#freyja. wardrobe.
ridaine · 1 month
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Another wardrobe update for my bitch daughter...
Her usual spread of outfits, and then her Naethbel outfit, swimsuit, and SUPER extra PJs.
(This is also not all of them by even a little)
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ofvanaheim · 2 months
freyja tags.
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laufreyjarson · 8 days
you know, something i've been thinking about recently is identity in relation to worship and devotion.
so often i see people rearranging their entire lives to accommodate what they think a devotee should look like. but i've always thought, isn't it so much more meaningful to incorporate your deities into who you are?
i have so many interests that have nothing to do with my deities. my main hobby/interest that i spend most of my time and money on doesn't involve paganism at all. i work with loki and freyja, yet my room and the area around my altar are filled with pastel pinks/blues and the walls are covered with posters.
i wanted to make bracelets for both of them that i could wear everyday, and so i coordinated palettes for both of them that fit with my usual wardrobe. i had some alone time at home the other day, and instead of using it to sit at my altar and do some typical divination (that i would normally do), i decided to light their candles while i had a dance party.
everyone's practice is their own, and i encourage you to do what's comfortable for you. if that means revolving a lot of your life around your deities, i totally respect that! but i also think there's beauty in balancing other things with your devotion, and maybe letting your gods into it too. letting them know that they matter to you and you want them to be part of it. that you'll carve out a space for them, no matter what it is.
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marmotish · 4 months
At Marmo Inc.
Marmo: Freyja, we got another au for you!
Freyja: Alright, point to wardrobe and get the prop dept. ready.
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Freyja: “This barely counts as an outfit! It’s a tiny dirty singlet!!”
Marmo Inc: *Edna Mode voice* “It’s what the people want, darling.”
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tomtenadia · 2 years
Dress me up
Hello all,
here I am with another Rowaelin based on the foilowing prompt:
Rowaelin son, age 5/6/7 or so sees his big sister wearing a pretty dress and nail polish and asks dad if he could look pretty too??? and Rowan paints his nails
I have been eying that prompt for ages and today inspiration finally struck. it was fun to write and I hope I did it justice.
As usual I am bad at titles so apologies for that.
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No warning, just pure undiluted Rowaelin fluff with their kids and Rowan being the most amazing dad that all the in the universe deserve.
Rowan loved weekends. He had a Monday to Friday corporate job, while his wife Aelin was a surgeon and could not always have that luxury. Those two days at home gave him the opportunity to spend time with his kids. Maya was fifteen and growing way to fast for his taste. Freyja was eight and a little tornado. Thomas was the youngest at five and now he and Aelin were expecting another child. Having a big family had been their dream from the start. Their friends called them crazy but they did not care. They had desired a house full of laughter, screams and in perpetual chaos. Adjusting the work balance to an ever growing family had taken some adjustments but in the end they had made it work and the kids were thriving.
Rowan was in the kitchen tidying up after lunch, Freyja at his side helping him placing crockery in the dishwasher which he then had to reshuffle. She just loved to dump things randomly so then he had to move everything again according to his very highly tested stacking plan. Truth was, he did not care. Having his daughter’s company was precious to him.
“All done!” Freyja had raised her arms in celebration.
He chuckled and closed the door “yes, my love, now, do you want to press the button?”
“Yes!” Freyja pressed the button that her dad had indicated and sat down in front of the machine that had a glass window allowing them to see inside.
Rowan lifted his daughter in his arms “let’s go and see what your sister and brother are doing.”
They walked to Thomas’ room and found it empty until laughter reached them from the room at the end of the corridor “let’s go and see what they are up to.”
Maya’s room was chaos. It looked as if his daughter’s room had suffered a wardrobe explosion. 
“Did you have a fight with the closet?”
Freya squirmed in his arms and he let her go and his younger daughter ran to her sister’s bed and started trying on clothes that were far too big for her. Thomas in the meantime was sitting on the carpet and stared at his two sisters in fascination. He was a very quiet boy and Aelin kept telling him that he was a little Rowan.
“Mum did tell you that I am going to Aidan’s birthday party later on, right?”
“Yes Maya, she did and I know that auntie Elide is picking you up.”
Maya sat frustrated on the bed after throwing another dress on the floor “I look horrible in every dress.”
Rowan sighed. He and Aelin were getting used to a teenager daughter and all the drama that came attached with it. Luckily their circle of friends was more or less in the same situation so they had been exchanging tips on how to deal with angry, stressed and frustrated teenagers.
“There is this girl from my class that I really like and I just want to look nice but…” a loud groan left Maya’s lungs.
His eldest was all Aelin. Fierce and hot tempered just like her mother. Six months before, Maya had gone to her mother and confessed she thought she was interested in both girls and boys. She hadn’t said anything to him because she was afraid to disappoint him, but when Aelin told him he had gone and spoke to Maya offering all of his support. His daughter happiness was all that mattered. He had only told her that no matter whether she brought home a woman or a man, he was still playing jealous dad because she was and would always be his princess.
Rowan walked to the bed and picked a nice green dress “what about this one? It matches your eyes.” Maya was his clone. Same silver hair and same pine green eyes. The other two were a mix of both parents’ traits.
“What do you think kids? Does Maya look nice in this one?”
Freyja and Thomas approved loudly and Maya smiled.
“Fine, family approval. I guess I can try this on.”
While Maya disappeared to get changed, Freyja had sneaked in the open wardrobe and started taking out all of her sister’s remaining dresses and when Rowan turned he saw her with a red wig that her sister had used for Samhain a few years back.
“Looking good Freya.”
The girl giggled and in that instant Maya came back and Rowan turned to her. The dress suited her perfectly and hugged her in the right places without being too sensual. She looked beautiful and a part of him ached at the idea that her daughter would start to date soon and he was not ready to see her going through all of the heartache in the process. Not everyone was as lucky as he and Aelin had been. Not everyone got to marry their best friend and soulmate.
“Baby, you are stunning and I hope that girl will see it too.”
“You are so pretty,” added Freyja hugging her sister at knee level.
“Tom, what do you think?”
“I like green.”
“Well, you have the family approval and I am sure mum would agree too. I just texted her.”
Maya started to get ready and Freyja kept playing with her sister’s clothes. Rowan then noticed Thomas trying to wear a nice blue dress.
“It’s too big, Tom.”
“But I like it.” Hurt thick in his voice.
Freya looked at her brother and disappeared away, probably to her room. When she came back she was carrying her little suitcase which was full of a lot of her princess dresses and accessories.
Thomas looked at his sister with joy and the two young ones started rummaging in the suitcase.
“We can have a parade.” Added Maya, looking at her siblings with delight.
Maya helped Freyja and Rowan sat on the floor and he and Thomas went through the clothes until the boy settled on a nice sparkly princess dress.
Thomas’ gaze then landed on Freyja wearing a tiara and then Maya painting her nails “Dada, I want to look pretty too.” He added, while pointing at his sisters.
Freyja walked to her brother and placed her tiara on his head and the boy smiled.
“Do you want to paint your nails too? Like your sister?”
The boy squealed in delight and ran to Maya who at the question had sat down on the floor and took out her box with nail polish “which one do you want?”
Thomas looked at his father and Rowan nodded “you have a light blue dress, do you want blue nail polish too?”
“Green it is.”
Maya was about to start painting her brother’s nails but Rowan stopped her “I got this, finish getting ready. The little ones and I will get ready for our party tonight with mum.”
“Yes. Can we party with mum?”
“She is coming home soon, we need to get ready for her.”
Rowan sat on the bed and asked Thomas to kneel and place his hand on his thigh “now you need to sit still.”
One by one he painted all the nails and then Maya showed him how to blow on them to dry faster.
In the meantime, Freyja had finished dressing up and was wearing one of her favourite Disney princess costume, her sister’s red wig a set of bright yellow sunglasses and a plastic sword in her hands. It was the weirdest combination but he and Aelin had always allowed the children to express themselves freely.
“Dad, am I pretty too?”
“Absolutely dashing, my love.”
The girl preened just like her mother would do.
Once Thomas’s nail were dry he just started jumping around happy “I am pretty.”
He took a picture of all of them when Freyja walked to him and pulled his hand for attention “dada, you need to look pretty too.”
“Do I?”
“Yes,” Freyja gave him wide grin showing her missing tooth. He sat back down on the floor and Freyja placed a bright pink boa feather scarf around his neck, Thomas gave him another of the many tiaras and Freyja then added a pair of big clip on earrings.
“Dada, you are pretty too now.”
Rowan stood and walked to the mirror and laughed.
In that instant Aelin’s voice reached them all and the two wee ones started screaming in happiness.
“Slowly, we will parade down the stairs and surprise mum.”
Freyja was the first one out of the room and Thomas followed holding her hand.
“Dad, you look dashing too. Does mum know she married a pretty princess?”
Rowan grinned and flicked his long hair and adjusted his tiara “Maya, your mum is the warrior who slays dragons for me.”
They both laughed and then Rowan offered his arms to his daughter “let’s go.”
Together they reached the living room where Thomas and Freyja were parading in front of Aelin who was sitting on the sofa.
Rowan saw her face restrain a laughter as soon as she spotted her husband and his current attire.
“You make a good princess, dear husband.”
“We had the best stylists.” Added Maya with pride.
Aelin looked at her daughter with love “you are beautiful, my love.” She then placed her hands on her hips “now I am the boring one and we can’t have this.”She disappeared upstairs and came back ten minutes later among laughter from the rest of the family. She was wearing her koala pyjama a green wig and a sword attached to her hip “Baby and I went for comfort.”
“This definitely deserves a photo.”
Rowan went to grab the camera and set it on a timer and ran back. He took a spot beside Aelin, his arms sneaking around her waist while the other landed on her baby bump. Maya was at her mum’s other side. Aelin had a hand on her sword, Freyja was in front of her and had her own wielded and in an attack pose. Thomas’s face was morphed in a grimace and pretended to be a monster scaring his sister.
Rowan went to retrieve the camera and together they looked at the photo “well, no one can say that we don’t know how to have fun.”
“Buzzard, we are the Whitethorn-Galathynius, we are awesome.”
The kids roared their approval and the party began.
The photo became a permanent fixture on top of their mantlepiece framed in the sparkliest frame Freyja could find.
@rowaelinismyotp @swankii-art-teacher @whimsicallyreading @elentiyawhitethorn @aelin-bitch-queen @bruiseonthefaceofhumanity  @mis-lil-red @thegreyj @sailorsassley @leiawritesstories @clairec79 @morganofthewildfire @sv0430 @heartless--aromantic @autumnbabylon @rowanaelinn @backtobl4ck @susumaus98  @gracie-rosee @mybloodrunsblue @tanvee1231 @avenrebekah @whoever-you-choose-to-love  @theywillnotsingforme @universallytreepost @black-daisy-water @goddess-aelin @whispers-in-the-darkest-heart @lovely-dove-zee @athena127
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celestialcrcwn · 2 years
"Caillen, you're style is always immaculate. Do you come up with your own designs? Do you have a tailor?"
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It was clear she was confused. To Caillen, each morning she woke up and stuck to her usual schedule of getting ready for her day. All of which included washing and putting on the first article of clothing that she placed her hand on. Lacking the sense of sight, she wasn’t aware of the state of her wardrobe that the goddess Freyja had blessed her with, She had literally gone from having two dresses and pairs of boots to quite a few months worth. When she ran her fingers along the soft fabric of her attire, she could feel the little details within them. Suddenly the wheels within her mind began to turn. “ I couldn’ take the credit for anythin’ if I wanted to. Tis all Freyjas doin’. I’d be happy wearin a sack if need be.”
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candlelightisland · 2 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
Thank you so much for sending this! I obviously had to choose Edgar (because he's my favourite nerdy dude), so here goes:
Edgar Allender's Dweeby Factsheet
♡ His wardrobe consists almost entirely of ugly shirts - the most awful patterns and the loudest colours that pretty much never match his pants. His favourites are a pink and yellow sweater and his Witch Slap t-shirt.
♡ He's terrified of skiing. Like, absolutely terrified, but he gets whims for it CONSTANTLY. He has the Adventurous lifestyle so he always wants to get out of the house and try out different sports, even though he hates them.
♡ He's the biggest dweeb. He LOVES childish humour, bad jokes and singing holiday music at inappropriate times. When Freyja met him, he was in a hotspring wearing a snorkel singing Christmas carols (she fell in love with him immediately)
♡ He's a concert pianist! He loves classical pieces and playing the piano lets him feel closer to the music. He also plays violin, but he prefers to compose music for himself (and for Freyja) rather than licensing it
♡ He's halfway through a Literature degree from Britechester University. He had a whim to study there and I'm a sucker for giving in to my sims' desires (and I love him)
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amphibifish · 5 months
i forgot to show you this but i went to a museum and there was a cabinet/wardrobe thing with freya (?) and thor i think on it!!!(it made me think of you)
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AHHHH OMG TYSM <33 ur so sweet fsfs
i can't read the font that well, but i can def make out "freyja". thors name is a little harder to read (it looks like it says "chor" to me tbh) but based on the hammer in hand i think we safely assume that's thor lol. freyja has less identifying details, no cats or falcons (maybe that thing under her cape is her falcon cloak?) nor does she have brisingamen, but she has a sword (war aspect) and what might be a wand? which was used in seiðr practice iirc which she was said (really if i remember right it was gullveig, but they are often synchronized so) + i think it says freyja so :3
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kestrelwitch · 9 months
Tags List (Under Construction)
m: books (content based on/originating from Sapkowski and his original works)
m: hexer (content based on/originating from The Hexer)
m: games (content based on/originating from CDPR games Witcher 1-3, and/or Gwent)
m: show (content based on/originating from Netflix The Witcher or associated projects)
m: comics (content based on/originating from the range of Witcher comics currently available)
m: other (content based on/originating from other sources)
aes: freyja (based around yennefer as favoured by the goddess freyja)
aes: home (based around yennefer in her home residence in vengerberg and other locations)
aes: wardrobe (based around yennefer and her signature wardrobe)
aes: looks (based on yennefer and visual similarities to others i.e iconic black curls and long nose)
aes: fancast (based on yennefer fancasted by other members of fandom)
aes: about (based on yennefer as a whole + her personality facets)
r: destiny bound (yennefer/geralt)
r: placeholder (yennefer/istredd)
r: judas kissed (yennefer/triss and/or yennefer + triss)
r: i love you my daughter (yennefer + ciri)
r: under their skirts (yennefer + lodge)
r: lifeline (yennefer + tissaia)
excerpt (excerpts primarily from books series)
meta (meta analysis style posts on yennefer and associated relationships and themes)
fandom (posts relating to greater fandom wide discussion within the Witcher)
women (posts relating to greater fandom wide discussions on misogyny and female characters)
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lesterplatt · 1 year
Agoria - CALL OF THE WILD from Loic Andrieu on Vimeo.
Directed by Loïc Andrieu
Music by AGORIA (ft. STS) performing "CALL OF THE WILD"
© Soldats Films © 2019 Sapiens Recordings
Producer: Pierre Cazenave-Kaufman (Soldats Films) Director of photography: Simon Chaudoir Editor: Naza Giral (Soldats Films) Art director: Freyja Bardel Artistic Director: Loïc Andrieu Colorist: Mathieu Caplanne Los Angeles Producer Gaetan Rousseau (Paradoxal inc) Wardrobe Stylist Los Angeles: Yasmine Abraham Re-Recording Mixer: Christophe Leroy
Starring Fleur Geffrier, Carl Crupud, Sean Roc Smith, Ron Guilbert, Christianno Chavez, Sam Ingraffia
Based on feature film script "LIFE LINE" written by Hedi Chellouf & Loïc Andrieu
Label: Sapiens Video commissioner: Christian De Rosnay
Development manager: Juliette Labrousse
Production Service Los Angeles: PARADOXAL INC
Sound facilities: YELLOW CAB STUDIOS
ADR & Foley Mixer: Christophe Leroy Sound designers: Alexis Jung & Olivier Ranquet Foley Artist: Florian Penot
Special thanks: Victoria Videnina
Los Angeles crew
Executive Producers: Pierre Cazenave-Kaufman (Soldats Films) Associate Producer: Gaetan Rousseau (Paradoxal Inc) Production Service Los Angeles: Paradoxal Inc Line Producer: Hugo Marcel Production Manager: Thomas Duchêne 1st AD: Manuel Roman 2nd AD: Nick Brokaw Production assistants: Eric Hellberg & Yohan Lefevre & Martin de Bokay & Nicolas Thau & Timothy Watson Vocal Coach: Laura Rizzotto Location Scout: Kaelyn Phillips Art director: Freyja Bardell Set decorator: Crystal Criego Prop master: Dominic Wymark Leadman: Eligh Macias Set Dresser: Daniel R. Oregel & Kevin Lopez, Pedro Ramirez, Taylor Williams
Wardrobe Stylist: Yasmine Abraham
Wardrobe Assistant: Coleen Chan HMU: Jessica Sainclair
Casting director: Sarah-May Levy Cast: Fleur Geffrier, Carl Crupud, Sean Roc Smith, Ron Gilbert, Christianno Chavez, Sam Ingraffia, Spencer Frankeberger, Deron Cash, Rusty Rooftop, Gabriella S.Robinson, Shan Moreno, Sadyr Diouf, Natasha Churchil, Bodhi Dell, Johan Domhoff, Ryan Gatewood, Abraham Sesay Newscaster Voice Over: Douglas Rand 1st AC: Vincent Toubel 2nd AC: Dusty Saunders & Rogelio Mosqueda Steadicam Operator: Olivier Merckx Sound operator: JP Delacruz Sound design: Alexis Jung & Olivier Ranquet Mix: Christophe Leroy Gaffer: Joel Gill Best boy electric: Gerardo Ruiz Electrics: Laura Sfeir, Eddie Teram, Davis Villa, James Wray Key Grip: Dennis Pires Best Boy Grip: Ivan Garcia Grips: Robert Dulany, Ardy Fatehi, Michael Parlinic Motocrane: DRIVER’S EYE TEAM LAPD SERVICE: Paul Hinton, Darryl Martin
Catering: Mia’ Cuisine Los Angeles Studios: BEEPS DINNER, SILVER DREAM FACTORY, ESCOBAR FAMILY Los Angeles Costumes rental house: UNIVERSAL COSTUME, WESTERN COSTUME
Los Angeles Police Car rental house: CINEMA VEHICLES Los Angeles props rental house: ISS, SET STUFF OMEGA Los Angeles Camera rental house: PANAVISION HOLLYWOOD, CHAPMAN : LEONARD, JQ DA SILVA
Paris crew
Production Company: Soldats Films Producer: Pierre Cazenave (Soldats Films) Line Producer Paris: Quentin Henneguelle (Soldats Films) Production Manager: Charlotte Giral (Soldats Films) 1st AC: Maud Cyrano Gaffer: Michael Monod Electrics: Jerôme Baudouin, Cedric Guerby Key Grip: Benjamin Rame Prop Master: Ludovic Jardiné HMU: Elisabeth Pilarsky On Set VFX Supervisor: Clement Germain
YELLOW CAB STUDIOS Sound designer: Alexis Jung & Olivier Ranquet Foley Artist: Florian Penot ADR & Foley Mixer: Christophe Leroy
SOLDATS CREW Post Producer: Naza Giral (Soldats Films) After Effects by: Naza Giral (Soldats Films) - Rémi Muzzupapa (Soldats Films) – Paul Laurent (Soldats Films) - Victor Sellier (Soldats Films)
REEPOST VFX Post-producer: Loundja OUSSANA
Assistant post-production: Tilou MARTIN 3D Supervisor: Stephen PLONGEON
3D Artists: Xavier VERDIER Marion GUICHENUY Geoffrey PONS Olivier MASSON
Compositing: Matthieu DESTRADE Marc LATIL Benoit MESSAGER Johan ROCHE Gaetan BAILLEUL Thierry BONNEAU Mathieu PLESSIS Alexis BAILLA
Studio La Villette: Navarro ------------------
Special thanks to Agoria « You made it happen ! »
Christophe Leroy for Yellow Cabs Studio « Sound Wizard ! »
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cursedregality-a · 5 years
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ofauroradreams · 4 years
MUSE tag dump
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Guess who is back on their Arranged Marriage!AU bullshit 👀
I wanted to draw more stuff for the arranged marriage!AU since I’m writing chapters like crazy, and was really in the mood for fluff and them being absolute cuties >_> Also look, the classic cliché of “big beefy man who is absolutely smitten with his wife”? *chef kiss* love that shit.
I see Erwin giving the stink eye to those nobles from other Kingdoms when they have to make a diplomatic visits B) (and I imagine that when he knocks her up it’s like he goes into guardian dog mode. He bites.)
At some point Eva’s wardrobe from her Kingdom isn’t really suited for the winters in Eldia, so they have special cloaks and dresses made for her so she doesn’t fall sick with a cold or worse. Eva really liked the ones where she can become a warm cocoon and be completely unbothered by the snow outside 👌 (she hates the cold).
Also I like to think that Erwin really enjoys cuddling Eva when he’s sleepy and/or tired. She’s soft, warm and is overall a 10/10 experience. Would repeat every time possible.
I had to draw @spirit-in-the-library’s OC Freyja with Levi too because they are a pair of dorks who will deny they like the other when it’s so obvious they do. Erwin and Eva team up so they finally end up together.
They are not amused.
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vaspider · 3 years
I meant to send you pictures of cats back when you first asked and then ADHD brain went "you had the thought, therefore it is Done(TM)". So, very belatedly, but hopefully still welcome, I present you with some excellent cats:
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The first picture is my cat Freyja (AKA Bean). She has spotted Shenanigans from atop her wardrobe. The second is her brother, George. He's very dumb, very soft and made of 100% love. The third picture is Jazz, a neurotic black long haired boy. In this particular pictures, he is high on tramadol after a hospital stay. It may have been the most laid back he's ever been.
Let me stress that you are neither early nor late, bc people always arrive at the Wizard House precisely when they mean to, and also, like, no one else has sent me cats today, so clearly, you were meant to. :D
Jazz looks like he is seeing the Time Knife.
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marmotish · 5 months
Thank you for the host Freyja art. She's gone through quite a few AU lenses. Her wardrobe at Marmo Inc. must be quite extensive!
au tag <- where all Freyja’s AUs go to die after being drawn like once 😅
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((I’M DYING @ MARMO INC. 😂 thanks for the ask, it was fun to draw out!))
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tomtenadia · 3 years
Remember us - part 5
Hello everyone....
Your weekly dose of angst is here... but in this part we have a bit of domestic fluff...
CW: mention of miscarriage and depression
“Aelin, please.” His voice gruff with pain.
“I said get out.” She snarled at him from the bed.
Rowan moved a step towards her doing the exact opposite of what she had told him “I am not.” His arms folded at his chest “do you really think that being alone will help? That kicking me out will heal the pain of losing our daughter?”
Aelin sobbed hard and threw the pillow at him and he took the hit “don’t.”
“I lost her too. Will you accept that the pain is not only yours?” He shouted back “I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest. And it fucking hurts because she was my baby girl too.”
“Stop…” her sobs grew in intensity “You have no idea of the pain.”
Rowan moved closer “No I don’t. I did not carry her in me for five months. I don’t know that pain.” He caressed her head “but she had a hold on my heart since the day you showed me the sonogram.”
“You are hurting me.” She said quietly looking away from him “and I need you to go.”
“I said get out.” She shouted.
With his heart breaking, Rowan left the room.
Rowan woke up with a gaps, feeling the desperate need to get air in his lungs. He drew a hand on his face and felt tears. Had he been crying?
The memory was still vivid in his mind and it left him with unbearable anguish in his heart. In the dream he had felt both their pain. It had been real. His thumb reached for the ring on his fourth finger a gesture he had been doing a lot recently.
The memory had left him in a daze. How had they survived such deep pain? How could two people recover from such destructive sorrow?
But they did. Somehow their marriage had proven stronger than loss.
He sighed and took his phone to look at more picture of his family. He had so many that it took him a lot to go through them all. When he unlocked the phone he saw a text from Aelin sitting there, waiting for him.
Eagerly he opened it I am going back to work today, is it okay if I come and visit you?
Like a desperate man Rowan texted back as fast as he could please, it would make me very happy. The tv seems to be a very poor companion.
After he sent the text he realised his words had been true. He needed to see her.
Great. I am taking Tom to the nursery and I am on my way.
His lips tugged upwards in a smile. Then he made himself presentable. Aelin had brought him clothes and Evalin had brought some more so slowly and very carefully, he walked to the wardrobe. His right leg still getting used to have weight back on. Once he was done he went back to bed and fixed his ruffled hair. He was nervous. He had said to Evalin that his heart told him to try and that was what he was going to do. Apologise first. Then slowly start to get back to his old life. He knew it was going to be a tough ride but their time apart had increased that tug between them. He was afraid to admit that he had missed her daily visits.
Aelin arrived an hour later and as soon as she walked into his room, his heart raced.
“Hi you,” she said softly, still standing on the door.
He gave her a smile and with his head motioned to the chair. She took the offer and sat in front of him.
“Rowan—” she started but he stopped her.
“No, let me go first, please.”
Aelin nodded and he took a moment to gather his thoughts. This was his chance to right his stupidity.
“I am sorry for what I said.” He told her “but I need you to understand how frightening and overwhelming this is for me.” Pine green eyes met blue “memories have started to trickle back. Some happy some more painful, but they helped me understand us a bit better. When I married you I promised we would face this adventure together.” He took a deep breath “You said that life can be unpredictable and cruel but that at each other’s side we could conquer anything.” He told her grabbing the hand that was on the bed near his leg “what I am trying to say is that if you are happy to take back a husband in less than minted condition, I will be grateful for the help.”
Aelin stood and kissed his forehead “Yeah, yeah I will take you back.” She sobbed hard, standing in front of him.
“This is not going to be easy.
“I know.” She brushed his hair in a loving motion and the gesture felt familiar to Rowan “but our marriage has withstood far worse.”
“I know. I saw a memory of it.”
Aelin sat back down, the smile disappearing from her features “but you fought for us. Even when I was so broken that I was ready to give up everything. You brought us out of the darkness.”
“Yrene said they can let me go home in a couple of days but she needs to know that I have a place where to go.”
Aelin took his hand “you are coming home.”
Rowan was in Aelin’s car and together they were driving home.
He had been so nervous that he barely slept. In the past couple of days Aelin had visited whenever she could and had discussed the new challenge ahead. Evalin was going to stay. Thomas would go to nursery but Freyja would stay with her grandma. Rowan had agreed that he could not yet be trusted with being alone with an infant.
He was nervous about meeting their kids; Thomas in particular. He was the one who remembered him the most and did not want to break the boy’s heart.
Aelin had tried to explain to Thomas that his dad had been in hospital and unwell and that his memories had disappeared. Thomas had cried at the sadness of his dad not remembering him. She had told all of that to Rowan.
“I am terrified.”
“Don’t. Acknowledge Thomas, play with him. Even if you don’t remember things just go with it.”
Rowan sighed and then he saw Aelin park in front of a lovely detached house with a garden at the front, a swing set and a tree with a treehouse.
“The tree has a treehouse on it.” He noticed, admiring their house.
Aelin chuckled, “you built it for Tom last year. You two would sleep in there from time to time and pretend to be on some sort of incredible adventure.”
Rowan smiled and then opened the door of the car and grabbed his walking stick. Dorian had assured him that it was time to leave the crutches behind and use the stick. They had practiced together until he was comfortable with it.
Aelin grabbed his bag and joined him “let’s go, mum is making lunch and I am starving.”
“You are always hungry.” He said to her and Aelin stopped in her tracks.
“What did you just say?”
“It just came out, I am sorry.”
She turned fully to him and smiled “you said that to me a lot. Together with complaining about my diet.” She took his free hand “come on buzzard, time to meet our two terrors.”
As soon as they walked into the house and Aelin announced their arrival a little blonde hurricane crashed into him, grabbing his legs “Dad, you are back.”
Rowan looked down and saw his son with his arms wrapped around his legs, green eyes shining with happiness.
His hand brushed his blonde hair “I am.”
“Mum, can I play with him?” The boy asked eagerly grabbing his father’s hand.
“Later, Tom. Dad just got back. Give him some time.”
In that instant he noticed Evalin appear with a girl in her arms “welcome home, Rowan.”
“Thank you, Evalin.” He said, not being able to stare away from the little girl. She was his clone.
Freyja seemed to recognise him and leaned forward, extending her arms to him.
Rowan looked at Aelin almost as if to ask permission and she nodded. He took the girl and sat down on the sofa. Freyja’s head leaned on his shoulder and Rowan’s hand went to her back in a protective gesture. A moment later Thomas joined them and hugged his sister and a bit of his dad.
Aelin sobbed at the scene. They had both been scared. Both worried. Because Rowan had confessed her that hurting the kids was the last thing he wanted. But now looking at that precious moment, she realised they would be fine. Thomas was easy going and Freyja always had a deeper connection with her father. And she knew, from the way Rowan had taken his daughter in his arms that no memory loss would ever took away the bond they had.
“Hi, my love.” He whispered to the girl, inhaling her scent. Freyja snuggled closer. “Come to my side, Tom.” The boy grinned and climbed on the sofa and on his knees he turned to his dad and hugged them again “I missed you, dad.”
“Well, you need to tell me everything you did while I was away.”
Aelin’s hand went to her stomach and smiled tenderly at the man in front of her. He could not yet tell his son he had missed him so he had found a way not to disappoint him.
“Mum, you come too.”
Aelin brushed her tears away and sat on the arm of the sofa just beside Rowan. It was the first time they were that close. Rowan turned his head and stared in the depths of her blue eyes. His eyes moved down to her lips and then back up. That thread between them pulled hard and before he knew it, he was kissing her. His body recognising hers. He pulled away only when he heard Thomas disgusted sounds.
Aelin stared at him with an expression he could not decipher. Maybe she was mad at him for kissing her? But it felt right. In his soul, kissing her had been right.
“You cheeky monkey.” Aelin stood and grabbed Thomas and started tickling him and the boy and Aelin’s laughter was the best music for Rowan’s ears.
After lunch was over the kids had gone out for a walk with their grandma and Aelin had given him a tour of the house. Rowan was impressed. They had a lovely house with four bedrooms and spacious enough to welcome a big family.
“You lost your parents when you were 20. They left you a nice stash of money that you never used. When we got married you used that money to buy this house. Our home.”
She sat at his side on the sofa, with a cup of herbal tea in her hands.
“I am sorry I kissed you. I should have asked first. I am sorry.” He looked away embarrassed at his gesture.
Aelin placed the tea on the table then grabbed his face with her hand and turned to him “Ro, you are my husband. You don’t have to ask for permission to kiss me.”
“I know, but I don’t know where we stand on that aspect of us.” He explained looking at her “I don’t know where I stand. I kissed you because it felt right, but I don’t think I can go any further right now.”
Aelin nodded “of course.” That was probably their last big challenge. There was so much to deal with right now that sex was very low on her priority list although her hormones were having another opinion and that kiss had awoken in her the need for him, she had to be patient “but you can kiss me anytime and without asking, if you feel like it.” And winked at him.
He gave her a smirk that was so familiar that for a moment she felt like Rowan was truly back.
She stared into his pine green eyes while her hand was still on his cheek and then she moved and her lips met his and Rowan did not pull away. He just stood for a moment but then his mouth parted and opened for her and Aelin, at the invitation, deepened the kiss feeling the need to connect with him again.
Rowan froze for an instant at the kiss but as she did not move away he let it happen and slowly he melted in the feeling of her lips on his. Aelin’s hand sneaked on his back, pulling him closer and as Aelin deepened the kiss Rowan felt a strange feeling surge in him. Was it passion? It burned in him that strange desire and when Aelin’s tongue brushed his a moan left Rowan and he pulled back, not sure about what was happening between them.
When they pulled apart they were both breathless and Aelin caressed his face and smiled “it looks like this part between us hasn’t changed.”
Rowan lifted an eyebrow and Aelin chuckled “the fire between us. Before we had the kids we sometimes spent entire days off in bed.”
The top of Rowan’s ears turned red and she giggled and kissed him again and Rowan this time did not hesitate and her hands sneaked under his t-shirt and after a few more minutes of their make out session Rowan pulled back and stared deeply at her “you are stunning,” he whispered. He had thought that from the beginning. Rowan leaned back on the sofa and Aelin snuggled closed to his chest, inhaling deeply his scent and his arm went around her back.
“If you are uncomfortable, you tell me.” She said to him, her hand close to his heart.
Rowan shook his head “this feels nice.” His head turned to her “I don’t know how to explain it, but it feels right.”
“Hold me.”
And Rowan pulled Aelin to him, enveloping her in his strong arms.
He thought that perhaps, with her at his side, not everything was lost.
He closed his eyes and welcomed his dreams.
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