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fallenclan · 7 months ago
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oh yeah, it's comic time once more!!! i'm aiming for this one to be 3 updates long, so be patient!!! it's a big one
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cricketclan · 1 year ago
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new babies hehe. also had this drawn for a while now and was going to post moon 8 with them but having some artblock so just gonna post these for now.
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pineconeclan · 2 months ago
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Ripplepaw + levle up = RippleFreckle
and meet Little One and Coal kits
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fcclangen · 4 months ago
Moon 29
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Fernpaw gets her RBF from Yellowsnout
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in-memoriam-tgwk · 1 year ago
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im sharing this little gem just bc i think its really funny
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bigfrogdraws · 1 year ago
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vinitile · 2 years ago
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heard one(1) note of mitski
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glitterclan · 5 months ago
discussing the writing of falconshine's death
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@ladyoftheoceans hi, i'm actually glad you brought this up because i've been wanting to talk about it! admittedly, i had falconshine's death planned very early on. it's very hard to come up with a plot out of vague, randomly generated events, so after establishing a rough idea of falconshine's backstory from the events and right after them getting pregnant, i started planning for their early death.
THE REASON i wanted falconshine to die so early on was because of their vengeful personality -- unfortunately the murder chances in the game are extremely high and i did not want them to go around murdering cats because i wanted them to be a heroic character with a tragic backstory. i didn't want them to end up in the dark forest!
originally i had wanted falconshine to die during the birth of their litter with heatherstar. but this didn't happen, obviously (damn briarfeather and mistswirl for being such good healers). i had already established the colony as a sort of broad antagonistic force, so i turned to this idea instead as a way to kickstart that part of the plot. i kept putting falconshine on border patrols in hopes of them getting killed by a rogue, but this never happened either. this is when i dropped the starclan message from frozenkit to sort of vaguely allude to falconshine's future demise. eventually, sootface had the encounter with a rogue at the border in moon 18. i checked the rogue's profile, and was absolutely taken aback by the sheer size of this cat:
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he's basically a tigerstar clone. so, obviously, i had to make him the leader of the colony. (fun fact...his original name was zeraora. like...the pokemon. i changed it to zephyr so it was kind of similar) with a leader of this group now established, i was now ready to properly kickstart the colony plotline. originally, i had only planned for falconshine to die. buuuut sootface kind of weaseled his way in there as well by provoking the leader of the colony in that event.
just for clarification, i hate going against the game, and i try to work ONLY with what the game gives me. but for falconshine and sootface's deaths, i manufactured them myself to get the plot rolling. in the end i think it worked pretty well!
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plushieclan · 1 year ago
Crystalclan Starting Allegiances!
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LEADER DARKSTAR—black and white tom
DEPUTY STARLEAF—silver molly with distinctive
purple eyes
CLERICS RAINFEATHER—calico trans-tom
with white hind legs and tail
WARRIORS LIONMANE—pale ginger-and-white tom
with longer fur on his neck
APPRENTICES GINGERPAW—cream-and-white tabby tom
NIGHTPAW—black-and-white tabby molly
SANDPAW—golden-and-white striped tom
SHIMMERPAW— black molly with vitiligo
QUEENS BLOSSOMTAIL—pink-cream molly (mother
of Applekit, a tortoiseshell molly with blue
eyes, and Dawnkit, a pink-cream molly with
blue eyes)
LEOPARDCLOUD—golden tortoiseshell
molly (mother of Frozenkit, a pale point tom
with a red ribbon, Mudkit, a mottled black
molly with brown legs and muzzle, Pebblekit,
a spotted black-and-white molly, and
Tigerkit, a ginger tabby tom)
When I was a child, I read Warriors. But instead of being normal about it, I used all of my stuffed animals at my disposal and turned my room into a living breathing clan. That clan was Crystalclan. And now, I bring it to you in the form of this Clangen blog
Unlike most Clangen games, every single character starting out is custom! Most are based off stuffed animals I had as a child. I’m super stoked to begin this clan!
More will be added with time, so be sure to check back every once in a while!
(I do not have a discord, but am in the Fallenclan, Circusclan, Gitterclan, and other discords. My discord account is ImmortalCrayons)
(I do not have a discord, but am in the Fallenclan, Circusclan, Gitterclan, and other discords. My discord account is ImmortalCrayons)
For Lore posts:
Crystalclan asks
Crystalclan lore
Crystalclan family trees
Crystalclan Toyhouse (wip)
For Plushie posts:
Plushie Comparisons
Plushie Photoshoots
For Story posts:
Nightstar’s Clan (tag)
(Also, don’t look at the tags if you don’t wanna be spoiled at the apprentice and kits’ warrior names!)
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everybody-loves-purdy · 2 months ago
Future kit names I’d love to see more, if at all:
Aspenkit, Finchkit, Canarykit, Maplekit, Magpiekit, Wolfkit, Bearkit, Ratkit, Torrentkit, Cypresskit, Wavekit, Grousekit, Cardinalkit, Salmonkit, Carpkit, Pikekit, Vixenkit, Yewkit, Freezekit/Frozenkit, and Crabkit.
Some great warrior names for these would be Aspenbreeze, Finchsong, Canarywing, Mapleshine, Magpietalon, Wolfstrike, Bearheart, Ratclaw, Torrentsplash, Cypressfall, Wavecrash/Wavesplash, Grousefeather, Cardinaltail, Salmonleap, Carpwhisker, Pikefang, Vixenflight, Yewberry, Freezenose, Frozenpool, and Crabclaw or Crabcrawl
These are all so good. I’m really hoping also for Hedgehogkit and Duckkit, and another use of Goosekit
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twilight-clan · 4 months ago
You decide to defend Frozenkit. You march over to where the bully kits are and tell them to stop throwing things at Frozenkit. Egretkit and Mulberrykit stop ready to fight you, but Darkkit intervenes.
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"It was just a joke Lilackit, we didn't know that there was bugs in the moss honest, we didn't think he'd cry like that."
You are about to reply but Brokenheart comes and breaks up the group and forces Darkkit, Egretkit, and Mulberrykit to say sorry to Frozenkit. Egretkit and Darkkit look actually sorry, but Mulberrykit doesn't say anything looks at you with an unreadable expression. The entrance to the den rustle and Murkwind and Chervildew walk in.
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"Hey kits! We're back! Wait, what's going on here?"
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"These three threw a moss ball wi' bugs in it at Frozenkit, Lilackit was defending 'em."
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Chervildew shakes his head at the bullies but looks at you with proudly.
"Well, I'm disappointed in you three, especially you Darkkit, that's your brother. Frozenkit and Lilackit get to stay up tonight, but Darkkit, Egretkit, Mulberrykit, you're all going to bed right now"
As you watch the three kits walk off to bed, you can't help but feel like you've made some enemies...
< Last Moon | Start | Next Moon >
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"Hmm...yes...these kits have...potential...
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fallenclan · 11 months ago
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so many kittens lately . we're gonna need a bigger boat
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Shoreclan moons 50-100!
Moon 53:
- Yellowstar loses a life to age
Moon 54:
- Fidgetpaw returns! She’s given a warrior name- Fidgetroar
- Cavepaw becomes Cavemoss
Moon 55:
- Yellowstar loses a life to age
- Ibispelt is expecting kits!
- Coyotepaw becomes Coyotemark
Moon 56:
- Stormpaw becomes Stormpearl
Moon 57:
- Yellowstar loses remaining lives
- Ibispelt has a single kitten- Bearkit
- Yellowclaw is promoted to leader, becoming Yellowstar the second
- Yellowfleck is promoted to deputy
- Stormpearl is lost
Moon 58:
- Caterpillarpeak died of snakebite
- Oddblink is expecting kits
Moon 59:
- Yellowstar 2 brought back 2 kittens- Oakkit and Lizardkit
- Oddblink and Kitekick had 2 kittens- Umberkit and Breezekit
Moon 62:
- Quillpaw brings home 4 kittens- Dawnkit, Splashkit, Juniperkit and Whirlkit
- Quillpaw died
Moon 63:
- Bearkit becomes Bearpaw and is apprenticed to Kitekick
Moon 64:
- Coyotemark drowned
- Yellowfleck is expecting kits
- Swiftspeckle brought home three kits- Tallkit, Slightkit, and Umberkit
Moon 66:
- Yellowfleck had two kits with Curlstripe- Flashkit and Lilykit
- Currentkit joins the clan
Moon 67
- Oakkit becomes Oakpaw, and is apprenticed to Tuftstep
- Lizardkit becomes Lizardpaw, and is apprenticed to Oddblink
- Umberkit becomes Umberpaw, and is apprenticed to Cavemoss
- Breezekit becomes Breezepaw, and is apprenticed to Curlstripe
Moon 68:
- Bearpaw becomes Bearspeck
- Yellowstar 2 loses a life
- Dawnkit becomes Dawnpaw and is apprenticed to Kitekick
- Splashkit becomes Splashpaw and is apprenticed to Bearspeck
- Juniperkit becomes Juniperpaw, and is apprenticed to Yellowstar 2
- Whirlkit becomes Whirlpaw and is apprenticed to Fidgeroar
- Currentkit becomes Currentpaw and is apprenticed to Yellowstar 2
Moon 69
- Ibispelt dies
- Saplingkit joins the clan
Moon 70:
- Umberkit becomes Umberpaw and is apprenticed to Bearspeck
- Slightkit becomes Slightpaw and is apprenticed to Kitekick
- Tallkit becomes Tallpaw and is apprenticed to Curlstripe
- Juniperpaw becomes a med cat apprentice
- Valleypelt joins the clan as a new med cat
Moon 71:
- Hailkit joins the clan
Moon 72:
- Stormpearl returns
- Flashkit becomes Flashpaw and is apprenticed to Tuftstep
- Lilykit become Lilypaw and is apprenticed to Stormpearl
- Saplingkit becomes Saplingpaw and is apprenticed to Yellowfleck
- Melba joins the clan
- Muffy joins the clan
Moon 73:
- Yazhu joins the clan with kits- Bouncekit and Frozenkit
- Fallenshade joins the clan
Moon 74:
- Splashpaw dies via sea monster
- Lizardpaw becomes Lizardwatcher
- Breezepaw becomes Breezetooth
- Swiftspeckle has three kittens- Greenkit, Fidgetkit, and Raggedkit
Moon 75:
- Cavemoss died of redcough
- Umberpaw becomes Umberwind
- Tallpaw becomes Tallfluff
- Hailkit becomes Hailpaw and is apprenticed to Tallfluff
- Bristlekit joins the clan
- Slightpaw died in a flood
Moon 76:
- Odetta and Kitekick drown in a flood
- Curlstripe curses Odetta at the vigil???
- Koba joined the clan
- Dawnpaw becomes Dawncry
- Juniperpaw becomes Juniperfade
- Umberpaw becomes Umberwhisker
- Saplingpaw died in a flood
Moon 77:
- Currentpaw becomes Currentfern
Moon 78:
- Bristlekit becomes Bristlepaw and is apprenticed to Umberwind
Moon 79:
- Whirlpaw becomes Whirlheart
- Flashpaw becomes Flashdapple
- Bouncekit becomes Bouncepaw and is apprenticed to Muffy
- Frozenkit becomes Frozenpaw and is apprenticed to Yellowstar 2
Moon 80:
- Greenkit becomes Greenpaw and is appreciated to Melba
- Fidgetkit becomes Fidgetpaw and is apprenticed to Currentfern
- Raggedkit becomes Raggedpaw and is apprenticed to Whirlheart
Moon 81:
- Lilypaw becomes Lilyrip
Moon 82:
- Hailpaw becomes Hailweb
- Fidgetroar died of whitecough
- Stormpearl and Yazhu are both expecting!
Moon 82:
- Raggedpaw died of yellowcough
Moon 83:
- Stormpearl and Tallfluff had one kitten! Moorkit!
- Breezetooth is expecting
- Muffy had two babies (some warning would’ve been nice!) Rainkit and Dolphinkit
- Yazhu had three kits! Faithkit, Duckkit, and Boragekit
- Bristlepaw becomes Bristlemoth
Moon 85:
- Yellowstar 2 lost all remaining 8 lives at once
- Yellowfleck has been promoted to Yellowstar 3, and gets lives from: Ibispelt, Kitekick, Odetta, Coyotemark, Sneeze, Caterpillarpaw, Quillpaw, and Yellowstar 2!
- Oddblink is promoted to deputy
Moon 86:
- Breezetooth had three kits! Pearlykit, Dogkit, and Clearkit
- Frozenpaw becomes Frozenlake
Moon 87:
- Frozenlake found dead near Slumberclan border
- Greenpaw becomes Greencreek
- Bouncepaw becomes Bouncetree
- Tuftstep and Lizardwatcher become mates
Moon 88:
- Fidgetpaw becomes Fidgetmask
- Pearlykit died of a claw wound
Moon 90:
- Moorkit becomes Moorpaw and is apprenticed to Lizardwatcher
- Rainkit becomes Rainpaw and is apprenticed to
- Dolphinkit becomes Dolphinpaw and is apprenticed to Bristlemoth
- Faithkit becomes Faithpaw and is apprenticed to Melba
- Duckkit becomes Duckpaw and is apprenticed to Oddblink
- Boragekit becomes Boragepaw and is apprenticed to Currentfern
- A rogue ambush kills Koba, Currentfern, and Lizardwatcher
Moon 91:
- Hazystripe joins the clan
Moon 92:
- Dogkit becomes Dogpaw and is apprenticed fo Flashdapple
- Rainpaw is jealous of Dogpaw?!
- Clearkit becomes Clearpaw and is apprenticed to Yellowstar 3
- Bouncetree has been lost
Moon 93:
- Melba and Stormpearl are both expecting!
- Valleypelt brought a kitten back to camp- Whitekit
Moon 94:
- Curlstripe brings two kits back to camp- Lightkit and Rootkit
- Dogpaw and Faithpaw died in a flood
Moon 95:
- Curlstripe has redcough
- Stormpearl has three kits! Mistlekit, Graykit, and Jaggedkit
- Melba has two kits- Mudkit and Umberkit
- Muffy died of Greencough
- All the death gives poor Mistlekit shock
Moon 96:
- Fidgetmask is killed by rogues
Moon 97:
- Rainpaw becomes Rainblink
- Boragepaw becomes Boragespeckle
- Dolphinpaw died of yellowcough
- Jaggedkit is interested in the Dark Forest????
- Greencreek becomes a med cat
Bristlemoth, Bearspeck, and Flashdapple die in a flood
Moon 98:
- Moorpaw becomes Moorslash
- Clearpaw becomes Clearriver
- Oliverspot joins the clan
Moon 99:
- Fallenshade retires to elder’s den
- Duckpaw becomes Duckstalk
- Whitekit becomes Whitepaw and is apprenticed to Moorslash
Moon 100:
- Lightkit becomes Lightpaw and is apprenticed to Oddblink
- Rootkit becomes Rootpaw and is apprenticed to Umberwhisker
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@residents-of-the-darkforest, @wills-woodland-warriors, @starfalcon555
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fcclangen · 4 months ago
Moon 30
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ruh roh
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in-memoriam-tgwk · 1 year ago
Here’s The Colony’s newest arrivals, in order of when they joined! In case you didnt spot it, I actually revealed Oaktrail’s design during Moon 2. I may continue to do that as the moons progress, so keep an eye out for returning characters! (I am not redrawing kits and apprentices with current ages, I will lose my mind so fast.)
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Foggykit • Molly • Kit
Adventurous, Beloved Kitsitter
Frozenkit • Molly • Kit
Fierce, Lore Keeper
Oaktrail • Molly • Medicine Cat
Loyal, Good Teacher, Great Kitsitter
Emma • Genderfluid • Medicine Cat
Compassionate, Keen Eye, Mediator
(Note: Emma goes by he/him or she/her pronouns interchangeably. By default I will refer to her with she/her to save myself some confusion.)
Meet the cats!
We have our starting felines for our cat colony, of which has no name beyond simply the Colony. It’s a collection of cats that were given dreams to come and live atop the cliff outcropping that they call home, by a cat made of the very stars that light the night sky. She is believed to be the One Who Dictates Fate, the one who pulls and draws and snaps the threads that make up the universe, guiding her children through their mortal lives to then let them join her in the night sky when their string is plucked. Each cat was guided here by her paw, as thriving together is easier than surviving alone.
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Mottledwhisker • Tom • 13 moons • Warrior
Loyal, Ghost Sense, Helpful Insight
Glowstar • Tom • 106 moons • Leader
Adventurous, Great Speaker, Good Climber
Amberfuzz • Molly • 28 moons • Deputy
Troublesome, Lore Keeper, Good Swimmer
Cliffclaw • Tom • 72 moons • Medicine Cat
Grumpy, Unshakeable Dark Forest Link
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Iciclestalk • Tom • 106 moons • Warrior
Nervous, Great Hunter, Good Mediator
Shinefreckle • Molly • 65 moons • Warrior
Strict, Eloquent Speaker
Mousepaw • Tom • 7 moons • Apprentice
Cunning, Fairly Clairvoyant
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Heatherpaw • Tom • 6 moons • Apprentice
Insecure, Great Storyteller, Good Fighter
Hollykit • Tom • 4 moons • Kit
Bold, Good Speaker
Rainkit • Molly • 1 moon • Kit
Insecure, Learner of Lore, Steady Paws
I shall add cats as they come along, most likely going by year for new additions! I’ll make sure to link them below. Happy reading!
(This is a story with characters created by the Warrior Cat simulator known as ClanGen. I do not own the program, nor the characters that were generated, only the story inspired by the progression of my game.)
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glitterclan · 5 months ago
I just found your blog today and I just binged all the moons...I'm obsessed!
But I was wondering if Brackenpaw, Oleanderpaw, and Hawkpaw were ever told about Frozenkit? I don't think I've seen any more mentions of her(?) before/since Briarfeather's dream.
yes, they knew about frozenkit! however, they were never told about falconshine's first litter. falconshine did a really good job of keeping them shielded from the rumors regarding those kits.
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