When you tell me things you know about me, and they aren't things everyone would know, it's the small details that you pay attention to that make me hold on. You said you like my voice when I sing, even though I made sure I was always singing alone in the shower, you snuck up and listened away. I know you love me, but the question is, are you going to keep playing the same old game, or are you going to make up your mind and make me yours? Who do I give a chance....
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simplewritersblock · 11 years
For Sale
One brain. Female and mostly right-sided (creative) in thought process. Prone to overthinking but mostly in good condition. Only 20years old. Memories included but capable of being supressed. If interested; send message.
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heart-asloudas-lions · 12 years
Ever get that feeling where you're stuck, lost and on the edge of a large cliff where at any moment you could tip forward and fall? That anxiety feeling, where your chest constantly feels tight, you can barely breathe because there's so much piling on top of you. That feeling of drowning, your heart constantly racing, your gasping for air and thinking this is it? Maybe it's time I left. Found a new start. Pack up everything I have here. Memories and all and forget my past and just leave. Disappear. Will I be missed? Who knows. I'm stuck between fighting through this or just giving up entirely. Maybe I should start running and never look back.
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Who needs the New Years? (Jan. 7, 2012)
Back from Honduras.
Lovely, lovely trip.
Stayed in Copan for the New Years.
Travelled around town,
and yes, to the Ruins, of course.
Uhh...so, no snow here?
Not as cold as expected either.
...not that I'm asking for it,
or anything. Nope.
The New Years doesn't hit me yet.
Maybe it's because
I have a bigger celebration back home.
...just maybe. Possibly so.
Most likely...yup.
...so 2012, huh.
"New Year, new start"?
but you don't always need the new year
to get a fresh start, right?
You can get a fresh start
whenever you please.
Having a good year already.
A great life as usual.
More wonders,
and more traveling to come! :)
Gracias, Honduras.
I'll be back again someday.
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