#from and for whom if multimuse
criticalcrux · 1 year
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
Why can’t you write with your roleplay friends? What was toxic in the part of the community you were in? I thought you wrote for America?
I do have an RP blog for America; you're quite right!
I think the main part of not writing with my friends anymore is more about that not wanting to join the rpc again. It felt a lot like being on the edge of a knife in terms of fitting in with everyone, like if I said the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person - or any combination thereof - I would end up under attack. It's less that I don't want to write with them and more that I don't want to be under that sort of constant stress and pressure to conform anymore.
Honestly, that was one of the main reasons I ended up spending more time here, on my personal, and writing fanfic than on my rp blogs. For a long time, being here was just so much more fulfilling and freeing than that was.
The part of the roleplaying community I was in with my friends expected you to conform to a certain sort of elitist standards, and if you slipped at any point, you were thrown out, you were open to attack, and I just. got tired. among other things.
And I don't want to go back to that.
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comiiical · 4 months
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Like for a starter from Kirk, comment for whom if you run a multimuse.
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mundanemiseries · 2 months
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❝  As long as we have bodies to support one another... As long as I have someone with whom to share my fate... Then I will press on, no matter what happens to me. Because I won't ever stop protecting them. I won't stop. No one stops. For that is the fate we have been assigned  ❞
𝐌𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒.     an independent, selective and private multimuse featuring fandomless ocs alongside ocs and canons from a handful of fandoms. primarily oc focused 21+, mutuals only. adored by Kellin. est 2019
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calliesmemes · 8 months
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CHANGE gendered words if necessary.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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“   Something in me wants more. I can’t rest.   ”
“   The sword of destiny has two edges. You are one of them.  ”
“   I don’t want worship. I want understanding.   ”
“   Your worst sin is that you have destroyed and betrayed yourself for nothing.   ”
“   The truth is, I pretend to be a cynic, but I am really a dreamer who is terrified of wanting something that she may never get.   ”
“   Your heartbeats set the rhythm for my heart.   ”
“   Because you feel like home to me. That’s why I love you.   ”
“   I feel my soul drawn to you.   ”
“   I have for the first time found what I can truly love. I have found you.   ”
“   I felt there was no point in telling anyone anything that was happening inside me.   ”
“   The world either breaks or hardens the heart.   ”
“   Am I supposed to be grateful to have survived this?   ”
“   You are so brave and quiet I forget you are suffering.   ”
“   It bothers me that no one has the patience to deal with someone who is just sad.   ”
“   I have never understood where the line is drawn, between sacrifice and self-slaughter.   ”
“   Sometimes suffering is just suffering. It doesn’t make you stronger. It doesn’t build character. It only hurts.    ”
“   The past beats inside me like a second heart.   ”
“   My soul and yours are the same. You appear in me, I in you. We hide in each other.   ”
“   You are always haunted by the idea that you have been wasting your life.   ”
“   I am not cruel — only truthful.  ”
“   No one wearing a crown comes in the name of peace.   ”
“   I am starved for tenderness and that is what is the matter with me and has been for months.   ”
“   You? What could one more splash of blood mean to you?    ”
“   Can you hate someone for what they have done, but still love them for whom they had been?   ”
“   I'm sorry you were not truly loved and that it made you cruel.   ”
“   I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you.   ”
“   I am not merciful, and I am not kind, and l am not afraid to make you wish that I was.   ”
“   It does me no good; violence has changed me.   ”
“   So heartless, yet so full of feelings.   ”
“   You blossom under kindness, don't you? Like a rose.   ”
“   All suffering originates from craving, from attachment, from desire.   ”
“   I look at you, and it terrifies me. It terrifies me what I would do for you.   ”
“   Forgive me, for all the things I did but mostly for the ones that I did not.   ”
“   Be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.   ”
“   "Sometimes, I feel the past and the future pressing so hard on either side that there's no room for the present at all.   ”
“   We all romanticize the people we adore.   ”
“   I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it.   ”
“   If you know too much, you’ll get old too soon.   ”
“   Cowardice is the most terrible of vices.   ”
“   I am tired of being brave.   ”
“   I have survived. I am here. Confused, screwed up, but here.   ”
“   There isn't always an explanation for everything.   ”
“   Everything will turn out right, the world is built on that.   ”
“   People do not see you. They invent you and accuse you.   ”
“   Never have I dealt with anything as difficult as my own soul.   ”
“   You are a woman marked for sorrow.   ”
“   Rise up, then. Mend your ways, start seeing what you are instead of calculating what you should become.   ”
“   Stop punishing yourself for being someone with a heart. You cannot protect yourself from suffering. To live is to grieve. You are not protecting yourself by shutting yourself off from the world. You are limiting yourself.   ”
“   Very early in my life it was too late.   ”
“   I want to change. I want to stop fear’s subtle guidance of my life.   ”
“   You misinterpret everything, even the silence.   ”
“   Lately many years have passed.   ”
“   You’ll bear it. You’ll last out. You will.   ”
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magaprima · 21 days
(The following ramble has so much Hilda stuff in it I may need to reblog it over on my multimuse where I write Hilda)
I think about the Lilith and Hilda friendship far too much. In a dream world, where we got more seasons and I also get to control the direction of those seasons, I would have loved to have seen this developed further on screen.
I mean, we know Hilda is a friendly, loving person, she's very kind and considerate, but she's also got a freaking dark and sharp edge and has a higher permanent body count than her sister, and shows zero regrets about it; when Hilda kills she fucking means it. So it's not automatically assumed she'd be friendly to Lilith; after all the woman has been involved in encouraging some of Sabrina's more problematic actions.
So the fact Hilda does befriend Lilith so significantly shows not only that she doesn't take past actions when she was working with Lucifer personally, but also that she understands her and believes she's in need of that friendship. Hilda only actively and significantly reaches out to those she believes need support (look how she tries to take Theo under her wing when she sees them being bullied, and how she then fully takes those bullies down). So she thinks Lilith needs reaching out to.
And what I love is that Lilith doesn't reject this or turn away from it or even dismiss it; she fully embraces it. We might not get much screen time with it due to Netflix cutting the amount of episodes and the writers trying to fit what was basically a 10 or 12 episode story arc into 8 episodes, but we do see enough of the effects to know that it had become a mutual and significant friendship.
Look how Hilda is the one who can keep coming in, the one who can chat to Lilith quite honestly, the one we see visiting her most frequently, the one who feels she has to warn her about Lucifer being nearby and, most importantly of all, the one person Lilith trusts her son with. Lilith doesn't know if Lucifer is going to take Adam and run or is going to kill Lilith and then take Adam and run, she doesn't know if she'll be around but she does know Adam is in danger. So what does she do? Entrusts him to Hilda, telling her to keep him safe. This is the child that Lilith won't leave for a second, the child for whom she has locked herself in a room to keep safe, and she just hands him to Hilda without a hint of hesitation.
I just wish Lilith had entrusted Hilda with what happened to Adam, that she killed him in order to save him from Lucifer, because if anyone would understand that it's Hilda, because she's not someone who would dismiss the impact of abuse, or the fact there are mothers throughout history (primarily slaves) who have killed their children in a last, desperate effort to protect them from the same suffering they themselves have experienced.
The only difference is that I feel Hilda, she of the same crazy plans as Sabrina essentially, would be determined to find a way to bring Adam back and keep him safe from Lucifer. I mean Lazarus said he couldn't resurrect someone without a body, but Marie does resurrect Adam into a doll, so you're not telling me that Hilda the Ultimate Weaver Witch wouldn't have fashioned a living doll that could have become flesh and bone with the right magic.
That's the crazy and unexpected ride-or-die friendship I feel Hilda and Lilith had the potential for, and I think about it a lot. And also how confused and mildly irritated Sabrina would be by it. Lot harder to keep secrets if both your aunt and your partner in crime are best buds.
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dshret · 7 months
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So went the dirge for that most lonesome king of kings, ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤFrom whom the gilded sands had long divined ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤfailure
Indie, priv multimuse featurning muses from gen.pact, twst, persona & loh. Written by Mar, she/her, gmt, 22+
Muse feature: King Deshret
template ㅤㅤㅤmuse info ㅤㅤart cred.
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radicheart-a · 1 year
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This is a role-play blog for a canon-divergent Alastor (who also goes by "Calloway" or "Cal") from Hazbin Hotel.
There are also guest muses here: Cotton (Alastor's shadow) and Radio (from The Brave Little Toaster)!
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Important Things To Know (Part 1 (aka Guidelines Simplified)):
I am NOT mutuals only in terms of interaction.
Minors, do not follow me or you will be blocked.
Personals, do not spam like my posts or reblog my interactions or you will be blocked.
Smut threads will be put underneath a Read More and be tagged with 'nsfw tw'.
Triggers/squicks are: animal abuse / needless death, politics, rpc drama, anon hate, constant self-hate, visuals of eye gore, and visuals of throats getting slit.
If you’re a mutual who no longer wishes to be mutuals, it would be greatly appreciated if you hard block my blog so I can also unfollow.
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Important Things To Know (Part 2 (aka How Is This Blog Canon-Divergent?)):
The main difference is his appearance. He has longer darker red hair that he usually ties up, has symbols of The Beast on either ear, freckles on his face and chest, wears glasses instead of a monocle, and has a tail. He also usually forgoes wearing the tattered jacket, leaving him in just a vest and shirt.
Alastor is still the facility manager of the Hazbin Hotel. That hasn't changed! He has his radio tower and a suite there, but he also has a personal home. He flip-flops between sleeping at the hotel and his home.
He does NOT hurt or threaten his contracted souls (see: how he treats Husk in episode 5). He treats them as if they were his friends. Whether or not they see him as a friend is up to their own discretion, but he has never and never will treat them badly.
He did NOT start beef with Lucifer when he arrived at the hotel after being invited by Charlie in episode 5. He welcomed him in and was just as eager to take him on a tour as Charlie was.
He is NOT contracted to Lilith. He IS contracted, but to whom (or what) hasn't been revealed yet.
NOTE: your muse is ALLOWED to assume he sticks to canon, but he WILL correct them!
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Other Blogs I Run:
hellizens - multiverse multiship Hellaverse multimuse
tuneonin - multiverse multiship canon-compliant Alastor
devildcd - multiverse multiship Lucifer
hellfrczencver - multiverse multiship "canon-divergent" 2P!Alastor (ON HIATUS)
axcat - multiverse multiship Mordecai Heller from Lackadaisy (ON HIATUS)
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addamned · 10 months
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𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖞'𝖗𝖊 𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖞 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖞'𝖗𝖊 𝕶𝖔𝖔𝖐𝖞 ☞ A Private, Selective and Independent multimuse for the 𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘 franchise pulling from all iterations from the 40s onwards and based 𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑽𝑰𝑳𝒀 in headcanon and self built lore and worldbuilding. It contains family members, friends & associates, some of whom are of my own creation. I am also heavily pulling from the lore of the band 𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓 because I do what I want. Currently a side off of @dreameasel . Lore linked heavily with my own personal Wednesday (@vileauteur ) but naturally still friendly to all Wednesdays.
Written by Train ( THEY/THEM. EST )
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drengar · 7 months
Like for a starter from Halsin or Gale!
I'm a bit too excited about having added these two so here's a starter call! Please tell me which one you wish to interact with. Both are also a valid answer! If you're a multimuse blog please give me a muse or two on whom you wish to interact with one of my muses.
Also please know that I haven't gotten past Act I so these threads are going to be focused there if any canon is mentioned.
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shimmerbeasts · 8 months
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I am sure, you all saw my last out-of-character post about how even with my only twenty-thread rule, I still ended up in a situation where I felt overwhelmed. Something, this rule was supposed to prevent. I am realising I have been looking at all this in the wrong way. To put things plainly, I have not been granting myself the same courtesies and kindness, the same compassion, I am constantly giving my rp partners.
I have been running multimuse blogs on Tumblr for pretty much ever. I have never done a single muse blog. You'd think with nine years of experience, I'd be a pro at this by now. Turns out: I keep running into the same problems over and over because of the situation, I am in. Aka I am a student with a lot of free time on her hands, a drive to create and probably some underlining form of perfectionism or at the very least stupidly high standards, even if I never verbalise those.
The first problem, I keep running into, is the fact that I feel to call my blog a multimuse blog of any kind, I need to have a lot of characters. This is a terrible sentiment because it always results in me spreading myself too thin. Furthermore, I think when I entered the League fandom after coming from Arcane, I felt like I needed a few champion muses to really count. I dunno why I thought this. Again, weird perfectionism and high expectations are strange.
Right now, I have that same problem again. Eight muses is simply too much for me to juggle. However, I do not wanna remove them because I bet I will have the temptation of adding characters again later on. Instead, I am going to basically make Naafiri, Yasuo and Kayle "by offer only" muses. This means that while they are still a part of the blog, they are basically invisible and very low focus. Unless I offer them to you to write, they cannot be requested to write with.
Speaking of priority, even the muses whom I will keep writing regularly on this blog - Jinx, Silco, Vi and Ahri - will likely shift in terms of who gets prioritised. Of my three primary muses, Jinx has always been my most loudest, consistent and most developed muse. She is almost like the mascot or insignia of this blog and I am pretty sure if you had to describe me to someone, Jinx would probably be the first character who comes to mind. Therefore, Jinx will be the one who is going to be given the most priority out of all my active muses. As for Vi, Silco and Ahri? I will get to their threads when the muse strikes me.
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This brings me to the next problem I kept running into when writing multimuse blogs. My drafts always reached a number eventually that overwhelmed me. Even though the queue helped me, I also got into a bad habit: The idea that I had to post a reply every single day. After all, outside of studying, I had no job. I am on almost every day. In my head, I had no excuse not to post. And because of that, I set myself those ludicrous expectations that I had to constantly write and queue replies to keep the ball rolling. I beat myself up if my queue was too small or I didn't catch up quick enough.
I don't need to tell anybody how this isn't sustainable in the long run. Now more than ever, given that I have a student job, trying to finish my masters, am writing normally again, adding gaming and irregularly drawing as a hobby. I have to remind myself that it is okay if my queue does not post every day, that it is okay if things go slower. I have to remember to be kind to myself. I have to allow myself to take things slower. Including choosing to not rp every day and instead focus on gaming, drawing or fanfic writing. I have to remember that I do not make a mistake if I only write one draft or even none. I have to learn to be kind to myself. It feels like I almost learned this hobby the wrong way, so establishing new habits will be hard. But I am gonna try. I am sick of running into the same problems over and over again.
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flownintothesun · 11 months
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 ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ───     𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐬𝐡?
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                            ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ─── 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧. ( @florietiae )
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       𝐎𝐇 𝐆𝐎𝐃, 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃 — the truth is that if I’m following you, then I’m happy to see you on dash! But I am not gonna skirt out of it that easily, am I? So, a disclaimer — I am capping myself at ten people (plus obviously the lovely Hayla herself who is joy and light incarnate!). Of course, I have a lot more than ten mutuals all of whom I admire and adore. I’m just going to take this moment to shout out some lovely humans but by no means all of them :
@batteredoptimist​ : Nonny is the reason almost all of my characters on this blog exist, and definitely to the capacity they do. This is my best friend / partner in crime and writing / most bestest human / absolute joy. They are a lovely human and an incredibly talented writer / worldbuilder / artist. I am so invested and have so much love for Nonny’s characters (and Nonny, too, of course!) and I am just...consistently blown away by their lore and writing and I just want to read a whole book or ten about James. Do I have the honor of writing with him most of the time? YES! Do I want more because I’m greedy? Also yes! And... if I don’t stop myself I’m going to babble for way too long. We’ve written 2.7 million words together in less than two years, and I cherish them and our stories and their muses DEARLY. Thank you for sharing your light and stories with me, Nonny! I am forever grateful.
@smokedanced / @dutyworn​ / @dochaes​ / @waywardfeathered​ : I wouldn’t be on tumblr without Havu. I wouldn’t be who I am now without Havu. They are so passionate about their muses (and also the enneagram and birds and math and science), we share a ton of inside jokes, and it makes me very happy to see them here because them being happy makes me happy too! 11/10 human, comes highly recommended.
@imprvdente​ / @hvbris​ : Chloé is just an all around amazing human being, to be honest. Fish is incredibly thought out, but so are ALL of the characters on the multimuse. Chloé’s writing is phenomenal and will one day be published, I’m sure of it (and Fish super deserves it). Also, she has been nothing but genuinely kind to me and has such a warm presence. I am very grateful to get to write with and enjoy her presence.
@voxvulgi​ : Sara is just a lovely human in all of the ways and when the dash is graced with her presence, all is right with the world. Her writing is exactly the kind that inspires you to give your response your all just because her works are masterpieces that deserve the very best. Her characters thouuuugh, and her writing, and just *gestures* the whole package.
@astremourante​ : Ami has built an amazing character that I am SO excited to write with (I am so angry at my queue right now). Also the vibes for both mun and muse are immaculate. Her posts always bring me joy to see on the dash whether IC or OOC and I am pretty sure I have hit the heart excessively because hello amazing human I think that you’re neat!
@angerworn​ : Zed is a bad influence! (Kidding, mostly!) We haven’t been talking for long, but I have been nothing short of consistently inspired by all of the characters that she brings to the table. Also, my muses are all making the biggest grabby hands and want to learn and explore all of the things. Also, Zed has really a really nice energy and presence and I like that a lot!
@tewwor​ : Ro has been with me for a very long time, and through many hiatuses on both ends. I remember even in the beginning being drawn in to how well she tells a story and somehow even more masterfully brings their characters together. From the first, I have just been immersed and amazed at the talent, and at how kind Ro is as a person, too. Can’t imagine myself not following a Ro blog, tbh.
@ofhope / @yourburningsoul​ : Olivia and I haven’t gotten the chance to write together much, and that’s all right because it’s just so easy to see the passion that she brings to her muses. The first blog I followed her on had me so utterly immersed I was sitting there reading posts even though I didn’t know the original media well! Olivia’s presence on dash is one of kindness, joy and light and I’m just so happy to be in her sphere.
@wehavefoundthestars​ : Eve and I have been writing together for years now, and that’s wild to me. This is one of the rare cases in getting so immersed in threads that your characters end up getting married and starting a family. And then...there’s Westley. Oops. Eve has so much love and compassion for Elio that I much prefer hers to the original and now know only one portrayal.
@innerwar : Tommy and I haven’t had the chance to write yet, but I am admiring from afar and am super impressed at how one person can write so many COMPLEX muses so dang well. Also, Tommy, you wrote a novel and that is AMAZING!? I just want you to know that I like your aesthetic, vibe and writing a lot an that there is definitely a post lurking in my queue for you.
  Can I just... can I list everyone? I have so many more people to say nice things to ;_;.
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thenexusofsouls · 2 months
Which muse do you see yourself using more often?
Is there any any themes, tropes, or cliches that you like giving to muses?
Are there any relationships among your own muses? If so, tell us more!
Any muses you had to revise or any you think you need to?
List some random facts about any muse of your choice!
Are there certain muses you like using for certain types of prompts (fluff, serious, angst, ect).
For OC characters, what is some inspirations or the thoughts sparked up your OC? Any of your choice.
For canon characters, tell what drew you to use a character to make them a muse? Any of your choice.
Do you prefer it when people have a specific muse they wish to interaction with or do you like to do it by random?
Do you have any new muses in the works? If you so, can you tell us about them?
Which of your muses you think is best for me to interact with?
Which of your muses is the easiest to get along with? Which one are the hardest?
Have there ever been a muse you stopped using? If so, have you ever thought about bringing back?
{i am the caretaker of souls} Alright! *rubs hands together* Here we go with all these juicy multimuse questions! Below the cut for length.
Which muse do you see yourself using more often?
On this multimuse blog I tend to use Nuada and Tony the most because they're the most popular and well-known overall. After that, Wade has a lot of active threads right now, even though he's not as well-known a character in general. I'd love to use my OCs more often, but they tend to not have as much activity.
Is there any any themes, tropes, or cliches that you like giving to muses?
( Already answered here! ^_^ )
Are there any relationships among your own muses? If so, tell us more!
Oh yeah, there are several, actually! =)
Channe, Jix, Aurelien, and Strychthia are all from the same fictional world of mine. Jix and Strychthia are good friends. Channe and Jix have an interesting friendship in which she thought he was an annoying nuisance when she first met him but now they're cool with each other, heh. Channe and Aurelien do not get along at all, because Aurelien used to be bonded with her ex-lover with whom she had a very abusive relationship. So she associates him with that, and she hates undead creatures, and Aurelien doesn't appreciate her hate because he's never personally done anything to her to earn that from her.
Gizmo and Trinket are biologically related. Gizmo got wet, popped off a few fuzzy little balls that grew into new mogwai, and one of them was Trinket. So Trinket is kindof Gizmo's progeny. They're friends, but Gizmo thinks Trinket gets into a little bit too much trouble for his own good. Unlike others like Stripe, though, who were downright mean or evil, Trinket's mischief is usually good-natured and harmless.
Ivan and Esther are obviously from the same movie, so they have associations. They're both from the same order of Priests, and he was her combat and strategy mentor when she was very young. They work well together and there's a lot of trust between them. They also have romantic feelings for each other they've never acted on because of their vows.
All my MCU people have associations between them, like Nat and Clint being friends for a long time, and also friends with Tony. Them all being on the same team, of course. And Strange is... I guess an associate of theirs occasionally although he was never an official Avenger.
Freya "raised" Eric from the age of fourteen, oversaw his training to become a Huntsman, and then... well, tried to execute him, heh. She loves him as one of her "children," but refuses to admit that to herself. Eric has a complicated relationship with his sort-of adoptive mother, and has never really developed any emotional attachment to her at all. He tried to kill her, unsuccessfully. Needless to say, they don't get along.
Any muses you had to revise or any you think you need to?
A couple, yeah...
I've revised Aryx a lot over the years, but that's because I've been writing him for over a decade, so he's evolved over time. He's from a book I never finished, the seventh in a series. I really liked the idea of him, though, and wanted to write more of him, so that's why I brought him here. But because I hadn't developed him much for the book I ended up abandoning, he was not very fleshed out to start. So his personality has become more detailed and refined as I developed him more through rp.
Raiden I've also had to revise. He's not an OC, but when I started writing him years ago, MGR:R hadn't come out yet, so I was basing him only on his timeline up until MGS4. MGR:R was very different from any other game he was in and it expanded upon his personality, motivations, and psychology considerably. So I had update and revise my idea of him and how I wrote him to include everything that was in that game.
List some random facts about any muse of your choice!
Alright, here are five random facts about Jix!
Despite being tiny, very adorable, and often regarded as a child because of the sound of his voice and innocent behavior, Jix is actually middle-aged. Leaflings have varying lifespans depending on the specific type they are. As an oaken leafling, Jix's species tends to live about 50-55 years. I usually write Jix as being around 25, making him not only an adult, but already halfway through his lifespan.
Jix loves to sing! Unfortunately for everyone around him, he's not that great at it and usually makes up ridiculous songs that go on forever, haha. But he really does enjoy himself when he sings, and this only is compounded by having alcohol. Drunken singing Jix is just about the most adorable sight you'll ever see.
Jix is notoriously bad at both climbing and swimming. This stems (no pun intended) mostly from the fact that his "shoulders" and "hips" don't have great range of motion. He can move his roots a lot to coil around things or grip things, but where they're attached to the "trunk" part of him, they're very stationary. His arms can only be lifted up so far, with his shoulders being unable to bend fully straight upwards. This makes it difficult for Jix to have the range of motion he needs to swim and climb, especially if he makes a mistake and needs to react quickly. He has good reflexes, but not the body flexibility to back then up.
Jix's favorite food is berries, and his favorite berry is the strawberry. He's... kindof addicted to them. Offer him a strawberry and he'll be your friend for life. It's also adorable how the juice stains around his mouth and makes him look like he's got big, painted, clown lips or something, haha.
Jix's leaves go through all the same seasonal changes as the mundane oak trees his species mimics. He grows buds and then nice green oak leaves in Spring, he carries those leaves through the Summer, in Fall they turn pretty colors and then fall off, and in Winter he has no leaves at all. Jix doesn't like that his leaves fall off in Winter because he thinks it makes him look unattractive and naked. XD
Are there certain muses you like using for certain types of prompts (fluff, serious, angst, etc).
Aryx, Jix, Trinket, Gizmo, and Leeloo are perfect muses for slice-of-life, fluff, and cute/happy/goofy threads.
Ivan, Michael, Carl (Luke), Nuada, Raiden, Nomak, and Martha are better for dark, horror, drama, angst, or heavily psychological threads.
Channe, Aurelien, Ethan, Strychthia, and Veridian are good for fantasy, supernatural, or otherwise weird threads, heh.
All the rest I use for a variety of different themes and genres in threads.
For OC characters, what is some inspirations or the thoughts sparked up your OC? Any of your choice.
Oh gosh, almost every OC on this blog had a different type of seed or seeds of inspiration that prompted me to create them, heh, interestingly enough.
Channe's background story was inspired by this piece of art by Linda Bergkvist (caution, it is graphic for blood/gore!) here. Her personality and the type of character she is was inspired by Jadis from The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew and Tilda Swinton's portrayal of Jadis in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe (2005).
Aurelien was originally inspired by the voice of Grimoire Weiss in the game NieR: Gestalt, and that is actually his VC to this day. You can hear examples of him talking here. He's basically a smart ass, very arrogant, very proper, and rather cultured, lol, which is perfect for my idea of Aurelien. I took that inspiration and thought of a creature typically assumed to be evil but that would have virtuous origins and a rather tragic backstory. In other words, I was challenging myself to write a character who, basically at first sight, would be judged by others solely on appearance to be evil or dangerous... and then totally not be, heh. I actually made him originally for a D&D campaign that was set in my fictional world Aurelien is from, in a place called the Deadlands. I wanted the party of adventurers to go into this fabled terrible land all scared and anticipating the worst, only to meet the most polite, proper, and morally upstanding shade creature ever. XD It was a hit, actually, they loved Aurelien, and he ended up joining the party as an NPC, lol. I loved him so much I wrote him into the book I eventually wrote for the world, and then brought him to this site some time after.
Trinket was inspired by an art doll I have. There was someone on Etsy who had been making Gizmo dolls, and after I purchased one, it was so amazingly good that I then ordered one of her custom mogwai dolls, where I got to choose the colors. When I received that doll, I named it Trinket (Gizmo and Trinket seemed to go together as names, heh), and then I got the idea to give him his own personality and make him a muse too.
Veridian was inspired by this very realistic life-sized art sculpture (warning for some uh... merman nudity, heh) that can be seen here: x, x, x, x. I just thought the design of the body was so interesting, because it was more serpent-like than like the classic fish design merfolk are usually portrayed with. It inspired me to write about the type of merman he is, why he's got this long tail, about his particular genetic type, the differences between merfolk like him and more traditional-looking ones, etc.
Aryx was inspired by a photo of his FC (In.stag.ram model and fitness/wellness influencer William Tyler). I didn't know who the heck this guy was when I first saw that photo, haha, but his look inspired me. At the time I was planning the seventh novel in a series that prominently featured angels and demons, and I thought he had the right look about him for an archangel. I have no idea which photo it was that sparked the inspiration since it was years ago, but have a random photo just as an example here, heh. Aryx is then also inspired by a song by Red called "Already Over, Pt. 2." I imagine the song is what Aryx is thinking as he falls to earth, and the "you" of the song would be his patron god, whom he feels is always with him throughout the process. He just surrenders to this long, drawn-out, terrible experience and places his trust in his god that everything will be alright on the other side. So yeah, having the visual inspiration of this really cool looking guy combined with the beautiful sound and emotion of that song somehow combined into Aryx's gentle, kind, loving self.
Jix is actually inspired by the Treants of Dungeons & Dragons lore and the Ents of Lord of the Rings fame. I thought to myself... hmm. Giant, talking, walking trees, eh? Cool. Okay but what if there were... wee, cute ones? XD And Jix was born.
Strychthia was inspired by the third story entitled "The Companion" in an anthology movie called The 4Bidden Fables. I basically took that character, which had no background, almost no story, no explanations for anything she was wearing or what species she was, and very little personality to work with, and expanded her into my own OC, using that character as her FC. I found her adorable and inspiring and I loved the story she was in, and I just let it motivate me to create a character around this basic appearance and shell of the movie character. Here is some lovely concept art of the character from that movie that inspired Strychthia.
For canon characters, tell what drew you to use a character to make them a muse? Any of your choice.
For a lot of my canon muses, aside from just liking the character overall, my reason for wanting to write them is usually that I wanted better for them or felt they deserved better somehow. That's true of Freya, Raiden, Ivan, Esther, Nuada, and Nomak, and probably others on this blog.
Just taking one at random here... but Martha broke my heart. This poor girl, seriously. She had so much happen to her, finally escapes a cult, and then is forced to deal with her trauma on her own because her sister and brother-in-law were completely insensitive to her needs and unobservant to the signs of trauma she was exhibiting. Then they throw her out and send her to a psychiatric institution? And the movie just ends there? No! Poor thing! Come here and let me write you! XD I just wanted better for Martha. I wanted to see her get real help from understanding people, to be comforted, to be treated adequately medically and well emotionally, and to get to a better place in her life. I wanted her to feel safe and to be take care of, because she needs so much help, and I felt she deserved that help. The movie left me completely wanting as far as Martha's story, and I didn't want to let it end the way it did and have that be the last word, heh. So that's why I decided to write her. =)
Do you prefer it when people have a specific muse they wish to interaction with or do you like to do it by random?
I do, yeah, because I'm super indecisive, haha. So I prefer when someone says they want to interact with a specific muse rather than letting me choose. Also, for actual threads, it's better for me to have an idea of how to start and maybe even where the thread might go when I start writing, and that's hard to do if I'm not given a specific muse up front. It's not like I can't think of one to use, but it's a lot easier for me to have the choice made up front.
Do you have any new muses in the works? If you so, can you tell us about them?
No, not at the moment. I'm trying to downsize muses, so I'm not looking to add more right now. But even if I was, I don't think any canons have inspired me lately to add them. I have plenty of OCs I'd love to add, but I'm not looking to, so I'm trying to ignore them all, haha.
Which of your muses you think is best for me to interact with?
All of them. Seriously, I love all our threads and you're an amazing writer, so yeet any of your muses at any of mine, anytime you like! =D
Which of your muses is the easiest to get along with? Which one are the hardest?
Hmm... the easiest to get along with are... Jix, Aryx, Strychthia, Gizmo, Ben, Leeloo, or Veridian. The hardest ones to get along with are Channe, Nuada, Nomak, Marie, Freya, and Ivan.
Have there ever been a muse you stopped using? If so, have you ever thought about bringing back?
Oh yeah, there have been a lot over the years that I've stopped using, for various reasons. Sometimes the FC was one I didn't want to use anymore, or I dropped them for lack of muse or inability to get any activity for them, or I didn't get a good response from people at all so I decided this isn't a character that will work well on this site, heh. There are a couple I've thought of bringing back, but right now I'm trying to reduce my activity a bit so it's more manageable, so I probably wouldn't do it anytime soon. But if I did bring any of them back, it'd probably be either Luther West or Adam.
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comiiical · 11 months
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Like for a starter from Trent. Please refer to his bio and headcanons (all in the discord server) before interacting. Starter can be done here or on discord, for the later, please let me know before hand. If we don't already have a server, remember that I use my server as a rp place as well. If you don't have access to the server, it's here. Multimuses specify for whom or give me options.
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a-hell-of-a-time · 3 months
((Copy pasting from my blog pages to try and make things easier for android users since Tumblr refuses to.
Mun info: Hello! I go by Jo, and I use she/her pronouns. I am also 34 years of age. 
Basic rules for this blog:
1) This blog is 18+, which means I will not be interacting with minors and they will be blocked on site. This blog is also highly private/selective/mutuals only (for mutuals I mean following this side blog and I follow you back on my main. You don’t have to follow my main for us to be mutuals!) for my own comfort. I will also be picky with whom I follow and interact with.
1.1) On NSFW: This blog will not be writing smut rps, but other nsfw topics, including those of a sexual nature will be present on this blog.
However, there will be absolutely NO sexual nsfw with Octavia. Anything of that nature sent to her will be met with a hard block.
1.2) This blog also doesn’t condone pedophilia, incest (including stepcest), rape (non and dub con) nor will rp any of it. Dark content will be kept to a minimum and will be tagged properly. There won’t be any explicit nsfw since I am not comfortable writing it.
If you rp/condone/support incest and pedophilia (including aging up minor characters for smut), I ask that you not follow or interact with this blog.
2) This blog is not affiliated with the overall Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss fandom or rpc. I am more than happy to interact with people within the rpc, but I prefer to leave this blog open (especially for crossovers)
3) This blog is also not affiliated with Vivziepop. I do not support or condone her in any way and am here to flesh out characters and have fun with them because I can.
4) This is a sideblog containing muses from Helluva Boss, along with a few OC’s. I may or may not branch out into Hazbin muses in the future. As such this blog is a multimuse and follows back from my main blog, a-hell-of-a-lot-of-muses.
5) This blog is very crossover and oc friendly! Please being me your oc’s and crossover shenanigans.
6) This blog also does not, and will not deal/interact with anti/proship discourse or those who self identify as anti/proship. Anything of the like will be blocked. Do not bring this debate and talking points to my doorstep, because I am far too old for bullshit from either side.
With regards to callouts, I will be refraining from reblogging them on this blog unless it’s something really serious (aka someone in the rpc is a known pedophile/groomer/abuser) where real people are at risk of being harmed. People are free to warn me about problematic people, but I will be using my own judgment with regards to interactions and blocking said folks.
7) Canon muses on this blog will be canon divergent to varying degrees depending on the source material/the direction canon takes with these characters.
Example: I will be sticking close to canon with Octavia to a point. Depending on how the series treats her going forward, there is a high chance she will be canon divergent.
Note: Since Octavia is a minor, and I am writing her as such, there will be NO sexual nsfw involving her.
Example 2: Andrealphus, minus the undertones the show is trying to put forth with Stella, will be canon in terms of his personality, goals and motivation. See my muses page for more details about my portrayal of him.
8) This blog is multi ship with each ship taking place in its own verse. The exception would be affiliates, in which case I will only be shipping with that affiliate’s muse.
While I am a ship whore and love them to bits, I would also like to plot them out and for them to have chemistry before jumping right in. 
9) I also interact with duplicates and am very duplicate friendly (and yes I am down for twin verses for those who share muses with mine!). I do not have one set character I interact with in regards to my muses (Ex. I don’t have one set Stella or Octavia for Andre, or one set Stella or Stolas for Octavia, etc.) and will interact with multiples of the same muse!
10) With regards to mains and affiliates: I have a mains/affiliates page now, but I will not be practising exclusives (aka interacting with only one version of a muse) at this time! The exceptions to this rule are my shipping partners, in which case I will ONLY be shipping (romantically) with one version of a muse!
You can find this page on my blog. A separate text post will be made and added to my bin for android users.
11) Please do not godmod! By godmodding I am referring to: Your character having knowledge of mine that my characters did not reveal to yours, controlling their actions/thoughts in a thread, and anything of that nature without ooc discussion beforehand. It makes me highly uncomfortable and it throws off the vibes of an rp.
12) If you do not have a mun name, age, blog info and/or rules page, or anything to indicate who you and your rp muse are, and try to interact with me, I will be blocking you. This is for my own safety because I will assume that you are a minor trying to access a space that isn't for you, or you're a personal trying to rp with me. That will not fly here.
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stanfordprepped · 11 months
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[[Like this for a small starter. I will most likely get to these tomorrow unless I get a burst of energy tonight. I am currently in the season 6-7 part of my SPN rewatch so if you want something specific, let me know in the comments. If liking from a multimuse blog, please specify for whom you would like the starter to be for <3 ]]
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