#fuck pms
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k-illdarlings · 8 months ago
Ngl seeing how many times reid’s got brush off bc his infodumps by his friends kinda hit the sore spot for me
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vibratingskull · 5 months ago
Fuck PMS
I'm so tired, unmotivated and now READING MY STORIES MAKES ME WANT TO CRY?????
The stories that are supposed TO BRING ME JOY??????
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What even is the fucking point?
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yesimwriting · 1 year ago
you guys ever spend a day or two acting like someone that genuinely needs psychological help and then you get your period and you’re just like
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ramim · 1 year ago
Did my PMS just made me build up a whole Mperg plot for Lucien in my head and then cry with it?
Yes it did!
It sure did.
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houseonthecliffside · 11 months ago
sometimes i wish my periods would come soon , so it would justify all the sadness and prove that i in fact am not a miserable person and its just me pmsing
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faerie-hideaway · 1 year ago
My brain when the PMDD hits:
" Haha Oops all hormones"
Then, later on...
"actually, gimme that back...bitch"
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mysadnotsolittlelife · 1 year ago
Food diary
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Didn’t fast
Greek wrap, Diet Coke, Cajun fries with ranch, chicken noodle soup
I didn’t count my cals :(
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msuic-lovr · 1 year ago
nononono I am nauseous af feel like I’m abt to barf as soon as I get to school im gonna need to go home but I have to get to school first fuck periods
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PMS is crazyyyy because someone explain why I’m reading GOB Bluth and Tony Wonder fics and crying???? God.
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autisticdyke382514 · 1 year ago
Does your period look at your schedule, think “oh, you have swim practice, picture day, a trip to an amusement park, a sleepover, a pool party, AAAANNNNNDDDD a long weekend? That sounds like a perfect day to come and surprise you.”
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ilovenights · 2 years ago
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m0rgz · 2 years ago
Insanely jealous of the AMAB’s out there in the world that will never know what uterine cramps feel like
I’m on a very strong birth control bc I’ve had to leave school/work sobbing in pain and even rn im not that bad just have a hint of cramps and its totally ruining my day
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alt-simz · 2 years ago
guys i got my period and i just want to sit on the floor and cry :')
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why-bother-with-life · 2 years ago
adhd and pms is not a joke wow
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wildfoxes-spirit · 2 years ago
So I've been kinda "off" lately. I've been feeling kinda left out, clingy, like my friends see me as a second choice. And then we're going down to the gym for break (middle school) and I can feel this mf go "dripppp" I'm sitting here praying that it's just discharge and not my period. So I rush to the bathroom and guess who's here and what I don't have. I never seem to have fucking pads when I need them
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marcelinesghost13 · 4 months ago
Hi Blog
So today I got hit with Trans PMS and it sucks. I am so fucking bitchy today but I haven't been anybody's head off yet and I'm trying not to. Even though I've come across a couple people today and I just want to go off but I don't because I know.... I know it's just my emotion and chemical imbalance in my brain. So I do my best to keep it in check. Even though every single fucking person is planet irritates the shit out of me right now.
So to describe how I feel. I have horrible fucking cramps. My boy parts which I hate even more right now feel like somebody took a sledgehammer to him and just pounded the shit out of them. My emotions are fucking everywhere. And plus I'm horny as fuck lol. The pain is beyond nauseating. I have this constant feeling that I want to fucking throw up. Luckily I don't have any major responsibilities so I can curl up into a fucking ball on my bed and tell the world to fuck off till I have to go to work. Yeah on the other hand I so wish I had a companion or a friend just kind of hanging out and giving me a hug and some emotional support right now cuz I so fucking need it. So that's how I feel right now...
Also today the fucking ex wife text me today. Give me a lecture about what it means to be married because legally I still am. She also went on about how this isn't love and the way that I behave is in how someone should behave if they love them... LoL where the fuck does she get that bullshit. I quit loving that fucking cunt a long ass time ago. Then she also talks about the games and the boundaries that I play. I let her know I'm not playing any games and yes I do have boundaries. The reason why I have boundaries with her is because she triggers the shit out of me. So in order for me to have my Peace and sanity there's boundaries in place for her. Otherwise I would completely cut her ass off and I know I can do that because it's going to look bad on me when we do finally file a divorce. And that is everything on that topic.
I also did my weekly video that I do on Facebook. Hello I talked about the funeral and how my week went. I also talked about one of my pet peeves. Which is when people not just women tell me "welcome to being a woman" OMG I so fucking hate being told that. Simply because I've been a woman my whole fucking life. I have a female brain with female soul and a female heart. As far as I'm concerned I've always been a woman. I see the world through women's eyes not men's eyes. I don't understand men I've never understood men and the crap that they do. I've always related to women because I understand the way that they think and the way that they feel. So when I'm told the term welcome to being a woman it's insulting to me... It's like telling somebody you know you need to use a spoon to eat soup. And she told anybody that they would probably be pretty insulted. So I absolutely hate the fucking term it's a fucking pet peeve of mine. And I talked about it and in my video that I did this morning on Facebook. Talked about a couple other things too.
One of the other things I talked about on my video is how I receive and perceive love. I can give love to pretty much anybody especially people that I care about. I'm not very good at receiving it though. Because I don't know what to do with it. I haven't been loved for such a long time that I don't understand the feeling. And I'm not talking about just having a companion or a mate that kind of love... Which by the way will never fucking happen in my lifetime. But just the fact of when my family and friends actually like show their concern and their love and compassion for me. It's fucking weird and I don't know what to do with that feeling. I appreciate it for what it is and I recognize it. But I don't know how to take it in. That's mostly because I'm so fucking broken. My heart is so fucking broken and I don't see it being repaired anytime soon. Plus my brain doesn't trust love that anyway whatsoever. Which was really weird I had the dream yesterday. They completely fucking freak the shit out of me. One of the big reasons is because it just felt so fucking real and two I could feel the caring and the love of that person that I was talking to in the dream and he was really fucking scary. Love terrifies ever living shit out of me. It freaks me out. I know at some point it's going to come knocking on my door and I don't know if I want to open up that door. There's a part of me that misses having a companion or a mate but I simply just think that's because I was with my ex so long so there's that missing element in my brain. Over time I believe that it will go away or I will get numb to it. Then eventually I'll get used to just being alone and I actually kind of look forward to that. So yeah that's everything for this blog till next time....
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