#fuck Danzo
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the-real-sasuke-uchiha · 2 months ago
In case you are having a bad day, here is the gif of Sasuke chasing Danzo while he ran away, like the coward rat he was. For your pleasure.
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martialartslover7 · 3 months ago
Weird Wednesday Headcanon: Outside of Team 7, Neji, Shikamaru and Kiba sympathize the most with Sasuke's fall from grace after the Five Kage Summit.
Alright, this is another headcanon of mine that can be written off as "mental", but hear me out, this has so much potential.
I'd like to think that, outside of Team 7, Sasuke wasn't just closely acquainted with Naruto, Sakura or Kakashi, but also:
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Neji (whom we even got a small teaser hint of a rivalry between him and Sasuke for, which sadly, never came to be, because Byakugan VS Sharingan is a question in the community, that truly needs answering)
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Shikamaru (shogi rivals, nuff' said, the only guy, that managed to corner Shikamaru at his own game, I mean, Sasuke is meant to be a genius too, so, why not?)
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Kiba (just being around him, Sasuke's IQ just automatically decreases, but in a fun way, like Renji and Uryu from Bleach, considering, Kiba had lived most of his life, surrounded by moody, dominating women, and he might be Sasuke's "stay-in wingman", when it comes to Sakura, or they would just talk about how tiring women can be, but they do manage to get best results out of you with their motivation, and he would be way easier to handle for Sasuke, because unlike Naruto, Kiba ain't braindead)
These are the three main players, but if you want, you can also put Choji and Rock Lee into the mix, considering that, later down the road, Sasuke's and Choji's daughter would end up becoming besties, and if Might Guy wouldn't survive the war, he and Lee can become the new Kakashi and Might Guy, the next generation, if you will. And this is ironic, because...
...just by coincidence, who else was sent to get Sasuke back, to prevent him from defecting to Orochimaru? Ah yes.
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But now, I get to the meat and bones of this thread. And that being, the reason why I believe personally, it was a wasted opportunity to not give Sasuke more personal allies that sympathize with his actions, after he joined the Akatsuki.
Like, NO ONE can tell me, that the Uchiha weren't the only ones, who were under close observation within Konoha borders, by the elders. Sure, they were the biggest target, but it leaves you asking, especially in regards to those clans, who are either the strategist faction, or possess sensory type abilities: What about them? Wouldn't they suspect that something was going horribly wrong over there, at the Uchiha compound? Did absolutely NO ONE hear the screams, or blood splatters? I am just not sold on the idea that EVERYONE in Konoha blindly agreed to Tobirama's discriminatory policies, some had to know better than most. The select few, who weren't exactly fans of just distancing themselves from another clan, all because some frankly racist piece of garbage for a Hokage said so, along with the useless shitstains, that are the Konoha elders, especially Danzo.
And now, three people come to mind, where I truly felt like, they could have been there that night, when the Uchiha clan was being slaughtered, and they were either too late to stop it, or Itachi had knocked them out with his Genjutsu (which purposely contradicts Madara's propaganda about "no one in the village cared about the Uchiha, and only saw them as tools"). And ironically, they are probably the very select few of the adult shinobi, who weren't complete sub-human trash.
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Hizashi Hyuga.
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Shikaku Nara.
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Tsume Inuzuka.
Just picture these three adults being the only ones, who caught on to what was happening, through not just the screams of terror, the smell of blood, or seeing through the walls with the Byakugan from Hizashi. But sadly, by the time they arrive, most of the Uchiha were already slaughtered. And right before they could even act to evacuate those, who may have survived, Itachi arrives, and knocks them clean out with his Tsukuyomi, not killing them, as their passing would just cause an uproar throughout the village, the following day.
And once Danzo learns, that three non-Uchiha, Leaf shinobi, were actually present that night, and they may or may not have caught a glimpse of who else was there that night, Hizashi, Shikaku and Tsume were forced to stay silent on the matter, as Danzo threatened them, through the lense of the ROOT Anbu:
"Dare to let a single word about last night's events slip, then your clans will be receiving severe repurcussions."
I mean, sure, it's kind of silly to try and silence three unrelated Leaf ninja into keeping silent, but considering how paranoid the elderly can be, especially Danzo, I wouldn't put it past him to actually go there.
And how convenient, because as the story progressed, two of these adults would wind up deceased. Shikaku died in the 4th Great Ninja war. One piece of the puzzle, gone.
Hizashi would actually be the first one to die, before all two of them, because the Hyuga clan was trying to mend their security blunder that one fateful night, when someone from Kumogakure tried to kidnap Hinata. But keeping in mind everything I just said, it just adds another layer to how corrupt this shinobi system truly is. Who is to say, Danzo basically bribed the Hyuga elders to sacrifice Hizashi, in place of Hiashi, because he couldn't possibly risk that one defiant Hyuga showing lip to the Hokage? Something to think about. Even if Hiruzen remains a useless piece of shit. You can never be TOO careful, right?
Tsume would probably be the only adult to keep on living, to tell the tale, and through her, does Kiba learn, how deep the rabbit hole with Danzo actually goes, and how Sasuke's hatred for the village MIGHT be """mildly""" justified. Especially if Neji and Shikamaru were to approach him about their own clan blunders, involving Danzo, right after his passing at the hands of Sasuke.
But especially Neji, man... If everything I said gets applied in practice, it would mean, outside of Naruto, he might also be considered worthy of facing Sasuke in battle, after the Five Kage Summit. Because, not only does he more than understand how it truly feels to lose family and loved ones, but also, how this entire shinobi system is essentially screwing over those, who were unfortunate enough to be born into families, that get treated like dirt by the government, that is supposed to protect them. Just imagine their exchange, while Kiba faces off against Jugo, and Shikamaru holds Suigetsu at bay.
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"A slave to your own family... I really don't need another moral lecture from a man, who willingly decided to stick to his own kin, despite them viewing you as nothing short of cannonfodder. And yet, despite it all, you still side with them... Run, Neji. Run and hide with your insignificant existence weighing you down, before I tear you to pieces." --Sasuke
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"No, Sasuke. You're wrong. If it's any consolation, I am more than able to sympathize with your current state of mind. As of recently, I had to learn the hard way, that you and I, at the end of the day, are not so different. Believe me, you're not the only one, who was royally screwed over by the same village that you once swore to protect. The only reason, why I am not defecting, is because I still have family left to protect... Which is something I cannot say on your behalf, as much as it saddens me to say this. You have every right to hate us. Especially considering, we believed the rumors first, leaving no room for you to speak up and defend yourself. I didn't come to lecture you. And I won't run... because I am going to make you listen." --Neji
Pretty epic, isn't it? I am sorry, Neji is just the GOAT to me, and anything to make him and Sasuke spiritual broskies, I am here for that. Just visualize how adrenaline-driven their encounter would end up being, if you add the Bankakyo Byakugan into the mix. This is how Neji's Bankakyo would look like (source by Aleister Brown):
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And for context on what this eye gives Neji for busted abilities, which make him a more or less equal match to Sasuke, after he got Itachi's eyes implanted:
Left eye: Foresight (he can look 10 seconds into the future, to predict Sasuke's moves, before he could even pull them off)
Right eye: Timeskip (improves his Taijutsu, by basically freezing time all around himself, and teleporting, at anything his eyes can see for time)
And, to make it even, with the Bankakyo, you can even summon a chakra avatar, similar to the Susano'o called, Sarutakahiko, take a look:
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And because it's me, this is the music that plays in my mind, every time I am trying to visualize their fight, with these conditions being met:
...and to end this thread on a more comical note, when I said, Sasuke's IQ lowers around Kiba, and I compared the two to Renji and Uryu, here is why. It's even more ironic when you consider, Uryu and Sasuke have the same seiyuu! Noriaki Sugiyama! Check it:
OK, OK, enough with that. Have a nice day.
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chasing-posts · 5 months ago
Thought of the funniest thing!
Kakashi: *First time he's ever been drunk. Has the best idea ever* GAI. YOU ME...CHaaaAAllenge. Arm wrestle rigHt now! *hic* Come on RiIiiIaval!
Kakashi: *sloppily takes Gai's hand on the table * He hue~ Look. We're holding hands~ WAIT-
Kakashi: *One morning later at Anbu headquarters* And that's...why... my arm is broken.
Kakashi:.... Can we... make these shadows darker? My head is killing me...
Tenzo: *face palms*
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lavenderslilacsblog · 2 months ago
Okay, I have a lot of feelings about some of these Naruto related things that I bet other people have talked about, but I'm gonna talk about them now, too.
Itachi was about 11 when he became an ANBU kids don't stop loosing baby teeth until they are about 12. He was only 13 when he had to kill his whole fucking family. I fucking hate that Danzo and the 3rd late this happen to him they took a perfectly good child and made him choose between the village and his family and its so fucked up.
Kakashi became a genin at 5! He had just started loosing baby teeth thats so fucked up he was a fucking baby! He would have lost his last tooth around the time he became a jonin, when most kids are becoming genin. I know he grew up during war time but why the fuck did the deem in necessary to send children into was I doubt they ever saw the front and they needed more missions taken for the village but still! The traumatized a perfectly good child.
ALSO!!! What the hell was up with the orphan child system??? Kakashis dad died by suicide (and the body was found by 5/6yr old kakashi) and they just let this now horrifically traumatized child continue to live in the house even if they do consider genin like adults
They did move Sasuke out of the uchiha compound into an apartment by himself and the kid wasn't a genin then and was also horrifically traumatized
Naruto was in the orphanage for a bit before the 3rd dumped him in a questionable apartment by himself at like 4 fuck years old and was like here is some money good luck ill give you more allowance next month its no fucking wonder the kid only ate instant noodles and had spoiled milk in his fridge
I'm sure I'm missing other fuck ups the 3rd allowed to happen because if Danzo manipulation but jfc i can't
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adhdnojutsu · 2 months ago
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Came upon Lady Gaga's Alejandro clip on Twattaire and was like... wait a sec...
Uncensored on Bluesky and Twatter
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Aburame doodles :)
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kakashisbabymama218 · 3 months ago
When Sasuke squeezed the life outta danzo cause he was talking shit about itachi was so hot.
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phoenixremix69 · 14 days ago
To people who justify what Konoha did by saying that Konoha would've gotten destroyed by all the other villages if a civil war destabilized Konoha, Kiri was murdering a solid half of their genin forces and lost an entire generation to Zabuza. Not to mention the solid 1000 Iwa shinobi that all died at once to Minato. And they were a hell of a lot more integral to the actual village than the 3 useless bureaucrats and extremely xenophobic warmongering asshole that the uchiha wanted dead. It was literally just a scare tactic designed to keep other shinobi who actually wanted to make progress and change in line
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mvpkuromi · 20 days ago
i wanna explore itachi’s body so bad, like if I was in Naruto’s position and ITACHI knocked on my door…I’m jumping in his arms and running my hands through his luscious hair! When IM done with HIM he’s going to NEED a doctor or a restraining order because I ain’t stopping!!! NOTHING is gonna stop me from getting that man pregnant and reviving the Uchiha clan.
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breithenua · 1 year ago
About Danzo's death
I know there are a lot of people that when talking about whether Danzo's actions were truly motivated by his desire to protect Konoha, might bring up his self-sacrifice at the very end to kill "Madara" and Sasuke as proof that he was willing to die in order to defend the Leaf. But I would like to point out that he only did that once it became obvious that he was going to die no matter what he did. He had a newly-healed Sasuke pursuing him from behind, "Madara" approaching from the front, and to his sides were drops of hundreds of feet off a bridge, into a river. And he was rapidly bleeding out from stab wounds to 2 vital organs. He was fucked, no matter what he did. And mind you, before "Madara" appeared right in front of him to block off his escape route, he was desperately trying to run away, staggering pathetically because of the pain in his wounds. He's a coward who only seemed to make the self-sacrificial play when his death was already unavoidable. Sure, he could've begged. But he knew his pleas would be rejected, with Sasuke right there behind him. He could've jumped off the sides, but he'd die anyway as the water would prevent the blood coming from his wounds from clotting, and he obviously didn't have the strength anymore to get out of the river after the fact. He couldn't jump upwards, as both "Madara" and Sasuke could just cut him off. And going through the bridge, even if he did have the power left to destroy the section of bridge he was standing on (and that's a big if considering his physical condition), would've just ended up the same as if he jumped over the sides. He's a coward, but he's a logical one. So presented with no more options that would allow his survival, he tried to take down his assailants with him. His "self-sacrifice" play was less of a noble sacrifice and more of a petty "If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me". Based on his attempt to run away from Sasuke right before that, it's obvious that if given the choice between self-sacrifice for the good of the village, and survival, he'd always choose survival. He just no longer had the option of survival and he recognized that. For all his talk of self-sacrifice for the village, his actions undermine his words and always have. He was more dedicated to his own ambitions, and the *appearance* of devotion to the village, than he actually was devoted to the village.
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the-real-sasuke-uchiha · 5 months ago
Hiruzen: The village is my family, I will do anything to protect it, that is the will of fire.
Also Hiruzen: Abandoned orphans? Who cares. My friend orders a genocide? Too bad. Found my student experimenting with human prisoners? 🤷🏻‍♂️Children fighting to death so the village gets clients? Why not.
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uchiha-slut-fiction · 2 years ago
Fuck Danzo.
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chasing-posts · 5 months ago
I have very complicated feelings about Hiruzen Sarutobi.
Growing up I really liked the old man. He was presented in the first half of Natuto as a very kind, caring and compassionate old man who had a hand in teaching EVERYONE in the Hidden Leaf. He was a super strong bad ass who was well respected, funny, stern and had a quiet dark side from being a ninja. However one of his flaws was that he could never give up on the people he loved, no matter ehat they became. Its why he let Orochimaru go the first time after he found him doing illigal experiments in his layer, its why he cried when he saw Orochimaru sacrifice his own students for the edo tensei.
Watching his funeral used to be a top ten saddest moment in Naruto, but then... everything changed when Itachi's backstory is revealed. We learn he's not as kind as he appears, that he was partially responsible for the death of the Uchiha clan. We learn about Danzo's multiple coup attempts and Hiruzen just...letting it slide. In fact, letting MULTIPLE Danzo incidents slide, letting Danzo's entire career slide, which was basically war crimes on steroids.
Because of his passiveness, he ends up enabling Danzo to do whatever he wanted. He becomes guilty by association, even though Kishimoto made sure to point out that Danzo is responsible for all these atrocities... but because of their close connection and his abilities to stop him but never doing so, Hiruzen's reputation and character was destroyed. Especially in the eyes of the reader.
And part of me knows he deserves it. That he, by proxy is responsible for the Uchiha genocide and letting things get as bad as they did...
But then, I see an episode where he hangs out with little Naruto and tells him stories over a camp fire and my heart melts. I see clips of him talking to kids at the ninja school about stories of the past and how they can apply themselves and I'm smiling. I see him die looking at Orochimaru who's cursing his name and demanding his arms back, and remembering when the monster was just a young boy, still kind. And hik smiling as he passes away
I wonder if Kishimoto always planned for this reveal about Itachi? I feel like to make Itachi the tragic anti-hero, Hiruzen and his reputation had to be destroyed. But the narrative never treats Hiruzen as evil or berates him for what he does. He's never truly called out even when he's brought back via Edo Tensei. He still has genuinely kind moments to almost everyone in the series. Everyone still has mostly good memories about him.
At the end of the day, I just don't know how to feel about him. I wish the Itachi reveal never happened. That he was written to be a villian like he appeared to be at the start of the show. Then Hiruzen's character would not have been dragged through the mud and I could view him as a flawed but genuinely good character who lost his way. Which I think was the writer's original intention.
I'm not defending him it's just...complicated.
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ballerinarina · 1 month ago
naruto is actually a very bad written story that wants to show us that war isn't good only by creating characters with very sad stories sticks in this cycle of violence.
and i don't say bad written because of any technical aspect, no. it's because it's a purely political story with shallow views of politics. centric ones in the middle of such a radical context of governmental genocides and children being the military force.
the main character bases one of his main will of lifes about being a political leader, a politician, but he — which has always been in some way an opposition to the government, really being the only one supporting the pain of victims by truly listening and validating then — doesn't really mature his point of view.
it's childish. they want us to believe that simply choosing a better anti-war leader will solve the problems of a fascist system when it won't ever. a system revolution will.
(because, yes, that's what konoha is: a state which has been founded above the exclusion of a people, pruning their social powers accusing and pressing to a boiling social situation to the point where they erase every living drop of their blood. that's fascism.)
but we all know that's not what we have in naruto. they created very well the extreme product of their own fascism: sasuke. a child so broke he ends up a violent revolutionary.
and don't tell me that sasuke is not a revolutionary: he is. he makes it very clear in the end valley that his goal became to completely modify how the hokage system works, sacrificing his own happiness so that the rotten way the system worked would change.
i'm not saying he had a brilliant plan or was totally right. again, he was a kid, a very messed one who went down bad paths of terrorism before. but again, this is the consequence of actions and if anyone has to be held accountable it is konoha. fascism has consequences like this.
but what i'm saying is: naruto, who was slightly more sane, who questioned his whole life about konoha and being a hokage, ends up not learning that the problem was the system. the feudal military system remains even after danzou's death and the cleanse of the conseul seniors, the tobirama's ones.
sasuke ends up being “excused”, but never received real excuses or change. he was destroyed to the point where he was so mentally bad and suicidal that he gave up his revolution, even if he always had strong morals.
what changes has konoha had? a statue of itachi? big thing. what has improved in sasuke's life? sasuke spent his adult life working for redemption for a village that destroyed everyone he loved, everything he had and everything he was. he lost his babybirl growing up because of this.
besides, when i watched that robin hood boruto arch i was even more disappointed. in a unfair system, a discussion about taking from richs to give to the poors begins. everything socially indicates it's the most moral thing to do in this unmoral situation, when we literally have this multimilionaire company of a bad guy in konoha. until suddenly they reveal the leaders of the robbers were wicked.
when we have a too complex political trama in the hands of a poorly political person, we end up with a childish (which is different than for children), too optimistic and right center fake-progressist work.
then, for no reason, all the morality created (and reforced by naruto's words, actions and positions in this conflict, as the hokage) stabilizes and becomes the morality “both sides are wrong!” as if socially they were equivalent situations. they are not: one arises as a result of the other, as a response to survive. peace isn't the answer!
i deeply love the naruto characters and i love how some of the lore is created. i could talk for hours about other points that i consider just as serious and adult as this one. and that's why i'm so sad. and i understand that it is a children's story, but that only makes it worse because it is poorly written: they don't know how to write such a complex lore for children, or they don't have the balls to write such a heavy and adult lore for young people and adults.
that's why i hate naruto. it really makes me sad.
naruto isn't about who's morally right or wrong, it's about who's your favourite child soldier perpetuating the cycle of violence
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adhdnojutsu · 5 months ago
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Why this time?
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the-real-sasuke-uchiha · 5 months ago
Tobirama is freaking hilarious. "Oh, but there were some good Uchiha that were able to see beyond the clan and were loyal to the village". Oh, sure, you imbecile. And they were killed and betrayed by the village as well. Look at Shisui, you shit. Good reward he got for being loyal to your kind.
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