#from stress and from frustration and from mood swings and from a lot
liminarystars · 3 months
Hi ! I just recently got into the Sally Face fandom, and luckily found your blog - I love it !!
Could I request some hdcns for a midsized!fem!adhd!reader x Larry and/or Sal pls ? (They're all 18+ btw ofc).
Reader struggles with low self-esteem, body image issues, intense mood swings/emotional dysregulation, irritability/low frustration tolerance, forgetfulness, social anxiety, doesn't rly like physically touch, anxiety & depression, etc. But she's super sweet, caring, and loves Larry and/or Sal ! Even through all her struggles and anger issues lol-
Can you pls write some hdcns on how Larry and/or Sally would deal & help their s/o with these issues ? Just some angst but lots of fluff pls 🙏🏻🤎💙 !! Ily & hope you're taking care <333
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a/n: tyty, it's mainly platonic. but could be taken each way.
characters: sal fisher, larry johnson
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ sal fisher
✧˖° wether it's platonic or not, he'd play his guitar and let you relax in his room.
✧˖° gizmo cuddles >
✧˖° he'd know different breathing techniques and things to do when your upset.
✧˖° he wouldn't bother you, if you don't want him to touch you.
✧˖° self image issues? sals been there, done that. he wouldn't tell you shit you want to hear to make you feel better, i'd say he'd challange you on how you see yourself.
❝ why's that? ❞
❝ do you really think that's true? why? ❞
✧˖° he'd also compliment you, a lot. like random specific ones.
✧˖° he'd make you a little drawing of the two of you holding hands. likeee? platonic or not, if his shitty drawings make you happy, then he'll draw something for you.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ larry johnson
✧˖° stress painting.
✧˖° simple as that, he'd tell you to make art based off of how you feel. having a depressive episode? paint how you feel.
✧˖° aside from stress painting, if your down, smoking sessions. weed for your troubles.
✧˖° again, like sal, you can just vibe in his room. you'd be stuck listening to sanity's fall or smelling his weed, or watching him paint. but if you don't mind that, it's pretty chill.
✧˖° as for your self image issues, expect compliments, not as specific as sal's but they'd be more vague. still sweet, he's trying.
✧˖° he's paint you a pretty picture. like a happy one. bright and colourful.
✧˖° he'd ask lisa for help, he doesn't want to upset you more.
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© 2024 liminarystars - all rights reserved. do not modify, repost, translate or plagerise my content.
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carlsdarling · 1 year
Hello friend! Can you do some Carl x reader with high functioning adhd pls? By hug functioning, I mean intense mood swings, extremely forgetful, super low stress tolerance, gets frustrated very easily, etc. Maybe with a bit of smut :)? 💜
Carl x ADHD! Reader headcanons
Y/N has ADHD, but Carl has gotten used to it... Everyone is 18 or over.
WARNINGS: lowkey smut, nsfw
When everyone else is annoyed by your constant restlessness, Carl doesn't mind at all; he's always suggesting activities - usually sex first, of course he means it totally unselfishly *cough*.
Carl and you share a bedroom, so he inevitably notices when you can't sleep again. While the bed is big enough that he could just shift away from you and sleep himself, if he's not completely exhausted and passed out, he'll stay awake with you; you'll watch movies, kiss, sleep with each other, and play video games until you're eventually able to fall asleep.
Carl isn't particularly tidy himself, but he often cleans up after you - especially in the bathroom, because Rick and Michonne get annoyed when one of you leaves it messy.
Carl is used to you not being able to sit still and constantly rocking your feet, crossing your legs, biting your fingernails, and not being able to concentrate on anything. When being active is not possible, for example at important meetings in Alexandria, Carl takes your hand and holds it.
He reminds you of the things you forget. While Denise has taught you to write lists to structure yourself and your daily routines, you often misplace those lists or completely forget to write them at all.
Other people think you babble too much, too fast, and too much nonsense. Carl doesn't mind, he thinks it's cute.
Carl finds your mood swings interesting because they are so unpredictable. He sometimes teases you about it ("Are you on your period again? Okay, at least you're not pregnant then.").
When you're out in the woods or on a scavenging trip, you never run out of energy - Carl admires and envies you for it.
Carl has taught you a few techniques to calm down and focus. For example, he's picked up books on autogenic training and meditation and practiced that with you. But his favorite way to relax and relieve stress remains sex. Not that you would feel any different. You two literally can't keep your hands off each other, and at times your libido is even greater than Carl's - not that he is bothered by that, he likes to sacrifice himself for the good thing....
Rick often gets upset that you are erratic and inattentive during your guard duties. He initially didn't understand what ADHD even meant until Carl calmly explained it to him. Since then, Rick has been more understanding of your moods, and you're always assigned to guard duty with Carl or Enid, since they're the two who can handle you best.
Some foods - especially cola or coffee - exacerbate your ADHD, so Carl tries to keep you away from it what you don't like. You argue about this a lot.
Carl likes your tics. To him, that makes you special.
You have anger attacks in which you lose your temper and throw objects. Carl then holds you tight, presses you against him and murmurs soothing words in your ear until it's over.
Tags: @loveforcarl @knochentrocken0808 @taylormarieee @tessasweet @enid-rhee-things
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queenofsimpsblog · 2 years
griot - shuri x reader
is the idea dumb? yes. is it gonna flop? maybe. am i still gonna write it? fuck yeah!!
dedicated to @locoforshuri i think ur really cool and i think you might like this so please read it my mutual bb <3
you waddled your way into shuri’s lab. being 4 months pregnant, you became extra clingy than usual and your hormones were all over the place. you figured spending some time with shuri might calm you down a bit.
you walked in and instantly noticed shuri’s frustrated state. you saw the images displayed on the blue screen in front of her, and remembered that this was the project she’d been stressing on a lot lately. it was a security system for the palace. she wanted to reinforce the building as you’d be welcoming a child soon, and wanted to keep it safe so that no harm would ever come to your child.
her muscles were tensed. you slowly walked up to her and covered her eyes with your palms. “guess who?”
“oh, is that riri?”
you swiftly moved your hands from her eyes to slap her on the arm. she giggled and turned around to give you a hug, mindful of your growing baby belly.
“hello, my love. i missed you. and you.” she said, moving down to kiss your baby bump.
“i saw how worked up you looked. wanna take a break and get some ice cream?”
“i’d love to, but i’m almost done with this algorithm. just wait for about half an hour? i promise i’ll be done after that!”
you sighed but nodded. shuri smiled widely and gave you a long, passionate kiss before turning back to her work station. you waddled to one of the couches in the lab and sat down, picking up a magazine on the table next to you to pass time.
after half an hour was up, shuri was almost done with the algorithm, but then accidentally hit the delete button instead of save.
“damnit! griot, can you retrieve the algorithm i just deleted?”
“it appears the recently deleted folder has glitched for some reason. i don’t think i’ll be able to access it.”
“oh for bast’s sake!! i did not design you to be this incompetent!!”
for some reason, hearing shuri yell at griot triggered something in you. you started crying and walked up to shuri, grabbing the end of the table as you tried to stabilise yourself.
“griot, can you hear me?” you sobbed out.
“yes, queen y/n.”
“i’m sorry shuri is being mean to you. she doesn’t mean it. she’s actually really sweet. she’s just a little stressed out right now, with a baby on the way and this thing she’s been working on for so long. i promise she didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”
shuri was never more confused in her entire life. she knew your mood swings were severe and unpredictable. but this?
what made the situation even weirder is that griot started crying too.
“i do everything panther asks for, and it’s never enough. i know i make mistakes sometimes, but all algorithms glitch!”
the sight was hilarious. just you and griot sobbing together. shuri figured out that there was a bug in her system so she resolved that to make griot stop sobbing.
at first, she didn’t know how to calm you down. but then she realised what she had to do.
“griot.” she cleared her throat.
“yes, panther?” by now griot stopped sobbing and spoke clearly.
“i apologise for my rude behaviour. even though you’re an ai and have no feelings, i must still speak to you nicely. i hope we can move on from this and still work together?”
“of course, panther. no hard feelings.”
you stopped crying after that and wiped your cheeks. you smiled at shuri.
“see, griot? i told you she’s really sweet.”
“what’s sweeter is the ice cream we’re about to have. my lady?” shuri extends her hand and you take it, walking out of the lab together, talking about which flavour of ice cream you’re gonna get and what toppings you’re gonna ask for.
*lil bonus scene cuz you guys deserve it*
when the lab is emptied out, griot plays thot shit by megan thee stallion and quietly sings along.
“i’m a bad bitch”
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zapmth · 9 months
Muzan HC's/ thoughts
Am I the only one that thinks even though he's intimidating and arrogant, he def not would be dominant in a relationship like he's just a brat that needs to be put in place
For this reason he's a literal coward and is scared of getting his ass kicked like I'm sure if he was in a relationship' with someone stronger than him than he'd be a submissive but a brat that gets on their nerves
More of a reason I think he likes guys more than girls lmao
He's pretty dramatic and exaggerated in his emotions. He's also very over-emotional, so he'd probably throw a tantrum if he doesn't get his way, or if he's insulted or attacked. Definitely a massive bottom.
Like... He's a sensitive guy. Muzan can be easily upset, he's prone to temper tantrums, mood swings, and fits of anger. Whenever he is challenged or feels threatened, he lashes out with rage and violence. He doesn't cope well with stress or frustration, and usually lashes out physically or verbally. It reminds me of a spoiled child who has never been told 'no'.
 Muzan is a very insecure person, he's always trying to appear strong and powerful, but deep down he's actually quite afraid. He relies on his tremendous power to protect him, and is afraid of being vulnerable or weak. He's also very self-conscious about his appearance and his image, and fears being judged or viewed as inferior.
 Muzan is definitely quite a lazy person. He delegates all of his chores and tasks to his followers, and expects them to do everything for him. He's not motivated to do things himself and would rather have others do it for him. However, he also doesn't like when others are lazy and expects them to be diligent and productive. He thinks he's better than everyone else, and wants people to do things for him. He's kind of a hypocrite
He hates being humiliated and criticized, but loves being praised and admired.
He's definitely a huge egoist, and is very narcissistic, he loves the attention and admiration that he gets from his followers and subjects. He thinks he's better than everyone else, and doesn't want anyone to think otherwise. If anyone criticizes or tries to expose him for the little baby he is, he'll get pissed off and lash out in anger.
How does he fall in love?
 I think that he would be drawn to both a weaker person he can control and a strong person that will keep him entertained and challenge him. He seems to be attracted to strength and power, but he also enjoys controlling and manipulating others. So I can definitely see him having an attraction to someone who is strong and will keep him entertained, but at the same time he'll also want someone he can manipulate to do his bidding.
So in summary, I think that he would be drawn to someone who is strong, entertaining, but also someone he can control and manipulate.
 if he couldn't manipulate and control the person he wanted to fall in love with, he would get bored and frustrated very quickly. He would probably try different methods to gain control and power over the person, but if none of them worked he would likely get bored and move on.
He's a pretty impatient person, so he wouldn't want to waste a lot of time trying to get the person to like him or fall in love with him. If it takes too long or too much effort, he'd probably just give up and move on to someone else.
I think that if someone could successfully dominate and control him, it would bring out a bratty and submissive side to him that he normally hides under his dominant and manipulative persona. He would definitely hate it at first, but I think if the person could maintain control and keep him in line for long enough, he might begin to like be under their control and submit to them.
Relationship with a guy?
Now the category if he was with a guy, and he's the bottom, I think it would be a similar situation with the dominance and submission aspect. Muzan would probably be the more submissive one, and the person he's with would be the dominant one. However, he would definitely play hard to get at first. He might be reluctant to admit that he likes the control the other person has over him, and would initially be very resistant and defiant. But as the relationship progressed, I think he would start to appreciate the control and dominance the other person has over him.
He'd never admit it though
Muzan being the bottom in a relationship with a guy would be quite cute, in my opinion. It would definitely play into his submissive and bratty side, and I can imagine him being very clingy and demanding towards his partner, which would be adorable. The other person in the relationship would probably be a very dominant and commanding partner, who would find it amusing to see Muzan become more submissive towards them. It would be a fun dynamic, with the top taking the lead and making most of the decisions, while the bottom (Muzan) is more passive and clingy.
But not those clingy MF's that be clinging on their whole leg! If you get what I mean LOL
Another thing about him being the bottom in a relationship with another guy would be how protective he becomes. I can picture him becoming very possessive and jealous over his partner, and being constantly wary of anyone else who might express interest in them. He would be very possessive and territorial, always wanting his partner all to himself. If anyone else tried to make a move on his partner, he would not hesitate to fight them.
 I guess any relationship with Muzan is gonna be kinda toxic to some extent. His whole persona is based around manipulation and control, so even if he's the bottom in the relationship, he's still gonna be pretty manipulative and toxic. So yeah, it would be a pretty toxic relationship overall, but I think that's just the nature of Muzan's character. He loves having power over others and doesn't really know how to exist without control, so a relationship without some level of toxicity would probably be difficult for him.
That's it I'm done working my brain for this one? Any suggestions/ requests for other characters or certain HC's (for Muzan?)
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yn-honeybun · 1 year
Simple Headcanons I have towards the main four comforting you after a long day. Miles Morales X reader, Hobie Brown X Reader, Gwen Stacy X Reader, and Pavitr Prabhakar X Reader.
Miles would see the frown on your face and make a lighthearted joke. He’s only trying to brighten your mood, but when that doesn’t work he walks up to you and asks you if you’re okay. Probably would be a bit awkward at first but then once you start to open up he simply nods, adlibing every now and again to assure you that he was listening. He’d say he understands what your going through then suggests you guys get something to eat. If his mom cooked he would invite you over for dinner.
After your snobby comment to Gwen, she would turn to you asking you what’s up. You groaned out a reply telling her how Miguel was getting on your nerves and how frustrated you were with him. She would nod her head agreeing with you and your attitude towards him. She offered to go to the gym or if you played an instrument she would suggest you guys take it out in a song. Taking turns getting all of the anger and frustration out from the man child who was your boss.
When you didn’t respond to Pavitr’s texts, he knew something was wrong. Next thing you knew you heard a knock coming from your window. Soon as you opened it, he jumped inside shoving a gift basket into your arms. “Hey I’m sorry if I did something to offend you. I know that last mission was a lot, but I promise-”You cut him off with a tight squeeze. You told him that he did nothing wrong and that he was correct however about the last mission being stressful. He told you that it was okay then suggested you guys hop into his world and get a cup of chai. You spent the whole day ranting about the last couple of missions over chai and naan.
When it came to Hobie, he automatically knew when you had a bad day. Just from the way you groaned after Miguel dismissed you for the night. You had been a minute late to a meeting and all of a sudden you were being chewed out. He followed you after opening up a portal into your room. You hadn’t noticed him until he cleared his throat making his presence known. “ ‘Ey luv, what’s got ya down?” He asked knowing the answer. You ranted about how stupid Miguel was being and the pain he was, Hobie nodding to your words. “Seems like he keeps giving everybody a bloody headache.” Rolling your eyes in annoyance you agreed with him. He suggested you guys get something to eat to take your mind off of things. Then he would swing you guys onto the rooftop of a building overlooking the city. You wake up the next day still on the rooftop, Hobie’s arms wrapped around your body squeezing you tightly.
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fvllingcamellia · 10 months
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seeing your roommate's instagram posts can't lead to anything.. right?
suguru geto smut, masturbation, substance abuse mention, reader on rehab, reader has a rly bad mental health, at first it's some kind of philosophical shit and then i just went wild so enjoy! btw!! my inspiration was yunonoai's art on twitter, so i'll leave the link here.
you've been feeling terrible lately. you missed the feeling of your brain being stimulated by dopamine. the feeling of happiness was so distant and so unknown lately which caused you to question your entire existence. what's the point of it? you had a good job, nice salary, pretty apartment that you shared with another roommate. but does any of it have any sense? for the world, it doesn't mean anything. you're no one. nobody would remember you if you suddenly disappeared one day. those thoughts were corrupting your mind every single day since you were on rehab. it was supposed to be helpful but it was worse. but you promised, right? you promised to change – for him. suguru geto was the man who almost begged you for this. you didnt know each other for long, but when he moved into your apartment you both understood ourselves well. he wasn't a close friend of yours, just a regular roommate but he helped you to get out of drug addiction. and even if you were feeling shitty, you were extremely grateful for this.
the amount of stress you were experiencing lately was insane. during the rehab you became really sensitive and the slightest words could made you furious or sad. you've been experiencing a lot of mood swings that were exhausting in some way. the frustrations were so unbearable that you found yourself on your bed wondering how could you let all of those thoughts and feelings get away from you. you've been scrolling down on instagram checking those stupid posts and photos of your so called "friends" that doesn't even bother to text or call you to check if you're still alive. but as you've scrolled down the page you stopped. one post where geto was tagged caught your eye. this picture made you think that your roommate was actually incredibly attractive. you've never been interested in him in any romantic way. he was just a guy, a roommate to you. but as you were admiring the photo.. the more excited you felt. you didnt even realized that your hand was slowly sliding down on your abdomen. instead of looking at only one photo you started checking his entire social media activity to find more posts. and he looked so good in every photo he uploaded. you put down the phone. it was enough for you.
your fingers were moving dangerously down to your panties. at first you were hesitant about this. fuck what kind of a person masturbates to their roommate's photos. but you didn't care. it was something you NEEDED to feel right now. you slowly moved the material away and brushed your finger over your clit. you squeaked. you haven't touched yourself or had any sexual intercourse in a long time so you needed to explore your body again. you brushed your finger again, but this time over your inner lips, and oh my god since when you were so wet? you were desperate now. this feeling made you slid down your pants along with your underwear completely exposing your lower parts. suguru wasn't at home yet, he went out for some groceries about 20 minutes ago so you could be as loud as you wanted to be. you took a deep breath before touching your folds again. you started from rubbing your clitoris. your head was turned towards the phone on which still appeared suguru's photo. you looked at him imagining it was him who was pleasuring you right now. you imagined his fingers working on your pussy, abusing your sensitive clit.
gaps were leaving your mouth and free hand moved up to your chest you slid it under your bra and while stimulating your pussy you also took great care of your boobs. squeezing them, massaging, pinching your nipples doing almost everything to them. slowly you moved your fingers down, to your hole. you bit down your lower lip and you inserted one finger, pushing it slowly further. but it wasn't enough. you wanted to feel more inside, so you added another one. stretching yourself while moaning and whinning geto's name seemed like something unreal. but it was real experience, fingering yourself while fantasising about him.
– just got home satoru, cooking for y/n tonight. – suguru answered as he was opening the door to the apartment. he was on line with gojo who was complaining about his life for 45 minutes straight. – ill talk to you later.
– you fucked her finally? – the white haired man asked with a curiosity. he always had some weird speculations in his head and one of them was the theory that geto was banging his as satoru said "sweet roommate"
– dude don't be ridiculous. im hanging up. – suguru frowned and ended the call. he closed the door and started walking towards the kitchen. he placed the groceries on the counter and wanted to get changed to he went into the direction of his bedroom but he stopped midway. he couldn't believe his ears and the sounds he was hearing. whines and other octaves of moans coming from your room. most of them were his name in many varieties or words like "fuck," "i want more," "faster."
geto was completely confused. he was standing next to your door wondering who was more perverted – suguru listening to your sweet moment, or you who was pleasuring yourself while screaming his name without shame. but he decided to not make any moves and he simply went to his own bedroom as he had originally planned. but he couldn't stop thinking about you. listening to you made him hard, and geto could only imagine how you look right now and what you're doing to yourself. he had many visions of you right now. how would you look under him when he would fuck your brain out? how would you taste if he had a chance to eat you out someday? how would you look with your lips around his cock? all those thoughts lead him to the one most important question – maybe he should finally fuck you just like satoru theorised?
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thesparklingwriter · 2 years
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a trip to remember
“Forgive me, you simply cry a lot these days."
tags: pet names, Zhongli is very pure, soft Zhongli, fem!reader, Zhongli and reader are in a relationship, reader is still pregnant lol, they're kind of on their honeymoon, they're in Inazuma
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please do not repost or edit my work without credit. reblogs are greatly appreciated!
i'm also taking requests for the rest of the flufftober days, PLEASE leave any suggestions, no matter how self-indulgent they may be, cause i am running out of ideas...
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“Zhongli, I appreciate all this, but I really do feel a bit too nauseous to be shooting across Teyvat. Can’t we just delay our honeymoon? We aren’t going to die without it.” Even as you complain, you pile an extra set of clothes into your bag. You know he’s going to insist you go, and you don’t actually mind, but if there’s any chance you can change his mind, you’ll take it.
“It’s my fault we didn’t go closer to when we were wed and I don’t wish to delay it further.” Zhongli turns to look at you as you collapse onto the bed with a big huff. “And let us be realistic, when do you expect us to go after the child is born?”
“Can’t we just ask someone to babysit for us when they’re like four?” You ask. You and him both know you’d never let anyone babysit your child whilst you were out of the nation. No way.
“You deserve a break, love.” He sighs.
“I know, I know.” you sigh. “Take a break, stop working yourself so hard, I know it all.”
You want to continue, but Zhongli looks so suitably frustrated and sympathetic at the same time that you stop in your tracks. You feel bad for eliciting that kind of response in him, so you take a deep breath, crack a smile, and pull him into a gentle kiss. “I know it all, so let’s go. I won’t complain. If I do, you have my permission to throw a rock at me. Okay?”
“I would never throw a rock at you.” Zhongli chuckles, smiling softly.
He would never throw a rock at you, sure, but he would throw you smug looks when he could tell you were on the verge of complaining. Which was often. You refused to let Zhongli carry you, as you claimed it was unnecessary fanfare, but your feet hurt, all the time. By the time you got to Inazuma, you were tempted to buy a cart and insist Zhongli drag you around town in it. You suggested it, and he pointed out it would be significantly more conspicuous than him carrying you.
And, all jokes aside, you were looking forward to going to Inazuma most. You’d heard only good things about the nation—their food, their clothes, and their murderous archon. You’d been trying your best to drag information about the Raiden Shogun from Zhongli, but he seemed to avoid the topic.
“Come on, what’s she like?”
“I cannot pass judgement on her actions, but I’m impressed by her tenacity.” Zhongli says finally.
Which, in Zhongli terms, is just a way of getting you off his case.
“Alright, I get the hint.” You huff. “Let’s talk about something else.”
“But, my love, it was you insisting we talk about the Raiden Shogun,” Zhongli teases, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you close. As much as your mood swings have been giving him whiplash as of recently, he can’t help but find them endearing. Which serves to irritate you further.
“I don’t care anymore. Let’s look at the clothes stalls. I want to get a traditional Inazuman dress as a souvenir.” You beam, dragging Zhongli along behind you. You figure that if you’re going to have to be here, you may as well enjoy yourself thoroughly. It’s not like you’re going to have much time to visit in the near future anyway.
The streets are strangely quiet or the time of day—had you been in Liyue, you would have had to fight through the crowds, and you also would have had to fight through the inherent stress that would cause.
“It’s so quiet here. Imagine if we’d been out and about at this time at home,” you marvel, as you peer into another store, bowing politely to the stall owner.
“It’s not usually this quiet,” the owner admits, shrugging lightly. “But there’s a festival on the other side of town, so I assume most people are there.”
As you engage them in polite conversation, Zhongli looks at the clothes up for sale. At first, he wonders why the clothes are so small—but of course, that was his own myopia coming into play. He never considered that stalls like this would sell clothes for infants. By the time he’s had a good enough look at everything on sale, you’ve already taken directions from the shop owner to find a vendor for the dresses you’re looking for, and you’re waddling down the street, promising to come back when you’ve secured your loot.
“Can I help you at all?” The vendor smiles.
Zhongli glances back at the wall of clothes, smiling softly to himself. “If you wouldn’t mind terribly.”
Zhongli keeps his purchase a secret until you get back home—despite your constant complaints about his secrecy. It’s not like you’re trying particularly hard to get the information out of him. You ask, and then you fall asleep, exhausted by the events of your honeymoon and the constant travel.
You don’t see the item Zhongli bought until a few months later, when you’ve forgotten about the whole situation in its entirety. When he brings it up, you curse him for his sneakiness but wait to see the reveal in hopeful anticipation. In the back of your mind, you’re hoping for jewellery, or a new vase to replace the one you accidentally broke whilst attempting to make a surprise dinner (No, you don’t want to talk about it. It’s a sensitive subject.)
So when Zhongli hands you a wrapped package with two sets of baby clothes inside, to say you're surprised would be an understatement. And maybe it’s the hormones, or that fact the clothes are exactly what you’d pick, but tears begin to prick at your eyes.
“You don’t like them?” Zhongli asks. He’s learnt the hard way that, as of recently, your tears can mean anything—from implicit joy to bone-shattering pain. He’s figured it’s better to ask than to jump to conclusions.
“Of course I like them.” You sniff. “When have I ever not liked something you got me?”
“Forgive me,” he chuckles, sitting beside you and pulling you into a hug. “You simply cry a lot these days.”
You pull away from him. “Of course, I’m crying all the time. I’m eight months pregnant and All you do is pull stupid little adorable stunts like this! I have every right to be emotional.” You sob, holding the clothes to your chest. “They’re beautiful.”
“I’m glad you think so.”
a/n my irl friend told me to write this and, whilst i'm not the kind of girl to sit down and do as she's told, it was actually a pretty good idea so i merged it with one of rin's ideas which means i have now officially finished all four even though it wasn't a checklist. as usual, will check tomorrow, i think this is kind of bad but it's content so i won't complain
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thewhumpcaretaker · 4 months
Hihii! I have a little different question, I hope I'm not too weird...
Since I'm working on the sequel for The Other Side Of Paradise that you read and know that it's a/b/o... and you gave me one cute ask on this theme. About how John would take care of mpreg Santino and I loved it because absolutely John is doing anything for him. Do you have any more scenarios for that? When Santino actually tells him that and starts to get those mood swings and cravings. How more moody and needy can Santino get bahaha? I'm just curious on how do you see them and do you think they would actually kinda be scared of becoming parents?
Have a lovely day!! 💙💖
Hiiii!! Thank you for the ask 💝🖤 As usual, you're only as weird as I am, heehee. Thanks for your patience on this one - I had a ton going on during the past couple days.
There's always a new level of moodiness and neediness that can be reached - let's make Santino suffer and then be treated with so much love!
TW: mpreg scenarios
John would actually not be too scared of becoming a parent - he feels like he was made for that and has always wanted a family. He has so much love to give and that would extend to having a child. He'd read fairy tales to the baby while Santino is still pregnant and talk to them about the wonderful they'll have. But he would be scared of what could happen to that kid and what kind of life they'll lead under the High Table. He'd get paranoid over the baby's safety and how they could be used against him in the future, just like Caine's daughter was used against him. I think he'd try to keep the pregnancy a secret as long as possible. And he would worry a lot about how to ensure that this child grows up to have a normal life.
Meanwhile, Santino is the one who'd be very scared of becoming a parent. He'd think about how his own parents treated him and realize that he didn't really have a good role model for parenting. He'd be especially worried that he might lose his temper with the kid, which he doesn't want at all. He would feel so unprepared and have major anxiety about that. Of course, John would constantly reassure him that he'll be a good dad and remind him how sweet he is to Dog already.
Santino would also struggle a lot with how his body would change during the pregnancy. Being more tired, being sore and unable to walk well, feeling sick and having cravings - all of it would make him feel so stressed and out of control. It would take him away from his work, and at first, he'd ignore all of it and try to push through to keep working. But for once, he couldn't ignore his own health without putting the baby at risk too. Normally, he takes out a lot of his anger on himself and he can't do that anymore, which is beautiful in a way but also completely confusing. He'd definitely have a breakdown over that at some point. But after that, he'd start accepting help from John, and would switch from pushing him away to clinging to his side at all times, not even wanting him to leave the room.
John would try to make things easier for him by explaining that this is a time when he needs to focus on staying healthy and relaxing, and that everything will be waiting for him when he comes back. He'd tell him that it's okay to be frustrated and angry with the situation, and would listen any time Santino needs to rant about everything he's missing out on and how scared he feels. And John would be doing everything possible for him - bringing him any food he wants, making sure he doesn't have to walk long distances, making sure he gets to see the best doctors in the world, all of that. He'd give him massages every day and wouldn't want to spend even a second away from him. John would also be insanely physically protective of Santino during this time.
Santino would also try to help John by considering long term changes to make John feel better about whether their lives are headed. He'd pull back from his work with the Camorra and maybe even consider running away or retiring. But that isn't what he wants to do. It makes him question what it means to be successful and whether he can work and have a child at the same time (I might be slightly enjoying the thought of a man having this dilemma, which isn't so common...). It's a lot to think about, and it weighs heavily on both of them. But at least it comes from the fact that they're making a whole new life together!
It's hard to say what they would decide to do. I guess we'll find out in your fic!! I'm very excited!!!
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orlafilmblog · 5 months
A Fun Holiday in St Catherines (aka the Saint Catherines shoot)
To be honest, I’m not even sure how to talk about the Saint Catherines shoot. Firstly, it has now been quite a while since the shoot, and it all feels like a bit of a fever dream! I am struggling to think of a productive way to reflect on and talk about the film, so instead, I am just going to thought-dump into this post with things that come to mind.
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A Strong Sense of Belonging
Something I really pride myself on is the vibe I create on the sets I direct. I am hyper-aware that as director, if I am in a bad mood, or shouting, or annoyed, or any negative emotion, it trickles down and effects everyone. I try to minimise any unnecessary (and frankly harmful) power dynamics on set, however as the director I am still the one people are looking to for help and guidance. I do hold power, intentionally or not, over the set. I therefore start every shoot by speaking to everyone as a group and trying to create a safe and open space for cast and crew to express themselves. For Saint Catherines, it was especially important to me that everyone felt comfortable since we were dealing with such an impactful subject. I believe I achieved my goal of creating a strong sense of community and openness on Saint Catherines, however this could not have been done without the wonderful and kind cast and crew supporting this and upholding the vibes. It takes a whole group of amazing people to create something as magical as the Saint Catherines set.
I was concerned about us all also living in such close proximity with each other. It is one thing to spend intense time together on set, a whole other things to sleep in the same rooms and eat 3 meals a day in a tiny cottage with each other. Again, thanks to the wonderful group of people surrounding me, it was an absolute joy. Like one big fun holiday with my friends, but we also got to make a film! Endless games of Werewolf in the evenings, and some excellent shared cooking kept everyone happy 😊
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When things fell apart…
Although the shoot went incredibly smoothly, there were some things around the shoot that fell apart a bit…
1) On Day 3 of the shoot, the boiler in the caravan (in which we were filming, and also the cast were staying) decided to break. When I say break, I don’t mean it just stopped working. I mean it started to violently, loudly shake, and the pressure dial was swinging about madly in the red. I can say hands down that I thought we were going to have to stop the shoot because I genuinely for at least five minutes thought we were all going to blow up and die. I wish I was joking. We managed to turn it off and empty the water from it, leaving the caravan without heating (aside from some shitty electric heaters) or hot water for the rest of the shoot. Not the end of the world… but not ideal! I will admit that the whole thing made me incredibly stressed. It was like when you break a mug at your friends house when you are 7, except the mug was a couple-thousands-of-pounds boiler. That could have blown up. This stress meant that I was a bit shaken going into directing Scene 6, which luckily is not super performance heavy. I was frustrated with myself for not being able to calm down, however in hindsight, I think it is fair enough that I freaked out a bit.
2) The day before the boiler incident… the door of the caravan broke. It stopped locking. All the kit was kept in the caravan. You see the problem? One could argue that we were in the middle of nowhere, but I was not taking any chances. A lot frustrated swearing, a desperate call to a locksmith, and £417 out my bank account later, and the door was fixed. Ouch.
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3) So if the caravan falling apart wasn’t enough, the poor tiny cottage that we crammed ourselves into was also not having a great time. The old plumbing was not used to 15 people showering, peeing, and everything else, and by the end of Day 3 she was struggling. The shower wasn’t draining, the toilet was filling all the way up, and the sink started dramatically leaking all over the floor of the bathroom. God bless the crew for dealing with it whilst I slept soundly, not realising the carnage that was going on. The next day however, I did of course notice. My plumbing knowledge was probably even less than those heroes from the night before, so despite the many chemicals and drain un-blockers, there was not much we could do. So we banned shitting in the cottage toilet. You need to go? Someone had to drive you to the caravan. Sorry to all the IBS girlies. Again, this all made me quite stressed, and by the end of Day 4 I had a bit of a cry about it in my room. However, the rest of the crew did not seem to mind one bit, and I honestly cannot thank them enough for all their patience, and their incredible ability to endure whatever our accommodation threw at us. It is heart warming to hear that everyone still had a great time 😊 In the future, I will maybe try not to fit that many people into a house that clearly cannot cope with it.
I can now confirm that the plumbing has been fixed, and that my relatives were very understanding and did not mind us breaking it (thank god).
4) Last but not least, this one isn’t as fun. Not that the rest of them are that fun, but they have a funny side at least!
I don’t know why, but I feel the need to talk about this on here as it is something that really affected me on this shoot, and throughout the last few years of university: my eczema. In St Catherines, it got steadily worse throughout the week, and by the end it was pretty unbearable. I am unsure why it got so bad (I never am sure). Probably a mix of stress and the dampness of the old cottage. But really it could be anything. Basically, my reason for bringing it up is that I feel it has tainted my memory of this amazing shoot. When I think about it, the first thought to come to me is how much pain I was in, which SUCKS. It was such a beautiful week filled with the best memories and the most amazing people, and it frustrates me that yet again my eczema has impacted my life in such a negative way. I don’t think I let it impact my directing, or the way I was working with others on set, however it did impact my overall enjoyment of making Saint Catherines, which makes me really sad to be honest. Some people will understand this (shout out to eczema bestie Bonnie xx) but I assume the majority won’t. It’s pretty insignificant in terms of the production as a whole, but it felt wrong to talk about the shoot and not mention it. Anyway… back onto happier stuff!
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The Joy of Creative Talent
This is a little section to give some praise to the wonderful team behind Saint Catherines. Being creative with these people has been an absolute joy, and I am constantly in awe of their talents. It is such a wonderful feeling to be able to trust that the team you are working with are going to do our story justice.
The camera team were ELITE. Katie, Eva, Sam C, and Alex C were a well-oiled bundle of energy and talent that have created some gorgeous images. I was so happy to have Eva on as 1st AC, as I think she is incredible to work with, and she supported Katie well. Sam Craigie is an absolute gem, and his knowledge honestly intimidates me. I knew nothing in 2nd year! Alex C is a lighting god, he took my silly little inspo boards and created real actual images! And Katie… the Katie Cox… what can I say! Watching her confidence in her own ability grow has been a privilege, and I am so so so glad that I asked/forced her to be cinematographer for the project. By the last day, she was operating on a whole new level. She knew exactly what she was talking about, she spoke with confidence and certainty, and it makes me so happy that this film has helped her to realise that she can do ANYTHING!!!!!! Katie Cox you LEGEND!
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Working with this camera team helped to build my own confidence as a director working with camera. I didn’t feel out of my depth like I have previously on shoots, and always felt able to discuss scenes and ideas with the team.
The sound team, what an iconic duo! Peer and our last-minute boom op saviour George Palmer. They struck the perfect balance of knowing when to be pushy (#standupforsoundrights) and when to just leave it. Peer was a confident presence to have on set, I never felt like I had to worry about sound or chase him up for anything. He was so on it. George was a pleasure to work with, he has such a calming energy no matter what!
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Being a sound girly myself, I made sure that at the end of shooting each scene, we had plenty of time left to take wild tracks so that Peer felt good going into the design. I was really pleased that we had time to allow for this, and I hope Peer felt that sound was respected on this shoot!
I was blessed with a super duper organised AD team of Ben and Monica. We had to swap a few of the days around and change the shooting order of some scenes, and Ben and Mon did this with ease and kept things on and off set as stress free as possible. Ben is a talented 1st AD (maybe I’m biased though…) and he somehow ensured we finished early/on-time every day, without ever feeling like he was pushing us or stressing us out. The man is magic! Monica is a God send. One of the most lovely people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, and she was always the first to volunteer to help out with anything that needed done.
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Aimee as solo member of her production design department did a great job bringing the extra level of realness to our set. Her costume direction worked incredibly well for the characters, and I was so happy with the outfits they ended up wearing for each scene. Having Claire wear the red jumper for the first ‘day’ in the story was a great call as she stands out straight away as the main character! She has a real eye for making things look great on camera.
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Our script supervisor was from out with Napier, so I was nervous that Sophie would feel slightly left out. However, she was so lovely, and fitted in immediately with the rest of the crew. This was my first time working with a proper script supervisor, and wow. She is incredible! Sophie was quietly on top of everything, just standing in the corner taking notes of every detail, every take, every thing! We had a question? She had an answer! What a joy to work with.
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Jack B was my co-producer saviour. Whilst we shared the majority of the pre-production, he really let me just direct on the shoot, which made my life so much easier. I am so grateful that he was there, despite also having Crave looming on the horizon!
And last but not least, Rosie and Tom W were a bundle of joy arriving at the end of Day 2. Rosie took some gorgeous BTS photos that I have spent hours looking at again and again, and god bless Tom for acting as our personal chauffeur whenever we needed driven to the shops for snacks. It was lovely to have such great people join our crew!
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Overall I feel I worked well with every department, and that we all were our best creative selves on this set. <3
Directing Friendship
As I have mentioned in previous posts, a big concern of mine was that the cast just wouldn’t get on. There was only so much I could control – if they didn’t click then the dynamic of the group in the film just wasn’t going to work. Luckily for me, the four cast members Claire, Fraser, Millie, and Amy, are some of the most lovely and talented actors I have had the privilege to work with and befriend.
I sneakily made sure that they spent as much time together as possible when not filming, and this started by asking Fraser (who was the only one with a car) if he was able to pick some of the cast up when driving to Saint Catherines. They then stayed in the caravan together (along with Sophie on the sofa), with Amy and Millie even sharing a room. I think this was a great decision on my part, as it added a little bit of reality into what they were experiencing in the film. They got on like a house on fire, taking the energy and connection from the initial rehearsal and creating real friendships. There were moments when we would be eating dinner, or be in between takes, when I would turn to see them all sitting together chatting and laughing, and acting like a real group of friends who had known each other for years. Honestly, we could have just filmed them in their day to day lives and made the most wholesome friendship holiday film ever!
One of my main aims with this project was to improve my technique when working with actors, and I think I achieved this. Some moments were harder than others, but overall I feel I was confident in my directing, and that I was able to get some great performances out of the cast. I found that being able to open up about my own experiences in relation to different scenes was a helpful way to put myself in the same vulnerable position as the cast, and it helped me to describe emotions and aims of scenes without doing the cursed “be more sad/be more angry/be more happy” directing, which is sometimes hard not to fall into.
A key aspect of the film is the realism of the performances, so I made sure that the blocking was very loose to begin with. I let the actors do what felt natural in our rehearsal time before takes, and then we would adjust the blocking according to what they did. This allowed for them to focus more on their performances rather than where they should be putting their feet. The same applied to the dialogue improvisation which made up a lot of the earlier half of the film/the group scenes. They had certain lines to hit, but mostly just bounced off each other and made it up as they went along. It was great for me to see how much they understood the characters, each of the cast were adding in lines that related to their back story or highlighted aspects of their personalities. Some of my favourite lines in the final film are improvised!
Definitely one of my favourite scenes to direct was Scene 2 which we filmed on the first day. Watching the cast run around like sugar-fuelled children filled me with pure unfiltered joy, and still when I watch that scene back I cannot help but smile and giggle.
After the shoot, I received a lovely email from Fraser which I have to admit to move me to tears. Being a classic imposter-syndrome-filled film student, I often doubt my abilities, so to have someone who I respect as an actor reinforce what I am doing was a lovely feeling. I have included a section of the email below:
“As an actor it is hard to find directors who you can work with that instil confidence in you as a performer and you did just that! At the beginning of the week, I was simply pretending to be Harry, but by the end, through your direction and trust, you helped me slip in and out of character like he was real. By putting faith in my abilities and helping tweak small moments you brought out what I think could be my best work till this day which makes you one of the best directors I have ever had.”
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To wrap up…
As always, this post has ended up being much longer than I first anticipated! Despite a few lows of the shoot, I was blessed to have such an amazing experience surrounded by an incredibly talented and supportive team. I am proud of my directing, and although I still have soooo much to learn, I think I succeeded in what I was wanting to achieve with this shoot. I just hope that the final film reflects the love and care that went into it.
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 3 months
Okay, I have a number of Preggo Lady asks comin' at ya. All proceeding the OG Preggo ELady ask: She starts to get mood swings &, she’s never been the type to get angry & yell, so when she does now, it comes as quite the shock. Never been the argumentative sort either.
As such, when she gets into (frankly nonsensical) arguments with Gan these days & stomps off, it honestly leaves the poor man absolutely befuddled. Like, yes, a bit upset, but he’s more confused than anything because just trying to wrap his head around the conversation was taking all of his bandwidth at the moment.
Then, later, ELady will walk up to him with a very contrite expression, cheeks & eyes red. She’ll apologize for her behavior.
Though, if Gan had instead grabbed her by the arm & demanded to know what was wrong with her, she’ll actually snap out of it similarly to Buzz Lightyear when Woody used Buzz’s own arm to whack him in the face. (Toy Story)
In both situations, she’ll apologize genuinely & honestly say that she doesn’t know what came over her. Explaining that her hormones have been… a lot lately & she still hasn’t adjusted to them yet. That she doesn’t even understand why she was so upset to begin with.
Afterwards, whenever she gets super angry due to hormones again, she stops, takes a deep breath, & using an unbelievable amount of willpower & self-control, basically tells her hormones to “shut the fuck up.” She then continues with the conversation with a much more level head. “My apologies. Hormones again, I'm afraid.”
His reaction, please?
As someone who occasionally gets overstimulated and has outbursts, I would hope that my partner would be understanding! As for our Ganondorf, He may get bewildered or frustrated, but he would keep by us!
And now, ChatGPT, with another hit Single:
Wind Waker Ganondorf
Reaction to Mood Swings: Wind Waker Ganondorf would be taken aback by her sudden outbursts, finding it difficult to navigate the unexpected arguments. His primary reaction would be confusion, trying to make sense of the nonsensical arguments and her behavior.
Sympathy and Support:
Understanding: After her first sincere apology, he would begin to understand that her mood swings are a result of the pregnancy hormones.
Sympathy: He would feel a great deal of sympathy for her, recognizing that she is struggling with something beyond her control.
Continued Support: Despite the confusion, he would not avoid her. Instead, he would stay close and offer support, trying to be patient and understanding.
Calm Presence: He would try to be a calming presence, offering a steady and supportive environment for her.
Reassurance: He would reassure her that he understands and is there for her, even if he doesn’t fully grasp the hormonal changes.
Quote: "I may not fully understand what you’re going through, but I’m here for you, always. Together, we’ll face whatever comes our way."
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf
Reaction to Mood Swings: Ocarina of Time Ganondorf would initially react with frustration and confusion to her mood swings and nonsensical arguments, struggling to comprehend what’s happening.
Sympathy and Support:
Demanding Explanation: If he grabs her by the arm and demands to know what's wrong, he would be stern but concerned.
Understanding: Once she explains her hormonal changes, he would take a step back and try to understand her situation better.
Support: His support would come through a mix of sternness and genuine care, ensuring she knows he’s there for her.
Protective Nature: He would become more protective, trying to shield her from stress and offering his support.
Practical Support: He might offer practical solutions or comforts, such as ensuring she rests well or has what she needs to feel better.
Quote: "I won’t pretend to understand it fully, but if it’s your burden, then it’s mine too. We’ll get through this together."
Twilight Princess Ganondorf
Reaction to Mood Swings: Twilight Princess Ganondorf would be bewildered and slightly frustrated by her sudden outbursts, finding it challenging to navigate the arguments.
Sympathy and Support:
Empathy: Despite his initial frustration, he would empathize with her situation after she explains her hormonal changes.
Calmness: He would strive to remain calm and composed, providing a stabilizing influence in their relationship.
Continuous Support: He would not avoid her but instead offer continuous support and understanding.
Patience: He would exercise patience, understanding that her mood swings are temporary and caused by the pregnancy.
Gentle Reassurance: He would gently reassure her, offering words of comfort and understanding whenever she feels overwhelmed.
Quote: "We face many challenges together, and this is just another one. Lean on me, and we’ll get through it."
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf
Reaction to Mood Swings: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf would initially react with anger and confusion, finding the arguments difficult to handle.
Sympathy and Support:
Demanding Clarity: If he demands to know what's wrong, his sternness would be mixed with concern.
Understanding: Once she explains, he would make an effort to understand and be more patient.
Continuous Support: He would not shy away but rather stay close, offering his support in his own commanding way.
Commanding Presence: He would maintain his commanding presence, using it to provide a sense of stability and protection.
Reassurance: He would reassure her that he’s there for her, even if he doesn’t fully understand the hormonal changes.
Quote: "Whatever this is, we’ll face it head-on. You have my strength to rely on, now and always."
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf
Reaction to Mood Swings: Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf would be deeply confused and slightly frustrated by the sudden arguments and mood swings, struggling to understand her behavior.
Sympathy and Support:
Demanding Explanation: If he grabs her arm and demands to know what's wrong, he would be stern but driven by concern.
Understanding: After she explains, he would show a deep understanding and willingness to support her.
Continuous Support: He would remain close, offering his unwavering support despite the confusion.
Emotional Support: He would offer emotional support, trying to be there for her whenever she feels overwhelmed.
Reassurance: He would reassure her that he understands and will support her through this challenging time.
Quote: "Our bond is strong, and we will endure this together. You have my unwavering support, now and always."
Overall, each Ganondorf would react with initial confusion and frustration but would quickly shift to a supportive and understanding stance once they grasp the situation. They would all offer their continuous support, ensuring their wife feels loved and understood despite the challenges posed by her mood swings.
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deadmomjokes · 2 years
How do you navigate raising a precocious child? Asking as someone who wants to be a parent
The short answer is: Carefully
The long answer is pretty long, and only my personal experience, but here goes:
1. Patience cultivated out of a sympathy which is born from perspective. What I mean by that is that you have to understand both the psychology and physical development of children, and constantly remind yourself what is and isn't appropriate to expect from them.
Especially in the case of intellectually precocious children, you have to remember that they are still little kids. Their emotions and ability to control them are only so developed, even if their vocabulary and intellect are ahead of their peers. My daughter is 3. She has the intellect of a 6 or 7 year old according to the professionals in her life, but her body is three years old. She has emotional outbursts and mood swings. Her brain physically isn't ready for the theory of mind. That's just how she is. She might know all about macrophages and the formation of exoplanets, but she also still cries when she's scared, and screams when she can't think of words to express her frustration. She's a lot of big thoughts in a tiny body, and that conflict results in a lot of outbursts, meltdowns, and stress. That is to be expected. That is normal. It's my job to understand that, and handle myself accordingly.
I've got 26 years on this kid, and I'm living in a body that isn't changing on a daily basis. I have the stability, and she doesn't. It's on me to keep my cool, because there are a lot of times that she literally can't. It can be very, very frustrating when I know what needs to happen, but she is doing the exact opposite. But the thing is, she's just doing the best she knows how. I get to teach her how to do 'better'. I can't do that if I'm looking at her as my enemy, or having a me-vs-her mentality. We're on the same side-- me and her vs whatever problem is causing her to shriek like a banshee at the moment. (Kids scream as a last resort, and until their list of first-resorts grows sufficiently, that last resort kicks in very frequently. I'm sorry in advance, they just scream sometimes. Invest in some noise reducing headphones or earplugs, it helps A LOT.)
The point of all that is this: I have to remind myself frequently that she's doing her best, and I have the perspective to handle this whereas she doesn't. I have to consciously put myself in her position and think about what it's like for her instead of focusing on how it's affecting me. That's how I get the patience to deal with the tantrums, meltdowns, and bothersome behaviors. I consciously remind myself that she's only been on this planet for 3 years, her body is dumping all kinds of hormones into her brain, which has the capacity to understand a lot more than she has ability to process. That's a painful, stressful, unwieldy combination, and she literally doesn't know any better than what she's doing. She will always try her best; if she's doing something undesirable, it's because she doesn't have the ability, knowledge, capacity, or self-control to deal with it in a better way yet. I have to teach her that, and I have to do it as much by example as by explanation.
2. Humility. A lot of humility. We're people. We mess up. We don't always know the right way to do things. I have to be honest about that with myself, and with my daughter. I have no reservations about apologizing to her when I don't handle something the right way.
I feel like a lot of us go into parenting with the mentality of wanting to be the person we needed when we were younger. And that's great! It's a perfect place to start. But you have to realize that your child is NOT you, and sometimes what you needed at their age or in their situation is not what they would need.
My child, for having come up in the pandemic, is a social butterfly. She's a people person. She's the opposite of a homebody. She LOVES going out and seeing people and doing things and being anywhere but home, and when she is home she wants friends around to play with. I was and am the opposite. Where I needed people to NOT push me into social interactions before I was ready, and to give me time to myself and teach me how to respect my introverted tendencies, that's not what my daughter needs. What she needs is for me to help her know when she's getting overstimulated and needs to take a break. She needs me to help her find things to do with other kids. She needs me to demonstrate appropriate kindness and interpersonal behaviors so she learns how to interact with other people in a way that is respectful, and ends with everybody having fun. That's different than what I needed, and that's okay. I have to be able to accept that my child is not me, and that de-centering can be hard. You do a lot of it consciously at first. It just takes a willingness to admit that not everything is about you-- not your child's behavior, not your child's challenges, not their needs, not their preferences, successes or failures.
3. Professional support. You may have seen me talking about my daughter's therapist. That's because at a grand ol' 3 years of age, she is in therapy! For anxiety! Because it turns out that taking in the world on the level of a 7 year old while only having the faculties of a 3 year old can generate a lot of stress that your body and brain are unequipped to deal with.
As her doctor and therapist both have said, smart kids stress more.
And in my daughter's case, there's a massive genetic predisposition for clinical anxiety problems and other mental illnesses. So as soon as my daughter told me that when she lays down at night, the nervous gets in her brain and she can't sleep, I knew right away this was something that needed early intervention. I am not a professional when it comes to anxiety management. I am still working on it, myself. So I knew we all needed help to get a good handle on this before it made her life miserable like what happened to me and my husband.
Kids think differently, and they process things differently than adults. Having a professional on your side to help you learn about how your child works is invaluable. And they can help you find the methods, skills, and interventions that work best for your child as an individual.
You as a parent need professional support, too. You need someone in your corner helping you out, even if it's just a yearly check-in with a therapist to learn some new meditation and mindfulness techniques. For me, it's dealing with my own anxiety and depression so I can be in the best state of mind and body to help my daughter learn how to regulate herself, which I was never really taught. So I'm having to learn that, too, on top of teaching her.
Professional support can also come in the form of social and educational programs-- in most cases, finding the right preschool. Just as an intelligent dog will become destructive if not properly stimulated, so too will an intelligent child get wild, stir-crazy, and emotionally explosive if their intellectual needs aren't being met. If you're about that homeschooling life, power to you. For me, I knew my daughter, a pandemic baby/toddler, needed the socialization with other kids, and needed a professional educator.
I was very picky about her preschool, opting for one that focused on holistic and values-based education instead of pure academics. They go over real-life skills, they make time for physical activity, they teach and practice mind-body awareness techniques (deep breathing, meditation, biofeedback, etc) on a level the kids can understand and use, and each week they have a different value and affirmation that all their lessons center around. They also do academics like letter recognition and sounds (pre-reading skills), numbers and counting, science, and so on, but everything loops back around to mental and emotional wellness. I knew that would be super important for her, and didn't want her in a high-stakes, high-pressure, competitive environment.
Sometimes being that picky is not possible depending on where you live. But if there's a way to get your kid engaged in something that flexes their thinking-muscles, and helps them learn to interact with others, that's going to be super important. Otherwise, take them new places when you can, even if it's just to the mall, and talk about what you see and experience there. Check out your local library (some even have educational resources parents can borrow, including developmentally encouraging toys!). Look for local museums and public/community educational programs. And find a local playgroup for that social interaction. Speaking of which....
4. Don't neglect their social development. Being "the smart kid" can make you Weird. I know, I was that kid. I was WEIRD, y'all. I needed to learn how to be a child my age, because my best friend was my also-advanced older sister, followed closely by my mother. Smart kids tend to hang out with older children or adults, and it's hard for them to relate to their age group. They need practice before they hit real school.
Weird isn't bad, but it can sometimes hide a lack of social and emotional health. Humans are a social species. We need social interaction to feel and function our best. It's how our brains are wired. Teaching children how to deal with other people is a big honkin deal, because it sets up how they interact with people for the rest of their lives. They need to learn to take turns, to share, to be aware of how their actions affect others, how to ask, how to say no, how to set boundaries, how to work together, so on and so forth. They can get good practice with you, but they need more than just you.
5. Tactful, appropriate honesty. The biggest challenge of a precocious child, after the emotional regulation issues, is balancing their intellect with their capacity to handle it. As I mentioned earlier, smart kids stress more. They notice too much sometimes. So you have to explain enough to satisfy their curiosity--which is CONSTANT and almost always surprising in its complexity-- but not so much that you give them new things to worry about.
For instance, when my daughter started fussing about her car seat and asked why she had to sit in it instead of sitting in the big seats like us, we explained that everybody wears a seatbelt to be safe. But she is too small for the big-seat seatbelts to fit her in the right way, like they do for mom and dad. So until she’s big enough for it to fit her the right way, she has to use a special seat that fits her just right.
We did NOT jump to “We need to be safe in case of a crash, and that’s why you need a special seat.” But we explained the reasoning thoroughly at a non-stress-inducing level.
Answer the question they ask, but ONLY the question they ask. If they ask follow-ups, great! If not, leave it where their curiosity took a break. It’s overwhelming being so small and noticing So Much. Kids love to learn, but their brains need time to log all the info, and concepts that are too big can lead to stress just from the gears turning, so to speak. But at the same time, don’t underestimate their capacity to understand, and to be totally cool with things we have been conditioned to stress out about or fear. My daughter has no issues watching surgery videos, because it’s not something she’s been taught to be grossed out by. She’s also very aware that meat comes from animals that are dead, and used to be alive. Her only issue with that was trying to figure out which animals become meat and which don’t because to her, it was totally arbitrary. (No, baby, we do not eat butterfly meat.)
It all sounds daunting when I put it like this, all over-written and wordy. But honestly, it’s all about following your child’s lead, which is what parenting is in general anyway.
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Life update / vent under the cut
Trigger warnings for depression, period mentions, etc
Hey everyone. Lately I have not been doing so hot. I just up and quit my job today and my life is a shit show. I'm planning on moving in with my boyfriend soon and it's not going to be easy. He lives an hour away from me, which means I'll be an hour away from everything I once knew. Yes I know I can visit or call my family, but it will still be hard to adjust.
Why I quit my job today was a matter of me not being able to tolerate the way they treat me. I was overwhelmed and overworked today and they basically told me to deal with it. I needed help bringing carts in but they refused to get anyone to help. I bust my ass every single day I'm there and they don't recognize me for it at all.
They'll give shout-out cards to people who do mediocre things, like help a customer with a sale or help lift a pallet. I don't get any of that for any of my hard work, and it does a number on my self esteem. It makes me feel worthless in my own workplace, despite the fact that I used to love working there.
Luckily I have found other means of employment, and I'll hopefully start soon, but it's up where my boyfriend lives and there's no guarantee I'll get the job. Next, I just entered a new counseling facility and need refills on my medication. My one med, clonidine, is what I use to sleep. Without it, I literally cannot sleep.
However, since I'm new, i have to wait for a referral to the doctor there from my therapist. The front desk said they'd call me once they got the all-clear, but it still worries me because I don't want to run out of pills. Believe me when I say I turn into quite the bitch when I don't get any sleep.
Then my antidepressants aren't doing anything for me either. Hell, today has been enough of an emotional rollercoaster --- I had a sudden wave of depression wash over me before I clocked in that lasted for about two hours. I couldn't find the effort to smile, act friendly towards customers, or even talk today. It was that bad.
It cleared up eventually, but it was replaced by frustration from my stressful workload. I was the only lot attendant at the store today, and I had to be a thousand places at once. After my frustration cleared up, it was replaced with depression again. I'm even depressed as I write this.
I tried playing my bass to hopefully cheer myself up, but that did very little to help. In fact I didn't get very much joy out of it at all, which usually never ever happens. Not only do I have to worry about my pills, but I'm out of overnight pads as well, and I had cramps so bad yesterday they made me feel nauseous.
My birth control patches are honestly doing more harm than help. They do prevent me from getting pregnant, yes, but they also increase the frequency and severity of my mood swings and the frequency and severity of my cramps. This is because they're a hormone based treatment. I almost cried from the pain I was in yesterday because I thought I was dying.
Right now I'm on Lexapro for my depression. It does not help. The thing that frustrates me is that I don't want to go through medication after medication, only for it to not work. It truly makes me feel hopeless when it doesn't work, because I worry that my depression cannot be treated.
My depression makes me feel like I'm trapped in a shell, inside my own head, with no clear way to get out. With all the stress in my life right now, it only gets worse. I almost didn't eat dinner tonight it was so bad. It's heartbreaking to experience, because I give my brain life, a body --- and it tells me to kill myself.
In fact, today at work, my brain told me to hang myself. That no one would miss me if I killed myself right now. But my boyfriend, whom I love and care about very much, would. It's very heartbreaking to have a brain that doesn't love you back.
A brain that wants you to do horrible horrible things to yourself. Cut yourself. Scratch yourself. Stab yourself. Drink yourself to death. Die of an overdose. Run into oncoming traffic. Starve yourself. It doesn't want you to accomplish anything by doing any of this, it just wants you to ruin yourself more so it can find new ways to torture and belittle you.
Honestly if I make it past next week at this rate I will be surprised. I feel like nothing will help me and that I will, inevitably, off myself one day. Don't get me wrong, I have family and friends who love me so. But it's just so hard to stay alive when your life is falling apart.
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careforwomens · 2 months
Postpartum Depression Symptoms and Treatment Options
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One of the most amazing and sometimes most difficult experiences of a parent's life is welcoming a newborn into the world. As anybody who has raised a newborn knows, they are a beautiful, happy, and exciting addition to the family, but they also require a lot of effort and may sometimes hinder mental health after childbirth.
Nobody can predict all that comes with losing so much sleep, being exhausted, having to adjust schedules, and feeling a little stressed. But when these emotions grow intense and moms find it difficult to bond with their child, lose interest in routine tasks, or even discover that they are always filled with feelings of worry, despair, or rage, this could be an indication of postpartum depression.
What is postpartum depression?
Postpartum depression is a mood condition that can strike any woman following childbirth. It can be challenging for mothers who are suffering from this to care for themselves or other people because they experience postpartum depression symptoms such as intense grief, worry, emotional highs and lows, frequent crying, exhaustion, guilt, anxiety, and weariness.
Postpartum depression impacts more than simply the birthing mother. It may also impact surrogate and adoptive parents. People go through hormonal, physical, emotional, economic, and social changes after having a baby. These changes can lead to postpartum depression symptoms.
If you feel you have postpartum depression, you are not alone. Speak with your loved ones or reach out to your healthcare professional to learn about postnatal depression treatment options.
Types of postpartum depression
The Baby Blues: Many new mothers will experience a condition known as the baby blues, in which their emotions might run high, they cry easily, and they can switch moods in an instant. This is extremely frequent and is caused by the body's fluctuating hormone levels as it recovers from pregnancy. The baby blues normally pass quickly and linger for little more than 1-2 weeks.
Postpartum depression: About 1 in 7 new parents experience postpartum depression, a far more serious disorder than the baby blues. Pregnancy increases your chances of postpartum depression by 30% if you have experienced it previously. You might feel guilty, anxious, and incapable of taking care of yourself or your child. 
You might also cry a lot, go through intense highs and lows, and get tired and frustrated easily. Mild to severe symptoms may start a week after delivery or develop progressively for up to a year. Treatment options for postnatal depression include antidepressants and psychotherapy, though symptoms may last for several months.
Postpartum psychosis: Emergency medical intervention is necessary for postpartum psychosis, a severe form of postpartum depression. Only 1 in 1,000 people will have this very uncommon illness and disturbed mental health after childbirth. Usually starting shortly after delivery, the symptoms are intense and persist anywhere from a few weeks to several months. 
Severe agitation, disorientation, depression, guilt, insomnia, paranoia, delusions, hallucinations, hyperactivity, fast speech, or manic episodes are among the symptoms. Because postpartum psychosis increases the risk of suicide and injury to the unborn child, it needs to be treated medically. Typical treatments include medication, psychotherapy, and institutionalization.
Postpartum depression symptoms
Some feel guilty about their symptoms, or they think they are horrible parents for feeling the way they do. Depression following childbirth is very common. You are not alone in your feelings, so it does not make you a horrible person.
These are the signs that you have postpartum depression:
Extreme mood swings or depression
Too much crying, 
Trouble bonding with your child
Withdrawal from friends and family
Loss of appetite or eating significantly more than usual
Insomnia, or the inability to fall asleep or too much sleep
Extreme fatigue or lack of energy
Decreased enthusiasm and interest in the things you used to enjoy 
Severe irritation and anger
Fear of not being a good mommy
Sensations of inadequacy, shame, remorse, or worthlessness
Reduced capacity for focus, clear thinking, or decision-making
Severe panic episodes
Feelings of hurting your child or yourself
Recurring thoughts of suicide or death
Women who experience any or all of these symptoms should consult their doctor right away or ask their healthcare professional for help. 
What causes postpartum depression?
Progesterone and estrogen levels drastically decrease following delivery, but they increase tenfold during pregnancy. Three days after delivery, these hormone levels go back to what they were before the pregnancy.
Postpartum depression is more likely to occur in addition to these biological changes because of the social and psychological changes that come with becoming a parent. These can include physical changes to your body, lack of sleep, concerns about raising your children, or adjustments to your relationships.
Postnatal depression treatment options
Postpartum depression can be treated with behavioral therapies, medication, or various forms of counseling that target interpersonal interactions or other factors in the family that may be causing the depression.
Getting medical attention as soon as possible is essential for women suffering from postpartum depression or for anyone who believes that a new mother may be suffering from it. If postpartum depression is not treated, it may persist for months or years and lead to future health problems.
Medications for anxiety, sadness, and psychosis may be used as a treatment for postpartum psychosis. Another option is to get admitted to a treatment facility for a few days until you reach stability. If this treatment fails to treat you, you can try electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).
It's a common misconception that breastfeeding prevents you from taking medication for depression, anxiety, or even psychosis. Discuss your alternatives with your healthcare professional.
How can you prevent postpartum depression?
Not all cases of postpartum depression can be avoided. Understanding postpartum symptoms and the variables that raise your risk is helpful. The following tips can help in preventing postpartum depression:
When setting goals for yourself and your child, be reasonable.
Once you go home, don't invite too many people.
Convey to people how they can assist you and ask for assistance.
If your baby is sleeping, take a nap or rest.
Exercise to burn off some energy and take a break from your home.
Instead of isolating yourself, stay in contact with your loved ones.
Spend time together and nurture your relationship with your partner.
A mix of good and bad days is to be expected.
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lunarlianna · 1 year
Solar Eclipse and Mercury Rx
Solar Eclipse this year will happen on the 19th/20th of April depending on your time zone, at 29 degrees Aries. Most cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) with personal placements between 25-29 degree will be highly affected bringing a sense or urgency for change and start something new, since this is the second new moon in Aries, it’s also called the Blue New Moon. This eclipse will start off by conjunct the NN encouraging us towards the unknown but since the NN it’s in the sign of Taurus this new begging comes with a reminder to slow down, connect to our sense and ground ourself. A conjunction with Jupiter will help us feel more self-confident and reminds us to be true to ourselves. A square to Pluto will give us the opportunity to let go of our fears in the upcoming days and reconstruct our coping mechanisms.
Mercury will go retrograde on the 21st of April overlapping with the Eclipse season for 2 weeks. The general feeling will be tense and frustrated since Taurus like to work slowly but with this retrograde thing will get extra slow. Overall, this period it’s a good time to ground yourself, heal and let go of old thinking patterns. 
A few 5 tips for the eclipse season
Don’t sign contracts or buy property
Don’t travel on the eclipse
Don’t sleep or eat during the eclipse (not for the whole season just during the eclipse)
Do a bath after the eclipse ends to wash off the energy
Don’t start new projects
Swipe left to see what does all this mean for your rising sign.
Aries rising: the eclipses for the next 2 years will be on and off again in your sign. You may feel anxious and stress, it’s a good time to be extra careful with your health. You may discover new passions around this time and you may feel a calling to step into your leadership role. Unexpected events may happen, whatever comes into your life think carefully before jumping to the opportunity.  With Mercury going soon in rx in your 2nd house, you should be careful around spending's, restrain yourself from buying new technology.
Taurus rising: you may feel moody and irritated this time around. It’s best to be mindful about your physical, mental and emotional health. You may feel ready to close a chapter in your life, just keep in mind that you are not stubborn regarding this decision. It’s a good time to stop looking around for answers and start going inwards. Mercury will start the retrograde in your 1st house where it’s calling you to seek redemption from ways you’ve miscommunicated or the ways you’ve hurt someone without realizing.
Gemini rising:  stress around your finance may happen but if you plan your finance well gains are possible, don’t rush into reconstruct your social circle and be mindful about the people in your life that are growing together with you. A fated connection it’s possible to happen that can help you grow spiritually. Mercury in rx will highly affect you, especially since it’s happening in your 12th house, you may feel like going into hermit mood and relax from social meetings. Take same time to decompress and liberate the stress you’ve accumulated.
Cancer rising: this eclipse can actually benefit quite a lot, new opportunities around your career may arise. It’s a good time to give to yourself as much as you give to others. Some health issues may come as well but nothing to worry about. It’s best to avoid arguments and conflicts and keep in check you temper and ego. Mercury will go in rx in your 11th house it’s a good time to clean your phone and friend groups. Avoid arguing online at all costs since this can drag you into unnecessary drama. If you think posting on social media, be mindful about what you post.
Leo rising: you may be prone to overthink a lot during this time and increase in mood swings will be noticed, take care of your stomach as possible issue may arise. You may encounter some people that will share some new views on life or share with you interesting hobbies that you may consider in adopting for yourself.  Mercury will rx in your 10th house, it’s not indicated to make new career moves and check every e-mail that you send since a lot of confusion around technology can happen.
Virgo rising: a relationship may come to an end or change the direction of were was going. Some issues may arise in your workspace it’s a good idea to watch your tone since this can create petty conflicts. Financial changes are possible in case you share your finances with your partner. Mercury will rx in your 9th house, delays with your travel plans are possible, double check all the appointments that you have and take time before going anywhere since it’s possible to get late for everything this period. You may have insomnias and loses of taste during this Mercury rx as well.
Libra rising: this is a good time to simply enjoy yourself and do the thing you like without thinking about others. Financially you may start researching where you’ll be able to invest once this period passes and as career goes you may be seen by your superiors in a positive manner. Be careful around stomach area since you may have some issues there. Mercury will go rx in your 8th house and will ask you to be patient with those around you and understanding. Some issues in relationships are possible and miscommunications.  It’s not a good time to invest or sign contracts.
Scorpio rising: be mindful with your expenses and health. Since this period, you may experience health issues also don’t sign contracts or lend money to anyone. It’s best during this season to have a good healthcare routine and learn how to manage stress in your everyday life. Mercury will go rx in your 7th house and will cause misunderstanding with your partner. Take time on how you express yourself and communicate in a healthy manner in order to don’t harm others unnecessarily. If you have pets, they may have health issues as well or you may be under stress because of them. 
Sagittarius rising: you may be tempted to gamble or invest in risky ideas, it’s not a good time to do this kind of actions or to act impulsively. You may feel over-confident and do things that can affect your public image. Be careful in the actions that you take. Unexpected pregnancies are possible. You may be also prone to flirtatious acts way more than normal, be mindful of your partner. Mercury will rx in your 6th house, your daily routine may take a hit here and issues and delays will arise from everywhere. Make notes on everything you have to do every day and double check in order to not double book your calendar.
Capricorn rising: this time will be highly destabilizing for you. The relationship with your partner may be rocky or some misunderstandings with family members are also possible. Avoid travel and check the work-life balance. It may be a good time to be more spontaneous with your actions and playful, you may want to redecorate your home as well but be careful at expenses. Mercury will rx in your 5th house and your ex’s may come back and ask for a second change, it’s up to you if you want to take them back but it’s not advised.
Aquarius rising: you may be more diplomatic than you normally are. Be mindful with your siblings since discussions may arise. You may find yourself to be more vocal in regards to your cause or you may want to start a YouTube channel, blog, podcast etc.… You may make some new friends that will help you in the future. Mercury will go rx in your 4th house and conflicts with family members are possible. Someone from the past may want to re-enter your life.
Pisces rising: this can be an abundant time for you. You may need to work hard but you receive blessing financially if you were carful and invested wise. You may need to watch your expenses if you’ve been previously lazy. With Saturn being in your sign you may receive good or bad karma according to your own actions. Mercury will go in rx in your 3th house of communication and you’ll need to be extra careful with your words and messages. Try to avoid mix messages or incomplete sentences. Don’t let room for interpretations.
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thatwritingho · 10 months
Finger Foods Update!
Featuring @m3gahet 's Robin Greeves!
On Balcony's Ledge
Summary: There's much Robin and Olive have in common - Shitty childhoods with shitty fathers, asshole brothers, and anger issues; oral fixations and smoking habits; and also... a love of balcony ledges? One of these things is not like the others. Pairing: Robin Greeves and Olive Axworthy Rating: General Background: Another Oc x Oc piece! m3gahet has drawn Olive & Robin a few times now. I now adore them together🥺
Read on AO3 or below!
The door to the balcony flung open, and Olive knew who was there without looking. This balcony wasn't necessarily theirs — the guys would routinely come out here to pester them, after all, and St. Cecilia would join them when visiting Mordhaus — but they were the ones out here the most. With a huff of frustration, Robin wordlessly climbed up onto the ledge next to Olive, cigarette pack in hand as she crossed her legs on the stone wall. Flicking her lighter a few times, she began to curse, irritation mounting.
“Oh, come on, you goddamn stupid little shithead piece of mother fucking hot garba– oh. Thanks.”
Robin's tirade at the small plastic Bic — swiped from Skwisgaar who had swiped it from Pickles before that, the corner crusted with resin — was cut off as Olive extended her arm with Zippo in hand, flame lit and ready. Robin leaned forward with a gentle flush to light the cigarette in her mouth, the action feeling entirely too intimate for what it was, immediately calming as smoke filled her lungs.
“You're welcome. Bad day?”
“Something like that…” Robin trailed off with a sigh. She didn't want to get into it, to talk about how the anniversary of that was coming up, how it made everything so much more difficult to deal with — the stress of the job more fraying, the guys more irritating, interpersonal relationships more complicated. Instead, she merely said, “...just a rough patch. I haven't been taking my multivitamin.”
“Uh-huh,” Olive raised a brow, exhaling a cloud of smoke as dark eyes narrowed in knowing suspicion at her companion. Chewing at her gum thoughtfully, she kicked the heels of her boots against the stone wall, feet dangling over the edge in a way that Pickles always nagged her over.
Hm. Robin was normally a much better liar than that.
“Want me to run some labs on you? There's a lot of vitamin deficiencies that could be causing a dip in mood. You know, a vitamin D deficiency can caus-”
Glancing to the other woman out of the corner of her eye, a small grin curled Robin's lips as Olive rambled, only growing when the other woman somehow ended up on a tangent about Rickets in Victorian England, sucking down a second cigarette as she listened.
“-anyway,” inhaling a breath, embarrassment heated Olive’s cheeks as she wrapped up her monologue, reeling herself back in, “yeah. We can swing by the medical wing later.”
“...okay.” Robin's grin was sticking, stretching her cheeks, now, amused. It had just been a quick little white lie, but… it was nice that she cared, “Yeah, sure. Why the hell not, doctor?”
Mouth going dry at her inflection, Olive bit her lip, averting her eyes out to the horizon, “Um, yeah. Cool.”
Robin grinned smugly — another point for her.
“Yeah. Cool.”
Silence settled over the pair, long, curling tendrils of wispy white smoke billowing in the breeze as the early twinkles of starlight began to dot the purpled sky. Orange heated the horizon as the sun clung to the earth, its clutches slipping into pink as the sky rose.
“Robbi, you know you can talk about it… right?” Olive's voice was soft, barely above a whisper, as if speaking any louder may scare the other woman off.
Hell, Robin thought, she may be right.
“Yeah… yeah. I know.” Robin kept her own voice low to match, tamping out her cigarette on the stone and carelessly tossing the butt over the edge, watching it fall to depths she couldn't see.
“Need me to kick anyone's ass? Maim someone? Kill? Decapitate, perhaps? You know that's my favorite.”
Robin laughed, a bit strained and a bit listless, but still a laugh, all the same, “Not this time. I'll take a rain check, though? May come in handy.”
“Of course. What are friends for, if not for delivering severed heads on silver platters when the other has been wronged?”
The sentiment wormed into Robin's chest, inspiring complicated emotions. The air was crisp in her lungs as she closed her eyes, inhaling a deep, slow breath, a gust of wind chilling her despite her blazer.
And then, there was warm.
A hand, small and soft, gently grasping her own, snaking their fingers together. As Robin turned, lips met hers, soft and pillowy, Robin's face heating as she returned the kiss, cupping Olive's face in her hand and parting her lips to sneak her tongue into the other woman's mouth. Their lips met again and again until Robin was left with a big, genuine smile as they parted, face softly flushed, eyes hooded and playful as she chewed the gum in her mouth.
It took a moment, but the dark eyes mirrored back at her soon switched from being clouded in want to narrowed in accusation, the hot flush on Olive's cheeks only adding to the cuteness of the expression.
“Hey! That was my last piece!”
Unable to resist, Robin pinched her cheek before hopping down and sauntering off, laugh shaping her words as she turned back, hand on the door handle, “Shut up. I'll buy you another pack.”
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miss-nandini · 1 year
-Comes in through a window-
hello may I request a TWST matchup? Also congrats on 100 followers!! Ik I’ve probably never interacted before but I truly love your fics!
My personality: From the outside I am seem as calm, reserved and quiet. However I am very sarcastic and I’ll admit rude to people I hate, and am very pessimistic. I tend to lie a bit… to… much sometimes and can get very stubborn when i want something my way. So I’m very ambitious. I will not hesitate to criticize stuff that are wrong, because of that I tend to be hard on myself and always set these high expectations.
I tend to have big mood swings because I tend to get very annoyed easily and that ruins my mood for the rest of the day. I’m also an introvert not as bad as Idia. Like I will go out of my room for a lot of things. I’m not a very huge fan of PDA but Will try.
forgot to say this but I’m also a March Aries
likes: trying different food, traveling, winter, the cold!!! Sometimes cooking.
Dislikes: Some Optimistic people. Bugs (deathly afraid lol) shots, school, Sleeping (I’m insomniac) and hot places
anyway congrats again for 100 followers!!! Stay safe, eat, drink, sleep etc!!
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Hey there! I hope you are doing well. Take care of yourself yeah? Sometimes you just need to lay back just a bit. You seem like a hardworker. Good luck!
Okay, so I can be wrong but I think Vil Schoenheit is a good match for you.
If you two end up dating then,
He understands you to a different level, because, he faces what you face almost everyday.
Will definitely try to help you.
Lots of bickering, since you both are sarcastic.
Skin care and other things are a must.
He doesn't like PDA either so he will be affectionate with you in private.
Dote on you whenever he has the time (and mood.)
Long talks at times when both of you are frustrated.
You are his life saver, really. He finally has someone who understands him.
Overall, a quite stressful but understanding relationship.
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