#from failed qsmp desire
barbiegirldream · 5 months
everytime you talk about primeboys i get demons again i love(d) that kid so much and they were such a good duo and dream cared so much for him i feel ill
tommyinnit can you re slam your head into a wall or whatever happened last august and come back to sanity. i know an I'm sorry would go miles with dream
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lusi-raul · 9 months
It’s so cute how Empanada uses different version of mom for most of her mothers according to their nationalities
She has her Mamae Bagi, Mama Mouse, Mom Nikki, and now her Eomma Tina
I wonder how she will call Jaiden? Maybe Mami? Empanada is so cute I’m actually sad that I don’t get to watch much of qsmp anymore to catch up on current evens and the new eggs. So far I love how different each egg’s personalities from all the clips I’ve see so far. Empanada is such a sweetheart in a way that’s different from tallulah and pomme. Tallulah is the sweet but sassy and angsty type. Pomme is a looks sweet but ferocious, cinnamon roll but will kill you type. Empanada is just the innocent sweetie from what I’ve seen so far but with a frying pan. Just like Rapunzel lol. Very energetic and lively with her moms but shy and introverted with other people.
I have yet to see people complain about these three eggs for having similar personalities but I often see people defending them specially empanada because apparently she’s been getting hate for having a similar personality as tallulah and pomme. Tallulah and Pomme for me have very distinctly different personalities as they are then people say empanada is also similar? Tbh I don’t see it. If I were to say, I think empanada seems more similar to Tallulah but very different to Pomme but even then I guess as a Phil pov main, I still see very distinctly different sets of personalities between them with just very few but prominent characteristics that overlap. Tallulah is a sweet girl but will fight for what she thinks she deserves. She will speak up her mind if something bothers her. Empanada is a bit more reserved with other people. Not to mention Pomme, in my pov Pomme is very different from the two. For one I feel like Pomme is much more similar to Chayanne in terms of personality than Tallulah for their innate desire to protect the ones they love and the guilt they feel when they feel like they’ve failed to do that.
I’ve also seen a debate between Leo and Sunny but I also see a difference between them as well. Maybe I’ll explain in another post
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fruit-sauce · 1 year
More q!bbh (and q!skeppy) headcanons because I keep making more my head is so full of thoughts, always:
When q!bbh said he arrived in 9600 BCE, it means he arrived in the QSMP universe. He’s existed for centuries, lifetimes, lengths of entire timelines, but only for so long in this universe.
SaintsofGames reference- before becoming a demon and grim reaper, he was a demigod, like Foolish. But while Foolish is the demigod of rebirth/revival/etc., BBH was the demigod of games/luck. He still technically is (often being prayed to for good luck or to cast bad luck) but he focuses on the death stuff mostly. This thought also came from the fact that when the CC says he has a weird/bad feeling, things typically go wrong, and also when he suddenly felt the urge to dig STRAIGHT DOWN in the middle of nowhere, only to find a giant cave FULL OF DIAMONDS
Demi Greyromantic, but is also happy in polyamorous and queerplatonic relationships! (4SkepHalo is so real and canon and also maybe some Brunever for self indulgence,,,)
There exists a Skeppy that is basically immortal, but not a deity. This is more in line with CC Skeppy and is the one you see in all his events, flying around in creative mode
There is a skeppy in every universe. He does not share memories or feelings of any other Skeppy and bbh knows this, having to re meet his best partner over and over and over… also why, again, he says he wants “a skeppy” or that if you dig around enough, you’ll find “a skeppy” he knows how he’s phrasing it and he’s willing to take any skeppy from any timeline, even if it’s not the qsmp
Qsmp’s skeppy (that is stuck in a chip bag in a gas station) actually stands out greatly, having memories of his past lives (cough cough eggpire cough)
The closer bbh is to skeppy, the stronger he gets. Skeppy is like. An infinite power source of living soul energy for bbh to take from. Skeppy can only die via melting, so bbh can take as much energy as his heart desires with no fear of creating permanent damage. This is not the case for every skeppy and bbh failed one time to realize this and he never recovered from that timeline
Bbh is normally absolutely massive, he’s still pretty tall while on the island, but since he is limited in magic, both him and foolish are super limited on how much they can change their bodies. This is why he complains about his ankles (he’s not used to pathetic human legs) and why he calls everything “little” even when they’re taller than him (he’s not used to thing being taller than him”
That’s it for tonight <3
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nethergreatrack · 1 year
QSMP Elections
(Disclaimer, I am a Slimecicle main for the most part, I do watch other povs)
It’s interesting seeing everyone argue about what is the best policy but calling q!BBH, Gegg and q!Baghera naive for believing in revolution as opposed to fixing the system from the inside is failing to consider recent ideology promoted in leftist circles of the US about Law Enforcement. From a US perspective the idea of fixing the system from the inside could seem naive. If everyone in the federation is corrupt how could a single person fix the damage in a more effective way than a council? Also, it is very easy to point out the lack of official policies planned by Gegg, q!Baghera and q!BBH but this fails to account for the fact they (at least q!Baghera and q!BBH) only want things that people agree on. Say there was a mod they wanted to add but someone else doesn’t, they don’t know that until the council is assembled so that everyone can voice their concerns hence they can only say things they might do if agreed by the council, not what they definitely will do. For example, invisible armour (I don’t know what exact mod q!Cellbit is suggesting) might not be supported by people who enjoy duels like the q!Quackity and q!Slime one at the funeral as it gives a greater opportunity to cheat during these kind of duels. However it is the job of the candidates to make these kind of points during the debates to prevent any confusion so them not explaining a reason for not promoting a lot of their own ideas is a flaw.
Opinions on the candidates more specifically below:
Gegg/q!Slime has said that he thinks the election is rigged, which is likely a factor in him campaigning for revolution. He is also, from a meta perspective, highly likely to die and has expressed a desire to be a martyr. So him promoting this ideology allows him to continue lore if he dies too early in the electoral process. I love him as a funny little guy; even if he will likely die before the voting. Also, his stuff about burning everything is actually suspicious and I hope if he is elected he immediately becomes corrupt. If he doesn’t die and I can vote. I will probably vote for him.
I genuinely love the duo of q!Cellbit and q!Forever and I think they have a lot of great ideas, q!Cellbit acting as a shield for q!Forever is a genius strategy and they both care so much about this server and the people and eggs on it. But I don’t know why they necessarily think this is a good idea since q!Cellbit and q!Felps got close to the Federation and ended up kidnapped. Although, from a Meta perspective q!Forever is for sure a great choice. He greatly cares about the people on the server, he does so much for the community and is overall a great guy. But he also someone I don’t want anything bad to happen to. Richas has been through way too much at this point.
When thinking about q!BBH he is a great guy and friend to most of the server. I support the sharing of power. But there is one thing that worries me, this is probably a trap and q!Bad is a single parent. If this goes wrong, it is very much a concern for Dapper. But this would also be very angsty and I do like angst in moderation.
On q!Baghera, I think she is a great pick and would be a good choice. The council seems like a good idea and, much like Forever, Cellbit and BBH, she is on the server a lot and does a lot of RP. Something bad happening to her would be very angsty and there are other parents who can take care of Pomme if she ends up taken. I do think she needs to ask more people what they want if she hasn’t already due to her campaign being rooted in being a voice for the people.
I think q!Mike would also be a great choice from a Meta perspective and a lore perspective. Tazercraft having an increased access to things they might want to add to improve the server and make new events is genuinely great. It would be interesting to see how q!Mike would implement Communist ideology as well. His roleplaying is funny and I think if they went with a corruption arc he would be quite good at it. (I know I used the argument that Richas has been through enough, but I think q!Mike is more likely to be a corruption arc and do think what the Federation does with the winner will depend of which candidate wins, probably)
I think, taking into account that this whole thing is likely some kind of trap and/or rigged, q!Etoiles might actually be a good choice. He is strong and has a great desire to protect others. If this was some kind of trap then it would be greatly dramatic to have one of the strongest players be taken out or impressive to see him fight to escape. He also cares deeply about the other players and I do think he would give other players a voice while also, as president, being a target. I do think that whoever the president is (if not ElQuackity) will be a target for something.
When it comes to q!Foolish, I think he is the best choice if you want a revolution. He seems to be vaguely corrupt already and even tried to assassinate Gegg. It would be an interesting and funny arc but there would be the looming threat of q!Vegetta so the actual damage this could do might be higher than we might expect. He is also silly and already likes the Federation (or at least pretends too); so we might get funny Federation employee and q!Foolish interactions.
I don’t know a lot about q!Felps and his policies outside of the power of pasta (if I am remembering correctly) because he didn’t really get to speak much and my Wifi is pretty bad. I would love to hear more about him though and I think it would be funny if he won. I do really love pasta.
I do not want ElQuackity to win. It would probably be interesting lore wise. It would also likely lead to a revolution arc but he has less allies in terms of server members so it would be less conflict than if a revolution occurred under another candidate. Although, he is the closest to a guaranteed one if a revolution is a must.
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ender-princee · 11 months
So, let's start with the obvious, q!Forever has been missing for the last 2, 3 weeks or so. We the watchers know that he's in the nether, everyone else probably doesn't. The islanders don't know where he's been, just that he's been gone. With the lore updates we got today, putting the picture below for clarification, we know that on November 4th there is going to be a long event that is about a) the eggs, b) the train station reopening, and c) purgatory on the qsmp.
Now, what if I told you this all has to do with Forever?
He was sent into the nether and he's been there, somewhere that is currently heavily implied to be hell, and he stated that he would not come back unless he had the eggs or they were dead. Now, I don't believe that they are dead, but rather forever was sent to purgatory (the nether) and found the eggs like he said he would do. Another strong factor for indicating this is that Forever is coming back on Brazils day of the dead (November 2nd)
Theory A (aka the self indulgent theory)- In his searches, he becomes a demon of sorts with the ability to travel between the different levels of purgatory, guiding the rest of the islanders through the challenges they need to get through to find the eggs. Each level will correlate to a different egg based on the seven deadly sins (ex: Leo could be greed, Chayanne could be glutton or pride or maybe even wrath) and the more levels they get to, the more eggs they get. Now when it comes to purgatory levels it's most commonly ordered like this, starting at the bottom of the levels, pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony, lust.
Theory A.1) Depending on the descending order of levels, the islanders could either start at the bottom and work their way up with pride (extreme overconfidence) or at the top and descend further into purgatory with lust (an intense desire for anything). If this is the case, in either situation, if the islanders fail to get through all the levels, there's a high chance that the eggs on the remianing levels will be left behind. Which probably won't happen as the islanders are dedicated and won't leave without all the eggs. If that is the case, then they'll be taking the eggs with them as they go through purgatory, probably having to protect them while fighting through increasingly difficult levels.
Now you might ask once again, what does this have to do with Forever.
Forever has been closely associated with the missing eggs since this started. With the implications of the federation having something to do with it and him being the President, it puts an intense amount of pressure on him to find the eggs. He's willing to do anything to find them, anything for his kids. He's willing to quite literally go through hell and back for those kids, and this proves that. With the fact that he's coming back on a day traditionally meant for grieving dead people, this further shows that he could intend to have purgatory tied closely to his nether escapades, and every theory I have above.
Other evidence: in the two videos that QSMP global sent out showed specifically Chayanne and Richarlyson, who is very obviously tied to forever where he says the words "those are not fireflies in the sky", this could implicate that the eggs are indeed in the nether (purgatory) as this could be sparks from flames threatening the islanders as they traverse their surroundings (wasn't sure where to put that part so it's going there) (I also have MANY thoughts about the phrase switching to "enjoy the islands" but we don't have time for that today)
Screenshots related to these various theories and rambles:
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poltergeist-coffee · 9 months
You know when you have that urge to draw or write but you don't know what? Yeah, that's me right now
The brainrot might have caught me
And I have a test tomorrow:D
Who thought that making the students having teste every week would be a good a idea? I have 4 this week
I have when I newd to study but I have a brainrot almost physically holding me back
Those damn cubitos/affectionately
I want to talk about them
If you suddenly get a ask of me talking that au you know that my brain is either failling miserably on being able to focus or somehow is speedrunning reading
At least is history and arts so less bad, I guess(and I didn't know that I would also have arts until this weekend and the art book is on school:D)
But uh... if you have any ideas to give me... I would happily hear about it
Or if you have anything in mind, it's fun anyway:D
Thanks for listening(or reading) to my rambles and for making amazing drawings that make me explode from cuteness and talking to me, it's really fun:D
- 🍽
sometimes the brainrot is too much and it simply overrides every desire to study (bad) (will fail all tests) lol
hmmm aus…. me and vert have been talking about like a royalty au >:DD like a proper one lol. vert is super into dnd and is dungeon master for a few campaigns of their own so they really like world building and have turned the qsmp into like an entire kingdom thing it’s very cool
very short summary/little explanation: Quasadila Island is now called Quasi which is still an island but it’s made up of a bunch of different kingdoms ruled by different people. They all live in peace pretty much and all the rulers have to meet up together once a month to like talk and negotiate or whatever, keep peace happening. Some of the kingdoms are ruled by
Cellbit (he was kidnapped at an early age and Bagi refused to be queen until she got him back but when she left to go look for him Cellbit came back to the kingdom lol and was instantly recognized as the missing twin lol)
Vegetta (eventually foolish and vegetta marry so their kingdoms merge together)
Forever (He’s president of the Favela, not a kingdom it’s just like a little city but he’s cool so he gets to be included)
Philza (Rules over the Wall still lol) (He’s sort of in charge of the entire military? People call him General instead of King)
and… i think that’s all of them? i’m probably missing some but i can’t think of them atm… there’s also a whole magic system thing, in Cellbit’s kingdom all the elements in Order Paranormal are like Gods to be worshipped and it’s a super integral part of their kingdom >:DD
for sillies tho if like to mention that Pac is king, Mike is his man/lady in waiting and Etoiles is his personal guard >:DD etoiles did NOT want to be at first but eventually he and Pac become friends ofc because no one can resist Pac’s charm u-u
i can talk more about it another time but i am busy so not rn!!! hope you like this little snippet tho >:DD if u have questions ofc feel free to send them to me
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ghosthouses27 · 11 months
Back on my Kamen Rider/QSMP AU
(I haven't been this into a fandom in a while, so excuse my rambling)
[minor spoils for KR Geats btw)
The basic plot of this AU is based off of KR Geats with QSMP characters:
People have been drafted into a Hunger Games-like competition where you become a Kamen Rider, are dropped into the arena (the city), and have to fight off Jyamato (basically plant-zombie-squid like things)
Each round is a different game, like a basic pvp round or, for some reason, basketball, and whoever racks up the most points by the end wins.
The winner is granted a wish to reform the world as they desire.
Quackity is Ukiyo Ace, the superstar celebrity with an arrogant, suave attitude who has won the tournament before and has an overly complicated backstory that involves being 2000 years old and the son of God
Cellbit is Azuma Michinaga, the "bull-headed" construction worker who has an old rivalry with Ace and believes that violence and murder is the answer to everything (sidenote: also has incredibly attractive hair)
Charlie Slimecicle is Sakurai Keiwa, a determined, but naively optimistic guy who fails every job application and is slowly broken into an goth, biker gang leader by the end of the series
Jaiden is Kurama Neon, the bright online streamer who originally wishes to find love, but realizes she just desperately needs friends and therapy, and isn't actually a real human (literally, she's made from a wish by a sponsor of the tournament)
Cucurucho is Hareruya Win (aka PunkJack), a staff member of the tournament who is originally a minor villain, but eventually becomes an ally of the Riders
There's also like, a thousand other random Riders that the rest of the QSMP can fill in when needed lol
I only have a single idea for certain scenes based on the series, also there's like 48 episodes and a few movies and a "hyperbattle dvd" so...
Anyways, there's a plot point in episode 40 where Keiwa's sister gets turned into a zombie and gets killed by Michinaga, who obviously didn't know it was Keiwa's sister, and it kickstarts Keiwa's emo arc
In this AU, either Juanaflippa or Mariana gets turned into a zombie and killed by another Rider (either Juanaflippa by Mariana or Mariana by Cellbit) and starts Charlie's decent into emo madness
That's basically it, I just need to get this out :')
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