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a clan living on the moors, beneath the unblinking eyes of starclan.
Last active 2 hours ago
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hey this is the "where have i seen you" anon
you made flystar's pathway, didn't you?
i did briefly start on a webcomic called flystar's burden, but i only got a few pages into the first chapter before i became fatigued with the amount of effort it took to put into the pages, which were done in a fully rendered style. it is the reason i have done glitterclan's story in a low-effort sketch style so that i can focus more on storytelling rather than the art quality!
i would like to revisit the story of flystar's burden one day because it's a story i'm quite fond of, but it would probably be in a different format.
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hello everyone! just wanted to update you guys that i'm still on a bit of a hiatus because i've been extremely busy with work + dealing with burnout. thank you for your continued support of the story, and i hope to pick things up again soon!
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i haven’t drawn a cat since middle school and since I’m prepping for my own blog, i thought to give this a shot with the blogs that finally gave me the push to start my own!
sorry none of these look like cats - I’m still trying to get the hang of this. Hope i didn’t butcher them too bad!!
In order - @loudclan-clangen‘s Songpaw! He’s one of my favorite characters in any media ever. I love him SO much and i think i accidentally absorbed the style
@splinterclan’s Whorlstar! SUCH a fun design. Truly. An excellent story with incredible art <3
@fallenclan’s Poppyfeather! Nothing bad happens to her EVER! I’ve reread this comic hundreds of times and still find myself gasping at the plot twists. @glitterclan’s Falconshine! Another story i love… falconshine is such a complex and fascinating character, and the art that accompanies the story is jaw-droppingly stunning.
@sporeclan’s Oakfox!!!! He’s just. The character of all time. Nothing bad ever happens to him. I adore this story SO much!!!! It was the first comic i read and it always has a special place in my heart.
@whispering-clan’s rattlepaw! STUNNING art and catchy story. What is going on with rattlepaw. Please. Bbg what’s going on.
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It was only a matter of time before I joined this trend. I absolutely love how many Clangen blogs have sprung up, each with unique stories, characters that rip my heart out, and art I can and will stare at for ages. Here are six I particularly enjoy. (Specifics under the cut.)
Cats, in order:
Partridgechaser from @whispering-clan -- I'm super interested to see what a connection to the Dark Forest means in this context (where the good vs. bad associations of StarClan and the Dark Forest are blurred). I had the hardest time choosing who to draw from this Clan of all the blogs, but ultimately her DF association and cool design made me want to draw her!
Brackenshine from @glitterclan -- she's been through so much and deserves a break, but I feel like prophecy cats don't have much luck with that. I'm interested in seeing how she and her siblings interpret StarClan's message, and what they'll do next!
Dropletsplash from @splinterclan -- I love this story so much, especially seeing the unique relationships every member of SplinterClan has with each other. I often overlook Droplet in favor of the kits or their parents, but she deserves everything and is trying so hard. Congrats on the apprentice!
Petuniapaw from @clansofafeather -- I wish for their sake they had a better family, but I love a character who tries to be a good person (...or cat) despite being dealt a bad hand. I loved seeing them bond with Amber and the kits, and seeing them be so protective of them despite just being an apprentice. (This is technically not a Clangen blog but the artist/writer has done several of those too!)
Honeypaw from @the-exiled-comic -- technically not a Clangen comic, but I wanted to include someone from this one anyways! I love Honeypaw for his design, enthusiasm, and kindness, and I've enjoyed seeing more of him in the recent chapters.
Wildfirecry from @loudclan-clangen -- the last few updates have been rough, but I absolutely love the character moments and seeing Wildfire get his revenge. Such a cool artstyle, too! Please get out of the crude oil
I'm nervous I mistagged or misnamed anyone, so apologies if that's the case! All of these blogs are such inspirations to me and I'm excited to see where their stories go.
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just for clarification, i had originally intended for the prophecy to ONLY encompass brackenshine (and possibly some other cats) after i received a message that she believed she was part of a new prophecy. but then the game threw this at me:
like...seriously? her two siblings as well? BACK TO BACK?
close enough, welcome back power of three
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MOON 33 - Leafbare
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My Favorite Clangen Duos!!!

(for some reasont the quality is normal/best when you click open in new tab?? crying how do I fix that)
Inspired by the "give me 6 clangen cats to draw" but I wanted to do my favorite duos and the ability to choose them :33 This took me about 4 hours? Over the course of a week.
Mossleaf (left) and Sunmane (right) (Top Left) of @whispering-clan! I LOVE WLW COUPLES and I LOVE Sunmanes design. Can't see her eyes? Peak character design. They're just so cute to me and I love their kits. Domestic happiness. I reallyyy wanna draw Peakkit, but I might hold that off until we know more about his personality.
Cedarheart (left) and Pansybloom (right) (Top right) of @splinterclan! I actually wanted to do Moorsnow and Whorlstar because ARRGHHH I love them so much its diabolical. Maybe another time? Anyway, Cedarheart and Pansybloom are sibling goals. In the picture, the timeframe is before either of their kits were born. (Queen Bess is seen aswell) Im also really proud of Cedar's expression. Sorry yap sesh over lols.
Mistswirl (left) and Hopebeam (right) (Bottom Left) of @glitterclan! I was rooting for these two SO hard bro omg. I think their dynamic and interactions are so silly. "me and the girl i bagged by having 0 rizz" basically and I'm all here for it.
Hawkcry (left) and Kestrelfrost (right) (Bottom Right) of @pumpkinclan-adventures! THESE TWO MAKE ME CRY UGH. I imagine they have a mother daughter relationship and I LIVE for those. Kestrelfrost is such a sweetheart omggg. Also, Hawkcry's guilt over Kestrel's accident but Kestrelfrost not blaming her makes me

Anyway! I had a lot of fun doing this! :3 hope you all enjoy it I am SO SO super proud of this. It lowkey helped me out of burnout lols.
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hi guys! just a heads up it may be a little bit of time before the next update, i've been kind of mentally eroded by (insert breaking real world news) and i haven't had much of a will to draw. hoping to get moon 33 drawn sometime this weekend!
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so fun fact, reading moon 29 made me remember a very weird thing about cat genetics that maybe you already know or have been told (and that i don't believe would apply in this situation but i want to share it anyways because i'm a nerd)- cat litters can have multiple fathers! in falcon's case, though, if they already knew they were pregnant it was definitely too late for that to be the case. i just think it's neat. i love falconshine by the way
yes, i knew this, and it's actually an option in game (for genemod anyway)! i have the setting turned on, but i have not had any litters with multiple sires yet. cinderbone and briarfeather's kits only have cinderbone as a sire, so i guess that just must have been bad luck on briarfeather's end.
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wow! we've reached 1k followers! this is crazy to me especially because it has only been about a month!
thank you guys for following and supporting my story!
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Immediately started exploring the wiki when I saw your post!! But I gotta ask: will there be a place for deceased cats, whether they were clan or not? I don't think I've seen a link or anything that takes you to a list, but correct me if I'm wrong!! I love all you do and keep it up!!
i can make a deceased cats list if you guys want! i just think the list would get extremely long over time so i didn't make it at first lol
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wiki launched!
hi guys! there's been a lack of updates the past few days because i've spent a lot of time putting together a wiki!
this is intended to be a sort of encyclopedia for myself that diligently keeps track of clan allegiances as well as information on each character. there are not only records of all the glitterclan cats, but also all of the cats from the other three clans (though these are much less descriptive since we don't really follow them).
i will be managing this myself and would ask that you guys please not edit anything, but you are welcome to browse as much as you'd like!
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I think cats who don’t have an afterlife either reincarnate or are ghosts. Maybe he’s spending his next life as a grub or something
in this universe, there are many forms of afterlife, with starclan being the one designated for clan cats. i imagine non-clan cats are typically just ghosts like you said, they can remain in the earthly realm or they can join an afterlife similar to starclan. or they can choose to reincarnate. i'm not sure what would be the case of angus. maybe he's just roaming around, maybe he reincarnated, maybe he's trapped in a void pocket dimension for his crimes. it's up to speculation. starclan doesn't have their eyes on him, so we will probably never know.
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Are Beaver and Yen related, or do they just look alike?
not related, just both torbies! beaver is a pretty standard feral cat while yen has some dense kittypet heritage and has the wild rexed fur gene.
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Omg the arrival of Beaver made me think of something. Do you think desexed cats would know they can't have lots anymore? Cuz I'm thinking of a really sad scenario where Beaver is like trying and she's always like "Why am I not pregnant yet? Is there something wrong?" :(( like ougghgh
i think that feral cats in this universe probably have realized that the unnaturally tipped ear is indicative of twoleg-induced infertility. because of that i imagine beaver is already aware that she cannot have kits. though she is quite old anyway and not sure if she would even WANT to have them. she’s still a mostly blank slate as far as her personality goes 😂
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Decided to do some warmups today while at work, and what better way than this!! Wanted to draw some of my favorites from other lovely clangen blogs! Fossilpaw from @darkest-before-dawnclan Songpaw from @loudclan-clangen Morb (who moment i saw her i fell in love lol) from @aphidclan-clangen Peakkit from @whispering-clan Jasmineflutter from @glitterclan And Flamefall from @fallenclan
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Did Angus ever have any more kits? And did he ever face retribution for what he’s done, either in life or in death?
(I’m just glad Lars and the kittens are safe and happy.)
in my mind angus has had several litters of kits so his spawn are probably everywhere in that area. and unfortunately i do not believe he ever did face the consequences of his actions. i don’t know if in death he would face a darker or lonelier afterlife, since he’s not really under the watch of a spiritual body like starclan. what do you guys think?
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