bunny-girl-autism · 5 days
shlap shlap shlap shlap (sound of my titties hitting the bars in my minecraft jail )  let me out! let me outtttt!
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bunny-girl-autism · 6 days
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i take issue with this post, which is obviously in regards to the term “transandrophobia.” first, you use the word “boys” - immediately striking me with the infantilization of trans men. not men, not trans men… boys. notice the usage of “men” later in the post. this was intentional. second, you (falsely) claim gay men dont have a counterpart to lesbophobia… as if the word homophobia doesnt exist? gay men face discrimination separate from lesbians, under the basis of them being gay men. pretending otherwise is ignorant and dismissive of the struggles and fights the gay male community has had to go through to gain rights, respect, and dignity amongst non-gay peers.
you are being willfully ignorant and dangerously so when you claim men cannot experience individual issues separate from base transphobia and homophobia “umbrella” - these are real world issues that have effects on the greater trans community. what harm comes from a trans man using a unique word to describe the intersection of transphobia and misogyny to describe the difference in his experiences? i recommend doing some reading and research on the struggles of the trans male community before speaking as if trans men dont experience individual issues stemming from an oppression based on gender, anatomical genitalia AND transition.
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bunny-girl-autism · 6 days
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bunny-girl-autism · 6 days
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How About Paipai Mask? | Houshou Marine
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bunny-girl-autism · 6 days
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bunny-girl-autism · 6 days
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How About Paipai Mask? | Houshou Marine
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bunny-girl-autism · 6 days
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How About Paipai Mask? | Houshou Marine
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bunny-girl-autism · 7 days
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角楯カリン by Ref_ [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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bunny-girl-autism · 8 days
a theory I have about allistic people is that they actually can't help but feel empathy. Their minds are constantly bombarded by the emotions of other people and they're so used to that innate emotional connection with everyone that:
1. They believe emotional connection is something they are morally entitled to and those who do not give it to them in the way they are used to are morally repugnant in some way. This is why a lot of autistic people are called "creepy" or are told they have "serial killer vibes," etc. Allistic people CANNOT humanize someone who is not displaying the exact emotions and behavior they expect.
2. They truly believe that other people expressing negative emotions is burdensome because it actually directly forces them to feel those negative emotions. This is why they avoid expressing negative emotions so often or even pointing out anything objectively wrong with the world; they've internalized that doing so makes them bad people.
This explains why so many allistic people are untrusting to the point of delusion and yet still so easily deceived; they choose whether to trust someone based entirely on vibes but have no ability to choose who to trust outside of this entirely subjective framework. Like yeah, they're able to judge people objectively and decide whether to trust them based on confirmably true and relevant information to SOME degree (just as many autistic people are very much able to read "vibes") but the subjective, aesthetic-based judgement will ALWAYS come first for them. The way I've understood empathy as an autistic person is that I only feel empathy when I fully understand what someone is feeling and why, and I don't earnestly believe that you can read someone's mind through their facial expressions or body language. When I understand what someone is actually experiencing, THEN I am actually able to feel what they feel to some extent. This is, in fact, the correct way of doing things because contrary to what the vast majority of allistic people believe, humans do not have the power to read minds and you shouldn't take it as an insult when you have to accept that reality.
This is also supported by the fact that allistic people have a truly putrid understanding of human connection that is poisoned by a lifetime of socially-ingrained entitlement to the happiness of other people. If someone isn't happy, the allistic mind will assume that means that person is blaming their unhappiness on the allistic, and this leads to a constant cruelty towards anyone who isn't happy in the exact same way that they are, which they justify through the belief that any emotion other than plain happiness is sin. But allistics are fine with this all, of course. They have their collective understanding of social cues that lets them believe they really know human connection, but they don't really, it's just a lie they tell themselves so they don't have to bring down "the vibes" of the social fabric they all stitch together. Still, most allistics aren't truly understood in the way they wish they were. In fact, almost every allistic fears being known for this exact reason. Still, they're able to reap all the benefits of being known and understood without ever having to go through all of the fear that comes with it, and THAT, perhaps more than anything else, is allistic privilege.
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bunny-girl-autism · 9 days
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Gaming with Shiori by prab [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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bunny-girl-autism · 11 days
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#マリンのお宝 | CC餃子
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bunny-girl-autism · 19 days
I think a vital piece of information that transandrophobes are missing is this:
Manhood is gatekept to all hell.
I'm so serious. To be a man, in the eyes of society, you need first and foremost a working dick and balls. Even if we shelve that clearly transphobic notion for a moment, there's still all this:
You have to have abs
You have to have wide shoulders
You need to always want sex and be good at it
If your chest isn't flat it needs to be because you have huge pec muscles and NO OTHER REASON
You're expected to be straight (into women)
You're expected to not present as feminine in any way (because that implies you're not straight)
You're supposed to be athletic or at least interested in athletics
You're supposed to have at least some facial hair
You're supposed to be at LEAST 6 feet tall
You cannot be fat
You're supposed to have a sharp, chiseled jawline
You're not supposed to take it up the ass
You need to have huge muscles, especially biceps
And this is just the appearance stuff. There's more behavioral stuff I could touch on that gets even stricter. The point is, if you do not fit ALL of these + the unlisted behavioral expectations, including and especially the dick and balls part, you are NOT A REAL MAN TO SOCIETY.
Trans men are not considered men by society. We are denied manhood, and any privilege that might come with it, because we are trans. We're not SUPPOSED to be men, or supposed to want to be men, according to society.
But we are. And society hates that. And transandrophobes will try to take that from us any way we can. By erasing us and lumping us with women. By forcing us to detransition, or not allowing us to transition in the first place. By gaslighting us (often via assault or abuse). By making everyone else think we're "confused and annoying children" so we're not taken seriously. By malgendering us (ex. "You're not a girl so I can punch you") when we're perceived as men. By leveraging misogyny against us when we're perceived as women.
Trans men are oppressed for being men, because we are refusing to "stay in our lane", and manhood is not supposed to be our lane. This is why we need the term "transandrophobia". The oppression of transmascs is a problem, and the problem needs a name so it can be solved.
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bunny-girl-autism · 23 days
I really like my wife bc she's cute and good and i like her :)
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bunny-girl-autism · 24 days
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Untitled by Piukute062 [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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bunny-girl-autism · 25 days
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bunny-girl-autism · 28 days
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Chains, Laces, and Fangs
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bunny-girl-autism · 30 days
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kinda gay
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