#friends of red jenny
godsfavoritequnari · 17 days
the shadow dragons remind me of the friends of red jenny. but with better pr
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anneapocalypse · 2 years
You Miss, Then You Don't: On Sera's Archery Skills and the History of Red Jenny
The Sera Series: Exploring Sera's Character and Background
Sera is a skilled archer, and this comes up as a point of confusion both in the game and in supplementary materials. Multiple characters seem confused as to where she learned her archery skills. In early conversations in Haven, Sera tells the Inquisitor she had no teacher, that she just "picked it up here and there." She admits that it takes some work, but adds, "I mean, you miss, then you don't. Is it that hard to see when it's wrong?" When the Inquisitor asks if it's an "elf thing," Sera only laughs and replies, "Most I know couldn't find an arrow sitting on it."
In The World of Thedas, Volume 2, a note from the Antivan Crows poses a similar question:
I get it. They all wear the same mask. The rest is bullshit.
The elf, the voice says Denerim, a mutt. But she's got a trainer who must be somebody. You don't split flies like she does without someone teaching you how to nock an arrow. Who gets that at birth? No one the living are supposed to know. (p. 236)
Sera has annotated her usual answer in the margins. "Is it so hard for everyone? You miss, then you don't."
I think it's very easy to misread aspects of Sera's character if you take things she says early on in the game and in party banter literally and at face value. Initially, I accepted her answers as such myself. Later, as I got to know Sera, I realized that her early answers are really non-answers, which she gives specifically to deflect what she sees as nosy and invasive questions.
One thing I was sort of taken aback by, when I was just getting to know Sera, is how much she dislikes Maryden's song about her. Sera likes girls, Maryden seems to like Sera, Sera even comments that she thinks Maryden is "chatting her up." You'd think she'd be flattered Maryden wrote a song about her, right? Wrong. Big wrong. In her journal, she calls the song "creepy." Later, in Trespasser, after Sera offers the Inquisitor the chance to become a Red Jenny, Maryden can be heard starting up the song, abruptly interrupted by the sound of breaking wood, followed by Sera's final declaration, "Creepy song is creepy. Ugh!"
Sera has… let's say, a particular dislike for people being too nosy about her life.
Look at it this way: in Haven, Sera has just met the so-called Herald of Andraste. And she is taking a big chance on them. They're not the "Big Hat" yet, but they're already surrounded by nobs and Important People and Sera's whole thing is she wants to see if they're worth knowing before they get too big to bother with. That's what she says when she meets them: "Get in good before you're too big to like." So when she talks to them in Haven, she's not sure if she likes them yet. She's feeling them out.
So, when Sera's just met the Herald and is asked, "Who taught you to use a bow?" and she says, "No one" … that's not really an answer. It's like when Dorian asks the same, if she just picked it up one day and was a natural, and Sera's response is, "Not your business if I do or didn't. Like I don't ask if you 'naturally' shoot fireballs out your arse, or just opinions." 
It's not an answer, at least not literally. It is an insight into Sera's character, but not in the sense that it's telling us she's a natural born archer who never had to work at it a day in her life. (I mean, she even walks it back two lines later after the Inquisitor prods her further, saying that it does take work.) But what's she's really saying is the same thing she's saying to Dorian: "None of your business."
It's not like it would even be so weird if Sera was a self-taught fighter. As I brought up in a previous Sera post, I think there's some in-universe prejudice in the incredulity characters have about a city elf being good at fighting. No one repeatedly interrogates Duncan about how he learned to stab people good with a dagger.
But that's all beside the point. Because once Sera likes the Inquisitor, she tells them something different.
After raising Sera's approval high enough to get the cookie cutscene—a scene in which she opens up about her painful childhood—the Inquisitor can ask her more about herself. Sera still expresses reticence but is now willing to answer more questions. Let's have a look at that conversation.
Inquisitor: I'd like to know more about you, now that you're comfortable. Sera: Suppose. It's embarrassing enough now, might as well. Inquisitor: Anything more to say about where you came from? Besides hating cookies there. Sera: Denerim, mostly. Before running into another Jenny. He was fun. Had weird friends, though. I think some of them were a lot more serious about being serious. Got some of them killed. I suppose they were like family. Better than Lady Emmald ever was. You know why? They didn't give two squirts about who or what you were. It was all what you did. Inquisitor: So where are the rest of them? Sera: All over. Or they stopped to let new people go all over. Some get rich and stop playing. They can do good things with it. One or two don't. Eventually, someone asks for a favor against them. So don't get like that, you hear? Inquisitor: Denerim is a long way from Orlais. How'd you get there. Sera: By stinky horse? Inquisitor: Sera... Sera: Denerim wasn't much fun after the Blight. Everyone trying to recover, you'd even feel bad for the nobles. But Val Royeaux... that's a fat city full of fat heads. They just don't know when to stop. You saw it. Orlais is rich and stupid. Ripe for the picking. Inquisitor: So is that who showed you how to fight? Gave you your skills? Sera: Nobody gave me anything except a chance. And maybe some lessons to start. But mostly just the chance. I took that and ran.
And maybe some lessons to start.
There it is.
She's not a natural born archer. Maybe she had a normal level of affinity for it, but she didn't magically know how to archery without ever being taught or practicing because of elfy reasons or magic reasons or whatever other tinfoil hat reasons. She had some lessons. And then she practiced. And then she got good. Simple, ordinary people reasons.
And if you read between the lines here I think it's implied who gave her those lessons to start.
You see, the Friends of Red Jenny seem to have originally been a minor assassins' guild. And by "originally" I might right up until the time of the Fifth Blight. Also from World of Thedas Volume 2:
The knives I found think the Friends of Red Jenny started in Ferelden, maybe a hundred years back. Could be longer—they're hard to track. Don't know if the name is a rank or what, but pretty sure it's older than they are. They were assassins back then, but I doubt they competed with true guilds. They were cheap, small, and made a habit of paying urchins to get information or plant weapons. They recruited that way, but that doesn't seem like a way to get skilled people. The Friends had some teeth, and they weren't shy about getting bloody if their people were threatened, but they were strictly local.
It's recent that the Friends have been more active. Since the Blight, mostly. A new Red Jenny at the head—or seems like—in Val Royeaux. And in Kirkwall. Maybe more. Thing is, they might be doing more, but they stepped back from being assassins. And there are a lot fewer of them. Could be Blight—it killed a bunch of everybody. But my gut says different. They didn't just move; they changed how they work.
I found Red Jenny herself, or one of them, I guess. Tall for an elf. I approached her plain, figured we'd talk guild to guild. Her answer was two fingers. She could move, she's proper skilled, but I don't think she's competition. What she and her friends do has nothing to do with us. (p. 236)
The first we hear of the Friends of Red Jenny is in Dragon Age: Origins, when the Warden finds a small painted box in the quarters of First Enchanter Irving, then a note on the body of one of the Crows who ambush the party. The note indicates where the box is to be taken, and is signed "Friends of Red Jenny.” To complete the quest, the box must be delivered to a house in Denerim, where the player can hear the sound of a young girl laughing. No further information is given in that game.
In Inquisition, in conversation with Sera, the Inquisitor may ask her about the Blight, to which Sera replies, "That was ages ago. I was playing with small painted boxes and burying stuff I stole." It's possible this is just meant to be an easter egg, but for the sake of the argument let's assume that Sera does in fact mean that small painted box—that she was working with the old Jennies in Denerim. That one of them gave her that box to play with. Maybe they only needed what was inside it.
I initially read that "more serious about being serious" line as Sera referring to some Jennies who were more actively revolutionary. But I now think I was missing the bigger picture there. Sera was referring to the earlier Red Jennies, the ones she met in childhood before the Blight—the Jennies who were not merely tricksters but assassins.
This dialogue also really frames meeting that other Jenny as a turning point in Sera's life, and from it a picture of her life after Lady Emmald's death emerges for me. Having refused the estate, and still a child, she returned to the streets of Denerim where she met an assassin—a man who was "fun" but had "weird friends." They were "like family," she supposes. "Better than Lady Emmald ever was."
Someone fun with weird friends who took a liking to this little street urchin, perhaps. Gave her tasks to perform for a coin or some food. Gave her some trinkets to play with. Gave her a few lessons with a bow. Never cared that she was an elf, didn't bring it up constantly or tell her it was why people hated her.
Why didn't she just say that from the start? By the time you make it to the end of the cookies friendship cutscene in Skyhold, you've probably figured out that Sera's whole childhood is a painful, difficult subject that she doesn't like to talk about. She's not avoiding the subject of Denerim and her past because she's trying to be difficult; she's avoiding the subject because it's traumatic and a period of her life that she's trying to leave behind. She didn't ride all the way to Val Royeaux by stinky horse because she just loves clopping through miles of wilderness and woods full of the elfiest elves. Denerim is full of painful history for Sera, and I think the old Red Jennies are a part of that painful history. Her voice softens, gets quieter, when she talks about how being "more serious about being series" got some of them killed. World of Thedas Volume 2, in speculating about how the Friends of Red Jenny shifted from assassins to pranksters, notes that the Blight may have played a role in their shift, as it "killed a lot of everyone," so perhaps that contributed. Either way, I think Sera lost friends in Denerim. People who were "like family." There are things there that hurt to remember, and to talk about.
Sera's initial insistence that she didn't have a teacher might not be strictly a lie, especially if she only had a few starter lessons and did the rest herself. If she was observant enough, she might have picked up certain skills simply from watching the assassins she was around all the time. But it's also worth remembering that Sera is very resistant to talking about things that make her uncomfortable or bring up bad memories. Before she knows the Inquisitor well, when they push her to talk about her past, she'll say, "It's complicated. I don't like complicated. Let's leave it at that." Her commentary in the margins of the notes on her life in World of Thedas are mostly flippant, sarcastic, but one of the few that sounds really angry is the note after the old Marcher tavern song "She of the Red," which certainly sounds like it's about assassins and not merely pranksters:
She of the Red, Oh, She of the Red, She's under a lake with no water, it's said. As friendly as any, and then you are dead. "Forgive me; I've killed you," lies She of the Red.
Which Sera has annotated: "Frigging. Piss. Off!"
We might take from this that Sera simply doesn't like having songs written about her (given how deeply unimpressed she is with Maryden's efforts), but I get the sense she also really dislikes people bringing up what the Red Jennies used to be. I wonder if she was even fully aware as a child what the guild was really doing. But she must have made a conscious decision to take the Friends in a certain direction when she took over.
And I do think she took them over after the Blight. World of Thedas notes that Sera "appears to hold seniority, earned at a very young age." She was very young, still a child, when Emmald died. She fell in with the Red Jennies, began to learn archery. Then the Blight tore through Denerim, and a lot of people died. I suspect that the assault on Denerim (whether the attack itself or the ensuing disease) wiped out most if not all of the old Red Jennies, leaving Sera and whatever other urchins the guild had taken under their wing. She'd lost yet another family.
So Sera decided she'd be Red frigging Jenny.
But she didn't want to get people killed. Whatever she knew of the old Red Jennies' line of work, she was aware that it was dangerous. She'd lost friends. And besides, assassins are beholden to people with the coin to hire them—most likely nobles. And there's no one Sera hates more than nobles.
So Sera remade the Friends of Red Jenny into something new. She remade them in her own image and took them to Val Royeaux. They spread north to the Free Marches. I wouldn't be surprised if they're all over Thedas by now. Probably for the best that they're no longer anything the Crows would see as a threat.
But if you're a noble stepping on little people, best look out for arrows. And mind your breeches.
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sometimesraven · 1 year
@febuwhump Day 12: "Can you hear me?”
Fandom: Dragon Age Whumpee:  Female Lavellan
Summary: Lavellan falls off the roof of a building while pranking with the Friends of Red Jenny. Fortunately, it initiates a meetcute.
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Miriel had lost count of the hours she had been awake. Her work with the Friends of Red Jenny had been far more hands-on than she had anticipated, given her diminished responsibilities within the Inquisition, and she certainly hadn’t planned on spending all her waking hours chasing dead-end sightings and rumours of Solas’ movements.
Still, in the three years since the Divine Conclave she had grown accustomed to it all. At times she could almost fool herself she wasn’t sick, able to mask the pain and fatigue she had always felt even from herself from time to time. Being a Jenny was a welcome distraction from the world-ending danger she always seemed to be facing.
The problem, however, with ignoring a sickness was that it tended to remind you of its existence at the worst possible moment. Not moments after the pink paint poured from the rooftop onto the head of another masked noble than Miriel’s legs had shaken and given way. She toppled and failed to catch herself in time, landing heavily on a balcony below, and the world faded.
“Inky? Can you hear me?”
The voice was unfamiliar; a low rumble that pierced directly into her chest. Miriel slowly opened her eyes, wincing as several jolts of pain hit at once from varying parts of her body. She automatically reached for her left hand, only to sigh and flop back down when she remembered it was no longer there.
Her arms hurt. Her legs hurt. Her back hurt. She was fairly certain she needed a healer. Instead, she eyed the concerned face above her. Another elf gazed down at her with narrow hazel-gold eyes, greenish-white vallaslin adorning her brown skin like fade-touched serpentstone. The marks were of Falon’Din, she realised with a tinge of sadness.
“Only Sera gets to call me that,” Miriel managed eventually, the act of speaking shooting pain through her chest that had her choking on her own words.
“Apologies, ma’am,” the stranger hummed, her voice holding a similar Ferelden roughness to that of Sera, though flatter like Cullen’s. “Keep still, I’ll heal you.”
A mage? Miriel groaned with equal parts pain and relief as the familiar tingle of magic filled her body, feeling muscle and bone pull back together and her back crack into place. The relief was almost enough to knock her back out, but she forced herself to stay awake; though made no efforts to move.
“There, that should help. Sera warned us you were reckless with your health but I don’t think anyone expected you to take a nosedive off the roof like that.” Offering her a hand, she pulled her to her feet with a surprising strength Miriel hadn’t been expecting. “Nice to finally meet you though. I’m Adris, by the way. Or just Sabrae if you want.”
“Sabrae?” Miriel quirked a brow, recognising the clan name from both her books and Varric’s tales of the Champion. “You’re a Marcher?”
“Nah,” she hummed, “I’d only just got my Vallaslin when the clan moved north, barely more than a child. Decided I’d rather take my chances with the Blight than follow my clan across the Waking Sea.”
There was more to it than she was letting on, Miriel could tell. It explained her accent at least. “And now you’re a Jenny.”
Adris shrugged, “It’s fun, and it makes a difference in little ways. What’s not to love? Besides falling of rooves.”
“I’m never going to hear the end of that, am I?”
“Nope.” Adris grinned a wide, toothy grin and Miriel found herself smiling back despite herself. When was the last time she’d made a new friend, truly? “So. Gonna let me take you home or are you too big for that, Herald?”
Miriel grimaced at the title, “Just Miriel, please.”
“Apologies, your holiness~”
Oh, she was going to hit this elf before long, she just knew it.
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veshialles · 2 years
The interaction with Sera after Adamant makes me so insane when playing as Valyhra.
Like they’re both roughly the same age (20-something), and they start talking about Grey Wardens and The Battle Of Denerim, and while The Hero Of Ferelden’s victory was barely even a memory from Sera’s point of view, Valyhra more or less grew up on stories about The Warden’s adventures and came to idolize her because she hadn’t heard many stories about heroic elves outside of the Dalish oral traditions and writings.
And now here Valyhra is stepping up to become a hero herself, leading the fight against Corypheus’ forces.
Which in turn ties back to all those years ago when Kieshara was in the alienage desperately avoiding her wedding, sitting down to talk with those kids who told her they had never heard of any elven heroes, and so she invented one on the spot (Tathas the elven bandit), and it all just makes me feel so. so..... *screams*
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softhe4rted · 1 year
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on loneliness jenny slate / japanese breakfast, posing for cars / corinne von lebusa, big glow / dadushin / alejandra pizarnik, tr. me / fka twings, home with you / avocado_ibuprofen / fiona apple, left alone / anne carson, “the anthropology of water”, plainwater / kiki smith, free fall / alejandra pizarnik, diaries
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sollucets · 11 months
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some p'yos
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pinayelf · 7 months
OC Style Boards pt 2
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Violetta Amell - former Circle mage, rebel mage, Amihan Amell's long lost twin sister
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Maya Tabingdagat - former Circle mage, ex-tranquil, Inquisitor Gabriel Trevelyan's close friend
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Marikit - former Circle mage, fused with the spirit of Resilience, elven-blooded
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Caridad Lacanilao - former Circle mage, disgraced & removed from the noble Trevelyan house, Red Jenny member
These are my other DA OCs, some in my canon worldstates and others in their own. Did this cause I like making style boards lol ✌🏽
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feykrorovaan · 7 months
This blog is a Friend of Red Jenny.
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crazybot1231 · 1 year
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stay close kid, the world can be dangerous
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andrewknightley · 11 days
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godsfavoritequnari · 5 months
Can't imagine playing DAI without Sera.... she's essential to my Inquisitor's sanity. I cannot fathom being surrounded by oceans of insufferably self-important nobles and the local episcopal see without her to make the experience not only bearable but entertaining. Now where's my guillotine
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anneapocalypse · 2 years
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Pages 236-237 of Dragon Age: The World of Thedas Volume 2, with some information about Sera and the Friends of Red Jenny.
These are photographs of the physical book, so I apologize that they aren't perfect, but I have also transcribed the text in its entirety below. Comments in the margins (presumably by Sera) are denoted by brackets.
(And should you be interested in my own analysis of this information, you can check out my Sera meta series.)
Notes on the Inquisition Sera & the Friends of Red Jenny
[Well, this should be shit right the way through.]
Red Jenny is a minor legend, a figure of vengeance for those oppressed who are brave enough to wish ill on the authors of their misfortune, but at the same time not possessed of the conviction to upset the social structure in which they find themselves mistreated. In short, something happens, but nothing changes.
[Well, no? Where would you spend anything if you tore it all down? Daft!]
The group is simultaneously led by skilled actors, each claiming to be the titular figure, “Red Jenny.” Sera appears to hold seniority, earned at a very young age. Individual “Red Jennies” operate independently for long periods of time, each to the advantage of their personal territory. Sera’s activities vary from insult to larceny, and, in extreme cases, murder. She will, as the saying goes, rob from the rich and give to the poor, but with significant funds kept for services rendered. Often, robbery is incidental, the action being more about petty revenge. The one rule Sera seems to demand is that they cross no other of their own.
[That’s right, it’s the rule. No chances, no bargains, you’re over and done.]
Sera’s group has attained such a strange notoriety that they need not even act to be credited with an outcome, in what seems the modern equivalent of blaming sickly cattle on imagined witches. So, the difficulty in tracking Red Jenny is established by individual skill, multiplied by concurrent numbers, scattered by random intent, and compounded by the fact that a Red Jenny may not even have been there in the first place.
Thanks to some well-placed sources, we have learned that the Friends of Red Jenny have been of previous interest to assassin guilds as well. Some unusual records surfaced from the Antivan Crows:
[They went after Crows? Pissballs!]
You wanted their measure taken, and here it is.
The knives I found think the Friends of Red Jenny started in Ferelden, maybe a hundred years back. Could be longer—they're hard to track. Don't know if the name is a rank or what, but pretty sure it's older than they are. They were assassins back then, but I doubt they competed with true guilds. They were cheap, small, and made a habit of paying urchins to get information or plant weapons. They recruited that way, but that doesn't seem like a way to get skilled people. The Friends had some teeth, and they weren't shy about getting bloody if their people were threatened, but they were strictly local.
It's recent that the Friends have been more active. Since the Blight, mostly. A new Red Jenny at the head—or seems like—in Val Royeaux. And in Kirkwall. Maybe more. Thing is, they might be doing more, but they stepped back from being assassins. And there are a lot fewer of them. Could be Blight—it killed a bunch of everyone. But my gut says different. They didn't just move; they changed how they work.
I found Red Jenny herself, or one of them, I guess. Tall for an elf. I approached her plain, figured we'd talk guild to guild. Her answer was two fingers. She could move, she's proper skilled, but I don't think she's competition. What she and her friends do has nothing to do with us.
Noted below, presumably by the initiating Antivan Crow:
I get it. They all wear the same mask. The rest is bullshit.
The elf, the voice says Denerim, a mutt. But she's got a trainer who must be somebody. You don't split flies like she does without someone teaching you how to nock an arrow. Who gets that at birth? No one the living are supposed to know.
[Is it so hard for everyone? You miss, then you don't.]
This is admittedly the thinnest of the threads I've followed. The following is an anonymouse contemporary tavern rhyme that circulates in the Free Marches north of the Vimmark Mountains brought to my attention as it references a nickname Sera was overheard to mention.
She of the Red, Oh, She of the Red, She's under a lake with no water, it's said. As friendly as any, and then you are dead. "Forgive me; I've killed you," lies She of the Red.
[Frigging. Piss. Off!]
Sera was likely in the alienage in Denerim as an infant, but we can find no record. Her association with the Friends of Red Jenny may have been her means of avoiding it. Speaking in confidence, some guards admit they are loath to chase anyone into a dark alley, as it is akin to chasing a bear to its den. Not worth the risk, especially if only over a matter of elven truancy.
[Whatever that means, no one cares. Didn't go, stupid tree, didn't stay.]
By her own admission, Sera spent some years in the household of a merchant of moderate holdings named Lady Taraline Emmald. That time seems to predate exposure to the Friends and ended with the woman's death well before the Blight. A particularly virulent wasting illness was known to have passed through Denerim during those years.
[Makes you gray. And cold. You don't wish it on the worst people.]
The streets and the Friends are probably sources for Sera's combat abilities, but Emmald was likely her initial educator and provider. The taking of a ward is not unheard of for those who are childless but of means. Sera has admitted that the situation was mutually beneficial for a time, but clearly has mixed feelings about it now. The death may have caused matters to go unresolved.
[She ruined cookies. Nice or not, that was shit.]
The life of her patroness remains undocumented. It seems people are allowed to be lost in the wake of Blight, but matters of property rarely are. Sera is not named in the following records, but the epithet "Bequeathed" is occasionally used when a party is unable to be legally identified, as in the matter of elves and holdings outside of approved venues such as alienages. It appears that at one point, Sera may have inherited a sizable estate. That speaks to Lady Emmald's commitment to at least the appearance of the relationship. How Sera dispensed with it speaks to her.
[Never asked for it. Paid good sovereigns not to read any of it then, pay you even more not to read it now.]
Document dated before the Blight:
Notice of Grant
Subject: Estate and holdings on behalf of one Lady Taraline Emmald, deceased, to be placed in trust for Bequeathed, as indicated by will and testament.
Value: Sum total of estate is determined to be twenty-eight thousand seven hundred sovereigns, eighty silver, and ninety-six copper (28,700g, 80s, 96c), in combined lands and monies. Less negotiated fees (147g 3s), less taxation of transfer, respecting precedent of holdings between legal title bearers and those remaining undocumented. Divestment of two thousand eight hundred and seventy sovereigns, eight silver, one copper (2,870g, 8s, 1c) required.
Addendum: Funds refused by Bequeathed, as anticipated by author of will and testament. Amount deferred to trust maintained by divestment of interest. Title remains with the estate for purposes of documentation, as respecting of precedent (re: undocumented).
Document dated during the Blight:
Notice of Seizure
Subject: Estate and holdings of one Lady Taraline Emmald, deceased, as held in trust for Bequeathed, to be seized for immediate use.
Authority to seize: Granted in anticipation of treaties presented by relevant authorities (Grey Wardens), to be used in efforts against the Blight. Said treaties not present. Authority enacted by special enforcement of arl and state.
Addendum postseizure: The quoted volue has been deducted from the estate for cited circumstances. The total of: *worth of mercantile goods and trade contracts stored on site (sold to fund efforts), *miscellaneous private goods (sold to fund efforts), *miscellaneous structural elements (sold to fun efforts), the removal of which compromised roofing. Principal manor house rendered unlivable due to elements and animal infestation. Blight forces immune to fine of worth.
Amounts total: Reduced from estimated worth of holdings, ten thousand and sixteen sovereigns, eighteen silver, and four copper (10,016g, 18s, 4c). Hall house and outbuilding remain as taxable structures.
Document dated after the Blight:
Notice of Fine in Worth
Subject: Bequeathed returned to unannounced tenancy of holdings titled to one Lady Taraline Emmald, held in trust for said Bequeathed, incurring fines against said holdings. Fines require reactivating intent of will and testament from trust. Estate now subject to precedent of Blight Reclamation Act IV, wherein inheritance by those undocumented is taxed for public good, requiring prefine divestment of three thousand four hundred sovereigns, four silver, eleven copper (3,400g, 4s, 11c).
Claims against: Seeking financial recompense the total of: *unpaid contract to the Gnawed Noble to supply spirit and comestibles (ongoing), *two (2) neighboring outbuildings destroyed (tipped), *two (2) nightgown garments ruined and personal attending of two (2) residents of adjoining property to restore damage to countenance suffered while attending purpose in said tipped outbuildings, *individual rewards for city officers who assisted in the control of accidental fire consuming hall house of estate, which spread to neighboring public stables. Three thousand forty-eight sovereigns, eleven silver, nine copper (3,048g, 11s, 9c), paid by divestment or reduced from estimated worth. Outbuilding remains as taxable structure.
And another:
Notice of Quitclaim and Transfer
Subject: Quitclaim on land and holdings titled to one Lady Taraline Emmald, deceased, by one Bequeathed. This is to certify that all ownership and claims thereof are nulled in their entirety by the estate, as held in trust by Bequeathed.
Authority to dispose: Bequeathed authorizes the dissolution of holdings due to admitted lack of education regarding such matters, and disinterest in pursuing same. Total of instruction of Bequeathed is exactly: "Maybe orphans or some (excrement)." Terms defined by documenting trustee for additional fee (39g, 3s), by divestment.
Action: Management of all land and holdings is transferred to Undetermined Sister of the Chantry, Denerim, as per precedent regarding Blight orphaned and monies donated through will or testament. Transfer requires divestiture of considerable value, total eight thousand forty-nine sovereigns, one silver, thirteen copper (8,049g, 1s, 13c), precedent noted regarding gifting by undocumenteds. See Blight Reclamation Act IX.
Addendum: Chantry has delayed assignment of Undetermined Sister, as any available have been dispatched to Kinloch Hold for the purpose of "diplomatic ministrations." Delay in assignment has exposed estate to seizure due to lack of occupancy (see Blight Reclamation Act XII). Avoidance of seizure requires satisfying fine of worth to ensure land title remains giftable, payment in lieu requiring divestment of remaining holdings in their entirety. Two thousand one hundred thirty-one sovereigns, thirty-two silver, fifty-eight copper (2,131g, 32s, 58c).
Note: The estate of one Lady Taraline Emmald ceases to be legally definable if balance is archived at zero. Account to be closed with a final deficit against estate of thirty silver (30s), as requested and pocked by Bequeathed.
And for the sake of circumstantial numerical interest, note this contemporary tavern leaflet, as commonly circulated following the Blight:
Rest well at the Gnawed Noble. Raise a glass, raise your feet. Thirty silver for all your comfort for the week. Arriving to find your claim? Passing through to find your fortune? Staff on hand to assist in pairing with a suitable caravan, be your destination the opportune rebuilding of Redcliffe, or farthest Orlesian jewel and capital Val Royeaux.
[Happy now? Better be.]
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ray-pakorn · 1 year
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OFFICIAL and REDACTED only friends relationship chart, from jojo himself
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lelianaslefthand · 7 months
i just want to know why the writers decided to make the inquisitor stupid in that they can’t grasp what sera is ever talking about. everything she says makes perfect sense!!!!
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immobiliter · 4 months
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okay so a few psa things about me adding jaheira to the blog now that everything except her bio is complete~
i will primarily be writing her within the bg3 timeline. i am learning about the older games but i never played them myself so i'll be using them as a point of reference and feeding them into the way i write her during bg3, but the primary focus of my portrayal is on her role and characterisation in that game and everything else is just supplementary to it. i also feel like, interaction wise, the bulk of any writing i do with her will be in the bg3 timeline anyway so this should be a non-issue, but still !
jaheira's not romanceable in bg3 (what is it with me and picking the non-romanceable companions lmao), but i am most certainly not opposed to the idea of shipping if there's chemistry. i honestly prefer the idea of her being shipped in the bg3 timeline than i do to when she actually is shippable in the franchise, rip khalid 💀
i will also be giving her a da verse since i cannot help myself. i have some ideas swirling around my brain so that will likely follow once i've gotten a handle on her
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natjennie · 1 year
"you want to assassinate someone, vision is a basic requirement. it's like step one, pick a person to kill. step two, kill THAT person" OKAYYY orange is the new black is funny
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