#ft. i make scout eat things i eat
luffyvace · 7 months
Her brook Idk if your req are closed so read this at your convenience 🙏
I wanted to ask for a male harpy reader strawhat hc or if not just hc with luffy, more specifically based off a bird with heavy feathers like a snowy owl cause I’d love to imagine that he complains about the heat a lot and wonders why he’s sweating more then usual but it’s just luffy hugging his legs cus he’s so soft
Love your work brook 🙏☺️
nope! Still open lovely anon<3
when I tell you I did NOT know what a harpy was 🤦‍♀️ I had to do research for accuracy 😅😋
but don’t worry it’s all good I’ll be more than happy to do your request!
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I’m telling you right here right now luffy would most definitely be interested in a reader like this!! You know how many unique animals and such he tried to recruit into the crew that weren’t even human?? 😂💗
and thank you!! I’m so happy you enjoy my headcanons :) that makes me very happy!
Okay I’m just saying…….like chopper…if you look more animal than human….his first thought is to eat you
”you think he tastes good?” 😋
moving on…♡
He thinks your wings are really cool
I mean a 6.5 ft wing span…….I do too!!
definitely wanted to measure them to check after he learned that
to which he got himself wrapped up in the measuring tape
Both you and luffy eat “strange” animals
such as sloths, monkeys, porcupines, squirrels, opossums, armadillo’s, anteaters and sometimes parrots…..other birds too 😋🍴
No animal is safe 😭
every island you go to the two of you immediately start scouting for whatever variety of yummy foods you could find
”I’ve got news for you two—normal people don’t eat those animals”
- Nami ♡
it taste absolutely delicious to you!!
honestly you probably got Luffy into eating them
which so funny because he already loves eating all types of weird things
which is probably why he was so easy to convince him to eat it too
like he would normally see a monkey and go oh cool a monkey!
but now….😈😈
not all the time tho
mostly when he’s hungry
……….so I guess I lied, yes all the time 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
he saw you eating a armadillo with some sloth on the side and was like
oooo I gotta try that 🤪🤪
you might dislike for cats seeing as though a harpy’s predator is a jaguar
Least baby harpy’s anyway…
still! 😠
it’s good for you that the sunny is big once y’all upgrade from merry
it has plenty of rooms with shade for you, since a harpy’s natural habitat is rainforests
and they mainly stay in the shade anyway :)
franky probably had a room built that simulates a rainforest for your comfort 💕
like how he simulated the grass
once Luffy found out harpy’s are rare to find and you found the tori tori no mi - model: harpy- it was pretty much settled for you to join the crew :)
like he loves rare stuff!
it’s like treasure!
and you know darn well a pirate will fight for his treasure! 😼
you use your high pitch bird call to reunite the strawhats whenever you guys get separated (which is like- every time you go on an adventure 😀 besides the point-)
it’s loud enough and ranges far enough to the point where it’s more efficient than yelling
very much so comes in handy when your in danger too
also not to mention luffy is 100% gonna wanna fly on your back since you have wings
he probably won’t even ask
he’ll just rocket onto your back while your flying one day and refuse to get off cuz it’s fun
it likely ends with him spotting something cool, telling you to go over to it and getting you two into trouble
just be ready for the
😬😁 ✊😠 💥💥 😖😓
sequence again
flying also comes in handy when saving the strawhat’s BUTT!
You and Robin like 🦅🦅
but no fr you literally just swoop in and save the day 🦸
SUPERRRRRRR M/N!! *super man pose* better yet *franky pose*
Zoro will also appreciate it if you catch him while falling because I swear that man is always getting smacked around-
same with Nami 🧡
another time
Robin was stating facts about harpy’s when the strawhats first met you, and you were confirming
she mentioned that they typically lived 35-45 years (but she was talking about the ANIMAL.)
Luffy—of course—mistook this
*Nami steps in*
“……..and besides..! M/n’s not an animal! He’s still a person you know?! Sheesh…..of course he’s gonna live the lifespan of a human”
Sanji will of course cook any animal of your request into your meal
if it’s more nutritious for you—then certainly he’ll do so!
he always prioritizes nutritional value in his meals, and thats different for everybody!
Luffy however….he will get annoyed with 😂
your like one of the few men in his life Sanji doesn’t hate
okay I know that was more harpy facts related so now I’ll get into the scenario you mentioned 😅💗
Luffy uses you for warmth in the winter (all the strawhats do)
like chopper ;P
especially with your large and soft wings
”M/n…spread your wings out..we need your warmth..”
you’ve been complaining about the heat all day
You felt like you were ON FIRE.
like seriously?! What was gon on today?!
it’s not like birds need to shed……so why are you burning up!??
”mmmm…your so warm M/n!”
”no wonder I felt heavier than usual!! Get off me Luffy!”
”awwhhhh WHYYYYYY?”
”what?! Why?! Because I’m burning up! I already have all these feathers! You’ve got to get off of me Luffy!”
*whines* “but mmmmm/nnnnnn! Your so waaaarrrrm!”
*sighs and face palms* *attempts to pry him off*
“noooooo m/nnnnnn! I don’t waaaaanna get ooofff!!”
Luffy practically had you in a literal choke hold
he was not about to let you go.
and you know he’s got himself wrapped alllllll the way around 😂😂
once again thank you for the compliment my dear!!
Hopefully I did your hcs justice and that you enjoyed them! <3
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kentuckyanarchist · 2 years
Songs of 2022
Year-end lists always seem doomed to become outdated. Am I really expected to have heard all the best songs of 2022 in 2022? It’s never going to work, they’ll seep through over the course of the following year or years. But giving it six weeks is better than nothing, so here we are in mid-late February.
1. Tomberlin, “Stoned”.
Stoned indeed: woozy, baffled, bodily undone.
2. Camp Cope, “Running with the Hurricane”.
Camp Cope perfected a bassy, blunt melancholy with How to Socialise & Make Friends; here they don’t so much break from that template as turn it to other—affirmative? aggressive?—purposes.
3. Caroline, “Good Morning (Red)”.
The year’s most something-new-on-every-listen song, its most capacious.
4. Christian Lee Hutson, “Age Difference”.
Lyric of the year: “Do my impression of John Malkovich critiquing food in prison / At first it isn’t funny, then it is, and then it isn’t.”
5. Big Thief, “Change”.
A panoply of possibilities on such a sprawling, immersive album by the absolute best in the game, but this most plaintive and stubborn lament just edges the rest.
6. Rachika Nayar ft. Maria BC, “Heaven Come Crashing”.
Sounds for the silentest disco.
7. The A’s, “Why I’m Grieving”.
A path not taken from an archive not delved-into; a peppy sad spurt of jolly heartbreak.
8. Black Country, New Road, “Snow Globes”.
I’m still not sure if this song’s about going mad, getting old, living through winter, all three, or none.
9. Arctic Monkeys, “Body Paint”.
Searching, insistent: like Alex Turner’s got you caught in a lie.
10. Stella Donnelly, “Cold”.
This could’ve been any of Stella Donnelly’s songs where the lilt of her voice is always dropping into conversationality, but this one, where she ends the conversation, full-stop, shuts me up the most.
11. Martha, “Irreversible Motion”.
So many of these songs are about little things, like the bones of the inner ear; this one maybe more than all the others.
12. Florist, “Red Bird Pt. 2 (Morning)”.
A delicate retrospective collage, a slow bashful loving appreciation, a puzzled amazed asking-why, a cautious comfort.
13. Aldous Harding, “Fever”.
Aldous Harding’s songs have this wonderful, dignified refusal to cohere; this one just lopes, or loafs, in and out of view.
14. Meg Baird, “Will You Follow Me Home?”.
The way Meg Baird’s vocals stay half-submerged here is what gets me: “Will You Follow Me Home?” goes from lazy river to maelstrom without you quite noticing.
15. Brian Eno, “Making Gardens Out of Silence”.
If you ask me, “Making Gardens Out of Silence” is a panorama from the time after humans, built from salvage by whatever-comes-next.
16. Hurray for the Riff Raff, “SAGA”.
A lot of these songs express a specifically 2022 kind of bafflement. “SAGA” doesn’t know how to get past this condition either, but it’s pushing against the boundaries.
17. Lana Del Rey, “Watercolor Eyes”.
You think you know someone’s schtick, but they surprise you.
18. Black Belt Eagle Scout, “My Blood Runs Through This Land".
Alternating between wordlessness and breathlessness, either way keeping on building to something.
19. Jake Xerxes Fussell, “Love Farewell”.
Stoic and stolid, Jake Xerxes Fussell bets on metaphor but could’ve made do with just rumble, growl and twinkle.
20. Ezra Furman, “Ally Sheedy in The Breakfast Club”.
Secret-telling in movie-theatre darkness.
21. Let’s Eat Grandma, “Happy New Year”.
Let’s Eat Grandma have the saddest synths but this one’s rose-coloured.
22. Joshua Burnside, “Louis Mercier”.
Time-travel klezmer-pop that jostles you like a cobbled towpath.
23. Beth Orton, “Weather Alive”.
When talking songs become singing songs so sylphlike and effortless.
24. Sault, “Life We Rent but Love Is Free”.
Sounds like certain small parts of London, for certain small moments, on busy summer days in the past.
25. Bill Callahan, “Coyotes”.
One for slickrock and sagebrush, which are not without their romance.
26. Yard Act, “Tall Poppies”.
A self-consciously small story, a kitchen-sink drama, a talking head, no denouément.
27. Angel Olsen, “All the Good Times”.
A rhinestone widescreen production, a road movie on a soundstage.
28. Beach House, “Hurts to Love”.
Generationally speaking, the ending of Skins series 1 still packs a fair bit of a punch, so rewriting “Wild World” by Cat Stevens makes more sense than you’d think.
29. The 1975, “The 1975”.
Imagine taking “All My Friends” and making it about your cock and it’s still good; that takes rare talent.
30. Craig Finn, “Birthdays”.
Comforting because it really is nice to know there’s someone in this world who’s always known you, and comforting because it’s Craig Finn doing Craig Finn stuff with his big dumb Craig Finn voice.
31. Julia Jacklin, “Lydia Wears a Cross”.
A bodily song: knees, eyes, clothes, adornments.
32. Anaïs Mitchell, “On Your Way (Felix Song)”.
You get the sense Anaïs Mitchell finds nothing all that difficult—eulogising, philosophising, doing justice to a life, picking out the pithiest reminiscences, in just under three minutes she bowls it all over.
33. Billy Woods, “Pollo Rico”.
Intrusive thoughts, compulsion to repeat. A personal history of madness.
34. Bright Eyes, “Arc of Time (Time Code) (Companion Version)”.
This year Bright Eyes re-recorded some of the songs from the 2000s I love/hate the most. “Arc of Time” gets remade without the beats or the keys, but stays smart and wry and death stays on its mind. 
35. Fred again.., “Berwyn (all that i got is you)”.
Fred again..’s songs are urban explorations, entries to London’s subterrene.
36. Yeah Yeah Yeahs, “Spitting Off the Edge of the World”.
37. The Big Moon, “Ladye Bay”.
Supersized, tectonic.
38. Drive-By Truckers, “The Driver”.
Grimy, grunting noir.
39. Ethel Cain, “American Teenager”.
D. H. Lawrence would’ve liked Ethel Cain and her Great American Hauntedness.
40. Girlpool, “Butterfly Bulletholes”.
Such a shame to lose Girlpool in 2022 but they were four or five bands in just two people, they gave us a lot.
41. The Beths, “Expert in a Dying Field”.
This one speaks for itself.
42. Nilüfer Yanya, “Shameless”.
Breathless, almost somehow fleshless, rattling ribcage xylophone.
43. Mesadorm, “Soap Opera”.
Skew-whiff boiler-hiss robot pop.
44. Porridge Radio, “Back to the Radio”.
Porridge Radio’s skills are in cacophony, cataclysm, crisis, ruination, disaster mismanagement.
45. Wet Leg, “Too Late Now”.
Every introspection needs a wise-crack or two.
46. Wilco, “Tired of Taking It Out on You”.
Aged 29, I had chickenpox recently; I recovered but it’s made looking in the mirror interesting, all these new small markings on the same face.
47. Plains, “Hurricane”.
The lyrics to “Hurricane” read like an apology, but Katie Crutchfield’s voice always sounds a little barbed to me; that’s what makes this work, I think.
48. Daniel Avery, “Higher”.
Frenetic travel in place.
49. Kevin Morby, “Bittersweet, TN”.
Kevin Morby hits all the requirements, he straight-A’s being a country singer.
50. Beabadoobee, “You’re Here That’s the Thing”.
In 2023 I resolve to continue to love silly rhymes, campfire rhythms, dewdrops and holding hands.
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bunny-n3zuk0 · 2 years
★彡 ɪɴᴄᴏʀʀᴇᴄᴛ ǫᴜᴏᴛᴇs ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴏᴛs 彡★
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
A stupid series I decided to make at 0% sleep in my brain
Ft. @demoiselettes @taisho-era-secret @oba-and-nemis-side-hoe @holywaterforevery3ne @m5dearbri
Notes: there will be facts you didn’t know about in this.
Reminder that this is all jokes and fun and games!
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Avery: And here we see Yume and Nanako in their natural habitat. Texting eachother anything to try to make eachother happy. Yume: *sends Sabito pic to Nanako* Nanako: My hubby!! Yume: Ha ha, yes my friend.
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Nanako: There are some things beyond our understanding. We must accept them and learn from them. Because these moments of crisis are also potential moments of faith. A time, when we either come together or fall apart. Nature always has a way of balancing itself. The only question is, what part will we play? Yori: Did you just make that up? Nanako: No. I read it in a fortune cookie once. Yori: Nanako: A really long fortune cookie.
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Bri: Have I ever told you that you cook well? Yume: Awww, no, you haven't! Bri: So why do you keep cooking?
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Mosmei: Why does my arm shake and turn bright red when I’m eating dirt? Yume: Yume: Why are you eating dirt? Mosmei: Did I ask you if I should eat dirt? No, so answer my question.
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Yume: Hey Mosmei, have you seen the photographer? Mosmei: Nope. Have you seen the meat tenderizer? Yume, confused: What? Mosmei, grabbing the meat tenderizer out of the drawer: No reason, cute girl things!
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Nanako: Why's it called an oven when you of in the cold food and you of out hot eat the food? Yori: …What???
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Mosmei: What the hell were you thinking? Bri: I heard releasing birds at a wedding is romantic! Mosmei: You released OSTRICHES!
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Yori: You spent all our money on THIS?? Avery, putting tiny raincoats on ducklings: They live outside. They need this.
۞⋆♡ ♡⋆۞
Avery: WHO ATE MY BREAD?! Avery: I'M GOING TO FUCKING K- Yume: I did? Avery: Kiss you and buy some more, you haven't been eating anything today Yume. *walking away* Yume: Yume: Their gone Mosmei. Mosmei, coming out the closet with bread stuffed in their mouth: Twankh uh!
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Nanako: You've been given a new job to do, but I'm worried it might make you angry. Avery: Just say it quick, like ripping off a band-aid. Nanako: You have to teach Zubbue how to drive. Avery: …put the band-aid back on.
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Yume: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait. Nanako: You and me! Yume: *tearing up* Ok.
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Yori: So… what’s goin’ on? Bri: You want the long version or the short version? Yori, hesitantly: The short one, I guess? Bri: Shit’s fucked. Yori: Oh. Well, yeah, that’s definitely not an optimal situation.
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Mosmei: I printed up a bunch of fake safety inspection certificates. Go slap one on anything that looks like a lawsuit. Yume: Mosmei, is that legal? Mosmei: When the cops aren’t around, anything’s legal!
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Yori, looking at a selfie of Mosmei’s: I hate this photo. Mosmei: I’m cute as fuck in that photo! I’m smiling kindly. Yori: You’re not smiling kindly; you look like you’re up to something. Mosmei: Up to kindness.
۞⋆♡ ♡⋆۞
Yori, in Yume’s window: I thought I’d find you here! Nanako, climbing past Zubbue: WE COULD HAVE USED THE DOOR-
۞⋆♡ ♡⋆۞
Bri: Avery likes to win. When they were 8, a little Club Scout friend of theirs bragged they could sell the most cookies. Bri: Damned if Avery didn't walk the neighborhood till they got blisters on their feet, and won by 10 boxes. Bri: Best part is, Avery wasn't even a Club Scout.
۞⋆♡ ♡⋆۞
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Reminder that this is all jokes and fun and games!
I actually do have anxiety
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latibvles · 2 years
HI HI HI!!! just saw the ask game and HAD to send in a lil something your way!! i am a SUCKER for forehead touches, i eat them up no matter what, they are my bread and butter and give me LIFE; okay so…..i figured i wanted to send in Louise Powell and then an Easy Co boy of your choice (whether you want to experiment or whatever!)!
When I tell you I legitimately had to sit here and mull over this because listen … Louise is just … so sweet. Such a darling girl. Half the Company probably wants to give her a forehead kiss. This was also originally going to be Louise kissing Blithe’s forehead and I might end up writing that one too, honestly. Send a prompt from this list!
She used to love the silence that nighttime brought. Now, in this foxhole — she isn’t sure she likes it all that much anymore.
She’s lived through D-Day, miraculously, and Brecourt — thanks to Lieutenant Winters of course. Lived through the assault on the town of Carentan, which was more than she could say for some.
Maybe she could live through this, too, if she’s lucky.
She sheds her helmet for a moment, running her fingers over the dents and the spot where a bullet grazed the side of it just that afternoon, knocking her flat. Lucky. Not many people could say that about themselves. The men who landed in the trees, who lost their lives in the sticks before reaching the ground, none of them were particularly lucky.
She turns her head to the warm body beside her, to Shifty stirring from his slumber and giving her a look over. She offers him little more than a smile, and for a moment they sit there in silence.
“You can go back to sleep, Shift. M’not tired,” She states after a moment — an answer that leaves him discontent, based on the uncharacteristic frown tugging at the corners of his lips. He shakes his head.
“Said we’d take turns, remember?” He offers in a hushed tone.
That’s right. That’s something they agreed upon, when they’d dug in and the bullets stop flying and the rain creeped in. She has to break eye contact with him, lip wobbling — so she bites it. And if I don’t wake up? She wants to ask. What then?
It feels a little silly — the way she shakes like a leaf. She wonders if Paulina ever felt these nerves, if Charlie’s finger ever trembled when it was time to pull the trigger. She knew this is what combat would be like, knew the possibility of being shot or blown to bits always loomed over her. But knowing it and living it were two different things.
As if reading her mind — Shifty leans forward. He presses his lips to her forehead in an unexpected gesture that makes her cheeks flush, but it’s a kind gesture so she leans forward a little bit. With the dirt around them obscuring the view, it feels a little more intimate this way; a little more secret. He pulls away.
“Only for a little while, alright? N’I’ll wake you up in an hour. Scout’s honor.” Louise cracks another smile, more sincere as she puts her head on his shoulder.
“That’s s’posed to be my line
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tinytourist · 1 year
Sons (and Daughters) of Zion
Day 4, Monday - Zion
First thing in the morning we applied for the Angels Landing hiking permit and packed up the car to head to Zion. We hit a Walmart to charge and re-up on some groceries while Aidan made brekki in the parking lot. From there, we drove to another Walmart for more charge and a much improved trunk lunch thanks to cheese and quality tuna fish.
4+ hours later and we made it to Zion! We went straight to the Kolob Canyons visitors center where they recommended the Taylor Creek Trail which is a 4.9 mile hike with numerous river crossings.
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I loved the technicality of this hike and all of the flora that were thriving with the help of the creek. This is not what we expected to find in the desert. Even though Zion is an extremely popular park, we were pleasantly surprised by how quiet this gem of a trail was.
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After the hike we ate a pretty disappointing dinner in town before heading to our glamping spot...or so we thought. We arrived at Zion Wildflower and the grounds were spectacular, I was eager to spend some time there. Unfortunately, our reservation was for a spot 40 minutes away, on the border of Utah and Arizona. Woops. We arrived late to our proper accommodation and went straight to sleep.
Day 5, Tuesday - Zion
On Tuesday morning we woke up early and headed to the main visitor's center at Zion. We didn't get the permit to hike Angel's Landing but we were able to hike Scout's Lookout which is the majority of the Angel's Landing hike just without the scary part. It was 1,115 ft elevation gain and 3.6 miles.
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Luckily, we started the trail early enough for the majority of the ascent to be shaded. What more could I ask for? I enjoyed the climb and it was more than worth it for the panoramic views at the top. Being so high up gave me a lot of perspective on life and what’s important.
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We did a bit of the West Rim Trail before heading down to eat lunch by the river. After a not long enough break, we went back up to hike the Emerald Pools Trail. The naming is iffy because I would call what I saw puddles rather than pools…
Our last hike of the day was the Riverside Walk which takes you up to the entrance of the Narrows. Unfortunately the Narrows was closed due to heavy water flow but the Riverside Walk allowed us to take a peak at the incredible views that the Narrows provides.
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We got some Thai food on our way back to the campgrounds and actually had enough time left at camp to make a fire!
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Day 6, Wednesday - Bryce
On Wednesday morning we drove straight to Bryce. At the visitors center they recommended two hikes for us to see most of the park - Queen’s/Navajo Combination Loop and the Peekaboo Loop Trail.
We had a quick lunch at a bench in the parking lot before getting a shuttle to the start of the Peakaboo Loop. The trail started us at the top of the canyon and then we quickly descended to the canyon floor. With the exception of all the horse poop it was a beautiful trail. I loved being able to wind my way through the hoodoos.
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We finished the hike without getting rained on and went back to the cabin. For some reason Aidan wanted more exercise and went for a run before dinner ???
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For dinner we walked about a block to Showdowns which was the perfect rustic country vibe, complete with live music! Aidan and I both had a few drinks and convinced ourselves to get last minute tickets to see Opiuo (a Kiwi!) at Red Rocks for when we got back!
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thetriggeredhappy · 5 years
74 for speeding bullet😍
aye aye captain. (warnings for severe sauciness but a fade to black before anything more happens. free of sauce up until the line break in the middle)
#74: Kisses Where One Person Is Sitting In The Other’s Lap.
“Is this your way of hinting that you want attention?” Sniper asked, raising an eyebrow at the Scout that had just deposited himself in Sniper’s lap right there in the middle of the common room and looking down at the magazine he’d just tossed to the floor from out of Sniper’s hands.
“It’s my way of tellin’ you that you forgot,” Scout corrected, and that was when Sniper realized that Scout’s glare was a lot less pouty and dramatized than usual, and had some very real irritation underlying, and he realized that he might be In Trouble.
“Uh,” Sniper started, already frantically searching his brain for whatever he forgot. “Well. Er. The thing is. That. Well. That’s the thing. Um.”
Scout let him stammer for a few more seconds before sighing hard through his nose. “Six-thirty? My room?” he prompted impatiently. “Like, every week? For the past three months, unless you tell me you’re busy? With something more important than the fuckin’, the bi-weekly issue of—“ he looked over his shoulder at the magazine on the ground, “Of generic Australian hunting magazine?”
“Oh god,” Sniper managed. “It’s Saturday.”
“Yeah. It’s Saturday,” Scout deadpanned. Over Scout’s shoulder, Sniper could see Heavy and Medic exchanging a pointed look over their game of chess, and Engineer trying and failing to muffle his laughter, burying himself further in the notebook he was writing in.
“Um.” Sniper lifted his arm to look at his watch, and his eyes widened. It was past eight PM. “How long were you… waiting?”
“An hour and a half,” Scout said, expression tightening, and Sniper felt like he’d swallowed his own kukri. “Then I went to try your camper. Then I was gonna go to the kitchen to get something to eat because I was hungry but I was gonna wait until you showed up then we could both get something to eat. And on the way to the kitchen, there he is! The man himself.” Scout looked pointedly down at the plate that was sitting on the table just to one side of the chair Sniper occupied. “Having eaten already.”
Some amount of the intense, lava-hot guilt burning its way out of his chest and into his face must have shown, because Scout only glared for another few seconds before he softened, the anger giving way to just hurt.
“I got worried,” Scout murmured, much too quietly for anyone else to eavesdrop on the two of them. “I thought something happened. It ain’t like you to forget stuff. Don’t scare me like that.”
“I’ll, er. I can cook you something if you’d like,” Sniper managed, voice a little choked. “To make it up to you.”
“That’d be a good start,” Scout acquiesced, relaxing slightly. He leaned in to give Sniper a kiss, which Sniper returned, also relaxing slightly at the show of affection, fierce and crowded with concern as it was. When they pulled back again a minute or so later, Scout had apparently calmed down enough to make a joke. “Oh, you motherfucker, you had mac and cheese too, didn’t you? God damn it.”
“There’s more left,” Sniper assured quickly, hands squeezing at Scout’s sides briefly before he tugged upwards, encouraging Scout out of his lap.
Scout led the way towards the kitchen. As Sniper passed by him, Engie commented quietly, “Boy’s got you whipped, son.” Sniper did not argue that point.
He heated back up the extra mac and cheese, even going so far as to fire up the toaster so Scout could do the ridiculous thing he liked where he’d butter toast and put the mac and cheese between the slices to eat like a sandwich. Sniper didn’t get it, but it was one of the younger man’s favorite meals. Apparently it reminded him of home. Scout, meanwhile, mostly just took to sulking a little ways down the counter. He brightened a little bit when Sniper finally set food out in front of him, and his mood visibly improved as he started wolfing down his meal. He only slowed down about halfway through the second sandwich he’d made, and Sniper felt the guilt reverberating around his chest again, because wow, Scout had clearly been really hungry.
“Y’know why I’m extra mad?” Scout finally said, breaking the silence between bites of macaroni sandwich (or, as he’d unfortunately named it, the Maccy Sand). “I was really excited to show you a surprise.”
Sniper blinked. “What?”
“I had a surprise for you. And you fucked it up because you just, you didn’t show up.”
“What was it?” Sniper asked.
“I dunno if you deserve it now,” Scout said petulantly, taking another significant bite of his third and final sandwich.
“C’mon, Bilby, please?” Sniper asked, more earnest than he usually allowed of himself.
Scout looked him up and down. “We’ll see,” he finally decided, and went back to eating.
Once he was done eating and Sniper had rinsed off their plates, they moved to Scout’s room, where it became immediately obvious that, in Scout’s increasing stress, he’d started cleaning up to try and get his mind off of things. Sniper took a cautious seat on Scout’s actually-made bed, and Scout promptly moved to sit in his lap again, legs perpendicular to Sniper’s.
“Scared the hell outta me,” Scout muttered, kissing Sniper hard to emphasize the point. When he drew back again, that frown had returned. “Don’t do that again.”
“I’m sorry,” Sniper said, honesty in his tone and in his face and in the way he squeezed at Scout’s hip where he’d put a hand to keep him stable.
“I know,” Scout sighed, and leaned in to press his face into the crook of Sniper’s neck. “Just… damn it. I had plans and everything and now I can barely remember them. I’m all frazzled.”
“For the surprise?” Sniper inferred.
“Yeah. I… it’s gonna take me a minute to remember what all I wanted to do.”
Sniper was starting to get a little confused about what the surprise was. Nevertheless, he stayed quiet and still to let Scout think, even as the other man kissed his way idly up the side of Sniper’s neck, ending at his temple.
“Okay,” Scout finally said, kissed him on the lips briefly. “Okay. So there’s a surprise.”
“Right,” Sniper said.
“And you’re gonna look for it,” Scout said next. “You’ve gotta find it.”
Sniper looked around the room, deciding that the task would probably be infinitely easier since Scout had apparently cleaned. “…Right.”
“So we’re gonna play hot or cold so you can find it easier.” Scout added.
Sniper laughed. “Right? So it’s a gift, then?”
“Yeah, sorta. You’re gonna love it. Or… or maybe not, I dunno. I hope you’ll like it. Anyways.” Scout kissed Sniper again, still briefly, before he moved to sit next to Sniper instead of across his lap.
Sniper stood up and moved to the center of the room after a moment of consideration. “Ready when you are,” he said.
“Cool. You’re cold.”
Sniper thought for a moment, then took a few steps towards Scout’s closet.
“Ice cold.”
He paused, then moved over in the direction of the dresser.
“Still cold. Hypothermia. Frostbite.”
Sniper rolled his eyes, taking a few steps towards where Scout was.
“Warmer. Warmer,” Scout intoned.
Sniper nodded, moving to walk to the bedside table, taking a knee.
“Warmer, but not hot,” Scout said quickly.
Sniper raised an eyebrow at that, moving to look under the bed now.
“Still just warmer.”
He looked up at Scout, eyebrows furrowing.
Scout was grinning. “Hotter.”
He felt a grin pulling at his own face, and he moved to shove Scout down, leaning over him in a way that would be menacing were they not dating.
“Hot,” Scout laughed.
“You are,” Sniper agreed, and that just made a Scout laugh more. “Is it you?”
“I’m not a surprise,” Scout tried and failed to deadpan, startled into giggles as Sniper assaulted his neck with ticklish little kisses.
“But you are an absolute treasure,” Sniper pointed out, pulling back enough to press a kiss to Scout’s rapidly-reddening cheek.
“True,” Scout agreed. “But no, I’m not the gift. Close, though.”
Sniper raised an eyebrow at him, shifting to get a bit more comfortable in the way he was leaning, a hand finding its way to Scout’s side.
A moment of consideration before a Sniper grinned, that same hand tugging on Scout’s shirt to untuck it before migrating beneath to deliver a pinch to his nipple under his shirt.
Scout gasped, arched despite himself. “C-cooler,” he said, voice wobbly. Sniper pinched at the other one for good measure. “Still cooler—Snipes, why do I feel like you’re messin’ with me?”
“I’m not messing with you, I’m playing the game,” Sniper defended, pinching the first again and laughing at Scout’s enthusiastic yet frustrated reaction for a moment before he relented and his hand returned to Scout’s waist, then tentatively slid down towards his hip.
“Warmer,” Scout said, and was he flushing further from Sniper’s messing around, or was he getting embarrassed? To test Sniper’s growing theory, his hand skipped down to Scout’s thigh, then just above his knee. “Colder again, I think.”
Finally Sniper just moved to rest his hand on Scout’s lower hip, looking at him knowingly, and Scout was flushed clear up to his ears.
“Hot. Burning hot,” he self-corrected, and Sniper only hesitated for a second before he moved to pop the button on Scout’s pants.
His breath mysteriously disappeared. He quickly moved to try and pull fabric down and away to get a better view of what he was looking at, and once he was sure his eyes weren’t decieving him, he looked back up at Scout.
“Found it,” Scout said weakly, managing a tight smile, reaching down behind himself presumably to adjust the way that the—the goddamn lingerie was sitting on him, maybe for comfort.
For a moment, the euphoria gave way to that knife-like guilt again. Because Scout had waited around his room for well over an hour, sitting around and almost definitely worrying about whether Sniper would enjoy his gift, and Sniper knew he was impatient on a good day and would damn near tear his own hair out on a bad one, and for over an hour he’d sat around hungry and self-conscious and waiting and eventually worrying and fearing the worst and—
“Gorgeous,” Sniper said the moment he caught back up with the present moment, hand smoothing down Scout’s flank again, and the nervousness disappeared from Scout’s expression slowly over a few moments. “A bloody beaut, look at you. Get—get out of these,” he implored, pulling meaningfully on Scout’s baggy uniform pants.
He got up to allow Scout room to get free of them, and suddenly it occurred to him—had Scout been wearing those all day? He’d have to ask later. In the meantime, Scout pushed and pulled him to maneuver him so he was sat against the pillows at the headboard before straddling him again, wearing much the same expression he’d worn when he’d done so earlier that evening, but this time with a very different subtext, with his shirt hanging down to tantalizingly hide the gorgeous view from him. “Sitting around all day excited to show you this, and you forget,” Scout muttered, echoing Sniper’s earlier thought process.
“Sorry,” Sniper repeated simply, throat dry, having a hard time keeping his eyes away from the place where he could just catch sight of lace below that shirt if he really craned his neck.
“I’m still kinda mad at you,” Scout seemed to decide aloud. “So y’know what we’re gonna do now?”
“Hmm?” Sniper managed, voice threatening to break.
Scout smirked, tilting his chin up. “You’re gonna make it up to me.”
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iwaslut · 4 years
— silence
synopsis: the aftermath of an assassin’s bullet.
note: acts as a sequel to “a moment,” but it’s not necessary to read it beforehand.
ft. jean kirschtein, mikasa ackerman, and connie springer.
warning: season four, episode eight spoilers, angst, referenced character death, blood.
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the quiet is deafening.
the solemn atmosphere that’s now replaced the once jovial celebration of the scouts is nearly suffocating. it’s difficult for you to believe that only a little while ago, your comrades were reveling in paradis’ supposed victory. this doesn’t feel like one.
the soft whirring of the aircraft’s engine and the slight shuffling of soldiers around are all muted to you as you sit alone in a darkened corner on the harsh wooden planks of the floor.
your knees are drawn up close to your chest as you blankly stare at your hands outstretched in front of you. with your palms turned up, you can’t tear your eyes away from the redness that stains them. you can’t look away from the blood that once belonged to your sister.
you ball them into fists and let them drop onto your kneecaps, and lean your forehead against your knees.
when will it end?
a warm hand gently lands on your shoulder and without even looking, you already know who it is. with your head still firmly pressed against your knees, you allow jean to slowly unfurl your clenched fists. dark crescents mar your palms and you feel a trickle of cool liquid drip onto them before jean drags a damp washcloth over them, cleansing your hands of the dried blood that coats them.
he works slowly, dragging the cloth over every crevice of your palm and in between each of your fingers. he pretends to not notice the way your shoulders begin to shake or the muffled sobs that escape pass your sealed lips. once he’s sure that your hands are entirely clean, jean takes a seat down beside you and tiredly sighs.
after taking a few deep ragged breaths, a futile attempt to regain some composure, you turn your head to the side to look at the man you’ve loved since you were trainees.
his knees rest against his chest, similar to you, and his hands are firmly pressed over his ears as strands of his grown out hair are harshly entangled in between his fingers. his stare is directed towards the ground, but you can make out the tear-stains that are still in the process of drying on his cheeks. you reach out, gently tugging jean’s hand away from his face and forcing him to loosen his grip on his hair.
“who’s going to steal food off of my plate now?” you blurt out. you rub your thumb over the backside of jean’s hand, an action that brings comfort to the both of you. tears blur the corners of your vision once more as you focus your attention on the action of moving your thumb back and forth over and over again.
jean lets out a watery chuckle and leans his head against yours. he flips his palm upward and folds his fingers over yours before sighing heavily.
“i don’t know,” he admits.
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the silence that fills the room is unsettling.
ever since your first encounter with a titan all those years ago, you’ve suffered from nightmares and insomnia, but that’s not what’s keeping you away from sleep tonight. no, the distinct lack of a certain sound is what’s causing sleep to elude you this evening.
you don’t know whether you want to laugh or cry at the fact you can’t fall asleep without sasha’s obnoxious snoring.
turning onto your side, you pull the thread-barren blanket that’s pooled around your chest back up to your chin and look out the window. your eyes follow the thin trail of moonlight that seeps through the glass of the window. the faint light dully illuminates the interior of the room, and your eyes fall upon your remaining roommate.
you know mikasa can’t sleep either.
if one were to just briefly look over at mikasa, they’d think she was fully asleep. lying flat on her back and completely still on top of her cot, one might even mistaken her for dead. but after being roommates for so long, you’ve come to know the subtleties that distinguish whether she’s awake or not.
it’s almost unnoticeable and you have to strain your ears to even hear it, but mikasa’s breathing pattern is off. if she were asleep, her breaths would be nice and deep and there’d be a certain rhythm to it. right now, her breathing is erratic, a mesh of shallow inhales and deep exhales as if she’s trying to catch her breath.
neither of you can fall asleep without the cacophony known as sasha’s snoring.
it’s something that worsened as sasha aged. when you were kids, you used to threaten that you’d smother sasha with a pillow if she continued to make so much noise at night.
but now as you lie awake in the middle of the night, you miss it more than anything.
you sit up straight in your bunk and toss your legs over the side. the ground is cool against your bare feet, but you pay it no mind. curling your blanket around your body, you patter over to where mikasa is.
“c’mon,” you whisper, placing a hand on her bare arm. her gaze shifts from the bottom of the empty bunk above her to you. “i’ll make us some tea right now.”
mikasa doesn’t reply, but gives you a small nod before hoisting herself out of bed as well.
you both will have to learn how to become accustomed to the quiet.
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out of all of your friends, there is nobody who can really understand how you feel right now besides connie.
sasha was family to the both of you - your other half.
although you loved your sister with all your heart, you were overjoyed that she managed to find someone like connie to stick by her side.
you fully believe that connie and your sister were soulmates if such a thing were true. whether platonic or romantic, there’s no arguing that the two complemented one another like no other. you couldn’t have connie without sasha, just like how you couldn’t have sasha without connie.
they brought out the best in each other and never failed to lighten the mood amongst your friends whenever things got too dreary.
god, you miss your sister.
it doesn’t go unnoticed by you how connie will turn to the side while your friends are walking around town with some remark on the tip of his tongue just to clamp his mouth shut once he realizes no one’s there. or how his eyes linger on the spot to your left for a few seconds longer than necessary before flickering back up to meet your gaze when he greets you and jean.
mealtimes are the worst.
you used to look forward to them; you may not have had the same appetite as sasha did, but you appreciated the opportunity to eat as well as the time to spend with those closest to you.
now, you nearly dread them.
an effort at minimal small talk is made at the table before it quickly dies off as you all push around the food that’s been prepared for your meal. the quality of your meals has improved since the days you were cadets, but not by much.
“sasha would’ve loved this.” the sound of connie’s voice breaks the silence. with his elbow lying on top of the table, connie’s head rests in his hand as he spoons through the porridge in his bowl.
“yeah,” you agree quietly, looking down at your own meal, “she would’ve.”
jean places a hand over yours, and you shoot a grateful smile his way. another gap of silence fills the air once more as you all soak in connie’s words.
“i think we should enjoy every meal we’re able to spend together.” the firmness in your voice startles both jean and connie who turn to look your way. “and once this damn war is over, we’re going to travel all over the world and taste all the food there is.”
tilting your head up, you look at connie sitting across from you. his eyes are still filled with weariness, but he gives you a small, but genuine smile in return.
“okay,” he says while nodding. jean squeezes your hand in agreement and you all go back to eating your food.
mealtimes will forever remind you of sasha, but the quietness that proceeds isn’t as stifling as it once was.
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mingoyeob-archive · 3 years
17)you look ... Whoa...
52)if you don't stop I won't hesitate to kill you,
56)This was a bad idea,
60)Yup we're doomed,
75)that's it, I am going to kill him,
4)hold on, you aren't jealous, are you?
with Jk, reader, jimin and Tae. Please!!! 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
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under the oak tree drabble game ⚔️🌳 to make up for my delayed release of part 3 of under the oak tree i’ve decided to do a drabble game! send me a number + any of the characters from under the oak tree and i’ll write you a drabble :)
hi anons! thanks for requesting! i did #75 with jjk and tae just because I was already planning to go that route with the other anons request! sorry its taking me a little long to get through these my weekend was so busy 😭 but I appreciate everyone being patient as I'm trying my best to make these enjoyable for you guys :) hope you like it! 💜💜
7. you look ... Whoa… + 52. if you don't stop I won't hesitate to kill you + 56. This was a bad idea + 60. Yup we're doomed + 75. that's it, I am going to kill him + 4. hold on, you aren't jealous, are you? | jjk x reader, ft jimin and tae tae | word count: 2.2K
During the autumn season, everyone had to be on top of their game. No plate, mug nor drape could be out of place especially since Jungkook, the Duke, was back at the castle for the first time in three years. And with the season harvest just around the corner and family members flocking to the castle from every corner of the land, it had everyone at their wits end, including you. Even though this technically wasn’t your first harvest at Uwhen, it would be your first time meeting the Jeon family who saw no reason to come and visit when Jungkook wasn’t here. But now with him back it suddenly became of the utmost importance that you made a good first impression.
Jungkook could sense your nervousness (he seemed to have a knack for that) and it only served to make him even more moody. It wasn’t news that Jungkook hated his family. Most of them were uptight and had judged him for his choice in picking you to marry instead of your sister who was much more admired amongst the kingdom. Not that he cared, but their nagging was a pain in the ass nonetheless.
To curb some of the tension in the castle, Seokjin suggested that perhaps a hunting party would be a good way to blow off some steam and whatever they caught could be used for the feast, effectively killing two birds with one stone. So that was how you, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung had ended up on horseback out in the middle of the forest.
“Looking good on that horse Y/N!” Jimins loud comment had you looking away shyly, “Hard to believe Jungkookie got you that out of the kindness of his heart. Don’t you agree, Taehyung?”
“Yeah sir, if I come to your bedroom tonight can I have a new horse too?”
The two of them just laughed, bumping shoulders atop their horses before catching sight of the fumes practically radiating from Jungkook as he leveled them with a glare. “If you don't stop I won't hesitate to kill you.”
His words had them shutting up immediately, looking at each other with wide eyes before muttering out half-assed apologies. The rest of the ride ended up being pretty quiet, the boys too busty scouting the trees for game and trying to find something to kill to hold a conversation. You on the other hand were bored out of your mind and not to mention your ass was hurting from riding longer than you were ever used to.
“Don’t you guys think it's time to turn back?”
Their efforts to silence you had you rolling your eyes and you just sighed, horse trudging behind them. A pout settled on your lips and you glared at the back of their heads hoping that they would pick up on your fury and finally concede. But of course, that didn’t work and they just continued riding on in silence. This can not get any worse, you thought with a whine. But the sudden sound of your horse whinnying, spooked by something on the path, had you eating your words and the next thing you knew you were lying flat on your ass in the dirt. Thankfully all the commotion had snapped the guys out of their trance and they immediately turned around to come to your aid. Jungkook was the first one off his horse, rushing over to you in concern.
“Y/N! What happened? Are you okay? Let me see!” He fired off questions rapidly, barely giving you a chance to respond. You could only sit, dazed and confused at what just happened. Jungkook groaned at your lack of response, “This was a bad idea, I should've never listened to Seokjin.”
Jimin and Taehyung stood to the right of you two, looking down with worry in their eyes. “Jungkook, maybe we should start heading back. It's getting dark outside anyway and we don’t want to be out here when night falls.” Jimins said, eyes flicking up to look at the darkening sky. “Y/N can ride with you and we’ll get her horse.”
His words instantly had you shooting up from your spot. “No! No, I’m perfectly capable of riding back. It was just a little fall. I’ll be fine” you smiled, trying your best to hide the pain in your backside, but you couldn’t stop yourself from flinching when you felt a twinge shoot up your spine. Jungkook disagreed judging by the look he shot at you at your obvious lie and he opened his mouth to voice his opinion, but before he could even get a word out a distant howl rang through the air. The sound had the band of horses rearing back, letting out loud neighs and noises of freight.
“Whoa there!” Taehyung waved his hands up at the animals, trying his best to calm them, but to no avail, and they took off down the path leaving the four of you behind. He could only stare off at them with a look of disbelief before turning around and throwing his hands up in defeat. “Yup we’re doomed.”
The rest of you just shot him a look of annoyance obviously aware of the fact that all of you were in fact doomed. “Thanks Taehyung, I had no idea.” Jimin said sarcastically to which Taehyung just shrugged in response.
Despite the initial shock of being stranded in the forest, the boys didn’t seem to be too worried about how they were going to find their way back. Combined, the three of them had more than enough experience and the skill it took to navigate out of here. You on the other hand were completely lost and had no idea what the hell they were doing. So instead of getting in their way you decided perhaps it would be best if you found somewhere to clean yourself off.
Getting away from the boys was easy enough, especially when they were too busy arguing over which one of them was correct about which way was north. What was hard though was getting through knee high grass and stepping over gnarled branches as you struggled your way over to the creek you could hear just off the path. When you finally made it over it didn’t take long to start pulling off the dirty weighted fabric of your dress that left you only in your sheer white chemise.
“Another dress bites the dust.” you muttered amused as you bent over the water, scrubbing at your ruined dress. You were so preoccupied with the task you didn’t even notice the sound of boots stomping through the woods over the trickling sound of the rushing water.
“Y/N?” Taehyung's voice had your head snapping over to face the man as he stood just outside the brush. His face was full of shock as he looked at you with wide eyes,  “You look..Whoa…”
Immediately you let out a shriek and fell back on your ass, desperately trying to cover yourself. “Taehyung! What the hell are you doing?! Get outta here pervert!” you shouted, throwing pebbles from the shore of the creak in his direction in a futile attempt to try and get him to turn around.
Jungkook and Jimin must have heard you and followed the noise over to you two to see what all the commotion was about. The two of them came crashing from the same spot Taehyung had, swords raised in alarm and surveying the area to try and find the enemy. But when they were only met with the sight of you barely covered on the ground and Taehyung standing there staring like an idiot, they dropped their weapons and just looked back and forth between you two confused. Taehyung could only raise his hands in innocence, “It’s not what it looks like I promise!”
Jungkooks face slowly started to morph from confusion to anger, eyebrows furrowing and his jaw tensing. “That's it, I’m going to kill him!” he shouted charging in Taehyung's direction. Jimin couldn’t act fast enough and rushed after the man, trying to hold him back from actually cutting Taehyung's head off where he stood. You didn’t even have time to think about it before you jumped off the ground to cover him, facing Jungkook with your hands out in an attempt to calm him down.
“Jungkook, stop!” you screamed to which he seemed to ignore, too dead set on killing Taehyung. “It really isn’t what it looks like, just please calm down!” you continued with your efforts of trying to diffuse the situation but your attempts didn’t seem to be working. In a last ditch effort to stop Jungkook's rampage you charged forward, lips sealing over his and hands grasping at his face. Immediately the tension started leaving Jungkook’s body, his shoulders relaxing as he melted into your kiss, his own hands coming up to cradle your cheeks as well.
Noticing that Jungkook seemed to be pacified (at least for the moment), Jimin slowly retracted his arms from around him, backing up and gesturing Taehyung over to him hurriedly. Taehyung took advantage of your distraction and stumbled over to him, hugging the man as if his life depended on it. “Jiminie I almost died, did you see that?!”
Jimins cheeks filled with heat and his face blossomed red at the feeling of Taehyung's arms around him. “Of course I did, idiot. If I hadn’t, you probably would’ve been dead before Y/N got to him.” he mumbled as he pushed the man off him, trying his best to pretend that he didn’t secretly like it (not that he did a good job of it). Taehyung just whined at the thought, shaking his head as he struggled with Jimin to keep him in his hold.
While the two wrestled in the background, you and Jungkook continued your passionate embrace, lips locked and his arms wrapped tightly around your waist. You had completely forgotten why you had kissed him in the first place, too caught up in the feeling of his mouth on yours and how the world seemed to fade away when you were in his hold. The feeling of Jungkook's tongue swiping at your lips is what had you recoiling back into yourself, too embarrassed to go any further. “Jungkook…” you muttered shyly and placed your hands on his chest trying to gently push him away.
He just continued to hold you tighter, lips finding their way to your neck instead and kissing his way down your shoulder. For a second you allowed yourself to get lost in the feeling, a small gasp even leaving your lips. That was until you made eye contact with Jimin and Taehyung who were watching you two with amused smiles and wiggling eyebrows, mocking the two of you by making kissing noises and pursed lips. It made you try and escape Jungkook's grasp even harder. “Jungkook, they’re watching!” You whine, hiding your face in his shoulder in embarrassment.
Jungkook just hummed, “Just ignore them.” he said, continuing to pepper soft kisses along your skin. “I’ll stop once they remember who you belong to.” You could feel the smirk on his lips against your shoulder and you just sighed, eyes begging towards the two boys over Jungkook's shoulders.
Jimin must’ve decided that he’d had enough of yours and Jungkook's show of affection and took pity on you, “She’s a woman not a piece of furniture, Jungkookie! Don’t think she belongs to anyone but herself.” he said with a laugh to which Jungkook just responded with a grunt, shooting the man a scowl over his shoulder.
“Hold on, you aren't jealous, are you?” Taehyung questioned. Jungkook leveled him with a glare upset with the fact that the man had even dared to speak to him. Taehyung took his lack of response as a ‘yes’, “Trust me, sir, I am not after your wife. She’s not even my type!”
“Well what is your type?” Jimin’s question came out of nowhere causing everyone to shoot him a look of confusion. “I mean- see! Problem solved! Now can we head back now?!” He didn’t even wait for a response before turning around and rushing back from where they came. Taehyung hurried behind him, questions flying from his lips at what Jimin had meant to which he received no answer.
“I should lock him in the dungeons for even looking in your direction from now on.” Jungkook seethed, tightening his hold on you. You wheezed out a laugh, struggling to breathe in Jungkook's hold, before pushing on him hard enough that he finally let you go.
“There’s no need for that, love.” The affectionate nickname slipped out of your mouth before you even realized, but Jungkook heard it all the same, a smile instantly stretching across his lips as he reached out to try and ensnare you again. You narrowly avoided his grasp, dodging his hand and letting out a tut, “Ah ah ah! You can hug me all you want when we get back to the castle, but right now I’d like a bath and some clothes that aren’t covered in dirt.”
Jungkook chuckled and reached out again, this time capturing you and causing you to let out a squeak as he pulled you in closer once again. “Fine.” he muttered, bending down to place a gentle peck on your lips before pulling back to shoot you a wink, “But when we get back I’m doing a lot more than just hugging you.”
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snk-oc-guide · 3 years
Hey I hope your blog is still active but if it is, can you review my SNK OC?
Name: Wilhelmina Goldstein Romaji: ウィルヘルミーナゴールドスタインU~iruherumīnagōrudosutain
(rowan) the "romaji" category is kinda unnecessary considering the snk-verse uses their own made up language. so no need to worry about figuring that out for your characters!
Voice Claim: Yōko Hikasa Nickname: Will, Mina, Red, Redhead
DOB: 21 September 835 Birthplace: Gender: Female (she/her)
(rowan) the "birthplace" was left empty, and idk if this was intentional but i'm assuming she was born in the stohess district. please correct me if i'm wrong though
Orientation: Bi/Abromantic Greysexual Possible Love Interest: Sasha Blouse Age: 12 (cadet age) 15 (pre-timeskip) 19 ( post-timeskip) Nationality: German-Scottish (mom being Scottish and dad being German)/Eldian
Hair: Sleek, bright ginger (inherited from her mother, while her other siblings inherited their father's light brown hair)
Pre-timeskip: past-shoulder with side-swept bangs, always tied into a braid
Post timeskip: shoulder-length with longer bangs, tied into a ponytail/short like S4 Mikasa (haven't decide)
Eyes: Sharp, Piercing blue Height: 170 cm/ 5'5 ft (pre-timeskip) 183/6'6 ft (post-timeskip) Skin : Fair with freckles around the nose
(rowan) so women usually stop growing either a few years after menstruation starts or around the ages 14 and 15. so it isn't likely for mina to have grown over a foot during the timeskip. she'd still be the same height at 5'5".
Likes: drawing, eating, pie, horses, meat
Living a lavious life in Stohess District, Wilhelmina practically lived in her own little world, never really knowing what happens outside wall Sheena, nor even bother to care, the only thing she cares about is her own happy life and following what her parents wants without question. Her parents also taught her to underestimate and hate the Scouts Regiment, resulting in her having an indoctrinated resentment towards them
She has 3 siblings: an older sister and brother who are twins, the both of them are in the MPs, and a younger brother. Her older siblings are her parent's favorite, making Wilhelmina envy them a little, but still get along nevertheless. She is the closest with her younger brother
Due to her older siblings being MPs, she was also pressured to follow their footsteps, despite having little to no reason or need to join the MPs, she agrees because joining means making her family proud, and her family has high hopes for her too
To make sure that she achieves the top 10, Wilhelmina was trained early by her older siblings at how to fight hand-to-hand combat, making her somewhat cocky and feel like she can reach the top 10 or even the top 1 quickly
Wilhelmina struggled to adjust because the training corps was very contrasting to her previous life in Stohess, making her a little bit distant towards others in the beginning, but adapted pretty quick and is attached to some friends she made eventually, she grows immaculately both as a person and her skills as a soldier, making her realize how ignorant she really is all these years, she would be lying if she says that her views towards the scouts are still the same, and is too stubborn to admit her growth, and still would shrug off her changing views, that was until she graduated
She managed to reach the top 10 and was about to sign to become an MP, however everything started to change after the battle of Trost, after she lost a handful of people she cared about, ever since then she decided to open her eyes and stop being ignorant, and because of this she made the extreme decision to join the Survey corps, being aware that she can die anytime
(rowan) so an unfortunate snag in your backstory, is that since mina grew up in the stohess distrcit, she probably won't be in the same training corps as the canon characters. the canon characters are apart of the southern division, and being from stohess, she is more likely to be in the northern or eastern division.
being in a different division, i don't know if she will be in the trost district during the "battle of trost" but at the same time it's possible that all the divisions arrived there for the upcoming "graduation" ceremony of sorts. it's never explicitly said, but i don't remember hitch or marlo being present.
also, you mention she lost a handful of people she cared about but in her relationships section a lot of the people listed are still alive, so i'm wondering who these handful of people are.
Positive Traits:
Negative Traits:
People Pleaser
Best Friends:
Marco: first best friend ever, a caring big brother figure she can rely on.
Jean: deeply cares about each other, but would roast each other and get on each other's nerves for fun, shares a same hobby which is drawing.
Sasha: bunk mates, likes to joke around each other or share food, and would slack off together, loves meat.
Connie: has the same sense of humor, their convos are 95% jokes and puns.
Eren: didn't like him at first and think that he is annoying, but eventually becomes close when learning 3DMG together.
Mikasa: is very, very jealous at how naturally skilled she is, making Will resent her a bit at first, but starts getting along after a while.
Armin: brings out her interest towards the world outside the walls.
Crush: Sasha: she was fascinated by her enthusiasm and energy at first, and after they interact with each other like joking around, sharing her food, seeing her draw or train and hang out, she slowly started to develop a huge crush on her, always having butterflies on her stomach and gets nervous, and last but not least, they were bunk mates. (Connie, Jean, and Marco were the first to know)
(rowan) going back to my previous point, mina wouldn't have met all of the canon characters during her time at the training corps, due to her being a part of a different division since she lives in stohess. to make it more likely, i'd change her location to the ehrmich district. if you still want her to have that "lavious and close-minded" upbringing anyways.
i also noticed that nearly half of the canon characters are her best friends, which is fine i guess, but a little unbelievable as well. i would add another a few more categories. going by what i read, i would use "best friends" for marco, jean, and sasha. "friends" for connie, eren, mikasa, and eren. and "acquaintances" for bertholdt, reiner, annie, krista/historia, and ymir
Parent Figures: Erwin, Levi, Hange, and Mike (in this version of events Mike lived longer)
(rowan) just because they're adults doesn't mean she has to view them as her parents😅 i feel like to see someone as your parental figure they need to be super nurturing and caring to you, which none of these characters are. levi did kind of show a few signs of it during the second time skip, and i could even see mike acting like that if he developed a close enough relationship with the cadets. hange and erwin though... it's harder for me to picture.
not to mention that for people to see others as parental figures, they typically don't have a good relationship with her parents but it seemed like she did in her backstory.
3DMG: 8/10 (Will is quick to understand how the 3DMG works, but is a bit struggling to learn at it in practice at first)
Agility: 9/10 (quick to dodge an attack at combat)
Combat: 8/10 (her skill in combat are pretty much lifted by her agility and resourcefulness)
Initiative: 9/10 (happens after her character development in Trost)
Intelligence: 10/10 (not as smart as Armin or Erwin, but is clever and resourceful, and has a very big potential to become a skillful strategist)
Stamina: 8.5/10
Strength: 7.5/10
Teamwork: 7.5/10 (could have been better if not for her overconfidence)
Willpower: 7/10
(rowan) the stats are all reasonable considering she needed to train hard in order to reach her goal and make the top ten. i would make a few adjustments however:
her 3DMG should be a bit lower since you say she struggled a bit at first. i would make it a 7 at the most. if these are her stats for after she graduates the training corps (i'm assuming they are), you can always change them after the timeskips to reflect her growth.
due to her previous training with her siblings, i'd raise her combat skill to a 9. or if you want to play it safe, make it an 8.5.
for initiative, i don't see how the events of trost would have any impact on this stat unless under specific circumstances. it has to do with your character's leadership and decision-making skills. giving that her family practically decided her life for her, i would make it a 5.
intelligence is a bit too high if you're going to add in that she isn't as smart as erwin or armin. both characters have a 10/10 in their wits category. you also say that she is resourceful, but i find it a bit hard to believe considering her cushioned and close-minded upbringing. i'd give her an 8, or 8.5 at most. this can change as she gets more experience and grows of course, as if the same with all the other stats.
for teamwork i would just make it a solid 7 to compensate for her cocky flaw and the fact she isn't as close to everyone right away.
Hope you can give me a review of this, it would be very helpful to receive constructive criticism from you!
(rowan) thank you for submitting your oc to us! and for also being patient as we take our time checking in on the blog. the inbox was empty for the longest time i honestly just stopped checking it lol
i hope my critiques were helpful, and i enjoyed learning about mina! let me know if you have any questions :)
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chibinekochan · 4 years
Morning Sunrise ft. Beel and Belphie
A fic about the brothers and you get a free day in a spa hotel. On paper, it sounds great but not everything is going as planned.
Will the twins still get to enjoy their birthday even when it seems that everything is ruined?
Read on to find out.
  I hear a knock on my door. I open it to find Levi. "Hey Levi, can I help you with anything?" 
"Well, I have a huge problem." He looks very distraught. 
Then he starts to rummage through his pocket and pulls some tickets out. "I won these tickets in a raffle. Sadly they are completely useless to me. They are for a day and night in a spa, for three people. Well, you can probably see the issue. First of all, I don't even have that many friends and it's in a region without wifi. Then there is a concert that weekend that I simply can't miss." Levi dumps all this information on me. 
"I would have gone with you. You have Solomon and Henry. I mean any of your brothers would come too." I feel bad for Levi. 
"That is so kind of you." His eyes sparkle. "You are a true friend!" Levi smiles gleefully at me. 
"Sadly that concert is still more important to me. So I want to give these to you." Levi is holding the tickets for me. 
"That is very nice of you. I will pay you back with some anime merchandise from the human world." I graciously take the tickets from Levi. 
"That is super fair. There is a ton of stuff that I need." Levi agrees and leaves me alone. 
  I check the date it's on the night before the twins’ birthday. This is the perfect opportunity for a little early birthday celebration. 
   I already have gifts for them so this is only a bonus. Well, if they are up for it. 
  I head to their room right away. 
  I knock and hear someone say. "Come in."
I'm sure it's Beel. 
  I open the door. Belphie looks at me with a sleepy expression while Beel smiles at me. 
"Hey you two, I have a question about your birthday." I get straight to the point. 
"Sure, ask whatever you want." Beel sounds very enthusiastic. 
"Yeah, as long as it's not too tiresome." Belphie is still half asleep. 
"Levi gave me tickets for a day and night in a spa for three people. It's on the day before your birthday and I thought it would be great if we could go." With a big smile, I show them the tickets. 
"That kind of sounds like a pain. I mean we have to travel to get to the place." Belphie sounds not really in the mood for it. 
"They got this great spa massage that is said to give you the best sleep ever and they also got an enormous buffet." Luckily enough I know just the right thing to motivate him, and I also throw something out there that will make Beel happy too. 
"Oh, that sounds great! I mean I wanted to go anyway since you can see the stars very well up there at night." Beel seems to drool for a moment. 
"Haha that's so you Beel, but it sounds pretty nice now that I think about it. We can celebrate our birthday morning in peace. It will be great." Belphie changes his tune rather quickly. 
"Great, I will get Lucifer's permission for us. I'm so excited!" I beam with happiness. A spa day to relax just sounds perfect. 
"Yeah, it will be fun. I'll make sure to thank Levi later." Beel is in a great mood. 
Even Belphie seems affected by it. "We just get him something anime-themed. That will make him happy."
  With that, everything is settled. 
Getting permission wasn't super easy but we did it in the end. 
  I only pack the bare minimum. It's a trip that will take a few hours after all. While the hotel is free the trip itself isn't so we travel cheaply. With a train and a bus. 
The journey is pretty pleasant, even when I nod off on the train. We had to start very early to get to the hotel in time. 
I lean on Beel's shoulder and Belphie takes two seats all by himself across from us. It's pretty comfortable. 
At breakfast time we have to stop Beel from buying the entire food cart but other than that it's a fun time. 
We eat at the train station before riding our bus into the mountains. 
I sit next to Belphie on the bus ride. He is sleeping on my shoulder this time. 
Beel and I talk about different topics. I have some plans at the spa for sure. 
The bus is a bit late but there's no issue. 
Once we arrive at our final stop I stretch my body. I'm all tense after the long ride.
  Belphie studies the map on the side of the road and groans loudly. "This looks like a real hike."
I look at the map, the hotel is on the top of the mountain and we have to walk. Probably gonna take us an hour or two. Luckily I'm prepared. "We knew this Belphie. Just think of the nice spa treatment as your victory price." I try my best to motivate him. 
"Yeah, and the nice food!" Beel doesn't lack motivation at least. 
Belphie sighs and shrugs. "I will do my best. In the worst case, one of you has to carry me."
"Good luck with that, Belphie." I laugh at that. 
"I'm sure you can do it." Beel gives him a friendly slap on the shoulder. 
"I guess I have no choice." He shakes his head and groans. Then he starts walking. 
Beel shrugs at me and we both laugh a little. 
"Are you coming? You snails!" Belphie turns around and teases us playfully. 
"I'll show you a snail!" I reply equally playful and speed up until I catch up with him. 
In the end, we all walk together along the path. 
It's more exhausting than I expected but the idea of a spa day is more than enough motivation for me. 
Belphie, on the other hand, looks like he suffers. 
"Are you alright?" Beel has a worried tone. 
"I'm fine." Belphie doesn't sound convincing. 
"I can carry you." Beel is worried. 
"I can still walk." Belphie wants to push on just a little bit longer. 
"Don't push yourself. Oh, look, that sign there means we are about halfway there." I point ahead to a fork in the road. 
Beel looks at the sign. "Yeah, maybe we can take a short break then." 
We've made good progress and are pretty much on time. "Sounds good to me. Let me check the map, I think there is a nice spot just a little bit ahead."I get the map from my side pocket. 
"You don't need to do that just for me." Belphie doesn't want to be a bother to us. 
"I'm getting hungry so I need a break." Beel is mostly concerned about what is best for everyone. 
"In the guide, it said from the rest spot just a little bit ahead we have a great view of the hotel. I would like to see that." I chime in support of Beel and to give us all a well-deserved rest. 
"I guess I have no choice. Let's take a break." Belphie shrugs with a smile. He knows very well that he needs a break but is too proud to admit that.
  We find the spot just a little bit ahead of the path. 
It's a very nice spot with a great view not just of the hotel but also the surrounding nature. 
I look in awe of the beautiful landscape. 
Beel enjoys the snacks we have packed and Belphie has decided to take a quick nap. 
It's a very peaceful scene. It makes me smile to see them both so relaxed. 
Then I feel a slight chill in the air. I notice some dark clouds on the horizon.
  "That looks pretty bad." Almost as to confirm my bad feeling, Beel speaks up. 
"Yes, we need to move asap. Have you eaten enough?" I worry about his huge appetite. 
"I can eat while we walk. What about you, Belphie?" Beel tries to wake Belphie up. 
He groans. "What is going on?" 
"It looks like there is a storm coming," I say in an alert tone. 
"Huh, I see, just give me a moment." Belphie gets slowly up. He seems pretty sluggish. 
Another gust of wind hits me, something wet touching my skin. “We need to hurry, it's already starting to rain.”
"You are right." Beel looks with a worried expression towards the ever darker sky. 
Belphie gets hit by some droplets of water and groans. "We should hurry." He seems to be fully awake now.
  I can only agree and so we hurry back to the path upwards of the mountain. 
The rain now really starting to hit us all and soon it's down pouring. 
It hits so hard the road is hard to see. 
I have never been so wet my entire life. 
We hurry our steps more, especially when thunder roars through the sky. 
It's coming down now. 
We had been prepared but certainly not enough. 
Then I see that Beel has come to a halt, just a little bit in front of me. 
Our path is blocked by a fallen tree.
  Belphie groans. "What are we supposed to do now? The path down is very far."
"Climbing it would be too dangerous too." The tree is huge and looks very slippery. 
"It looks like there are rocks and mud on the other side too so removing it would only cause us harm." Beel has already scouted the situation. 
"We have to take shelter from the rain. I saw a hut on the map, there should be a path right by marker 113." I have to speak loudly due to the rain and the wind picking up now too. 
"Let's see if we are at 114 so it should be behind us," Beel confirms the marker. 
"At least that's some good news. Let's get moving." Belphie seems very annoyed. I can't blame him.
  Beel and I can only agree. 
By now I'm entirely soaked. 
Still, there is no resting now. We silently walk back to the waymarker. 
Then suddenly something pushes me out of the way and something big crushes right next to me. 
Then I realize that a tree just fell inches away from me. I look surprised at the tree and then at Beel. Who has shoved me away.
  "Are you okay?" His face twists in pain and yet Beel is only worried about me. 
"Y-yeah but what about you?" I can see that he got hit. His cheek is bleeding and his shirt is torn right at the shoulder. The tree must've hit him there. 
"I'm good. Let's be careful." Beel acts like he is fine. I'm still worried. As soon as we hit shelter I will treat his wounds. 
We carefully move as fast as we can. The ground is slippery. 
"Beel stop pretending to be fine, you are limping." Belphie looks angrily at Beel. I look at him and notice that Belphie is right. 
The guilt is ripping my heart out. "Beel come lean on me. It will only get worse if you don't." I can't stand seeing him like this. 
"No, I'm too heavy for you." He bluntly refuses. 
"I'm too wet and tired for this Beel just lean on us both." Belphie doesn't take no for an answer. 
Beel sighs but doesn't refuse our help. "Fine."
"We should be there soon. Just hold on for a little bit longer." With that, I carefully take Beels injured side and Belphie takes his other side.
  Belphie takes the brunt of Beel's weight. 
I know he is much stronger than me but he still struggles. 
This slows us down even more but nobody complains at all. We all might get wet but we just focus on getting to safety. 
"There I can see the shelter." I can see a small hut in between the trees.
"Thank the demon lord." Belphie seems to be very relieved. 
"Just a little more and we can all rest," I say this mostly to Beel. 
Once we finally hit the small, but cozy and sturdy hut we are all very happy. 
Beel sinks to the ground, checking his leg. "It's not broken at least so with some bandages and rest I'll be as good as new by tomorrow morning. 
"That's good to hear. We got some wood so I'll make a fire." Belphie lights up the fireplace. 
"I will treat your injuries. Take your shirt off. It needs to dry anyway." I don't care much about being wet right now and get my first aid kit from my bag. 
"You should change into something dry first. If you stay like this we will have far bigger issues than my injuries." Beel looks at me with a stern voice. 
"He is right." Belphie is already half-naked. I turn around blushing. "Belphie, gee warn me when you do this." 
"There is no need to be shy. You should take a closer look while you can." At least Belphie hasn't lost his humor yet. 
I throw a towel at him. "No thank you, and you both better not peek while I change." I huff, slightly embarrassed. 
"It's not like you have anything we haven't seen yet." Belphie uses this chance to tease me. 
"Just be polite, Belphie. I'll make sure he doesn't look, don't worry." Beel encourages me greatly with his words. 
"Whatever. I will go and call the hotel for help and I won't look." Belphie shrugs.
  I turn around and undress my wet clothes. Luckily, we planned to stay the night.
I'm glad to be out of my wet clothes and quickly dress something dry. I dry my hair and then turn back to Beel, to finally treat his wounds.
He didn't even bother to wear a shirt yet, which makes it just a little bit harder for me. 
A bit embarrassed I treat his foot first. "It's a bit swollen. I will put some cream on it and a bandage. You should just take it easy for today unless it swells more we are fine." I give Beel a quick summary of my thoughts. 
"Yeah, that is what I'm thinking too. I'll be fine by morning." He wholeheartedly agrees. 
I hope he is right and carefully start to apply the cream. Beel slightly winces from the pain. I feel very bad for him. "Just a little more." I wrap the bandage around his foot, ankle, and a bit up his leg. "There we go."
Beel moves his food a bit. "Much better, thank you so much." He smiles gratefully at me. 
"No problem, now I will clean your other wounds." I get the disinfectant and bandaids out. 
Beel looks with great discomfort to the disinfectant. He doesn't like how it stings. 
"I know you hate it but you know it has to be done. If you keep still I will treat you with your favorite chocolate bar." I'm being a bit playful, trying to cheer him up more than anything else. 
"I will be good then!" Beel is instantly motivated by the prospect of chocolate. It's so cute that it makes me chuckle. 
"Have you my favorite too?" At that moment Belphie comes back.
"Sure, I love those too after all. I actually got a value pack with all our favorites." I had planned to surprise them both on the trip back, but due to our current circumstances now is a better time. 
"Oh, nice. Can I get them out of the bag? All this running made me kinda hungry." Belphie seems pretty chipper again. 
"Sure, but what did the hotel say?" I'm pretty curious about that. I start to carefully disinfect Beel’s arm while I wait for Belphies answer.
"They can't get to us with this storm raging but they are sure it will be gone by tomorrow. They were very sorry about the whole situation. It sounds like they will greatly extend our stay." This explains Belphie's great mood. 
"Won't the others be disappointed if we aren't back by tomorrow evening?" Beel seems conflicted. 
"They will survive, plus we might just do it another time anyway. The hotel will likely give us some vouchers or something." Belphie doesn't sound concerned at all. 
"Lucifer won't let us miss a couple of days of school anyways." I put a few bandaids on Beels shoulder and then start to disinfect his cheek. 
None of the injuries are deep, this gives me great relief. 
Belphie sighs. "Too bad really. How are your injuries?" 
"I'm fine." Just then Beel winces from the disinfectant. 
"Hold still." I can't work well with him moving around. 
"Sorry." Beel mumbles. 
Belphie has pulled out the bag of sweets. "Talk about a big stash of goods. You put Beel to shame." Belphie gives me a light chuckle. 
"Not really, about 90 percent of my backpack was stuffed with food." Beel is eyeing the sweets. 
"At least we won't starve." Belphie shakes his head.
"At least he didn't bring an extra pillow." I put a bandaid on Beels cheek. "There all done."
"Hey, I need that extra pillow and tonight you will be grateful that I also packed a blanket." Belphie buffs slightly. 
"Ahh, thank the demon lord. Now I can eat!" Beel is just glad he doesn't have to sit still anymore. 
He gives me and Belphie a fair share of treats before starting to shove chocolate into his mouth.
  Belphie eats his portion with much enjoyment. 
I suddenly start to shiver. "Now that I think about it. How are we going to sleep here tonight?" I haven't packed a blanket. 
"I suppose we all share my pillow and blanket. It will be tight but we will be warm that way." Belphie shrugs like it's no big deal at all. 
"Kinda like a sleepover in one bed." Beel doesn't look fazed at all either.
They both are probably used to this, meanwhile, I'm not. 
"Are you saying that we should all cuddle up under one blanket?" It's pretty embarrassing to me, I blush. 
"Yeah, unless you want to catch a cold." Belphie smirks at me. 
"There is no way I will let that happen." Beel seems to agree with Belphie. 
"Will we even all fit under that blanket?" I can't imagine that. 
"Let me show you." Belphie pulls his backpack towards him and produces his pillow and a huge blanket. 
My eyes widen and I gasp from the surprise. "How did you fit that in there?!"
"Magic, of course." Belphie is very amused. 
Of course, it was magic. Pretty stupid question of me.
  Belphie spreads the blanket out and I can see that it will fit all of us without issues. 
Beel wraps the blanket around himself, with a bit of help from Belphie. 
There is definitely plenty of space for me and Belphie left.
  "As much as I'd love for you to be in the middle, we have to use Beel as our heater." Belphie seems slightly frustrated by this.
"It's kinda mean to refer to Beel as a heater but I'm fine with this." There aren't many other choices anyway. "More importantly, are you fine laying in the middle with your shoulder being injured?" I'm still very worried about him. 
"It's fine he isn't wrong and it doesn't hurt that much anyway. I'm more worried that me and Belphie somehow squish you when we sleep." Beel is as usual mostly concerned about anyone but himself. 
"Yeah, that would be terrible, as unlikely as that might be." Belphie seems troubled by the thought too. 
"Alright, but if you have pain you have to promise to tell us." I look with a stern face at Beel. 
Beel nods. "I will."
"Alright then, I'm tired so I will get comfortable now." Belphie yawns very loudly, it's a surprise he even lasted this long. He then proceeds to sit right next to Beel and without a second thought he snuggles up to him. 
Beel doesn't even bat an eye. I'm used to Belphie doing the same thing to me so it's not that odd. 
I again start to shiver. 
"Come here, you need to warm up." Beel is very worried about my health. It would be very bad if I catch a cold. "You are right." I carefully move next to Beel, making sure I don't hit his shoulder. 
He wraps the blanket around me. It's very warm, helped by Beels natural heat. 
"You can move closer." Beel encourages me with a soft voice. 
There is very little space between us even now. I still take his offer and scoot closer. My side is now touching him. I'm very aware of our closeness. 
Beel puts his arm around me, erasing any distance between us. 
I feel embarrassed but it's very comfortable so I settle down pretty quickly. 
"Does it hurt?" I want to make sure that Beel is also comfortable. 
"Hm? No, not at all." Beel seems almost surprised by my question. Has he forgotten about his injury already?
"Hey, can you hand me some of the snacks?" Belphie sounds like he is already half asleep. 
"Hold on." A bit reluctant to leave my comfortable spot and reach out to grab the package of sweets.
"Thanks." Belphie eats one of his favorites with a gleeful smile. Then he grabs another one. "Here Beel for you." He can tell that Beel is still hungry.
"Very nice of you." Beel eats it with glee. 
I take a turn and feed Beel next, while also grabbing one for myself. 
Belphie and I repeat this a couple of times.
  Then Belphie yawns again, very loudly. 
I admit that I'm feeling pretty sleepy myself. The warmth of the blanket and the stress of the day finally seem to catch up with me. I yawn almost in unison with Belphie. 
"We should all rest for a while." Beel makes a very good point. 
"I agree." Belphie seems to be already half asleep. 
"Sleep well." I get more comfortable at Beels side.
  Soon I hear Belphie softly snoring. I, on the other hand, just can't find any rest. I try to focus on the sound of the Storm. My thoughts keep on coming back to feeling guilty. I know it's not really my fault but I'm still sad about possibly ruining their birthday. 
I sigh quietly. 
"Is something wrong?" Beel speaks in a hushed tone. 
"I just can't relax." I feel bad for bothering Beel. 
"Sorry, it's not very comfortable." He seems to think this is somehow his fault. 
"No, that's not it. I just feel bad about today." I admit while whispering. 
"But this is still pretty nice. I mean we are all safe and together." Beel speaks softly. 
"Isn't this a bad way to start your birthday?" I just wanted them to have a nice day but now we are all stuck in a small hut. 
"I can only speak for myself, but I'm with the people that I love the most and I can't think of a better way to celebrate my birthday."I can hear Beels smile in his voice. This comforts me greatly. 
"He is right." Belphie chimes in, sounding more asleep than awake. 
"Thank you both." I smile and relax a bit.
  As long as they are happy I'm happy. 
I can feel Beel squeeze me just a bit closer towards him. 
After a while, the sound of both boys soft breathing and the sound of the rain on the roof lull me to sleep. 
At some point, I wake up and realize it's the next morning. 
I'm still curled up in the blanket. Now on the floor and sharing Belphies pillow. I feel a bit drowsy when I get up. Belphie is still asleep. 
I can't see Beel anywhere. I sit up and look around.
  My movements wake Belphie up. "Hm? Is it morning already?" He still seems to be more asleep than awake. 
"Happy birthday Belphie." I smile at his sleepy face. 
"Thanks, do I get a birthday kiss?" He smiles at me in a teasing manner. 
"Maybe later." I can only shake my head at this comment. "I will go look for Beel." Slowly I get up. 
I hear Belphie moving around. "Hold on, I'm coming."
Belphie gets up, sluggishly. 
I grab my now dry coat and wait for Belphie at the door. 
We head outside and I see Beel checking on the surrounding area. 
"Good morning Beel." I get his attention. 
"Good morning." He smiles. 
"Happy birthday." I congratulate him with a big smile. 
"Thank you." He smiles back at me and then notices Belphie behind me, "Happy birthday Belphie." 
"Happy birthday Beel. How is the road looking?" Belphie stretches. 
"It looks pretty fine. We should get help soon enough. Let's have some breakfast while we wait." Beel seems to be hungry again. 
"Sure." Suddenly I notice the sun bursting through the clouds, flooding everything in the beautiful morning light. I look at it in awe. "Wow, this is so beautiful."
"It's hard to believe that it was so miserable here yesterday." Belphie looks at the sky with a smile. 
"It's very pretty. I'm glad we came here." Beel has a very gentle expression. 
"Let's eat out here and enjoy the sun." I think this is the best idea. 
"Sounds perfect." Belphie agrees right away. 
"Good that I haven't eaten all I brought yet." Beel smiles and heads back into the hut. 
"Can you bring the picnic blanket from my bag?" Belphie seems to have blankets for all occasions in his bag.
Beel nods and soon comes back with a blanket and food. There's plenty for everyone. 
We all get comfortable and start our breakfast. 
"I think this might be the best birthday we've had in quite a while." Belphie smiles at me. 
"I agree," Beel says in the middle of chewing his food. 
I smile at both of them. "Next year we will make it even better."
With that, we all smile and look over the surprisingly great view.
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dwellordream · 3 years
“The intuitive and a touch clever method is to take normal human walking speed – around 3mph – multiply it by walking hours per day (maybe 8) and go with that. This makes intuitive sense, but if large army logistics made intuitive sense, they wouldn’t be hard, and as Clausewitz says (drink!) “War is very simple, but the simplest thing is very hard.” Logistics is very hard. So why don’t armies move at c. 25 miles per day?
So let’s think about – in very general terms – what needs to happen and in what order for a large body of infantry to march. Everyone wakes up and starts to get moving (probably around 5am). Breakfast need to happen, which may require making fires. Tents need to be struck and stowed along with all of the gear in the baggage train and individual soldiers need to stow their own equipment. All sorts of small tasks add up to eat away parts of the morning. Then everyone needs to get gathered and ready to march.
And now – because you are a large body of infantry, you wait. Let me explain – let’s take a nominally full strength (c. 3,000 men) American civil war brigade, marching on a road 13ft or so wide. You can get five men (a little cramped) into a single row on that road, meaning that the infantry itself stretches 600 ranks deep. Unlike in the movies (which love ultra-compact marching formations because it looks cool) you need a few feet of seperation between rows for best effect (WW2 US Army guidelines specified 2-5 yards), let’s assume each soldier occupies about 5 feet in the marching order. So the infantry is 3,000ft long (914m; nine football fields). We also need unit separation (between the regiments, it’s important to avoid ‘accordioning’ on the march and facilitate control; WW2 army regs suggested 100 yards between companies, 50 yards between platoons, so these could be quite large), so let’s round up to 4,000 ft (1219m; 13 football fields).
But we also have tents, food supplies, spare ammunition and all sorts of other of what the Romans would have called impedimenta (sidenote: if you are thinking, “well, but a pre-gunpowder army doesn’t need this; 1) arrows take up space and 2) camp entrenching supplies – the Romans marched heavy). How many wagons, pack animals or porters you need varies – the Romans seem to have often moved with a mule for every six-to-eight men, plus the army’s siege train. A good rule-of-thumb I’ve seen for American Civil War estimates is around 20 wagons per thousand, so 60 wagons. Rule of thumb in the ACW is 80 wagons to a mile of road, so our wagon train ought to take up around another 4,000ft.
...So the entire force is probably a bit more than 8,000 ft long – 1.5 miles. In practice, there’s actually a lot more space eaten up in separation (between wagons, between men) so it would be longer, but I don’t want to get lost in the details. And this is for just 3,000 infantry – we have no cavalry with their many spare horses (three per man as a typical minimum) or god forbid a siege train which might involve hundreds of wagons.
Here’s the thing: the last man in the line cannot start marching until that entire formation has marched past him. The more men you are sending down the same road, the worse the problem gets. For our single brigade, the wait is probably close to an hour. For an army of – say – 10,000 men, you’re now talking about the last man waiting in the camp while some five miles of army marches past him (that’s about 2-3 hours of waiting). Moreover, the front of the army has to stop where the last man will stop for the night (since the army camps together, because to do otherwise is dangerous). And remember, that last man may have started marching hours after the first man, putting him miles back down the road. So another two or three hours where now the front of the army isn’t moving even though the back is. And worse yet – the entire army is limited to the speed of its slowest element – either waiting for it to move forward in the morning or waiting for it to catch up in the evening.
Well, getting started ate quite a few hours, but at least we’re going to move at a constant speed all day right? Of course not. These are humans – they need to eat (lunch), drink and relieve themselves. Men will fall out of line because they are sick or because they sprained an ankle or because they’re tired of marching and faking it (many army guidelines put the medics at the back of the marching column for this purpose). To add to this, wagons get stuck in the mud, mules and horses get stubborn or lame (that chance may seem low, but remember we’re dealing with thousands of animals – small percentages add up fast when you have a few thousand of something).
For reference on how much time this can eat up, 1950s US Army marching regulations (this is again FM21-18 “Foot Marches”) suggest that “battle groups or smaller” (800 men or less, generally – so small, fast-moving infantry) can “under favorable conditions” (read: good, modern paved roads in good weather) make 15-20 miles in a continuous eight hour march. A forced march – marching longer than 8 hours and at a higher than normal pace – can cover more ground (c. 35 miles in a day in some cases) but such a pace will wear out an infantry force fast.
At the end of the day, the army needs to arrive at its planned camp site long enough to make camp. Cooking needs to be done. Food that was foraged by flanking units needs to get to the camp, be recorded and stored (or processed and eaten) – speaking of which, note that we haven’t even discussed flankers, scouts and foraging parties. Wages may need to be paid, paperwork needs to be done. In many armies, the camp will need to be fortified – the Romans built a wood-palisade fortified camp every night on the march. And then everyone goes to sleep around 9pm. And that, to be clear, is when everything works like clockwork – which it never does.
For a large army, the breaking camp, waiting to begin marching, waiting for the last man to arrive, dealing with pack animals and wagons slices a few hours off of that eight hour march routine. All of which is why a normal large body of infantry moves something closer 8-12 miles per day than the 24 miles (8 hours x 3.1mph) per day implied by Wikipedia’s Average Human Walking Speed.”
- Bret Devereaux, “How Fast Do Armies Move?”
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
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AU SUMMARY- Your husband Namjoon and yourself run a successful Adult Film Entertainment Company called “Onyx” with your 5 best friends from college who you also happen to be in an open relationship with! This is a candid in-depth look at the rollercoaster ride that is your life!
Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin, Tae, Hoseok, and Jimin, all already work with the OC and Joon, Kookie comes in later one as a new hire...and the possible final piece…
DISCLAIMER: Obv this is a poly so the boys are Bi..but outside of kissing and dirty talk I have not YET ventured into physical MXM….
NOTE- As long as this keeps getting support the initial plan is 7 one-shots, one for each boys. Everyone installment will have smut as well as a overall storyline, one that not only ties into your job, but also the OC’s (AKA YOU) special dynamic with each individual member. The last one-shot (7th) will be the first and maybe only one where smut wise it’s all 7 of them, it will finally address how they all came together, and will be partially a flashback sequence. HOWEVER, there will be bits and pieces of the “Characters” lives and what not sprinkled within the “drabbles” too...so those will also be worth reading especially, as the story developes....or at least reading the summaries! 
Kookie will make appearances throughout, however, he is NOT as involved off rip as the other boys…
AFTER-HOURS- NAMJOON X OC (Tae comes in at the end) - 
ABOUT- Your husband and business partner find you up way past acceptable work hours for the 3rd night in a row! So, daddy has to step in and remind you that’s not something we do in this household. You come before work, in every sense of the phrase!
OR-You're in desperate need of a 2nd videographer/editor, because Yoongi’s in over his fucking head! So here you are, up at 1 AM scrolling through resumes because your that boss that hates to overwork her employees so she overworks herself!
PRETTY PLEASE- TAEHYUNG X OC - ( Joon comes in at the end)
About- Tae fucks you on top of your receptionist's desk before you fire her…
Or- Tae’s feeling a little needy...and somewhat high-key self continuous about you possibly hiring a new production assistant...AKA...Jungkook. It seems as though Mr. Kim takes pride in being the youngest within the office! It seems as though your baby boy just needs a little..reassurance…
JIN & CHOCOLATE- JIN X OC (FT A lil Seok at the end ) - 
About-You suck Jin off…and brownie batter may or may not be somewhat involved because why the fuck not. Oh, Hoseok comes over to drop off weed…and welll….doesn't exactly leave
Or- His assistants birthday is tomorrow and she’s insisted on him making his infamous “Dizzy Brownies” AKA…pot brownies and Jin being the perfectionist he is, scrapes the first batch. You however, think they’re fine and if he’s not gonna bake with said  batter you’ll find use for some of it…..Then Hosoek stops by to bring the missing ingredient…weed and his dick…
About- Namjoon eats you out the minute you walk in the door because well…that’s the kinda husband he is!
Or- Jimin text’s Namjoon to brace him for the mood you’ll more than likely be in after a day full of drama and finally firing the front desk receptionist! Which essentially red for him to make you come hard AF and then feed you….OH, and You guys invite Yoongi over to talk about the Tae and Kookie “Thing”
(5k, Holiday esque one-shot however for the 1st time it does dive into the downside of being in a poly relationship that’s essentially a secret in the publics eye) 
About-Just a casual lunch outing where Tae’s trying to do his job and your trying to get him off under the table with your shoe...nothing new!
OR- Tae and yourself are grabbing lunch at 71 Above, after checking out the last couple of venues for the company's end of the year Holiday party. While at said restaurant, it becomes a humbling reminder that the most important people in your life are essentially a secret...cute!
 UP AND COMING: In no particular order! 
Note, this is more of a smut drabble though it will be around 3k...this is NOT Yoongi/Jin’s official “Introduction” if that makes sense….(SNEAK PEEK IS LINKED) 
About-Yoongi goes down on you in the back seat while you’re on a business call….Jin’s driving, lowkey watching..and being a little shit the entire time…
Or- You’re on the phone with a dick of an investor and a second away from losing your shit and calling off the entire deal…however…your boys decide to “distract” you. Give you a little something to keep you at ease so you don’t blow this 6 figure account…
About-  Jimin and yourself take a trip to get a sneak peek at “Filter” before it opens… and Jimin fucks you on top of the bartop…
Or- Jimin’s ready to make his first solo big boy investment….AKA...opening up his own Gay club in WeHo...and the new business venture also reopen’s old wounds about his past. Both good and bad..but at the end of the day he remembers he wouldn’t the version of himself that he’s oh so proud of...without a little someone named “Y/N” 
About- You and Yoongi get a little one on one time while in Amsterdam, IE getting completely stoned, and attending a sex show..hell maybe even joining in on a sex show...shit just get’s wild in the Dam!
OR- You and your boys jet out to Amsterdam for the weekend to celebrate 16 AVN award nominations (AKA THE TONY’S/GRAMMY’S OF PORN) and while high and in a country where nobody knows who you are...(which means Yoongi and yourself are free to do as you please even in public)....Yoongi admits for the first time that sometimes he feels a type of way that HE wasn’t the one that married you considering the two of you were a thing FIRST....
About- Jin says he's coming over to discuss business over brunch, champagne, and a nice Jacuzzi bath…which, of course, leads to more than just talk about “Finances and portfolio expansions” 
OR: Jin’s the eldest, he loves control, he needs control, hints why he’s the finical controller..always has been...even in the domestic sense. Jin’s also shit at feelings he’s used to being the shoulder to cry on not needing the shoulder..he’s not used to feeling vulnerable...so it’s not to easiest for him to admit that he misses being the one you all come home too...misses being “needed”! He’s used to being the one that has his shit together, being the glue that’s held you lot together during your worst times..so this...is completely out of his comfort zone!
About- Hoseok and yourself have sex in a very questionable place while at the launch party for ‘Spectrum” I.E. your newest business venture...sex toys…your man deserves a little…”Thank you” for all the work he’s put in...including planning this party!
OR- Hoseok’s in over his fuckin head, he’s the one essentially spearheading the launch of “Spectrum” which is obviously his job as the head of Marketing, tactical ETC, however, this is just..different...he’s literally the one steering the boat. He’s good at what he does he knows this, he’s fucking made for it...but...it;s still’ bringing out some old, nasty insecurities...reminding him how he's his own worst critic...a perfectionist to the fault. Reminding them of those days where he never thought he was good enough...and it would absolutely break him if he lets you lot down! 
About- Jimin and yourself take Jungkook shopping for a new suit to wear to the “Spectrum” launch party! OH, and Jimin fucks you in the backseat of your truck in the parking garage of the mall…..
OR: You know Kookie still in that “Broke college grad” phase only being with the company barley a month, and you don’t want him to feel self-conscious at the event! You’ve also been too busy to really check in with him to see how he’s adjusting! So, you thought something like this, in a more laxed atmosphere, would be a good solution! Oh and Jimin, honestly he’s just nosey as fuck and inched himself along, like nobody really invited him he invited his damn self! Also Jungook can’t underatand why the fuck your all so damn attractive...like...why!?
This series is open to request...for one-shot/ member scenarios/drabbles.
The initial 7 one-shots are done to get the dynamic and I guess you could say “Plot” set in stone...however, once that’s done and in-between I’m open to random scenarios as long as it somewhat coincides with the “Universe”
This is a story that follows normal day to day life in a sense....they just happen to live a very exciting one!
Anything from them going grocery shopping and making dinner...all the way to the OC and one of the boys fooling around on set...as long as it fits the vibe. I’m down!
   *** To clarify as well...publicly ( And in the workplace) the world just knows your married to Namjoon....the whole poly situation is not something blasted on your Wiki...at least not yet....***
(Obv things are spread out now and they have other employees but they all STILL oversee multiple jobs...It’s a habit now. For so many years they couldn’t afford the help! So, now that they can they’ve just become a little...protective of said job duties..) 
Y/n Kim(26)- CEO/Founder/HR/Storyboard/Content  creator/Directory/Scriptwriter/Talent scout/ALL OF THE ABOVE (Set design, DVD author, 2nd Location manager, etc)   
Namjoon Kim (26)- CEO/ Founder/ Director/ Content analyst/ Lead scriptwriter/ Sr Production manger/ ALL OF THE ABOVE (IT, web design, outreach, etc)
Yoongi Min (27)- Head digital producer/ Program/site Planner/Production manager/Sound engineer/Production scheduler
Taehyung Kim (24)-Executive Assistant/ Content admin/ location manager/Wardrobe assistant/backup talent scout & health liaison
Seokjin Kim (28)- Senior Accountant/ Sales manager/ Financial controller/Logistics/Operations
Jimin Park (25)- Head talent scout/ Model Liaison/ Wardrobe/ Hair & Makeup coordinator/ Onset assistant/Health Liaison
Hoseok Jung (26)- Social media/ Streaming manager/Tactical marketer/ Advertising/event manager/PR
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SBI ft reader part 1
ya’ll didnt think I was gonna post the entire thing right? anyway, the reader is based off of mother nature and in this techno is gonna be a family friend (so no cannon family)
tw: none that I can remember :)
word count in this chapter:1661
status: unedited
It was a warm spring day, Phil scouted the area around the castle. He was the best at spotting and hunting people down, after all he was hand picked by the king himself out of almost 300 men and women.
Phil was a young man, around his early 20s, with sharp eyes and massive wings. He earned himself the nickname "Angel of Death" because of his scarily amazing combat skills and his ability to attack without a sound, but unsuprisingly he had little to no friends or mutuals due to his intimidating reputation and apperence.
Thats when he met a boy, about 9, maybe 10, stealing bread from the local bakery. Phil caught him, of corse, but when he saw the state of the boy, clearly malnourished and tired, he didn't make him return the food, instead Phil paid for it and watched the boy scamper away into alley. He later learned that the boys name was Wilbur and it wasn’t uncommon to see the boy stealing or getting into large street fights for money. Phil had offered him food, and of course he didn’t pass up an offer for food, but by the time Phil opened his mouth to ask him something he was gone.
One day Phil runs into the boy again, but not in a way you’d expect. Phil had finished doing his usual patrols around the castle when he feels something tug at his sleeve. Looking down he sees a small boy in a large dirtied shirt with holes, bright blue eyes, and blonde hair with bits of mud stuck in it. He must have been about 5 or 6 because he spoke in a fast and nervous voice, too fast for Phil to process. Next thing he knew though was that he was being dragged by the sleeve by a dirt swearing child, to see Wilbur thrashing against police hold. “Is there a problem here?” He asks the police, they explain that Wilbur was under arrest for assault and theft. The kid grunts, seeing the blonde boy behind Phil, “Tommy what the fuck?! I told you to run!!” He yells, seeming less angry and more frustrated. “These kids are with me, unless you have a problem with that, mate.” He spreads his wings threateningly, the police knew who he was and let Wilbur off with a warning. And that was how Phil adopted two kids off the street.
3 years had passed, Wilbur was now 12 while Tommy was 8. Phil was happy with the way things were, but eventually there were rumors of a new, powerful material deep in the hellscape they called the nether. The material was said to be a dark ashy black, and so powerful that it doesn’t burn in even the hottest of fires of the nether. That was the reason for its name, Netherite. Phil wanted to set out and look for the metal but we was worried for his kids so he found a babysitter that also happened to be his only friend from work, Captain “Sparkles” Jordan.
“Are you sure there gonna be fine mate?” Phil asks nervously with a backpack of supplies slung over his shoulder. Jordan assured his friend that the children would be fine, and with that Phil headed off to the nether.
To say the nether was hot was an understatement, it was a raging, blistering feeling when entering. The sudden change in temperature causes your head to spin and your body to feel a wave of overwhelming amounts of nausea.
Phil stared out in the horizon of at a group of striders, aww-ing at the babies and how they rode of the parents back. His eye caught on to a large black monument, a bastion.
He flew over the colossal lava ocean and landed softly on the ground. Phil’s eyes scan for any danger, but seeing nothing, and although he was grateful he was also uneasy about the situation. He looks through each chest and managed to find a lodestone, some iron and golden nuggets, and a golden pair of boots. Nothing too interesting, though he did find a disc in one of the chest. Phil decided to take this items and go on his way to find netherite.
A few hours of mining had passed and phil had manage to find 3 scraps. It was a bit disappointing in his opinion, he’s running low on water and his wings began drooping down to maintain coolness. Phil almost heads back to the portal when he sees something pink and black. He decided to take a look around the surrounding blue forest. After a few minutes of looking he spots what looks like a child with matted curly dusty pink hair, blood-red eyes, tusks pointing out the corners of his mouth, pink floppy ears atop his head, a thin build, pink bipedal legs, hooved feet, and a pink boar tail twitching lowly. not to mention the boy was soaked in blood, yet no visible signs of any injuries. Phil hears the boy clicking his teeth, a common warning amongst both piglins and domestic pigs.
There was something about the kid that tells him that the kid was dangerous, but nevertheless he pursued. He takes a step, slowly reaching into his bag. He pulls out a  baked potato, one of the many he brought for this expedition. Phil slowly reached his hand out, beckoning the hybrid to take it. It didn’t, and instead left. Phil leaves the vegetable on the floor and walks away, sitting cross legged about 15 feet away. He watched as the hybrid peaked around a blue tree, cautiously sneaking to the vegetable. He picked it up and scurried back to the trees.
This exchange continued for about a week, Phil enters the nether, puts a baked potato on the floor for the boy, sat and watched him from a distance as he grew more and more comfortable with Phil. So Phil was allowed to sit closer and closer, but the hybrid always scurried behind the same blue tree. Phil began talking to him, nothing specific, just what ever was on his mind, and the boy listened.
One day Phil brought the boy a carrot instead of a potato, the boy didn’t eat it or even touch the root. That’s when Phil grew more and more curious about him. He brought a variety of foods for the kid to try, a golden carrot, an apple, and three types of stew.
“He seemed to favor the suspicious soup and the golden carrots.” He spoke out loud  as he wrote in his leather-bound journal. His back was turned to the boy as he ate. The boy tilted his head and walked to the man, glancing over his shoulder at what he was writing. There he was a drawn picture of himself. Phil froze as he sees the boys shadow peer over him, but he continued writing, “likes apple, did not like rabbit or mushroom stew.”
Eventully Phil was allowed to sit next to the boy as he ate, giving him paper to write and doodle. that's how Phil found out his name, "technoblade".
One day, the boy just wasn't there, so phil left. after a week, the boy still hadn't turned up. He assumed that he'd left to his family, and left it at that.
Years past and the memories of the boy faded but were never completely gone. It was the first day of SMP earth, so Phil had a lot on his mind, but out of the corner of his eye he sees a man, about Phils height, but more muscular. He had an unreadable expression, peony pink hair, blood-red eyes, tusks poking out the corner of his mouth, scared floppy ears atop his head, bipedal legs, and a pink boar tail twitching lowly. His outfit was plain, a white button up top, black pants, and knee length gray boots. He looked familiar, but now Phil was too distracted by him and his sons parting ways to their own expeditions in conquest.
Technoblade watches the man hug his family, he recognizes him as soon as he saw the green and white striped bucket hat and those massive gray wings.
Techno turned his attention to someone else though, a girl whom he knew little about. There was just something about her that radiates both happiness and fear into people, not him of corse. He was the blood gods vessel! Feared by many, both powerful and powerless! yea..
When techno arrives onto Africa for resources he didn’t expect to see the girl. He’d managed to get a good view of her as she reached out to a trees branch, the tree leaned into their touch, miraculously bearing fruit for them.
The girl wore a long brown corduroy coat, a green knit turtleneck tucked into a long black skirt, several tattered green fabrics layered over her skirt, and a black belt tied around her waist to keep it all in place, and oddly enough, no shoes. she had messy hair with an array of sticks and flowers crafted into some sort of crown. She tucked the fruit away gently into her bag and went on her way. Techno watched her leave into the woods and left without a sound to the volcano.
When Phil stepped out of his boat onto the crunchy snow he assumed there was no one there, until he sees footprints. When his blue eyes followed to trail of foot prints it led to the pink haired man he spotted in the entrance, and a girl he didn’t recognize. Phil flew to a level edge of the mountain, but techno hears the flapping of wings and moves in front of the girl protectively, sword in hand. Their defensive stances were tense until techno lowers his sword and his eyes soften, “Phil..?” Said man looked confused until he realized that he was standing in front of the same hybrid Piglin from years ago. “Technoblade?”
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just-mirko · 4 years
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Mirko x F!Reader
Warnings: HAWKS BEING A SUS BITCH 2.0 #peghawks2020 
WC: 2k 
(A/N: This is unedited! Please message me if you spot any annoying mistakes! I will probably have the edited version up in a day or two!)
 “Then with that I leave you, my students, sleep well!”
 He left for the doors and closed them behind him, effectively leaving 15 teenage criminals in a room together.
            After principal Nezu left, the crowd dispersed. Many chose to scout out their dorms instead of interacting. Each person was a loaded gun. Aimed at their enemies or themselves did not matter, we were all afraid for when the first bullet would strike.
             That being said, most seemed overall relaxed. Students would try to start conversation and socialize, which was apparent by the mumble of voice within the school’s halls that returned from before Nezu gave his brief speech.
             I was turning towards the dorm hallway with my bags in hand. The gentle tap of my shoes along the hardwood floors could be heard in crisp, purposeful taps. Right as I walked through the threshold of the door connecting the dorm corridor and the main hall, I heard footsteps growing louder behind me.
             I kept walking forward and kept a close eye at the plaques on each room’s door that signified who was housed where.
             The footsteps continued getting closer until in my peripheral vision I could see a lock of white hair swaying.
             “You again?” I asked, feigning annoyance. Of course, her presence wasn’t exactly unwanted but it was unneeded.
             “Mmmhmm” Mirko hummed while gazing down at me.
             The image of her and Hawks pushed itself into the forefront of my mind, leaving residues of anger wherever it bounced in my brain.
             “So… you and Hawks?” I looking at the hallway door when I said it. I slowed my walking down to almost a complete stop before turning towards her.
             “Are you guys dati-“ I made the mistake of looking into her piercing red eyes and caught a glare, making me stop my sentence.
             I held my breath for a second, thinking I angered her in some way, but to my surprise she let out a laugh.
             “You got so scared! Look at you! You’re just a bottom little bunny” She relaxed and leaned her arm down to rest on my shoulder. The height difference was so obvious when she was standing this close.
             “C’mon (Y/N), lighten up, combat training is going to be a breeze! I bet the view from the floor will be nice.”
             Did she just- never mind.
             “Oh as if.” I rolled my eyes and started walking again towards my door that came into view. She followed me and watched as struggled with the door.
             The doorknob was plain and silver, with a  small black pad above it. I was more than confused.
             “Were we supposed to get a key or something?”
             I continued jamming the doorknob and pressing at the black pad in frustration. It was getting late, and being locked out of my room wasn’t on my list of things I can emotionally handle.
             One of Mirko’s hands came to rest at about my elbow from behind me. Delicately moving her hands up towards me wrist, she paused, before gently holding the back my hand, her nails ghosting against my palm.
             My heart was racing, none of her arm’s subtle movements went unnoticed. I feared that with how close she was, with her right behind me, and this, whatever this is, she could hear my heartbeat pounding in my chest.
             She guided my hand towards the black pad and brought my left pointer finger down on the sensor.
             With a small green light and a click, the door swung open. She kept her grasp on my hand for what felt like a moment too long yet still too short before stepping back and turning towards the door across from me room.
             “The doors are locked via fingerprint,” She stated matter-of-factly with a smirk.
             “Tell me if you have any more troubles (y/n), I’m right next door.” She seemed way too pleased with herself when she walked back into her room, not sparing a glance over towards me, standing in the door frame of my room when her’s closed.
             That night I laid awake staring at the ceiling, just as I had done last night. Though the only difference was last night I was contemplating to even go here, now I was contemplating how I would even survive here.
             The dorms were nice and decently sized for the whole ‘underground secret society’ thing. A bathroom with all the basics including a deep bathtub, a queen bed, a mini fridge, and coffee machine. What set t apart from average was two things. Color changing lights that were set under the bed and desk, giving everything a vibrant glow (A/N no reason for the lights they just look cool :))
               The last special thing in the room was a giant black desk, obviously set up for a giant desktop and even more hardware, but the surface with unscratched, unused, and empty. It sat in the corner of the room alone, unlike the other areas that had lamps, colored lights, or fake plants; the desk had nothing.
             I would still have to grow accustomed to the new and pristine room. It smelled clean. Like fresh disinfectant and fake lavender that is just slightly off from the real thing. I could not say I missed the cans of soda on the floor and random sticky notes everywhere.
             The old apartment was crammed with miscellaneous objects. All the things I was too attached to throw out, but not too attached to leave all together, I guess.
             I rolled over, suddenly very aware of my awakens. I checked my clock. A large sigh eased from my lungs. It was only 11pm. That meant I was not losing too much sleep on my first day. I could only imagine how screwed I would be if those led screen lights were showing 3am or any other blatantly early time.
              I guess since I was awake, it would not hurt to get a snack or something. From my recollection, I remember seeing a café like area in the common room, though I was too preoccupied to look at it for too long. They might have a granola bar or some snack I could eat. I was really craving chocolate milk right now.
             I was in the slightly delirious sleepy stage of consciousness. The point where I had no filter to what I said, and no self-preservation. In said state, I threw on some slippers, grabbed my phone and grudgingly walked out to the hallway.
             “choccy milk, choccy milk!” I whispered to myself in a singsong voice. The walk to the end of the hallway seemed to only last a split second before I was there, at the door to the common room.
             “choccy milk, choccy milk!” I reached towards the doorknob, shivering once the chilled metal touched my fingers. Right as I was about to pull the door with my weak and tired muscles, I heard shuffling from the other side of the door.
             I opened it slowly, and peering in through the crack in the door. Though dark, and his back was towards me, I could recognize the distinct frame of Hawks. The dirty bastard. Why he be actin lik- my thoughts were interrupted by two sharp clicks. On the floor he sat a suitcase and opened it up. It was the same one that had the red unidentified fluff in it. More fuzz was on it than before, apparent as it stood out among the black fabric casing.
             He moved in front of the suit case and blocked my view, but I could watch as he crouched down an opened it up. Suddenly, a flurry of red came spiraling out and circling around hawks. He stood up and the shapes were revealed to be feathers, each one different than the next. The continued to storm around like he was standing in the eye of a hurricane surrounded. Feather by feather they collected by his shoulders, forming broad wings that’s wingspan was around 10 ft.
             He ruffled the wings around, spreading them out and even doing a test flap, which sent a gust of air in all directions. While he was… adjusting them? Stretching them?
             This had to have been his quirk. And it was an amazing one at that. This was my rival? How was I supposed to beat that?
             “Woah” I silently whispered. His wings twitched at the sound, and it appeared all the feathers stood up straight. He quickly turned around, his wings taking on a defensive position and each feather spiking outward like tiny knives. I quickly hid behind the door, hoping he didn’t see me, though he definitely heard me.
             My heart pounded in my chest, and I held my breath, knowing now that whatever his quirk was, it enhanced his hearing.
             I slightly turned my head to my ear was pressed up against the wall and I could hear anything he did. I cringed at the slight scratch of one of my earrings against wooden door and paused again.
             Through the polished wood and all the space between us, I  made out his footsteps beginning again as he walked away from the door. The breath I held in my lungs released shakily. My eyes darted across the hallway, which suddenly seemed so much longer. The expanse of parallel lines from the crown molding and the wallpaper and everything made me feel like caving in.
             I had barely dodged that encounter, and I know it would not have been good if he found me snooping. I was not my intention, but it did give me a slight advantage. I knew his quirk.
             I knew his quirk.
             Unlike someone’s fake name or hacker alias, quirks were something you can change. They stuck with you the rest of your life, one of very few constants we could have. And because quirks, especially unique ones like Hawks’, were specific to each person they not only would let me find his real identity quickly, but also gain information on his past, something most people in this life tried to forget.
             I had no intention of using this information maliciously, it was more or less self-defense. If he was out for me, its only fair that I get to build a shield. I was just evening the playing fields.
             My brain was vacant of all prior need for choccy milk, now, all I wanted was answers, though for now those would have to wait. My smartphone said it was almost midnight, and I already started things at this academy on the wrong foot, I don’t want that to repeat with my teachers.
             I guess it was foolish of me to believe I was always one step ahead of everyone. I was untouchable, invisible, I had power. I forgot that people don’t get into this school on daddy’s money or luck, they’re here for a reason.
             But at that time I didn’t care, of course I didn’t, I just narrowly avoided my current rival, and walked away unnoticed. Untouchable.    
             I went to sleep quickly. I woke up early. I slept well. The next day started good. I made coffee and pondered over the empty desk once more. I was ignorant.
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nerdycatastrophe · 4 years
Idk did some pixel art and I’m now gonna attach my danganronpa fancharacter biographies because I can :DD (sprite edits, character details and designs are subject to change btw and this very post will be re-blogged everytime I edit something.)
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Name and Talent:
Ikani Rinyu, Ultimate Digital/Multimedia Artist
Birth Date and Age:
February 13, 16 years old
Race and Ethnicity:
Polynesian Japanese // Filipino Japanese
Japanese, just...japanese.
Blood Type:
Weight and Height:
128 lbs, 5'2 ft
Mental or Physical disorders:
Recovering Pyromaniac (I’m still researching about Inattentive ADHD and if this oc has accurate symptoms) and Peptic Ulcer
Sex, Pronouns and Gender identity:
Biologically Female, Prefer She/Her/Herself & They/Them/Themself or any pronouns & Demi-girl
Sexual and Romantic orientation:
Asexual Biromantic
Religion / Belief:
Other Hobbies:
Cooking, Baking, Making things out of matchsticks and wood and Drawing traditionally.
Making digital artworks, playing with match sticks and flowers.        
The idea of setting things on fire or being around fire (for emotional reasons and urges) and warmth.      
Theft-related activity, acidic food and seafood.
The idea of water and feeling cold.
Personality type and traits: ISFP
Personality description:
Ikani is mostly self-aware of reality’s hardships yet tend to keep up an ‘’whatever goes, is what happen and I cannot potentially do anything to change that.’’ carefree, reckless, will only believe when she has seen attitude that pretends to be a healthy optimistic nihilist way of dealing with life but when unmasked turns out to be a faulty uncertain self-hate of pessimism that pretends to be optimistic or a realist way of thinking and solving problems. This can badly affects her creative ability to do any problem solving, thinking outside the box or standing up for herself and the people she loves alone unless she has encountered that situation before or has help from someone with far more experience. She does not rebel that much to authority or dictatorship as she believes rules are rules or the law is the law and whatever unintended consequences that follow or reports of abuse of power are normal and natural but she’s open-minded and adaptable enough to consider changing rules and regulations peacefully if she’s convinced or confident enough. Either way, Whatever happens is whatever happens in the present and she won’t make any effort to neither change or preserve any rules or laws that much. She, most of the time, follows whatever happens in the present world with no consideration for the consequences that would follow because she doesn’t like to think philosophically or overthink.
Stimming, flapping hands around, running around in circles when stressed, excited, happy, confused or afraid if she can’t bottle up her emotions, Running away from problems as much as possible (literally and figuratively) and bottling up her feelings. Also tends to get distracted and daydreams a lot yet when it’s her turn to talk about herself she goes a little overboard which can put off people and assume she is selfish. (when it’s just a habit she does)
Character morality alignment:
Lawful Neutral <-> Neutral Good
Name Etymology and Shenanigans 1:
Ikani Rinyu once translated from Japanese to English respectively means ‘’How’’ and ‘’Renew’’ forming the phrase, ‘’How renew.’’
Name Etymology and Shenanigans 2:
Mess with the letters on Ikani and you’ll get ‘’Ikanai’’ which means ‘’Don’t go’’ referring to her brother, ‘’Ika’’ which means ‘’not exceeding’’, ‘’Kanai’’ which means ‘’Flower’’, ‘’Kani’’ which means ‘’crab’’, ‘’Ikan’’ which means ‘’Fish’’, ‘’Ani’’ which is another term for ‘’brother’’ and ‘’Ni’’ which means ‘’to go’’
Name Etymology and Shenanigans 3:
Mess with the letters on Rinyu and you’ll get ‘’Rin’’ which means ‘’Cold’’ in Japanese and ‘’Dignified’’ or ‘’Severe’’ in Italian, ‘’Inu’’ which means ‘’Dog’’, and ‘’Rinu’’ which can mean ‘’Freelance of flowers’’ and ‘’Beautiful’’ or ‘’Pretty’’ in Indian.
Zodiac and Planet:
She is an Aquarius and is assigned the planet Uranus based on her zodiac.
Ikani Rinyu was born as a second child to a worker class family (Rinyu family) who mostly had time for her. Many years went by and her parents had to focus on things they deemed far more important in order to sustain a family with regular income. Her family’s income condition worsened when the day before Ikani 7th birthday, She, her brother and her parents were robbed of a lot of yen at gun-point by a gang after they went to the store and bought a digital tablet for her as a gift (because they felt as if they were neglecting Ikani because of work). After the incident happened, Ikani's mother divorced with her husband because it turned out that Ikani's father had connections with the gang that robbed them and never told her about it. Another reason for her parents divorce is that both of her father and mother had an underlying conflict in which both were never really interested in each other and only agreed to marry back when they were friends so that they can decrease their tax and avoid debt and they both felt guilty about divorcing each other because both felt that they were selfish with their underlying mutual motivations for marriage,  they were still saving up money and investing and couldn’t afford to divorce early, and that divorcing will affect their children greatly if they will be honest about it to them at an early age (suprise suprise, bottling up your feelings worsens everything, yourself and everyone around you). This robbery incident went mainstream after the time Ikani’s mother divorced Ikani’s father and her remaining family was secretly interviewed by a group of ''journalists'' and this is how (insert academy name) found and scouted Ikani just so they can replace and -cover up an ultimate's death.- So her mom and the group of journalists made a contract in exchange for financial gain and basically free education for Ikani and her brother and also medical + financial insurance. Ikani started setting things on fire (mostly flowers, sticks and wood) on ‘’accident’’ just to gain attention from her busy mom, brother and everyone else she was close to and was forming a relationship with, in which her ‘’habits’’ slowly spiralled and developed into impulsive Pyromania because she felt that she was never loved enough + with her parents divorce taking a toll on her (her brother tried to help but also didn't know what to do and was busy with their own school). Around this time, she also felt like eating would decrease her family's money greatly so she tried skipped eating snacks at school but not basic meals yet she still developed peptic ulcer. On her 11th birthday, Ikani’s brother finally took a stand and consulted a ‘’reliable’’ therapist/psychiatrist and a dietician (who helped with the insert academy's goals) despite it being expensive and discouraged by her mom. Her therapist/psychiatrist then noted to her parents that Ikani should focus more on expressing her emotions in more artistic and creative ways in order to cope with her bottled up emotions, trauma and urges and using the digital tablet she got at age 7 when everything was still relatively alright should be a good head start. Her dietician also helped her with resolving her peptic ulcer and convinced her that she shouldn't feel bad about eating extra snacks and set out a diet for her to follow. Soon, The academy’s contract money given to her parents was enough to sustain her creative urges as Ikani eventually learned to create moving and still digital artworks including complex 3d and photography by simply using her tablet that had limited features over the years despite her age as she contributed to many famous and iconic company logos, designs, presentations, artworks, animations, movies, edits and videos that are found in the media. Over the years, Ikani secretly wished that the contract would stop as that diverted corporate's financial wants for themselves because of her hidden relations with the academy journalists and she wishes she was never born and regretted that time she was too ''needy'' at age 7 (she shouldn't blame herself though) but never took her own ground against it to her mom as she felt like she was selfish for wanting to do something her mom didn't desire so she ended up ONLY EVER venting her emotions through her work/hobby and sometimes forgot how to express her emotions.
Reasons for acting the way she does during the killing game:
The reason why she doesn’t vent her emotions and only bottles it up during the killing game is because just like in the original Danganronpa series, Monokuma would confiscate your belongings that allowed access to communicating with the outside world (and it just turned out her only venting item was a digital tablet that would probably screw up Monokuma) Also, it’s because the idea of ‘’Survival of the Fittest.’’, ‘’Being weak will kill you.’’ and ‘’No time for crying because it is not yet over’’ is in her head all the time + fear of being impulsive again and accidentally resurfacing her Pyromania and basically rendering her brother’s efforts to help her with her problems useless so yeah she’s guilty of wanting to feel emotions so she eventually becomes numb to the things happening around her.  All of these are her ways of justifying being emotionless, being unintentionally ignorant and coping with loss and grief in a dangerous game that could kill you any moment.
Student percentile, Predictability and chances:
>Gets killed normally: 30%
>Punished and killed for breaking rules OR due to unfair trial misconduct shenanigans because plot: 4.6%
>ATTEMPTED to murder someone: 20%
>Blackened AND escapes:  10.5%
>Blackened BUT executed:  25.5 %
>Killed someone BUT died during or before their murder trial:  9%
>Betrays everyone as the MASTERMIND: 1.5 %
>Betrays everyone as the MOLE // TRAITOR: 5.7 %
>Survives the killing game as an forever evil MOLE // TRAITOR // MASTERMIND in the killing game: 0.8 %
> Survives the killing game as a redeemed MOLE // TRAITOR // MASTERMIND in the killing game: 0.3 %
>Survives the killing game as a normal person in the killing game:  35%
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         3. N/A EYEWEAR
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Name and Talent:
Cyl Bol // Cyden Boliver ^ Ultimate Arcade Attendant
Birth Date and Age:
July 9 ^ 15 years old
Race and Ethnicity:
Dutch Japanese
Russian mixed with Dutch and Japanese
Blood Type:
Weight and Height:
100 lbs ^ 5'5 ft
Mental or Physical disorders:
Developing schizophrenia symptoms (I’m still researching on this so I’m not sure) and PAPD (Passive-Aggressive Disorder) and has genetic Albinism + Astigmatism.
Sex, Pronouns and Gender identity:
Biologically male, Any pronouns but They/Them/Themself and He/Him/Himself are preferred, Gender-fluid
Sexual and Romantic orientation:
Toric // Quadrisan or Viramoric
Religion / Belief:
Reformed // Progressive Judiasm (yeah, this the correct term-)
Other Hobbies:
Debate, Internet surfing, Meditation, Reading philosophical/theology books, Practicing first-aid methods and crushing herbs.
Salt, Bread, Dieting (fasting), Figs, Bread, Wheat and Grains, Krupnik with meat
Philosophy, Theology, Basic human rights, Debating, Eating Chopped Liver 
The taste of pork (im sorry for adding this if it feels a little bit racist but I genuinely hate pork and I wanted to add it to a character that fits it the most without being too ignorant and stereotypical while still making the character that dislikes pork have an actual personality and backstory other than just RELIGION stuff. keep in mind this character hates pork not because it’s ‘’unholy’’, it’s because it tastes horrible for them), Immature // Karen customers, His own talent, Seeds, Human contact, Getting sick and parties/social celebrations.
Strict people, Strict rules, Strict regulations, Dense and stubborn optimists, Peer pressure, Being taunted for being weak // frail, The sun’s warmth and sunlight, Going outside, Backstabbers and being manipulated.
Personality type and traits: INTP
Personality description:
Really really intentionally and maybe unintentionally paranoid, superstitious, ‘’weird’’ passive-aggressive and lonely since it's his way of avoiding unnecessary conversations that could drain out his energy for him to save up on topics he deems far more important (philosophy + theology) and people that could potentially hurt him again unless they specifically ask him or want something from him for a short // limited amount of time and say it extremely extremely politely to the point where he feels pity or someone out-smarts his passive-aggressiveness causing Cyl to do your favor immediately out of embarrassment, anger, frustration or getting flustered. Most of the time, Cyl has a rather nihilistic and pessimistic (but sometimes, realistic and optimistic at times) views and mindsets of life and would rather die rather than following strict regulations // rules. Although he is a passive type of Nihilist and knows there isn’t that much value in life despite searching it (even with religion), He still is sort of a coward and ends up helping other people out of pity, jealousy, admiration or respect and will still be willing to fight for people’s rights things society deems unworthy despite the odds and his diminishing motivation on doing so. Cyl prefers to be individualistic, thoughtful, overthink for hours, alone and free when it comes to him making decisions or going onto places. Although he’s an INTP, He allows his emotions to run wild at times (even if in the process, hurting other people whether he realizes it or not) which allows him to make thoughtfully calculated decisions without having the burden of emotions and mood. Because of his defiance against the norms, He can usually think outside the box and think of solutions quick enough to solve an underlying problem on time in an creative yet messy analytical manner. Also yeah he struggles following rules.
Praying a bit too much than usual, Rapidly cleaning visor goggles // reading glasses even when not needed, Limping hands and fingers to relax hand tendons, muscles and bones and tugging at Hanukkah snow cap when embarrassed / flustered.
Character moral alignment:
Chaotic Neutral
Name Etymology and Shenanigans 1:
Cyl is an abbreviation of ‘’Cylinder’’  which indicates the lens power your doctor is prescribing to correct your astigmatism (and this oc has astigmatism)
Name Etymology and Shenanigans 2:
Bol can be an abbreivation for Broek Op Langedijk (a dutch town), Beacon of light, Bread of Life, Bolivia’s (sounds like Boliver) ISO Country code,  Beginning Of Life and Balls Of Light (paranormal phenominon associated with crop circles) Name Etymology and Shenanigans 3:
Cyden is of English origin and means "To stand strong and be brave together as one" and Cayden is of American origin and means ‘’Fighter’’
Name Etymology and Shenanigans 4:
Bolivar is the name of the South American soldier that had a country (Bolivia) dedicated to him. Oliver is a boy name that means ‘’Descendant Of The Ancestor’’ in English, In latin it means Olive (symbol of peace); peaceful. Olive is a girl’s name meaning ‘’Olive tree’’ and is another symbol of peace.
Zodiac and Planet:
He is a Cancer and is assigned the ‘planet’ moon based on their zodiac.
Student percentile, Predictability and chances:
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kuratoki · 4 years
Changes 09
Changes is ALMOST done...I just finished writing the remaining parts so they’ll be posted throughout the week :)
Also once this series is completed what do you guys want to see next? The sequel or the new fic? Let me know~♥ 
Do you agree that things change in time? Well four years abroad would tell wouldn’t it?
Pairing: Reader x Jeno ft. NCT
Words: 3711
Warning: Swearing/Mentions of Death/Angst
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 6.5 - 7 - 8 - 9
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Renjun had seen Jaemin’s car come into the parking lot from the window and went out to meet you, “We need to talk” he said quickly, pulling you away to somewhere private and away from everyone's questionable looks. 
“Did Jongin contact you?” you both asked at the same time once you were alone.
“Ah, good. So we are on the same page...what do you think?” he asked leaning against the brick wall, crossing his arms.
“I just want to know why they’re asking us instead of holding auditions.” you said biting your lip, “We’re technically considered alumni at this point despite only being juniors so isn’t that against the rules?” 
“It was a request from Anne-Marie,” Renjun emphasized, “She can technically do whatever she wants. We’d probably be missing school too meaning we won’t be in the Senior levels with everyone else the following year. You don’t think its because of...”
"Can’t be.” you said quickly shaking your head, “If I remember correctly, opening night rolls around spring break...It might be a semester abroad.” you commented, “What do you want to do?” 
“You know I won’t agree if you don’t.” Renjun stated with a shrug, “How about we see what Jongin has to say first? Then we’ll decide.” 
“Sounds good. I’m just wondering why though…” you said trying to figure out why you and Renjun would get called back after all these years. After the one performance, the two of you chose not to reaudition the next year but kept in close contact with a few members of the competition team members who were a lot older and advanced. There were only two known Juniors who had ever made it to the competition team and now only one remained while the other one was hired as their Creative Director. 
“We should get inside, I’m starving.” you said, stuffing your hands in your pockets but before you could take a step Renjun threw something at you and you almost didn’t catch it.
Looking at the box in your hands, you noticed it was your iron supplements.
“You left those in my bag. Judging by your face, your levels dropped right?” he asked with a smirk before wrapping his arm around your shoulder, “If we’re going to do this, we can’t have you falling off stage again.” 
“I’ll be fine.” you said rolling your eyes, “You and Jisung really need to stop babying me.” 
“We will when Jeno starts, how about that?” he suggested, giving you his sarcastic smile, leading you into the private room.
“Yo! What took you guys so long?! The food arrived ten minutes ago.” Yuta called when he noticed the two of you walking in.
“You didn’t save any food for me?” you asked Yuta with big eyes, “The one who makes you food almost every day? Whose lunch box did you eat today huh?” 
“Wow, still a master at being pitiful.” Renjun muttered, arm still around your shoulder and took you to where he saw two empty seats and you gulped. This was an awkward seating arrangement. 
You were sandwiched between Jeno, who had Yeeun on his other side, and Renjun, who had Donghyuk on his other side. Across from you were Jaemin, Hana, Chenle and Jisung. This was going to be interesting.
“Don’t worry Y/N, I saved you some food.” Doyoung said, handing you a plate of skewers, which was Yuta’s choice of restaurant tonight.
“Plus we ordered more squid tentacles cause Jeno said that they were your favorite.” Jaehyun called out with a smirk, making the two of you red in the face. 
“Thanks Doyoungie.” you said and picked up a skewer, holding it in front of Jeno who took a bite without hesitation before you finished the rest. Sharing food with each other was habitual.
“Careful you two, some would think that you were already dating.” Jaemin teased as the other boys all agreed around him and continued to poke fun at the two of you.
“Anyways, what took you two so long outside?” Mark asked, looking at you and Renjun curiously.
You looked at Renjun, silently asking if he wanted to tell everyone. Renjun shrugged his shoulders, people were bound to find out anyways and you nodded your head towards him, wanting him to say it. 
“We both got a phone call just now from our mentor and Creative Director of the Selects Dance Company. They’re starting to organize their yearly performance schedule and they’ve decided upon Swan Lake once more.” Renjun said, taking a sip of his tea.
“So they want you two to audition again?” Taeyong asked as the rest of the boys looked on curiously.
“But isn’t the Selects Dance Company Europe based? You’d have to be attending an academy there in order to participate.” Ten commented.
“The Head of the Board herself has requested that Renjun and I return to reprise our roles as the Prince and Odette. We aren’t sure about the logistics about it yet. The Creative Director said he’s on his way here from Europe so we’ll meet with him to get the details I guess.” you answered.
“Dude that’s so sick!!” Mark said, coming to congratulate the two of you as various others did the same, “You two must’ve made an impact to get invited back.” 
“Well Anne-Marie, who runs the whole operation, does say that once a Select, always a Select. A lot of the junior performance members get scouted into their respective competitive teams and Renjun and I do keep in contact with quite a few of the competition team members.” you explained, “Though it was unsurprising, it was completely unexpected.” 
“Are you guys going to do it?” Doyoung asked, leaning over curiously. He knew that if you accepted the role, there was a chance you’d be going back to Europe a lot sooner than anyone would have wanted but if he remembered correctly, the Selects Dance Company based out of London had a really unique way to accommodate their foreign teammates.
“We’ll decide once we meet with him in a few days.” Renjun confirmed, “Speaking of which Doyoung, I’m going to need to take a day off from the club this week. I’m not sure when but I’ll let you know as soon as I find out.” 
“Tell Y/N.” Taeyong said, “She’s the clubs new manager, remember?” 
Jeno, who wasn’t at club when Taeyoung and Ten made the announcement, turned to look at you, “Really? They actually convinced you?” 
“What? Do you not want me at club meetings?” you asked, looking at him from the corner of your eye, “And Renjun tell Hana, I’m going to be at that meeting too remember?” 
“Noted.” Hana said with a giggle as Jeno tried to defend himself.
“No no no!!” he said, shaking his hands quickly, causing everyone in the room to laugh. It was unusual to see Jeno flustered the way he was and some of the members cringed at the sight while others smiled knowing there was only one person who could do that to him, “It’s not that. You’ve been so busy lately, I just thought you wouldn’t have the time.”
“The dance that we presented today and the practices we had for projects took up the majority of that.” you explained and let out a relieved sigh, “Now I can finally have a social life. Do you know how hard it was to see only Jaehyun and Renjuns face every day, almost every hour, almost every waking moment…” 
“We get it!” Jaehyun and Renjun called out, rolling their eyes and Renjun shoved you slightly, making you shove him back.
“Wait, so you guys never explained it to me.” Sicheng said looking at the three of you, “Jae saw the video, figured out that it was Y/N. Asked Y/N to be his partner but why was Renjun with you?” The two were over practically everyday after school and Jaehyun just told him it was for their project but Renjun always looked like the third wheel in the scenario.
“Also, who was the guy that Y/N was dancing with?” Donghyuk asked, who was currently watching the video with several of the others behind him including yourselves and Yeeun, “the dance itself was so intimate, you must’ve been comfortable with him.”
You looked at Renjun, then back to Donghyuk, then turned to look at Renjun again, shrugging, “Well I guess you were a little uglier back then.” 
Everyone at the table froze,minus Renjun who was busy shaking the life out of you again for your comment and was currently cursing at you in Chinese and Chenle who was laughing his butt off at the curses coming out of his friends mouth.
“W-wait…” Ten said, interrupting Renjuns fit, “The two of you…I thought you guys did ballet.”
“Doesn’t mean we never explored other styles of dance.” Renjun said and started thinking, “Why did we choreo this again?” 
“Competition?” you suggested.
“No, look at your hair. We posted this second year when we were training with the Selects.” Renjun said pointing at something on the phone, “Extra credit project?” 
“We were training with the Selects, that already fulfilled our requirement for the year.” you said and your heads snapped to look at each other, “Ah.” 
“We were bored.” you both said at once and heard someone choke on their meat nearby.
“That’s right. We had a day off and watched the movie.” you said remembering the day clearly, “It was my favorite song.”
“Eight hours later, the dance was created.” Renjun said with a satisfied sigh, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, “Back in the day, when it was just you and me.”
“Bored out of our minds cause all we knew was dance. Anne-marie was impressed when we performed it for her the next day.” you said, leaning your head on his shoulder, “Heck, I was impressed.”
“Dude, I’m impressed.” Ten said with a big nod of approval, “It’s hard to make choreo like that to perfection in such a short period of time.”
“We know.” you and Renjun said at the same time.
‘Just because the dance came together in eight hours, doesn’t mean it was a peaceful discussion. This girl gets feisty when she’s persistent.” Renjun said with a smirk.
“I’m sorry...who bit who?” you asked looking up at him with a raised eyebrow, not realizing how it had come out.
“I recall it going both ways.” Renjun shot back suggestively and you pushed him away in disgust, going back to your seat.
Jeno’s eyes widened, Chenle sighed and Hana giggled. 
“Yea, then I kicked you in the shin for it and you couldn’t walk for ten minutes. Bruised badly too I recall.” you said and looked at Jeno, giving him an innocent grin, “He learned not to fuck with me after that.” 
“I just learned not to fuck with you.” he said, pulling you by the hood towards him, “Now eat. You skipped lunch and we ordered more skewers.” he pushed the plate in front of you and wrapped his arm around your waist as he talked to Jaemin and Hana while Taeyong got you into a conversation regarding the Clubs pre-competition retreat. 
It was the one of two events a year where the older members treated the junior members to a week or weekend away. Most of the members came from wealthy families and the SUEX fund which was established by the founding members years ago came in handy. It was an account with the school where alumni members of the club would donate a little bit of money every year to fund club expenses, such as competition fees and the retreat along with team jackets etc.
The members of the club had to hold a certain grade point average to maintain their position within the dance team. Most of the members were in their top of the class and Doyoung, Taeyong, Johnny and Jaehyun were all part of the student council. 
What didn’t go unnoticed by Yeeun was that despite being in a conversation with Jaemin, Jeno’s arm remained around your waist as if it was the most natural thing in the world. You were engaged in two different conversations, yet still completely aware of the others' presence and obviously listening in on the others as well. She had never seen two people who weren’t together so in tune with one another.
 “Where should we go this year?” Johnny asked, taking out his phone for potential destinations.
“Why don’t we try someplace new?” Jaehyun suggested.
“Hong Kong.” Yukhei called out.
“Been there.” you and Jeno said together.
“Japan?” Yuta suggested.
“Been there.” you chorused once again.
“Oh! Why don’t we go to Hawaii!” Mark suggested.
“Been there six times.” you said and Jeno nodded.
“How have you been to so many of the same places?” Jisung asked confused, “Can’t be pure coincidence.”
“Our parents work from home and travel for a living.” you answered for the two of you, “We grew up going on trips together all over the place. Hawaii...California…”
"Japan...Malaysia…the Carribean..” Jeno continued listing off his fingers, “We did a cruise once too.” 
“Ahh our days of running free on deck, high on endless soft serve.” you said leaning into him with a giggle, remembering the days where your parents let you did as you pleased while on the cruise, “What do you guys want to do for the retreat?” you asked, getting back on topic.
“Weekend trip this time around. I think we’ll save the weeklong one for warmer weather.” Taeyong said looking at his phone, “We could go to Busan.”
“Why don’t we go to Y/N’s vacation home in Jeju?” Jeno suggested, not even asking you first.
“Vacation home?” Yeeun asked with wide eyes, just how wealthy were you?
“We could.” you agreed, “You’d just have to pay for the plane tickets. But it’s in my name now and I have the keys. As long as you guys don’t trash the place, I can organize the whole thing.” 
“Your parents actually put the whole thing in your name?” Jeno asked skeptically, “There has to be a reason behind that.” 
“They figured we’d use it more than they would and if anything happens, I’m responsible, not them.” you answered, “And don’t act so surprised. I know for a fact that you have the penthouse in Gangnam under your name.” 
“Yea and? It’s not like I use it.” he said, “It’s just sitting there collecting dust.” 
‘It’s waiting for us.’  he thought to himself, subconsciously tightening his arm around you and felt you shift to make yourself more comfortable. When you were younger, the two of you made a pact to move to the city together and to this day, it was what the penthouse in Gangnam his parents promised him was for. He wanted to be your first official place together.
“The fact that the two of you already have property under your names astound me.” Doyoung said with a straight face, “You truly are a match made in heaven.” 
“Our parents have share homes in certain cities so they have a home wherever they go. They haven’t really been in Korea much these days.” you explained ignoring Doyoungs last comment, “and with Jeno’s parents gone, we kind of have to rely on each other. Plus I have WinWin who apparently adopted Yuta so I’m technically a mom of three.” you finished with a sigh.
“I’ll pay for you tonight Y/N.” Yuta called out sweetly, making you snort.
“When do you guys want to go to Jeju? Y/N and I can take care of it all. You just have to show.” Jeno said as eyes widened around the table.
“Did my ears deceive me or did Jeno actually just take charge of an event?” Johnny asked, looking at Doyoung and Taeyong. 
“He’s smart, taking the opportunity to spend more time with her.” Doyoung mused, “And Renjuns also doing a good job at playing  the jealousy pawn. He brings out a side of her that I don’t think Jeno’s ever seen and its obvious.” 
“Okay, fine.” Taeyong said grinning, “You and Y/N can take charge, outside of the plane tickets, we’ll give you a budget for food and drinks. Anything outside of that will come out of your pockets.” 
“Fine by me.” Jeno said looking down at you, “What do you think.” 
“I have to dance with you already and now I have to plan a retreat with you?” you asked, pretending to be reluctant, “Sure why not.” 
“Okay, now we’ve settled that. What are we doing for the rest of the night?”  Yuta asked, “It’s Friday night guys.” 
“You guys could always come over.” you said knowing it was what Yuta wanted, “And if it gets too much, I can just escape to Jeno’s or something.”
 “I need to get my cats from you first but that sounds like a plan.” Jeno agreed as others agreed around him.
“I’m starting to like our new manager already.” Jungwoo said grinning, “Best decision the club has ever made.” As those around him happily agreed, knowing that good things were going to come to the club.
When everything was settled, everyone slowly but surely made their way to your house. Yeeun and Yukhei even showed up and you were glad that there was no animosity between you and the truth was, Yeeun couldn’t feel any even if she tried. 
Through dinner she could see why Jeno liked you so much. You invited her to dinner and even back to your house, even though all she had been was mean to you. The way he looked at you was also another thing that got Yeeun. The only time she had ever seen that look was the way Jaemin would look at Hana, it was the look of adoration, contentment and love. She realized then that she couldn’t compete with someone like that. Not with how strongly Jeno wasn’t afraid to show his obvious love for you in front of everyone.
Jeno and Jaemin had gone back to his house to change once more and had yet to return, a few of the guys were in your yard while others were playing video games. You and Renjun were in the kitchen, reading the Selects group chat which was currently going crazy. 
“Something doesn’t seem right.” Chenle said, looking around the room, specifically at three different people.
“What are you talking about?” Jisung asked, focused on the game at hand.
Chenle looked at Yukhei who seemed to be a little too focussed on his phone and then looked at you and Renjun who seemed to be doing the same. Doing a quick scan of the room, Hana, Jeno and Jaemin were no where to be found. 
“Something is seriously not right.” he said again when he saw the grim looks on yours and Renjuns faces and Yukheis gaze darting towards the two of you across the room, his look almost identical. 
Getting up, he quickly made his way to the kitchen when he saw you say something to Renjun and he nodded his head, leaving out your back door his phone grasped tightly in his hand. It was the wrong move however because once Renjun was out of sight, Yukhei left Yeeun and made a beeline for the kitchen, luckily Chenle got there first.
“What’s going on?” he asked when he saw you resting your head in your hands.
At the same time, your phone rang and you held up your finger to Chenle, signalling for him to hold on.
“Please tell me you didn’t get on that plane and that you’re with them right now.” you said the moment you answered.
“I didn’t get on the plane and I’m with Anne-Marie and Mia right now.” Jongin said on the other side quietly, “Mia’s on the phone with Renjun and Anne-Marie is saying her goodbyes. How are you holding up?” 
“I’m still in shock...but I think it’ll be easier to let go when it sinks in. We all knew it was going to happen and Mia’s been keeping us updated.  He gave up his fight.” you said and sighed, closing your eyes, a lone tear escaped alarming Chenle.
“His body couldn’t take it anymore.” Jongin said, his voice heartbroken. He did just lose a brother after all, “Listen, I just wanted to let you know that I’m still going to be coming down but I’ll be there in two days. They were already prepared so they just have to decide the funeral date. I want to meet with the two of you but I have a huge favor to ask of you and Renjun.” 
“Anything.” you said, trying to hold in your tears and you felt Chenle wrap his arm around your shoulders in a comforting hug. 
“Anne-Marie insists that we proceed with the production regardless of the circumstances. I don’t want to ask too much of her right now but the show must go on. Can I ask the two of you to be a helping hand with the cast and production alongside Mia?” Jongin requested and you gasped.
He wanted you to be part of not only the cast but the production team as well, this was a big opportunity since it showed that he believed in your skills.
“We can talk more about it when I get there but it would be a big help to me and the rest of the company.” he continued.
“I’ll talk to Renjun after he gets back. We will for sure consider it. Go be with them, they need you the most now.” you said, “Just let me know where and when to meet.” 
“I’ll see you soon. Take care of yourself Y/N.” Jongin said before the line went dead.
“Y/N, what happened? What’s going on?” Chenle asked as you let more tears flow. 
“Y/N.” Yukhei said coming into the kitchen and standing on your other side so you were trapped.
“Xander  passed away.” you whispered, letting more tears flow and closed your eyes briefly, “His nurse found him this morning...they said it was peaceful. His body was exhausted and just couldn’t take it anymore.” 
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