#fuck id be annoying in a poly relationship.
bite-sized-devil · 2 years
The Belphie episode was the best thing ever, in fact, I’ve got the damn song playing in my head right now just from thinking about it.
They’ve got no right to be that fucking hot and fuckable… it’s legit ridiculous!
Maybe you’re a cross between David Attenborough and Ash from Pokémon - observing them at first and then going after them to fuck catch ‘em?! 🤣
What I wouldn't give to be wrapped up in bed with Lucifer right now, in demon form with his wings like a protective cocoon... sigh
- 📍
I was giggling that whole episode, though to be fair I do that every episode!
I literally already have a script scene dedicated to that fact alone 🤣 it's dumb but accurate.
Fuck I sound like some sort of predator 😂😂 'i'm stalking observing you, I promise, nothing suss at all"
That actually sound real nice, for you maybe! Some of us are a smidge claustrophobic, and by smidge I mean a lot. I'll just sit next to you both like sooooooo what we doing, oh you're busy, I'll just go. *Very slowly leaves* *does the whole 'oh did you say something? No? Ok leaving now' thing* 😂
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pro-mammonologist · 1 year
I wanted to answer your “would you really date the obey me Boys” question in an ask if that’s okay 🥺
For mammon, who is my absolute favorite. He would piss me off so badly in the beginning with how rude and stubborn he is, I just would hold a grudge. It would take me a very long time with us warming up to eachother to even be friends. Eventually maybe we could be something more when he opens up.
Solomon is another one of my favorites but irl I think he’d weird me out. Like he’d give me creepy vibes.
I would have the BIGGEST crush on Lucifer but would be so turned off by his personality bc he’s very brash.
Barbatos and I would never connect bc we are both quiet. It would take us a ridiculously long time to get to know eachother. But I would probably still have a crush on him.
I would find Levi incredibly irritating. I hate people who are overly self deprecating and I would think he’s rude. Eventually we would bond over needy stuff but we would absolutely never date.
Irl I do not like blondes so no Satan
Asmos and I would just be besties
Beel is not my type irl but I would think he’s so sweet I’d probably have a little crush
Absolutely fucking not for Belphie. I would hate him and think he’s so rude. A big one I only like in theory.
I’d like to think Simeon and I have a chance, but I think he’s way too nice for me.
And for Dia, I am very quiet so his loudness and big personality would definitely scare me.
But I read fics about all of them expect for asmo. He’s just really not my type. But in my head I can change the senarios to fit exactly what I want to I can work out with all of them. I am in a poly relationship with all of them in my head.
Lemme give my two sense too.
So I would think Lucifer is so hot and he’d turn me on so badly but then I’d see how he’s such as asshole to his brothers and I don’t really fuck with tough love all that much. After he softens up later then I’d go back to being turned on all the time.
Mammon would annoy me with his ego but seeing his personality and like his actual morals and stuff would make me mega attracted to him. His spending is my only problem just cuz I grew up poor and stuff.
Levi is like the guys I’d usually attract and I know I’d be uncomfy because I prefer people who have it more together like as much as I relate to the recluse vibes I need people who aren’t as afraid of the world cuz I’m TERRIFIED.
Satan is probably who I’d date fr fr. He’s basically a less mean version of Lucifer that really likes cats and he’s a lot less sadistic period. He probably is the most likely to share my political beliefs as well. (Mammon would too because he gives so much anarchistic vibes, Satan needs some structure)
Asmo would be my bff and I’d be scared to fuck him because I just know his standards are high. Would be horny with him all the time though.
Beel is perfect for real but he’s like too soft and sweet. I need someone with more personality and a bigger presence.
Belphie is a definite no. I enjoy sleeping and chilling and I get wanting to rest all the time cuz I’m like chronically fatigued but his “fuck everything” attitude pisses me off. He also seems to be very passive aggressive and I hate that shit.
Diavolo is probably also ideal for me minus the literal royal status of his. I hate hate hate hierarchies and rich people but Dia is so open and kind and not to mention progressive so I lowkey would vibe with him hard. I would absolutely wanna be dicked down regularly by him.
Barb is great but since he’s so hard working I feel like I would be lacking in a relationship with him. I’m more laid back and lenient and he’s not.
Simeon is cool and is also someone I’d realistically date but something about him just screams token gay friend. That’s the dynamic I feel I’d have with him.
Solomon is someone who I used to hate but in nightbringer I’m like “ooookkkaaaayyyyy” cuz he’s slowly becoming more my type. I think I would also find him creepy at first but then after some time id def get a lil 👀
So really
Lucifer: not at first, later on
Mammon: not at first, later on, but would be ideal for me
Levi: no
Satan: yes
Asmo: no
Beel: eh but would fuck fs
Belphie: no
Dia: yes
Barb: no
Simeon: ?
Solomon: yes later on
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polyamorouspunk · 7 months
hii taking you up on your advice offer 😭 ur poly so maybe u have more experience with this than me, how would i break up with my longterm partner?
we’ve been dating for 2 years, it really has seemed perfect but lately idk its just felt wrong. we’ve kinda planned our lives around eachother and moving in together once we graduate, but i cant make myself want to kiss them or be romantic anymore, i dont want to respond to their texts, i get annoyed at them for no reason. they havent done anything wrong theyre wonderful its a “its not you its me” situation to a T.
all of our friends are mutual friends, but most of them were technically my friends first (all the people they used to hang out with sucked) so im scared if we break up they wont have anyone to talk to about it. i really dont want to hurt them.
i honestly might realize this is just me being dumb and all of this will pass and ill want to be with them still once it does, but since i have no clue how id break it off i feel so trapped. i want to know i have a way out if things dont get better, i want to stay with them because i truly changed my mind not because i didnt have a choice.
Not in a poly sense but just a “have had a few relationships” sense I guess I can offer advice.
So I’ve never actually broken up with anyone before, except for the last guy I was messing around with (Catboy) just because as much as I had sooo much feelings for him it was like the most unhealthy “relationship” for me. Like I finally realized like “oh I’m actually NOT better off seeing him, my mental health is ACTUALLY worse” because of his shenanigans.
However, I did have a long term partner who I dated for 6 years who we had plans to move in together and get married etc. same kind of deal, all their friends were my friends. And they dumped me, and yeah, it was really fucking hard even though I knew everyone was going to take my side. And the one person who didn’t I ended up not speaking to anymore because I was like if you’re not going to realize that I’m the only one whose going to keep talking to you because my ex doesn’t give a shit about keeping in contact with people, then that’s on you.
I was devestated. This was like 3 years ago at this point and pretty much right up until about this year I felt like I was somehow “living in the wrong timeline” and like my entire life’s trajectory had been pulled out from underneath me. Not from the breakup so much as them just deciding they never wanted to speak to me again, that I was bad for their mental health, etc. which I always told them if I’m ever bad for your mental health then break up with me, and I meant it and stand by that and their decision, but it still fucking hurt.
Like if that’s what they had to do that’s what they had to do. If that’s what you have to do then that’s what you have to do. While I am of course resentful to my ex, and I hope they get hit by a car or something sometimes, I do stand by their decision that if I wasn’t good for them then I’m happy they left me behind. I don’t know if other people are going to have that same view upon being dumped. I mean like I said I still hate them. But to say that they should have stayed with me for my sake is hypocritical.
Not only that, but an issue of intimacy was occurring between us during the lead-up to the breakup. And as soon as I wasn’t with them anymore and I was able to be with Catboy instead I got a taste of what I had been missing and GOD it felt so good. For the first time ever I felt like someone actually wanted to be intimate with me. It was an amazing feeling. My ex dumping me opened up the door for me to have things I was missing in that relationship. So it wasn’t all bad, for sure.
You have to do what you have to do for yourself. You come first. If you need to break up with your partner, or take space, or whatever, you just have to go for it if you really think it’s what’s best for you.
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ladynox · 3 years
20 Questions - Writer’s Edition
Tagged by @kaydeefalls & @im-the-punk-who
How many works do you have on AO3? 15. I use to be a pretty profilic writer when I was a teenager (before AO3 thank fuck 😂) but I lost interest. Picked it up again somewhere in my 20s, only to lose interest or the drive or something again. Roswell's the first fandom I've written for in almost decade. Hopefully this time I'll be able to stick too it. Id' forgotten how much I enjoy writing. What’s your total AO3 word count? 233292. Most of that is from just the last year alone! Crazy! How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? Currently posted to AO3? Just three. Yu-Gi-Oh!, Captain America and Roswell New Mexico. If we're counting the stuff lost to long dead Yahoo groups or forgotten notebooks, or the stuff still on the internet because I can't remember my password but I will never own up to? Probably 8? With the addition of Gundam Wing, Sailor Moon, Digimon and Final Fantasy 7. There might have been more but I can't remember anymore. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? The 1-3 and 5 were co-written with @beautifulcheat 1. The Great New Mexico Fake-Off (Roswell, malexa, complete) Michael takes up baking after watching The Great British Bake Off and starts gifting his bakes to the people he loves. Mostly fluff and pining. 2. Milestones (Roswell, malexa, WIP) based after the series, in that nebulous well adjusted future we dream of for our favorite idiots. 😂 Maria, who has been living in a v poly relationship with Michael and Alex for years, realizes she's pregnant. Michael is ecstatic. Alex is conflicted, which dampers some of Maria's joy. Still a pretty fluffy and very domestic fic. This one's on hold because we're both busy with work, school and certification exams. So we only really have time for one, which is the following monster of a fic:
3. The Truth is Right Here (Roswell, malexa, WIP) X-Files/White Collar fusion where Michael is both Scully and Neal, and Maria and Alex are both Mulder and Peter. Yes you heard right. The alien is the skeptic. But the agents don't know he's an alien yet. hahah 4. Testing the Bonds (Captain America, Steve & Bucky) Bucky comes out to Steve during the war. 5. Petit Fours (Roswell, malexa, complete). Companion piece to Fake-Off. An assorted collection of text fics or short fics. Mostly about everyone else's reaction to how bad Michael is at keeping the secret that he's the one baking the cake. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Hmmm looking over these fics, I realize that I don't really write angsty endings. I tend to like my angst with a happy ending, or a hopeful one. Whatever that might look like given the subject matter of the fic. So I guess the closet would be The Message (YGO, puppyshipping, complete). The fic starts after an incident of domestic violence. Jou is basically working through the horror/guilt he feels at what he's done. It's not a happy ending, but there's hope different decisions will be made. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? A New Year, A New Hope (Roswell, malex, complete) is entirely made up of marshmallows from start to finish, so likely that one. Fake-Off's also tooth rottingly sweet. Surprising no one I'm sure hahaha. I love happy endings so I write a lot of fics with those. Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written? Yes I do! I'm counting fusion fics as crossovers too. I *love* AUs in general. They're super fun. As for craziest.... well I've already mentioned Truth above, which is likely the craziest because of how ambitious it is. I both love and regret ever starting this monster. Have you ever received hate on a fic? Oh yeah definitely. hahaha One day people will figure out the back button. Do you write smut? If so what kind? Yeah but not a lot. I want to write more smut honestly but I have a hard time writing it. I don't have a problem with action scenes so it's all mental. Just start thinking it's gonna suck or it doesn't make sense or it's boring. Dumb brain, cockblocking me. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of? Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope. Have you ever co-written a fic before? All the time. It's the best. Everything Kat and I write is just to amuse the other, makes writing so much fun. Also, she and I have opposite writing strengths and weakness so it really works out well. What’s your all time favorite ship? Er? I gotta choose just one? Seems kind of pointless to pit different fandoms against each other. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? I mean I have every intention of going back and finishing it but probably Six. A malex The Last of Us AU that I had a lot of grand ideas for but have lost all drive to finish. I do think that what's written can largely stand on its own as a 1 shot. One of these I'll go back edit it, give it a good "in conclusion" so to speak. XD What are your writing strengths? Hmm? Character voices/studies, I think. I like doing stream of consciousness a lot. What are your writing weaknesses? Everything. Kidding. Kidding. Probably smut and dialogue. Though I think I'm getting better at dialogue. Lately I've been getting the dialogue on paper before the descriptions. That use to not be the case! Yay! Improvement! What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? Use it sparingly and carefully. Most of your readers are probably not going to be able to read that language. The last thing you want is to confuse or annoy your readers. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Gundam Wing 🤣 All of those fics are lost to time and I'm totally ok with that. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? I am proud of everything I've posted to AO3. Um... @beautifulcheat, @maeglinthebold @jocarthage, @tasyfa and anyone else who wants to do it.
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smutty-ki113r · 3 years
I only showed him the one u sent before. I screenshot ur answers and then look at it when i switch. but I'll show him the other two.
well for me it's just that only my recent ex was actually nice and loving. before him; every single one of them told me; I was either boring or annoying and always made me feel like everything was my fault. so yeah. I am actually pretty confident now but I struggle with those negative thoughts still.
well it's like not the same phone? it's a copy...I can't post or look at posts. only gallery, notes and yt works (but also only for watching videos and listening to music). so i usually screenshot what I want to show them. idk if it's like that for everyone. but i just can't concentrate without music or videos in the background; i think that's why i have it.
yeah toby does talk about masky lmao. also abt hoodie. he offered to introduce me but I am scared lol; they r intimidating ngl
AW OMG tysm! well egg (first mythical oc) can fly since he got wings. she makes clothing and can communicate via telepathy. she's genderfluid btw :> and can also heal minor injuries with ✨magic✨. dusty is my boiiiii💕 i love him sm. he can create a void with his mouth or teleport; with or without others by his side. he uses ultrasound, since he is blind. big cuddle puppy. and then we have (dr.prof.mr.) newton nugget; he is a doctor and can scan u for any like irregularities and heal u. will give u free top surgery (。・∀・)ノ゙
why would writing be different?? it's still an original character lol. and also...u don't understand. i am super attached to my oc's too!! i even daydream abt being in a poly relationship with two of them-
send me the thing, I wanna read it bestie! :>>>
DUDE ILYSM u r beginning to be such a big part of my happieness and ngl it's kinda scary since I have a fear of loosing ppl I love... but anyways... *virtual hug* u r awesome and perfect the way u r! thank u for being so supportive.
Damn it’s a copy???!! Insane man, WAIT SO YOU SC ALL MY FICS LIKE PAGE BY PAGE??? Awww i also love music but I can’t concentrate with it cause I jam out too hard. IF I SAW MASKY I WOULD PROBABLY CRY and stand in a corner. I think he would be confused but id just start sobbing into the corner.
Bro egg sounds so cool- i wish i had magic. The only magic i have is writing smut, god is cruel. ACTUALLY FUCK THAT ITS THE BEST POWER EVER. Dusty sounds awesome too! I want free top surgery. I WANT ONE. Please please PLEASE. Yeahhhhh you’re right they are my oc’s, im not really attracted to them. Just like they’re my kids and i see them as my entire life. TFUTYLGIUOHIP*Y&TYUFTK
I’ll post my piece!! Ngl i feel like a tinder profile. BEN PLEASE SWIPE RIGHT- haoshgpuahgpu but anyway- you aren’t boring, or annoying in any way. The people that told you that are shits and never knew you well enough to care, you never deserved that. I’ve had people tell me that too, one guy said I was an “emotional burden” and another told me I was boring him. But he plays basketball 💀 so he had no room to talk, my friend literally says he looks like a mango 🥭. If you ever wanna talk about that stuff im here ya know, you can always dm me too. I tend to hold on to the past cause trauma hit me HARD, but imma do a burn ceremony today so I can let go ✨. I have huuuuugggeggeeee abandonment issues, comes with the borderline, so I understand. YOU MAKE ME SO HAPPY! *hugs you back* muah muah! Ill always be supportive!!
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finn-shitposts · 3 years
Just a random l*ki rant so i get the annoyance out my head dont rb lmao
Obviously this post isnt about every loki stan i just keep seeing posts that piss me off so i had to yell. This is a bit generalized but know its probably not aimed at you, its at a small but loud minority of frustrating marvel stans
You know im over it, im done lookin for memes and gifs to rb after each episode cos everyones arguing so much sksksk
Like a solid chunk is alligator memes and pretty gifsets which is nicr but theres just so much twitter flavoured arguing and like opinion based arguements cloaked as morality that i jsut. H.
For me, id be just as happy seeing loki find recognition and self love through sylvie and learn that hes capable of change from mobius then remain platonic them both as Id be seeing him date either or both of them (ot3 usually solves all problems for me). I just enjoy the way the interpersonal bonds are written between them all no matter the flavour of it yknow sksksk?
But people online are calling it disgusting to even ship sylvie and loki for either "heteronormativity cos bisexual ppl that come out on screen should date ppl of the same gender or theyre not really bi after all" (as a bi man. This is just utter bullshit im too tired to get into it) or "i interpret them as siblings so if you ship them youre automaitcally into incest" and im sat here w past trauma regarding that like. Hm. Really bad take just an awful take guys. Like i get that most relationships or bonds are forced into het romances 90% on tv and its frustrating when all you want is a friendship or a siblinf type relationship but like you can express that without sending death threats to the actors and yelling at casual watchers who kinda like the ship. Plus yall gotta stop playing the 'its more moral to ship mobius and loki, cos theyre not siblings' bitch neither are loki and sylvie theyre the same person, not related and also clearly distinct individuals only with similar experienves. You can dislike somethinf and just say you dislike it you dont have to assign a moral righteousness to it.
Also i shipped loki and mobius before i did sylvie and loki, and i love them equally but like. Do you ever get the thing where when you were younger and had gay ships that were massively popular in fandom and it was super fun but then like 4 years later when you actually come out as queer youre like huh, the fanon surrounding that ship was mostly made by straight 15yr old girls that found mlm hot and its not Great. Cos i just get annoyed reading deep analysis posts like "when sylvie is mentioned loki doesnt react he clearly doesnt like her much but when mobius is mentioned here are all his micro reactions and the meanings of it that prove that theyre in love" and like. I get reading into subtext and i get wanting canon gay ships, I mean i fucking put up w supernatural skskksks but this is bordering more on the vibes of like when ppl ship idk like idols/rpf and read way too much into every glance and find any way to dismiss and explain away the actual person theyre dating irl? Or like when you read fanfics where someone clearly hates a female character just cos she gets in the way of their fave gay ship and you just have to sigh like guys. Please.
All this being said, i ship lokius i love mr dilf owen wilson i just get frustrated that people have to shit on one character or relationship to uplift their faves, pls can we not all just get along and be civil i beg this isnt twitter act normal. What am i saying these are marvel stans ,.
Anyway from now im just gonna enjoy loki on my own and sit with my personal thoughts and headcanons without checking tumblr cos yall are acting like twitter and its unbearable, i dont need that in my life. Like I thought itd be fun cos tumblr is usually all about selfcest and poly ships and whatnot but yall are just spewing bad takes lmao
Ill be memeless but ill be much happier not getting pissed off at every third post on the tag, im just gonna ship loki/mobius/sylvie in my own corner and avoid the internet on wednesdays, ✌️
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patrick-hockstutter · 4 years
Dont know if you're taking requests but I love your stuff to death 💕 if you're not taking requests then just ignore this one loll 😅😅 Bowers gang (separate not poly) with reader that has a Texan accent? Id figure they make fun of it alot since itd be so different from Maine 😅
OMG HAHA YES one of my bffs is from Texas, another lives there now, and one of the chimp sanctuaries I really wanna work at is in Texas as well, so I got a h u g e soft spot for that state! Also thank you for the request and I’m so happy to hear you love my stuff! Alright, hope I do this justice;
Patrick fucking cackles the first time he ever hears you speak. Like he legitimately thinks you’re joking. This bitch thinks he’s the only real thing in existence so... bold of you to assume he can read a map, he could be fucked to even look at one. Once he finds out that’s how you actually talk, he never wants you to shut up. He not only thinks it’s hilarious, but it’s different than any voice he’s ever heard, and Patrick loves different. Even when you don’t feel like talking he’ll make sure to get something out of you. He’ll jab you in the sides with his bony ass fingers, sneak up on you to scare you, throw things at you from across the room, or just annoy you by talking like the jackass he is. When he feels he’s heard you enough to make a go of it, he’ll absolutely start mocking you by trying to speak in a Texan accent as well. Some days he’ll only talk to you that way too. And then when you’re finally pissed enough to yell at him in your Texan accent, the cycle starts allllllllllll overrrrrrrr.
Henry doesn’t really give it much thought as time goes on, but at first his eyebrows would scrunch together and he’d look at you like he’d look at anyone else who was different. He just thought it was weird at first, but he was surprised at how quickly he grew accustomed to hearing it. And as your relationship went on, and since your voice was so unique, he actually began associating your accent with comfort and safety. Your voice became the Bowers Safety Blanket. Whenever he was feeling too hyped up from a fight, pissed at Patrick for being a fuckdoor, or utterly defeated from the hands of his father, all he needed was hear you speak. Extra points for hugging him, kissing him, or stroking his hair, but all he really needed was your voice to warm him right back up. He could almost melt right into it.
Belch perks up as soon as he hears you speak from across the hall. Even without the accent your voice sounded so sweet, but the accent added a certain level of warmth. He honestly wouldn’t make too much of a fuss about it, but he sure would love it. He even started picking up some of your vocal mannerisms (he’d already pronounced -ing ending words with -in’ but the more he talked to you the more he just picked stuff up). And as much as he liked to hear you talk, he loved to hear you sing. He’d even let you choose the music in the Trans Am (which he never let anyone do) just so he could hear you sing. It would put him in such a good mood that even after he dropped you off and went back home, Mama Huggins would notice and always ask what’s got him in such a spell. “My darlin’,” was all he’d have to say.
Victor thinks your accent is absolutely adorable. Every time you speak the corner of his mouth can’t help but to twitch up, even for a moment. It doesn’t even matter if the gang is around to see; he finds it too cute. He literally just can’t resist you. As if Victor wasn’t enough of a gentleman (as much as you could be as a part of the Bowers Gang at least) your accent made him even sweeter on you. He loved to watch your lips move as you talked. Sometimes he would be so entranced by your lips that his brain wouldn’t even register the words that were leaving them, so you might have to repeat yourself once or twice. Or three times. Okay, four times at the most. But his favorite thing was asking you to say specific words or phrases when the two of you would hang out alone. He just thought you were so dang cute.
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ao3feed-dramione · 6 years
Of a Linear Circle - Part VIII - The Second Wizarding War
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2F183r3
by flamethrower
Voldemort's second British Wizarding War began on the Ides of March. Wizarding Britain is still reeling, but there is hardening resolve, as well.
Voldemort will be stopped. Dumbledore is not the only magician to make such a promise.
Words: 9588, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 10 of Of a Linear Circle
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Nizar Slytherin, Severus Snape, Salazar Slytherin, Minerva McGonagall, Nymphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Astoria Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass, Ginny Weasley, Fred Weasley, Ron Weasley, George Weasley, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Percy Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Millicent Bulstrode, Susan Bones, Amelia Bones, Pansy Parkinson, Parvati Patil, Padma Patil, Galiena deSlizarse, Brice deSlizarse, Elfric deSlizarse, Betisa deSlizarse, Blaise Zabini, Adele Greenwood, Albus Dumbledore, Filius Flitwick, Aurora Sinistra, Pomona Sprout, Rubeus Hagrid, Luna Lovegood, Cho Chang, Lavender Brown, Neville Longbottom, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, Pius Thicknesse, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Edward Black, Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabbe, Lucius Malfoy, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Poppy Pomfrey, Sybill Trelawney, Cassius Warrington, Angelina Johnson, Lee Jordan, Alicia Spinnet, Amrish Gupta, Ona Parangyo, Poonima Shah, Tamsin Applebee, Herbert Fleet, Sarah Fawcett, Katie Bell, Kinjal Bhatia, OMC, OFC, Kanza
Relationships: Severus Snape/Nizar Slytherin, Salazar Slytherin/Minerva McGonagall, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Nymphadora Tonks/Remus Lupin, Sirius Black/James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Astoria Greengrass/Ginevra Weasley, Millicent Bulstrode/Susan Bones, Pansy Parkinson/Xavier Macnair, Aberforth Dumbledore/Chao Li, Molly Weasley/Arthur Weasley, Bill Weasley/Fleur Delacour
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Goblet of Fire, Time Travel, Odd Methods of Time Travel, GFY, non-canon relationships, Poly Relationships, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Lily Evans & Severus Snape Friendship, You will never take that tag from me, Good Slytherins, Jewish Characters, poc characters, Lewis Carrol was a fucking Ravenclaw, Adoption, Magical Adoption, Portraits with Opinions, portraits with vital roles, government shenanigans, Ministry of Magic, Second Wizarding War, Identity Reveal, Identity Issues, identity dysphoria, Politcs, Multiple Pairings, Family Secrets, Abusive Dursley Family, Triad Marriage, Lavender Brown is NOT WHITE, Every House has its share of Assholes, Full Death Eater Cast, And Then Some, because Voldemort is supposed to have an army, Peter Pettigrew is still annoying, So is Lucius Malfoy, The Order of the Phoenix - Freeform, The Underground, basilisks are awesome, Loving Marriage, Healthy Relationships
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2F183r3
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ao3feed-snape · 6 years
Of a Linear Circle - Part VIII - The Second Wizarding War
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2F183r3
by flamethrower
Voldemort's second British Wizarding War began on the Ides of March. Wizarding Britain is still reeling, but there is hardening resolve, as well.
Voldemort will be stopped. Dumbledore is not the only magician to make such a promise.
Words: 9588, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 10 of Of a Linear Circle
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Nizar Slytherin, Severus Snape, Salazar Slytherin, Minerva McGonagall, Nymphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Astoria Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass, Ginny Weasley, Fred Weasley, Ron Weasley, George Weasley, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Percy Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Millicent Bulstrode, Susan Bones, Amelia Bones, Pansy Parkinson, Parvati Patil, Padma Patil, Galiena deSlizarse, Brice deSlizarse, Elfric deSlizarse, Betisa deSlizarse, Blaise Zabini, Adele Greenwood, Albus Dumbledore, Filius Flitwick, Aurora Sinistra, Pomona Sprout, Rubeus Hagrid, Luna Lovegood, Cho Chang, Lavender Brown, Neville Longbottom, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, Pius Thicknesse, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Edward Black, Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabbe, Lucius Malfoy, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Poppy Pomfrey, Sybill Trelawney, Cassius Warrington, Angelina Johnson, Lee Jordan, Alicia Spinnet, Amrish Gupta, Ona Parangyo, Poonima Shah, Tamsin Applebee, Herbert Fleet, Sarah Fawcett, Katie Bell, Kinjal Bhatia, OMC, OFC, Kanza
Relationships: Severus Snape/Nizar Slytherin, Salazar Slytherin/Minerva McGonagall, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Nymphadora Tonks/Remus Lupin, Sirius Black/James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Astoria Greengrass/Ginevra Weasley, Millicent Bulstrode/Susan Bones, Pansy Parkinson/Xavier Macnair, Aberforth Dumbledore/Chao Li, Molly Weasley/Arthur Weasley, Bill Weasley/Fleur Delacour
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Goblet of Fire, Time Travel, Odd Methods of Time Travel, GFY, non-canon relationships, Poly Relationships, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Lily Evans & Severus Snape Friendship, You will never take that tag from me, Good Slytherins, Jewish Characters, poc characters, Lewis Carrol was a fucking Ravenclaw, Adoption, Magical Adoption, Portraits with Opinions, portraits with vital roles, government shenanigans, Ministry of Magic, Second Wizarding War, Identity Reveal, Identity Issues, identity dysphoria, Politcs, Multiple Pairings, Family Secrets, Abusive Dursley Family, Triad Marriage, Lavender Brown is NOT WHITE, Every House has its share of Assholes, Full Death Eater Cast, And Then Some, because Voldemort is supposed to have an army, Peter Pettigrew is still annoying, So is Lucius Malfoy, The Order of the Phoenix - Freeform, The Underground, basilisks are awesome, Loving Marriage, Healthy Relationships
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2F183r3
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demonsonthemoon · 6 years
We Shall Rule - Chapter 10
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Comics Pairings: Platonic Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton, Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Kate Bishop/America Chavez Word Count: 6128 Note: This chapter has porn! And is really long! Apologies that it took so long to post!
Also available on AO3.
“Hey, Clint, move your butt! Some of us are actually watching this movie!”
Bucky smiled as Clint put out his tongue towards Kate, who was leaning against America.
“Aah,” Clint sighed. “To be abused this way when I bear offerings of pizza. What has the world come to?”
“Don't throw me in with the lot of them!” Bucky pointed at Kate and her girlfriend. “I'm totally fine with looking at your butt.”
Clint grinned, and gave a shake of his hips right in front of the television, ignoring Kate's heckling.
America took the opportunity to take one of the pizza boxes from the coffee table. Clint then opened the second one, took out two plates and put a slice of pizza on each, handing one to Bucky.
“Because some of us are civilized,” he pointed out as Kate and America began eating directly from the box.
The couch was too small for four people to sit comfortably, and there was a comfortable armchair next to it, but Clint sat down on the couch's armrest instead, raising an eyebrow at Bucky to check whether he was fine with the close contact. He nodded, and they went back to watching Mad Max: Fury Road, commenting on the movie more than talking between themselves.
“So, what did you think?” America asked Kate with a grin.
“Yeah, okay,” she admitted. “It was really good. Thank you, O wise one, for educating me in all things cinematographic.”
“Heck yeah!” America exclaimed, putting her fist up in the air. Kate rolled her eyes at her in a fond way, before kissing her on the cheek.
The two of them were always like that, easily affectionate. Bucky looked at them and felt warm. They seemed to live in each other's space nearly as one being. Meanwhile, Clint was rolling his eyes at them and repeating his orders not to be gross on his couch. Despite his protests, he was fond of the couple, as proven by the fact that he kept inviting them over, or at least not kicking them out when they invited themselves.
Bucky had somehow fitted right in with their group, at least in Kate and America's eyes, and they had started teasing him when their first shared movie night hadn't even been over.
“And you Bucky?” America asked. “What' you think?” It was notorious that when America picked a movie, not liking it was a danger, as the woman was ready to debate the value of any of her favorites for hours on end. But Bucky didn't have to pretend in this case.
“I had seen it already, actually. I love it.” He raised his left hand, the joint of his prosthetic wrist clearly visible where his sleeve had ridden up. “And it's relatable.”
America laughed easily. “You too would drive an oil tank through the desert to save some innocent women?”
Bucky shrugged. “I've seen my fair share of desert, but when it's for a pretty lady...”
They chatted some more as they ate another pizza and Kate and America finished their beers, then the couple left. It was still rather early, so Bucky took the time to help Clint clean up.
“Would you come for dinner at my place some time? And meet my roommate?”
Clint looked up from loading up the dishwasher. “Yeah. Of course. I'd love to meet him.”
Bucky nodded.
“Is this a meeting the parents kind of meeting though?”
“What?” Bucky frowned.
“I don't know! You look so solemn right now. I'd love to meet your roommate. But I was wondering... if you're putting special significance into it?”
“What would I... No. No, it's just...”
“I'm not accusing you of anything, I swear,” Clint said, putting his hands up. “It's just... you haven't invited me over before, and it seems like something serious to you, I guess. I just want to know what I'm getting into.”
“It's nothing. It's nothing. It's just... I asked Steve to meet his girlfriend, but I don't want to be there alone, and I also want you to meet him, because... he's important to me. We've had a... a rough time, I guess, these past months, but he means a lot to me, and you do too, and I would like you to meet each other.”
“Okay,” Clint replied. “I would be happy to. I'm not kidding, Bucky, I would love to.” He put a hand on his shoulder, and Bucky suddenly realised how much tension he had been holding in. “So Steve's dating someone?”
Bucky hadn't yet talked about it with Clint, since it didn't concern him directly. “Yeah. I told you about Peggy, right? That girl he met up with at the art gallery. They're officially dating now, so I thought it was time for me to meet her.”
Clint walked back to the living room as he talked, sitting down and indicating for Bucky to do the same.
“And wasn't there a guy? Sam?”
Bucky nodded. “Yeah. That was the big problem with Steve, and kind of why we weren't as close as usual these days. He was all hung up about not knowing what to do. But... we talked, a while ago. And then he talked to Peggy, told her about Sam. She was fine with it, apparently? Steve didn't give me much details.”
“That's good. Good of her, and good for Steve.”
“Yeah. He finally talked to Sam like... three days ago? It went...” Bucky trailed off. He didn't exactly have something he could compare this experience to, so he wasn't sure if it had gone well or not, actually. “Okay, I guess? Sam is... confused. I think he hadn't expected for Steve to make a move ever. I swear, they've been dancing around each other for years now.”
Clint chuckled at that.
“So now that Steve has made his move, but also told him about Peggy... I think it's normal that Sam needs time. And he's a great guy so... I don't think anything bad will happen. I guess the worst case scenario would be for him to say no, and to act a bit more coldly towards Steve for a while, but I don't think he could keep that up too long. Although...” He ran a hand through the longer part of his hair. “I guess that Steve... Steve could be the type to put more distance between them, to be honest. If he gets it into his head that that would be best for Sam or something stupid like that. But I don't think it would be best for either of them if that happened. Not on the long term.” He paused. “Sorry. I don't want to annoy you with all these stories.”
Clint shrugged. He leaned into Bucky, slowly and deliberately, giving him the time to pull away if he wanted to. It was similar to the kind of position Bucky would take if he was with Steve, though the sensation was somehow completely different.
“It's fine. I mean, don't ask me to understand those kinds of things...” He hummed. “Actually, scratch that. I say that but it's not really true. I don't think I ever told you about that, but I actually thought I was polyamorous, for a while.”
“Really? That seems rather... counterintuitive. Considering...”
“Considering how I'm arospec as fuck now?” Clint shrugged. “You would think so, but from what I've heard it actually happened to a lot of people. A lot of arospec peeps have a hard time realising whether what they're feeling is romantic attraction or not, and since they love a lot of people in the same way, if they confuse those feelings for romantic, there's a chance they'll ID as poly for a while. Considering that I do feel attraction, and that I'm not asexual, it was pretty easy for me to identify with the label. So I guess I do understand. It's just so... complicated.”
It was Bucky's turn to chuckle. “You tell me.”
“I mean, good for them if it makes them happy in the long term. People deserve that. But when I hear stories like that I always feel like it's more effort than it's worth. Like... you said Sam and Steve have been dancing around each other for years. If they've enjoyed it like that for so long, will it actually change anything if they start dating?”
Bucky thought about it. “I guess they mostly... It justifies the time they spend together? And then...” He smiled. “I guess you could call Steve old-fashioned, but I'm pretty sure he hasn't even kissed Sam before, let alone slept with him. So that's... that's one of the reasons they want to officially get together, I guess. And, well, the Peggy thing does justify it some more, I guess?”
“Yeah... If they were planning on making it an exclusive relationship, there might be more to negotiate.”
“Mmh. I mean, you say it's so complicated,” Bucky began. “But I'm not so sure. People who want to be in a romantic relationship, they've got an idea of what to expect. There are all these unspoken rules, all these stereotypes, but it gives them a base to build on. When you're... when you try to make it work totally outside of the system, you've got to build everything from scratch. That's scary. And complicated. Doesn't it take more negotiations to define everything you want from nothing, instead of just basing yourself on a model and saying no to the things you don't want?”
“Is that how you feel about us?” Clint asked, tilting his head slightly. The gesture made him look slightly like a bird, which helped Bucky feel more comfortable with the question.
Bucky sighed. “I guess. Though it's not really your fault. It's also just because... I'm not always sure what I want, and I definitely can't articulate it very well.”
“You should... you should tell me, you know? I know I don't always... ask.”
Clint started staring at his hands. Bucky felt like this was becoming another deeply emotional conversation. He smiled. “God. My therapist will be so proud.”
Clint looked up, raising an eyebrow at him.
“I used to never talk about anything. Nothing at all, in the first few months after my accident. Then I just didn't talk about emotional stuff. And now I feel like that's all I'm doing. Talking about my feelings.”
“Well... that's a good thing, I guess?”
Bucky shrugged. “We'll see. It's not really the end goal, you know? That would be to get back to some kind of equilibrium.”
“I'm not sure anyone has that.”
“Fair enough. But you know what they say about aiming for the stars.”
“That it's not scientifically realistic?”
Bucky elbowed him in the stomach, grinning.
Clint regained his seriousness. “I mean what I said though. I know... I like to say it's the simplest thing. Just enjoying what you want without caring about the rules society might have created around it. But like you said... it's confusing. You need to tell me, when you feel that way. I definitely won't always know what to do but... we can figure it out together. I act very confidently about all of this, but in truth... I'm just winging it. Fake it 'til you make it.”
“Truly words to live by.”
“It's worked fairly well for me so far.”
“You tell me. The thing is... I'm sometimes confused. By what we are, what our relationship is.”
“I'm actually surprised by how fine I am with the fact that we're not dating. Because...” Bucky paused. “Okay, tell me if this question bothers you. Because that's really not the point. But... what's the difference? Between what we do and a romantic relationship. I mean... we literally snogged after going to a concert together.”
Clint seemed a bit tense, but not offended by the question. He sighed, huddling closer to Bucky in a way that made him think of Steve, despite the size difference between the two men.
“I've thought about this before, you know, but I don't have a clear answer. That's why I told you I couldn't always be sure of my own boundaries. I guess romance is what you make of it, really. It will be different for everyone. But you talked of working from a model, scratching out things that don't work... I can't do that. I guess a lot of what bothers me about romance it's that it's usually so reliant on those rules and expectations. Of course you can make exceptions, of course you can communicate and adapt things to your own needs, but for most people, romance involves checking things off of a list. Having your first kiss, holding hands, going on a romantic dinner, on holidays, calling each other ridiculous pet names... I can't work with that sort of script, because it makes me feel trapped. I feel like I can't trust myself or my partner in those situations, because I never know if I or they are behaving in a particular way just because that's what's romantic and not because they actually want to.”
“So it's better to throw away the script entirely?”
Clint shrugged. “I guess so. At least it's what's proven to be better for me.”
Bucky nodded.
“What about you, Barnes? What's better for you?”
He thought about it. He had done so before, but he had to think again. He still had no clear answer to that question.
“I don't know. I'm supposed to be this really flirty guy, confident and funny. At least... well. Like I said, that's what I was supposed to be. Before. So the easy answer is that I should want, I should want a relationship. That's how I used to work. But then there was this period... this long period when I didn't really trust anyone. I didn't talk to anyone. Not even Steve, who's been the person the closest to me since forever. How would I have thought about a relationship when I couldn't even consider meeting someone new without freaking out? It wasn't even a question, at that point. But now... Now I've got the time and the energy to think about all of that, and the most confusing thing is that... I don't. I don't really know if I even want to figure it out. Or maybe I do want to, but at the same time it doesn't feel necessary. I don't know if it would change a thing.”
��That's... a lot?”
“Yeah... I'm not sure we're making it easy for each other.”
“Well, everyone has their way of being complicated, despite what movies try to tell us about literally every background character ever. We're trying. That's what matters. I guess.”
They stayed silent for a moment.
“Do you want to stay the night?” Clint asked.
If Bucky was honest with himself, digestion had started to do its thing with him, and sitting on the couch with Clint was too comfortable for him to contemplate moving. The fact that Summer had started saying its goodbyes and that the air was quickly becoming chillier just eased the matter.
“Sure. If that's not a problem for you. I'll just text Steve and let him know.”
Bucky pulled out his phone, sent Steve a quick message, and put the device down on the coffee table. He then settled back against Clint.
There was a moment of silence, one that verged on being awkward but somehow wasn't, not when they were sharing warmth and intimacy like this.
“Hey. What do you actually do for a living? I've known you for months and I still have no idea.”
Clint laughed. “Oh god. I never told you, really?”
“Well, no. Which is why I'm asking. I actually thought you were doing it on purpose, that you were being mysterious, or something.”
“Nah, not really. I guess it just seems... boring. I work as a translator, actually. Corporate stuff, mostly. I traveled a lot when I was a kid, stayed with a circus for a while, and that's how I realised I had a knack for languages. Took me a really long time to get any kind of official degree to prove it though. Studying's not really my thing. And now I've become just another slave to big companies and capitalism. But it pays the bills.”
“Wait. You stayed with a circus for a while? How did I not know this? Like, I understand not talking about a boring job but... You stayed with a circus?”
“Well, yeah. I was a kid performer.”
“Oh my god. Clint! Why is this not the thing you begin conversations with? You performed in a circus? What did you do?”
Clint scratched his neck, seeming slightly embarrassed. Bucky honestly couldn't care if he wasn't being restrained enough. This wasn't the kind of information you were restrained about. It just wasn't.
“Archery. Trick archery. Shooting at moving targets, or blindfolded, things like that.”
“Oh my god. Can you still do it?”
“Uh... yeah? I still do it as... sport, I guess? And I have a Youtube channel.”
Bucky gaped at him. He had spent so much time wondering what Clint did for a living, and was just now realizing there had been a much more interesting mistery right in front of him this whole time.
“You do trick archery on Youtube. And never once thought to mentioned that in a conversation.”
Clint shrugged. “It's not a subject that comes up really often?”
“What?! You...” Bucky shook his head. “Actually, you know what? I'm not even really mad at you, right now. I'm way madder that even Kate didn't mention anything. I thought she was a friend.”
“Well, I mean... I guess she's used to it? She actually sometimes makes videos with me. She's crazy good. Better than me, probably, if we judge by technique only.”
“What? Seriously? Kate too?”
“I'm sorry. I really didn't know it was that big of a deal? I mean, most of my other friends know and I just... didn't think about it. It really wasn't against you.”
“No, no, don't worry,” Bucky replied reassuringly. “I'm not mad or anything. Just surprised. I just really didn't expect it. It's like I'm discovering this whole new part of you, you know?”
“Well... I guess. But that's, normal, isn't it? To still discover new things about each other? That's good?”
“Yeah, Clint. It's good.”
Bucky felt warm and comfortable and on the verge of laughter, and it just seemed like the perfect moment to kiss Clint. And so he put a hand on the other man's cheek, slowly turned his face towards him and leaned closer, making his intentions clear. Clint didn't resist or protest, and leaned slightly forward too.
So Bucky closed the distance, and Clint's lips were chapped, and they both smelled of pizza and soda, and it was nice. They both had to crane their neck a little bit, and so they shifted positions. There was a bit of push and pull, before Bucky ended up lying along the whole length of the couch with Clint on top of him, knees on both sides of Bucky's hips.
Clint grinned, breaking the kiss and hovering just an inch or two above Bucky's reach.
“Gotta put that upper-body strength to use, you know?”
Bucky really wanted to wipe that smirk off his face. And well... his arms were maybe more fragile than they used to, but his abs were fine. So he quickly moved up, just to give Clint a new peck on the lips.
“Come on, Barnes, that's not the point,” Clint said laughing. He leaned down again, forcing Bucky against the cushions once more, and started kissing his neck and jaw.
Bucky tensed up for a second, then let go. This was nice. It was good. He was allowed to enjoy this. It was good if he did, and he could make Clint enjoy it as well. Yeah. That would be nice.
“Tell me if you don't like something. Or if you wanna stop,” Clint said in a low voice. “Or if you want something. Just tell me. Okay?”
“Yeah,” Bucky let out as Clint softly bit down on the junction between his neck and right shoulder. “Okay.”
He let Clint kiss and suck on his skin for a while, lifting the bottom of his t-shirt and running a hand on the skin of his back in retaliation. After a minute of this treatment, though, he pulled Clint upwards again, kissing him once more. They were both open-mouthed from the start this time, tongues brushing against each other and low gasps intermingling until it was impossible to distinguish their owner. Bucky ran a hand through Clint's short hair, who did the same through Bucky's. Experimentally, he gave a small tug to on of Bucky's long strands. Bucky gasped, bucking his hips involuntarily. Clint did it again. Bucky moved his hand to Clint's ass, squeezing slightly, then pushing down as he bucked up.
“Oh God,” Clint said, pressing down against Bucky as he deepened the kiss even further. He leaned back after much too short a moment, Bucky unconsciously chasing after him. “Let's go to my bedroom? There's a bed there. A big bed. Please?”
Bucky nodded, standing up after Clint and following him to the bedroom. He closed the door behind him and immediately pushed Clint down where he had just sat down on the edge of the bed. Clint half-heartedly protested, so after one more kiss they both took out their shoes and socks. Then it was Clint's turn to attack Bucky and push him down before he had time to undress further, once again slipping a hand through his long hair as he kissed him. Bucky ran a hand up Clint's side and tugged at his t-shirt. He took the hint and pulled it over his head, though before the garment had even hit the floor he was back at kissing the underside of Bucky's jaw. He had known before that Clint's arms were muscular, and now even had an explanation as to why, but his chest was well-defined as well. Bucky noticed a scar on Clint's back, dangerously close to his spine, as well as a small one just above his hip. He let his right hand trail down the man's shoulder as they kissed, both starting to thrust their hips together as their dicks grew to full hardness.
“Clint, mmh, Clint, come on.” The blond looked up. “Take your pants off, I want to feel you.”
Clint grinned at that, and immediately started working on unzipping his fly. Bucky did the same with his own, and Clint started pulling Bucky's jeans off as soon as he had discarded his. He then started pulling at Bucky's shirt.
Bucky opened his mouth, hesitating for a second, and Clint's hands immediately stilled.
“It's fine,” Bucky said, pulling the long-sleeved shirt above his head and throwing it across the room. “Just... don't look at the scars too much?”
Clint nodded, put a hand on each of Bucky's cheeks, looked him straight in the eyes and proceeded to kiss him breathless. Bucky wanted to laugh. He felt light, as if his body was going to fly away on the next breath. As if anything was possible.
Bucky put his right hand on Clint's butt again, this time slipping it under the waistband of his boxers. Clint groaned against Bucky's skin, then bit down right next to one of his nipple. Bucky bucked his hips up to meet Clint's, desperately seeking some friction against his erection. He started pulling at Clint's boxer shorts, slowly easing them down.
“Come on,” Clint whined, thrusting down slightly.
Bucky finally raised his left arm, using both hands to pull the other man's shorts down and throw them off the bed. Clint didn't react at the weird texture of the prosthesis, sitting up above Bucky's thighs and asking for permission to undress Bucky further. Eyes on Clint's dick, Bucky forced himself to look up and nod. Clint grinned, discarding him of their last item of clothing.
They were left staring at each other for a moment, and both men laughed. Then Bucky moved up a little to lean against the cushions, and beckoned Clint over.
“What do you want to do?” he asked.
“What do you want to do?” Clint replied, straddling his hips.
“I asked first,” Bucky pointed out.
“I ask-” Before he could finish his quip, Bucky pulled him down and rose to kiss him, biting down on his lower lip. Then he leaned away, and pulled slightly on Clint's hair when the man moved as if to follow him. “What do you want?”
“Uuuh.” Clint closed his eyes. “Can I ride you?” He asked, face scrunched up as if he was afraid of the answer he would get.
Bucky breathed out, and thought about it. “Yeah,” he let out, voice gravelly with arousal. “Yeah, that would be great.”
“Let me just...” Clint said as he leaned over and looked through a bedside drawer for lube and a condom. He started squirting lube on his hand, but Bucky stopped him.
“Can I? It's been a long time... I want to feel...”
Clint nodded enthusiastically, quickly transferring the lube to Bucky's righ hand.
“Could we move for this? Prep will be easier if I don't have to support my weight.”
Bucky nodded, and they switched place. He once again felt breathless, leaning over Clint as the man looked at him with a bright smile and awe in his eyes. Bucky felt like his ribcage was going to explode, but for once it was a good feeling. He balanced himself on his prosthesis, careful, and leaned down to kiss Clint. The man moaned in his mouth, so Bucky carefully started rubbing a finger against his entrance.
“Please,” Clint whispered against Bucky's lips, and he pushed in. It had been a long time, and Bucky was quietly amazed at the way he felt the muscles shift around his fingers, first tensing up then relaxing and inviting him further. He started pushing in and out a few times, carefully, twisting his finger to stretch the ring of muscles. Then he heard Clint let out a laugh and looked up.
“Sorry, sorry,” Clint said, running a hand through his own hair. “You just look so focused.” He put a palm against Bucky's cheek. “It's adorable.” He ran a finger across Bucky's lips. “I won't break, you know? I mean, take all the time you need, but... I won't break. And I'll tell you if it's too much.”
Bucky worried his lower lip, leaning into Clint's hand, which had moved back to his cheek. “Okay.”
He pushed a second finger in, and felt Clint move his hips slightly to accommodate him. He started pushing in and out, then crooked his fingers a little. “Oh, yeah!” Clint explained, groaning as Bucky repeated the exact same motion. “Right there...” Bucky smiled as Clint started running a hand against his rib, digging his nails in his skin every time Bucky rubbed against his prostate. Bucky started scissoring his fingers, neglecting Clint's prostate despite the man's whine. “I don't want it to hurt,” he explained, voice pitched low.
“Yeah, well,” Clint groaned as he shifted his hips and tried to get Bucky deeper inside him. “I'm starting to think it's not gonna be worth it if you don't-.”
He groaned again as Bucky gave a deeper thrust.
“Just kidding. I am loving this, but also-” Bucky felt nails dig much deeper than before in the flesh just under his ribs. “Please add a third finger now.”
Bucky did as he was instructed, breathing heavily and looking Clint in the eyes, even if they were half-closed. Clint moaned. “You're an angel.” He rocked his hips again, and Bucky laughed. Clint was all splayed out, hands running all over Bucky's back and shoulders and sending delicious shivers down his spine. It felt like too much, and at the same time was just perfect.
Clint opened his eyes, and grinned at him. Bucky couldn't help but smile back, then crooked his fingers just the right way to make Clint moan obscenely. “Okay, no, I object, that's totally not fair,” Clint protested even as he started rocking his hips earnestly. “You cannot look at me like that and then do that, uuuh, please do admire... the fact that... I'm coherent right now... oh god, please, please, please can I get your dick inside me.”
Bucky groaned. His neglected erection was starting to make itself known, so he groaned in assent and slowly pulled his fingers out.
“Oh god,” Clint said, clenching around thin air a few times. Then he pulled Bucky down for a kiss, and rolled him over so he was on top once more. “Can I?” He asked, picking up the condom package. "Yeah, yeah," Bucky nodded.
Clint first stook the time to stroke his dick, slowly, and Bucky groaned. It was finally some contact, but it wasn't enough, far from that, not with the promise of Clint above him. He sighed with relief when Clint finally tore apart the small package and starting rolling the condom down his prick. Clint then put two fingers inside himself, making sure he was well-relaxed. Bucky had to bite down on his lip, watching him. He couldn't think of anything else in that moment but the sight before him and the way his body felt on fire. He was extremely grateful for that.
Clint started to line himself up, then pushed down slowly. Bucky held his breath for a second, before realizing he was doing it and exhaling softly. It felt warm, and tight, and overwhelming. It felt foreign, and welcome, and Bucky kept his eyes open through it all, despairingly trying to make himself remember that this was real.
Clint exhaled deeply, sliding up slightly, then down against, until his hips were flushed with Bucky's.
“Oh gosh, Bucky. This is so good.”
And then he started moving, without more warning. Would Bucky ever regain his breath? He wasn't sure. He wasn't going to ask. He put his right hand against Clint's hips, and the man moaned, shifting his angle slightly. He was moving rather slowly, but deliberately, and Bucky quickly started following the same rhythm with shallow thrusts of his own.
Bucky bit his lip, holding back a groan at the feeling of Clint's muscles tight around him, then carefully lay his left hand just above the man's hips. Clint took him in all the way again, opening his mouth on a wordless gasp which turned into a keening noise when Bucky started touching his dick with his other hand.
Clint opened his eyes all the way just so he could stare at Bucky, groaning. “You are so fucking beautiful and good and... oh god, can you, can I just...” He leaned forward, holding himself up above Bucky with his arms. Bucky's dick almost slipped out at the movement, but Clint just held himself up on one hand to guide it back in. Bucky groaned at that, and Clint picked up a faster rhythm.
“Please, Buck, please,” he gasped out as Bucky continued to stroke his cock.
“Yeah. Yeah, anything, tell me.”
“More, please, please, please,” Clint said, and Bucky started thrusting harder, gasping at the same time as Clint. He gathered the precum at the top of Clint's shaft and slid down again, twisting his wrist. He repeated the movement as Clint started whispering a litany of “I'm close, I'm close, I'm close.” His thrust were now completely erratic, but he somehow managed to take Bucky impossibly deeper.
Bucky felt like he was on fire, a flame that build in his gut and spread through his chest and up to his throat. Then Clint cried out, left arm almost buckling. He clenched down around Bucky, who kept thrusting as much as he could, unfocused as he stroked Clint's cock through his orgasm.
Clint was breathing loudly and fast. He finally looked up, expression slightly dazed and sweat running down his forehead. “You asked me what I wanted. Can I finish you with my mouth? Please?”
Bucky groaned, throwing his head back against a pillow at the mere image of it. “Yeah. Yeah. Please. I'm close, I'm...” He whined as Clint pulled off. His erection ached, and he was shivering from arousal despite feeling way too hot.
Then Clint's mouth closed around him, and Bucky bit down on his arm to stifle his moan. Clint took his cock in hand at the base, and carefully licked up and down his shaft, before taking him in his mouth again and sucking.
Bucky forced himself to look, because he knew he would regret it otherwise. He raised his left hand and ran it through Clint's dishevelled hair. He couldn't actually feel the texture of it, but could see Clint relax at the touch even as he kept focused on his work around Bucky's cock.
“Oh god. I'm gonna, I'm gonna-” He said, desperately trying to not to thrust up into Clint's throat. The man pulled off with an obscene pop and started stroking him.
“Yeah, come on, Bucky, come on.”
Bucky muffled another whine in his arm, and came in Clint's hand, coating his fingers and some of his chest in semen. He groaned, collapsing against the pillow. He felt like his breathing could be heard from the next room.
“Thank you,” he said, barely over a whisper.
Clint chuckled. “Oh my god. Thank you.” He leaned down, settling on his side to avoid coating all the bedsheets with cum. They kissed, slow and deep. This kiss was less of an exploration now, and more something they shared. There was no goal to it, no projected next move. Just a moment of intimacy wrapped in the smell of sweat and sex.
“I'm gonna clean us up. And I can lend you a t-shirt to use as Pjs, if you want.”
“Yeah. That would be nice,” Bucky said, starting to sit up as Clint did so.
“No, no, no. You stay in bed. I'll be right back.”
Bucky smiled, content as he watched Clint walk out of the bedroom to pick up a washcloth. His body was buzzing, not as it did when he was anxious, but in the way embers crackled as you warmed your hands over them.
Clint came back into the room, already washed up, and carefully cleaned him of all traces of their cum before finally allowing him to stand up and put on one of his t-shirts.
It was too big for Clint and barely Bucky's size, but none of them cared as they put their boxers back on.
“I need to... It's better if I take my prosthesis off to sleep,” Bucky said.
“Yeah. Of course. Do you want some privacy?”
Bucky shook his head. “No, no. It's fine. Just warning you.” He sat down on the bed again as he worked on unlocking the arm proper from where it connected to his shoulder. In the meantime, Clint set about picking up all of their discarded clothing, folding Bucky's and draping his above the back of a chair standing next to his dresser.
Bucky let out a huff of pain as the mechanism finally released, pulling at his skin, and saw Clint look up. He didn't say anything, though, and Bucky lay the prosthesis across his knee as he carefully massaged his stump.
“You can... leave it on the bedside table, I guess?” Clint said. “That's probably the most convenient.”
“Okay,” Bucky said, and did just that.
Clint joined him on the bed and settled against the cushions. He then pointed at his earing aids. “I have to take those off as well. If there's something you need during the night, you'd better just shake me awake. I'm a light sleeper anyway, so it's really no worries.”
“Okay,” Bucky nodded.
Clint slowly took the aids out, and handed them out to Bucky to set them next to the prosthesis on the bedside table. Then they both settled under the covers, and Bucky closed his eyes.
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to-be--naked · 4 years
Michael Agras
Things that worry or annoy me with Michael
Reasons I am Breaking Up with Michael
Things regarding Michael Agras...
His jokes are kind of tedious, and there is no wit
I’m being codependent. It's putting me in unrelenting crisis.
He doesn't hype me up enough
I feel like if I got too unstable, he would leave
He gets defensive and angry a lot
He takes me for granted
He makes me feel unimportant
He has shit ass communication skills
I’m having mass jealousy issues
He won’t talk things out in a fight. Today yelling at me that he “isn’t fucking negotiating shit” with me. Bc he promised me three days, and I settled for anyway this weekend and Friday that works on his whim. 01.28.21... // he seems to be taking into consideration my feelings and needs more, and changing/adapting. It's not a huge difference, but the fact he immediately started doing it, like I didn't have to ask twice, is really promising. He listened. I was heard 02.08.2021
He makes me feel like I ask for too much
He just leaves a convo, and doesn’t say what he is doing or when he will be back. Then gets annoyed when im wtf is going on?
He straight up said, “I dont know how to handle your emotions”. 01.28.2021 // idk if im getting better about expressing myself, or he is reacting differently, but its a little better? 02.08.2021
He apparently doesn’t learn from mistakes. Apparently I am saying the same stuff Alyssa and his parents say. Like, uhhh, maybe YOU are the problem? 01.28.2021
He masterbates to porn
He doesn't appreciate good music
Im worried that either A) our relationship won’t work as I can’t explore my whole self B) I won’t explore my whole self bc of our relationship.
He can be kind of ignorant
He isn’t as intelligent as most the men I get serious serious with
When I make reaction sounds to things while I’m on the phone with him, he doesn’t inquire about them. Feels like he isn’t interested in me
He isn’t deep
We have nothing to talk about a lot of the time
He doesn’t see me as the gender that I am
He holds me back from exploring that part of myself bc im always seen as female, and stereotypical feminine characteristics and behaviors are rewarded with attention and praise.
He is straight
Not in touch with his feelings
No strong pull to help others
Not spiritual or religious
No STRONG pull to be a father.
I dont feel passion. I feel desire, but no passion.
I am not in love with him
He is not in love with me
He isnt over Alyssa 01.26.2021
Im not over rick 01.25.2021
Uhm, he just “read” my okcupid profile, and didnt say a word about it. That profile lays out black and white who I am and who i want to be. ALL of my goals and ambitions. Every media thats had a significantg impact on me. Nothing??!!
He will never understand the hurt i have gone through or the pain I carry with me daily
He isn’t good at communicating certain things and it triggers my BPD
Its not a big deal, but he really isnt hairy enough for my taste
He doesn’t understand existential angst
He doesn’t understand spiritual angst
He can’t articulate his emotions
He doesnt understand how hard life inherently is for me.
He doesnt share ALL of the same humor (important ones too)
I hold back saying things in fear he will want to leave me
From what I’ve seen, im going to have to always say sorry first
He isn't romantic, and im a hopeless romantic
nbd, but he likes really stupid humor. god, when i wanted to watch Frasier, he said that show was “too smart” for him. How can you not love frasier. Well, i guess by not understanding it
He isn’t very reassuring. He used to be tho
His gender is sooooo boring and one-deminsional 
he will say stuff like “i dont have to x” and then get madd when i say ok, then dont do x...
he just told me that he looks at porn while we are on the phone together
He doesnt show any interest in learning about my past. I have a complex history, and its important the person i am with can recognize how that has effected me. “i had an hour long seizure” oh, okay. “they took away my psych meds when i was in jail” *head nod and continues to play video games “my dad used to beat me” im sorry. WHAT THE FUCK
I dont feel seen.
I feel like we are on different wavelengths.
he says the fucking n word. not cool dude! he doesnt even have any black friends!
he has no interest in learning about my disorders and how they effect me
He never seems interested in things that I say
there are a lot of questions that i dont ask bc i dont want to know the answer
he doesnt reassure me enough
two different ideras on non mono and poly
ive started apologizing a lot and feeling like a bother
he gets quiet during fights and it triggers me
I know he doesn’t use they/them when talking about me to others
Things I <3 about michael
He is encouraging
He respects my feelings
He is patient with me.
He is goofy
He buys me things
Potentially neurotypical babies (but DO I want that? id be the odd one out)
💕💕💕 He is a good daddy 💕💕💕 (not really anymore tho feb 4, 2021)
He pushes me to be better
his teeth are both cute and well taken care of
He is healthy
he is tall 
His life is well-balanced
I think he may be someone capable of change.
He has a stable career
0 notes
serafique · 7 years
this is such a entitled rant and im sorry for that but i literally cant talk abt my boyfriend with one of my edgy queer group of friends because they’re judgemental as fuck that im in a relationship with a cis man and as a queer person i find it so disrespectful and annoying bc i obviously wouldn’t be with someone who is problematic. and im not the only pansexual person in the group and im also not the only person in a poly relationship but its biphobic as fuck not to mention they’re horrible friends and id even know why i put up with them. im literally a raging man hating feminist and yet i have never denied any friends, even straight friends to talk to me abt their shitty abusive boyfriends but god forbid i talk about how great my boyfriend is to them without them turning their noses and making jokes about heteronormativity as if as a pansexual feminist i myself haven’t questioned the nature of my relationship with men. i hate that they wouldn’t act this way if i were with a girl or nb person as if my relationship with him or he as a person doesn't have value just bc the patriarchy is a thing that exists lmao its so messed up like im sorry if im not GAY enough since im with a cis man haha 
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secret-tacos · 7 years
Fiddauthor for the ship thing if you'd like 2 :o
yes!!! ok so
when or if i started shipping it: i cant actually remember for sure? i know i started getting into the gravity falls fandom after i had caught up, which was a lil bit after a tale of two stans aired, and i completely misinterpreted fords character and didnt really like him that much until that break inbetween roadside attraction and weirdmageddon, but then once i did figure him out i got really into it, so it mustve been around then? idk
my thoughts: oh WORM!!! they were one of the earliest gay ships i rly rly got into and now that gf is over i dont think abt them as much, but someone can just bring them up and boom. im in the Zone. in retrospect the fact that i was constantly like ‘Im Ford’ and so deeply invested in this mlm ship and constantly projecting onto both of them while these r not signs of being a gay boy inherently, make a lot more sense now that i am a Gay Boy (tm).
what makes me happy about them: the fact that even tho there r ppl who will desperately insist ford is straight or ford is bi so he can still be Straight(tm) Ford Is Gay literally became a meme and despite alex herb not meaning anything less than hetti spaghetti by what he wrote abt them in the journal he still had to censor it and that theyre just two gay scientists who can help each other work through their trauma and heal together and do some cool science
what makes me sad about them: see above. one time somebody said ford might be gay bc of radiation poisoning and all my crops died
things done in art/fic that annoy me: oh boy i rly hate it when fids is characterized as a smol helpless waif and/or when ford is characterized as a lorge asshole. i hate all those one sided angst fics where fids is in love with ford but they cant b a thing bc ford is aro how tragic :’( or ones where fids is cheating on his wife with ford when u could easily just have a poly or open relationship or have the fic take place after they get a divorce, u dont know that that only happened after the mind gun stuff went too far. ALSO fics where bill takes control of ford and abuses fids for fun. dont like that.
things i look for in art/fic: ok first of all i wanna say my crops are DYING and i desperately want more trans ford and/or fids content, but trans ford stuff seems pretty rare and ofc more ppl wanna hc fids as a trans man bc hes....? ???? got narrow shoulders and hes skinny and apparently not as masculine? but a lot of the trans fids content i see usually seems 2 involve piling on as much trans-related angst as possible and/or using him for their mpreg fetish and honestly? fuck off
i would also like to see some more fluff with them where nobody is an asshole and they just enjoy their day, but that being said i do rly like hurt/comfort too tbh, if its like say, them trying 2 deal with their trauma and/or mental illnesses and helping each other thru it, stuff like that, not ‘ford and/or bill was a huge asshole to fids but hes okay with it bc???’ or ‘fids has 80 relatives and their only trait is being transphobic’
who id be comfortable with them ending up with, if not each other: im not rly sure? i cant think of any fandom ships for them that arent yknow disgusting and none of my own that come to mind would b that good tbh? ideally if they dont pair up, they stay good friends and fids lives a nice and comfy life in his mansion and bonds with his son while ford goes on fun boat adventures with stan, they email each other a lot and live a nice life.
my happily ever after for them: ok so i have two ways this could go bear with me - either like i said above fids lives a comfy and happy life in his mansion, he bonds with tate again, he adopts paz and possibly the dipper clones and his boat husband comes home every so often and tells him all abt his fun adventures while cuddling him and they generally have a good time. alternatively fids goes on the boat adventures with stan and ford and they have a grand old time
their favorite nonsexual activity: ford lays on the couch and fids falls asleep on top of him wrapped up in his big strong grampa arms and covered in a thick blanket and they sleep all day and wake up knowing nobody is going to hurt them ever again
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drakey-wakey · 7 years
oh worm?
someone i follow did a about urself thing and i wasnt tagged but i wanted to do it anyways so okie dokie here we Go
drink: uhhh Water!!
phone call: i called a youth centre like 2 weeks ago to make an appointment (for T!!!)
song you listened to: the kakariko twilight princess theme
time you cried: fuck like. a couple hours ago
dated someone twice: yes!!! (my current bf!!!) we dated when i was younger (2013-2015?) & then we had a Break thru most of 2015-may 2016, and then weve been together since!!
kissed someone and regretted it: yesso
been depressed: my entire life is depression
been drunk and thrown up: NO THANKFULLY!!!
made a new friend: yes!!!
fallen out of love: uhhhhh i do not Believe so
met someone who changed you: mmmmm i do not Think so
found out who your true friends are: i found that out a few years ago but not this past yr!!
found out someone was talking about you: yes i heard the rumours that circulate abt me at school LMAO
how many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: fuck like, 3? maybe? friends at least, i know a few not friends tumblrs
do you have any pets?: i have 3 dogs & 3 cats!!
do you want to change your name?: YES, currently i go by drake/draco & id like to change it legally to that (its my deadname rn)
what time did you wake up this morning: like 12:40 i think?
what were you doing last night: uhh i got stoned and listened to a podcast n played Party Hard
something you cannot wait for: IM GONNA MEET MY BOYFRIENF FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A MONTH!!!!!!
have you ever talked to a person named tom?: uhhhhhhhhh i dont think so!!
what’s getting on your nerves right now: my damnass dumb brain
blood type: im not sure!!!!
nickname: drakey (drakeypoo if u wanna be real obnoxious & make me laugh)
relationship status: poly but very much in a relationship!!!
zodiac sign: cancer!!!
pronouns: he/him preferred but they/them are chill too!!
favourite show: i dont watch much tv but anything with gordon ramsay in it has my heart
college: i dont rly know if i wanna go to college rn but if i did itd be to emily carr or the AI in vancouver!
hair colour: like brown but its dyed a very Faded green
do you have a crush on someone: not really atm i dont think!
what do you like about yourself: im pretty funny and a decent artist!!
first surgery: ive never gotten one! itll probably be either my wisdom teeth removal or a hysterectomy
first piercing: my ears when i was like 3?
first sport you joined: uhh i tried to join track in like 3rd grade but was turned down
first vacation: i think i went to disney land when i was like 6! before that i couldnt remember
first pair of sneakers: bitch i dunno
eating: uhh i just ate some good ol Kraft Dinner
i’m about to: play party hard some more! & maybe stardew or minecraft later
listening to: nothin!!
get married: uhh id like to!! its not a necessity but i think itd be nice:0c
career: tattoo artist!
lips or eyes: mmmm eyes i think!!
hugs or kisses: KISSES hugs are kinda awkward i hate ppl touching me
shorter or taller: TALLER
troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant bc troublemakers annoy me
older or younger: uhhh older generally
romantic or spontaneous: romantic!!
sensitive or loud: SENSITIVE i hate loud stuff
hookup or relationship: relationship tbh
kissed a stranger: no!!!
drank hard liquor: yee, i tried a tequila shot a couple yrs back. disgusting
lost contacts/glasses: i dont wear em so no!!
sex on first date: ive never been on a date so not really!!
broken someone’s heart: probably yea
been arrested: nope!! im a Goodboy
turned someone down: yeees
in yourself: sometimes!!!!
miracles: :o)
love at first sight: nah!! i think u can be infatuated with someone but i think love is something that needs to develop via getting to know someone!
anywys!! i dont tag people but if u wanna do this u should do it!!
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