fryken · 7 months
The Island of Doctor Moreau by H.G. Wells
I just finished reading H.G. Wells book The Island of Doctor Moreau and now I aim to put my thoughts on the subject to paper, or more accurately to the webb. I did not find the book as enjoyable as I had first come to expect. I believe that much of that is up to the books age, it shows both in the language used and the over all themes of the book. Despite this I would still recommend the book because of its status as a classic and the profound influence it has had primarily on the science fiction genera.
Beyond this point I will summarize the plot of the book and give a more throughout explanation to my thinking. Naturally this will to some extent spoil the book if that is of any concern to you.
The main character of the novell Edvard Prendick is lost at sea after the ship he was on collided with "a derelict" on the first of February 1887. After his two companions in the life boat kill each other he is saved by a man named Montgomery who has with him a strange deformed companion. Montgomery works for a strange white man by the name of Moreau, thru a combination of luck and Montgomery's compassion Prendick makes it to the titular island. To begin with Moreau is very secretive and will not allow Prendick onto his premises. This all changes when Prendick meets the "beast folk" who are all creations of Moreau made thru vivisecting and grafting different animals into the shape of man. Prendick convinced that Moreau mean to harm him flees to the "beast folk" and there he is introduced to the laws Moreau has invented for them to prevent regression into animal form. Here it becomes evident that the "beast folk" have come to view Moreau as a god that will punish them severely if they break the laws. Prendick is brought back to Moreau's facility where he explains how he has made the "beast folk". It is not long after Moreau managed to calm Prendick that a dead rabbit is found and it becomes evident that some of the "beast folk" have broken the law and tasted blood. After this point the book spirals into death and destruction as Moreau's latest creation escapes and kills him. Moreau's death makes him human in the eyes of the "beast folk" and later when Montgomery dies in a drunken stupor among some of the "beast folk" no godly authority remains to uphold the laws. Prendick mad from fear try to live among the "beast folk" while preparing to get off the island. But seeing the beast turn back into the animals they were created from is to much for him and he lives in seclusion until the day he finds a boat and leves the island alone.
I left a lot of quite important things out of that summery and if you want to get a proper picture of the book I would suggest you read or listen to it.
I would like to argue that the book contain two main parts. Firstly the story of Edvard Prendick who is lost at sea and tries to get back to civilization. Secondly the story of Moreau and his beasts. Prendick is never really interested in the island and it's inhabitants and tolerates them mostly out of necessity for his own survival. This means that after Moreau dies and the beasts start descending back into animals they stop being the center of attention and start serving mostly as a ticking clock for Prendick. The story of Prendick's survival gains primacy over the story of the beasts which I find rather boring.
Another thing that i found quite boring about how the book handels the beasts is the way it treats them, or the way Prendick treats them, with absolute horror and disgusts. This makes sense because the book is a work of horror meaning in some way to portray the societal horrors of accepting evolutionary theory and breaking down centuries of belief in ones inherent superiority to nature. But this makes the book quite uninteresting today almost 120 years later.
The book is stuck in a anthropocentric worldview that we today have come to question. Why uplift animals to human form like the doctor Moreau? Why fear regressing to animal form like Prendick? When we know that humans are animals, subject to the same laws and conventions. When this book was written that was a new and terrifying revelation but today it is well known.
The horror of the vivisection is maybe the only part of the book that retains some of its original terror. While I personally do not find the idea of "uplifting" animals or modifying the human form particularly terrifying the sheer brutality of Moreau's procedures could make one quite unconfutable. But beyond the simpel brutality little existential horror for Moreaus experiments remain in a world that has gotten used to things like GMOs and cloning.
So while the book has lost much of its horror elements to time and the main story is rather dull I still think it is well worth reading simply because of the influence it has had on later works of science fiction.
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fryshrimp · 2 months
han kastar kottarna i vattnet
han är ordförande
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Going downhill; Opens a new tab
In the background cold steam rises from lake Fryken...
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rassegnanotizie · 7 days
Torsby, una piccola città svedese, attende con trepidazione l'arrivo di una statua commemorativa, voluta da un allenatore locale. Questa iniziativa è stata ideata per onorare il suo straordinario contributo al mondo dello sport e alla comunità. L'allenatore, molto rispettato per la sua dedizione e passione, ha lasciato un'impronta significativa nella vita di molti giovani atleti e ha ispirato generazioni di sportivi. La statua, che rappresenta non solo il successo sportivo, ma anche i valori di impegno, solidarietà e resilienza, è stata realizzata con grande cura e attenzione ai dettagli. Essa simboleggia l’orgoglio della comunità di Torsby e il riconoscimento di tutto ciò che l'allenatore ha fatto per il bene dello sport locale. L'evento di inaugurazione della statua è atteso con entusiasmo, e i cittadini stanno organizzando una cerimonia che promette di essere memorabile. Scuole, associazioni sportive e comunità locali stanno collaborando per celebrare insieme questo momento importante. È previsto anche un discorso commemorativo, in cui si parlerà dell'impatto positivo dell'allenatore non solo nel campo sportivo, ma anche nella crescita personale dei ragazzi che ha guidato. La statua diventerà un punto di riferimento nella città, un luogo di ritrovo per le persone che possono ammirare l'opera d'arte e riflettere sui valori che rappresenta. L’allenatore, ricordato non solo come un grande maestro, ma anche come un mentore e un amico, ha avuto un ruolo cruciale nel promuovere il senso di comunità e l'importanza dello sport come strumento educativo. L'inaugurazione della statua è anche un’opportunità per il rinnovamento dell'interesse verso le attività sportive locali. Con eventi e manifestazioni sportive in programma, la città spera di vedere un aumento della partecipazione giovanile nello sport, ispirata dall’eredità e dall'esempio lasciato dall'allenatore. La statua, quindi, non è solo un omaggio al passato, ma un simbolo di speranza per il futuro dello sport a Torsby. In conclusione, l’arrivo della statua rappresenta una celebrazione collettiva della comunità di Torsby, un modo per mantenere vivo il ricordo di un grande uomo e dei valori positivi che ha instillato nella sua città.
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Doing the Shuffle on repeat Spotify and list the 10 first @obsessiveindecision tagged me in. This is the second go round as i spent like 30 min trying to write this on my phone and then accidentaly deleted it
1 Richard Dollarhjärta (Svenska Muskrörelsen) [Richard Dollarheart]
Nothing speciall here just some progg i do like the version with random interjections better though it has a very proggy (kinda shit) feel
2 Jag måste Vara galen om Regeringen är klok (Euskefeurat) [I Have to be mad if the goverment is wise]
Euskefeurat depenting on the month they are quite likely to have been the entire list. A classic band really.
3 Mina Barn (Doktor Kosmos) [My Children]
YES DOKTOR KOSMOS damn i love this band ery good vibes also funny song abt rightists
4 Prinsessan som inte ville Skratta (Jeja Sundström, Stefan Demert)
Just a nice tune an a funny text
5 En l' haven' de Pont Aven (Jak Le Puil) [In the Harbour of Pont Aven]
Nice french coast vibes but in ~Esperanto~
6 Vart kommer alla vackra människor ifrån (Christina Kjellsson) [Where do all the beautiful people come from]
Extremly mood song i love the line "Jag betar i mig dill och hälleflundra och försöker verka oberörd medans diskoteket dundrar" flipping great stuff right there
7 Lesbian wannabe (Doktor Kosmos) [-]
gay <3 i love lesibans :^)
8 Om 150 År (Carols) [In 150 Years]
This one has a story i heard it on a radioprogram like half a year ago (Fråga Anders och Måns) and i got utterly obsessed with the idea of fallout but 70s sweden instead of 50s jankees. this ultimatly lead to me and @fryken creating a utterly deranged boardgame in the setting of fallout sweden but also just around vänern. I should really do a post summing up this mess of a concept.
9 Slutstrid (Kjell Höglund) [Final Battle]
Very evocative, probably one of the greatest leading stars i have for what voice i want to use whilst being the SL in ttrpgs.
10 Pandoras Ask (Kjell Höglund) [Pandoras Box]
Very nice song that is not only really good on its own but inspired a lot of lore in my fantasy discworld ripoff world for ttrpgs.
tags: @fryken @apple-scrumper @bregottextrasaltat-blog @billthestygimoloch @peachiepiebaby
(god i do not have that many mutuals, and i think most arnt even active)
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notthepasteldyke · 7 months
I like to call Njord 'Fröken Fräken' even though she's not from Fryken. She doesn't seem to mind though.
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swedishaesthetic · 6 years
Fryken, julafton 2018
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markgraeflerin · 5 years
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Fassade des Theaters / Kino von Sunne mit Nils Holgersson Motiv bemalt
Vergangenes Jahr, an unserem 13. Tag in Schweden, sind wir nochmal nach Sunne gefahren, um uns den Ort mal genauer anzusehen. Bisher hatten wir immer nur unterwegs einen kurzen Zwischenstopp eingelegt, um dort im Supermarkt einzukaufen.
Sunne liegt im mittleren Värmland, rund eine Stunde Autofahrt von Karlstad entfernt. Der Name “Sunne” leitet sich von “Sund” her. Sunne liegt nämlich an einem Sund zwischen zwei schmalen Seen: im Süden der Mellan-Fryken und im Norden der Övre Fryken. Das Frykental läuft parallel zu dem weiter östlich gelegenen Tal des Flusses Klarälven.
Kurz vor Sunne haben haben wir beim Golfplatz angehalten, um uns das Värmland-Denkmal anzusehen.
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Das Stamfrändemonument, das sich direkt am Golfplatz (2 km südlich von Sunne) befindet, soll an die finnischen Einwanderer, die sich im 16. Jahrhundert und danach im Värmland ansiedelten, und an die Värmländer, die in die USA emigriert sind, erinnern.
Das Monument wurde in den 1953er Jahren auf Initiative von Svante Påhlson, dem damaligen Eigentümer von Rottneros Bruk und Gründer des Rottneros Parks, errichtet. Das Denkmal mit einer Höhe von 16,5 Meter wurde von der Künstlerin Jussi Mäntynen (1896-1978) entworfen. Es stellt die schwedische Provinz Värmland mit einem Adler auf der Spitze dar, der gerade im Ab- bzw. beim Landeflug ist. Der Sockel des Monuments trägt die Inschrift: “Till hugfästande av sambandet med stamfränder Västanhavs och Östanhavs”. Dies bedeutet sinngemäß, dass der Adler die Schweden als Ein- und Auswanderer symbolisieren soll.
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Dann sind wir weiter ins Ortszentrum von Sunne gefahren und haben unser Auto auf einem Parkplatz am See abgestellt.
Eigentlich wollten wir noch eine Schifffahrt mit dem Dampfer “Freja af Fryken” unternehmen, aber in der Touristinformation haben wir dann erfahren, dass das Schiff gerade instand gesetzt wird und im Sommer 2018 nicht in Betrieb ist.  Das Schiff wurde, nachdem es fast 100 Jahre auf dem Grund des Fryken Sees lag im Jahr 1995 erstmals geborgen und restauriert… Den Ausflug mit dem Schiff haben wir uns dann eben für unseren nächsten Urlaub in Schweden vorgemerkt.
Also blieb es bei einem Spaziergang am Seeufer entlang und über eine Brücke sind wir durch ein Wohngebiet bis zur Kirche gegangen.
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Die Rasenflächen werden in Schweden wegen der Stechmücken grundsätzlich kurz gehalten – und häufig übernehmen das Rasenmäher-Roboter, wie dieser, der gerade zu Aufladen in seiner überdachten Station steht.
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König Carl Gustaf und Kronprinzessin Victoria haben die Kirche in Sunne auch schon besucht.
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Für diese Gegend typische Eisenkreuze auf dem Friedhof
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Und dann haben wir uns die Innenstadt angesehen.
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Restaurants und Geschäftshäuser
Die Villa Helios
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Bunt bemalte Häuserfassaden
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Selma Lagelöf und Sunne
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Sunne ist übrigens in Selma Lagerlöfs Roman „Gösta Berling” der Ort Bro und auch die Kirche des Ortes kommt darin vor.
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Midsommar Kopfschmuck
Nach so viel Sightseeing waren wir hungrig und deshalb haben wir eine Fika = Kaffeepause in der Citykonditoriet eingelegt.
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Zuvor hatten wir nebenan im Schreibwarengeschäft noch Postkarten besorgt uns so konnten wir nebenbei auch ein paar Grüße an für die Lieben daheim schreiben und in den Briefkasten werfen. Ja, die Markgräflerin schreibt noch Postkarten, zwar nur wenige, aber immerhin! Und für’s Frühstück und den Kaffee am Folgetag haben wir uns gleich noch eine Tüte mit Zimtschnecken mitgenommen.
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Die Citykonditoriet ist vor allem für ihre leckeren Vanille-Blaubeer Bullar, aber auch für ihre feinen Törtchen bekannt.
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Zimtschnecken (Kanelbullar) aus der Citykonditoriet in Sunne
Bevor wir uns auf den Rückweg in unser Feriendomizil gemacht haben, wurde noch ein Erinnerungsfoto von der Markgräflerin vor der Selma Lagerlöf Statue gemacht.
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Und was wäre Sunne ohne Heimatmuseum? In diesem ist die Jugendherberge von Sunne untergebracht, das Hauptgebäude ist gleichzeitig Frühstücksraum und Café. Hier haben wir auf unserem Rückweg noch kurz halt gemacht (im Ort der Ausschildung Richtung Hembygsgården/Vandrarhem folgen).
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Und da haben wir gesehen, dass hier auch ein Mittsommarfest stattgefunden hatte. Müssen wir uns für ein nächstes Mal merken….
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Der Mittsommerbaum
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Die Jugendherberge von Sunne liegt also auf dem Gelände des Sunne Hembygsgård, dessen wunderschönes Hauptgebäude der Askersbygården, ein imposantes rotes Holzgebäude ist. Es wurde 1945 aus der Gegend des Fryksdalen hierher gebracht und aufgebaut.
Die Rezeption der Jugendherberge
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Das Haupthaus / Café
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Im Askersbygården sind wunderschöne alte Wandmalereien zu bestaunen.
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Fortsetzung folgt…
#Fotografie #Sunne im #Värmland in #Schweden Vergangenes Jahr, an unserem 13. Tag in Schweden, sind wir nochmal nach Sunne gefahren, um uns den Ort mal genauer anzusehen.
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gacougnol · 3 years
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Hans Hammarsköld
Lake Fryken
Sweden 1951
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petterbrorson · 2 years
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Sista ljuset, akvarell, 18x13 cm
Jag bodde i vår lilla timmerkoja under Övre Frykens Konstrunda. Precis när solen gick ner på lördagskvällen målade jag den här lilla akvarellen, och sparkade därmed igång friluftsmålerisäsongen för min del. Min bror kom och höll mig sällskap och tog ett foto av mig när jag målade den här.
Själva utställningen gick bättre än vad jag någonsin hade kunnat föreställa mig. Jag sålde tretton av femton akvarellmålningar och alla fyra färgpennteckningar som jag hade med. Jag vet inte vad som hände, det är första gången som jag har varit med om något liknande. Jag är glad och tacksam, men också ganska yr efter upplevelsen.
Last light, watercolour, 18x13 cm During the art exhibition at Övre Frykens Konstrunda I stayed at our little log cabin. Just as the sun came down on Saturday evening I painted this small watercolour, and thereby kicked off the plein air season on my behalf. My brother came to keep me company and shot a photo of me painting this.
The exhibition itself went better than I could have ever imagined. I sold thirteen out of fifteen watercolour paintings and all four of the coloured pencil drawings I brought with me. I don't know how that happened, it's the first time it's been like that for me. I'm happy and thankful, but also quite dizzy from the experience. #gäddtjärn #kvällssol #friluftsmåleri #natur #skog #akvarell #konst #eveninglight #pleinair #pleinairpainting #nature #forest #watercolour #watercolor #watercolorpainting #art #aquarelle #acuarela #aquarela #acquerello #akwarela #ακουαρέλα #акварель #水彩 #petterbrorsonedh #peace
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thatxdope · 6 years
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Sneakersnstuff Nike Air Force 1 Fryken Release Info - http://bit.ly/2HHwezc
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linus-malmqvist · 4 years
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14 Augusti 2020 Fredag We travel back to Värmland, Back to the Alma Lövs museeum, we meet up with your dear friend and her partner. We walk around looking at the art again, and collecting the missing pieces that we did not see last time. We find a good place to swim, watching all over lake Fryken. Children are pretending rocks are in fact phones. On the farm, we all help making the dinner, we sit on the porch and the sun says good evening in all of its colors. We get a little drunk, we play a little cards. Stories are told.
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sagesolar · 6 years
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Wet jetty by - David Olsson - https://flic.kr/p/2abak9j
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xperht · 7 years
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Läs mer på Xperhotelsandtable.Wordpress.com eller klicka på länken i bio ⬆️ @bestwestern #hotel #hotell #hotels #surehotel #bestwestern #sunne #värmland #restaurang #nyhet #lansering #hotelfrykenstrand #torsby #selmalagerlöf #fryken #visit #gäst #bo #upplev #upplevelser #hotellrum #2018
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oloflagerkvist · 7 years
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#sagolikasunne #tossebergsklätten #fryken #fryksdalen #värmland (på/i Tossebergsklätten)
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