#ftm chest surgery recovery
Day 4 Post Op (Top surgery recovery, TW SURGICAL MENTION, MEDICAL DISCUSSION):
Wow, I forgot to update everyone yesterday!! First off, I want to thank everyone who reached out or congratulated me on my surgery. The support means more than you know at this time!!
Day one and two were DEFINITELY the worst. Yesterday still had a bit of grogginess to my headspace, but I’ve felt way more like myself over the past two days. I’m still very much hopping between resting in bed and doing a lap into the dining room/living room areas, but I’m up and moving much easier! Today I feel almost normal with my mental clarity, in the way that you do when you’re almost fully recovered from a head cold. Super worn down and tired, but very much coherent. I’m cracking more jokes today and have been more social.
Pretty much all dizziness has subsided except when I’m super tired. For the first two days, I couldn’t even sit up for longer than 10 minutes without a fan in my face. While the fans definitely do still help, I’m able to walk around without fear of getting lightheaded. Naps are pretty intermittent, sleep is something I get whenever my body decides it’s time to crash. My sleep schedule is absolutely horrendous and comes in waves of 4-5 hours of sleep every 8 or so hours. Thankfully my appetite seems to be returning to normal. The amount of Gatorade and water I’ve consumed in the past few days could fuel half the NFL.
As for the pain - It’s completely manageable!!! There’s a ton of swelling still, and that’s where the majority of the discomfort has stemmed from. It’s more of a consistent discomfort, but miles more manageable than it was on day 1-2. I said yesterday that Day 2’s “mediocre” was Day 3’s ABSOLUTE WORST. It’s pretty safe to say that trend continued from Day 3 to Day 4, but perhaps not as noticeably. The minor hematoma mentioned in my earlier posts seems to be going down on its own, and is consistent in draining. I had the chance to get a better look both today and yesterday, and I’m not concerned at all that it’ll heal up just fine. By now, the binder is becoming mildly annoying, but I’m super overjoyed at how my results are coming together already. I’m severely bruised, but what do you expect when you have your chest carved out, right?
I’ve had some people visit, an old friend and my partner, and have been occupying myself with a ton of YouTube and Minecraft. My family has been absolute troopers about the whole thing, and I’m so so lucky to have the support system I do.
That’s all for now! Updates to come. :)
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steamcaptain · 9 months
Ya boy finally had top surgery!!
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just-an-english-guy · 2 years
Top Surgery/ Recovery Experience
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I’m currently 3 days post-op from having peri with Mr Kneeshaw and his team in Hull so I thought I would write about my experience. This is everything that happened across the last 4 days from travelling up to Hull to surgery and my stay in the hospital to the journey back home. Apologies for weird layout, I’m on mobile.
I was scheduled for surgery on the 8th of March at 7:30am so my partner and I travelled up the day before by train and stayed in the Ibis near the station. We arrived at about 9:30pm as we left Cardiff at about 4pm due to me only being able to get a partial day of work. The train journey up wasn’t too bad, we had reserved seats that were close to each other (not always next to each other due to how busy it was but that was ok). We made sure to pack everything into one suitcase, one backpack and one small gym bag that was used as my overnight bag while in the hospital so that my partner could carry everything back on his own after surgery. As I wasn’t allowed to eat anything past midnight we stayed up pretty late to eat before going to bed. I was also rather anxious too so I wouldn’t have been able to sleep right away. Ive never had any kind of surgery before so I was worrying about what could happen and what it would feel like for a few days before which lead to several nights of not sleeping well.
On Wednesday we woke up at 6am, I had my final shower for a few weeks which I did take my time with and savour. It's only been 3 days so far and I already feel disgusting even though my partner has been helping me wash with baby wipes every morning since getting out of the hospital. Since my overnight bag had already been packed I didn’t need to do much in the morning except make sure my phone charger was added to it. In the end, I only ended up taking my dressing gown, slippers, a pair of joggers and a button shirt to wear as pyjamas and my phone charger. We left the hotel a little later than we had planned so we had to run to the bus station so that we would get the bus in time.
Hull does have a lot of buses that go to the hospital which is very good. We got on the 105 at 6:40 and we ended up getting to Entrance 2 of the hospital at about 7:10. We had to ask where ward 16 was at the main reception as the signs didn’t really make it clear but it wasn’t far and we arrived at the ward at about 7:20am.
Once we arrived they showed us to my room. They are all privet rooms with their own bathrooms which is very nice. While we waited for Mr Kneeshaw and his people to come to see us several nurses came around with things for me. They gave me a gown and a pair of compression stockings, and then someone came over with the evening meal menu for me to select what I wanted to eat in the evening. The food options were more extensive than I was expecting which was nice. Mr Kneeshaw came round shortly after to talk me through the procedure and to draw on me. We agreed on my nipples being in a slightly lower position than the average cis guy's nipples as my nipples sat kinda low anyway. I knew this would be happening when we discussed it in my initial consult back in August 2021 and I'm happy with it since it's not a big deal for them to be slightly lower than average to me. I then got changed into the gown and stockings and a nurse collected me from my room at 9am. They let me keep my own underwear on with the gown which I was thankful for. My partner left the hospital when I was taken down to the theatre as he wasn’t allowed to stay while I was in surgery. He got the bus from the hospital back to the hotel and waited for me to let him know I was awake.
When they took me down I had to sit in a little waiting area for a few minutes while they got my paperwork. After confirming my name, date of birth and allergies for the 10th time that morning they took me into the operating room. It was very cold there. I was in a thick fluffy dressing gown and I was still starting to shiver. They got me to lie on the table and gave me a warm blanket so that I wasn’t as cold. The people were all lovely and chatted with me as they got me prepped for surgery. They put a sticker on my glasses so that they knew they were mine before taking them off me. The anesthesiologist put the cannula into my hand which didn’t hurt that much but still wasn’t pleasant and then they gave me the oxygen mask and told me to take some deep breaths. Apparently, the anaesthetic was a multiple-part thing but I only saw the first part get put in as I was unconscious before the guy could even finish his sentence about what he was doing.
I woke up in recovery at 12:30 roughly, there was a clock on the wall in front of me so that was the first thing I saw. People are right when they say it doesn’t feel like any time had passed. It felt like I had blinked and, at that moment, had gone from the operating table to a bed in recovery. It was a little disorientating but since it had already been explained to me that’s what it would be like it didn’t take long for my brain to catch up. When I woke up I wasn’t in pain at all and I didn’t feel sick either, something they told me would likely be a possibility. I just felt a little sleepy. They took me back up to my room not long after I woke up and gave me my phone as I had left it on the bedside table. I text my partner to tell him I was awake and that he could come and see me now. Because of how far away we were staying and the bus times (it takes 40 minutes roughly for the bus to get from the bus/train station to the hospital) it took him about an hour and 15 minutes to actually arrive but that was ok because I knew he would be on his way so wasn’t worried. After texting him I called the nurse to help me get up to use the bathroom. As it was my first time standing after surgery she helped me get up off the bed and into the bathroom. I felt a little weird about having her there while I used the bathroom so I told her I would be fine on my own and she agreed to wait outside to help me back into bed after. It was difficult at first trying to sit down on the toilet since my legs felt really weak and I couldn’t put any pressure on my arms either to help lower myself. I got there eventually though and it was easier to get up after than it was to sit down. The nurse helped me back into bed and I slept for the remainder of the time before my partner arrived. About 5 minutes before he turned up a nurse came in to check my blood pressure, temperature and pulse rate so I was awake when he got there. Oh, I should mention that when I got up to use the bathroom they gave me two fabric bags to put the drains in and hang around my neck. These make walking around a lot easier.
Mr Kneeshaw and his team came to see me at about 4pm. He very briefly undid the post-op binder to check my chest was ok and he even quickly took a picture for me. I asked since I couldn’t get the angle myself to do it. After that, he put the binder back on tight and told me I couldn’t take it off at all now until my drains came out the next Friday. He said that everything went well with the surgery and looks good so left me to rest for the evening. Roughly every 2-3 hours someone would come in to check my blood pressure, pulse rate and temperature, this continued all the way through the night altho I didn’t mind too much as they were always polite about needing to wake me up.
After Kneeshaw had left, now that the binder was on slightly tighter than it previously had been I felt a little bit of pain down the centre of my chest. The nurses gave me paracetamol but told me I could have tramadol too if the pain got any worse. Luckily it didn’t and the paracetamol was all I needed. My partner stayed until about 6pm and then left so that we could both get some sleep. I spent the rest of the night in and out of sleep with the nurses coming in every few hours. At one point in the night, at about 1am I thought I could feel liquid dripping down both my sides so I called for someone to check I hadn’t dislodged a drain. I couldn’t feel any pain though but at the time I thought that was because whatever pain medication they gave me in the operating room was still in my system. Two nurses came to check on my dressing and it turned out it was just sweat I could feel and my drains were perfectly fine. The room was incredibly hot in the hospital and the blankets they use are extremely good at keeping you warm. No matter what I did in the room I was still too hot so in the end, I had someone turn the fan on and then I used the blanket to cover me from the waist down only so that I could sleep without melting.
I was woken up again at 6am by someone who emptied my drains for me. He did show me how to do it but because I was still half asleep I wasn’t really paying attention. At roughly the same time another person wanted to check my blood pressure again and after they had both left I went back to sleep. I was woken up again at 7:30 by someone letting me know breakfast was on its way and asking what I wanted. I ended up having a bowl of Weetabix at about 8am with a glass of milk. After I had finished my breakfast I went back to sleep but that didn’t last long as at 8:45 roughly I was woken up again by another nurse wanting to change my bedsheets and give me a fresh gown. I got the option to stay in the bed while they changed sheets or sit in the chair, I opted for the chair as I could walk around a little anyway and staying in the bed just seemed like it would be weird and uncomfortable. The nurse helped me get my slippers on and get into the chair before she changed all the sheets for me. She also helped me into a clean gown which I am thankful for as moving my arms wasn’t very easy at the time. I slept again until Ralph, one of Mr Kneeshaw's team came in to check on me and see if I could be discharged. He said that everything looked good and I could go back to the hotel when I was ready.
Because of the way the hotel bookings worked we had to change hotels on Thursday as the Ibis didn’t have any space for us for Thursday night. The split booking was the cheapest way to do things and since travelling alone was costing a fortune we decided this was the best way to do things. Due to the difference in check out/ check in times my partner was set to come to the hospital with all our bags at about 12 and then we would be able to check in to the new hotel at 3pm. When I explained this to Ralph and the nurses they said It was perfectly fine to wait until the afternoon before leaving and I couldn’t leave without my partner coming to get me anyway.
My partner arrived shortly after 12. He helped me eat some lunch as I was still having trouble lifting my arms enough to reach my mouth with a fork and then he helped me wash with baby wipes and get changed into the joggers and shirt I had bought with me as pyjamas since I never ended up using them as such and just stayed in the gown while in the hospital. I asked for someone to come and show us how to empty & reseal the drains again as I was half asleep when they did it in the morning and my partner needed to know anyway. After we were shown that they handed me my discharge papers, an information leaflet about the drains, a sick note to give to my work and a feedback survey to fill out. I completed the survey while my partner made sure everything was packed up and then we left. We got a taxi down to the hotel as we both thought getting on the bus might have been too bumpy for me to handle at the time which im grateful for.
We checked into the Gilson Hotel, close to the train station when we got back to the city. I hadn’t really looked up the hotel before booking it as my only priority at the time was making sure It was close to the station and cheap. It had stairs leading from the entrance door to the reception, with no lift. While not ideal this wasn’t too much of a problem as I could walk up the stairs, I just had to do it slowly and one step at a time with a little pause in between each one. There was a lift from the reception to the other floors though which was good. We were on the 2nd floor but since there was a lift it wasn’t an issue. I didn’t know the layout or design of the hotel before I booked it and it turned out that there were two steps in order to get up to the hotel door from the hallway. Again not ideal but not a massive problem for me. This hotel definetly isn’t accessible though.
Sleeping in the hotel was a little difficult, the bed was low down which was great for getting up and down for me since I am rather short but it also had really thin pillows which made it difficult to prop myself up. We ended up using 3 pillows to create a slightly slanted back rest against the headboard, rolled up my jacket and put it under my left elbow to keep my arm propped up since that was the only comfortable position for it that didn’t hurt and I used only my dressing gown to cover me up since the hotel room was even hotter than the hospital room was.
After a somewhat uncomfortable night where I only slept for about 4-5 hours I woke up and my partner helped me empty my drains at roughly 8am. We were told to do them once every morning at roughly the same time and keep track of what comes out so we measure the ml of each one with a little jug and keep a note of it. We had breakfast and then discovered that the snow had caused mayhem with our travel plans.
We needed to be back in Cardiff by 5pm as we had a house viewing scheduled (I know, it’s a really awkward time to be doing this but our Landlord gave us notice to leave on the 28th Feb so time isn’t really something we have on our side for this situation. We did try arranging the viewing for before we left but unfortunately that just wasn’t possible). Anyway because of the time restraints and our tickets being valid only on off-peak trains we had planned to get the 10:23am train which would have gotten us back in Cardiff at 3pm. Unfortunately, this train was cancelled and the train before it wasn’t considered off-peak so we couldn’t get on that one. This meant that we had to get on the 11:26am train from Hull and that we had lost our reserved seats. This wasn’t ideal but it would still get us back just before the viewing so that’s what we did.
Since it was such a long trip the journey was split into three trains; Hull to Sheffield, Sheffield to Bristol Parkway and then finally Bristol to Cardiff Central. Hull to Sheffield was fine, we sat in priority seating since I struggled to walk long distances still at this point and definitely couldn’t stand up for long periods of time. The plan was to do this all the way back to Cardiff however unknown to us at the time a lot more trains had been cancelled which caused issues later down the line. Sheffield to Bristol was packed. I mean truly rammed. When we got on people were already standing in the walkways because there were no seats. Since I needed to sit down my partner had me get on the train first and basically b line for a carriage to find a seat. When I got on there were no seats at all. I tried asking several people who were sitting in the priority seats if they would mind giving up their seats for me and explained my condition and that my original train had been cancelled so I no longer had reserved seating. No one would allow me to sit. My partner was still out in the walkway by the doors with the bags since he couldn’t get through, not that there would be much point anyway. After asking a few more people if I could have their seat and being told no the train started to move so I gave up trying to find a seat and shuffled back to my partner. He wedged our suitcase between the wall and one of the internal carriage doors and had me sit/lean on that while keeping his arms around me to stop anyone from knocking into me while the train was moving. After about an hour a lady who was also in the doorway section with us spotted someone getting up from their seat in the other carriage to get off at the approaching stop and told us so that I could go and sit down. By the time I had gotten there though someone else had sat down in that seat and put headphones in. Luckily another lady offered me her seat when I explained that I had just had surgery and needed to sit down. I was very thankful to her and we chatted for a bit. The seat turned out not to be her reserved seat either so she warned me that someone might try to claim the seat later. When the train got to Birmingham a lot of people got off and I saw the display screens say there were two available (not reserved seats) opposite the aisle where I was so I decided to move into one of them so that there wouldn’t be a problem if the person who’s seat I was in did actually come to claim it. Since so many people got off my partner was able to make his way into the carriage now and I text him to let him know the seat next to me was available and asked him to bring some painkillers as I was in quite a lot of pain at this point. He came and sat down and gave me the tablets and then a lady came by claiming I was in her seat and that I had to move. I was a little out of it because of the pain I was in so all I managed to say was that I couldn’t move as I had surgery. The lady wasn’t happy with this and insisted it was her seat, even though there were many other empty seats in the carriage. My partner looked at the display unit and pointed out that it was still showing as not reserved and then when that didn’t seem to change the situation he lifted one of my drains out of the cloth bags the hospital had given me and showed it to the lady saying again that I had just had surgery and there was no way he was moving me now. She went to sit in one of the other vacant seats after that. It was a pretty easy journey from then on. I was in a lot of pain though from when I had been standing up so I had more painkillers and then ended up sleeping for a good chunk of the journey. My partner woke me up a little before our stop in Bristol and then helped me off the train. Bristol to Cardiff was pretty uneventful, we sat in priority seats again and it only took about half an hour to get to Cardiff. We got an uber home from the station since we were both very tired after the day of travelling.
I have to keep the drains in until Friday next week when I go back to hull to have them taken out. The post op binder has to stay on for 6 weeks however after the drains come out I will be able to remove it for a few minuets every couple of days to wash, whereas right not I’m not allowed to remove it at all. I was told I could return to work after two weeks and could drive again after the 2-3 week mark if I felt like I could handle the seatbelt against my chest. I can also start exercising again lightly after 6 weeks.
Recovering is going to be a long process but I’m so glad this finally happened. I’ve been waiting over 4 years since I was first referred for top surgery and honestly it was worth it. I feel so happy that it’s finally here.
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mgc02 · 7 months
Can I request Angel Dust x FTM reader about Angel Dust taking care of Y/N after top surgery?
He's definitely so doting and sweet and adorable. Fat Nuggets sees Y/N as daddy #2, so he's definitely cuddling him as much as possible
Of course.
I haven't had top surgery yet so I had to do some research first into the recovery period
Please let me know if any information is incorrect
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Angel x ftm reader Top Surgery Recovery
Angel would bring you home to hospital and help you into bed
He would be by your side practically 24/7
Making sure you don't over do it
He'd help you in the shower
Help you get dressed
Cook food for you
And he would make sure you drink plenty of fluids
He'd buy you loose fitting clothes if you didn't have any and he'd get you shirts that button or zip in the front so you could do more yourself
He wanted you to have at least some bit of an independence during all this
If your up for it he'd go for walks with you
Fat nuggets would be your cuddle buddy any time
He would happily cuddle you himself but he's a but worried about accidentally hurting you
So you can just lie on top of him
Angel would bring you ice packs for any pain or discomfort
He would check in with how you are feeling physically and mentally
He'd be extra gender affirming and trying to talk about how he can't wait to lie his head on your flat chest
And he's always here to talk if you need him
You couldn't imagine doing this without him but he tells you that you are so strong you could definitely do this on your own if you had to
He's so proud of his brave boyfriend
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rivangel · 3 months
Since you shared transmasc levi docs recently…would you write one again? I really love them. Something cute and intimate like first bath together maybe? With gn afab reader. Of course taller than Levi 🧡
Honestly no one portraits him as perfect as you do
sorry this took me so long sari!! :( i hope this was worth the wait :’)❤️
//gn!afab!reader | ftm levi
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“It’s not that bad.”
Levi says this to be comforting, but he’s not surprised when that doesn’t work to turn your fear off while a horror movie is on TV. It was a bad idea in retrospect. Despite him being shorter than you, and snugly fit in your lap, you’re doing your best to only peek over his bare shoulder.
“It might be that bad,” you say in a small voice.
Your massaging over his chest and surgery scars slow dramatically as the moment on screen intensifies rapidly in darkness; unfortunately you found no time for this chore until late and lounging on the living room sofa.
Whenever you volunteer to get something done for him, pretty much regardless of how easy, it’s always his habit to turn you down—then be more stubborn if you insist. One of the only exceptions to this (self-imposed) rule (“curse”, you’d say) has been his recovery from top surgery a few months ago. There being few textures that make him shrivel up inside worse than lotion, you’ve taken it upon yourself to help with his scar care. He never fantasized about walking around shirtless without scars as much as being flat, you had a spark in your eye when you offered to help, and he begrudgingly agreed.
He frowns and starts to shift. He stifles a grunt. “Let’s skip this part then.”
The remote is, tragically, sitting the coffee table plain as day but slightly out of reach, but leaning forward won't be fun (or easy) anyway. Not that that's going to stop him.
“Noo, it’s okay.”
He deadpans. You have to laugh. “You shouldn’t be doing so much, and my hands are lotion-y. I’ll be okay.”
“...Uh-huh.” He decides to take your word for it against his better judgment this one time. Mainly on account of your dirty hands. Partly because of that intense look in your eyes—you're taking his recovery just as seriously as you did on day one—and he'd be remiss not to feel a little soft about it.
Inevitably this “scary part” intensifies, silence with dread persisting, floor creaking as the main protagonist enters a bathroom. Annoyed, he starts to sigh. More uncomfortable to him right now is the sensation in your mild massaging just because of the persisting numbness.
When the creature leaps out of the darkness and flings itself at a character, you gasp aloud with a curse, arms wrapping around his waist tightly. He just hums, (cautiously) patting your hand for comfort. "You alive?"
You relax a little. Over his shoulder he gives you a noteworthy look. See?
“Oh, hush.”
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aporetic-elf · 28 days
Hello! I'm still fundraising for my FTM Top Surgery. Today I found out that insurance is going to be able to cover a good chunk of it, which is awesome! I can actually start scheduling soon most likely. We're still about $1200 shy for making it through the procedure and the recovery time. Anything helps, even reblogs <3
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roll-of-royces · 7 months
HC: You Come Out as FTM Trans to the LaDS
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Zayne is not surprised, he saw all the warning signs years ago. You were never very feminine in your youth, and your desire to 'hang out with the boys' as 'one of the boys' might have made it a tad bit obvious (among a slew of other clues). Regardless of the fact that he knew, he said nothing. It was your discovery to make, so he let you come to it on your own.  
When you told him, awkwardly, in too few words Zayne cupped the back of your neck in his hand and kissed you. Soft, gentle, accepting. He said, "I know, we'll figure it out together."  
He launches into your transition like a pro, starting by doing a great deal of research on the subject. Zayne is the guiding light through the first steps. He asks all of the questions, figuring out what you're looking to do in regards to your medical transition. And when he knows what you want, he starts the process for you. He vets the correct doctors needed, sets up your appointments, and always goes with you.  
Zayne is happy to correct people on your pronouns, he does it on reflex, "Sir, not ma'am. His pronouns are he, him."  
You start wearing some of his clothes, a pair of underwear goes missing, then a tie. He picks up on it and all of a sudden you're being treated to a shopping spree to pick out a new wardrobe.  
He looks into affirming exercises to help you look the way you want, and does them with you when he has time.  
When/if you decide to get surgery Zayne is there through the entire recovery process, only showing his stress through sternly stating rules. "No, you can't grab that, stop trying to lift your arms. Have you taken your pain medication?"  
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When you tell Xavier he takes it extraordinarily well, in the sense of he acts like nothing has changed. Except he uses the correct pronouns flawlessly, switches to more masculine compliments, and starts call you his boyfriend. 
He adjusts quickly and expects those around you to do the same. He corrects anyone who gets it wrong right away. You didn't even have to tell Jenna and the others, you showed up the next day and everyone was carefully using your new name and pronouns (all under the sharp eye of one high level Hunter).  
Xavier starts offering you clothes, the pair of pants in the back of his closet, do you want them? That shirt he forgot about, yours now. Here take my underwear, it's more comfortable. You can't tell if he's being polite or possessive.  
He's not super helpful with starting your medical transition, he's supportive, and he'll help if you ask, but otherwise he'll journey with you to your appointments, eyes closed as the doctor goes over your options.  
He starts sporting items of pride. There's a little trans flag on his desk, a pin on his uniform. You find he's joined a few online pride communities, and has been asking questions behind your back. Things like my FTM boyfriend just came out, can I still buy him flowers? Is it weird to look at my FTM bf's ass or is that affirming?  
Xavier will commit assault upon bigots, he's fast and so no one can catch him.  
He dedicates that you are now big spoon, and curls up against your chest for all naps, complaining profusely if you don't hold him or play with his hair.
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You tell Rafayel about your transition over a long carefully thought out text message. Probably a sort of cowardly way to do it, but you worry. His only response is to text back, come to my studio. With trepidation you journey to his studio, and enter to find him sitting there waiting for you, a bottle of Champaign in a bucket and a cake that says, 'Congrats it's a boy'. It's one of those gender reveal cakes.  
He adjusts right away, shifting into your new name and pronouns with a bunch of new pet names thrown in. You are now muse, my lord, handsome, thief, his highness, and sweetness.  
Rafayel insists on taking you shopping, buying you an entirely new wardrobe and setting you up with a designer as well (which is overkill but he insisted).  
Rafayel has now dictated that you are the provider in everything but money. Carry me to bed, my lord. (He doesn't care that you can't actually carry him.) Sweetness, this box is too heavy. Darling, will you crush this up to make paint for me?  
You're pretty sure Rafayel's entire legal team is at your disposal, want your name changed? He's got a guy. Someone called you a slur at work, he can have them sued. And that's not even considering what he himself will do when your 'honor' is threatened. For pretending to need help all the time he punches hard.  
All of the gifts he gives you change. Instead of flowers it's a new tie. It's chocolates, designer watches and rings. He paints a self-portrait of you in a more masculine pose and light. 
When you're feeling down Rafayel points out all the things he views as masculine that you do. The shape of your jaw is masc to him, the way you walk, the way you make him feel. He's always ready to remind you that you’re the man he wants.  
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slasher-dasher · 8 months
Hi!! I just started reading your stuff (mostly dbd ghostface/Danny Johnson stuff) but may I request kind of a comfort headcanon where reader comes out to Danny/Jed as trans (ftm) and is either getting top surgery or had top surgery already (you can decide which)
(Submitted by @luciferdoesnotexist404)
FTM Reader x Danny Johnson
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Reader Getting Top Surgery:
Danny is super supportive, and if there's one thing he can do better than killing, it's research. So you'll be in good hands for recovery
Calls you handsome often, it's his go-to compliment for you
Only calls you pretty if it's just you two or if it's a special occasion, he doesn't want to encourage others to use it for you though
Will make sure you're binding/taping safely, especially if he sees you doing either for longer than you should (he has a keen eye)
Also sets timers for you to remember to stretch if you bind! And he'll do them with you!!
Reader Had Top Surgery:
Again, you're in good hands. Danny is very careful when he has to move you from the bed to any room in the apartment
He always makes sure you have what you need/ask for within reach, the last thing he needs is to worry about you ripping any stitches
Gives you free-reign to his closet so you can see how certain shirts/fabrics feel post-surgery, but you do have to put on a fashion show for him, music and poses included
Sometimes he'll trace your surgery scars if he's waiting for you to wake up or if you two are cuddling, they make him smile
Be prepared for Danny to be your personal weighted blanket bc that man will take every chance to lay on your chest once you're healed
Extra - FTM!Danny:
(These are both pre and post surgery hc's)
He lets you see his top scars to show you how they heal, and happily answers any questions you have ("Yes, you can touch them")
If you've had top surgery he will just lift up your shirt every so often to see if you're healing well ("We match!!")
Understands when/if your dysphoria gets to be too much, and is happy to set the day aside to help you in any way he can (he knows you'd do the same)
Gives you his old/spare binders! Danny uses Transtape to avoid rib pain/breathing problems on hunts
He also forgets to take off his binder sometimes, so it was a better option overall-
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 11 months
After finally agreeing to go on a Date with Jaune how would Weiss react to discovering Jaune is FtM.
Weiss: You know, when someone agrees to a date, it's generally bad form to show up late.
Jaune: *Panting* I know! I ... I know ... *Huff* The pharmacy just got Nora's ADHD meds and my T in.
Weiss: *In Disbelief* A doctor prescribed you with "Tea?"
Jaune: T as in testosterone, not Oolong or Earl grey- Not a drink.
Weiss: The horomone?
Jaune: Yeah, as part of my Horomonal Replacement therapy.
Weiss: What's that?
Jaune: Well, I was born in a girl's body and it made me uncomfortable. I talked to my doctor about it, and got a prescription. HRT makes it so that I look and sound more in line with my Gender Identity. I'm a guy, despite how I was born with a Estrogen heavy endocrine system. The Testosterone is taking the estrogen's place to be more like a male-born body.
Weiss: Huh ... I believe I heard something like that before.
Weiss: One of the families in Atlas, the Marigolds- Henry, who's really not a fun guy to be around, talked about how his "Brother" dressed like a girl and acted like one too. I never met her, but I know she calls- I know her name is May. I just don't have much ... you know ... experience? knowledge about it?
Jaune: That's fine, you've been way better with this information than a lot of other people.
Weiss: If it's not too personal, what do you ...
Jaune: I have had top surgery, so I have very little breast tissue in my chest, and I have not had bottom surgery - I probably won't until we graduate Beacon because I don't want to miss anything due to recovery time.
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baby--b4t · 4 months
guess whoooo
it’s fishie again !! :3 writin this req while tiny so apologies if it doesn’t make sense >_<
ftm!reader who recently got top surgery, and is insecure about his scars from it, so s/o itto (or baizhu) who is also ftm helps comfort reader and take care of them after the surgery
(transmasc headcannons make me so happy djdjdjdjdjdjnf ^^) dis is similar to the req I put in b4 dey closed but they’re the sillies so i’m requesting a bunch of things 4 em
HI IM FINALLY GETTING AROUND TO WRITING YOUR REQUEST !! (sorry it took forever). I think I made a Baizhu bot out of this request but I cannot remember. Ill make this Itto because hes so silly and honestly ftm!Itto makes me giggle /pos. Hopefully this is good >:3
(Its not exactly agere BUT he does call the reader little beetle :3)
You had finally gotten the surgery you spent a lot of time saving up for; Top surgery! You felt so proud of yourself for saving up all of the Mora and working so hard to feel comfortable in your own body, so proud for doing something nice for yourself… So why did it feel so terrifying now?
You laid in your bed, staring down at your chest and the way it was all wrapped up. Maybe it was the medication, or maybe it was the feeling of your chest from being operated on, or maybe-… Who were you kidding? You didnt feel right because you knew you would have scarring afterwards. Two very noticeable lines under your chest that would tell everyone you werent a “real” man. Just the thought of it made your eyes fill with tears.
And as if his himbo senses kicked in, Itto emerged from the doorway.
“Hey, hey, heyyy~” He greeted, casually walking towards your bed. “Guess who just scored the best and most delicious noodles for dinner tonight? This guy right here!!” He pointed his thumbs towards himself, not yet noticing your teary face. Somehow his carefree attitude always managed to make you giggle, but once Itto heard you giggle, hearing the off tone of your voice, he knew something wasnt right.
“Huh? Hey, why is my little beetle all sad?” Itto asked as he gently wiped the tears off of your face, being careful with his nails. “Are you in pain? Did you take the meds?” He seemed like such a nervous puppy whenever it came to you, making sure you were comfortable and happy. Once you explained to him that you were scared of the scarring the surgery would have, he just smiled at you.
“What? Thats it? Youre scared of having these super awesome and amazing scars right here?” Itto asked, showing off his own slightly faded scars. He was never shy about them and always explained what they were to curious people. “You mean that youre totally not going to be proud because you went through a big surgery and lived to tell the tale?!” Itto added on, his tone becoming more playful and teasing. He gently ruffled your hair as he saw you smiling again, finding the way he described everything to be funny.
“But seriously, are you in pain? You know you can-“ Itto started to go on again before you shushed him. You reassured him you werent in pain and had taken the medications given to you for recovery. It felt so funny to see such a big and sometimes intimidating guy become such a worried person for you. Thats when Itto finally calmed down and went back to talking about the noodles he grabbed for both of you, even talking about making them soon so you could eat. He just wanted you to have an easy recovery.
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salemshotspot · 1 year
Tex Sawyer x FTM!Reader
DESC: How Tex Sawyer would treat his trans partner
No use of gendered pronouns/anatomy
WARNINGS: Brief Mentions Of Dysphoria//Not Proof Read
Due to his own experience with his family not using his preferred name he gets really defensive about people who deadname or misgender you because he knows the pain all too well of his heart sinking hearing the wrong name used on him and he wouldn’t wish that on anyone, especially not you.
DID I MENTION HOW PROTECTIVE THIS MAN IS AS WELL? If he hears anyone, even his family, say a bad word about you expressing your identity he’s stepping in defending you with his life [he isn’t above a few threats of violence to get his message across either.]
He seems like the dream guy for accommodating dysphoria too, feeling dysphoric about your chest? He’s instantly buying you a binder and making sure you’re using it safely, you can’t keep on top of your hygiene because you can’t bear to look at yourself? Did somebody say late night bath or shower with Tex pressed up against you, washing your hair, telling you how handsome you are?
You cannot tell me this man isn’t the healthiest partner in a relationship either so if you’re feeling insecure about anything in your relationship he’d encourage you to communicate with him but he wouldn’t push you and would wait until you felt ready to talk.
If you tell him you’re insecure about your relationship in the sense that you’re worried he doesn’t see you as a man and how he deserves to be with someone better he’d drop everything he’s doing and reassure you that you’re the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with and how he’s never for a second seen you as anything but a man.
I also feel like if you told him these concerns he would apologise to you for not doing enough to make sure you didn’t think this way.
The absolute definition of a mother hen as well so if you were thinking of starting hormones or getting surgery or course he’s on board with it 1000% because he wants his boyfriend to be happy and comfortable in his own skin but he would also be really worried, especially with surgery, staying up late into the night researching the process of surgery, what can go wrong, he will worry himself sick if you don’t talk to him and explain you’ll be ok.
If you choose to have surgery don’t expect to even be breathing for yourself afterwards because Tex is adamant on doing it for you, no matter how long the recommended recovery time is Tex has you in recovery for much longer ‘just to be safe' [he’s adamant on doing absolutely everything for you so you don’t strain yourself and possibly hinder your recovery.]
A/N >> Drop writing requests in my inbox :)
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bump1nthen1ght · 2 years
I hope you're doing well!! Would you be willing to do a nsfw piece (drabble, headcanon, longer work i have no preference) with a M!Fae and a post transition FtM!Reader? I love seeing representation but it can be really hard to find post transition pieces instead of pre-transitioned </333
Of course! Hope I was able to capture the right feeling for this piece. I eneded up implying that the reader just went through surgery and is in recovery, but it is up to y'all if it was their transition surgery or not!
(I based the few details about off of one of my family members transition surgery, but made a little easier through magic haha) But lemme know if y'all want a different vibe. I always want to write in a way that accurately portrays the readers experience, so feedback is greatly appreciated!
With that said, hope you enjoy ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
Male! Fae x Post Transition! FtM! Reader
(NSFW Under the cut. 18+ ONLY)
For somewhere so far out in the boonies that it’s technically on another plane of existence, the Fae Wild has a really good plumbing system. It's why you're able to enjoy this long hot shower, surrounded by fancy soaps and lotions without worrying about hogging the heated water. It's the power of some magic bullshit rather than actual engineering, but it feels so nice you find it hard to care.
You sigh, anticipating what he wants. “Five more minutes?”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart.” Your lover says, pulling back the sheer, opalescent curtain. “I know it's relaxing but the doctor said-”
“I got it. Only 30 minutes on my feet.” You turn off the comically ornate faucet, gilded in gold and shining wet. Your boyfriend rubs your back as you step out, handing you a towel. You wrap it around your waist, tapping Adice’s chest, signaling him to lean down for a kiss.
He’s been a saving grace during your recovery period. Even though it’s been significantly shortened by the power of Fae medecine, you’re not sure how you would have survived the week of almost 24 hour bed rest in a plane with no bingeable TV if not for him. Instead its been books, classical music, and board games with Adice, your boyfriend.
(And the occasional movie. Adice had managed to sneak a Portable Video Player and some DVD’s into the plane, though he oftened had to return to the mortal world for batteries.)
Adice meets your lips, continuing the pecks onto your cheek and neck. You playfully scrunch up your face, moaning dramatically.
“Stooop, you’re going to give me your Fae cooties.”
“Sweetie, if I had cooties you’d already be infected.”
Adice snickers, pulling back up to his full 6’7 height.
“I guess I wouldn’t be able to resist your handsome face either way.”
He winks, blowing a dramatic kiss. You resist the urge to roll up and whip him with a towel, knowing it would start a play fight you would not win.
(You never do win them. Those fae instincts come out and he uses all manner of trickery to come out on top. That handsome bastard.)
“Could you get me that fancy lotion? I’m feeling a little dry from the hot water.”
“Of course, dear.” Adice says, striding over to the nearby cabinet.
Shaking out your wet hair, you take a look in the mirror, ornately designed with fragmented diamond and mother-of-pearl lining. But what catches your reflection is you. The real, new you.
“Admiring my boyfriend, are you?” Adice jokes, striding up behind you and placing a hand on your shoulder, lotion set aside. “I know he’s the most handsome man in the plane, but he’s all mine.” He pulls your chest to the back, craning his neck to pepper your cheek with kisses. His shaggy purple hair tickles your nose, making you giggle.
“You’re such a goofball.”
“You’re a goofball, mister.”
He chuckles, giving you another kiss while he nuzzles your neck. You reach a hand back and card your fingers through his hair. It's unfairly soft, but you’re hoping that stealing all his magic products will do the same to yours. His grip around your chest tightens as dances another hand across your chest. Hot breath blows over your wet shoulder as he lingers downward to the towel on your waist.
“I thought I couldn't be on my feet for more than 30 minutes.”
“Don’t worry about that, honey.” With a flick of his wrist a chair is pulled toward you both, Adice hoisting you up in the air before sitting down with you on his lap. “This should help you relax.”
Adice slides a hand up your thigh, coaxing your legs open and displayed on his lap. He presses a kiss against your pulse, licking his lips as he looks down at your covered crotch. A razor shaped nail teases circles on your inner thigh, pushing up your towel only an inch. “Such nice skin.” He mumbles, his other hand joining in massaging the meat of your thigh. “Just begging to be bruised.” His large palm squeezes your knee, sending a jolt to your spine. “But that's for another time. Now, I will treat you kindly, pet.”
You sink into his chest, feeling your cock begin to harden as he moves his left hand past your hip and under your towel. Adices voice was made for dirty talk, all smooth notes and seductive growls. You gasp out a moan when he grabs your cock abruptly, out of character for his slow burn method.
“Ahh, there's those handsome sounds. I was waiting for them.”
Adice pulls back his hand, rubbing the pad of his thumb over your slit before he leans back and squirts lotion in his hand. You lay your head back into his shoulder, pressing your face into the side of his neck. Goosebumps rise on his skin as your breath blows across it. You nip at the skin, though Adice barely reacts to the bite..
“Naughty boy, aren’t you?” He simpers, before capturing your lips in another kiss. A lotioned hand grabs your cock, jerking lazily as Adice’s tongue prods your mouth. You moan against his lips when he squeezes around your head, rubbing small circles before gliding back down your shaft. His slicked palm slides down your cock, stopping to squeeze and fondle your balls. It's then when his other hand crawls down as well, wandering past your cock and to your ass.
“Can you lift your legs up for me, darling?” He whispers, sultry but genuine, making sure he doesn’t strain your recovering body. You nod, giving him another peck to the neck and raising your legs up. Another hand wave and two magic hands hold up your legs by the bottom of your knees, letting your calves rest suspended in the air. With greater access, Adice’s long fingers slide and spread open your cheeks, already slicked with lube. His other hand begins to jerk you off more fervently, making your stomach clench.
“Look at yourself, my love. Look as I pleasure you.”
You glance at the mirror, all folded up in your giant man’s lap. Your cock leaks precum, hot with blood, the schlick of Adice’s lotioned palm echoing in the bathroom. The site has you moan, wanting to throw your head back, but a magic third hand grabs your jaw and keeps you in place.
“Uh-uh, sweetie, you’ll miss the show.”
Adice purrs, pushing the tips of two fingers against your tight muscle ring. The lube means little resistance, but you try your best to relax your lower half anyway.
Adice easily slides himself up to his knuckle, curling his fingers. Your hips jerk forward, almost pulling your cock away from his hand. But Adice keeps a firm grip, staring your reflection right in the eyes with a smirk.
“So naughty. Desperate for more huh?” You nod, still admiring the way his hand jerks up and down your dick. “Well, I’m not cruel.” Adice pulls out the fingers to the tip, before shoving it back deep inside you. You yelp.
Adice sets a steady pace. He times his fingers to be pulling out when his other hand rubs your cock head, thrusting back in when he pulls down your shaft. Slick, sweat, and lube paints your ass cheeks, glistening under the low light of the bathroom. Your disheveled figure looks debauched compared to Adice, downright pornographic in the mirror.
You can see your toes curl, feel your stomach clench as your orgasm approaches. Adice bites his lip, your moans music to his ears.
“That feel good? Are you gonna come, love?”
You nod, tongue lolling out of your mouth, only adding to your fucked-out expression. Adice increases his pace, putting extra force into his wrist to brutalize your ass. Your hips hump toward the feeling, craving the fire and tingles.
“Come for me, honey. Come.” He whispers, nipping at your ear. The magic releases around your jaw, letting you throw your head back with a heady moan. With another jerk and spasm, you orgasm. Cum shoots onto your stomach and sweat drips down your legs.
The magic keeping your legs up stays in place, letting you flop your upper half into Adice’s chest. The stretch feels nice, the faint buzz of your crotch need the burn.
Adice kisses your cheek, moving some sweaty strands out of your face.
“I’m going to need another shower.” You mutter, breathlessly. Adice chuckles.
“Don’t worry, love. I’ll hold you up so you can rest.”
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tiefighter · 1 year
hey for my rounder/biggerbodied/overweight babes who're gonna go get chest surgery, let me give u some advice (I got ftm masculisation surgery, but aside from the shit about binders and removal this is also applicable to bbw trans women/nb people who are getting breast implants, afaik.)
1: don't go completely flat, it'll look so unnatural you'll wanna like, stab urself in the neck. Pectoral muscles have a natural curve, and I know the urge to go like NAH SON TOO MUCH is real high, but once you're healed you'll be grateful for the more natural look to your chest. I'm not saying get like, moobification surgery, just stress to your surgeon that you'd like a natural look. If you have a good surgeon, they'll be able to do it anyway/are way ahead of you. for mtf, you'll want something manageable/not too big! I know the urge when you're a bigger person is to go bigger to fill out tops/dresses, but trust me too much weight up there will DESTROY your back, please be kind to your spines. 2: recovery binders. Get one with fuckin shoulders, or if you can't find one with shoulders, get someone you know (or yourself) to sew shoulders into the thing. A really uncomfortable fact of having a belly/fat shoulders/back is that it /will/ fold your binder and it fucking hurts, and most of the time you need someone else to help you adjust over those first couple of weeks. and when I say it hurts, i mean it /hurts/, it'll compress tighter on your incision site and press the scar and it hurts like all fuck. (transwomen! your bras are supposed to fit flush against your body, if the middle of the cups is sitting away from your body or your band is too tight you're not in your size! get professionally fitted, I promise it sounds like bullshit but it'll save you so much money/pain in the long run.)
3: If your surgeon gives you the willies, and you have another option, dump them immediately. I did just that, and we only have two options on my side of the country (Australia!) Turns out, the surgeon I ended up with is the one that does all the corrections on the other person, and i would've met him anyway to get my chest fixed. 4: breast tissue does go all the way under your armpit. If a surgeon tells you it doesn't, and you just need to lose weight to get rid of it, they're fucking lying and also shit at their job.
5: I know the urge is to hide yourself away during healing and then, towards the end when you're like IM FINE you wanna go out and do things but let me tell you something if you've never had surgery before. You are gonna want that recovery time. you essentially got into a knife fight and fuckin lost. You're gonna be EXHAUSTED. you'll need someone to check up on you, and if you live alone and don't have anyone, look into medical assistance/nurses in your area who can come and help you with your binder if it's causing trouble.
6: My darlings. My sweethearts. My absolute fuckin superstars. Don't go fucking swimming/to the beach/soak in a bath until your surgeon says it's okay. If you get too much moisture in there, your skin will literally rot and fall off. Don't do it. Just don't. Behave, please. I know it's like, it won't happen to me but I SHOWERED too much and now I have a frankennipple. Don't be me. Don't franken your nipple.
7: be kind to yourself. Yeah, you're not skinny. yeah, a lot of androgynous/male oriented fashion relies on you being a skinny bitch. Let me be the first to tell you: boobas make hormones. You are losing those hormones, and your body is adjusting. you do NOT look as bad as you think you do. I swear to whatever nondenominational deity you want me to, you do NOT look as bad as you think you do. Let your hormones readjust, let yourself feel the relief. Wear a fucking dress if you want, top surgery won't take that away from you. for the ladies, wear whatever the fuck you want, we don't give a fuck, just make sure your new tatas are properly supported! You don't want them to drop or warp wrong, make sure to wear something that helps you with support. boobs over a certain size will naturally have weight to them, and that's totally fine! It's just if you're stretching your scars too much you're gonna give yourself some damage, find a trans woman who has had surgery similar to you, or talk to anyone who has had breast enlargement surgery. 8: if you have to work/go to school/etc after your surgery, set yourself time limits if it's a thing you're able to do. I know a lot of employers are grade a cockdolphins, and they're not gonna listen, so go and bleed on them if you have to. Do it. I don't give a fuck and neither should you. Being alive is better than being dead.
9: use the healing excuse to tell people who are bad for you/not good about your surgery/being cunts to fuck the fuck off. hey no can't see you, I'm healing. I don't care about your fuckin church study or your desire to look at the shiny new replaced nipples, get fucked. Cut them off like they're the tits you abandoned. They're excised skin. Biohazardous waste.
10: you're gonna be bored as fuck, please get something to do. lego/reading/watching tv/gaming/whatever you can do within your physical and mental power, and don't let anyone make you feel bad for taking the time to do things like this, and enjoying yourself. you just lost a knife fight you paid for. Be nice.
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This is aimed at any nonbinary/ftm/transmasc/transman or anyone who had done top surgery tbh:
Did you ever get over the uncertainty of showing off your chest or do you still feel an urge to cover the chest whenever its exposed?
Its almost been 2 years since my top surgery and i still struggle w if i wanna go topless or not when it comes to swimming at the beach or hot summer days etc. im nonbinary afab and arent on HRT so i still have feminine features - i consider my current self p much the finished version of how i want to express my gender identity.
I would like to be able to go around topless like cis men can. But i also have like 30+ years of presenting as a “woman” so i have that trainted reflex/urge to cover the chest. Is there a safe way to practice that? Im fine walking topless at home. So its more abt doing it outdoors where others might see.
Additional info: i sort of lack half a nipple due to some complications during recovery. Im fully healed now but i sort of have like one and a third of a nipple at this point lol. So theres also that.
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transgendertips · 9 months
Hi, I don't know if you're able to help me but I have top surgery in 2 months and I've heard that you should exercise before the surgery. I haven't really exercised because of my dysphoria and depression, and I'm now feeling very anxious about it... I'm scared my results will look bad because of not exercising and building muscle before the surgery. I am fairly healthy and thin but I definitely don't have much muscles - which doesn't really bother me. I'm just scared I have ruined my top surgery :(
So for exercise tips I’m prob not the best person to go to BUT—
Let’s look at a few things about this:
Post op, the things I have heard from MANY people is that it is incredibly important to do small stretches and massage the areas you’ve been operated on + the surrounding area in order to keep up/rebuild your range of movement. So it looks like some of the most important things are to rebuild range of movement in the arms/shoulders and to prevent muscular atrophy in the chest/shoulders/arms.
Pre op, depending on type of top surgery prep is going to look different, but since you mention muscles I’m going to assume it’s within the mastectomy category which can be varied in a lot of ways. Your insurance may require you to be on HRT for 18+ months without a single missed dose, your dr may or may not recommend HRT or exercise, and many drs have had many patients who didn’t have exceptional chest muscles, so you’re more than likely going to be FINE. More than fine. However many drs have said having SOME build up of muscle makes it EASIER for them to reconstruct the area in the later stages of surgery and many people who get mastectomies will say it’s easier to hide certain scars (if that’s what you wish to do) if there’s a build up of some muscle.
I also try doing the exercise thing and between time, fatigue, disability, it’s a pain in the ass, let me tell you.
Maybe the best thing is for you to combine something easy and simple with something else. For example, if you watch a lot of TV, you can add some simple stretches to that to increase mobility and to set a routine for yourself. I think the absolute hardest thing about exercise is the routine part.
You have most definitely not ruined your chances of top surgery, so try not to think too much about that.
I’m going to drop some links, as a disclaimer I haven’t gone through all of them but here they are:
TikTok Tony is a Top Surgery Dr he’s great:
This one is just about a book btw
And when I tried finding something about exercising with depression this was the only thing that fit what I was looking for
If top surgery is something you want/need, you’ve prob already done some research on it, so I say def go back to that as well and look to see what others have done. There’s plethora of guides and testimonials nowadays. Try not to be so hard on yourself too.
EDIT: totally missed the part where you said you had top surgery in two months 😭 omg that’s so great 😭 congrats!!!!🎈🍾🎉🎊 if your team has resources for therapy to deal with the stress of surgery etc I do recommend checking that out though. Follow your surgeons directions, do your stretches and massages, and do your best to take care of yourself and get plenty of rest 💕
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unclevladscorner · 1 year
Six months Post Top Surgery
It's officially been six months since my top surgery!
I was actually on the fence about top surgery for a long time and I finally committed and had surgery this past March.
The Good: I've been healing well without any complications or infections. Recovery was never very painful, and I was able to go back to work on time. I am a lot happier since I have a chest I actually like, and I've seen a HUGE reduction in dysphoric feelings about my body.
The reduction in dysphoria was actually unexpected. I originally committed to top surgery for purely cosmetic reasons.
The Ugly*- I'm not totally happy with how my nipples look and I'm still carrying some debt from the surgery.
Overall, I have no regrets. I'm still 100% happier after having my chest reconstructed than I was before the procedure. I'll share some images and more details under the cut-
All things said and done, I think everything turned out really well. I opted for a more expensive surgeon and a different type of gender affirming chest masculinization to preserve my nipple sensation.
I got buttonhole, which is the successor to T- anchor. You can read about it here-
So far, so good. Sensation is still returning in my chest, and my right nipple has the same level of sensation as the skin around it. It can take a year or more to regain any erogenous sensation in my nipples, though.
The left one has been a slow healer from the beginning. Slower to lose it's scab, slower to fully heal over, and it's been slower to regain sensation.
Both kind of look like they are 'melting' off my chest because of the big light spots around them and in the healing areola.
Tumblr media
Scarring so far is actually really minimal, as you can see. No big dog ears at the sides, either. I had a lateral chest lift included to prevent dog earing.
My biggest scar is on my right side.
Tumblr media
I suspect the skin became separated really early into the healing process when I lifted my arm too high over my head, or pulled on something the several days right after surgery. Thankfully the wound did not reopen or anything like that, but my right side was very sore while healing.
Even with my mild dissatisfaction in how my nipples look, I am still really happy with the results overall. I legit did not realize how much having top surgery would improve my overall quality of life.
The relief was almost immediate. It makes me really happy to see a much more masculine chest on my own body. My chest had lost a lot of mass over the last eight years and it was really saggy and unattractive. The change has really positively reinforced how much I feel at home in my own skin.
Working out has been easier, too. I'm at a point now where I can work out regularly, and I am much more comfortable doing so. I won't see any big muscle gains for a bit, but I'm looking forward to redefining my chest further through regular exercise.
For anyone out there on the fence, ow who's scared of getting gender affirming surgery-
-Research is key. What you want and how you want to look is the most important thing to consider. You want to pick someone who is both reputable and will do work you are happy with. It took me two years to pick a surgeon. Look at before and after photos, listen to former patients. There are more variety in what you can get and how the results look than in the past, too.
-Your reason for surgery doesn't have to be deep. I decided to get top surgery for purely cosmetic reasons. The rest has been a bonus.
-Start saving! Save some money now, and Future You will have an easier time doing what you need to do later. It's much easier to meet a small gap in funds through crowdfunding or loans. It can also help build a healthy financial habit you'll keep the rest of your life. Even if you don't know what you might want or need later, having money in the bank will make that possible. It doesn't have to be a lot, even $10-$20 a month will get you started and build the habit.
No matter what, remember that your happiness and comfort is more important than anything. Get joy where you can, and take care of yourself!
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