#also dont get me wrong im the first one to make jokes abt heteronormativity its different when its aimed at your relationship though
serafique · 7 years
this is such a entitled rant and im sorry for that but i literally cant talk abt my boyfriend with one of my edgy queer group of friends because they’re judgemental as fuck that im in a relationship with a cis man and as a queer person i find it so disrespectful and annoying bc i obviously wouldn’t be with someone who is problematic. and im not the only pansexual person in the group and im also not the only person in a poly relationship but its biphobic as fuck not to mention they’re horrible friends and id even know why i put up with them. im literally a raging man hating feminist and yet i have never denied any friends, even straight friends to talk to me abt their shitty abusive boyfriends but god forbid i talk about how great my boyfriend is to them without them turning their noses and making jokes about heteronormativity as if as a pansexual feminist i myself haven’t questioned the nature of my relationship with men. i hate that they wouldn’t act this way if i were with a girl or nb person as if my relationship with him or he as a person doesn't have value just bc the patriarchy is a thing that exists lmao its so messed up like im sorry if im not GAY enough since im with a cis man haha 
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