seisobarasub · 9 days
sorry for how I acted when there were multiple noises happening at the same time
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seisobarasub · 3 months
Yeah I do BDSM
Bench Press
Military Press
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seisobarasub · 4 months
Been a while
SW: 145.3kg/320lbs
CW: 113.9kg/251lbs
GW: 110kg/242lbs
No progress updates for a while, everything plateaued for like 6 months after I hit 120kg until the start of April. I started a new job and the structure really helped me dial back into my routine and dropped 6kg between start of April to today.
In my head I was looking to get down to 110kg by end of July but progress has been good and should be there before then, will take stock after that and see if I wanna go lower. From the start I was thinking of trying to get under 100kg but it felt really far off so was more conservative with my goals but now it seems reasonable.
Also threw out a casual 70kg OHP 1RM last week
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seisobarasub · 6 months
thumbs up is one of the most useful and versatile things that an autistic boy can have in his arsenal
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seisobarasub · 7 months
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Made a paddle for valentine's day, even tried a fancy product shot
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seisobarasub · 11 months
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I made a belt
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seisobarasub · 11 months
180kg deadlift achieved, ego has been sated so will stop chasing 1RM before my back explodes or something
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seisobarasub · 11 months
gym milestone roundup i hit a 170kg deadlift and a 150kg pause squat that made me think my head was gonna burst
will probably hit 180kg deadlift in the next few weeks and should probably look into getting a weight belt at some point
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seisobarasub · 11 months
oh yeah forgot to post yesterday but i hit a deadlift pr yesterday 160kg
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seisobarasub · 11 months
hit a 3pl8 squat without a vertebrae shooting out of my back so that's 2 of the 1/2/3/4 hit, already had 1pl8 ohp down so just benmch and deadlift to go, bench is gonna take a while but might go for a big deadlift 1rm on monday and see how we do (i am not foreshadowing that i think i'll hit a 4pl8 just that i can probably throw a decent amount on top of my regular work set)
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seisobarasub · 1 year
No real news just some words I guess
SW: 145.3kg/320lbs
CW: 119.8kg/264lbs
GW: 110kg/242lbs
Dipped below 120kg for the first time since the last time so no one look at me while I eat this pizza I got
Bench press starting to feel kinda hardstuck, same way as overhead press, anything over 80kg and 60kg respectively is super inconsistent so guess I need to apply more thought to my programming than just linear progressive overload, maybe go deload a little and hit more reps.
Deadlifts are still ticking over nicely, each session is a PR and it feels like the difficulty comes from not being used to holding this much weight rather than from not being able to move it. The 140kg x 5 from a couple weeks ago was difficult but pretty smooth, same with the 142.5kg x 5 this week so we'll see how long this goes on for.
Also trying to find a decent stretching/mobility routine to do after lifting but most apps want subscriptions
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seisobarasub · 1 year
hit 140kgx5 deadlift this time
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seisobarasub · 1 year
hit a 140kg deadlift today thats it thats the post
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seisobarasub · 1 year
First injury
SW: 145.3kg/320lbs
CW: 122kg/269lbs
GW: 110kg/242lbs
Had a few weeks away from the gym after I hurt my back squatting 130kg 3x5, didn't feel like much at the time but by the time I got home it was feeling pretty bad. Got myself booked into a physio a few days later where a nice lady gently persuaded my vertebrae back into where it should've been.
Took two weeks off then hit some light squats as a tester on the next leg day but still felt a little discomfort in the bottom of my squat. Went in for a followup and felt a lot better the next leg day so going to build up the weight slowly over the next few weeks and make sure my technique is good, might reduce the number of work sets at higher weights or focus on leg press progression to make up for lighter squats.
Also going to try and stick to some kind of regular stretching/mobility routine so I don't need someone to stand behind me like a wicketkeeper ready to catch a disc flying out of my back. Also so I can try and get that good arch (iykyk).
Had two weeks back in the gym now and everything else is feeling good so hoping to knuckle down and start making some headway on the road to 110kg.
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seisobarasub · 1 year
New goals
SW: 120.4kg
GW: 110kg
Squat: 127.5kg x 5
Deadlift: 120kg x 5
Bench: 82.5kg x 5
T-Bar row: 65kg (on the bar) x 5
OHP: 60kg x 5
After I got myself down to 120kg I took a break on my diet for a couple of weeks, switched workout routines and started taking creatine to help with recovery.
Weight went up a bit as eexpected but I've gotten it back down to around 120kg so we start on the road to 110kg, would like to get down to it by the end of the year but won't lose any sleep over it taking longer.
Switched from a 3-day routine to a 4-day routine, went from M/W/F upper/lower split to:
Monday: Back and Biceps Tuesday: Chest and Triceps Wednesday: Rest Thursday: Legs Friday: Shoulders, Traps and Abs
Lifts are all progressing pretty well, think I'm hitting a bit of a wall on bench press and OHP, shoulders remain the most tempermental muscle group, need the planets to align and the wind to blow the right way to get a consistent OHP session. Last week I hit 60kg 4x5, this week I hit the following:
Set 1: 62.5kg x 2 Set 2: 60kg x 5 Set 3: 60kg x 2 Set 4: 50kg x 8
Going to learn from my last post and take some before pics some time this weekend
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seisobarasub · 1 year
Weight loss updates
SW: 145.3kg/320lbs (~35% BF) June '22
CW: 119.8kg/264lbs (~25% BF) June '23
Squat: 115kg x 5
Deadlift: 110kg x 5
Bench: 75kg x 5
T-Bar row: 60kg (on the bar) x 5
OHP: 60kg x 3
Leg press: 247kg x 12 (included because big numbers are fun)
Weight built up after 2 years of no gym due to lockdown and moving to a new city, back at it for a year and lost my pandemic weight and then some. Tentative aim is to get around or below 110kg by this time next year.
I regret not taking many "before" pictures for comparison, the only stuff I have is passport/work ID but the changes in my face are pretty noticable, that and just wearing old clothes from last year feels pretty good in terms of seeing the progress.
Lifts are progressing pretty well, squats and deadlifts aren't close to my all time PR (think both were 135kg x 5) but the rest are PRs.
I think my deadlifts are suffering from being done after I do squats and leg press so going to change my program from next week and that should progress a little better.
Goals for my lifts for now are to build to 3 plate squats and deadlifts, and 2 plate bench (to go with my 1 plate OHP), also I want to be able to do a pullup (currently at -56kg on the assisted pullup machine).
Not used to journalling like this so might post more updates etc if this feels good to get out there
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