#from bvckleydiaz
bvckleydiaz · 4 years
dear ao3 writers,
please fix all this bullshit. y’all are the only ones who can mend my heart again.
sincerely, a very heartbroken reader
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buddie prompt idea: “how is it that you look even more beautiful than yesterday?” 💗
💗💗💗💗💗 Crazy little thing called love. 💗💗💗💗💗
There is a lot of things about their relationship that Eddie loves.
He loves the early morning coffee runs after he drops his son off at school and before they head to work together.
He loves the slow, sleepy mornings after a long 24-hour shift when Christopher is at school, and they have time to just be.
He loves the time they get to spend with Christopher, especially the days where Buck makes his son laugh like he’s never heard before.
He loves their dates. Coffee dates, lunch dates, dates just because. Dates with Chris. Dates without Chris. Anytime he gets to spend with Buck he cherishes.
He loves his smile. Buck has different smiles for different situations, he’s quickly come to realize. He has a cocky smile, a shy smile, a bashful one. He has a smile that he uses around Christopher that’s soft and reserved. A smile Eddie’s seen directed at him when Buck thinks no one is watching.
He loves the mornings where Buck makes them pancakes, the days where he uses chocolate chips the best (Buck has definitely caught on, and Eddie makes sure to keep his kitchen stocked with them).
He loves the evenings where they watch movies as a family, all curled up on the couch with a bucket of popcorn between them and whatever movie Christopher chooses for the night.
He loves when they are on shift together, how they can work together seamlessly. How they have each other's backs, even in the most terrifying situations.
He loves how they can communicate without words. How Buck always seems to know when to push and when to not. They don’t always get it right, sure, but even in the times that they don’t, Eddie loves how much Buck cares for him and how much he cares for Buck.
He loves the sex; rough, intimate, the physicality of it... How he feels like he can fully trust Buck, and that Buck trusts him.
He loves that they were friends first and foremost and that their friendship grew into the relationship that they have now. One where they love each other, trust each other, where they can have hard conversations without it ending in a screaming match. It's unlike any relationship that Eddie has ever had, and it feels... healthy. Like it is built on foundations that are rock solid. That would last through earthquakes, tsunamis, and maybe even a few wildfires.
He loves the days like today. He loves the look on Buck’s face when they wake up, soft and sleepy, yet so full of tenderness and warmth. He loves that his curls are disheveled, going in all different directions. He loves the little crease in his cheek from where it was smushed up against the pillow. He loves the kisses they share, even before they brush their teeth. Loves that they can lounge around, watch cartoons with Christopher, make coffee and breakfast together, and do nothing for most of the day.
He loves that there is no pressure and no expectations to get things done around the house. That they’ll get to it eventually... together.
He loves that he gets to look at Buck, memorize all his features. That Buck is his.
“What are you looking at?” Buck asks, a blush creeping up his cheeks. Eddie loves that too.
“How is it that you look even more beautiful than yesterday?” Eddie asks, looking at the love of his life.
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matan4il · 4 years
Buddie 404 meta
Thank you so much to @evaneddie​ for creating the gifs for this meta post, I can’t tell you enough how much I value your help! xoxox
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I keep going on in my meta posts about how Buddie are battlefield boyfriends, but it’s true on so many levels. The first call in this app proves they’re not just partners in how they take on the firefighting tasks during a call, they’re also partners when they try to solve the crime (yes, 911, please give us that podcast) and in how, when Buck is feeling that something is off with Chim, he turns naturally to Eddie. Even though Hen knows Chim better and asking her if something was off with him might actually yield some info. But this is really about Buck feeling a little distraught that something’s off between him and Chim, and when he’s in emotional distress, it’s Eddie he turns to.
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OK, but speaking of battlefield boyfriends, you know how so often their movements are in sync? In this ep, they said “copy that” to Bobby at the exact same time. It’s ridiculous and cute and soulmate material, for real. Later on, when Buck makes an unintentional pun about blowing stuff up while Chim is inside with the bomber, it’s Eddie he apologizes to for his choice of words. Not that Eddie is bothered, but the levels on which they’re tuned into each other… I’m speechless.
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I love that Buck isn’t keeping his therapy a secret from his colleagues. But when Bobby, who’s his boss (in charge of knowing the whereabouts of his team) and his dad figure, is asking about him, it’s Eddie who knows where Buck is and not only that he’s having a therapy session just then, that it’s an emergency one and exactly what Buck is going to talk about. The level of details he’s privy to is one usually reserved for an actual partner. And doesn’t the fact that Bobby *knows* to ask Eddie rather than anyone else just scream how much their close partnership is acknowledged and accepted?
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God, the boxing scene is so much. Eddie’s the guy that Buck confides in with the anger that he normally hides from everyone. And Eddie’s the person who defends Buck, even from himself, verbally (telling Buck he did nothing wrong and he shouldn’t be apologizing), physically (grabbing the bag so that Buck wouldn’t go too hard and hurt himself) and emotionally (pulling out of his own painful experience to advise Buck to stick with therapy and not go down the path of rage). Together with the hospital jail scene in 213, this is also a reminder that Buck does open up to Eddie, not just the other way around. I swear to God, I have never seen any TV couple with these levels of mutual giving and caring, including canon romantic ones. That this scene also parallels their gym confrontation in 201 (as pointed out by the amazing @bvckleydiaz​ based on the promos already), so we get to see how far they’ve come from that initial tension to this place where they’re inarguably partners in so many ways, is a beautiful bonus.
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I’m thinking of how throughout the ep, we see how much of a team Buck and Eddie are, while at the beginning of it, we see Buck telling Maddie they’re a team, but as the ep progresses, he discovers that’s not quite the case, culminating with discovering she’s been lying to him for 29 years. Add to that what I mentioned in my initial post about this ep, that Buck’s speech to his parents (telling them that when someone makes mistakes, you don’t give up on them and that you love people regardless of mistakes) parallels Eddie’s speech at the end of ep 303 (that he’s made countless mistakes with Chris, but he loves him enough to keep trying and he can tell that Buck does, too), all of this says that the show is building a better case than any of us ever could about why Eddie and Buck are the perfect couple. They complete and heal each other. Eddie’s parents thought he was a failure as a dad, while Buck admired him instantly for what a good dad he is. Buck’s parents gave up on him, but Eddie never did, even when Buck was really struggling, after quitting his job and then after the tsunami. They’re the perfect fit to heal each other’s parental inflicted wounds, to love each other where even their own parents failed to, and that says everything about why Buddie should be a canon couple, IMO.
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(the following bit contains references to the Buckley secret and 406 synopsis)
So, I considered the older dead sibling theory and it became my front runner during ep 403, when we saw Maddie’s fear not only for Buck, but also over not being able to protect her child once it’s born. I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about the secret, connected to my own life and family, but in connection to Buddie, I find it really comforting to see that I can correctly read the big twists and reveals of the show (this season, the therapist and the dead older brother), because it means I’m I’m not too off in reading how the show builds these up, how it constructs its narratives. When the show does carefully plant hints and then later delivers on them, it makes me feel like all of the hints and subtextual touches with Buddie can’t be ignored either. I always say that this is no guarantee of anything, but because the show does deliver on the groundwork it has laid out, that’s at least a positive sign. And I’m guessing with the released synopsis for 406, people will need some positivity. So what I can offer is this: every slow burn has some obstacles, often in the form of temporary Love Interests. I don’t think the show has invested enough in Ana’s character so far to give her staying power and be anything but a temp LI, def not when compared to Buck’s place in Eddie’s life.
(if you’re looking for more of my content, you can find it here)
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sopheliza25 · 4 years
the rules: tag five or more people that you are thankful for in your 2020, that you’re thankful exists in a world that’s hard to live in. whether that be through random reblogs on your posts, or people you have had full blown conversations with. whether it’s just seeing them on your dash, or interacting with them
Tagged by the absolutely lovely @buddie-brettsey thank you so much! ❤️💖❤️
@faewithfangs @loveyourownsmiilee @cirrius-akiyo @from-nova @fyeahbuddie @118firefam @buddie4ever20 @translucent-bisexual @4utubing @kingsmanlibrary @tarlosbuddie @bvckleydiaz @wizardbuckley @hazza-weasley
There’s so many of you that make my dash an amazing place to be I literally love you all so damn much!! ❤️❤️❤️
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johnbroutledge · 4 years
fyeahbuddie >>> kelly-severide
rambling about fandom/the future of this blog under the cut.
first things first, cause i know it’s gonna be a question: no, i am not leaving 911 fandom. i still love the show and i will still be talking about it and creating things for the fandom. 
that being said, a lot is going to change.  to be completely honest, i haven’t been happy with my tumblr in a while. i’ve been doing a lot of stuff because i feel like i should, because i think it’s what people want, and not because its what nikki wants and it’s high time i quit doing that. i’m a people pleaser by nature and i genuinely would rather be miserable myself than upset or disappoint other people, and honestly, that attitude re: fandom is making me hate it. 
i’ve put a lot of pressure on myself in this fandom. i felt obligated to gif every new episode and to liveblog and to keep everything up to-date as best i could. i reblogged everything i was tagged in without question, even if if was something that i maybe, personally, wasn’t all that interested in. even when i’d already reblogged 15 of basically the same thing, even when people who don’t follow me and have never spoken to me started tagging me in things and never interacting with me otherwise. i took every single request. i never wanted to be the person who said no. 
i was miserable. 
i literally measured out every single post i made, did i post enough 911? is that too many posts about other fandoms in a row? did i an answer an ask in a way that could possibly upset someone? am i taking too long to respond, will people think im an asshole who ignores them? 
it was around christmas i guess, i was sick as fuck with covid and i was in bed, going through multiple daily panic attacks about my health and rather or fucking not i needed to be in the hospital, and still beating myself up about the fact that i hadn’t made gifsets, that i realized how awful my experience had become. 
don’t get me wrong, y’all, please, i love every single one of you. i am so fucking eternally, crazy grateful that 900 of you decide to be here everyday. but i can’t do this anymore. 
as some of you know, ive been struggling with writers block and it’s one of the big things that i’ve wanted to work on getting through this year. the thing that got me through covid and christmas was this incredible special outer banks fic idea that @daisiesandmoonlight and i have built, that i love so incredibly much, but i literally have talked myself out of even trying to write it because i felt like my first fic back into writing had to be buddie. 
i’m over that too. so, here’s how the future looks for this blog. 
-this blog is multifandom. completely. it will no longer be 99% 9-1-1. i will still be posting/talking about, and creating things for 911 fandom, but it is no longer my sole priority. my interaction will probably go way down as incorporate my other fandoms in earnest.  -i will be making gifs, but when i want to, for what i want to. i will no longer be holding myself to a strict “i’ve gotta live gif every episode” schedule. i will no longer be taking every single request. in fact, i will most likely not be doing 95% of what was in my inbox pre covid. i just, i don’t have the inspiration for it. those of you who have asked for requests via discord, i will still be doing yours for sure.  -i will not be reblogging every single thing im tagged in, if it’s not something im personally into, if im overwhelmed or i feel like there’s just been too much going on, i won’t be reblogging. im sorry, y’all. i really am, i love you and i love being this positive light who always hypes people up, but my tags are insane, especially on show nights, and it’s honestly too much a lot of the time. -if it inspires me, im going to let it. if that means i post 8 gifsets from one fandom in a row, or my first fic back into writing isn’t buddie, that’s okay.  -i will be adding admins to @thebuddielibrary to help take the stress off there. hopefully that is a positive growth for that blog as well <3 -i will continue to be a positive blog in all my fandoms. i will still not be interacting with drama or ship wars or ship or character bashing. that isn’t me and it’s not the vibe i want to cultivate on my blog. 
basically, i’m prioritizing my own self for once. i’m cultivating a blog that makes me happy. i don’t know what that looks like yet, honestly, but im going to find out. and i love all of you, but if you no longer want to follow me, i completely understand. you’ve all gotta shape your own experiences too, and i get that. 
in short: this may not be my final form, but it is my first evolution.  thanks for listening guys. and thanks for being here. tagging some mutuals so maybe i wont get lost. 
@ashavahishta @maygrant @taylor-kelly @briinstardust @sopheliza25 @bvckleydiaz @burzekbrettsey @gilbxrt-blythe @selenaurrr @matan4il @tylerhunklin @deareddie @doctornineandthreequarters @buttercupbuck @hennwilson  @siriuslyjamie @tarlosbuddie @whattarush @evanbuckleyed @evaneddie @herodiaz @nymika-arts @firefighter-diaz @maurawrites @malikjavaddzayn @captaincasey 
im sure i forgot someone so please signal boost this!!! 
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firefam-stan · 4 years
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(inspired by @bvckleydiaz post: “ someone PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE write something where eddie and the rest are sitting around telling stories/talking about buck!! my heart needs this! 😩🥺”)
yeah my inspiration muse struck, and here we are 
(a.k.a. help I accidentally wrote a bit more than a drabble)
“Hello? Is anybody in here?”  
Eddie looked up from his locker, surprised to see an older couple making their way over from the front entrance. A quick glance around revealed nobody else on duty nearby. 
He sighed. He really didn’t want to deal with well-wishing senior citizens today. They tended to be overly nice and expected his full attention, even when he had other things to do. Usually, Eddie enjoyed the visits as a welcome break during the day, but this time he was a bundle of tightly-tensed nerves waiting to combust ever since Buck had come in that morning. 
Eddie lightly rested his head against the cool metal of the locker, chasing away the sudden onslaught of images from earlier, the terror that had overcome him when he’d thought his friend had... gone in the explosion. The events from earlier had affected him more than he’d let on. 
Maybe if he just stayed really still and didn’t look up again, the older couple would find someone else. 
“Excuse me?”
Or not. 
Eddie turned around, plastering a tight smile onto his face. “Can I help you with anything?” 
The man nodded. “Is Evan here? We... need to talk with him.” 
Eddie spun around and felt his blood run cold as the words fully registered. 
It was them.
And they had the nerve to show up here after Buck had nearly died saving a stranger’s life. Eddie's gaze flickered to the punching bag in the corner, a memory springing up of Buck, angrily punching the ever-loving crap out of it.
“Two dinners, and I’m twelve years old again,” he’d said, face filled with fury. And pain.
And now? Faced with the dread parents themselves?
“Mr. and Mrs. Buckley, I presume?” Eddie finally managed to say, snapping himself back to the present.
“Yes, it’s good to meet you!” Mr. Buckley offered his hand, but Eddie ignored it under the guise of turning around to look for someone else.
“Buck isn’t here right now,” Eddie’s tone was terse. “He’s getting examined after our last call.”
“Medically examined. He was exposed for too long at the factory fire.”
“Factory fire?!” gasped the woman, dread etched on her features. 
The man’s face only hardened, his jaw clenched. “He has no right,” he said. “no right to do this to us!”
“Excuse me?” Eddie interjected, feeling his temper quickly rising to dangerous levels. But he pushed it down, bottled it securely into the bottom of his chest. He couldn’t afford to behave rashly---lives were lost when people behaved rashly.
But he allowed a small trace of his anger to show itself in his eyes and the tense set of his shoulders. Judging by their silence, it was enough. 
“If you’ll please come with me, you can wait upstairs in the seating area.”
Eddie gestured up the stairs and they soon followed. But before they reached the top, he turned around and leveled his gaze at them. “Your son is a hero, not the reckless daredevil you think he is.”
“You have no right to tell us what we do or don’t think of our son!” 
Eddie clenched his jaw tighter. That punching bag was looking more and more appealing. 
“Just please, sit down over there.” He looked up at the seats and saw with relief that Bobby, Hen, and Chimney were all nearby. 
Good, that accounted for all his impulse control. 
He turned his face away from the couple and raised his eyebrows deliberately to the team. “Bobby, Hen, Chimney, this is Mr. and Mrs. Buckley.”
After that, it got very tense, very quickly. Chimney’s expression was very blank and tightly controlled, while Bobby and Hen looked closer to a tightly wound spring. 
“Oh, Howard! It’s good to see you!” smiled Mrs. Buckley, seemingly oblivious to the tension in the room. “We’re just looking to talk to Evan for a moment. I understand he’s gone and hurt himself?” she pulled a distasteful face. 
“With all respect, unless you have something to apologize for, I think you’ve talked to Buck enough for now,” said Bobby, trying to sound courteous. 
“He still lets people call him that?” broke in Philip Buckley, clearly annoyed with the fact. 
“Yes, and it suits him.” said Hen, stepping forward a bit. 
“Oh, enough with the stupid nicknames already!” snapped Margaret Buckley. “Just tell us when he’ll be back!” 
Eddie cut in softly, “he’s getting a medical examination after a massive fire and you’re worried about when it’s most convenient for you to talk?” 
“That’s not what...” Margaret trailed off. “Fine. What of it?”
“Did you know that he has smoke inhalation--” Eddie started, but Philip cut him off.
“I’m so sorry on his behalf, he seems to get himself injured often. It’s been a problem for--”
Bobby put his hand up. “Stop right there,” they looked up. “You have no right to apologize for him,” he nodded to Eddie. “I think what Mr. Diaz over there was trying to say is that he has smoke inhalation as a result of giving his mask to a stranger trapped in the burning building.” 
This seemed to shock them, and they looked at Eddie for confirmation, and he nodded, never breaking his cold stare. 
“Well that’s a first,” mumbled Margaret. “I wish he’d had that kind of character when he was younger.” 
Bobby squared his shoulders. “I will not tolerate unnecessary and untrue degrading comments in my firehouse.” his tone was icy and brooked no room for disagreement. 
“It’s not untrue...” Margaret murmured under her breath. 
“That’s enough,” ordered Eddie, letting the soldier in him leak into his tone. 
They stood around awkwardly for a few moments, until Hen spoke up. “I’m not sure what you’re thinking, but your son, our Buck, is an incredible person. He would never needlessly endanger himself. He knows we care too much.” That last sentence was ever so slightly barbed. 
“One time he climbed to the top of a roller coaster with no safety equipment to get to someone in trouble.” Eddie said, raising an eyebrow. “It was on the news and everything.” 
“And the man let go---he failed!” Philip dismissed the notion with a wave of his hand.
“But he still tried!” Hen uncrossed her arms and stood up straighter. “From what we’ve heard, it’s more than you’ve done.” 
“Look, we don’t care what he has or hasn’t done, but it wasn’t Evan’s place to complain to you about his personal problems. Did you know he even has to see a therapist?!” Margaret was indignant. 
“Margaret,” Philip put his hand on her shoulder. “These firefighters haven’t done anything wrong. We’re here for Evan, not them.” 
“He saved my son’s life.” Eddie said suddenly, remembering what Buck had said about Daniel. “He was with my young son on the pier when the tsunami hit.” He shifted, his voice softening. “Christopher would be... gone if Buck hadn’t been there.” 
The Buckley’s had frozen. Sensing an opening, Eddie continued, “My son has cerebral palsy, and Buck risked his life over and over again to make sure he was safe. Christopher wouldn’t have stood a chance if he hadn’t been there.” 
Just like that, Margaret and Philip stopped. And Eddie knew it was because the story of Christopher had reminded them of Daniel. It was a low blow, he knew, to exploit their grief like that. But he had to make them see.
Chimney picked up the conversation. “He was pinned under a fire truck---it shattered the bones in his leg---and he still came back so he could help people.”
“And he once saved a man who was hanging out of a car windshield on the road. Off duty.” Hen added. 
Bobby sighed and cleared his throat. “Whether you see it or not, Buck is a hero. He’s brave and selfless, always making sure everyone else is safe before checking himself.” 
Margaret nodded mutely, still processing the information. 
“And whether Buck knows it or not, he has a family here who will always be there for him.” Bobby spoke the last part with such conviction that the Buckley’s couldn’t help but look ashamed. 
Philip turned to Margaret, unsure how she was reacting. “Margaret, I think we need to apolog---” he stopped short when he noticed Eddie had perked up and was now looking at the door, listening intently. 
A red paramedic truck pulled up, and then Eddie was gone, already halfway down the stairs. 
Bobby had noticed too, and addressed the couple again. “It looks like Buck is back now. We’re going to go check on him, and we’ll let him know you’re here.”
“And whether he comes up or not is his choice,” added Hen.
Margaret and Philip watched them hurry down to greet Buck.
“We messed up,” she said softly.
Philip only nodded.
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Here we are, almost ready to say Happy New Year and some of us already have. I came back to tumblr at the beginning of this year after being gone for three years. After the ending of my last show, I thought I would never find another show or fandom to connect with again. But along came Lone Star. This show and this fandom, my gosh guys, it’s incredible. It’s one of the greatest, most supportive fandoms I’ve ever been apart of. I am so very blessed to be apart of it. This show has also opened me up to writing again, something that I hadn’t done in a long time and I have published 17 fics this year, a thing that I have never accomplished in any previous fandom. I have met so many wonderful people that I am so incredibly grateful to call my friends. All of you are owners of blogs that I have admired throughout the year and all of you have helped me in some way. For that, I thank you and I will never truly be able to thank you all the way. I’m going to say right now, that (metaphorically of course) I am tagging the LS fandom as a whole, because you guys deserve it for being so wonderful! ☀️
First of all, to my crew, the people that I have had the chance to talk to and get to know over the year. You guys are incredible people, filled with so much love, passion and talent for all that you do. The fact that I get to know you is just the biggest blessing ever. I would be nothing without your support and kindness. Thank you so much for being you. I couldn’t imagine this year without any of you in it. 💛
@hichristy - @officerrxyes - @letitialewiss - @rafaelsilva - @brilliantbanshee - @buckleys-diaz - @buckthehalls - @lardoduans​ - @terramous​ - @evanzbuck​ - @firefighterbuckleydiaz​ - @eddiesdiaz​ - @buttercupstrand​ - @starlightbuck​ - @ronenrubinstein​ - @prodigalleverage​ - @reyesstrand​ - @sneetchestoo​ - @evaneddie​
And to the blogs that I admire with all my heart. I haven’t spoken to most of you in length or at all. But whether if we’ve spoken or not (the new year could change that!), you guys have all made this website enjoyable for me in some way, shape or form. Whether it be from your amazing creations, your support, your thoughts or kind words. You guys are wonderful people and I thank you for spreading such joy and wonder throughout the year. 💛
@bellakitse​ - @howtosingit​ - @transdeans​ - @evanbuckleys​ - @diazactually​ - @sulkybbarnes​ - @eg515​ - @samwwinchester​ - @bvckleydiaz​ - @bilbobagglns​ - @wizardbuckley​ - @tarlosbuddie​ - @lesbianettes​ - @oliverstark​ - @marwankenzari​ - @911buttercup​ - @captainstennerstar​ - @ediediaz​ - @lire-casander​ - @911dawnstar​ - @harvestleaves​ - @mtnofgrace​ - @spenserclay​ - @lonestarbabe​ - @outlawredhood​ - @trkstrnd​
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buckleys-strand · 4 years
Rules: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
Relationship Status: Single
Favorite Color: It changes but at the moment either teal or emerald green
Three Favorite Foods: Pizza, pasta and crisps (but specifically uk ones like quavers and chipsticks not just potato chips)
Song Stuck in My Head: Dead Girl in the Pool by girl in red
Last Song I Listened To: Come What May from Moulin Rouge
Last Thing I Googled: Pictures of raccoons because my dad refused to admit they’re cute 😞
Time: dead on midnight
Dream Trip: I’ve always really loved ancient Greece so I’m dying to go to Athens and was supposed to be going last year until covid :(
Anything I Really Want Right Now: To be back in a theatre
Thank you for tagging me @darlingbuckley 💜
I’m tagging: @sixringss @fedoralaura11 @hotchsbabygirl @kiras-sunshine @whattarush @acepandas @carlosreyxs @bvckleydiaz @iggyfromes @immortalstrand
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briinstardust · 4 years
Yeah so I did the thing lmao 😅
faewithfangs is now briinstardust
sooooo yeah. I did it. lmao. youbriatsix > faewithfangs > briinstardust
ya bitch has exactly 0 chill. but my blog isn’t titled Welcome to the No Chill zone for nothing so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
also I’m gonna start tracking #briinstardust so feel free to tag me in stuff!
New url same #Trashscreaming™ we always do here
tagging some beloved mutuals 💘💘💘
@sopheliza25 @from-nova @fyeahbuddie @tarlosbuddie @matan4il @buddie-brettsey @bvckleydiaz @ineedapuppyandsomevodka @tulipsfrom-medusa @ellelans @firefighter-diaz @ashavahishta @oneawkwardcookie @doesntgetdrunk @siriuslyjamie @loveyourownsmiilee @dance-is-life27 @justsmilestuffhappens @deluweil  @nevvah @unsaid-emilie
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bvckleydiaz · 4 years
to all the ao3 writers,
I know some of y’all are already writing up stories from tonight’s episodes and I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You guys put out some killer content and it makes me really happy to read
sincerely, an overexcited reader 💛
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diazactually · 4 years
17 Questions & 17 Answers
thanks for the tag el❤️ @hollyjollybuckley
nicknames: fru, arah & zsuzs (by my siblings mostly)
height: 169 cm / around 5 ft 6.5 ins
hogwarts house: i'm a gryffindor! my family is like the weasleys (that's literally the name of our groupchat with my siblings)
last thing i googled: vegan cheese recipe
song stuck in my head: wake up from julie and the phantoms
number of followers: 169 same as my height lmao
amount of sleep: tricky question because i either sleep too little or too much, either way not a healthy amount
lucky number: 11!
dream job: whatever job newt scamander has from fantastic beasts and where to find them (if we wanna stay boring then webdesigner)
i'm wearing: pjs baby!!
favourite song: it changes every day so let's go with my most listened to song according to spotify, namely rain by ben platt
favourite instrument: violin!🎻 it's the instrument i wanna learn to play the most
favourite author: harry potter is my fav book series in general but i won't say j. k. rowling cause she's a dick so i'm sticking to my fav fanfic writer of all time who never fails to make me cry @eneiryu
favourite animal noise: ummmmmm the purring of a cat i guess?? 🐱
random fact: it's 9 pm and i'm making mashed potatoes
a recent pic about me: this was the hardest question ngl cause i almost never take selfies suitable for public viewing lmao
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tagging: @fyeahbuddie @seik-o @ineedapuppyandsomevodka @youcanhavemybackanyday @eddiesdiaz @evaneddie @faewithfangs @118hasmyback @bvckleydiaz
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johnbroutledge · 4 years
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I’m just gonna add to the noise of end of year posts. You guys have been the best part of this year and I am so incredibly thankful for all of you. seriously, I never thought I’d grow this blog like I have, and I can’t even begin to tell you the amazing ways you guys and this fandom have impacted me for the better. I’ve grown so much as a person, an artist, and a friend and I can’t even tell you how amazing that feels. If you have ever supported me in any way, even if it’s just liking one of my posts or saying hello, you have made my year, and I am so fucking grateful for you.
Special mentions:
The first person I wanna shoutout this year is @daisiesandmoonlight. I literally would not be here if it weren’t for you. You are always the best part of every fucking day. I love you. I wouldn’t be me without you. You are the most incredible human I know and I thank the universe everyday for bringing you into my life.
Also massive shoutout to @justme133. You are so amazing and I’m SO GLAD I know you. Thank you for being you.
@bvckleydiaz I love you so much sunshine, we think I’m so much the same way and I am always so much happier after talking to you.
@faewithfangs @sopheliza25 @from-nova @tarlosbuddie @matan4il @buddie-brettsey I ADORE each and every one of you. Y’all bring so much joy and positivity and love and light into my life and I never wanna ever let that go. Y’all are stuck with me. #sorrynotsorry
@harknessjack you have absolutely done incredible things for my growth as an editor and I just want to say thank you so much for that. I’m so grateful for your friendship and your help Cherie!
Follow Forevers:
If you’re on this list you have brought me joy and I’m so glad for your presence in my life, rather we talk or if I’m still too chicken for conversation 😂
@ashavahishta | @anakinshayden | @buckthehalls | @cherry-buckley | @diazactually | @evanzbuck | @evaneddie | @eddiesdiaz | @firefighterbuckleydiaz | @firefighter-diaz | @firefighter-diaz | @florenceandthemachine | @festivebuckley | @gracieli | @homosociallyyours | @hearteyesbuckley | @jeremyshadaaa | @kingbuckley | @letitialewiss | @loveyourownsmiilee | @madamewriterofwrongs | @maddieandchimney | @miriammaisel | @nymika-arts | @nora-reid | @oliverstark | @officerrxyes | @oneawkwardcookie | @paul-strickland | @sneetchestoo | @thisissirius | @tylerhunklin | @teambuddie-118 | @timothyolyphant | @tkandbuck | @wizardbuckley | @woodchoc-magnum | @wilsoncarrie | @youcanhavemybackanyday | @zeethebooknerd
I only have 50 tags per post and I’m terrified I forgot someone but seriously if we’ve ever interacted at all in a positive way just know how much I love and appreciate you. Thank you guys for being here, and here’s to having a bright, healthy, and love filled 2021. Let’s kick it in the ass, y’all.
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fireladybuckley · 4 years
911 Verse this or that
Indirectly tagged by @perfectlynervousbeard <3 
Buck or TK. Look I adore TK, Ronen is seriously one of the cutest guys I’ve ever seen and TK is adorable and easily my favourite LS character.  But it’s not even close when comparing him to Buck, Buck is my comfort character, my absolute favourite of just about anything, ever.  I adore Oliver and there’s not a single person you could compare to Buck that I would pick over him, lol.
Eddie or Carlos.
Again, I really do like Carlos.  I firmly believe Carlos (Rafa) doesn’t get enough screen time and his character development suffers because of it and I hate that.   But again, I love Eddie just SO much.  Comparing him and Carlos isn’t fair because they’re very different and Eddie’s storyline and character in general are SO much more developed, I feel like we’ve gotten to know him so much better and that just makes me love him more, I’m more attached.  Plus Eddie’s relationship with Christopher alone is just so precious and I love it so much.
Bobby or Owen.
Easiest question ever.  Bobby is amazing and the best dad and Owen sucks.
Chimney or Judd Not that I hate Chimney or anything (he gets on my nerves sometimes but overall he’s fine) but Judd is just wonderful.  I love his whole southern gentleman vibe while also being a bit of a mischievous little shit which makes me laugh.  And the way he loves and respects his wife is just so refreshing to see. <3
Hen or Marjan I wonder if this is kind of like how I feel about Carlos; I really like both Carlos and Marjan, but I feel like I barely know them.  Marjan is badass and awesome and everything but aside from her arranged marriage stuff, I feel like we barely know anything about her.  Whereas with Hen, I feel like we know her so well she could just be my best friend and it would be amazing.   She’s smart, compassionate, hilarious and just awesome and I adore her.  I also love her relationship with Karen and Denny and now Nia.  If they take Nia away I’m going to riot
Maddie or Grace.  This one was tougher, and REALLY close.  I really love Grace, she’s amazing and badass and I love her and Judd’s relationship.  I just like Maddie slightly more.  I love how much Maddie has overcome and how strong she is, how she took care of Buck their whole lives (which was NOT fair to her), and I love their sibling dynamic.  I love her relationships with the other 9-1-1 operators.
I will say though that they are both BADASS 9-1-1 operators and they are both queens.
Athena or Tommy Tommy’s fine but she’s very new and I feel like I don’t know her at all (though I love Gina Torres).  Not that that matters, however;  Athena is QUEEN and no matter how awesome Tommy could be, she would never surpass Athena.  Athena is just so amazing and I love her so much.  She is compassionate, badass, hard working, hilarious, terrifying when mad but at the same time so gentle and kind.  Her and Bobby are amazing together (especially earlier in their relationship), she’s such a good mom to Harry and May (and by extension Buck, and maybe even Eddie).  She’s just amazing, ok.
Albert or Mateo  I’ll be honest, I was going to choose Albert because I find him adorable and funny and I wish we knew more about him.  But this time it’s the opposite problem of the others... I feel like we barely know Albert, even though he’s been around for a while now.  The 9-1-1 writers have done a terrible job giving him meaningful backstory imo.  Like he’s been in LA for how long now?  Does he even have a job?   Is he still speaking to his parents? We know barely anything about him besides that he’s Buck’s roommate and he has been on some dates.
Mateo on the other hand is much more flushed out.  I loved the story arc where he is just SO dedicated and driven to become a firefighter despite his dyslexia and I’m so glad it was made possible for him to have allowances for the test.  I love that his crew doesn’t mock him for it or treat him like he’s stupid, they ALL help him as much as they can, and I LOVE when Marjan goes and gives the tattoo parlour who intentionally fucked up his tattoo a reaming.  He’s an earnest, eager younger brother who just wants to help and prove himself and I think he’s adorable.
Michael or Paul. I like Michael, but I like Paul a bit more.  I just wish they would give him more screen time and a storyline that doesn’t involve people being transphobic.  I’m sorry (not sorry) but the sister storyline thing still pisses me off
118 or 126.  The 118, no question.  They feel far more cohesive as a team and I love their relationships more, both with each other and with other people.  The 118 feels so much more real than the 126, and I’ve no doubt it’s because of LS’s continued sidelining of its characters that are not Owen (and, I’ll admit, TK.  I love that he gets a lot of screen time, but not if it comes at the expense of Marjan/Paul/Mateo being shunted to the side). 
Maybe the 126 will get better with time.  I’m certainly hoping that with TK in his new role, maybe they’ll bring in another firefighter to replace him (hopefully a woman!  Both shows definitely lack women in the fire-fighting department imo - but the OG is definitely worse; only Hen in 9-1-1, and only Marjan in 9-1-1 LS but at least LS has Tommy and Nancy as medics.  the 118 needs another featured woman firefighter!!)
California or Texas.  I don’t know if it’s the filming choices or if Texas is just like that (having never been there, I have no idea), but Texas doesn’t seem nearly as nice as California.  That could just be my personal preference; I love lush greenery far more than the more desert-y types of things, and I love the ocean so much.  I feel like LA has prettier settings, and LS is more gritty.  Not that there’s anything wrong with that at all, I just prefer pretty haha.
Buddie or Tarlos I feel like this is a bit of an unfair question, since it’s still up in the air whether Buddie even exists in canon, and Tarlos is unquestionably real.
But of course, if I’m forced to choose, it’s Buddie.  And that’s not to say Tarlos isn’t amazing, because it is... I adore BOTH ships so much.  I’m just too drawn into Buddie, and how their personalities compliment each other, and Buck’s special relationship with Chris that places him firmly into the Diaz family unit, Buddie or not.  I really do feel like they’ve set them up 100% as a potential romance and as far as slow burns go, it’s amazing so far.  Plus, even if they don’t become a couple, I am still so invested in them as best friends.
That being said, Tarlos is fucking adorable and I live for their scenes on LS <3
Tsunami episode(s) or Tornado episode.  There was just SO MUCH going on with the tsunami.  Of course the entire plot arc with Buck and Christopher is amazing and easily one of my favourites in the entire series, but I also loved that the tsunami episodes showed EVERYONE in their element, doing everything they could to help people.  I love that it brought Lena into the mix (I know the fandom is divided on her but I love her unashamedly).  The amazing scenes with Athena and May, the scenes with Maddie and that girl with the drone... it was just SUCH A GOOD ARC and I love it.  The fact that I can remember SO much about it and I barely remember what happened with the tornado tells me just how much more I enjoyed it, as well.
911 or 911 Lone Star.  Unquestionably 9-1-1.   I feel like the firefam has become part of my own extended family and I just don’t feel that with LS.  Maybe after a couple more seasons it’ll be more like that, but for now, 9-1-1 is EASILY my favourite.  I do love LS too, though.  I just wish there was less of Owen and more of everyone else.  AND I WANT MORE CROSSOVERS!!!
I have no idea who has been tagged so I’m just going to pick a few random people.  If you’re reading this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged by me!  (And tag me back so I can read yours! <3) @firemedicdiaz @that-firehouse @bicepsie @tulipsfrom-medusa @evaneddie @kittycat-cas @bvckleydiaz @ashavahishta @matan4il And anyone else!!
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catdadeddie · 4 years
Aye, so I did something 😊
I wanted to personalize my blog (still a May Grant stan) so URL change!
may-grant -> from-nova
Tagging mutuals I interact with alot:
@zeethebooknerd @gracieli @faewithfangs @woodchoc-magnum @vampirebuckley @bvckleydiaz
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I just want you guys to know that I’m flipping back and forth between three google docs right now, so I AM being productive for once. 
This also means you guys can expect a few things from me in the next couple weeks. @fernnette and @plsstopyelling are very excited about one of them. 🤠 
If you want to prompt me, hit up my inbox and I’ll get back to you in 1-2 business weeks. Lord knows I’m still working on @evaneddie and @bvckleydiaz prompts. They’ll get done though, promise. 
Cowboy Judd might make an appearance in one or both. 🤠 
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blakestrand126 · 4 years
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better.
Tagged by @sneetchestoo
Name/Nickname: Carlynn and I don’t have a nickname like idk what would it even be tbh
Gender: female
Star sign: libra
Height: around 5”5”
Time: 11:26 pm
Birthday: September 27th
Favourite bands: I have none
Favourite solo artists: Taylor swift, Carrie Underwood
Last movie: some movie on Netflix I forget it’s name 🤦🏼‍♀️
Last show: maybe Station 19 or A million little things I honestly don’t remember
When Did I Create This Blog: probably years ago but I just started using it regularly a few months ago for lone star
What I Post: I mostly reblog
Last thing I googled: how to make GIFs using photoshop
Other blogs: this is my only one
Do I get asks: I get a few
Why I chose my URL: it’s literally just my favourite two characters + the station number they work out of
Following: 47
Followers: 517
Average hours of sleep: idk maybe 6-7 hours 🤷‍♀️
Instruments: Nothing
What Am I Wearing: comfy pants and a hoodie
Dream job(s): a pastry chef or a photographer
Dream trip: bora bora
Favourite food: poutine, tacos, pancakes
Nationality: Canadian
Favourite Song: I honestly don’t have a favourite
Last Book I Read: cold as ice by Allison Brennan
Top 3 Fictional Universes I’d Like To Live In: virgin river, Chesapeake shores and cedar cove
@terramous @tarlosbuddie @rafaelsilva @c0wb0yjudd @cpdhalstudfan @carlos-reyess @faewithfangs @from-nova @lonestarbabe @lire-casander @sunshinestrand @halsteadsass @strandbuckley @buttercupstrand @bvckleydiaz @buddie911tarlos @brilliantbanshee @spenserclay @complicatedships sorry if any of you have been tagged already
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