#get to know tag
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rakiah · 4 months ago
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
Thanks for the tag @lovelyllamasblog <33
3 ships I like: LeoVil no kidding (Leona / Vil - Twisted Wonderland) Xehaqus ( Xehanort / Eraqus - Kingdom Hearts) XueXiao (Xue Yang / Xiao Xingchen - Mo Dao Zu Shi)
First Ship: Ooof let’s see… Scrooge x Goldie? Huge fan of The life and Time of Scrooge McDuck by Don Rosa, I read it A LOT when I was a kid and well, the Klondike arc was my favorite! Otherwise, probably Spike x Buffy from my teen years xD
Last Song: “Les gens qui n’ont pas d’enfants” by GiedRé
Favorite Childhood Book: Hard to say… but the first that flashes before my eyes is The Witches by Roald Dahl.
Currently Reading: ……Ao3. Witch Hat Atelier otherwise.
Currently Watching: The Empress season 2
Currently Consuming: Orange blossom water navette biscuits and clementines (Yes, I’m a Mediterranean girl.)
Currently Craving: Time. Or a clone. Let me draw my comics AND play BG3 please…
I tag (no pressure as always <3): @saph-y @eldstunga @mellosdrawings @tempo-takoyaki @broh3m3
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randommothxd · 7 months ago
♡☆☆About me☆☆♡
Updated: Mar 1 4 2025
Request status Basic info system info DNI boundaries other blogs
Art requests: closed
Flag requests: open aways
☆He/him/any neo/any xeno☆names: wormie,moth,maggot☆sexuality: omnisexual (male pref),acespike,reciprosexual,caedsexual,aroace☆romantic: aroflux,aroace☆gender: boyflux,mtm,neoFluid,XenoFluid☆other: intersex,polyamy,voidPunk☆Body Age: 15☆disorders: audhd,bpd,did,maladaptive daydream,npd,dislexia,tics,derealization,asthma,chronic pain☆species:demon/srs☆
System alters: Moth(he/him),Alana(she/her),Raven(she/he),Stone(Star/Starself),Stacy(She/he/them),Xeno(any),Star(it/its),David(he/him),Ray(Any but she/her),Ava(she/her),Ash(he/they),Tyler(he/xe)
Hosts: Moth,Alana,Tyler
Moth=🦋 Alana=🦄 Raven=🐾🪱 Stone=🪐 Stacy=💋 Xeno=👽 Star=🍋 David=🍓 Ray=🍄 Ava=💣 Ash=🦴 tyler=🐶
We have a hard time telling who's fronting but we try our best :D
ableist,pro isreal,anti pro/dark/com/crack/self shippers,basic dni (t3rfs,n0tz33$,mean ppl,etc)discourse accounts,s/h blogs,cringe culture/art lore,trump supporters
NEVER talk about Buds4buddies/BellaTheWolf/etc /srs
Please dont give criticism of my art! Even if it's nice,it's not welcomed /srs
Don't talk about my past,I USED to be a sh1t person but now I'm changed and hate talking about it. I WILL get triggered if you talk about it. /srs
Don't be s3xua1 with our child alters or while I'm regressed (my little ages are:2-9 years old) /srs
Only my moots/pookies can vent to me. However,I do warn you,I won't be the most empathic nor sympathetic ( due to having very little or no empathy/sympathy)
We're ok with our flags being uploaded to wikis,as long as you have credit. /srs
@randommothxd main blog
@rottingmothposting vent blog
@randommaggotx3 oc blog
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theink-stainedfolk · 9 months ago
How does your Pinterest sees you?
@drchenquill thank you so so much for tagging me on this fabulous game!
rules: search fashion/pantone/mood/food
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(Yes i am a foody and I'd choose food over anything)
I'll tag @cssnder @finickyfelix @sshawthorne @ascotwriting @willtheweaver @agirlandherquill and anyone who wants to join me ♡
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 1 year ago
Get to know me tag
Thanks for the tag @emberlyric!
Rules: tag 10 or more people you want to get to know better!
Relationship status: dating ❤️
Favorite color: teal 🩵 💚
Song stuck in my head: currently Dead Girl Walking from Heathers and as of writing this it changed to 青春サツバツ論 aka Seishun Satsubatsuron, the first theme song to Assassination Classroom
Last song listened to: I2I from A Goofy Movie (I don't need an excuse but I just wrote a review for it)
Favorite food: my dad's cake (aw now I'm craving it)
Dream trip: idk I don't really dream of travel... I guess touring a studio or maybe New Zealand
Last TV show/movie: Phineas and Ferb (rewatch! Just got to Night of the Living Pharmacists)
Spicy/sweet/savory: all of the above?? I guess savory if I have to
Last thing I googled: nauseated vs nauseous (that's the writer in me lol)
Tagging: @isabellebissonrouthier @buffythevampirelover @27paperlilies @little-mouse-gardens @playingplayer2 @randomlettrrsqqssfxwcvhxnqbwriro @cwritesfiction @uninspired-platypuss @ohnomybreadsticks @rickie-the-storyteller
Bonus: @gracehosborn @theelfauthor @catwantssushi I know y'all but you can play
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xheartstopperxx · 8 months ago
get to know me!!(bmf??)
my name is evie! im 14,my pronouns are she/her, i live in Kentucky,and im bisexual,i have a cat and dog🕊️!, i also have adhd,bipolar,
Stuff i like: napping,reading,music,the beach,swimming,bows, baking,travel,hugs,fruits,chick-fil-A.
my favorite books: Nick and Charlie,holding up the universe,radio silence,sophomores,girl in pieces,solitaire,picking daisies on Sundays,school bus graveyard
my favorite songs/artist:tipsy,good luck babe,always forever ,romantic lover,out of my league,sweater weather,rises the moon,Mrs.magic,Lana del ray,laufey,mitski,tv girl,strawberry guy,jack stauber,Kate bush,Chappell roan,OMAR
My favorite shows/movies:heartstopper,Anne with an E,young royals,missing,im not ashamed,the clique,mean girls,16 wishes,American horror stories ,red,white,and royal blue
My favorite drinks/food: dr.pepper, ice coffee,water,caramel Frappuccino, fries,fruit,nuggets,sandwiches,pasta,lucky charms
my favorite colors:baby pink,baby blue,midnight blue,dark red,black,bog green,nut brown
my favorite seasons : fall and summer
my sports: track and field,swimming,cross country
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bvtchw0lfie · 4 months ago
People I'd Like to Know Better
Tagged by: @skinslip
Last Song: Slaughter to Previal: Agony
Favourite Color: Black, White, Red + Purple
Last Book Read: The Stand by Stephen King (for the 8277th time, and I love the 4 part movie/series too)
Last Movie: Resident Evil: Retribution
Last Show: Black Clover
Sweet/savoury/spicy: I have a sweet tooth but I LOVE food with spice and heat
Relationship status: Single, single single single & forever cursed to be single.
Last thing I looked up: some ridiculous memes, I don't remember 😅 something useless and forgetful, obviously...
Current obsession: BG3 & documentaries about mega volcanoes.
Looking forward to: the end of the world (I'm joking, slightly) but nah, nothing too exciting, I have nothing going on, oh, besides buying a brand new bass and amp at some point.
Tagging: @ghostlament @cherryimaa @stonedlilac @sapphic-draqula444 @cloudthief911 @vampxfemme
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sanakimohara · 4 months ago
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[ Complete the FORM and I’ll add you to the TAGLIST for each fic you selected ]
[ This FORM will be updated with each new fic announced so refer back to it when you want to be tagged ]
[ Mkay bye 🖤 ]
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I'm Beatrix, or Geen! (you can call me Trix, Bea or any other variant of that if u want)
This is my marauders quotes blog, where I post incorrect marauders quotes from my friend group quotes document! My brother Quinn also helps me run this and will post sometimes. Here's some info about me:
Trix: I'm bigender and my pronouns are she/they!
Quinn: he/they pronouns!
Our main blogs:
Trix: @professor-geen-berries
Quinn: @purple-phesh-and-cheps
Tag guide for my posts:
All quote posts: #marauders incorrect quotes #marauders as things my friends have said+ each character tagged + friend group name tagged
Teacher quote posts: #teachers edition
Convo quote posts: #conversation edition
Two-line quote posts: #two-line edition
Non-quote posts: #not a quote
I will post a quote every few days. Every once in a while I'll do a conversation or a teachers edition one!
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myownwholewildworld · 6 months ago
✨People I want to get to know better✨
Thank you @inept-the-magnificent for tagging me, sweetheart 💖
Last Song: "All the little lights" by Passenger (gotta be in the right headspace for writing iykyk).
Favorite Color: Dark sage.
Currently Watching: Criminal Minds, Dexter, Narcos, Only Murders in the Building.
Last Movie: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (watching them all again in preparation for the last Royal Albert Hall concert in November 😭).
Current Obsession: Joel Miller. Through and through.
Relationship Status: Single and deffo not ready to mingle.
Last Thing I Googled: "Resistance bands and rugby players" on YT 👀 A lass does what a lass needs to do.
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No pressure tags (and soz if you've already done it!): @pepperstories @whoaitspascal87 @guelyury @baronessvonglitter @stylesispunk & anyone who is up to it!
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gl0xz07 · 6 months ago
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Tookie💋,Entp🐻,Cancer sun💋,Taurus moon🐻,Gemini rising.
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fangbangerghoul · 8 months ago
9 People You Want to Know Better!
Thanks for the tag @roguishcat <3 !
Three ships: ArisenxPawn(DD2), AstarionxHalsin(BG3), AndrejaxValdamir(Starfield)
First ship: It was either NaruSasu or HelgaxMilo(Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
Last song: How Soon is Now? - Snake River Conspiracy
Last movie: Cheaper by the Dozen at a friend's house
Currently reading: All That I Have. All That I Am. by onalark
Currently watching: House of the Dragon and Naruto Shippuden
Currently eating: Too much ice cream
Currently craving: Nachos....always nachos
Tagging with no pressure! @bearlytolerant @lisa-and-shadow @staticpallour @crystal-overdrive @soloavengers
@interplanet--janet @lyriumrain @a-cosmic-elf @beastren
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lilac-ravenclaw · 7 months ago
tag nine people you want to get to know better!
✨ Thanks! for the tag @choccy-milky ✨
LAST SONG? - I'm always listening to music as I'm always on my computer for work. Whether I'm in the office or freelancing (graphic design) from home. Right now it was "Widow Maker" by Carpenter Brut (feat. Gunship). I love synthwave and this band is amazing if you haven't listened to their music. 🖤🎧
FAVORITE COLOR? - I go back and forth between blue and purple💜💙
CURRENTLY WATCHING? - My husband and I watch a lot of shows, but currently watching Squid Games, Cobra Kai, and Seinfeld.
LAST MOVIE? - Again, I watch a lot of movies lol. But my last movie I guess was Evil Dead Rise. Horror is my absolute fav, with sci-fi right behind.
SWEET/SPICY/SAVORY? - Savory I guess lol. I'm a picky eater but I can eat the same three things happily. French fries are my all time fav. Not the most fascinating food but I don't care, I love it 😆🍟
RELATIONSHIP STATUS? - married almost three years. But we're high school sweethearts (why I love my Raven & Sebastian's relationship) and have been together almost 17 years 💕💍
CURRENT OBSESSIONS? - Hogwarts Legacy atm 😹 and anything horror related!
LAST THING YOU GOOGLED? - Well I'm working right now, so probably something design related! 🖥🎨
No pressure tags (sorry if you've already been tagged!!): @gothic-lottie @simply-slytherin @ravenclawreign @morelikeravenbore @localravenclaw @tulise @quinnsallow @cottagelady99 @lil-grem-draws @waldensblog @alsebsallow @l34f-me-alone
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anotherbluesunday · 11 months ago
I was tagged by the lovely Sindar @remusjohnslupin (fight me, I’m ready 👁️👄👁️🔪). So excited to do one of these “get to know me” threads again. They’re always so interesting to read.
Are you named after someone? Nope. I’m named after a project my father worked on (the Mars rover missions) and my mom’s favorite day of the week, Sunday.
When was the last time you cried? A few days ago. It was for a role though so that doesn’t really count (?). In a non-acting capacity I’d say a week ago when I had the wonderful realization that a 40 hour work week isn’t condusive to my creative process and school schedule and cried in relief as I put in my two-weeks notice.
Do you have kids? Nope and I don’t want to have any theough pregnancy. I don’t like the idea of being physically pregnant and my family has a few things genetically that I wouldn’t want to pass down to my children like breast cancer and ovarian cancer. But I want to adopt three kids someday—preferably preteens or teens because I hate knowing that there are kids going through life in foster care and are phased out of the system at 18 with no experience and they’re expected to either sink or swim. It’s pretty heartless tbh.
What sports do you play/have played? Oh gosh, okay, there’s a lot. I was captain of track for all four years, swim and dive for three. I was the ace pitcher of my HS’s baseball team. Played volleyball. Did tennis for a year but didn’t stick with it. I surf, skateboard, snowboard, and rock climb and I’m thinking of picking up dirt biking because my friends from my work won’t leave me alone about it.
Do you use sarcasm? I’m a writer. The answer is pretty self-explanatory. lol.
What is the first thing you notice about people? Their tells and mannerisms. I always notice if someone’s words match their mannerisms and behavior and that tells me half of what I need to know about the and what they won’t say aloud.
What’s your eye colour? Dark brown.
Scary movies or happy endings? In the words of Tulio and Miguel, both. Both is good.
Any talents? I can write and play a mean fiddle/violin solo. I also have a talent for injuring myself but bouncing back quickly and with little fear toward repeating the same mistake that got me hurt in the first play (broke my nose twice snowboarding, still go up to the mountains every winter).
Where were you born? The forests of North Carolina. My family has since moved.
What are your hobbies? Writing (the love of my life), going to the gardening center for more plants because there’s no such thing as too many, hiking, biking, running, rock climbing with friends, annoying/teasing my friends while they’re rock climbing, discovering something new in the city on my days off, camping, calling @remusjohnslupin a Sindar and cackling like a bog witch when she scolds me for it, etc… The list is endless.
Do you have any pet? I have a monster named Mitzy who claims to be a chihuahua but I know she’s a gremlin larping as a dog.
How tall are you? 5’10”. Idk how many centimeters that is exact. I think it’s ~178cm.
Favourite subject in school? English, geology, and art. I can’t pick so it’s a three-way draw.
Dream job? Writer-Director that moonlights as a contributing writer to Scientific American.
Now to tag! I tag @tastethesetears @broken-everlark @frnotelise @the--lysine-contingency @semifontos @angelicangelx @woefullysomber @wednesdayandherhyde @resisting-moonlight82 @thelovelybookworm @you-can-hufflefuck-right-off @imdonessentialk @insomniac1994 @perpetuallyvvperplexed @vadacore @michiganstray @mistressvera @allamericansbitch @hippydippyloser @karrrrrliiita @leavesdriftinginthewind @darling-gemini @darlingfuego @dark-visitors @darklinaforever @certaindreamchopshop @poisonivy13blog @trashy-stargazing-captain @shadowofthesun123 @osnapitzmel1 @slaanesh12 @starlemoncb @josette15 @pey0805 @crimsonnsstuff @gardenoblues @justonemorewallflower
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lunar-solarsystem · 7 months ago
hello there tumblr basement :) (uhh how did i get here-)
the blog name’s lunar-solarsystem, but you can call me Leviathan, Levii or Lyre
i may or may not live in the basement you may or may not know you have
i crave food soon :]
fandoms and/or my interests you may see on my blog (either my own art, posts, or reblogs):
SaMs/LaEs/EaPs - Fnaf + related content - Undertale, Deltarune + the AUS - BaTIM - TADC - Epic The Musical - MCB (Metal Cardbot) - Malevolent Podcast - HH/HB - and others -
I have 2 tsams rp side blogs - Jack and Ruin!
Jack - @/flying-crime-causing-gremlin
Ruin - @/tea-for-me-trauma-for-thee
along with this, i have some ocs on my own!
-Eridani/Errai (TSAMS/DCA OC)
-Cauldron (DCA Spookling OC)
-Puzzle (Lose Clarity TSaMs AU)
-(will add if more characters are created)
anyway byyebye bdushsishshsosms
*jumps out the window*
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littleprincerianne · 7 months ago
Hi ! If you could be any kind of animal or mythical creature etc, what would you be ?
lovin' the gradual influx of questions... keep 'em coming (it distracts me from being excited to go back to school which in turn helps me be less stuck on that one thing)
if i can be ANY animal, i'd be a cat (probably a calico...)
if i can ge ANY mythical creature, i'd probably pick being a water sprite...
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theink-stainedfolk · 8 months ago
Writerly Questionnaire
Thank you @the-golden-comet @drchenquill and @paeliae-occasionally for the tag♡
About Me
When did you first start writing ?
I first started writing in 5th grade. I had this chapter in English course book about a timid girl who learned to write stories with the help of her English teacher. Also, i was so much into fanfictions at theat time so i thought it would be a great idea to start novels.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
I enjoy writing mystery, crime / psychological thriller, political Intrigue and historical , fantasy types writing but i enjoy reading cozy fantasy, mystery and crime thriller.
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you're often compared?
Nope. Not really. I take inspiration from various sources but i never felt anything like this nor did anyone ever compared me to one.
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
Mostly it is my bed, i do best when i am in my comfort space. Because i can't write anywhere else without being criticized for being "too much on my phone"
What's your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Idk honestly. I just look at things, random things at that and i get flooded with ideas. I just looked at a pen once an i got the idea. I also watch music videos of my favourite froups and get ideas. I watched the ODDINARY trailer of stray kids and i got a story idea which i am currently trying to write. I'm the worst person to ask this question.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
No. My writing life is pretty different from the way i live because of the need to be separated from reality. And i hate where i live so it wouldn't do me much favour.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Yep. Enemies to lovers, forced proximity, queer people, mystery, slice of life, fantasy, romcom and i turn everything gay because of the ✨spice✨ i feel in it. Sometimes it does surprise me because i originally started as only mystery and crime thriller writer. Slowly i evolved. And i never saw myself writing queer romance. But i am still learning and i will not give up trying my best.
My Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
This will get too long. My current favourite character is Dante from Beyond The Pages. Because i surprisingly found myself attracted to unhinged villain with no redemption but just an attractive smile, fashionista outfits and screw loose. My current WIP is Shades Of Erudition . Which i love dearly idk why i just got the idea. And I'm beginning to love Asterion too.
Which of your characters do you think you'd be friends with in real life?
Vesperine said Cleo for sure. Because i like their sense of humor and Cleo would probably let me in their friend circle. I hope so. And also probably Maurine because of her love for books. I'd probably sit for hours and hours at her house, her husband, however, would kick me out for taking too much of her time and giving him none.
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
.... Dante probably also Dr. Anselm Ravenscroft and his puppy creation, Acheron. All the characters form Wicked Game, Wicked Fates . And more that i can't think of.
Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
This is... a very difficult question... haha...
Ok so sometimes i get the idea of the story forat and sometimes i get the characters first.
In the case of getting idea first, the character build is not hard to decide. I make up scenarios in my head and imagine stuff while listening to music that matched my story and i automatically get the idea.
But in the case of getting the character idea first.... it is freaking difficult because i only get the design idea and dialogues, but not the personality traits. So i spend days and weeks thinking of a story that would match my character so i can develop the character more. Some of my characters with no story are still waiting and I'm feeling guilty.
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
Probably it is intelligent/cunning bastard x strong sweetheart. I don't remember much maybe someone could remind me.. haha...
How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc
I imagine them as real people of course. Sometimes I'm so obsessed with it that i make a list of possible actors i want to play my characters. And i also imagine them as random people and artworks on pinterest too.
My Writing
What's your reason for writing?
Self enjoyment and the comments i get from people who take time to read my works. It makes me ecstatic. ♡♡♡
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
Not specific. I find every comment really uplifting because it means that they read the whole thing. They read it and wrote, they took time for me. Because nowadays time is very precious and quite fast and nobody would want to spend it by reading some unknown person's probably worthless works. ♡♡♡
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who "gets" the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.)
I don't want much i just want to be thought as someone with great ideas and writing style. I hope i had a good fandom where people post about on Pinterests and Tumblr and people make tiktoks of my book in the future. Basically i want to be remembered. And loved.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I feel very embarrassed to say this but i think it is my ideas and my ability to finally try and write different genres. And the fact that i don't give up.
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
I think it is that i manage writing different types of genre. It was truly mesmerizing when drchenquill said that to me honestly because i always felt like i couldn't write any other genre than mystery, crime thriller and historical fiction. I feared trying out other genres too. And another one of my friends told me that the more ideas i get, the better it gets from the previous ones.
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
I think that i have improved a lot since before but i have a lot to improve. I want to write beautifully, with prose and beautiful lines, i know it is not easy, like Erin Morgenstern, but like i said, like my ideas are evolving, my writing style will too.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
I would still write. With not so much enthusiasm as before because i really enjoy talking about my stories with others but i would still write because i started as someone with zero readers and i didn't stop there.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it's a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
I am influenced by both. But to me, my enjoyment holds the most value. Because if i don't enjoy what i write, nobody would enjoy it either. There are many ideas of mine that i love a lot but many of my friends do not like it but i still enjoy writing them because the feeling that i get when i get the whole idea, the ecstasy, it is so exciting and addicting that it becomes my hyperfixation for weeks.
I'll tag @cssnder @finickyfelix @willtheweaver @ascotwriting @agirlandherquill @leahnardo-da-veggie @illarian-rambling @winglesswriter @paeliae-occasionally @the-golden-comet @graveyardshift111 and this is an open tag.
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