#friends of the harem
You give me Jey or Cody vibes. Hype as hell, but the sweetest ever and has never done anything wrong ever. 💜💜
Ahhh! Thank you! 😭💕
That's so sweet 💕💕
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thecmaly · 2 months
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harem squad said deal's off folks
more windbreaker comics
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unaarista · 3 months
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some doodles with nice squids. Poor Vlassk (@wisp-of-chaos) looks so tired
that floating Omeluum was part of a bigger illustration that i don't feel like finishing
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justaz · 9 months
merlin who grew up in a small village and only having one (1) friend growing up (will) and them two being thick as thieves and not making friends with anyone else so they have like no boundaries and they eventually begin to court without really knowing what they’re doing but just knowing that they’re super close and care for each other deeply but not being able to put a name to what they are. which in turn leads to merlin growing up thinking that like spending 24/7 together, holding hands everywhere you go, staring into each others eyes and at each others lips, cuddling at night even when it’s boiling hot, and kissing is normal in platonic friendships which leads to a LOT of misunderstandings and miscommunication when he gets to camelot.
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danmeichael · 1 month
i think if shen yuan were a girl she should be a fujoshi. not for character reasons but because i think the deeply homoerotic bond between really dedicated fujos is just the right kind of weird to suit her perfectly.
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Unravelling the Pact
After back-to-back missions, you and the boys finally get some downtime. Enjoying the nightlife on Coruscant, a stranger is all too willing to dance with you, leading to the boys making a decision that will change everything. Pre-Echo.
Pairing: All Batch x f!reader
Word count: 3.6K.
Rating: 18+ MINORS DNI!!
Warnings: dancing with a stranger in a club, grinding, possessive Batch (but in a non-toxic way), bickering brothers, small insult from a stranger, flirting, pet names, communication and consent are sexy, discussion of poly, first kiss, roaming hands, I guess this counts as friends to lovers?
A/N: I'll die on the hill that Tech and Cross are tube twins, and that Wrecker is a smart/emotionally intelligent man.
This can be read as a stand-alone or as a prequel to Painted Pretty.
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The loud music drowned out the sounds of the city outside, the dancefloor vibrating under your feet from the heavy bass as you moved to the beat.
Nearby, tucked in a booth, the boys kept an eye on you. Dancing wasn’t really their thing, especially after the string of back-to-back missions you’d all been running, but that hadn’t stopped you from wanting to let loose a little more. You’d dragged them out of the hotel, having splurged a little on some rooms with comfortable beds during this period of shore leave, knowing you all needed some R&R.
You’d found an okay-looking club where the boys didn’t draw too much attention – they didn’t look like Regs, which opened up a world of new possibilities, especially once they donned their civilian clothes. Drinks were decently priced, and the floor wasn’t sticky, both of which were a win in your books. You could feel the weight of their gazes on you occasionally, but you paid them little mind. That was their prerogative if they wanted to be sourpusses and stay in the booth.
A year you’d been with them, traversing the galaxy, trying desperately to keep them safe. As their civilian handler, you fed them missions and made sure they came back in one piece – the Kaminoans couldn’t have anything happen to their prized experimental unit, after all – and surprisingly, it hadn’t taken long for them to warm up to you, for you to become one of them. The black Aurebesh ‘99’ Crosshair had inked on your wrist six months ago, while the others crowded around and watched, was a constant reminder of that.
“Uh oh, incoming,” Wrecker grumbled, eyes watching as someone made a beeline through the bar towards you. 
All eyes at the table snapped in your direction. Hunter’s jaw clenched, Tech’s fingers tightened around his datapad, Wrecker sat up straighter, and Crosshair’s eyes narrowed at the man approaching you.
Clammy hands on your waist spooked you a little, and you turned to find the culprit. “You look a little lonely out here.” The man who’d approached you spoke. He was a little taller than you and couldn’t be more than a few years older, with tousled blonde hair and green eyes. His smile was warm, as was his body as he pressed closer. “Dance with me.” He insisted, shifting behind you, sliding an arm around your waist to pull your back to his chest and your ass to his crotch, the pair of you now moving to the beat.
At the booth, the boys bristled. Downing the last of the Corellian whiskey he’d been nursing, Crosshair stood. He could only make it one step in your direction before Hunter stopped him. “Vod.” His older brother's voice made him groan, turning back to face the table. 
Hunter shook his head. “We agreed not to interfere.” He points out.
Crosshair grits his teeth. “He’s got his hands on her.” He hisses out, sparing a glance over his shoulder in your direction.
“And she doesn’t seem to mind,” Hunter states, even though it kills him inside to admit it. He was trying not to listen to your fluttering heartbeat or the flirtatious words being whispered in your ear by the stranger, but you were like a damn honing beacon, and he couldn’t tune it out. 
“I mind,” Crosshair answers sharply, narrowed brown eyes focused on his oldest brother.
Hunter sighs quietly. Crosshair’s distrust of outsiders and his jealous streak had always been an issue. It was a miracle he’d taken to you so quickly a year ago - Hunter had been sure they’d go through countless handlers as the war progressed.
Frustration flashed in Crosshair’s eyes. “She’s ours.” He states.
“We agreed.” Hunter leans forward in his seat, silently imploring his brother to sit back down and shut up. Ever since they’d been old enough to talk, they’d formed pacts. And when you’d joined them, a new pact had been added to the list. 
Pact 52. None of them would make a move on you, regardless of the fact they wanted you. 
Your comfort was paramount, and they didn’t want to put you in an awkward position.
“You’d be fine if she went home with him?” Crosshair spits the word like it's poison, shooting a glare over his shoulder at the stranger you’re dancing with, whose hands are grasping at your body as if he’s known you his entire life. 
Hunter doesn’t have a comeback for that. He wouldn’t be okay with it. Not at all, in fact. But you’re a grown woman and he has no say in what, or who you do. If you want to spend the night in a stranger's bed, all he can hope is that you’ll leave your tracker on, insist he wraps it, and comm them if there’s a problem. 
“I would not be fine with it,” Tech interjects, his eyes shifting between his brothers, datapad long forgotten on the table. 
Hunter huffs. “We made a pact. When she joined, we agre-“
“Kriff the pact.” Crosshair spits, cutting Hunter off. “She’s not going home with him. He doesn’t know shit about her.” He presses his palms to the table as he leans down, the booth tucked away enough that no one can hear their conversation. 
The boys fall silent, each remembering the first and only time you'd gone home with a stranger. Shore leave was hard to come by, and you spent most of it with them, but you’d been up at the bar, chatting away with the barman, when you’d been approached. Hunter could still remember hearing the guy flirt with you; Wrecker could remember how he’d reached out to touch your arm. He’d bought you a cocktail you hated but had politely drank, Crosshair had noted, and you’d chatted for a little while. Then you’d disappeared with him, Tech’s datapad pinging a few minutes after you’d left with a message not to wait up for you. 
And in the morning, you’d come back to the Marauder smelling of that stranger, with a small hickey on your throat that you’d tried desperately to conceal. It had nearly killed them.  
“And what happens if she doesn’t want us, or only wants one of us? Could you handle that if it’s not you?” Hunter sighs as he leans back in his seat. This wasn’t a new debate – they often bickered about it – but it had never been this charged. 
Fear and jealousy rage inside of Crosshair. He didn’t want to think about that. You were theirs, and you wanted them just as much they wanted you. It was a fact.
“I-I don’t want her to go home with anyone else either.” Wrecker finally pipes up, looking awkwardly between his brothers and you. You’re still dancing with the stranger, laughing at something he’d said, eyes closed as you grind back against him. Wrecker feels an odd coil of anger in his gut that someone else has their hands on you. It’s a new feeling for him, and he doesn’t like it.
“All in favour of dissolving Pact 52.” Crosshair throws down the mantle, glancing between his brothers. He was tired of holding back. 
Tech lifts his hand a little in agreement, Wrecker following suit. But for it to be dissolved, there had to be complete consensus.
All eyes turn to Hunter, who’s staring at Crosshair like he’s gone crazy. His youngest brother could sometimes be stubborn and hard-headed, but he’d never called for a pact dissolution before. Tearing his eyes away, Hunter watches for a second as you dance with the stranger, taking in the way his hands are starting to creep down your body, how close his lips are to your neck. Fire rushes through his veins. “Go and get our girl.” He growls out his agreement, eyes swinging back to his brothers. 
Crosshair smirks in satisfaction, standing back up to full height. Dropping his toothpick onto the table, he’s on the move again, slinking through the crowd in your direction. Tech follows hot on his twins' heels, tucking his datapad back into its pouch on his belt.
Hunter sighs, watching them go, not entirely sure whether he’s just agreed to the self-destruction of his squad or the best thing to ever happen to them. All he knows is that he and his brothers are selfish and don’t want to share you with anyone else. He turns his focus to Wrecker, raising an eyebrow in silent question. 
“They can break the ice. If it don’t work and she don’t want us, we can blame them.” Wrecker explains with a grin. He wants so desperately to go to you, to put himself between you and the stranger, to feel your body pressed against his. But he also doesn’t want to overwhelm you, so he’ll sit back for now and let his younger brothers do all the leg work. 
Hunter chuckles. Taking a sip of his drink, his dark eyes watch as Crosshair and Tech reach you. 
Lost in the music, you don’t realise the boys have approached until the man behind you – Trent, you think he’d said his name was – stiffens. “Hey buddy, do you mind?” You hear him bark over the song, your eyes flying open as your hips stop moving, finding Crosshair and Tech next to you. Your brows furrow in confusion. 
“No,” Crosshair answers, his fingers tightly wrapped around the man's wrist, prying it from your body. “Scram.” He demands.
The warmth of Trent’s hand disappears from your waist, and your confusion only increases as Tech reaches for you, gently drawing you closer to them and away from Trent. 
“Hey, take your hands off her.” Trent has no idea what’s happening but tries to break free from Crosshair’s grip, worried for your safety as you’re pulled away.
“I know them, it’s okay.” You find your voice, raising a hand in a placating gesture. Trent stares at you for a beat, before his green eyes flick to Tech and Crosshair. 
“Scram,” Crosshair repeats, low and deadly, as Trent meets his gaze. 
Trent swallows. “Eh not worth it anyway.” He frowned toward the three of you, shaking his wrist free before stumbling back into the crowd and turning tail. 
Trent’s words sting a little, but before that sting can settle, deft fingers hook under your chin and tilt your head, and your focus is pulled to Tech. “You look so lovely, darling.” He coos over the music, those soft brown eyes of his skating across your face and then down your body, chasing away Trent’s insult.
You blink a few times, brain pausing. Have you died on some remote planet somewhere and been teleported to a different dimension? Pet names weren’t uncommon – the boys had them for you, and you had them for them, but they were never affectionate. They were shortened forms of names and occasionally just a descriptor. And Tech was…flirting? 
“This is new.” Crosshair’s voice slinks against your ear as one of his arms slides around your waist, and he presses against your back, right where Trent had been moments before. His free hand smoothes down the curve of your side, across the dress you’d treated yourself to and had delivered to the hotel. Life in armour had made you appreciate the rare chance to dress up.
Your confusion only doubles. “If you two don’t tell me the hell is going on, I will purposefully snap every toothpick between here and Kamino and put viruses on all our datapads.” You threaten.
Crosshair glances up, catching Tech’s gaze. They communicate silently, the strange phenomenon you’d witnessed a handful of times over the last year. 
“Will you join us back at the table, please, darling? There is something we wish to talk to you about.” Tech finally answers your question.
Curious, you nod, letting them lead you back across the dance floor to the booth. Crosshair slides in first, Tech’s hand on your back guiding you in next, and then he sits, keeping you safe between them. “Is something wrong?” You ask, now more worried than confused as you look between all four brothers. 
“No, cyar’ika,” Hunter answers, the smokiness of his voice making the new pet name sound sinful, and you blink a little quickly at it, unable to control the strange thud of your heart. 
Silence sits with the five of you for a moment, the four men communicating with glances before Hunter leans in a little. “Were you planning on going home with him?” He asks, genuinely curious.
The question stuns you, and a small flare of annoyance erupts in your chest. “That’s none of your business.” You answer calmly.
Hunter gives a slight nod of his head, conceding the point. Taking a deep breath, he leans back in his seat and rethinks his approach. “It suits you.” He comments, unable to stop his gaze from dropping, from taking in how breathtaking you look in that little dress. 
Heat rises in your cheeks. Another compliment on your appearance. You weren’t used to this – usually, you only received them for your work, for a mission well done. “T-Thank you.” You stammer out. 
Satisfaction crosses Hunter’s face. “You’re important to us, you know that, right?” He asks, wanting to ensure that as this conversation progresses, you know they’re not just after frivolous fun.
Brows drawing downward, you nod. Under the table, you feel Crosshair’s slender fingers turn your hand over, the pads of his fingers gliding over the ink he’d etched into your skin. On your other side, you feel Tech lifting a hand, reaching out to tuck an errant strand of your hair – fallen loose while dancing – behind your ear. 
If Crosshair’s touch had given you a rough idea of where this was going, Tech’s actions took it to a new level. It was as subtle as a Rancor in a den of antiquities. A strange sensation settles in your stomach, growing as you glance at Hunter again. The look in his eyes confirms your suspicions, and you swallow thickly.
They want you. 
After a year of pining for them, resigning yourself to the friend zone, they want you. A million thoughts and questions rush through your mind, none of them sticking or answered. But if they want you, then there's something you need to say.
“No.” You state, catching the way Crosshair’s fingers pause, all four sets of brown eyes staring at you as you glance around the booth. For a moment, you can’t believe you have these incredible men wrapped around your little finger, hanging on your every word. “I wasn’t going to go home with him.” You clarify, eyes swinging back to Hunter, though you don’t miss the way all four brothers quietly let out the breaths they’d been holding. “Wasn’t my type anyway.” You tack on as your eyes betray you and dip for a nanosecond down to Hunter’s lips. 
What would it be like to kiss him? Or Wrecker? Tech? Crosshair? 
The fingers around your wrist tighten, and you glance down to watch the action, missing the look that Crosshair and Tech share across you. The air seems to vibrate with unspoken words. 
Tech broke the silence, leaning in, his voice a soft caress. “That is excellent news, darling.”
Tilting your head, you glanced his way, taking in all the details you adored – the sharp angles of his jawline and nose, expressive brown eyes, and lips that looked oh-so-soft.
A light bump against your foot pulls your attention away from the genius, eyes darting to where a large boot is pressed against the side of your heels. Eyes drifting up, Wrecker offers you a fond smile as you meet his gaze. Heart hammering, you know you can’t keep them waiting.
Crosshair’s fingers are now skirting around your wrist, drawing lazy patterns as Tech rests a hand under the table against your thigh, fingers splayed and curling around you – steady and comforting. 
“It’s your choice, cyar’ika.” Hunter captures your attention, understanding this is a pivotal moment for you all and could change everything. He decides to lay their cards on the table. “We’d like you to be ours. But we understand that’s a lot to ask. We’ve shared everything in life except a woman. You’re the first we want, so there might be bumps along the way – nothing we can’t work through.” He notes. “The feelings aren’t new, either. It’s…well…we’ve wanted you since you joined us.” 
All this time, they’ve wanted you, and you’ve wanted them. All this time, you could’ve been... “Then why now?” You question.
“It hurt, thinkin’ you’d be going home with that guy,” Wrecker answers before the others could, a large hand rubbing at the nape of his neck. “And it’s gettin’ real hard to keep pretending.” He shrugs, hand falling from his neck. “But we’ll keep doin’ it if this ain’t what you want. You’re our priority.” Wrecker is hasty to add. 
You’d never been someone’s priority before, and it comforted you knowing they’d immediately back off if you said the word. You reach across the table with your free hand, sliding it into Wrecker’s to link your fingers with his. Holding the big man's gaze, you give a small nod. “I want this.” You decide. “All of you.” You clarify, glancing around at the four brothers, watching as delight and surprise crosses their faces. “The feeling isn’t new, either.” You mimic Hunter’s words as a year’s worth of weight lifts off your chest. You know there’s a lot more to discuss and many things to work out to keep things fair, but making your intentions clear is a good start.
Crosshair’s grip around your wrist tightens, and you turn your head towards him. Longing and desire swirl in his hawkish gaze.
You only have a moment to commit his expression to memory before you feel the soft brush of his lips against your own, like the fragile wings of a butterfly alighting on a delicate flower. It was barely there, an exploration of the unknown, but it ignited a spark that threatened to consume you both. Eyes closing, you surrendered to the moment, and your lips met again, this time with more urgency and hunger as the bar's sounds faded.   
“Hey, that’s not fair!” Wrecker protested, scowling at his youngest brother. 
Hunter held out a hand, silencing him. Dark eyes focused on your face, and then on the way your shoulders dropped as you relaxed into the kiss, how your chest rose and fell a little quicker with each breath, and the gorgeous curve of your throat as Crosshair used his free hand to tilt your chin for a better angle to deepen the kiss. Senses tuning in on you, Hunter picked up on your rapid heartbeat. His nostrils flared, your sweet scent coming into focus even under the layers of other smells from the bar. With every second the kiss continued, your scent became sharper. 
Catching Tech and Wrecker’s eyes, Hunter tipped his head toward the rest of the bar. The three brothers pushed out of the booth in sync, leaving you in Crosshair’s capable hands while they grabbed your jacket from the coatroom, flagged down a taxi, and settled the tab at the bar. 
Lips still pressed to Crosshair’s, you gasp at the feeling of a warm hand on your back, reluctantly pulling away and opening your eyes, turning to see who’s touching you. Your gaze lands on Tech just as Crosshair’s lips find purchase on your jaw, trailing down your throat. A whine of pleasure slides out before you can stop it, and you watch as Tech swallows thickly at the noise, offering out a hand to you. 
Shakily, you take it, enjoying the contact as your heart races, every nerve alight as you’re guided out of the booth, and you hear Crosshair grumble as he slides out after you. 
“You only got away with that because you are the youngest.” Tech chides him, though the bite to his words is lacking. If anything, he’s jealous his brother took the opportunity before he could. In return, Crosshair offers him a trademark smirk, placing a fresh toothpick between his lips, not at all remorseful. 
The two of them escort you through the club – Tech leading you by the hand with Crosshair bringing up the rear, the warmth of the sniper's hand pressed against your lower back.  
As you step out into the city, your jacket is placed across your shoulders before you can feel a pinch of chill, strong hands guiding you towards a taxi Wrecker had flagged down, the gentle giant holding the door open for you. 
The five of you cram in. Hunter is pressed to your right, Wrecker to your left, while Crosshair and Tech take opposite seats. A tanned, tattooed hand lands on your right thigh as the taxi pulls away and into the night sky, deceptively soft fingers drawing slowly up to the hem of your dress, the red fabric pushed aside oh so gently as those same fingers curl around your body and hold on to you. 
You’re so caught up watching Hunter’s hand roam across your body that you’re startled ever so slightly as Wrecker’s large paw starts doing the same to your left thigh. A low chuckle from Tech has your eyes flicking across the dimly lit cabin, catching the wisps of amusement and desire on his face.
“That little heart of yours is racing, mesh’la.” The smoky rasp of Hunter’s voice ghosts against your ear as he leans closer, making you feel like you’re about to combust. You have no idea how this will work or how the night will end. What you know is that you trust them implicitly and can’t wait to have your hands on them.
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ihateitthankyou · 11 months
Alenoah World Tour story idea
Same idea as any other World Tour Alenoah AU but Alejandro’s flirting and charm actually doesn’t work on Noah. Not “Noah pretends like it’s doesn’t effect him,” but genuinely “Noah is not effected.”
It drives Alejandro crazy. No one has ever been able to resist his charms! Not even Heather, no matter how much she denies it. It’s even worse because Noah is gay so it’s not the issue of sexuality, and even then, sexuality was never really an issue. So why did his charm not work on him???
It turns from Alejandro trying to manipulate Noah to Alejandro becoming obsessed with Noah. Every chance he gets, he flirts with him, trying to get a reaction. And every time, he gets shot down. Some of the other contestants are jealous that Noah is getting so much attention from Alejandro and he doesn’t care, while others find it absolutely hilarious and use it to make Alejandro jealous/get on his nerves. (It works every time)
To make matters worse, Noah seems to enjoy the attention from no one but Owen. So it drives Alejandro’s hatred for Owen even further.
I’m the end, it turns out that Noah does like Alejandro. He feels like he can be honest with Alejandro and doesn’t need to sugarcoat or keep quiet about his actual thoughts. But he knew that Alejandro flirted with people to manipulate them so he just chose not to react to it or to shoot him down until he was sure that Alejandro actually meant what he said (if he ever did which he reeeaaally does).
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guppy365 · 4 days
The test results can not be right. (Yandere! Harem x Female Darling who wants to be a Yandere part 1.)
The world is divided into four groups. Yanderes, canon fodder, extras, and darlings. There are also people who very rarely fall into two categories. Yanderes obsessed over there darlings and were at the top of the world. Cannon fodders were average people who die. Extras were average people got to live and not die at the hands of Yanderes. Darlings were obsessed over by Yanderes. All darlings get a collar to signify they are a darling. The collar contains a chip telling everyone who there Yandere or Yanderes are when scanned when claimed by a Yandere. Everyone finds out what group or groups they belong to at 18 with a test and that is when darlings get there collar.
Y/n L/n is from a long line of Yanderes. She looked forward to being a Yandere and finding her one true love, and murdering anyone who gets in her way. She was excited when her 18th birthday came and she took her test. She was sure she excelled at her exam and would be a Yandere.
When she got her results she was excited. She immediately tore it open but out of the envelope fell not only test results but a collar too, a darling collar with the name Y/n engraved on the tag. Y/n paled.
That could not be right. She had to be a Yandere. Either they put in a collar by mistake or she was rare yandere/Darling hybrid. It had to be one of those two things. She quickly grabbed the letter.
Dear Ms. Y/n L/n,
We are happy to inform you that you are a darling. In closed in the envelope is your darling collar. You are required to put it on immediately upon reading this letter. It must be kept on at all times afterwards.
The federal government of (your country).
Y/n screeched. "No. This cannot be right.", yelled Y/n. She started balling up the results. She was about to throw them and the collar away when someone grabbed her wrist.
She growled and turned around to see her brother, Johnathan, and his two friends, Orion and Callix. Johnathan was a yandere and so was Callix while Orion was a yandere/Darling hybrid. "Let me go. The test results can not be right.", hissed Y/n.
Jonathan looks at the objects in her hands. "(Favorite nickname), that is not true. If it says you are a darling you are darling. Now put on your collar. If you don't I'll have to punish you.", says Y/n's brother. Y/n shakes her head no.
Callix snatches the collar from Y/n's grasp. "Hey.", she yells as the collar is shoved onto her. The three males smile at her though. "There. You look so cute in your darling collar, brat. Some Yandere will scoop you up spoil you soon enough.", says Callix.
Y/n growls. She wretches away from them. She runs out the front door while trying to yank off the collar.
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purerae · 1 year
— ROOM 42
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SYPNOSIS ;; Y/N, surprisingly, in detention for missed homework, teams up with the school's delinquent to investigate a mysterious door. Unable too explore further, Y/N and her friends devise a plan to sneak into the classroom after school and explore the hidden space. Their curiosity leads to a sinister game of secrets and betrayal. As they and their friends go deeper, the consequences grow. How far will they go to hide their sins? How far will they go... for her? (click on master list for more details)
(keep reading for chapter one.)
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??? POV
"Why is it always me?" Zion groaned, frustration etched across his face. “The teacher's pet constantly snitches on every bloody thing I do." He slammed his fist into the wall, causing more chips to fly off the already ruined surface.
For the seventh time, Eliza, the teacher's pet, had reported Zion Minh for skipping class.
"Bro, she just doesn't like you. I skip class all the time, and she never bothers me," his friend Adrien chuckled.
Zion rolled his eyes. "She just wants to suck your dick, shut up."
"I mean, who wouldn't? Just look at me~" Adrien teased.
Zion gave him a blank stare and narrowed his crimson eyes. Adrien snickered at his own joke.
Despite their banter, Zion and Adrien were actually close friends. They had known each other since they were babies due to their parents' close work relationship.
Zion, with his dark crimson red hair and matching eyes, had a reputation as a high school delinquent. He was always ready to confront anything that seemed like a threat. Everyone in school knew better than to mess with him, except for his gang and Eliza.
Adrien, with his dirty blonde hair and khaki green eyes, was also a delinquent but less intimidating than Zion. He had a reputation as the school's playboy, often flirting with the girls. Teachers liked him, but they knew he could be mischievous at times. Only Zion and his dad had seen Adrien at his worst.
"Alright babe! Enjoy your detention, I'll see you later," Adrien chuckled, running off to the main entrance and leaving the building.
Zion grimaced at the mocking pet name and muttered a quick goodbye before heading towards Room 42, the designated detention room at the back of the school. He preferred this room to avoid the other students, as he was often tempted to pick fights with them.
Upon entering, Zion noticed a tall woman with long blonde hair sitting on a desk at the front of the classroom. He rolled his eyes, recognizing her as the one who often gave him detention.
"You're here again, Mr. Minh? You really need to step up your game before you get excluded from this school. Also, surprisingly, someone else has a detention right now in this room," she sighed, looking him up and down. "Please don't annoy her. I'll be gone for half an hour to attend a meeting. You better still be here." With that, she trudged off, her footsteps gradually fading away.
"You better still be here," Zion mimicked in a high-pitched voice, raising his hands mockingly.
He made his way to the back of the classroom, his usual spot, and started playing with his pen. After a while, boredom set in, and he decided to explore the classroom. He rummaged through the books, broke some pens, and generally acted nonchalant. Finally, he went up to a tall bookshelf and grabbed a boring science book, which he despised. With a sense of rebellion, he began vandalizing it, scribbling all sorts of things and profanities.
However, he soon noticed something in his peripheral vision. A girl with her hood up and earphones in was staring straight at him. The sound of music bled through the buds.
Feeling awkward, Zion looked up and made eye contact with the girl. She quickly rushed to the front of the class and took a seat. It then dawned on Zion that this was the person he had detention with. He rolled his eyes at the realisation, 'Great, some freak i have to share the room with for a whole ass hour…’
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Y/N L/N
Y/N was ten minutes late to detention because she couldn't find the isolated classroom. 'Of course, I'm the one who has detention at the stupid creepy classroom,' she thought with a groan, tilting her head back out of frustration
This was her first detention, and she was panicking. It happened because she had failed to submit her math homework three times in a row. It wasn't entirely her fault; she lacked the motivation and struggled to understand math for fucks sake!
As Y/N entered the room, she noticed a red-headed boy crouching down, aggressively defacing a book. He already gave her an odd impression as she wondered why he was torturing the Science book meant for younger children. She stopped her music and put her hood up, hoping to avoid any attention from him.
The boy's face was visible to her, but he seemed too absorbed in his task to notice her. It dawned on her that this was Zion Minh, the scariest person in school and Eliza's one-sided enemy. At that moment, she wished she could just run out of the classroom to avoid any potential conflict.
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A/N ;; The first chapter is awful I am so sorry!! Please trust me, and it will get better as the chapters go on. comments and reblogs heavily appreciated <33
purerae &lt;3
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honestly might be my fav male ritsuka tbh
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You give off Cody energy!! Not the slutty part 😂 the calm energy
This made me wheeze laugh so hard 😂😂😂😂😂😂 heheh thank you though! 💕💕💕💕
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unaarista · 5 months
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hajihiko · 2 years
I’ve seen Ryota a few times in post and was wondering if you ship him with anyone or just have fun dynamics of the rest of 77-b with him??
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tbh??? Yeah ♡
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reitheist · 5 months
how do i even explain this. short king komatsu's good vibes and excellent cooking skills created his own harem of four bara bfs
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group version and the meme template i edited and used under the cut:
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guys randal is literally the gayest gayiy gayaoi man in the world, he is on a poly relationship with every ranfren boy (yeah, including npcs)
a new rarepair has been spotted! randal x every ranfren boy or randal gay harem by anon (i tried to put all the male characters i could put sorry if i missed any)
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