Chrono Collective
56 posts
Chrono Collective aims to showcase the best young and unexposed talent within photography, presenting it within a magazine format.
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chronocollective-blog · 8 years ago
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It's @tom_westbury here with the final image from my takeover. Here's Robin Hood Gardens, which according to English Heritage 'fails as a place for human beings to live' and is now earmarked for demolition, despite the attempts of several prominent architects and campaigners to save it. The argument, as with much postwar social housing, is between whether the architecture is flawed or the building is a simply a victim of poor maintenance and social problems... I hope you enjoyed this brief tour around some of Britain's concrete modernist buildings. If you want to see more from this series and work of other photographers of the urban environment, keep an eye out for Issue 3 of Chrono Collective. Cheers, Tom • • • • • #chrono #chronocollective #collective #magazine #documentary #documentryphotography #docphotos #indiepublishing #photography #photojournalism #instagramtakeover #takeover #tomwestbury #concreteoptimism #newtopographics #concrete #brutalism #robinhoodgardens
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chronocollective-blog · 8 years ago
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The Brownfield Estate in Poplar, London includes the distinctive Balfron Tower and Carradale House, both designed by Erno Goldfinger. Balfron was originally intended as social housing in a time of modernist ideals. Now all the social tenants have been moved out, as the building is being refurbished to create homes that only relatively few will be able to afford. @tom_westbury for Chrono Collective. • • • • • #chrono #chronocollective #collective #magazine #documentary #documentryphotography #docphotos #indiepublishing #photography #photojournalism #instagramtakeover #takeover #tomwestbury #concreteoptimism #newtopographics #brutalism #concrete #balfrontower
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chronocollective-blog · 8 years ago
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The iconic Barbican complex in the City of London. One of the most well known examples of Brutalist architecture and a masterclass in what can be achieved in concrete. Although very heavily photographed, the scale and intricacy of the place means it's always possible to find a different view. Here's one of the three magnificent high rises which dominate the site. @tom_westbury for Chrono Collective. • • • • • #chrono #chronocollective #collective #magazine #documentary #documentryphotography #docphotos #indiepublishing #photography #photojournalism #instagramtakeover #takeover #tomwestbury #concreteoptimism #newtopographics #barbicanestate #brutalism #concrete
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chronocollective-blog · 8 years ago
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It's @tom_westbury here continuing my takeover and sharing some of my explorations of British concrete modernism. Here's the Alexandra Road estate in Camden - the Brutalist take on terraced housing. It's a curved valley of jagged concrete, designed as social housing and completed in 1978. Despite problems with heating and maintenance, it's still going strong today and is now Grade II listed. • • • • • #chrono #chronocollective #collective #magazine #documentary #documentryphotography #docphotos #indiepublishing #photography #photojournalism #instagramtakeover #takeover #tomwestbury #concreteoptimism #newtopographics #concrete #architecture #modernism
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chronocollective-blog · 8 years ago
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Hello, @tom_westbury here taking the reins for the next few days. I'm a photographer based in the south of England, fascinated by the places and spaces we inhabit but often overlook. I'm going to share some work from an ongoing series on Brutalist buildings, which has the working title of 'Concrete Optimism'. First up, here's Wyndham Court in Southampton, completed in 1969 and supposed to evoke the cruise ships for which the town is famous. What are your thoughts on this expressive but uncompromising structure? • • • • • #chrono #chronocollective #collective #magazine #documentary #documentryphotography #docphotos #indiepublishing #photography #photojournalism #instagramtakeover #takeover #tomwestbury #concreteoptimism #newtopographics #urban #concrete #brutalism
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chronocollective-blog · 8 years ago
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Delighted to announce that documentary landscape photographer, @tom_westbury will be taking over our feed for the next 5 days! Through online platforms he has demonstrated an outstanding level of quality and consistency in his depiction of urban scenes and settings. We are honoured to be sharing some of his work and look forward to collaborating with him in our next issue... Watch this space. • • • • • #chrono #chronocollective #magazine #documentary #documentaryphotography #docphotos #indiepublishing #photography #photojournalism #tomwestbury #urban #landscapes #netopographics #banal
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chronocollective-blog · 8 years ago
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Hi, @kendalfewsterphoto here taking over the chrono collective Instagram to share with you some images from my series 'In Between'. This final image was taken on Crewe Road North, the main road which separates the East of Pilton and the 'Crewe Road Area'. With 3 layers separating the citizens from their neighbours it is clear that the physical partitions are contributing to feelings of separation and disassociation. • • • • • #chrono #chronocollective #collective #magazine #documentary #documentryphotography #docphotos #indiepublishing #photography #photojournalism #instagramtakeover #takeover #kendalfewster #InBetween #largeformatphotography #4x5 #5x4 #filmphotography #portra400 (at Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
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chronocollective-blog · 8 years ago
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Hi, @kendalfewsterphoto here taking over the chrono collective Instagram to share with you some images from my series 'In Between'. This image was taken from the cycle path that runs through the south of Pilton. From the path you can see a large area of field that separates the East & West of Pilton. When conducting my research, I learnt that there was a small community between the East & West of Pilon that didn't associate itself with either side. Instead these people associated themselves with the main road that ran between the two, Crewe Road North. Many of my interviewees said that if your house fell on a street that had 'Crewe' in its name then infant you were not from Pilton, but an isolated area in the middle. • • • • • #chrono #chronocollective #collective #magazine #documentary #documentryphotography #docphotos #indiepublishing #photography #photojournalism #instagramtakeover #takeover #kendalfewster #InBetween #largeformatphotography #4x5 #5x4 #filmphotography #portra400 (at Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
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chronocollective-blog · 8 years ago
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Hi, @kendalfewsterphoto here taking over the chrono collective Instagram to share with you some images from my series 'In Between'. This image was taken from the cycle path that runs through the south of Pilton. From the path you can see a large area of field that separates the East & West of Pilton. The high rise flats seen in the image are on the West of the boundary and despite the attempts of gentrification with new housing estates being built, these flats , which can be seen from many miles, still reinforce the negative stigmas of the past. • • • • • #chrono #chronocollective #collective #magazine #documentary #documentryphotography #docphotos #indiepublishing #photography #photojournalism #instagramtakeover #takeover #kendalfewster #InBetween #largeformatphotography #4x5 #5x4 #filmphotography #portra400 (at Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
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chronocollective-blog · 8 years ago
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Hi, @kendalfewsterphoto here taking over the chrono collective Instagram to share with you some images from my series 'In Between'. Throughout the development of this series, I interviewed dozens of people to find out if they felt there was a division between the East & West, and where in fact this boundary line lies. This image was taken on West Granton Access, one of the main roads that was pointed out to me by my interviewees as a physical partition between the two areas of Pilton. The bridge in this image, being the only thing linking the two areas not only represents the physical partition, but an emotional one also. With many interviewees saying that they did not feel safe crossing it at night therefore having a mental separation from their neighbours on the other side. • • • • • #chrono #chronocollective #collective #magazine #documentary #documentryphotography #docphotos #indiepublishing #photography #photojournalism #instagramtakeover #takeover #kendalfewster #InBetween #largeformatphotography #4x5 #5x4 #filmphotography #portra400 (at Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
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chronocollective-blog · 8 years ago
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This week we have the talented @kendalfewsterphoto taking over our instagram. She will be sharing her work with you tomorrow for the next five days. Until then headover to her Instagram to see some of her work!• • • • • #chrono #chronocollective #collective #magazine #documentary #documentryphotography #docphotos #indiepublishing #photography #photojournalism #kendalfewster #portrait #landscape #grad #instagramtakeover #instagram
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chronocollective-blog · 8 years ago
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Hey guys, @joepettetsmith here for the last day of my takeover. This is a portrait from my project The Wasteground, more info on my site - thanks for having me! • • • • #chrono #chronocollective #collective #magazine #documentary #documentryphotography #docphotos #indiepublishing #photography #photojournalism #instagramtakeover #takeover #joepettetsmith #pentax67 #120mmfilm #portraitphotography #ishootfilm #documentary #filmsnotdead
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chronocollective-blog · 8 years ago
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Hey Chrono gang, @joepettetsmith here again. This one is from a recent commission for menswear designer Renee Bedell. Her latest capsule collection is made in the South East of England so I visited all the small workshops that make up collection. This is Dan, the screen printer outside his workshop in Lewes. The rest of the series is all on my site, link in my bio yo • • • • #chrono #chronocollective #collective #magazine #documentary #documentryphotography #docphotos #indiepublishing #photography #photojournalism #instagramtakeover #takeover #joepettetsmith #documentaryphotography #portrait #screenprinter #commission #pentax67 #filmsnotdead #documentingbritain #keepitlocal
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chronocollective-blog · 8 years ago
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Afternoon guys, @joepettetsmith on day 4 of my take over, sharing 5 very different projects of mine. This is Dover 15ft, from In Defence of Lost Causes. This concrete structure is one of many built along the coastline between 1916-1930 or so. They were a precursor to radar; the concrete concave is designed to amplify sound so ground forces could plot the trajectory of enemy aircraft so counter measures could get in to position during WWI. They became obsolete after major advancement in airbourne warfare during WWII - basically quicker planes meant that once detected enemy aircraft would be over head in a matter of minutes. In Defence of Lost Causes uses large format camera movements to alter the perspective of each structure transforming them in to monuments removed from their original function. As ever, the full statement and the rest of the series is all on my website. • • • • #chrono #chronocollective #documentaryphotography #documentingbritain #joepettetsmith #indefenceoflostcauses #ilfordfp4 #filmisnotdead #5x4
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chronocollective-blog · 8 years ago
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Hi all, @joepettetsmith here. Tried to upload this is as an audio visual thing just now but that's didn't seem to work. This picture is from my project The Wasteground, which is a study of a small patch of land at the bottom of the road where I grew up. It used to be a wilderness, a paradise of green surrounded by terraced houses. In 2006 or so the space was developed in to a housing estate and dog walking park. There are still patches of untouched undergrowth which is what the work celebrates. This brick was found in the bushes, the remnants of the brick factory that was torn down in the 90s. I wrote a poem about the space that talks about the collective memories and local mythologies that surround the space, the video upload didn't work but it's all on my website - link is in my bio. • • • • #chrono #chronocollective #collective #magazine #documentary #documentryphotography #docphotos #indiepublishing #photography #photojournalism #instagramtakeover #takeover #joepettetsmith #thewasteground #documentaryphotography #filmisnotdead #mamiyarz67 #stilllife #landscape
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chronocollective-blog · 8 years ago
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Evening, hope this post finds you well. My name is @joepettetsmith - a recent photo graduate from the University of Brighton. Over the next 5 days I'll be sharing 5 pictures from 5 different projects. I am not the man in this picture. This is a picture of Pete, a nurse and Dover resident that I took as part of my project Tales from the Frontline. In response to the confusion running up to the EU referendum last year I undertook a project in Dover; a small town that many have a connection to but is visited in order to go else where. A transitional town that is itself in transition. I asked Pete how he felt about (what we now refer to as) Brexit. He said he didn't want to talk about it. A response I find myself relating to more and more as time moves on. The rest of the series is on my site, link is in my bio. • • • • #chrono #chronocollective #collective #magazine #documentary #documentryphotography #docphotos #indiepublishing #photography #photojournalism #instagramtakeover #takeover #joepettetsmith #talesfromthefrontline #pentax67 #portraitphotography #filmphotography
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chronocollective-blog · 8 years ago
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As of tomorrow we have @joepettetsmith taking over the account. He has been shortlisted for the @bjp1854 Breakthrough Awards 2017. Keep your eyes peeled for the next five days to see a preview of his work. • • • • • #chrono #chronocollective #collective #magazine #documentary #documentryphotography #docphotos #indiepublishing #photography #photojournalism #joepettetsmith #portrait #bjp #britishjournalofphotography #shortlisted
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