#friendo tagged me so I must answer!
qettleqorn · 11 months
tagged by @wind-becomes-lightning
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
Since I kinda wrote this here and there and don't recall what I wrote last from it!
"Maybe in another life we'll get another chance, maybe it's like a comet that you only see once in your life. It doesn't really matter to me because right now in this moment. I'm with you."
I tag you, yes, you, unsuspecting reader! <3 Anyways have fun! Enjoy!
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caramelstarlight · 1 year
So like this isn't specific but what about certain stoic genshin men with a reader whoa incredibly bubbly and happy all the time.
"Someone is going to die."
"Of fun!"
sorry for not doing anything the past week and two (haha two.)
(FUTURE ME BY LIKE 2 MINS I FORGOT THE ✅/⭐️ Your prayer is accepted friendo) (other two in progresss.)
I was going to animate the “Hey Two!” Video bc I am a fan of bfdi. (Have been ever since I was little!)
But don’t worry everything will be out today and tomorrow! (Most likely.)
if you follow me on wattpad you would’ve saw the post I put 3 days ago most likely. There’s also 6 options for me to animate on there! Feel free to look at my acc and vote. (You can also vote for one by sending a message.)
Also holy so many frames 😭
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I forgot Diluc existed sorry :d
cough cough Two worlds one heart next part tomorrow cough cough (aka part 4)
*cough cough ignore that it’s coming Friday bc I forgot about picture taking cough cough*
Stoic x Bubbly
(Alhaitham, Xiao, Wanderer, Cyno (in work mode) Tighnari (He’s stoic when he’s working like Cyno) I forgot Diluc existed mb.
And my limit for requests is 4 and I decided to add Tighnari bc I realized it. (No more than 4) (No part two. Sorry for those who thought Diluc would be here :d)
under cut r the stories. : D
“Alhaitham” you said as he read his book forgetting about the noise canceling stuff he had. You continued to call out his name as kaveh watched. Softly laughing at you.
Alhaitham sent a glare towards kaveh and his gaze went back towards his book. “Alhaitham isn’t fun.” He pouted as you nodded. Eventually leaving his side to go outside with kaveh. Trying to bait him into becoming more fun.
“Kaveh I don’t think this will work.” “It might but prob not.” He replied as you both waited. He didn’t come out soon and you both came up with another idea. “We should make him mad about something…”
“Like Tighnari at cynos jokes?” “Exactly. I know you make him mad but maybe it should be something about knowledge?” “Wh-hey!” He bonked you on the head as you hit him lightly. “You do have a point though.” Kaveh said afterwards.
“Where would we find a dummy in all of sumeru?” You asked knowing majority of sumeru are smart fellows.
“We just need to get lucky.” “Maybe you should try make him mad again.” “Whyyy?!” “Because you make him mad numbskull!” Hitting him again lightly as he thought about it.
“I heard you two were trying to make me mad?” You both jumped slightly as both of you turned your head to see Alhaitham. Both of you becoming nervous by the second.
“I uhhmm.” You said trying to come up with an answer that wouldn’t sound stupid to him. His gaze turned to kaveh shortly after.
“Well I accept your challenge.” “Wait what?!”
“Someone is going to die.” Both of you panicked becoming more confused.
“Of fun?” You thought out loud as he nodded. Both of you partying slightly. Finally doing something other than work and reading.
Xiao (During lantern rite)
“Xiao!” You called as he appeared by your side. Sitting at a table with Zhongli and a few adepti. His eyes widened in surprise as he quickly composed himself and sat next to Zhongli.
Playing a few games to pass the time after having lunch with everyone. Xiao managed to smile and become more happier.
When it was time to play tag (yes tag.) he was not like his usual self but still tried. “Someone is going to die.” He said as a joke. Watching people be tagged from a distance. He though someone might fall and trip.
“Of fun!” You said afterwards. Tagging yaoyao as you ran away. Watching her touch xiao as she ran. He was caught off guard and teleported to someone randomly touching cloud retainer.
“Why must one be touched for a silly game?” She said as she used her beak to touch mountain shaper. He stayed silent and ran after Moon carver.
Xiao returned to yours and Zhongli s side as you started to lose the adrenaline in your heart. Drinking water as you watched them all finish.
(HAHHAHAHAHHAHA MY SISTER LOST HER 50/50 TO MONAAA) (I have won none of my 50/50s *crying* (I’m serious all 5 that I had I LOST, 3 to qiqi once to Mona and once to jean. Keqing was on standard)
He watched you come inside not expecting you to be crying. He rushed to your side and asked why and who (or what) caused it.
“Someone almost poisoned me…” You told him. “And do you know who? I’ll gladly make them cry louder than you and regret their life.” (Get it?????? I’m not funny :D) “what-?” “Nothing.”
“Someone is going to die today Y/N. Just tell me their name.” “Of fun right wanderer…?” It stayed silent for a few moments as you became more nervous then sad.
“Of fun right?” You asked again clasping your hands together worrying for the person who did it to you. “Let’s put it that way…” he said as he asked you. Looking for that individual after he spent some time with you.
He was always so interested in how you were always trying to see positive sides of anything. He has witnessed cruel and unjust acts and behavior.
“Do you wanna pull a prank on them?” Someone asked gesturing to you. “Dude are you crazy?? Almost anyone and you choose them??!” They said calming down as they drank their water after the spat it out.
“What’s wrong with them?” They asked kind of nervous of them freaking out. “That’s the General Mahamatras Partner! AKA Cyno.” Cyno listened closely as he strained his ears. Behind a wall as you talked to a friend. Unknowingly cyno was going to pull a prank on them in return.
“Pssht! He’s prob on a mission it’s not like he’s hearing us right now.” “I guess you’re right but be careful.” They replied as they began to talk. Cynos prank wasn’t going to be good but it would jump them. That’s how pranks are.
They pulled the prank and scare you from behind. Telling how they got you good. Before you smirked and stocked your tongue out. Cyno was right behind them with his usual cold gaze and activated spirit. (Basically his idol animation, the one with the polearm)
“Someone will perish for their actions against Y/N.” They both froze up and turned slightly scared and worried. “Of fun!” You perked in. They both got caught off guard as cyno laughed off the joke before giving both of them a slight cut on their bodies.
“Run.” You suggested as cyno chased them away. Coming back toward you after he had his fun. “That’s fun to you? Chasing innocent beings cyno?” You asked jokingly. “Yes. Think of it as tag but it doesn’t end as quickly as tag does.”
“Fair enough.”
“I swear I am going insane if one more person consumes a fungi that’s poisonous or has dangerous side effects.” Tighnari stated as you tried to calm the agitated fennec down.
“Nari it will be okay. On the bright side it teaches not too and can help you improve on your methods of healing them.” You watched as his ears and tail perked up slightly motivated him. His tail wagged slowly as he stopped his rant.
“Someone will die.” He said and caught you off guard. “What-?! Of fun I hope!” You said as he nodded. “I’m going insane I need some days offff.” He told you as he buried his face into the pillow on the couch.
“Don’t worry the others can take at least 2 or 3 days off I’m sure of it!” You played with his ears as he felt calmer. “Thank you…” He got up and sat next to you. Waiting for your hand. You placed it on his head as he melted into your touch. His tail swishing ecstatically. Finally getting a well deserved break.
You scratched behind his ears as he spoke. “I really needed this.” Beginning to become sleepy due to the amount of comfort. Soon after you heard light snores.
Laughing to yourself as you got up and gave him a blanket. Going to go help the others with their tasks and to tell them what would be planned.
(I need a two plush. Omg it looks amazing. My birthday is in November tho 😭)
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pickingwinkles · 2 years
I've been tagged by @highponeystoney Thanks friendo!
1. Are you named after anyone? My maternal grandfather. yep I have nothing wittier to say
2. When was the last time you cried? Hmm. Today. I watched some people watch Return of the King on youtube (because that is the way in which i have chosen to fritter away my precious little time on earth) and I cried when they cried when they realised Frodo was leaving for the undying lands. basically i will cry any time i see anyone else cry even if i don't know what they're crying about. why aren't my sentences auto-capitalising on my laptop? Must I do everything myself? I am not cool enough to have non-capitalised sentences.
3. Do you have kids? I'm just going to go ahead and copy paste @highponeystoney 's answer here. No. Nor I do I wish to have any. Never had any desire. *waves to all the busy-bodies who told me I'd change my mind when I'm older*
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? It depends who I'm with... there are plenty of people who just don't do sarcasm and I will pop it neatly aside for them. But I'm an Xennial and an Australian, it's kind of in my make-up. You didn’t survive teen-hood in the 90s without developing the skill of sarcasm. Also my sister used to call me Darlene (after the character in Roseanne) and I was obsessed with Daria. Make of that what you will.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people? Faces. General facial area. Mostly their chin or mouth because that's where I look so I can understand what they're saying
6. What's your eye color? Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrown
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Depends. I don't like jump scare horror movies, but I like to be scared. The best ones for me never show the horror and good ones of those are few and far between. I can take or leave a happy ending. I prefer a justified ending
8. Any special talents? I can play the nose flute
9. Where were you born? Melbourne baby! In Australia, not that Florida nonsense. So, just 20 minutes ago I was looking up airports and typed in MEL--you know, our airport code because we got it first because we are the best Melbourne--and Melbourne fucking Florida kept coming up first! Excuse moi! One: we are an actual state capital and two: just no. No offence to Florida Melburnians, love ya
10. What are your hobbies? *sigh* Reading, walking, crochet, doodling, playing drums, learning, painting, needle-felting, sewing, cross-stitch and aaaaaall the other things with all the supplies in all the drawers... i just like making stuff okay
11. Have any pets? My kitty cat. She cute
12. What sports do you/have you played? Sometimes I wish I still played something, or had someone to play tennis or something with. At school I played in the volleyball, (field) hockey, and soccer teams. Oh and I was a pretty good high-jumper too… until everyone else grew taller than me. In my own time I used to play tennis, played lawn bowls a few times, and sniffed around the local croquet club. And I've done a few short (5km) runs with so-called friends who made me run. Horrific. Hate running. Actually it was kinda fun running around the zoo...
13. How tall are you? I 163cm last time the doctor checked
14. Favorite subject in school? Art, English, Maths and Science
15. Dream job? Mate, if I haven't figured it out by now I never will. I don't know. The most motivated I am is doing things for other people (literally anything... false. almost anything) and faffing about making things look pretty. So something that combines those.
I was going to tag people... and I'm still too scared to tag people. Look, I am a socially anxious nightmare okay. Just, do the thing if you got down this far and you want to do the thing, yeah? And feel free to let me know if you like to be tagged to do these things, or tag me to say you did it if you like. Not that I get many but you know, if I do. I've lost track of what I'm saying. How did my battery drop down so fast? I gotta get a snack.
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In Hiding Part 4/?
Hey loves! Sorry it took so long for me to write part 4, I’ve had school and band. I like this chapter, so I hope you do too!
Word count: 1566
Warnings: Really un graphic violence, mentions of undiagnosed PTSD, OCD, and depression, and my inability to write good endings
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The last 30 minutes on the Quinjet were pure hell. Tony kept trying to grill you, and you didn’t respond, which motivated him to ask even more questions.
Finally, he rolled his eyes and asked, “Where are your parents?”
Hundreds of locked-away memories flooded your mind. Your parents had sold you to HYDRA at age 5. You didn't know much about your parents or their identities.
After he asked about your parents, you broke eye contact and looked anywhere but into someone's eyes.
“I see.” Tony scowled but continued asking more questions, but you weren't in the mood, even more now than before.
You eventually drifted off into a daydream as Tony’s questions slurred together. You dreamt about what your life could've been if you had parents and weren't mutant. You could still have parents; you wouldn't have sustained all of that torture at HYDRA, and you would've gotten to go to school!
School, something many take for granted. You didn't have any higher education, and being 15 and more innovative and 99.99% of the world, it was a moot point. Still, being among everyday people, having friends, and discovering your passions, would be amazing.
Snaps in your face brought you back, courtesy of Tony.
“Kid. Kid! Hello?” He snapped in your face.
You had returned to Earth and- hey, look at that! Tony is within head butting distance. Maybe it'd get him to shut up, or would Loki attack again? He was staring at you from the back of the jet, unmoving, eyes trying to predict your following movements.
“KID!” Tony shouted.
You'd had enough of hearing him in your face, so you turned back to him, made eye contact, and-
“Don’t do that, girl.” Loki snarled from his seat.
Tony turned to him and cocked his head.
“She was going to headbutt you, obviously. Don't get within 5 feet of her.”
Tony thanked him quietly and sat in his seat, glaring at you. You made eye contact with him once more, and you smirked.
The rest of the ride was quiet, save for a few tiny pockets of conversation and Tony coming up with more dumb questions, which you elected to ignore.
You had finally reached the compound, and all you could think about was your impending doom.
Steve picked you up again, as your restraints render you immobile. You fell limp in his arms, head dangling. You were so tired and so worried.
Steve carried you into the compound and to a room, or rather, a cell. The space was empty except for a cot in the corner and a sink. The wall next to the door sported a one-way mirror.
“You’ll stay in here; Stark wants to ask you more questions; he’ll be in here soon.” He put you down on the floor, and you looked up to him. He uncuffed you and swiftly ran out in fear of you trying to bolt again.
Little did you know, he and many of the other team members were staring at you from the other side of the glass, observing you in attempts to understand how you worked and your erotic behavior.
The room was made of something that made you powerless, and the walls were a blinding white. There weren’t any windows, and a single notepad and pencil lay on the bed.
You sat in the center of the room for 5 minutes, staying stationary. Once more, scenarios of what the Avengers might do to you crowded your mind. Tears came again, and you sobbed quietly. Everything hurt, and you were once again reminded that you'd been awake for almost 24 hours. So you carefully laid yourself out on the ground, being mindful of your bruises, and cried there.
—————Avengers POV—————
“So- uh- what do we do now?” Steve pointed to you, still crying on the floor.
“Poor thing,” Wanda remarked, frowning.
“Poor thing? She may be a child, but she's evil!” Tony scoffed.
“She could be a beneficial asset to the team,” Nat suggested.
“I don’t trust her.” Tony crossed his arms and looked back to your shaking figure.
“Tony, I kinda volunteered to go talk to her.” Steve turns back to him. “She's got a notepad, and if she doesn’t open up, we’ll send someone else in.”
“Why the hell did you volunteer me? Kid hates me; it's obvious.”
“Just go see if you can get anything out of her, Tony,” Natasha ordered.
“Fine.” He rolled his eyes, stepping into your cell.
—————Your POV—————
Tony Stark stepped into your cell, the door shut with a loud ‘thud.’ His intentions were unclear, so you backed into a corner. He crouched in front of you and looked into your puffy, red eyes.
Now that the two of you weren't fighting, he noticed how truly young you were; you still had that childlike glimmer in your bright blue eyes. You had been turned into a villain, but it wasn’t your fault.
“Hey, kid.”
You didn’t respond, just blinked. He grabbed the notepad and pencil on the bed.
“Since we haven’t heard you speak, we put this here for you to write on. Do you know how to write?”
Of course, you knew how to write. You stared at Stark, annoyed that he thought you couldn’t write, and slowly nodded your head.
He handed you the notepad and pencil and asked your name, which he knew. He was trying to create a sense of normalcy for you.
“(Y/N)” You wrote.
“You have great handwriting and a beautiful name (Y/N).” He said, reaching for your hand.
You winced when Tony touched you and quickly brushed him off.
“Understood.” Tony moved back and asked you, “Did HYDRA give you your powers?”
“I don’t think so. I was young. I don’t know.” You wrote. You did know, however. You were born with powers, and that’s why your parents sold you. You were too much to handle, and many people were willing to pay hefty prices for you.
You weren’t fond of visiting HYDRA memories, let alone talking about them. Memories of being tortured plagued your dreams every night, and it seems that HYDRA had found a way to torture you even after you escaped.
Often loud noises would bring back memories, as would needles and human contact.
“I want my clothes back.” You wrote. You thought they might bring some semblance of home, a piece of you to hold, and you’d be able to smell your apartment and yourself.
Tony nodded. “I’ll see what I can do. Do you need anything else?”
You shook your head and wrote, “Please leave now. And don’t stare at me from the window. It's creepy.”
Tony chuckled. “Ok, Banner is going to come to check on you at some point.”
You nodded and waved your hand towards the door, signaling him to leave.
Tony slowly got up, and you stared silently as he left the cell. Before he shut the door, he looked back to you, stationary on the floor, staring up at him. Once he was gone, you stared into the mirror, not at yourself but any unsuspecting souls behind it.
Once you thought the sufficient amount of staring was reached, you got up and went to the bed at the far corner of your cell. It was perpendicular to the door, so you could see if anyone entered and be ready to defend yourself.
It must've been an hour or so until Banner walked into your cell. You jumped up from the bed and pushed yourself into a corner. He frowned and set down what he was carrying, which was a tray of food and your clothing.
He stepped away from said items, and you scrambled to grab them, scared he’d take them back. You backed yourself into your corner once more, shielding yourself with your clothing.
“Hey, (Y/N). Remember me?”
You scowled. You remembered him, and you weren't very fond of the memories you shared with him.
You didn't move, eyes still trained on him. He kneeled about 5 feet away from you, not wanting to startle you.
His voice was low and soft when he asked, “Can I come closer?”
You stared, not knowing how to answer. Would Bruce hurt you again? Could you trust him? It didn’t look like he was holding anything more to hurt you. You allowed yourself to creep closer, slowly inching towards him.
“See, baby steps.” He looked towards the window. You assumed some people were still watching the two of you.
You let yourself come closer, until you were about a foot away from him.
“Can I touch your hand?” He reached out and touched you, but you winced and pulled your hand away. You still didn’t trust him, you would need a whole lot more prof before letting him, or anyone for that matter, touch you.
“Ok, I’m going to go now, get some sleep.” He stood and turned away from you, heading to the exit.
He stepped out, and turned off the lights in your room. It was almost pitch black, except for a dim light coming through the window. You climbed into the bed, and stared up at the ceiling. You were exhausted, but sleep refused to come.
It must have been 45 minutes when you finally drifted off to a restless sleep. You dreamt about what would meet you in the morning.
Tag list: @sweetpeaflower01 @kinny-away @mangobangi @cumulonimbus34 @oakiedokie @moonbaejpeg @coollemonsaresour @screechingshepherddeputygoth @trinity-1002107 @padmoonyfeorge @laurenced1l @vaaalexandra
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between-two-fandoms · 3 years
Goodbye Julie and the Phantoms
I was just asked by a mutual how it felt being in one of the most drama filled fandoms on Tumblr (JatP) and honestly my answer was: it's exhausting. Even though I try to stay out of most of the drama directly and post my silly little theory or headcanon lists I hear about all of it.
JatP was a life changing fandom for me. It brought me so many new friends, followers, and mutuals. I am eternally grateful for being able to be a part of a fandom that was, once upon a time, a place where I was excited to be. It's gotten to the point where it's exhausting for me to check jatp tags and sift through drama posts just to get to real fandom content.
I've decided to remake my blog page because I'm tired of being tired doing something that used to make me happy. I will still probably post the occasional JatP fic and reblog from mutuals but this is my farewell letter to the JatP fandom.
Please stick around if you're one of my JatP followers. I see you all and love you so very much. I wouldn't be at where I am today without you here.
At the end of the day there comes a point where I asked myself if it was worth staying actively in the JatP fandom and well... the answer is no. For me personally at least.
Honestly JatP has impacted my life so much I know for a fact I wouldn't be who I am today without it. I literally have over 80 fics published on ao3 for JatP, seriously. I'm still in awe of that fact. I've had my fun in the JatP fandom but it's time to turn over a new leaf.
All good things must come to an end, so this is farewell for now my friendos.
Thank you all for an amazing experience!
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P.S. if we do ever get that s2 announcement I'll probably come back to jatp but until then, goodbye.
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kaminotsumahajiki · 4 years
answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
REPOST. don’t reblog.
WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE?: Uh....Jin x Happiness at this point tbh
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?: I’m pretty fine with writing anything from fluff to angst (especially angst). Though, be forewarned that Jin isn’t the most romantic guy around, he’s kind of obtuse when it comes to these things and slow to open up to people. I can pretty much do just about anything so long as it’s a well-developed ship. But regarding smut, I’m not quite confident with that. When and if (big if) it ever gets to that, I guess it’ll be that good ‘ol fade to black lol.
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: I don’t really mind age gaps. But I guess that depends on the verse too and whatnot.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: Yes and no. I am a staunch stickler to chemistry and development, so that is an absolute must. This is in regards to both mun and muse, of course. There are only so many people that Jin will actually come to like/trust and only so many who will actually like him as a person lmfao so.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NS.FW?: I mean I guess when clothes come off or parts start being mentioned???? idek
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH?: If we’re talking about legit ships then currently 0. 
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?: I mean you don’t need to ‘ask’?? Just maybe tell me if you’re interested and we can discuss development and what possibilities there might be.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: I love it! (says the person who has like no ships)
ARE YOU MULTISHIP?: Verse exclusive multiship
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?: I’m pretty trashy I guess. But I don’t go around shipping at the speed of light lol. As stated above, I prefer a lot of development and chemistry before getting into a legit ship. But I am more or less trash tbh. I will spam and bombard my partners with pictures, musings or whatever else reminds me of them.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?:  Uh....Jin x Happiness. But we all know that ship’s always sinking.  
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?: Hit me on up, friendos. Talk to me. Love me and my megane son.
DISCLAIMER: Jin will not do a hateship/b.dsm/sex dungeon ship with anyone.
tagged by: no one. i stole it tagging: anyone
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quilloftheclouds · 5 years
Writeblr Positivity Week!
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(Ignore my heckin’ weird handwriting.)
I knooowwww this is super late but Quill got real busy this week with working on schoolwork and Nano so I didn’t have time to finish this up until now but!! Have this!!!
As a part of Writeblr Positivity Week, a lovely event hosted by the wondrous @pens-swords-stuff​, I have put together:
A Selection of Quill’s Favourite WIPs and Writeblrs
(Because there is absolutely No Way I could show all of them, and this is already super long so under the cut we go~)
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@lady-redshield-writes​: Not only a wonderfully supportive icon of the writeblr community, who always leaves marvelously inspiring and insightful comments on original content that gives me and undeniably many others so much more motivation to write, but Lady Red is also such a heckin’ inspirationally SKILLED WRITER. IT’S HECKIN’ AMAZING. Her characters! Her description! The amount of personality in her dialogue and just how engaging her worldbuilding and created atmospheres are, but the EMOTION. THE EMOTION. GOOOO read something of hers and you’ll instantly know what I mean---good luck getting through not completely overwhelmed with feeling!
And Miles to Go Before I Sleep: Humans are the size of insects, warriors ride dragonflies into battle, and an eldritch god-ant rules with absolute power. 
Symphony Number Five: Evka Sekerak, composer and musician, directs the Teplirov Symphony, and is commissioned to write her fifth symphony by the military officials who keep her city captive.
@waterfallwritings​: HECK MATE. JASON. DUDE. WHERE DO I START? YOU’VE BEEN TOSSING COMPLIMENTS MY WAY ALL DAY WHAT. But seriously though, this kid is best. Best Friendo of the Quill. Jason is hugely supportive throughout my writing and throughout my real life since I met him, and his own writing is basically the main inspiration behind why OSS even exists in the first place. We’ve had absolutely so much fun reading through each others’ works and joking around, and talking with him has helped me to discover and develop so many things about my own wip. Not only that but!! His writing is marvelous. His characters are all so fun in their own ways, and I’ve loved watching as they’ve developed to such three dimensional personalities in a story full of epic adventure and intrigue!
A Selkie’s Home: After a storm and a shipwreck, a selkie missing her skin, a triton disguised as a human, a morally questionable sea witch, and a hapless lover of the ocean end up on the same island. When the selkie is kidnapped, the remaining three have to form an unlikely alliance to get her back.
@bookenders​: ENDERS IS A REAL DARN NEAT PERSON OKAY. She is the cool 🌵 friend!! She’s a wondrously creative and kind person, and so much fun to talk to! Her STS asks are always so interesting to answer and I just. And I! Just! Love! Her writing oh my stars it’s the best thing ever. Her characters are always so relatable and lovable, with such wonderful personalities and are always so detailed that they feel like real people. She’s also the creator of several of my favourite characters (see: Fred from H2H and Ryan from FF). Her description is astounding, and the way she experiments with different formats and styles is so, SO inspiring, and she always does it in such a skillful way, that reads so nicely!
Heart to Heart: After a series of half-drownings in the lake near the small town of Lindsay, a strange woman appears on the shore, refusing to speak. The local apothecary is sent in to try and help, and now... they’re roommates?
Fish Food: Now assigned to facing the villains of the lowest threat levels after suffering severe losses from his fight against the supervillain Nightmare, Iron Will has to team up with the worst villain he’s ever seen to fend off the threat of a conspiracy that could destroy their world as they know it.
@abalonetea​: OKAY FIRST. Amazingly supportive. Amazingly friendly and creative and an absolute delight to talk to! Katie is marvelous. Her art and her moodboards are so cool and so wonderfully fitting to her characters and stories. And her writing? Oh. Ohhh. Her writing is to die for. Her unique skill of manipulating different text formatting to match the emotion and thoughts of her narrative is just. Stellar, and sets her writing apart from anything I’ve read before. It’s so full of emotion, the way she writes dynamics is INSPIRATIONAL, and her worldbuilding is so wonderfully detailed and engaging. I just. I just LOVE. OKAY. I don’t normally ship characters but Red and Bolte will always be my favourite. And Katie’s message of hope being able to stick it through the worst of it is such a wonderfully motivational theme!
Groundhog Day: Two versions of the same classic rpg video game, one the gritty reboot of the other, glitch together, switching the games of one of the characters with his counterpart—Red and Blue. Now they have to try and find their ways back amidst the formation of friendship and family and the threat of a new war.
As Time Passes On: Two classic pirates form a precarious alliance to set out to find the Eighth Sea, and a device that can turn back time.
@livvywrites​: I’ve only more recently been getting into Livvy’s works but. Wooooooow. WOW. Her writing is fantabulous. Her graphics are gorgeous. I LOVE her characters, so so much. They’re all so distinct in personality and backstory and situation, and the way they’re all involved in the story is marvelously fascinating. SPEAKING OF THE STORY THO. Livvy’s worldbuilding is???? SO IN DEPTH. It is the most deep worldbuilding for a magic type world I think I’ve yet to see on writeblr? I am sooo very excited to see how she integrates it into the plot! But also Livvy is an absolutely magnificent person all around and so supportive and creative and sooo fun to talk to. Love ya, darling~
The Martyr Queen: Alinora Mynerva is visited by one of Death's Reapers, and told she was never meant to exist. She is asked to become his Champion, to stop Fate from destroying the world. Alinora isn't sure she's willing to fight a god... but she is willing to fight the man who took her homeland from her 10 years ago.
Pirate’s Bane: [Quill legitimately can’t summarize this one in so short a space because it’s so delightfully complex, but it’s a brilliant continuation of the previous book above! Go click the link to read the synopsis on the intro post~]
@mvcreates​: I’M SORRY FOR ALL THESE TAGS DEAR MINA BUT YOU DESERVE THEM. Probably just the most interactive person in the writeblr community, Mina’s events and ask games and onwards all are so wonderful, and her engagement with reblogging and commenting on people’s original content is inspirational. AND I’M SAYING IT FOR THE THOUSANDTH TIME BUT THAT DOESN’T DECREASE IT’S MEANING: heckin’ poetic like prose with how much symbolism she fits in there and how lovely it sounds to read aloud, wonderfully clever dialogue and banter and characterization, and characters you love to root for. And her ART. OH MY STARS HER ART. *swoons at majestic colours and shading and textures*
Retrocognition: An investigative journalist with a paranormal gift joins forces with a cantankerous federal agent to expose a Reno-based politician’s (murderous) corruption.
The Vizier’s Apprentice: An alternate universe retelling of a classic Persian love story: One Thousand and One Nights.
@dogwrites​: Venturing into the world of Crime of Mind has only been a very recent endeavour of mine, and I’m only two episodes in at the moment, but gosh golly yarn darn it this story is MARVELOUS. Dog’s ability to write memorable characters with such distinct and identifiable personalities is lovely, their dialogue is wonderful and the body language and description is so heckin’ engaging, and puts you right in the scene with them. And Dog’s also a marvelous artist holy wow. NOT TO MENTION just how awesome Dog is as a person?? Heckin’ ridiculously nice, leaves such insightful and appreciated comments that charge me on. AH. JUST A LOVELY LOVELY THAT I HAD SUCH AN HONOUR OF MEETING. YES.
Crime of Mind:  Dr. Benji Russells, an autistic federal agent, is the youngest member of the Behavioral Analysis Unit, whose knack at viewing individuals and their behavioral chemtrails turned her into a viable asset---but delving into the minds of the country's most insidious leaves none unscathed in the end.
@ardawyn​: OH. MASTER OF DESCRIPTION, HERE. All of Sophie’s writing feels like it could have been written in the world of the story itself despite being very clear and lovely to read, with a vaguely medieval vibe to it all that adds so much to the reading experience. The way she describes environments just puts you right into the scene with the characters, characters that are all written marvelously with beautifully lovable personalities and dialogue and dynamics. And her graphics? Oh, ohhhh. Sophie is probably my greatest inspiration for making graphics and aesthetics for writeblr. Every single one of hers are instantly eye-catching and fit the mood and theme sooo well. Plus, the comments she leaves on my content are just the sweetest thing, and always warm my heart when I read them. <3
The Dawnbringer: A niece of Issarien’s king, Tilda fights against the constricting expectations of her role, making it her mission to find her brother after his disappearance. Rajani is given rooms in the castle of the Prince of Hallrein after being caught stealing, offered a perilous deal she has no choice but to accept. But these two women are connected in an unknown way...
Night Crystals: Amaria was raised an assassin at the orphanage The Obsidian to serve the king of Calastari. But after discovering a secret, she must make the choice whether to stay and swallow lies, or seal her death sentence trying to leave.
@radley-writes​: Although I haven’t interacted much yet with Radley, I’ve fallen completely in love with their writing and ideas. Their art is so lovely and professional and clean, and the body language and personality it portrays is marvelous. But their writing? Outrageously good, and brilliantly hilarious. I’ve mainly only been following His Majesty’s Starship so far, but the way that Radley is able to match the vocabulary and narrative to the time period of the story is so skillful and inspiring, and is absolutely wonderfully engaging by placing you right into the setting like it’s real. The integration of worldbuilding is done extraordinarily well and I am in love with all of the distinct personalities and dialogue of their wondrous cast of idiots.
His Majesty’s Starship: The Eurasian powers expand their empires to the furthest-flung reaches of the solar system – as well as their endless wars. As nations and companies vie for control of the Off-World Colonies , a trio of utter imbeciles come into possession of a secret that many would kill for. A secret that changes everything…
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Anywayssss there are sooo, so many more wips that I consider favourites of mine, and so many more writeblrs that I think are the absolute bomb, but Quill’s energy isn’t limitless! 
That said, maybe I’ll make up a simpler post of a bunch of recommendations later... hm..........
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ducktales-wco-oo · 4 years
✩ How I Run My Blog! ✩
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Slow As Hell, for the most part. True, there are times when I yeet replies out because me and/or my muse are ridiculously invested in a thread, or inspiration instantly strikes. However, my default tends to be Really Slow. Something I try to make prominent to everyone since I understand some people prefer to not wait months at a time for a response- which is something I often end up doing. For a variety of reasons: be it because muses are fickle, it tends to take hours at a time for me to craft replies, I literally have hundreds of threads... As a result of this, I don’t drop threads too often either? Usually, they're lingering in my drafts, and it isn’t uncommon for a hella old one to suddenly be thrust onto the dash.
Of course, I never expect people to reply to Old Threads if they don’t want to, and don’t mind either way! I just like offering a response so I didn’t just abruptly drop it. :3 But yeah, I am a very slow roleplayer and while I hope my writing is decent enough to be worth the wait, I’ve had experience interacting with others who obviously prefer things to be quick and constant. Which I am not. Not delving into THOSE experiences because yeah- They weren’t the best. lol But I just want to make it clear that my speed does not equate my interest in a thread or in interacting with others. I am just a hella slow person who wants to write about birbs. 
My replies tend to get L O N G. I am not adept at short threads, and even ones that start out as really small back-and-forth replies are pretty much guaranteed to get longer on my side within a few responses. My muses like to get introspective and I like to get descriptive- I’m talking several paragraphs before they start to talk or even get to the point where they aren’t thinking-about/reacting-to whatever your muse did in the last reply. XD I’ve noticed that my average seems to be three-to-five paragraphs, but it isn’t uncommon for me to break the double-digits at times. Of course, I never expect my partners to match length and as long as I’m given more than a couple sentences in return, it’s all good. 
Whenever I add a new muse, I often post a Starter Call for them. They tend to vary in length, but are often two-to-three paragraphs long because I’ve tried to make single sentence ones and it never seems to work out. Occasionally, I’ll throw out random Open Starters when inspiration or a random idea strikes. These starters are free for as many people to respond to as they want, and are ALWAYS open regardless of how long ago I posted them.  
My Inbox is always open and I am constantly reblogging RP and Ask memes for it. However, again I shall bring up my Turtle-Like speed because my asks do tend to snowball. Right now I have 966 asks, so it’s no surprise that sometimes they can get lost in the pile. But I have a habit of answering random ones whenever threads aren’t working or I’m in a mood for something specific that a reply won’t give, so that’s why I continuously reblog things. I like having a healthy stash of stuff to answer when needed. So don’t be surprised if an ask you forgot you even sent is suddenly popping up onto the dash. XD 
I am semi-selective, meaning that while I am willing to RP with people I am not technically mutuals with, I won’t RP with everyone. I’m not trying to discourage people from approaching or make anyone feel poorly, there are just certain writing styles that I tend to gravitate towards and click more easily with. For example, if I notice that someone’s blog is filled with a surplus of one-liner back-and-forth, uncut replies, chances are I’m not going to follow because I don’t want my dash constantly cluttered. Maybe I’ll RP if they approach and give more than single sentences in our threads, but I’m not going to automatically promise to interact with everyone. Because I did that before and honestly, it’s not fair to me or the other person if I’m not actually enjoying replying to a thread. 
I don’t take graphics or Aesthetics into consideration when it comes to following or interacting. After all, what is important is the writing and the fun. :3 
I have a tag for random things that I thought would be fun to explore- #Got The Quacking Craze || {Wishlist}
But if I have to state some specific things, I suppose that right now I’d enjoy threads in some of my AU verses. Specifically, the Siren AU for Fenton because I LOVE that fluffy fish and it’s a shame that I don’t often get to write in it. Another AU that I like is the Robo AU for Louie, and I’ve rarely used it as well. Not to mention, his negaversion Louis is a precious boi who I definitely wouldn’t mind more interactions with. Oh! It’d also be cool to have threads that take place when my muses are kids- particularly: Fenton, Gladstone, and Mark. 
Or threads that take place during College/Teen years. Again with: Fenton, Gladstone, and this time Imma throw Panchito into the mix. Some College Caballeros, perhaps? Some Fenton-still-with-his-assnugget-bf Angst? Some glam-rock-phase Gladstone dealing with the jealousy of his peers, the still-lingering guilt of having ‘killed’ his parents, and crushing on his nerdy best friend all wrapped up in the facade of Teen Drama? JNFFJKSDFNDSF... 
Honest Notes: 
As well as being slow with Replies and Asks, I am oftentimes slow with my IMs. This is nothing personal against anyone! I just get overwhelmed at times and have the memory of a potato. Which means sometimes I’ll think I replied or just flat-out forget until days later. Plus Tunglr LOVES to screw with my messages, so more often than not I’m not even alerted of them until hours upon hours later... Long story short, I really do enjoy talking with all of you and love getting messages from my friendos. Seriously, I don’t mind if when I’m flooded with them. It just sometimes takes me a bit to gather up enough energy to reply coherently.
Random Side Notes: 
My blog is pretty messy and while I’m trying to whip up bios that are more than just notes for my own benefit hastily scrawled down whenever I was in a muse-adding frenzy, lots of info about my muses tend to either be in my own head or jotted down on the random Headcanon posts I sometimes throw into the wild. XD I also have a habit of analyzing the HELL out of things when I get excited, so long-ass posts like those sometimes pop up as well. 
Speaking of excitement, there WILL be times when I gush about the star of this blog- *motions at Fenton* and everyone must Accept That. Because he is my FLUFFY SON and I shan’t apologize for loving him with every fiber of my being. X3 Sometimes I’ll go off about other characters too, but more often than not it is HIM. OOC posts are a thing too.
Sometimes inspiration comes in bursts and muses take over the blog for a day or a few- like right now, how Fenton is dominating everything. My birbs are fickle bishes and I’ve learned to just let them fight over who is going to get the attention, then roll with whoever wins. This is why I encourage people to interact with as many muses as they want and start as many threads as they’d like. That way, no matter which muse is strong or what kind of thread I am in the mood for, there’s a chance something will Work With Me. Besides, I’m always up for new threads and ideas, regardless of how many things we are juggling already. 
That being taken into account- Please understand that I oftentimes don’t know WHO the Hell I’m going to feel the muse for or WHAT threads they will be. So no rushing or nagging for replies because all that does is make my muses drag their feet. :’3 
Tagged by: @soul-heart-and-beyond​
Tagging: Whoever wants to! :3 
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athena1138 · 5 years
Talk about them! Hell-fire-and-tacos OR spookyvellan >:)
Hell-Fire-and-Tacos is p cool. A lot of their reactions to me are fuckin hilarious and easily make my day (their reaction to a stupid ask I sent them last night had me laughing so hard I had a coughing fit.) We don’t talk, but I consider them a friend :) It’s always nice to see them pop up in my notifications. I don’t go look at reblogs from everyone, but I’ll take a peek at a few of their reblogs from me to see if they put anything in the tags. 
Spookyvellan. Shep. Quinn. My guy. My friendo. My pal. The babe (they’re actually in my phone as “THE BABE! (Shep)” with like 7 heart emojis lmao. (Is that weird? Gods I hope not.) 
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways~ 
No lmfao but Shep is fucking great. They’ve single handedly gotten me into........... 4? 4 new fandoms? to ruin my life with? The Arcana, She-Ra, D&D, subsequently Critical Role? Yeah. Not to mention they’re like? Super fucking cute and cool?? Why do they talk to me??? I don’t know???? They’re just like. God-tier amazing and I’m just down here blinded by their brilliance. Seriously, their writing, their drawing, their humor, oaeuglfkndjgahkgef it’s all just. *deep breath* Do you know how exhausting it is to be excited to see them come online every single day for over 3 months? Even beyond my huge and apparently very obvious crush (which, I guess I’m not hiding it so I shouldn’t be surprised people have noticed but like. It’s a little surprising,) Shep has hands down become one of my best friends. But fuck if I don’t do a little wiggly happy dance every fucking day. 
*cough* Yeah, so, I like Shep. I like Shep a lot. 13/10 would crush on again. *thumbs up* 
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donaldtheduckdad · 6 years
*sneaks in* *whispers*
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Oof... I haven’t been around here for a long while now. I was struggling with a lot of private stuff in real life and wasn’t feeling that well, so I avoided social media in general, focusing on getting better.
And luckily, I am better now. Life is still a mess, but I am finally able handle things again.
I must say, I missed the Ducktales fandom and the Duck content very much, I am so happy to return to all these amazing people that you are... and to season 2! (I still have to watch the first episode tho)
Sorry for the confusion that my queued posts might have caused; my blog itself wasn’t active during this time and I haven’t been on tumblr since then. But now I am.
Also, thank you guys for all the lovely asks and posts you still tagged me in; and for the wonderful birthday wishes and gifts! (my birthday was one month ago, I am super late XD) Returning to them made me smile. Thank you, my friends. I am gonna answer to them asap.
I’ll try to take my time to slowly catch up on the Duck fandom again... and start creating content, of course!
To my friendos: I’ll try to contact you, my lovelies. But never feel to shy to drop a message... I am so exited to talk to you all again! I love you.
See y’all very, very soon!
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maxigunther · 5 years
A Tag!!
Rules: Answer the following 22 questions and then tag 22 people (lol yea right) you’d love to get to know more
Tagged by: @residentsheeper thank you!!!
Name/nickname: marily and no nickname (though my friends started calling me maria to tease me (bc it’s part of my full name and it is very Greek and Traditional) and now it’s stuck))
Height: like. a (not) solid <160cm
Hogwarts house: gryffindor
Last thing I googled: ........ bts whisper challenge..............
Favourite musician: don’t make me choose omg i love reino nordin and mansionair and tøp and sam smith and nikke ankara and as of like. last week,, bts,,,,
Last song I listened to: currently listening to lite bättre by jvg (go listen to their new album it absolutely goes HARD)
Song stuck in my head: frisbee by jvg
Followers: on this blog?? 191 hello friends :D
Amount of sleep: last night was six and a half hours but generally it’s seven at most or eight if i’m lucky
What I’m wearing: school uniform- a kilt, stockings, a blouse and a jumper (i don’t wear my blazer for longer than i have to)
Dream job: engineer!!!!!
Dream trip: finland lol
Instrument: clarinet hehe
Languages: english and greek and i’m learning german
Favourite song: atm it must be like..... majority of the new jvg album (mostly lite bättre or häikäsee bc reino nordin features!!! and ehdottomasti ehkä for sure) and all four cyphers and ddaeng and tear by bts (or like,, just their rap line lol) as well as dionysus by bts (the whole band this song) and rm’s whole playlist (called mono.)(and i have to include these they’re so good ughgfjgjfdgfd but agust d by SUGA and hope world by j-hope don’t @ me i’m such a hoe for the rap line)
edit: bts decided to release a song like an hour before i did this which i just now listened to and it is good so that’s added to the favourite song paragraph it’s called a brand new day by bts (but just j-hope and tae bbies) and zara larsson
Random fact: apparently i have crepitus in my right knee which is a bone/joint problem for adults/old people (i am SIXTEEN)
i tag the usual friendos @rosberries @vierschanzentournee @callumidiot and like,, yea that’s it!!!!!
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pushspacetocontinue · 6 years
Early Munday Survey 2.0
So, I have been tagged by @inappropriate-drill-usage to do another one of their Munday Surveys. Thanks, friendo. I must answer these questions. 
1. Favorite dessert that DOES NOT involve chocolate? 
Easy. Eton Mess or Lemon Cheesecake. I am an absolute sucker for light fruity desserts. 
2. Recommend a TF2/TFC fanfic you think is worth our time to read. Or show us a fan art you think we ought to see. It does not need to relate to your muse.
It’s not a fanfic or a fanart. But it’s definitely a fanwork. It’s actually an ASMR roleplay video where you look through the BLU Spy’s eyes after he's rescued and put back together by the BLU Scout. It’s headcanon based but I find it very in-character, very well acted out, and just very clever in general. Again, I have to give applause to @blu-force-a-nature for his ideas and his acting. 
If you’ve got a spare 30 minutes, I highly recommend checking it out. 
3. You’re hosting a dinner party for your tumblr mutuals. What food/drink to you serve?
If it’s hot, I might serve a tasty salad with good balsamic dressing and crusty bread. Definitely with interesting stuff. It won’t be just leaves.
If it’s cooler, I would make a stew (one I’ve been making for years) which is packed with beans, mushrooms, chopped tomatoes, herbs, stock, and even a bit of mango chutney. Whenever I make it, it goes down rather well. Again, crusty bread goes well with it, but I could also serve it with rice. 
I apologise to the meat-eaters out there. I just don’t trust myself to cook it. I’m too scared I’ll accidentally cook it wrong and make everyone sick. 
Dessert would be Eton mess or some banana ice cream. 
4. What is one spelling/grammar mistake you frequently make?
I often forget how to spell Massachusetts to the point where I rely on auto correct to spell it for me. I also keep forgetting when and where I should be using semicolons. 
5. What do you consider to be own greatest weakness when it comes to writing fiction?
Too many details that aren’t relevant to the plot. Believe me, spending time trying to edit my own novel, I have been forced to face this issue. At least my later stories are better at that. 
6. Cheavy points a shotgun at your head and says, “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you.” How do you talk yourself out of it? 
I probably wouldn’t be able to. Most of my reasons probably wouldn’t get through to him. I most likely would just have to accept my fate. 
Tagged by: @inappropriate-drill-usage (Thank you again)
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10 questions tag thing idk
Well I promised to actually respond to tag games from now on, and I was tagged by @writerlydays (thank you!) to do this thing.
I think you’re supposed to answer 10 questions and then write 10 questions of your own and then tag your victims friendos. Today they will be a few of my mutuals: @hamsterwritin, @sakrebleu, @jltillary, @theinkrepository, @gingerly-writing, @the-bookdevourer, @boothewriter, @goatscantwrite, @itstheenglishkid, @c-foley, @christinawritesfiction aaand @alphinah
So here it goes! I’ll put my questions first so people don’t have to read my answers if they don’t wanna:
They are super writing related and I know you all are working on stuff so hopefully you’ll be able to answer these (if you can be assed in the first place, and if not, that’s totally understandable):
How are you so awesome?
What’s your favorite thing about your writing?
Who’s your favorite character that you’ve written and why are they your fave?
One of your characters has been placed in the world/plot of a book you love. What happens?
One of your characters has been placed in the world/plot of a book you hate. What happens?
Your characters must fight each other to the death until only one stands victorious. Who wins?
If you could steal a cover and a title from other books to use for your own WIP/s, which ones would you steal?
If you switched places with one of your characters, what would happen to you and to them? 
What makes your style unique compared to other writers?
Describe your antagonist’s song number if they were a Disney villain.
What was the first book that changed the way you thought about something?
Uuuh my memory is too bad for this stuff.
What author has most influenced your writing?
Douglas Adams and Jane Austen fucked me up good.
What’s your favorite genre to read?
What’s your favorite genre to write?
... Fantasy?
Do you let your family/friends read your writing?
Sometimes. Only friends though. I let my mom read my writing once and she wasn’t super impressed. And I write in English, which she doesn’t understand, and I can’t be assed to translate. She’s also a total prude, and even though my books aren’t even slightly smutty, she’s bothered by the mere mention of sex. 
She’s also not a huge fan of first person narration, from what I gather.
She’d be a book snarker if she had internet back in the day, I swom to jon.
Do you have a type of character that you keep writing over and over again?
I love my plucky normie heroines.
What’s an aspect of writing that you always have trouble with?
All of it. 
But my main enemies are descriptions, pacing, and tone.
What’s an aspect that you find very easy?
Nothing. But dialogue and character introductions are generally not as tough. Character creation and development isn’t easy but it’s definitely the most fun and rewarding bit. 
Do you write best in a quiet environment or a busy one?
Quiet. I like to have ambient music or the sound of rain or other stuff like that. 
How do you organize your bookshelf(s)?
I don’t have a bookshelf, but if I would, it’d be by author, obviously. I’m not some heathen.
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bratniadusza · 7 years
Tag Time C:
Thank you so much @boopymooplier​ for tagging me 2 time actually :D If you don’t mind i just do two tags in one post :D The first one’s rules are: Write down a series of things that starts with the first letter of your name, then tag ten people. Also, you can’t use the same word. Got it 8) Name: Olivia :D Four letter word: Owls (? :v xD) Boy’s name: Oliver C: Occupation: Of course artist :V  Something you wear: Overall everything soft :D Colour: Orange :P Food: Obviously everything :V Place: Own room :v xD  Something you shout: Oh fuk! xD Movie title: Oculus :P Something you drink: Orange juice xD  Animal: Okapi :D Type of car: Opel? :D Not cheating, at all :v xD Sorry for helping myself, but i really couldn’t think of things starting with “O” xD So here’s the results xD And the second one C: Rulez: Answer 30 questions then tag 20 blogs you would like to know better. Probably gonna tag way less people xD  1. Nicknames? Bratnia Dusza/BeDe/BD xD It get’s shorter and shorter xD 2. Gender? 
Female ^^ 3. Star sign? 
Cancer :v 4. Height?
 I believe it’s something about 160 cm, at lest it was the last time i checked :P  5. Time? 21:55/9:55 pm :D 6. Birthday? 11th of July C:  7. Favourite bands?
 But there’s so many of them ;-; Meh, okey :v Must say that’s as always my favourite bads are Hollywood Undead, Thousand Foot Krutch, Three Days Grace, Starset, Skillet, Fall Out Boy, Panic!At the disco, Set It Off and Breaking Benjamin is pretty cool so yeah, i guess that’s it :P Hope i didn’t forget about anything xD 8. Favorite solo artists? We’re talking about music, right? :D Then for sure it’ll be Will Roland, George Salazar, Ben Platt, DAGames, Mandopony Bo Burnham and Zack Hemsay (even tho he’s doing more of a soundtracks :P) 9. Song stuck in my head?
 Heart Of An Artist C:  10. Last movie watched?
 Dark Tower :P  11. Last show watched?
 Whose Line Is It Anyway xD 12. When did I create my blog? I think it was May 2015 but i’m not entirely sure ^^ Long time, huh? :D  13. What do I post?
 Pshhhh, obvoisly not mostly fanarts of one person in green hair and ocasionally jumping to another fandom for a second, what give you that idea? :v  14. Last thing I Googled?
 Book Of Mormon :D Wanna check it out soon :D  15. Do you have other blogs?
 Nah, just one smol blog for everything :P  16. Do you get asks? *hysterical laughter* No i but i’d love to i don’t bite! C: And don’t be shy, because i’m probably shyer that you so we’ll understand each other xD C: 17. Why did you choose your url? Because i love the story behind it&the meaning of it C: 18. Following?
 283 :D  19. Followers? 197! >u< And i’m happy of everyone and each one of you guys C: 20. Favorite colours? Blue&Green c: The great Duo :D And of course Greys, Black and White ;) 21. Average hours of sleep? About 6 ^^ 22. Lucky number(s)?
 7, 11 and 13 C:  23. Instruments?
 I’d love to play on guitar, drums or/and violin, but unfortunately I can only play on the computer :v 24. What am I wearing? Orange T-shirt and black trousers-to-the-knees(? idk how it’s in English ;-;)  25. How many blankets I sleep with? 
1 :P   26. Dream job?
 Probably just the job i’ll be happy with :D I’m a woman of simple needs xD 27. Dream trip? Around the world while finally meeting friends C:  28. Favorite food? Every-food :v xD 29. Nationality?
 Polish ^^ 30. Favorite song now?
 Probably Words Fail from Dear Evan Hansen C: Thank you so much again, friendo, for tagging me! :D It was a lot of fun C: And i’m tagging lovely @willczek-art, @stormthestorm, @joel--torres, @izzy-doodles, @freeshifreeshi, @rare-erno, @turquoisemagpie, @rainbowcookie666, @paintedliily, @raion06 and @kaijoart C: Have fun with that :D
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moonferned · 7 years
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people tagged by: @xnteiku​ thank you friendo!! You are really cool!
tagging: anyone cus i know no one on the tumbles
the last 1. drink: soy chai latte 2. phone call: mother! 3. text message: Also mother! 4. song you listened to: Breezeblocks by alt j. ITS SO GOOD lADS 5. time you cried: ummmmmmm 2 days ago??
6. dated someone twice: YUP 7. kissed someone and regretted it: always 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yeah 10. been depressed: ya 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: half of the times i’ve been drunk... Which is two times
3 favourite colours: 12. Light pink! 13. Powder blue! 14. White!
in the last year have you 15. made new friends: Nope! Lost most of my pre-existing ones 16. fallen out of love: ummmmmm 17. laughed until you cried: Ye 18. found out someone was talking about you: No? 19. met someone who changed you: nah m8 20. found out who your friends are: Yeah I think so 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: HAHAHAHAH
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know on real life: All of them 23. do you have any pets: A doggo a cat and 2 guinea pigs  24. do you want to change your name: Legally? Yes. Not sure to what yet tho. 25. what did you do for your last birthday: Slept. went out for lunch. 26. what time did you wake up: 6:10!!!! I had work 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping for once 28. name something you can’t wait for: KINGDOM HEARTS 3!!  29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Like...5 mins ago? 31. what are you listening to right now: Always like this by bombay bicycle club 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: ye 33. something that is on your nerves: Ship wars. Always. 34. most visited website: tumblr, youtube and DA 35. hair colour: blonde 36. long or short hair: shorteeeeee 37. do you have a crush on someone: I think im over relationships for a bit.... 38. what do you like about yourself: DEEZ THIGHS BOI 39. piercings: only on the ears 40. blood type: I have no idea. I haven’t even seen my birth certificate 41. nickname: Luecifer, Egg, French and Toastie  42. relationship status: in a committed relationship with food and my bed 43. zodiac: Gemini 44. pronouns: He/him But like call me whatever IDk the fUck?? 45. favourite tv show: VOLTRON, star vs the forces of evil, rick and morty, sherlock, steven universe. 46. tattoos: None but I want some!  47. right or left handed: Lefty~
                                                                               48. surgery: not yet but my jaws being fixed when im 18 50. sport: gymnastics? or dance I suppose? 52. pair of trainers: converse~
MORE GENERAL 53. eating: Spicy nik naks  54. drinking: Tea 57. want: A hug from my mum 58. get married: Well i’d want to but y’know 59. career: Childrens book illustrator
WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: can I have both? Im desperate for affection plz 61. lips or eyes: both! 62. shorter or taller: Taller 63. older or younger: Don’t care 64. nice arms or nice stomach: Stomach...which is kinda weird @wxsteboy​ I don’t want any of your weird vore shit 65. hook up or relationship: OH GOD I”VE PROVED I CANT DO HOOKUPS. Give me romance plz 66. troublemaker or hesitant:AHH what? 
HAVE YOU EVER: 67. kisses a stranger: nop 68. drank hard liquor: nope 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: Glasses always 70. turned someone down: yeah 71. sex on the first date: nope! 72. broken someone’s heart: um...not that im aware? I hope not. 73. had your heart broken: Yes! HAHAHA 74. been arrested: nah Im too scared of getting in trouble w/ my mum let alone the LAW 75. cried when someone died: yeah
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 77. yourself: Whats that? 78. miracles: kinda? Like passing my exams was a miracle 79. love at first sight: yeah 80. santa claus: ;) 81. kiss on the first date: I don’t see why not? 82. angels: Its built into me. I have too
OTHER: 84. eye colour: Green~ 85. favourite movie: The Little prince! That film is so pure
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a-lex-ithymia · 7 years
92 questions
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
Tagged by @letsfisch  i love u and i hate u
1. Drink: hot cocoa
2. Phone call:  my granny
3. Text message: Nico
4. Song you listened to: The Last Battle - Sabaton
5. Time you cried: just now :/
6. Dated someone twice: eh
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: hell yes
8. Been cheated on: yes
9. Lost someone special: yes
10. Been depressed: not that i know of
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
12-14: blue, purple, black
15. Made new friends: yes!!!
16. Fallen out of love: no
17. Laughed until you cried: no
18. Found out someone was talking about you: no
19. Met someone who changed you: no
20. Found out who your friends are: my friends are my friends and i lov them
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: n-...o?yes.
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life:  many
23. Do you have any pets: KITTY
24. Do you want to change your name: if it wasnt expensive i would
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: i went to work and met with a friend for dinner
26. What time did you wake up: 9.00
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: drawing
28. Name something you can’t wait for: happiness
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: saturday
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my whole life?
31. What are you listening to right now: nothing
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: my dad
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: being alive
34. Most visited Website: the tumbler
35. Mole/s: too many
36. Mark/s: so many
37. Childhood dream: to become a firefighter! a policeman! a doctor! a nurse! all the cool helping jobs!
38. Hair color: turquoise (so edgy)
39. Long or short hair: short
40. Do you have a crush on someone: idk?===
41. What do you like about yourself: my hair looks ok rn
42. Piercings: none
43. Blood Type: i dont know
44. Nickname: Alex
45. Relationship status: single
46. Zodiac: leo
47. Pronouns: she/they
48. Favorite TV Show: BROOKLYN99
49. Tattoos: one day
50. Right or left hand: righty
51. Surgery: wisdom teeth, a big mole on me head
52. Piercing: still none
53. Sport: karate. but im lazy af
55. Vacation: every place is a good place
56. Pair of trainers: hä
57. Eating: sweeeets
58. Drinking: TEEAAAAA and coffee ofc
59. I’m about to: go draw fucken awful porn bc life sucks
61. Waiting for: meeting friendos
62. Want: motivation and a will to live
63. Get married: maybe...if...u know...love
64. Career: hahah
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs
66. Lips or eyes: um. like. disembodied???
67. Shorter or taller: i is tall
68. Older or younger: my cat is rlly odl!!
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: chubby tumtums are my weakness.
71. Sensitive or loud: pls dont yell at me i will cry
72. Hook up or relationship: :I kindness
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: FIGHT ME 
74. Kissed a stranger: ew
75. Drank hard liquor: yas
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: i lost contacts once
77. Turned someone down: yes
78. Sex in the first date: ew
79. Broken someones heart: yes. sorry.
80. Had your heart broken: does trauma count
81. Been arrested: HAHA ASURE MY MAN
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: uh..ahh....aahhh...
84. Yourself: haha
85. Miracles: sometimes
86. Love at first sight: no
87. Santa Claus: yes!! :I
88. Kiss in the first date: check ur grammar my man
89. Angels: no
90. Current best friend’s name: jassi (forevs), franzi, anna
91. Eyecolor: ugley
92. Favorite movie: the winter soldier NOONE WILL JUDGE ME
and i aint tagging ppl bc it late and i sleepy
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