karta-vacante · 9 months
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Happy Early Holidays!
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justavulcan · 11 months
Airmark's Guide to Planar Vegetables: Chilblain Ivy
This thick-growing, white groundcover is one of the few plants native to the Elemental Plane of Ice.  Appreciated widely for its unique leaves, which feature irregular edges reminiscent of snowflakes, chilblain is remarkable to those from more usual climates in that it thrives in the cold.  The ivy seems immune to the ravages of temperatures far below freezing, and in fact grows best at temperatures that would kill unprotected humanoids in minutes.  It suffers in the heat, temperatures above freezing being deadly to the plant over periods of exposure longer than a day or two.  Due to its low internal temperature, it’s not often eaten by the living occupants of the Frostfell, but does serve admirably as tinder for their fires- its woody stems and delicate leaves burn steadily with a low flame for hours if lit.  Interviewed by way of Speak With Plants, chilblain ivy professes to all be family to other patches, and no sign of discord is ever noted as two patches grow together, intermingling and even merging into a single, large plant.
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felinedaddy · 8 months
Classic old EQ2 video I just found, wow! How didn't I know about this?
There is more content on their channel.
Rats celebrating Christmas! (More specifically, Ratongas stealing Frostfell lol)
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dndtreasury · 2 years
Frostfell Cloak
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mischievousblade · 2 years
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officermaddie23 · 2 years
Peepaw Yelinak
(Moments later with Hopper the little bunny kid)
Lord Yelinak: Go get grandpa some more eggnog and finish your homework
(Moments later in the western wastes)
Mazi: Merry Frostfell Lord Yelinak
Lord Yelinak: Fuck off Mazi
Demonitius Sly’Tor and Klandicar: *confused as hell*
(For those asking Hopper is Matashi’s adoptive son who is an anthropomorphic rabbit)
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imagine-iron-fey · 6 months
Thoughts That Keep Me Up At Night
(even after 12 years...)
When the message 'SCOTT WALDRON PEEKS AT GUYS IN THE SHOWER ROOM, ROFL' popped up on the computers in The Iron King, was it true since fey can't lie? Or does it not count as a lie on a technicality because it was typed and not spoken?
Is the Duke of Frostfell that Leanansidhe mentions the father of one of the Winter Princes?
Given Tertius's name, were his brothers (Sage's and Rowan's clones) named Primus and Secundus respectively?
If the mirrors at the End of the World show the mirror opposite of Ash, Ariella, and Puck, (and Grimalkin, sort of...) what would that make Rowan's or Mab's mirror opposites?
Was Ferrum actually a human who got stuck in the Nevernever and rather than going completely insane just slowly deteriorated over time until he fully believed he was a Fey King who rightfully deserved to rule? (This last one has fueled more headcanons and theories than I like to admit......)
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nailsofvecna · 7 months
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Belching a constant stream of black smog from holes in their brazen armour, bronze mephits are some of the most fearsome creatures to inhabit the Great Conflagration; the para-elemental Plane of Smoke. They are cruel and untrustworthy, equally likely to burn you to ash or disappear into thin air when confronted.
Meanwhile, the winter mephits are the imperious princes of Frostfell, lording it over their lesser bretheren with no emotion but disdain ever touching their frozen lips.
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e-johnsen · 2 years
I don’t know about the rest of you, but where I am it’s cold as the Frostfell. Hope everyone has a good holiday season. VRLA is now 90% scarf, Dani is a grumpy blanket burrito, and Kianas cat earmuffs were a gift from Finbar. ❄️
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maltacus · 12 days
My Dread lady, Chapter 51
There is much to prepare for the grand evening! Guest must be gathered, masks must be masked and travellers be teleported. Brilliance Auras must Bubble and Snowballs have Effect.
“Lieutenant Kalira won’t be joining us.” Nara informed.
“Someone has to keep watch over Lordaeron in the meantime after all, and I have strict orders from the Dark Lady to do so.” Kalira said a little primly.
“She is going to talk strategy with Baron Frostfel while we’re away from home.” Lenara explained.
“Ah.” The Mirrah’s nodded in understanding.
“Presumably there will be tactics involved too.” Velonara elaborated. “Lots and lots of tactics. On the great table.”
“Thank you, Ranger Velonara.”
“I need to ask you something!”
“Of course, absolutely.”
“What is a mana potion?”
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gorgynei · 7 months
(face buried in encylopedia exandria voice) okay the frostfell immediately came to mind as a possible option for fearne's plane but it definitely wouldnt have green trees and liquid water. we just dont know enough about the other planes to make solid guesses other than just ruling out the ones we know for sure it cant be (the hells or the abyss, likely not feywild or shadowfell, etc.). at the same time, do we know for sure that ruidus isnt a separate plane from exandria? smaller planes can exist within larger planes and can be linked physically (see: the hell's hole) and especially considering the way that the proto-divine gate wraps around the moon its very possible the portal goes directly to somewhere in exandria. or, if exandria and ruidus are technically both on the "material plane", the proto-divine gate could make ruidus function as it's own plane, even if it isnt in reality. it could also be linking to an alternate prime material plane, like artagan mentioned in the c2 finale, which would be absolutely insane, but possible. could also be an afterlife plane, hence the closeness to the ancient melora shrine. THE POSSIBILITYIES!
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selkiecrossing · 1 year
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Dream Diary 494- Frostfell by mitchycrossing
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justavulcan · 11 months
Airmark's Guide to Planar Vegetables: False Chilblain
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This deadly carnivorous plant closely resembles the innocuous chilblain ivy when at rest. Fortunately, two distinguishing features set apart false chilblain from genuine patches of the harmless ivy. First, chilblain ivy does not take root within a meter of false chilblain, so looking for conspicuous gaps in growth may aid spotting the danger. Second, the leaves of false chilblain are far more regular than true chilblain ivy patches, having a somewhat star-like shape.
An ambush predator and a mimic, false chilblain ivy hunts not only for prey to gain nutrients, but also warmth. Through unknown mechanisms of evolution, false chilblain is not indifferent to the cold of its home plane, and seeks out warm-blooded life to capture and use as a heat source to prompt seeding and provide the plant the nutrients to grow and move.
False chilblain most often takes the shape of a simple mat of ivy, although when it rears to attack it rearranges itself to bear a strong resemblance to an arthropod figure, including a torso within which its prey is imprisoned when captured. Fortunately, it is no more resistant that usual to cutting implements, and is quite sluggish on the move, both of which may permit the quick to escape its grasp.
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madamrynodm · 1 year
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A shot at drawing Rhistel's great⁸ grandpa, Ulathiri. King of the Frostfell and Father of the Myastanni Dragonborn ❄️🌨
An NPC wonderfully performed by our DM, @fitzlemur
He tested Rhistel's resolve and pride as a dragonborn in this epic fight... before swallowing his grandson whole and making him rethink his life. Plot armor was the only reason he survived
Time-lapse available here:
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nariwalsh · 1 year
This comes from Lore on the official Everquest 2 Discord! All credit goes to them for these October creative prompts geared to the world of Everquest.
EQTober 2023 Prompts
Week 1: Dungeons
Examples: - Befallen - Sebilis - Tower of Frozen Shadows
Week 2: Tradeskills
Examples: - Questline - Crafting stations - Doing tradeskills
Week 3: Raid Boss
Examples: - Vox - Mistmoore - Aten Ha Ra
Week 4: Holidays
Example: - Nights of the Dead - Frostfell - Bristlebane's Day
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mischievousblade · 9 months
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Merry Frostfell
Time to decorate your Frostfell treant!
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