#friday night funkin music
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7grandmel · 1 year ago
Todays rip: 18/11/2023
Whitty is still alive in our hearts <3 <3
Season 5 Featured on: Legends of the Western Sunset ~ The SiIvaGunner All​-​Star Summer Festival 2021 Collection
Ripped by Heboyi
Feel like it's been a while since I covered a Friday Night Funkin' rip, huh? As far back as June with Satinpanties Symphony, to my understanding. I'll admit that its a bit of a blind spot for me as a listener, as most of my FNF knowledge comes *from* SiIvaGunner team's exceptionally high-effort rips of the game and its many fan-made offshoots. In a way, the spirit of the FNF modding scene comes from the same place as SiIvaGunner itself - taking the bones of an official work, and inserting any little thing one can think of with that same level of quality. And in terms of quality, it seems that no fangame is more revered than VS Whitty - a project whose titular character is effectively accepted as part of the main canon already.
Whitty is still alive in our hearts <3 <3 celebrates the project and its fantastic music in a rather sentimental rip, as a mashup between lo-fight and Still Alive from the original Portal. The VS Whitty game has three songs that gradually devolve into madness and anger as Whitty gets closer to "detonating", and lo-fight is the very first one - the chill, pleasing back-and-forth at a steady tempo conveys no hostility between parties. And while I, to reiterate, don't really have much of an attachment to FNF beyond what SiIva has been doing with the game, its remarkable how the simple addition of Still Alive's instrumental and opening line by GlaDOS give the rip such a sentimental, bittersweet aura. The cherry on top is of course halfway into the rip, where Whitty and Boyfriend's vocal lead of lo-fight is broken up entirely for the two to instead duet the lead to Still Alive. A harmony between the two songs is reached despite having next to nothing to do with one another - and again, despite knowing so little about the FNF-verse and canon its hard not to grow a little emotional in the process of listening to it.
There's always a lot of ways one can take mashups, from jokes that make sense together thematically, to ones that feel as if they harmonize perfectly, to ones that would simply be funny out of absurdity (these are some of my favorites, shoutouts to Loopdeloop Griddy). Yet I also love rips like Whitty is still alive in our hearts <3 <3, that feel like there really wasn't much of a drive to pick these two songs in particular for the mashup. That is, of course, aside from the most important part - the ripper's own passion for the music and media they love, and the emotions they can bring out of their craft. Though seeming deceptively simple at first, Whitty is still alive in our hearts <3 <3 planted its hooks in me and has refused to let go.
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real-godzekiel · 2 years ago
made a shitty fnf song for my favorite karamari hospital girlie
sorry for making fan content of Friday Night Funkin' again this still will not be the last time :(
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steph-anie723 · 4 months ago
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played funky friday on roblox for like 2 hours tonight
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jukoduko · 9 months ago
i finally finished that 10 minute long kinito song so what do i do? MAKE ANOTHER KINITO SONG THAT'S WHAT though this time i'm going with the original song idea i had before i went in a different direction for Fun Forever and because i don't want to just have regular kinito again, we're bringing in @goldenstrwbrry's kinito!!! (and also maybe sam and jade if i ever get far with this song) this song is called "Best Buddies"
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pretty-princess-pop · 6 months ago
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Here are my favorite fandoms!
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funkin-news · 1 year ago
*kicks down door* guys holy FUCK
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shadesofnavy · 1 year ago
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not best idea
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goldenbituin · 5 months ago
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Hey guys, I don't mean to be a bother but I'm struggling quite a bit.
If you're in need of a composer, or just want to send a little tip my way, I'd absolutely appreciate it 💗🫶
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herochipyt · 23 days ago
collective image of most of the fandoms i'm in
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i'm just in the osc in general btw
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porrigens · 10 months ago
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i lab her
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carriethecakerealedition · 9 months ago
its only a matter of time before she joins them
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7grandmel · 1 year ago
Todays rip: 05/02/2024
Epic Rap Battles of History: Funny vs. Funnier
Season 5 Featured on: Rips From Around The Way 7 (Hidden Track)
Ripped by DonnieTheGuy Visuals by moralem, Blookerstein, PsychLantern, Myeauxyoozi
Requested by crickep! (Discord)
Yknow, for as much as I like to go on and on about Season 2 being my favorite period of the channel's life - it may honestly just be due to my own personal investment being at its highest at that point. Its a herculean, damn near impossible task nowadays to actually try and critically evaluate a season of SiIvaGunner in retrospect, and most of what I go off of obviously just comes from my own experiences and memories. It goes to reason, then, that Season 5 is my least favorite season of the channel not necessarily due to any fault of its own, but just due to my own personal investment in the channel being rather low at the time. I say that, because with every rip I cover from the Season - now including Epic Rap Battles of History: Funny vs. Funnier - I'm baffled as to why I'd ever consider the season anything less than peak.
When I have that discussion with other people (or just with the voices in my head), the reasons tend to primarily boil down to a lack of lore developments made during the year. Yet as I talked about way back in Knowledge of the Depths, even that feels like doing the Season a disservice, given just how enjoyable and, in a way, lore-crucial the audio dramas made during Season 4 Episode 2 and Season 5 wound up becoming. Which again makes me point toward my own lack of attentiveness toward the Season as the one to blame: because how else could I have missed out on how genuinely engaging and interesting the lore regarding Lady, Yankin', Masked Wolf and Astronaut in the Ocean was? And as the cherry on top - how could I have missed just how perfect of an ending to it all Epic Rap Battles of History: Funny vs. Funnier wound up being?
I've dissected and talked about Masked Wolf before in Aquarium in the Ocean and Snow halocean, as the figment who best fits the role of a true anti-hero within SiIvaGunner - an agent of chaos whose rips only occasionally bother to actually sound good, yet one we wound up loving despite (or because of!) it all. Yet as Season 5 began to truly ramp up, his role seemed to change from agent of chaos to necessary evil - as the only remaining figment capable of stopping the reign of hell that Lady's "Yankover" was subjecting us all to. No doubt SiIva has had its contentious, long-lasting takeovers before (Harlem Shakeover and Totally Shaaking Out Right Now, anyone?), yet nothing truly compared to the neverending downpour of hellfire cast upon us by one particularly crass rapper singing about her genitalia. And for once, it seemed as if the SiIvaGunner team agreed - Lady became, for all intents and purposes, the actual villain of Season 5, with her figment form reimagined as a full-on demon in need of imprisonment. And small nuggets of lore were being handed out week by week (nuggets that I, again, unfortunately glazed over back in the day), Lady's defeat wound up happening at the hands of HoBART, everyone's favorite mixer from the King for Another Day Tournament. Yet to me, Epic Rap Battles of History: Funny vs. Funnier still sits at the most pure, befitting end to her reign - a battle between the Season's fallen angel and its lawless demon, set to the tune of a game whose entire hype cycle practically enveloped Season 5 in its entirety.
Back in Satinpanties Symphony, I mused over how Friday Night Funkin became a mainstay feature on SiIvaGunner almost overnight, and how it feels as if the two projects share a lot of DNA that make them a perfect fit for one another, in how they handle the idea of legacy. What better game, then, could there be to depict the encounter between these two legends that defined the season, than with the game that defined the year - coincidentally, one entirely focused on duels between rappers. That's not to imply that Epic Rap Battles of History: Funny vs. Funnier isn't an absolute banger on its own - the melodic core of Ugh, paired with the implementation of both Astronaut in the Ocean and Yankin's backings into the back-and-fourth, creates a fantastic re-imagining of the song that's both endlessly relistenable and incredibly charming with the custom visuals. Yet its the same point I made in Take You To The Desert - with all that context in mind of all that led up to this battle, the knowledge of how much the community suffered under the thumb of both rappers yet came to understand one for his harmless-if-strange tendencies yet came to loathe the other...Epic Rap Battles of History: Funny vs. Funnier becomes something genuinely legendary. Paired with so many small flourishes added on top, such as the original track's "Ugh" sample being replaced with Masked Wolf's opening "Astro", the reference to Lady's attempted Thanksgiving resurrection ritual in Twerkey (seriously), down to Lady being positioned as the player character to truly sell home how dominant she was during her reign...It feels like yet another one of those, for lack of another word, Perfect, rips.
The cherry on top of it all though is, of course, the ending. Despite the seemingly even back-and-forth in the battle, Lady is suddenly dragged back into the pits of hell, as Masked Wolf leaves her with his parting words.
I believe in G-O-D, don't believe in T-H-O-T.
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byte-babe · 2 months ago
Meet The Artist (2025)
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alex-the-anxious-2 · 10 months ago
i'm cooking
ok guys i'm riding the brainrot and trying to make a marble hornets friday night funkin mod so i gotta know, do i make Boyfriend [little blue boy who sings] Jay? Or does he stay little blue boy?
also, tim's pose sketches so far,, if u think i should change anything lmk! i feel like his down pose might be a little lame? unsure
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i am perfectly aware i might not get much of a response seeing as this is literally such a niche BUT.
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jukoduko · 10 months ago
@goldenstrwbrry liked my fnf sprite of their kinitopet design so i made a cover of retrobit featuring their kinito (and also my kinito interrupting the song)
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nazrigar · 4 months ago
Ruthlessness is Funkin'
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It's almost Halloween! You know what that means? MORE Epic the Musical!
And of course, I just had to do Odysseus vs. Posiedon... in the style of Friday Night Funkin'. Because why not?
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