#fuck i just. ive got too much to think about. it's always the fucking holidays.
fuck my life
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ohtobeleah · 9 months
Was It Over? // Jake Seresin
-> Chapter Eight: [Oh, Honeybee]
Summary: Jake can’t accept why you’d keep such a life-threatening situation a secret and you can’t accept why he suddenly seems to care.
Warnings: Sick!reader. Breast cancer diagnosis. Jake Seresin x F!reader. Angst, hospital & medical inaccuracies. SLOW BURN ROMANCE/ Inaccurate medical information. Relationship turmoil.
Word Count: 4K
Author Note: Smaller chapter, but still the same level of pain. Let me know what y’all think about the confrontation of it all.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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“The fuck?” Bradley Bradshaw hated the festive season. He wasn't a Christmas guy. He didn't have an awful lot of family to celebrate with over the consumerist holiday that was shoved down your throat before mid November. He just wasn't the kinda guy who wanted to get involved in the festivities. 
“Who's calling you at ten at night?” Natasha Trace would probably end up regretting her decision to sleep with her co-worker and friend, but the drunken antics she and Rooster had gotten up to earlier in the afternoon ended up with a trip back to his house. 
“Its Hangman–” Bradley answered the naked woman beside him as he sat up in the bed he truly never should have brought her back to. He knew Phoenix would end up regretting her decision to sleep with him. A pity fuck they’d both end up calling it. “Hello?” 
“Are you busy?” Jake asked as he continued to watch you sleep. It had been a few hours since he got to the hospital and about two since he told your mother to go home for some much deserved rest. 
Bradley looked over his shoulder to see Phoenix rolling over, her chest laid flat against the mattress that smelled so much of Bradley. He sighed, peeled the covers up from over his legs and swung them over the side. 
“Nah, what’s up? Everything good?” The pair hadn’t always been on good terms, but ever since Jake had ultimately risked his own life to save Roosters, the two had been able to put their differences aside and let bygones be bygones. 
“I don’t think I’m coming back after Christmas.” Jake started as he let his head lean against the far too uncomfortable hospital chair he’d been sitting in for the better half of four hours. “Somethings’ happened and I dunno what I’m gonna do man.” It was the tone Jake was using that made Bradley frown as he slipped into his sweats. 
“Something happen to one of the kids, man?” Rooster has never heard Jake sound so defeated before. But as he padded down the hall Rooster had to stop in his tracks as Jake explained your current situation. He read the notes right from your chart, from the type of cancer to the stroke you had, how he tried to tuck your hair behind your ear and it fell from your scalp. How he’d tried to win you back, how you’d slept together, how you told him you still loved him yet thought divorce was the best way to go about things. Jake emptied his heart on Bradley sleeve and Bradley didn’t know how to process the pain and anguish Jake was obviously feeling. 
“Are you at the hospital right now? With Y/n?” 
“Yeah—yeah I just sent Maz, Y/n’s mum home to rest and shit.” Jake ran his hand across his face as he watched the IV bag containing your sedative get smaller and smaller. He wasn’t sure how you were going to react when you woke up and saw he was here. “I’ll probably go between here and her house, the kids are at mum's place and I can’t imagine what they’re thinking knowing that we’re both not there.” 
“I could uh—“ Bradley Bradshaw wasn’t a Christmas guy, but he was a family first person. “I could fly out? Maybe get the kids from your mum's house and get them back to Rhode Island? I’m not doing anything this Christmas so I’ve got time.” 
“Bradshaw,” Jake nearly sobbed. “I couldn’t ask you to do that for me.”
“It’s nothing, really, you’re one guy man, stay with your wife, or ex wife? I don’t really wanna get into your business but just text me the details when you can and I’ll organise your kids.” 
“I’ll text you my sister's number.” Jake replied. “She’ll help you out.” There was no real reason to argue, Jake knew that once Rooster had his mind set on something he was gonna do it. 
“No worries, I’m uh—I don’t even know what to say man, I’m so sorry, no one deserves to go through this.” It hit Rooster too close to home, his mother died when he was seventeen from Breast Cancer very similar to yours. It took her quicker than doctors had ever anticipated. 
He just hopes you wouldn’t meet the same untimely fate. 
“Anything man, anything you need, I'm there.” 
Time seemed more like an artificial construct as Jake watched Lydia disconnect the line that had been slowly feeding your body with a moderate range sedative. The young nurse looked guilty as she tried to avoid eye contact with the man she had accidentally told private patient information to. 
“She’ll slowly start to wake up over the next hour now that she isn’t slowly taking on the sedative.” Lydia explained. “She might be quite irritable and loopy but I’ll have her surgeon come by for assessment once she’s up.”
“When I was about your age I accidentally hit one of my commanding officers' car while pulling out of the car park at the Naval Base I was stationed at.” Jake mentioned as he let himself curl up in the world's most uncomfortable chair. “Point is we all
make mistakes, don’t beat yourself up about it, but I’d definitely be a little more cautious when reading patients emergency contacts.” 
“You’re wife’s a pretty strong woman Mr. Seresin.” Lydia smiled. “I hope that despite whatever reason she was keeping all this from you, that she’s happy you’re by her side when she wakes up.” Jake chuckled as he slightly readjusted himself and pulled his hood over his head. There were a plethora of ways you could react to his presence running through his mind, he hoped though, that the young nurse who’d accidentally filled him in on your current fight was right. 
“I hope so too kid, I hope so too.”
The slow steady rhythm of the many monitors currently tracking your vitals were the first sounds you heard as you slowly but surely woke from what you could only describe as one of the deepest states of complete and utter rest you’d ever experienced. 
Next it was the multi coloured Christmas lights that were hanging around your room. The reds, greens, yellows and blues that reminded you of nineties joy were the first things you noticed in the dimly lit hospital room you knew you were in. 
The third thing you noticed wasn’t a sound or an object, but it was the all too familiar sleeping man curled up in the most awkward position imaginable next to your bedside. Jake, your Jake. Sleeping with his mouth open wide and his arms crossed over his chest. 
“Woah—“ You groggily cooed as you felt the presence of another man checking your vitals beside you. “Whatever the hell kinda drugs you’ve got me on right now Doc has me seeing my ex husband.” You smiled ear to ear as you kept looking at Jake, sleeping, a little bit of drool even tainted his chin as his arms remained crossed and his hood covered his head. “This shits strong as.”
Doctor Ignatii continued reading and recording your vitals the more you came to, he knew, judging by the time you’d finished your dose of intravenous sedative and how cognitive you were, you’d come to realise in about two, maybe three minutes indefinitely that it wasn’t the drugs making you see the mirage of a man at your bedside, but in fact the real deal. 
“Mrs Seresin, can you follow the light for me?” Doctor Ignatii asked with a smile as he clicked on the small but effective flashlight at the end of his pen. He was gentle with the way he handled your head ever so cautiously, holding your eyelids open one by one as you followed the light accordingly. “Can you count to five?” 
“One, two, three, four, five—“ You mumbled out. Jake heard your voice as he stirred next to you and shot up with a gasp that startled you. He looked like a deer caught in headlights as he sat upright and wiped the dry drool from his chin. 
“Welcome back to the land of the living Mr Seresin, I've seen a lot of ways people have tried to sleep in those horrid chairs but I’ve never seen that particular position before.” Doctor Ignatii chuckled to himself as he clicked his pen light off and placed it back in his top pocket. “Alright Y/n, wiggle your toes and touch your nose for me.” All you did was stare at your husband. Why was he here? Who told him? “Mrs Seresin, wiggle your toes for me please.” Doctor Ignatii was a little firmer in his request, he wasn't sure if you were just distracted or if you simply couldn't comply with his request because you couldn't feel your toes.  
But when you finally did wiggle your toes, when you finally brought your index finger up to your nose and when you finally spoke, Doctor Ignatii knew that in the next hour or so when he got you up and walking, that you were going to be just fine.  
“What are you doing here?” Your voice was rather horse from the sedative but you were able to ask Jake that all too powerful question that sliced his skin clean open like one of the sharpest knives never could. Doctor Ignatii knew that he had to give you some space when he was finished assessing your ability to wiggle your toes he cleared his throat. “What the hell are you doing here?” 
“I'll give you two a moment alone, but Lydia will be in shortly.” He explained before making his way out of your hospital room. The silence was deafening as Jake cleared his throat and looked anywhere but in your eyes to begin with. 
“Jake–” You immediately asked again as you tried to sit up a little straighter. “What are you doing here?” Jake ignored your initial question and instead pressed his tongue into the middle of his cheek. His blood was boiling, he was so full of rage that you hadn’t told him you were sick that he couldn't think straight now that he knew you were awake and talking. You were supposed to be the mother of his children if at the very least. He felt like you had an obligation to disclose medical diagnoses that could alter the course of your children's lives. Right? 
“You have cancer and you didn't tell me?” Jake frowned as he spoke through a tired growl. “You have cancer and you didn’t think to mention it at all, not even a downplayed version of the truth? You just–” Jakes reaction wasn't something that surprised you, but his anger did. That anger was something you hadn’t seen in a long time, anger born from love and compassion. An anger so pure it rivalled empathy itself just in a different font. “You just negated the entire thing? Jesus Christ Y/n! You have–” 
“Stage three A, triple positive grade three invasive doctoral carcinoma.” You interrupted Jake as tears welled in your eyes. “I know, I found out back in November, I hadn’t been feeling all that well since around March.” You kicked yourself everyday for not getting yourself to a doctor sooner, but with your separation, work, the kids, you just decided to self diagnose yourself as an overworked mum who had little to no time for herself. Finding the time to see a doctor was nearly impossible, it was only when you found that lump in the shower you panicked. “Jake I–” 
“You–” Jake clenched his jaw as tight as he could, you swore he could have chipped his bottom teeth he was clenching that hard trying to control his frustration. “You don’t get to fucking do this to me do you understand?” 
“Excuse me?” You questioned as Jake stood up from the chair he’d been cramped in for the better half of the last twelve hours. “I didn’t choose to do this willingly Jake are you fucking kidding me?” It may have come out more aggressive than Jake had intended it to, but his heart hurt so much he swore he was having a heart attack the more he looked at you in the hospital bed connected to machines and wires that told him what your heart was doing and what your blood pressure was. “I didn't choose to get fucking cancer!” 
“No, no you didn’t Y/n but you chose not to tell me about it.” Jake sighed. “Am I really that bad of a person that you can't tell the father of your fuckings kids that you might be dying? Stage three!? I'd understand if you had a scare and didn’t mention it or a bad rash but stage three?” Jake spat as he walked around your hospital room like he was looking for a way out of this whole mess. “That’s closer to a death sentence than it is to a malignant mass!” 
All you could do was listen, you couldn't run this time. You had to face the man who broke your heart more ways than one as he raised his voice and walked around your hospital room with his hands on his hips. 
“You, you had a stroke too.” Jake's voice softened as did his eyes, the realisation had hit as the immediate love filled anger that clouded his judgement faded. The misguided anger that he might truly be losing the love of his life had begun to wash away as the sadness crept in. 
“Yeah–” You didn't hold it against Jake, you'd had more time to process this than he did. “Apparently the chemotherapy was just causing havoc to my nervous system and caused a clot that travelled from my leg to my brain.” You said it with a shrug, like it was no big deal. Jake's eyes widened at the idea of something that was meant to help you had done so much damage. “I was given a pamphlet, strokes were a side effect, but I just didn’t think it would happen to me you know.” 
“Honeybee–” Jake cooed as he came back over to your bedside. “I–” There was a distinct tentative pause in the way his hand automatically went to slip into yous, but even though Jake second guessed his own judgement there for a split second, he still placed his hand in yours and reveled in the way you squeezed him back. “I can't understand why you wouldn't tell me about this.” Jake had tried to understand, truly he did. He thought about it alot on the plane–all the ways in which he’d ever let you down. He understood he was a shitty husband, or had been, but this was life or death. 
Jake almost wished he never asked why and had instead just silently accepted the fact you decided not to loop him in on what was probably your biggest health complication since Samuel was born. He almost wished he hadn’t asked because the way you looked right into his eyes as your bottom lip quivered and your eyes watered with such a heartbreaking cry of anguish that ripped through your chest, Jake wished he hadnt fucking asked. 
“I didn't tell you because I just didn't think you’d care.” You cried violently as Jake helped you sit up. “I didnt–I just didnt think youd, you'd care about me.” Your cries were muffled into Jake's shoulder as he held you, he wanted to climb right into the hospital bed with you, but he couldn't. So Jake compromised and leaned over just enough to wrap you in his arms and rub small circles into your back as you buried your face in his chest and shoulder. “I didn't think you’d fucking care–because you haven’t cared about me in years!”
“I have never stopped caring about you.” Jake cried too, he couldn't hold it in any longer. “I have never and I will never stop caring about you Honey.” It was a hard statement to believe especially with what the past four years had been. “I promised you in sickness and in health, I'm here, I've got you.” Jake cooed as he tried to soothe you, your cries of pure anguish for your own situation made him want to die. What more could he possibly do to ease this burden from you, what could he possibly do to take the pain away. “I'm here, I'm right here.” 
“You don’t have to pretend.” You tried to calm yourself down as much as you could. “Please Jake you don’t have to pretend to care about me anymore, I’m not yours.” 
“No you’re not—“ Jake nodded in agreement as he pulled away to wipe your tears, you looked like hell but he wasn’t about to tell you that. To Jake you were still the most beautiful woman in the entire world, the only woman he ever needed, wanted. “But I’m still yours alright, you have me and I’m not pretending.” Jake wiped the pads of his thumbs across your cheeks, he tried not to tug at the oxygen tube feeding into your nose. “I’ve got you yeah? You don’t have to do this alone.” 
“I never wanted to do any of it alone.” You sobbed again, it was all too much. Jake knew what you meant by all, you never expected your marriage to fall apart. Neither did he. “I can’t do any of this, I’m so fucking scared.” If someone had asked Jake three years ago if his marriage would fall apart around him, he would have stood up and punched whoever had said such blasphemy in the mouth. But here he was. 
“You’re okay.” Jake tried his best to console you, he did know what else he could do in the moment beside to hold you. The kiss he left atop your forehead was so pure and full of love you swore it sent an electric shock through your body, the same kind of electricity you felt when you slept with Jake the night before you said goodbye to your kids. “I'm not leaving your side alright, “I’m here, I've got you, I can't lose you this way– I wont.” 
Jake knew this love was a burden that you both shared. The both of you were just two sinners who can't atone from a lone prayer. Two souls tied, intertwined by pride and guilt. 
Jake was true to his word, he didn't leave your side for the rest of the day. He stayed right by your side hand in hand, just sitting there, talking, not talking, sleeping. All that mattered was that he was there. 
“What do you mean Bradley Bradshaw offered to get the kids from your mum's house?” You thought for a split second that perhaps you hadnt woken up. Or maybe you'd actually woken up in some parallel universe where your husband never forgot how to love you and he didn't have a disdain for the man who gave him his Call Sign out of rage. “Bradley Bradshaw? As in Rooster?” 
Jake couldn't help but to smile, there was so much he had to fill you in on, the two of you hadnt really sat down and spoken uninterrupted without the kids since January. Sure there were family functions and times where you and Jake had to coexist and coparents. But he never really saw a reason to tell you all about his time in North Island. You were with him when he was called to Togun the first time, there wasn't any need to really rub your nose in the fact he was called back again. After all, a part of the reason you left was because Jake prioritised his work life over his home life, more specifically, you. 
“Would you believe me if I told you I saved his life?” Jake couldn't erase the grin that grew ear to ear from his face as he watched your eyes light up with shock and excitement. He missed this, the gentle moments. 
“You did not–” In all the time you had known Jake while he was a loyalist to the United States Navy, he had never once put a toe out of line. Never pushed back, never rocked the boat. He had a goal and that goal was to reach the top. You couldn't do that while drawing unwanted attention to yourself. 
“I did,” He chuckled through that very grin that you swore was permanently pinned to his cheeks. “Even went against orders to do it.” The look of pure shock on your face told Jake all he needed to know, you didn't believe what he was telling you. 
“Who are you and what have you done with Jake Seresin?” You chuckled softly as Jake ran his thumb across your hand. “You? Going against the brace? Unheard of.” A lot of what made Jake, well, Jake–was that he loved his job. 
“Trust me Honey I never thought I'd see the damn day either.” Jake sighed, he still couldn't believe how much his time in North Island had changed him. How it broadened his perspective on all the things that made him simply him. “But he was stuck in a pretty tight spot, so was Mav, our Captain.” 
“Well–” You smiled as you readjusted yourself in your bed. Unbeknownst to both you and Jake, Lydia was watching just out of frame from her spot at the nurses station. She couldn't help but to notice the loving, all encompassing look the two of you shared. Perhaps her small mistake that usually would have been a carrier ending HIPAA violation wasn't so bad after all. “Look at The Hangman go huh, who says he's always leaving people out to dry.” 
“Oh I could still name a few–” It was organic the way you and Jake fell into a rhythm with one another when the pair of you allowed each other to do so. “But yeah, he's gonna fly in, get the kids for us because I really don't want them there for too long without at least one of us there and bring them back to your mums for us.” 
“Is she alright with that?” As always Jake knew you would think about everyone but yourself when the only person you should have been thinking about right now was you. “What if she–” Jake cut you off with a simple shake of his head.  
“I already organised it.” Jake explained softly, his thumb never stopped stroking your hand as he held it. “Your mums gonna take the kids while we figure all this out, I don't want them with mine.” It wasn't that Jake didn't love his Ma, he did. But the idea of her having the kids for an extended amount of time gave him stomach issues he couldn't handle. “I saved his life, I trust him to escort our three terrors back here.” 
“Have you met our kids? You asked with an all knowing look that Jake caught right away. Maybe Rooster wasn't the best person to call on, he had zero experience with kids, let alone Jake's twins and two year old. 
Jake knew that you knew there was a darkness in the distance, but in the moment while everything felt normal, you both laughed together knowing exactly how the flight with your kids would go for Bradley Bradshaw. 
“You’re totally right–” Jake cooed. “He might need to bring his flight helmet as a safety precaution.”
Tags: @blindedbythelightt @starset21 @tayl0rhuynh @mamachasesmayhem @marvelogic @itsmytimetoodream @maverick-wingman @kodzukenmaaa @eternalsams @seitmai @nota-professional @jessicab1991 @hardballoonlove @senawashere @lafrone @fanficfandomlove @withahappyrefrain @dizzybee03 @maisie-rebloging-blog @goldenseresinretriever @a-reader-and-a-writer @sunlightmurdock @shelbycillian @memoriesat30 @accioprocrastination @the-aspiring-fanfic-writer @athenabarnes @eternallyvenus @emma8895eb
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sanzuballs · 2 years
getting needy/teasing when hes around a friend
ft: law, luffy, zoro, sanji || fluffy suggestiveness
hi im back again! i am on wc island, heartbreaking. idk how tumblr works but i would love to recieve requests and everything! i also apologize for any grammar or spelling errors. i barely proofread and my autocorrect is always off lol n i do shit LATE at night. anyways time to get into it! ALSO (late) HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
law :
nahh he dont put up with that. while him and a one of his crewmates talked, you decided to cause some michief. you sat next to him and tugged on his shirt, kissed his cheek, and even pouted and whined. he ignored you. he wasnt going to let you have your way. the only thing he could think about is how annoyingly needy you are and how wet you probably were right now. but once his crewmate started giving glances to your short skirt that started riding up your thighs, he picked you up bridal style. he carried you to his bedroom. you whined as he started to take your clothes off.
“lawww, why did you have to ignore me?” you whine as your tits were on display.
“i dont tolerate dumb sluts that just wann get fucked all the time,” he takes your panties off and watches as your slick sticked to your tiny panties. “this is gonna teach you a lesson dumb baby. dont hold back your moans, i want everyone to know just how much of a slut you are for me, and me only.”
luffy :
its a beautiful day on the thousand sunny, ussop and luffy were out trying to catch some fish but ussop was slowly falling asleep. sadly, theres a heat between your legs that only your boyfriend could put out. he has been catching sea kings all day so he was a bit exhausted. you first decided to sit on his lap.
“ha, whats this about y/n?” he smiles at you. ussop bats a eye to you and luffy’s convo.
“i need you luffy.”you whisper into his ear. you pout at him and you press your heat on his thigh. he could feel the slick of your pussy through your panties. he wraps hims noodly arms around you.
“alright then. goodbye ussop!” he grabs you and gives you a piggyback ride to his room.
“im sorry i didnt mean to interrupt you.” you said as he pulled your panties off and flipped up the skirt you had on.
“‘s okay baby.” he smiles as he trails wet kisses up your thighs.
god bless his impatient heart. and god bless your bratty heart…
it was probably the most boring day ever on earth for the straw hat pirates. you were drifting on sea to the next island but it was a long wait. zoro decided to snag some booze from the fridge and sanji was there, sharping his knives. but ofcourse you had to follow your boyfriend into the kitchen. while riding on his back, ofcourse.
“y/n! do you want something, ive got some time on my hands!” sanji says. zoro doesnt really mind because he knows how sanji is. and he knows your his. you smile at sanji.
“a martini please! thanks sanji!” you say. he whips one right up and zoro waits patiently to drink with you. them sanji hands you a beautiful martini.
“ro’ i want you to pour it in my mouth.” you look up at him and you mix your drink around and suck the straw.
“y/n,” he says sternly. “why are you like this.”
“c’mon please!?” sanji takes a quick glance and eyebrow bat to zoro.
“a lady should get what she wants.” sanji says.
“im glad someone in this room knows how to treat a woman.” you taunt your boyfriend. he obviously knew you to treat you well but seeing him mad is too good to miss. zoro takes the martini.
“open up.” zoro says. he then pours the liquid all over your thin shirt, revealing your lacy bra.
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raccoonfallsharder · 8 months
Window Across the Galaxy ✧*:・゚updated 1/25 ❤︎
18+ only MDNI | rocket x f!oc | 26/27 chapters | wip| word count: pending. ♡ check the masterlist for expected updates ♡ ♡ see the "holiday special" ⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ Winter Across the Galaxy * ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆ [new 12/5] ♡
girl falls first; racoon falls harder.
On the mornings after nights built on nightmares — nights when Rocket has spent hours haunted, or bitter, or weeping — there’s always something different than usual. If there’s sex, Rocket’s touch is lighter:  more careful. He makes Jolie come relentlessly, like he’s trying to make up for all of his own past hurts by filling her with more bliss than she can bear. There’s less teasing, and more ragged reverence. He might not call her names, but if he does, they sound holy: slut uttered in the same tone that someone else might say saint. He doesn’t let her touch him on those rotations, and he doesn’t come till he’s satisfied that she can’t possibly have another orgasm left in her.  If there isn’t sex, everything is the opposite. He’ll take whatever physical comfort she can think to give him: slow, soothing strokes along his back, full-body embraces, comforting kisses on his shoulders and face and chest and hands. One morning, as he lies on his stomach with his chin resting on folded forearms, she strokes his tail. He closes his eyes, and shudders, and melts, so she strokes it again and again, wrapping her fingers around the silky appendage and letting it run through her hand like a waterfall, over and over. They lay like that for a dozen-dozen minutes. Longer. But  the nightmares don’t come often anymore. Instead, most mornings are full of laughter or stories, and mocking, and tinkering and sketching, and cups of coffee that one of them brings down to share.  And yeah, of course, more sex. The Guardians take more jobs, make more units, save more people. Make more art — more versions of Rocket, more golden jump-points. Groot grows taller and lankier and somehow even moodier. Gamora and Pete grow more transparently in love. They all squabble and tease and fuck and fight. And whenever Rocket touches her, Jolie grows more certain that he does love her after all, even if he can’t say it.
[NEW 1/25]✧・゚:*Chapter XXVI. The Other Side of the Window. in which old friends are reunited. ❤︎
i'm crying in fear of the final chapter update in like a week and a half. god i've put so much stupid love into this silly thing. thank you for all your support and for taking part in this with me so far. i truly could not be more grateful ~♡
explicit lines or references* abbreviated explicit sequences ❤︎ detailed/prolonged explicit sequences ❤︎❤︎
General summary/notes + links to recently preceding chapters behind the cut.
let me know via comment, message, or ask if you'd like to be added or removed from my fanfic taglist ♡
Rocket is captured by a Ravager crew hoping to get rich off the excessively large bounty on his head. Throwing a wrench in everyone’s plans is the Terran girl they hired to do some freelance assessing on a recent haul of goods they’ve seized from a Xandaran luxury liner. Oops.
slight AU starting pre-GOTG volume 1 (but will hit most of the same major plot points). slow burn + eventual smut with a lot of pining in the middle. kinda enemies-to-lovers? (but only one of these idiots thinks they're enemies).
let me be real with you: this fic is really about wish-fulfillment. not just the eventual smut (but that too). mostly i just want someone to be nice to my best boy raccoon
Chapter I. A Delicacy. in which our reluctant heroes meet atop a crate of Sovereign porn in the bowels of a Ravager ship.
Chapter II. Monster For A Pet. in which one hero wrestles with his inner Groot, and the other is quite possibly a moron.
Chapter III. A Kindness. in which Rocket gets in his own damn way: not for the first time, and certainly not for the last.
Chapter IV. Got There First. in which our heroes obtain an arsenal and street food.
Chapter V. Things No-One Has Said Before. in which one hero refuses to babysit and the other refuses to leave.
Chapter VI. Two and a Half Billion Units.in which we lean into the “they were roommates” trope. Jolie has misgivings, while Rocket has fantasies - about getting rich, of course.
Chapter VII. I'm Here. in which we visit Knowhere.
Chapter VIII. The Care & Feeding of Human Pets. in which our heroes practice breathing and we lean into a new trope: “there was (technically) one bed.”
Chapter IX. Scrapmetal and a Dream. in which we redefine homemaking.
Chapter X. Thin Fucking Ice. in which our heroes get fucked. Not in the good way.
Chapter XI. Let It Be. in which Xandar is saved and good lives are lost.
Chapter XII. So Much It Hurts. in which we try not to fuck up the vibes.
Chapter XIII. Don’t Wait. in which a lost sister is found and Drax grapples with the concept of sarcasm.
Chapter XIV. Exactly Like a Flower. in which comfort is shared.
Chapter XV: Galaxy-Breaking Shit. in which more comfort is shared, and life is good. Briefly.
Chapter XVI. Run. in which Rocket falls victim to his superstitions.
Chapter XVII. A Seedling. A Fox. A Little Girl. in which the party is divided.
Chapter XVIII. I Happen to Know a Guy. in which our heroes get fucked. Again. Still not in the good way.
Chapter XIX. He Was Loved. in which a planet is killed, a friend is made and lost, and nobody still has any frickin’ tape.
Chapter XX. Some Nerve. *in which an ultimatum is given.
Chapter XXI. I Very Still. ❤︎❤︎ in which our heroes get fucked. In the good way, this time. Finally.
Chapter XXII. Got There Worse. ❤︎❤︎ in which Rocket does not say "I love you."
Chapter XXIII. We're Gonna Need a Bigger Table. ❤︎ in which the galaxy continues to spin.
Chapter XXIV. Space Would Be Better. ❤︎❤︎ in which Rocket ~discreetly~ claims the title of boyfriend.
Chapter XXV. Little Love Stories. * in which both of our heroes learn a little bit about themselves.
Chapter XXVI. Other Side of the Window. ❤︎ in which old friends are reunited.
Chapter XXV. The Most Beautiful Thing in My House. ❤︎❤︎
⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ Winter Across the Galaxy * ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆A Holiday Special *
Epilogue: Interviewing Rocket & Jo. ten years after Window ends. short/drabbly, silly fluff.
explicit lines or references* abbreviated explicit sequences ❤︎ detailed/prolonged explicit sequences ❤︎❤︎
taglist ♡ @evolvingchaoswitch ♡ @wren-phoenix ♡ @pretty-chips ♡ @suicidalshitstick ♡ @glow-autumz
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1d1195 · 4 months
So I finally got around to reading protection and I thought it would be funny if I wrote down all my favorite parts bc I always wanna point them out, but I FORGET. It’s late and these are actually my live reactions bc im writing them in my notes as I read This will be long, this will probs be verryyy dumb (so if you don’t want to, pllsss don’t feel obligated to answer it, let it rot in your inbox😭)
The part where she’s like “hey niall! :D” and then switches up and yells at the supervisor 😭😭 AND NIALL IS JUST SHOOK BAHAHAHHA
'He knew that she ended a lot of her doodles with little hearts'. As someone who always draws hearts every time I get my hand on a pen, I ADORE this little fact (there’s a statistic that says 56% of Americans write their first name when testing out a new pen, and I always say ‘well what’s the percentage of people who draw a heart cause it cant just be me’)
 Left covered in glitter and with a printed card that said Happy Holidays, but the L was a middle finger emoji. Funniest thing you’ve ever written actually. 
The whole codename talk OF COOURSE
If he were my boyfriend this would be so controlling, I would be out of there in two seconds flat. Why am I liking all this? bc its harry duh, that man could throw me in the back of his trunk, leave me there for days, and I’d still be obsessed w him
It was next to impossible. She invaded his every thought. Like a little flower, a wildflower, poking through the cracks of his brain and growing where it shouldn’t.
Even if it was beautiful and lovely where it grew.
“I don’t care if y’don’t like me,” Harry knew that was a lie. He wanted her to like him so badly. unbelievably real, I get like this too harry dw
“Hate ‘em,” he nodded. She liked them. So, there was that; the olive theory would apply to them. THE OLIVE THEORY AWWWWWW
I was super psyched about the part where she cut her hand bc that literally happened to me today and ive got a huge gash & the napkins taped on me to prove it😭 (no harry to cheer me up tho smh🙄)
If I drank enough water, I would be too much for the world. She told him. I’d be unstoppable. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
he pressed his lips to her ear. “Is that why y’tense all the time? Just need t’come?” I SCREAMED
THE WHOLE SCENE AFTER THAT HELLO ???? DID YOU THINK THAT WAS OKAY ??? // tell everyone my cause of death was this: “Gonna listen t’me?” He asked. She nodded, gasping for air that didn't smell like Harry but enjoying that it did. “Say it,” he murmured. “For all the times y’didn’t.”
protocol !!!!!
Literally nothing abt chapter 7 because where the fuck would I even begin
Everything about chapter 8 was PERFECT I have no clue what you were worried about because girl I was HOOKED it was just PLOT PLOT PLOT the writing was AMAZING, the twists were AMAZING, her planning (or yours ig) AMAZINGGGGG, THE SHOOTING HER AS A DISTRACTION ????? HOLY FUCK
I will say tho, L harry cause I really wanted him to kill the dude😞
“Feel like this’ll be more paperwork for you. Just shoulda died,” ROLLING OVER IN MY GRAVE SHE’S SOOO FUCKING FUNNY HAHAHAHAHAH
cant believe u almost killing her was not enough for you LMFAOOOO
It wasn’t the time, but it was quite hot the way he held her trapped against her bed. She’s literally just a girl🎀
“What’s your favorite song?” She asked so innocently Harry could have cried. Your honor I LOVE her
I cannot believe that she literally got kidnapped AGAIN ???? BY HER FATHER ???? THIS POOR POOR GIRL
It was quite a humble moment for her. All those years of torturing agents and creating mountains of paperwork, building walls up so she didn’t even need protection...now they would probably let her die as the opportunity had presented itself. OUCH OUCH OUCHHHHHHHHHH
Harry’s gonna go gray before I finish this chapter
 He was strongly considering (and hoping) asking her if they could just put a chip in her. HAHAHAHAH as if. I will deadass settle for like a 200 hundred blurb JUST of that conversation between them
Diving into the chilly winter water, he hoped it wasn’t too late to save her again. This might be your most committed couple yet omg (no pun intended)
Ive never been happier to have not read a fic as you posted it because Samantha I SWEAR TO GOD this woulda drove me insane😭 IT DID DRIVE ME INSANE AND I WAS BINGE READING (I would’ve turned gray faster than harry)
“The hell is that?” He mumbled trying to make sense of the monstrosity on her lap. PFFTTTTTT love that crocheting is a styles’ family thing in this bc yes absolutely. im just picturing lil harry staying up late watching videos online to try to learn so he could be better than Gemma
im ADORING his constant worrying abt her getting a headache😭 its the sweetest thing ever
It was a crochet kit: a beginner's book, a set of hooks, and three different colored yarns. SHUT UPPPPP ITS AN INITIATION AHHHHH
“We’re gonna have to cope the way we need to. I will be my usual, hilarious self. And you can be mopey.” She’s literally me thank uuuu
The whole scene?? Youre my whole heart, completely exposed to the world ???? RIP me, rest in peace me, I. Died. Dead. 
“Wildflower, definitely wildflower.” 10 dead. 29 injured. ahhHHHHHHHH
Girl I am soooo sorry and like I said you absolutely don’t have to reply I just thought this would be fun and it might make you smile, also u deserve to know just how greatly appreciated your writing is, every bit of it <3
So I truly enjoy everything I write (except Love and Dryer Sheets). I know inherently that Traditional is more popular but I think if I had to pick a favorite, Protection is by far my favorite story. I guess if I had to qualify maybe my favorite of 2023 at least. Idk what it was about it, I just loved writing every moment of it, I enjoyed my weird little dialogues and the silly little inside jokes. I thought the MC was really strong and wonderful--I aspire to be like her, ya know? Writing Harry's parts is always fun too but I think Protection Harry is the mushiest but shyest of them (probs because of his job) so getting him to open up to her was really fun to write too. idk.
ALL OF THIS TO SAY this is quite possibly the sweetest and nicest thing anyone has done for one of my stories. I love this so so so so so much. There are so many parts you pointed out that I cared SO deeply for that didn't necessarily get pointed out when I originally wrote it. It was so sweet to read them again from someone else's perspective. I probs won't catch everything but please know that I got this from you at 5 in the morning yesterday and I have read it no less than 100 times because I'm so honored that you enjoyed it enough to take notes 😭😭 and every single one made me SO happy and smiley.
I just read about the statistic about writing your name when handed a pen in a book I was reading! I bet the heart thing is a pretty cool stat too (whatever it is!).
nothing about part 7 I'm screaming 😂
I've mentioned it in another ask but when I write suspenseful things I already know where the suspense is leading so I just get super in my head about it because I think it's obvious about where it's leading?
You have ignited a new extra regarding putting a tracking chip in her 🤭
she is really funny tbh hehehehehe I like to believe I'm funny too because I like to think that's how I would react to a lot of these scenarios.
she IS just a girl (and she really just wants to get railed by Harry quite frankly. I think she deserves it lol she's been through a lot)
Almost killing her was the main part the kidnapping was extra because I was like "Aw crap, I forgot to tie up the daddy issues line" whoops hahahahahahaha
Idk if they crochet, I hope they do. I just needed something that siblings could argue over. I would kill to know what the sibling dynamic is between Harry and Gemma. It's gotta be hilarious.
I think Harry is going to worry about her the rest of his life and you're so right, he would go gray because of her hehehehehe
SAMANTHA hahahahahahaha I was thinking you would have hated to read this as I was writing it lol
10 dead 29 injured 😭💕 - I think most endings of my stories suck but again, I love this story so much, I humbly think I did a better job on this one 💕
in general the bullets where you quoted some of what I wrote was really sweet too. The part about not getting help because of how she treated them, the olive theory, the part about water, harry wanting her to like him, etc. etc. That really means so much to me that it seemed worth pointing out again 😭 thank you thank you thank you.
If there was anything I didn't reply to, it wasn't intentional, I just know this is the longest ask ever and I love it so much but I feel like it's going to continue forever if I don't stop 😭💕💕
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leclerced · 8 months
HI! How are you??? im sorry ive been completely m.i.a,, its been a very busy holiday season, ive missed you 🫶🏼 please catch me up on how the universe played out i would love to know 🫶🏼
hiii honey! i've missed you!! i hope it was a good busy and that you had lots of fun!! we haven't talked about them in awhile, and i haven't fully settled on what will happen in the fic universe, but i have a ton of thoughts! i'll tell u some of them
so i did the max fic, haven't posted any other fics. kind of got wrapped up blurb wise because i don't get asks about them very often. i think the last thing we talked about was how they spent winter break this year visiting each other's families and then holed up on a private island!
i think i might do daniel or oscar next, i honestly have not decided. i'm thinking it'll be over the course of a season, started with max and then at the next race, i'll bring in someone else, or do max again because they're comfortable with him? he wins and lando tells max to meet them in his hotel room later that night or something. and after that, he invites daniel or oscar.
we talked about oscar being boyfriend, but i've lowkey been contemplating max and daniel too, max because he's first and daniel because we talked about her being a seb girl so i was thinking she could be a redbull fan in general, and found danny in his redbull days when he was seb's teammate. it would become a running joke that she's dating a mclaren driver but is a redbull fanatic. also makes sense why she likes max so much.
i won't do a lot of angst, i liked when we talked about oscar becoming boyfriend and bunny is always sad because oscar leaves or sends her back to lando if they're alone and i love that idea a lot so i'll probably write that but may not be with oscar! that'll be like the most angst i write though, just mutual pining and them thinking the other is only in it for the sex.
it comes to an end at the end of the season when he basically tells the others involved that no one else is fucking her next season, lets them have one last night with her each then is like, "alright now she is my girlfriend and if i catch you flirting with her next season i will run you off the track, so don't."
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gayspock · 2 years
okay girlies trek movie marathon ahead go go go we're starting with the final frontier
so to set the mood its 10am and i have hot cocoa (fancy one i got for chrismas + marshmallows (vegan ones i got for chrismas)
goodness fucking gracious they really put the budget into this one again didnt they. i mean i know they do for the trek movies in general in comparison to the shows but fuck me this feels like a step up even from tvh
okay girlie pops lets do therapy in the desert . practice mindfulness with me really think about the sand on your feet ow hot hot hot
i wish someone would do this to me to be honest i take the piss but cant some beardy vulcan cunt come up to me and chat about starships and the whatnot
ISNT THIS SYBOK BTW. spocks first retroactively added sibling. btw i wont share how much i hate that fucking choice in so many ways and how theyve done it fucking twice n- sorry seeing red breathe deep. hesgot a good presence t-
i sometimes think theres no way ppl read these lbs but if theres one person there hi the credits are rolling
guys the hot cocoa is making my tummy hurt btw but that might also be okay so i got this vegan kebab meat and i didnt know you meant to cook it so i ate the whole pack raw and it was already expired but its like vegan so it cant like be like meat levels of insanity right..... right like im not getting worms am i its. uhm. whatever guys hesclimbing
wheres he going .
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okay ffucking hell the way william shatner still says "spock" i forgot it was like that
"1200 points of interest in yosemite and you pick me" right i forgot they were like that
his spoots.........
that made me laugh i wont even lie the way the cunt just feel
can we get a close up on the dancer cat woman please just for uhm my own . purposes interests i dont - OH HERE WE GO- THREE TITS?
CAITLYN KATELYN KAITLYN whichever its spelled- also romulan??? i assume that there's been some cultural mingling but imagine if you met a fucking cunt from mars called Sarah.
anyway shes beautiful as hell . for what reason.
seriously the dusty desert planet in scifi they all look the same its so funny
right the prblem is syboks actor is charming as all hell. fucking divert that smoldering gaze i feel fucking weird as hell
oh my god she looks so good she LOOKS SO GOOD ... ahh nichelle 3: ... shes got such a good onscreen presence though man HELL its a shame they didnt utilise her more earlier
okay so they decided to put them together i forgot about that im not mad i gues
sulu and chekov hi guys theyre just vibing in the woods HI GUYS SORRY IM NOT IMMUNE TO NOSTALGI AND SEEING MY FAVOURITE GUYS
"ive always known i'll die alone" ALRIGHT GIRL...
this is actually so cute i wont even lie im not endeared im not (is endeared) theyre on freaking holiday together
except for mineeeee that i have om nom nom
afterthe ritual camp sing along we all have insane freaky gay sex onscreen for the rest of the movie. its normal. it would also be less gay than them singng row row your boat like this
im absolutely ctazy for the sfx in this movie like it feels like half of them are pretty solid but theres just random bits that look so janky this is exactly how i want my star trek i wont even lie to you
also i cant tell if this klingon part is meant to have subtitles or not
ok i found the script online + im following along iwth that LOL ... i guess it makes SENSE why the actual subtitles arent like on the video itself but its still funny
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sorry to be crass but i know someone somewhere has edited this to say spock (goes off to do that)
the way it takes me 10 million years to watch a movie you have to understand theres sidequests in every movie for me to do
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i love it when the enterprise is busted to be honest its so good i hate functional ships i love it when theyre breaking- fuck me i wanna relisten to wolf 359
i already know the plot twist of that being his brother but its very fucking funny nonetheless that spock just sees his broth-
by the way ive actually heard a lot of bad things about this movie and im absolutely agreed that this is corny as fuck but frankly when it comes to tos movies... im actually on board if its corny, even if the story might suck in the end. i mean granted- im hardly into the meat-meat of the movie yet. i dont doubt people slate it for NOTHING, and i presume i'll understand the problems better the more i watch (after all i am already kind of irritated with syboks existence even if i do quite like the actors vibe) but its like... hm how do i put this...
im not actually ever against, like, "nostalgia bait" stuff , i guess, and having fun with things if its kinda a) self aware enough and b) well earned. does that make sense? if it isnt taking itself too seriously and bigging itself up in a dramatic way, AND there's a solid foundation to actually have fun with then im okay with a movie that kind of only spins on the funnier, more casual moments and is somewhat self-indulgent in terms of how it panders to fans with, like, showing them all having fun camping .
the issue for me is when its either, as i said, unearned or trying to take itself too seriously... or maybe, like, when it does veer too close to flanderisation or even just spinning the wheels on the characters. its why i think a lot of chibnall doctor who doesnt realyl work when its trying tobe "fun" or "goof off with the fam" like... you guys never really did the legwork to establish these characters well enough to have that, you know?
and im not saying tos has marvellous character work- we can be honest, and say that outside of the triumvirate theyre all over the place- but i do think theyre solid enough to crry and im well okay with that yeah?
and anyway thats all to say. ive known too many pretentious types disavow all sorts of media that does kind of act a bit self-indulgent or does something fun/stupid and i dont know man i do agree in many ways but also, like, entertainment is sometimes meant to be entertaining and its hardly the worst ever if a star trek movie just fucks about a bit instead of doing some epic space opera every single time, nor does it ruin the entire franchise or work that came before it. its why i really fucking rate the voyage home- because it lets itself take the time, take the breather after the other three movies. like i understand if it does purposefully undermine something else but like... i dont know i feel like some people ironically have such a shallow mindset sometimes where theyre likt, fucking hell, its the death of all media because they were silly 1 time and did something a bit funny/had fun (esp if it isnt just to their tasts)
(adnd yeah its also like... i dont know you know osme ppl who seem to have 0 media awareness in terms of like.. yeah man you can wax pretentious gobshite all you want but also its star trek man and thats not to belittle the franchise in any way but also manage expectations of what youre going to be consuming AND also realise that its not BAD that not everything is, like, you know some high calibre art and that actually that diversity in art is kinda better for your media diet tbh like they all serve a diff purpose like- you know so unrelated its also like im sorry it reminds me of all the discourse around knives out and the such and people not taking that movie into context and whatever the fuck or ALSO how im watching bsg lright now and i know im tempering my expectations interms of what that will deliver, what it will do and even further than that the actual politics)
( BC THAT ALSOOO is a whole other thing im so off topic here where its like im obbiously not talking about genuinely harmful media here but ive seen some ppl online kind of assume that media has to cater to their exact political alignment or else it isnt good and its like i absolutely agree you can analyse/dissect that and with bsg i do sort of like look at it and think well are we being serious with what we're doing here but also like eh shrug its kinda weird when you go in with the intention that apiece of art has to come to your exact own personal conclusions about the world by the end of it do you know what i mean . like i dont even mean tht in terms of like.. trying to defend things, but i mean that in terms of your own personal growth and open mindedness and appreciation for others' worldvew... anyways im so off topic im so so off topic this is literally the final fontirer 1989 here)
anyway im like
my point is i feel like what ive seen so faris kinda fun and the dialogue though corny and whatnot has made me smile enough that i feel like if this is gonna be sustained throughout im not gonna be mad if the overall plot does suck which idk is contrary to what i thought before i started bc ive heard such bad things about this one
which hey i guess theres other stuff behind that too because going back to that self-indulgent part.... it is obvious billy shits is, as i said, having a long self pleasure session . i also know theres other problems there tbh too-yeah...
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can someone edit in them kicking their legs and giggling 👆
also my god i eed to stop pausing ive been watching for almost 2 hours and im 40 minutes in thats so fucking funny
sybok: "ok but dude i didnt want anyone to dieeeee i was joking"DUDE PLEASE
the catgirl is feral i repeat the catgirl is feral
oh so it turns out the hostages are rather cheeky
WHY DID THEY HAVE TO CHANGE THEM OUT OF THEIR GOOD OUTFITS UGHHH BOOOOOO LOSERS BOOOO at least sybok is slaying does he have long hair? i do like that; i do appreciate that
"which will take...?" "exactly 15.5 seconds" "AN ETERNITY, DURING WHICH-"
can i also say i think i said this when watching bsg but i love how many scifi ships have a lets fuck off really fast mode. its so fuckinh funny.
can i also say . sarek is a right fucking whore. how many wives did he have . like after amanda how many human women did he go through exactly
okay so round about this point i got distracted for another half fucking hour guys its so ufnny how long it takes me to watxh movies
jim being tired climbing up when he literally beasted that mountain come on behave
the way they all got on together.... please... i will say BOTH times ive expected spock to straight up bridal carry kirk somehow
also i will say god . throwback to pk wars; im still laughing at how farscape presented the eidelons as, like, the answer to peace when its literally brainwashing just like this and its totally unacknowledged. anyways
its so funny with bones they just give some random horrors to him whenever the fuck you know and then its never brought up again god love god bless
sarek can be so....
sarek can be so funny im sorry i know this isnt the time im watching him reject infant spock but do you remember in tng when he and picard were... well... they were well acquainted pen pals werent they if you understand me . its like hes a whore . hes a terrible father. hes like the worst. but hes kinda funny sometimes.
igotdistractedgaian guys btw this is so bd its like 1pm i started this at 10am but do you know what i need some new shoesso i needed to go find some and research do you know what i mean
i focus now i focus
i always find it outrageously funny whenever they meet god or go to eden in sci fi . beyond hysterical. why not guys hes just been chilling somewhere why not babes .
thats funny as fuck
"but captain we're firing directly on your position" can you have a little fucking fun for once chekov light it up bitch
woah he said damn... he said damnnnn
are you about to say sorryyyyyyyyyy
"i lost a brother once. i was lucky i got him bakc" you guys remember when kirk actually lost his brother like hsi real life brother who died
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hailieshapedbox · 2 years
my younger cousin has a lot of mental health issues and its really affecting everyone in the house n we dont know how to help him help himself/: its a bit tormenting on everyone. ive tried to help a lot but i had to stop bc it was affecting my mental health and he started be really mean, now i see why everyone has to minimize how much they can help and be around. i just gotta vent real quick though bc i cant take this sometimes. my uncle missed his psych appointment with his main dr. twice and had me reschedule it bc his assistants that fuck everything up, had it all fucked up. i made my uncle buy a whiteboard to keep track of all his shit bc i have enough projects for myself, i texted him multiple times throughout the week about the appointment and helped with other reminders on top of other things for his business (and his friends jewelry start up). i texted him the day before and the day before that about the appointment, i put a post it note on the coffee maker that his friend just let fall aside and got coffee all over (but still it was right on the counter), and he still woke me up to ask me what time it was at and even had the nerve to tell me to get ready in an hour to “help get him going and get him over there”. bruh i went back to sleep, i was up for 2 hours tryna sleep laying there like a dead fish or whatever they say n barely got a couple hours. ive told him so many times ive been dealing with insomnia and he just thinks everyone has trouble sleeping and doesnt understand n ive told him im underweight and how i have no energy and its like nobody ever hears me when i ask for help. hes woken me up probably 10x now n i started hurting myself tbh bc my peace was being too intruded. i got handle and control of that though, i dont wanna hurt myself you know. but only coping method that ever helped. whatever when i got up i did knock on my cousins door n ask if he heard his dad and i texted him bc he didnt say anything. i went to go work out. when my uncle got home he saw me working out and tried to get me to go with and ik its only bc he wants me to sit in the office so he can nap in the car. i even made a joke about it and he agreed laughing and went to go take a nap. instead of going to tmobile to get this kid a new sim card that hes been needing and begging for for going on two months. lmao bruh i try
this was just one morning i could write books of diary entries accumulating my emotions but i dont have time for that tbh im procrastinating n finally writing out bc i just want this week to be over i want it to be monday i want it to be next month when my brothers getting here and my mom comes over and imma make ed come back in town.
idk if yall noticed but until valentines day, i hadnt posted anything the entire month of february. took this long being single to realize valentines day is my favorite holiday and i couldnt missy opportunity to share my heart. i even posted on iG for the first time in like a year. i love love, its all i am, its all i need.
ive had so many post ideas too, but everyone is asking so much of me. its crazy because a few months ago i fucking begged the universe for more responsibility and god damn did i get it, im really trying hard to manage and stay aligned any way i can. im getting close to getting really good. im tryna get there so soon bc i see it through so clear but i just cant. even stopped drinking and cut back on weed a bit bc i just dont have time for it.
i had a whole other thing to rant about and i could have so many others, does kinda help to vent it especially writing. i forgot what it was once i started writing about valentines day and happier things. its funny how easy it is to flow into different emotions, yet so hard to control that and discipline that. even when i then after put myself into my happiest spaces, just doesnt always work. thats why when i see the opportunity for happiness i take it and thats why i dont get stuck on things easy, i hate stagnacity (wrote a song about that the other day). not easily influenced, but easily inspired. music actually usually does it. well imma go see if it still smells like campfire in the shower n do that or something else productive n try to make the most of whats left of the day. fuck i usually post this kinda stuff in the middle of the night so not to many people see it, i try not to be a bother or negative. love you all always
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lnane · 2 years
zero pressure to explain this to my american ass if you dont have the energy, but like.
whats sweden like, as someone who lives there? im always fascinated to hear about other parts of the world from the people who know them best, and i dont hear much about sweden in general, so ive got a lot to learn.
if thats too broad of a question, some suggestions: how do you feel about the weather, or the politics, or the holidays?
whats a nuisance yall joke about (like, over here in usamerica, its usually the military-industrial complex, or costly healthcare)?
or, whats something unique about sweden, or something that you think more people should know about it?
well we can do this in order of things that pop in my head, very disorganized.
to start of with weather: its getting too hot. the weather is actually pretty comfortable most of the time, and these last summers have been the best ive managed in my experience with heat, but you can tell by the climate that its too hot. its too dry, and theres very little snow during winter. its still cold as fuck, but no snow somehow. I wish it rained more. but on a day to day basis, weathers comfy. A bit windy sometime.
holidays i got very little thoughts on myself. theres a few of them and most are just days off. Im not too fond of the way we celebrate them but then again ive only been allowed to and wanted to drink for 2 years worth of them, so i havent gotten into it yet (yea alcohol is the biggest reason we actually still celebrate things i think)
politics is a fucking hellscape rn. the barely disguised neo-nazi party recently got the most amount of votes in the election so the right wing parties is in control. Theyve already started talking dumb shit about climate politics and immigrants. Not looking up. Beyond that i dont know much about the political landscape.
I dont know what a typical swede complains or jokes about because i dont hang out with a lot of them. I know gas prices is a common thing right now. We also have a trend in comedy calling norwegians idiots, which doesnt make sense because we hate denmark way more.
Its hard to say whats unique or special bout sweden because to be all of it is normal. Only real things you need to know is 1. if a swede tries to claim they cant speak english with you, only plausible conlusion is that they didnt finish middleschool (passing grade in english is mandatory), 2. anything that is a traditional swedish meal is pretty much garbage. Its mostly mildly spiced meat, potatoes, and some sauce similar to gravy.
I guess one thing thats a big difference from the american perspective is how our education looks through the years. First 9 are mandatory, ages 7-15 grade 1-9, in stages called Low, Middle, and High stage. After that, you legally have the choice to keep studying or to do something else (socially and economically you dont have that chocie), and at that point you choose your own education. The most common ones being things like Civics, Naturesciences, Technology, and Fine Arts (Art, Dance, Photo, Music, and theatre). Theres a bunch more but these the top picks. Usually lasts 3 years which after you should be around 18 years old and most of the time expected to apply for uni. And during that time you do get money for going to school (seperate from loans, and not a lot of money).
I can probably provide some more detailed information about what its like here with questions about specific parts, but keep in mind that i also know very little about this country. I just live here
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martian-writes · 2 years
🎄Holiday Blues🎄
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I have thought! Hear me out!
I know we see Katsuki as like a holiday grouch/grinch
But what if it was Izuku?
What Izuku hates holidays like thanksgiving, christmas and new years because its always "spend time with your family, your loved ones"
But its only ever been him n his mom. Especially after his fall out with Katsuki even the Bakugos stopped coming around.
When Inko got sick it just had to be around the holidays. And when she passed it was around the holidays.
It was no dad, no best friend and then no mom.
For a really long time. So no Izuku doesnt like the holidays, no Izuku doesnt get excited.
Yes Izuku is sitting in a corner of the class 3-A dorms babysitting his hot chocolate while everyone else enjoys the christmas party.
He has tried to leave 3 times and just kept getting pulled right back. Izuku sighs sipping his hot chocolate before walking toward the front of dorms and leaving out the front door.
Kirishima slaps a hard hand into Katsuki chest
"Bro whats up with Midoriya he looks like he rather die then be here" He says
Katsuki slaps his hand "Get off me meathead"
Katsuki eyes scan the room for Izuku seeing those clunky red sneakers exiting through the dorm doors.
"Its because he would" Katsuki replies shoving his eggnog into Kirishima's hand.
Katsuki weaves his way through the crowd, grabbing his jacketand a scarf.
He opens the front door to find Izuku sitting on banister watching the snow fall.
Katsuki drops his jacket on to Izuku shoulders before wrapping his scarf around his neck.
"Kacchan" Izuku says breathy looking at him "what are you doing youll get sick"
"Oh fuck off. Youll get sick and youll make your fucked up bones act up sitting in the cold like this"
Izuku laughs but it lacks actuak happiness "I didnt know Kacchan worried so much about me"
Katsuki nudges him "course i do. Someone has too"
Izuku has a ghost of smile on his face.
They sit in silence before Katsuki speaks
"How many years?" He pauses "since auntie?"
Izuku huffs like he has to actually think about it
"Itll be five years christmas day"
Katsuki hums.
Snow falls, laughter of their friends filled the quiet air around them, the mood should be happy, jolly.
Tis the season.
Its anything but that.
"Why you let them drag you down here huh?" Katsuki ask
"Ochako and Shoto wouldnt take no for answer" izuku says "I didnt wanna be a grinch and say i hate christmas"
"You hate all the holidays"
Izuku scratches his cheek "Yeah well nothing good comes from them for me. Why would i love them?"
"What if i told you i could change that?"
Izuku laughs and looks at Katsuki "how could you do that?"
"Like this"
Katsuki presses his lips to Izukus. Nothing crazy just their lips pressed together but it was enough for Izuku to get the message. Turning his head to the side, Izuku deepens the kiss.
When they pull away their faces are red and it isnt from the cold.
"Not how i planned to confess." Katsuki breathes and Izuku laughs "How did you plan too?"
Katsuki rubs the back of his neck "i was going to go visit aunties grave with you"
"Kacchan you do that every year"
"Yeah well i wanted to tell auntie im gonna take care of you a-and she doesnt need to worry"
Izuku smiles softly watching as Katsuki's ears turn pink
"Then ask her if itd be okay i date you. I know she cant answer but i just- still wanted to ask"
Izuku places his hand on Katsuki cheek making the blonde look at him. "Thats really sweet Kacchan"
"I had whole date plan too" Katsuki says "i wanted to make christmas feel special for you again"
"It might take forever" Izuku whispers leaning closer "But its a start"
"Ive got my whole life too"
They kiss again, ignoring the way their friend whoop n cheer in the background.
So yes Izuku hates the holidays but maybe, just maybe they arent all so bad.
End 🧡💚
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shoeshoesho · 9 months
i was so sad after new years today. and i really dont know why. I let out a good cry and i really couldnt stop crying. I think i was angry. I was mad at tyler. And come to realize it ive been mad at him for a long time. I just dont know why. I think i do but it doesnt seem to make anything better.
I was upset yesterday because we went to this party that had nothing going on and we didnt know anyone and quite honestly i was bored. At some point i thought we should do something else but he didnt want to. But when i really think about it im not upset about these strangers we met randomly for some dumb new years party. I actually dont care. I was mad everyone all week since i worked for all of christmas. I was tired. I was going everywhere. I had a moment before we went to his parents house when he said we were sleeping over- i literally yet out a small yell in pure frustration.
I feel like ive been running on nothing for the holidays. giving everyone everything. Had an decent thanksgiving- tyler had a horrible one and i felt like i owed him somehow. Somwhere in that "owe" it attributed to some horrific holiday following that for me. Mostly accounted to working so much/working early and not sleeping enough. I just feel like ive been faking it for so long. Faking how things are going. Trying to give him a good holiday and everyone else.
Truth be told we have been fighting since we got engaged. Well, since i started wedding planning actually. not after engagement. It has nothingto do with us getting together but everything to do with how well we work together when im stressed. We have never been good together when I am stressed. We have never communicated well. And it shows during the planning and discussing. You seee clearly we are different people, different places.
I dont know how to bring this up. but me crying on new years day by myself is a red flag. I was so mad that we slept at bryans and had breakfast there. I honestly cant tell you why cause looking back at it now it was cute and it didnt take that long. It was nice. But why was i so upset?
I started frantically cleaning. and i began to be angry at him. i was angry that he didnt think to wash the big pot in the sink. That i was washing every fucking blanket and towel in the guest room. Why was i doing this? I was mad that i was basically his maid. I was mad that he didnt think maybe he should help me out.
I felt like i didnt actually do what i wanted to do. this is what i always do. I felt like i was loosing my identity. I felt like i was taken for granted.
(next morning)
i dont know why i was so upset. It has dissapeared like a wind. But i really need to know what i was that upset me. maybe a breaking point? Maybe i am unhappy? Im not too sure
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raccoonfallsharder · 10 months
Window Across the Galaxy ✧*:・゚updated 12/6
18+ only | rocket x f!oc | 21/27 Chapters | WIP | Word Count: pending. ♡ check the masterlist for expected updates ♡ ♡ see the "holiday special" ⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ Winter Across the Galaxy * ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆ [new 12/5] ♡
girl falls first; racoon falls harder.
The rotation drags past. Jolie picks at her dinner. She’s been flushed and nervous since breakfast, and it’s only getting worse. Pete’s been looking at her with creased, concerned brows, and Gamora pretends not to notice, focusing all her attention on Groot and asking him if he wants to spend the night with her. Rocket’s just quiet all day. Watchful. All Jolie can think about is that she hasn’t done this in ages - this meaning sex, of course. Not since a few years before she’d left Terra, and never all that many times. As a teenager and a young woman, she’d been too preoccupied with trying to find a way to get to her sister. Honestly, the majority of her expertise comes second-hand from her last Terran roommate, who had been not only extremely active but happy to regale anyone who would listen with stories of their exploits. Jolie’s gotten rave reviews on the very few blowjobs she’s given, which she knows she can credit in part to Angela’s impromptu re-enactments with a narrow bottle of body mist. And this would be different anyway: Jolie’s past encounters had been with clumsy, entitled, thick-fingered boys who’d fumbled against her skin sweatily, and called her so beautiful like it was a line out of an instruction manual: just a thing you say to a girl you’re banging. She’d always left those encounters with the ghost of desire: never even fanned to full-flame, much less quenched. On the rare occasions when she hasn’t faked an orgasm to get them off her, she’s provided it for herself. But Rocket, with his fleeting, meticulous hands…if he gives one-tenth of the attention to her body that he does to building a bomb, she knows she’s going to come apart in seconds.
[NEW 12/6] ✧・゚:*Chapter XXI. I Very Still. in which our heroes get fucked. in the good way, this time. finally.
the moment you’ve all been waiting for. im not nervous at all ~♡
General summary/notes + links to recently preceding chapters behind the cut.
let me know via comment, message, or ask if you'd like to be added or removed from my fanfic taglist ♡
Rocket is captured by a Ravager crew hoping to get rich off the excessively large bounty on his head. Throwing a wrench in everyone’s plans is the Terran girl they hired to do some freelance assessing on a recent haul of goods they’ve seized from a Xandaran luxury liner. Oops.
slight AU starting pre-GOTG volume 1 (but will hit most of the same major plot points). slow burn + eventual smut with a lot of pining in the middle. kinda enemies-to-lovers? (but only one of these idiots thinks they're enemies). let me be real with you: this fic is really about wish-fulfillment. not just the eventual smut (but that too). mostly i just want someone to be nice to my best boy raccoon
Chapter I. A Delicacy. in which our reluctant heroes meet atop a crate of Sovereign porn in the bowels of a Ravager ship.
Chapter II. Monster For A Pet. in which one hero wrestles with his inner Groot, and the other is quite possibly a moron.
Chapter III. A Kindness. in which Rocket gets in his own damn way: not for the first time, and certainly not for the last.
Chapter IV. Got There First. in which our heroes obtain an arsenal and street food.
Chapter V. Things No-One Has Said Before. in which one hero refuses to babysit and the other refuses to leave.
Chapter VI. Two and a Half Billion Units.in which we lean into the “they were roommates” trope. Jolie has misgivings, while Rocket has fantasies - about getting rich, of course.
Chapter VII. I'm Here. in which we visit Knowhere.
Chapter VIII. The Care & Feeding of Human Pets. in which our heroes practice breathing and we lean into a new trope: “there was (technically) one bed.”
Chapter IX. Scrapmetal and a Dream. in which we redefine homemaking.
Chapter X. Thin Fucking Ice. in which our heroes get fucked. Not in the good way.
Chapter XI. Let It Be. in which Xandar is saved and good lives are lost.
Chapter XII. So Much It Hurts. in which we try not to fuck up the vibes.
Chapter XIII. Don’t Wait. in which a lost sister is found and Drax grapples with the concept of sarcasm.
Chapter XIV. Exactly Like a Flower. in which comfort is shared.
Chapter XV: Galaxy-Breaking Shit. in which more comfort is shared, and life is good. Briefly.
Chapter XVI. Run. in which Rocket falls victim to his superstitions.
Chapter XVII. A Seedling. A Fox. A Little Girl. in which the party is divided.
Chapter XVIII. I Happen to Know a Guy. in which our heroes get fucked. Again. Still not in the good way.
Chapter XIX. He Was Loved. in which a planet is killed, a friend is made and lost, and nobody still has any frickin’ tape.
Chapter XX. Some Nerve. *in which an ultimatum is given.
Chapter XXI. I Very Still. ❤︎❤︎ in which our heroes get fucked. In the good way, this time. Finally.
Chapter XXII. Got There Worse. ❤︎❤︎ in which Rocket does not say "I love you."
Chapter XXIII. We're Gonna Need a Bigger Table. ❤︎ in which Rocket ~ discreetly ~ claims the title of boyfriend.
Chapter XXIV. Space Would Be Better. ❤︎
Chapter XXV. Little Love Stories. *
Chapter XXVI. Other Side of the Window. ❤︎
Chapter XXV. The Most Beautiful Thing in My House. ❤︎❤︎
⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ Winter Across the Galaxy * ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆ A Holiday Special *
Epilogue: Interviewing Rocket & Jo. ten years after Window ends. short/drabbly, silly fluff.
explicit lines or references* abbreviated explicit sequences ❤︎ detailed/prolonged explicit sequences ❤︎❤︎
taglist ♡ @evolvingchaoswitch ♡ @wren-phoenix ♡ @pretty-chips ♡ @suicidalshitstick ♡ @glow-autumz
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honestly not been to good im pretty sure im burnt out but my first exam is in less than 2 weeks so ive just got to find a way to keep going. i got absolutely nothing done yesterday and was basically in bed most of the day on a discord call with a couple friends not even talking for most of it
the whole bank holiday thing also really fucks with me because its more difficult to get a bus to go out to do revision and then theres all the coronation shit
i did however read a really good fanfic that i put off reading for ages because i thought it was gonna be shit but it was really good and now i feel dumb for not reading it when my standards for reading have dropped because i have read like pretty much anything under the 1975 on ao3
how have you been doing? - 🐸
Oh, I’m so sorry you’ve not been feeling too good lately :( burn out is real, though. And, inconveniently, seems to always hit when you don’t have time for it. I felt the same way, yesterday. Like, my dissertation chapter is due soon but I could hardly read a damn thing yesterday.
Sometimes, I think that it’s good to just take the day off when you’re feeling this way. Maybe resting will make you come back to revision with a more refreshed mindset. Though I know how difficult that is. Because when I’m resting, I’m always thinking about the work that I SHOULD be doing instead. Not very restful, lmao. Ends up just filling me with guilt. But we gotta practice this stuff and get better at taking care of ourselves.
I KNOW ITS HARD OUT THERE ON Ao3. part of the reason I STARTED writing fanfics is cuz I read basically all of it and was like “well I want more!” Haha.
I’ve been alright. Yesterday was rough mentally. But I’m feeling a tad better today and hoping to get some work done on my draft. If I ever stop procrastinating that is, lol. The end of the semester is always busy and stressful I hate it.
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butchviking · 2 years
besides the nazis I do also have a MUCH LESSER beef with the Norse-larping/identifying white people who really do give me the “thinks they suffer the same way indigenous people suffer from the Christian white hegemony” and “thinks this opts them out of being realllly settler colonists… if you think about it…. They have an indigenous white(tm) set of beliefs” that are super true and extra spiritual and in harmony and then they pretend they can even know that. When I’m sorry — I truly am sorry — some ancient people in Europe did experience conquest by (also pagan, then Christian, Rome) and shit and they can empathize with that… but it doesn’t mean that “really” “if we think about it” any rando modern white nonindigenous (eg not Samí) person anywhere has comparable heritage or trauma or persecution around it. You can just feel they want to claim that. Sometimes they do word for word.
And i swear it’s niche. It’s not even the main motive most people have. but it’s around. I classify it as more of a whites irritating me shit than a big issue but that doesn’t mean I don’t see it for what it is.
man people have forgotten what the acronym LARP means. norse larpers are very cool & fun in my experience ✌️ i love larp i love silly little outfits i love people being so passionate abt smthn they immerse themselves in a whole world of it i love that they always have smthn cool to teach. everyone stop misusing larp its gotten weird and confusing
this is so wild tho i think ive like. never come across this type of person. i guess it must be niche cause i don't even know if u mean like. europeans or americans or scandinavians or the english or what. i mean i guess ive come across plenty of pagans (& non-pagans tbh) of all sorts who bang on about how christians 'stole' this holiday or that holiday from 'the pagans' which comes from some basis of truth and the christians did fucked up shit to a lot of different cultures.. but i kind of roll my eyes at it bc it doesnt usually come from much actual knowledge or persecution & more just, like u say, wanting to claim an experience. so im with u as far as that. but u gotta be crazy to think being of viking descent would somehow mean u have no history of invading or settling places that didn't want u like... our word for them literally comes from the word specifically for those who would travel overseas to raid & settle there. like im from the uk so i can't imagine how that would work bc anyone here of viking descent (i Will be that guy nd say its technically in my past somewhere too lol ✌️ according to my grandmother & also according the the family surname. but thats really common where im from we got decent viking history) is obviously not indigenous (we dont like. have indigenous ppl here anymore really except perhaps the cornish) nd any white americans have settler/coloniser history much more recently anyway. ive never known any scandinavians who try n make out like their history is one of particular repression (i have not known very many scandinavians) but tbh like. yeah they were severely fucked over by the christians that did happen. as far as im aware most scandinavians are indigenous as i understand the word (their ancestors didnt move in any time recently & have pretty much always lived there) but aren't like. oppressed for that. & the christians did genuinely oppress ppl in their act of christianisation but that was... a long time ago so most ppl don't exactly have any claim to 'trauma' from it. but then, there probably are a lot of modern ásatrúar who are probably still somewhat religiously repressed in their home country which is definitely a bad thing & is clearly a hang-over from that time & from that christian mindset that everyone must be like them & worship the same god as them. but its very very different to struggles of ppl like the sámi.
sry for just kind of thinking aloud here but as i say i don't think ive come across the ppl ur talking abt, so much so that i dont know. who u are talking about. other than the generic annoying 'pagan' types but i havent rly known any actual heathens who do that. other than the nazis.
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drrrtydistxrtion · 2 years
well look at it this way,
you only rlly need to experience critical mass of the dumbest people in the world about twice a year.
same old litany of i wish we got along, i wish you weren’t all bigots, etc. etc.
the holidays can be annoying af.
& look at it this way,
maybe it won’t be that bad.  maybe no one will make a transphobic joke this year!  maybe no one will say any fucking slurs!  maybe itll be a grand old time, &we can eat too much &drink too much &make music together like we did before everyone decided to dial the bigotry levels to 900000000000.
but at the same time, one still deadnames &misgenders trans people and another still calls us the r slur and another is slowly accelerating down the far right pipeline while their spouse spirals into q nonsense.  and another is ... , and another is ....... .  &of course — though i may be giving away too many personal details here — all of them are nurses .
i struggle to talk abt family without seeming like im putting myself on some moral pedestal or whatever .  but i kindof just ask for decency, yknow?  i will probably never come out to my family, &i’ll always keep them further than arms length away bc .. well, i know what kind of people they are, bc they show their true colors around me.  &i think im allowed to be upset abt that.
in any case ....  one way or another i have to see them &deal w them for at least half an afternoon, so may as well start sucking it up now.
(disclaimr in case anyone finds this after ive died or something: my parents &siblings are excluded from this post bc theyre great.)
also, thankgod found family is a thing &that at the very least, i have that.
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
“I don’t care about tradition, you try and get me to kiss you under the mistletoe and I will punch you” Chris evans The Evans household on Christmas ❤️💚❤️💚
Holly Jolly Christmas
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Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader (How I Met Your Father au)
Word Count: 350
Warnings: 18+ as always; Language, a nose punch, individuals drunk on sugar and alcohol.
A/N: Thanks for this ask, my Sweet! 😘 This little ditty popped right out. I know I agreed that this song would go with Jake, but… we’re flowing here. Hope you like it love! #DJsHolidayVisit
Notice: I no longer operate a taglist. Follow @rampitupandread to be notified when I post. DO NOT COPY, REPOST, OR TRANSLATE MY WORK.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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“I don’t care about tradition, you try and get me to kiss you under the mistletoe and I will punch you. “
You were in the kitchen when the threat was made, so you didn’t know anything about your husband making a move on your best friend.
The twins were 6 years old and running around the house like maniacs on Christmas Eve. They’d had holiday punch and cookies and eggnog, entirely too much sugar.
But your house was loaded with love and laughter and holiday spirit and you couldn’t ask for anything more.
Wynn and CJ were yelling “SHIT, FUCK, SHIT, FUCK” and jumping on the couch while Chris was holding his nose.
“Scott, can you get the kids,” you gestured as you made your way over to Kit and Chris.
“What the hell happened?”
“Oooooh Mommy said Helll!”
Wynn’s eyes were wide and CJ was shocked and silent. You rolled your eyes.
“Where was this reaction when your father said… never mind.”
You looked back at your husband and your best friend.
“I told dude bro I wasn’t kissing him under the mistletoe when I got here.”
You looked at Chris.
“What? It was just a kiss on the cheek. Scott dared me!”
Chris pointed at his younger brother.
You looked at Scott.
“Look at it this way. If she broke his nose, he can finally get more character parts.”
“Oh. I want a cut of your up-charge if it wins you an Oscar, dude.” Kit was thinking of the potential.
You looked around the room and concluded that you were the only sober adult within 20 feet.
“C’mon, DeNiro. Let’s get you some ice.”
“Can I get some hot cocoa with marshmallows too. With Bailey’s?”
Chris stage whispered.
“Yes, Dear. Hold your head back.”
You helped Chris pinch his nose as you led him to the bathroom.
“How about a little Christmas head while we’re at it?”
Chris grinned at you as the blood dripped from his face.
It was 3 pm on Christmas Eve.
This was going to be a long night.
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