#from calling aj out to this ah yes
foptbw · 4 days
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Timmy: Yes! Yes! When I mention how no one really ever comments on the Odd Neighbor's hair I mention how it's like the Blue Couple's blue-ness. When I drew their headshots to show you guys I noticed how similar they are. Like similar hairstyles and same eye colors I don't think they are the ones preventing the Odd Neighbors to talk to me though because they are both very nice. The Blue Man is always rather sad looking. He reminds me a lot like AJ sometimes. Not that they are similar personality wise. But, sometimes Blue man looks at me with that same... sadness mixed with anger but not at me, that AJ does. AJ looks at me that way lots when I talk about fairies. Or when Im sad about not being able to remember stuff before. He talks a lot like the Green Neighbor if he had a British accent! Sometimes he lectures me like when I fell ah sleep outside when it was raining. He sighs lots and lots. He acts like he's super duper smart and he is really really smart. But I notice sometimes he acts like he's smarter than he really is. Sometimes he sounds just like the green neighbor actually! But that's like super duper rare. Only sometimes when he's happy and saying goodbye to me. The Blue Lady is very silly. She sounds a lot like the pink neighbor actually but with a southern accent! It's really cute! When she appears she always ends up making me giggle with her silliness! Her name is not Clarice but The Blue Man sometimes accidentally calls her that. She corrects him it's Anti, but my head starts to hurt and everything gets static-y so I don't know her full name. And when she calls The Blue Man Anti, the static-y headache happens so I don't know his name either. For Halloween or Friday 13ths I wear black paper crown and bat wings. Cuz they always visit me on Friday 13ths. It's ah day I always see them! This last Friday the 13th someone else came with them. He said his name used to be something but it caused that static headache, but he changed his name to Irep. I don't like him as much as his mom and dad. He's not that bad. But he talks about a Peri a lot. I think maybe he has a crush on him or something. He goes on and on about how much Peri sucks and how hes better. But, I know sometimes when people think their crush wont like them back they act mean to or about their crush. When I've tried to ask what they are, the static headache stops me from hearing them explain. It's really frustrating! But The Blue Lady and Blue Man are always really nice. The Blue Lady says it's not my fault. She knows why and what is the cause of the static headache but everytime she tells me the static headache blocks her talking out. She often says things that trigger the static headaches the mostest. The Blue Man tells me that when they leave that the headache will go away. He was shocked when I remembered them when they helped me the second time after the umbrella. He thought that the static would result in me forgetting their visits after they left. But I didn't! That's why they always visit me on Friday the 13th and sometimes Halloween!
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schemmentis · 5 months
La Cosa Nostra - Pt. 14
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Part 13
Cowritten w/ @janeyseymour
@janeyseymour's evil is keeping y'all guessing. Mine is making y'all wait for parts to be posted. Sorry not sorry. Love you ;)
Summary: Tensions and the disagreement between you and Melissa rise...
WC: 2k
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You do your best to hide the absolute rage that you’re feeling from your girls, sat together at your regular table in the corner, but you're pissed. The longer you sit in the restaurant trying to watch after the twins as your wife is in the back, it brews- not just over the fact that she would make this decision essentially over your own head, but that she would draw your girls into the life- even just this little amount that they have no idea about. It was rule number one from the start: business never comes home. Not after Mickey. Yet here home was, sitting right in the middle of business.
“Yes, sweetheart, that's a zebra you're coloring…purple. Great job, á storin.” You murmur as you glance at a haphazardly colored page.
Rosie beams up at you, and Cat is immediately tugging at your arm to show off what she’s been working on- a lion that she’s colored different shades of pink. Out of the two of them, your eldest twin definitely has better fine motor skills. 
You look back up at the motion of someone sitting across the table from you. You expect it to be Melissa, taking her dinner break. Your eyebrow raises when you see someone else.
“Luca.” You greet as neutrally as you can manage. “What are you doin’ up here?”
“Ah, y’know, pickin’ up take out for Ma.” He answers with a slight shrug of his shoulders.
“Your ma gets take out from here?” You ask, incredulously. “Aren't her and Mel sworn off from eating the other's cooking?”
“What she don't know won't kill her,” Luca chuckles softly. He runs a hand through his hair before scratching the back of his neck. “Just don't go tellin’ her, huh? It's my turn to make dinner ‘fore she's home, and I'm runnin’ late.”
“You couldn't bribe AJ to do it for you tonight, huh?” You tease with a small smile. You may be pissed at your wife, and not thrilled at everything else going on. But Luca was still your family.
“Not tonight.” Luca agrees.
“Y’know,” your wife’s voice sounds as she comes to stand at the side of the table, a bag of Styrofoam containers set close to Luca. “You're lucky I don't tell Kristen Marie about this arrangement myself, Luca. What a hell of a brag I could get.”
Luca smiles, getting to his feet as he takes the take out bag in hand. “Yea, ya could but ya love your nephew more than braggin’ on your sister, Aunt Mel.” He says before kissing both her cheeks with a muttered thank you. 
“I’ll see youse at Sunday dinner.” He adds when he pulls away. A hand reaches out to lightly tickle each of your twins to get a laugh. “Be good, tikes.” He says before making his way out of the restaurant.
Melissa drops into the seat Luca left, sighing. “It's a busy night. I think we got more in here than usual.”
Your smile fades as Luca leaves, your gaze falling to your wife. Your anger slowly returns as you remember where you are and why.
“Maybe.” You murmur noncommittally as you look back to Cat and Rosie and their drawings, despite them not calling for your attention. It's rare that you wouldn't want to be looking at your wife when you can. Tonight, though, you know it's just going to simmer your anger. Especially with her acting as if nothing is wrong.
“Yeah?” You answer her call for you without looking, helping Rosie's little fingers pull a crayon from the box.
“C’mon, ya can't even look at me?”
You finally turn your gaze back to Melissa, raising an eyebrow. 
“Look, I'm sorry, amore—”
“Don't.” You quickly cut her off. “Not here and not when I know you're saying that just ‘cause you hate me bein’ mad at you-not ‘cause you really mean it. We’ll talk about it later.”
“Yeah, later.” Melissa grumbles as she gets up, stalking back to the kitchen.
Melissa doesn't take her dinner break. You roll your eyes when Val brings out three plates with an apology. You assure her it isn't her fault.
It's when she brings the girls dessert that Val apologizes again, stopping you when you try to tell her not to. “Mel said she's gotta stay late tonight.”
You take a deep breath. Finally, you nod and mutter a thank you to Val. “Tell her to come say goodbye to the girls then.” You add, any pretense of hiding how you feel lost with how your voice sounds. 
It's a few minutes longer than it should be before Mel makes it out. She lingers in her goodbyes to the twins. Kissing each of their little cheeks multiple times and saying to be good for Mam. You cross your arms when she glances to you, not bothering to say goodbye yourself. 
“Mam you didn't kiss Mommy!” Cat is saying as you buckle her into the backseat. 
“Well you don't want cooties, do you?” You do your best to lighten and tease so the girls don't think much of the difference in your goodbye to Melissa, or lack thereof. 
By the time Melissa gets home, you’ve cooled off enough to get the girls into their own beds, after plenty of stories.
You stay up, sipping on wine, until she comes strolling in through the door. 
“You didn’t have to wait up for me,” she tells you as she drops her bag and kicks off her heels.
You roll your eyes, and the anger and hurt that you were feeling earlier comes back when you look at her again. “We’re talking about this.”
“Do we have to tonight?” she groans. “I’m exhausted.”
“And I don’t give a shit,” you say bluntly. “What made you think that you could just go over my head and make the executive decision to bring the girls to the restaurant? What the hell, Melissa. You preach all the time that we’re a team, and that sure as hell didn’t feel like a team effort there.”
“It is,” your wife folds her arms over her chest and raises a brow. Usually, you would find that pose of hers sexy, but not tonight. “I told you my thoughts behind it, and I think we’re doing the right thing.”
“You were the one who created the rule that home and business never meet,” you argue. “And then you go back on it without any regard to my thoughts or feelings on it.”
“And I tried to apologize,” she huffs. “But you didn’t want to hear it.”
“Because I know you aren’t sorry!” you half shout. Then you take a deep breath and sigh. “You know what? Whatever. If you want to mix it, be my guest. But if something happens to either of our girls because of it, know that all of that guilt will be on your shoulders because I tried to stop it. Goodnight.”
You pull the blanket draped over the back of the couch down and over your body before laying down.
“Y/N,” your wife rolls those green eyes of hers. “Come on. Come to bed.”
You just turn over and close your eyes, ignoring her pleas for you to join her in your bedroom. 
Melissa huffs. You expect to hear her trudge off for your bedroom. Instead, you feel her at your back, nudging her way to share the couch with you.
“Melissa Ann, what are you doin’?”
“You won’t come to bed so I guess we’re sleeping on the couch tonight.”
“The point of me staying on the couch was to be by myself. Alone.”
“Yeah, but we said we’d never go to bed mad at each other, so.”
You roll your eyes. “Right, just like we said we’d never mix business and home.” You retort, shrugging the blanket off your shoulder and attempting to do the same to your wife.
Melissa doesn’t relinquish her arms wrapped around you though. “Y/N. Would you stop and just…talk to me if we’re really gonna go through this tonight?”
“Now you want to?” You say, twisting enough on the couch to get her face within your sight. “Melissa, you deliberately made a choice, completely without me, which you have doubled down on because you think it’s the right one. Isn’t it bad enough that we’re already putting them in danger just by being who we are? Now we’re gonna take ‘em somewhere and make the risk bigger? What, just ‘cause it isn’t too much so it’ll be okay? I’m not willing to gamble their lives like that! You or me, we know what the hell we’re doin’. Nobody can say we don’t. But them?” You point towards the girls’ bedroom, imploring your wife to get it. “They don’t understand why they can’t have cookies for breakfast. They don’t understand what they’d be putting on the line, not even a little bit.”
Melissa takes a shaky breath. “Why are you so up in arms about this? It’s the safest thing right now. You and I both know that the Feds will get off our backs with the girls always being around, and none of the goons are going to touch a hair on either Cat or Rosie’s heads because they know if they did, there would be hell to pay on all sides.”
“You don’t know that!” you hiss at her. “They ordered a hit on Bobby for somethin’ he did years before they killed him off- an’ he didn’t even deserve it. Who’s to say that they aren’t going to sink that low to get back at one of us?! Or to get us out of the way and to keep La Cosa Nostra up and running?! Melissa, if something happened to you or either of the girls, I would not be able to make it through. La Cosa Nostra would fall to the ground, and so would I. Do you not understand that?”
“We knew the risks we would have to take when we got into this business, and we knew exactly what risks we were bringing to the girls when you decided that you wanted children!” your wife points an accusatory finger at you.
“You and I both know that you were just as excited to have those two as I was, so do not pin this on me!” you seethe. “And I know you chose this life, but I did not. I got mixed up in it young, and I never wanted it to begin with! I certainly do not want our girls to get involved in it either!”
“You didn’t have to stay in this life!” she argues. “You chose to.”
“You know what?” you huff as you stand up abruptly, nearly knocking your wife to the ground in the process. “I’m done talking about this for now. I’m over it.”
“Listen,” Melissa grabs your wrist. “I’m sorry they took the salon out from under you, I’m sorry they handed the business over to me because they trust me more, and I’m sorry that you’re feeling like you aren’t contributing to the family anymore, but you do not get to just be a bitch like this!”
You rip your arm out of her grasp. “I’m the bitch?! I’m the bitch! I’m not the one who went over your head and gave the ledger to Barbara Howard- a rookie move! I’m not the one who disregarded everything and mixed our girls up with the business- despite the fact that we vowed to never do that! But yeah, okay… I’m the fuckin’ bitch. Don’t even try crawling into bed with me tonight.” You storm your way to your bedroom, locking the door as you slam it shut hard enough to shake the entirety of your little townhome. 
And then you absolutely lose it. You begin to curse the day that you ever stepped into that blasted salon. You wish you never got caught up in all of this, and you would’ve taken the out that you had been offered years ago. Maybe in another life you would’ve found your way to Melissa and fallen in love, having the blissful, domestic life that you had dreamed up when you were a kid. But now, you’re in deep, and you know it.
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CME 17x06 Reaction/Spoilers Pt. 2 (The Jemily Ep)
Had to split into a second part lol. The first part is here. (thanks once again @blackbirdsaltzman!)
JJ not wanting Emily to quit :(
Luke speaking Spanish! Luke speaking Spanish! I called it for this season!
Omg Luke saying he still loves Penelope 😭😭😭
"Dating a coworker is a bad idea" omg
Rossi and Voit again
Video games? Hmm
Quest games?
Idk a lot of shit about conspiracy theories but do video games really help structure them?
Jade and Damien are searching for clues...
Voit's so done with him haha
"North Star is where it all starts"
"when you're lost and desperate and on a quest. all you want is something to connect the dots."
Jade and Damien might want to blame this North Star
Stuart House possibly was used to create serial killers... huh.
I mean, he's not wrong. A profile is an educated guess.
Yoo wtf Gasper
Back at the Stuart House
Dang Tyler
Luke and Tyler about movies! Omg I might actually like this beginning of a possibly beautiful friendship lol
"Hoo-ah!" Luke my boy! They're totally going to have movie marathons together now after that case hahahaha
Jemily scene #4 🥰😭👀🥺 (I have so many thoughts on this that it deserves a completely separate post)
I fucking called it! Chopsticks is now a jemily thing!!
Omg wait
Jemily is now officially cheetobreath stoner X salt and vinegar chip stoner (+chopsticks as their child 🥰)!!!
JJ's still so far gone lol "These are brilliant" as she's playing with her chopsticks
"All those years with cheesy fingers?" and the little mind-blown🤯 is so cute. JJ learning it from Emily now ahhh
"Shit. What was I talking about?" JJ swearing again yesss hahaha
"Gideon, Hotch, what do they have in common?" They're all men. Oh. That works too.
"They left. The two of us, we were kicked out." I honestly thought JJ was going to say "fucking kicked out" here ngl
"we're still here, Emily. We are stronger than anyone gives us credit for" oh 🥺
JJ finally getting fed up with Emily saying she'll quit. She doesn't want Emily to quit 🥺
"I didn't quit on you in Paris." Paris mention! Also ouch.
"You didn't quit on me after my miscarriage" "Oh, god damn it" Double ouch!! And JJ's voice shaking when she says it omg 😭😭
So Emily canonically knows about JJ's miscarriage then. I got a little one shot if you want to read it hehe (may be another on the way...)
"This job takes a lot, but you know what it gives? It gives me... y-you" oh FUCK 😭😭😭 my heart!!
Shipping or not, this is such a powerful moment for JJ and Emily. And this whole scene was definitely also a huge fuck you to CBS and a nod to what AJ and Paget went through in season 6 behind the scenes with the network. I highly recommend listening to AJ and Paget's podcast eps in Michael Kahan's "Funny in Failure" on youtube or anywhere you listen to podcasts on.
And yes, I got a whole lotta thoughts behind this scene.
"I'll support you, I will. Always." Omg JJ 😭😭😭
The way JJ looks at Emily before looking away and starting to cry aaaahhh 😭 and Emily looking at JJ 🥺 god I love this ship so much!! You can never take away their relationship and special connection from me or JJ or Emily, no matter how hard you try!
"Oh shit, it's Rossi" another shit from JJ haha
Emily deciding she'll stay bc of JJ. For JJ's sake 🥺 fuuuuuck I love them so goddamn much
“Grab your keys, let’s fucking roll” ok love JJ and Emily swearing in the same scene hahaha
JJ's "yes!" hahaha she's like "I knew it would work"
"I can't- I can't drive" lol "Rideshare?" There's a missing scene in the rideshare car ride huh?
Omg not the howl 😭
I seriously feel like they're trying to set Luke and Teresa up
Lol not JJ chugging down water 😭😭 she's still out of it
Also girly how are you fully standing right now??
JJ trying to focus but she's still "wooo" like she was trying to focus on the papers in Emily's hands
Not her shaking it off when Emily hands them to her omg. AJ thank you for that
So Gideon and Rossi were working on drafts for this assignment of the study of serial killers, a hypothetical scenario
Isolation in worse conditions.... controlled and directed?
But who would else would know about Gold Star?
"North Star is us, the BAU."
Oof the last shot of the team (and Tyler ig) being a "star" around the roundtable ooooh
And that's it! Also request to have more high/stoned jemily content for future seasons??
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mickimomo · 2 years
The 'Worshipped Wives' Committee (Part 4)
The Heartbroken Feathered Serpent
Link to Part 3
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Shuri was the last to enter the gilded room before sitting down next to a pregnant Okoye and indifferent Namora.
Ayo arched a brow at the queen.
Ayo: You look stressed, my Queen.
Shuri, waving off her formalities: We have a problem.
Namora: What is it?
Shuri: I've upset my husband.
Ayo: So, you have a problem. Not we.
Shuri: Yes.
Okoye: What did you do?
Shuri: I told him I hated him, and he's been avoiding me ever since.
Okoye: Avoiding?
Shuri: He no longer visits my lab. He does not sleep in our room. I rarely see him anywhere in Wakanda.
Ayo: Any affection?
Shuri: None. He doesn't even look at me during our meetings with the council. He seems so cold now.
Namora: That is called a consequence. Not a problem.
Shuri: And that conment is not helping me come up with a solution.
Ayo: Why did you tell K'uk'ulkan that you hate him?
Okoye: Especially when you know he's extra sensitive to your words.
Shuri: He was being annoying and it was pissing me off. Like- he knows I was working hard on something and he got mad at me because I forgot something he had planned out.
Ayo: Shuri. He planned something out and you stood him up. You're the bad guy in this situation.
Shuri: I am not-
Namora: -You know he will never escape the judgment of others pertaining to the wrongs he's done to you and Wakanda. You saw how everyone was against your wedding. *crosses her arms* You should have just ran your spear through him if you did not want the burden of his affection. It would be more honorable than this.
Shuri: I- *sighs under Namora's glare* Ok. How do I fix this?
Ayo: You're going to have to drop the act.
Shuri: The act?
Okoye: Being difficult with him. You're going to have to be affectionate and open and sincere.
Shuri: Affectionate? Like... PDA...?
Okoye: Yes. And actually doting on him. Everyone wants to feel loved and appreciated by their spouse.
Shuri: Can't I just sleep with him?
Namora: Being intimate with your lover is not a remedy. You must resolve things with words. You know that intimacy holds great meaning between lovers in Talokan. Do not offend Aj K'uk'ulkan further by suggesting such a thing.
Shuri: This sucks.
Ayo: Then maybe you shouldn't go around telling him you hate him.
Shuri: I don't want to hear anything from you Ayo. Let's not forget how you made Aneka cry for those ducklings.
Ayo: Not wanting to deal with duck poop is way less serious than telling Aneka I hate her.
Okoye: I agree.
Namora: The two of you are undeserving of your companions' affection for making them cry and suffer so much.
Ayo: I don't want to hear that coming from someone who's married to a woman with a blood kink.
Namora: Oni likes blood in combat. It does not cross over into our relationship. She is treasured properly unlike your lovers.
Ayo: What about that time you landed her in a wheelchair.
Namora: That was because I pleasured her too much. *shrugs* She was spoiled thoroughly during her recovery. I now know her limits very well.
Shuri: I'm still surprised you top Oni.
Namora: There is no top or bottom. We just do whatever feels right in the moment.
Ayo: Wait! You've been on the bottom?
Namora: Have you ever seen Oni tipsy or after a sparring session?
Ayo: Ah. I understand. Drunk Aneka is something else entirely.
Okoye pulled out a comtainer of cubed fruit before getting teary as she looked inside.
Ayo: Udade?
Okoye, holding up a heart-shaped piece of honeydew with her fork: I've been craving melons like crazy lately, so Attuma packed me a container of honeydew today. *sniffles* And he cut every piece into a heart.
Shuri: I-Is that bad?
Okoye: No. It's just so cute. *sniffles*
Namora: But you are crying.
Okoye: If you were pregnant, you would understand. *pops a piece of fruit into her mouth* These hormones are serious.
They all nodded in agreement before refocusing on the Queen's dilemma.
Okoye, pointing her fork at the Shuri: What are you going to do?
Shuri: Short black dress tactics?
Ayo: Mm... no.
Namora: You should wear something from Talokan.
Shuri: Ok. *makes notes* Then I find him and apologize. Maybe call him my king? Bat my eyes a little.
Okoye: It must be sincere.
Shuri: it will be. I just might need a bit of liquor in my system.
Ayo: Shuri.
Shuri: What!?
Okoye: Absolutely not.
Shuri: That's too much to do sober.
Ayo: You married him!
Shuri: And I'm trying to fix our marriage.
Okoye: Bast give us strength.
Namora: You must be clear and sober with your apology. He will know your intentions, and you may face his wrath if you half ass it.
Shuri: Fiiiinnne. I'll try.
Ayo: And. If all goes well- you'll report back to us with good news.
Shuri: If it works.
Namora: It will work if you are sincere.
Shuri: Right. *takes a deep breath before exhaling* Sincere
End notes:
We finally get to see the other side of the wife worship quad. Namora could definitely be a part of the wife worship squad, but she's never as explicit as Oni. So. That's why she's over here.
Should I write out a snippet of Shuri apologizing to Namor? How long do you think it will take for them to make amends?
Link to Part 5
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rebelcaptain4life · 7 months
6x03 isn't up for me yet so let's complete my 6x02 recap that I never posted!
Ha that 100 in the title card is cute!
And ofc ABC will never miss an opportunity for some extremely in your face Disney product placement.
Nooo Henryyy (coincidentally, a Canadian airline went bankrupt last week and haunted all their ops less than 48hrs after announcing it 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️. They really need to make some rule to stop airlines from stranding people by basically not giving any time between bankruptcy announcement and shutdown)
Actually really great idea to have a wedding as episode 100 so you can get so many guest stars back for the special occasion.
Bruhh how are they supposed to get more catering, flowers, etc in ONE DAY?!
Ma'am why didn't you immediately take your poor fur baby to the vet?
Chenford being passive aggressive while Angela watches LOL
"no, ladies first" Tim are you scareddd 😂
I don't get the Hammer?? He'd rather 100% go to jail in a fight rather than just give them the ring and make a run for it???
"I have to look good in a dress tmrw, nobody cares what you look like" LMAO
Dude just destroyed his own apartment, too
I love Harper & Lopez 😂
The... The florist just sold their flowers to someone else the day before a wedding just cuz they wouldn't answer the phone?? Don't they usually have a contract or something and yk take it directly to the venue???
NOT THE CAKE TOO what kind of awful vendors did these guys get stuck with for their wedding 😭
"why not, your so good together" everyone can see it even though they've only officially been dating for a few months 😭
I love the way this scene is cut between the convos.
Yes Lucy you are projecting!!! Please acknowledge your own feelings instead of telling Tim he's not acknowledging his own 😭
"I need to show Harper what I'm capable of" "by baking a cake?" Aaron stole the words right out of my mouth
"or he's gonna say something that will make you want to kill him and he wants witnesses" NYLA LMAO
Wow Lucy you didn't have to sit that close 👀👀👀
Tim didn't you think to maybe test out the lie detector first???
Ok so on my first watch, I was really annoyed that basically everything was on Tim for their argument and his hesitancy about Lucy being detective. But after sitting with it for a week and remembering the end of s5, where we see Lucy be super excited, and he's obviously being supportive but he's clearly very stressed about it (couch scene. in that ep with Isabel), I get it. Tim does need to work through.
We had the opportunity to see chenford walk into a wedding TOGETHER for once but nooooo (ughhh Tim looks s goooodddddd) Lucy's like "oh hey :D wait no I'm still mad at you :(" :((((
Omg CELINA?! LOOKS AMAZING?!!! It's always so funny seeing the girlies out of uniform for the first time cuz they're like half the size XD
SLAY LUNA!!!! Awww Grey
I'm crying the vows are so sweet 😭😭😭😭
Ah so the dancing was intentionally really awkward. Good job, James
Noooo Aaronnnn I thought you were going for her cheek djdsfj;aj;a;jak
Um this scene is perfection?! Alicia Keys?! The no-words asking to dance? How Lucy immediately moves SO CLOSE. Lucy wearing THE RING!!!! I love how they always talk super softly about super important things while dancing at weddings 🥺🥺🥺
Tim not wanting to let go but being forced to by Aaron!
LMAO Aaron "everyone was so worried, but I told them it's fine, you're solid". Love how everyone just casually talks about Chenford
Damn everyone comes prepared with go bags?!
nooooo siriiii
Overall, great episode!!
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mxmajor · 2 years
Mysteries of the Deep
Part 1: Shark in the Water
Summary: Over time, K'uk'ulkan has encountered many things in the deep that were inexplicable. He has three encounters that greatly shaped Aj K'uk'ulkan as a god, king, and man.
word count: 1.3k
Rating: Gen but will get explicit & mature in pt 2 so be aware, dni if not 18+
A/N: Hi, I uh, keep writing things and posting them on the internet (here and A03). This is a little something I threw together cause I liked the idea of a human boy becoming a man that becomes a god based on devotion or belief from their devotees. He's still a mutant and I like the idea of learning about the surface over a few hundred years through different means. And maybe him falling in love at some point. There are references to real world experiences and the death caused by colonialism because...that happened. Thank you for reading.
There had been an uptake in sharks in the south eastern boundaries of Talokan. Before sending hunting parties to cull their numbers, the young leader left to assess the situation. He did not want to be brash and cull a pack if something else was to cause. And the further he swam out, the more he realized he may be seeing the cause of it straight ahead. No matter how long they stayed down here, that did not make them sea life that could communicate with other sea-life beyond animal companionship. He had decided not to bring an orca with him in case he was attacked and needed to evade aerially.
Ahead of him in the distance, he could see what he would only be able to describe as a fish person. The waters towards that direction were brighter than the ones near the ridge he called home, and clear as day, he saw the woman of the body connected to the tail of a large fish. A very large fish, maybe larger than any whale he knew of. He was not sure what that creature had to do with the sharks, but he would retreat before it noticed and potentially engaged him. But as he turned to retreat, he heard a voice behind him? It was more like it surrounded him.
“Hello little boy-god.” The entity said and he turned around, not wanting to have this creature at his back only to see it was even closer. It was as if the largest Talokanil woman became slightly green while above water and partially transformed into a fish on her return. The being was larger than Talokan itself. She had strings of shells and pearls falling to her shoulders like hair and smiled broadly with blue full lips as she looked down at him. He has explored many things in theses waters in his long life but had not seen anything like this...person?
“Who are you and what are you doing here?” he asked, spear in hand, and calculating how he could evade such a fast moving and large being.
“Ah, my children called for me and I came to lay them to rest.” She said while twirling in a circle. Her tail was very long and the scales of it were iridescent, as if she oiled them. She returned to facing him, hopefully not noticing he had retreated a bit. “A long journey from where I usually roam but a worthy destination no matter the distance.”
“You have no children here, these are the waters of my people, my children.” He said as she continued smiling down at him, hopefully not noticing that he was further away.
“Oh is this your domain, little god?” she asked with a smile in the tone of her voice. How was she finding away to communicate with him without moving her mouth?
“Yes and I would advise you leave.” He said, resenting the word 'little' coming before his rank.
“But I have work here, a duty. What do you call yourself doing, child?” she said floating towards him slowly. The smallest of challenges in her words straightened his spine and he stopped backing away. He would face this…whatever this person was and be victorious.
“I am no child, I have been here for nearly a century.” He said, thinking of his visage. It had been 90 years in their new calendar but he still looked the way he had in childhood. His mother had more children after him, all blue, and enough time had passed that their children have reached adulthood. But he was still in this body.
“Oh boy god of- what are you the god of?” she asked placing her chin in her palm and resting her elbow on her forearm.
“I am a devotee, patron of Chaac, foretold by our shaman that will lead our people forward.”
“Way down here, with no rain." she said looking over both her shoulders, the shells flashing in the diffused light. She looked at him again with smile on her face. "Are you sure? What do they call you?”
“Kinich.” A name his mother gave him. He would ascend to Aj K’uk’ulkan, but he was not ready for that yet, he had more to discover. He still hadn't figure how to find a way return his mother to her home, sharks be damned.
“A sun god. For the Maya. Why are you down here little light? So far from your domain.” She said, knowledgeable of his people, of their gods, even though her blueness seemed to be the only thing she had in common with them. He did not even have that in common with them.
“This is where I belong. I breathe here as freely as you.” he said as if defending himself like he had to when he was young.
“I do not doubt you little god, I see your wings, but you have some growing to do. You will reach true god head, yet.” Her kind words startled him because he finally realized he heard her in his own head. Could she hear his thoughts in here as well? “Let me show you something.”
“Did you-” he began to question before her request. But she reached out a hand to him and his fear had long faded so he stepped into the center of her palm. She quickly turned and swam at an alarming speed towards the direction he originally sought, until they were upon his the subject of his search.
“I had to be born, too. I have many years of experience in growing and watching others grow faster than me. As well as seeing endings.” She said, placing him on her shoulder so he could see at her level at what she looked at. “That is why I am here, my children were taken and tried escaping but met their endings.”
“The sharks." There had been surface dwellers trying to escape into the waters like his people. But they did not speak to Chaac. They did not grow gills and keep breathing. And if this happened enough, this probably attracted the sharks as well.
“Yes, I’m glad you’ve noticed. I am here to take them back to their final resting place. This is far from their home.” She said looking out into the active busy waters. The sharks do not swim towards them, survival instinct would not have them confront such a colossal being.
“Was it the conquistadors?” he said feeling a burning anger at the thought of this happening to even more people. The conquistadors had torn through these waters for 100 years before they reached his peoples. He prayed that they could be stopped when learning about them from the elders.
“Yes and the others from their lands near the cold waters. Some do not escape and end up away from the surface of the water, where it is harder to reach me.” She said, with a sadness and anger in her voice. But I will swim these waters for them, bring them to peace and to the feeling of home, even if it is not their home proper.”
The words reinvigorated the commitment to keeping with the promise he made to his mother. To bring her home, to the land she came from. He did not understand the connection to the surface but many of the former surface dwellers had a longing he could not ignore.
Maybe this large goddess was meant to help him see that he was building a home for those to come but still needed to honor those who brought them to the sea and their past. Wait a goddess, she called him little god before, that is what she must be.
“Are you a goddess?” he asked this being, never having encountered someone close to what he was, maybe. Who had lived for so long that he became responsible for seeing and remembering for dozens. Responsible for the wellbeing of so many.
“I may not have birthed them, but I have become the mother of so many. And when my name is called across these waters, Danto is the name that reaches me.”
End note: Danto is based on one of Lasiren's sisters but with a more fantastical interpretation. I think I made her to be about 120 feet long, longer than most whales and great sharks, and would be totally terrifying whether Kinich (what I call young K'uk'ulkan, check my lore story for Namor) was 10 years or 100 years old. If you have any feedback or notice something I may have missed, please feel free to leave a comment about it.
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
The sound of crickets chirping outside, Rosie's quiet snoring at the edge of her bed and the faint sound of whatever was playing on TV filled the atmosphere with a sense of peace that Clementine hasn't felt in weeks. Summer nights like this were cruel sometimes and the heat didn't make it better. Nothing was a bigger bitch than C-PTSD episodes at night, though, but Marlon is here, and he grounds her by holding her here with him in place, a cigarette in between his fingers as he exhales smoke away from her face. Clem breathes him all in, Marlborough reds, ashwood, the tide of ocean, the faint smell of his blood when he came to her house earlier that evenings because his mother's shitty boyfriend beat and kicked his ass out of his own house with his mother doing nothing, and with no one else home, she kept him here. Golden eyes flicker to the clock on her nightstand. 3:33. Her chin rests on his forehead while he buries his face in the crook of her neck.
Yet another week of exams was coming but right now that was the last thing on their minds. “Rebecca called me earlier today. Imma' babysit AJ in the afternoon while she and Alvin do their errands an' shit, then James wants to borrow me for another quick photoshoot and then get on Zoom to study with Aasim. You can come with if you want.” Clem offers, and Marlon chuckles lightheartedly. “Yeah. AJ'll wanna see Rosie, too, and we can't deny him that.”
Clem nods in agreement. Ah, yes, Rosie was a lovely service dog.
After a moment of silence, she murmurs, “I love you.” her voice is soft and hushed.
“I love you, too.”
And that was all they needed for tonight. Just each other.
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autiponi · 10 months
A-1 and Master Daiki awaited directives to enter the conference chamber, where they would divulge any initial findings regarding Agreas' slayer to the demon queen.
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-Do you remember what you're supposed to say?
-Yes master.
-Stick to the plan at all costs. I need her alive.  If Aj finds out about her, everything will be... Difficult.
-Master, please be aware that it is not just us who will be there, but all four of us. It may be difficult to control them.
-Just, remember what you have to say. If everything goes according to plan, they will only find out as much as we want them to.
-I understood.
Then they heard footsteps behind them. Turning around, they saw that it was Tenebris behind them. It was another one of the creatures who was
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-Ah, as  I see Daiki and Miss A-1 came faster than expected! Respectable attitude as always... However, I assume that you have not found as much as we have. How unfortunate...
Daiki hated him from the moment they met. The arrogance and nasty self-confidence put Daiki in a very bad mood. He felt like getting into a deeper discussion with the puppet king again, but for the success of the mission, he put his pride in his pocket and just turned his head quickly.
-That will be seen, Mr. Tenebris. Nothing is known yet, and besides, this is not a race, but a serious investigation for .... serious beings.-You haven't changed a bit since the last time we met. The same proud, wonderful and calm Master Daiki. With his wonderful disciple too, of course.... I think I'm going to throw up.
Tenebris looked at A-1, showing his razor-sharp, holly-nasty teeth as he smiled even more than before. Seeing this, A-1 quickly turned her head away, feeling a new sense of disgust for Tenebris. She looked at the window and impatiently began to touch her katana with her finger. When the master saw this, he drew his pupil a little closer to him, causing her to move away from Tenebris.
-To you, I am MASTER Daiki, and she is MISTRESS A-1. And for now, please step aside. Your ugly teeth are not what we want to see today before we meet the queen.
Before there could be a bigger fight between them, the gates opened behind which stood a guard in snazzy armor and Aj herself, clearly tired with big bags under her eyes. The robe she wore could be seen to have belonged to Agreas before, her father's blood was still quite visible on the garment. The blood itself was black and shiny, it looked as if there were pieces of further shining stars in it.  In that one moment, she resembled her father even more than before.
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-Please come in... The other two representatives from other worlds unfortunately can't come today. Therefore, we will start the meeting without them. So I welcome you Tenebris, Agreas, and.... you, whatever you are.
-This is my best student queen. Thanks to her alone we can have as much information as we have.
-I am A-1, my queen Aj. Nice to meet you.
A-1 tried as much as she could, to smile kindly while making a big bow. Aj, despite her attempt to remain neutral, was clearly disgusted.
-No matter what is… this. Come in and let's not waste any more time.
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Aj took a seat at the end of the table and asked the rest of those gathered in the room to sit next to her. At least one of the guards also stood next to everyone in the room , for reasons of security and slight paranoia. However, they were not the standard demons that you would usually see in the H-666 dimension. They were a variety called "Primitive" or "Hollow" by the residents, depending on who you asked.
-Let's get straight to the point. Master Daiki, did you find out anything about the killer?
-Unfortunately. As is usually the case at the very beginning of such cases, I have little information to offer today. However, I have speculations about the person who would certainly be willing to kill Agreas. I am so sure of this that I think it would be a waste of time to look for someone else to blame. This... individual has already revealed himself more than once, not only to me, but also, for all I know, to your father. I hope he told you once, and do you know who I mean?
-Apparently he didn't. .... So tell me who you mean.
-Mike Insidios. A fanatic, a person out of this world, literally! He is a vicious murderer, a scumbag who is not only responsible for this case! And in addition, a great manipulator in his own right. I am more than sure that he is connected to this case. Agreas had something in him that this psychopath has been looking for for years, it was only a matter of time.
-But what was so special about my father that he decided to kill him? Please explain, Master Daiki.
-Mike pursues throughout the multiverse the children of Apollyon. They are creatures that have a piece of the soul of the ancient first creator within them. Legends once said that only one of the children can survive, and by then this one, in his quest for power, will destroy everything else that opposes him....
-Wait, my dad was a pure of fire and ashes demon, just like me. He couldn't have been that.... something you are talking about now. He was also never like you are telling, he never tried to destroy anyone. I'm sorry but this is absurd Master Daiki.anybody, I'm sorry but it's  ridiculous Master Daiki.
Aj was about to ask Tenebris  for his evidence, but Daiki  quickly cut her off.
-Your father didn't tell you much about what he did during the war, didn't you, Queen AJ?.
Saying this, he gently rose from the table and approached Aj with a slow but firm step. The queen, clearly confused by the Spar's question, also moved slightly away from the table and the guards were ready to attack if necessary.
-Didn't you ever wonder... that Angels in ours are in fact already practically an extinct species? You can only see them in armies of a fairly high category, but something strangely, you don't see their universe on star maps.
-What are you-.
-Also, perhaps you were not puzzled by the fact that Demons now tower over Angels in terms of species for some reason? This is not a normal thing, a few hundred years ago it was completely different in this regard.
-Master Daiki-.
-Something peculiar must have happened that demons no longer have a problem with the rather cocky, but still angels. Queen, your father, before he started taking care of you, was very fond of winning in all kinds of battles and fights on a scale that the universe has not seen, and probably never will see again. He was able to win definitively, without any victory on the other side.... he spared no one. He didn't even spare the universe itself.
Aj fell silent and began to look down bewildered. Daiki, seeing this, continued the argument while increasingly toning his tone to one resembling that of a snake.
-He, he must have had something special in him. Something that gave him so much strength and vigor in these battles. Do you know that during the war he was able to kill three pairs of troops without the help of anyone? No one ever won, every time! Your father, he must have had the soul of Apollyon in him. This is the only explanation why he was so strong, charismatic, yet aggressive and murderous. In addition, my Queen, he had all the syndromes of being... someone different from the rest of the demons. This "purity" you are trying to make us believe is only a half-truth.
-He was not like that... No...
-He was certainly not like that with you, that's obvious. But he had something left of it, however, this time instead of winning the war, he decided to successfully raise his daughter! Isn't that beautiful Queen Aj?
-...No matter who he was now. It matters who he was before!  Before, he perfectly showed that he had the soul of Apollyon in him, that's also probably why Mike hunted him. This is my theory.
Master Daiki patted Aj gently on the shoulder and sat down again. The atmosphere became even more tense than before, Aj began to breathe more deeply and was visibly distracted. Her mind was still on the words she had just heard. She shook herself free and reluctantly sat down on the seat.
-...I will think about it, but so far I will not take too hasty conclusions. In any case, thank you Master Daiki.
Tenebris looked at each of them with his usual clear and unrestrained disdain, then laughed heartily.
-That is an interesting theory, moron. But I think I have a slightly better one! And best of all, it comes with proof!
-Then please show it.
Tenebris after making a couple of turns in his chair out of excitement took out quickly from the pocket of his fur what he had around his neck, developed photos of the party at which Agreas was murdered.
-Look and learn woodenly how to do an investigation! So, as we all probably know here, during such parties it is common to take all sorts of pictures of guests, they went around and took pictures, right queen?
-YOU DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER! I KNOW THEY DID! So, I decided, through the hands of my servants, to ask some of those willing to help for photographs of that awful evening. And, this is the part when you can start clapping, I noticed an interesting thing....
Tenebris pointed a big sharp finger at the silhouette of a woman with red and white hair with obvious excitement. Daiki recognized Blackjack in her, which immediately caused great trepidation in him as well as in A-1.
-This beautiful lady's face is obscured... but she still seems distinctive because of that gorgeous hair! She was talking to Agreas before the coup, and then left with a bunch of other guests afterwards! I think it's her, FOR SURE IT'S HER! As well as these others can be connected to this! It is very strange that then they had to oh so go, don't you agree?
-Sounds pretty convincing, even for you Tenebris. Did you perhaps find out who these creatures were before they left?
-Unfortunately, no, at least not everyone because I'm guessing that maybe the Queen AJ can associate some of them... but the ones that didn't can be found too, right, Master Daiki? Or in other words. MASTER OF POOR EVIDENCE! HA!
Master Daiki did not know what to answer because of the shock he had just experienced. A-1 seeing this quickly joined the conversation, she wanted to improvise before her master thought of something.
-It would be possible, you're right Mr. Tenebris. But if we don't know if those definitely did something, it could be a very big waste of time. That's why I suggest focusing on those we know who they are.
-...I understand your reasoning. However, there still may be truth behind those we don't know here!
-Maybe, but I still think it will be better to focus on those about whom anything is known. Unless you want to prolong the investigation unnecessarily.
-I agree with my student. Queen, it will make things easier if you show us who of them you know, maybe they are the ones who just threatened your father? 
-I can check....
Tenebris quickly slid the photograph under Aj's hands. after a moment of intently looking at the silhouettes of the exiting guests, she saw a certain, specific person.
-I recognize one of the demons here. He is wearing the coat of arms of the Magids, those, to say the least, have never gotten along with our family. They are a close family, having risen from the same flame as my parents' parents, and so on...
-You think, Queen, that they might have had something to do with his death?
-... Yes. Definitely yes. They always wanted to take over my father's throne.... maybe-
-Maybe they were trying to pretend to be innocent through this? And in a moment they may attack again, it's dangerous to keep such people at large!
-This is the first time I agree with you, Master Clown Daiki! This family may not want to wait for power anymore.... MAYBE THEY ARE ABOUT TO COME FOR THE WHOLE-
-After my speech, Urana, one of the Magids, came up to me. She said directly that I am not fit for power now, and can she.... help?
-Silence Tenebris! But I agree that you need to keep an eye on them, they can attack at any time.
-What about the rest of these individuals? I guess we won't ignore them oh just like that!
-I think you can let the rest go for now, let all forces focus on the most suspicious ones.
-I completely agree queen.
-Well, then, we have the first clues where to look. I am glad that you have approached this matter with due respect, you will certainly be rewarded.
-This is our duty.
-I will notify the other representatives of our discovery. You, I ask you to continue searching and.... possibly check on the Magid family. I authorize you to spy on their every move.
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Blackjack was sitting anxiously in the cab and breathing heavily. She was looking around and trying to reach Jeremy incessantly. Mike, seeing her in such a state, worried himself, tried to calm her down.
-Blackjack... It won't help if you keep calling. We'll be there in a while and see what happened.
-Maybe, maybe she will answer something after all. Maybe he will at least give a damn signal. Why doesn't he answer... FUCK!
-He's definitely ok, we'll get him out of there if we have to.
Mike gently hugged Blackjack in a further attempt to calm her down,she did not resist however she still looked concerned at the tear-drenched phone screen.
-...I, really don't want anything to happen to him. What if it has already happened. Just, not Jeremy... 
-He's not a stupid guy so he's more likely to manage.
-... Do you promise?
-...Are you sure?
-... It doesn't help anything, but thanks for your efforts.
Blackjack reciprocated the hug very strongly. It lifted her spirits slightlyodź her fear for Jeremy's condition did not diminish one bit.
-Thank you...
They arrived near the hospital as quickly as possible. From the outside, it was obvious that something was wrong; a black, glistening ooze could be seen behind the doors of the building. The bright red light from the alarm and the scarlet blood could also be seen from the once clean windows. Blackjack ran straight into the building without hesitation after quickly getting out of the car. Mike was barely able to catch up with her, he tried to call her to him, but that had no effect either, and so they finally separated in the dark and gloomy hospital.
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The sound of an alarm siren could be heard everywhere. All the doors to the patients' rooms were ripped open or thrown wide open. There was an intense stench of blood and medicine scattered throughout the facility. The medicine themselves and their smell had an intoxicating effect on Blackjack, but even though she felt weak, she didn't care. The only thing she was looking for in the midst of all this was Jeremy, the only one who mattered right now.
-Who the hell could have attacked him...demons...? No, they don't know about me after all....probably. Wait...that slime looks familiar.
Blackjack knelt down to take a closer look at the smear on the floor, but her vision was too blurred to draw any conclusions. Just as she rose from her knees, she heard heavy metallic footsteps. They moved slowly toward her, giving her time to take cover behind a vine; she had no desire to face her potential attacker any closer.
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She tried surreptitiously to see what it actually was, but the light and darkness did not help very much. The thing itself, whatever it was in the corridor was making sounds, surprisingly for her, instead of aggressive and wild sounds, they were sobs and crying whispers.
-No... no... NO NO NO NO NO, this is totally not how it was supposed to be! THIS IS NOT HOW IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE! I'm sorry.... sorry... sorry... all of you.... I'M SORRY! I-
Only after a while did it occur to her that she recognized that voice perfectly, she couldn't mistake it for anyone else. She slowly left the place of her hiding place and with a slow step approached Jeremy. He, seeing her, began to shake visibly harder from fright. Blackjack, shocked by such a state of her friend, lightly grabbed his face while gently stroking his cheeks
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Blackjack tried to get a little closer to him, but he was clearly moving away in fear.
-There was no one else here.... no one attacked us.... it's my fault.... it. is. my. fault. that. I. called. you. is. my. fault. 
-This... you did this to yourself...? these implants.... Why?
-I... didn't... want... you... to... know... I... .... have a problem... a disease. The ability to move me is slowly disappearing....it cannot be cured, Amelia, I had to do it to myself, this, it can help me....
-This is not your kind of technology, Jeremy.... what are you hiding? I could-
-YOU COULDN'T! you couldn't...the only thing that could help me was...the redemption I got.
-What are you talking about?
-From the sky... on my head .... fell a being that helps me understand, everything. Even what I really am... what I need.... Amelia, you were never there when I needed you, I was the one who always had to help you! You took away the meaning of everything for me when you left. SELFISH! I lived for you, Amelia, I hid it from you.... My life is slowly losing its meaning.
-Jeremy, try to focus! You are not thinking rationally right now! What has fallen on this head is why you are not yourself!
-I am myself. More than ever!
Jeremy's attempt at an attack on Blackjack was a hard fall to the ground, and it was obvious that his whole body was panting as if he was fighting with himself. In the midst of it, he began to repeat one word louder and louder.
-Run... RUN!
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Terrified and shocked at the same time, Blackjack began to run down the hallway she was in before. After passing through the first door, she noticed that the next hallway was completely different from the one before. She didn't have much time to think about it because she heard screams and Jeremy's footsteps getting closer and closer. She started to run in any direction she could, getting completely lost and limping through the door, which was lying on the floor. Not knowing which side of the hospital she was on, she hid in one of the patients' rooms, thankfully escaping with her life. With that rather tenuous moment of calm, her emotions finally let go and tears came to her eyes of their own accord.
-Why... why exactly he!? .... Or, no... no... no! There must be a way to save him.... MUST BE!
She sat on the cold floor, helpless. She felt that if she didn't find a way to get Jeremy back to normal, she would probably lose him forever. She wanted to avoid that at all costs, but at the same time she could not think of a possible solution to the problem.
Her thought of a solution was interrupted when she heard footsteps slowly approaching her direction, at which point she realized that she had been talking to herself all this time due to stress.She quickly pulled herself together, picked up the metal tube that was close to her hands, and waited for the right moment...when the footsteps would only get closer to her.
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It was… just Mike.
-I'M SORRY! I didn't mean it! I didn't mean to hit you! I...
-I know, I know, I understand. Who were you trying to hit with that? My head is bursting through this pipe. ....
-Head... head! Yes, the head! He mentioned that it fell on his head, we need to get to his head!
-What are you talking about? Are you okay?
-I... I saw Jeremy.
-Oh, that's probably good then, so where is he?
Blackjack threw the metal tube on the floor and told Mike about the meeting with Jeremy, trying to hold back her emotions and tears. Mike was clearly shocked to hear more and more of the story.
-Something fell on his head.... and it made him "redemption"?
-That is what he said. That something probably also made him put those implants on, strange what was going through his head... he sounded like a complete lunatic. Mike, he was never like this before. Is it still him at all...? what happened to him?
-It could be the fault of a parasite.
-Parasite? No normal parasite takes over the brain, right?
-No, but there is one that specializes in it. Maybe you know Veranders?
-No... what does this thing do?
-In a nutshell, it gets into your brain and weaves a second personality into it. This abomination uses the worst traits of its victim so that the victim often becomes frightened and wild and very aggressive. In such a state, you are not fully aware of everything and cannot control your own body to a large extent. At the same time, the victim has characteristic eyes, the kind that are all black and dilated.
-Sounds familiar... very familiar.
-What do you mean?
-I had to tell you about it. Last night I was attacked by a strange woman. At first she was quite normal, I helped her not to freeze outside, she seemed scared but at the same time quite calm, she did not seem threatening... or crazy. But then she clearly wanted to eat me alive.
-Maybe she is the same spice, this creature does not take over the brain all the time, the victim can regain control, but only for a while... and then it is practically irreversible.
-So if Jeremy has it, we need to get rid of it now! We will find him quickly and...
-Careful Blackjack, it's not as simple as pulling it out like a tick and you're done. This thing, especially when you pull it out, can attack you and start controlling you. This is very dangerous, especially in the current situation.
-I'd rather it control me than him if something happens, he doesn't deserve it! I can get out of it somehow, he can't necessarily....
-Mike, you promised to help, right?
-...And I will keep my word, but we still have to think carefully about how to get to him. Remember, he's still got implants that make him bigger than me and definitely stronger. Which, combined with being a lunatic, might make .... uninteresting.
-Yes, but for that you are stronger than me, and bigger! You'll give me a lift up to him when we stun him with this or that....it's stupid....or I know!
-And then what?
At the same moment she got the idea, Blackjack began to search vigorously through all the shelves of medicine, taking specific packages and vials. After gathering everything she needed, she sat down on the cold tiles and began to mix everything together in exact quantities into a vessel.
-We will drug him. Once he's anesthetized, it'll be easy to get the stuff out of his head.
-You took-
-Yes, I took ketamine plus prolofol, we need ketofol. except for a little pain at the puncture site, he should be fine. 
-I don't have a better idea, so I'm relying on you.
-It's the only way, but he'll need a very small dose. I don't want anything to happen to him, so I'll take care of injecting it into him, you'll have to take cover in the meantime so he doesn't kill you.
-I can go scout for him, you finish it and...
-Something is wrong with this place and everything is not where it should be, I found that out while running away from him.
-So I was right that something was wrong with this hospital. .... What could have caused that?
-Isn't the parasite responsible?
-No. The only thing the parasite is responsible for is the black goo that is spilling everywhere. The parasite is strong, but it can't interfere with anything but its owner. ....
-We will deal with this matter once Jeremy is safe.
After an intense moment of putting it all together, Blackjack poured what she had made into the smallest syringe so that there would only be a decent dose. After tucking it into the pocket of her sweatshirt, she and Mike made their way through the dark corridors of the hospital, listening for Jeremy. After walking down a similar corridor several times, they began to get the uncomfortable feeling that they were walking down the same corridor over and over again. In frustration, they tried to go the opposite way, which turned out to be necessary, for only then did they finally hear the unmistakable, shrill crunch of metal. Jeremy was somewhere nearby, Blackjack heard it, and with an anxious step she went behind Mike's back and began to hold him lightly by the hands of his coat.
-Are you scared?
-...No...No, that's not the point....
-More than ever, I don't want anything to happen to him. 
-Better worry about yourself now. Even if you help him, it will not be better if you have this parasite with you.
-What a sudden worry.... I do not care what happens to me.
-And for me it is the opposite. I've already lost a close friend once, so I don't want to lose the only person I have left of him now.
Mike smiled gently and stroked Amelia's dishevelled hair. Although she did not usually like to be touched, it gave her a surprising amount of confidence, which was needed at this point if everything was to go according to plan. They began to approach the source of the noise. However, they approached slowly enough to avoid any unnecessary footsteps. They could hear a faint scream, which they found extremely frightening in the current situation. Jeremy sat in the middle of the wrecked dining room.
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The dining room reeked of fresh blood. The bodies of humans and various creatures were crumpled and twisted into horrible and unnatural poses that made one want to vomit. It was easy to guess that Jeremy was responsible for all this apparent carnage. Worried, Mike turned his gaze to Blackjack, whose face was painted with all sorts of emotions.
-J-Jeremy...why...why you?
-Remember this is not his fault. All he could do was watch....He can't control himself.
-Let's deal with him quickly, I can't see him like this anymore.
-I will go and distract him. Wait for my signal and then do the right thing quickly. Are you ready?
-...Ye, I'm ready.
Mike entered the dining room with an uncertain step, only now realizing what he had just gotten himself into. He started to search the floor for something to hold onto to get Jeremy's attention. He picked up a piece of shabby flooring and after a few steps threw it right at his head.
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Despite the seriousness of the situation, Mike felt an inner humiliation after what he had said.  But he stopped thinking about it when he saw that Jeremy slowly stood up with anger in his eyes.
Mike was attacked with razor-sharp claws, which he dodged quite gracefully, even though he felt he was barely able to do so. After a few more dodges, Mike managed to grab one of Jeremy's hands and momentarily knock him to the ground with a thud. Jeremy was in the perfect position for Blackjack to finally take him down, so without a signal and with strong emotion, she moved to take him down. Mike, seeing this, was lost, so he was finally hit by Jeremy, who hit him behind the door of the dining room with a loud bang.
Jeremy got up and slowly started to walk towards him, but then...
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He felt Blackjack hanging on his back, holding him with great force. Without further hesitation, Amelia took the syringe and stuck it into the back of a distracted Jeremy's neck, but even after that, he still managed to grab her leg, causing her to be thrown onto one of the tables. Seeing her, Jeremy began to shake slightly, clearly trying to keep his body from killing her, but only avoiding the inevitable.
-S-Sorry, Amelia... .... I really don't want to do this! I warned you!
Jeremy was already swinging his claws over her. But suddenly they heard a huge roar. Something was running. Very fast.
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The strange creature knocked Jeremy to the ground, but instead of focusing on him, tearing him apart, or simply killing him, it moved on in a frenzy. Blackjack was shocked, but seeing this as an opportunity to save Jeremy, she quickly woke up and ran over to him, covered in bruises. Before checking his head, she made sure he was definitely unconscious. After determining that he was stunned, she began rifling through his hair in search of the parasite.
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-Rip it out and put it in the jar. -Rip it out and put it in the jar. After all, murder with pleasure. EASY.
She grabbed the tip of the parasite's tail a little hesitantly, and after a moment of hesitation and repeating to herself over and over what she had to do, she was ready for the operation.
-One... Two... THREE!
She grabbed the parasite with a powerful movement. A foul-smelling black goo began to fly from Jeremy's head, and the parasite itself, clearly wondering what was happening, tried to wrap itself around Blackjack's hand. Amelia managed to quickly finish it off, slapping its writhing body with her metal hand and dropping it into the jar without a second thought. It was all over now, she managed. She sighed in relief and began to look at the parasite in the jar as it wriggled madly and began to threaten Blackjack with its teeth. This creature was, in her opinion, far too conscious for a mere parasite.
-... What a nasty abomination, and on top of that, ill-mannered. May you die as soon as possible. Anyway, it doesn't matter now.
She put the glass down and looked worriedly at Jeremy. There was already an immediate improvement in his face, it finally seemed to be the same as before, she gently removed the syringe from his neck, laid his head in her lap and began to stroke him.
-It's all right Jer...it's going to be okay...you're safe now.
She snuggled his head against hers, her emotions already overtaking her, and she was flooded with tears, but this time they were of happiness. Although she had always appreciated Jeremy, this was the first time she felt so strongly how much he really meant to her, and every moment she couldn't be with him hurt even more. She sat with him for a long time, thinking and waiting for him to wake up, but suddenly she heard footsteps coming towards her.
-Mike? Is that you? I managed to save Je-.
Before she could finish her sentence, she felt something hit her hard. It was a heavy metal tonfa, glowing with electricity. It knocked her to the ground almost instantly.
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-General, we managed to find a suspect .... However, there is another problem.
~Is her accomplice with her?
-Not exactly. I just found our decoy with her. She snatched Vandere from our bait. Anything we can do about that?
~I advise against it Lieutenant, it can be dangerous, leave the bait and bring the target, the accomplice will be taken care of later.
-I understand, out.
Yey! I did it!
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miajolensdevotion · 2 years
April 4, 2021
Verse: joshua 21 Write/ Copy Gods words :
Jesus Appears to Seven Disciples 21 After this Jesus (A)revealed himself (B)again to the disciples by (C)the Sea of Tiberias, and he revealed himself in this way. 2 Simon Peter, (D)Thomas (called the Twin), Nathanael of (E)Cana in Galilee, (F)the sons of Zebedee, and two others of his disciples were together. 3 Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.” They said to him, “We will go with you.” They went out and got into the boat, but (G)that night they caught nothing. 4 Just as day was breaking, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples (H)did not know that it was Jesus. 5 (I)Jesus said to them, “Children, do you have any fish?” They answered him, “No.” 6 (J)He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in, because of the quantity of fish. 7 That disciple (K)whom Jesus loved therefore said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, (L)he put on his outer garment, for he was (M)stripped for work, and (N)threw himself into the sea. 8 The other disciples came in the boat, dragging the net full of fish, for they were not far from the land, but about a hundred yards[a] off. 9 When they got out on land, they saw a charcoal fire in place, with fish laid out on it, and bread. 10 Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish that you have just caught.” 11 So Simon Peter went aboard and hauled the net ashore, full of large fish, 153 of them. And although there were so many, the net was not torn. 12 Jesus said to them, (O)“Come and (P)have breakfast.” Now (Q)none of the disciples dared ask him, “Who are you?” They knew it was the Lord. 13 Jesus came and (R)took the bread and gave it to them, and so with the fish. 14 (S)This was now the third time that Jesus was revealed to the disciples after he was raised from the dead. Jesus and Peter 15 When they had (T)finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, (U)“Simon, (V)son of John, (W)do you love me more than these?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Feed (X)my lambs.” 16 He said to him a second time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, (Y)“Tend (Z)my sheep.” 17 He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was grieved because he said to him (AA)the third time, “Do you love me?” and he said to him, “Lord, (AB)you know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed (AC)my sheep. 18 (AD)Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were young, (AE)you used to dress yourself and walk wherever you wanted, but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will dress you and carry you where you do not want to go.” 19 (This he said to show (AF)by what kind of death he was to glorify God.) And after saying this he said to him, (AG)“Follow me.” Jesus and the Beloved Apostle 20 Peter turned and saw (AH)the disciple whom Jesus loved following them, (AI)the one who also had leaned back against him during the supper and had said, “Lord, who is it that is going to betray you?” 21 When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, “Lord, what about this man?” 22 Jesus said to him, “If it is my will that he remain (AJ)until (AK)I come, what is that to you? (AL)You follow me!” 23 So the saying spread abroad among (AM)the brothers[b] that this disciple was not to die; yet Jesus did not say to him that he was not to die, but, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you?” 24 This is the disciple (AN)who is bearing witness about these things, and who has written these things, and (AO)we know (AP)that his testimony is true. 25 Now (AQ)there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that (AR)the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.
What is your Favorite verse(s):
Jesus and Peter 15 When they had (T)finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, (U)“Simon, (V)son of John, (W)do you love me more than these?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Feed (X)my lambs.” 16 He said to him a second time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, (Y)“Tend (Z)my sheep.” 17 He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was grieved because he said to him (AA)the third time, “Do you love me?” and he said to him, “Lord, (AB)you know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed (AC)my sheep. 18 (AD)Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were young, (AE)you used to dress yourself and walk wherever you wanted, but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will dress you and carry you where you do not want to go.” 19 (This he said to show (AF)by what kind of death he was to glorify God.) And after saying this he said to him, (AG)“Follow me.”
Explain in your own words what you just read:
John recorded another of the several appearances of the resurrected Jesus to His disciples. This appearance took place in the Galilee region (at the Sea of Tiberias). Matthew 28:16 also records an appearance of the resurrected Jesus to His disciples in Galilee.
Commitment / what will i do : I will represent the anonymous and hidden multitudes of faithful souls, whose names are never published in human documents, whose deeds are never reported in human reports
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the-canine-king · 7 years
  Please make sonic maru and kanan
i didnt send this but I saw ur other ones and now think u gotta do the rest of aqours
unforturnately, yes.
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bengiyo · 2 years
The Eclipse Ep 5 Stray Thoughts
Some folks might complain about GMMTV reusing locations, but I think it's a lot of fun. I like knowing that a few months ago this cafe was used for Antique Bakery.
Oh good. Akk isn't oblivious, and the photo is being used as instant blackmail. While I am not a fan of coercion, I am glad this picture isn't hanging around immediately in the background of the plot.
It's very fun seeing bits from Safe House while this is airing. First is a trip.
I do really love the way Golf inserted themself into the show. I don't always enjoy directors taking on bit roles in their work, but this is fun.
Interesting that Akk didn't delete the photo right away. I'm sure that won't be a problem at all later.
As someone who has a favorite queer cafe, I totally get Ayan taking Akk here to thank him and be a bit vulnerable.
They may be ostensibly having drinks, but unfortunately they are still a bit dehydrated. These lips are chapped.
First and Khaotung do a good job with the flirting here. I think it helps that we recently saw First be absolutely unhinged with desire in Not Me, so we can appreciate the careful restraint Akk has to show.
I like that privately Akk can smile to himself about interacting with Ayan.
Ah, interesting. This scene where they don't enforce the no-phones rule on a student helping his mom is very pointed. Reminder that rules don't enforce themselves, and that enforcement agents make the call about what and when to enforce.
Ah yes. We're back to performing how much you don't like Ayan. How burdensome he is to you. How much you hate seeing him. How much you hate his face, or the feel of his lips on your cheek. I'm sorry, what? Oh, I got distracted.
Baby boy, are you really looking at that picture in school? You're lucky only Ayan saw.
Khaotung with a knowing smile is my favorite version of Khaotung.
"Don't delete it in front of me," is a line I wasn't expecting to make me ache, but here we are.
The lack of ads worries me, and I like the read others users have that Vice Versa is shoring up this show financially.
So, who stole the notebook? I feel like everyone was accounted for? Was it Kan? Or was it a teacher?
Oh, I really hate Ayan and Akk hitting each other.
Is this our first confirmation that Akk is on scholarship? Because we called that exactly.
Oh lord Kan and this goddamn curse. I bet he took it.
Love Ayan reading 1984 as he protests returning to class. Unsurprised that Thua felt like he could reach him.
Mmmmmm, Thua protecting Kan from homophobic scrutiny. Pain.
Really love when a show and its fans are on the same page. We've literally called out how financially mobile Ayan is compared to Akk, and here they are having a direct confrontation about exactly that.
I know Thailand loves a slapstick moment after a serious one, but I actually like Akk getting soaked by the sprinklers. It underscores his point about the tenuous nature of his socioeconomic position.
Insert me-to-me-kermit meme.
This groundskeeper ruined a Now Kiss Moment. I do not like him.
Mmm, poor Thua. Being bullied at home on exacerbates being bullied at school.
Ah, yes. The slurs are back. Where are my knives?
Mmm, I remember this exact conversation from high school when boys would harrass the visibly queer. I'm gonna take a break.
Hey, so Thua is posting worrisome stuff on socials now. It's time to intervene!
Bruce Wayne?! Don't just accept an obvious phishing attempt and give your name!
I wonder what a show led by the twins AJ and JJ would look like. They always give such sympathetic performances.
Suddenly Aou cameos in the prefect backstory, which also connects Akk to Dika. I wonder how Akk will respond to the truth about why Dika "left."
I wonder why Ayan isn't telling about what happened to Dika.
Don't like the teacher putting hands on the students like that at all.
Now we're planning to immolate queer people. Don't like this either.
I feel so much for the World Remembers Gang. I don't think we've paid them much attention to femmes in high school since Lovesick.
Mmmmm. I really hate that it's Akk taking this step to inflict harm.
Oh boy next week looks intense.
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Here’s a little bonus story for the android au, sometime later down the line with Aziraphale and Crowley, before a relationship starts and before Crowley finds out Ezra is really named Aziraphale, and Crowley finally decides on a name.
For this, Crowley is called AJ, short for the serial number AJ0440. However, the android had discovered gender and is playing with them, so for this one-shot, the pronouns are they/them.
As for eating, I was considering that Crowley can’t eat, why make an eating android, but then I realized that biofuel can be used through processing foodstuff (there’s this delightfully soul crushing mini anime that DT was in about robots where they made biofuel from fruits and stuff). So, Crowley can eat just a tiny bit as backup fuel, like an extra charge. But not a full-on meal, no, there are robots that can do that to process the food into biofuel for other robots. 
On with the fic!
“I don’t often go to the little shops,” Ezra started as he walked down the streets with AJ’s arm hooked around his own, “but they sometimes have just the thing I need!”
“Did you really need me to come along with you for this?” AJ asked, not that they minded, they loved going anywhere with their angelic cyborg, but a little trip to a shop didn’t seem like much.
Still, being anywhere with Ezra was a blessing for them.
“Well... I figured we could go to the park afterwards, I know you like to feed the ducks.”
That they did, AJ had grown very fascinated with the little waterfowls. Such simple activities were not really required of their original protocol and purpose, but since gaining free will, they greatly enjoyed the little joys in life.
“Ah, here we go.” Ezra stepped into a small store with AJ. “Have a look about, I just need to grab a few things. Pickout something if you see anything, alright?”
He left them to stand by the door and AJ looked around, toying with the sleeves of their hoodie, before noticing colorful items. A quick scan indicated that the items were makeup and nail polish. AJ had tried makeup before, and rather liked it, 
They looked at their fingers though, at the translucent tips, where impressions to make it look like they had fingernails were. They feared that painting over the fake nails might be bad, what if it didn’t come off? But... they wanted to try out nail polish, they had seen humans with it, it always looked so nice.
They picked up a few bottles, red and black, and a lovely, sparkly silver. They wanted them. Maybe they could paint Ezra’s nails! Oh, but he likes blue and gold. Maybe they could get those instead?
Then AJ spotted something next to the polish, a little packet of things. A smile came to their lips and they snatched those up, along with a blue bottle and a gold, bringing them over to Ezra. “I found things.”
“Oh?” Ezra blinked and looked at the bundle in their arms. “Oh, those are lovely, did you want to-?”
“Alright, I can get those for you.” Ezra said with a smile that always made AJ wonder if it made their pupils change shape.
“I’m thinking about getting some ice cream.” Ezra spoke as they sat on their favorite bench, the android next to him currently opening up a package of fake fingernails to put on the ends of their fingers. “Did you want anything?”
“Huh?” AJ looked at them, blinking behind their shades. “Ice cream?”
“Yes, uh... oh, that’s a rather dumb question, do you even eat?” 
“I... I can. It’s not something I really need to do, but if I consume a small amount of food, typically in a soft, more-liquid like form, I can process it into extra fuel for my internal batteries if I am not close to a charging station.”
“Would you like something?”
“I could eat something small, yeah.”
Ezra nodded, excusing himself to approach a cart nearby. AJ returned to looking at the nails and started to process of trying to put them on each finger correctly. Once secured, they dug through the bag, careful to not knock the nails off, for the silver nail polish. 
Ezra returned before they could start to apply, holding a strawberry lolly and a vanilla with a flake, holding the latter out to AJ. “I hope this is okay.” 
“This is fine, thanks.” They took the frozen treat, sticking out their tongue to give it a lick.
“Can you taste? I know you said you can smell things, but how is your sense of taste?” Ezra asked as he sat down, licking his own treat. 
AJ blinked. “Ah, well, it’s... I can taste, I have a very strong sense of taste, actually. I was programmed to be able to taste my owner’s food for them before they ate, in case of poison.”
“I was created to serve people of power and money, they tend to have enemies.” AJ shrugged.
“Gosh, glad I don’t really have enemies.”
“What about those men in dark suits that sometimes try to come into the shop?”
Ezra smiled, but there was ice to it. “Oh? Those gentlemen? They know better than to bother me, once I have a little talk with them.”
AJ wondered if they should question Ezra more on that, but their angel was a brave, strong, dangerous man when he wanted to be, so they shouldn’t worry. “You live a weird life, angel.”
“I suppose I do, but I like my life.” Ezra smiled. “And you?”
“I love it. Look at me! I’m in the park, attempting to eat ice cream, wearing fake nails, which I’m totally painting silver and black cause that’d look so cool! And look, there’s the ducks! And that swan that tried to eat your pocket watch! It’s a beautiful day, and I’m not stuck being yelled at my some asshole who treats me like garbage. Instead, I’m out here with my best friend, having a nice day.” AJ said, grinning, leaning against their human. 
An arm slipped around their shoulders, keeping them close. “Same here, my dear. And when we get back, you can paint my nails, if you’d like?”
“Really? You want me to?”
“Don’t think I didn’t notice those other colors you picked, I know you want to.”
AJ’s grin grew and they wiggled closer, before biting into their ice cream, much to Ezra’s dismay. 
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vanillanaps · 3 years
About Time | Bucky Barnes
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Summary - Coming clean about being in a relationship with your brothers best friend is never easy—or is it?
Category - Brother’s Bestfriend!Bucky x Wilson!Reader, Modern AU, fluff, secret relationship.
Warnings - none
Word Count - 1.0k
“We’re gonna get caught.” You giggled against Bucky’s lips as his hands gripped your waist and walked backwards until you were propped up against the side of the house.
It was the first day of summer and Sam was throwing his annual summer cookout that’d soon be followed by more during these next three months of the summer heat.
But this time it was different. This would be the first summer that you and Bucky had been sneaking around your friends and your brothers back, seeing each other. The secret dates, meetups, late night calls and spending the night at each other’s places, more you at his since he lived alone and you were still roommates with your college best friends. Sneaking a 6 foot, 200lbs, heavy footed man into a small apartment was everything, but easy.
Yours and Bucky’s relationship started a few months ago when you returned home after graduating from college and was introduced to some of Sam’s new friends he made while you were gone. Your eyes flew immediately to Bucky. His demeanor was calm and aloof. The build of his body, those steel blue eyes that were so intense yet so welcoming. It didn’t take long for the two of you to end up together. But secretly, well because, you were 23 and fresh out of college while Bucky was pushing 30. You were Sam’s baby sister and there was no way he was taking that lightly.
But those months led to this moment here. Your arms wrapped around Bucky’s neck, fingers running through his cropped hair. His hands sliding up the back of your thighs, under your dress and rested on your ass, squeezing the flesh every couple seconds as your tongues explored each other’s mouths. Lips moving together in sync, soft moans passed back and forth between the two of you and Bucky’s front pressed against yours with a growing bulge.
“Bucky..” You pulled away from the kiss to catch your breath, leaning your head back against the wall, focusing on the way Bucky pressed kisses down the column of your neck, humming in response to you, “We aren’t having sex on the side of my brother’s house.”
He pulled away from your neck, resting his head on your shoulder with a small chuckle, “I know, I know.” He sighed, removing his hands from inside of your dress and opted to just place them on your waist, “You just look so damn good and—fuck it’s hard when I can’t touch and kiss you.”
“Why can’t we tell him again?” You huffed, closing your eyes as you tried to let your body calm from being worked up.
“What guy do you know will be okay with his friend dating his little sister?” Bucky asked, but didn’t need an answer because the odds of that were low. He placed a kiss on your shoulder before standing up straight, looking at your mostly relaxed face that was accompanied by the small pout on your lips, “Doll, don’t pout. We’ll tell him soon, but we have to play it smart.”
He was right and you knew it. You opened your eyes to finally meet his, “But when is soon, Buck? I’m tired of hiding. I want to be happy with you, publicly.”
“I know, baby. Maybe w—“
“AH HA! I knew it!” A voice shouted, causing you and Bucky to break apart. Bucky went pale and your heart nearly thumped out of your chest at the sight of Sam and his long term girlfriend, Nat, “You owe me 20 bucks and you have to do the dishes for the next month.”
“Sam, we can explain!” You called out nervously.
“Explain for what?” He smirked, crossing his arms over his chest.
You and Bucky shared a confused glance before looking back over at Sam, “You just caught me kissing your little sister and you’re not mad?”
Sam shrugged, “Why would I be mad?” He chuckled at your confused looks again, “Look, my sister is an adult and can do whatever she wants with whoever she wants. Am I mad it’s my friend? No. Is it a little weird? Sure. But am I okay with it because I know Bucky is a good guy? Yeah. What she does is none of my business as long as she’s okay and happy—You’re happy, right?”
You felt your cheeks heat up as all the attention was put directly onto you, including Bucky’s, “Extremely.”
Sam smiled again, “Then it’s none of my business. Just no funny business at my house—or on the side of it.” He pointed out, causing you and Bucky to shuffle uncomfortably, “Buck, I don’t think I need to give you the big brother speech, do I?”
Bucky shook his head, “Nope, all good. I break her heart, you kill me. Got it.”
He nodded, placing his arm around Nat’s shoulder, “Come on lovebirds, foods ready.” He began to walk off but not without Nat glancing back at you to throw a wink.
“Thank you.” You mouthed to her. Did Nat actually know the entire time about you and Bucky? Yes. Did she help plan Sam catching you and Bucky in the act? Yup. Did Bucky need to know that? Nope.
“Hey.” Bucky called, stepping in front of you, hands going right back to your waist, thumbs rubbing softly at your sides, “I guess I was wrong, huh?”
“Maybe,” You bit back a smile, placing your hands on his shoulders, “But at least we don’t have to sneak around anymore. We can be a normal couple.”
“Yeah, we can.” Bucky smiled, kissing your lips softly, “Come on, let’s go be a couple.”
Walking back into the crowd hand in hand, grabbed the attention of the people surrounding you. None of them actually said anything except for the two little boys that happened to be your nephews ran up to you, “TT, do we call him Uncle Bucky now?”
You went to respond before Sarah called them, “AJ and Cass, get over here!” They giggled and ran away. Sarah walked over with a smile on her face, handing the two of your plates, “About time.”
You playfully rolled her eyes, taking the plates as you shooed her away, turning back to Bucky who released a chuckle before placing a kiss on your temple.
Yeah, it was about time.
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phoebe-delia · 3 years
Has anyone asked for song #1 yet? I'm very curious which song you're listening to most.
I really enjoy your writing in combination with the song prompts! Thank you for sharing it with the world!
Hello darling! Thank you for this ask. As a matter of fact, no one has requested 1!
My number 1 song is the explicit version of "Potential Breakup Song" by Aly and AJ.
I know, I thought it would be a Taylor Swift song, too! I will say, this playlist was from Apple Music and I recently started using Spotify more so idk if this is still accurate for my current No. 1 song, but it's still a bop.
This is a bit of a challenge, but I figure if I can write a fic based on "Yeah!" by Usher, I can give this a try. This fic will be *mostly* funny and fluffy but there's some angst with a happy ending.
5 Times Draco Almost Broke Up With Harry
"Tell me something," Draco said shyly, tracing patterns into Harry's bare arm. Sunlight streamed into the living room, dust motes dancing in the rays.
"What do you mean?"
"Something I don't already know about you."
"Like what?"
Draco's expression turned exasperated. "I don't know, Harry, that's rather the point."
"Right...er, okay, here's something you don't know about me. I don't like whipped cream."
Draco looked at him, startled. "You don't?"
"Er, no. I also don't like marshmallows or--"
"Or avocado, or eggs."
Draco sputtered. "What is wrong with you?"
Harry rolled his eyes. "Merlin, here we go."
Draco narrowed his eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Every time I tell people the foods I don't like, they get all indignant and huffy," Harry waved a hand. "It's so weird. Like I've offended them by disliking meringue."
"You don't like meringue?! That's it, I'm breaking up with you."
Harry groaned. "I regret this. I regret everything. Just--forget it."
Draco sighed. "No, no I'm sorry. In my exaggerated teasing, I see how I might've struck a nerve."
"It's fine--I'm just tired of people taking my food preferences as a personal insult."
"I take everything you do as a personal insult."
Harry just chuckled. "That you do, Draco, that you do."
"Ah, good to see that your tracking skills aren't too hopeless. Now, care to tell me what's wrong with this picture?"
"Er...you're angry?"
"Yes, I am angry--and the reason for that is obvious if you merely look around the room and see if you can identify what might be bothering me."
"You get really formal when you're upset."
"And you call me Potter."
"If only you would use your powers of observation for discovering the cause and not the symptoms of my frustration, this conversation would be over."
"Is it my socks?"
"Your socks, your pants, your shirt, your trousers--all in a heap in the closet."
"So? I haven't done laundry in a while."
"Potter, you do realize there are laundry spells, don't you? So that dirty clothes don't stink up one's closet?"
Sigh. "Alright, I suppose I won't move out this time."
"Oh, what a relief."
"Was that sarcasm?"
"Never. Especially not toward you, baby."
"I should hope not. Now, c'mere and let me teach you the spell."
"I can't believe you'd betray me like this." Draco shook his head mournfully, bits of snow falling from the top of his warm hat. "I trusted you."
Harry scoffed. His breath fogged in the air. "I told you this was happening today. It's not my fault you weren't listening."
"Asking me post-coital if I'd like to attend the Weasley Family Brunch is Slytherin-level manipulation."
"Did I ever tell you the Sorting Hat almost put me in Slytherin?"
"What?" Draco stopped walking, turning to Harry in shock.
"Yeah. Told me I'd do well. But you'd been such an arse to Ron that I begged it to sort me anywhere else."
Draco rolled his eyes. "Of course. Honestly, I did you a favor. You were practically made for Gryffindor."
"Who knows? Maybe we'd have been friends back then."
Draco glared and Harry snickered.
"You know, Potter, between your little jokes and this stunt you pulled, I'm one insult away from Apparating on the spot and leaving you here."
Harry smiled fondly. Taking Draco's hand, he led them toward the Burrow, its warm light a welcome destination in the icy weather.
"Nah, you won't, you know why?"
Harry smirked. "Because then we won't get to be post-coital together."
Draco scowled. Harry laughed.
"Don't say a word."
"Can I just--"
"But I--"
"Potter. Shut up.
"Draco I'm sorry--"
"Harry, what is the one thing I asked you to do when you became an Auror?"
"...Don't be stupid."
"Yes. I asked you not to do anything stupid. I asked you not to impulsively put yourself in harm's way."
"Draco it's my job to protect my partner, and--"
"You don't think I understand that? Of course I do! I can't fault you for being a loyal partner, Harry, but running into a hostage situation without calling for backup is the absolute dumbest thing you could've done! You nearly died!"
"But I didn't! And the case is over now."
"You were in St. Mungos for nearly a week! Do you know how agonizing it was to see you like that? Do you--" Draco's voice cracked and he cut himself off, turning away from Harry.
Harry's heart clenched. He walked up to Draco and wrapped strong arms around him from behind, expecting to be pushed away. Instead, Draco leaned into the touch.
"I know your job has its risks, Harry, but the least you can do is not create them for yourself. You said the Sorting Hat nearly put you in Slytherin; some self-preservation would be good for you."
Harry sighed, nuzzling Draco's neck. "Okay. I'll try."
Draco turned in his arms, looking at Harry with wet eyes. "Good. The last thing I want to do is break up with you, but I couldn't handle it if I lost you any other way, I--" The tears spilled at that. Draco's face flushed in embarrassment, in anguish.
Harry's chest constricted. He pulled Draco close to himself and stroked his hair, letting the other man cry his fears into his shirt.
"I won't let it happen, Draco. I promise."
Draco nodded, his cheek brushing Harry's shirt.
Harry smiled. They'd be okay.
Draco was going to kill Harry.
He was going to break up with him, and then kill him, and then revive him just to break up with him once more.
He cast a Tempus. 8:20.
Over an hour. Over an hour he'd been waiting for Harry to return home. He was beginning to get hot in his tailored suit, despite the cooling charms.
He hadn't heard anything. No Owl, no Floo, no nothing. Either Harry had no respect for decorum or...
Nope. Draco couldn't go there, wouldn't. Harry promised and he always kept his promises.
Suddenly, the Floo roared to life, making Draco jump. Harry stumbled through with a panicked expression on his face, dusting the Floo powder from his formal robes.
"Draco! Merlin, I'm so sorry, I thought I had time and then everything got all screwed up and I got here as fast as I could."
Draco sighed. "It's fine, Harry, let's just order takeaway."
"Well, we missed our reservation. Cerise won't wait for more than thirty minutes."
Harry pursed his lips. "What if I had something else in mind?"
Draco narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean?"
With a smirk, Harry tossed him a hairbrush, which Draco caught with Seeker instinct.
"Harry wh--" His eyes widened as he felt the pull of a portkey, the sound of Harry's amused laughter echoing behind him.
He landed with a thud on a balcony. After a crack, Harry appeared next to him, gasping to catch his breath for a moment.
"Potter, what the fuck?"
Harry chuckled. "Surprise! Look around, Draco."
Draco's breath caught as he finally took in his surroundings. They were standing on a balcony in Paris, confirmed by the sight of La Tour Eiffel in the distance. The lights of the city twinkled like stars below them. On the balcony were two chairs and a small table with hot food under a stasis charm. A bottle of wine and two glasses sat ready for them. Draco checked the label and confirmed with a gasp that it was a 1989 Chateau Lafleur.
"Harry, I--" Draco turned around but was startled into silence at the sight of Harry on his knee, a hopeful smile on his face and a small black box in his hand.
Draco's eyes went wide. "What?" He breathed.
Harry bit his lip. "Draco, I'm sorry I don't like whipped cream. I'm sorry I forget to do laundry, and that I dragged you to Sunday dinner. I'm sorry that I worry you sometimes because my job is dangerous. I'm sorry I run late to our dates sometimes.
But I promise to give you the avocado from my sandwich. I promise to try to remember the spells you taught me, and to use my manipulative powers for good and not evil. I promise I'll use better judgment in the field. And I promise I'll try to be on time for our dates.
And I promise to do all of this for as long as I can, as long as you let me. And if you do--if you promise to love me for the rest of our lives--I promise to do the same. Draco Malfoy, will you marry me?"
Draco let out a delighted, euphoric laugh. "Yes, yes of course I'll marry you!"
Harry grinned and rose from his knee to pull Draco into a nearly bruising kiss. When they pulled apart, they pressed their foreheads together and looked as Harry slid the ring, a simple silver band with tiny emeralds, onto Draco's finger.
As they ate dinner, looking out over the city, Harry gave him a cheeky grin. "So, tell me, how'd I do?"
Draco raised his eyebrows. "With tonight? The proposal?"
"Yeah, what'd you think? I hope it made up for me being late. I'm sure you were about ten minutes from breaking up with me," Harry said with a chuckle.
Draco shook his head and smirked. "No, Harry," he raised the glass of wine to his lips. "I'd never do that."
Send me an ask about Harry Potter, broadway/musicals, The West Wing, and/or Taylor Swift! Or just about life in general :).
Also, I have a playlist of my 99 most listened-to songs of the year so far. Pick a number 1--99 and send me an ask and I'll write you a fic based on it!
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hcrringtonshair · 3 years
I'll Make It Short
Sam Wilson x Reader
Word Count: 1492
Warnings: fluff - lots of that, a cheesy Sam, reader being a pain in the ass, mentions of smut (I'll make it +18 just to be save), a few cursing words
A/n: Thank you @speedycatbluebird for requesting this! I first thought I can't do this because for me Sam isn't all that romantic but for me I found a good way to make him romantic but not too ooc. I hope you'll enjoy this and I'm sorry for the cursing words and my failure to write it without hints of smut. AND sorry for me taking so long! Oh and This is not beta read! (As always haha)
All feeback, comments, reblogs and likes are welcomed!<3
Send your requests!
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With a loud sigh you took the last bite of the cake on your plate. Eating this sweet stuff wasn’t a good choice while the hot sun burned down on you.
“Call me a superhero for finishing this without dying.”
You groaned while leaning to the site, resting your head on the shoulder of Sam who was sitting next to you.
His body vibrated at his laughter as he wrapped one arm around you and Bucky in front of you grinned.
“Aren’t you already?”
AJ, next to Bucky lifted his eyebrows and Cass besides him nodded.
“She’s the coolest aunt that’s for real.”
You joined the laughter at the table, feeling your chest warm up by the kind words of the boys.
“The only thing that’s left is that your uncle makes her your aunt for real.”
The murmured words of Sarah on your other side let you freeze for a second, and you look up to Sam’s face to check if he heard her.
But he was chatting with Bucky again and even if he heard it, he acts like nothing happened.
“Babe I’m tired.”
Hours later you still leaned on Sam’s shoulder listening to his stories about the fight in New York and his new suit to other members of the neighborhood.
The sun was halfway gone, but the warm weather and excited ambience wouldn’t let anyone think about going home.
Sam hums approvingly in your hair as he places a kiss on it, “We’ll go soon.”
You really enjoyed the whole day, but now all you wanted was to go home and cuddle up in your blankets.
“Come on boys. Let’s go home, it’s late. Say Goodnight to Sam, Y/n and Bucky.”
Two hours later, Sarah was the first one to stand up, followed by AJ and Cass even though they didn’t seem too happy about it.
“Good Night Uncle Sam, Good Night Aunt Y/n, Good Night Uncle Bucky.”
From the corner of your eyes you saw Sam smiling at them and even Bucky smiled by them calling him uncle.
“Good Night boys.”
You yawned with a smile and watched them go.
“See you later at home.”
A few minutes later only Sam, Bucky and you were left.
“I think we should go too. She’s already sleeping.”
With closed eyes you heard Bucky standing up, the bench he was sitting on scratching over the wooden underground.
“Nahh she’s not. She’s just trying to make me do what she wants.”
For another time his body shakes as he giggled, gently lifting you up in his arms and starting to walk.
“He’s right Bucky.”
Loud enough for them both to hear you, you mumbled the words which made them both laugh.
“If so, you can walk on your own, can’t you?”
Sam attempts to put you back on your own feet, but you protest by groaning into his chest.
“Okay fine.”
He softly laughed again, and you opened your eyes a bit to look at him but closed them immediately as he looked down on you.
“Ah god damn it, we have to go back. Buck go home we’ll follow soon. I forgot my phone on the table.”
You felt how Sam turned around to go back and heard Bucky saying goodnight.
“Y/n you’re not as lightweight as you look.”
“Thanks for that, you’re not as charming as you pretend Wilson.”
You slapped his shoulder, eyes open again and narrowing at him.
“Also you’re a bad liar. Your phone is in your pocket. I can feel it.”
The last bit of daylight showed him smirking down on you while he let you sit on the table.
“But maybe I am romantic and wanted to spend a moment here with you alone.”
“Don’t go cheesy now. You just called me fat.”
With crossed arms and a pouting face you watch him groan but laughing while hiding his face.
“I didn’t, I just said-”
“Anyways. You could have told Bucky that you wanted to be alone with me. I think he would have left voluntary when we would have start making out.”
You giggled on his frown but stopped as he leaned down, his face a few inches away from yours.
“Y’know what. I’ll remember that for the next time.”
He gave your lips a peck, but you grabbed him by the shoulders before he could lean back.
Pressing your lips on his you heard a growl from him which made you smile into the kiss and deepened it by pulling him even closer.
“Y/n…” You bit his bottom lip to stop him from talking, but he was stronger than you and moved back, only this far to face you.
“It wasn’t my intention to make out.”
“C’mon Sam, if you want to be romantic it’s logical that I think that we’ll do more than just make out. Besides, its one of the rare places where we didn-”
“It’s really hard to be romantic if you’re not at the slightest.”
He wasn’t mad about you, the ankles of his mouth raised up a bit, and you could tell that he already thought about it as well.
“Then you have to try harder.”
He sighed as he watched the calm water around you, eyes switching back to you as you attempted to remove the sweater from your body.
“Y/n no.”
He grabbed your hands, holding them to stop you and bringing them onto his chest.
“I try to focus y/n. Please give me a moment.”
“Focus on what?”
With closed eyes another groan left his mouth at your question.
“I’m tryin’ to… damn this is harder than I thought.”
He cleared his throat before locking his eyes with yours again.
“Why is everybody saying it’s easier when you’re already there.”
He mumbled more to himself, making you start to worry a bit about him and brushed over his cheek to make him relax.
“Babe just say what you wanna say.”
“Sugar I’m tryin’. God damn it.”
He took a deep breath, whispering several curse words before speaking up again.
“Listen. You know me, I’m not that type of guy who makes big speeches. This in New York was different.” He rolled his eyes at your frowning, “Whatever. I’m not this romantic dude, you know that. What was the most romantic thing I’ve ever done?”
“Making me the best Mac n Cheese ever when I was sick last month?”
“That was a rhetorical question y/n.”
“Oh… but you’re romantic Sam. You may not notice but for me the good morning kisses and cuddles are very romantic.”
“Really? I just think it’s… it’s not romantic for me, I think, because you just deserve it.”
You blushed at his confession, “See that was romantic too.”
“Okay okay umm… Well I wanted to say that I love you. I mean I really love you. After all this shit I’ve gone through, we went through…. All the stress in the last weeks, Flag Smashers, Super Soldiers, John Walker.”
“Now that you mentioned Walker it’s not romantic anymore.”
For a brief moment he laughed, putting his hands in his pockets before pulling out a ring.
You gasped as you stared at it, eyes switching up and down from his hand to his eyes.
“Now that you are really destroying my efforts to make it a proper proposal, I’ll make it short.”
He attempted to kneel down, but you stopped him by holding onto his shoulders to support yourself as you stood up.
Your legs had become jelly and your whole body started to shake while tears built up in your eyes.
“Yes. Don’t you dare to ask me that cheesy ass question. I say yes.”
He wanted to groan again by your move to hide him from making it right, but his view became soft when he saw the first tears rolling down your cheeks.
“So you will mar- Ouch.” You slapped his shoulder which caused him to laugh, “Okay okay, we’re going to marry yes?”
“Yes we will.”
Already sobbing you took him into a kiss, softly moaning into his mouth as his lips moved smoothly on yours.
“Can I first put that ring on your finger before you spring onto me?”
With a blurry view you watched him slowly putting that finger on your shaky hand with the brightest smile you have ever seen.
“I love you so much Sam.”
“I love you too, sugar.”
Still with that bright smile on his face, he brushed away the tears on your cheeks. Pure love and admiration in his eyes by your whispered words.
“You’ll tell my sister. She will kill me if she finds out that I planned it all on my own.”
“Fine but first I’ll come back to the topic that we didn’t have sex before on this place.”
“You’re really a pain in the ass y/n.”
“The pain in the ass who is going to marry you dumbass.”
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ajbwasntwriting · 3 years
Daughter!Reader X Negan, Reader x Daryl: Chapter 13. Flames
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(we using the same gif cause I couldn’t get the bridge gif to work sorry no sorry)
I’ll only post more chapters if previous chapters get a good reaction so if you enjoy this please heart it, reblog it, and/or reply to it. Interaction inspires.
if you wish to be added to the tag list please dm me. All chapters can be found under the tag AJ’s Negan’s Daughter AU
Soon the camp was left near barren. The saviours had made up more than half the work force and as far as it seemed you were the only one left. You spotted Daryl sitting in front of a white tent eating an apple. You bee-lined past Eugene and Rick to him, sitting on the chair just opposite from him.
“Hey” Daryl greeted you warmly. You just smiled at him then went back to staring in the middle ground, leaned down in the chair and your arms crossed. You sat there in peeved silence for a moment, just not wanting to be alone right now. “Heard the yelling match you had-”
“Don’t” You said, closing your eyes and shaking your head in annoyance. “I feel stupid enough as is.”
A hand landed on your knee and Daryl’s gruff voice said “You ain’t stupid, Darlin’”
That made you smile whether you liked it or not. You looked at him through the side of your eye, leaning forward and looking at you with so much love. “Darlin’, huh?” you commented on the new pet name. You uncrossed your arms and took his hand in yours, ignoring how sticky it felt from the apple he was eating. “I could get used to that.”
“Anything I can do for you? You name it, I’ll make it happen.” Daryl said.
“Just sit with me a while.” You droned, clearly exhausted. “Before you gotta up and go again.”
“‘Course” he reassured you, kissing your knuckles. You detached your hands so he could finish his apple and you were happy to sit with him. The noise of the camp was gone and there wasn’t anything you could do, but with Daryl you always felt at ease. Though something seemed off about him. A kind of anger was boiling under your skin. Maybe he was pissed the Saviours up and left too.
Jerry arrived back on horse and was talking to Rick. You didn’t bother yourself with it but Daryl’s interest seemed to be piqued. Especially when he walked by talking rapidly into a walkie talkie. You tuned into the conversation out of curiosity.
“I need you to get an urgent message to Alexandria… If Maggie Rhee shows up, delay her at the gate and alert Michonne right away. Do not... repeat… do not let her in without an escort. Over”
“What’s happening?” You asked Daryl. He didn’t look at you as he stood up. You stood up after him and walked behind
“And, Maggie, if you're listening… let's talk.” Rick tucked the walkie back into his belt.
“Hey. What’s goin’ on?” Daryl asked as he approached.
“Maggie's headed to Alexandria.” Rick explained.
“Is that bad?” You asked.
“She's about do something she might regret.” Rick explained further, grabbing the horse.
“Hop on. I'll take you.” Daryl said.
“You sure? We got enough fuel?” Rick asked, already moving to Daryl’s bike
“Yeah. We’ll get there quicker.” Daryl said, climbing onto the bike. “I’ll be back soon, Darlin’” he called to you.
“Better be in one piece” you shot back.
“I’ll make sure of it, Y/N!” Rick replied. You watched as they took off down the road, leaving you in a crumbling camp.
You wandered around the camp, finding the Alexandrians had left too and what was left of hill top and oceanside were scattered with talk of leaving. You eventually came upon Carol. She was packing up with a group you recognised as the kingdom's people. “You leaving too?” You called, grabbing her attention. You settled onto the heel of your feet and placed your hands into the back pockets of your hips, watching as she asked a nearby man to finish packing up the crate.
“This place is bust, Y/N” She said, walking towards you. “I know you tried earlier but-”
“Yeah” you hissed through your teeth. “I get it.” She looked away, seemingly embarrassed. “You're going back to the kingdom I see.”
“There’s room on the wagon if you want” Carol offered, seemingly remorseful.
“No.” You replied “I told Sanctuary I’d be back.”
Carol shook her head in disbelief then chuckled as she threw her head to the sky then back to you. “I don’t get it. You hated it there!” She expressed while you nodded along in agreement. “But you wanna go back?”
‘I was trying to cover my ass but now everyone who knows me is dead’ you thought. Though that wouldn’t fly. Your childhood made you an adept liar though. ‘No granny those aren’t vomit stains on the carpet I just spilled my porridge. Yes, I eat porridge now.’
“I was scared. And lonely. But in time it got less so.” you explained, not breaking eye-contact. “I don’t know the Saviours you knew, but the ones I know appreciate my work. And they’ve got nothing. I had nothing and Daryl came to me, gave me a shot. I wanna extend that to them.”
“We won’t help,” Carol said. “Too many people were hurt.”
“Well if you’re gonna turn away starving children and hard working people,” You retorted. “We’ll go elsewhere.”
“You’re a horrible liar,” Carol chuckled.
“Right back at ya,” you turned to leave and pack your things when Carol called you. She came up to you and offered you a revolver and a belt holster.
“You’ll need it,” she said. You took the belt and weapon.
“Thanks, Carol.” You said. She pulled you into a hug that you returned with gusto then parted so you could pack your things.
You didn’t have much, mainly your knife and the clothing on your back but Enid had forgotten some valuable supplies in the infirmary. Between that, the change of clothes you had and a couple apples you had hidden away in your tent for later, your bag was bare.
You were about to set out and start dismantling one of the tents to bring back when you heard bullets fly. You immediately got low to the floor and pulled out your gun, checking if it was loaded.
The rounds sounded too rapid to be one sided. You walked out the back of the tent and noticed the shoot out. It was a small group of saviours going after Carol’s group. You took a deep breath and ran out of the tent and behind a nearby tree, then peered out the side and took two quick shots at the group. You managed to hit one and the larger group was now caught off guard. In the time it took you to unload the barrel you downed another two and the fire fight had ended with Carol’s group victorious and a number of the Saviours running back into the woods. They disappeared as quickly as they appeared. You ran over to Carol’s group.
“Is everyone alright?” You asked.
“They got Fred!” one of the hilltoppers yelled. You looked at the armoured body and knew in an instant he was gone from the axe wound alone.
“You gotta come with us,” Carol said to you. “The shots would’ve attracted the herd.”
“Alexandria’s the safest bet with the way that herd is moving” Jerry put in.
“Alexandria it is then,” you agreed, helping load up now. The tents were abandoned. Someone from Oceanside radioed that the camp wasn’t safe but no one checked for a response. Everything was loaded up and the carriages were moved.
Off in Alexandria, in someone else’s world. Maggie entered the dark basement cell. Her face was illuminated by what little light creeped between the shutters. Negan chuckled.
“Aw, she just gave up the keys, huh?” He jested “It's a shame. She got the blade, but you...You got the fire. My money was on you.”
Maggie looked into his cell. He sat on his bed, shrouded in darkness. “So you remember me.” She spoke into the darkness”
“'Course I do.” Negan Replied “It's why I thought you were gonna win.”
“Good.” Maggie swallowed hard, emboldening her resolve. This was it, she was going to give this monster what he deserved. “Get on your knees.”
“You know, I remember you screamin' in that clearing.” Negan muled aloud, standing up and walking closer to the bars yet not completely out of the darkness “I remember how much I broke you breakin' open your husband's head like I did.”
“Glenn.” Maggie snapped “His name was Glenn.”
“So now what? You finally come for…” Negan paused for intentional dramatic effect “revenge?”
“Damn.” Negan gasped “Thought you'd do this a hell of a lot sooner. It take you this long to work up your nerve?
“I was always gonna settle this,” Maggie retorted, her voice growing in volume “what you did to my husband. Get on your knees.”
“What I did to him?” Negan pressed “You mean how I cracked open his skull and popped out his goddamn eyeball? How I bashed his big, beautiful brains into the ground over and over while you and his little friends watched? Is that what you mean?
“Ah, I used to say that I didn't enjoy killin'.” Negan sighed with satisfaction “That was a lie. Your old man… Christ, I forgot his name again. But he was different. Killin' him the way I did, ooh, now, that was fun.”
Maggie pressed the key into the lock, the teeth rolling over the internal mechanisms echoing in the dark cell. Negan took to his knees, as had been requested of him.
“Get to it. Have your justice. Kill me. It was worth it.”
“Lemme see you in the light.” Maggie demanded.
“Come on.” Negan beckoned her on “Kill me.” She turned the key, the lock clicking loudly. “You not have it in you?” Negan teased “Don't you punk out like Rick.”
“Come into the light.” Maggie demanded again.
“Kill me. This is what you came here for!” Negan demanded, his tone becoming desperate “You kill me!”
“Move into the light.” Maggie spook through her teeth, peeved.
“Kill me.” Negan’s head went down and he began to cry. Maggie finally lost her patience, pulling the door open and tearing Negan from his cell and into what little light there was in the room.
“Please. Please.” Negan began to beg. He was disheveled and cowering on the floor in a useless pile. “Please kill me.
“Why?” Maggie asked
“You have to. Just do it.”
“You tell me why!” Maggie began to yell at him “Tell me! Why should I?!”
“So I can be with my family!” Negan cried out “So I can be with Lucille! And with my Y/N!” Negan sobbed silently.
“I should be dead.” He began to ramble “I have to be dead. And it's supposed to be you. It has to be you, because I can't do it. I can't do it. I've tried. I can't. I can't be like this. Please, please don't make me stay like this. It's... Settle it.” He was so distraught every other word he was gasping for air. “Settle me. Kill me. Please.”
“Get back in your cell.” Maggie ordered
“No.” Negan protested from the floor where he lay “No. No. No.” He sobbed “Why?”
“I came to kill Negan,” Maggie said “and you're already worse than dead. That settles it.” Negan hid his face as he sobbed “Go.” she ordered.
He knew better than to argue with her, especially how she pulled him out of the cell without breaking a sweat. “It wasn't supposed to be like this.” He protested weakly, “It wasn't supposed to be like this.”
With that Maggie locked the gate and left the cell, content that her husband’s murderer was suffering.
“What the hell was that?” One of the kingdom’s people said when they were far enough away, clearly talking to you. In their eyes you were the last saviour. They strode up behind you.
“I don’t know” You muttered, pulling one of the horses along the road
You were walking as fast as you can, basically dragging the horses and carriages and this man wanted to fight. “What do you mean you don’t know!”
“I don’t know!” You yelled back, continuing to move. “People do stupid shit when they’re scared!”
“They killed Fred!”
“We killed them!” You finally let go of the horse and turned around to face the man. “And you’ve been killing them for a long time!”
“You don’t know what they-”
“The war?” You cut him off “I know that there is a factory full of people who are starving, working their ass off to get you ethanol, and have no protection.” You were too caught in the moment to notice the wagon train had stopped moving and too angry to hear Jerry and Carol calling to you “Not fighters! Workers! People who didn’t get a chance to defend themselve in your precious fucking war and are paying the price for it!”
Horses trotted up to meet you halfway in the road. You recognised Maggie, Eugene, Tara, and Michone and a few others. Daryl rode up from the back of the group on his bike.
“What happened?” Maggie rode up to the group and asked Carol.
“Saviours jumped us. Ended up shooting each other.” Carol explained. “The gun fire could’ve attracted the herd so we left.”
“Where’s Rick?” Daryl asked.
“He’s not with you?” You shot back.
“What if he headed back to the camp?” Beatrice, a girl from Oceanside, pitched. You could feel the panic set in the group. Daryl disembarked from his bike.
“I know a shortcut. Come on!” He lead the way into the forest. You and a large group instantly took off on foot, following him closely. Within minutes you were back at the bridge to a horrifying sight.
Countless walkers were crossing the bridge. The herd was so thick no sunlight was travelling through and standing at the end of the bridge, with all those walkers heading right towards him, was Rick. Daryl already had his bow out and was picking off the walkers that got too close to his friend.
“What is he doing?!” Maggie yelled.
“He's hurt!” Michone cried. You noticed his clothes were soaked in blood
“That herd that went right through Hilltop.” Daryl gasped “He's trying to bring down the bridge.”
In the next instant Michone had her sword out and was running towards the herd. You called after her and ran after her.
“We turn them around. Fight 'em back.” Maggie followed close behind you
“Fire your guns.” Carol ordered “Try to divert them.
Michone called to Rick as you all ran to the herd, but a moment later the herd caught in flames. Michone stumbled back as the orange heat climbed above your heads. She stood there a moment, shocked into place. You looked through the flames and felt yourself thrown back into your army days.
Rubble and sand were all around you. The air was heavy with debris. It was you, five other servicemen and countless civilians trapped into a crumbling building while bullets flew outside. Children were crying and parents could do nothing to calm them. There was a moment of calm. A moment to get the group through a gap in the rock fall near the back of the building. You got them through while the others lay down ground fire, keeping the enemy at bay. You pulled yourself through the hole after the last of the civilians made it out and went about helping your fellow soldier. They were nearly clear when an explosion went off in the building and you were both sent backwards. You could feel the heat from the explosion on your face, but your ally could feel their life seeping out of their lost leg. He screamed out in complete agony.
The same way Michone screamed out. When you felt yourself come back you noticed Maggie and Carol were holding her back and you had fallen to the ground.
“Y/N!” Tara yelled to you, pulling the rest of you into the present “We have to go!” You nodded rapidly and pulled yourself to your feet. You all retreated back a ways so the herd wouldn’t come to you right away.
“I need to find him,” Michone sobbed. “I need to help him.”
The smoke was rising above them in thick clouds. The radio was going crazy with people who were seeing the smoke.
“What was that?”
“Was that the bridge?”
One of the people with you got on the radio. “Rick!” he called breathlessly “He blew it to stop the herd!”
Everyone around you was in shock and crying horribly. These people had followed Rick, and now they seemed lost. You were in no way a leader but-
“We can look downstream.” You spoke up. Pale and contorted faces looked back at you. “If he fell in the water he’ll be downstream… If he got hit by the blow back he’ll be on the road bu-”
“You heard her.” A man with long hair in a bun and a beard. His face was red but he was already tired of crying “Downstream.”
“I gotta-” Michon spoke, shaking as she got back to her feet. The man beckoned her. In the next moment a small group had run past to look downstream.
“I gotta go to Sanctuary” You announced to those left. Carol nodded, tears streaming down her face. “They gotta know what happened here.”
“Go,” she croaked out, “and bring them back to kingdom.” Beatrice immediately got angry at the notion but before she could speak Carol silenced her. “Without that bridge they’ll starve. Rick didn’t fight for that.” Carol looked back at you. “Go.”
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@felicisimor​ @bodeckersbitch​ @lauren-novak​ @aestthete
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