#fuck mmy parents
computerpeople · 1 year
tw child abuse i didnt realize how fucked up this actually was until i wrote it all out LOL anyways sorry this is long. absolutely no requirement for anyone to read, but lms if you do since its long
a situation ive had really stuck in my head with this whole dad situation is the time that i had a minor seizure and instead of being worried that i came home from a date with my (at time physically abusive) ex, where we went to a baseball game with his dad and his dads gf for his birthay with massive blown out pupils, they screamed at me for hours about how im a useless waste of space and an evil child and how i clearly was going out and doing drugs with my boyfriend and lying to them about where ive been, and you know, im unaware of it but at the time i had just had a minor seizure and was freaking the fuck out because nothing was making sense and they were flashing flashlights into my eyes andf screaming at me and i couldn't make out anything they were saying until i started screaming at them to take me to the hospital and have me pee tested because i knew that i hadn't taken anything and if i WAS drugged (which i couldn't tell anymore because i was, again, post seizure and extremely freaked out) it wasnt of my own accord and that i would have BEEN drugged by someone else if i was
went to the hospital where i got screamed at in the car the entire time, and then screamed at in the waiting room. i just cried, man, i cried and cried and cried the entire time and kept screaming at them that i was innocent and that i hadn't taken anything because fucking obviously i hadn't taken anything. i was like 15 and severely heavily medicated and my boyfriend was a 14 year old theatre kid danganronpa fan, of course we werent taking hard fucking drugs. they eventually calmed down ocne the nurses started being around and started being overly nice to me, offering to get me star bucks and snacks from the drink places downstairs, mean while im like in shock and shaking violently and can't think coherently. and they explain to the nurses that im severely mentally unwell/struggle w some pretty severe ptsd so if im not able to communicate right thats why.
the nurse took me to the bathroom to pee in a cup and while we were walking to the bathroom she was like. "hey.... be honest with me, did you take anything?" and i shook my head and said no, that i told them to take me here to prove that i didn't. and she nodded and said "i knew you didnt" before letting me into the bathroom. i dont really remember the rest of that night bc it was mostly calm because obviously i peed clean and i was exhausted but i ended up getting home at 5am when the sun was already up, and they expected me to go to school after (got in trouble for going to bed and staying home). they never apologized though, they just kept insisting that trhey did all of this because they were terrified i had got drugged by someone at the ball game. they still haven't apologized.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
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wh- what the fuck am i looking at
why are yall so insistent on giving this man all of eddie’s traits??? like are yall genuinely swapping them around in your heads?? do you know which one is t*mmy and which one is eddie??
like you genuinely copy pasted the “buck’s confused about his feelings” plot and tried to make it in favor of your favorite racist rn….
also the “buck is christopher’s parent” tag in a bt fic is absolutely atrocious not sorry at all
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
Y'know what i just figured out why i think people saying Gwen immediately seeing Jessica as a potential mom figure is m@mmy shit is a dumb as fuck take and it's because i'm an adult black woman who's befriended a lot abused teenagers like Gwen and they see me as their parent because of said abuse since i'm actually nice to them so i know for a fact that's just normal behavior.The her exploating Hobie one is absolutely unhinged though,please google what being friends is and also never speak to a homeless person ever
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agathario · 5 months
i have a thought that buck freaks out and isn’t ready to be this public cause he didn’t think that through with asking t*mmy to be his date to the wedding, especially his parents being there and you know how they are, and t*mmy most likely being a dick again and buck is there alone again…and eddie and buck CAN have a moment and say he’s an idiot, can i have this dance?
friends dance esp when sad and they realize things and marisol sees like i fucking knew it
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geffenrecords · 1 year
mmy parents fucking sold me to slipknot. corey taylor has me on fucking percussion right now. theres this fuckass clown right next to me and everythin g
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princesamermaid · 3 months
my mom was like omg i literally have to walk around eggshells around her i had to walk on eggshells around mmy dad too..!! because i was crying about sometbing totally unrelated to them and then tried avoiding my parents and tild them to go away when they wrre literally riight outside my door when i was trying to get out. and then meanwhile she is literally LITERALLY out of my nightmares & makes me feele like i live in a fucking horror game i went ttto go to the bathroom and then suddenly i hear a door slam open and running towards me and then yells at me STOP OPENING AND CLOSING DOORS ITS DISRUPTIVE AND LOUD!!!!!!!!!! And then goioes back and slams the door again. Umm okay same woman who was screaming about how she is sick of my tantrums.
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gingerwerk · 4 months
Okay feeling silly let’s post some finale predictions
- Amir didn’t set the fire it was a cartel member
- Bobby doesn’t die but due to fallout from heart attack/coma he has to retire anyways
- Chris goes to Texas for the summer/a month so Eddie can do some Deep intensive therapy sessions
- there will be a buddie hug! (Possibly makes Eddie go 👀 but he just tacks it to the bottom of his ever growing list of issues he has to deal with it)
- t*mmy will get annoyed that buck drops everything and anything to help Chris/Eddie and breaks up with him (I don’t think he’ll give an ‘it’s Eddie’ kinda scene but Fuck I want it)
- henren get Mara back. Madney assist but unsure how (unless it is revealed they’ve been secret foster parents because either chim or Maddie thought it’d be a good idea seeing as they have friends with kids in dangerous professions)
- Eddie starts going back to church again
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shittyclive · 9 months
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“burned alive”
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mmy ufkcing parents-
soryr side tangent what the FUCK is he wearing. who the hell lets their 13yo wear WHITE MARY JANES(????) with the long as hell socks. and the clearly rolled up pants like. this has been on my mind
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ihatebnha · 2 years
Not original anon but like… I’m REALLY not into the Freudian mommy/daddy thing, but when you’re using it in a breeding/“I’m gonna make us parents” way… It really hits, not gonna lie
All this to say that thinking about me n Sho being mommy and daddy in that context admittedly made me feel some type of way, haha
LMFAOOO "freudian mommy/daddy thing.........." what a way to put it, anon (bc sooo true).
I'm honestly pretty similar tho (except not even breeding does it for me) because even just... very casual mommy/daddy name calling... WHEW. call the doctor, i literally go bazongas over it tbh LOOOL
not to diverge away from the sexiness, but ME TOO (about the feeling some type of way part) actually. i bet shoto starts calling u mommy the moment u start trying to get pregnant🥺🥺🥺
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
I love hearing my rich cousin talk, she's so normal it's so funny. She's complaining about her parents not letting her go party and shit like omfg
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mapleshmaple · 6 years
#why is it that 3am exclusively is lovey dovey bitch hours and also 'i wish i were dead or of better use to my mom' hours#gghjkhmh like!!!! ok brain i get it its ffuckign impossible to make money/make a living off of the things i love/enjoy and this fuckgin#shit show of a country is in goddman shambles and im more likely to fuckgin die in the next year or so before all the good change actually#fuckgin happens and my body will give out due to stress at work and bc im not ufkcing taking care of myself and i get it!!!!!!!!#i ufkcing hate tht im like this constantly!!!!!!! i fuckign hate that im in such a fuckign in-between state that im practically ufkcing usel#ess and fuckign stupid and im so ufkcing tired i jsut wanna scream and ufkcing tear my hair out and beat the shit out of ymself cuz i deserv#e to have my shit kicked in for nto being enough and for nto doing enough and im so fucking frustrated with myself and in general#mmy mom ekeps bouncing between being a really sweet person/parent andn making me feel like absolute fucking trash andn im#just! really tire d of this in-between back n forth shit thats going on and i know shes havingn a rough week btu im hurting too cuz of it#andn im tired of the fucking' that s the way life is' excuse its such a fukcing flimsy and dumbass excuse andn i hate it im so tired#like i udndo if what im feeling counts as something or meanss anyhing/is valid for lack of better wording or if im jsut fucking#being stupid n dumb andn overrdramatic for the fuckign upteenth time bc im a stupid ufcking dumbass idiot thats just a waste of space
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akuutaguava · 3 years
Ahahahahaha im gonna have to rant on insta i hate life good bye
Better idea: type on this post and this post alone lets see how chaotic this gets
I am queercoding rn
actually sobs ive seen so much i want to reblog
I hate this godamn limit whatthefuck
Now people will go back to this random post and can’t see my posts popping up every two minutes
My thoughts need to be documented even when i cant post on here
This used to be a post abt me talking abt killjng peoples dogs but who knows anymore
Bussing bussin frfr
I hate the people who made me not be able to type anything here today shie, apollo, ghoul im talking to you guys /j okay dw
Tempted to go bald and really embrace the mental illness
My mandarin caused havoc on like seven people today lmao
It got everywhere holy shit
Actually about to fucjing cry i hate nkt being able to post shit whathefuck its only been a day but WHY
Found out one of shed eerans songs is like the most famous song in the world and i actually want to end my life oml
Im going to play bsd mayoi to distract myself from this sad fate
just kidding haha only joking ily bbgorl
Phobic? You think im scared
Parents will be like don’t do drugs and then make you want to do them
Boutta die im talking abt liking hot evil dilfs what has my life gone to without tumblr
Physically pained
Mentally drained
Gender? Isn’t that a spice?
yet another day with a substitute who hates my guts for no reason (she has a reason) 
im probably going to go home i feel actually so sick rn 
art = are
dost = do
doth = does
'ere = before
hast = have
'tis = it is
'twas = it was
wast = were
whence = from where
wherefore = why
nay = no
twas over yonder
Actually so happy i don’t need to do science now fuck yeah
Im pretty sure everyone thinks im skipping fuck you guys im not
I hate the invention of long hair we should all just cut off our hair my ling hair sucks
Stopped to say hi to the ants :D
What a great lifw we would have if we were all just… orbs floating through space
Now is not a good time to be walking on a bridge over a highway
We made it off the bridge without commiting ded :D
I hate walking slow holy shit
Time to go die in my bed because i can’t really post on here anymore and that makes me sad and want to die
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I need another post for that but tumblr is a bitch
dont mind those last posts, anyways three more hours until you guys get mass chaos :D goodbye for now and i’ll see you when i can actually fuckin post
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raineydays411 · 4 years
You will remember my name
      Part 2 of Ember
A/N: Hello everyone! I’m so stoked y’all liked my first fic! I really appreciate all the love and support you guys have no idea. (This might have to stretch to three chapters lol)
Tony Stark X daughter!reader
Tonys pov
A tense silence filled the halls of the Avengers tower. It’s been a week since Y/N left the tower in tears. It’s been two days since anyone has seen the girl to think of it.  The first few days it was thought the girl was just staying with a friend while she cooled off. But after the third day, a bad feeling settled in the stomachs of the heros. By the fourth day, they asked some of Y/Ns closest friends. 
No one has seen her.
Pepper called her aunt, Pamela Isely, but the women said that the last time she spoke to her god daughter was a week before this whole mess happened. 
By the time the week was over, it was concluded that Y/N Stark was missing. 
Tony Stark was not a perfect father. He knew that, of course he knew. I mean, he didn’t exactly have the positive male role models growing up other than Jarvis. He knew he wasn’t going to be a perfect father. He just never thought he’d screw up this badly.
He found out he had a daughter four months after the Battle of New York. He had gotten the news that an old fling of his had died during the attack. leaving behind a daughter. Feeling bad for the kid, he began to set up a college fund for her, as he knew what it was like to lose someone in a tragic way. At first he thought nothing of it, just simply seeing it as a good deed. But then one night, during one of his restless nights, he began doing the math and figured out that the age of the girl was just about nine months off from when he had...met her mother. Needless to say Pepper was shocked when she woke up to Tony passing out.
After a few minutes of being yelled at by Pepper and another hour of coming to terms with this discovery, Tony made plans to find the girl.
Y/n pov
After explaining your situation with your father to the boy, you realize that you still didn’t know his name. Turning to him you ask for it. 
“Oh, my name is Daniel, Daniel Winston.”  You snort as you realize the irony of this ghost boys name. 
“You mean to tell me that your name is Daniel, and you’re a ghost with white hair??” He glares at you for a second then a small smile creeps on his face, “Well, despite the circumstances, it is kinda funny.”  You hum in agreement and let a comfortable silence take over as you try and figure out where you are and if you’re even in New York.
“Hey Danny?” You ask, “Where are you from?”  
“Bludhaven, I was walking home from school when I was taken. Why do you ask?” 
“Because” You reply,” I was taken from New York.” A heavy silence falls over you both as you realize that you’re both unfamiliar with your surroundings. There weren’t any markings to indicate where you were. The base was nestled in a corner of abandoned buildings that looked like factories. The sky was dark and you couldn’t see any stars. There was a strange scent in the air that you chalked up to air pollution. You both continue walking when you see a building with its lights on. 
“Danny, that’s the only building so far that has any lights, we should go check it out.” He looked hesitant, and he wasn’t wrong to be. The building was an old shoe factory, it was dark and looked as if a sneeze could take the whole thing down. Whoever was in there probably wasn’t good company.
“ Are you sure you want to go in there?’ Danny's voice full of doubt, “Maybe we should keep going till we actually get into town.” While his idea was the more logical one, you were starting to get tired, blowing up a building with freaky ghost powers takes a lot out a a young girl.
“I think we should go, I need to rest up and we don’t know how far the town will be. We don’t even know what town this is.” And with that, you start to make your way to the building, a hesitant ghost trailing behind you.
Tony's POV
Tony realizes locking himself up in his lab really isn’t going to help find his missing daughter. He just can’t believe he screwed up this badly. His own child, thought she wasn’t loved. He did that to her. A rage filled his body as he angrily swept everything off his work table. The clatter of wrenches and pens filled his ears as he stared at the wall.
The sound of the door opening caught his attention. He turned to see Steve Rogers walking in with a box of chinese food and a stern face. Quietly, the blond man took a look at the state of the lab, shook his head and placed the food on the table.
“We picked straws to decide which one of us had to come convince you to come out.” Steve said breaking the silence between the two men. Tony said nothing as he continued to look at the wall.
“You know, you have some nerve to lock yourself away.” Tony jerked his head over and stared at the man . “ What did you just say?” 
“You damn well heard what I said.’ Steve shot back. “ Your daughter is missing. She disappeared into thin air. And you’re in here doing what? Throwing your tools around?” 
“Are you going to lecture me?” Tony said in a bored voice.” Because of you are, i want to take notes” 
“You know this is your problem. You don’t care.” Steve said angrily. “ You don’t care that your daughter is missing. You don’t care that for eight years, the longest conversation you’ve had with her was when you were introducing her to this team.” Steve stood up from the table and walked back to the door before Tony could say anything. “It’s been a week Tony. She’s been missing for a week.  We need to find her.” He walked out without another word.
And again, Tony was alone. Alone with his thoughts, and alone with his regrets. Then he realizes, if he wants a chance to make up all those years, he’s going to need to find you first.  
Y/n POV:
Getting into the factory wasn’t too hard, considering you can just walk through walls now. The real hard part finding someone to help, as there was no one in the building. In fact, the only living thing in the factory was the surprising amount of vines and greenery over taking the space. 
“hey, Y/n.. maybe we shouldn’t be here...” Danny whispered, ‘” this place is creeping me out.” 
“D, you don’t have to whisper, I’m the only one who can hear you.”
 You answer as you look around, the room you were in seemed like an office of some sort. Then you noticed something.
“Danny, those vines...they lead out of the room” 
And with that you start walking towards the door, but before you can make it you hear loud voices, two women from what you can tell. 
“....mmy you can’t keep doing this to yourself....”
“i....never let her go with him....”
You can’t hear what they’re saying, you take a step forward and accidently step on a vine. 
“wait...there's someone here.” 
Oh shit. You look at Danny in surprise as there was no way these people would have known you were here.
Then suddenly, the room of plants came to life. Vines started thrashing around, searching for the intruder. 
“WHAT THE FUCK” Danny yelled as a vine goes through is body. “Y/N lets get out of here!” In your panic, you forget you can literally turn into a ghost, so you look for a window to get out of. Before you can climb, a vine suddenly wraps around your leg and pulls you out of the room.
You thrash as you are pulled down the hallway, around corners, and painfully down stairs. You scratch at the floor, desperate to find something to cut the vines.  Then your eyes start glowing. Your skin melting to a pale blue. You blast through the plant as you start floating upwards. You shoot the plants around you with a blue mist like energy.
“What is that?” “Aye whatta you doing here?”  Wait. You know that voice.
Looking up, you get distracted and a vine wraps around your body, restricting your movement. You struggle for a while till you hear it. 
“Y/N?” You stop and look up. You change back to your normal appearance, shocked.
“Aunt Pam?!”
After Steves not lecture, Tony got to work. He had FRIDAY look for anything suspicious in and near New York. By doing that, he found out that there has been an influx of missing people ranging from ages twenty to fifteen. They were going missing from three specific cities: Bludhaven, Gotham, and...New York. Seeing this had Tony's heart sink. He ran into the conference room where the rest of the team was conducting their own investigation. But before he entered, he stopped to listen to the teams conversation.
“How can she just...disappear into thin air..” Sam said in a sad voice. The rest of the team sat in silence. 
“Maybe we missed something. There has to be something there.” Natasha said with a desperation no on has heard from her. “It’s been a week Steve, she wouldn’t just leave like that.” And that when Tony decided to make his presence known.
“Maybe she didn’t” He said making everyone jump, “There has been an increase in missing person cases in the cities of Gotham, Bludhaven, and New York. All around the same age as Y/N.”
“So,you’ve decided to step up” Clint said sarcastically. “Where have you been this past week Stark?”
“ Look I know I haven’t been the best parent” Tony said.
“that’s an understatement”, grumbled Clint.
“I love my daughter. I hate the thought of her not knowing that.” Tony finished looking around the room to see the disapproval of the team.
“Fighting isn’t going to find her.” Wanda said quietly. “We need to work together.”
“Wandas right.” Steve said, “FRIDAY ,can you find any abnormal activity in any of the cities?”
“I did a widespread search specifically in the Gotham bludhaven and New York areas. A building in the indrustrial area in Gotham spontaneously collapsed. When authorities searched through the rubble, they found bodies of thirty out of the ninety reported missing people.”
“Was there anyone matching Y/N description,” asked Natasha anxiously.
“FRIDAY bring up the missing kids files”
A long minute went by, and all the files uploaded. The Avengers were all on edge as they flipped through the thirty files. They were relieved when they realized that Y/n was not part of those thirty kids.
Tag list: @big-galaxy-chaos
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seijohwhores · 4 years
maybe i'm just a dom but i headcannon Kenma as a sub sub (he's a pillow prince let's be real) so could i please get sub!kenma with a mommy kink (and pegging if you feel like it) feel free to ignore and take as long as you need to :)
Thank u for the request :p
Yes, Kenma is definitely a pillow prince!
I just played volleyball with some friends and I'm done, but I really wanted to make the request now, so enjoy :3
-Admin Oikawa ( and a bit Iwazumi ;) )
Pairing: Kenma x f!reader
Pegging, Mommy kink, Dom! Reader, Smut
Wordcount: 1,2k
It was summer break so Kenma and you decided to spend a few days together at his place. Your parents knew his parents very well, and went on a holiday together which meant you two got the house for yourself. A week already passed in which you played video games, watched movies and cooked together. But you didn´t do THE do with him, on purpose because you had something in mind that you wanted to try. Even though Kenma's Libido isn´t the highest, he began to feel restless, and more needy than usual. With you, being around him 24/7 he couldn't resist you longer and that showed. 
As you both were cuddling in the evening while a movie played on the TV, he kissed your neck and cheeks. You exactly knew what was up because normally he wouldn't be that kissy while cuddling.
 ”Mommy”, Kenma whispered needy, as he grinded against you more, 
„Please let's do it“. He was flushed red and you noticed his half hard member. Your idea came back into your mind and you smiled and looked down at him. 
„Ok, let Mommy take care of you I wanna try something different today. I promise you it will feel good.” you seductively said. Kenma just noded and kissed your lips. Slowly more and more clothes flew around the room, until you two were completely naked. Kenma layed between all the pillows while you bent over him, spoiled a little, with kisses all over his body. Every now and then he whimpered to himself or moaned a little "Mommy" out. When you reached his member, you took him gently in your hand to go up and down the length with your hand, while your mouth its tip edited.
"Shiiit- Mommy, pleaseeee, I need you!" he moaned now, while he moved his hips forward, hoping to get more pleasure. Slowly you straightened up again to wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, the full one was spit.,, So needy my little boy huh? You will like my idea for sure. "You said with an evil grin.
With a hand signal you showed him that he should wait a moment so that you could get your idea. You hoped he'll like it.
When you found the things and just stood in front of the door to prepare everything, you shouted:"Kenma, please close your eyes, and do not open them until I tell you." Since he said nothing, you assumed that he would please. You slowly entered the room, right in front of the large bed He was lying there with his eyes closed and a cock that wasn't really relaxed."Okay, you can open it." You informed him in a soft voice. His eyes were immediately on you, and what was about you."W-What is this?" He pointed on it while he blushed. With one hand stumped on your hip while the other pointed down at the object that was attached to you.
“Oh that? I think you know that. A strip on dildo. I thought you'd like that, of course only if you want to.“ With an uncertain smile, you watched every move and facial features from him, looking for denial or rejection, but all he did was give a slight nod. You took this as a "go". So you slowly crawled up to the bed and then pushed him back into the mattress with his back, and pushing his legs apart. He watched every movement of yours, because even if he trusted you, he was still unsure whether it was really a good idea.
"Relax, I'll take care of you." With that you got a little lubricant from a drawer which you put in there beforehand. You knew from the start that he probably wouldn't be able to do it without it. You spread it on your fingers and his anus. With two fingers they slowly edged his asshole, to give him a little feel for what was coming. With the help of the lubricant, one of your fingers slipped into the hole to slowly get in and out. At first, Kenma gave you a very critical look, but when you let in a second finger, his serious expression turned into one of lust distorted. To give him a little more, you took his member in your other hand, to follow the same speed as you did at his hole. But none of this left you unimpressed either. Your pussy was getting wetter and wetter, but you had decided to concentrate on him today.
"Mommy! Argh- ” A little chuckle escaped you. With renewed enthusiasm, you began to move your fingers like scissors in his hole. He also responded with loud moans. With that you knew that you could slowly start with the actual game. You smeared more lube on the buckle dildo, and distribute it well. It was a strange feeling to wear something like that, but for Kenma, you would do anything. He helped you through many difficult times. Slowly you position yourself in front of him to have your hands on the back of his knees, to spread his legs further.
"Are you ready?" You whispered softly.
"Do it." He answered in a semi-firm voice. And one quick movement you submerged yourself in him. A scream escaped him, but not from pain, rather from that strange and yet wonderful feeling of being so filled.
"Mo-mmy, this feels so good!" He moaned while you pounded into him.
,,Yeah? Does my boy, feels good, while his girlfriend is fucking him?“ Your pace slowed, to lean over him, to hold his face in your hands and whisper on his lips, "Everything for you", so you connected your lips to a deep, deep kiss. You devoured his moans with the kiss and noticed how close he was. While you loosen up, you took his cock in hand with one hand to bring him to climax. Your speed got faster and faster. -In both places.
,,Come on baby boy, cum for me. Show me how much you like this.“ He moaned even more to this. His hands clenched around the white bedsheet, so his knuckles turned white, while his eyes were closed and his breath unsteady.
"I- Think I‘m co- AH!“, he couldn't even finish his sentence because white stripes were already shooting out of his member. His moans decreased to a whimper, and his whole body moved up and down from his rapid breathing.
Slowly you gamble yourself out of it, to take off the buckle up dildo, and throw it next to the bed. When you tried to lie down next to the exhausted Kenma, his words stopped you.
,,Wait! You haven’t... - you haven't even come yet.“
,,Today, it was about you Kenma, don't worry, we can make up for that.“ With a wink you let the blanket fall over you two, and then snuggled together.
"Mommy?" He whispered. Your eyes were closed because the whole thing made you kind of tired too. "Can we do that again sometime?"
"All for you baby boy." You mumbled while you snuggled closer to him. After some time, you two falled asleep together.
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devildomz · 3 years
do nt fucking rblg Im jsut venting tee hee ^_^
I hate d*ddy/m*mmy kink stuff I hate that it's so prevalent and I hate that it's so normalized I hate d/d/m/d/l/g/b fucking whatever and I hate the conflation between having a wrought relationship with parents into people tying that to like some fucking sexual fascination with older people where you call them stuff like that the last time I told someone I had a dead parent they laughed and asked if I had _____ issues I sincerely hope you die I don't want a mom I can fuck or a dad I can fuck or fucking whatever and I absolutely do not fucking want a partner to ever call me something like that but I can't fucking filter through ANY sort of content to avoid it because it's fucking all over tiktok and all over tumblr and I just have to sit and see it and suffer whenever I see people call someone d*ddy or m*mmy I just fucking curl up and want to die it's so disgusting and I hate that it's a common flirting tactic now "hee hee its just a kink" literally use your critical thinking skills for two seconds abt what it means when you as a person feel the desire to call someone by/be called by a familial parental term when fucking in that it is literally the sexualization of parent/child relationships "it's not that deep" it literally IS that deep I HATE IT HERE. NOBDY ARGUE ANYTHING ILL BLOCK OYU IM JUST VENTING IM FRUSTRATED. WHEORHRUJIROHJVK IM GOING TO DRINK TEA NOW. OK.
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the8thsphynx · 4 years
p,,, p l e a s e ? I mean, please don't feel pressured to tell us about Herc either though!!! but if you want to ramble about her I'll very happily listen,,,,, as a greek mythology buff with fate brain rot your Herc makes me,,,, very happy,,,,, 🥺
Alright, so as a disclaimer, she looks Like That(tm) because I’ve had Heracles as an OC since I was like an 11yo, so LONG before I even knew Fate existed and I’m not planning on changing the way she looks to look more like FSF/FSN Herc.
I also think that the armor I already have designed on her looks closer to Achilles/Jason/Asclepius/Odysseus’s more mecha-centered looks for Fate Greek Servants.
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Next, I’ve established that the reason she is female is two separate reasons, and this has to do with compatibility for Roleplay:
When I did roleplay with others, I just had it set that she was from Musashi’s timeline and she isn’t actually the Heracles/Alcides of our timeline.
For my personal writing, it’s like an Artoria situation where history chose to remember her as a man because misogynistic Ancient Greece being like, ‘well there’s no way a woman could be a child of Zeus and this powerful and skilled at being in charge, so you must actually be a man’.
Second Disclaimer: no one has permission to take my designs and recreate them or use them for RP or fanfics.
SO listed below are the major points about her history in this verse and also how she currently operates as a Servant!!
In her history:
Same song and dance as the beginning where her powers surfaced at a young age, so Chiron found her and took her in to train her to be a hero. However, the change-up here is that Zeus gifted Heracles a portion of his power when she was born because he had the intention of this child being the hero that would guide Greece into a new age as his tickcet for his bet with Hera (this was in the 12 Trials original writing). Basically she never had a choice on whether or not she would be a hero.
When she traveled to Thebes in order to attempt to enter the Thebian Army, a whole situation happened with a coup and an attack with a hydra from Lernaea that got lured to Thebes from a nest by the people doing the coup... It was an entire thing. Heracles defeated the hydra and helped identify the traitor guards, so she was able to prove herself to Queen Eurydice and King Creon, who immediately had her married to their son Megara (below).
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(he may have been in line for the Thebian throne and an incredibly skilled warrior, but he was THE Malewife.)
A bit before she moved to Thebes, when she was staying in Athens, Eurystheus met her and fell in love with her, but when she rejected his feelings that was when Hera came to him and ‘chose him as her champion’ so she could start her dirty ass scheme.
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Heracles had a happy and loving marriage with Megara and they had one daughter and two sons. She would frequently go out with the Argonauts, but always came home to them as soon as she got back on shore.
When the Hera Snake Shit(tm) happened, Heracles was... broken. After the fact, the shock and grief made her go mad all over again until she dragged herself to Thebes and tried to convince Eurystheus to execute her, but because he was in cahoots with Hera he forced Heracles to the 12 Trials instead to ‘redeem’ herself... and this shit lasted 12 years, btw. So that’s 12 years of retraumatizing herself by being forced to do these impossible feats to be forgiven for the murders she was forced by Hera to commit... on top of Hera also sabotaging the Trials wherever she could.
When Heracles completed the initial 10, Eurystheus tricked her into two more, and after completing those two she snapped and nearly killed him, screaming at him to free her. It was then that Eurystheus bitched out and confessed everything to Heracles; Hera’s hatred, her whole plan... all of it. Heracles then stormed her ass out of Mycenae and Thebes and never returned.
She spent the rest of her life until her death by Nessus being cruel, cold, and tyrannical. Heracles had 1 (one) last biological child that she left with a king who would eventually raise that child to found Sparta (Leonidas’s ancestor), but the rest of her very numerous children were all actually orphaned or less fortunate children that she adopted so they could claim the title of ‘child of Heracles’ to help themselves get ahead in life (this is where the Heracleidae came to be). Even so, she usually left them on their own and didn’t open herself to them as a mother-figure.
Her life as a Servant:
She may have manifested as an Avenger class, but this is because of Megara becoming a part of her soul and manifesting with her as the manifestation of her hatred for the gods; he’s made the active choice to turn himself into the arrow meant to kill Hera.
If it weren’t for Megara bonding with her Spirit Core, Heracles would qualify for Grand Berserker class. Because of this, Heracles still has a Madness Enhancement factor that will kick in when she encounters a god. Very similar to when Penthisilea goes buckwild at the mention of Achilles, except it only activates and makes her black out when she is face-to-face with and aware that someone is a god.
Despite being an Avenger, she has an incredibly sweet disposition, especially towards kids. A habit from her life that stuck with her as a Servant is that if she sees a child (Heroic Spirit or not) who has no parents or awful parents, she WILL adopt them and start calling them her child, and no, not in the creepy weird m*mmy k*nk way, foh. In some cases, she’ll just adopt someone because they look like they could be her child. One fucking hilarious instance of this is that she has adopted Archer Emiya even though he gripes all the time that they look the same age physically. Does she care?? NO, that’s her son, babey!
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Her Noble Phantasms are the almost the same as FSF Archer Alcides, especially Reincarnation Pandora and King’s Order... and Reincarnation Pandora is actually the reason why she would up contracting with Goetia. But she also has the manifestation of all 12 Trials, albeit in a different form than what Archer Alcides can bring them forth as, and this is because by some handiwork by Daedalus, Heracles can alter the King’s Order to adapt to whatever situation she needs them for.
ex: Cerberus can become a motorcycle aside from also being a three headed hellhound and the famous Lernian Hydra can turn into a Mercedes Benz aside from also being the fuck-off giant Kinghidorah.
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Daedalus messing with Heracles’s Noble Phantasms is the most shown in her (Daedalus is a woman in this verse bc fuk u) alteration of Nine Lives to be a multi-adaptable weapon with nine different functionalities that Heracles can flip them to at a moment’s notice. These alternate forms include: bow, twin swords, double-ended spear, polearm, long barreled rifle, twin short arms, bludgeon, battering ram, and can even conform to the braces on her arms and become gauntlets (yes, her and Ruler Martha would vibe).
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(I realize that this isn’t the best design, I’m still working on drawing weapons)
Oh, I almost forgot about her other non-combatant quirk: she fucking LOVES blond men. If a grown dude is a blond and NOT a Greek-- regardless of anything else about their physical appearance-- it cranks their attractiveness scale up by at least 2 points for her. Goetia, Fionn, Arthur/Artoria, Gawain, Kintoki, Gilgamesh (he’s on thin fuckin ice), Jekyll, Goredolf... none of them are safe.
She also very much loves modern era fashion and dressing up. Heracles quickly befriends a lot of the female Servants/staff and goes on periodic ladies nights out with them.
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