#fuck electron apps
mochirialgworl · 3 months
oh thank god i can still play the sims medieval
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miserye · 9 months
Normalize sending slightly bitchy emails to colleges to get them to hurry the fuck up and process the shit you sent to them literally weeks ago
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Finally wiping my old windows laptop that I hate. Why did I not know it was going to be this easy
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sarah-sandwich · 1 year
Who would like to join me in setting the EA app on fire
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If EA actually forces Mac players to make the switch from Origin to the EA App, and it's a worse experience, I'm literally going back to the old method I used to play that game with: Using a cracked, pirated copy to play The Sims 4, DRM-free, through CrossOver.
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chekovsphaser · 2 years
Yes, banking app, I am aware that the bill I am attempting to pay is overdue, that's why I'm trying to pay it!
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redflagshipwriter · 3 months
Fast Car Chapter One (of four)
Danny hit the brakes hard and veered into a bicycle lane with a very Fenton sort of style and disregard for physics. He dodged the gunman in the carpool lane. He stuck his tongue out as he passed and then steered back into the right lane once he’d cleared the pedestrian. 
It turned out that Gotham rewarded the sort of drivers forged in the crucible of the Fenton tactical GAV, which was great. Jazz had gotten a job as a barista for her third year at Gotham U, so he had inherited the car that she had used as a delivery driver. She’d even somehow managed to pay the taxes on it despite the restraining orders that most government offices had on the Fenton family.
Jazz had been a pizza girl, but Danny wasn’t willing to work the late nights. He worked for three different rideshare companies. It was.. Well. It was a terrible way to make a living, if he was honest. It was wretched. But it worked! Until the car crapped out on him, this was a viable option to feed himself while he was enrolled full time at the university. He was available to drive early in the mornings and for a few peak hours on the weekends.
Danny brought an order of 17 coffees to a warehouse with serious ‘murders will happen here today’ vibes and whistled as he left. People in murder warehouses actually tipped pretty well. Worker solidarity or something. He left the early birds to enjoy their 3 am drinks and then idly checked the app to see if there was anyone else waiting for a ride or delivery. 
“Victor,” he read, and took a glance at the address. It was close! He snagged the request and turned on some bubblegum pop to enhance the ride over. 
He saw a man standing outside, haunting a storefront with metal shutters pulled down. Must be the guy! Danny pulled over, checked the app, and then furrowed his eyebrows. Huh. Seemed wrong. He fixed his face before he looked back over. 
In the app, Victor didn’t look especially young or fit. In person, he was easily over 6 feet tall and lugged a huge bulky bag like it weighed nothing. 
He also had a giant ugly motorcycle helmet with the vague impression of a caveman brow ridge built into it. Danny hid his judgmental thoughts and rolled down the window to chirp, “Hi! Victor?”
“That’s me.” Victor sounded like he was auditioning for the Deft Punks, electronics grinding out his voice to a silly robot autotune. Danny hid the way his lips wanted to tremble. You can’t laugh at clients. “Can I put this in the trunk?”
Danny hated that. “Go for it.” He opened the trunk with the button and hid his real thoughts. He didn’t like people using the trunk. Why not just put it in the backseat like a normal person? There was enough room for a person and a bag there.
‘Is there enough room for this guy, actually?’ Danny wondered, looking Victor up and down subtly. Were his shoulders padded or was he actually built like that? Bizarre. 
He had the sense that Victor was tense.
‘Ah., fuck. He caught me checking out his shoulders.’
Danny cleared his throat and whipped his face forwards again. “Normally I say to sit in the backseat, but I'm not sure that's enough room for your legs. Either is fine.” 
Victor took him up on the front seat option and readjusted the passenger seat back with a casual ease. 
Danny waited a moment.
Victor cocked his head at him.
“Seatbelt,” Danny prompted.
There was a long moment. Victor silently buckled his seatbelt. 
“Awesome.” Danny put on his turn signals and pulled out. He went slower than he preferred. He’d learned the hard way that most passengers didn’t like his driving. It was great for cutting time off when he was delivering food, but no good for nervous cargo like poor Victor here. The poor guy was so anxious that he kept his emotional support helmet on when a passenger in a car. 
Danny thoughtfully drove the speed limit and let Victor change music.
They didn’t have much to talk about. Danny didn’t mind much either way. He liked quiet rides and he liked chatting alright.
“Stop the car two blocks early,” Victor said. He pointed. “There’s fine.”
Obligingly Danny guided the car to a stop and shifted to park. He jumped out of the car. “I’ll grab your bag!” He called over his shoulder. He popped open the trunk and lifted Victor’s bag with a winning smile that said ‘I deserve a good tip.’
Victor had moved to the back of the car faster than Danny expected. He paused. He looked weirdly stiff. “Thanks.” He took the bag. “...Here’s your tip.”
“Have a wonderful day!” Danny said, pretending not to be interested in how much money it was. He waved Victor goodbye and pulled out. As soon as he was a block away he counted the bills. “Fuck yeah,” he hissed. Victor tipped like a crime boss. He stuffed them into his wallet and made a mental note of the account. He’d definitely try to accept requests from him in future.
He gave two more rides before he could go back to his shitty apartment and get ready for classes. Danny parked in the little underground garage near his place where he paid a monthly fee and jogged to his place. He got his bag and left on foot.
He had a pretty normal day. The only hiccup was that it was kind of hard to focus on his lectures when he could faintly hear what had to be every TV on campus playing the same news bulletin. Danny did his best to block it out, grimacing. Having advanced senses really sucked sometimes. If he heard the breaking news jingle one more time, he might cry. 
By the time he was free he felt pushed to his limit. He went back to his place and turned off all his electronics for some peace of mind. 
The next morning felt better. He turned on the tab that said he was available for work at 3 am and ended up bringing a huge delivery of breakfast materials to the same police station that he’d left Victor at yesterday. Danny hummed as he jogged up the concrete steps with three bulging bags of baked goods and coffee grounds. He handed them to a weary-eyed receptionist and accepted his tip without looking at it. He considered cracking a joke about them being busy and decided it was better not to.
He was still an illegal entity, after all. His parents were covering for him, but scrutiny was not his friend. He didn’t want any interaction with the police or the rogue band of detective freakazoids that ran this crime town.
Back in the car, he checked his tip. Danny clicked his tongue and made a disgusted sound. He hated cops. Cheap! There was nothing worse than being cheap.
His next customer tried to rob him at gunpoint as soon as he got in the car. Danny wrestled the gun away from him and ate it while the guy watched. “Just try and report me to the app,” Danny sneered between crunches of metal. It tasted like shit and the guy probably hadn’t washed his hands, so like, yuck. But it was a choice he was making for the intimidation factor, not because it was yummy.
‘Bet my iron intake is good now.’ Danny held out his hand. “My tip,” he said, and did not unlock the car door until the shaking wannabe carjacker had given him three dollars American money. Hell yeah. “Have a good morning.”
He went into the app and canceled the ride. There was another request waiting, so he drove to it. It wasn’t the name that the app’s request had shown, but- “Good morning, Victor!” Danny waved. “Call from a friend’s app this time?”
Victor stared at him dumbly. At least, that was Danny’s best guess of what was going on inside the helmet. “Yes.” He eventually said.
Cool, cool. Very weird. But he was an ok guy and he tipped well. “Hop in,” Danny said, and unlocked the car.
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xmultifandomsx · 5 months
jason can't use autocorrect anymore
Picture this: Jason having disabled autocorrect on all his electronics. Normally, it doesn't matter. Jason's vocabulary is spectacular and so is his spelling, it's one of those things he's always prided himself on. No one could ever tell he was from Crime Alley just looking at his essays. However, he's not perfect and sometimes it's hard to type in blood-soaked leather gloves so there's the occasional typo. It drives Bruce nuts, like really nuts. And every time he sends in a report with an accidental typo Bruce sends it back with the word highlighted in bright fucking yellow. It pisses him off to no end. So he complains about it to Dickie once after Bruce had just returned his 12 page report having highlighted 'Sucinylcholine' in yellow. Dick takes one look at it and asks, like an asshole, "Why don't you just turn on spellchecking?" Why don't you just meh meh meh, god he's such a wonder boy. And then that weasly, little snake snorts as he types away on the bat computer.
"Yeah," Drake giggles. "Why don't you?"
Jason can't help but grind his teeth, he knows exactly why. Drake is the reason he had to disable it in the first place, even if he can't prove it. It wasn't a coincidence that right after he and Tim had one of their blowout arguments, someone had changed the autocorrect on his phone so whenever he typed 'Bruce' or 'B' it changed to 'Dad' and if he typed 'Batman' it changed to 'Batdad' without his approval. And if that wasn't bad enough, they somehow managed to do the same thing on his laptop. And his burner phone. And his other burner phone. And you get the point. No matter how many times he tried to change his settings or buy new electronics the autocorrect issue remained. See, Jason isn't the most technologically advanced of his siblings but he could get by. Except when it came to smartphones, he was pretty useless when it came to the settings app on his phone. It wasn't his fault, when he died he still had a flip phone! So, try as he might he couldn't really fix it on his own and he was only slightly mortified to ask anyone else for help so he'd just turned off autocorrect and spellcheck in general.
"It doesn't matter," Jason muttered. "It's not my fault B is such a tightwad."
"I think you meant dad," the little shit giggles, taking off before Jason can reach the computer and strangle the asshole.
He fucking knew it!
(Cue Dick just staring after them confused but smiling bc his brothers are bonding)
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bonbonshideout · 2 months
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Who I think the crp would target pt.1
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Ticci Toby:
Personally, I feel he would mostly target abusive parents, but if he's out and just bored out of his mind, he'll kill whoever he stumbled across. When ut comes to abusive parents, I feel he would be a bit stalkerish, he'll find a parent or an adult, stalk them for a few days, see how they handle life and treat their families, if he sees any forms of abusive in any manner, he'll go for their ass, at night, in broad daylight, he doesn't give a fuck.
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Ben Drowned:
He wouldn't really kill people, but instead, electronics; he would be one of those viruses that you'd find on social media. Once he gets ahold of your device, it'll go haywire to start. Suddenly it'll reset and seem like nothing happened, however Ben would 100% love to mess with the person, opening random apps, turning on/off any alarms they might have, call random people in the contact list, etc. He would end up causing the person to go insane— be it or not his intention— to the point they probably kill themselves.
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Jeff The Killer
Like Kuchisake-onna, I feel Jeff would wear a mask of some sort, go up to people, and ask if they think he's pretty, not matter what they say, he'll carve a smile into their face anyways. He just likes to do it. If ya run into him, group or alone, you'll most likely be found dead later on anyways. He likes to kill everyone he runs into
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Eyeless Jack
Steming from my headcanons for EJ — linked here — He would kill whoever he finds on the Appalachian trail. He would definitely stalk them throughout their hikes and find a moment where their guard is down and can make one swift motion. He prefers a clean and quick murder. He would probably use his voice to trick people into getting closer - like that of a skinwalker or wendigo - and get them that way. Usually leaving the trails unbothered and a way to keep people coming without much worry.
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Doctors, or psychward doctors. Just anyone in the medical field; they're what pretty much why she's kinda what she is now, she holds some sort of grudge, even if it wasn't entirely their fault. She especially hates those that work at psych wards because patients usually end up worse than they were when first arrival. She wants them all to feel what she felt and just understand the suffering they inflict on many people.
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Jane The Killer
I feel she wouldn't really kill anyone, she's mostly going after Jeff so she's trying to mostly keep people safe, if that makes sense? But if she were to kill, it would probably be security. As bad as she may feel for doing so, it tends to happen that they get in her way to find and properly locate Jeff.
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Nina The Killer
She just does it for fun. She kills whoever she wants to. She does prefer killing other serial killers, though, usually gives her a bit of a challenge, and she's always up for that.
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He doesn't have a preference, he'll see a passer by and spike their drink with some crazy concoction he's created and watch as they slowly start dying whilst taking notes of the effects of said poison.
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She goes for pedophiles and rapists. She tries to help kids when it comes to situations that she had gone through while she was alive, having two forms - which I detail more in my hc, linked here - she l9ves to terrorize these people and make them for crazy, though she doesn't like to get her hands dirty, she prefers making them believe they're hallucinating, which she probably can do. Usually driving the individual to commit suicide in probably the worst ways possible, as she likes to cause more damage when there's a higher chance of them committing.
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mackjlee9 · 1 year
Adam Warlock x Top!Male!Reader [Smut]
I tried okay- it's been a while since I've written an actual smut
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3
Requested by sal the mon on Quotev.
Well, this is not how the Guardians' trip to Earth was supposed to go.
Out of everyone, (M/n) was the only one who was reluctant to sleep over at the Quill Residence, so he decided to sleep in his small room in the Bowie, they weren't gonna stay around for too long anyway so he didn't mind staying in the ship.
He thought he was gonna be the only one on the ship, until Adam came up to him silently as he made his way out of the house, "Need anything, Adam?"
The golden boy looked up from the ground at (M/n), and shook his head.
"I lost rock, paper, scissors for one of the rooms," the way he seemed defeated about not being able to stay in Peter's home almost made (M/n) laugh, but he simply smiled and continued walking around the back of the house, toward the backyard where the Bowie was.
He yawned as the ramp lowered, and they made their way inside, closing up again once they were inside.
"Well..." (M/n) yawned again, their footsteps echoing in the silence of the ship, the sound of metal filling their ears, "I'm going to bed, good night," his wrist got grabbed before he could walk inside his room, and he looked back, seeing Adam standing there, "What?" He asked quietly, feeling quite a bit flustered and hot with Adam so close to him.
"I'm not tired yet," for a moment, (M/n) was about to ask how the fuck was he not tired with all they did during the day, he was literally about to collapse from exhaustion, until he remembered that Adam was a Sovereign, and that was what he needed to think of to make him sigh.
"Fine," he opened his room door and took swift steps toward the electronic device that could easily be an iPad made by humans and he handed it to Adam, "This app," he pressed on the screen, and the app took a few seconds to load, "Has movies and series to watch, you can have it for tonight, and don't break it."
Adam scrolled down the app, reading the title of every cover that caught his eye, he was quite interested in all of it.
"Good night, Adam," he looked up and smiled at (M/n), mumbling a 'good night' back before making his way to his own room.
Despite being exhausted, (M/n) had a hard time falling asleep, every time he closed his eyes, the image of a shirtless -and practically naked- Adam would fill his mind, making him groan and sigh as he felt hot and bothered, like really mad at his subconscious for constantly bringing that memory back whenever he got distracted.
Everyone back in Knowhere was so painfully aware of the hugely obvious crush (M/n) had on Adam, except for Adam himself, and (M/n) was too much of a coward to say anything.
Turning face up on his bed, he dropped his arm over his eyes and sighed, deciding to just ignore the memory to the best of his ability. Eventually, he will fall asleep, even if it takes a while for his brain to shut off for a few hours.
And it's only been roughly two hours later that Adam came out of his room, feeling his body tingly and warm, covered in goosebumps due to the involuntary shivers he felt whenever the scene played back in his mind.
He had a faint feeling that he was watching something he wasn't entirely sure he should, but he did anyway, intrigued by the cover and title. He should've known better.
Adam gripped the device in his hands, careful not to break it, as (M/n) had requested of him, and he took quiet steps toward the (h/c) haired male's room, his mind foggy and numb as a particular image flashed past. He shook his head when he arrived at (M/n)'s door, and slowly reached to open it.
As expected, the room was quiet, seeing as (M/n) was fast asleep, and Adam sighed in relief, he didn't know why he was relieved but he was, and made his way inside, careful to not make loud noises that could potentially wake (M/n) up. He placed the device down on his desk, and turned around to leave, until he heard a quiet sound coming from him.
Adam turned to look at (M/n) who had started squirming on the bed, the low brightness of the hallway light was enough to provide a good look at him, and Adam noticed a rather prominent bulge in (M/n)'s pants.
For a moment, all Adam could do was stare, feeling his mouth watering as his mind got plagued with sinful images, those he had just watched but slightly different. They weren't of a man and woman, they were replaced by an image them, (M/n) and Adam.
And he couldn't hold himself back.
A deep frown marked (M/n)'s face, his jaw clenched as muffled groans filled the room, mixing with a constant and wet gawk sound.
His body shook hard enough to make him open his eyes, taking ragged breaths in as he felt like the room was spinning. (M/n) sighed, assuming he simply had a bad dream, but he knew that wasn't it, he probably had the hottest dream he'd ever had in years, and Adam was the cause and protagonist of said dream.
He would've gone back to sleep if it wasn't for a particular feeling on his lower regions, and when he looked down, he swore he could've cum right then and there, and he wasn't far from it.
Whether this was another dream or not, he didn't care, Adam was giving him probably the best head he's ever had -not that he had many, to begin with- but, fuck... he was really good with his mouth, holy-
"Fuck..." (M/n) observed with half-lidded eyes how Adam's hips were grinding down on his bed, his gold eyes closed as he whined needy around his cock.
Adam seemed to be enjoying this just as much as (M/n) was, perhaps even more.
His hands reached down to hold onto Adam's blond locks, pulling on them a little roughly as he started thrusting his hips up, listening to the wet sounds of him taking his cock deep down his throat. Adam's eyes opened, and he looked up at (M/n) through his glossy sight, feeling his dick leaking and throbbing inside his underwear.
"You're mouth feels... So good, Adam, fuck... I'm gonna cum," the Sovereign whined louder, trying to nod while his mouth was still being used, his whole body trembling at the thought of feeling (M/n)'s cum spill in his mouth and slide down his throat.
Groans and heavy breaths left (M/n)'s lips as he approached his orgasm, pulling Adam's hair as he kept his head pressed as close as it could be, releasing a loud moan as his cock twitched, thick ropes of warm cum spilling out of his slit.
He watched with a heavy stare how Adam's eyes rolled into the back of his head and his hands held tightly onto his thighs, making sure to take every single drop of his cum.
(M/n)'s breath was ragged but it was going back to normal, simply assuming this whole thing would end there, but it didn't. It won't be ending now.
Adam slowly pulled away and licked his lips before taking a deep breath, "(M/n)...?" He let out a quiet 'hm?' in response, "Can I... Do something?"
His was clouded by the post-orgasm bliss, so he was feeling pretty complacent, giving a few slow nods to Adam's question.
He knelt on the bed and simply tore his clothes off of his body, making (M/n)'s eyes widen at the sight of Adam's naked body. Oh, the things I would do to him...
(M/n) watched attentively how Adam straddled his hips, biting his bottom lip at the feeling of (M/n)'s cock getting hard under him, and he took a deep breath. He didn't know what Adam wanted to do, but he was expecting to see him slowly taking his cock inside him.
A choked moan escaped Adam's mouth, his hands placing themselves on (M/n)'s chest, tugging on the fabric of his shirt, releasing a high-pitched whimper, "So big, I... I feel so f-full..."
(M/n)'s teeth gritted, his hands reaching to hold Adam's hips harshly, feeling his mind going numb at how tight and warm Adam felt around his sensitive cock, "Oh my fucking..." He mumbled to himself, struggling to keep his eyes open, just to be able to see every little detail on Adam's expression.
They made eye contact when Adam looked down at him, tears sliding down his gold skin, which had turned some kind of copper colour over his cheeks and nose, giving the appearance of a rather cute blush.
"(M/n)..." Adam's voice was quiet and whiny, leaning down closer until their breaths were mixing, "I..."
He got interrupted by the feeling of (M/n)'s lips pressed against his, muffling his whimpers as he felt his hips being lifted and slowly lowered again. The movement made a shiver run down his spine at how he got filled up again.
At that point, Adam didn't care if (M/n) was gonna use his body like a toy, even more so at the realization that Adam's buffer and bigger body meant nothing with how easily was able to manhandle him. He loved it, and he never wanted it to end.
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iwas-princess · 2 years
I jus got the most perfect request
stop this is such a beautiful concept
suna rintaro • the one kept secret
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“shit, i lost again.” rintaro mumbled to himself, his long fingers tapping his phone screen violently as he fought against some random opponent on his newly downloaded combat app— one he’ll soon forgot about within a month, you were sure.
the delicious smell of a cookie dough candle filled his living room, your insistence of the smelly area finally had him agreeing to let you lend him your favorite candle as a ‘welcoming home present’ after a month of your begging. the sounds of his thumbs thumping against the electronic device filled the naturally darkened room, his black out curtains doing more than enough to keep him satisfied.
suna was so content with the energy he created tonight, his mind occupied with the focus of a fresh game to entertain him and the area looking the exact aesthetic he wanted.
black and white tapestries covered his ivory walls, designs of random gothic art and skeletons crowded the small space, led strips lined the room and lit it up with a red glow— just as he always preferred.
his black shag rug let his bare left foot rest on it as his long leg dangled off of his couch, the other limb sitting on the arm of the sofa comfortably as he finally prepared to play against atsumu, a long awaited match that rintaro desperately tried to level up for as much as he could beforehand to ensure victory.
just as he was about to begin the fight, a notification from snapchat popped on his screen.
subconsciously, his eyes flickered to the top of his screen, catching your name on a story update.
he blinked, contemplating whether he should’ve waited to look and finish the round or leave to see whatever you posted.
deciding that you could’ve waited a few minutes, he clicked the ruby start button and watched in anticipation as atsumu’s character said their signature opening line.
halfway through his match, a loud ping on his phone irrupted the quiet atmosphere of the room causing his eyes to widen at the sudden loud noise and nearly loose to the cocky blonde.
the notification was an imessage from osamu that read ‘dude, have u seen y/n’s story?’
“fuck, the one time i don’t check it right away.” he grumbled to the empty air of his apartment, sighing at he paused the game reluctantly.
‘nah not yet, y?’ he replied.
he stared at the typing dots as the other twin responded, awaiting the answer to his question.
‘go check. like now.’
“y/n can i ask you something and i need you to be one hundred percent honest. i’m a judgment free-zone, as you are aware-“
you threw a green grape at him as he nearly started to ramble, a small giggle leaving your mouth as it hit his cheek.
“just spit it out, rin. you know i never keep anything from you.”
he narrowed his eyes at you suspiciously before flicking the discarded grape away from his leg where it landed, causing it to fly your way.
“quit it.” you whined.
he smiled lazily and shrugged, his pale hands tucked into the pockets of his black joggers and fiddling with a vape in one and his phone in the other.
he didn’t want to dance around the question, he really didn’t, and rintaro certainly wasn’t the type to anyway— especially with you.
ever since you two met, you clicked and had been inseparable since. every crush, sexual encounter, breakup, argument, relationship or whatever, was admitted shamelessly with one another every weekend, a slumber party being thrown in celebration of secret spilling.
personal questions were often asked without regard for privacy, and each time you both would tell the other without hesitation, knowing that your answer would be held securely and no judgement would be given.
so this didn’t seem like any different, really. he asked you about crushes whenever he suspected them, and you never felt uncomfortable about it then— certainly you wouldn’t now, right?
except, this time it wasn’t a random boy in your calc class who smelled nice and always glanced your way with a doe eyes look or a girl at the coffee shop that smiled too sweetly at you as she handed you your order— this was rintaro that he suspected you liked.
his eyes locked with yours, trying to sense a spark of interest on your behalf (which he failed at finding.), before speaking.
“do you like me?”
you furrowed your brows at the question, a scoff leaving your lips as you chewed on a grape.
“of course i like you, why do you think i’ve put up with your shit for so long, rinnie? you’re my best friend, i have to like you or else there would be an issue.” you answered, a little dumbfounded that he asked such an obvious question.
why wouldn’t you like him? you spent every weekend at his dirty apartment, gossiping over popcorn and a movie you had no interest in, willingly. in fact, you would even say that these special two days each week made your life so much more worth living, if you had to, of course. but you’d never tell him that.
“not like that, y/n.” rintaro swallowed thickly. “do you have a crush on me?”
the world went silent as the question lingered in the air of his bedroom, your face suddenly pale and breathing seemingly more rapid. your blinks seemed to slow as your eyes trained on the lame action movie he insisted you watch, avoiding his gaze in fear of everything being given away.
after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence and the both of you awkwardly laying in his bed together, you took a deep breath in before answering his question.
his brows shot up in surprise for a fleeting moment before they furrowed again, confusion settling on his face.
he was sure that he analyzed everything correctly after your post, going over memories that he flagged as ‘odd occurrences’ with you over the years, even looking over text messages that seemed too flirty.
after collecting plenty enough evidence, he concluded that his best friend, y/n y/l/n, had a fat crush on him for quite some time now.
five years to be exact.
from the moment that you kissed him on new years, to the time you asked him to take your virginity on your nineteenth birthday, suna brushed it off as you just trusting him enough with your body and most sacred moments, never thinking too much about it until recently.
but as he stared at his popcorned ceiling every night since your story, he began to piece everything together— almost everything.
“no?” he repeated, stunned and in disbelief.
you had to be embarrassed and just telling him something to shut him up, hoping that he’d drop it and never bring it up again, right? just as you had with all of your other crushes in high school. maybe you picked up the pattern again, he hoped.
“y/n, i know. i know that you like me and it’s okay, i-i’m not weirded out by it, at all. i think it’s cool that you like-“
“just drop it.”
“no,” he sat up. “we have to talk about this y/n, it’s what we do. you like me, and that’s fine. it won’t change anything between us, i promise. i’ll pretend i don’t even know from now on and-“
“i don’t ‘like’ you, rintaro. i-i’m in love with you, okay? is that what you wanted to hear?” you snapped, your eyes closing as you spoke harshly.
he blinked, dumbfounded at the news.
in love? you were in love with him? for how long? how? why?
why hadn’t you told him? he was your best friend, the one you told practically everything to, even calling him every night to tell him about your day, even when it was the most boring occurrences. this was something huge, surely something you’d tell him if were anyone but him.
so what was so different? it was just rintaro, and he’d love you either way.
“you’re in love with me? are you sure?”
you scoffed, shaking your head in annoyance with the jet haired man beside you. you could feel the unpleasant sensation of tears building and the feeling made you want to curl under his oak bedframe and bawl until you couldn’t produce anymore tears.
“yes. i’m absolutely sure, unfortunately.” you grumbled back.
the new found information took a bit to fully soak into his brain, and once it had he was full of questions.
“why?” he asked first, not being a man of many words as usual.
“because, rintaro,” you sighed, finally accepting that this was the conversation of tonight as you kept your gaze on the boring movie before you began to speak thoughtfully. “you’re all i’ve ever wanted in a boyfriend. the way you talk about treating your future significant others is exactly what i want, and i guess at first the idea of it all made me develop a crush. then we started hanging out more and you began doing sweet things for me and got more attractive, i just fell? i don’t know how to explain it exactly but all i know is that you’re so perfect and i’m not. we would never work, and i’ve excepted that-“
his lips crashed with yours suddenly, taking your breath away as he did so. the unfamiliar yet wonderful feeling of his plush lips molding with yours as if he had done this a million times before caused a tear to roll down you cheek in bliss.
this was all you ever wanted, all you ever dreamed of and it wad finally happening without you even having to ask him first.
he pulled away just as your tongue grazed his bottom lip, attempting to deepen the kiss.
you nearly frowned at the denial, fearful that he began to regret his actions.
but just as your lips were about to downturn, his slender finger pressed against them.
“i’ve wanted to do that every since you baked me those pot brownies.” he admitted, breathless and face flushed.
your eyed widened at his confession, cheeks heating and world spinning around you as you recalled that night.
“but, rinnie, that was two years ago-“
“i know.”
“why didn’t you kiss me before tonight then?”
his eyes flickered to your lips, watching the plump skin part as you breathed nervously— awaiting his response.
“i’m not sure. i thought about it, every night- but i just couldn’t risk scaring you off. you’re my best friend, y/n; i can’t live without you. ever.” his voice was softer than you’ve ever heard it, and held as much emotion as he could express in a sentence without crying.
it was true, he had always wanted to kiss you until your lips were swollen and you were giggling with butterflies in your stomach. maybe, he realized in this past few minutes, he loved you too.
he was sure you were the reason he never dated any of the pretty girls that gave him their numbers, he had been pretty admin about that for some time now. but, he only thought that it was because you were the only girl he needed in his life for now, you were enough to keep him happy until you got a boyfriend of you own.
but, maybe it was something deeper now.
“then you don’t have to.” you whispered.
with that, he kissed you once more, but this time deepening the kiss himself.
the kiss held unspoken passion and wordless love exchanges, all of the pent up emotions healthily expressed themselves with each mold of your lips.
after a few minutes, he pulled away to catch his breath and to look at your worked up state for the first time.
the room filled with the sound small heavy breaths, hearts thumping nervously against both of your chests, desperate to touch each other finally. you both laid in his bed, trying to catch your breaths and register everything that had happened within such short period of time.
“y/n? can i ask you something?” he asked, breaking the comfortable silence.
you hummed in agreement, still breathless and in slight shock of his confessions.
“what was it exactly about how i wanted to love my girlfriends that drew you in?” he asked, a small smirk threatening to sprawl on his face.
you evened your breath finally, reaching up to cup his face as you began to speak.
“the whole princess treatment plan you had, everything you said that you wanted to do with her; like driving her everywhere and carrying her in the apartment everyday after trips, stuff like that. why?”
“wanna be my princess?” he asked bluntly.
a large smile spread across your face at his question, your heart thumping rapidly against your ribs.
you were already so in love with this man but you were certain that he couldn’t have asked you out any more perfectly.
“i would love to be your princess.”
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feefymo · 2 months
Abt the game of the fic combination pls
Character: Pre-Cult Kai Anderson
Kink: pegging
Word: first time
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(c) Lee
WARNINGS! WARNINGS EVERYWHERE! My dear anon, hi! Well, it wasn't easy. It was my first time writing for Kai (an insidious and deeply controversial character for me) and starting from his pre-cult version represent a great and exciting challenge! I'll be honest: the plot is thin compared to the smut but I hope you'll like my choices relating to the sexual sphere of "that Kai"! Have fun!
"Ssssure, bro. Squeeze those brains properly." Vincent, Kai's older brother, had appeared at the top of the basement stairs to remind him of a weekend commitment. For his part, Kai had closed the laptop in a snap, rolling his eyeballs in his skull before giving his relative a kind of formal smile. A grimace, on which his eyebrows pressed impatiently. "Sooner or later he'll realize that I can't stand him." the boy stated monotonously, reopening the computer and then stuffing a Cheetos into his mouth. You leaned over to lick the thumb of his hand that remained in mid-air, thus regaining all of Kai's attention in an obsidian gaze. "He's already noticed. You said it yourself: he's a shrink."
You and Kai Anderson had met on a dating app through which you discovered you lived on the same street. Neither of you were ever too excited about the idea of ​​going out, which is why you had never met before. In short, you had started dating without commitment but by now it had been going on for about six months and there were those who labeled you as a couple of real freaks. Winter, Kai's younger sister, never failed to tease you, begging you to dump her weirdo brother if you cared about a decent future. However, as much as you wanted to make sure it wasn't anything serious, you spent most of your time together. Symbiotic in your strangeness, you spent hours and hours in that basement surfing the dark web, smoking, sharing long silences or fucking. And, oh yeah, you two fucked a lot.
“Have you ever heard the story that Walt Disney got himself frozen like an Eggo?” the keyboard stopped ticking so Kai could ask the question. He curled up on the sofa, resting his chin on one knee with his enchanted gaze on a fixed and indefinite point of the screen. "Mh-mh." you nodded at him as you downed a couple of antidepressants with the now lukewarm beer. “Such… fl4tty_h3arty91 says she has the photos.” it was as if Kai was debating whether or not to be skeptical about it. He had been sailing all afternoon, in the most unpleasant and disturbing meanders of the internet, but his dissatisfaction increased along with his morbid, senseless searches. At another moment you would have been enthusiastic to indulge him but then and there you remained staring at him as he stared into space before him. "Let's look at them later, Walt won't thaw anyway." Slowly, very slowly, Kai turned his head in your direction to try to understand why you weren't interested in something tasty like that. Then he understood and a sinister smile, vaguely sedated, began to illuminate him like a power plant gradually coming into operation. "What are you doing? Are you going to suck me a little, Disney villain? Hm?" he hung onto one of your braids with his fingers still dusty from corn snacks and tugged on it playfully. He rolled it around his wrist, immediately becoming serious again but no less attracted by what your body communicated. On the other hand, you were wearing his t-shirt and a pair of his boxers and that alone helped to turn him on. Although your clothes were loose, Anderson could perfectly see your body moving sinuously towards him. Without having to worry about tying your hair back, like a feline, you got down on all fours from the sofa and then positioned yourself between Kai's thighs and caressed them. Scratching the thick fabric of the jeans that covered them. In the background, a playlist of electronic music that had been repeating itself on a loop for too long, contributing to both of your anguish. Making both of you as dangerous as thunderbolts.
“Yummy…” you whispered sarcastically with a cheeky expression as you unbuttoned his jeans. Your mouth hung limply open on the last vowel and your tongue emerged from there. A lapping on the stretched fabric of his boxers. Two, as Kai traced the parting on your skull with an index finger. "Mmmh, hungry?" he asked you, yawning, not because he wasn't involved but because, in a certain sense, he was relaxed. Accustomed to and, at the same time, fibrillating at the idea of ​​cumming thanks to you. When your response resulted in repeatedly slamming the tip of his cock against your inviting lips, Kai swallowed dryly, arching his back. He sat back with a sigh, his neck tilted back. The cell phone rested between his dilated pupils and the ceiling. He scrolled it aimlessly, lazily matching the rhythm of the blowjob. He was enjoying it when a vulgar snap signaled the end of the games.
"You know what? I had something else in mind." you pondered in a loud and hoarse voice, as if you hadn't already planned everything to your liking. Confused, a little irritated, Kai watched you with his eyebrows noticeably raised. "What the… ? Y/N, before you got out so you could finish the job." but you wouldn't listen to Kai's complaints because, with your back to him, you were busy dragging your backpack close to you. "Maybe you've forgotten, maybe you're hoping that I've forgotten, and then I'll remind you: we made a bet on Monday and you…?" poisonous as ivy, you started climbing on top of him, and he reached into the t-shirt you were wearing and grabbed your tits. He groped your boobs firmly, moving his thumbs over the nipples as if they were joysticks. No, he hadn't forgotten and you could see it on his face worthy of slaps. He inhaled theatrically through his perfect nose, trying to appear like a sphinx in your eyes. "Lost. I lost it." you nodded, pleased like a mother and then involved him in a voracious kiss. Hypnotic. "So? What are your intentions? You're missing what you need." Kai added quite sure of what he was saying, lifting his pelvis so that his erection would pass through your pussy from the outside. You exhaled an excited laugh which was enough to disconfirm the certainties of the young slacker. "You don't… have it in your backpack, do you?" you preferred not to say a word, in fact, you took all the time in the world in rubbing yourself against him and then climbing over him and pulling out the harness. "Oh, shit. You really have it." "When I tell you to take me seriously, you have to take me seriously." “What if I don't want to do this anymore?” "But you want to do it. I know it… I feel it…"
Kai snorted, hitting a brown strand with his breath. He couldn't resist you, he was horny by now and you were making his life difficult. You spoke to him like a mermaid from the depths and, in the meantime, you slowly took off your boxers to reveal to him the nakedness of your cunt. You ran your fingers through it under Kai's greedy supervision, "I suppose I can't just jerk off while watching you." so you, stoic, shook your head: one leg after the other, you put on the harness to which you had applied the dildo. When you masturbated it as if it were real, Kai moaned something. "Okay, you win: stick it in my ass." he pretended to be disinterested, but instead he was subjugated by desire and nervousness. In a series of snaps he stood up and abruptly pulled down his jeans. He let them stay at his ankles, giving you a gesture, as if to say: "here you go, happy?"
"Where should I put myself. What the fuck should I… ?" "Ssh, sssh. Come on, it's normal to be nervous the first time. Lie down, sunshine." with clenched teeth, Kai scanned you before you returned to his mouth: you began to massacre it with kisses and bites while you accompanied him in a supine position on the sofa. "So we're looking at each other?" he ventured with a start of breathlessness, his hand positioned on the crook of your neck and his thumb pressing on the center of your throat. "You don't want to? I'll stand behind you if you prefer. But that way you risk feeling less of a man." but Kai, with a well-defined pout, glossed over your smirk as a proven provocateur. He hung onto the fake cock and then placed his index finger on the tip and made it bounce slightly. "Nah. You're… sexy. Very, very sexy." your eyebrows furrowed as you reached up to grab the lube. "Oh yeah? Am I sexy?" you reiterated, moving further forward and pushing the dildo between Kai's lips. You were pulling the string. You were taking risks and Kai had never been the patient or predictable type. Speaking of which, he bared his teeth and bit the silicone with a very disreputable face. "Relaaaax yourself, Anderson. Be a good boy, come on…" you invited him in a conciliatory and mellifluous tone. You pulled off the huge shirt and pressed down on the lubricant dispenser so that it dripped on you. On the boobs, between the boobs, along the abdomen. Promptly, Kai began spread on your skin until it glistened. Part of that shine stuck to his torso, already naked, when you lay on his all-nerves body. Your slippery fingers drew doodles between your bodies until they became less discreet. "No, no, no: don't tense up, baby. I'll be gentle, don't worry." something never fully expressed bubbled in Kai's armored stomach. In his spirit gangrenous and gagged for years. On the one hand he lent himself to the game but, on the other, he hated that sense of submission. At the same time, that indefinite form of hatred excited him to the point of pushing his hips upwards, effectively making it easier for you. After massaging it externally, you ventured with the slow insertion of a finger and Kai growled. He gave you a hot, tarry look, grabbing your braid and pulling without half measures. In response, you moaned in pain that didn't fail to immediately wet your pussy. Now, Kai had you by the neck in a more than tolerable but alarmed grip. "I don't… like it. I don't fucking like it, Y/N. Fuck!" "Kai, wait! Wait, give me time…"
You wanted to make the experience as less traumatic as possible and you were eager to get to the good part but you knew that the debut would create some problems and, if you didn't find a way to transform it for the better, you would be strangled. Armed with calm, you added more lube and waited for Kai to stop moaning about the second finger. Having found the right spot, you began to test Kai's reactions, whose suffering and piqued grimaces first froze, then gradually dissolved. "Oh, o-oh fuck… shit, fuck…" "What's up, baby?" "Okay I guess… a-ha! I guess… do it again." "How, like this?" you curved your fingers and it was as if Kai Anderson's body was pervaded by a light but widespread shock. A sharp groan cracked like a whip and his eyes rolled up to study his skull. Lips softly parted and jaw hanging as the hand holding your neck softened into a vehement massage. "Now yessss. Yes, yes, yes… so… holy shit, that's the most… don't stop. Don't try to stop, Y/N!" Seeing him reduced to that state makes you shattered. You're soaked, you're anxious as if he were penetrating you for the first time and you stare at him, plundering him with all the erotic details he's giving you without knowing it. Suddenly, abruptly, he clings to the back of your neck, breathing violently through his nostrils and scrutinizing you in turn with a grim look. One, two, three seconds and he kisses you vehemently in a mixture of tongues ​​and verses. "Stick that thing up my ass. Now." Kai ordered you between clenched molars, used to dominating but too high on desire to escape. He hits you with a weak slap on the cheek and then spontaneously decides to get off the couch and walk around it with weak legs. He leaned back on his elbows, bent at a right angle with his head tilted forward. The brown waves of hair following the chasm as you lubed up the strap-on and licked your lips eagerly.
"Are you sure?" “Now, Y/N.” "You're a fucking dream, Kai Anderson." and so saying, you allowed yourself to prepare him a little more with your fingers before sliding the dildo between his buttocks and starting to press the tip against the desired area. Kai dug his nails into the sofa, suppressing a hoarse and prolonged moan, but when he felt full, he stopped breathing for a moment. His back arched noticeably and tears moistened the corners of his closed eyelids. "WOAH!" Luckily, no one but you was occupying the house - no one alive, at least - because, when you started to move your hips, Kai let out a full-blown scream. A lustful scream that accompanied a feeling of dizziness as he abruptly brought his right hand to his cock and tortured the base. It was such a mix of sensations that Kai was already on the verge of orgasm. "Do you like it, angel?" you asked breathlessly and vaguely pleading, holding on to his hips to stabilize your thrusts. "It… drives me crazy." he retorted, so overwhelmed that he drooled onto the pillows. A shiny thread of saliva vibrated in tandem with his continuous cries. Now, his touch insisted on the congested glans while you, in the meantime, kissed the most accessible vertebrae.
"I know you're about to come… I wish I could feel it on my flesh…" "Yes, fuck. I can't-, oh Jesus Christ, anymore!" with his free hand, Kai blindly searched you for any form of extra contact but had to give in to yet another wave of intense pleasure. "And who's stopping you? Who's stopping you from cumming right away?" you tempt him, pronouncing the words well and showing him how much the idea excites you. Kai shudders, letting out a sigh which is followed by a gesture: he begins to masturbate the entire length with implacable ardor. "No one. I do as I please… ah! Harder, Y/N! Yes, yes, more, faster, ye-ees! Talk to mh-me, break me… FFFFUCK!" he wished he had the strength to stop everything and turn around to cum on your face. In your throat. He could not and did not want to interrupt that erotic delirium that fully seized him by reaching an overpowering climax. Spurts of hot sperm abundantly decorated the furniture against which he pressed his erection at its maximum hardness. He no longer saw anything and, convinced he was fainting, he collapsed into a kneeling position, unable to catch his breath. You, visibly drenched along the inside of both thighs, looked him up and down as if in the presence of a blasphemous deity. You dropped the sex toy on the floor. "Kai… ?" "Give me… give me a break. And I won't give it to you tonight."
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linddzz · 1 month
@seadeepspace tagged me in the last line game like. months ago. and I'm finally getting enough done on the next chapter that I can put out more than a single line!
So here's proof that Audacity isn't abandoned, and a small teaser on the nonsense that'll get started up.
-I'm trying to figure out lucid dreaming, you know. It seems like the sort of thing I could probably just ask you for help with, but you get fucking weird about that stuff.-
Understatement of extraordinary proportions.
-How does it work anyway, when someone dreams about you but you’re not actually there? You said you’re made up of all dreams, but you also won’t go rummaging around in mine. How the hell does that work?-
It’s not like he’s planning on asking Morpheus all this. Christ no. It’s just…nice to pretend. It isn’t the first time he’s kept some notes of things he would like to talk to his old friend about, but it feels less like a pleasantly distant fantasy and more like an ache. Phones are fantastic these days. He barely got past his giddiness with electronic mail before instant messaging took off, and then became available at any moment. Long romantic letters are one thing, but sometimes he just wants to chat.
-I miss you.-
He winces, seeing the words laid out plain is somehow worse than just thinking it constantly.
-Which is stupid. I see you more than I ever have, and half that time you’re fucking me up in the most supreme ways.-
The tension from the nightmare has bled from him, and he shuffles himself back under the covers with a yawn. The world feels slower, heavier. Now he thinks what it would be like, if he could text Morpheus. Not with all this embarrassing shit of course. That would all get typed up and quickly deleted without hitting send, his heart frantic the entire time. He would send pictures of the black cat that’s always staring at him with reproach when he tries to lure it over with nonsense sounds. Or he’d send lyrics from every stupid silly song about dreams and snicker to himself imagining the faces Morpheus would make at them. He’s smiling to himself as his eyelids begin to sink, picturing the messenger instead of his notes app.
-So are we going to try dinner again, or were the oyster nightmares too traumatic?-
Yeah. That’d be a safe one. Something teasing and friendly that he could picture Morpheus huffing at on the other side of the screen. Maybe he’d even get a response about how nothing traumatizes Morpheus, because he is steeped in trauma and nightmare. Or something like that; grand, dramatically grim, and stupidly self-serious.
The screen is still lit when it falls from his limp fingers. Hob sinks into sleep, already far gone enough that he thinks it’s part of his dreams when the phone gives two short buzzes against his pillow.
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liyawritesss · 1 year
riri x reader going to a game or playing video games together late at night
ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ʀᴇʟᴀx ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴍɪɴᴅ
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Characters: MCU!Riri Williams x Black!Fem!Reader
Type: Drabble
Synopsis: Finals are here and you've been studying non-stop for the past few weeks. Riri gets you to unwind in the only way you can’t refuse.
Warnings: cursing, riri gets a bit upset cuz you're not taking care of yourself, one mention of the word 'depression'
A/N: a mix of a drabble + textfic style that I thought would fit for this request. It's also been a minute since I actually wrote for riri but I have engaged in a lot of the his floating around for her. Particularly the stud!riri ones....if you squint you'll def see the inspiration lmaoo.
Tags: @6-noir @playhousedistee @shuririsdefenseattorney @shuriszn @zayswriting @wrendermedone @writingintheshadowsforever @mbakuetshurisprincess @verachii @slytherin-34 @the_lesbian-fangirl @itsmaniiiiiiiii @strangefishflapturtle @cuddl3s4shur1 @shuriislut @dejaonline @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @inmyheadimobsessed @aaliyg @cafehyunji @chunkybabygorl @rosielovesfamily @lulu-network
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Ten forty-seven.
That was the time on your phone, printed in white against the background of your lock screen. You had been studying for four hours, since the second you got back to your dorm after your last class ended for the day. There had barely been a moment’s rest for you, and after the realization hit that you had been sitting in your seat for four fucking hours rereading the same study guide and notes over and over, you became increasingly aware of the sting your eyes and the soreness of your butt in your desk chair.
Finals were around the corner, and quite frankly, you couldn’t afford to not study. This semester had been exceptionally hard course wise, with the materials for many of your classes being dense and intense. The professors as well were not the kindest, and would make it all too easy for a student to slip up and fail, and you refused to be one of those students.
Your phone buzzes against the wood of your desk, and against your better judgment, you choose to pick it up and see the notifications you have. As you suspect, ignoring your phone and all other electronics for four hours straight garnered you a lot of notifications from the various apps you used on a day to day basis for entertainment and communication. And the first to sit at the top of your notifications column was from none other than your precious girlfriend herself.
riri baby ❣️
let me know you’re alive goddamn
like a lot
you know you wouldn’t be stressing like this is you just let me help you study
you know im a good teacher :D
pls answer your goddamn phone
you act like i wont spam your shit you know i’m crazy like that
…..now if i send you sumn imma be in the wrong
jesus christ ri
riri baby ❣️
wooooooowwww so you respond to the threat of me sending you nudes but not me being lovey dovey n shit
i see how it is
you know what they say
a tit pic a day keeps the depression at bay
riri baby ❣️
I wish my phone wasn’t fucked up so i could send that raven simone gif of her saying ‘ya nasty’
cuz that’s what you are
n a s t y
you offered??????
riri baby ❣️
pls tell me you’re not still studying
you been doin that shit since last week 
did you even eat anything when you got back to our room
I can neither confirm nor deny either of those questions
riri baby ❣️
Really (Y/N)?
that's not my name :(
you make it sound like i’m in trouble or sumn
riri baby ❣️
cuz you are????
bae its finna be eleven at night and you aint eat or take a break since you got back
ik ik ik
i tried to take one i really did
but i was just starting to understand some stuff and I didn't want my stupid brain to forget it just as i was already beginning to relearn it
and I still have so much to go….
riri baby ❣️
put you sumn on
im finna come pick you up and we finna go get sumn to eat
then i’mma spend the night with you and make sure you chill tf out on that studying shit bc you gon fuck around and make yourself sick from all that stress
can we get
riri baby ❣️
yes we can get tacos pretty girl
And baby?
riri baby ❣️
i love you
you’re doing great
thank you….n I love you too
can we also play the game when we come back?
riri baby ❣️
yes baby we can play the game
im suppose to be teaching you how to play 2K anyway
i’m downstairs mama
hurry up campus security be out here actin shady n shit
You were thankful that Riri had texted you in the end. You probably would be past out in your desk chair right now if you chose to ignore your phone again, but knowing Riri, she wouldn't have let that happen anyway. The trip to your favorite taco spot wasn’t long, and the cashier there who had memorized your orders made the process swift and painless. 
Returning to your dorm room, Riri wasted no time in shoving your study materials into the drawer of your desk to be forgotten about until tomorrow. You just sat on your bed, as you watched her move about your room with precision, cleaning up your discarded shoes, jacket and backpack, and turning on your gaming console, slipping the 2K23 disc into the game disc slot and loading up the application.
“C’mere,” Riri mutters as she takes you by your hand and pulls you onto her lap after you’ve finished eating. The warmth from her hoodie warms your body that's littered in goosebumps, and she all but ages you against her by wrapping her arm around her waist to connect with the other handle of the controller. You find yourself paying much more attention to her tutorial of the game than any of the course material from any of your classes, her soft voice coaxing relaxation into your mind. And of course, as the ever so appreciative girlfriend you are to her, you make sure to feed her as well while she’s teaching you. 
You’d save study for tomorrow. For right now, you were content with your girlfriend holding you close while she played her game, and you watched attentively, delivering her a victory kiss for every match she wins.
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If you enjoyed, please leave a like, comment, and reblog for others to see! And don’t be shy to send in a request!
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kickflippinginurheart · 8 months
I need help
I hate needing to make this post but the government is screwing me the fuck over, what’s new. This is a long story so scroll to the bottom if you just want the cliff notes.
I transferred from one college to another in the hopes of being safer, I was being targeted for my queerness and for not being white. So I moved to a new school that was much more accepting and (thankfully) cheaper to attend. I was supposed to get some money from Fafsa as a return which I would use for rent, as I live off campus. With rent taken care of I was planning on getting a job to take care of my groceries and anything else I wanted to do.
However, I never got my return. So I started making calls. My school told me they actually never got my Fafsa in, and I owe them money for this semester. So I start making calls to Fafsa asking what’s going on. They tell me why the issue was, that I need to make certain corrections, everything like that. I try my best to do so, but I start getting an error on my form. It won’t let me go past a certain section because a false error, so I can’t actually send in my corrections electronically. They’re unsure why I’m receiving this error and can do nothing to fix it.
The only option is to send me a paper copy of my form and have me fill it out and mail it back to them. It will take:
- 10-14 business days for me to receive the forms
- 2-3 weeks for them to receive and process it
- 2-3 business days for my school to receive and process it
- 3-5 days for me to receive my return
I need this money for rent, for cat food, and testosterone. By the time this money actually comes in I’ll be two months behind rent and at risk of being homeless, not to mention starving. My family gives me no financial support because of the fact I’m trans. I pay for my own testosterone, my own college and my own food.
I’ve been having a lot of trouble finding jobs because I’m also physically disabled. I walk with a cane and have days where my leg gives out and I can’t walk at all. Finding a place to work under these circumstances hasn’t been easy and still, two months after moving here, I haven’t been able to get one. I draw and can do commissions if anyone is interested, I’d just really appreciate any help I can get.
Thank you for reading this far
TLDR; the government is stopping me from receiving money and I’m at risk of going homeless and hungry
I’m on most money apps (PayPal, Venmo, cash app) as @ Heavytiredeyes and again, anything is appreciated
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Insult to Injury (Complete!)
And So It Goes by Zuesue for @honelle56 (T | Complete | 4k)
#emotional hurt/comfort #miscommunication Not everything can be planned, but adjustments can be made.
Thank you all for your patience! Added an extra thousand words during editing ascdknacsn.
Happy reading!
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Fic underneath for those who prefer Tumblr over ao3
When Dream wakes up, it’s a full day later.
He’s not too surprised; he was already going on two days without sleep before the accident, and with the added stress of it plus another day of no sleep, it’s a wonder he didn’t sleep more.
Still, as he gets up to brush his teeth, he wonders if George has needed him and wasn’t able to get him because he was asleep.
It’s a ridiculous thought. George has interrupted his sleep for less. He still worries.
But, when he gets to the kitchen and finds Sapnap, he tells him he hasn’t seen George either.
“Did you wear him out after the celebration sex?” he asks, and Dream laughs loud and bright.
“Yeah, we got a blindfold to spice it up.”
Sapnap nods sagely. “Glad I bought it then along with the other shit you kept sending me.”
There’s a question there. “Yeah,” Dream says. “I couldn’t sleep.”
“I noticed.”
“Shut up.” There’s no heat to it, though. “I was just--”
“Worried? Yeah, me too bro.” Sapnap throws away the snack he was eating. “Still. Don’t get too crazy about this, okay?”
“What, you don’t want him to be my favorite?” Dream teases.
“I mean it,” Sapnap says. “He’ll notice if you’re coddling him, and he doesn’t need that right now.”
“Nick, he just got in a UTV accident.”
“That’s not what I’m talking about.” Before Dream can ask, Then what the fuck are you talking about, Sapnap walks off to do god knows what.
Dream stares at Sapnap’s vacant seat for a moment, but then makes his way toward the fridge. Guess it’s up to him to figure it out. For now, though, he’s in search of breakfast.
A bit later, after Dream’s been done with his granola for a long time and is now scrolling on his phone, George makes his way into the kitchen.
Dream rushes to the light switch to flick it off. “You should’ve texted me,” he says in lieu of greeting.
“I have to announce my presence now?”
“No, you don’t have to, no,” he says. “But I can turn off the lights if you give me advance warning.”
“That’s dumb. I’m not doing that.” George beelines for his abandoned granola on the counter. He grabs a handful and shoves it into his mouth, then makes a disgusted face. “Dream, this sucks.”
“Well, no one said you had to eat it.” He grabs the bag form George’s hand and puts it away under the counter.
George sits at the counter. “Make me cereal,” George demands, and although Dream flips him off, he moves to the counter to do just that.
Living with a concussed George isn’t…easy. Their lives revolve around electronics: whether it’s for work, for fun, or just to pass the time, there’s not a lot they do that doesn’t involve bright lights.
Dream had thought George would’ve tried to push through the pain, and Dream would have to do something drastic like turn off the Wi-FI to stop him.
But, George is a good sport. George does the exercises the doctor prescribed. He goes on the stationary bike, staying away from video games. He lets Dream turn off lights for him, lets Dream make him “watch” The Office with the “shit blind people use.” He hasn’t even gone on TikTok, even when Dream has been scrolling through his own feed all day.
“Dream, turn off that stupid video,” George complains after Dream’s rewatched the same video four times.
“It’s informational George.”
“No, it's not, and if I hear that song again, I’m going to a hotel.”
“Fine.” Dream closes the app. He decides he may as well do something productive and opens up his email.
It’s been almost a week since he’s done any work. He hasn’t had any desire to, what with George injured. But, there’s always things he could get ahead on, deals he could take, messages he can send…
“…What are you doing?”
“Needy are we?” Dream teases, as he continues typing away.
“Hiding something are we?”
“I’m not hiding anything.” But he knows that won’t appease George.
Sure enough, George demands an answer: “Tell me then.”
“I was sending an email to Ken.” He lowers the brightness and turns his phone so George can see the Gmail logo. “Happy now?”
It’s quiet for a moment.
“What’s the email about?” George asks.
“Uh, something about an investor. He asked for my input.” Dream returns to typing out a response.
There’s another pause.
George clears his throat.
Dream can hear him shift on the bed.
A moment later, George says: “Can I take a spin in the rig?”
That grabs Dream’s attention. “Huh? No.”
“Why not?”
“George, you’re injured, you’re not supposed to be working for two weeks—“
“We can do what you said: I can help you render something in the rig.”
“The rig has built-in lights, plus we need to have quality images if we want to fix the issue, which we need lights for.”
George throws his hands in the air. “Then let’s do something else then! There has to be something we can do, there’s always something.”
Dream snorts. “What, you’re finally in the mood to work after a year?”
That’s the wrong answer because George’s eyes flash dangerously. “You have something to say, Dream?”
A bolt of anger surges up inside him, but Dream tries to push it down. “I just dom’t know why you want to work right now. You need rest--”
“I’m not allowed to be productive? I’m supposed to sit on my ass and be lazy while you do shit for me?”
“That’s not what I said, and you know it.”
George glares at him. It’s cold.
It’s silent for a moment.
“Whatever,” he finally says. “I don’t want to talk to you anymore.” He gets up and starts to make his way out of Dream’s room.
Dream doesn’t want that at all. “George wait—“
“I don’t want to talk to you right now,” George declares again, and he slams the door behind him.
It’s silent again.
Dream doesn’t even know what he did. George needs rest. That’s not negotiable. He isn’t going to sacrifice his health for a project that can wait.
He tries to take a deep breath in and let it out slowly to try and calm down.
It doens’t work.
He tries again.
Doesn’t work.
“Fuck.” He slams his hand on the armrest. “Damnit.”
He’s not wrong. George needs rest.
George is just being stupid.
He’s just being stubborn.
It takes him a few minutes, but he finally gets up in search for Sapnap.
“Come in!” Sapnap yells after Dream knocks on the door. He takes one look at Dream’s face when he walks in and says, “You need help talking it out?”
“No.” He shuts the door behind him and makes his way to the couch. “I need to not be going crazy.”
“Well, I have bad news for you.”
“Being serious right now.”
“Right sorry.” Sapnap clicks a few times on his mouse, and whatever program he had up shuts down. He swivels in his chair to face him. “What happened?”
“George wants to start working again. I told him no. He got angry and left.”
Sapnap sighs. “You gotta tell me the whole story man.”
“That is the full story.”
“No it isn’t.”
“Yeah it is.”   “No it isn’t. You wouldn’t be here if it was.”
Dream opens his mouth to argue, but sighs, and thinks back to their fight. “…he thought I was calling him lazy.”
Sapnap hums. “Were you?”
“No, of course not. He’s recovering, he needs to get better. He can’t just ask me to let him use electronic shit when that’s going to hurt him.”
“Did he ask to use his electronics?”
“He wanted to work.”
“That’s not what I asked,” Sapnap says. “Did he ask to use his phone?”
“Did he ask to use his computer?”
“Did he ask for anything that wasn’t work.”
“No, he just asked to help with the project okay?”
“Very,” Sapnap says. “So, why didn’t you let him work?"
“He asked if he could help with the rig.”
“Which he can’t do because of all the lights and shit,” Sapnap says.
“See? You get it.”
Sapnap nods, but he asks, “But can’t he do something else?” Like help Ken with the patents or help fiddle around with the wires He knows how to work them.”
“He needs to rest, Nick. Not help out iwth my project.”
“You’re still working,” Sapnap points out.
“Well--that’s different.”
“Is it?” Sapnap asks.
“Yeah, I’m not concussed.” Sapnap fiddles with his hoodie strings. “That doesn’t mean he can’t work Clay.”
Dream makes a frustrated noise. “You don’t get it either,” he says. “He doesn’t ened to work, okay?”
“But he wants to,” Sapnap says. “And you’re not letting him.”
“But why does he want to work?”
“How should I know?” Sapnap says. He turns around in his chair and starts opening up whatever program he had opened before. “Well? Go ask him.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“He’s mad at me.”
“I don’t care.” Sapnap starts clicking away on his mouse. “Go talk to him.”
Dreamsighs, but he gets up. He makes his way to the door. He pauses. “…thanks.”
“No problem dude.” Sapnap waves his hand. “Go makeup with your boyfriend.”
Dream doesn’t know what to expect when he knocks on George’s door. Maybe yelling. Maybe silence. He doesn’t expect the “Come in” he receives.
He opens the door slowly. George is lying on his bed, curled up and facing away from the door.
Dream fiddles with his hands. “I—uh.” He clears his throat. “I came to talk to you.”
“Could’ve guessed that,” George snarks.
“Well, yeah, okay.” He takes a step closer, but he stops. “Can I, uh, sit down?”
George’s foot twitches. “Sure,” he says after a moment.
Dream settles himself down onto George’s sheets. He realizes that George has gotten out the fluffy blanket he got for him: it’s wrapped around his legs and waist. He usually only brings it out when Dream’s away. It gives him the courage to start this conversation.
“I talked with Sapnap.”
George doesn’t respond, so he presses on: “He said that I might have been, a bit unclear. That maybe…I should ask why you want to work.”
He hears George scoff. “Because it’s not in character for me?”
“No, no of course not.” He lies down next to George. “Just…that you have the opportunity to rest right now. You don’t need to work right now, but you want to. And.” He takes a deep breath. “I don’t think it’s just because you’re excited about the project. I know you’re excited, but I don’t think…it’s in character as you would say, to push yourself when you’re hurt when there’s no need. Not like how I am.”
George sighs. "You just…don't understand."
Dream thinks for a moment. He scoots closer. Closer. He brings his arm to George's waist, settling his hand there. Pulls himself closer until he's flush behind him. He leans down to murmur into George's ear.
"Tell me?"
Dream breathes out, but he expected that. “Okay.” He shifts closer, wrapping his arm fully around George, and presses his face into George’s hair. “I’d like to stay, though. Can I stay?” he asks.
He feels George breathe out as well. “If you must,” he grumbles, but he places his hand over the one that Dream has against George’s chest. Dream smiles into his hair, and breathes it all in. The quiet. The softness. George, safe against his chest and in his arms. The smell of George’s shampoo, the smell that was still on Dream’s pillow after that one night they fell asleep together for the first time. The tension that’s been inside him slowly drains out, and he relaxes into the bed.
Then, George shifts against his chest.
He clears his throat.
He whispers, softly, into the sheets, but Dream hears it: “I don’t want to disappoint you again.”
Dream blinks. He shifts too, closer to George so he can hold him more securely. “Why would I be disappointed?” he asks.
George shakes his head. “You were disappointed. When it happened.”
Dream doesn’t understand for a moment. When was he upset with George? Besides today, he hasn’t even been angry around George for months—
“You thought…you thought I was disappointed in you, back in March.”
“Weren’t you?” Dream sees George clench a handful of the blanket. “You—you didn’t talk to me. You only spoke to me about the apology. Even when you were going through your shit, you told me stuff.”
George continues: “But that week, you didn’t tell me anything. And, at first, I thought it was just because you were stressed, and I got it. But then it was the week after, and the week after that, and you still would only talk about the project.”
Dream feels George take a ragged breath in. He flips his hand over so he’s holding George’s hand now, and says, “Go on.”
“You, you only started talking again when I joined the project. When I started helping. You started watching TV with me again, you played Minecraft with me again. “ George sniffles. “It was after two weeks that you told me you loved again.”
George is full-on crying now, and Dream moves his other hand up so he can pet George’s hair, trying to soothe him as best as he can.
“And even though I like it, like working with you, I just worried if one day, if I needed to stop, if I would stop being your friend because I couldn’t help anymore. So I tried to help you besides the project by making sure you ate and took breaks, and everything.” George laughs, wet and messy. “And to add insult to injury, when I did get hurt, I thought, at least, you’d appreciate the break since I wasn’t helping. But then, you sent that email, and I just—“ George hiccups. “And then you wouldn’t let me work, and I thought that it was done, that I had done something and messed up, that I had lost—lost—“ He’s gasping for breath, and Dream’s had enough. He maneuvers George to face him and pulls him against him.
“George it’s—it’s okay, please don’t cry. I wouldn’t, I’d never leave you.”
“You did though,” George says, miserable.
Dream is about to deny it, but he thinks back.
March had been hard. The high of Sapnap’s birthday followed by the crash of the big controversy had been hard on both Dream and George, especially when friends they had trusted had seemingly disappeared overnight.
Dream had thrown himself into work back then. Had spent those following weeks trying to bury the heartbreak and betrayal through work. Not because of George, never because of George. But, he sees now how George could have gotten that impression.
“That wasn’t…that wasn’t because of you George. Me being sad. That was because of everyone else who decided that we weren’t worth it. If anything—“ He laughs to himself. “—you were the one who never left me, and that got me back.”
George reaches a hand up. He hesitates, but he grabs onto Dream’s arm, the one that is holding him. “But then,” he says. “Why did you start taking breaks after I helped?”
“Because—because I wanted to take care of you,” he realizes suddenly. “You were working so hard, and I knew you were still recovering, so I just started taking breaks and inviting you.”
George snorts quietly, and Dream feels the tension in the air lighten. “Idiot,” he says. “You should take breaks because you need them, not because I just need them.”
“Yeah, well.” Dream fidgets with George’s shirt. “It’s hard.”
George smiles at him, and to Dream, it’s the most beautiful thing in the world right now. “That’s why we take care of each other, right?”
Dream smiles back, but he remembers something Sapnap said: “Hey, uh; next time, you should just tell me. I can’t always tell when you’re feeling bad.”
George scoffs. “Wow, the great Dream admits he doesn’t know everything.”
He acknowledges the effort for light-heartedness, but he presses on: “Seriously, next time, just ask if I’m upset. You know I’m bad with telling when someone’s mad at me, and it should go both ways. Especially with us, okay? We’re a team.”
George smiles at that. The soft one Dream loves. “Yeah, we are,” George agrees. Then: “I’ll try to be better.”
“Me too.” They’re silent for a moment. Dream is running his hand up and down George’s spine, and he feels George squeeze his arm.
Three times.
He smiles. “You know,” he says. “I would’ve said I love you back if you had told me it.”
George feigns ignorance. “What are you on about?”
“You know.” He leans his head down to whisper into George’s ear. “Using our secret code.”
George blushes bright red, and Dream coos. “Shut up, idiot,” George says, shoving at Dream’s chest as Dream laughs.
The code came about a few months ago. His younger self had used to love demanding a love confession from George. But, his older self had learned that demanding vulnerability from George, even if George meant it, was not what he really wanted.
So, he told George about the Reddit post he saw about the three squeezes.
”It’s like—you do it when you want to say I love you but you don’t want to say it.”
”What, you think I love you?” George had retorted.
”I know you do, and I know that this might help.” George had looked like was going to argue, but Dream had held his hand up. “Just,” he had said. “Think about it.”
For the first month, there had been nothing. But then, right before his debut in Orlando, George had squeezed his hand.
Three times.
Then, it kept happening.
When he had beat the Parkour Warrior record, randomly at dinner, when he dropped The Truth, when he said good night to Dream.
One. Two. Three squeezes.
“Alright, I’ll shut up.,” Dream says, after he stops laughing, and George stops shoving him away. Dream waits a beat. Then: “I love you too.”
Dream burst out laughing again as George shoves him until Dream is on his back, but yelps when George bites him. “Ow!”
“You deserve pain,” George says with a deadpan face, which only makes Dream giggle.
“Yeah, alright.” His head falls back onto the bed, and after a bit, George lays his head back down on Dream’s chest,
They lay quietly together for a while. George seems to be listening to Dream’s heartbeat, as he taps along to the rhythm on Dream’s side. Dream himself is tracing patterns along George’s back, content to be still for once.
But, after a bit, George speaks up: “Can I ask a question again?”
He continues drawing shapes on George’s back as George thinks. He feels George mouthing something against his chest. He turns to look at Dream.
“…you’ve been acting weird recently.”
Dream keeps rubbing George’s back. “I have?” he inquires.
George nods.
“You’ve been, more touchy. And not just since my injury it’s been—“ George swallows. “Since December.”
Dream turns to look at George. “Do you…do you not like it?”
George moves his hand to play with Dream’s hand, the one he has resting against his own chest. He pulls on one of the ring. “…no.”
“Then,” Dream says. “Why are you asking?”
“I want to know…why you’re doing it.”
“I don’t know.” But the answer feels wrong, somehow. “Well, that’s not true. I mean, uh, after my video, I felt free, y’know? Like I wasn’t—held back like I’ve been since you’ve arrived. And maybe that made me feel like I could do the things…I wanted now?” He stops rambling. “Does that make sense?”
George plays with another ring on Dream’s hand. “Yeah,” he says. “Yeah, it makes sense.” He looks up into Dream’s eyes.
Dream looks down into George’s eyes.
There’s a beat.
Another one.
George looks down.
At something.
No, not just something.
At Dream’s lips.
Something stirs in Dream, compels him to lift his hand to cup George’s cheek. To lean closer.
George leans closer too.
Their lips are a breath away.
“Is this okay?” George asks.
Dream leans forward and seals their lips together as an answer.
It’s just like how Dream remembers from New Year’s. Soft, but firm. Gentle pressure. A warmth spread from his lips to his body to the tips of his fingers.
He presses closer, drinking in the closeness. The warmth. The love.
Dream breaks away, and opens his eyes.
George’s eyes flutter open. He looks at Dream for a moment but then smiles. The soft one that Dream likes.
Loves even.
"I think I love you," Dream blurts out.
George is going to freak out. George is going to leave the bed. George is going to need space and ruin all the progress they jus got after their fight--
George raises an eyebrow. "You just figured that out?"
"Well--no. You know I love you. You're my best friend. But I think I like. Love you, love you." He should stop talking now. He doesn't. "Like, you're my best friend, and I kiss you, and I love you."
George laughs again, but it's shy. "Okay," he says. "What's the matter then?"
"Um, I shouldn't be?" Dream laughs nervously.
"Well, that's stupid."
George rolls his eyes. "I'm your best friend, you love me, and you want to kiss me. You're my best friend, I love you, and I want to kiss you. So, there's no problem."
Dream feels like he's missed a large part of this conversation. "What?"
"Like, we can just, do all those things now. It doesn't have to be wrong or bad. And before you start thinking--" he interrupts Dream's train of thought, "--we can discuss 'labels' or whatever after I take a nap."
Dream scoffs. "Only you would want to take a nap after I confess my love for you."
"Yes." George pushes against Dream’s chest. "Now, lay down. You're staying."
Dream complies until he’s lying down again, then curls around him. He wraps both his arms around George. Even though he has two thoughts whirling inside his head, he’s tired from their earlier fight. He presses his face into George’s hair. They will figure it out tomorrow.
They have the rest of their lives to figure it out, apparently.
So, he let's go. “Goodnight George,” he says, and after a moment, he dares to press a kiss to George’s head too.
He hears the smile in George’s voice.
“Goodnight idiot.”i
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