#from the jinx and ziggs comic!!!!
anticanonhearts · 1 year
Was it good for you?
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antleredoctopus · 2 years
How do u feel abt Hextech Mayhem (the story spevifically not the game itself)
It's cute and incredibly charming! The back and forth dialogue between Heimer and Ziggs is a lot of fun.
I also like that it keeps to Heimer being this very intelligent mentor type that still has a lot to learn from those around him, because that’s a reoccurring theme in his sort of narrative I always found very sweet.
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fxggotclown · 1 month
For my League lore ask game; 6, 12, 14, 24, and because you seem to have good music taste from what I've seen scrolling through your blog, 33? :D If that's too many, feel free to skip any!
sorry !! i was at work and coincidentally played league w my coworker after and had to ponder over each question bc i am just like that so it took me a bit to respond . ^_^ 6- What’s your favourite lore fun fact? (ie a champion’s favourite food, something small like that)
idk if its canon canon but in the ziggs and jinx: paint the town comic ziggs and heimerdinger use a "visual transmogrification charm" to make themselves look like humans . and they look like this LOL
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12- Any queer headcanons? Tell us!
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#1 transgender viktor enjoyer !!!!!!!! also he is gay and jayce is bi but my feelings abt jayce are complicated . i honestly dont usually make queer headcanons unless im projecting but viktor is very obvious.
14- Any headcanons about your favourite region? Cultural, political, etc; anything that comes to mind!
i know i definitely used to when i was neck deep in fanfiction earlier this year but now i have forgotten what i dreamt up . my favorite region is zaun though and has been since even before i really got into the lore . i love green what can i say
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24- What character has the most fitting voice/voice delivery for their character? Alternatively, for non-speaking characters, best sound design?
fiddlesticks feels like too easy of an answer ? but i only play a handful of champions and none of them stand out to me in that regard .
33- Any song(s) you associate with a particular character?
this made me realise that i either dont connect songs to characters i like especially often or i do and just forget bc nothing is coming to mind </3 . that said i went looking through some of my music to see if anything made me think of any characters and decided to look up the translation of a song i like a lot and it coincidentally reminds me of viego/isolde/kalista/ledros . the song being しあわせ (happiness) ft. SEKAI by john (translation) . also haunted by laura les is jinx
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agonizedembrace · 2 years
“I took their smiles and I made them mine.“
Jinx thoughtfully titter-tottered on the spot, examining the dead Enforcers, littering the ground like some kind of horrifying confetti, made of dismembered limbs, busted open rib cages and blown-off faces. The floor was slick with blood and in the pools of red lay the remains of bombs and Chompers, all broken into pieces.
Now that the cacophony of screams, shouts, explosions and colours was gone, Jinx could feel herself getting restless again. Peering back at the shadowy, horned figure, which had goated her into going into Piltover and ruining someone's practice. Jinx often saw strange things, however, this creature was new. With its stench of blood and sharp talons, Jinx had chosen to assume it was something like a bad conscience. Did that even exist? Apparently now, so who cared?!
"And I am bored again", Jinx mused, "Crap." The Loose Canon quirked a brow at Evelyn. "Any more bright ideas, bad conscience?"
AN: That first line is from the Evanescence meme. And then Jinx just stole the keyboard. Also given how in the comic with her and Ziggs, she could see Zigg's Yordel shape, I think Jinx would be able to see a demon's real shape. Mind you, she has no clue it is a demon because of course not.
The emotional turmoil that dwelled within the girl is what drew Evelynn is -- she isn't shy to admit this. An added bonus is the will for violence, further intensified that she didn't mind that the very demon created her own havoc to the whole scenario.
Yes, their screams were delicious. Gone within moments (they never last long here!) and soon their blood coats her nails. How she desires just one who'll endure a little longer.
Needless to say, she's nearly startled as Jinx directs words in her direction. Distracted by ridding herself of the human remains, she cannot help but be curious of why she hasn't run away yet. Brows furrow in brief confusion before she shrugs nonchalantly. If she's playing dumb, then she's doing a great job at it.
"That wasn't enough for you, love?" Evelynn coos, head tilting to the side as her form shifts just the slightest. While her hunger is satisfied for the time being, there's no harm in causing some minor terror on unsuspecting humans. A long, half cleaned off claw taps her chin. "Those Piltover cops seem to have too much evidence nowadays, don't they? Why not see a fire to their building?"
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mousathe14 · 3 years
Yordles are, like, 50% of why I stick with any of the League of Legends BS and it’s a shame that Riot is not 100% clear on what to do with them ever since The Great Lore Retcon of 2014.
I much preferred when they were just an actual species of people in Runeterra with their own country and stuff.
Now they have to go through all this work to justify these weird fae creatures in their world and still haven’t resolved any of it.
Like, supposedly, Yordles are now mystical creatures from a side-dimension that can live for 100s of years.
It’s heavily implied but not explicitly stated that Yordles highly reflect the environment in which they spend the most time in, not just reflections but magnifications. It’s not 100% clear of this is natural inclination or not but if one takes a cursory look over half of them you can see it.
Like, Heimerdinger and Ziggs are extremely obvious magnifications of Piltover and Zaun respectively; an absent-minded science engineer and a wild hyperactive chemist obsessed with hexplosives.
One of the things is that riot hasn’t seem to have decided if the Yordles hide themselves or not. Half of the content implies they’re rare, valuable, and use a glamor that prevents people from seeing them for what they are. The “Don’t Mess With Yordles” cartoon speaks to some of this, as well as this old Ziggs X Jinx comic called “Paint The Town” I doubt a lot of people know about.
But the other, more recent half, seems to indicate that Yordles are in the world, out in the open, people know who and what they are and they’re part of society. Case and point being Heimerdinger, who has a god damn statue in the middle of Piltover in his honor as one of the founders of the academy, 100s of years ago.
In Arcane, no one bats an eye at him being alive for 100s of years.
So which is it, Riot? I love my fuzzy little weirdos but the lore retcon mess you all started hasn’t been resolved and all the people picking up the pieces are doing the best they can and it’s inconsistent.
I would love it if you dropped this whole “secret side dimension” thing and start over, make Yordles part of the world again.
But uh… Keep the thing about them being magical amplifications of their environment, there’s good analytical content to get out of that and it makes them unique.
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jinxarchive · 3 years
Now that Silco's dead, Sevika prob will take Silco's place and after Jinx bombs the council with her ult, everybody will hunting for her head.
She will be hiding, all alone, there's nobody on her side, i wonder if Ziggs will be her next friend?
Ziggs is LoL's champion, Yordle, who likes big bombs and short fuses
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You can read a comic about him and Jinx here
Ziggs and Jinx : Paint the Town
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He looks very much like a Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland.
Wouldn't it be cute ?
Jinx and her little pet 🐱
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frenchphobic · 3 years
compeltely real news i definitely did not make up but arcane season 2 is gonna be a sitcom comedy with warwick as jinx and vi’s father who is getting used to being a furry. singed is the comical saturday toon villain where hes like mr crocker from the fairy odd parents and he wants his fucked up little science experiment back. jinx keeps trying to break caitlyn and vi apart but fails in a loony toons way and caitlyn and jinx become rivals. ziggs shows up and hextech mayhem becomes canon. there are laugh tracks.
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pxmun · 3 years
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I’ve seen a few people comment on how Lindbergh reminds them of Ziggs from League of Legends. There’s a LOL comic involving Ziggs and this maniac tinkerer named Jinx and I just want to aske Oda if Lind’s design was inspired by the game.
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that-house · 4 years
Let me talk about yordles, and why they unsettle me.
Yordles are a sentient race of small fairy-like humanoids who inhabit Runeterra (the setting of League of Legends).
Many of them are portrayed as mischievous tricksters, and, while I’m not opposed to a bit of whimsy, something about them doesn’t seem right.
Across Runeterra, yordles are both feared and worshipped. What I focus on here is the fear.
Why are yordles so feared that they must disguise themselves to walk amongst humans in the city of Piltover? What misdeeds have these creatures committed that they need to use magic to hide their true forms?
I have some inkling of an idea, but I have yet to figure out their motives. Bear with me here.
My theory hinges around this:
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It’s a loading screen tip. It reads, “Because of their glamour, the true form of a yordle can be difficult for many to perceive.”
Seemingly innocent, yes? Yordles are feared, so they hide their yordle form with magic. Makes sense. Except... it doesn’t.
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This is Ziggs. He’s a yordle. Note the fact that he’s basically a tiny anthropomorphic rat with a frankly unreasonable amount of teeth. His mouth takes up a far larger portion of his head than seems altogether plausible. Ziggs’ disturbing mouth has little to do with my theory in and of itself, though we will be returning to the subject.
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This is Ziggs in human form from the comic Ziggs and Jinx: Paint the Town. He and his fellow yordle Heimerdinger are the only yordles whose “human” form we’ve ever seen, and the disguise is granted through Heimerdinger’s skills of invention. We are lead to believe that this is the glamour that is spoken of. But I disagree. The glamour hides something far darker than what we see in the game.
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This is Tristana. Another yordle. Note her more human features, though her skin is purple and her head is colossal. How is it that she is of the same species as Ziggs? For one, her mouth is far smaller. Also, she must be immensely strong in order to lift that cannon one handed, but that doesn’t particularly matter right now.
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This is Fizz. Also a yordle. He shares the typical large head of his brethren, but his facial structure is entirely different, not to mention his tentacles. How is it that these three creatures can be so impossibly distinct, with vast differences in physiology?
Here is where the shocking truth comes to light. The “many” who are unable to see through the glamour of the yordles is not the people of Piltover, deceived by pseudo-magical “science”. We, the inhabitants of Earth, are the “many.”
Yordles have such a wide variety of appearances not because of some fluke of evolution or a quirk of their genetics. They choose their glamoured appearances to reflect their personalities. The glamour that many have difficulty seeing through is not their human form, but their yordle form.
But why? Why would Riot Games disguise the true appearances of so many of their roster? What could the yordles be hiding that is so depraved that it must be hidden from everyone on Earth? Why are yordles feared?
The answer to this question is fairly simple. League of Legends is rated for Teens. The yordles may be hidden because their true form is something sufficiently disturbing that some younger audiences may be severely unsettled. I hypothesize that beneath their glamour, yordles are made of hundreds of writhing severed hands, clinging to each other to affect a human shape. That or they’re made of teeth. Hiding the true form of yordles from the players not only helps to keep younger players from becoming frightened, it also allows the yordles to be distinguishable in game. Piles of hands look pretty similar, and in more familiar terms, I doubt you could identify even your best friend without their skin.
This hill may be a stupid and needless creepy one, but I will die on it. Yordles are made of nothing but hands.
Behold, a yordle!
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Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk.
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a-rat-and-a-blob · 5 years
//I feel like I made decent, viable archs / character conflicts for all main characters in Team Z-STORM but Blitzcrank. (Though these conflicts will never go anywhere because I’m super lazy)
He’s kinda like.. a clean slate? He doesn’t have much issues I can exactly utilize outside of naivete both in his new lore or his old one.
Character Conflicts for the 4 Main Members Below
ZAC: Cowardice and a desire to feel comfortable that stems from his ability to go in multiple levels of Zaun, avoiding the tumultuous (the Sump) and embracing the happier levels (the rich). This does also stem from his unique emotional condition heightening such desires with ZAC possibly making excuses connected to said-condition. However, his desire to feel comfortable is ultimately his own and he must confront that fact. Sidenote: this ability to go to multiple levels allows him to be the most optimistic out of all the members
Ekko: An extreme pessimistic attitude towards society (Screw the system). He’s seen so many deaths and so much injustice that he believes that the only solution is to just steal from the rich and injure (maybe kill) those that serve injustice because, as time has proven, society isn’t going to take them down any time soon. He considers anyone that doesn’t do this a complete “sellout”, believing that joining such a corrupt society is becoming “part of the problem”. This mindset is why he is very protective of his friend and his gang.
Ziggs: Utter individualism turned to selfishness and carelessness. It all started with Heimer abandoning him when he needed only to be embraced by Jinx in the process. Jinx ultimately reinforced the idea of being comfortable of who you are and not minding the criticism he’s faced. That being said, Ziggs is a hack inventor whose inventions always end up exploding and went under Heimer’s wing for improvement. While both Jinx and Ziggs love their bombs (leading to further reinforcement), he does have his own doubts he can be anything else, but buries all of that under a lofty ideal of “being proud of who you are”. Interestingly enough, this repression is similar to my character conflict for Twitch concerning his “Sewer King” delusion.
Blitzcrank: Naivety?  Learning about organic emotions? (I guess he’s comic relief but it feels bad to not give the robot an arch. Help)
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veigarthevile · 7 years
Fucking comic
//And with one comic they cement yordles as something everyone hates, ruin the dinger/ziggs relationship, and have stripped both of them from their jobs while confirming the glamour thing.
G fucking G riot. I guess you really are out to "make yordles great again" lol.
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the-arcane-dream · 7 years
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This is from the official riot comic but it honestly looks like the start of an odd Jinx x Ziggs fanfic 
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citywatcher · 7 years
A quick (pretty late) note from reading the Jinx and Ziggs comic:
A Piltover warden is a lower ranking title than a Sheriff. Sheriffs are in charge of the districts of Piltover, while the regular ranking officers of the city are officially called wardens. They do respond to ‘officer,’ or other equivalent terms.
Becoming a warden is part invitation, part merit exam. The warden in Caitlyn’s lore offered her a position, but that doesn’t mean he was able to grant it outright. It’s more accurate to say he offered her an opportunity to showcase her abilities and talents, and then if the commissioner and the board of police approves of her application, then she would become one. And she did.
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jaggardsauvagess · 7 years
The one good piece of information to come from the Ziggs/Jinx comic
Runeterra is practically medieval. Not even steampunk, Piltover barely makes it past the Industrial era!
Then again, of course, this means that my rewrite of Winter’s backstory for being on Runeterra gets a bit more...solid, in that while there’s likely nobody that can help the Gilligan’s Island situation, it also means that there’s practically no chance for any technological eureka for such space tech falling into the hands of others.
....That’s kind of bland and boring. Wow. Whatever, I can work with this.
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thewriterkid · 3 years
The Top 5 Best League of Legends Cosplays
The Top 5 Best League of Legends Cosplays
League of legends cosplaying is an increasingly popular past-time, with some cosplayers producing fantastic and amazing costumes totally from scratch. Cosplayers often attend conventions as their favourite in game characters or just do it for fun and as a hobby. Some are even professional cosplayers and make a living from their creations through merchandise sales and running their own online communities. Here we take a look at the five best League of Legends cosplays that we’re ever seen – and they’re very impressive!
What is Cosplaying?
Cosplay is short for “costume play” and involves dressing up in costumes/outfits as your favourite characters, be they anything from video games such as League of Legends cosplays to film, comic book or anime characters. Many people cosplay as a form of expression or to join a community of like-minded people, whilst others just do it for a bit of fun. Some cosplayers even make a living from it, appearing at conventions or in commercials as their favourite fictional characters.
Our Top 5 League of Legends Cosplays
#5 Ahri by Lindsay Elyse
This Pool Party Ahri cosplay by Lindsay Elyse might look simple, but the work and attention to detail in that fur tail is amazing. You can follow Lindsay on Twitter here to see more of her creations – she is incredibly talented!
#4 Yasuo by Yoshplay
We were really impressed by this Yasuo League of Legends cosplay from Yoshplay. A huge amount of work went in to creating the armour for this piece but it has definitely paid off as it looks fantastic! Plus, the pose matches the official Yasuo splash art – a nice attention to detail! You can find more of Yoshplay’s work and follow his creations at his Facebook page.
#3 Jinx by SilentCircus90
This Jinx cosplay by SilentCircus90 is one of the best we’ve ever seen. The attention to detail is fantastic, right down to the small details on her weapons. SilentCircus90 is actually a freelance cosplayer and makes a living from her creations, taking commissions for cosplay projects, including League of Legends cosplays. You can see more of her awesome work on her Deviant Art page.  
#2 Ziggs by Jessica Nigri
Jessica Nigri is one of the most well known cosplayers out there, with over 2.7 million fans on her Facebook page. There’s good reason for that too – her work is absolutley amazing! We love this Ziggs cosplay and you can check out more of her work, including other League of Legends cosplays on her Facebook page or purchase prints via her website. 
#1 Garen by Junkers Cosplay
What can we say about this Garen cosplay other than WOW, it’s incredible! The attention to detail on the costume and effort put in is just out of this world. This is easily the best League of Legends Cosplay that we have ever seen – and probably will ever see. You can keep up to date with Junkers Cosplay’s latest work and creations on his blog or his Facebook page, which contains other League of Legends cosplays such as Tryndamere and Lee Sin (both of which are also amazing – you should check them out). So there we have it, our top 5 best League of Legends cosplays.
What do you think of them? Are there any you think we should have included but haven’t? Let us know in the comments below! In the meantime, why not check out our range of League of Legends smurf accounts – we offer low prices and a 100% guarantee to help you save time in levelling up your smurfs.
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Practice on a Smurf account with our LoL Smurfs!
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