#Alejandro literally has the ENTIRE cast around his finger
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ihateitthankyou · 1 year ago
Alenoah World Tour story idea
Same idea as any other World Tour Alenoah AU but Alejandro’s flirting and charm actually doesn’t work on Noah. Not “Noah pretends like it’s doesn’t effect him,” but genuinely “Noah is not effected.”
It drives Alejandro crazy. No one has ever been able to resist his charms! Not even Heather, no matter how much she denies it. It’s even worse because Noah is gay so it’s not the issue of sexuality, and even then, sexuality was never really an issue. So why did his charm not work on him???
It turns from Alejandro trying to manipulate Noah to Alejandro becoming obsessed with Noah. Every chance he gets, he flirts with him, trying to get a reaction. And every time, he gets shot down. Some of the other contestants are jealous that Noah is getting so much attention from Alejandro and he doesn’t care, while others find it absolutely hilarious and use it to make Alejandro jealous/get on his nerves. (It works every time)
To make matters worse, Noah seems to enjoy the attention from no one but Owen. So it drives Alejandro’s hatred for Owen even further.
I’m the end, it turns out that Noah does like Alejandro. He feels like he can be honest with Alejandro and doesn’t need to sugarcoat or keep quiet about his actual thoughts. But he knew that Alejandro flirted with people to manipulate them so he just chose not to react to it or to shoot him down until he was sure that Alejandro actually meant what he said (if he ever did which he reeeaaally does).
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gasp-iwrotesomething · 5 years ago
Could you please write a scene where Cal and MC say ‘I love you’ for the first time? Every Friday I’m checking to see if Cal is on the schedule 😂 I miss him so much, but I can’t wait for Season 3!
I do too, anon! It’s unfortunate that he hasn’t been on the schedule yet and I think that’s why I’ve been so eager to do these Cal requests lol (but he is now, I just got back to this request today lmao)! Anyway, your request is cute and I’d love to write it. Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
I just realized that a bunch of my Cal fics are about them fighting demons 🙃
Summary: Caught in a trap, Cal turns to MC and asks a dire question. It’s brusque in the face of danger and a weirdly complicated question to answer on MC’s part. Will she say what she’s been thinking for a while or will the trap close in too fast for that?
Cal and MC slunk towards the location in question, their hands entwined. They had been wary of the credibility of the messenger, considering that they had been a random civilian that could’ve easily been one of Alejandro’s puppets. It had been the same with Brody, where he had been deployed to kill Cal and then once he failed, he was murdered and tossed aside like nothing more than a weapon gone dull. But that was all Alejandro saw in Brody--just another pawn to play with until he couldn’t anymore. What about Brody’s family? Did he have any? Are they still wondering where he is? The charging thoughts within MC’s head dissolve as her emotions take hold, twisting and rapping her heart. It was best not to think about it anymore--he was already dead and there was nothing she could do for him now. Ahead, the deserted convenience store loomed over them, casting a tall shadow onto the pavement. No wind whistled and no cars honked--no people whispered and no people even walked except for Cal and MC. It was so strange to see a facet of Vegas empty and devoid of humanity when that was all you saw in the City of Sin. MC didn’t like the implications it gave--the grave threat that bubbled the convenience store in. If something went wrong, if one of them was hurt... no one would know. Well, not right away, at least. She was more afraid of the consequences of entering alone with Cal then she was of Alejandro’s potential allegiance to their summoner--the most she felt for the guy was fierce anger for siccing Brody on Cal. If he had stayed dead that night...
Well, maybe Alejandro should’ve been afraid of the consequences of his success more than his failure.
Cal keeps MC a step behind him for her protection as he pushes the glass door open, the toll of a small bell overhead missing. MC notices that the bell itself is missing, ripped off somewhere in between time’s journey. Maybe that was a good thing--if the person they were meeting didn’t know they were here yet, then that gifted them some extra time and even an upper advantage. With his gun drawn, Cal motions to MC with his free hand to stay close to the entrance. “Stay put,” he demands grimly, “this might be one of Alejandro’s schemes.” Though MC would prefer to not be alone in such an eerie environment, she nods. There was no use putting up a fight--it would just waste time that could be more useful spent exploring the abandoned convenience store. But, luckily, the troupe was lurking not too far away; ready to leap to their defense if anything did happen. That also contributes to her willingness to stay behind. Cal pivots around and stalks carefully throughout the convenience store, his head peeking out over the decrepit shelves. Because of his height, MC could see him traverse through the aisles--and even if the darkness swallowed most of him in shadow, just knowing that he was still there made her feel secure. At her post, MC casts her eyes around the store, noting how all of the fluorescent lights were smashed and the shelves in some form of disarray.
It looked like a tornado had ripped through this place.
Suddenly, there’s a strange scratching noise that drifts down from the ceiling tiles and MC jumps. What the hell is that?! A rat maybe? The scratching is a little rhythmic--stopping then starting again once a second passed. MC shrinks towards the wall behind her as trepidation hollows her stomach. As it repeats again and again, MC recognizes that the sound eerily repeats the same as it had sounded before. Almost like it was a recording, played over and over again. Alarm bells ring in her head. If it keeps repeating, then that means it’s a distraction. Alejandro’s trying to distract us. Immediately her first reaction is to search for Cal but he’s already on his way to her, his features sharp. “Did you-?!” “Yeah, I heard it too,” Cal intercedes as his frame edges close to MC’s, acting almost like a shield, “stay sharp. He’s got something up his sleeve.” That sense of safety, of ongoing security, flares warm in her chest and MC can’t help but cling to his solidity, silently expecting the worst. 
Almost as if on cue, demons seem to spill out from the shadows, webbing out in the convenience store, snarling.
Cal takes that as a cue as well, lifting his pistol towards the hulking figures in the dark. A heavy tension falls over the store as the demons creep closer, their eyes shining in the pitch darkness. The cold metal of her own gun still felt a little alien as she cradled it in her hands--still, after weeks of practice, the weapon still felt strange to hold. Through her fear, MC slides on a determined expression--she wasn’t going to let them get the best of her. Besides, Cal’s here; he’d never let anything happen to me. I won’t let anything happen to him either. She had to be strong for him, if not only for herself. Cal reinforces the barrier he established between MC and the demons, blocking her from their reach. A stray breath could spring them into action--something that could end with Cal and MC’s defeat. Cal must’ve alerted the troupe, he had to of--MC could almost sense it. They’d be okay... right? MC couldn’t shake this continuous feeling of danger beyond just the demons’ apparitions. Please be wrong, intuition, please.
Then it was all happening at once; demons racing towards them, Cal’s pistol firing bullet after bullet.
Only then does MC realize she has one too. One after the other in quick succession, the demons fall, unable to dodge Cal’s practiced aim. For MC, however, it’s not so hard. She fires at two that were flanking the fray, their eyes danger as they inspected Cal and MC. One shot dives through the shoulder of one of them--who howls in pain--while the other barely scrapes his arm. Angered, the demons together pounce to attack but are stopped but Cal’s quick hand, quickly shutting their attempts down with just two measly bullets. 
MC’s head was spinning with the adrenaline of it all and she felt like every breath was a waste of time that could’ve been used to fight back harder. Even as Cal sprays down a whole group of demons, more come and replenish their numbers--there seemed to be no end. MC and Cal are herded into a corner as they fight against the waves upon waves of demons. Before they even knew it, they were entirely surrounded without the firepower to lessen those barriers. That swelling grasp of panic catches up to MC and she presses herself close against Cal, rallying in his firm and comforting presence. At least she was with him. She noticed that his pistol clicked when he pulled the trigger, indicating that he had run out of bullets. When was the last time that happened? The demons crowding them had picked a good time to start a fight; they were far off their guard. “Damn, where are they?!” Cal whispers fervently under his breath. He’s talking about the troupe. They said they’d jump to help them the moment Cal and MC were in peril, and yet... 
There was no sign of their promised rescue.
Maybe... maybe they were ambushed too. That’s probably what’s taking so long. But the suppressing atmosphere and the constant veil of doom cast around them made that belief give nothing but discomfort. Suddenly, Cal whirls around and his hands frantically grip MC’s shoulders. There’s an edge of panic circulating his eyes; a frothing sea under darkening clouds, troubling winds. She was threatened by the tide of unease he relents, her legs threatening to cave under the pressure; on her arms, MC could sense the subtle shake spreading down to his hands. Somehow, though, the same disorienting emotion-heavy blue that sensitizes her steely confidence is the same blue remedy to lure her in; create a bubble, separate the feasible danger from their gravity. MC was so close to him and the warmth he gave reminded her of a night-in spent curled around a fireplace--warm and comfortable. It almost made her feel silly for being afraid. “MC, listen to me,” Cal declares, the hands clasped on her arms shaking her lightly, “I need your trust in me right now. Do you trust me?”
Although the realms of what he was about to say were endless, MC hadn’t expected something like that.
A simple yet passionate request for trust--trust in Cal. Oddly enough, MC could feel her chest illuminate with the glow of his words, a new layer of warmth added for every syllable. Cal needs me. He needs my trust in him. That thought spins mindless circles in her head, swirling faster and faster until they were permanently ingrained in her brain. A smile climbs up her cheeks; she couldn’t help it. Even now, surrounded by literal demons who’d waste no time at all ripping them apart, MC saw all the ways she fell for him. It was so clear.
Absentmindedly, MC softly speaks. “Always. I love you, so I trust you.”
She hadn’t even meant to say ‘I love you’, but once she did, MC could feel this growing concoction of anxiety and anticipation and embarrassment in her belly. It rose as she watched his eyebrows rise, his lips part, his eyes widen. Cal seemed astounded by her admission but that awe wears off quickly. The trick shooter shakes himself out of it, almost like a dream, and the fingers digging into her arm lose some of their force. They still trembled slightly. “You... that’s good,” he stammers a little, “I trust you too... maybe more than I can say right now, unfortunately. Around all these demons.” Within the next moment, the arms latching onto MC lose their grip and instead, one curls around her waist tight while his other hand pillows the back of MC’s head. MC can barely even react before he’s skillfully ducking around the throng of demons, dashing for something MC can’t quite tell at first. Her chin was perched on his shoulder, allowing her to watch all of the anger that passes over the demons’ faces. “Hold on tight, will you? It’s going to be a bumpy ride.” Cal whispers into her ear. There’s a knowing edge to his tone that has MC bracing for the worst. She clings to him, hard, wondering what he was planning.
Her answer is given through thousands of glass shards falling around her, the deafening noise of shattering windows filling her ears as the gunslinger slams out of the display window. 
MC whimpers and clutches him a little tighter. Small bits of glass bounce innocently off her body, falling down on the pavement with a tiny tinkling noise. Her ears rang as Cal continued to move, dashing away from the convenience store with an entire mob of demons following him. Everything moved in a blur and she could feel the wind swimming through her hair. A weird calm settles over, suppressing the trepidation that had plagued her thoughts. That plague was washed away by the memory of her admission and the way Cal sort of... dismissed it. The sentence stuck to her like gum, tacky and unavoidably irking. Thousands of thoughts charge her. Why didn’t he reciprocate her admission? Why be cryptic? Why admit he trusts her, then leave her with nothing to hold onto? Hadn’t the idea that they shared a common ground of trust, a specialized bond of trust and companionship, been clearly shown before?
Lastly, how did he feel about it?
Cal’s reply had been quicker than MC had anticipated. But she was reluctant to admit that they had been ambushed by possibly hundreds of demons. Of course Cal had been hasty to respond; their lives were on the line! He had been so shocked at first, then his touch had become gentler, almost like he felt relief or something similar to that feeling... Am I wrong to think that way? MC didn’t think so but the impeding insecurity she felt made her stance sway slightly. Maybe that reaction meant nothing. Maybe he was just snapping out of his shaken state at her words. Maybe... maybe that declaration of trust was his way of shooting her down without putting a more direct meaning in his words. Maybe that was his way of saying that that’s all he felt; trust in her. Nothing more, nothing less. Just an ally to side with when problems awaken. The idea of that complies a certain composition of saddened disappointment and unconditional happiness. Still embraced in his all-encompassing person, MC’s grip lessens an inch. She could feel the fierce rush of his heart, the slight vibration it gave. For a moment, she wonders what made it race like that--besides danger. What exactly was the mechanism that caused him to feel things that made his heart react?
More specifically, what were the things he held dearest? Who did his heart beat for the most?
Around them, MC notices that his speed has slowed and the herd had been reduced to a few fast-runners; the rest were out of sight. Maybe they’d get away in tact and alive, after all. Her questions have turbid answers that all float in her head, wavering bubbles of interest that popped at the slightest hints of tension. Maybe... Cal just wants to say it back on his own terms. Maybe he’s not at that place yet... maybe his statement of trust was his way of reciprocation. Just like before, the suggestive meaning gave a new glimmer of hope to MC. If her intuition was right and Cal just wasn’t prepared to give his true answer yet, then MC could live with his dismissing. If he wasn’t ready, then MC would be willing to wait. She’d always wait--she’d waited weeks, why not wait a few more in his company?
All the while, as Cal helped dismantle her after they had escaped the demons, MC held onto the response to her ‘I love you’.
It bred a whole new sense of rapture in her chest that was a sun of hope and love and delight. Being patient wasn’t such a hard thing to do for the person you loved.
So what was the harm in being patient for the one you treasure above all else?
Thank you again for your request! I had so much fun writing with this and I hope you love this as much as I loved writing it! Oh and I’m sorry that it took three whole weeks to get to your request, but I hope the length and quality (eh) can make up for it!
If you want to request something, here’s the Prompt List, here are the Guidelines, here’s Who I Write For, and here is where you can Request me.
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