrecked the lives of many and taken what was not theirs to take. Yet, you loved him. You adored him. You worshipped him.
“Johnny?” you asked quietly.
Small snores were your reply back. Well, you would never get the answer you wanted. You had a feeling it was better off not knowing. You let your eyelids close and drift off to your dreamless sleep. Maybe tonight would be different. You would dream of what was never to be and the woman who laid motionless in the room with her eyes on both of you. Your guardian angel.
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kitthepurplepotato · 10 months
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Chapter 5 - Never enough
Summary: Y/N goes out with Kyouka for a flat hunt. Izuku gets smacked in the face - Once by a random teen and once by his Sweet Pea.
Warnings: Swear words, mentions of a toxic relationship (in the past).
First Chapter Master List
Kyouka comes over a few hours after Izuku leaves; he didn’t really say goodbye after your conversation in the bedroom this morning, which was quite surprising and he also left an untouched sandwich on the table, filled with his favorite stuff, which is also… well… really fucking weird, but okay. To be fair, there is so much happening all at once it’s easy to go all silly, especially at 5 AM in the morning. Maybe it took him so long to make his sandwich he ended up being late and instead of bringing it with him he just left it on the table. Even though, Izuku must be aware that he owns a cat so leaving food on the table isn’t the smartest idea. Thankfully, All Meowt is the laziest motherfucker the word has ever seen and jumping on the table to get some nibbles is way too much of a lbother for him, hence why the food is still in tact.
Sometimes you wonder if All Meowt is even a cat; he doesn’t scratch furniture, doesn’t eat anything he needs to work for, barely jumps on anything and he’s just… a part of the furniture. A furry little sofa pillow. He’s also really smart as somehow he knew you are the one who messed with his automatic feeder because to this day, he didn’t even approach you once when Izuku wasn’t around. Except when you sleep. Then he cuddles. He probably hopes you stay that way forever.
“Okay, I managed to get a viewing for flat 2 and flat 4.” Kyouka mumbles to herself after putting her phone down. You look at the girl incredulously. “Don’t look at me like that, I know flat 4 is pricy as fudge, but with my current salary, I can afford it. I won’t have a bunch to spend for a few months but if I make it to the top 10 next year, it won’t be a problem!”
You know Kyouka like you know the back of your hand; there is no reason to even look at flat 2 at this point, this silly woman has already decided to get that fancy ass flat and there is probably an extremely ridiculous reason behind it.
“Be honest with me…” You look at your bestie, trying your best not to look judgmental. “Why do you want that flat?”
Kyouka looks down at her hands, her cheeks ruddy from embarassment. “My favorite rockstar lives in the same building… you know the one with black hair and the sick angel wing tattoo.” Kyouka answers while she plays with her bangs like a stupid school girl.
There it is. There it fucking is.
“So you decided to spend all your life savings for a few minutes of neighborly banter with your Bae.” You really can’t believe this silly woman.
“Oh my god, you are literally dating your favorite hero, sorry if your stupid love story made me believe in fated love!” She yells and you can’t help but laugh at that.
“Hey, it didn’t cost me anything to fall in love with him though! Plus we are not official yet!” Now it’s your turn to be embarrassed.
“Oh fuck off, Izuku wouldn’t even poke you with a foot long pole if he wouldn’t want you to be his fucking wife in the next few years. My bro isn’t playing around. He’s had enough of that shit when he was young.”
Well, that’s a new information.
“What do you mean?”
Kyouka sighs.
“It’s not my place you tell you this and to be honest I don’t know too much about it, Katsuki is probably the best one to ask but… there was this girl, right after high school who was all over Izuku after his first debut. We told him to stay away from her, we warned him that she’s only after the fame and the money but Izuku was so happy to be liked by someone in a romantic way he didn’t fucking listen to any of us…” Kyouka’s eyes look really sad as she continues. “Izuku was always a sweet boy so most people only thought of him just as that; a boy, not a man. This girl was different, I give her that. I fucking hated her. We all did. Except Izuku.” You really don’t like where this story is going. You can feel the betrayal in the air, it makes your stomach upset and your heart bleed. “After a few weeks Izuku couldn’t even wear his own clothes. She started to point out every geeky thing on him, the shirts, the shoes, his hair… she wanted him to change into something he wasn’t. She even made a comment about his baby fat. Katsuki almost exploded her that day and Izuku stopped bringing her over after that. Things got worse after as Katsuki wasn’t there to reprimand her. I don’t want to say more, Y/N. Ask him. It’s not my story to tell.”
You are rendered speechless. There are so many emotions swirling inside you; fury, hatred, sadness, then there is the urge to protect, the urge to call Izuku home so you can tell him how much you love him and his quirkiness… it’s so much to take in, so much to think about…
“Let’s go before we both start crying.” Kyouka ruffles your hair and motions towards the door, ready for the adventure.
You try your best to keep your focus on the beautiful flats. You look around for flaws, ask the right questions but you are not really there; your mind can only think of Izuku, about how alone he must’ve felt while dating that terrible human being, how humiliated he had to feel around his friends in those clothes he was forced to wear… fuck.
“I’ll walk you home then I’ll come back to do the paperwork.”
She doesn’t need to say any more for you to know that all your thoughts are written on your face.
“Don’t be sorry! You helped a lot. Really.” Kyouka smiles. You are so lucky to have her.
Izuku is not with it at work. He makes a lot of mistakes and he gets punched by some “random extra” who shouldn’t even be able to touch him.
There was a group of teens making a ruckus downtown. Izuku and Katsuki were out on patrol when they saw them yelling at a poor old man, asking for money but somehow Izuku managed to get hit by one of the kids while he was too distracted with his own thoughts.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Deku!” Katsuki yells at him with a red face. “You just let that fucking extra have the time of his fucking life! Hitting the number one fucking hero in the face! He probably thinks he’s the coolest fucking dude right now and has zero motherfucking remorse about what he’s done!”
“Because you were any better, you burned that kids face! Do you want to get canceled?!”
Izuku is frustrated. He can’t do this anymore. He can’t just let Katsuki step over him like that, not anymore…
“Someone had to do something about it! I had to clean your fucking mess up because that’s what friends do, you absolute fucking moron!”
“Since when do you consider me as a friend? I thought I’m just a nuisance.”
“Stop with the attitude. I know what you are doing and it’s not going to work. You won’t push me away. Don’t make the same mistakes I’ve made when I was a kid. You know it more than anyone how much it fucking hurts.”
“I’m sorry, Kacchan.” He can’t take it anymore. The tears fall, his body shakes and moves towards Katsuki on his own and Katsuki catches him just in time.
“If you want to talk, I’m here. Eijirou is here too. You are not alone anymore.” Katsuki mutters into his hair, his fingers deep in Izuku’s curls. Katsuki has changed so much in the last few years; if anyone would’ve told him he’s gonna be cuddled by Katsuki while he cries for the stupidest fucking reason he would’ve laughed in their face.
He knows he’s being an idiot. Y/N loves him, he can see it in her eyes when he comes back after a long day of work, he can feel it in her touches, in the food she makes, in the way she smiles when Izuku cuddles her from behind… he also knows his Sweet Pea loves him the way he is and he has no reason to doubt himself with her but Izuku can’t do anything with his insecurities; he’s been told so many times how weird he is, how unattractive his home wear is, how his unruly hair makes him look like a child and he doesn’t even want to start talking about his “annoying” clinginess.
Maybe he should’ve told her to finish that commission instead of asking her to go to bed with him. Maybe he should’ve let her cook the food alone or ask her if she needs help instead of clinging to her back like an oversized koala. Maybe he should’ve slept on his own side of the bed instead of suffocating his Sweet Pea with his heavy arms. He went overboard. Even his perfect Sweet Pea needs some space. Maybe that’s why she wants to move out. She loves Izuku but Izuku is too much as a boyfriend… he’s too much, he’s always too much…
“Go home, Zuku.” Katsuki sighs into his hair. “Go home and sort yourself out. I fucking hate seeing you like this. I want to blow your face up.”
Izuku can’t help but snort at that.
“I love you too, Kacchan.”
“Fuck you.”
You get home around 2PM; you managed to find some All Might shaped chicken nuggets in the store which you decided to air fry today with some lovely fresh veggies you found in the little market you love. Oh, and rice. Izuku needs more than a snack when he comes home.
Thankfully you manage to finish cooking by 3 so you decide to sit down and finally start working on your commissions; there isn’t much to do, just a few sketches, so you should be done by the time Izuku gets home. Thank god no one commissioned anything detailed, otherwise you would be fucked; there is no way you can do a full, colored drawing in this mental state.
For your surprise the door opens around 4PM; Izuku is already in his civilian clothes, freshly showered, hair still a bit wet.
There is one thing you realize now that Kyouka told you about his past; Izuku’s civilian clothes are quite plain compared to his usual style. It doesn’t sit right with you but that’s a problem for another day.
Today’s problem is…
“You are really early, did you forget something? Want to eat before you go back? I made you something special!” You jump off the chair right away. Izuku looks at you like this is the last time he sees your face; you have no idea what’s going on but you really hate that look on his face, that’s for sure. “Oh my god, please tell me this is not that part of the fanfiction when the hero comes home and tells his wife that he’s going a year long mission to America. I’m not ready for that yet.”
For some reason, Izuku looks guilty. He lowers his eyes, suddenly finding the design of the floor extremely interesting as he fiddles with the sleeve of his jacket anxiously.
“Just a short day, nothing to worry about.” Izuku smiles but it’s fake. So fucking fake it makes you want to gag. “Were you doing a commission? Don’t worry about me, I’m not even supposed to be here, so just ignore me.”
Red flag. A big, fucking red flag. Something happened and Izuku is not telling you jack shit about it.
“Izu, what the fuck, I’ve been waiting to have a few hours with you for a whole week, I can’t just ignore you. With the amount of hours you work I have all the time to finish this fucking scribble, but I only have a few hours with you.” You reprimand, a little bit offended. Just a little bit. Teeny-tiny bit. “You also left without giving me a kiss. You need to give me double kisses today. Also, look at the food I made for you!” You run into the kitchen and come out with the All Might shaped chicken nuggets. You show them off proudly, jumping up and down with the excitement. “Look! It’s All Might! And chicken! I put the magnet that came with it on the fridge, I hope that’s fine! There are 10 different magnets to collect, I’ll try to get them all!”
Suddenly, a loud sob escapes Izuku’s mouth, but it’s not his usual ‘I’m so happy so I’ll cry a river’ kinda sob, it’s the one full of pain and misery. “Izu.” You put the food down on the table to approach the shaking man now sitting on the floor. “I’m sorry do you not want to eat All Might? That’s okay, Izu!” You mutter but Izuku jumps into your words.
“Y/N, stop.” The sound of your own name sounds so foreign from Izuku’s mouth you almost choke on your words. “Stop. It hurts. It hurts so fucking much, I can’t…” Izuku starts to sob again and you are not too far behind him. Without knowing, your tears start to fall, joining Izuku’s in the puddle of misery on the floor.
“What’s wrong, baby? Please, tell me what did I do wrong. I won’t do it ever again, I swear…”
“I know you want to move out. You don’t need to pretend.” Izuku jumps into your words between two loud sobs. “I know I’m impossible to live with, I know my love is toxic, it’s too much too soon, I’m… aware of it and I can change, I can give you space, fuck, I can sleep in the agency if you want me to, I don’t care, but please, don’t leave me. I can change, I can do anything…”
Instead of words you decide to use your hand to tell him how fucking annoyed you are. Because honest to fuck you thought someone died or Izuku is dying or the world is on fire and these are his last words… the sound of the slap is loud in the quiet room but it makes Izuku listen and hopefully he’ll forgive you when this is over.
“I don’t want you to change, you dumb little… waaah!” Great job, Y/N. You are doing fucking well. You slapped the poor sobbing guy then you called him dumb. Great start indeed. “I fucking love you and your nerdy little ass, I love the way you geek out over the stupidest thing, I love how we are glued to each other when you’re home because that’s what I also want to do, thank you for fucking asking, I love those super silly t-shirts you’re hiding at the back of your drawer and I can’t believe you never wear them by the way, I’m not leaving you, I’m not going anywhere, I want to be here, with you, every single second, I can’t believe you really thought you could get rid of me that easily, Midoriya Izuku!” You have no air left by the time you finish your sentence because you forgot to breathe during your rant. “Don’t you fucking dare to change for me. I fell in love with YOU, not with some impostor. Tell me what you want. Do what you want. Act as silly as you want. I’ll probably only love you more, even though it’s quite impossible.”
The silence is deafening. You can see Izuku’s brain going into overdrive. He looks completely lost.
“The notes on the table…” He mutters as he motions towards the notebook. He looks dumbfounded.
“Kyouka is looking for a new flat. I was helping her.”
“I’m an idiot.” Izuku mumbles, mortified. He even forgets to cry.
“Yeah, you are. My idiot boyfriend who I love so dearly.” The words slip out but it’s too late to take it back; you look at Izuku with a terrified look on your face, ready to be reprimanded but Izuku looks at you with nothing but wonder, eyes shining from tears and finally, from happiness.
“Say it again.”
“Say it again.” Izuku’s hand reaches towards you. Needless to say, you take it.
“My weird boyfriend, Midoriya Izuku.” You giggle to yourself. If this would be a fanfiction… ahh, Nevermind.
“I love you, Sweet Pea. Please, never change.” Izuku is all over you, not even caring about the floor being the most uncomfortable surface in the whole entire building. You can’t really hold yourself up with such a heavy weight sitting on your shoulders so you both end up stumbling backwards with a loud yelp followed by a bunch of giggling.
“So what does my boyfriend want to do today?” You mutter into Izuku’s neck between two kisses.
“I want to watch an All Might movie in my silly All Might onesie I’m hiding in my dresser while I eat the silly little all might chicken nuggets my perfect girlfriend made for me.”
Your smile is so big it actually hurts your jaw.
“… Only if I can borrow a silly All Might shirt to match with you.”
Apparently, that was the right thing to say; Izuku is about to combust from the happiness as he attacks your mouth with violent happy kisses.
“Have I told you how much I love you?” He mutters into your lips, already knowing your answer.
“Only a few thousand times but it never gets old.”
“Is that a challenge I hear?” He smirks with such confidence it makes you shiver. You did that. You made him feel that way. Oh fuck, this new Midoriya Izuku is really bad for your heart.
“Might as well be.” You grab Izuku’s hair at the back of his head and yank him forward for a heated, deep kiss. Izuku yelps but he doesn’t let you have all the control; this is Izuku’s day, he’s is completely unhinged and so are you.
The food got cold by the time you managed to untangle from each other.
And fuck, it was so worth it.
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Some explanations for the this chapter because I feel like it’s needed:
- 1. Midoriya does wear merch, but mostly black ones with a logo on it instead of the super loud, super colorful ones he would prefer.
- 2. Midoriya’s mum said in one of the chapters that Midoriya has never had a girl over before which is still true; the girl was never officially introduced to Inko as Izuku knew the way the girl was treating him would make his mom really sad. Inko has a slight idea about what happened thanks to Katsuki but she was spared from the gruesome details of it. Izuku doesn’t know his mom knows about it.
- 3. No, they didn’t do anything cheeky on the floor. They were just kissing, you dirty little potato.
- In the next chapter, we are going home to Izuku’s mom! I’m so excited!!!!
- I got a beautiful Deku figurine. I try not to talk about my figurine obsession anymore but I have to show this one off. I genuinely didn’t think I’ll be able to get my hands on this one because it’s an Ichiban Kuji (it’s like a lottery but with anime merch) Last One prize, but here I am, I guess. 😂
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TL: @garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @kastuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai
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sugar-omi · 8 months
I came here to ask for Rockstar! Cove rambles and saw the Rockstar! Baxter art you reblogged omfg it's so good.
Please can we get some of your Rockstar! Cove (and/or Baxter if you feel like it) rambles 🙏
(Hope your holiday has been great 💖)
this is more. rockstar!cove backstory but YKW ITS FINE BC ITS BEEN WHATS ON MY MIND LATELY we'll have to talk abt him again bc this post was getting LONG especially w baxterrr
tags : SFW, headcanons, step 2-4, rockstar au, so ooc, bullying mentioned, fighting, baxter's tags are below before his hc's
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im ngl. i want him to be maybe a little toxic. a lil crazy.
or into things he's not canonically into/does often
at least he's rough n impulsive at first
whenever he can get away with it, and before he got famous, he loves taking a long ride on his motorcycle
compared to when he was a young teen, he tries not to take drives when he's angry
bc when he was young, he'd put on some music and blast it as loud as it could go, and he'd drive and drive and drive...
ended up with a few warnings and speeding tickets that way because he'd get lost in riding n his thoughts n the music
but now that his life isn't so turbulent, he doesn't do that anymore
i wanna imagine he doesn't grow up with you next door n you didn't know each other until junior year of high school
he sees you n he's sold...
thinks you're so fucking beautiful/handsome and he sees you laughing n smiling w your friends n he's so, so whipped for you
he's still a sweet shy boy, so it takes forever for him to talk to you
n it's terry who introduced you two!!!
he's all flustered, bc you're even more lovely up close
n if you're all bubbly n extroverted, he thinks you're like sunshine
if you're more reserved, he thinks you're very cool or that it's amazing how calm you are all the time
if you're shy/easily flustered, will sometimes (and now that he's grown, always) mention out loud he thinks it's cute when you blush...
either way, just loves your personality n thinks you're amazing n cute
you actually calm him down. you ground him.
he used to get into fights kinda often.
i like to think rockstar!cove got like this bc his parents stayed together longer than they did, n there was no brilliant neighbor to reach out to him
he n his dad were still like oil n water, and the kids at school were less than friendly but usually didn't dare fuck with him
key word is usually.
just had a thought actually... cliff's family living nearby
not his parents. he moved as far as he could
and with him n Kyra on the brink of divorce, her moving out the house, n all cliff has to do to keep them afloat..
he didn't think his equally shitty cousins would be a problem.
but surprise!! they're a few doors down n too happy to "catch up"
cove n cliff avoid them pretty well, n cliff really didn't need to tell cove to avoid his cousins bc he was already 2 steps ahead of him
but his cousins dont get that message, they also think its a good idea to pick on cove...
so between the short patience of most hormonal 13 year olds, his parents (finally) separating, cove's intolerance for bullshit....
cove ends up rocking his 2 cousins shit when they snatch his glasses off his face, bending the frame
ignores his cousins mom yelling at him n cliff to apologize for hurting her kids. feels a bit warm when his dad tells her his son is more well mannered than both her kiss combined, even laughs when he says a rabid raccon has more sense n poise
but is even happier when his dad, after a moment of silence in the car, asks him if be used the right hook he taught him
n tries to hide his smile when his dad ruffles his hair n goes "that's good. good job son."
he does hear the whole, "violence isn't always the answer" and "pick your battles" thing
but he shrugs off the lecture when he and cliff have a tub of ice cream each n cliff holds a bag of peas to his face
professional at sneaking out n sneaking YOU out
cove at 4am: wanna get mcd's?
dont even bother saying no bc he's already outside
dont pretend to be sleep either bc he FUCKING SEES YOU.
will leave you alone if you genuinely don't wanna fuck around in the middle of the night, but how can you say no to him?
ah. before i forget
Will kiss you if you're bandaging his face
asks you to ice his bruises...
kryptonite. creep. p!nk and lady gaga PERIOD. all of it
serenades you with his guitar and/or voice
sometimes he's just fiddling with the strings, switching between cheery beats and trying to rick roll you but the beat is wayyy off
loves when you fall asleep to his music too, plays the sleepiest tune he can think of
you being his biggest supporter is what makes him fight to make a name in the music industry
after supporting him in his personal life, through all his lows and highs, then supporting his music that he was too scared to go for
he puts his best foot forward for his sake and yours
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+ TAGS: mention of FWB, toxic baxter <3, so ooc ofc, mm implied partying/drinking
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now rockstar baxter....
i want him to be a problem. he's the toxic one here
compared to cove, who is soft n sweet but impulsive and always willing to fight, rough but well meaning...
baxter is your situationship
your friends with benefits
friends if a loose word, since you hardly ever talk since you've met and unless arguing, bickering, or sexting counts as getting to know each other...
than you're best friends!!!
he's the big headed musician who always asks "wyd" and "u up?" whenever he's in town
at least he sends you money to doll up or eat, or whatever before he gets in town
"make sure you eat before i come. bc im not letting you go once i get there"
so.... if you want commitment. he's not it...
just saw *this tweet, and rockstar!baxter IS the type to email you after you block him
omfg. if any of yall have read armin x reader fanfics... yk how he is in those fics? all toxic n shit?
thats baxter.
not THAT bad. like baby trapping bad or cheating on you, manipulating you etc.
but he's bad
definitely the dumb choice you make at 18-20 smth years old n once you mature, you drop him because he doesn't grow up quickly...
he won't even have the realization that you're the one until he's MINIMUM 37-40+ YEARS OLD. AND FLYS UP FROM THE BED LIKE HE'S SEEN A GHOST
curses n curses himself to high hell and low heaven
now depending on how bad he's fucked you over, or you've moved on, etc... he understands if you don't wanna try being together, bc he was a fucking mess
at least, if he sees you catching feelings or himself, he does break it off
but there's still good times between you!!
he sends you things for your birthday
and when he's not on tour showing his ass, he comes to spend it with you
is very happy if you come to spend his birthday with him!!!
starts to look forward to it, but he doesn't really show it
although after the first time, he can't help crying, thought the first time was just a one off thing
unless you make the first one a big thing, than he cries then
even if all you did was get/make a cake and decorate your small apartment, he's so so happy
mm i started thinking abt smth
i don't think he's that bad, impulsive, etc. before his career
before, he's pursuing music because his parents hate it. its "not a useful career" and "embarrassing"
but then he starts to love it, its an outlet for him and then it's become a passion
but once he gets a deal with a record label, it's just a downward spiral
puts everything into music, ignores everything else and doesn't take breaks like he should
i think what breaks your "relationship" is him getting caught up in the darker side of the music industry, and losing himself.
he doesn't laugh or anything like before
doesn't make random trips to see you anymore
in fact, probably ends up flaking on you or suddenly canceling, or going weeks without talking to you
its rough. and you two definitely need time apart for him to grow and realize that this is serving anyone besides the companies pockets well
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nom-nommmm1 · 9 months
tom 2008 being dominant pleeeasseee🙏🏼🙏🏼
like the female reader and tom go to a party (they not together yet he was like planning to ask her) and she was kinda flirting with some guy and he like took her upstairs and yeahh 🥰🥰
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Masterlist for more!!
Notes: Thank you for the request sweet pea!! I really appreciate it :). Also I’ve been very sick lately so I’m sorry if I’m not uploading too frequently, I promise I’m not ignoring any requests I js get busy from time to time
Content warning!!: Dom!Tom x fem!reader, Tom being jealous, toxic?, slutshaming, smut, protected p in v , old friends to enemies to lovers, dick riding, denied orgasm
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As I walk into the party I feel the eyes on me for a brief moment but then the eyes fade as the music is turned up. I make my way to the kitchen to get some shots in me. I chug down three shots and then I go to the living room to dance. This wasn’t a super fan cry party, I honestly didn’t want to go until my friend told me about all the hot guys who would be attending.
I take another sip of my half empty drink and start to dance in rhythm with the music. “Hey there gorgeous” a man says approaching me, he had dark wavy hair with beautiful brown eyes. “Hi” I shout over the music looking at him with a flirty smile. “So what’s a beautiful girl like you doing here?” He asks putting his arm around my waist. “I’m here for my friend, it’s her party” I say looking into his gorgeous brown eyes, I feel someone else’s eyes on me before I move my eyes away to see Tom Kaulitz staring me down.
Tom and I had not always hated each other, we used to have a thing before I shut him out. Sure I feel bad, but he would never understand how I felt that year. “Sorry, are you alright?” The man asks taking me out of my thoughts. “Oh yea sorry uhm, what’s your name?” I ask trying to ignore Tom’s eyes on me. “Andrew, and you?” he says as Tom inches closer to us. “Y/n” I say smiling, but the smile quickly leaves as I see Tom now a foot away from us. “Beautiful name, Y/n would you like to go-“ “Y/n we need to talk” Tom says cutting off Andrew, pulling me upstairs.
“Tom what the fuck are you doing?!” I yell trying to get his rough grip off of me. “Keeping you from making a mistake” he says calmly before putting us in a room and locking it. “Tom you’re acting weird” I say looking at him a bit nervously. Tom chuckles and turns to look at me. “You really are that oblivious aren’t you?” He says staring at my lips. “Oblivious to what?” I say before Tom sighs and pulls me in for a kiss.
Tom then pulls away, still holding my face. “That we both are attracted to each other” he says looking me up and down whilst licking his lip piercing. I feel a knot in my stomach form and a blush appears on my cheeks. Tom chuckles “I knew you liked me too” he mutters before pulling me in again, now moving me to the bed. He sits me in the bed and stops kissing me to look at me. “Now can you do me a favor?” He asks. “Mhm” I hum in response. “Can you be a good slut tonight for me?” He asks looking at me, putting his hands on my waist.
I nod my head desperately and Tom smirks looking at me as he pulls me down to the bed, now on top of me. “I’m gonna make sure I’m the only man you think about” he says before kissing my neck, leaving very obvious markings along it. My breath hitches as I feel him breathing on my skin, so close to me I can smell the alcohol coming off of him. Tom’s hands travel my body, gripping the hem of my shirt, teasing me by rubbing my stomach. I moan.
Tom takes off my shirt and starts to kiss up and down my chest. “Fuck, you’re so sexy” he says in a droopy voice before taking off my bra and putting one tit in his mouth. I moan a little louder this time, making Tom cover my mouth. “Be quiet, I want to be the only one to hear your pretty little screams” he says smirking. Tom then moves down to my pants, rubbing his fingers on my waistband. He slides the pants down to my knees, rubbing the wet spot in my panties.
My hips buck at the feel and I moan in Tom’s hand. “That’s it babe, let go” he says softly, slipping one hand in my underwear, sliding it down with my pants. “Fuck” he says as he looks at my aching pussy. “What a pretty pussy…for a slut” he says teasingly. I look at Tom with lust trying to get any touch from him that I can. Tom laughs pushing a finger into me. “God you’re such a whore, you’ve got my attention”
He mutters before pumping in and out of me at a quick rate, making me scream in his hand. “Yea just like that” he whispers. His finger start to curl in me, the knot in my stomach becoming harder. Tom feels me pulsate against his fingers and he groans, pulling them out of me. Tom rips open a condom and pulls his boxers down. He groans feeling his erection being let loose. He slides the condom over his dick and pulls me on top of him, lining me up with him. He slowly pushes into me. We moan in unison.
Tom puts his hands on my hips, making me ride him at a fast rate. I moan scratching at his chest while his grip on my hips continues to move me. “Oh fuck yea” he says pounding into me. I start to buck my hips into his feeling the knot in my stomach loosen with every stride. He whimpers out curses before burying his head into my neck, playing with the hair stuck on my chest from sweat. “Holy shit I’m gonna cum” he says right before his release into the condom. I moan still riding him, twitching onto him. “Sh- shit- I’m close” I say. Tom abruptly pulls me off of him and just kisses me.
“Wha- what?” I look at him tears pooling in my eyes as I feel my high running away. “Sorry sweetheart I gotta run” he smirks before giving me a kiss on the forehead. He gets up and puts his pants on and then walks out. That. Prick.
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A/n: I hope you enjoyed and I hope i interpreted that request well, again thank you to the person who requested it!!
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devilat-thedoor · 1 year
What Is and What Should Never Be Ch. 3
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Word Count: 8.6k
Warnings: Smut 18+ Minors DNI(slight DubCon, Oral[m rec] Kinda Public, Degradation, Breath Play), Toxic themes(Posessiveness, Manipulation, Arguing, Jealousy) Reader Discretion Advised.
Oh my stomach’s tied in knots, I’m afraid of what I’ll find if you and I talk tonight // The problem isn’t you, it’s me, I know. I’ve seen it time after time and I’ll push you away. I get so afraid
“I wish you would’ve let me pay.” You pushed through the door of the small café and out onto the sidewalk, “I look like an idiot in these…” You whispered as you tugged on the waistband of the sweats, pulling them up.
Jake had his hand on your back, leading you back to his car, “I think they look great on you.” He pulled the passenger door open, sliding his hand to your hip to guide you into the seat, “If they weren’t my favorite sweatpants, I might’ve let you keep them.”
He closed the door and you watched him walk around to his side and climb in, “So what do you usually do for your birthday? Any special plans?” You folded your hands in your lap, trying to initiate small talk, “Oh! I should text Josh.” You pulled your phone out to type a quick message to him.
You 12:14pm: Happy birthday, boss! have the best day❤️
After hitting the send button, you questioned whether the heart was too much. You caught Jake glancing at you from his peripheral just as his twin’s response came through.
Josh 12:16pm: A happy birthday text from you? My day is already off to a great start! Thank you, Y/N!
“Why are you smiling like you have a school girl crush on him?” The car stopped at a red light when Jake spoke up, “Or is it just the attention that you like?” There was a hint of disdain in his voice.
You looked up at him, brows pinched, “Why do you have to be such an asshole all the time?” Locking your phone, you dropped it into your lap without replying to Josh, “Can you just let me out? My apartment isn’t that far, I’ll walk.” You unlatched your seat belt just as the car started moving again.
“Put it back on.” His eyes stayed trained on the road ahead.
You released a huff, “Jake, pull the c-“
“Put the fucking seatbelt back on, Y/N!” His grip on the steering wheel tightened, turning his knuckles white. He took a deep breath, softening his tone, “Can you just put it on, please? I’ll take you straight home, just put it back on.”
Rolling your eyes, you did as he asked, “Turn left onto 16th. My building will be about 3 blocks down.” It was the only thing you said before shifting your whole body to face away from him. You remained silent through the rest of the drive, only speaking up to let him know which building was yours.
He pulled into a spot on the curb and put the car in park, “Pea-” You were already out of the car and slamming the door shut before he could get a word in and he didn’t like that. You heard him get out as well, his footsteps heavy on the pavement as he followed you, “Y/N.” It was stern, but you refused to turn around. You dug through your small bag for the keys, until you remembered Bellamy had them. You stopped on the sidewalk, unlocking your phone to call her when Jake was suddenly in front of you, “How do you fucking do it?”
“Excuse me?” You stared at him, waiting for him to elaborate, “What the hell are you talking about?”
“You get under my skin so fucking easily. How? How do you know exactly which buttons to press to piss me off?” He was visibly angry, but there was something else, another emotion, that you couldn’t place.
“You’re joking, right? Jake, I can’t keep up with you anymore.” You shook your head with a laugh, “You’re such a fucking narcissist… I’m getting under your skin? All you’ve done since the day I met you is force me into this twisted fucking game of ‘Which Jake is it Anyway?’” You rubbed a hand over your face, genuinely feeling like you were going insane, “You can be so sweet, Jake. So fucking sweet to a point where I think I might actually like you… And then at the speed of light, you flip into this cocky, arrogant bastard that I just want to fucking strangle!” You were yelling now, gathering the attention of people on the street.
“Peach.” His mouth curled into a smirk and you felt your blood start to boil.
Your jaw was clenched hard as you held back a frustrated scream, “God, give me the fucking strength…” You stared up at the sky, fighting the urge to slap him, “My daddy raised me better than this, I can’t-“
Jake interrupted you, “Just shut up for a second.” Just as you dropped your gaze on him, opening your mouth to cuss him out, he moved forward, “Shut the fuck up, peach.” His hands were cupping your face, lips smashing against your own in a hungry kiss. Before you could process anything, your hands were grasping at him, tugging him closer by his shirt. One of his hands went to your back, pulling your body against his until your chests were pressed together. His tongue flicked at your bottom lip, begging to be let in, and you surrendered, parting your lips and letting your tongue fight with his.
You'd forgotten that you were still standing outside until your phone started ringing in your hand. You broke away from Jake, trying to catch a breath, and looked down at your phone to see Bellamy’s picture across the screen. You tried to compose yourself the best you could, but you knew the minute you answered, she’d suspect something was up. Glancing at Jake, you hit the green button and turned away from him, “Hello…”
Y/N, what the hell? You never let me know if you made it home last night!
“Uhhh…because I didn’t make it home, you took the keys. Where are you?”
Where are you?
“I’m standing outside the building with no way to get into the apartment, Bell. Where. Are. You?”
I’m close… Were you out for a jog? Why are you breathing so heavy?
Where did you stay last night, sweet pea?
“Can you just hurry up? I need a shower.” You hung up before she could continue her interrogation. “Why did you do that?” Your hands were shaking as you turned back to Jake, “Do you get off on playing these games with me, Jake?” Your voice was quiet, your eyes trained on the cement below you.
You could hear the smile in his tone without having to look at him, “If you’d let me play with you, I’d definitely get off…” He let out a chuckle as you threw your head back with a sigh, “I’m kidding. Hey…” He grabbed your waist, pulling you back into him, “The games wouldn’t be as fun with anyone else and I think you feel the same way.” He caught your chin between his thumb and forefinger, forcing your eyes to his, “You love it just as much as I do. Admit it.” His lips were hovering just millimeters from yours and you waited for him to connect them again, your body was begging for it. Jake’s eyes raked over you, his infamous smirk playing on his mouth, “You love it. I can see it in the uneven breaths you're taking. The way you keep staring at my mouth.” He ran his tongue along his bottom lip, proving his point as your eyes darted back and forth to follow it, “I bet you don’t even realize you’re clenching your thighs, peach.” The tip of his nose brushed against yours and your eyes began to flutter.
A car door slammed, followed by someone clearing their throat, “What’s going on, sweet pea?” You and Jake both turned at the same time, breaking contact from one another, to see Bellamy. She was standing on the curb, arms crossed and eyebrows raised, “Which one is this?”
“Jake?” The voice came from the car she’d just stepped out of. You looked past her to see the twins' younger brother emerging from the driver’s side. His eyes flashed to you, “Y/N? What is going on?”
“Bell, you went home with Sam last night?” You turned the inquisition on your best friend.
She looked from you to Sam, then Jake and back to you, “How do you know him? Wait, Sam, how do you know them?” She turned to him, pointing towards you and Jake.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. It felt like you were trapped in a mediocre rom-com, “Can we go inside, please?” You hooked your arm with Bell’s and pulled her towards the building, “We’ll talk inside, B.” She stole a single glance at the boys as you left them on the sidewalk and went through the door.
“Okay, what the fuck just happened?” Bellamy pulled the key from the apartment door and closed it, “I’m so lost…”
You fell into a fit of laughter again, “Bitch…Sam is Josh and Jake’s younger brother!” You kicked your shoes off and walked into the living room, throwing yourself down on the couch, “Did you fuck him?”
She came over, dropping down beside you with a giant grin plastered on her face, “It was really good, babe… Like, mind blowing.” She laid down, stretching across the cushions, and put her head in your lap, “He went down on me… Y/N, I came in like a minute flat…twice” You waited for her to keep going, but she sat up, turning to face you, “These aren’t your clothes… I’m not the only one who got laid last night.”
“No, they are not and no I did not.” You stared down at Jake’s t-shirt covering your torso, “He saw me at the bar last night and I was a little too drunk, I guess. He tried to call me a ride to get me home but I passed out… Not that I would’ve been able to get in here anyways. He said he wasn’t gonna leave me there alone, so he took me back to his place, gave me his bed and slept on the couch.” You stood up, walking towards your bathroom.
Bellamy popped her head in just as you turned the shower on, “If you guys didn’t hook up, what was going on when I pulled up?” She came in and hoisted herself to sit on the sink as you pulled the shirt over your head, “It definitely looked like something.”
“I don’t know. That’s the thing, Bell… I never know what’s going on with him.” You slid the pants down before stepping into the shower and pulling the curtain shut, “One minute, he’s making these comments or yelling at me or…just being a dickhead. Then the next, he’s taking care of me while I’m drunk, taking me for breakfast on his birthday.” You stood under the stream of water, letting it cascade over your head and down your body, “He kissed me out there, B. And not just a peck. It was like an explosive kiss. The kind you get completely lost in and I didn’t want it to end.” Your phone chimed on the sink top where you left it and your friend was quick to check the notification.
“Well, shit.” She scoffed and you heard her feet hit the floor as she hopped off the counter, “I don’t think he wanted it to end either, babe.” She pulled the curtain back, holding your phone in front of her face as she read the text aloud, “‘I wanna pick you up tonight for a drink. Having dinner with my brothers at 6. I’ll get you at 8, peach.’ Is he always that assertive?”
You pulled the curtain shut to rinse your hair and hide the giddy smile that formed on your face, “He is. It’s one of things that irritates me the most.” You bit your lip, already thinking of what you would wear, “Do you think it’s a bad idea?” You cut the water off and flung the curtain back to grab your towel.
Bellamy moved aside as you went to the sink to brush your teeth, “Do you like him?” She paused for a beat, “I’m only asking because the way you talk about Josh… It seems like you’re into him. But when you talk about Jake, it’s usually to complain about him… I’m just a little confused, babe.”
Spitting the foam from your mouth, you rinsed the toothbrush, “I don’t know… I do like Josh. But maybe I like Jake too… What do I do, Bell?” You gathered Jake’s clothes from the floor and stalked out of the bathroom and into your bedroom, falling across the bed with a deep groan.
She stood in the doorway and tossed your phone to the bed beside you, “I say…have fun. We’re just getting our bearings in a new city. There’s no reason to choose between one or the other… Go out with Jake tonight, see where it goes.” She disappeared without another word and you heard her bedroom door click shut.
Picking the phone up, you opened the text thread with Jake to type out a reply.
You 1:23pm: What happens if you show up and I don’t come outside?
His response came almost immediately, as if he were waiting for your text.
Jake 1:24pm: You’ll be outside. I’m not worried about it.
Jake 1:24pm: 8 sharp. Don’t wear the sweatpants.
You dropped your phone and stood up, trudging to your dresser for a pair of lounge shorts and a t-shirt. After throwing the clothes on, you climbed back into bed and clicked the TV on, choosing a Netflix doc about Robert Johnson’s alleged crossroads deal. Halfway through, you headed to the kitchen for a snack, only to crawl back under your blankets and fall asleep.
“You broke out the slutty lace panties.” Bellamy was sitting on your bed, watching you dig through the closet in your underwear and tee, “You’re definitely planning on getting dick tonight.”
She woke you up from your nap and dragged you into the kitchen to eat the take out she’d ordered and then helped you with your hair while you put on some light makeup. Now, you were sifting through hangers, trying to decide what to wear with no indication of where you were actually going for this ‘drink.’ Ignoring her observation, you poked your head around the closet doorway, “Should I just do jeans and a cute top? Or maybe like, a casual dress?” You held up one hanger with a short, flowy sundress with spaghetti straps and a delicate floral pattern.
“Not that dress.” She stood up and waltzed by you, into the closet, “Wear those tight, light wash blue jeans. You know, the ones that really lift your ass.” She held her hands up, making grabbing gestures, “And…Oooh yes!” Your friend lunged for something, ripping it from the hanger, “This is my favorite top, you don’t wear it enough.” She tossed the garment at you.
It was a baby pink, bustier style top, embroidered with tiny flowers over the front, “This is way too much, B. He’s probably taking me to some dive bar for a beer.” You walked out of the closet to stand in front of your mirror, holding the top up to your body, “It is cute though…”
She came out after you, throwing the pair of jeans at you, “Try it on. You’ll be sold, I know it.”
After a few seconds of contemplation, you finally pulled your t-shirt off and replaced it with the pink top then tugged the jeans on, giving a little hop to hoist them up around your thighs. You fastened the button and zipper before adjusting your breasts in the cups of the top, “Okay, you’re right.” You took a step back to get a full view of yourself, “I look hot as hell.”
Your best friend stood behind you, fluffing out your loose waves, “You do look hot. Shit, babe…if he doesn’t fuck you, I will.” She hooked her chin over your shoulder, gazing at your reflection, “Strap-on and all.” Her mouth lifted into a grin as you both erupted into giggles.
“Bellamy! Too far, babe!” You turned around to face her as she continued cackling, “Go away! I have 15 minutes left before I need to be downstairs.” You shoved her towards the door.
“Have fun, sweet pea!” She yelled as you pushed the door shut, “And my offer still stands!” You could hear her laughing all the way back to her room until she closed her door.
You went back to the closet, slipping on a pair of clean white vans, before gathering your things and heading out. As you rode the elevator down to the lobby, you expected a text from Jake to let you know if he was on his way, but nothing came. It was 7:50 when you stepped outside. Time ticked by slowly and you almost thought he was blowing you off until it hit 8 on the dot and his car was pulling up to the curb. You bit back a smile as he climbed out, coming around to greet you, “A minute later and I would’ve been back upstairs in my bed.”
“I told you eight sharp, didn’t I?” He grabbed your hand, holding it up to get a look at your outfit. You took note of how his eyes lingered on your chest before he brought your hand to lips with a quick peck, “You ready?”
“Well, I’m standing here, aren’t I?”
Jake shook his head as he pulled you towards the car, “You just love to run that pretty little mouth, don’t you?” He opened the door and watched you slip in as you gave him a mischievous smirk.
The drive to the bar was barely 20 minutes long and Jake was already rushing around to open your door for you. He led you through an ominous door, his hand never leaving your back. As you walked down the steps into the small barroom, you were surprised at the combined tiki and nautical theme, “Did you bring me to a pirate bar?” Your eyes wandered, taking in the ropes tied around the rafters and the colorful, net-covered lights littering the ceiling.
“Sit, Y/N.” He pulled a stool out for you to sit on, “Smuggler’s Cove is one of my favorite places to get a drink. Here.” He took the stool next to you and slid a menu in front of you.
You perused the menu, an overwhelming amount of cocktails, most rum based with a few exceptions, “These all sound so good…”
“Try a few. Most of them are good.” His eyes were on you as you studied the menu.
“Uhh…actually…” You turned on your seat to face him, “Would you be upset if I only ordered one drink? Well, only one with alcohol.” You clarified, afraid that he might think you didn’t want to be here with him, “I just have this personal rule when it comes to drinking and normally, after last night, I wouldn’t even consider picking up alcohol for at least a week… But I made a tiny exception for you.”
He brought his hand up to his chin, stroking it with his fingers, “A rule? Can I ask why?”
You looked down at your hands as you twisted your fingers together in your lap, “Story for another day, maybe?” You weren’t about to open up about the part alcohol played in the worst parts of your life, “I think I know what I want, though.” You slid the menu back to him, pointing to your drink of choice. A cocktail with rum, fresh pineapple and lime, passionfruit and honey.
He signaled to the bartender, “She’ll have a Kona cocktail and I’ll have the Bourbon Special.” The man went about mixing your drinks up, finishing yours first and then Jake’s, before moving onto the next customer. Jake stood from his stool, “Let’s grab a table.” He held his hand out for you and you took it, grabbing your drink and following him.
You pulled your hand from his to sit at the small table in a back corner and finally took a sip of your drink, “Mmm.” Your eyes fell shut as you licked the sweet, fruity juice from your lips, “That is phenomenal.”
“Don’t make those noises…” His voice was barely a whisper.
Opening your eyes, you brought the cup to your lips again, swallowing the liquid slowly, with a delighted groan, “I don’t know what you mean, Jake.” If he liked the games so much, you were more than willing to play.
He shook his head, looking away from you as he sipped his own drink, “Don’t play dumb, peach. It’s not a good look on you.” He dragged his gaze back to you with a sinister smirk on his lips, “And before you part those lips to make one of your snarky comments…know that I’ve been itching to put that mouth to better use.” He chugged the rest of his drink in a flash, placing the cup on the table, “Just give me a reason.”
You sat up straight, crossing your right leg over the left to combat the sudden pooling in your panties, and flashed him a smirk of your own, “Is that supposed to be a threat, babe?” You held your hands up in mock fear, “Oooh… I’m shakin’ in my boots.” A soft giggle crept out as you took another gulp of your cocktail, but Jake didn’t seem to share your amusement. He dug his wallet from his pocket, dropping two 20 dollar bills on the table, and stood up. Before you could ask him what he was doing, he turned around and headed up the steps that led out of the bar. You sat for a minute, waiting for him to come back, but he never did. Well shit… Pulling his money from the tabletop, you tucked it into your pocket and went to the bar to pay for the drinks with your card. You were sure that Jake had left you, so you unlocked your phone as you walked up the stairs, texting your best friend.
You 8:49pm: You might have to come get me🙄
Pushing through the door and out onto the sidewalk, her response came.
Bell🤞 8:50pm: Why? What happened????
“Thought I was gonna have to come down and carry you out…”
Your head snapped up at the sound of his voice to find Jake, leaning against his car, “Are you fucking- Here.” You dug his cash from your pocket, stomping towards him, and shoved it into his hand. Turning away, you started down the sidewalk, unsure of where you were going as you typed another text to your friend.
“You gonna walk home, peach?” He was taunting you, “Naah, you’re not gonna walk home… You just love to make that ass shake for me. That’s why you’re always walking away from me, isn’t it? Look at you, swaying those hips.” His laugh echoed through the street.
You stopped in your tracks, “You’re a fucking prick.” Spinning around, you stalked back to him, pointing your finger in his face, “Yanno, you really love to run your mouth too, Jake. An awful lot, actually.” You shrugged your shoulders with an evil smirk, “Can’t help but think you might be overcompensating for something.” You let your eyes flick down to let him know what you were implying, “Maybe that’s why Josh is so happy all the time…” You pouted your lip as you looked back up at him, “Did dear brother get all the blessings in the womb, Jakey?”
His laughter died down, but he still had that arrogant smile, completely unphased by your implication, “Tell me, Y/N…” He took a step closer, his face inches from yours as he grabbed your hand, “Do you think I’m overcompensating?” He pressed your palm over the front of his jeans, squeezing it around the prominent bulge. Jake’s eyes stayed locked with yours, “What’s the verdict, peach?” He dropped his hand but yours remained in place, causing his smile to grow, “You wanna get in the car?” He reached behind him, pulling the handle on the passenger door.
A slew of laughter came from a group of people barreling out of the bar door and you retracted your hand, taking a step away from him, “Yeah…yeah, okay.” You swallowed hard as he moved out of the way and let you slide into the seat, “Are we going to your place?” You watched him settle into his seat and start the car.
“Do you wanna go to my place?” The look on his face said he already knew the answer but when you stayed quiet, he persisted, “If it’s what you want, I need you to say it. This is in your hands, Y/N.”
Your legs were bouncing with anticipation, “I want to, Jake.”
His lip curled and then it was minutes before he was pulling into the parking garage for his building. He put the car in park and shut it off, climbing out. He barely had your door opened before you were flying out of the seat and into him, crashing your lips with his as you grabbed at him. His hands went to your waist as he backed you up to the car, pressing his body against yours. You could feel his erection digging into your hip and you pulled him closer, adding pressure to it, “Peach…” He broke away from the kiss and your lips immediately went to his jaw, working down the length of his neck, as you dropped your hand to palm him again, “Christ…” His breathing picked up as you sucked at his skin and squeezed him through his jeans.
“Thought you wanted to put my mouth to better use?” Your provocation lit a fire in his eyes and suddenly, he was grasping your hand and yanking you in front of his car, out of view from anyone who might pass by.
“Knees.” He was popping with the button on his jeans, “Now, Y/N. Knees.” He waited for you to kneel on the concrete below him before pulling himself from his pants, “I’ve been fucking dying for this since the first day you came into my store.” Jake reached down, dragging his thumb over your bottom lip. Your eyes stayed trained on his length. Definitely not overcompensating. He slid his thumb into your mouth, resting the pad on your tongue, and you closed your lips around it, sucking on it, “Eyes on me.” His voice was quiet, almost a whisper, and you let your eyes travel up to meet his, “You gonna let me fuck this smart mouth, baby?” The new pet name turned you to putty and all you could manage was a slight nod as you brought a hand up to grasp his cock, stroking it slowly while maintaining eye contact. He pulled his thumb from your mouth and watched as you leaned forward, rolling your tongue over his tip with a moan. He gathered your hair, knotting it around his fist, “Look at you… On your knees like a fucking whore. Open up.” You did as you were told, letting your jaw hang slack. He yanked on your hair, forcing you to tilt your head back, and leaned over you, allowing a string of spit to drip from his lips and coat your tongue. Jake straightened back up and moved closer, pushing himself into your awaiting mouth as your lips stretched around his thickness, “Breathe through your nose, peach.” Just as the command was spoken, he thrusted into your throat with a devious smirk. Your hands shot up to grip his thighs as your balance faltered but that only made him move harder. His grip on your hair tightened, holding you firmly in place, as he began driving into your mouth with blunt strokes, “I wanna hear you gag, peach. Don’t fight it.” His free hand came up, pinching your nose shut as he buried his cock in your throat and left it there. Your fingers dug into his denim covered legs as you stared up at him and a harsh gag flew from your esophagus. He released your nose, pulling his hips back a bit, “Ahh, she listens like a good little whore. Let’s have another one, yeah?” He grasped your head and gave a sharp thrust, feeling your throat convulse around him with a second gag. You squeezed your eyes shut as they began to water and he was pinching your nose closed again, “Eyes on me, baby. C’mon, let me see you.” His hips were still moving but there was a desperation oozing from his tone. You opened your eyes to look up at him again, vision blurry through your tears. His hand left your nose to wipe a tear from your cheek and you could’ve sworn you heard him moan at the same time his cock twitched on your tongue. You hollowed your cheeks, slowly bobbing your head to draw another sound from him, “Fuck, peach…Keep going.” He sounded breathless as he released your hair and allowed you to finish him off. You took him in your hand again, twisting and stroking his length, while swirling your tongue around it. He leaned back on the hood of his car, his head thrown back as he stared at the cement ceiling, quiet curses spilling from his lips. You gazed up at him through your lashes, drinking in the sight of him as he came apart. His throat, covered in a sheen of sweat, glistening beneath the dim, yellow lights. His lips parted, chest rising rapidly with each shaky inhale. Every few seconds, a barely audible whimper would escape him and the sound sparked a strong, visceral need to bring him to his climax. Pressing your hand flat at the base, you took him all the way in, swallowing around his head with a moan, “Shit, baby, I-. Fuck, Y/N.” Jake’s head shot up, his eyes locking on your again. You stared at him, a pleading gaze, begging for him to just let go, and that’s exactly what he did. His mouth hung open, breath caught in his chest, as a choked grunt ripped from his throat. You eased him through his orgasm, swallowing his release while your tongue lapped at him, until his breaths evened out.
Pulling your mouth from him, you slouched back against the cold, concrete wall and swiped your hand over your lips, “A whore, Jake? Really? Such a sweet talker.”
He tucked himself back into his jeans with a chuckle, “You’re on your knees in a parking garage, peach. That’s not exactly ladylike behavior.” His laugh was cut short by the sound of a car door slamming and he reached down to help you off of the floor.
You swatted his hands away and pulled yourself up, “Fuck you, Jake. Just take me home.” You brushed your jeans off and moved to get in the car, but his hands caught your waist, hauling you back to him.
“I’m kidding.” He brushed the hair from your shoulder, leaning in close, “Stay, Y/N.” His lips ghosted over yours.
“I don’t have clothes…or a toothbrush.” You whispered against his mouth, waiting for him to kiss you.
He spun the both of you around and lifted you to sit on the hood of his car, “I’m sure I have a spare toothbrush. And what do you need clothes for?” Jake placed his hand on either side of you, finally pressing his lips to yours, “Aren’t these coming off when we get inside?” He trailed a finger along the hem of your top that rested over your breasts.
You placed your palm flat over his chest, pushing him back a few inches, “I do need clothes if I stay, because we’re not having sex tonight, babe.” His shoulders dropped with a hint of disappointment. You hopped down from the hood and grabbed his hips, “If you’re not okay with that, just take me home, Jake.”
“We don’t have to have sex.” He pecked your lips, “But I want you to stay, peach.” Another peck, “Please, stay.” As he kissed you for a third time, you couldn’t help but pick up on the pleading tone in his voice, something that felt very uncharacteristic for him, “You can find whatever you wanna wear in my closet, I don’t care.”
A smile formed over your face, “Well in that case, can we go in? I’m kind of cold…” He pulled away with a grin, taking your hand to lead you into the building.
The morning came in a rush, the sun casting a soft light into the bedroom. Your eyes fluttered open to find Jake draped over your body, his head flat on your chest as he snored. His arm was hooked around you, hand grasping your side and he had a leg laid atop of your own. It was like he was trying to keep you tethered to earth. Like if he moved, gravity would take you away. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself as you looked at him, his face so soft and calm, lips parted just enough for his nasally breaths to escape. Your mind went back to the night before. After he brought you inside, he stuck to his word to let you dig through his closet for something more comfortable while he went in search of a spare toothbrush. You found an old, faded Highway Tunes t-shirt, the logo was shredded due to the many wash cycles it had seen. Removing your top, you pulled the oversized shirt over your head and peeled your jeans off before going to look for Jake. You found him in the kitchen, leaning against the counter with a bottle of water to his lips, “Hey…”
His eyes fell on you, zoning in on your bare legs, “Hey.” He gestured for you to come closer, placing his water on the countertop to hold your hips, “This might just be your new work uniform, peach.” His hands slid down to squeeze your ass, effectively pressing your body against his own.
“Yeah? You want me to show a little more leg at the store?”
His hands crawled back up, lifting your shirt with them, “Legs. Ass. Tits… Fuck, just show up naked.”
You grabbed his wrists, pulling them away from your skin to let the shirt fall back down, “Nice try.” Leaning up, you pressed your lips to his, catching his bottom one between your teeth with a quiet growl.
He twisted his fingers to interlock with yours before pulling out of the kiss with a groan, “You gotta stop that, baby… You’re making my dick hard again.” Jake stepped around you to open the refrigerator, grabbing a second bottle of water, “C’mon.” He nodded towards the doorway before exiting the kitchen. You toed behind him, following him back into his bedroom, where most of the night was spent rolling about his bed in steamy makeouts, listening to music and talking about nothing until you both eventually fell asleep.
And now, here you were, squished beneath him and trying not to move so that he wouldn’t wake up. A wave of butterflies rippled through your stomach as you studied his features. He was so effortlessly handsome, from his big brown eyes to his soft lips and perfect smile. Unable to resist the urge, you reached down to brush the hair away from his face, causing him to stir. A deep groan rumbled from his chest as his eyelids began to open. He let out a yawn, tightening his arm around you, as his eyes finally adjusted to the daylight. You watched him lift his head slightly, examining your form under him, before his entire body went tense. He sat up abruptly, shuffling to the edge of the bed, “Well good morning to you too, Jake.” When he didn’t say anything, you sat up as well, moving to place your hand on his back, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” He shrugged your hand off, making it very clear that he was not ‘fine.’
“Jake…” You crawled towards him slowly, “What’s wro-.”
He cut you off as he stood up, “Nothing, I just forgot that I have shit to do today…” His tone was cold and he wouldn’t even look at you, “I need to shower. Can you get a ride home?” Jake left you no chance to respond as he rushed out of the bedroom. You stared at the doorway, completely dumbfounded, until the sound of the bathroom door slamming startled you.
Climbing out of the bed, you grabbed your phone from his nightstand to call Bellamy. You tucked the phone between your ear and shoulder, snatching your jeans off of the floor to tug them on.
Bitch. Do you know what time it is? Her voice was low and raspy, telling you that the call woke her up.
“Come get me, Bell. Now.” You picked up your pink top and went to the front door for your shoes.
She was more alert at your tone. Hey, what’s going on?
“It doesn’t matter… I’m gonna drop my pin, can you please just hurry up?”
Yeah, babe. Let me throw clothes on.
You hung up just as the bathroom door swung open. Jake emerged, a towel around his waist, and turned to look at you. You’re sure he could see the hurt on your face, but he didn’t say anything, just spun around and went back to his bedroom, pushing the door shut. A sick feeling spread through your stomach, prompting you to leave as quickly as possible. You skipped waiting on the elevator and bolted down the stairwell. Once you broke through the doors and hit the sidewalk, you sent your friend your location and began walking down the street, wanting to get far away from him. It wasn’t long before Bellamy called, letting you know she was close, and you walked back to the apartment building to meet her.
“Y/N, what happened?” Bell stared at you as you slid into the car.
You sunk into the seat, wishing it would just swallow you up, “I don’t wanna talk about it right now, I just wanna go home.” You refused to face her, keeping your head turned towards the window, but you could feel her eyes on you, “Bellamy, please. Just- Not right now, okay?” Your voice began to shake and she conceded.
“Okay, hun.” She spoke softly, shifting the car into drive and starting the path home.
The rest of your Sunday was a blur after you’d gotten home. Bellamy could sense your disconcertion and tried to press you for details on what went down, but you kept brushing her off. You didn’t even know what happened… Everything was great the night before, for the most part, anyways, but Jake’s mood when he woke up was a shock to you. He seemed irritated, almost like he was angry that you were in his bed. You felt sick at the situation, used. He’d gotten what he wanted and tossed you out once he had it. And now it was Monday afternoon and you were parking your car in the lot behind the store, wondering if he was in there already, if he was going to pretend that nothing happened… You were only making your anxiety worse with the worrying. How was he going to act? Would you get an explanation? Which Jake was it going to be today? After a deep, calming breath, you climbed out of the car and headed for the back door. You went for the doorknob, but it was already pushing open from the inside.
“Woah.” Josh jumped back slightly with his hand over his chest, “You scared the shit outta me, Y/N. You trying to get another bloody nose?” His laugh made you smile, “You never come through the back.” He stepped outside, letting the metal door fall shut behind him.
“Well, normally, I either walk or Bellamy drops me off and uses my car to get to work.” You pointed at your car, a few feet away, “But I drove today… Wait, why are you here? It’s your day off.”
He glanced back at the building for a second, “I just stopped in to talk to Jake for a minute, but Olivia is up his ass.” He shook his head, “Good luck with them tonight.” He lifted his hand to your shoulder with a light pat.
You released a whine, “Perfect. This shift is gonna fucking suck and I don’t have the patience for it.” You pushed your lip out, giving Josh your best puppy eyes, “Any chance you just wanna stay all night?”
“You make it hard to say no when you give me those sweet eyes…” His voice trailed off as his hand left your shoulder to cup your cheek. His gaze dropped to your mouth as he ran his thumb over your pouted lip. Time felt like it froze, both of you unmoving. He was such a stark contrast to Jake. Always so warm and kind and funny. Your eyes fell on his lips as you swallowed hard and Josh went wide-eyed as he realized what he was doing. But before he could retract his hand, you were grabbing his shirt and pulling in. The second your lips hit his, his hand slid to the back of your neck while the other went to your back. His mouth moved on your own and you welcomed it, gliding your hands up his chest to loop around his neck. Your fingers twirled into his curls, as you pressed yourself into him. It wasn’t until a soft whimper escaped you that he broke the kiss, detaching from you completely, “Fuck…Y/N, I’m sorry. I- That was-.” He shook his head, trying to gather his bearings, “I didn’t mean to…”
He didn’t mean to? You made a mistake, misread the signs. He didn’t want to kiss you, he was just being sweet, nice, kind Josh and you had it all wrong… “No. Uhh. That was all me. I’m sorry.” You flew past him and through the back door, hearing him call your name just as it slammed shut. You went straight into the bathroom, locking the door. How did you manage to get rejected by both of them in less than 48 hours? Staring at yourself in the mirror, you let out a laugh of disbelief. How did you already make a mess of your new life? When you finally came out of the bathroom, Jake was coming from the storage room at the same time.
He took in your appearance, flushed cheeks and all, “That doesn’t look like your required uniform.” His smirk curled his lip. What? You looked down at your leggings and work shirt without saying anything. Jake moved in close, dropping his voice, “Did you forget about our night already? I didn’t…” He tilted your chin up, pressing his lips to yours for a few seconds. When he pulled back, his brows were drawn together as he stared at your lips, “Were you kissing someone else, peach?” His tone was accusatory, furthering your confusion.
“N- What? No. Jake, what…” You were at a loss for words, stuck gawking at him.
“No, you didn’t forget our night or no, you didn’t kiss anyone?” He was still holding your chin, studying your face as he awaited your answer.
You were squirming under his gaze, trying to focus enough to respond, “Neither. Or- Both? I-.” It was half a lie, but you weren’t about to tell him that you kissed his twin and got shot down.
He flashed a smile, knowing he had you flustered, but before you could ask what the hell was happening, he pecked your lips again, “Good. Now get to work, you’re late.” He dropped his hand and stalked out of the hallway without a second glance.
What the fuck…You grumbled to yourself as you went to clock in. If he was going to pretend like Sunday morning didn’t happen and everything was fine, maybe you would do the exact same…
The shift carried on as usual. The back and forth banter between you and Jake was the same as always. He was a little more subtle with the flirty touches, and you chalked it up to him wanted to keep his personal life out of his work life, but Olivia was on another level today… “Jaaaake… Can you come help me?” Every time he was near you, she would call for him, drawing his attention to her.
You were standing at the register, ringing a customer out, while Jake stood beside you, scrawling on a piece of paper. You gave the kid his change and watched him walk away before leaning in close to your boss, “Jaaaake, Liv needs you.” You mimicked her tone with a mocking expression, “God, she’s never this helpless on Josh’s shifts.”
“Cut it out, peach.” He tucked his pen behind his ear, placing the paper on the counter to go assist her. He grasped your hips as he shuffled behind you, stopping to whisper in your ear, “Jealousy isn’t a good look on you either, yanno…” He gave a small squeeze before retracting his hands and slithering off. The mind games never stopped. One minute, he’s leaning in close, letting his breath blanket over your neck to send a shiver down your spine. The next, he’s off flirting with Olivia, always touching her waist or whispering things to make her giggle. He was laying it on extra thick today and making sure you saw every bit of it. What you couldn’t figure out is why he did it. Why was he always trying to make you jealous? He could have you if he wanted you, you made that pretty obvious on his birthday…But then he practically kicked you out of his apartment the next morning. The game was getting old and you were growing tired of it quickly.
Your attention snapped to the two of them as Olivia’s crackling chortle echoed through the store. Jake’s eyes flicked over to you and you could see the glint in them, paired with a challenging smirk. Entirely over their display, you stalked into the back hallway and slipped into the storage room, closing the door behind you. You needed anything to keep you busy, to keep you from being around them, and the messy, disorganized storage room was the perfect distraction. Ever since the first time you’d seen this room, you’ve been itching to sort through it and tidy it up. You took your phone from your pocket and clicked a playlist on before placing it up on a shelf. Starting with the boxes on the floor, you pulled them open, one by one, sifting through the vinyls and cds. You had a few stacks, sorted the same way it was in the front; Genre first, then alphabetical, making a mental note to get labels for the shelves. You were on your fourth box, unsure of how much time had passed when the door to the room opened and closed. You didn’t bother to turn around as you continued digging through the box, “Jake, just let me finish this box before I’m forced to watch your show again…” You spun around in a flash at the sound of Josh’s voice.
“Y/N, what are you doing?” He was standing by the door, looking around the room at the piles of music. He stepped over a stack of cds to get to the large rack on his left and looked over the few shelves that you had started filling, “Are you organizing all of this?” He ran his finger along the row of records and turned back to you with an incredulous stare.
You could feel your cheeks growing hot under his gaze, “Yeah… I’m sorry, I should’ve asked before I started. I had no right to just-”
“No no. This is…amazing.” He gestured around the small space, “I’ve been telling Jake forever that we needed to do this. My mom always had everything in its place here and we just kind of let it go. But this… Thank you for starting this. Really.”
You were chewing on your lip, your eyes trained on the floor, “Why are you here, Josh? Or- I mean, did you need something?” You slowly lifted your head to look at him.
His smile was so bright all the time, like nothing could ever bother him, “Actually, yeah. I needed to see you.” When you didn’t say anything, he took a few steps towards you, “I got home and I just kept thinking about that kiss out back…” His fingers ghosted over his mouth as though he could still feel your lips.
“I’m sorry. I really shouldn’t have-.”
“But you did, Y/N.” He smirked in a way that made it obvious him and Jake were twins. It was that devious smirk that Jake always had, but it wasn’t nearly as threatening, “And I’d be lying if I said I haven’t been begging for that.” He was inches in front of you, the tip of his tongue caught between his teeth. He reached out carefully, his left hand taking hold of your waist, and began to move in.
“Josh…” It came out in a gasp just as his lips landed on yours. Everything was frenzied; hands grasping and squeezing, tongues battling, breaths heavy. He had you backed against one of the racks, his hands gripping your ass before climbing their way up your body to settle beneath your shirt, on your waist again. You were grabbing at his shoulders as his lips explored your neck, trailing up your throat and giving your jaw a soft bite. Everything was escalating so quickly but it felt too good. All of it. His fingers digging into your skin, lips sucking at your neck, even the way his curls brushed against your cheek, tickling you just a bit. You didn’t want it to stop, but you were silly to think you had a choice in that matter.
“Well isn’t that something.” Your eyes snapped open to see Jake, standing in the doorway, and you pried Josh’s hands from your body, taking a few steps away, “Didn’t peg you for a liar, peach…” His eyes were locked on you, it didn’t matter how hard you tried to exit his line of sight.
You attempted to tame the tension, “Jake, It’s not-”
“I don’t want to hear anything from you.” He cut you off, his voice sharp and final as he stared daggers at you, his jaw clenched tight.
Josh stepped in front of his twin, “Dude, don’t talk to her like that.” He kept his voice calm, but it only made Jake angrier.
He dragged his eyes from you to look directly at Josh, a poisonous venom lacing his tongue, “You don’t have to play sweet with her, Josh. I’m sure if you just take her out back, she’ll happily get on her knees for you…”
Your hand came up to cover your mouth, your eyes filling with tears, “Jake…” His eyes flashed back to you, a look of instant regret in them, but you were already pushing past him to grab your phone from the shelf and rushing out the back door to your car.
@jakekiszkasbuttsweat @ieatedasammy @twistedmelodies @dropdeadalyx31 @ageofbajabule @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @ignite-my-fire @becinabubblegvf @literal-dead-leaf @sanguinebats @myleftsock @laneygvf @writingcold @sinarainbows @lipstickitty @giraffehippy @jakesmustache @gracev0609 @gretavansara @profitofthedune @gvfmarge @brookekiszkaa @earthgrlsreasy @welllauragvf @takenbythemadness
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toxicbrothel · 1 year
raider Joel x f reader
by sweet pea who is mad at toxic over this.
You're in bed and Joel fucks you and it feels really good and it's his favorite thing to do. The scar on his eyebrows looks really hot as he hovers over you.
He pauses with his cock all the way inside. With any luck you'll have it inside all night after he cums.
He looks at you for a long time and says, "I secretly have feelings for you, sweet pea," then starts moving his hips again. "I can't reproduce, but sometimes I wish I could fill you up with all my sperms. Maybe if I put enough cum in you, a sperm will slip through one day."
"I'm flattered but I like not having to worry about getting pregnant."
"you're right, I was thinking with my balls. you're smart, sweet pea. that's one reason I secretly have so many feelings for you."
He cums and I say "it feels so good when you fill me up with all your spermless cum. In another life, I would gladly accept your seed."
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electronix-arts · 1 year
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basically hes an idea my friend thought of that she gave me permission to draw .. so i did .
in a nutshell, peashooter wasnt happy w himself, wanted 2 be as strong as his variants so he goes to train in a wasteland but fucks up and becomes a wannabe toxic pea. hooray !
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
when was the first time reader hugged raider on her own and what was her reaction?
Wash Bin
1k, raider!Joel x f!reader / Raider Masterlist
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mood board by @milla-frenchy
A/N: This question is kinda tricky because he's always had that twisted tenderness for you and you collapse into his arms on day one at the end of Failed Rescue. Thank you @milla-frenchy for questions and reading passages. SUMMARY: This is one scenario I can imagine . . . A glimpse at life in your early days at Joel's trailer. You get to wash your clothes for the first time. WARNINGS: I8+, angst / pitiful, brief dubcon piv, references to past noncon, toxic domesticity.
When Joel first took you home to his trailer, you were shaken up, quietly in shock.  He comforted you again, just like he had right after he shot your boyfriend. “S’gonna be alright, sweet pea. I’ll make sure no one hurts ya.” Other than that, he didn’t talk much. 
He didn’t quite know how to take care of you. He seemed to treat you like a stray kitten he had taken in without thinking. You were something  precious he enjoyed having around but needed to learn to care for.  He didn’t think to give you clothes right away.  Your diet was practically entirely meat, which you didn’t care for – small game like rabbit and squirrel.  He held you close at night, in a possessive way, but it still made you feel safe.  He knew your name but didn’t tend to say it.  He always called you sweet pea, and was never stern or angry in those early days before you escaped. 
He didn't physically force himself on you.  Even that first time, he had his way with a calmly delivered threat to hand you back to his men.  Based on that first day – when he did it three times in a matter of hours– You assumed he was an insatiable sex machine.  And he did become one, but not right away. After bringing you home with him, he didn't fuck you the next day, which led you to wonder if the prior day's actions had been fueled more by the situation than a need to have your body. As if seeing those men with you triggered an animal instinct – claim, fuck, take. And you became his. 
Back at Joel’s trailer, he was mostly quiet. If he spoke, it was to insult his men, rage bubbling in his voice as he ranted about what they would have done to you.  You were still in shock the first day or two.  Then, sitting at the kitchen table, you finally started crying with reality setting in, and fear about what life would be like.  
"C'mere," he said, placing a hand on your arm to pull you closer. He began to take off your pants and you let him. He didn't have to warn you. “Wanna go to bed or stay here?” After that, all he had to do was get hard, palm himself over his jeans or unzip them and you would lie there compliantly or get on your knees.  Your body was on board before you were, and at some point your mind caught up. You stopped feeling guilty for your physical enjoyment. 
One day, you laid down for a nap on his bed and woke up when the mattress dipped under his weight.  He lay on his side, propped up on his elbow with his head in his hand.  He didn’t say anything to you, but he fiddled lazily with the hem of your shirt, looking at your body. He would undress and dress you like a doll.  You were getting self conscious without any clean clothes. You took baths but put the same clothes right back on the next day. Joel didn’t seem to notice or mind and you were shy to ask for anything.  
He wasn’t looking for you to do or say anything, and you weren’t sure you should, but while he was touching your clothes, you took the chance of asking,  “Can I please wash them?” It was one of the first times you spoke without him first speaking to you. 
He dropped the hem of your shirt and took a deep breath as his big hand came to your inner thigh and he caressed it, then squeezed.  He looked at you for a few seconds, then nodded. 
“You know how?” he asked. 
You nodded. “I can do yours too. . .if you want.” 
His brow furrowed in contemplation, then he nodded.  His voice was deep. He talked so little that it felt special when he did.  “Soap’s in the pantry.” 
He put his thumb in your waistband and unbuttoned your pants deep in concentration.  You helped him take your pants down, then he put your hand on the hard bulge in his jeans and used it to massage himself, which made you get butterflies between your legs as you felt him harden.  After a minute of that, he reached between your legs and sharply inhaled when he felt your slick. Your face got hot. 
“You wanna bend over or lie on your tummy?”
“Lie down.” 
“Good girl.” 
You lay prone on the bed with your head on your hands as he unzipped his jeans and  got between your legs. He put a hand on your ass and you tilted your hips for him.  He notched his tip at your entrance, then planted one hand between your shoulder blades and another on the bed and pushed his cock into you. You whimpered as your body accommodated him. He didn’t allow much time to adjust.  He fucked you wordlessly, grunting and sighing, his fingers digging into your flesh and seeming to span your entire back. His tip firmly nudged your g-spot repeatedly until you came with a whimper. After Joel came, he laid there for a minute, then got up, mumbling “i’ll get the stuff.” 
He got out the soap and washboard himself.  A little later, he went outside with you to the faucet where there was a metal wash bin, so he could show you the stuff. There was a fallen clothesline hanging from a tree near the trailer.  
“whenever ya want,” he said. 
Back inside, Joel gathered his dirty clothes.  You started taking yours off and shyly asked if you could wear something while you washed them.  He didn’t say anything, just looked you over, then looked through his clothes. He let you wear a pair of boxers and t-shirt, either his or from a raid. 
While you washed the clothes in the boxers and t-shirt, Joel fixed the clothesline. Then he came over and watched you scrubbing the clothes, hands on his hips. “Good girl.”  This activity took your mind off things, and the the fact that he fixed the clothesline for you overwhelmed you with gratitude.  
You stood up and hugged him around his side. “Thank you,” you whispered. 
He seemed surprised, but after a second he patted you on the head and wrapped an arm around you.  "see, you'll be alright, sweet pea." Then a few seconds later, he said “goin’ inside.” As he backed away, he said “lemme know if ya need somethin’.” 
Thank you for reading. Now flash back to the future. . . go read his more recent ones to remember how far he's come lol.
Raider's affection / possible feelings
Raider: Close (Jul 3, 2.7k) - Joel gets home late injured, and men approach the trailer with bad intentions. 🖤
✨Raider: Gun Hug (Jul 31, 3.7k) - You and Joel take out two bad eggs in the stash house
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