#froggi wan
somethingsteff · 7 months
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For just in cases.
@yourfavoritefridge @palfriendpatine66 I was inspired.
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palfriendpatine66 · 6 months
Today is World Frog Day (or so tumblr says). What does Froggy-wan do to celebrate a nice occasion?
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featheryhoe · 7 months
i wan burgour
i’ll get it for you as far as you don’t go anywhere near the kitchen, ok??
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little-prince-atlas · 2 months
hungy :((((
i wan food but am in class :(((
i hav froggie :3 so sily
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dino-boyo-agere · 2 years
m wok up baby tday
m no wan go outside buh gotta cuz doggo need go potty
jus wan curl up n watch cartoon
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.゚.*・。゚×゚。・».゚°・⁠✧ ↓ DNI ↓ ✧・° ゚.«・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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banner by @froggy-clubhouse
stimming emoji by @cloudy-emojis
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bunny-ribb1t · 1 year
idk wjat stimboard to do next and someone submitted a whole bunch of ideas i wanna work my way through!! so uuhh poll time!!
and my rqs are still open btw, just might take a bit to get to yours lol
(and you guys can be as specific as u wan, i like challenges lol)
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sukugo · 2 years
keep thinking about anakin in froggy hat, who put it on just bc (or maybe ahsoka had one and wanted them to match :D) and obi-wan looks at him and immediately forces him to take that god-awful horrifying thing off his head before he has to rip it off himself
(bc it so happens that anakin looks so unfairly cute in it, it's giving obi-wan cuteness aggression and he still hasn't properly embraced his anakin-fucking tendencies and he is NOT gonna let a fucking green ass stupid frog hat beat his years of carefully crafted anti-anakin-being-the-most-fuckable-thing-ever self control)
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Hai!!! Jus wan says hai! I jus fowowed uu wike toos day go an I hab fwoggie they my fwend an I wub hawoween!!! dat it ^////^
Hello! Welcome to my blog! That is so fun! What is your froggy's name? What is one of your favorite things about halloween?
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theoutcastrogue · 1 year
La Caravane Passe feat. R. Wan - Zinzin Moretto
You left home, fleeing war or hunger looking for a land to take you in but everywhere you went, they called you "the stranger" I know your burden, I've carried it myself But I changed my skin, took the caravan and became Zinzin Moretto
Zinzin Moretto (king of the chorro) Zinzin Moretto Zinzin Moretto (new desperado) Zinzin Moretto
[french lyrics after the cut]
Tu as quitté ton chez toi fuyant la guerre ou la famine Tu cherchais une terre d'accueil Mais partout on t'appelles "l'étranger" Je comprends ton fardeau, je portais le même Mais j'ai changé de peau J'ai pris la caravane et je suis devenu Zinzin Moretto
Zinzin Moretto (King of the chorro) Zinzin Moretto Zinzin Moretto (new desperado) Zinzin Moretto
On t'as traité de youpin, de rouquin, de bicot, de métèque De benoit, d'espingouin, de negro, de pac-pac De polak, de yougo, de gueshniak ou citron De melon, de gringo, d'esquimau, romano Mais aujourd'hui, tu vas les prendre au mot Dev'nir un vrai desesperado On va te baptiser du plus beau nom d'oiseau Bienvenue chez les Zinzin Moretto
Finit les tanjes, tchang, ritals, rosebiff, chleu Les bokaks, les wedbacks, les bledards, les bouzeux Les blanches neiges, bronzées, pédales, les moakas Les froggies, les raloufs, les pecnos, bamboula (bambolero) Si tu n'es pas à ta place Prends donc la première caravane qui passe À l'ouest, rien de nouveau Change ton western en eastern à la Zinzin Moretto
Ça y est tu fais partit du clan, de la famille La terre peut trembler, tu restes de glace Les chiens aboient et la caravane passe La base du chameau n'atteint pas le noir corbeau Quand tu marches dans la rue, les gens te saluent Ils lèvent leurs chapeaux Car le monde entier respecte ton nouveau pseudo
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jatcv · 1 year
(Here ima let froggy type hewwo hooman! I wove uz!! I wan u to hab gweat dey!
Thank you, wittle fwoggy! (Hugs the froggy)
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bunny-girl-autism · 1 year
Yoda: "Failed, I have. Into exile, I must go."
Bail Organa if he was based: "Or! Or! And hear me out on this: you don't leave the entire galaxy to die under the cruel fist of the dark side! I mean come the fuck on, dude, aren't you like, the most powerful Jedi ever or something? You were absolutely confident that Obi Wan couldn't beat Palpatine and your froggy ass still went after him. Why not try your own hand at beating Vader you lazy goblin-lookin' fuck? Obi Wan almost killed him TWICE and you're apparently so much stronger than him, what's stopping you? Hell, the rebellion barely has any Jedi and the ones it has never got to finish their training. Even if you choose to be a cowardly piece of wrinkly green shit and not fight Vader yourself, could you maybe finish their goddamn training? Isn't training Jedi your whole thing? Oh right. Sorry. You'll only train the idiot son of the guy who just KILLED ALL THE JEDI YOUNGLINGS AND NOW SERVES AS THE RIGHT RIGHT HAND MAN OF AN EVIL DICTATOR. "Into exile, I must go" no, you scrotum-shaped bastard, "step up and help save the galaxy, you must." You bitch. You fucker. You absolute fucker."
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splatalia-jumpanova · 2 years
woah! i jus new to dis community i guess n ou seems nice. dat little must be lucky! wan to shares more bout da little?
oh hi honey, you seem so sweet ♥️🥺 i'm always here to listen if you want! or to have a chat with ♥️ you want to tell me a little about you, like pronouns and pet names you like?
my little is awesome! they love bluey, and froggies! and duckies and sharkies (especially jeff!) and they're so sweet and kind, and im very lucky to have them in my life!
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eoniantears · 2 years
✨ 30 days of agere ✨
4. what's your ideal little day?
my ideal little day 's probablyyyy.. hmm.. of course somethin wif omi!! wan go to build a bear wif him n get froggies n we can kiss each other's lil hearts dat go inside demmm!! n den we dress dem n take dem wif us on rest of date where we go to café n get pastries n den we go homes n watch tangled n cuddle!!!
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coffebits · 3 years
TLoZ and SW crossover woooo
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I did this for a dtiys celebrating 10k on ig :D
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djtangerine · 2 years
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girl help there’s an old man and the worlds smallest ten year old in my brain and they won’t leave
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actual-haise · 5 years
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