#fuck of desitel friday
gaycatastrophe · 2 years
somewhere out there is an unused script or possibly even filmed footage of a finale that was actually coherent and emotionally resonant and for it to be even a little bit of either of those things it had to be gay
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lampgate · 8 months
and after everthing you've been through, you still made it to fuck of desitel friday again ❤️
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gaytedlasso · 2 years
sketchbookdean -> desitel
Hey it's Elliot wishing you a happy fuck of desitel friday and everyday of the week
Still tracking #justcastiel
New icon by @rainsongdean
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howldean · 7 months
1, 3, 4, 11, 16 for the fandom asks
1. list 3 positive things about your current fandom — this is all on supernatural because of course it is. a) there’s so many people with niche skills, like we have incredible levels of meta, incredible artists and storytellers, and a literal jarchaeologist. what the hell this is genuinely incredible b) oh buddy it’s only monday. brother it’s ten am on a tuesday yesterday was tuesday but today is tuesday too. sparkle on its werewolf transgenderism wednesday. cas died on a thursday it was sunny. fingers in my mouth fitzgerald fuck of desitel friday. i always know the day of the week c) there are so many freaks i get to call my friends and i think it’s wonderful. everyone from point a can also be your friend. your buddy who gives you music recs and asks how you’re doing after a hard day or sends you a gift to celebrate recovering from surgery and coexists with you and sends you asks and treats you with kindness and love. for the hell of it. like damn
3. a character that fandom has helped you appreciate — ohhhhh rufus absolutely. i loved bobby and rufus’ dynamics from the start but input from others has helped me fall for so many of the side characters on a deeper level like. i probably wouldn’t have even become so much of a garthboy or a jimmyfucker if i didn’t have people that were right there with me in the derangement soup
4. say something nice about a ship you don't ship — i think sastiel girlies have so much fun amidst all the horrors and i love recreationally receiving sastiel posts even if i don’t live the lifestyle (said in the tone of a moderately conservative uncle trying to his best about the gays) the posts i see are like a hearty stew.
11. if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making — i’m really proud of a wip i’ve been outlining this week. and my first blip into letting myself write in my preferred style with oh, baby.
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate — this one’s a toughie because i forget literally everything ever. i don’t think watching dog dean afternoon counts as a “tiny” detail because it’s an entire episode but so many people skip it and it fundamentally reshapes dean’s relationship with dogs. so instead i’ll say that dean got a ged!!!!! he didn’t need to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but he did!! just for himself
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sheepstiel · 2 years
was going to send you a cockles troll anon to make you feel better but you have your anon off, so I'll just say this:
fuck it cock less (the desitel equivalent of cockles)
fuck of cock less friday?
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dollhousemary · 1 month
happy fuck of desitel friday i guess
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dank-weedchester · 2 years
in honor of agincourt daily, i’ve written two (!!) fics of thee fic itself
on pretending map chapter 4. missing scene between “drink enough to pretend” and waking up with a hangover, on the couch, in some sort of guy pile
if you want me, honey— lights chapter 13. what can i say. it’s the couch scene. you know you want it
hot off the presses extra extra etc etc🧍‍♂️
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casbeeminestiel · 3 years
Things to do on this overcast November 5th day:
1). Post about destiel incessantly
2). Write a paper
3). Go to a 2014 tumblr themed concert because I have no grasp on my sanity or the fact that I have to meet with my project partner tomorrow morning to review the aforementioned paper followed immediately by a football game.
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godstiel · 3 years
love that november fifth will be on fuck him on the floor friday. i think that will be fun for us
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a-flickering-soul · 3 years
all right. all right that's enough. where is my destiel honeybee by steam powered giraffe amv.
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lampgate · 11 months
the 5th won't fall on fuck of desitel friday until 2027 💔💔💔
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dykebluejay · 3 years
still thinking about fuck of desitel
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angelcasendgame · 3 years
Tamil Tag Index, based on @akelei-ashes‘s Hindi Tag post (x)
கேர்ள் போஸ் (girl boss)
பிறிவ் டாக் (prev tag)
டிட்டி (tiddy) / டிட்டிஸ் (tiddies)
மிள்ஃப் (milf)
ஃபக் ஆஃப் டீஸ்டியல் ஃப்ரைடே (fuck of desitel friday)
ஃபக் ஹிம் ஒண் த  ஃபனோர் ஃப்ரைடே (fuck him on the floor friday)
ஃபிங்கர்ஸ் இன் மை மௌத் ஃப்ரைடே (fimmf)
பெஸ்டி (bestie)
காஸ்டியல் (castiel)
பேபி கிறல் (baby girl)
டாடிஸ் பிலண்ட் இன்ஸ்ருறமேன்ட் (daddy's blunt instrument)
ஹோமோஸ் (homos -- ty @castinkywinky​)
மியவ் மியவ் (meow meow -- again ty castinkywinky)
டின் கேர்ள் (dean girl)
காஸ் கேர்ள் (cas girl)
சாம் கேர்ள் (sam girl)
சாஸ்டியல் (sastiel)
டீஸ்டியல் (destiel)
ரெடாக்டட் (redacted)
ஃபிஸ்ட் இன் மை கட்  ஃப்ரைடே (fist in my gut friday)
லிட்ட��் காய் (liddol guy)
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samdyke · 3 years
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deansawthetvglow · 3 years
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paneerlajwanti · 3 years
What's gonna happen on Nov 5th???
fuck of desitel friday one year anniversary edition
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